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1. What was the financial condition of France when Louis XVI became king
in 1774?
2. What were the privileges enjoyed by first and second estate in France?
3. What was the composition of French society in the eighteenth century?
4. In which way of the burdens of financing activities of the state was borne
by the third estate?
5. What led to subsistent crisis in France in 1789?
6. Who comprised the middle class in France and what were their ideas?
7. What were the ideas of the French philosophers in the making of French
8. How did the ideas of French philosophers become popular in France to
start revolution?
9. What was the Estate General? And why did the king of France summer
10.In which way the sitting arrangement in the Estate General was
11.Why did the members of the third estate walk out of the assembly in the
Estate General?
12.How did the members of the third estate protest against the king by
morning of the assembly?
13.What was consequence of severe winter of France in 1789?
14.How did the people in the country side attack the lords of Manor?
15.What were the steps taken by the National Assembly in 1789 in France?
16.Differentiate between passive citizen and active citizen provided in
constitution of 1791 in France?
17.What is the declaration of right of man & citizen mentioned in the
constitution of 1791?
18.What was situation in France that led the people to declare a war against
kings and aristocracies all over Europe?
19.How did political clubs become an important rallying point for the French
people to continue the revolution?
20.Who were the Jacobins and in which way they protested against the
traditional socio-political situation in France?
21.How did the Jacobins capture power in 1792?
22.What was the convention and how did it declare France a republic?
23.What do you mean by Region of Terror?
24.What were the policies in Robespierre government during the Reign of
25.Give an account of the rule of Directory in France and how did it help for
the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte?
26.What was the legacy of the French Revolution?
27.How were French women active during the French revolution?
28.What was the condition of women in French during the revolution?
29.In which way women were politically active during the French
30.Describe the laws introduced by revolutionary governments in France
regarding the improvement of women’s condition in early years?
31.Give an account on women’s struggle for equal political rights in France.
32.How did slave trade develop in France?
33.What led to the abolition of slavery in France?
34.How did the revolutionary government translate the ideals of liberty and
equality into everyday life through passing laws?
35.How did Napoleon try to see his role as a modernizer of Europe and what
was its consequence?


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