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(1899 A.O.)
English Translation with Mathematical
Explainations and Notes

Vol. I

Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS '

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!?.'� � frjrtjh ill!ljh I lr§t.Jl.2 �l?
)2Jl. �IPkt£ r:e in!12 � l:tj W1ft � lh
& I rh..lnl.£ �
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�!tj 2:hl. �l! � � l:l:l.l:al£ � .llJojli.
lnhll -.J
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I�#-� tp.1£1 jll� Jg.���!��l:, !tl
11:"&Qh ill�ltl l!lnju. � ��J fillli���il.;h

� !eJl .ttllnlet. t£ �jli.:e.l! liJh ue. �
� lJt. � � JJ?. lill.
�j lli��h � 67'o '&I�!;� a�
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^11 ^«hctl't I [^1 ^1^ '3(H -iH'+l
•T^t 3T<f* <5^1 5r?T^T^ ^ 1
TOt^ ?fcT?m ^ fe^rr ^ f ?^ci |f%?ra
ITRTT fgrtf^rat &KI f^TQT TRT f f5R^T RtSci ^ I^fR ^ ^T HWTT^
v-t 'HHd "Tn^fhr i<sni Tr i m- d-^H ^SJT ^t^cil^
^TWTfJT ^iT STRVT fFR-r^ ^ 3hi^mui ehi"^ % f^QT^ ^ sblf^Hfl I $+1
dl^idul flf ^TF 3RrF ^STI f^i dTlfF ftf^f ^fT U'l^ FF
f, m: 3^Tc((W^ ^FT'lWfJT^T W I ^
^3TT 3T?f: d-l^i ^T dilcl dl^h t I 4iCl<i: ^Kcl +4l<^d^5%
WT^fFPI: ^oo $f I ^3I^R WH
^l?f 5PT ^ ift f^TWf TTff FFt FT i^KtT I
^RT VR "Jf? t PF TR^IHl Midfcl^ ^ 3TFU SJT
f5R7%^FlFfFFw^{3?Kp«T|3n i^^WRhF^'-qf^rm'^
t^l f^ft kit
IM) I 3Tcr: ^IT ^TcT ^(H rf^IT ^cf ^ iftfW
^ -^yi t ^ afRf^R"^ HMMHd TTIF f I

^k yz; w&iwft ^ ?$ ^ 113^ ai^ -qr Ft %

■H^d (=1^1 r^tTt O-Jll^ll % n^fRd Ft "t^1, tt 3F TFFT3tf F
feft ^feff RRT ^ R«TR £\rm ^ I Ft ^sTt F 37T"FI t
M^ FT F^ft ^ FiF FtFt m Ft ^Rt 3tT^T ^
Ft fF^lRd FT RFRT f 1 FR ^ o o o FF> ^li'O ^1 f^Rt ^RFvlft
atr^T FFI" F# i FOFT FF FFT FIR ^ Ftm ^it ^
FR ^r 5FRT FTR FRF Ft Ftf^RI W f Ft ?fFFRRFtf FT FF t fF
FRF TT tFRTf F 3TFF Fft^Rt TT Ft Ftf^ F?T^ Ft FlRlVI Ft I
fFFF Ft RFFRf fRi fetal FFt 11 FfcT aTR^T R
^ RFFT3^ FT tRFF 10^ % FF ^RRt f fF F% 3TRWT Ft TRRT

^ o o o - ^ ^ o o cntf ^ tI^ ^
^rnjpf ^H+tO^TWIWSn^I^t I
fwcglH ^ui CK^ ? ^Ktl ^ WtfclM ^il ^K^'HHI ^llcll
f 4dl ^cfdlf ft;^^rdtl3TeTirT%;^cR^T3mwT
f I ^fdti 3T^H I fim dlr*l(d<*?TnT^Tf STCT-.^M

W^ltt wn '^M' ^ ^TWtt I f^T 3RRR iTRcf TI ^ %

Tf^FT afh: «r^ TFHI WJ w-iRt ^ it '^RM' 3Tew%%%
%y^lldlviMd<^sit,^?T3^^IcT^3TPf Kf
3®^ ^ «IT, [kw CKJHH +jK<H1 WfRR Jj^crt^ld ^[(l^F, f I
'j^'It^' %?TWT ^1 ^SIR 3^Tt ^ HW T[fg ^T ^TM f ^
Pra^t i 3Ti3wr %sf^TT^n, srrfe arpf^ ^
^?T % flT^d fR ^qcl FR^T fcl^ pKai f I
^IT^RTef^ ^ RcRTJRRj ^ f; f^RT^\<131^^1 cT®rT 'ifuid

3Tpf RrW

3?^3Ff^f^R<^3Tf%fR^l|t I |^^RcfTWW
cfsn ^m3R 3ITlt TT^ft ^ 3Tf%f ^R ft f?R3T f I fem
RH^ll^l % 1R RfcT % RR RRR-n Tn^TT3Tf t-<!d ^Hil t I
JJchK^vJH^'tl f I S^HH Mld^^Wcb
^ cTT? 3R fRi % R'ft vj^ifcfl IRll' ^T R^TT t ^TSJT f^lfcR ^dl 5)T
RRR5H f 1 3R: T^ # 1RT R'4 ^RTt k ^T ^ ?Pn I
m ^ t fl? #9^ ^Rai WRT ^ YRIPT wnarf
^ oiJIOMI ^ Rrfll^R ^ f%f?r sldi^l f I ^fdRrh
^ Rfw ^ f^RT I ^tTT # 3tT^fq^ TTfyR %
t I
iTRcftR WTO % RpfRT^ R WT^R fcRRi ^T
3rf%TT RFfT ^T R^cTT t t fw^ ^ STT^pR: ifWcT rIr4T STWt ^T
sr^wf feri vr, \ RT fTO 3Rf^f f41 ^3^ ^ trew wm
^ TOT ^ 3% an^pRi % 3fT«IR RT RR^TFf ^ TOR feTI^
^PsR ^ajr f I TOfpT ^fcW R TO% ^TTO11 ^rfw ?ffcT

i ^ ^ cf^f
ic^f.^f'^of f^hown^iiHfirt^ff,sn^Prai®n i^snraii
j<+i«*ipit crar^fen^f
TrRR^^f ^ t, <1^1 ^ctl f I 3TIenR f^tr^fWT -jfldl
f I §y=bl 3xR W^ ^ IMCII 'Stilus ^cl*) -^1W ^cTI, f^ra%
=hKui ^T ^T Mctil^l 3TI^T^ I 5)^11^5 ^T 3T®f ^nrl'i

| i ^ 3^ WT ^ :ncRr H^Rf ^ wsi ferr ■§ 13^r

^Enrgi^siTft;^wft^3HRt w
TT^^T cl^ VHW cM) sltfl ^ I tTU^^iT 3T^ HT^F ?idl (cJ^l^bl
TTcp f f^RTT ^T WcIT f)
t laqcr-d^y^'Hd^
>+<'1 % r^4) "Tf^Rf f^i^i ^ 11 ^R f^R HM-i %
I HI =hl^ ^n^ffnld) ^TcT ^icfi I *
f^aH^^B^Ff^gpcT^W-cjCs !! RiPH % y ^ebl'
IlRT:^^#^RdTt l^flT
^ yn^ ^t't i fgRfl ^ W^T strji vi^q ^"f
^Rn I ^TTRT^r^IT «n, 5^51,1 MlH^blO ^Tnt cI«IT1jt ^IRd^ ^ctil "JT^R
?RTT I fRt ^h ■RTST ^t. ^itT^T ^ m ^ 3mt ijfw # ^ff ^ t
^fff|j3n^f^^hfdwxR?R'iFEr:if wf 3n?tR
tR f I 'ifuidl^ ^l«{l ^i 31^ SRRT f^f t I
3il^Plch ot||<a4| - cj JHH 'if'JIiT ^4-jd S.KI JHAj'jTl R 1 SRT:
^^ ^ atM ST^ w ?RT gFrmm
f^JT aJRRTI I f Rh^l ^tRcll^ f^^flraTeRT ^ SIT^Pfch 'if^ld
'fflir'^t laWSTT^o Y^^fW^fnct) dfuid^STT'JR
w wfUr^^rrf^^TWirfW^^wTTpfir^t 1#%^
7#Rf ^3TT ^ ychcJI f I
^ ^TWT % mshT t ftf; ^tf n f^T^tT % f^r efr^rar^w=r
|^lRsr%RT«2R^Tjnf?t I iRT ^ t HF *JKdk d>MHH
dm^TRT-RT^ I

(0 3T^^.3Wf faeTRm#^!- ^TFcT^Wm, flHlRHd
(^) ^RT, <TI ^t^T, 5T^ SWf-arf^

m- fwP^d, ^m^r, to
(?) ^et" ^ff, TO -TOeR, TOfW
(x) r^(fen ^TT ^ITO, f^T, ^ r^jw, f^r, r^ro,
^TTO, STO, to, TrftfTO ^TO^r, irfTO
^TfTO ^rfajTO, snH feftfTO ^aT1! i
(M - (TOT>TOR, ^R], TOUR, TOhmR
(%) ^1 (TO TOT, ^Tcf^r, ^RT, ^ ^T

(\9) (TO (fTOn^ftlro, TffTTO

U) ^r (TOTT, fror fTOn) - to^

(^) PHdHi, wr^n) ^eforar

(^ ?J TOT, WTO Wf ftWRTTO, ^ W^TT, TTO
(\^) ^ (TOH)- MM, ^a: TO^ri' M %5IMto
%fMT ^fM", wMcf WM f^MM,
Mhr MtfWcf W^lM, WMiptr
(^ ?) 3tw to - STTO, (f^n TOtrf) TJ^TO. TOT
(TO), ^R (TO), TO (Wtl) I

^ W2IW-
(0 3T^(MRT,#TO>3^T3T
(^) ?(TOtT-3TO)
(?) gRTOTOTj-TO^^^H.
TjfbTcT v

(H) ^n, #tt) m
(O TIB(^Rr)-3TT]^I
(va) f% ^Tt> 3tsrM, ammr
(d) rJTSf (^t^T)- <74^11, c3fHr%

(%) ft(^n>- sm^n, aml^, smm, amhicr

(^o) TT^ (fiTHt)- Rmfdd, pMc^TTfM, MidP-lr^l, qjfcR, WR

(W '5^(wit)

(U) "f (StcRT)-f^g^T[

(^) ^F5f (^T^ =FRT)
(Va) f?T\(^t ^TT) SRf^TE, SJ^m, f^lRrT, f^R,
Nm, f^lfH fd^Rr), fw, f^Mtt, I

(^) ^(^T, im ^n)- ^iT^g,

^Tt^TRT, ^[^rX, #«T, X^X X'RT,

(^va) fX^aTeffr ^RT)- arXX?, Xrm, fXX, fXnfX

(^ (i) ^T (MdHI, tfl H, f?RT, ^lH

(^^) Xti>- fm
(^o) 3Rr?K-3RCX), STtR

(0 3ra(^[HT,) strr, srw^T,
(?) KTRT) ^T,TT^T

(^) "^(W'g^RT)- ^ "5^, ^I^K, WTT, TpiRjrcil, WRT,

ijm, WH, Tjvm, ^TpT) ^hpror, wn, ¥*!,
s3 » TPm
(x) w^(toT)- arr^nf^n, ^nfer

('a) ^vRl) 3^^' 3T

(^) TOT, TOT), ^f^er, arT^r, aro, 3TTO,

31l^(^ RRT, H f'TW, te^T, 3ltTO, "Sllw^, f^WcT,
TT^frf, Wr^T, ^^-4|rl, I

>f. «IFr-
(0 7^(ten)

(^) (^TOT, fefR STePl' TOT, TOTT) -fe^T, f&ZH, fe^ITct

(^) ^T(^T3nTt WT TOT)- nf^TTO, 'RTF, ^RF^TT, ^^T, "TO,

^RT, "R^cT, RFI, RPT^R, 'RFt^, RRTO, ^ifaRT WRf, WI,
WTT f^RTF, fRR^TT, 1^^%, f^WT f^RTO f^RTf^RT

(>f) R^tRTOr, 3^ ^r ferr)-RTO

(•a) ^3 (arq^ ^tr)- 3TWr

(^) ? («IHHI, ^idHi)- anr^r, arretcr, 3^p, 3W7, f^tT. RTMR,

TT^TT, Wrn, ^H<^cl, qT^, StR, ^dcill 13, Rfir, ^c3T, f%Rcr,
A. ^rra; ^n, gfro, ^iTni

^kp-P^ldMcd, Rp,

o. TOSR, fro, ^ RT^r, pRI^RRT

d. TOjR-TiRijp; PiJIdMd

ftTK (9) %: Tqfwgt-srf^r, i (9) ^ WT^t
^-arfaj, im, ^ ^ M WT, ^arw, #^1, f%#^T 1
IT?T ^ W^gIRI- ^T, Tt^ W (^<W 3^1 <|5tu()-tf^
^ (f?) R<JT (^R, Rf 3fk ^ TRfw^- -yir I THT (tR^Rm,
ttws: 3^: stcrrO-THT i STFr «NI|jh, ^doRn, RSRTR?)
3TRq, ^JcR, Rff, d^T, ^5^ 1TR^, pRR, fTTfer, 3RRT I
STR-ft, ftct-M
X. ^rp, cRR (RtHJ 3RTm-^fRT, oTHTrT, WR, TRlfR).

^ RR, W?, 3T«J^) ^ 3T«J ^I ^(RRRprfwf

Rrf ^ x rrji ?>), fwr. ^Rr t wg. (^ ww, ^ ^ %t0
^ 3T'4 WRI 3Ti4tfsr, ^TR, RTftftr, TRTRR R^^rctR),
, aWrRfRj, RRS: 37RRrf4, ^Rr, ST^RTR. RRTT^ ^RR,
SRRRf^T fRRT, c(l<4cj
\. CT3>-3T4{^^4H M4.K^3T4^t,TmfRRRWT^
t) ^ mw 3t4 1 ?R?r (rr ^4 ir ^ ?Rsrt) ayef 4 -
?f^T, [cjq<4 I gIM (cbl^^cj 4i T^M) 3Rf^, 31^4^, 3TW,
Wff^RRT, nidi did) % RRRRTRI'-'^R, RM, RPfR, fR, 3T^,
3TT^ 3TRPT, f^tw, Rldl^d, RRRi, TrftR 1 cFRRT(^
cRqiRIT RT TJR RRTRTTT-3T^3,^ ^)-Xr4 4- (^
3TRTR mx ^45)

RT 4m4:f^(R^RRR>R^RRT)^R3Rd) 1 3RT
(H ^4f^R STR TRT), (4H ^ f^rfVR, mW RRRT)
d4> (R^d^fn)
vs. RRT i RTST 4; 3T4 4 (^sftor % rtct RT ^RR Rtit
% RRR f)- Rlftf, ST^f, ^R, ^<'[ | RfR (RRff4)-Rf4 Rfd I R3R
(RRtcT 4. RTcf RR-R^Sf, R^^fR, RFRR, RtRR, Wf, ^RcT 3fk
fRRTR), RI I RRR (RRR ^ RR R^R^R^R, R^tR, RfRR(,
3T^ Chi ^l«<;^f fd<£i-i ^3ifdRTl) 'ifjlcl ^fd^^f3%^f3^3l^rt
^ o^Tb Ph^ll «llcll t I ^ Rn^l-tl, Hfl^H^l tf^TT
31^ ^ 3^ % T?K ^T 31^1 ^371 f 3?rft
#cft| |3^^^3T9tf^i$TR^N9!Tr^3n^TR5R^T3T^hTqRf^T
t, 3^ ^tR f^n^ ^ f^: 3^ Hef 3^B ^ ^rof
d'H^ ^ |3Tnf <I<? 'ctwiH^lR'ftf'J ^i<d ^ il'clRld t '^3*
^3C[RWT(3nf^)^:^gTf3^:^^rf%3T^Rlf^3Isf %o I
IRiR'3'3nf^3^f,3^1 X-\o 3T^t I 33^3^31^ %-U, 3^?
3^ V3 f I
?K 33^ SRT ^RSTT f^531R ?Kf 3T3^3RfiT 3lf^ W f
3T33^SRTf3ft?3T^Rf^ 3^3lf|33313^3Tf |(^^3TRwO
^flt t3TRj3I^fM
3T^ (?F31§) f^nl ^313 f 13R% 3T3 cT3 ^ 3:3R3R 3333
^^I4d3 T^fcT WH f3fe3 fRTT f i
3I«3t fllfcl+.l 3T3iR f-
o (3J^3)- 3333?! 33T 33%ytdl P3R ■JfJ 3?t 3T37^3
^3T t)-^r, 373,33,333, 3^ f33^ ^373 377^3 f33I 37337
31 ^ 3T!f)-Tjnf, 37337, (qa^Hc; 3133% 3^^3713137 37,3Tf%33
373^^4 33 37^), 5^3

VX -3K,37t3
3373 37 3113 + VX, 3Tr37, 3T{3 STlf^ 333Tf 3^7 3?33 3t
oqftl -^/X (373, ?t3 37Tf3 3733 3t d'l^ f I
\/?. 37^ 3^7 (?3 %3 % 3Ti!f 3 3, 3737 3%: 37T^ -?K cT33 f,
33Pr%37^^3^,?t3 37irf^cr3^|: I
\. 337 - ^?3t % 33f3 37% 37^-^3, McT, ^ 373ft, IT33,
3^37, 3f3, ^37, 3^377, '^377 I 3^37 % 33f3 373^-3^
7f7lR73, ^7, 37337, 133, ^37^ "?r?737, ?7f%, %TcT33,
?ft337^ f«di^j, f3?IT3I3, f333T^ 733t?7

^ ^ ^ ^ 3^. ?H "^f. ^1^4'!,

f^ngft i
d. 3TS, wti 3T^ (3TT3 f^R 3113 f^TTBlT ^1 «TRUr f^|TT
t> W, <;Pd, fl^, "'M, Hd JN, t ^ 3^®! ^f
(3TT3 R^lisrf %i '?ri)- 3FT, "H ji'l, "^Hc-I, 3TfK, Trf I
(3Tr3 si)-33tT ^ ^ wtm n i wf vrmr^^r?
3T*ft cR ^dl f)
%. ^ ^ tr 37^ 1), ^ fe-(^ ^r fe?" f- <TT
Tp>, ^a^K, ^ ^ "-R (3^' f¥»4
^O f3?[T (7R fewJ, f^, ■gR ^FT, 3^7 3^), ^f- f^T
3TT?1T^ l^o l^%f^,^5r,^ l^3®n^
? I
^ \\ ^ f 313-' r*W cjn! ^1^-35, RlR^I f?T,
fm, 33, ^ $m, w,
%t. 3Tf3f3^ ^ 3TTfc3(^rR ^51331333133^ 3) I 33^3
STsJ3t ^dlf 313:^3iRl313^71^-31^;,SlTf^T,
WW^, IJ^f, Tf3,3313^, 333
^ 1^ f33 3 33 3T ^ ^ra f 313: 33% 33133137
31^3-33, ^5,713), 33^
W f3r3(33;3^if ^Sf3r3?t3tt 1)
3q (333 #313icT 3^ 333 f^W-^a^t 31 ^ ^ 3131^
t) 71 (33 33 33f3) 31% (333 333)
^V9. 33(^1313 m^3^ 3ld< 3«# «3I<113# 'J^T#3133%3
3333^31), 3T^lfp(Slfg31 ?f, 3 W^l)
7°. 311

Rt \^)

^(^s \6%)- ^ ^it i

RH^, f^R, ^r S^rtt %'j? ^)

^TT3T3f % 3Tsf if (^fT ^T ^ ^ ^


In his Brihat Samhita, Varaha-mihira

enumerates the requisite qualifications of an
astronomer. According to him, an astroruner should
be able to explain the differences in the various
Siddhantas, to demonstrate with the help of
instruments the moment of the Sun's turning to the
north or to the south, and of his entering the prime
vertical and the meridian, and to make calculation
agree with observation.
Unfortunately, the true science of astronomy
has been ousted by the pseudo-science of astrology,
whose votaries are to be found in almost every town

1. Tycho Brahe (1546-1601 A.D.), a Dane, born at

Knudsthrop, near the BaJtic, three years after Copernicus
(1473-1543 A.O.) teminated his career. The fame of Tycho
has been obscured by his rejection of the Copernican
doctrine, and the construction of a system of his own,
combining· the elements of the Ptolemaic and Copernican
theories. He maintained the earth to be the immovable
centre of the universe, but supposed the planets to revolve
round the Sun, and to be carried with their centre in
revo]ution round the earth. Samanta Chandrasekhar,
contrary to Tycho's university education royal favour, was
conserevative and well versed in Hindu - Astrono�y by
the study of Siddhantas without any royal patronage and
was far from modern education even in 19th century i.e.
300 years ,after Tycho. But strangely enough
Chandrasekhar adopts the. planets' orbit as conceived by
Tycho, who was usuaUy deemed discreditable in those
days for his hypothesis. Despite this ]ate Prof. Jogesh Ch.
Roy, an admirer of Chandrasekhar, however finds
p1easure in comparing with Tycho.

