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Dear Parents,

Greetings from The Gaudium School TGSMUN Team.

''The world is changing, and there is evidence that we are entering a

"post-international environment": borders are weakening, multiple citizenships
are more commonplace, migration has reached record levels, and we have
encountered the "death of distance". (Walker 2010: 69).

The world is still struggling with international conflict despite the 'pervasive

In keeping with The Gaudium School philosophy of promoting Global Citizenship

in youth, and as Secretary General, it is my pleasure to invite your eminent
school to The Gaudium School Model United Nations Chapter 3. After two
successful chapters we are back with another one, which we promise will be
bigger and better.

This year our theme, "Igniting Diplomatic Sparks" highlights our mission to bring
out the true global leader in each of the delegates, whilst providing them with a
platform to voice their opinions and solutions to pressing, real-world issues. The
purpose of TGS MUN chapter 3 is to prepare young minds for moral and political
leadership through a simulation of the United Nations and Lok Sabha
proceedings which will familiarize them with the international forum and global
geo-political relations.

Our conference this year offers 8 exciting committees which cover diverse yet
equally important topics alongside an engaging International Press. From
Israel-Palestine to our very own national conflicts, we will try to cover all.

Once again, on behalf of the entire secretariat, it is our honor to invite your
esteemed school to TGS MUN chapter 3. We hope to see aspiring global youth
delegating and igniting diplomatic sparks within the committees. It is our
promise that each and every delegate who attends our conference will walk out
with new perspectives, memories and experiences that they will carry
throughout their MUN journey. We request you to kindly block August 31st and
September 1st on your School Calendar for the TGSMUN at The Gaudium School.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Mlnnlla Nallurl
Secretary General TGSMUN 2024


Historic SPECPOL:
SPECPOL, oloo kn-n oo lho Fou"h CommlUoo ol tho Ccn•>tol Auombly (CAI
primarily conca,n• i,.olfwith political do.,abiliution within or botwoon mom be,
naOons and diSCUH<>S tho 9rio~anco1 thM notion, bring boloro tho commilt,,.. I,
aloo dcolo wiU• lnuos ol th<> Conoral Assembly thM o,o rclMod to tho right to
ootl-dotormina\ion, docolonintion, tho """ <>I UN poacok<>oping lorcoo, and
other topics that ar• not doalt with by the Disormamont and lnternMional
Sacurity Committee (also known •• tho Fl,st Commltt"" of tho Cone,al
Auombty), tn general, SPECPOl, !iko otho, CA committcO'I, discu,..,, tholO
iuuu tor which tho Security Council may uny out ol'lforccablo dodsions and
moa...,,o, ouch a o<:<>nomic oanctiono and providoo thom with

World Trade- Organisation:

Tito World Trade Organization is responsible fo• tl>o rogulation of international
trade througt, a system of intemo\ional rul<>S. The ma;n 9001 of this
into,govo,nmonul o,ganiZDtion is to "on,wrc that trade flow. •• smoothly.
1>•<>die1ably Dnd t,.-,,ty as J>Oniblo." Tho WTO acu as a forum lor govcrnmonu <o
nE'gotiato Uade agrooments and 5'1UIO Uade di11>"'es. E11ontially. ""hen
govommonto boliovo thM thoir tr.ido rights under WTO 09,eemonts aro b<>ing
inf,ingod. thoy bring tholr diSJ>UlO to tho WTO and 10110"" a naturallogal,b:lsod
pro,;oduro h••od on an ogr•od log al foundation to sottlo thoir diflou,ncos. Sinco
\99S. ov,>r SOO disputos havo b(N)n lilod to tho WTO and mo,o than lOO rulings
havo boon 1.. uod. Tito WTO trado ag,oomontscovo, trado in good•. sorvic<>S. and
into!loclual 1>rop,orty. In addition. tho WTO"o op,oration• include reviewing
national trado p<>licios to on""" t<ansparoncy in govornmonts· trodo J>Ollcios.
Tho WTO olS<I coopo,otos with other lntomotiona! or9aniution1 and ouisU
dovotoplng nDllono In 1ra<10 1>0!icy luuos. 1h,ou11h tochnlcol u1lstanc0 on<f
lralnln9 program,.

