Impact of Islamic rule in India

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Impact of Islamic rule in india

The impact of Islam on Hindu Society during the medieval

times can be greatly observed from the historical pieces of
evidence although it cannot be estimated into numerical terms
but can be studied and examined by categorizing the impact of
Islam into several areas such as the impact on the food,
clothing and social life of the people; ideals, beliefs and values;
purdah system; language and literature; art and architecture
and music and painting.

Before the emergence of Islam, for many years the Arabs had
trade relations with the southern part of India. In 712 A.D., the
Arabs invaded Sindh making it an important event in the history
of India because it was the first time, under the leadership of
Muhammad Bin Kasim, the Muslims had attacked India, gained
political supremacy to rule over the Indian territory, and ruled
for the next five centuries.

The Muslim invaders were very conscious of having their own

identity and thus remained as a separate unit throughout
instead of being merged or involved with the majority of people
following Hinduism.

The Arabs gradually tried to spread and thus, expand their

religion in India. The period ranging from the 13th century till
the arrival of the Mughals in 1526 A.D. brought a stupendous
and remarkable change in the socio-cultural scenario of India. It
all happened due to the happening of two religious movements
the Bhakti and Sufi Movement.

Many historians believe that from the 13th century, the definite
impact of the Islamic culture on Indian society can be observed.
Generally, when two different cultures such as Islam and
Hinduism, come into contact and continue to sustain alongside,
they leave an impact on each other. Islamic impact on Hindu
society during medieval times can be seen as both a positive
and a negative view. Indian culture was largely influenced by
Islamic tradition although it cannot be said that Islam left a very
robust impact on the Hindu society wholly.

Thus, examining the extent of Islamic influence will give the

true picture of its impact on Hindu society during medieval


1. Social Impact
The social impact of Islam was very much remarkable for
the Indian society comprising majorly the Hindus. The
popular dresses of North India, Salwar and Achakan, were
introduced under the Muslim influence. The dress fashion
by the Muslim nobles was copied by the elite class of
Hindus. Moreover, their food culture and social ethics,
habits and manners were greatly impacted by the Islam.
Like Muslims, Hindus started taking non-vegetarian dishes
like kebab etc.

The habit of drinking was adopted. Also, many food habits

of the Hindu people undergo a change during that time.
However, the majority of Hindus and priestly class
remained opposed from such influence of clothes, food
and social manners of the Muslims.

The Muslim people who commanded a position of

authority often kidnapped young beautiful Hindu girls. This
act of the Muslims forced parents to go for child
marriages. And it is considered that mainly child marriage
is the result of Muslim rule in India. Moreover, the position
of women in the society became worse due to inequality
with men. Women were not allowed to move out freely and
attend social functions and ceremonies of the society.

The state of women during that time under the Islamic

influence was deteriorated.

Slavery rose tremendously during the Muslim rule. This

impact of Islam destroyed the social life of people where
they were forced to work as bonded labourers as a symbol
of power, position and status in the society. Both men and
women were slaved wherein the number of slaves rose to
over 2,00,000 under the Tughlaq rule. The Royal Rajput
families used women slaves in dowry practices which was
an inhuman act and highly miserable.

2. Impact of Purdah System

The Purdah system was earlier unknown to India and
women could move freely. The Muslim rule bought the
practice of Purdah much prevalent in India. Women rarely
moved outside their homes and were forced to live in
seclusion in their homes. Palanquins covered with curtains
or Purdahs were used by the women to go out. During that
time, kidnapping of Hindu women was considered as an
act of Jihad and the Hindu women used the Purdah to
protect themselves against the evil practice of Jihad.

3. Religious Impact
Islam influenced the Hindus in two ways: (1) In the Hindu
society, few of the democratic principles of Islam found
their way. (2) Hindus learnt conservatism as the Islam was
aimed at maximum conversion of Hindus to Islam.
Therefore, the Hindu leaders adopted more orthodox
beliefs to save their religion and emphasis was laid as per
the Smritis on strict religious life.

Islam gave the concept of the "Unity of God" to India and

mainly the Hindus. Many scholars often regard it as the
gift of Islam to India. The Hindu and Islam reformers
influenced the Bhakti movement to a large extent wherein
they addressed fundamental equality of all religions. Sufi
saints attracted the attention of the Hindu society where
also Sufism laid considerable influence over them.

