Cell injury Lecture 1

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Pathology is the study of the
structural and functional causes of
human disease.
The four aspects of a
disease process that form
the core of pathology are:
1. The cause of a disease (Etiology)
2. The mechanism(s) of disease
3. The structural alterations
induced in cells and tissues by
the disease (morphologic
4. The functional consequences of
the morphologic changes (clinical
Normal cell function requires a
balance between physiologic demands
and the cell structure
⚫ Excessive physiologic stresses, or
adverse pathologic stimuli (injury),
result in :
(1) Adaption
(2) Reversible injury, or
(3) Irreversible injury and cell death
Adaptations are reversible changes in
the number, size, phenotype,
metabolic activity(structure), or
functions of cells in response to
changes in their environment.
These changes include:
a. Hypertrophy (increased cell mass)
b. Hyperplasia (increased cell number)
c. Atrophy (decreased cell mass)
d. Metaplasia (change from one
mature cell type to another
2. Reversible injury denotes
pathologic cell changes that
can be restored to normalcy if
the stimulus is removed or
3. Irreversible injury occurs when
stressors exceed the capacity of the
cell to adapt (beyond a point of no
return) and denotes permanent
pathologic changes that cause cell
4. Cell death occurs primarily
through two morphologic and
mechanistic patterns denoted as
necrosis and apoptosis.
Are responses of cells to normal
stimulation by hormones or
endogenous chemical mediators
(e.g., the hormone-induced
enlargement of the breast during
puberty/lactation and uterus during
pregnancy), or to the demands of
mechanical stress (in the case of
Are responses to stress that allow cells
to modulate their structure and
function and thus escape injury, but
at the expense of normal function,
such as squamous metaplasia of
bronchial epithelium in smokers.
is an increase in the size of cells resulting in
an increase in the size of the organ.
❖ In pure hypertrophy there are no new cells,
just bigger cells containing increased
amounts of structural proteins and
❖ Hypertrophy occurs when cells have a limited
capacity to divide unlike hyperplasia in
dividing cells.
❖ Hypertrophy and hyperplasia also can occur
together, and both result in an enlarged
Hypertrophy can be physiologic or
pathologic and is caused either by
increased functional demand or by
growth factor or hormonal
Examples: (Physiologic Hypertrophy)
1. The massive physiologic enlargement
of the uterus during pregnancy occurs
as a consequence of Estrogen
stimulated smooth muscle hypertrophy
and smooth muscle hyperplasia.
of the uterus

(A) Gross
appearance of a
normal uterus
(right) and a gravid
uterus (left) (B)
Small spindle-
shaped uterine
smooth muscle cells
from a normal
uterus. (C) Large,
smooth muscle cells
from a gravid uterus.
2. In response to increased workload
(Weight lifting) the striated muscle cells
in the skeletal muscle undergo only
hypertrophy because adult muscle cells
have a limited capacity to divide.
Therefore, the physique of the weight
lifter stems solely from the hypertrophy
of individual skeletal muscles.
❖ An example of pathologic hypertrophy is
the cardiac enlargement that occurs with
hypertension or aortic valve disease .
❖ Myocardium subjected to a persistently
increased workload, as in hypertension or
with a narrowed (stenotic) valve, adapts by
undergoing hypertrophy to generate the
required higher contractile force.
The mechanisms driving cardiac
hypertrophy involve at least two types of
1. Mechanical triggers, such as stretch.
2. Soluble mediators that stimulate cell growth,
such as growth factors.
These stimuli 🡪 signal transduction pathways
🡪 activation of a number of genes 🡪 stimulate
synthesis of many cellular proteins, including
growth factors and structural proteins
🡪enabling the cell to meet increased work
❖There may also be a switch of
contractile proteins from adult to fetal
or neonatal forms.
❖ For example, during muscle
hypertrophy, the α-myosin heavy chain is
replaced by the fetal β form of the myosin
heavy chain, which produces slower, more
energetically economical contraction.
Whatever the cause of hypertrophy, there
may be a limits on the abilities of the
vasculature to adequately supply the
enlarged fibers, the mitochondria to supply
ATP, or the biosynthetic machinery to
provide sufficient contractile proteins.
When that limit reaches in the heart 🡪
degenerative changes occur in the
myocardial fibers, specially fragmentation
and loss of myofibrillar contractile elements.
Hyperplasia is an increase in the number
of cells in an organ that stems from
increased proliferation, either of
differentiated cells or, in some instances,
less differentiated progenitor cells.
Hyperplasia takes place if the tissue contains
cell populations capable of replication; it may
occur concurrently with hypertrophy and
often in response to the same stimuli.
Hyperplasia can be physiologic or pathologic;
in both situations, cellular proliferation is
stimulated by growth factors that are
produced by a variety of cell types.
• The two types of physiologic hyperplasia
(1) Hormonal hyperplasia, exemplified by the
proliferation of the glandular epithelium of the
female breast at puberty and during
(2) Compensatory hyperplasia, in which
residual tissue grows after removal or loss of
part of an organ.
❖ For example, when part of a liver is
resected, mitotic activity in the remaining
cells begins as early as 12 hours later,
eventually restoring the liver to its normal
size. The stimuli for hyperplasia in this
setting are polypeptide growth factors
produced by uninjured hepatocytes.

