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Assessment 1 – Coversheet

Student and Submission Details

Student Name Student ID

Unit Code and RIICWD601E Manage civil works design Date of

Name processes submission
I declare that
a. This assessment is my own work.
b. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
c. I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student/s.
d. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
e. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.
Student Signature :
Assessor To Complete

Assessment 1 Assessment Result Date Type Of Submission

Short Answer □ C (Competent) First submission

Questions □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) First re-submission
□ NA (Not Assessed) Second re-submission

Assessor feedback

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature:

Short Answer Questions

What to submit:
Answers to all questions

Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)

1. Outline 2 ways to reduce the environmental impact of civil projects.

Ways of decreasing the Natural Effect of Common Ventures:

1. Limit Material Use and Waste:

 Lessen utilization of virgin materials:
 Determine reused or rescued materials: Support the utilization of reused concrete,
black-top, steel, and wood in development.
 Plan for measured quality and dismantling: Work with future deconstruction and
reuse of building parts.
 Investigate elective materials: Consider bio-based or privately obtained materials
with lower ecological impressions.
 Upgrade material use:
 Utilize lean development rehearses: Limit squander and amplify effectiveness all
through the plan and development process.
 Execute construction: Limit nearby waste and further develop security by assembling
parts off-site.
 Use computerized instruments: Utilize Building Data Demonstrating (BIM) to enhance
material amounts and recognize potential waste streams early.
2. Focus on Energy Proficiency and Emanations Decrease:

 Plan for energy-proficient activity:

 Consolidate inactive plan standards: Use normal light, ventilation, and intensity
gain/misfortune to lessen dependence on mechanical frameworks.
 Execute elite execution building envelopes: Further develop protection and
impenetrability to limit energy utilization.
 Determine energy-proficient gear and apparatuses: Pick Energy Star ensured items
and consider environmentally friendly power sources.
 Limit development related emanations:
 Enhance transportation coordinated operations: Limit pull distances for materials and
gear to lessen fuel utilization.
 Utilize low-outflow development hardware: Put resources into electric or half and
half apparatus and embrace clean fuel choices.
 Execute dust control measures: Limit dust contamination from development
exercises to further develop air quality.
2. What is the advantage of incorporating demand operated ventilation in civil designs?

Demand-operated ventilation (DOV) is a smart ventilation system that adjusts fresh air
intake based on real-time needs, unlike traditional systems that run at a constant rate. This
innovative approach offers a multitude of benefits for both building occupants and the

Key Advantages:

 Energy Efficiency: DOV systems significantly reduce energy waste by ventilating only when
necessary, leading to lower operational costs and environmental impact.
 Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): DOV systems dynamically respond to pollutant levels
and occupancy, ensuring optimal IAQ and promoting occupant health and well-being.
 Compliance with Regulations: DOV systems align with modern building codes and green
building certifications, making them a future-proof solution.
 Enhanced Occupant Comfort: DOV systems provide the right amount of ventilation at the
right time, creating a comfortable and productive environment for occupants.
 Smart Building Integration: DOV systems seamlessly integrate with other smart building
technologies, enabling real-time adjustments and data-driven optimization.
 Reduced Environmental Impact: By minimizing energy consumption and optimizing
ventilation, DOV systems contribute to a more sustainable future for buildings.
 Financial Savings: Energy savings from DOV systems translate to cost savings for building
owners and operators over time.

3. In designing stair placement, what would you do to encourage use?

Stairway to Wellness: Smart Steps for Smarter Buildings

Make stairs the obvious choice with:

 Step trackers and wellness incentives: Fuel competition and healthy habits with interactive
 Themed craftsmanship: Attract attention with unique design elements and local flair. Safety
and security first:

 Grippy surfaces and bright lights: Prioritize stability and clear visibility.
 Clear emergency exits: Ensure easy escape routes and intuitive signage. Be accessible and

 Ramp access and clear directions: Cater to all users and abilities.
 Regular cleaning and eco-friendly materials: Maintain a pleasant and responsible space.

4. How would you develop a sustainable procurement strategy to be implemented during


Building Green: 5 Steps to Sustainable Construction Procurement

1. Know Your Goals: Define what "sustainable" means for your project (carbon reduction,
local sourcing, etc.) and identify key materials needed.

2. Choose Green Suppliers: Prioritize vendors with strong environmental practices,

certifications, and transparency. Local sourcing is a bonus.