Gradually, under the influence of Islam, the Hindu society

realised the need to abolish untouchability and
discrimination within their own society and liberal
treatment of such people in the interest of Hind

4. Economic Impact
The economy of India was largely dominated by the Hindu
society although the Muslims rulers established their
authority in the political field. The Hindus were the
peasants and worked on farms and fields. They also
worked over the sphere of trade and commerce largely
because the Muslims were less conversant with
commercial practices in the market place and the Baniya
(Hindu) continued to act as a vital feature of the economic
structure of India during the medieval period of time.
Moreover, the Baniya used to advance or lend money to
farmers, craftsmen, artisans and other workers and earn
interest from them.
Because of the dominant stake of the Hindu society over
the field of commerce, business and trade, the Muslims
were forced to depend on the Hindus. But the overseas
commerce and trade which came to an end earlier came
to existence again with the impact of the Islam on the
Hindu society. India began to trade with foreign countries
especially the Middle East countries. Such activities rose
tremendously. Although the administration and political
supremacy was more in the hands and influence of the
Muslims but the economic life and growth of the economy
continued to be under the control of the Hindu society

5. Impact on Language and Literature

Language also felt the impact of Islam which is evident
from the presence of large number of Arabic, Persian and
Turkish words in the local culture of the people. The
mixture of the Hindu and Muslim culture led to the
emergence of new language, Urdu. Urdu was a synthesis
of Arabic, Persian and Turkish language of Sanskrit origin
which became a shared language of communication used
by people.

The Hindu society paid no attention to the Persian and

Arabic study and the initial impact of Islam on the Hindus
were negligible. But, later with the passage of time,
Hindus started studying the Persian literature and the real
growth of the literature was under the Tuglaqs between
Islam and Hinduism. Some Muslim scholars presented
Sanskrit romances into Hindi wherein the script used by
such scholars was in Persian language.

Soon, the synthesis between the two literatures emerged

where many Hindu literary men broke faith with the
influence of Islamic ideas in their literary works and thus,
Hindu scholars did not rendered any independent works in
the Persian form of literature. But later, during the time of
Shah Jahan, independent works in Persian literature were
produced. For example: the works of Chandra Bhan

6. Impact on Art and Architecture

It is considered that a strong impact of Islam was in the
field of fine arts and architecture during the medieval
times. The blending of the Hindu and Muslim art culture
led to the emergence of a new type of art wherein the
primary elements like the craftsmanship, the ornamental
richness, etc. were of Hindu and the external form or the
exterior part like spherical domes, open courtyards,
arches, etc. was of the Persians. Qutab Minar, Tomb of
Humayun at Delhi, Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, etc. were built
with such Islamic architecture. The Rajput rulers adopted
the Mughal style of architecture in their palaces. Even, the
Hindu temples could not abstain from the influence of

7. Impact on Music and Painting

Music had a great impact on the Indian society. The
Muslim rulers were greatly fond of music and during their
regime, growth of musical culture emerged rapidly.
Qawwallis became very popular. New notations emerged
with the mixture of the Persian Indian music. The blending
of the Iranian Tambura and the Indian Veena were
produced by some of the musical instruments - Sitar.
Moreover, Tabla was the musical modification of Hindu
musical Mirdang.
Painting had its own culture, ideas, techniques and forms in
India largely practiced by the Hindus. The Islam influenced this
field to a great extent which was not only bordered to ideas but
also techniques and forms of painting. The Islamic impact was
mainly in the art of laying gardens because they had very sharp
geometrical designing skills which was adopted all over India
by the Hindu people.

Two schools of painting, namely Mughal and Rajput School of

Painting, were actually the result of amalgamation of Persian
and Hindu ideas. The Hindu artists closely worked on the
Persian techniques, detailing in each and every form, resulting
in outstanding art and paintings.

Critical Analysis Of The Subject

The impact of Islam on Hindu society during medieval times

has influenced the Hindu society to a great extent. The Islam
brought with it its culture, tradition, ideas, value system, beliefs,
etc. whose impact can be studied in different fields such as the
religious, social, economic impact, impact of purdah system,
impact on language and literature, art and architecture, music
and painting, cloth, food, lifestyle, etc.