and village of India at the present day. No doubt,

there are men who have committed to memory some
stray couplets from Siddhant�s, and can perhaps
compute an almanac with the aid of tables. But, as
Bhaskara has well said, an astronomer without a
knowledge of spherics is what food is without
clarified butter, a monarchy without its monarch,
and an assembly without a speaker.
Astronomy as a science is not cultivated by
those whose business it should be to do so. They
would rather learn to read the thoughts of simple
persons and pretend to predict future events, than
dive into the mysteries of Kalpas and Yugas, for
less observe the heavens. Those that have a desire
to study the science have no means of doing it,
while those that have the means have no desire to
watch the movements of the planets. Our students
of the English colleges are busy in cramming the
answers to expected questions and our university
men are too busy to have leisure to think about the
revival of the indigenous sciences and arts of the
country. It is not strange therefore that the
mathematical science of astronomy has been
relegated to the halfread, illiterate, fortune-tellers
who are not ashamed to assume the title of
mathematician. For, the name mathematician (�
has been degarded to mean only an astrologer.
In this state of indigenous sciences, it is singular
to find a man born and brought up in the recesses ,
of the hills of Orissa, far removed from all 1
educational activity and the influence of imported I
western civilization, silently trading his way into I
such a difficult science as mathematics. It is a unique 1:
experience in the department of national:
development to find a man really striving after i
Introduction xiii

knowledge for its own sake, under difficulties

whose magnitude is no less startling than the
boldness of his attempt.
This is my apology for bringing before the
public, a Sanskrit work written entirely in the way
of our ancient Siddhantas and never meant to see
the light. It ii the life-long labour of Chandrasekhara
Simha Samanta of Orissa, written in a language
which few men care to study in these days of
English education.
Modern Europe boasts of discoveries, one of
which alone would have been the glory of the past.
The science of astronomy has been developed to so
great an extent as to shed a lustre on the bright
records of original and patient researches in the
domain of Physical Science. The telescope, the
spectroscope, and last but not the least, the art of
photography, have gone hand in hand in the service
of diligent workers. In these days of "scopes"' and
"meters", it may be thought useless to put forward
the poor work of a Hindu whose education is in no
way superior to that of an astronomer of
pre-telescopic Europe. And there are men, too, who
have thought that much nonsense has already been
written about him.
Let them but calmly take stock of the present
state of Hindu astronomy. Let them find out a
couple of mathematicians, brought up wholly in
sanskrit studies, who can intelligently attack the
intricate calculations of a solar eclipse. Nor is there
any noticeable endeavour to revive the science.
What with natural apathy, and what with want of
encouragement by endowments, no addition to the
stock of the world's knowledge has been made by
my countrymen for many a long year. If in these

circumstances something, however poor, is laid

before us, something, however crude, is evolved
from within, we should rejoice over it.
Whatever may be thought of the merits of the
work, I regard it as a misfortune that the author
has not found a man to introduce his work, better
qualified than myself, whose daily avocations run
in a different groove. For my part, I shall deem my
efforts amply rewarded, if my countrymen, to
whom original researches are as yet a thing of the
future, find in the life and doings of my author a
living example of what patient inquiry after truth
and diligent struggle after knowledge can achieve.
But I caution them again against high hopes. To
apperciate the man, one must compare his work
with others produced under similar conditions. It
will be unfair to expect anything new in the work
which will be useful to those who have studied
European Science. Let me therefore briefly recount
a few bright names from the annals of our ancient
astronomy that the present work may be taken and
its true worth.
Not to dive into the antiquity of Hindu
astronomy, which is as old as the Vedas and
regarding which abler men have measured swords,
let me begin the- story from the point where we
tread on the firm ground of history. It begins with
Aryabhatta of Kusumapura (Pataliputtra), the
Andubarius of the Greeks, the Arjabhara of the
Arabs, and the Indian founder of the theory of the
earth's daily rotation. He was born in the Saka year
398 (A.D.476) and wrote his famous work at the age
of twenty-three. It was he in whose work we find,
as far as our present knowledge goes the first
successful attempt to solve indeterminate equations
Introduction XV

of the first degree. He enjoyed a wide reputation

which can only be explained by supposing that he
was an original observe and made improvements
upon older astronomy.
Hindu astronomy was then passing through the
state of childhood, and a few years later, we find
Varaha-mihira of Avanti (Ujjayini), adoring the court
of Vikramaditya the Great, about whom many a tale
of adventure and narrow escape from death has
been recounted. Varaha's encyclopaedic knowledge
made him famous. But he is remembered more as
a compiler than as an original worker. His
astronomical compilation, named Panchasiddha-
ntika was written about the Saka year 427 (505 A.D.)
Next, the name of Brahmagupta, son of Jishnu,
introduces an important chapter in the history of
Sanskrit astronomy. He wrote his work,
Brahmasphuta-siddhanta in Saka 550 (628 A.D.) at
the age of thirty, somewhere near Rewa. He was a
practical astronomer, and made several corrections
in the older astronomy. Indeed, the form in which
we find Hindu astronomy at the present day, dates
from him. He was a consummate algebraist, from
whom the Arabs got their knowledge of the science.
An indeterminate equation of the second degree, of
which he gives solution, was a prize problem in
Europe as late as the 17th century.
But the fame of Bhaskar born in the Saka year
1036 (1114 A.D.), near the. Sahyadri (Western
Ghats), threw all his predecessors into the shade.
He is a glory to us, a wonder among Europeans.
His great work Siddhanta-Siromani, is one of the
standard treaties of the present day. He appears to
have made use of the Differential Calculus.

With the death of Bhaskara, the living breath

of mathematical science parted from India. Repeated
invasions by a barbarous nation poured forth an
abundance of calamities and in the troubled times
the sacred muse of learning fled and hid herself
among a herd of commentators in the Deccan. In
the dark ages that followed, amidst the petty
dissensions of a host of semi-indepndent States, we
find intellectual effort at a stand-still; men were
content to chew the cud of what their predecessors
had thought and done. At last, one name of this
period is worth mentioning. This is Ganesa of
Nandigrama who wrote his Graha-laghava in Saka
1442 (1520 A.D.), a work which has been employed
as an easy hand-book of astronomy in some parts
of the country. Arab influence and, latterly, the
contact with Europeans did not benefit the science
much. It was during the reign of Jayasimha of
Jayapura so late as the 17th century, that the Arabic
Almagest and Euclid were translated into Sanskrit,
and it was he at whose instance five observatories
were built at various places in Northern India.
The long chain of astronomers was snapped
asunder for a period of at least four hundred years.
No doubt, there were astronomers, as there are
now, and some of them may have for a time enjoyed
a reputation, however local in character. But they
have hardly left any permanent mark on the
progress of the science.
Will it be estimating this work too highly if we
regard Chandrasekhara as forming a link in the long
chain ? Be that as it may, it is a most gratifying
thing that Chandrasekhara has not laboured in vain.
His work has already exercised an influence upon
Hindu astronomy, and hence upon Hindu society.
Introduction xvu

I say upon Hindu society, to which a correct

knowledge of the ever-changing positions of the
heavenly bodies is neither a matter for the
inquisitive, nor one which may be safely let alone.
For, Hindu life is nothing if not a routine of religious
practices, due observance of which necessitates a
knowledge of the positions of the planets and the
stars. Indeed, a correct almanac is an indispensable
equipment of every Hindu household. All religious
observances and rites are regulated by the almanac,
and some of these require very accurate
determinations. For instance, a Hindu must know
the exact moment when a particular position ends
and another begins.
It has, however, been observed that no two
current almanacs agree in their computations. A .
fierce controversy is going on between the
conservatives and the liberals in Hindu India about
the correction of almanacs, and therefore about the
data of the Siddhantas. The orthodox of the Hindu
community refuse to believe in the existence of
errors that have crept into the figures of the old
Siddhantas in course of time. To use the foreign
Nautical Almanac to regulate the religious
observances is out of the question. Any correction,
if necessary, must come from within, from a Hindu
uninfluenced by foreign education. It is not for
Europe, with all her brilliant scientific discoveries
and wonderful inventions of labour-saving
machinery, to take the place of the old Rishis, whose
hallowed names are associated with every
department of useful knowledge. Europe may be
our guide in matters temporal, but must not dictate
a work in matters spiritual. Materially, a Hindu is

hardly of old days, though spiritually, I believe, he

is still the same.
The value of the Siddhanta-darpana, the work
of an orthodox Hindu, showing errors in our
current almanacs, cannot thus be over-rated. Here
is a man who has practically tested the elements
hitherto followed, and found reasons for correction.
And he has authority for doing so from the
honoured Rishis, who have given their sanction to
the adoption of such corrections as may be
necessary for the purpose of making calculation
agree with observation.
The influence which Chandrasekhar's work has
already exerted upon society is not inconsiderable.
Some twenty-three years ago a meeting of learned
Panditas and Hindu astronomers was called at Puri
to select an almanac according to which the
numerous daily rites of worship were to be
conducted in the temple. The meeting decided in
favour of the almanac computed after this work.
One of the Chandrasekhar's pupils has been
computing an almanac every year, which is used
not only at Puri but throughout the greater part of
OriSsa. Another pupil of his publishes a Bengali
almanac which has a by no means insignificant sale.
Thus Chandrasekhara has already gained a
foot-hold in Hindu society and has inaugurated
silently but effecually an advance upon the current
almanacs. At any rate, he has silenced all
opponents, and has made the question of correction
possible in the near future.
To fully apperciate him, it is necessary to say
a few words on his early life and education. Some
four years ago, I first made his acquaintance, and
from conversation with him on astronomical
Introduction xix

subjects, I was surprised to find in him a man of

genius and extraordinary merit. Since then I have
looked into his work, Siddhanta-darpana, written
on palm leaves in Oriya character, the result of his
life-long labour in the field of astronomical research.
Two years ago1 he was honoured by Government
with the title of Mahamahopadhyaya, a title hitherto
enjoyed only by Brahman versed in Sanskrit lore.
Chandrasekhara however, is not a Brahman but a
Kshattriya by caste.
He was born in the Saka-year 1757 (1835 A.D.)2
in the small village of Khandapara, some 50 or 60
miles West of Katak, amidst the hills and jungles
for which Western Orissa is famous. It is the chief
town of the Raja of Khandapara - one of the
tributary chiefs of Orissa. Chandrasekhara belongs
to the Raj family, the present Raja, Natabara
Mardaraj, Bhramaravara Ray being a son of
Chandrasekhara's eldest cousin. The full name of
the author is Chandrasekhara Simha Samanta
Harichandana Mahapatra. Harichandana and
Mahapatara are mere titles bestowed by the Raja of
Puri, whose influence upon the destinies of the
Rajas of Orissa is still as unbounded as was that of
the Pope of Rome on the vassals of medieval
Europe. He is styled Samanta as befits a member
of the Raj family. In Orissa, however he is best

1. The sanad conferring the Mahamahopadhyaya to Samanta

Chandrasekhar bears the date 3rd June, 1893. Hence this
portion was written by late Prof. Jogesh Ch. Ray in the
year 1895 and the article was complete and printed finally
in the year 1899.
2. Prof. Jogesh Ch. Roy has simply added 78 to the Saka
era 1757 to get the A.D. But actually the date of birth
when calculated comes to be 11th January, 1836 A.D.

known by the familar name of Pathani Saanta

(corrupted from Pa than and Samanta), a nickname
given him by his parents on account of their first
two children having died in infancy.
At an early age Chandrasekhara received
instruction in Sanskrit. For sometime he studied
Sanskrit Grammar, Smritis and Puranas, logic and
medicine, and read all the important Kavyas in the
original. His education has thus been varied and
many sided. But it has stood him in much better
stead than the modern elaborately arranged
curriculum of the English schools, through which
he would have been thrust, had he lived nearer a
At the age of ten, one of his uncles1 taught him
a title of astrology. He shewed the young
Chandrasekhar some of the stars a satisfy his
curiosity so natural in young children and thus
gradually initiated him. into the mysteries of
astrology. At this age, his extraordinary desire to
test for himself the position of the stars as they
changed night after night was predominant. The
determination of lagnas is a very frequent necessity
in horoscopy; and the varying position of the
planets among the stars, without a knowledge of
which astrological predictions could not be made,
led him to watch their movements. This idle
curiosity exhibited in star-gazing developed into the
habit, of a really fruitful study of astronomy. There
was, however, no teacher who could instruct him
in the science, and he was quite ignorant of any
language save Sanskrit and his mother-tongue

1. It was his father but not uncle according to the biographer

Pt. Chandrasekhar Mishra of Khandapara:
Introduction xxi

Oriya. He found, however, a few Sanskrit

Siddhantas in the family library, and applied
himself diligently to master them with the help of
At the age of fifteen, when he came to learn
the meaning of lagna and the rules for calculating
ephemerides of planets, he was surprised to find
that neither did the stars apear on the horizon at
the right moment, nor could the planets be seen in
their right places. Again and again, he measured
with a graduated rod the relative distances of the
heavenly bodies in the vain hope of finding an
agreement between calculation and observation,
and, again and agian his hopes were dashed to the
ground. Was it possible that the rules and the
figures of the famous Siddhantas were not" accurate
enough, or was it possible that he had made errors
in his daily observations? Correct observation was
the only test to settle the question. There were no
mathematical instrument-makers to supply him with
the requisite instruments. The old Siddhantas give
brief instructions for constructing them, and he had
no other alternative than to make for himself, a few
primitive instruments for measuring time and
angular distance.
Some of my readers may be desirous of
knowing something of his observatory. It was the
clear, blue vault of the heavens that was his
observatory; and its equipment consisted of an
armillary sphere and a vertical wheel as substitutes
for modern transit and alta-azimuth, and the
time-honoured clepsydra took the place of the
sidereal dock. Of course, the all-useful gnomon
found a place in the observatory, and I am
informed, he had also a self-revolving instrument
xxii r« o^i ^

made of the pericarps of the Bottle-Gourd

{Lagenaria Vulgaris) with water and mercury. But
it was more of the nature of a curiosity than of
much practical use. The instrument, of which he
made constant use, was one devised by himself.
This, which he is fond of calling his Manayantra
(measuring instrument), may be properly called a
tangent-staff, it consists of a thin rod of wood,
twenty-four digits long, at one end of which is fixed
another rod at right angles in the form of a T. The
cross-piece is notched and also pierced with holes
at distance equal to the tangents of the angles
formed at the free extremity of the other rod. Of
course, such a rude instrument did not admit of
being so divided as to enable him to measure a
degree with any accuracy.
But it is a real pleasure to see him handling his
Manayantra with a precision marvellous to behold.
Constant practice has given him such facility with
it, that he would not care to have recourse to his
other instruments although better suited for
measurement of vertical angles. Indeed, in most
cases, mere inspection is often sufficient to enable
him to hit the angle to the nearest degree.
One instance of the perfection he has attained
by practice came before us when I saw him for the
first time. Some of my friends doubted his
pretensions to practical astronomy, and were
desirous of testing his knowledge. One evening
when Mars and Venus were about 6° apart in the
western sky, he was requested to show, if he could,
with the help of any improvised instrument the
actual distance between the planets. After a
moment's pause, he made his manyantra out of a
stick 42 digits long, attaching a crosspiece of 4-1/2
Introduction xxiii

digits to one end. The trigonometrical functions of

sines and cosines were all committed to his memory.
The necessary calculations were mentally made, and
his instrument was ready in a few minutes.
On this occasion, he saw a telescope for the
first time. He had heard of its wonderful powers,
but had no idea of its performances. He requested
me to show him the planets through one.
Unfortunately, I had with me then a telescope no
bigger than a refractor of 3-1/2" diameter. This was
adjusted for him with a power of 80. The keen
delight with which he looked at the varied and
picturesque appearance of the moon, absorbing him
for sometime can better be imagined than described.
When the novelty of the aspect had abated a-little,
he wanted to know the magnifying power. He was
told to find it out for himself, if he could. The
question is itself puzzing, and I did not expect any
answer. But he startled me by saying that the
instrument magnified about one hundred
diameters. He had measured the enlarged image of
the moon as seen through the telescope and had
compared it with the appearant to diameter
well-known to him.
The planet jupiter was next shown through the
telescope. I should rather say that he directed the
instrument to the planet and saw it himself. The
apparent motion of the planet quickened by about
a hundred times through the instrument, was
followed by him for sometime till he could see the
belts and the satellites to his heart's content. It was
at this moment that he gave vent to his bitter regret
that he had not the advantage of such instruments
in his younger days.
Next morning we had a talk about tithis. I said

that the almanac-makers of Bengal would not be

believe in any variation in accepted duration of the
tithis. Hearing this, he was silent for a minute or
two, as if he doubted the fact. Being pressed for
his opinion, he quoted a line from his work,
meaning that arguments can never defeat the results
of direct observation.
He had read in a vernacular text book that the
sun sometimes exhibited dark spots on his radiant
orb, and was anxious to see if it was really so. I
asked him to accept the fact as true; but he said he
would not believe it unless he saw spots with his
own eyes. To this I retorted by asking if he had
ever believed in the existence of the seven
atmospehrs of the Siddhantas. His reply was that
the statement was to be taken at what it was worth,
and he had no opinion of his own to give. The
minimum sun-spot period had been passing; but a
few that he saw made him reflect upon them a long
None can read his life without gaining a fresh
insight into the marvellous thoroughness with
which our ancestors devoted themselves to their
studies, our universitymen being only surface-deep
in subjects more than one. The living breath of
science has departed from India with the departure
of men whom Chandrasekhara had made his ideal.
He is an adherent of truth obtained by direct
observation, and with all his respect for the
ancients, would not hesitate to denounce a Sastric
authority, if a proof to the contrary were obtained.
Were he placed in a well-equipped observatory of
modern days, I doubt not he would enrich science
with his assiduous labour and valuable obser-
Introduction xxv

Unaided and surrounded, as he was by practical

difficulties, what patient labour he must have
undergone in his early days to observe and workout
practically the astronimical elements of the planets.
What numberless observations must he have made
to test every figure used in the Siddhantas, in order
to see if it remained true or not. Night after night
passed away in the all-absorbing business of
star-measurement. An eclipse of the sun or of the
moon was an event in his life never to be forgotten.
Thus it was that his early days passed. To the
uninitiated, his was frivolous work fit for children
in want of better employment. Those who cared to
understand his business failed to appreciate it. What
if the planets moved out of their path ? besides,
was it not the work of professional astrologers ?
And was it not unbecoming one in his position ?
He began to be called by the people Raj-Jyotishi as
a sort of nickname. The Raja of the State considered
himself degrated by the profession of his unde, and
could never countenance his pursuits. Thus his
relations with the Raja have become far from cordial,
and the later has been unable to appredate the
utility of his work.
At the age of twenty-three, Chandrasekhar
began to note down systematically the results of his
observations and three years later the idea of
embodying them in a work flashed into his mind.
By this time, his mastery over Sanskrit had become
so complete that he could compose elegant verses
in it impromptu. Indeed, the composition of his
work had begun in his mind long before it was
written on palm-leaf. In this way, between
observation and measurement and composition his
days were divided. He was increasantly engaged

with his work for the full period of six years, and
the first copy was not ready before he was thirty.
This constant strain upon his body which had
never been strong began to undermine his system.
He contracted a disease which has been his constant
companion. Besides, the privations he had to bear,
consequent upon his scrupulous adherence to the
Sastric injunctions of strict vegetarianism, proved
too much for his naturally weak system. Dyspepsia
with its attendant colic has impaired his health. At
times it becomes so painful that he is compelled to
break off conversation and roll down on the ground
till the attack is over. Full meals, frugal as they are,
he has not enjoyed for the last thirty years, and has
seldom permitted himself the indulgence of even
half meals twice a day. The study of astronomy has
been a passion with him, and any medicine you
may prescribe for him, must neither contain any
forbidden ingredient, nor, what is more important,
interfere with his daily work. Even in his present
invalid stale he would willingly sit up a whole night
if it were for anything connected with his favourite
subject. When he came here to receive the title of
honour conferred upon him, he could not be
persuaded to stay a single day after the Durbar, as
an eclipse of the Sun was to occur a few days later.
And how could he stay away from his observatory,
and allow such a momentous event to pass by
unnoticed ?
His naive simplicity and unassuming manners
have rather been a drawback than an advantage to
him. The common people, who do not understand
the difference between astrology and astronomy,
pester him so much with questions on their destiny,
that it is only his amiable disposition that makes
Introduction xxvii

him endure the constant infliction. Even those who

might be expected to know better will not scruple
to ply him with absurd questions and waste the few
moments left to him between the beginning of one
series of daily devotions and the end of another.
If he is a practical mathematician, no one is so
unpractical in worldly matters as he is. Simple as a
child, he depends upon his servants for his
guidance. Neither is he well off, in the sense of
possessing a competency in life; and, related as he
is to a Raja, he is unable to make both ends meet.
A retinue of attendant hereditarily maintained in
his family has to be supported in the usual manner.
The small income of Rs.500 a year from a few small
villages, and a quantity of food grains from his
tenants, are hardly sufficient in these days of high
prices. Poverty has pinched him in his old age and
has compelled him to incur a large debt.
The general public does not care to know his
incomings and outgoings, his privations and
star-gazings. "What has he done after all ?" - asks
the impatient critic. To him, I would say, is it not
enough to find in this man a true lover of science
who regardless of other peoples unfavourable
opinion of his work their taunts and dissusions, has
devoted his whole life to the one pursuit of
knowledge; who has shown the way to original
research amidst difficulties serious enough to
dishearten men in better circumstances who has
employed his time usefully, instead of frittering it
away like the usual run of men of his rank, on a
work which guides the daily routine of millions of
his countrymen ?
I do not pretend to express any opinion on the
literary merits of his work but it appears to me that

