Maize report

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JULY 2023

I, OKELLO PATRICK declare that this work is entirely mine and solely a result of my own

effort. It has never been submitted in any institution for the academia award.

Signed by …………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………………………….

This is to certify that this research proposal has been under my supervision and is now ready for

submission for academic purposes

Signature ……………………………………………………………….



I dedicate this research report to my beloved family and friends for their passion about my

education which has motivated me this far. I love you so much and I officially dedicate this

dissertation to you.

May God bless you al1.


I thank the Almighty God for giving me strength and energy through the process of my


Special thanks to my supervisors from my work place Ministry of Agriculture, animal industry

and fisheries (MAAIF) especially from the department of crop inspection and certification Mr.

Muzira Fred and Mr. Otut Alex who are senior agricultural Inspectors. My lovely wife for her

tremendous efforts and her tireless dedication and encouragement throughout my course and

finally to the farmers in Kiryandongo District

Accomplishment of this dissertation is indebted to many individuals who gave me advice,

encouragement, assistance and guidance through inspiration especially my friends and family. It

is my pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor for his assistance and patience in

making broad and critical review, comments and useful suggestions to this dissertation. My

special tributes go to all my classmates for their honorable support as well

Table of content

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Background of the study.....................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Post-Harvest Losses and Household Food Security.....................................................................10
1.2.2 Maize Production and Importance................................................................................................10
1.3.2 Maize storage problems and maize quality...................................................................................12
1.4 Statement of the problem..................................................................................................................13
1.5 General objective...............................................................................................................................14
1.5.1 Specific objectives...........................................................................................................................15
1.5.2 Research questions.........................................................................................................................15
Scope of the study....................................................................................................................................15
1.6.1 Content scope..................................................................................................................................15
1.6.2 Geographical scope.........................................................................................................................16
1.6.3 Time scope.......................................................................................................................................16
1.7 Justification of the study...................................................................................................................16
1.8 Significance of the Study...................................................................................................................17
1.9 Conceptual framework......................................................................................................................17
1.9 Definition of Key Terms....................................................................................................................18
1.10 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................19
LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................19
2.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................19
2.1 Food security......................................................................................................................................19
2.3 Agricultural production and food security......................................................................................25
2.4 Maize storage facilities......................................................................................................................26
2.5 Different ways of assessing crop storage methods:.........................................................................32
2.6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................38
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................38
3.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................38
3.1 Research design.................................................................................................................................38
3.2 Description of the study area............................................................................................................38
3.3 Study population................................................................................................................................40
3.4 Sample size and Sampling procedure...............................................................................................40
3.5 Types and Sources of data.................................................................................................................41
3.5.1 Types of data...................................................................................................................................41
3.5.2 Sources of Data...............................................................................................................................42
3.5.3 Primary data...................................................................................................................................42
3.5.4 Secondary data................................................................................................................................42
3.6 Methods of Data Collection...............................................................................................................43
3.6.1 Interview..........................................................................................................................................43
3.6.2 Questionnaire..................................................................................................................................43
3.6.3 Questionnaire return rate..............................................................................................................44
3.7 Quality Data Control.........................................................................................................................44
3.7.1 Reliability........................................................................................................................................44
3.7.2 Validity............................................................................................................................................45
3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation........................................................................................................45
3.8.1 Quantitative Analysis.....................................................................................................................45
3.8.2 Qualitative Analysis........................................................................................................................45
3.9 Ethical considerations.......................................................................................................................45
3.10 Limitations of the study...................................................................................................................46
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................47
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS.....................................................47
4.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................47
4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents.................................................................................47
4.1.1 Sex of the respondents....................................................................................................................48
4.1.2 Marital status of the respondents..................................................................................................49
4.1.3 Age of respondents..........................................................................................................................49
4.1.4 : Level of Education........................................................................................................................50
4.1.5: Agri-business group......................................................................................................................51
4.1.6 : Household Size..............................................................................................................................52
4.2 Identify the storage methods, and factors influencing their selection and assess quantities of
maize that farm households harvested and stored................................................................................53
4.2.1 Major Agricultural Activity...........................................................................................................53
4.2.2 Maize Storage Methods and Quantities of stored maize..............................................................54
4.2.2 Factors Influencing the Selection of maize storage method.........................................................56
4.3 Farm households' food security status and their perception of food security from an eco-health
4.3.2 The severity of the farm household’s food insecurity:.................................................................60
4.4 Commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on the quality of stored maize and
household food security...........................................................................................................................63
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................64
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................64
5.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................64
5.1 Summary of Findings..........................................................................................................................64
5.1.1 Farm Households' Food Security Status and Perception...................................................................64
5.1.2 Storage Methods Applied by Maize Farmers....................................................................................64
5.1.3 Factors Influencing Selection of Storage Methods and Quantities of Maize Harvested and Stored:.65
5.2.4 Implications of Storage Methods on Maize Quality and Household Food Security:.........................65
5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................66
5.3 Recommendations...............................................................................................................................66
APENDIX 1..............................................................................................................................................72
Appendix 11.............................................................................................................................................82
Some field pictures taken during data collection..................................................................................82
List of tables

Table 4.1: Age of respondents

Table 4.2: Level of Education
Table 4.3: Factors influencing the selection of maize storage method
Table 4.4: Reasons for which the farm households perceived themselves as food secure
Table 4.5: Commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on the quality of stored
maize and household food security.
List of figures

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

FDigure 4.1 :Sex of the respondents
Figure 4.2: Marital status of the respondents
Figure 4.3: Agri-business group
Figure 4.4: Household Size
Figure 4.5: Major Agricultural Activity
Figure 4.6: Bar chart showing maize storage method
Figure 4.7: The severity of the farm household’s food insecurity:

The study's main objective is to determine the effectiveness of different storage methods

employed by farmers on maize quality and the effects on family food security and the specific

objectives were; to examine farm households' food security status and their perception of food

security from an eco-health perspective, to identify the storage methods applied by the different

maize farmers, to examine factors influencing their selection and assess quantities of maize that

farm households harvested and stored and to identify the commonly used maize storage methods

and their implication on the quality of stored maize and household food security.

The findings of the study revealed that farm households in Kigumba Sub- County experienced

varying degrees of food security. While some households had adequate access to food and

achieved food security, others faced challenges in accessing sufficient and nutritious food. The

perception of food security among farm households was influenced by multiple factors,

including income levels, household size, and availability of storage methods to preserve

harvested maize. More so, the methods of storage included traditional storage methods such as

cribs, polypropylene bags, and storage in open spaces, as well as improved storage methods like

hermetic storage bags and metal silos and the selection of storage methods was influenced by

factors such as affordability, availability, knowledge, and cultural preferences.

Generally, the study recommended that, efforts should be made to increase access to and

adoption of improved storage technologies among farmers since it promotes food security in

Kigumba Sub- County.



1.1 Introduction
Maize (Zea mays) is a vital staple crop that contributes significantly to food security and

livelihoods in many regions of the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, maize is a primary source of

calories and nutrients for a large population, particularly in rural areas (Abate et al., 2015).

However, despite its importance, post-harvest losses pose a significant challenge to achieving

food security goals. Inadequate storage methods and facilities often result in reduced maize

quality, leading to decreased household food security (FAO, 2011).

Kigumba Sub-County, located in Kiryandongo District, Uganda, relies heavily on maize

production for both subsistence and income generation. Smallholder farmers in this region face

numerous difficulties in storing maize effectively, resulting in substantial post-harvest losses and

compromised food security (Rubaihayo et al., 2012). Factors such as improper storage facilities,

limited knowledge of appropriate storage methods, and limited access to improved storage

technologies contribute to these challenges (Mutungi et al., 2013). Therefore, it is imperative to

evaluate the effect of storage methods on maize quality to identify effective strategies that can

enhance household food security in Kigumba Sub-County.

1.2 Background of the study.

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important staple crops in Uganda, providing a significant

contribution to household food security. It is a versatile crop used for various purposes, including

human consumption, animal feed, and industrial processing (Jjagwe et al.,2020). In many rural

areas, maize constitutes a significant portion of the diet and serves as a crucial source of calories
and essential nutrients. However, the quality and availability of maize are often compromised

due to post-harvest losses, especially during storage (Kumar et al., 2017).

Post-harvest losses occur at various stages, with storage losses being a major concern. Improper

storage methods can lead to a decline in maize quality, resulting in reduced nutritional value,

increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, and economic losses for farmers (Kiaya, V., 2014).

Furthermore, inadequate storage practices can directly impact household food security, as they

can limit the availability of maize during periods of scarcity, such as the lean season.

Seasonal production, particularly of staple crops, is partly to blame for transient hunger, maize in

the case of the Kigumba sub-county (Shinyekwa et al., 2017). By smoothing seasonal food

output, effective storage helps to stabilize the food supply at the household level. Despite major

developments in food storage systems, many African cultures continue to rely on traditional

food, fodder, and seed preservation methods (Thamaga-Chitja et al., 2004; Pretty et al., 2011).

Traditional storage methods, despite being relatively easy and inexpensive to build and operate,

result in significant post-harvest losses. Inadequate post-harvest storage adds considerably to

food insecurity, especially in locations with high humidity (Rajapaksha et al., 2021), as is

experienced in Kigumba.

Storage facilities do not only provide the opportunity to alleviate hunger between staple crop

harvests, but farmers may be able to boost farm revenues by keeping products and selling at

premium rates later in the post-harvest period when demand outstrips supply (Thamaga-Chitja et

al.,2004; Sinyolo, S., 2020). Because crop retail prices are heavily influenced effective storage is

critical to improving agricultural revenues and food security for small-scale farmers. Crop

storage efficiency is determined by storage length, storage losses (including quality decline), and

storage volume. Disease, pests, and oxidative damage are the primary causes of losses (Salunke

and Desai, 1986: Adetunji et al., 2021).

According to (Buzby et al., 2015) estimates, around 133 billion pounds of food (31 percent of

total available food) was wasted at the retail and consumer level in the United States in 2010.

According to the studies, cereal crops, root crops, and fruit and vegetables account for

approximately 19%, 20%, and 44% of total agricultural commodity losses, respectively

(Gustavsson et al., 2017). Cereal crop losses account for the majority of losses in terms of

calorific content (53 percent). Cereal grains, such as wheat, rice, and maize, are the most popular

food crops in the world, serving as the foundation of most developing countries' staple diets.

Minimizing cereal losses in the supply chain could be one resource-efficient method to assist

increase food security, battling hunger sustainably, and reducing food wastage (Kumar et


Kiryandongo District, specifically Kigumba Sub- County, faces significant challenges regarding

maize storage and household food security (Banga et al., 2021). The region relies heavily on

maize production, and farmers encounter difficulties in preserving maize for extended periods. It

is crucial to evaluate the effect of storage methods on maize quality in this context to identify

potential solutions that can enhance household food security and mitigate post-harvest losses.