3. Waste Less, Build Smart: Design for disassembly and reuse, explore prefabrication, and
implement a comprehensive waste management plan.
4. Embrace Energy Efficiency: Choose low-impact materials, integrate renewables, and
utilize smart building technologies to optimize energy use.

5. Track & Adapt: Monitor progress against your goals, continuously improve practices, and
share your achievements to inspire others.

5. Where relevant to the proposed development, what engineering information at should

be provided?

Some general categories of engineering information that are often relevant to development

 Site engineering:
o Topographical survey
o Geotechnical report
o Site investigation report
o Drainage and storm water management plan
o Erosion and sediment control plan
 Civil engineering:
o Grading and earthwork plans
o Foundation and retaining wall design
o Paving and roadway design
o Utility infrastructure design (water, sewer, electrical)
 Structural engineering:
o Structural calculations and drawings
o Material specifications
o Seismic design (if applicable)
 Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering:
o HVAC system design
o Plumbing and drainage system design
o Electrical system design
o Fire protection system design
6. What does it mean to have uniquely identified requirements? Why should requirements
be uniquely identified?

Each project element - from foundations to finishes - needs a unique and clear definition.
This avoids confusion, ensures seamless collaboration, and ultimately leads to:

 Fewer errors and rework: Everyone's on the same page, saving time and money.
 Precise planning and execution: Resources and tasks are assigned efficiently.
 Quality control: Clear benchmarks make it easy to monitor and ensure quality.
 Reduced risk: Ambiguous requirements = potential disputes. Clear ones = smooth sailing.
 Successful outcomes: Projects hit deadlines, budgets, and standards.

Think of concrete mix design, steel reinforcement, and HVAC specifications as examples of
these uniquely identified requirements. They're the building blocks of successful civil

7. What is the term used for the processes required to ensure that the project include all
the work required, and only the work required, to complete the work successfully.

(a) Project Scope Management

(b) Bill of Materials
(c) Work Breakdown Structure
(d) None of the above

8. Project Scope Management has following processes:

a. Collect Requirements
b. Plan Scope management
c. Define Scope
d. Create WBS
Arrange them in the correct sequence.

(a) a-b-c-d
(b) c-d-b-a
(c) b-a-c-d
(d) a-c-b-d

9. How does scope creep happen?

1. Unclear Scope: Fuzzy goals, missing requirements, and clashing stakeholder expectations
pave the way for uncontrolled growth.

2. Communication Breakdown: Poor change management, unclear communication, and lack

of formal processes fuel confusion and scope creep.

3. External Forces: Market shifts, technological hurdles, and unexpected client demands can
force project boundaries to bulge.

4. Optimism Bias: Underestimating complexity and overpromising to please stakeholders can

lead to a project that bites off more than it can chew.

5. Risk Blindness: Failing to identify and manage potential problems leaves projects
vulnerable to scope creep when trouble strikes.

10. What happens during concept design stages?

Design Stage: Project Foundations

1. Know the Landscape: Deep dive into project goals, budget, audience, site, and
regulations. Talk to stakeholders.

2. Explore & Choose: Brainstorm, model, test ideas, and pick the winner based on feasibility
and fit.

3. Define & Direction: Craft a clear narrative, initial drawings, and specs for the chosen

4. Gain Momentum: Present the idea, address concerns, and secure buy-in from key parties.

The Outcome: A clear vision, chosen concept, foundational documents, and stakeholder

This stage sets the project in motion, ensuring everyone is aligned and ready to move
forward confidently.

11. What should a completed detailed design include?

A completed detailed design, the blueprint for turning concept into reality, should
encompass several key elements:

1. Comprehensive Drawings and Specifications:

 Architectural Plans: Detailed floor plans, elevations, sections, and site plans with accurate
dimensions, annotations, and materials specified.
 Structural Drawings: Structural calculations, foundation plans, framing diagrams, and
reinforcement details for all structural elements.
 MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) Drawings: Schematics for HVAC systems,
electrical wiring, plumbing layouts, and fixture locations.
 Technical Specifications: Precise descriptions of materials, finishes, equipment, and
performance requirements for all building components.

2. Construction Schedule and Sequencing:

 A breakdown of construction activities with estimated durations, dependencies, and

milestones, ensuring efficient and coordinated execution.
 Identification of critical path activities and potential bottlenecks to minimize delays.