the metrical composition alone, apart from its value

as a contribution to Hindu astronomy is such as to
entitle him to a high place among the writers of
Sanskrit verse of the present day. It contains, as he
tells us at the end of the work,' 2,500 slokas of
various poetical metres. Of these 2,284 verses have
been composed by him and the remaining 216
quoted from the old Siddhantas. Of the latter, the
Surya-Siddhanta and the Siddhanta-Siromani have
been very largely drawn upon. Indeed, as Bhaskara
has Brahmagupta for his guide, when writing his
Siromani, Chandrasekhara has, in the main,
followed in the footsteps of Bhaskara.
But Chandrasekhara has not been a blind
foEower of his master. The elements of the planets,
given by Bhaskara, have not been accepted by his
disciple, and for the simple reason, that they are
not correct for the present day. Bhaskara's elements
are not accurate, though there is no reason for
doubting the accuracy of his observations. This fact
is, he had to depend upon his predecessors -
probably Brahmagupta was his main guide - for the
positions of the planets and was thus led to
erroneous results.
Chandrasekhara had the advantage of
Bhaskara's observations. The latter has, of course,
nowhere recorded his observations. But given his
date and his elements, it is easy to find the positions
of the planets as he must have observed them. For
the elements if employed to calculate the positions
of the planets after a long interval, may lead us to
wrong results; but, it employed for places nearer
his time, will be in accordance with his observations.
Thus, furnished with one set of position at a given
date, Chandrasekhara himself supplied the other
Introduction xxix

set required, and the result obtained is what

Chandrasekhara has given us in the present work.
For easy reference, the sidereal periods as he
ascertained them, are given below side by side with
those of European astronomy, the Surya-Siddhanta
and the Siddhanta-Siromani. It is not my object to
criticise how far the constant employed in these two
Siddhantas were true when they were observed,
though it will be clear from the comparison that
they are certainly erroneous for the present time. It
is easy to follow when someone has led the way;
but it needed the art of a rural Pandit, guiltless of
western "fire" to prove their incorrectness and to
pave the way for further progress in this
department. (See table 1)
It will be seen from the above that Chandra-
sekhara has practically assumed the sidereal periods
of the Sun and the Moon, as given in the
Surya-Siddhanta, but has materially advanced upon
it as regards the periods of the other planets.
Having regard to the comparatively slow motion of
Jupiter and of Saturn, and the nature of the
instruments used, it would have been a surprise if
closer approximation to their true periods were
Let us now compare the mean inclinations of
the orbits of the planets to the ecliptic. (See Table 2)
On account of the difference in the planetary
theories and in the method of calculation between
modern astronomy and our Siddhantas, the
eccentricities of the planetary orbits cannot be
compared with advantage. But as they made no
difference in the case of the Sun and the Moon,
their greatest equations are given here for
comparison. (See Table 3)
"c1 2 S 2 s>
^X. ti
1-1 3
s? 8
? s a
c/i w
ro o Sj
00 g VI 3 3
On lo 0
SO ro
ro NO ON

on ro
So vi
ro ro SO K)
O 00

lh o o o

U) ON ro
ro a?
VI 00
ro sO w
NO t—±
V] i—i
o NO
GO vo NO
i + + .

8 8
01 N>
M <7v

SO hPfc oo VI O ^
so ro £J 0-
VI VI so ro ui ^ &
^ 00 £ ET
g 8 ON Vf m »
yi w 5. 3.

3 %
a g_ 3
5 3
3 3 C n
ST " « c

N) M —' Ol fJl
W 00 00 1-1 w
W Qfj
^ S> Ol :

N> ^ ro >-i
H » 8 n H
> s 3 < >
03 a
rw I
r> w 0J S rn
C/i ^
m nn 0 V) o o o o o a-* Vj
,U). i® El

■Ji. ^ (O H-I i-i UJ o

UJ k-i yi 2
o o ON o o\

w tji NJ i-i h-i w a

0J KJ hJ U1 S3
o vo 00 H-I 0J

pcxx uoipnpox)uj

It will be needless to compare the rates of

motion of the nodes and apsides. It is possible for
modern European astronomy, with instruments
enabling it with ease to measure the three thousand
and six hundredth part of a degree and with its
engines of higher methematics to handle intricate
problems, unheard of before, to deduce the
elements of orbits from a very few observations
made at no distant dates. But it requires the lapse
of years - nay centuries - to do the same with
primitive instruments and equally primitive
mathematics. The motions of the nodes and apsides
are so slow that Bhaskara despaired of ever
measuring them. Chandrashekhara was equally in
despair in these cases. But as the positions of the
Moon's nodes and perigee are often required, and
their motions comparatively rapid, I quote their
side-real period in mean solar days.

Eng. Ast. Suiya S. Siromani Darpana

Node 6798.279 6794.395 6792.254 6792.644
Perigee 3232.575 3232.094 3232.734 3232.657

The reader will notice that Chandrasekhara has

devised a correction to be applied to the
Mandochcha of the planets. Mercury, Mars and
Saturn. He has called it Parochcha and the greatest
amounts are 11' 20', 7° 30' and 5° for the three
planets respectively (Siddhanta Darpan V.76).
It is, however, in computing the Moon's place
that Chandrasekhara has discovered some original
correction, - original in the sense of their having
been unknown to the ancient astronomers of our
country. It is curious to note that they failed to
discover the perturbation, known as Evection which
is said to have been detected by Hipparchus about
Introduction xxxiii

150 years B.C. It is an irregularity which may put

the Moon forward or backward over a degree.
Pandit Sudhakar Dwivedi informs us in his excellent
manual, called Ganaka-Tarangini, that Munjala
(A.D.933) had something like "evecation' in his
karana named Laghumanasa. He appears to have
been the oldest Hindu astronomer who detected the
irregularity, through curiously enough, his
successors including Bhaskara left it unnoticed.
The next large irregularity of the Moon, called
"variation," has a period of one month, and a
maximum of 39'31". This inequality does not affect
the time of an eclipse, and the fact sufficiently
explains its absence in Sanskrit Siddhantas.1 It is
said to have been detected by an Arbian astronomer,
Aboul Wefa about the year 975 A.D., -and re-
discovered by Tycho Brahe in the 16th century. The
last large inequality of the Moon's place is called
"annual equation," and has the maximum amount of
11'9". This was also discovered by Tycho Brahe.
It is singular that Chandrasekhara is the only
Indian astronomer who has detected all the three
important irregularities of the Moon. As has been
said before, he did not know English and had not
means of knowing of the existence of the
irregularities from any foreign source; and the
methods of applying the corrections together with
discrepancies between his values and those of
Europe leave no doubt in our mind that he must
be credited with their discovery. He has named the

1- From Dwivedi's Ganaka-tarangini, it appears that

Nityananda in 1639 A.D. used a correction called
Pakshika. But it is not clear from the name- alone, if it
had any connection with "variation".

inequalities, Tungantara, Pakshika and Digamsa, with

the maximum amounts of I'AO', 38'12", and 12'
respectively (S,D.VL7).
For those who may be inclined to compare his
corrections, his method of applying them is briefly
described here. After the equation of centre
(maximum amount 5° V 10") has been applied to
the mean Moon, call the result 1st Moon Mi Then
add to, or subtract from it, according as the anomaly
happens to be within the first six or the second six
160' x Sin[A - (0+3)] Sin(Mi-O)
1st Moon motion
mean motion
where A stands for the Moon's apogee, and 0
for the true Sun. The two signs (±) are to be taken
in the case of the light and dark halves of each lunar
month respectively. The result obtained is called the
2nd Moon, M2.
To apply the Pakshika correction, take
M2 - 0 b (say). Subtract b from 3 (Signs)
— 3 T—— ~—
3 3 3
and take the less of two quantities, a and

{3 _ ^ j and say, it is y. Then is the

corection required. It should be noted that the

denominator (90) is not constant, but can be
obtained. The correction is to be added to, or
substracted from the 2nd Moon, as the latter lies
within the first or the second quadrature. Call the
Moon thus corrected, the third Moon, M3-
Introduction xxxv

Now, take 1/10 of the Sun's equation and

mutiply by the first Moon's motion, dividing by its
mean motion. Add the result to the 3rd Moon, when
the Sun's equation is subtractive, and subtract from
it when the Sun's equation is additive. After this,
the other corrections (such as Bhujantara), common
to all the planets, are to be applied before the
Moon's place becomes apparent.
On a cursory view, the amount of Tungantara
inequality appears double of that of evection. But
if we take the Moon's greatest equation of centre
into account, the apparent discrepancy vanishes.
For, the amount of the greatest equation of the
Moon is 6' 18', and the maximum evection 1° 20'
making the total of 7°38'. Chandrasekhara has ST
as the greatest equation and 2° 40' as the greatest
Tungantara, making the total of 7° 41'. The other
inequalities discovered by Chandrasekhara are
about the same as those in use in English
The astronomical constants adopted by our
India astronomers open up a large field for enquiry.
It is not my purpose to discuss their bearings upon
the antiquity of Indian astronomy. But I cannot but
remark that it is often reiterated in season and out
of season than substantiated, that the Indian
astronomers borrowed largely from Greek
astronomy. As far as I am aware, this assertion is
based upon (1) the identity of certain Sanskrit and
Greek astronomical terms, (2) the fact of Garga
praising the Yavanas for their proficiency in

1. It should be noted here that the last-named inequality

(Digamsa) is also applied to the Moon's node in the
above-mentioned manner (S.P.VIII,33).

astronomy, and (3) the presence in Sanskrit of

certain astronomical treatises words admittedly of
foreign origin. This is not the place to discuss the
subject throughly. But as far as my knowledge goes,
these arguments, when weighed against others, are
not at all convincing.
The presence of Greek terms in Sanskrit is
certainly a strong presumption in favour of the
theory. But when the uses of the terms are taken
into consideration, it is found that with the possible
exception to the word "Kendra'1 meaning
"anomaly", all the rest properly belong to astrology.
Of course, when once the terms had been
introduced into Sanskrit, our astronomers did not
hesitate to use them freely in astronomy, side by
side with pure Sanskrit terms. The passage where
Garga extolled the Yavanas does not occur in an
astronomical work, but in a Samhita which was
rather a work on astrology than astronomy. Nor
can we logically infer from the passage that the
Yavanas were proficient in astronomy rather than
in astrology, or that the Hindus borrowed the
knowledge from them. The name Yavanacharya
occurs only in connection with Samhita. Next the
presence of Romaka2 and Paulisa Siddhantas among
others of purely Indian origin proves nothing
beyond the bare fact of their presence and I do not
see how it can be taken to imply that the Hindus
had not obtained the constants of their Siddhantas

1. See, however Bhaskara's derivation of the word in his

2. The Romaka-Siddhanta of Varaha-mihita is in no way
superior to his Saura-Siddhanta, as was remarked by
Introduction xxxvii

by independent observation. On the contrary, the

fact of their retaining the foreign name (at least the
name Romaka), shows that the foreign Siddhantas
were distinct from what were Indian, and there is
no proof that the Romaka or any other foreign
Siddhanta was ever in use in this country,
superseding the purely Indian productions. To give
an analogy, a Sanskrit translation of the British
Pharmacopoeia will no more prove the absence of
Charaka than an English translation of the later will
prove the absence of the? former. All that we can
logically infer is that there was intimate intercourse
between the Hindus and the Yavanas, a fact
otherwise known from political history. The Hindus
may have been indirectly influenced by the
teachings of the Yavanas. But it must be admitted
that the Yavanas may have been also influenced by
their presence among the Hindus.
We can safely go so far, omitting all sorts of
possibilities and vague conjectures. Having regard
to our ignorance of the state of astronomy and its
gradual development in India anterior to
Aryabhatta, and our equal ignorance of the source
of the knowledge credited to Hiparchus, it is
hazardous to speak of the indebtedness of the one
nation to the other. If the Hindus learnt the science
of astronomy from the Yavanas, how is it that the
constants of Sanskrit astronomy are so different
from those of Ptolemy ? How is it that the early
Hindu writers were unacquainted with such useful
as well as remarkable facts as the precesion of the
equinoxes, or the evection inequality of the Moon ?
On the contirary, the constants ought to have been
identical, not only becaus they are believfed to have
a common origin, but also because they represent
xxxviii f^SRT^foT

facts, as true for India as for Egypt or Greece. When

one learns a science from another, it is natural to
expect to find him copying not only the theory but
also the practice, write or wrong. Dr. Thibaut
repeats the suggestion made by Biot, that the early
Hindus learnt their astronomical theories probably
from Greek astrologers, and, the Doctor adds, also
from almanac-makers, whose knowledge was as
limited as that of there proto-types in the present
day.1 This is certainly an ingenious hypothesis; but
as has been already remarked having regard to our
ignorance respecting the growth and development
of the science in India as well as in Egypt, we cannot
but regard the hypothesis as not proven. I am
inclined to believe that our knowledge of the source
of Hindu astronomy has not advanced beyond the
point where Colebrooke found it. All that can be
safely asserted is what the illustrious oriental scholar
said, that "the Hindus have certainly received and
welcomed communications from other rations on
topics of astrology and we add, that their
indebtedness to Greece for the knowledge of
scientific astronomy is still an open question.2
But this a digression. We have said that
Chandrasekhara had made a real advance upon
existing Hindu astronomy. But the best test of a
theory lies in facts. For the reason given below, it
is not easy, however, to satisfy oneself whether his

1. See, Introduction to Pancha-Siddhantika by Dr. Thibaut

and Mm. Suddhakara Dwivedi.
2. It is much to be desired that some competent scholar
would collect the arguments for and against the theory
of indebtedness, and let us know how far, and in
what-direction, Greek influence on Hindu astronomy
Introduction xxxix

ephemeris is correct, and how much confidence may

be placed in it. For rough comparison, the places
of the planets computed by him are shown below,
toegther with their places, first according to the
British Nautical almanac, and next according to a
widely circulated Bengali almanac said to have been
computed after the Surya-Sidhanta. The correction
for precession in the places given in the Bengali
almanac has been made by adding 20 "54' to them
in accordance with the almanac. Besides these, I
append ephemeris for two other days from the
Nautical almanac and the Siddhanta-Darpana.
For various reasons, neither Chandrasekhara's,
nor for that matter - any other Hindu almanac can
coincide with the Nautical almanac. Neglecting
minor corrections unknown in our almanacs, there
is the determination of the exact amount of
precession, without which no comparison is
possible with European almanacs. To avoid it, the
relative distance of the planets may be taken. It will
be seen that while the Bengali almanac may be in
error by as much as 4*, the error in the ephemeris
by the Siddhanta-Darpana is limited to
half-a-degree. The reader will, however, remember
that a Hindu astromoner depends upon unaided
vision, and is satisfied if the longitudes are correct
to a half degree. Accepting this as our standard,
the ephemerides by the Siddhanta-Darpana
compare favourably with those of the N.A., while
the greater discrepancies in the Bengali almanac
conclusively prove how urgent has been the
question of the revision of our existing almanacs in
the light of observations now made. (See Table )
h* ^ e* 222^
ff 3*2. S 5 8 §
Efl § ff 3 '2. !? » g §
3 tn
C {0
«■ np 3 ®3
3 g g" C

OS O O ►-» OS vo O O o (t>. 9
i—1 M _ N> Kj
fO 4^ N> Ul ON J-k 'o fO NO NO O
H* VI l-N 4a. h- N> w
ON 00 4^ W NO Vl UJ

ON O O f* i-1 O o 31
I— M K3 hO 2 ti in
NJ i—k
ro ro
NJ rfa. O ON ON OS O hO ^ ?* 3 51
> 3 &.
M 4^ OJ
U) N> 4^ U1vj O « OS NO> gfe-ests VI ON

OS so o O
U so vO O K1 >b
w ro co oo isj i-i *

its. o St. tn oo
NJ Z 2 KJ M N3
vj o ^
> ^ K> vi vj
V| W g.^ Ov ON a SI
P W 00 00
<* oo ^ o
3 «
ro to as
ro ^ j" rfi. w
vj o O i—' "O SJ S> •
• 3-
U3 Ul Z

w fo as £2 ro K N
O 1-* O Oi vj lyi
t/> vi Z to </> Z m

J u IX
Introduction xli

But before any reformation is attempted, an

exact determination of the amount of precession
becomes a question of paramount importance. The
reader is a awre that in the Hindu system, the
longitudes of celestial bodies are measured from a
fixed point - say a star - in the ecliptic, instead of
from the movable vernal equinox as is the practice
in Europe. The question has therefore the same
bearing upon our calculations, as the position of the
so called First Point of Aries upon those of the
Nautical almanac.
Unfortunately, all attempts to solve the*
question have been practically fruitless. The reader
will hence understand the chaos into which our
almanacs have sunk. The gravity of the situation,
and the difficulty of escaping from it, demand a
fuller discussion than our space would permit. But
then this alone can give us an opportunity of
ascertaining Chandrasekhara's success in this
Promising, then, that we measure longitudes of
planets from a fixed point in the ecliptic, the
question resolves itself into a determination of the
point. In other words, what is that point, or what
is its longitude from the vernal equinoctical point ?
Whatever and wherever that point may be, it is the
starting point of our zodiac, and its longitude is
known as ayanamsa, which literally means amount
of solstices. For, we do not speak of the precession
of the equinoxes as often as we do of the precession
of the solstices. Hence, the ayana-chalanam of
Sanskrit astronomy is equivalent to the precession
of the equinoxes. To avoid ambiguity we sjiall use
the term ayanamsa rather than the amount of

The exact amount of the ayanamsa may be

apparently determined in different ways. 1. The
Siddhantas furnish a rule for computing it, which
is in principle the same as the method of finding
the longitude of a star at any given date by applying
the amount of precession to its longitude at some
other date. 2. Defining the initial with the help of
other data, such as the recorded longitudes of stars,
its present longitude from the equinoctial point may
be ascertained. 3. Knowing the exact year when the
initial point was fixed, its present longitude
(ayanamsa) may be calculated from the known rate
of precession. But it so happens that the results-
obtained by these three methods do not agree.
To begin with the first method, it will be seen
that the different Siddhantas do not agree, either
in the nature of precessional movement. Or in its
annual rate. According to some, the equinoxes have
an oscillatory motion, turning to the right and to
the left of the initial point within certain limits, and
extending over a large interval of time; while others
maintain their continuous motion backwards.
Colebrooke compared the views of the libration and
revolution theorists, and gave the rate of precession
accordign to each. They are as follows:-
Liberation Theory Annual Rate
Surya-Siddhanta 54"
Soma* Siddhanta 54"
Sakalya Siddhanta 54"
Laghu-Vasishtha Siddhanta 54"
Parasara-Siddhanta 52" .35

1. Ranganatha, in his commentary to the Surya-Siddhanta,

quotes Soma-Siddhanta in support of the reading.
Introduction xHii

Liberation Theory Annual Rate

Aryashta Satika
(quoted by Munisvara) 46".25
Manjula (quoted by Bhaskara)1 59".9
Bhasvati 60"
Grahalaghava 60"
The derangement of the equinox from the intial
point is 27° on either side according to the
Surya-Siddhanta, and this limit was probably
accepted by other libration theorists.
Aryashta-Satika, however, gives the limit of 24°
instead of 27' (Colebrooke).
We are not concerned here with the theories or
the limits of libration. Surya-Siddhanta and the
works based upon it, are now almost universally
adopted throughout India for computing an
almanac, though in some places Grahalaghava
occupies the field. Now from the first, we find the
ayanamsa for the first day of Saka 18162 (13th April
1894) was 20° 55', and from the second, 22*50' for
the same day. These amounts represent, the
minimum and maximum ayanamsa obtained from
Siddhanta rules.
Both the Surya-Siddhanta and Siddhanta-

1. Bhaskara did not believe in the liberation theory. For, as

has been shown by Chandrasekhara (VI. 100), he has
directed us always to add th^, ayanamsa and never to
subtract it.
2. In common parlanac, we speak of the year being Saka
1816, though in reality we ought to say the first day of
Saka 1817. The facts herein discussed were collected
sometime ago, and as it immaterial which year is taken
for illustration, they are not altered to suit the current
fV,_. .. . . f