1.2.1 Post-Harvest Losses and Household Food Security

Post-harvest losses, including losses incurred during storage, processing, and transportation, pose

a severe threat to food security, especially in developing countries. According to the Food and

Agriculture Organization (FAO), post-harvest losses can range from 15% to 50% in sub-Saharan

Africa, with significant variations depending on the crop and region (FAO, 2011). These losses

not only reduce the quantity of available food but also compromise its quality, resulting in lower

nutritional value (Mutungi et al., 2013).

Postharvest loss refers to food loss that occurs throughout the food supply chain, from crop

harvesting to consumption (Aulakh et al., 2013). Weight loss due to spoilage, quality loss,
nutritional loss, seed viability loss, and commercial loss are the most common types of losses.

The magnitude of postharvest losses in the food supply chain varies substantially across crops,

regions, and economies (Lipinski et al., 2013).

Household food security refers to the condition in which all individuals in a household have

access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and live an active and

healthy life (FAO, 2021). Inadequate storage methods contribute to post-harvest losses, which

can have detrimental effects on household food security. When households experience

significant post-harvest losses, their ability to meet their nutritional needs and maintain a stable

food supply is compromised (Abate et al., 2015).

1.2.2 Maize Production and Importance

Maize is a vital cereal crop globally, serving as a staple food for millions of people. It is rich in

carbohydrates, essential amino acids, and vitamins, making it a valuable source of nutrition

(FAO, 2011). In sub-Saharan Africa, maize is a key component of the diet, contributing to

approximately 50% of the caloric intake for many households (Makate et al., 2016). Maize

production and consumption are particularly significant in Uganda, where it is a staple crop for

both rural and urban populations (Rubaihayo et al., 2012). Smallholder farmers in Kigumba Sub-

County rely on maize farming as a primary livelihood activity, cultivating maize for household

consumption and sale in local markets (Mugisha et al., 2018).

1.3 Maize Production

The global maize area (for dry grain) amounts to 197 M ha, including substantive areas in sub-

Saharan Africa (SSA), Asia, and Latin America (FAOStat, 2021). It is an established and

important human food crop in a number of countries, especially in SSA, Latin America, and a

few countries in Asia, where maize consumed as human food contributes over 20% of food

calories (Shiferaw et al., 2011). Compared to wheat and rice, maize is a more versatile multi-
purpose crop. Globally, maize production has been steadily increasing over the years. According

to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the total global maize production reached 1.17

billion metric tons in 2020, reflecting an upward trend (FAO, 2021a). Major maize-producing

countries include the United States, China, Brazil, and Argentina, which collectively account for

a significant portion of global production (FAO, 2021a).

In Africa, maize is a staple crop and a critical component of food security. The continent

accounts for a significant share of global maize production. Africa produced roughly 89.3

million metric tons of corn in the trade year 2020/2021. The continent might increase maize

production to over 90 million metric tons in 2021/2022, according to the source's forecasts. Most

of the corn output originated from countries below the Sahara (FAO, 2021a; Erenstein et al.,

2022). The top maize-producing countries in Africa include Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia,

Tanzania, and Uganda (FAO, 2021b).

Over the years, total maize production in Uganda has gradually increased, from roughly 800,000

tonnes in 2000 to 2,575,000 tonnes in 2019. But this is largely due to a steady expansion of

maize acreage, little from improved productivity. In 2020, maize production for Uganda was

2,750 thousand tonnes. Before maize production in Uganda started to increase to reach a level of

2,750 thousand tonnes in 2020, it went through a trough reaching a low of 286 thousand tonnes

in 1980. In Uganda, maize is a vital crop both for subsistence and commercial purposes. It is

grown by smallholder farmers across the country, contributing significantly to household food

security and income generation (UBOS, 2019).

1.3.2 Maize storage problems and maize quality
The major disadvantage of maize storage is that it is vulnerable to pest assault, with insect pests,

molds, and rodents (Weinberg et al., 2008; Makate, 2010; Nwosu, L.C., 2018), topping the list of

the International Research Institute (IRRI) and International Maize and Wheat Improvement

Centre (CIMMYT). Storage pests have been linked to the loss of millions of tonnes of stored

maize due to insect infestations (Dhliwayo and Pixley, 2003; Alam et al., 2019) as well as

attacks by rats and fungi. Pests and diseases are predicted to destroy 30-40% of cereal grains,

45% of roots and tubers, and 40-80% of vegetables and legumes grown in Uganda. As a result

of the crop losses, consumers access inadequate amounts of food, which in turn has led to

malnutrition, anemia, and energy and vitamin deficiencies being common in Ugandans.

The attack also resulted in a loss in corn quality (IRRI and CIMMYT, 2009; Manu et al., 2018),

which included a decrease in the nutritional content of the maize. Stored maize can potentially

become dangerous to eat due to contamination by waste products and mycotoxins in the case of

molds (Sallam, 1999; Weinberg et al., 2008; Somali Agriculture Technical Group (SATG),

2009). On-farm storage technologies play a major role in determining the quality of stored maize

and determining quantities of maize that can be available to consumers. In turn, this improves

not only the purchasing power of the farm households by making it possible for them to market

the maize and raise income for purchasing non-farm products and food commodities that they do

not produce, but it also contributes to poverty alleviation and food security of the consumers.

The moisture content of grains, humidity, temperature, foreign materials in maize, and improper

handling of maize prior to storage are all factors that influence the development of

microorganisms in stored maize, resulting in maize losses and contaminations (Weinberget al.,

2008; Murdolelono and Hosang, 2009; Oni et al., 2022). Contamination of food items by

mycotoxins has been observed all over the world (Wild and Gong, 2010), and over 300 varieties
of mycotoxins have been identified, 20 of which have been found to exist naturally in foods and

feeds Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), 2009. Fusarium, Aspergillus, and

Penicillium species have been identified as the most common forms of fungi that infest stored

maize and produce mycotoxins that are dangerous to both humans and animals (Sweeney et al.,


While cereal product contamination has been observed in various places around the world (Wild

and Gong, 2010), significant quantities of mycotoxins in maize have been recorded in

underdeveloped countries (IFST, 2009). In Africa, outbreaks of diseases and deaths have been

linked to the use of contaminated maize-based diets and feeds (Wild and Gong, 2010).

Consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated corn may result in diseases such as cancer and kidney

issues (Hayes, 2000; Munkvold et al., 2009).

1.4 Problem statement

Crop losses have been linked to inefficient and poor storage solutions, resulting in low food

output. Maize production is mostly impacted by storage pests such as maize weevils, which

cause economic losses, as well as insect pests, mildew, and rats (Arrahman et al., 2021). The

attack of storage pests on stored maize has resulted in the loss of millions of tonnes of stored

corn due to insect infestations and rodent and mold attacks (Saenong and Arrahman 2017). Pests

and diseases are projected to destroy 30-40% of cereal grains, 45% of roots and tubers, and 40-

80% of vegetables and legumes grown in Uganda (Lebot, V., 2019). Because of agricultural

losses, consumers have access to insufficient amounts of food, which has resulted in

malnutrition, anemia, energy, and vitamin deficiencies being frequent in Uganda. Furthermore,

adults and children may experience hunger pangs, weariness, or disease because of insufficient

food. Even though this has become a major issue for many farmers, households, and researchers,

this subject of alternative storage methods has been mostly ignored.

To put it concisely, according to a World Bank development assessment (2021) diseases whose

susceptibility is raised by mycotoxin consumption account for 40% of the cost of the disease to

the economy of developing tropical countries (Kenya Maize Development Manual: Dar et al.,

2021). The Kenyan government halted importing maize from Uganda in March 2021 due to

quality issues caused by poor post-harvest treatment procedures (Nishimwe et al., 2021). There

is a need to address the issue of various storage methods as post-harvest principles since many

farmers and households have reported several losses, which are recognized over time as farmers

tend to postpone due to low market prices offered (Mohammed et al.,2022)

As a result, the purpose of this study is to fill a gap by evaluating the impact of various storage

methods on maize quality and family income for different farmers in the Kigumba Sub-County

Kiryandongo District. This study sheds light on storage methods in low-income areas and

contributes to a better understanding of how meteorological variables interact with storage

mechanisms to affect family food insecurity in such places.

1.5 General objective

The study's main objective is to determine the effectiveness of different storage methods

employed by farmers on maize quality and the effects on family food security.

1.5.1 Specific objectives

i. To examine farm households' food security status and their perception of food security

from an eco-health perspective.

ii. To identify the storage methods applied by the different maize farmers

iii. To examine factors influencing their selection and assess quantities of maize that farm

households harvested and stored.

iv. To identify the commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on the

quality of stored maize and household food security.

1.5.2 Research questions
a. What is the farmers’ perspective on food security?

b. What are the different maize storage systems employed by maize farmers?

c. What are the factors influencing their selection and assess quantities of maize that farm

households harvested and stored?

d. What are the commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on household

food security?

Scope of the study

The scope of the study includes the content scope, geographical scope and time scope

1.6.1 Content scope

The study will be carried out to determine the effects of storage methods on the quality of maize

and household food security. A case study of Kigumba sub-county, Kiryandongo district.

1.6.2 Geographical scope

Kigumba is a town in Kiryandongo District, northwestern Uganda. It is one of the urban centers

in the district. Kigumba lies at the location where the highway from Kampala to Gulu through

Kibangya and Rwekunye, joins the highway from Masindi to Gulu. The other urban centres in

Kiryandongo District include: a) Karuma b) Kiryandongo (c) Bweyale and (d) Masindi Port

(Kaboggoza, J., 2022).

Kigumba is located approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi), by road, northeast of Masindi (pop.

45,400 in 2011), the largest city in the sub-region (Fredrick. K, 2011). This location lies

approximately 221 kilometres (137 mi), by road, northwest of Kampala, the capital and largest

city in Uganda. Kigumba lies approximately 8 kilometres (5.0 mi), by road, south of
Kiryandongo, where the district headquarters are located. The coordinates of the town are:01 48

54N, 32 00 36E (Latitude:1.8150; Longitude:32.0100).

1.6.3 Time scope

The survey was conducted between the month of December 2022 and January 2023, because

during this period of time, the farmers were done with harvesting their maize thus the researcher

believes that this was the best time for the study to be conducted since they were about to

observe the various methods employed by the farmers.

1.7 Justification of the study.

Storage pests such as maize weevils, which cause economic losses, as well as insect pests,

mildew, and rodents, all have an impact on maize output (Arrahman et al., 2021). The attack of

storage pests on stored maize has resulted in the loss of millions of tonnes of stored corn due to

insect infestations and rodent and mold attacks (Saenong and Arrahman 2017). As a result of

these findings, farmers will have information on how to improve their management practices to

reduce grain losses at the household level. Other organizations, such as development partners,

will learn about progress toward attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),

particularly in the areas of hunger and poverty reduction/eradication, through the implementation

of enhanced post-harvest grain management technology.