3. Cost Estimates and Budget Control:

 Detailed cost breakdowns for each project phase, material, and activity, ensuring project
stays within budget.
 Strategies for cost control and contingency plans for potential cost overruns.

4. Quality Control and Assurance Measures:

 Procedures for inspections, testing, and documentation to ensure compliance with building
codes and project specifications.
 Defined quality control checkpoints and acceptance criteria for materials, workmanship, and
finished components.

5. Environmental Considerations:

 Integration of sustainable design principles and materials to minimize environmental impact.

 Compliance with relevant environmental regulations and certifications.

6. Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies:

 Identification of potential risks associated with construction, materials, and external factors.
 Defined mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address and minimize consequences
of potential risks.

7. Accessibility and Code Compliance:

 Design features that comply with accessibility regulations and ensure usability for all users.
 Verification of compliance with all relevant building codes and standards.

8. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:

 Instructions for building operation, equipment maintenance, and troubleshooting common

 As-built drawings and documentation for future reference and modifications.

In addition to these core elements, a completed detailed design may also include:

 3D models and visualizations for enhanced communication and understanding.

 BIM (Building Information Modeling) integration for efficient data management and
 Sustainable procurement strategies for sourcing materials and products.

By encompassing these elements, a detailed design provides a comprehensive roadmap for

construction, ensuring a smooth transition from idea to reality while minimizing risks,
controlling costs, and achieving the desired project outcomes.

12. Outline a strategy to facilitate collaboration on an engineering project.

Engineering Harmony: A Symphony of Success

1. Building the Foundation:

 Crystallize the Vision: Define clear goals, scope, and roles. Transparency and alignment are
 Communication Symphony: Establish diverse channels for updates, discussions, and
problem-solving. Openness is the conductor.
 Shared Knowledge Vault: Create a central platform for documents, tasks, and
progress. Transparency eliminates silos.

2. Fostering the Ensemble:

 Team-Building Crescendo: Workshops, social events, and informal gatherings build trust and
understanding. Harmony from the ground up.
 Active Listening & Respectful Dialogue: Value diverse perspectives with attentive listening
and constructive criticism. A safe space for ideas to flourish.
 Conflict Resolution Cadence: Establish clear procedures for addressing disagreements
constructively. Keep the music flowing smoothly.

3. Technology as the Instrument:

 Collaboration Software Suite: Project management tools, communication platforms, and

virtual meetings keep the team in sync. Remote work becomes a seamless duet.
 Real-time Data Visualization: Share and visualize data in real-time, ensuring everyone is on
the same page. Transparency is the melody.
 Version Control Harmony: Avoid conflicts and ensure everyone works on the latest versions
with version control systems. A unified score for all.

4. Continuous Improvement: The Feedback Loop:

 Regular Feedback Sessions: Performance reviews, project retrospectives, and informal

discussions identify areas for improvement. Feedback keeps the music evolving.
 Knowledge Sharing Chorus: Foster a culture of knowledge sharing through
mentorship, internal repositories, and informal learning opportunities. Collective wisdom
strengthens the performance.
 Embrace Innovation: Encourage experimentation and new approaches to problem-
solving. Innovation is the improvisation that takes the music to new heights.

5. Celebrating Success & Recognizing Contributions:

 Applaud Individual & Team Efforts: Acknowledge and appreciate contributions to maintain
motivation and morale. Recognition fuels the performance.
 Milestone Celebrations: Celebrate achievements to reinforce team spirit and build a sense
of accomplishment. Victories are shared moments of joy.
 Continuous Learning & Development: Encourage ongoing learning and development
opportunities. Enhance individual skills to strengthen the ensemble.

By implementing this comprehensive strategy, you can create an engineering orchestra

where every member thrives, knowledge flows like music, and projects reach their full
potential. Remember, collaboration is a continuous journey, so keep refining the
instruments, adjusting the tempo, and celebrating the symphony of success together.

13. What is Computer Aided Design?

Engineering Harmony: A Symphony of Success

1. Building the Foundation:

 Crystallize the Vision: Define clear goals, scope, and roles. Transparency and alignment are
 Communication Symphony: Establish diverse channels for updates, discussions, and
problem-solving. Openness is the conductor.
 Shared Knowledge Vault: Create a central platform for documents, tasks, and progress.
Transparency eliminates silos.