Siromani, the standard Siddhantas at present in use,,

give a rule to test the amount of ayanamsa by
observation. It consists in subtracting from 12 signs
the longitude of the Sun computed after the
Siddhantas for the moment when the Sun crosses
the vernal equinoctial point. Thus, on the 13th April
1894, the Sun's longitude for Greenwich mean noon
was 23°32'7", while an almanac gives us 1°21'25"
as the Sun's longitude for the same instant, making
the ayanamsa 22°10'37". It will be seen therefore
that not withstanding the higher precessional rate
of the Surya-Siddhanta, the calculated amount
becomes less than the actual by nearly VIS', while
the Grahalaghava makes it greater by about 39".
To come to the second method, viz. to find the
true longitude of the initial point as defined by stars.
All the modern Siddhantas agree in the statement
that the longitudes of all heavenly bodies are to be
measured from the Star Revati situated on the
ecliptic. The star has been identified with Picicum.
Now, this is a star of the fifth magnitude and is
barely visible to the naked eye. The question is,
why was this particular star out of the many situated
on the ecliptic, - some of which are larger, - chosen
for marking the beginning of the zodiac? The answer
has been - and there is no doubt about the accuracy
of the answer - that the vernal equinox happened
near the star when the present system of
astronomical measurement came into vogue.
So far it is plant sailing. For, we can easily find
the longitude of the star from the vernal equinoctial
point and at once get the required ayanamsa. From
the Right Ascension and Declination of the star,
§ Piscium, on the 13th April, 1894, we get 18° 23'49"
Introduction xlv

as its longitude.1 This is however, less than the

amount obtained above. It is dear therefore that
either the star Revati is not § Pisrium, or it did not
mark the initial point. Mo doubt exists about the
identity of the star, neither can we suppose all the
Siddhantas false in their assertion.
The latitudes and longitudes of thirty-four
others stars are given in the Surya-Siddhanta. They
were not measured in the usual way. But from the
express instructions cis to the method of
measurement adopted, we understand that the
so-called long tudes, Dhurvas, are the longitude of
the Right Ascensions of the stars supposing them
to be on the ecliptic, and that the latitudes
(Vikshepas) are the distances, north or south, of the
stars from the ecliptic, measured along the
dedination tircles passing through the stars. Now,
taking only the 27 stars of the zodiac, and
comparing their reduced Dhruvas with their present
longitude, we find ourselves confronted with a
curious result? The difference between the recorded
and the present longitudes is not the same for every
star. Indeed, it varies from about IS" to 24°.
Omitting Visakha, of which I am not certain,
the mean difference of the longitudes of the stars
of the first half of the zodiac, i.e. from Asvini to
Chitra is 21°, while that of the stars of the second
half amounts to 19° only. So, while the mean

1- The modem Surya-Siddhanta' gives 359°50' as the

longitude of the star Revati. This would make the present
ayanamsa greater by 10' only.
2. I understand that Prof. Whitney has discussed the point,
and regret that I have no access to his edition of the
Surya-Siddhanta at present.

precession for all is atiout 20°, that for Asvini

(a Arietes) and Uttara-bhadrapada (aAndromeda), the
two stars on either side of Revati, is about 24' each.
The question becomes more perplexing when
remember that Bhaskara, who certainly made a few
corrections, has given in most cases the same
longitudes as we have in the current Surya-
Our identfication of some of the stars may be
doubtful.1 But taking all the star-longitudes into
consideration, we are forced to admit that somehow
or other there were errors of observation. Possibly,
these errors were partly due to the rude means of
observation, increasing the errors with the increase
of the zenith distance of the stars, and partly to
azimuth errors. One or all of the explanations must
be accepted as true, as we cannot suppose that any
one having the slightest pretension to practical
astronomy, however rough the instrument might
be, could make such gross errors in the simple
measurements required. To take the.mean of the
star-longitudes for a solution of our problem is,
therefore, a wrong procedure, in as much as, we
are entirely in the dark as to the weight to be
attached to the determinations. We shall however,
make use of them in another way later on.
We now proceed to consider the third method,
which consists in analysing the dates in which there
was no ayanamsa. For this purpose, we require not
only the dates but also the rates of precession

1. Thus, if Asvini be identified with p Arietes and

Uttarabhadrapada with y Pegasi, the amount of percession
deducted from them becomes nearly equal and agrees
with that obtained from Magha.
Introduction xJvii

assigned by the astronomers. We have already seen

the various rates assigned by them. As the
Surya-Siddhanta's rate of 54 seconds per year is a
close approximation to the rate known at present,
let us take this first for consdieration.
Apparently, the rate of 54 seconds is hihger by
nearly 4 seconds than the actual. I say apparently
for the rate makes the ayanamsa less, instead of
increasing it in the proporiton of about 50 to 54. It
must be therefore really lower than the true rate.
To explain the anomaly we have to consider the
Siddhanta year. The length of the sidereal year -
the year used by us instead of the tropical year in
use in Europe - is 365.25875 mean solar days
according to the Surya-Siddhanta, and is thus
greater than the true length by 0.00238 days. Now,
taking the Sun's daily motion at 59'8", we find that
during the excess the Sun moves to the East through
a distance of 8".44 nearly. But the equinoctial point
moves to the West. It is therefore clear that the
precessional rate assigned by the Surya-Siddhanta
is practically 54"-80.44, or 45".56 per year. It is for
this reason that the ayanamsa, calculated from the
Siddhanta, apparently higher rate, becomes less
than the amount observed. Hence if we accept the
Siddhanta's length of the year, we should make the
annual precessional rate 50" 24+8" 44 or 58".68. It
is remarkable that the rate of 45".56 per year is
almost equal to the precessional rate in Right
Asscension. Whether the Siddhanta writer meant
the rate to be what we find, I cannot say, though
there are certain reason favourable to our
conjecture. The point may be illustrated by. taking
other Siddhantas. Bhaskara's year corfeists of
365.25843 days, and is therefore longer by 0.00206

days. Hence, accepting Bhaskara's year, we should

have 50* 24+7".31 or 57",55 as the precessional rate.
Bhaskara does not state in his Siromani any rate
deduced by him, but eviidently supports Munjala's
rate of 59".9. Moreover, his adoption of the rate of
60" a year in his Karana-kutuhala leaves no doubt
in our mind as to the rate he used.
Similarly, Ganesa, author of Grahalaghava,
makes the year of 365.25856 mean solar days, which
is thus longer by 0.00219 days. He ought to have
therefore made the precessional rate 50".24+7".86
or 58". 10 instead of 60" as he has done.
Chandrasekhara accepts the length of the year
of the Surya-Siddhanta, and gives 57".615 as the
precessional rate (S.D.VI.75). This is just less than
the rate we have assumed above by 58".68-57". 62
or 1"06. I was surprised to find this close
approximation, and could not but ask him the data
from which he derived the rate. In reply, he said
that finding the Surya-Siddhanta and the Siromani
make the ayanamsa either shorter or longer than
that observed, he was for some time in a fix about
the rate to be followed. Fortunately, while he was
studying Jata-karma-paddhati with the help of the
commentary called Jatakalankara written by
Suryadeva some 800 years ago, he accidentally
found a passage in which the commentator recorded
the ayanamsa as it was observed by him on a
particular day of a particular year. This find itself
is not less valuable than Chandrasekhara's rate. He
gives however, 22*26' as the ayanamsa for the year
we have taken for discussion.
Munjala appears to be the earliest writer who
has given the date of the year of no ayanmsa, as
well as the rate of precession observed by him. He
Introduction 11

wrote his work in Saka 854,1 and the precessional

rate assigned is 59".9 in a year. We also learn from
Dwivedi's Ganaka-tarangini that according to
Munjala, Saka 434 was without ayanamsa. Now
from 434 to 854 Saka, there were 420 years, during
which at the rate of 59".9 per year, the ayanamsa
had amounted to 6*59'18". However erroneous the
rate given by Munjala may be it will not be wrong
if we take 6°59'18" (say 7') as the ayanamsa in Saka
854. We know, however, that the rate of precession
could not have been greater than 58".68 per year.
Accordingly, the ayanamsa obtained above carries
us back through 429 years from Saka 854, the date
of Mujala's work. In other words, we find that
according to Munjala's data Saka 425 was the year
of no ayanamsa at the latest. From the ayanamsa
obtained from Munjala and that observed in Saka
1816, we note that the rate of precession amounts
to 56".8 in a year.
The next work we take is Bhasvati by
Satananda,2 which is still regard as an authority for
the calculation of eclipses. He wrote his work in
Saka 1021, and according to him the rate of
precession is 60" per year. We also know that he
regarded the Saka year 450 as the year without
ayanamsa. Now, calculating the amount of

1. The date 584 in the Ganaka-tarangini seems to be a

misprint, though it occurs thoughout the short notice of
Munjala, excepting the passage wher Pandit Dwivedi
quotes from Munjala, makign the date 854 Saka, adopted
2. Satananda was bom in Orissa in Saka 990 (i.e., 1068 A.D.)
and wrote the Bhasvati in Puri in Saka 1021*(i.e., 1099
A.D.) by adopting centmal system. Hence his name was
Satananda as it was a pleasure to him to use centinals.
I f^RT^for

ayanamsa in Saka 1021 in the above manner, we

find that it was 9°31' in that year. From this,
calculating backwards at 58".68 a year, we come to
Saka 437 as the year of no ayanamsa. We also note
that the rate of precession reduced from the
ayanamsa in 1021, amounts to 57".295 per year.
In his Karana-kutuhala, Bhaskara has roughly
given 11" as ayanamsa about Saka 1105. From this
at the rate of 60" in a year, the rate assumed by
him, we are taken back to Saka 555, and, at the rate
of 57".55 which we have found before, to Saka 423.
We also note that adopting his observation, the rate
amounts to 56".624 per year.
To take another example, we mention Ganesa
who wrote his Grahalaghava in Saka 1442.
According to him the rate of precession is 60" in a
year, and Saka 444 was without ayanamsa. These
premises lead us to infer that ayanamsa amounted
to 16°38' in Saka 1442, which at the rate of 58".1
carries us back to Saka 412, a-date which is the
earliest of all that we have hitherto obtained. But,
considering that the amount of ayanamsa reduced,
compared to the present amount, makes the rate at
low as 53".4, we are lead to infer that his data were
wrong. It is to be observed, however, that the rate
of 58".68 if adotped makes Saka 422 as the year
without ayanamsa.1
We may almost guess the data from which
Ganesa derived his rate. It is likely he accepted 11°
as the amount of ayanamsa in 1105, as recorded by

1. An error in observing ayatiiamsa is not uncommon. One

instance of it is furnished by Mahadeva who recorded
13°45' as the amount of ayanamsa in Saka 1238 (Dwivedi's
G.T.), thus making the rate since then 52".5 in a year.
Introduction li

Bhaskara. From this he might have obtained the

Saka year 444 as the starting year, and also the rate
of 60 seconds a year, making the amount IB"37' in
Saka 1442.
It remains to notice the data 421 Saka given by
some minor authors. This is obviously based upon
the Surya-Siddhanta's with its annual rate of 54,
making 20*55' as the amount of present ayanamsa.
Chandrasekhara has not recorded the data
which furnished him the rate, knowing howerver,
his ayanamsa and rate, and calculating backwards,
we arrive at Saka 415.

So far we have obtained the following figures:

Sakabda Rate per year

Munjala 425 56".828
Satananda 437 57.295
Bhaskara 423 56.624
Chandrasekhar 415 57.61
Mean 425 57.09
Having regard to the nature of the data ve
cannot expect a closer approximation than that
shown above. We may therefore fairly take the
mean of the dates, as well as the rates. On account
of obvious inaccuracy in the data of Ganesa the date
and rate obtained from him cannot be rightly
included. Neither will his date, if corrected increase
the weight to be attached to, the mean to be
calculated from the above figures. We might,
however, include the data 421 Saka given by certain
weriters. Indeed, it will be seen that dates of the
starting years are of two classes; one somewhere
near 450 Saka, and the other, 421 Saka. But the
^- — f—

dates of the former dass may be reduced to those

of the latter dass. It will be further observed that
Munjala, the earliest writer of the set, makes the
closest approximation to the mean, Satananda
seems to have committed an error seeing that he
assigns Saka 450 as the starting year. Madhava
Misra, a commentator of his, makes the same
remark and suggests that the Saka year 421 ought-
to be taken incalculations.1
From what has been described above the Saka
year 421 or 427 appears to mark the beginning of
the fixed zodiac. It is difficult to prefer one to the
other. The Saka year 421 is equivalent to the year
3600 of the Kali yuga, and the fact of its being so,
goes in its favour. Besides, it is the year in which
Aryabhtta composed his work, a work which
enjoyed a wide reputation. Lalla, whose Tantra
Bhaskara condescended to critidsed adopted the
year 421 Saka, and the writer of modern
Surya-Siddhanta evidently held the same view while
writing the ayanamsa rule.
On the other hand, the great popularity of
Varaha-mihira leads us to suppose that the present
system of the zodiac had its beginning in Saka 427,
and I belive all the anomalies noticed before may
be better explained by accepting the year. We have
an authority for our view in the pancha-siddhantika
itself. The often-quoted verse in which Varaha-

1. The copy from which the remarks are made was printed
in Benares in Samvat 1942. It is full of mistakes, but the
sense is dear. It is curious to note that Satananda, while
basing his work on the Surya-Siddhanta, gives a higher
rate than what is given by the latter Madhava Misra tries
to justify this rate by altering the rule.
Introduction liii

mihira distinctly mentions the fact that in his time

the summer solstice took place at the beginniiig of
Cancer is a complete answer to the question we
have been discussing.
Dr. Thibaut, the learned editor of the
Panchasidhantika, however, finds difficulty in
accepting Saka 427, as the date of the composition
of the work. As far as I can gather from his
introduction to the work, his main objection lies in
a statement of Amraja, quoted by Bhau-Daji, that
"Varaha-mihira Acharya went to heaven in the
509th year of the Saka kala, i.e. A.D. 587". For if
Varaha be supposed to have written the work in
Saka 427, he must have lived to the good old age
of eighty-two years after the composition; and
supposing him to have written it at the age of
twenty-years, he must have seen 102 summers.
Seeing that Varaha lived long enough to write
a very large number of works, there is nothing in
' the statement intrinsically impossible. On the other
hand, if the Saka year were not the epoch of his
Karana, he defeated his own purpose. In deed, the
idea of a Karana-writer using a date borrowed from
some older Siddhanta, as has been supposed in this
case, and thus representing a time other than that
for which the work is written, is to say the least,
self-contradictory. Then again as has been pointed
out by Pandit Dwivedi, there is absolutely no proof
of the validity of Amraja's assertion. Dr. Thibaut
admits that if Saka 427 be taken as the epoch of
Varaha's work, several facts, not otherwise
explainable, become easy of explanation. All those
considerations, together with tradition about
Varaha's time point to the conclusion* we have
already arrived at by discussing ayanamsa.

Assuming then, that the zodiac at present in

use was fixed in Saka 427, let us explain a few facts
connected with it. First of all, we find that in 1389
years, which have elapsed since the date general
precession has amounted to 19°-23'-7"; while, had
the Surya-Siddhanta's year been in use throughout
the Sun must have been in error by 3°-15'-30", thus
making the ayanamsa 22°-38'-37" in Saka 1816 last.
The amount, however, differs from the observed by
28',- a quantity too large to be neglected. On the
other hand, if Ganesa's length of the year be taken,
the error in the Sun amounts to 2'-9,-54"/ making
the ayanamsa actually less by nearly 38'. It is
remarkable that the length of the year assumed by
Bhaskara makes the total 22*-12'21", nearly the same
as is observed.1
From the observed ayanamsa and the fact of its
commencement in Saka 427, the precessiona! rate
becomes 57".45. This is lower than that obtained by
us from the Surya-Sidhanta's year, but nearly the
same as we obtained from Siromani's year. This
discrepancy between the rate calculated from
Surya-Siddhant and that found above can be
explained by supposing that the Surya-Siddhanta's
year may not have been in use throughout the large
interval of 1389 years, and that the rate of precession
is not known so acurately as may be sufficient for
the great length of time. The fact of Varaha's Surya-
Siddhanta giving a slightly shorter year (as shown

1. The formula 50-2411 t+0001134 t2 is adopted for

calculating the general precession. See Chauvenet's
Astronomy. The precession constant appears to be a little
too large, as is remarked by the author. A calculation
made from Bessel's constant allowing for its variation,
renders the general precession nearly 1' less.
Introduction Iv

by D** Thibaut), makes no sensible difference in the

result. Be the explanation what it may, it is to be
observed that Chandrasekhara gives 22° -26' as the
observed ayanamsa, which is 15' greater than what
we have assumed. This ifact shows that somehow
or other, the length of the year in use was slightly
iess than what we find it in the modern

At any rate, the vernal equinox in Revati did

not mark the beginning of the existing zodiac.
Ranganatha, a commentator of Surya-Siddhanta,
supports us by saying that the equinox fell
somewhere near Revati. For, the equinox fell on the
star in Saka 498, and during the period since
elapsed, the Sun has moved through an excess of
3°-5'-29", thus making the ayanamsa 210-29'-18".
Even the Siddhanta's position of the star leaves a
difference of half a degree. So we must suppose
that the star Revati was nearly a degree to the East
of the initial point when the zodiac happened to
commence its existing fixity.
If any use is to be made of the recorded Dhruvas
of the stars, it appears to me to be the most
reasonable course to select those stars which are
situated near the ecliptic. For, as has been already
pointed out, the errors of observation by means of
rude appliances will increase with star-latitudes.
Accordingly, the following twelve stars situated
within five degrees on either side of the ecliptic are
given below for composition.

Stars Longitude in Reduced Differ-

Saka 1816 longitude ence
Krittika (23 Tauri) 58 *-14' 38*-52' 19*-22'
Rohini 68 *-17' 47*-56' 20 *-23'
Pushya ( dCancri) 127*-21' lOe'-O* 21 *-21'
Magfia 148*-21' 129 *-0' 19*-21'
Chitra1 202* -22' 181 *-23' 21 *-9'
Anuradha 241 *-45' 224*-31' 17°-14'
Jyeshtha 248*-17' 230*-41' 17°-36'
Purvashadha 273 *-6' 254*-30' 18*-36'
Uttarashadha 278°-43' 260*-18' 18 *-25'
Satatara 340 *-05' 319*-4r 20*-24'
Revati 373°-34' 359 *-50' 18°-34'

The mean of the differences is 19"-IS' carrying

us back to about 433 Saka. If it were possible to hit
upon the stars that were taken as fundamental stars
for the measurement of the Dhruvas, we could have
arrived at the correct result. We might fairly take
the star Magha as one of them, since it is a star of
the first magnitude, situated on the ecliptic, and
otherwise important in Sanskrit astronomy. It
would be seen from the precession of the star that
the Saka year 430 is reached.
As has been already pointed out, an allowance
must be made in the amount of precession deduced
from the recorded Dhruvas of stars. Still, the mean
general precession furnishes approximately the date
of their measurement. Dr. Thibaut has employed
the method to determine the "beginning of the
scientific period of Hindu astronomy". From Prof.
Whitney's discussion of the star-longitudes given in

1. Bhaskar's Dhruva of the star is assumed.

2. I am not certain of Visakha. If it be identified with & Libra
the difference amounts to 22°-46'.
Introduction Ivii

the modern Surya-Siddhanta Dr. Thibaut places the

period somewhere in the fifth century A.D. It is,
however, strange that he has omitted to discuss the
bearing of the Dhruvas of the seven stars he has
found in the old Surya-Siddhanta. Omitting Aslesha
which I cannot identify with certainty, the mean
general precession of the remaining six amounts to
about 24*. This implies, then, that astronomy as a
science began to be cultivated in India in the second
century A.D. at the latest.
We have already dwelt rather too long on the
determination of the starting point. But considering
the importance of the question in settling one of
the fundamental preliminaries to any possible
revision of on current almanacs, a word or two more
on the subject may be excused.
Chandrasekhara gives two methods for
determining the starting point. One is based upon
a verse of the modern Surya-Siddhanta, which he
takes to mean that the declination-circle passing
through the pole-star marks the junction between
Aries and Pisces (XII. 61). He further cites his
authority for thus interpreting the verse from
I am inclined to believe that he is mistaken in
thus interpreting the sloka of the Surya-Siddhanta,
though I have not seen Brahma-jamala, nor have I
an opportunity of doing so now. Taking, however,
the rule for granted it will be seen that the Dhruva
of the star was 21 *-42' in Saka 1816. But from the
annual variation in the star's R.A. the change in its
Dhruva is nearly 3-3/4 minutes in a year. This fact
alone demolishes Chandrasekhar's view.
The other method suggested is an inverse

application of the Sun's place, calculated after the

Surya-Siddhanta (S.D.VI.89). Assuming his
calculated place to be correct, it is easy to find the
beginning of the starting point of measurement. In
the absence of a better method, this remains the
only feasible course of procedure, and it is by this
method that we have got the present ayanamsa.
It will be noticed (S.D.XII.10) that
Chandrasekhara gives 5°N. as the polar latitude of
Revati. The fact is, he has given up the Revati of
our ancient astronomy for the simple reason that
the Siddhanta Revati is hardly recognisable, and
therefore practically useless. His Revati is not £
(zeta) but ij (eta) Piscium. How far this innovation
will be acceptable to the public, remains to be seen.
Instances of giving old names to new stars are
not rare, and this appears to be one of the main
difficulties in identifying stars of different
Siddhantas. For example, the star Pushya of
Varaha-mihira's Surya-Siddhanta must have been a
different star from the one receiving the same name
in the current Surya-Siddhanta. For Pushya of old
appears to have been Proesepe of the Greeks, while
modem Pushya is <3 Cancri.
It may be useful to knwo the stars to which
Chandrasekhara applies the Siddhanta names. For
this purpose I got a chart of the stars made by him
from which the following list is prepared.