1.8 Significance of the Study

1.9 Conceptual framework

The study's goal is to determine the effectiveness of different farmer storage methods on maize

quality and the effects on family food security. Food security and technological adoption are the

independent variables. Farmers' income levels, awareness of storage systems, and level of

engagement are the dependent variables, while their level of participation is the intervening

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework
Independent variables dependent variables

 Post-harvest losses
 Food availability
 Levels of income
 Food accessibility
 Post-harvest methods  Awareness of the post-harvest
 Technology adoption handling methods.
 Storage pests
 Productivity

Intervening variables

 Level of participation
 Unpredictable weather patterns

 Risks
1.9 Definition of Key Terms
Food security

Food security is the measure of an individual's ability to access food that is nutritious and

sufficient in quantity and quality. Some definitions of food security specify that food must also

meet an individual's food preferences and dietary needs for active and healthy lifestyles

(Pinstrup-Andersen, P., 2009).

Food accessibility

Food access is defined by USAID as when individuals have adequate incomes or other resources

to purchase or barter to obtain levels of appropriate foods needed to maintain consumption of an

adequate diet/nutrition level (Atteh, A.P., 2021)

Post-harvest systems

Refers to those activities encompassing the delivery of a crop from the time and place of harvest

to the time and place of consumption, with a minimum loss, maximum efficiency, and maximum

return for all involved (Lammerts and Struik, P.C., 2017)

1.10 Conclusion
Chapter one provided background to the study. It helped to define the objectives of the study,

defined the research questions, the scope, significance and justification of the study are provided

and these act as a basis for the next chapter that’s literature review which included research

variables/concepts Theoretical Framework. The next will presents literature review and other

theoretical review from other scholars.



2.0 Introduction.

This chapter will discuss the various literature related of different storage methods employed by

farmers on maize quality and the effects on family food security. It will also identify gaps left by

other researchers of similar studies. However, this study will attempt to fill those gaps so that the

write-up can contribute to a new body of knowledge in the academic world.

2.1 Food security.

Household food security is an important issue in Uganda, given its high dependence on

agriculture and vulnerability to climate change and other factors. While I don't have access to the

latest research articles and publications beyond my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I can

provide you with an overview of some key literature on household food security in Uganda.

Please note that you may need to conduct additional searches or consult recent academic

databases to find the most up-to-date research (Adem et al., 2018).

Achieving food security at both household and national levels is anchored in the Sustainable

Development Goals. SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms; SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food

security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture; and SDG 12: Ensure

sustainable consumption and production patterns. However, sustainable food security, especially

at the household level, remains the greatest challenge facing most developing countries (Henry,
P., 2021.). Various factors such as climate change, poor household organization of agronomic

activities, and poor on and out-of-farm management practices influenced by households‟ social

behavior are cited to exacerbate food insecurity (Adem et al., 2018).

Food security has been one of the top priorities and challenges for human societies, particularly

for developing countries like Uganda (Liu et al. 2014). This is why in 1948 the United Nations

(UN) recognized the right to food in its Declaration on Human Rights (FAO, 2006). According

to FAO (2006), food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic

access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences

for an active and healthy life. FAO (2009) identified four pillars of food security availability,

access, utilization, and stability. Food insecurity, on the other hand, is a situation of limited or

uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to

acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (Bickel et al. 2006).

Household food security exists when all members, at all times, have access to enough food for an

active healthy life (USDA, 2008), though this has not been the case in many households which

are faced with famine and hunger. Progress by both developed and developing countries has

been made in achieving food security, yet an acceptably large number of people still access

inadequate food they need for active and healthy life (FAO, WFP & IFAD, 2013). For example,

current estimates indicate that about 845 million people in the world were undernourished in

2014–2016. Undernourishment is experienced because most of the food produced is lost and/or

wasted (FAO, 2016).

Globally, quantitative food loss and waste have been major problems. Each year, there have been

losses in food and waste on various crops. For instance, 30% of food loss and waste has been on

cereals, 40-50% on root crops and fruit and vegetables, 20% on oil seeds, meat and dairy, and

30% on fish (Tatlidil et al. 2013). Despite emphasis by various studies on achieving food
security, African food production, supply, and consumption systems are not yet functioning to

optimal efficiency to reduce food loss and waste along the food production chain (Negatu &

Musahara, 2016). Most countries in particular Sub-Saharan Africa are faced with limited land,

inadequate inputs, scarce water, and increased weather variability, pre-harvest, and post-harvest

food losses, impeding the achievement of sustainable food security for the growing population

(FAO, 2011). Food losses in sub-Saharan Africa alone exceed 30% of total crop production and

represent more than US$4 billion in value every year (World Bank, 2011).

Fighting food deficiency in a rapidly changing world has been the goal of both developed and

developing countries, especially through reducing food loss and waste. The Global Hunger Index

Report (2012) observes that among the world’s regions, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

continue to have the highest reported levels of hunger, resulting from poor household food

resource handling procedures (Dietz, 2013). This represents acute suffering for millions of poor

populations in the two sub-continents (Beckel et al. 2000). However, the developed and

developing countries have remained heedful in the way they obtain and share information that is

paramount for designing and implementing food security strategies (Mabwabo, 2015), and the

focus being on agronomic practices, with little attention on other phases of food production and

people‟s socio-cultural behavior, which according to this study may partly influence household

food security.

Sub-Saharan Africa in particular, is the only region of the world that is experiencing extreme

chronic food insecurity (Devereux & Maxwell, 2001; Rukuni, 2002). Most of poor rural

population (86%) in the region depend on agriculture for their livelihoods in one way or another

and most of them are small scale farmers (World Bank, 2007). In light of this there are

similarities in the densely populated countries such as Rwanda and Ethiopia (Jayne et al. 2003).

Among the majority of people residing in rural areas, land scarcity continues to be a problem
which has negatively affected subsistence farming (FAO, 2010). While secure access to

productive land is critical for the livelihoods of millions of poor people living in rural areas,

current trends and patterns suggest that access to this key resource in these countries including

Uganda, has been declining due to growing demographic pressure, worsening land degradation

and land alienation (Cotula et al. 2004; Jayne et al. 2010). In their historical and contemporary

studies of famine and hunger, Sen (1981) and Dreze and Sen (1989) argue that resourceful

households rarely go hungry despite aggregate food shortages and that the poor are often hungry

even when the food supply is plentiful.

Economic growth may improve aggregate food supply, but because of unequal control of

economic resources and improper household food-resource handling procedures, households

continue experiencing food security problems, resulting from food loss and waste (WHO, 2013).

This study understands that food security implies the fulfillment of essential food needs of the

population of a country throughout the year. This requires an increase in food production relative

to the country’s population, improvement in per capita food supplies as well as controlled and

stable food prices with a reduction of food losses and waste. In the next section, the researcher

reviews various literature materials to ascertain the food security situation in Uganda.

2.2 Importance of storage facilities on Food security.

Storage facilities not only offer the opportunity to smooth hunger between staple crop harvests,

but farmers are possibly able to improve farm incomes by storing crops and selling at premium

prices when demand outstrips supply later in the post-harvest period (Florkowski & Xi-Ling,

1990: Sinyolo, S., 2022). As quality is an important determinant of crop retail prices effective

storage is crucial to improve agricultural incomes and food security for small-scale farmers. Crop

storage efficiency depends on storage length, losses during storage (including quality

deterioration), and storage volume. Losses are largely due to disease, pests, and oxidative
damage (Grote et al., 2021). Therefore, air-tight storage is important (Lindbland & Druben 1980:

Behamada, N., 2022). For storage to be effective, crop losses must be minimized (Takavarasha

& Rukovo, 1989:63-72: Thamaga-Chitja et al., 2004). The widespread and continued use of

traditional storage practices by South Africa’s small-scale and subsistence farmers despite

considerable losses warrants investigation with respect to improved storage and finding

appropriate, efficient, and inexpensive post-harvest technologies for small-scale farmers.

Storage facilities play a crucial role in ensuring food security by preserving and protecting

agricultural produce from spoilage, pests, and other factors that can lead to significant losses.

While there may not be specific literature available post-September 2021, I can provide you with

some general insights and references from the pre-September 2021 period that discuss the

importance of storage facilities in relation to food security (FAO, 2010).

Storage facilities play a crucial role in promoting food security in Africa. Africa is a continent

with diverse agro-ecological zones and significant variations in climatic conditions. As a result,

agricultural production is often subject to seasonal variations and vulnerable to crop losses due to

pests, diseases, and natural disasters. Efficient storage facilities help mitigate these challenges

and contribute to food security in the following ways:

Reducing post-harvest losses: post-harvest losses are a significant problem in Africa, with

estimates ranging from 20% to 50% of total food production. Inadequate storage facilities, such

as traditional granaries and open-air storage, expose crops to pests, rodents, and adverse weather

conditions, leading to spoilage and loss. Modern storage facilities, such as warehouses, silos, and

cold storage units, provide a controlled environment, protecting crops from damage and

extending their shelf life (Jayne et al. 2003).

Preservation of quality and nutritional value: Proper storage facilities help maintain the quality

and nutritional value of harvested crops. They protect against moisture, humidity, temperature

fluctuations, and pests that can degrade the quality of food over time. By preserving the

nutritional content of crops, storage facilities contribute to ensuring that the food available is safe

and nutritious for consumption (Rosgrant et al. (2013).

Facilitating market access and trade: Storage facilities enable farmers to store their produce

beyond the harvesting season, allowing them to access markets when prices are favorable. By

providing a buffer against seasonal fluctuations in supply and demand, storage facilities help

stabilize prices and promote agricultural trade. This encourages farmers to increase production

and invest in better farming practices, thereby enhancing food security (Baributsa et al., 2020).

Supporting value addition and agro-processing: Adequate storage facilities are crucial for value

addition and agro-processing activities. They enable farmers and food processors to store raw

materials and agricultural commodities for longer periods, facilitating the production of

processed and value-added products. Value addition enhances the marketability and profitability

of agricultural produce, while also creating employment opportunities along the agricultural

value chain (Odhiambo, 2012).

Buffer against food emergencies: Storage facilities serve as a buffer during food emergencies,

such as droughts, floods, or conflicts. In times of crisis, stored food can be distributed to affected

populations, ensuring access to food even when agricultural production is severely affected. This

helps prevent food shortages, malnutrition, and famines, contributing to overall food security in

the region (ASDS, 2010-2020).

To maximize the impact of storage facilities on promoting food security in Africa, it is essential

to invest in infrastructure development, capacity building for farmers and food handlers, and the
adoption of modern technologies for storage and preservation. Additionally, policies and

programs that encourage the establishment of storage facilities, improve market linkages, and

promote value addition can further strengthen the role of storage in achieving food security goals

in Africa (DRA, 2014).