2. Fostering the Ensemble:

 Team-Building Crescendo: Workshops, social events, and informal gatherings build trust and
understanding. Harmony from the ground up.
 Active Listening & Respectful Dialogue: Value diverse perspectives with attentive listening
and constructive criticism. A safe space for ideas to flourish.
 Conflict Resolution Cadence: Establish clear procedures for addressing disagreements
constructively. Keep the music flowing smoothly.

3. Technology as the Instrument:

 Collaboration Software Suite: Project management tools, communication platforms, and

virtual meetings keep the team in sync. Remote work becomes a seamless duet.
 Real-time Data Visualization: Share and visualize data in real-time, ensuring everyone is on
the same page. Transparency is the melody.
 Version Control Harmony: Avoid conflicts and ensure everyone works on the latest versions
with version control systems. A unified score for all.

4. Continuous Improvement: The Feedback Loop:

 Regular Feedback Sessions: Performance reviews, project retrospectives, and informal

discussions identify areas for improvement. Feedback keeps the music evolving.
 Knowledge Sharing Chorus: Foster a culture of knowledge sharing through mentorship,
internal repositories, and informal learning opportunities. Collective wisdom strengthens the
 Embrace Innovation: Encourage experimentation and new approaches to problem-solving.
Innovation is the improvisation that takes the music to new heights.

5. Celebrating Success & Recognizing Contributions:

 Applaud Individual & Team Efforts: Acknowledge and appreciate contributions to maintain
motivation and morale. Recognition fuels the performance.
 Milestone Celebrations: Celebrate achievements to reinforce team spirit and build a sense of
accomplishment. Victories are shared moments of joy.
 Continuous Learning & Development: Encourage ongoing learning and development
opportunities. Enhance individual skills to strengthen the ensemble.

By implementing this comprehensive strategy, you can create an engineering orchestra

where every member thrives, knowledge flows like music, and projects reach their full
potential. Remember, collaboration is a continuous journey, so keep refining the
instruments, adjusting the tempo, and celebrating the symphony of success together.

14. What should happen after the design review?

Post-Review Playbook: Turning Feedback into Design Triumph

The design review's done, the notes are in, and now what? Don't let valuable feedback
gather dust! Here's your post-review playbook to transform those insights into a design

1. Feedback Feast:

 Gather & categorize: Sift through all the feedback – actionable items, helpful
suggestions, friendly concerns, and even kudos! Group them by theme
(usability, visuals, functionality) for easy digestion.
 Prioritize the posse: Not all feedback holds equal weight. Prioritize based on
severity, impact, and alignment with your design goals. This ensures you tackle the most
critical points first.
 Assign the ownership squad: Who's on point for each action item? Make ownership crystal
clear so everyone knows their role in addressing the feedback.

2. Design Dojo:

 Time to iterate: Roll up your sleeves and refine your design based on the prioritized
feedback. This could involve minor tweaks, bold revisions, or even revisiting the core
concept. Embrace the evolution!
 Document the journey: Keep a detailed log of every change made, the rationale behind
it, and the feedback it addresses. Think of it as a roadmap for future reference and
 Keep the loop tight: Don't work in a silo! Update stakeholders on your
progress, challenges, and decisions. This builds trust and fosters collaboration.

3. Approval Arena:

 Showtime! Once you've addressed the feedback, present your revised design for stakeholder
approval. Be ready to explain how you incorporated their insights and the thinking behind
your changes.
 Seek extra eyes: If needed, gather further feedback from stakeholders, experts, or user
testing. This ensures your design meets every expectation before it's unleashed on the
 Iterate and conquer: Feedback is a gift that keeps on giving! If necessary, repeat the iteration
process based on any additional insights you receive.

Bonus Round: Remember the Keys to Success:

 Time management master: Set realistic deadlines for addressing feedback and
iterating. Don't rush, but don't get bogged down either.
 Resourceful champion: Allocate sufficient time, personnel, and budget to address the
feedback effectively. Remember, a well-equipped team is a happy team.
 Communication champion: Keep everyone in the loop! Open and clear communication
throughout the process builds trust and fosters a collaborative spirit.