1. Asvini a Arietes
2. Bharani 41 Arietes
3. Krittika Tauri (Pleides)
4. Rohini a. Tauri (Aldebaran)
5. Mrigasira A Orionis
Introduction lix
6. Ardra oCOrionis
7. Punarvasu Geminorum
8. Pushya Proesepe (in Cancer)
9. Aslesha - Hydrae
10. Magha Leonis (Regulus)
11. Purvaphalguni <5 Leonis
12. Uttaraphalgunii Leonis
13. Hasta <5 Corvi
14. Chitra c^Virginis (Spica)
15. Svati c(Bootis (Arctums)
16. Visakha <£Libra
17. Anuradha <5 Scorpionis
18. Jyeshtha a^Scorpionis (Antares)
19. Mula y Scorpionis
20. Purvashadha 6 Sagittarii
21. Uttarashadha Sagittarii
Abhijit Lyri (vega)
22. Sravana IfAquiloe (Altair)
23. Dhanishtha /? Delphinii
24. Satataraka < Aquarii
25. Purvabhadrapada /? Pegasi
26. Uttarabhadrapada Andromeda
27. Revati $ Piscium
Agni /? Tauri
Brahmahridaya Aurigae (Capella)
Prajapati Aurigade
Ilvaka Orion's belt
Lubdhaka Sirius 8
Agastya Canopus 9

Kratu Ursa majoris

Pulaha Ditto
Pulastya Ditto
Atri Ditto
Angira Ditto
Vasishtha Ditto
Marichi Ditto
Apayavasu 5°N. of Spica; 5th mag.
Apamvatsa S'N. of Apaya; 5th mag.
The polar longitude and latitude of
Chandraskhara's Revati , as given in the work, are
slightly incorrect. In a letter to me, he gave 359"10'
and 5°30'N. as the corrected longitude and latitude.
Accordingly, the precession of the star amounted
to 22<'20'-41" in Saka 1816. These correction were
thought necessary by him in order that the observed
ayanamsa might agree with the precession of the
star as he ascertained it. But we cannot but admit
that he has confounded ayanamsa (or
sun-precession) with stair-precession. For, it is
obvious the amount of ayanamsa we observe by the
Sun affects only the Sun's place in finding moment
of his crossing the equinoctial points, while the
general precession of the stars remains unaffected
by the slight increase assumed in the length of the
year. But credit must be given him for his
conssitency in the view, however wrong it may be
in the light of the facts disclosed.
Another important improvement made by

1. An instance of an error of this kind is curmt in our Bengali

almanacs in which the equinoxes are puttwo days later
on account of the ayanamsa being taken at 20*55'.
Introduction Ixi

Chandrasekhara is in the Sun's parallax. The history

of his attempts at determining it is no less
interesting than the results he actually obtained.
The ancient astronomers of India were satisfied with
taking for the parallax of each planet, l/5th part of
its mean daily motion. Accordingly, the Sun's
horizontal parallax was considered to be 3'56", and
that of the Moon 52' 42". With rough instruments
at their disposal, the ancient observers could not
but assign wrong values. But awkwardly enough,
the parallaxes of the Sun and Moon come into every
prediction of their eclipses. So while modern
astronomy increases the distance of the Sun to
something like 400 times the distance of the Moon,
our ancient astronomers placed him no farther than
14 times this distance. Chandrasekhara has removed
him to a distance of about 154 times the mean
distance of the Moon.
Chandrasekhara told me that before he got the
parallax, he had passed many an unhappy day. He
was then very young, but was anxious to know the
Sun's distance. He could not even imagined how
the distance could ever be known. The ancient
works were dogmatic in their assertions, and did
not say a word about the method employed. By his
failure in approaching the problem, he became
disheartened. One day thus dejected in mind, while
he was coming home, he noticed an image of the
Sun projected through a narrow aperture in a fence
of palm leaves close to his house. This phenomenon
well known to every tyro in physical science made
him reflect, and he thought that he had got a
solution of his problem. Could he but get the Sun's
real diameter. This similar triangles on the tV/o sides
of the aperture, with their bases formed by the Sun
^ r

and his image, would enable him to find the

distance. He hastened home, but before he looked
into any work for the Sun's true diameter, he saw
his error. For, was he not assuming the thing he
wanted to find out? And his exultation was followed
by despair.
At ths stage the problem rested for several
years, till he became acquainted with rules for
calculating eclipses. He found that the parallax of
the Sun assumed in the Siddhantas was too large
to make predictions of eclipses correct. The anular
and total eclipses, together with those in which the
Moon just grazes the shadow, were his landmarks
in the determination of the problem. He was for
sometime in a sea of doubt. Perhaps the Siddhantas
were wrong in the mater of parallax, as in many
other matters. Perhaps his observations were not
made with that degree of accuracy which was
demanded by such problems.
These questions were never out of his mind a
single day through a long year. An accident
favoured him. He was reading the Atharvan
Upanishad, and was surprised to find that the Sun's
diameter was not 6500 yojanas as given in the
Surya-Siddhanta, but 72000 yojanas. This gave him
a fresh basis for calculation, and he was satisfied
that this diameter did not shift his landmarks to
any extent which he could detect. This gave 22" for
the Sun's horizontal parallax, and with careful
calculation that of the Moon was found to be 56'28".
Repeated observations left no doubt in his mind
about the correctness of his figures. Besides, here
was an authority from Sruti itself.1 Taking 72000

1. Lastely he learnt that European astronomers find the

Introduction Ixiii

yojanas for the true diameter of the Sun, the

distance of the Sun from the earth was found to be
between 105 and 106 times the Sun's diameter. In
other words, the distance of the Sun and the Moon
are 9510 and 61 radii of the earth respectively
(VIII. 12, 13, & XIX.49).
The introduction is brought to a close with
another topic well-known even to the boys of our
elementary schools. It is about the movement of the
earth, which Chandrasekhara does not admit. It is
curious no doubt to hear a man given to astronomy,
maintaining with all seriousness an idea which
mankind has learnt to repudiate since the days of
Copernicus. And there are men who, talking glibly
of the earth's movements, thought that his
calculations could not possibly come out right from
such wrong fundamental premises. It is needless to
argue the matter with those whose rudimentary
knoweldge of mathematics did not enable them to
understand relative motion and I would not have
introduced the topic, had it not been made the sole
criterion of the merits of this work.
To such critics, I would suggest that centuries
elapsed during which our forefathers and the
forefathers of Europeans did nto even dream of the
possibility of this firm and fixed earth's spinnign

Sun's horizontal parallax to be aobut 8" and that of the

Moon 56'40". But he has found no reasons for correcting
his figures. He says, the difference between the parallaxes
of the Sun and the Moon amounts to 56'32" according to
European astronomy, while he finds 56'6" giving results
agreeing with observation. Now, if the difference were
changed by 26", an annular eclipse would-be changed in
to a partial, a partial into an annular and a total into a
"touching" one.

like a top round its axis, far less of its rushing

onwards with headlong speed. Chandrasekhara had
not the advantage of our modern schools, and has
not imbibed the spirit of taking such things on trust.
His is a work of unaided effort, and it would be
surprising if he, along with the schoolboy, talked
of the movements of the earth. On the contrary, a
miserable Odia translation of a Bengali compilation
from English popular astronomy made him a
confirmed believer in the stationary condition of the
earth. The arguments put forth in the book to
estabish the movements of the earth may be
sufficient to satisfy those who do not try to realize
the matter, but unfortunately were not convincing
to a man who struggled hard to reconcile the new
idea in all its bearings with his own observations.
Indeed, the translation and another of like
nature were the only sources from which
Chandrasekhara learnt something of western
knowledge. They may have so far influenced him
as to modify his ideas about physical astronomy,
vague indications of which will be seen in certain
passages of this work,1 tut had hardly any effect
upon his as regard mathematical astronomy. The
reader will find him doubtfully speaking of the
satellites of some of the planets, of the proportion
of land and water on the globe, and the latitudes
of one hundred and eight places derived from
modern Odia maps and other sources. In these he
sees no reason for disbelieving what is actually
observed. But where are the observed proofs of the
movements of the earth ?

I. See V, 79 for possible satellites, XI.40 for phases of

planets; XVII. for force of gravitation, & c.
Introduction Ixv

To controvert the theory of the movements, he

has divided his arguments to the contrary into three
dasses. The movements are opposed to Sastric
authority, to common sense, and to logical
reasoning. To do him justice, I believe he would
not hesitate a moment to modify his views, could
he get the modern theory in all its details. He has
thus rendered a service to us by compelling us to
think. The same service was rendered by the heroic
John Hampden who a few years ago essayed to
prove that the world, instead of being a globe, was
in reality as flat as a table. There is a tendency on
the part of mankind when it has established any
doctrine, to assume that it cannot possibly be
disputed and so in time we even forget the
arguments by which the truth was established.
There is thus a need for these exceptional and more
or less original heretics who challenge our accepted
But the peculiarity of his theory is that though
the eartji occupies the centre of the universe, the
planets do not revolve round it. They revolve round
the Sun, and the Sun taking all the planets along
with it revovles round the earth (V.6). The Moon
is of course a satellite of the earth, and makes no
difference in the old and new astronomy. But where
could he get the theory of the planets describing
ovals round the Sun ? It is not imported from the
West, but is a direct corollary from the elements of
the planets themselves. For if we plot the calculated
places of a planet with respect to the Sun, the former
will be found to describe something like an oval
round the latter.
Indeed, I believe that this view ot the star
system was held by our ancient astronomers. We

cannot suppose that they could be so ignorant as

not to see this simple deduction. The late Pandit
Bapudeva Sastri gave other arguments in support
of this doctrine of the ancient astronomers (See his
pamphlet Bhubhrama-Vichara), though I am
inlcined to think that the Sastri went rather too far
in drawing the inference that our astronomers
supposed the earth to be a planet of the Sun.
This system, formulated a new by our author,
forcibly reminds one of Tycho Brahe, and bearing
in mind Chandrasekhara's life, we may regard him
as the veritable Tycho of India. Like Tycho our
author belongs to a noble family, which had for a
series of years claimed independence. Tycho"'s early
education was in Latin, and what Latin is to Europe,
Sanskrit is to India. Young Chandrasekhara was
early acquainted with the sacred lore of Sanskrit.
His knowledge was so far advanced as to enable
him to compose verses in it, as Tycho could in Latin.
Tycho had been destined ot lead a sgldier's life, but
his unde who adopted him made him study law.
While he was so engaged, his attention was first
drawn to astronomy by the prediction of a solar
eclipse in 1560 A.D. Like him Chandrasekhara
received his education from his, uncle, and the same
search after the unknown led our Indian Tycho to
penetrate the mysterious destinies of men with the
help of astrology. It is said that all sdences had
their origin in wonder, and it is preeminently true
of astronomy. Nothing but star-gazing could have
exdted the simple yet noble utterances of the Vedic
Rishis, and star-gazing has given birth to a
Hipparchus and a Galileo, and may we add, to the
Tycho of Europe and the Tycho of India ? The
European Tycho had Copernicus before him and
Introduction Ixvii

the long ascendancy of the Almagest was fast

coming to a close. Chandrasekhara's Almagest was
Surya-Siddhanta, and his Copernicus was Bhaskara.
Both Tycho and Chandrasekhara detected at an
early age discrepancies between observation and
calculation. Tycho held and Chandrasekhara still
holds the same views about the solar system. The
Copernican theory was before Tycho, and
Chandrasekhara knew the theory of Aryabhatta,
and we may add, heard not only of the diurnal
rotation of the earth propounded by the renowned
Aryabhatta, but of the annual revolution of the
earth round the Sun from modern Geography. But
both declined to accept the new theory on almost
precisely the same grounds. Tycho rejected the
Copernican theory chiefly for two reasons. "One
reason," says Professor Young, was that it was
unfavourably regarded by the clergy, and he was a
good churchman. The other was the scientific
objection that if the earth moved round the Sun,
the fixed stars all ought to appear to move in a
corresponding manner each star describing annually
an oval in the heavens of the same apparent
dimensions as the earth's orbit itself, seen from the
star. Technically speaking, they ought to have an
annual parallax." Chandrasekhara is equally

1. The fact that the stars should have parallaxes if the earth
revoired around the Sun was known at a very early date.
Tycho Brahe observed them in order to discover whether
they were sensibly fixed in the sky or not. So far his
observations went they did not change their positions
during the year. He inferred from this that ^he earth
remained fixed and that the Sun moved. His error was
due to the fact that his observatons were not sufficiently
accurate to show the slight displacement which the stars

supersitious wit Tycho, a staunch Hindu to the

backbone. How can he disbelieve the Sastras ? And,
besides, "the stars do not shift their places
according to the seasons of the year."1
The parallel drawn between Tycho and
Chandrasekhara is close sio far. But it fails when we
remember that Tycho had the benefit of a university
education, of the patronage of kings, and what is
more important, that he had instruments as delicate
as he could desire. Chandrasekhara has spent his
life among his native hills, has seldom been five
miles away from his little village and did not receive
any encouragement from anybody in respect of his
work. Tycho had the friendship of Frederick II of
Denmark who gave him an estate in Norway; "a
pension of £400 a year for life, a site for a large
observatory, and 20,000 to build it with," and
philosophers and statesmen and kings came to visit
his observatory and dined at his table.
And what did our Indian Tycho receive ? He

have. His observations were made shortly before the

invention of the telescope amd he could not measure the
minute angles through which the stars were displaced.
In fact, there distances are so great and the parallactic
displacements are so small that the 19th century was well
advanced before astronomers succeeded in finding any
stars with measurable parallaxes.
1. Many of his arguments are dircted against a
misconception of the new theory. For instance, he argues
that if the earth be rolling liike a wheel, then it ought to
move only 12,000 Krosa per day; for that is the length of
the earth's circumference. But you say, its daily motion
is 8,00,000 Krosa. A stone whirled round has always the
same face turned towards us; how can there be an
alternation of day and night by the rotation of the earth,
and so on.
Introduction lxix

met with sneers from his equals in position, because

he shook off the aristocratic prejudice against
star-gazers and fortune-tellers. He had no one to
encourage him in his pursuit, and no notice was
taken of his work. Our Government could only
confer upon him an empty title which he had never
coveted. Geniuses are liek declicate plants, never
plentiful anywehre and depend upon tender care
for growth and development and fertility. Let me
therefore hope that the past neglect of his
countrymen may yet be compensated, and that
better days may yet dawn upon our old and crippled
observe of heavenly bodies.
Jogesh Chandra Roy 1

1. The above article reproduced is the introduction written

in Feb' 1899 at Katak (presently Cuttack) by Late Professor
Jogesh Chandra Roy to the book 'Siddhanta-darpana' of
Samanta Chandrasekhara, published for the first time in
devanagari script.


^TT 3T^t % WiU yi^'



TISTT yehi^i - quta


f^tr ^icf

fy <iH T?f' ^FFT W ^t f^\

Pd^l *^1
3^h mt % f^Pi

•jMIRIN +.1^

^ ^q- 3^ f^WT
TT^TT, Ttl^R, ^ ?STT
<-il< f^r anf^
^ stk 3h^< {^T
^iPtr ■nf^d ^'il ^ii iiHiui
Ixxii fyi&l'Xf tZ'fIJl

fore ^STTo
ilfSEr IRRR ^
W f^r sni^ sn^ IJR ^0
^ 3IRWT ^ IT^r aqRwr
del) =1)1 dild
3^11 %) RH % c;uS 3TTf^

an^ n^Ri <*>KI ¥6

^JI ^T^Hiy) "iA TT ElcHT
1F®r cfiK^iT

(ldl4 Uebiyi - 3n^ <h[ quU

Tfg, "?pfi ^r ^ ?f«n Ti'nrfef
"5?, % ^TTEf % 'TFT \
HJld, "2?, 5?lPl % ^T % tF^TcW
cf«l( ^l*sl Hid ^ 'di^H ^rrw ?

■^(•Sv. HW (ndiicm
^1-^ f^FT Pldilddl \9
^PT fddiMdl \3
atfk w 6
3TfW?r WfT %
Tfk *11^ RH \°
•HldH fc^H n
^raRrfsr u
3^^^% WT u
- — ^ N
^?*T ^ira u
3lV ^K cfsifT ^T feTf %
«>mciglRd) Wldd f^T

Id <4^ Wr\\<z> ^To

^Jiui f^T snfit Pjcfiicm

^ f^r afrrf^
TT«pt ^ ^i wm
TTfT <vH HdiK irfcT,
m si^d sfk
at ^tJivii?T

gdi^ ychivi
TTKpni? ^ ^ Ti^zrq wm
fiR Pishlcm
W srflnfcf
^ arf^rrfcT
HTH ^ ^51 TIcF tT®!! 7FZI dilcl
^ STf^Nftl ^ t ^ERI ^
metdi arf^rrfti
sfW^k ^ Tf?f ^ vm ^r
^ "ST^Id 3Tlfc;
^w—— * . __ p- CnT
^T RW®?
Hgl srftRTR
sr^f snf^^i^n

% srfERfcf
3Tlf^ RR R^RRT %
^ 3T^*RRf "tT/i
dKg ^mt % arf^Mfci
Ixxiv /^/sST'd ^fw


31^1 Hcbk %j V6

^PTT SRrit 3PT ^

+<UIK ^r w? ^ % mJf«i
=bl RR
• <W& ^ ^ 3^ R<i
M<M rr?J[TTjTf!^^ R^
TTcT^^^^N ftcfcldHI
^ nTC ^ TfR f^FTd-TT 13^
fRTRsJTT \9?
M'ld ^ ^ r(^H
eftd'Hm Wfd
O V3\3

yR)l^f - # ^ Mf<f)!< H9T tFcJefJ

^IWVR^K ^ Td^ ^^TTTH I

^TRR %3R
^TRRTRTad^ \3
3T^fM?J <;
dR ^(d %
SFT Rrf u
Rd ^ dR ^<jRl dH ^slu^H u
^TTRR dcTl W> <rR<tiK
d*«. ^ -d^ ^Ilt1< dil Pl^d
<+( d-l RR^R u
C\ d)l4 % 'Idlsd dil ^R
MdltR 4id fddildHI

fqq<4 Tfo

^c;^i-a< 4icH Piqiicm 33

^siRRcrar 6<w\in ^
4)1 ^W»K 33
*$3 il "Hi «'W»K +1 <HI«l^«fedl 3d

31l=f^^=hdl 3^
Tf%^H il? Piqild^t ^ (d^l H^=ti ^3
*jU c|iir «bl Rh PH^Id^ <*1 ftR
f^T JIUMI ^ cfK S.l<.l ?rf=5
uch ^ ^
us?! <*! dlfddil *%
ar^r^f ^ ^ii HM XV3 *

ar^ifuf 3T^?TR nfr Tif^r anf^

5ft ^Frai^f d^fd ^\3

^rg^s n? WTT
l T
^T?t =Ft if9 r irf^r 3
^4Riis;iii ^ a^iR "?jhr TR^TC^ w S

qRsbHi V9
•nfdf ^ sn^iK TR w afk ^ 6

wich ^"o
^ ^ 3^ ^1 ^1?
ST^TR '|Rl ^hI U
^5\ ^r vrw
^ ii n^ +1 <1^1
Rt^-ft ^?IT ^ TTfrT
Wl afk fwr ^TK R Rftfi
U^l' <*1 H-<)^ i\{\ ^14^1
3TTf^ 3T^TR f%^R
3116 M+K «) ^6 'ifd
+1 MN y+K^l 'ifd

^rqi^ cbl ^1 4mi
^qj cfH'WT

^ +1 ^11 "^1 <H|SR

Rl^SI'tt ^7 3|HUK ^RiT HH
q^r ajH ^l
cT'qr M*^
o c^tld m

i^d -aqi ^ PH^MHI
^ +1 chlfi^JI ^ ^f6 =h1 \3^

ifily <+1 Hil'cq

M^T^I ^IH \3^
31^q q^^3qq|J| \3%
din qg) =hi c\
v^d H-<1^ diill 3R<*1 'lid 6X

{etqil ^To iJ^TTo

^4 ftrsRf cf'^ "MK^I
^ cbl £%
^TTftRlfq^RT xo$
H'ld sni^ HRRT \ o\3
H'ld ^fb ^ H-^ MRRT x°%
W^ftcTM w
^rRr 3<1< chl shH
TTIH 3^ ^ iiw»l< w
, +i<i 'lid RchldHI w
H'kl, ^|R 'ifcf x^\
M ld iHlR 4)1 dsfi cuV 4s^ ^-<^1
^ Hii P4)l<4dl
4)d ^ fkct RRj X^a
<H4 4^ M'ld 4)1 4)Cl \\36
4J!d 4. Riili 4x4 4) «ld W
<a^ 4)ct ^ 'iR R4)icni \6o
3414. 44) Jlfd 4il Ru|4 Uto
4y 4)<H Id4)1^41 \66
>S^4I^I CHV 41^(^1 d4l <9uSlhc1 X6%
"4^4 4)-^. 'lid m
RrRl 3TTf4 ^1 ^oo
RTRT, Hl'tl 4)1 ^44)1^4^ 'I'JHI
-b^d MRl4)l
?ftd'l4l4 Wfd

w 3i4n^T - xtghr
1441^ 3nf4 R qf^RFI 4^ 344^1 X'
■4^ ^iR fH4)l<5RI "a *
"^TRR qiRra 441 R'i^l ^W)K %