2.3 Agricultural production and food security.

Over the past three decades, Uganda has brought back agriculture to the top of the development

agenda (AGRA, 2016), by investing an increased proportion of its budget from a growing

national revenue base. The Vision 2030 for instance, has linked well with Sustainable

Development Goals such as Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms; Goal 2: End hunger, achieve

food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture; and Goal 12: ensure

sustainable consumption and production patterns. All these recognize the significance of

agriculture to its goal of achieving an average GDP growth rate of 10% per year up to the year


Uganda’s Agricultural Sector Development Strategy operationalizes Vision 2040 by focusing on

transforming smallholder agriculture from low-productivity subsistence activities to more

innovative, agri-business-oriented agriculture (ASDS, 2010-2020). Regarding adaptation to

climate change, ASDS prioritizes investments in weather information systems, research on

drought-tolerant crop varieties, soil and water conservation, water harvesting, and strengthening

integrated pest management systems. However, despite this focus, there has been a glimpse of

success, as the agricultural sector is largely a fragile success dependent on decisive government

support and consistency of investment (Odhiambo, 2012). Due to this, a third of Uganda’s

population is estimated to be food and nutrition insecure, while over 10 million people suffer

from chronic food insecurity and poor nutrition; with between two and four million people

requiring emergency food assistance at any given time (MoA, 2015). Nearly 30% of the
country‟s children are classified as undernourished, with micronutrient deficiencies widespread

(GoK, 2010).

According to Rosgrant et al. (2013), food loss and waste is a result are improper postharvest

handling, lack of appropriate infrastructure and poor food-resource household management

techniques. The study focused on this case. From the 1960s, the production of most basic food

crops did not keep pace with population growth and the basic crops, which such as potatoes,

sweet potatoes, rice and beans, performed well in the increase area increased eased in yield

(DRA, 2014). In 1961, Kenya could feed her population of 8.4 million at more than 10% of

world health organization requirements based on the fact below food contributed 75% of the

dietary energy.

2.4 Maize storage facilities.

Maize is a major staple food crop in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Significant crop

losses can occur during postharvest handling and storage. Maize postharvest losses vary

significantly by crop, stage in the value chain, and geography but may reach up to 20% or higher

(Costa, S.J. 2014). Losses are primarily caused by feeding associated with a population growth

of pests (particularly insects, rodents, etc.) and the presence of mycotoxins (Tubbs et al., 2016).

To deal with postharvest losses during storage, farmers employ a variety of measures including

traditional methods, applying chemicals, or selling their grain soon after harvest. Many of the

storage methods used by farmers have challenges. These include limited access and cost-

effectiveness, lack of scalability, and in some cases, they are not adapted to local situations.

Selling grain right after harvest results in loss of potential income and food insecurity at the

household level. Some smallholder farmers sell most of their grain due to households’ needs for

cash after harvest (Kadjo et al., 2018), resulting in food insecurity in subsequent months. Often,

grain prices significantly increase (e.g., may double) from harvest to lean season (Baributsa et
al., 2020). Hence, storing grain provides an opportunity to be food secure but also allows farmers

to tap into better grain prices.

In Africa, the poor status of small-scale farmers leads them to select storage methods that are

cheap to construct regardless of their inadequacy, consequently, most of the grain losses occur

during storage (Obetta and Daniel, 2007). This necessitates the improvement of storage

technologies. Factors that usually affect the farmers’ choice of storage methods include the cost

of building and running the storage method, availability of the materials and expertise for

building the storage facility, climatic conditions of the area, and the types of pest problems in the

area (FAO, 1985). Other factors include the amounts of crops that are to be stored and the

expected quality of the stored crops (FAO, 1985). Several storage technologies that small-scale

farmers commonly use in Africa are reviewed as below;

Sack storage

Storage sacks are made of different materials such as sisal natural fibers such as jute and

synthetic fibers, and they can store up to 100 kg of grain each (Lindblad and Druben, 1976). To

prevent the storage sacks from absorbing moisture from the floor, the sacks need to be stacked

on platforms raised off the floor, with space between them to allow air to flow under the sacks

and between them. This cools the stored crops from the heat that results from the respiration of

the grain. Regular inspection of crops stored in sacks is necessary for keeping the grains safe

from attacks by pests (De Groote, 2004). The weakness of sack storage is that sacks do not last

long (FAO, 1994). New storage sacks are likely to be needed after every harvest, which makes

this storage method expensive. Sack storage methods require that the storage sacks be treated

with pesticides prior to storage to reduce the chances of infestation (FAO, 1994: Jones et al.,

The advantage of sack storage is that it provides the farmer with ease of access to the stored

crops because the farmer can choose to store the grain-filled sacks at any convenient place in the

home. However, sacks can be easily damaged by rodents, which would expose the stored maize

to rodent infestations (Ng’ang’a, J.K., 2016). Lastly, although sack the storage method is

commended for having the capacity to keep stored grain cool, the extent to which the sack

storage method is efficient for protecting maize from moisture content problems, especially in

humid places, has not been given adequate attention. It was hypothesized that because storage

sacks allow aeration to take place, they can easily allow moisture to enter, which can lead to

moisture content problems and the development of fungi in the stored grain, especially in humid

places (Lopes, and Neto, 2019.)

Storage cribs

Storage cribs can offer stored crops for up to six months of storage, they can last more than a

year and the number of crops that they can store would depend on the size of the crib (Anthony

et al., 2019). The advantage of storage cribs is that maize stored in them continues to dry through

ventilation due to the manner in which the cribs are built. However, the rate at which maize dries

in a crib depends upon the force at which air currents pass through the maize cobs, and this is

influenced by the width of a crib (Davies, J.C., 1960: Stathers et al., 2013). Thus, maize would

dry faster in a cribs 60 cm wide crib than it would in a crib that is wider than 60 cm (FAO,

1987). Placing the longer side of the crib in line with the orientation of the prevailing wind has

also been found to be helpful in allowing as much air current as possible to be blown into the

maize cobs in the crib (FAO, 1987: Ng’ang’a, J.K., 2016). Thus, purposeful designing and

positioning of cribs may be helpful in maize drying. However, it has also been noted that it takes

eight to ten days to bring maize in a crib to the right moisture content during the dry season, and

80 days during the wet season (FAO, 1980). Generally, maize with 30 % moisture content at
harvest can take about six weeks to be appropriately dried in a crib (Shepherd, 2010). The length

of time that it takes for maize in storage cribs to dry is a lot longer than the time recommended

by Semple et al., 1989 and Reed et al., 2007) for drying maize that is not dry enough for storage

at harvest. As a result, the development of molds and insect pests on maize stored in cribs in

humid areas is likely to occur. Thus, cribs may not be suitable for use in areas characterized by

prolonged seasons of rainfall, coolness, and high humidity because they would create conditions

that are favorable for the growth of pests (Suleiman et al., 2013). Storage cribs can be metallic or

non-metallic. Walls and floors of non-metallic cribs are made using wood and mud, while roofs

are thatched. Rodents can easily make holes through them, while moisture can also penetrate into

the cribs and cause moisture content problems in the stored grain (Mboya, R.M., 2020). As

opposed to non-metallic cribs, metallic ones are made using materials that rodents cannot make

holes through such as iron or aluminum sheets, and they can be rodent proofed by fitting into

them structures that prevent rodents from getting into the cribs.

Airtight storage methods

Lindblad and Druben (1976) classified the use of different types of silos and other storage

methods such as the use of plastic bags that restrict the entrance of air into stored maize grain

under ‘airtight storage methods. With airtight storage methods grains are stored in metallic,

plastic, concrete, or earthenware containers that prevent air from getting into the crops (FAO,

2010). Maize is poured into the containers through an opening on the top part of each container,

followed by sealing the opening (Kitinoja et al., 2018). This eventually stops the respiration of

the stored crops and organisms in them if any, leading to death of the organisms. With the

exception of airtight plastic bags, maize from the airtight storage containers is accessed through a

small opening that can be closed tightly after every use. For effective storage, containers must
not have cracks or holes, and they must be filled to the top to keep air out of the containers

(Williams et al., 2017).

Roof storage

In most cases, farm households hang maize cobs on beams below the roof of the kitchen so that

smoke and heat from the fireplace can dry and protect stored maize from insect pests (Masiko,

M., 2018). However, due to the limited size of the area below the roof, farm households can store

relatively small amounts of maize using this type of roof storage method. Furthermore, this type

of storage is mostly used for storing seeds for planting. For prolonged storage, maize cobs are

piled on planks spaced in the roof space of a building. Using roof storage, farmers may store

maize for up to one year. Roof storage provides the farmer with a facility that can last for as long

as the roof lasts, and the farmer can also store as much harvest as possible depending on the size

of the roof (Mobolade et al., 2019). Heat and smoke from the fire are used to keep the stored

crops dry and to protect them from infestations by insects. Nevertheless, maize that has high

moisture content at storage may take a long time to dry in the roof storage facilities since it is

piled up. This may lead to the development of fungi and possible. Roof storage method

mycotoxin contamination of the stored grain.

Bag Storage: In this method, maize is stored in bags made of durable material such as jute or

polypropylene. The bags are usually stacked on pallets or raised platforms to prevent contact

with moisture or pests. Bag storage is commonly used for smaller quantities of maize and is

suitable for short to medium-term storage (Masiko, M., 2018).

Hermetic Storage: Hermetic storage involves using airtight containers, such as metal or plastic

drums, to store maize. The containers are sealed tightly to create a low-oxygen environment that
inhibits the growth of pests and molds. This method is effective for long-term storage and can

help preserve the quality of maize for an extended period (Kitinoja et al., 2018).

Grain Bins: Grain bins are specifically designed storage structures for maize and other grains.

They are usually made of steel and equipped with proper ventilation systems to control

temperature and humidity. Grain bins are commonly used on farms and larger-scale operations to

store large quantities of maize for an extended period (FAO, 2010.

Drying and Aeration: Proper drying of maize is crucial before storage to reduce moisture content

and prevent mold growth. Drying can be done using natural air-drying techniques or mechanical

dryers. Aeration systems are often used in storage facilities to provide airflow and maintain

uniform moisture levels within the stored maize (Williams et al., 2017).

Chemical Treatments: Chemical treatments, such as insecticides and fungicides, can be applied

to maize to protect it from pests and molds during storage. These treatments are typically used in

conjunction with other storage methods to enhance protection. It’s important to note that

regardless of the storage method used, regular monitoring of the maize's condition is essential.

Regular checks for moisture content, temperature, and signs of pests or mold can help identify

and address any issues early on, ensuring the maize remains in good quality during storage

(Ng’ang’a, 2016).

Cold Storage: Cold storage involves storing maize at low temperatures to inhibit the growth of

pests, insects, and molds. This method is commonly used in commercial settings, where large

quantities of maize need to be stored for an extended period. Cold storage facilities typically use

refrigeration or controlled atmosphere systems to maintain the desired temperature and humidity

levels (Williams et al., 2017).

Drying and Mechanical Storage: Before storing maize, it is important to dry it adequately to

reduce moisture content. Drying can be done using various methods, such as sun drying,

mechanical dryers, or a combination of both. Once dried, maize can be stored in mechanical

storage systems like metal bins or warehouses. Mechanical storage provides protection against

pests, rodents, and moisture, and is often used in commercial grain handling and storage facilities

(Ng’ang’a, 2016).

2.5 Different ways of assessing crop storage methods:

There are two main ways of assessing the efficiency of crop storage methods. They include

assessing losses of stored crops and using the matrix to score and rank storage technologies

depending on farmers’ perceptions (FAO, 1994).