15. What does it mean to actively listen?

Active listening goes beyond simply hearing instructions or technical details. It's about
actively engaging with the information, understanding the context, and anticipating potential
challenges and solutions. This deeper level of listening is crucial for ensuring project success,
safety, and collaboration.
Actively listen in civil engineering:

 Go beyond "what" to "why": Understand principles, safety, and the big picture.
 Gather Intel from all sides: Listen to colleagues, stakeholders, and observe the site.
 Hunt for risks and solutions: Anticipate problems and welcome alternative ideas.
 Adapt on the fly: Be flexible and adjust plans based on new information.
 Build trust and collaboration: Value everyone's input and listen to learn.

Active listening isn't just hearing, its understanding and adapting for a safer, more successful

16. How is the client included in design concept development?

Involving the client in design concept development is crucial for creating a successful and
satisfying project. Here are some key ways clients are included:

1. Initial Needs Assessment and Visioning:

 Client interviews and workshops: Facilitate open discussions to understand the client's
goals, needs, budget, and preferences. This could involve discussing desired
features, aesthetics, and potential challenges.
 Site visits and surveys: Include the client in site visits to experience the physical context and
potential constraints of the project.
 Concept sketches and mood boards: Present initial ideas and design directions visually to
spark discussion and feedback.

2. Interactive Design Refinement:

 3D models and simulations: Utilize interactive models and simulations to allow the client to
visualize the design and provide feedback on aspects like functionality, aesthetics, and user
 Cost-benefit analysis and value engineering: Discuss potential cost implications of different
design choices and explore cost-saving options while maintaining the client's vision.
 Prototyping and mockups: Consider building small-scale prototypes or mockups of key
elements for the client to experience and provide feedback on tactile qualities and user

3. Collaborative Decision-Making:

 Regular meetings and communication: Maintain open communication channels to address

concerns, answer questions, and ensure the client feels informed and involved throughout
the process.
 Formal reviews and approvals: Schedule dedicated review sessions with the client to discuss
design iterations and obtain approval on key decisions before proceeding to the next stage.
 Feedback surveys and satisfaction analysis: After the design is finalized, gather feedback
through surveys or interviews to understand the client's satisfaction and identify potential
areas for improvement in future projects.

Additional factors to consider:

 Client's level of technical expertise: Tailor the level of detail and technical information
presented to the client's understanding.
 Project size and complexity: The level of client involvement may vary depending on the
project's scale and technical intricacy.
 Contractual agreements: Clearly define the client's role and decision-making authority in the
design development process within the contract.
By actively involving the client in design concept development, civil engineers can ensure
their projects are aligned with the client's vision, address their needs effectively, and lead to
a more successful and satisfying outcome for all parties involved.

17. What is the purpose of design evaluation?

Design evaluation isn't just about making things look good. It's the unsung hero safeguarding
safety, reliability, and project success. Here's how it flexes its muscles:

1. Structural Integrity Fortress:

 Codes & Regulations Guardian: Designs face rigorous tests against established
standards, ensuring they can withstand the forces of nature and heavy workloads.
 Vulnerability Slayer: Through calculations and simulations, engineers hunt down hidden
weaknesses like wobbly foundations or bending beams, preventing catastrophic collapses.
 Material Efficiency Champion: Evaluation finds the most robust and cost-effective
materials, reducing waste and saving resources.

2. Functionality & Performance Mastermind:

 User Experience Advocate: Designs are evaluated for traffic flow, accessibility, and
environmental impact, guaranteeing the structure works seamlessly for everyone.
 Future Seer: Simulations predict how the design will age, considering material
breakdown, environmental factors, and maintenance needs.
 Operational Obstacle Destroyer: Evaluation identifies potential headaches like congestion or
maintenance nightmares, ensuring smooth operation for years to come.

3. Risk & Cost Buster:

 Construction Pitfall Predictor: By identifying challenges like tricky ground conditions or

material shortages, proactive solutions can be developed to avoid delays and overspending.
 Construction Sequencing Sorcerer: Evaluation helps choose the most efficient and cost-
effective construction approach, saving time and money.
 Learning from the Past: Analyzing past evaluations and project data allows engineers to
continuously improve design practices, creating even better structures in the future.

4. Collaboration & Transparency Champion:

 Stakeholder Feedback Amplifier: Clients, contractors, and regulators get a voice in shaping
the design, ensuring it meets diverse needs and concerns.
 Clear Communication Crusader: Evaluation reports and presentations break down complex
designs into understandable terms, fostering trust and transparency among all stakeholders.
 Knowledge Sharing Hero: By sharing evaluation results across teams and projects, the entire
civil engineering community learns from successes and failures, paving the way for even
greater designs.

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