^ ifd \\3
^i srrsn crar ^ t^r
il^l chM ^ PdiT ^ ^ ^JT Tlfcf
cPTRR 3Tff^ ^1 cftKui
^ '^4
^ 3*Wl4T ^ ^ki ^d <M ^Ryl ^\9
<+>1 W'shlPd
fcrPr ^>1 Rf^r
UfdM^d, (dH^d
shlPd ^flW % 'H'I'JI teU,
3PRRT \3%
tidi^f <W ^WT Pl^K ti
^RT SKI lP ld cT^U ^>d ^4 fl
SPRRT^i yflR cc
swPti ^ MM Vi
W ^V3
shlPd 'ifd
f^Pd^H ^ oo
|J \o^
i|| l PRildFTT
f^Rlf^ ^T RPT \o\
f^^T^^TRT^r^lPd \°\
^d ^d \o\
SPI^ 3TWRl^ ^TRR \\\
RFR Isd w*
dH pMilddl

ftTT 3TTf^ fW^TFT
f^chid ^ ^ddM

S^iHi^l -d^K'dH "41 HM


3TJRRT4t 3T-ZT f^rf^T

d'l^m wTd
*o ^0
^ ftyvHiPydiK

y<^IVI vi<J» Wl^l Cj^d
^'4 ^NI iKi Rdi fnufa X
W^T O zfti 4lfd ^ 4^ ^'4 0
O ^ X
tfWI ^ XV
341414] ^ H^d, 3TIIT, 3T^qT 3TTf^
STSJ 3^1 d^l'ifl, -^ti, 3}Tf^
^1-41 dHI^ 11 *4<i ^4 3Tlf^
4fiJ| ;>i$ 4l tsi^ll 4^
^iTWt TTI^
3Ty4d eblumij
^'^41, 4T ^141 4M
4lPd dlPd 41 <H4H^^44
3T4r^4ld 4) £$141 4l d^l^ ^\3
®rai 4 UH4 Pl41dHI
4R4T)dTid»41 d8!! ^ 4
■O M WT \3V
4n^4^rTlf^^ ^44 rH4!dHI <:H
Ixxx Insiff
foqij yell eh 'Ho J^Ro

yefclVI - '^ilgui cjuln

SITT il5ul ^ ^^ieHI *
K +i R<^ u
^ aftr TTPf ^ RlMefcdl \\
3^ ^ni eh'jf
^PTT^t tP^tf
cPT ^1 HH
^ ^ 3^HR 3T^
TT^^f f^T
q^MId R'iy) H^iR &

ICT fMMt ^ STgftf
i* r^ dH HH
^TRT chid, 31RH ejdH w$
snSJ^cH, efci d<i| 31HT
■qi-^ fc;H HM
ch^M ^rfR eidd
ST^TT, sWpd^l
Tf^nr^gnf ^
^e^fd 3^t ^TH^R

HclH MeblVI - ctMq

^ ^d| ^ fdil dM-i
HR M4chld V
fRf%R eRR, RftT HT«R, ^ifeT
3Rff ff, MR R ^ d^cR
{Wfa R^RR) MR R WZR, HcJeWd ^o
H^chld, PdHlddH AlPd
fgw ^wleh TTo

■qr??, qtsj cMd qv

qiq^f^T ^K
qqni ^r qqnq, 6^
Tqfq afk ^qq^R

^iq 3ran?I - qft^Rl ^q

O 3^ ' sr^ inq stqef

o ?
13 fq q fen, qRT qf feTTT qm "?Rr<
qr?f qtKjr 3^: qsr TI^JT v*
qr^qpf.^+ird^qf ^
Tqq^i 3fh qrR qieR
qq qqq ^ fei^t fqffq qcTq
q?^ qq qi qjfq q#' ^
WqsfkOTRgTt ^\a-^6
iJehl^l Mehiyi - y^ld
qfcT STR qqiqq ^
^tqt 3^ 'lid ^ qq •<1^1 chid K
q?t qit fei'AII qqiq qqqT, 3qqi qqq
q^fqqqR U
qq^qnq^w.lq^qqsn w?R ^
wtq m, %q^, ^
fq^rq aqqq^jf, 53^
vxz q#cT, ^ qqfqq qqq,
qq Tpq c^n^
qRi qqt 33 fqtqqH
fqtq fq=Fqn sfk qt^iq

fc|**<4 ^Clieh Fo

«fr(T 3Tlf^ ^I
dKI ^ ^ ^ ^ ^iT \9H
3^ <1KI 3it 6^
^RT^f anf^ ^ f^n, IT? z^nr %<>
^ifer%R Uo

iKSfl ycbl!?l - U? sfo RSfRT gjT WT

R^Rt ^ f%^T to
4i'idKi ^ fMr . %%

RRlff R5t fprffT

RHm, RvTRTR 3^: WT

RR RRW, ^ RRf RfZ "RTfe
Tm RRR it M^TR
F4RtR ^RctT ^6
f^R RRR R^R, rrmoTt
'^TRN^RRSRTf^^ ^

^ R^R ^ir^T <sh aw

R^T 3^R aftr 3R3; RTf^f fZRT, ^ RRf \
3R?J RRf, chldi^l ark rP^fR ?,o
R^T fRSR, RTRRT RiT RR' dfk f^TIl ^
■fg^r ^tieu^To
TIH ^ 3^r 3TFcT H'-t 3T^T
3TTf^ 3^ STR 3TOT, "Hcf

pje ^^
Tft ^ 3^F;3R<F ^T ^m,
r<^;MIJ'od TR^R \o
rfil ^r3F, 3<f 3211
^TrrfcT, ^TcTRT ^R^vR ^\3
IRT R TTRR "R^ ^ ^R dr+ci
^T^^RTSTlf^ ^6
^cFT^ JluHI V3?
^ ^ RTiR:3^T 3fR 3TRT ^Id C\
oTRT 3TRT ^IcT, TRf ^R( ^ 3^RTRT Ct

■cjd^l y«hl^l - <wU

3T?^TRr ^T fwr \
4cb^4 ^ TRf ^ ^T
" f3RT3^T3R^ ^
^TFR 3fR ffRT, ^ RI^T f^T \3
^iHfd ^IcT, ?pi ^ R5:?R ^1 ^RW U
STRRT rT^IT 3TF^r <4cH 3^ ^IcIH,
T3 ^TT eitan ^0

^TTeTcT^R ?S
m^r f^ok, c?nf^ xo
^ ^r 4m 3^1 vm
WT 3RTrf TTR, T^F, ^TTR S?.
^T4 ^ W 3R^RT eRsR
"^^f TR % fR?T riTFT ^ f^T^T, 3RR
Pfl^H 4?T%IR
Ixxxiv fHiSi*<f iZ&T

^H, oMI^l ^

M^<VI Mefcl^l - *l^|l|IH gtfrT

fWT \
^Rl cf^IT o^dlmd ^WTT^TI ^
cJHf+tl t<1<F>M <T?U ^TF^T ^

3F^r^T3Rn: ^
S>lf% 7lf% %% STfF^c^ipf ^
TT^f, ^ arh: fpifir 3T^ ^ fp-R RR
wrw, Wi Pm,
TTteT 3TR 3RR^
W SRI IR ^1 ^T, 5'v3 %iff ^ H^NId
ctild, Pf? ff^IT STRWf

<bm\<< 3WPT^Tf^fR tTSilT^R%

fR^RFrn^tPfT^PT^i^R ^
qR^R RR^t^fe.^U^taTRr
Rflfit cF^Ti STRW ^o-\3^

yd,)^ - iivn wU
RRRTWr 3fk fWF X
'iH 3in WiT ^
TR ftM TRK R R% ft^RR,

rr ^
cT^IT ^T RcT
trwr RcT (3ITRf^) ^6
fgq^T WlebFc
^ w arpf ng m sc
3TT^r FTfir, cTf^ ^
troRT, ^ ^ -frsiT arfirfeF TR^R,

^T^prfcT 4>cl f^RTcf, HH

■^4 Hi'I 37^1^ ct^H, ^Rl,

WST, ?f5 «bcHHI

W^PTI^ W^3RR,^?R
TTf^ ^> SRIc^K ^1 stiK"!
T^ 3^ rTRT^T ^fg •HIH! ^'3

^ ^idl ^l +i 3'7T ^Mt^fd V9^

HfTW, W- 3Tll3 W* \3?
f^, «(^l ftFT \9H
3^7 ^n?, ^T ^ 3S7T HH ^
^ "ffR^T 3RR, "Hty, Hid HHi'l 37713 W
Hfti3m3Wn 60-6I

ilehlVI - ^FTfTTferRr^T
^ f^stRr f^r 3^ ^sn
?irer^T?KrwsfR i
^T 3TT«IR ^PT ^
m f%7<TR ?^
'lldl^K 3?IT HHdd WI Ic;^l41 ^HT \6
^tht ^ ^5 sfR
3RF ^
afk ^ns H3 F ^
Tj?4t im ^r ts^ ^


^f^cT 3H|ch^u| g^Ki IJf TJ^f

% ^fH=t) 3TSJ ^tH") (S|USH
^lH4i lGl 3^ jtilPrt ^tT ^T fq<m
TJ?4t g?t ?t%TT TlfrT ^ PRMTUJ,

f^T^vT ^?f ft WW ^6
■ 3^ srt ziBf ^ 3T^ ?nm
^^)T^t Is?
3T^1JTM3^ri^f%3iraR^fWTcTT V9S
tTR^T TTrr-yi^frtct-, "ipi % ^RPT 'iHi isls
'iWH - ! ^vf 34K^ chlel \S^
TT?2T k TO 7T4 ^
^dl^TTf^JeT 6%
w&i ifg %^r "qi^t ^f w TRT^TR <:<:
TT^, W3^T?[^r-^clT^fw
^Iltf^I3Tfe^R?T8fT^?K#T Va
ija^t 3^ SRJ TT^f ^-^pf

iPFi ^ 41^ PK^ Tpgp
^ flPW =hlcrl 3TlR ^pf ^


afh; "^fhr w % w1! HBt

^TTT 3^:H4#Tf MRsbHI'
C(KIMUI afk 3Tf^ ^jr

l^fpIT^T X^R,
^pf wrapTMrTRif^^RTrfwM x^R
^1 PTPf ^T fA 3T^ IPFT
/cfW Ixxxvii

cildl =hi
iKI <sl^H \^6
Rsr ?f?]T y4 4iRci <*1 wr ^
fdRt STR d^Tit^R

3T^1<VI xchl^l ~ ^RTtRT

RRTT 4)1 H^fchK %
^yvHSTR^r^fy *
Ti< chdi <+1 dufn
d)dd) ebl dcqfa
dd 3it7 ^TRT
■tfR ^T 3fk ^sid 33 f%*TRT
^T 3^ WIR ^ f^lfcT vc
^RTRrf^t f4^d qRb
5R^)T dRid
dRtlH ^41 <4)| 3rT4
^feffRTT^T fnuI-M
r5HM<4 <4)1 ddl?<ul
y^chl iW Pd'qRI *3^
dy<4)1 Mc^^rar 13V9
dR<4)l <Jdd .Jcj, ylHI V9<:

^T^aftr^IRK %%
dRd)| d4fld
83k'UHU 3TTf^
3Rq TRjf ^f ^T ^oo
^ 3^; 3T^(l <4)! R^FFI
3TSjkT 3fr{ ^TRR R4<4

Igyr yoiitjj ^TO

^ o\3


^^n^sfk Wer^r^TR

sftr ^feT ^T 41*JH 4IC1 ^

37^TRtT %\\3
aftr ^RE ^Fcf ^513^l?^T
^ 4I'JH "^0 ^T HH
^sgt^rMH4)d So ^RtS%3R
ark aTO^R ^\3V^
ychi^i - SRTlcT (TSJT Wild
^fe ^vT «tiRui \
^ ^ H81T cil"* ^
^^ttRf^TTfcT V

^BJT^T ^D'cj*^ £

^frEITTftf^ ^
R«T^Z^f \6
3T?t ^ Pl=bldHf ^
TifcT^iTetiClKHchRR ^6
»r^^7Tfrf ^
1TRR Vficly f^rflf R 3T^fe
c(sh 'ifd ^iT «W<UI
xr^f R'st ^ HRj^HI wz ^nfa
^>^1 dMH % XiT^hT ^>1 <sluSH ? 6
^^ ^ TTT^T ^
vS^Pi^^MHI"! ^ 3Tlf^ foTR,
^ ^ afft ^1 ^T #n SH
^^r^ifrok ^
^I^cT Vso

T^ ^T 3fk 3T^T WT ^
^^^^RT^nT^R3nf^^3Rl| 60
^R ^T di^l| 6^
TJS^ ^ "ntcTT^ ^ frR
!?k ^iT <i4'4iJl 6^
tjfg'¥Tfal% 31H«K 66
Hd Tt -SV-I ^T dc-dj ddd 3^

BTRiT oilM^lRdi 3T?f

"?raTTtTT^il fd'jld ^o^
^fp ^mr ^ Tif ^
3IR^T ^ ^ ftir RR, RH
afk^^pfci %o^
^ :i^ ^ ^fp TTOT
3TT^RT ^F^fT ^T PR
3<Fr^ 3TR PtfT PiT ysp
^ ^il'J) PP Pil PPTPR
PtfRT ildifVI — PR duid
TRi ^t PTPRcfT PPT ^T HdlHcIl y

i^EPT VcHleh^To
^TI? J^T 3<|c)?qcti<1l )£
^RTaAr^trg ^
f^forafk^tTH 6
3TT^R 3fk ^RT U
qr^^nrs^^if^^ran^prr ^

3TW?r ct^PT cPTRI ^Vs

^rfFR^rrsriwH^nT ^o

I^Husd <i'*1uScl slt^HI

f^ftR^T^F^T ya
l^^R3^riigf TjRf ?0
cf^r 3^ ^r'wfw^ ftsriti
^Tfif^T^TT^n It

?lel ^ilHH
^sW^ ^f-T tT®JT MHIJl

3RI U^f ^ RsrfcT
% ^IKl 3TtT T^ HH"I
■JT^ ^SH ^fiT SPJeT ^TR
3R^i % Rl^ ylv
^cpff tf 3T<n: ^IT R

■^sjr ^ M ^
3Ri wm ^ f^FrW
IMlch TTo •JM Wo

dfh 3TTf^ HIH \3v3

3^ T[% afk ^ ^ ^FRT
^il^i ^ dtfn snfe ^ir M>M\jI
d/TIcT^Rd ^V9
^ 'ZFH 3«IT 3^T Wi[ ^oo
W^T3RR \°6
fJirtHl ^T T?FT 3^1 ^in^T m

lichfdVl yd)I^f - dlditT^FT

*S /\; r
dl-HHl ^JR \
^WcT ^
d-i. 3lHffK RHHM 5FrR ^
% 3mH 5^T 'im ^
f^TTlfw^TfRT^fe ^
^ RR Tlf? ^il ^TR ^3
^ 3^ 3T^t ^ f^T Tlf? ^
WT^f^T \"t
f^RR f^T
cTRsfosTWcTH U
ilr| ^H'J! ^ SH.l ^l^-H ?^
W 71% WH R^lifl ^ft '^3
dldH 'lid ^ HHdl ^il ^^3
"^fliPTicT chK l If?t ^ ?0
^it 'ifd
f&gRf <?(/W

^ frnsn^f ^ wr irw,

w\ wr ^ % fcnr

^ll'Hii ■Tct ^T ql'ldl

^RT "^rm ^ Tr?T!tR ^ f¥y

^jci f^r?j
THT ^ 3Tlf^ TRoST
3j^l< M^=hl ^ dlfd1*!

^fTRR TB ^ W Pi+ldHi

TffiRrnScT ?nM ^T ^SRT

% tHIInK 4ici ^iT 3TmR

^gnrfcT <5iT 3pT^f 4M

(^ 3^1 4Rel<a)
fR^tRT ^ "Tftf TTt^TI
f+fd 4Id % RR fi WiKl ^T M4[ijI
ir^jf if ^rsR RFSR
^HoScT cT^T 3^ 3T^Rl%
"3TR cFRf ^T MM SJlf?
H6ul f^^ll ^ ^H''!
(id-il ^T cbK'JI


fcW^I ^toiTo ^JM 4o

3R<f \v*
Wf 3TTf^^T^ylM w
3T^fRT^j SH^K >^d3Tf ^T MM ^o\3
?ftcr, 3^1 afk
Tl^I 3rMRl
^t M^r ^0
TTl^T yo^l ^iT ^HHcl
^Tf3 3ft< <mm<
V. ehmifyebK

^Id^M -+) ^Pcf I

-hid ^ ^T R
^ ^liiT if -w^i ?
'HcjC'M'f 3TTf^ 4t SNRT
Hi it4l< 4ld HH
^ HH 41 ftufil
Ml^l ^ 4^
4 (1V3 3Tlf^ 4T f^T
W4lRi ^^4^ 41
44 44rc 4 4Tf 4 ^T4T f^T 3^
4-< M< RH
^Klfd 3^ iM-HPIl ^\$-V3<:
44fcivi y4IVI - MMWM ^34
?ff dJI^iar^Rl^rftlUT 51
3c4d y^i^l
•ifellfs^ 3^45%4T
4TraT?f4te|d d>J4,44 V9
4<1^l sfk 4IHC1I 4t Hldl *•
/?7^f C

WT -sfh; ITRTR ^
Ulillct gnfq ?^

W^Rf^TinraTST^RT ^
?JTT wmq sfk
f?R, ttHT, ^m\, ^t?T, ^
3fl^ IT? TIT13! ^3
<^IWdl! ^Tl% ^o
■TP! ^ Tf WWSf T^fcT W


di1d<=h ^§1^1 \
t^, We! M^! 3Wf Mw ?^
3T? R^leHI
WT3W W TKel M^[, ^Id'*
Tf^=iiT T! cU^T ^o
^Tf TW % Tffc! M=hl^l % V3S,
3PT WIH) «tHHT %^
WRT^ 41^ (Hcbieffr ^o

STf% 3^'3T^T cR ^
xT^^rgufq ^
TP! ^T Tm 'f«J|I^J|
TP! "JT^I TIT^ , ^o
TTTe! ^TfW WTW TPlfP < 'A ?,
TP! ^Mlf'-d ' ^


it� ';flJ;

� irnJ:
f{I-G:i� �:

cf)IB qof�'(
if ,pll� � iil(i4c� f.l1fdf;,Ifm:,:� eic{
m ofiUo' Y1j,l<llfl4c:JI 'H"ll41 � qC1a14i-1'(
m ·i'h.1 [ii� 'tfTft:T � -� � 1fr-t �=
� � � ";{: � ��d'l_ I'� l
>m .f1�1.-:ia.� rnl'R � 3Trn � � � � m '"fTAl� -�
1-1.:fr f� :::r!2' � � � � � 1:%' l m �'lf � m'lf ITT ('t)'
� (�). �� (�Gq) � (� �). � (�). �
(3TcfT-f';lnl �-� 11Tif �3lf q)f � «f""lfli1d i I � �
(�J -�1TI4 ��� 7J111'·i:r� � � qfo' �fin: t·t I �t
fcHJ,�iflrq .:11 � -r-,rq � �..... � <fiT � I
��R.!fi11 w � ·1{1JTfftr CJ_iin-a
i/1�&01!{0<1 'iQlfll� � � irn �: I � 1
T<f!!f �'T � � � � -'it zr� c1ft 21� � � ft
l� �) �-� � i;q q=ft mm-� wwr � 'iffifl. t, �
lJ1, � � � 'ITT 1!.cf> 3TIWl � i � � � � � �. ��
il m 1!°l "eff.:r if> cf.RUT 3-ljci·fl -� t
( �j 3ifcl 1I!iifl, 'Ff'� I � I
� � 'L11{�f'iI�a 4{111 uJ11i
� =;jjl({'<f>lfitl � � fcH1lcH1�
<1<'1cl"!cl �; �01�4{1u_! �­
Wm�= sff1-$1-1�u�1:11<<i: ·1 ·� 1
�. �· � �' if;or � q:i_i.i�cH cffr � "ITT, "ft � -q� mi,
�1, ·.fr fm-ij,, ii �
� !TROT � ·?,TI
�� It m � muz � il q�

I ftf;fT} 3W1
1�' 3TI<f>rn, Qcf,l �. 1!_� � it � � r.refT t,
���� �� ���ifit i (3WID7. t;fif %1
'lll (�3TTJ cfft � 'lt -iiuA1 ffi cf>"{ � I
T-l' �if
� � 1l'1Jftr � iHficlifi
wsu.r �
';f(qT � {4fttdil dc!.:!,Jli!l<(ll:
lfOTcfi 1l'ftf m�
mRf����l 'ir

wrfR �, 3l1FI' :Pi 31n: -i:rnn-ft«fr � lJtlTT1'f � � 3'.lPtflqf< it


'lf""�� 4�'il<h4� q� lftll�2.

fS11U=tIdf'a '1ffi'f qi1"(i � "{ff7t t4etsf,i�: I
�: <fqTf1r �c(l<h<i:tl ��cenMi­
'tf>r� �fitc::f.:qa � � qlclicl�: I lo, I
� V..\ll it � 3TI� (� �) i - �- i:rv.r, �- �.
�. �. 'I!. � � -rm,, a'lfl "'-· cli"R9" 1 � � M� �
it� l I � 3N-IT '{T.Rl, w:f � a'lfl 3R wm il � �
,:ft- t' I tzy.f, it 3l� � � lP!f °* �
it � '1:ft (� "::f �
cffi'\' 'GT) � "ITT � � t I � � V� � it 'l'l<IT t I '-\ I

w <liTffi qlfcf � 'lf;I � � �

m 'ltl'rn

ollcl,fd{fq 'fu"mt <r:{ � I

� � <4iFtllidclclllifticH � crr�
1ITW �t � 1f1'Tlll'T ml' �� marq I Ii, I
� � %' � (IBID, �. ITT, i:rru, q-.;f 3lTR l <fi1" TfDRl
lic":r� � � cfl" � 3:fi1: � � � cf,J 'CfiC1 -;,eff � i I 3Rf:
� WU � V..\ll cf>"t �8:TI' � � � � TfOR1 � 1W1T �
'qlTOi 3lTR � t 7:fT m, � W � .P I !;, I