FUOratlon Internationale dv !'Automobile:

The Fd<:IIHation lnto,nationale <lo l"Automobit• (FIA). o, (nto,national Automobile
Foduation, wao o.,ob1i,hod on Juno io, 1904 to ,opr. .ont tho into,o.,s ol moto,
ca, .,..,,, and motoring organizationo. Th• FIA'• initial 90.,J ,..a, to os\abh•h
con,i.,ont govornonco ond Gfoty ,undor<f• In m<>tor SJ>oru. It ho• ,inco grown
Into a global or9ani>ati0n lhat 1>romotoo mo'Co, SJ>orts. road ,afoty. and
,uuainabl• and OCCOHiblo mobility lo, all road u,o, •. Tho FIA I, • non-p,ofit
organization with hu<fquarto~ in Paris that b,ingo togotho, 143 international
moto,in9 and •1>0rtin9 organization• from 146 countrio•
United Nations Environment Assembly:

The United Nations Environmental Assembly is the world's highest-level

decision-making body on the environment. It has a universal membership of 193
member States. The assembly meets every 2 years in Nairobi, Kenya to set
priorities for global environmental policies. It contributes to the UN 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development. UNEA's universal membership strengthens the
role of the UN Environment in international affairs and increases the
responsiveness of Member States in developing environmental policy. UNEA has
held five universal sessions, with the most recent in Nairobi, Kenya in March,
2022. Under the governance of UNEA, UN Environment's mission is to provide
leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment towards
environmentally friendly practices and policies in the United Nations system. It is
a program and fund of the UN that encourages international, regional, and local
coordination for environmental issues, and it also ensures that various other UN
entities take environmental impacts into account when executing their

Futuristic Crisis Committee :

Like any other crisis committee, the Future Crisis Committee is a fast-paced,
constantly changing, unconventional committee meant to give delegates an
opportunity to improve their adaptation, creativity, and diplomacy skills. The key
factor that differentiates FCC from any other crisis committee is the content of
the crisis itself. Rather than immersing delegates in a historical event, FCC
encourages delegates to step into the shoes of nonexistent figures, take lessons
learned from history, and use those lessons to work towards solving futuristic
crises. Extremely unique in its purpose, FCC allows delegates to collaborate and
struggle together against a crisis that has never been fully experienced before
by any human in history. Updates on the state of crises, possible new problems,
and the results of directives passed will be relayed to delegates through crisis
updates allowing the delegates to alter the course of the future as a whole.

International Press :
The International Press is a group of news agencies and broadcasters that are
free to report and discuss events at the United Nations. IP reporters act as
impartial journalists who cover UN events, follow committee debates, edit
articles, and present the happenings of the UN to the world
United Nations Development Program :

The United Nations Development Program is the largest development assistance

program of the UN and is headquartered in New York. The UNDP's motto is
"moving upstream" and the UNDP's main goal is to help countries achieve
sustainable human development and eradicate poverty alongside an approach
to economic growth that emphasizes improving the quality of life of all citizens
while conserving the environment and natural resources.

United Nations Human Rights Committee:

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is an intergovernmental
agency of the United Nations, which aims to protect and promote human rights
around the world. It was officially formed on 15th March 2006, with its
headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It actually replaced the erstwhile United
Nations Commission on Human Rights and currently works closely with the
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Every year, in the
months of March, June and September, the UNHRC holds the regular sessions,
apart from which there is a provision to assemble special sessions as well,
according to one-third of the assent of member states. The Council of UNHRC is
generally made up of 47 UN Member States which are subsequently elected by
the United Nations General Assembly for a staggered period of three year terms
by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Lok Sabha:

After the conclusion of the First General Elections held during 1951-52, the first
Lok Sabha was constituted on 17 April 1952 and the newly constituted Lok Sabha
met, for the first time, on 13 May 1952. Since then, fourteen more General
Elections have been conducted to constitute the successive fourteen Lok
Sabhas. The Lok Sabha or House of the People is the lower house of the
Parliament of India. The Lok Sabha meets in the Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad
Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. Lok Sabha is composed of representatives of
the people chosen bv direct election on the basis of adult suffrage. The
maximum strength of the house envisaged by the Constitution of India is 552.
The total elective membership is distributed among the states in such a way that
the ratio between the number of seats allotted to each state and the population
of the state is, so far as practicable, the same for all states.
Minnila Nalluri


Prahaas Kilaru

Vineet Kaushal
Sai Roopak Reddy

Shashank Reddy
Bipasha Grover

Using the link in our lnstagram biol


August 31ST and September 1ST 2024


The Caudium School, Kollur.


Grades IX and above.



lnstagram, @TGS.MUN

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