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224 OCTOBER 11 1969 117

lest I Forget Thee, &lutalhione . • •

E. M. KOSOWER* Glutathione plays many parts in living organisms, and new metho~s
N. S. KOSOWERt for the oxidation of this tripeptide reveal some of them. This
Departments of Biophysics and review of the present situation ends with some suggestions for
Biological Ultrastructure, the future.
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel

THE tripeptide glutathione is an almost universal con- The effects of these thiol-oxidizing agents on several
stituent of functioning biological systems. Originally biological systems include: (1) a marked change in the
discovered by Rey-Pailhade 1 in 1888, glutathione (GSH) feeding behaviour of whole organisms; (2) delay and
really found a place in biochemistry through the report inhibition of the growth, division and germination of
of Hopkins in 1921 (ref. 2). The correct structure, fungal spores and bacteria; and (3) changes in membrane
y-Glu-Cys-Gly (I), was established somewhat later•. integrity through exposure of the cell to certain chemical
NH 2 CH 2SH 0Ul' results suggest that glutathione is an essential
I I cellular constituent, absolutely required for maintenance
2 2 2 and survival. We shall briefly r eview tho chemistry of the
I thiol-oxidizing agents use d in this work and describe the
interesting variety of effects which they produce in
The role of GSH as a cofactor for several enzymes biological systems.
(glyoxalase, maleylacetoacetato isomerase) is well estab-
lished, and GSH is a catalyst in disulphide-thiol inter- Chemistry of Thiel-oxidizing Agents
change reactions. Evidence for other roles which are
The overall reaction of the thiol-oxidizing agents (Table
plausible on chemical grounds (for example, free radical
1) with glutathione is illustrated in equation (1) with the
trapping through hydrogen atom donation, redox buffer-
example of the azoester (a). The mechanism of the
ing, chelation of heavy metals) is not abundant•-•. It
reaction has been elucidated as described elsewhere•.
has been difficult to translate chemical and biochemical
Azoester (a) and other esters of the series are hydrolysed
information about glutathione into firm facts for bio-
in neutral aqueous solution, yielding carboxylic acids
logical system,;, largely because there has been no con-
which quite unstable and are rapidly transformed
venient method for altering the GSH concentration within into a class of compounds called monosubstituted diazenes,
cells without side effects. RN=NH (equation (2)). Monosubstituted diazenes have
We have developed a new class of thiol-oxidizing agents only recently been observed and studied10 ,n and react
which give new possibilities for the investigation of the either with hydroxide ion (equation (3)) or with oxygen
role of GSH within biological systems 7 • 8 • These com- (equation (4)). Reaction with hydroxide ion leads to the
pounds, which have the general formula RN =NCOX or corresponding hydrocarbon, usually an inert and un-
XCON = NCOX, cause a rapid, stoichiometric, oxygen- reactive species. Reaction with oxygen produces free
independent oxidation of GSH to the oxidized form known radieals 10 ,u which present a severe chemical challenge
as GSSG. In many conditions, the oxidation of GSH to to biological systems through their high reactivity. The
GSSG is effected with few obvious permanent changes to nature of the substituent R in the monosubstituted
the cell. In all cases the capacity for reversing the oxida- diazene, RN =NH, determines the relative importance of
tion reaction, converting GSSG back to GSH, is retained. t h e reactions with hydroxide ion or oxygen. Electron-
Because all tho agents readily penetrate the cell, the withdrawing substituents (for example, the 6-purinyl
effects of a temporary loss of GSH on the functioning of group in ester c) favour r eaction with hydroxide ion, and
a biological system can be evalu ated. The choice of thiol-oxidizing agents, which form such monosubstituted
reagent is made according to the requirements of a diazenes, produce few free radicals.
particular study. If the thiol-oxidizing agent is stable towards hydrolysis,
• Permanent address: Department of Chemistry, State University of neither the corresponding hydrocarbon nor free radicals
New York. Stony Brook, New York, 11700. are produced. The properties of various thiol-oxidizing
t Permanent address: Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Yeshiva University, Dronx, New York, 10461. agents are summarized in T able 1.