"!lftr.i:.T '{fq- m 'l'.{TTtll r

'!l'Tcfi, � tfa � �
olfrn ;,\�cfJHi{Uj �: � "B'R" �: I
f¥.fcl�l:li Jl(IIOll�i! 'lf1T1JT •IDlflti� � <t>m­
fo;p.�1,{l-ti f'c!tll-cllc!.d �: ����I � I

U& 3fu: � $ '1TJUT, ITT.- 1-mr � � cf;l � I� cg;q it J

'I]�. � cxml, � (f'lfl �T -:;TI-fr:: vif:in TT?.! t 3f,:l: if ,.:r,;f
�Wm$" � it ft;:rofi- wft t I R-� :;,;r� -uif 'of.; "lTlUT, TIT,
"QT,. m, cl,� 3ltt � 3T1""R � lCfR u-q,:( 'of.; m9.J � m i :wf:
TI'1F9.J � � t�
iioFQ, � • .:,ro, ITT mfu r.f.1" m'IWTI <J>:! :;,,11, � <it Trfu �
� �' 31(f: c:'r-rt. cfiT � �-'El" 314flqfdd t I crEf cfiT � � 1'fR
ir � l]'ufi -rt cfiT � � <"1' 11 �p f)' ?:1'T � ITT it l]'ull cfiT 3ltf.:r
3l?J m: � � mTTT I 1]� ctl" Tffu <!_� � m
W � � fc:?r ,:ft
���#mcfmiTw����wrr 1 �w
� TfIB ·34cf>{00 ctl- -q_� � � � � � � � '3fm t �
-rffeTcf ctl- � fc:rf� � � � � TJ1l'RT "ITT imfi t

�Jr.�� -::i- \lcfftr *j,'l(;'dl(dl-4 Jmt-

�-- el<4J<I(( lr(fi:lll .ii�ct<d'ld= �t-� seJctdUf: 1
'i_clf�i�ttl<f'l'Z JJ� � �-- � ,w.rr -
�� "lolf � � � qfcrm ,rrfcl° 1fd 11 fqm: I l I
� � � ,:ft� t fcfi � i:r-m s:m w� � � � �
� � it � cfi1'f 3RR °ITT if � i:r..err cif � � � t I
� � � � W '.3iT � 1'fR1 ::;inn t I -n:r "W-'ll" � � �
� � i{. Rffi7.IT � t I 31cf: ittf � t � � 1lU!ffi cfi;;
� � � ?:@ � cf;T<"'f (fcf, � W1TT I
�-- � � � d�cll�4tl � �
m,<:11e11 cfTfif<l; � � ..i1,1c?4 � �: 1 � 1
('ICITm � � f!ll{l4ful) ctl- 'cfT1FIT � � i'tcfi1
it ( 'J"--llfctfcffl) � ;:i- � t Tcfi � <"'IT1Tt cfft � � t 31cf: ""
ma �?J "ITTdl t � ctl" Thrn if lJfum mcfi t I

� � � � &[qffl ta')-
� \lcfftr<.1 1 1Jcfftf:
";f" �� '1ffbrcr q11q,filq-�

� lf[c:C.f 'l1Ji:!{Ufi4 ilcf I �o I
"fflcfi � � fwl � rnwn t m � � � 31'� ctl")
�m it '<"ft1if cfft ffl m mm 3lo= � � 1Fn7T ctl- �

� � Tffurn cfiT � cfOR � t

� � lf� lfftTif � � �
� rn clc!�4�tl � lfm I H I
TffuRr, 'fimn 31tt w-�
iir.=r � if � � rcf� t I
�it Tffurcf cfil � � t, � � roAT � � � � �
���tin t I

� illH>Om 'llTiT fc4qa1w a::q41fl.l m '-l1mT

� •1fbnm"fl'll' 'I<ITT:. � � 1 �� 1

aft mwcTErri % wt (dlcHNcfi) Tn^ "?pg[ fHTm % sm:

^ir 1%nTT ^ irf ^rfotcr ^?n ^ ^r sf^rroi
'"it i ^ i
ftnjRT <'i"tifVmN frataRi TTT a^ff f^^rr-. i
^TPT gsnfq- ftiKH. ^r^rft IIPJMI'IH ttrt^ I
fowx clf'll ^ftr % ffT^RT <;i| l Tq ?iq % ^jft ST55?
py^i^i xF«ff ^ -^t %i i
^Rnf^r «cj-riq if^-
f^TT: ^TcT ttrwra twn^:
W WHtf: +Id«M infts^-
"SqffW ^ft^: I ^ I
?KT cTTT w^f ^rarT I I ^ tT^HI CJfcf)
Tf KcT 151% t 1 ^TT -SfTT ^TR RlPd^ "^TTR 'gRT ¥t "ftcfT t
3R: gf=r rpt ^iiPdM afrr t 1
OR? 9ftw Rtrf SFHT ipr HIPH^ 1
WZ- -^m HRddK'Idt
^fTRf: "?ITR yHWI'l^PM 7 Tft: wfet TE^fE: I ^ I
ir^rqt % w- atn t-(^) v-iipri^ arfR t, (^) odi+^i ^ft g?,
(^J pRtB , ^FTR, (V) RRRTTR, FTaf, (H) f^T^fRTTR, sfk (^)
^ft ^fT I qq<H'( Wt^ R! *jt f^Tt STTR eTT7! ^FT T^t tl+cl 3RT:
-^tPdM ^ ^FT W^ 3tn % I
TF^t wtg* rctq^KMPd ^TfcFF FR FRT
FccT? FTfT TTt^t JfWZ "fpr dl+^dl?|: I
3RTT ftTSTR ^gFT F Fft" ¥ ^W: ETt1^ Ft
^ o^lHlRl cJHI'Jd r+tuitPd^f FTltF Trf^: I ^.1
FFgyf ^Pdq -mt Pdwiid fr, ftft snftr cn^
^TFT Pdai-v Hu^eft RhftTFt uRiPtid "ft TRRT I, <HPFH ¥?
FpFcI ^ft ¥ FPr % cit CR ^smWr FlfF % ¥¥TF "ETWT FtF ft
^mn % i ^srffer BTR FF y+i?i tfft % i
TJTTr^ftwPF riPdM'rP'MM^ ^cft ^cRTft: I
-iSfH WT y'lijTd ^TT t|^b+Lf^^-
"TRlt wra Woft ^ r^4l-cr T^R: I ?\s I
m ftrsRT I ftrR xpsr v ffz ^ gcR
^ %, f^rH TI? "nftr, rer, sm %, t^rmt (^
3^ sfrsf) y<+m mi "ntmr 'ft, f^rrrR "^fs 'cItHI, Y8^ arrf^
U^ul 3ltT TT? •MI'l SFtSTTcTTsr-TT 3^7 3Trr^ 3TV? y^RT
strfe =Rt i
?!nj iTcf^nm f^rRr vhrPr ^qlPd^ ^ra «K:
^fteT w^mrfcr ^ HC4: I
Pai^: "ET^T: -mFH mf "^prfmr: WK; -
^r ^ ^ m^r sft msnm: i \6 i
^ntaTi t(iW<*» cTfn *51 wwr ^ ^rs % i -^ifm if
trnga^T sik -Rt^crt k «ft km m t i km mak mm fk^ra; w
% ^et f?T m fksH.^in ^mr %, m?t wRff tmr, «rk ska:
k?T if snmr ki% % i m?f km^r fkmkf m srsrm y^u^fk (3mR,
fma, mr skr kg^r) m% t i SR: mq -jmam ^rr k?T m qq
kk % i
^fk wm ^rfkakm^kkr kmRF
3T?kfk m? T? "prfmm: yk^mrmrnr "m«rk i \% i
m "mm q^r ska qgkk qrer (qk, srk, ska kr^i) km %,
qfkq ska qnktq kt % jmr: ^gk k cqqm k qm -ga qk -gk fansmr
mi ^qkm fkm m) w maq m krmfq mm 1mk araq ska
1mrkt -jaq ^ qk i
*iciH5,fui qmr ami mrfk fkmi"gk^
fm* mikfe nWk^mk^ k'iiRiMidi*F i
smk qi qViliTK fktkq mr o^f* '^BaRfkcr
W rn^T qqf $^,*1 ^ara "yai-j TTkT: I ^o 1
W Tim kr qqf^ if mm qfwm, snkm, mmr, tt? sqqqq mr
snfk, -pm, fkqm, "ami, udyFd, q^r, -gRi, sqq ska
mm kklnRi ska: sifk qRT % i
mqar^ if q?q, qqa, nuiMd mrnf, -gft ska sarmr mm, km, qskt,
mm, km-frnkm, -d'Mim agfk ska qktjm kF^imi qk sn^rrmn % i
Tk arqq c%q kkf 1
fUfiM ^Jur

^ssnnwr ^rfW ^rra

^^frPr Bi^cn ^cui^i T^^TT wtirf^i

SITR ezrpf W^r ¥ WZfa xrc¥ I I
%¥ % ^"SSI y^Hl % H6Tlrc( ^t-H 'fe¥T, Hgncq %
3iF^n 37k TfTFT trfxT d-HMI, ^TEI, "RH^RT (Y ^, ^7, ^TkR, ^
sn^ra), H+K^I ^qt cqra, -sR^qf, qfq ynRqi 37k qq) I,
3¥ % wrat % Rifq qrtm k wkj q?n qqqk %r kklq
k cftq gqk qfr T^RT qrk f, kk am RTR k TW farrrqi qkr
%, q? aqlq M<H 6hki HICH qk 1
wr «r!jg» ¥¥? ¥f¥fa>
kRqmRTcRiqft «rfk qfk ^qfaf^qf^ %k: 1
srk <rnf "qkr^ wkr ¥cnk Wrmrfq^q
nrkt ktkt^ojtkkRf ywRi:, Tmrfikkr dwi< 1 w 11
•^fk Tq% % qR w k % ¥Tq MRSEiq qq? qt k^rR qq
gqt % qrk rRRi k qtaq qft cm -^rt fqqT 1 q? qjqqm qiq qqr
# -sqf^vk % -gk qnf qrr •gqq % (trkt qzqrak qrt qrrcq) akt amr
aqqrrqi k q? qkq ^jq t?t % 1 q? ktei qfaq k Rrk tr? smk arrk
3icrM qfq k ktq-q® k ^q t? % 1
cRidUpqw fqkikt qqqk fnqpr ¥mqrt 1
qkfcrSTsRfkfcT ^qqqqqqj ^¥¥1 ^qkikctrfk I
fkWiw w cRiq tkffir^qra q^rrak
Wkckiqw k^%: q^lsiktwk*: n? i
qriqr^qqqqq, fkq akr fq^ (TRfW) % i ^qtfq^qr (qkrckq)
qqqp^qn # qq % i aqfq (qrm % qrq) pk qm % srqqq %,
kfrr PdiiHl qrr qq % i sr k qm qqf k qq qr aqqq qrm % "P^kr
Iks.i't, ckq qqq qq qq qktn qkk i
qt ^dq^KcR -l^r q>TH: qrrats*R: Wlcd.eHlcRd.a I
qq^cT qi.cii<q -q^r tqqpjktsqnjkt t^fkq: qkrf-- i i
Riid ki qt ark k-qq qqqfft qr kwrc qkr qrqu akr qq qra
"fkk qqn qrqr % i qrtr qrk qrk (qmrcqq) qra % qt "qq 11 qgci
qm qf ■gk (fqk arj^q -fqqi qr qk?) afk ^gqR qief qt argk (i^qqf
qm arjqq q 'k qk? ^CT-TT wia-i) qwk % i
cPTcT^TH *
^tnrw ftsnfl^:
^ i r? Tcfttwt^f WrftwTr^r TTcmr i ^ i
-arfr\ ^7 WT STTfe Hcf t I 3TcT "^HP^H if 3TFT % I f^rfT
■^p^f qTI oToTfR ' T?T ni'HI TSTFT
Jpi ^iFq-'ilH^ WPT % I
■prr ^icid^HPd-ti<dW -^r (^oo) vrnmp i
TTq?f cTETFcTrTT TTT^FtSlft t^T (^o) crfW^ PnAq I I
Trqi i+.IHtrl "hid ^7T cl^t w<i % cM<i'l Fdcm ^TT2! d'lni %
qftr +^d % I ^ TJ37 eld ^qr cie-K dign %l Pitm ^o
etm -ii tdT^rF % (PTiTd = deTd7 ^M+HI)
!r^%s¥t^r (^) to wm
yi^fp-ddl ^TTcT: I
h ^l^f*T: (?0) UTTir T^tft TOK"
"jriT (^) gjen 7Tlc5RPT (?) Pddl/l I ^\3 I
Pto off) -q^T CPT^J 3^ ^73 Pto "5? 'd13f d^l-U"! dTT "fm^T
% | 9o qnf qft TJ^i WT diqd % I ^ yi l T^dT dieTT sftr ? didl
qfr % PdHldl 'qi qeT ^Rft % I
TO TTT top (^0) TlP^T ^ "PTR
fr ^rto (^) \^rr ^tor ^
^rosnn dP^dd f^), ^ft
S?to 3Tr^: (?o) ^Irf: I ^ |
\o qer "qr Prosit ^ -q^j ^pjti ^ ^rq qq ^ q^t qq ro^, ^
TO "51^ dm ?o qq % m^q to tot I i
3TfSI toa (^) TOT: ^Irf: iKTOTOtf
"^eTttottrq tdTOT (?o) TOT ds^vtof todt^ ^ I ?,% I
to % m tid % -sf mq mt ^^t qto t i torn sto m
It tot qq torn to % i attorfq (to to tm) % V?0 tot mt tro
"51^ dto I i to d:qq (tor tmq m Pton %, dto to to tot
• tmq m qrro to % qtro q^T matq to dto I i
trTTtortT: (?o) t3to[ qar?; ^ TTTCR "TOT 7TF: I
^dRptro^r (?o) TOT, tottt:, ttom tto: i ?» i
?o mstq to qq to qtatq tot tor % i toto tt^tto "gtoq
TOq "■Hidd to qm ^o mro to qq tot tor % i tot tor
'Err:5tTm (sTqirom ft sTmrom to to to: STTOFR ^ qt) qt ?o
^-sUdfsT *f % I TTSfT y*ir-d y'^lfnl ^ TPTT WUMIW
^Wcmn % i
(Tff^sTCTTt st^n: iipt CTTE^S^ (^) "^Mt: wmw i
Wrffk Wrtn ^ f^r f^r K«n ^r^r i w i
^=r frrn^, M«t, rnx arrfe -qro ^rr f^rmw fSmror %r
"3tRT^ h I i ^ ^rh ^rm -ffrc ^ w ^^ f^i
^r sinm 1^t ?mr I i
^c(|^|U[| f^T TTft ^ rdMifJ) TTT^ TTftr
^rr^ "prrrfW^T (H") t^f i ^ i
•g^f ^ ^tr aTk ^f^nT TRT % wot t^rcn sr^rr ^i srikra -gtar
% i i^f e *rra TTRV 'iidi4 *r Tg^r m HTR ^ ^f f^r ^ trf^roft tp?
$ m wtrf % i fro ^rarsrt spt 1^T sftt sr^f TRT W% t) i
f^T TT Sfm: f?RTt ^ •fiTBqf-in ar^?: ^ wr % I

■rr^FTfT dfHtd) H,
f^rran^- ^imw TRT; i
(X3 =0, 3rs =o( sm =0, T3 = o, ^T =Y I^T-gw:
<iW "^r FI ^rft ^r Rrx-^ ^ y^(^o(ooo ^rrm % i
ooo r^ erf

Y^.^0 ooo ^
+dK^ «nftR- Mor :d^fK, t^r ^jnw^ng i
w^TT (?o) H^ra^ (v) (?)
t (^) % (0 ^ Hs^^l ftmrf I ?Y I
% ^o ^rm w wfr v,?,^, 3?k ^ Tpn wr m («nf ^r
^ % ^TJETK) fTr^, -STCR Slk d.rci^'1 311% f I
3TT€Rr TF«3TT ^Tltcf fwftxF ^TT ^THT T3RFT (5.) ^ I
WfTT^ *IT% fT«% •%* qfcF W5T: I ?H I
yf% ^FT V5.3r?T snftr ark STRT ^ fr^rr ikft % i itrrt 3n«n
(V^) 3TTf% keirT 3Tk ^fTTT # 31^ fF^TI % ( %Rt ^3Tt (V^ WT)
f-1eM<vt') tR <J<| % I
^ (\sO (^V9^<: ooo)
^rpSTRTT^ ^crfTTWT^T: ^orff^T: -PIT^ ^g^Tt^F: I I
^9 irgrgn %r ^ ^tar % i ?F 3F?T ■q
i>I<.N^ si nl % I ^SRT y<n-H % oTT^ -31^ ^FT "RfE ^T yu*^
^jrn % fTf ygci H-^-rR % MSd ■ift TJ^ Rper (flrH'H'l % «ki«r ) 'gtcft

^5 (^) f^: PTK?lfn: (?V)

f^r fcf ir^ WF^W Pnr pRirfq-1 ^vs i
^ RPR'HI ^ r^'Mxb V€ M-c(ti<i ^TT 5r§T ^r y.'+i fFT slai % f^iti
I I FfTR »ooo (RFTfq ^T) "jq UV H-^-xR XV9^ "JH +
TRq "j ! x v/^o "jn) slxi % i TxT% Ft (^ooo •jpr ) ttrpt ^
CTfq ?txlt % I •
xlMxyHI+crM^I ^iBtPHx^T «HMI AfixiHlI
TRRTFRRT TxftftxT xlxt, y<l«^ HIy P+id FRT ^TRPP^ I !_
^FT y+.K Ft ^o^il qq eisii °FT 3ISI<M, STWRrq qq xsff qcj si'ii
(^sox^ "bxry) ^oo ^ qff MSJI qft arrg % PsrFt HSI^XTH 'TT ^ri tisn
% i Ms<rt y<i^ (v irsr^xf) qq qrq qiF,13! TF I
q<ISH<^4'Xx^ TRTqTRTT qq-THF1 1^51: I
3F^ir<iirxFir«q^w qiF ^ oFRfhrr: cfPFqrm: i i
fFR TRT^ qq TFR Wf % I qq^T 3RFTfF % ;STxT-. fqqRF W ^ftxT
'T? -T?f q^FF xqr tFqqn i
TcFxfqTTPTf^trftFTff ^RftxPT^
aHFT t^t FcTFT ^ iTFRtR: tFUlH-icOioilxOdl: I Yo I
«r?q %> M<i"i qq q^rq IFT "qcr TWT % PnxWt RP^F FFPSH F.
nq «ft(F i
t^mrnp-: tftf H^IPCRI^^ wulpqys'txrq qmA ^
^cidiFpii, temnr: WR'amt i i
qRITJETR F ^ xqt% | | Wiqwjar, RFlPlPq^ ^rm , cFFRTF, \^cl 3Fk
i <hhh TTJ qq qrq ^qtxiq % i
3TWInl\ RldcFxO ^TrTqi imrfeRqfWxT (^\9) FFxTH I
"S^TRT: PdRKI: q^-: «MHf+ ^rjM^TqFTK^VsoJlv^l
wq ^r ^vs Hsifi'i ®fVcT qsR ^6 n hsi^R ^f Rxq, %xn FFXR
rVi«s.i-<i <;4ui

