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Create a film
Choose a moment
sequence for 5 of
Make an where your
the most important
acrostic poem protagonist had to
events in the text.
which make a decision.
1. REMEMBERING You must write
describes the What would you
information on what
protagonist of have done in this
we learn about the
your novel type of situation?
characters and the
Explain why.
plot in each scene.
Create a quiz based
on your novel. Write a summary
Include riddles, Write the of a chapter from
“who am I?” type sequel or the your book. You
questions. Test how next chapter need to
well the members of to your text. summarise the key
your group know ideas.
the novel.
Retell an
important event in
Design a new front
your novel using
cover for your book.
Write a song only images. Share
You must include
1. APPLYING or poem about with your group
important elements
your text. members to see if
from your text on
they know which
the cover.
event you are
Choose a moment in your
text where something
dramatic happened. Create
Create a Venn diagram to
a cause and effect table.
1. ANALYSING compare two of the main
Explain what caused this
characters in your text.
event to happen and what
the effect was on the
1. EVALUATING Choose three moments from Draw all of the items that
your text and state how they your protagonist would
were effective in getting the carry in their pocket.
author’s message across to Explain why they would
their readers. need these items with
them at all times. Can you
do the same for the
Draw a birds-eye view of
Make a picture storybook
your character’s house.
of your text for 6 year
Make annotations for the
1. CREATING old’s. Your challenge is to
objects you include in the
tell the story in 10 pages or
house and how they are
relevant to the story.

Each lesson choose 1-2 of the squares to complete.

At the end of this week we will do a learning walk sharing what we have completed.

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