© 1969 Nature Publishing Group

I 18 NATURE VOL. 224 OCTOBER 11 1969

2CSH + C 6H 5N=NCOOCH 3 -->-GSSG + (for example, azoester a) provide intracellular chemical

C 6 H 5NHNHCOOCH 3 (1) challenges to the cell.
The quantity of agent used depends on tho struc-tnre
C';H 5 N-NCOOCH 3 + H 2O--,.. CH 3OH + of the agent and the nature of the biological syskrn tu
C6 H 5N=NCOOH--,.. C\H 5N-NH + CO 2 (2) which it is applied. "Usually about, 50 per cent of the
ester thiol-oxidizing agents aro consumed in reaction
with protein amino groups• (equation (5)). The amide
agents (d and e) react only with GSH or other equivalently
reactive thiols. Nono of the thiol-oxidizing agents ro,1cts
appreciably with protein thiol groups at tho concentra-
tions normally used•.
The choice of a thiol-oxidizing agent is governed by
sen•ral criteria. Agents which are readily hydrolysed C 6 H 5N=NCOOCH 3 + I'XH 2 --.- C,H,N=:NCONHJ·
rapidly disappear from tho svstem Lo which they are + CH})H ( P =protein, ( .5)
applied. The esters (a, b and c) are thuR short l,erm ·thiol-
oxidizing agents. Tho amides d and c are, in contrast,
long term thiol-oxidizing agents, and can be used to Biological Effects of Thiol-oxidizing Agents
maintain a low intracellular GSH concentration for a A significant development in neuroehemistry has bC"cn
considerable time. Compounds which produce free radicals the finding that thiol groups and disulphides arc invoked


Reactivity H Y<lro- FrrC'
Trivial towards 1,:t,i(.' r.uliral
Co1npound for;11ula name GSH* siahi- forma-
(s<'corn.18) lity ·l" tion:;:

(a) >r-N =NCOOCH,. .AzoestPr 10 ~- +


/ = - '"'
):'N =NCOOCH 3 <1


/;,: N
N : ~ Adenine ester 2 7() s
I II /
'\ )-N'
'\:x H

N = NCON(CH 3).
,;· /'_N
3.oun h
'I ~ AU.euinc amide :20
(d) N
)-N/ H

(CH 3 ),NCON =NCOX(CH 3 ), Diamide <1 :3,00U h

The intrac,;llular reaction of each reagent with GSII h:1s be~n 1:onfir:m~d
with human reU blood cells 7 • 8 • Related compounds arc readily pr~paI' ..\(1 and
are beinf( investigat.ed by J\lrW. Correa, State University of New York, St.on)'
H.rook. The correct n01nenclature for th;s::: compo11nds is: a, niethyl phon~·l-
t11azcnccarboxylate; b, methyl 4-cyanophenvldiazcnccarluxylate; r, nlf'thyl
6-pnrinyldiazenecarb')xylate; d, fi-purinyldiazenecarboxylic ai'.i<l X ,X-di-
rnethylan1ide; r, cliazcnedicarboxylic arid bis(~, ~-1lim'.~thylamid :./.
XT, Not tesfod.
* Approxirnate half-lif~ for the rn'.t.ctio11 of the com.pound with (;~H in
aqueous solution. _pH 7·4-, with both reactants at 10-a "NL (Ratt>e: at\' <·0• 1 1~
parable with that found for a 30 per cent red hloo,l cell susnension.) Tt;,,
numbers provide an indication for use of the compounds with organi$m~,,
tissue cultures. and so on.
-, Approximate half-life for hy,lrolrsis in aqueous buffer, pH,·~.
t As ,iud~~d by the formation of ·•r.1di1'.ll-typc pnducts'" fr:nn th1~