Assessing storage losses using the quality of crops

Crop loss by quality can be measured through testing quality changes during storage. This can be

done through several ways which fall into three main methods, namely: observing crop losses by

weight using samples of the crops at intervals over a specific period of time (Golob et al., 2002),

determining levels of contaminations caused by metabolic activities of pests in stored grain and

determining the extent of damage through counting damaged grains. Other methods include

counting the number of insect pests in samples of grain at intervals over a specific period of time

(Derera et al., 2001), or inoculating dilutions made from infested grain on media to determine the

extent of infestation by micro-organisms such as bacteria or molds (Mid-West Seed Services,


Assessing storage losses by determining levels of contamination.

Uric acid is an excretory product produced in larger amounts by animals and in smaller

quantities by other living organisms. The presence of large amounts of uric acid in stored crops
suggest infestation of the crops by animals such as rodents (Majunder, 1982), or insect pests

(Jood and Kapoor, 2003). This method involves the isolation of urine from the stored crops

through chemical combinations with other chemical compounds or through ultraviolet absorption

or by adding arsenophosphotungtic acid and sodium cyanide to a solution obtained from the

sample crops (Majunder, 1982). A solution containing uric acid will develop a blue color when

these chemicals are added to it. The intensity of the blue color determines the concentration of

the uric acid in the tested crops (Majunder, 1982: Mboya, R.M., 2011).

Assessing storage loss using the mass of the crops

Grain loss can also be determined by measuring the weight of crops at the time of storage and

comparing it with their weight after storing them for a specific time (Golob et al., 2002). This

method has also been criticized because the grain weight may include unseen bodies of

microorganism molds or absorbed/reduced moisture, leading to inaccuracy in calculating crop

loss. This method may also provide inaccurate results, especially when applied on farms because

reduced grain weight may be due to the fact that grain is being consumed by the farm household

rather than due to infestations. Other methods include measuring the amount of carbon dioxide

resulting from the respiration of micro-organisms in the stored crops and inspecting kernels for

degradation caused by infestations (Majunder, 1982). These methods can provide a general

picture with respect to whether stored crops are infested or not without being specific regarding

the cause of crop loss and quantification (Kumar and Kalita, 2017)

The scale of maize production plays a significant role in determining the appropriate storage

method. Small-scale farmers may opt for simple storage methods like bags or traditional

granaries, while large-scale commercial operations may require more sophisticated storage

facilities such as silos or warehouses (Ng’ang’a, 2016).

Storage capacity: The quantity of maize to be stored is an essential consideration. Storage

methods should be able to accommodate the projected volume of maize without causing

overcrowding or compromising on ventilation and quality. The capacity of the storage method

should match the expected harvest and storage requirements (Shepherd, 2010).

The intended duration for which maize needs to be stored impacts the choice of storage method.

Short-term storage may involve simpler and less expensive methods, while long-term storage

requires more advanced facilities that can maintain the quality of maize over extended periods,

such as airtight silos or controlled atmosphere storage (Kumar and Kalita, 2017).

Cost and affordability: The cost of implementing a storage method and its affordability for the

farmers or stakeholders involved is a significant factor. Different storage methods have varying

costs associated with construction, maintenance, and operation. The financial resources available

will influence the choice of storage method (Reed, 2002)

The existing infrastructure in the area, including roads, transportation networks, and utilities, can

influence the selection of a maize storage method. Adequate infrastructure is necessary for

efficient transportation of maize to and from the storage facility. Additionally, the availability of

utilities like electricity and water supply can impact the feasibility of certain storage methods

The scale of maize production plays a significant role in determining the appropriate storage

method. Small-scale farmers may opt for simple storage methods like bags or traditional

granaries, while large-scale commercial operations may require more sophisticated storage

facilities such as silos or warehouses (Ng’ang’a, 2016).

The climate and environmental conditions of the storage location play a crucial role.

Temperature, humidity, rainfall patterns, and the prevalence of pests and diseases can affect the

choice of storage method. For example, in areas with high humidity, facilities with good
ventilation and moisture control may be preferred to prevent spoilage and mycotoxin

development (Shepherd, 2010)..

The susceptibility of maize to pests and diseases in the storage environment is an important

consideration. Some storage methods provide better protection against pests, such as airtight

containers or fumigation systems. Integrated pest management strategies may also influence the

selection of a storage method to ensure effective control measures can be implemented

(Shepherd, 2010)..

The maintenance of maize quality and safety is critical. Some storage methods are better suited

for preserving the nutritional value, flavor, and appearance of maize. Proper aeration, moisture

control, and protection against contamination are factors that contribute to the quality and safety

of stored maize (Ng’ang’a, 2016).

The ease of access to the storage facility and convenience of loading and unloading operations

are factors to consider. This includes factors such as proximity to transportation routes,

availability of labor, and ease of handling. Storage methods that facilitate efficient loading,

unloading, and retrieval of maize are often preferred (Mboya, 2011).

Compliance with local regulations and quality standards is essential when selecting a maize

storage method. Regulatory requirements may dictate specific construction standards, hygiene

practices, or safety protocols that need to be followed. Adhering to these regulations ensures

compliance, mitigates risks, and maintains the credibility of the stored maize (Kumar and Kalita,


By considering these factors, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding the selection

of an appropriate maize storage method that suits their specific needs, resources, and

environmental conditions (Mboya, 2011)..

Maize needs to be stored in facilities with proper moisture control. High moisture levels can lead

to mold growth, spoilage, and the development of mycotoxins, which can be harmful to human

and animal health. Therefore, storage facilities should have effective ventilation and humidity

control mechanisms (Kumar and Kalita, 2017).

Maize should be stored in facilities with controlled temperatures. High temperatures can

accelerate the growth of pests and microorganisms, leading to spoilage. On the other hand, very

low temperatures can cause moisture condensation, which can also result in spoilage.

Maintaining an optimal temperature range is crucial for preserving the quality of maize (Kumar

and Kalita, 2017).

Maize is susceptible to attacks by pests such as weevils, beetles, and rodents. Storage facilities

should have measures in place to prevent and control infestations. This may include regular

cleaning, fumigation, the use of insecticides or traps, and proper sealing of storage containers

(Mboya, 2011).

The type of storage containers used can greatly impact maize storage. Common options include

bins, silos, bags, or warehouses. Factors to consider when choosing containers include their

capacity, durability, airtightness, ease of loading and unloading, and protection against pests and

moisture ( Golob et al., 2002).

Proper handling and transportation practices are essential to avoid damage and contamination

during the transfer of maize from the field to the storage facility. Care should be taken to prevent

physical damage, exposure to excessive moisture, and contamination by pests, chemicals, or

foreign matter (Kumar and Kalita, 2017).

Regular quality assessments and monitoring of stored maize are crucial to detect any signs of

spoilage, pests, or mold growth. This can be done through visual inspection, sampling, and

laboratory testing. Early detection allows for timely intervention and mitigation measures (Golob

et al., 2002).

The infrastructure and location of the storage facility are important considerations. The facility

should be well-built, structurally sound, and designed to prevent water seepage, pest entry, and

damage from external factors such as floods or strong winds. The location should also be easily

accessible for transportation and have appropriate facilities for loading and unloading (Kumar

and Kalita, 2017).

The length of time maize needs to be stored will influence the choice of storage facility and

management practices. Short-term storage may require different considerations than long-term

storage. Facilities designed for long-term storage should have additional features to maintain

maize quality over extended periods.

Compliance with relevant regulations and safety standards is crucial for maize storage facilities.

These regulations may cover aspects such as structural integrity, hygiene, fire safety, and

occupational health and safety. Adhering to these standards ensures the well-being of workers,

the integrity of the stored maize, and compliance with legal requirements (Shepherd, 2010).

2.6 Conclusion.

A large number of different storage methods employed by farmers on maize quality studies some

that the researcher has discussed above, have shown that farmers optimize family stores with

reference to keeping their maize. Food security and technological adoption are the independent

variables. Farmers' income levels, awareness of storage systems, and level of engagement are the

dependent variables, while their level of participation is the intervening variable.



3.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the research methodologies which the researcher used to collect, analyze

and interpret data. This chapter includes the research design, study area. Study population,

sample size, sampling techniques, data sources, data collection instruments, quality control,

measurement of variables, data analysis and presentation of results, ethical issues and study


3.1 Research design

Research design provides the bond that holds the research project together. It attributes the kind

of data collected; the nature and pattern the research will follow. Kothari (2003) defines a
research design as the conceptual structure within which the research is conducted. The study

will employ a cross-sectional sectional research design as the logical structure of inquiry. This

will help the researcher to gather as much about the effect of storage methods on maize quality

and household food security. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviewing techniques,

direct observation, and a review of the pertinent literature regarding knowledge, attitudes, and

practices regarding value addition in cassava processing. Cross-sectional will be used because

this approach provides depth and detail by looking deeper than analyzing ranks and counts by

recording attitudes, feelings and behaviors, and more so it creates openness by encouraging

people to expand on their responses.

3.2 Description of the study area

The study was conducted from Kigumba sub-county, which is a town in Kiryandongo District,

north-western Uganda. It is one of the urban centres in the district. The other urban centres in

Kiryandongo District include: (a) Karuma b) Kiryandongo (c) Bweyale and (d) Masindi Port.

Kigumba is located approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi), by road, northeast of Masindi (pop.

110,500 in 2020), the nearest large city. This location lies approximately 200 kilometres (124

mi), by road, north-northwest of Kampala, the capital and largest city in Uganda. Kigumba lies

approximately 10 kilometres (6 mi), by road, south of Kiryandongo, where the district

headquarters are located. The coordinates of the town are:01 48 54N, 32 00 36E

(Latitude:1.8150; Longitude:32.0100).

According to the Uganda National Bureau of Statistics, the census in 2002 enumerated the

population at 8,439 people. In 2014, the national population census and household survey put the

population of Kigumba at 18,625. In July 2020, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics estimated the

midyear population of the town at 22,000. The population agency calculated that the population

of the town had increased at an average annual rate of 2.98 percent, between 2014 and 2020.
Many women in the town engage in such activities as farming mainly maize production, roadside

groceries, market vending, restaurants, hair care, and health care clinics. Men are mainly

engaged in wholesale and retail merchandising, taxi driving, and Boda Boda (motorcycle and

bicycle) for-hire transportation. Increasingly, residents of Kigumba Town are employed in

salaried and non-salaried positions at the district headquarters in Bweyale.

Figure 1 : A map showing the location of Kigumba Sub- County.

3.3 Study population

A population is the complete collection (or universal) of all the elements (units) that are of

interest in a particular investigation Amin (2005). Population refers to the group of individuals

that have one or more characteristics in common that are of interest to the researcher, therefore

the population of the study was comprised of Local farmers, district leaders, and the youth
involved directly and indirectly in agriculture. The categories represent the various core staff of

rural farmers.