Rulers like Babur, Akbar, Aurangzeb, Shah Jahan, Jahangir,

Firoz Tughlaq, Sultans of Delhi, Mughals, etc. expanded the
Islamic influence in India. They were the driving force of the
Islamic culture and religion to amplify itself in the country and
establish a position of command and authority. They brought
with them certain practices, ideas and beliefs of their culture.
The impact of Islam is varying across different fields or areas.
Islamic influences are positive as well as negative both for the
Indian society during medieval times.
The food, social manners and clothing habits of the elite class
of the Hindus got influenced by the Islam although the majority
of the Hindus remained away from such unworthy and wasteful
practices of Islamic culture. The rise in slavery and child
marriages were as a result of the practice of Muslim rulers to
show their power, position and status to the world. The Bhakti
and the Sufi Movement bought stupendous change in the social
and cultural scenario of the Hindu society.

However, it could not bring much alteration in the economic

area of trade, commerce and business, which was largely
dominated by the Hindu people. Islam gave the concept of
Unity of God which is highly appreciated by many scholars and
academicians. It did not promote worshipping idols of God.
They taught the Hindu society the need to stop follow practices
like untouchability and discrimination within their own society
and taught the treatment of such people in a liberal way.

It promoted brotherhood and equality among its own people.

Hindus learnt the need of religious conservatism, strict
measures and principles to prevent the practice of Islam that
says to convert maximum number of people to Islam. Urdu
became the local language shared by the common people of
the society that emerged with the synthesis of Hindu and
Muslim culture. Literature was given much importance in both
the cultures. Many works were written in both the languages by
the writers of both the religions.

Moreover, the Hindus greatly admired the art and architecture

of the Islamic rulers. They followed the same pattern and idea
of architecture to build their palaces. The architecture of
Muslims has got much recognition throughout the country and
is even preserved as heritage sites over India. Music and
painting had their own form, design and techniques which were
a synthesis between the two religions which are evident from
the emergence of two schools of painting and the formation of a
new musical. The writer believes that everything two sides -
positive and negative. The Islamic impact on the Hindu society
has its positive and negative side as well. However, the process
is to learn and move. It is widely recommended to learn and
adopt good practices and habits from someone and leave bad
or immoral ones. The same can be understood in this case
also. The Hindu society needs to adopt good values, culture
and believes of the Islam and abstain from its bad one.

Islam has given much to the country although it has harmed the
people of the society as well. Even the Hindu society had some
bad practices and beliefs and it is fine with that. It is all about
learning and implementing good things. Therefore, it is wise to
learn and move forward.


After examining and analysing the extent of the impact of Islam

on the Hindu society into several areas such as the impact on
the food, clothing and social life of the people; ideals, beliefs
and values; purdah system; language and literature; art and
architecture and music and painting, etc. we can conclude that
the contact between Hinduism and Islam has fabricated into a
new synthesis on cultures and religions. Moreover, it can also
be concluded that there was a great influence of Islam on the
Hindu society which can be greatly studied and examined
based on specific subject or field (like tradition, language, art,
music, ideology, etc.).

It is generally ought to believe that when in a framed

geographical area, people share different cultures, then it is
likely to be induced that there is more common ideology,
beliefs, value system, practices, etc. mixing with each other.
People share and influence one another in terms of social,
political, economic culture. The same can be related to Islam
and Hinduism as well.
However, looking at the overall impact of Islam, the
fundamentals of Indian society remain unchanged because the
Islamic influence was only superficial and significantly confined
to external phases of life and no material changes had taken
place. It could never completely transform the Hindu culture.
For example, (1) Islam preach brotherhood and equality among
its people. It does not divide people based on their social status
or profession.

It treats all people as equal and tries to maintain unity among

them whereas the Hindus were more into social division among
themselves and thus, they did not relax the caste system and
did not uphold equality among its people. (2) Islam did not
believe in worshipping idol whereas the Hindu society believes
in worshipping the idol. Although both the cultures Hindu and
Islam are aligned to the principle of collectivism, in Islamic
society collectivism is differentiated from hierarchy whereas in
Hinduism collectivism is linked with hierarchy.

Usually, when two different cultures come into contact with one
another and exist parallel to each other, they leave an impact
on each other. The effects of this cultural mixture have become
an integral part of the Indian culture. Although the Islamic
culture was not able to produce major significant effects but it
cannot be denied that there is no or less impact of Islam on the
Hindu society during medieval times. Islam had its lasting
effects on the Indian society during medieval times like the
influence exerted by the British culture and western civilisation
brought on the people of India during the 19th century.
instrument namely, Sitar.

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