© 1969 Nature Publishing Group

NATURE VOL. 224 OCTOBER 11 1969 119

in t h e functioning and activity of neurones, with several azoester (a) severely r e,,._.:ds germination if carried out
specific demonstrations available fo r acctylcholine r e- at tho midpoint of the germination process, hut has much
ceptors12-18. It was thus reasonabl e to expect that thiol- l ess effect at its beginning o r a t its end (unpublished
oxidizing agents would affect the behaviour of organisms . r esults of D. Weinman, E. Galtm and ourselves). It is
W e have tested azoester (a) on several organisms and known that the germination of N euro8pora cra8sa. is
h ave fou nd marked behav iour a l responses. The most accompan ied by an increase in the GSH content 25 • Signi-
spectacular response was that of mosquitoes, which were ficant in this connexion is th e r ecent discovery of highly
strongly rep eJ!ed by tho agent. It is of some interest that p oten t ant ifungal agents (j and g} 2 " with structures v ery
r epcllency of mosquitoe,; was 0quivalcnt to that c>f t h e simila r to several of tho t liiol-oxidizing agents listed in
b est known repellents (for example, N,N-diethyl-o- tolu- T ab le 1.
amid<>) . Inhib ition of sucking (equivalent to feeding) was
obs( rvcd for t icks, m edicina l leech es and tsetse fli es. It,
xc.H,N=NC(=S)NH. xo.H,N=NC(=SO)NH.
was n t>cessary to pretreat t h e tsetse flies with azoester (a) f g
in order to produce the inhibitio n , possibly because of the
extreme rapidity with which these fli es feed. In all cases An intimate connexion b et ween cellular t.hiol content
the inhibitions wern produced in spite of tho presence of and cell division has long been postul.tted 27 • Our result,;
strong feeding stimulants in the solutions 19 - 22 • All inhi- suggest several reactions through which cellular thiol
bitions were reversible. cont ent might be relat,od to growth and division, but
The behaviour of hydra has been d escribed by Lenhoff 23 • by no means exhaust tho possibilities . It seems clear that
AzoPste.r ~a) at different concentrations affects different GSH is vital to the mainten a n ce of numy processes in
phases of the behaviour of hydra: nematocyst discharge, cells.
tentacle waving and mou t h opening. The integrity of the coll m embran e is protected b y
The diversity of effects produced w ith a common r e - glutathione against chemica l ch a llen ges or oxidizing
age n t suggests that the common elemen t in all of t h ese agen ts. \Ve have obtained a beautiful illnstr ation of t hi s
behavioural respo nses is t h e intracellular oxidation of point by using azoester (a) to generate free radical s n ear
GSH to GSSG. FurLher investigat ion is n ecessar y to t he membrane of cell s. Application of azoester (a), in
esta blish the nature of t h e link b etween the conversion exce,:;s of that r equired to oxidize a ll the intracellul ar
of GSH to GSSG and the actual b ehaviour. The effec ts of GSH to CSSG, to human r ed b lood cells saturated with
.tzoester on the behaviour of organ isms are summarizecl carbon monoxide and suspended in a ir-satnrated buffer
in T.tble 2 (unpublished r esults of R. Gatun, H. M. Lenhoff leads to severe haemolysis.
and ourselves). The formation of fre e radicals from azoester proceeds
through hydrolysis and reaction with oxygen (equations
(2) and (4)). In a 0011 loaded w ith oxygen , such as the
oxygenated hum an rod blood cell. free radicals a r c form ed
Organism Species Effect within the cell and cause damagt• throughout the cell .
Mosqu ito A fldCR ae11YPl-i Strongly repeilcnt• The damage is v isible in the form of H e inz bodies a nd is
Culex mole.stus Lethal t not accompanied by lysis.
Tick Ornitlwdorus tho!owni Juhibits sucking
l\Iedicin:tl Treatment of a carbon monox ide -l oaded cell with excPss
leech Hiritdo medicinalis Inhibits "tasting" a nd sucking :j: azoester in the absence of oxygen .in t h e medium docs not
Tsetse fl y Glossina austeni Slow inhibition of sucking
Hydra, pr;eudoliyact,i s Inhibits (i) uematocyst discharge§
h ave any observable dfoet: neither Heinz bodies n or
H ydrn
(ii) tentacle waving lysis arc seon. If the carbon monoxide -loaded cell is
(iii) mouth opening
suspend ed in an air-saturated buffer so that an oxygen
These are results of tmpul>lisl, ctl expsri ments carried out with R. Gahm con cen t ration gradient is set up at the membrane, free
and H. M. J,cnhoff using azoester (a).
r ad ical formation in the r egion of the membrane causes
'' Diamidc (e) h u<l only repellency.
d a mage which eventually leads to lysis.
'j' Observed during t he use of glass enclosure for standard repe!leney test on Most, cells are oxygen-poor. Treatm ent of many different
cell types with azoester (a) , in excess of t h at reqnired to
t Tliarnide (e) inhibited onl y sucking.
oxidize a ll the GSH to GSSG, lead s to lysis. Among t h e
§ E flect (i) was observed at ve ry low conc, ntrnt ions, effects (i) and (ii) at cell types examined eith er in su spension or in tissue
intermediate concentrations and all effects found at high concen trations of
azoesf.e r (ll). c ulture are human red blood cells". human epithelia l
can cer (KB) eeJ!s (unpublished r esults of G. Yagi! a nd
An a d equate ,;upply of r edu ced glutathione is apparently ourselves), Escherichia coli, human lymphocytes (un-
n ecessary for many of tho normal activities of cells. published results of S. Pade and ourselves), human
Oxidation of the GSH to GSSG with in t h e Escherichia coli myeJobJasts (unpublished results of D. Plutznick and
cell by adenine ester (c) d elays growth for about one ourselves), Ehrlich aseites tumour cells 2 4 • 28 and norma l
divi sion, after which growth r esumes at the normal rate and glucose-6-phosphat,o d ehydrogenase -deficient fibro-
(unpublished results of E . Rosenberg and ourselves). blasts (unpublished results of M . S iniscaleo and ourselves ).
H arris 24 has reported that both DNA synthesis (as The response of these cell,; is t h er efore analogous t o t h at
m easured by t hymidine incorpor ation) a nd protein syn- of the r ed blood cell loaded w ith carbon monoxide in
t h esis (by lcucine incorporation) are t emporarily dimin- oxygenated m edium .
ish ed by the oxidation of about 80 per cent of the GSH Lysis does not occur unless most of t h e GSH w ithin the
within Ehrlich ascit,es cells w ith azoester (a) . We h ave cell is oxidized to GSSG and a ch emical challenge is presen t
found (unpublished results of T. Zehavi , D. D a non and during t he time when the con centration of GSH is low ·
ourseh •es) t hat protein synt,h esis a nd the r eplacement of Thus treatment, of any of th e cell s we h ave listed with
p olysom es by monosonrns wit hin ra bbit rcticuloeytes are quantities of azoester (a) sufficient to oxidize only 50 - 70
corr elated with GSH content, by the use of diamide (e). per cent of tho intracellular GSH has little observable
Treatment of t,he spores of Trichoderma viride with effect. Use ofthiol-oxidizing agents like adenine ester (c)