3.4 Sample size and Sampling procedure

The study employed a simple random selection of respondents where all respondents had an

equal chance of being selected. The technique will be employed because it ensures the selection

of respondents without bias. Purposive sampling was used to select key informants including

District Agriculture Officers on the targeted community and district extension officers. The

sampling population of the study included private companies but due to limited time, the sample

frame contained 545 respondents from five selected parishes within Kigumba Sub-County,

Kiryandongo district. The sample size of 160 respondents was obtained by using the formula

developed by Yamane in 1967 the number was chosen because reflected the limit of budget and

the time to distribute questionnaires to all teachers from the study area.

Sample size formula

n = N

(1+ Ne²)

Where; ‘n’ = sample size,

‘N’ = population sample and,

‘e’ = Margin of error (0.1).

N = 545 people.


n = 545 / (1+240x0.12):

Total sample size (n) ≈ 160.

Then, 160 samples were analyzed.

3.5 Types and Sources of data

3.5.1 Types of data

The study gathered quantitative and qualitative data from the study area where, quantitative data

was collected by using questionnaires prepared by the researcher to collect information. These

will include, gender, age, marital status, education level, working experience, and others. Also,

the study gathered qualitative data like the effect of storage methods on maize quality and

household food security year in the study area.

3.5.2 Sources of Data.

The study employed primary and secondary sources of data to collect information from the study

area in Kigumba Sub- County.

3.5.3 Primary data.

The primary data was collected direct from the respondents, through the use of questionnaires

and interviews. The primary data for the study involved various factors like examining how farm

households' food security status and their perception of food security from an eco-health

perspective, identifying different maize storage systems, and researching the associated storage

challenges, with a focus on pest infestation of stored maize and subsequent losses, as well as the

implications for farm households' food security and determining the low-cost storage solutions

that are employed by farmers to alleviate food insecurity.

3.5.4 Secondary data

Secondary data was collected from different sources including schools’ documents, files, and

reports relating to food security and maize storage systems journals, research reports, books,
internet surfing, and other relevant materials from different areas concerning maize storage and

food security. The data collected will enable the researcher to examine how farm households'

food security status and their perception of food security from an eco-health perspective but also

proved the validity of data that will be obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The

collected data was then analyzed by the use of SPSS for data interpretation.

3.6 Methods of Data Collection

The study employed interviews, Survey questionnaire, and documentary review methods during

data collection in the study area.

3.6.1 Interview

An interview guide refers to a checklist of open-ended questions meant to guide the interviewer

during face-to-face conservations with the interviewee(s). In this particular study, the researcher

will conduct interviews with key informants consisting of the local farmers, extension workers,

and local government staff in the study areas. These respondents will be interviewed because the

researcher believed that they have adequate information. Interviews are considered advantageous

in this study because they are ideal for gaining insight and context into a topic by allowing the

respondent to freely express their views in detail.

The study used unstructured interviews to collect information from the key informants. There

was the involvement of the District Agriculture officers, Extension officers, private agriculture

companies, and sub-county leaders so as to ensure the collection of concrete information from

the key informants. This provided the researcher with the opportunity to probe beyond the given

answers for additional information or clarify concepts. The data to be collected include,

Awareness of post-harvest handling methods, storage pests, and productivity. This method will
be used because it helps to collect concrete data from the key informants but also helps the

collection of fresh and new primary information which is needed.

3.6.2 Questionnaire

Questionnaires were used to gather information from respondents in the study area. The type of

questionnaires involved includes both sets of closed and open-ended questions. Self-

administered questionnaires were used and the researcher will distribute the questionnaires to

selected respondents to fill the questionnaires given for the purpose of data collection on

evaluating the effect of storage methods on maize quality and household food security.

The data collected include examining how farm households' food security status and their

perception of food security from an eco-health. This method will be used because it helps the

researcher to gather information from various respondents within a short time from the study


3.6.3 Questionnaire return rate

Questionnaire return is the proportion of the questionnaires returned after they have been issued

to the respondents. In this study questionnaires administered were with 545 questionnaires and

the researcher ensured that they are all returned. The reason for 100% was achieved in the

following way, the researcher administered them personally to the respondents, waited for them

to fill, and then they were handed back to him.

3.7 Quality Data Control

3.7.1 Reliability

The reliability of a measure is an indication of the stability and consistency with which the

instrument measures the concept and helps to assess the goodness of a measure (Sekaran and
Bougie, 2010). The study will administer one type of questionnaire to respondents and Cronbach

alpha will be applied to measure the reliability of the data. As proposed by George and Mallery

(2013), the study will be reliable if a Cronbach`s Alpha scale of 0.7 and above is obtained. In this

study, the Cronbach Alpha value of 0.91 was obtained, implying the tool suitable for evaluating

the effect of storage methods on maize quality and household food security. The researcher had a

checklist of the questions when making personal interviews with respondents so as to achieve

data consistency and completeness.

3.7.2 Validity

Validity refers to the issue of whether an indicator (or set of indicators) that is devised to gauge a

concept really measures the concept (Bryman, 2008). After the questions is being designed, they

will be pretested to respondents in the sample. This will help the researcher to identify

ambiguous questions in the instruments and then to be able to realign them with the objectives.

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation

3.8.1 Quantitative Analysis

Raw data generated by questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively. Once raw is obtained, the

researcher cross-checked the responses to establish the correctness and completeness of the

questionnaire. Thereafter, responses were coded and then entered into a computer application

known as the statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) for Windows version 16.0. The

purpose was to obtain descriptive statistical results. The findings were then be presented in

tables, pie charts, and graphs showing the frequencies and percentages generated.

3.8.2 Qualitative Analysis

Raw data collected by the use of interviews were then analyzed qualitatively using content

analysis. The researcher categorized responses by extracting themes and then grouping them
thematically. Once the meaningfulness of responses was achieved then the outstanding responses

thematically categorized were then used as quotations to supplement quantitative findings.

3.9 Ethical considerations

According to Onen and Yuko (2008), the issue of ethics is very important in research. A

researcher describes how he or she ensures that ethical requirements are upheld in the study.

According to Shamoo and Resnick (2009), ethics in research involves honesty, objectivity,

integrity, carefulness, openness, respect for intellectual property, confidentiality, responsible

publication, responsible monitoring, respect for colleagues, non-discrimination, legality, and

human subject protection.

The researcher is aware of the boundaries regarding the approach to the different respondents to

sample and interview. Before the collection of data starts, the researcher will seek permission

from the appropriate authorities to collect the data. First, the researcher obtained a letter from

Uganda Martyrs University (faculty of Agriculture), and then presented the letter of introduction

to the various departments seeking recommendations to collect data.

3.10 Limitations of the study

I encountered a challenge of reluctance from respondents, as regards to their cooperation when

filling the questionnaire. This was because some farmers felt insecure to release information

about the farm’s strengths and weaknesses due to fear of being exposed. The researcher resolved

this by acquiring an introduction letter from the faculty Dean of Agriculture to present to the case

study in order to gain more trust and confidence from the respondents and also the introduction

letter from the local leaders.




This chapter presents the research analysis, interpretations, findings, and discussions of the

findings on demographic characteristics of respondents, storage methods, and factors influencing

their selection and assesses quantities of maize that farm households harvested and stored. The

data targeted a sample of 160 respondents of which these were well filled in and returned which

made a response rate of 100%.

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

This section looked at the sex, age, education level, marital status, and agribusiness group to

which the respondent belongs. According to the study findings on the demographics

characteristics towards the effect of storage methods on maize quality and household food

security a study case of Kigumba sub-county in Kiryandongo district (table 2).

4.1.1 Sex of the respondents

Figure 4.1: Sex of the respondents

Sex of the respondents



Male Female

Source: Field data 2023

From figure 4.1, It was found that most of the participants were male 58.8 percent while 41.2

percent were female. The findings, it implied that both sexes were willing to participate in giving

information about the study. The distribution did not affect the results of the study after all males

and females were equally involved in the maize production in the Kigumba Subcounty –

Kiryandongo district.
4.1.2 Marital status of the respondents

Figure 4.2: Marital status of the respondents

Marital status of the respondents










Single Married cohabiting separate

Marital status of the respondents

Source: Field data 2023

Since marital status has a significant implication on the nature of farming and access to

agricultural assets, especially in rural communities. It was found that 41.2 percent of the

respondents were single, 35.0 percent were cohabiting, and 15.0 percent were officially married

while 8.8 percent were separated and 0% were widows or widowers. In farming, household size

determines land productivity and food security and so, it was considered to generate varying

views regarding agribusiness production depending on their needs.

4.1.3 Age of respondents

Table 4.1: Age of respondents

Age of respondents Frequency Percentage

15-19 20 12.5
20-24 24 15

25-19 25 15

30-34 50 31.25

Above 35 10 26.25

Total 100

Source: Field Data, 2023

In addition to the study findings, of the total participants, 31.25 percent were aged between 30-

34 years, and this was the highest age of the respondents. Those between 20- 24 and 25-29 years

contributed 25%. Those aged between, 15-19 were only 12.5% and the those above 35 with

26.25. This indicates that a productive age was dominantly involved in agribusiness production

in the Kigumba Subcounty - Kiryandongo district. This age distribution in agricultural

participation reveals that the more energetic and flexible youths are entering the agricultural


4.1.4: Level of Education

Table 4.2: Level of Education

Level of Education Frequency Percentage

Primary level 40 25.0

Secondary level 62 38.8

Bachelor’s degree 52 32.5

Master’s levels 6 3.7

Total 160 100

Source: Field Data, 2023

Results in table 4.2 further indicate that 38.8 percent had attained and dropped out from the

primary level followed by those who had dropped out from secondary 32.5 percent, followed by

those at the tertiary level at 16.2% and the least was for those who had never attained any form

of education at only 12.5%. This implied that the type of farmers that are involved in agricultural

production had at least attained a certain level of education (secondary) meaning that these are

able to adopt and practice agribusiness production and change their standards of living.

4.1.5: Agri-business group

Figure 4.3: Agri-business group

Agribusiness group





Farmer group SACCO Area cooperative Others

Source: Field data 2023

From figure 4.3, majority of the respondents belonged to the SACCOs contributing 40% of the

entire sample. This was followed by those in the farmers’ group contributing 30%, those in the

area cooperative contributed 16% and the rest of the groups contributed 16.20. This implies that
most of the farmers operate under SACCOs which is basically good as it is is easy to educate and

unite them.

4.1.6: Household Size

Figure 4.4: Household Size

Household Size


30.00% 29%


20.00% 18%
15.00% 14%



Below 5 5–8 12+ 9 to 12

Household Size

Source: Field data 2023

From figure 4.4, Majority of the families had 9 to 12 members contributing 40% of the entire

sample, those with 12 and above members contributed 28.8% of the sample, 18% had 5-8

members and the those with less than 5 members contributed 13.80%. This implies that most of

the families had enough labour.

4.2 Identify the storage methods, and factors influencing their selection and assess

quantities of maize that farm households harvested and stored.

4.2.1 Major Agricultural Activity

Figure 4.5: Major Agricultural Activity

Major Agricultural activity




Crop husbandry Anima husbandy Both

Source: Field data 2023

From figure 4.5, the findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents practiced

crop husbandry, contributing 70% of the sample, 20% were doing animal husbandry and 10% of

the respondents were doing both. This implies that most of the respondents had relevant

knowledge about the variables of the study.