❖ After restoration of the liver mass,

various growth inhibitors turn off cell
Most forms of pathologic hyperplasia are
caused by excessive hormonal or growth factor
For example, after a normal menstrual period
there is a burst of uterine epithelial
proliferation that is normally tightly regulated
by the stimulatory effects of pituitary
hormones and ovarian estrogen and the
inhibitory effects of progesterone.
A disturbance
in this balance
lead to
which is a
cause of
⚫ Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also
pathologic hyperplasia induced in responses
to hormonal stimulation by androgens.
Stimulation by growth factors also is
involved in the hyperplasia that is
associated with certain viral infections; for
example, papillomaviruses cause skin
In all of previous situations, the hyperplastic
process remains controlled; if the signals that
initiate it abate, the hyperplasia disappears.

❖ Pathologic hyperplasias differ from cancer, having

growth control mechanisms permanently
dysregulated or ineffective.

❖ Pathologic hyperplasia constitutes a fertile soil in

which cancers may eventually arise. For example,
patients with hyperplasia of the endometrium are
at increased risk of developing endometrial
is shrinkage in the size of cells by the loss of cell
substance. When a sufficient number of cells are
involved, the entire tissue or organ is reduced in size, or
Causes of atrophy include:
1) Decreased workload (e.g., immobilization of a limb to
permit healing of a fracture),
2) Loss of innervation,
3) Diminished blood supply,
4) Inadequate nutrition,
5) Loss of endocrine stimulation, and aging (senile
Although some of these stimuli are
physiologic (e.g., the loss of hormone
stimulation in menopause) and others
are pathologic (e.g., denervation), the
fundamental cellular changes are similar.
They represent an escape by the cell to a
smaller size at which survival is still possible;
a new equilibrium is achieved between cell
size and diminished blood supply, nutrition,
or trophic stimulation
Cellular atrophy results from a combination of
decreased protein synthesis and increased
protein degradation.
❖ • Protein synthesis decreases because of reduced
metabolic activity.
❖ • The degradation of cellular proteins occurs
mainly by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
(Proteolytic pathway activated by nutrient
deficiency and disuse).This accelerated
proteolysis is also seen in malignancy.
Is a change in which one adult cell type
(epithelial/mesenchymal) is replaced by
another adult cell type.
❖ In this type of adaptation, a cell type
sensitive to a particular stress is replaced by
another cell type better for that adverse
❖ Metaplasia is thought to arise by the
reprogramming of stem cells to
differentiate along a new pathway.
❖ Normal respiratory epithelium (ciliated columnar
epithelial Cells) of the trachea and bronchi of
habitual cigarette smokers, are replaced by stratified
squamous epithelial cells, better able to survive the
chemicals in cigarette smoke than the fragile
respiratory epithelium.
❖ Metaplastic squamous epithelium has survival
advantages, but mportant protective mechanisms are
lost, such as mucus secretion and ciliary clearance of
particulate matter.
❖ Vitamin A deficiency also induce squamous
metaplasia in the respiratory epithelium.
The influences that induce
metaplastic change in an
epithelium, if persistent, may
predispose to malignant
It is thought that cigarette smoking
initially causes squamous metaplasia,
and cancers arise later in some of these
altered foci.

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