© 1969 Nature Publishing Group

NATURE VOL. 224 OCTOBER 1 1 1 969

adenine amide (d) or diamide (e) (which do not generate that it does not offer a chemical challenge to the reel blood
free radicals), oven in excess, causes no lysis. cell.
We can infer that an adequate concentration of GSH The problem is by no means trivial. It has IJcen
is necessary for the cell to withstand certain chemical estimated that about 3 per cent of the population of the
challenges. world is deficient in G6PD 33 • And malaria is still ,-,1a, of
t,he most widespread public health problems.
Possible Applications
If a sublethal chronic chemical challonge is posed by tho
It seems likely that the concentration of GSH within normal environment to red blood cells with the conseq1wnt
cells plays somfl part in the regulation of protein synthesis. reduction in their life span, might llot a similar clmllenge
The accumulation of GSH in the cytoplasm of Yoshida be made to all other cells ? lf so, glutathione is om· , ,ft ho
ascites tumour strains sensitive to the alkylating agent, chief lines of defence against such challenges and thPrefure,
chlorambucil, after treatment with the agent, is consistent we may say, against one possible cornponent. of agc·ing.
,1,ith this oonclusion 29 • It is conceivable that an undflr- We might also speculate on the importance of gluta-
standing of the role of GSH in the complex reaction thione in biological evolution. Its presence in all cells
svstem which comprises protein synthesis might lead to leads readily to the idea that GSH was an early entry
;n improvement in tho treatment of or in tho design of into the compendium of moleculPs that constitute ln·ing
drugs for cancer. matter. It is too early to guess whether or not its appear-
It is probable that chemoreception is affected by tho ance was in the prebiotic or biotic periods. We hope that
intracellular concentration of GSH, but it is not yet clear the use of specific thiol-oxiclizing agents will enahle a
,d1ether or not this involves only the reception process more quantitative evaluation of the function of gluta-
("detection"), neurone action (neurones to chemoreceptors thione in biological systems than has been possible so far.
being perhaps more exposed to the chemical environment Much of our work was carried out in collaboration 1,·ith
than others), or both. When thiol-containing drugs are several different research groups, whom we thank for
given to man, taste acuity is abolished or decreased, and their cooperation. We are grateful for the facilities
1t can be returned to normal by divalent metal ions
afforded to us by the departments of biophysics (Profr,c;sor
One might hope that new insights into the behavioural E. Katchalski) and biological ultrastructurn (Profossor
response of insects might be gained through the use of D. D<lnon). N. S. K. is t,he recipient of a car,wr df'\:,•lop-
intracellular thiol-oxidizing agents, and that new com- nrnnt award of the Nat.ional Institutes of Health. l'.S
pounds could be produced for the control of insects. Public Health Service. E. M. K. was a National Sc-i,•nc,·
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of haemolytic anaemias after administration of drugs.
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already in precarious balance, the whole arrangement
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© 1969 Nature Publishing Group

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