4.2.2 Maize Storage Methods and Quantities of stored maize

Figure 4.6: Bar chart showing maize storage method

Maize storage method

crib 9.60%

structure store 5.30%

House 14.40%

Improved 30.20%

unimproved 40.40%

0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%method

Maize storage 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00%

Source: Field data 2023

The findings indicated that the two most popular storage locations utilized by households were

the unimproved granaries (40.4%). Those that used the improved granaries were only 30.2% and

these were those that produce maize in large quantities. 14.4 % of the farmers store their maize

within the house where they are staying and 5.3% had structured stored specifically designed for

maize storage and only 9.6% used the maize cribs to store their maize from post-harvest losses.

The primary reason for storing grain inside a house is to minimize risks such as postharvest

losses from predators, pests, and theft (UBOS, 2010b). In Uganda, less than 40% of households

used improved granary structures overall. An improved granary is a storage structure that is

substantially raised off the ground (by about 1 meter or 3.3 feet) and supported by poles fitted

with rodent guards, which sits on concrete blocks and has walls made of mud and wattle and a

top made of reeds covered with grass. An unimproved granary is a structure not substantially
raised off the ground (about 0.3 meters or a foot off the ground), with the structure sitting on

poles or low stones or poles not fitted with rodent guards, with walls made of mud and wattle

and a top made of reeds and covered with grass. The contents of the unimproved granary are

prone to attack by rodents, leading to higher postharvest losses. A lower rate among households

of improved granary usage for storage may be attributed to the higher cost of building them, as

has been found in previous studies (Adegbola, 2010, cited in Affognon et al., 2015).

Farm households in the Kiryandongo district harvested maize between February and March

depending on the time when it was planted. For long-term storage of maize, the farm households

stored maize using either the roof storage method, the sack storage method, or both. Sacks were

mainly made from sisal and synthetic fibers. Maize grains were packed in sacks and sealed

before storing them in a place of the farmer’s choice. Farm households piled maize cobs where

roof storage was used in a designated storage space on the roof of the house.

In accordance with the findings of Mboya et al., (2019), they observed that 52 % of the maize

that the farm households harvested was stored using the roof storage method exclusively, 10 %

was stored using the sack storage method exclusively and 38% was stored using roof storage at

harvest and later shelled and stored using the sack storage method. The time in the year when

maize was shelled and stored using the sack storage method differed from farm household to

farm household. Thus, at some stage, 90 % of the harvested maize was stored using the roof

storage method, while 48 % was stored using the sack storage method. While the farm

households that used the roof storage method stored maize harvests in the roofs for two to 14

months, the farm households that stored maize using the sack storage method stored maize

harvests in the sacks for five to 14 months. Other storage technologies such as storing maize

using clay pots, storage baskets, and the practice of hanging maize cobs in the kitchen were
found to be only used for short-term storage or for storing seeds for planting, thus, were not

further pursued.

4.2.2 Factors Influencing the Selection of maize storage method.

Table 4.3: Factors influencing the selection of maize storage method

Factor Frequency Percentage

Age of household head (years) 22 13.9

Lack of well-constructed structures 29 18.1

Presence of enough funds to construct 32 19.4

Membership in farmer group 16 10.2

Poor prices for agricultural products 15 9.2

Household size (Adult Equivalent) 18 11.5

Distance to market 7 4.5

Education of household head 17 10.7

Others 4 2.5

Total 160 100

Source: Primary data 2023

It was observed that the absence of well-constructed structures influenced the selection of the

maize storage method by 18.1%. The presence of enough funds to lead the construction activities

was the main leading factor with 19.4%. The age of the house head contributed 13.9% of the

responses. The respondents added that even one’s educational level had a major impact on the

nature of the maize storage method to be used.

More so 10.2% of the respondents revealed that Membership in farmer group affect the

selection, 9.2% said that the selection is affected by poor prices for agricultural products,11.5%

said that its affected by Household size (Adult Equivalent),4.5% said that distance to market is

another factor,10.7% revealed that Education of household head also typically affects the

selection and only 2.5% of the sample said that the selection is affected by other factors such as

presumed pests, weather condition and target market.

The findings were in with (Adetunji, M.O., 2009.) who found out that most of the farm

households used the roof storage method to enhance the drying of the stored maize. 43.1 % of

the farm households indicated that they stored maize using the sack storage method to be able to

easily monitor infestations, 18.8 % of the farm households said that they stored maize using the

sack storage method to accommodate large quantities of maize and easily monitor infestations.

Only 1.5 % of the farm households said that they used the sack storage method for maize storage

because they did not have an appropriate roof that they could use. Thus, a larger proportion of

the farm households that used the sack storage method used it to be able to easily manage and

monitor infestations.

Education improved the likelihood of adopting improved storage structures. The present findings

indicate that the probability of using an improved storage structure is correlated with the level of

education of the household head. Similar results were found in studies of the adoption of

improved storage structures for maize in Benin (Adegbola et al., 2011; Affognon et al., 2015),

and metallic grain silos in Malawi (Maongo et al., 2013). There is no doubt that education

improves the rate at which new techniques and skills can be absorbed and applied by farmers,

and this might explain increasing adoption rates as years of education increase. 10% of the

farmers agreed their membership in the farmer group can affect the type of storage technique to
be used. This agrees with findings from previous adoption studies of improved granaries for

maize in Mozambique (Cunguara & Darnhofa, 2011). This might be an indication that organized

farmers are empowered (including enhanced diffusion of knowledge and information about new

technologies) and have improved bargaining power for cost-effective technology acquisition

compared to their counterparts. The adoption by group members might also be due to peer

pressure (Lwala et al., 2016; Malima, Blomquist, Olson, & Schmitt, 2014).

The bigger the household size the higher the chance of using an improved storage technique,

since the construction of improved storage structures often requires intensive labor, and family

labor is a major source of on-farm labor in developing countries. In most developing countries in

the past, the people residing in a village were more or less an extended family and therefore

could assist each other for most of the activities. However, with the recent increase in rural-urban

migration in a number of developing countries by those in search of better employment

opportunities and an improved standard of living, a number of rural families have lost massive

family/village labor resources. This accelerated rural-urban migration to urban areas, particularly

by youth, has escalated labor costs for agriculture in rural areas; this is certainly the case in

Uganda, with a possible impact on the adoption of intensive labor technologies in agriculture,

including postharvest technologies.

4.3 Farm households' food security status and their perception of food security from an

eco-health perspective.

About 83.8 % of the farm households perceived themselves as food secure as opposed to only

16.2 % of the farm households that considered themselves food insecure. The main reason why

more than half of the farm households that took part in this study perceived themselves as food

secure was that they felt that they got enough food to eat. Reasons for which the farm

households perceived themselves as food insecure are indicated in Table 4 below;

Table 4.4: Reasons for which the farm households perceived themselves as food secure

Perception Frequency Percentage

We get enough food to eat 33 20.4

We ensure the cleanliness of the food we eat 15 9.3

We are satisfied with the food we have 7 5

We get all the necessary meals 32 20.2

We grow other food crops apart from maize and get good 16 10


We use pesticides in order to protect stored maize from insect 23 14.1

infestations, thus, we are worried that the pesticides may

endanger our health

We eat different varieties of food 18 11

Our maize harvest lasts long enough 16 10

Total 160 100

Source: Field data 2023

From table 4.4, 20.4% of the respondents revealed that they get enough food to eat,9,3 said that

they ensure the cleanliness of the food we eat,5% said that they are satisfied with the food they
have, 20.2% said that they get all the necessary meals and 10% said that they grow other food

crops apart from maize and get good harvests.

More so, 14.1% of the respondents revealed that they use pesticides in order to protect stored

maize from insect infestations, thus, we are worried that the pesticides may endanger our

health,11% said that they eat different varieties of food and 10% said that their maize harvest

lasts long enough. Therefore this implies that there is enough food security in the area since

respondents responded positively to questions used to measure this objective.

4.3.2 The severity of the farm household’s food insecurity:

Results were obtained by using the Household Food Security scale. The findings obtained

through the Household Food Security scale tool revealed that 76.5% of the farm households were

food insecure without hunger, 11.4 % were food insecure with moderate hunger, 9.4 % were

food insecure with severe hunger, and 2.7 % were food secure. The condition of being food

insecure without hunger could mislead the farm households into perceiving themselves as food

secure, thus, failing to take effective measures to fight against the status quo.
Figure 4.7: The severity of the farm household’s food insecurity:

Percentage of the response


80 76.5


Response in percentage




11.4 9.4
Food insecure without Food insecure with Food insecure with Food secure
hunger moderate hunger severe hunger

Source: Field data 2023

Almost all of the farm households were food insecure, yet 83.8 % of the farm households

incorrectly perceived themselves as food secure. The farm households perceived themselves as

food secure for several reasons, of which the idea of having enough food to eat had the highest

scores which amounted to 75.8 % of the total scores. This is perhaps understandable considering

the fact that 86.5 % of the farm households were food insecure without hunger16. Thus,

regardless of the existence of food insecurity conditions such as the tendency to skip meals to

cope with food shortages, the farm households perceived themselves as food secure based on the

fact that they managed to have something to eat. As far as food security is concerned, sufficient

food has a lot to do with the capacity of individuals to constantly access safe, nutritious food for

a healthy and active life (Maxwell and Smith, 1992; The World Bank, 1986; Guha-Khasnobis et
al., 2007), which was not the case for the majority of the farm households in Kigumba Sub-


Furthermore, the quality of food in terms of nutrition (Guha-Khasnobis et al., 2007; Webb and

Thorne-Lyman, 2007: Blackmore et al., 2020) and safety plays a major role in influencing the

health of the consumers, thus, food quality is an important aspect of food security. However, it

seems that farm households in the Kigumba Subcounty were not aware of this fact. Thus, the

farm households’ perception that they have sufficient food was incorrect for the majority of the

farm households. For the 16 % of the farm households that perceived themselves as food

insecure, the proportion of those whose perception was based on the fact that their maize supply

did not last long enough was larger than the proportion of those whose perception was due to

other reasons than the above. Very few farm households were able to link food security with its

other aspects apart from the availability of food. While only 0.8 % of the farm households linked

food insecurity with the contaminations caused by insect and rodent infestations on the stored

maize, none of the farm households linked fungal infections on stored food crops, particularly

maize with household food insecurity.

It is inferred that the majority of the farm households in the Kigumba Subcounty incorrectly

perceived themselves as food secure, mostly because they felt that they had access to enough

quantities of food to eat. The farm households that perceived themselves as food insecure did so

mostly due to the reason that their maize harvests did not last long. This also justifies the

argument that the majority of the farm households understood food security as having adequate

quantities of food regardless of its quality in terms of nutritive value and the degree to which it

was safe for consumption, which is a limited understanding of food security.

4.4 Commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on the quality of stored

maize and household food security.

Table 4.5: Commonly used maize storage methods and their implication on the quality of

stored maize and household food security.

Commonly used maize Frequency Percentage

storage methods

Sack storage 64 40

Cribs 40 25

Airtight storage method 24 15

Roof storage 32 20

Total 160 100

Source: Field data 2023

From table 4.5, 40% of the respondents revealed that they use sack storage method, followed by

those who store in cribs (25%), 20% said that they use roof storage method and only 15% of the

respondents revealed that they use Airtight storage method.



5.0 Introduction

This Chapter presents a summary of the study findings and recommendations for further research

in the area of study. The Chapter ends with conclusions drawn from research objectives and

recommendations for improvement and further studies.

5.1 Summary of Findings

The findings of this study are summarized as follows:

5.1.1 Farm Households' Food Security Status and Perception.

The study revealed that farm households in Kigumba Sub- County experienced varying degrees

of food security. While some households had adequate access to food and achieved food

security, others faced challenges in accessing sufficient and nutritious food. The perception of

food security among farm households was influenced by multiple factors, including income

levels, household size, and availability of storage methods to preserve harvested maize.

Existing Storage Methods: The study revealed that farmers in Kigumba Sub- County

predominantly use traditional storage methods, such as cribs, polypropylene bags, and storage in

open spaces, due to limited access to improved storage technologies.

5.1.2 Storage Methods Applied by Maize Farmers.

The study identified a range of storage methods employed by different maize farmers in

Kigumba Sub- County. These methods included traditional storage methods such as cribs,

polypropylene bags, and storage in open spaces, as well as improved storage methods like
hermetic storage bags and metal silos. The selection of storage methods was influenced by

factors such as affordability, availability, knowledge, and cultural preferences. The quality

assessment of maize stored using different methods showed that there were significant variations

in grain moisture content, insect infestation, and fungal contamination among the different

storage methods. Improved storage methods, such as hermetic storage bags and metal silos,

demonstrated better preservation of maize quality compared to traditional methods.

5.1.3 Factors Influencing Selection of Storage Methods and Quantities of Maize Harvested and


Various factors influenced the selection of storage methods and the quantities of maize harvested

and stored by farm households. Financial constraints, lack of awareness of improved storage

technologies, and cultural practices were identified as key factors influencing storage method

choices. The quantities of maize harvested and stored were influenced by factors such as land

size, labor availability, and market opportunities. The study identified several factors influencing

the choice of storage methods among farmers in Kigumba Sub-County. These factors included

limited financial resources, lack of awareness and knowledge regarding improved storage

technologies, and cultural preferences for traditional methods.

5.2.4 Implications of Storage Methods on Maize Quality and Household Food Security:

The study found that the commonly used maize storage methods had implications for the quality

of stored maize and household food security. Improved storage methods, such as hermetic

storage bags and metal silos, were associated with better preservation of maize quality, including

reduced grain moisture content, insect infestation, and fungal contamination. Farm households

utilizing improved storage methods were more likely to have improved household food security

outcomes, including reduced post-harvest losses and increased availability of maize for

consumption. The analysis of the impact of storage methods on household food security revealed
that households using improved storage methods had better food security outcomes compared to

those relying on traditional methods. Improved storage methods contributed to reduced post-

harvest losses, increased availability of maize for consumption and sale, and improved dietary


5.2 Conclusion

This chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the evaluation of the effect of storage methods

on maize quality and household food security in Kigumba Sub- County, Kiryandongo District.

The study aimed to examine farm households' food security status and their perception of food

security, identify the storage methods applied by different maize farmers, examine factors

influencing their selection, assess quantities of maize harvested and stored, and identify the

commonly used maize storage methods and their implications on the quality of stored maize and

household food security. The findings contribute to understanding the interplay between storage

methods, maize quality, and household food security in the study area.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

Promoting Awareness and Adoption of Improved Storage Methods:

Efforts should be made to raise awareness among maize farmers in Kigumba Sub- County about

the benefits of improved storage methods. This can be achieved through farmer training

programs, extension services, and collaboration with agricultural organizations. Additionally,

incentives and subsidies can be provided to encourage the adoption of improved storage


Enhancing Financial Access and Affordability:

Financial support mechanisms should be developed to facilitate the affordability of improved

storage technologies for smallholder farmers. This may include access to microfinance or credit

facilities, as well as the establishment of community-based storage facilities that can be

collectively owned and operated by farmers.

Strengthening Agricultural Extension Services:

Agricultural extension services should be strengthened to provide training and knowledge

dissemination on improved storage methods, including best practices for post-harvest handling

and storage. This can empower farmers with the necessary skills to make informed decisions

about storage methods and enhance their ability to preserve maize quality and ensure household

food security.

Promotion of Improved Storage Technologies

Efforts should be made to increase access to and adoption of improved storage technologies

among farmers in Kigumba Sub- County. This can be achieved through targeted extension

programs, provision of financial support or subsidies, and collaboration with local agricultural

organizations to promote the benefits of improved storage methods.

Capacity Building and Awareness:

Farmers should be provided with training and capacity-building programs to enhance their

knowledge and skills on proper storage methods, including the use of hermetic storage bags and

metal silos. This can be achieved through farmer field schools, workshops, and demonstrations to

ensure the effective utilization of improved storage technologies.

Research and Development:

Further research is needed to explore innovative storage methods that are suitable for the local

context of Kigumba Sub- County. This includes the development of affordable and accessible

storage technologies that can address the specific challenges faced by farmers in the region.

Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research

It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. Firstly, the research focused solely

on the evaluation of storage methods and did not consider other factors that may influence maize

quality and household food security, such as agricultural practices and market access. Future

research should consider a comprehensive assessment of the entire maize value chain to provide

a more holistic understanding of the factors impacting food security.

Additionally, the study was conducted in Kigumba Sub- County, Kiryandongo District, and the

findings may not be generalized to other regions or districts in Uganda. It is recommended that

similar studies be conducted in different geographical locations to capture regional variations in

storage methods and their impact on maize quality and food security.
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knowledge and the challenge of food security in Africa. Journal of food security, 5(3), pp.75-87.

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strengthen food security in developing countries. Foods, 6(1), p.8.

Wambugu, P.W., Mathenge, P.W., Auma, E.O. and Van Rheenen, H.A., 2009. Efficacy of

traditional maize (Zea mays L.) seed storage methods in western Kenya. African Journal of

Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 9(4).

Tefera, T., 2012. Post-harvest losses in African maize in the face of increasing food shortage.

Food security, 4(2), pp.267-277.

Abass, A.B., Ndunguru, G., Mamiro, P., Alenkhe, B., Mlingi, N. and Bekunda, M., 2014. Post-

harvest food losses in a maize-based farming system of semi-arid savannah area of Tanzania.

Journal of stored products research, 57, pp.49-57.

Chukwudi, U.P., Kutu, F.R. and Mavengahama, S., 2021. Mycotoxins in maize and implications

on food security: A Review. Agricultural reviews, 42(1), pp.42-49.

Dijkink, B., Broeze, J. and Vollebregt, M., 2022. Hermetic bags for the storage of maize:

perspectives on economics, food security and greenhouse gas emissions in different sub-saharan

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Gitonga, Z., De Groote, H. and Tefera, T., 2015. Metal silo grain storage technology and

household food security in Kenya.

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A., 2017. Traditional maize post-harvest management practices amongst smallholder farmers in

Guatemala. Journal of stored products research, 71, pp.14-21.

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of household diet in Malawi. Food Security, 7, pp.83-96.

Likhayo, P., Bruce, A.Y., Tefera, T. and Mueke, J., 2018. Maize grain stored in hermetic bags:

Effect of moisture and pest infestation on grain quality. Journal of Food Quality, 2018, pp.1-9.
Nji, Q.N., Babalola, O.O. and Mwanza, M., 2022. Aflatoxins in maize: can their occurrence be

effectively managed in Africa in the face of climate change and food insecurity? Toxins, 14(8),


Luo, Y., Huang, D., Miao, H., Wu, L. and Zhu, J., 2022. Impact of advanced storage facilities on

households’ maize storage losses and food security in China. Environment, Development and

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Mutungi, C., Manda, J., Feleke, S., Abass, A., Bekunda, M., Hoschle-Zeledon, I. and Fischer, G.,

2023. Adoption and impacts of improved post-harvest technologies on food security and welfare

of maize-farming households in Tanzania: a comparative assessment. Food Security, pp.1-17.

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Dear household member,

I am Patrick Okello, a Student from Uganda Martyrs University pursuing a bachelor’s degree
in science in Agriculture. Am carrying out a study on the effect of storage methods on maize

quality and household food security in Kigumba, Sub-county Kiryandongo district. This
research is purely academic, and your contributions are highly appreciated. On behalf of your
household, I kindly request you answer the questions below. All the responses will be handled
confidentially and for the purpose of this study only and your identity shall not be revealed to
any other third party or in the report.

The interview will take about 30 minutes. With your consent, I would like to ask you a few

Respondent Consented… Yes … No……. (Tick Yes or No)

If yes,


Q 01 What is your sex? (Observation) 2. Female

1. Male Q 02 What is your marital status?

Single Married



Q 03 What is your highest level of education?

Primary Secondary level

Bachelor’s degree

Masters degree and above

Q 04 Which of the following agribusiness groups do you belong to?

1. Farmer Group


3. Area Cooperative Enterprise

4. Others please Specify …………………………..

Q 05 What is your household size?

Below 5 members.

6 – 8 member

9 – 12 members



Qn 06 What is your major Agriculture Activity

Crop husbandry

Animal husbandry


7). What are the different factors that influence the selection of maize storage methods?



8). What is your favorite maize storage method?


9). Why and what are the different factors that influence your answer above?





10). Does this method affect the quality of maize in the end?





11 a). Have you ever heard of food security?



11 b). If Yes, what does it mean?


11 c). If No, (Researcher explains to the respondents)

From the above, do you think you are food secure?



I don’t know

12. If Yes, Support your answer





13). How many meals does your household consume in a day? ----------------------- Meals

14). Does your household have the number of meals you have indicated in your answer
to question (13), throughout the year?

(a) Yes

(b) No

15. If your answer is ‘YES’ to question 14, what months in the year do you have a number of
meals other than the number of meals you have indicated in your answer to question 13?

Months Total number of meals

16). If your answer is “No” to question 14, what are the reasons for changing the number
of meals?



17. Food security status for the household.

Food security status for households. Findings

Food secure

Food insecure without hunger

Food insecure with hunger (moderate)

Food insecure with severe hunger


Do the following affect the method of maize storage that is to be applied by the farmer?
Please tick

Maize storage method

Yes No

Improved maize storage facilities

Household size

Household income

Household asset value

Household head education level

Household head age

Land size

Food expenditure

Livestock value

Unimproved maize storage facilities

Household size

Household income
Household asset value

Household head education level

Household head age

Land size

Food expenditure

Livestock value
Appendix 11

Some field pictures taken during data collection

Modern storage facilities at Kigumba sub-county, Kiryandongo district

Traditional storage facilities at Masindi port
Modern storage facilities for maize at Karuma B
Local storage facilities at Bweyale village

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