I +r<r1^'I Y^VSO ofr^T (TF^mW % fPTT) I

HMIll®*! ^enT?r WFT -\^<<i\
(W^Vd^Vso) sTir I
*tmi: 'ifuiallth "^KTI ^
^r ftwr t«i fr tfst strw? crf >^\9^^Y<;^VSO
^ «ftcT ^ I rt ^oooo
^C^T5?1TW fWl^TT I
'5TFT: I (^IV^I^IY^I^V9)|
4>«rMK, ^rnf r^q^ci
iph^f cnrrTT^ 1 YY 1
y<°qi n •qn % WT % C<c?HH f^r % snft rH<=Fci<t
(FFFT *FR 9?IY^I^IY^RV3 I %) cf^ ^T ^FTT Ff U4MH %; ^TFFT
W f^T SFft -Jf f&i iMijl'l FFt % I
FFra f^wft: Fsnft tcTFRp 'ftdlR* FSSPT^: I
^4 -jnnf msf -qF: +<rM^i<qiirt< 1 Y^ I
FRFm % TFFT Fm ^Fn % sm % vrw 4T W, Fter,
FHTct, sjh: 3TrfF ^Ft Fft 1 ^ cfrr
"jnmor (Tf?F FFT Tmr Fm), ^'I^K I (F^) F>T sum ^mr orm 1
Fc^TS FTmq F ^r ^TTT ^ (^Vso^Yooo)
T^ct: ^FcT TPTT rd^HI: I
«gq«<d.i: wtsTTorTf^r FPT-
diqi«»d|U|l l>rc«l*0*i I Y^ I
tft? ';d4? 'f gfg ^ERT EFT ^mr ^^O^Y^OO ■gsn 1 ^CMCHJ if
^ "^ffe 'ldl«< ^HV^X^Vso g3TT I
^ FPtT FcT cf^T«f TT^ M«R^ ETTOct; I
udcfdimu yivmP; wtof ^1 ftnnft- +id^ 1 y^ I
Cgfs ¥t% er) eFfcTg'! %T %qT^ STRR m % TFPT Fm Efft SHEft
TTF ^T XT? H'JFet gFT fFFT FH fFTT Ept ^potdK Tp? XTfcFTFt
ddlRd: dd<d* FErf (T) FF FFTFT t^fS?T FT^T
gF; ^ ^Tfcr Fmr^Rt F«rr ufftrtf gsr ^ 1
•gt "TT »,ooo H5iyI %> ^TR') fnff "IT? ^TScT? Hg'H vmd
% et "ir jIRI ^no33! *^ft i "^rft 'iRi ^icfl % i
JRT It^fr ^r<7 iffOT TTr^nr:
jt fnr I I
wrx wr % STWRT^ ^TX irwt ^r ^rwjof -gtcn % i wr
%7 fc(Hiyi % xnzr *^7 ^X oprr '=TT?T *57 'sn'cTT % l" (X00 16)1
ifj ^9^,000 cfn^t % ^XI% H f WIT mic;)
XntfH<?N ^r<^< qr f^TR Tf
15^1 xnr ui+Td^ xr^rt ^rqt^rt tra^ cfN? XTxtttr; I V I
^7f Mpusni RT % 9fin % f^FT aXTXT0! TIFt *^>1 3TTXT^ 3^X
flTH' 37RT XT TTFf oFT TT?! FtTTT %l fxt4) Y®^* ^TT JSTXT sf^TT % ^TTXI %> siK
frm %i gfr ■q? ^nr ■^wt ernxn, yfaP^H wt ^ft TT?! ?rm % 1
fTf* «ft Y8^ ^ -ftift )
K* X^TXTRT f^p* «rT ^rsr ftrrr^ ftrPT?^5?m: 1
Mtnrwxrfwh^: ftsnft* tr ft v«^d1 i \x i
m^rd<=h cTT % XFR -^t Y8^ xxqt "0"? -W ■?»% t I XTl
^XTUcT % I 'RlTdi (W) ttR XTRTTH "fPT ^TX fxpft ^TZt Y®^ *5rEft Xt sfrx
R5 TI? ■ft ^nY ^XFR ^rrf ^TXR Tft % I
W rrm ^T WxfRnf ^ dP^Ov^ xrt^t WTTrf: I
3^ +^W lWfTl^> XlT«rf^ 1^1
fxrft WT IXRJt Xf^rt ^1, (fXRiT w "<En«H ^ ^tf aM-MI'l Hft
%) I XT? XTT^FT % fXTY WchxH <t>cH % Iq-il ^ft 'gt* jiumi ^t -^lal % I
(«H*t ticM) % 'Xft *£[ 'JXJ 'ft 'RcT Ft, XT? XTT^PT STRX 'Tft M-scil I
(PciXttO TicT mix<+.xmi4 ?jt %) I
H^m^TTPT: Mimwij^dW
SRftT «ddHf>c(-mr< MVlf-d ^if I
xr w^x ^rtT: Y?^ sTchwritsi^
■HM"! fftf Piofl)- xrxfxf: xrgr xirfrT: 1 ^ '
wx? w^m 31?% °ft Ft ■groN ^xct % ax?: wn snit fWw^r
XFt m? ^ STTcfr^n 3TTXWT ?tcft % I ^tf XT? ^tT %
axlr^ft ^ axrxox ^x fordt XRT "ntd 'ft^ "Tx ^XXT XT? XFT Y^F YY S'CII
% I fXT Y^ ^TX Y0^ ^ ^ YTY Wrt % I fYXT% 3FX YR YYfq
sftx YXF % I

Tifr tprw^r TTftPT? ^ I

t^rf (^o) ^SI^T Hcrt?r «?FT (^o) qpT: wr i
frTETT (^o) r<=l<t>cni (^o)
ffpfa ^f«Rrr: it<i0(4icii: i I
WT (^) % ^ uf^r 11 Trfrr, TJ?, ^r,
STTftr % ^TFT % I Trf^T ^FT ij^o ^TH 3T?T % I eT^T 3^ ^fTH 3RT %
SF^I HFI % I 3T?T % ^eTT ^T IcTHT t I ^cTT % V^0
^TPT 'SFt Pcf + dl 'm fgfcTm | I r^+dl % tJSp qfT 3^ "317% qt
l/*z° «m %T m, f'TTO STtRC ^1% % I 37Ml4f % % ITSf 1TR
TT? TTRT % cr%T H Wrt fMt t I

T: Tgfc W35 % W^TtcT TUPfT ^c-

IPT: ^P" ir%5c -fld<m?+, -fldNdi i
Tnr^f %ssnT »nii^ ww- v§i \.
«f% ^RoT «TF7' TTRctpr ^TPtf: K IRTT^: I i\H I
WT (U^^T TFTli) ^ ^r%5r itcT WlP# RT^T Hldf'lR. % fwi
17 «ft HlcdHIH % TR % RRT f^frl imt (<*131?) ^
ifcT# % ^rgtl % tlTTT W ^1 if It 1?% %, Wf ctaFftUPET
3ft ^MHm %U W^l %t I

^r^c^cii^ct dmcn 'sr^f-

^ irP^sfgf^
ftrgRt <;4 ( dmPgd lid
^i'lMrHHlVlch ttssTR": tRH^t: I I
Wbm % TSRet n^ct ^ eft wz. fnn % firg iffra
TF«T ttTgRT %t Rir ^t 1R1T Itl^f t I 1H"5FT l^FRT ItTTH
I ^ (°e\) t-jifi iteH tfek '(V?) iH '(o^xi
K'fe (ot^) 1^ KJlrk | ^ {o^ '^4 '?K) InlLh, S-^'-b
1 ^ Inkit tt^fe ife F^l^-h % i±im ki^ii a ^
I ^ I tus^h iit|. jyi (6(5\) frHtm (eiSS) l :iuhjB 'K^h
^h£ (So?) Il.intllnlt. (O^) IttlrhJ^^I^ (°H)
I o^'evVi?'?^ ) 'hfr(hrtlh>ktlH iLfeS >^. XJIIot-
(Xtfe) rkkilkllhjyalh ^ilaJth \t}>h irjo^jb^
I (V4SN '^K 'X.i) lnl,h
K^*> life yi^. I ^ (o^? 'e\S 'h.b 'h.° 'f^) lakit itiife. iik
I ^ (Sob 'SS "iX '^fe) In Itb h-atte
life StU i£s±e (kbji ^ e\ = (^i£) usjib 't.= hji 'v, =
hh. = kte "ffi = Qte ( >b-|o-h iyt xi = Jfci = ll^.hi
£) I % ( inith. h^fe life aifi(jb % (ikie) feE
I b I -IhJ?! (^^VfX^V^) :J°kii a&h ife b^ibk
I llQKUft (o^?'e\Vbb'bo'«\) iRJ^ :lvhlo& ifei ihji>i>^j ia^b
:(ilL (Sob'SS'ix'^fe ) :lkli ynllJ In I bin I b Infefellnlb
lto^(K(Jb|fc (i^i'SN^'^'fe^'cvi) lloobolbbk hil Irlbk- ItfeSai^bfcJ
I (b= (life) (bPlb '(fetlle) ifeis =
(fe^i) lli- 'fe= iii '? = ate '«> = fefe "i = It 'tLiiy. 'h.1 = fc^lie)
I ^ bW '?S "bh. 'b Inkb ife h^-fe ifeii ife t-oirh
I (S = (liilfe.) :Jsfei 'c\= (li <e\= yiy.
%= (Mfe) Injrlh ,fe= k4te '^= iS. '6\= kit 'o= ftte 'o= Ml)
| ^ ooo%t 'fefe \e\ 'G\S Inlfh. ife lya<b <j£i ife. iMr^lfe)
I % (^fe siri,|j^ ife fepfe i^e ML 'Pith I | ife (Pfej4rm) ife ifelk
i^£ Inlrh ^fe (Mkti. X = :fel3®l£ 'bt= fetit 'si^'fe 4 = PJI'fel
| ^ ooo 'oo'oo'^fe'^ Inlfh. ife li. hfSjh ife H M<*> ifeii

i i i :feE^ (bVU's\?'^V^b) (jo^ib %% (ith> aiirh febyn

(JrU^ (ooo ^k'fefe'SSN'^S) :bh^lK ^14 Jfljllh h.J l^lrIKlftia
I :lbft(W^ ^ :j|llll^(l^"fe
(ooo'oo 'bfe'^) tblMlb-i) kqL?J(«b lbk,|:>Jlf|>Tl IU|tJ<&>

hjiLfe. life Mib

••litl^R :(?^J
rVi«s.i-a c;4ul

Wrti TTTt^ W tppn iimP-1

w •fptwrPr Tj^r^^taunrH (^) gnn^
W^r^T?fT: ws oT^TT («°) ^TTTt^ T^T' (W TITT
^rfcnr (•OfK) tftffr ^ &. w: i v i
cg^ ^rr ^r TW% ^ ^H%r ttm % i)
^5 ^rrmr ^PT WT (^,^,V,o^) WT (^.i)
TF ^ ^ (^0) w
W% 1

UTTSP W yf^di^f WT fatrrj qcrf^

^pr ^pnF ^fglld TTtnfsj TT^TO "?I^ WTT".
(^^^^,tt4,V,000) < K I
TJcP ^^31 % % STT^T ^T % "tTHT HT8^ f^T
t I ^ (^^,^,^,^,000) HT^T ¥1% % I
facirafdl ^tftT rddlFH dlfT
r< 0(14,^1^1 Pof^d I 3F3J tT^HRRTer ¥Tffr-. 1^1
DTg %T g«TH "3^ ^ 'cR? frtR ^t Ug -ER TTT^r f^T
^¥% % I f^T TROR Ug WI TRPR RePT % m fimg t¥¥
TRSR fMcdcfl % I ^ ^PRT "ft "g4 ^TRT •RZR ^ ^ETRS Km WR PHcdcft
% I
•q^Frrrt: Wrfihrn^ ^rPRim: ¥5 T«R[ ¥Rrr:
^RR (^o) Ptrt: f^r^nrr: RRR ^rofRr: I \S I
g^cq gft ^ra Rf^qr % ~^A -rpet rhpr cg^ tppg x
g5t STfWPT PRpRT (^ WT-^f RM X 3TTcft
% 1 % -rrr^ Hm prpr g?r ^o "yqi gR (ttfj f^faf) g^r RTRR
1g?r •ERT% r ^r M«i «R gtcn t i
MI«K^ d>i(dgfl|: qifllE -q-^qoi: (^^>(00,00^00)
^RRR |
H?3TVR¥ gf^t -yinfwT R«frf«m^rf^7T
(^,^,^,^,000) RfffeRT:-^: ( C |
TJ^P qirM *( Hi w «<oqi (ql^><iV,oo|ooi 000)
"03; gjgq TRT PRPRT (^,^,^,^5.000)
M'HI'I fr^T RTgf^Toft (t.S^^^.H000) 5t^HI« + |: I
gn* ^ wrs w«fP^-<d
(tX,*^.^0!00.00.000) WT^^T^RT-' I % I
■q-rjnj srrfe ^>T c(uf^

^37 ^ 3Tf«rRr?T WioMI (^,H^, ^^,^,00°)

^ if 1^T (W^Ro (00(00I 000)
^ETRT ^ ^ ^Tf^r' cfTW, ^RWTt ^dl^dl:
0 o
(^, ^,o .°0|^o.°°o'
^pr ■^q- j|ihik ^ r^isO-^ Trtrn"
q»ll^-<«=l= 000) (^o)
<IT^ TTfgiT MftimY-Hdl: yMHI: ^f^TT 3T*T<TT: I
3TT=RT^T ^Kl+Pd oTM W
(^V^, ^,AV00) t^rf^^nn- 1 \\ 1
T?37 "FcT if W«n (^,0^ ^oo^oo^o^oo)
„ (Tf^r) TTtcFT f^T H'lo-41 (^H,\9V9,^^,V3^,^<i,000)
„ ^FTfcTfq' «<o^l (^S,o<i,^^,M,oc>o)
i'l^i *f'|U|M\4dl ^ ^ ^d^-< TT^TTT: I
^Rf irfTf ^ Tnft StecT: T4W1T? fftW: 1^1
TT? 3^? i <Hch TU %7 4t^T (^"T) 3RR ^Tf c+i-fi, ^FTgrl % ?fNr
ia % ^rt ^fiy ctsit 3^ ir H< <^61 ^tmi % 1 3^
'hj 1u 1 3^< uQ CM 3ptR "m'iui ^arr 1 tt^T 777 3sr ail< hiti anf^
% gir if ^Tif HFf TTT% %, 3TW: -EfTeq TTT
^TT ^poo 'jrT if it HTT ^of "?)% % I)

xfUdlft ^FTftT: ^ta ^T Tf^cfr W^: I

"3^r ^ ^HmPfwai ^jrr xpfar: i ^ i
scrav strj tot snf^ ijilyisj % t i 55, 3^, ^FET
STrf? H-<lsl % tpifq % I
TTT ^5\ «m% (^^jOoo)
T3^ arP? 3=ra^ ar^eft
«rri "5^ ^ ariat (^t.^o)
T^T ai^T: I Vi I
^ ^ f f^TT w: sbHI^d ft aaPff ^"W: I
t^^rfE aPd+irM fna^ crM o4c(^r-d ^Rra: 1 i\ 1
^^,^00 3FJ = ^ TT«^m Tt^f t^T
arg = x ,, ^rk f^r
3Tg = s; „ ki^ f^r *
^ ar^ = % ,, -ot^T t53

tn«lTCOT WclH f^T # eTI3fr oqcTgK ^fcTJ % I V^.°

mn ^Ft ^iftERT "qr t i
vr& n4^+di-- ^cii«\ tnftnTT: icR^nr: +di<^:
T^srtw TWH w?: fsresr ^hr r<Hi<t|: i is i
m % wr ^Fcn ^t ^MHRH % •qm ^ TR: w ^
^cn 3Trf^ Tifs aricft % i THW f^r q it? wi ^sqr
^ MFT TT? % qq? Mmjf <g\ ^T TFR1 f^eTcTT % !
W Vft cfcf^: TOf^RTT: qdl<i<:
^ntT: wr ^wnK^r TTfWr 4)^+1 ft i w i
^TT %J Trf^T, sm % ftnr ^mrc (V^°) "sm Mm 47cn srrft ftrnm
t, tPBR ^ -Rm % qtcR so, 5,0 Mim *fk sr^, qci( fwr
snfsr "'JSM tmm ftiMm qR% % i
^ qzfq ft-iKM: grm^MPfwm TTO= (5^) "^cf: (^s)
ftfftrrpn «^f5rr: (^) »ftftdi: I^I
% tt^ ^4 WM % ftTi srvft i
TTftr 5ftP fte|«l<4l ipt 4WTFT (5^) W: (s)
MTfr (^) Yi^ TTPW t^r ^rwr ^ tphftwr: i w i
MSTO Trf^T MtM 4^1 ^ ftM cTn% t I
"p5r& -J5 'sfwi ^rrax % i
ftmzr% ftrft "ft^" cr^ mew
fcnrrar ttot -to imrf^ Mm w: i
MFff W (S^) W {C) ^I (?o) tc^f:
(to) ftrsr: RY) Mf^mcr (t^)
fWd; (^o) crrft«mt (y) t^^rar (to)
tHI<M|: (Y) ^ftdl: I ^o I
■g^f MSMM MRT- L^i<:it°itoRvit^i3°ivit°iY (Mmrftr)
■4-<t4md4K4: (vsto) +d!iull (^Y) l^«rf («\"i)
tmt (^) i^+V«mt (Yt)
Mmr (c) % (t) («) (to)
M^TT (tt ) Mmrct, I
Tprr (^t) ttyqrtoTT (^) (^o)
•qTfnj 3TTf^

^ (^) (VVS) I fttPft (VK)

KT («) W) (^i ^tT (V) W: I I
^=5: 1TSTR TTRT- ^Xol^Vl^l^lil^l^lol^l •EtfeTT ^FTeT
efSt ^" ^iw^oi^iwiwi^wi^iit % i
^prrsrffanjsrr (W) T^T T^njoft (?«u
r?cn": (vj) -mr^r (tvs) ^TTT (^VS)
Tfrs«ft (^) (^) ^r^Prsnfr W)
^rwzft (^V) ?[n; TTfcT: |
^TT (V) H-<«!KI: (H^) W (H) W<ii»ll (W
^ (o) (W)
^TPJ^ W (?V9) (^) MWT (H^)
ciNWR) 'HT^"^: | ^ |
^ Tfr^ra TfcT- ^Y^I^^I^IVSI^I^VSI^IV^I^I^Y-I Tpj
•^ft Tif?r- VI^I^I^ioiy^I^I^I^I
^WRr (^) t^IT: (\9) W<ii«ll: (?\S)
«HI»*<Ml (W9) «(c|qc|: I (l\\9)
W«rf (Ho) T^dit (W) (5^)
f^PIT (?0 «(|U|liH4) (?H) sd'Jird." I
^r^TFr t$ (^) tm (o) M'umi (^) (hh) c?)
wsrf: (H^) fsjRr wsrsi P?^)
^ (^) ^T: (V) «^C(: (HY) I ■& I

?lf=T ^nt ^PT^T trszTtr TTfcT -^|o|^IHHRIH^IRV RIVIHV

tft: (^) wr^rq' (vo)
^"q"«rf: (HV) ^TTFI (^) •Wt (o)
^TeqtPTFq: (YY) W (H)
(H^l TJ^FWft (VH) i<+IHq: (^)
<I^mw -jon (^) f^r: (?o) w^dh
(VVS) ^urfstpfr (Yo) S ffr3«nT: (vo)
(^) fnftm^ («) Hi'fui<jsjil
(^H) (^) hfft (?o) I i
^pTHF FEER FpT - HIVolHttl^lolWIHIH^HI^ 1
^"fi-Mlct SFt Ffc-MHTPl - ^l^o|VV9|-ifo|Vo|^|^|^HT^I^o
■fTRJRT <;4ui

sn«r •^Tftr cr^fUv^ *r^ w

t^": tfhm-- M% ^TTrt f^r I
«ra>Rf w*&
TTR tnjtRTfWr^r TTT: i i
HICHNH crnft ^jmist ^IPthmm TT wm ^3TT^T?T
% wr ^ ^RT sr^r^rn: ^ | i <Tm ^
xfSE^f efn^T it % RR ^TfDT!ft ^T TTFR =f^T t I

5c^r*)Cll^clci HmId

ftrgj^r Tqrf^r srra ^

^Tnit Mm 5e«<V TTT: IRjRT: 1^1

w jra^R 3^1«I f^P^TrT <M^.cT "^f ^cT

r«^ <s|||ci+l % tcf^ ■Hid P^^im (J'W ^f Tn^T ^of-i f^cfhT y^l^1
WFPTT c|u^i^

3T«nmc(ir>sS<ict? TTT^ ^ ^fSTT crPT 1

HtTT^TT ^'f11! shHic^ I \ I
r^til ^ % TE () TTRT, ''n fTrfsT TT? (IT? <1^1
sTtft) Cgftf^) 3m«q TE f^r ^ (frr^r)
(t^r TTg?) rH<+Mc1 t I t^TE. ^fk sfk HPT ^Plt
liH'Hl'l kTTTT % I
"R"«r irwnPTTt -5 wrr i
1 1
spfknHT Hk«r w^K ^
H«H TT? 3TTf^ eTT% % 1PTH HtcT fE. 5, HJ 3Tk V3 H^J Ttfk ^ I
aT^T^ ^cTWd tpft: -trw HTf (^\9) fMcl^?|:
^TKfftr +c^ffldl®< "^: Wi; I ? I
HTctk ^cj<r=4a HJ ^V9 HFTHTT, ^ HT? "g7! (tTcH, ^TTTT 'SPR)
sfk ctiTei^'i % HtH cT^ ^ I
H^t^T iNkH Hffe' ^TTct PT^xHT:
W WTT^fH ^of (^^0,^,000) Ulkdl^+M, I V I
FT TT'MdTT HHk Hfe ^TTeT (^,^90,^000 cpS) Hskf I
w.: ^PTR; 'idi+Rr-pfht 4K?IIM: ^t: I
% "prkkprft nflt: y'iTi^di-pi S I
"tm Tkr ^ % -ym (kk HP? nk) ^rkf ^ ^ k
IE. HRT H k<oi|| kt% I

M?H tff^ ^FTTkrwrt:

fkFRr ^TcT hrts mk cfsHrfH MITT+IH, i ^ i
• fk ( <H\< HI kl ^dTT) k vi|H5 R3, TJ3> THPT HT <+>CH STklHIH
^,^,^^A,000) "k "yn ^rk aki TppniTeT k HRH % -gk (TTHPH) HTTT
(^,^,00 00,000) k qm k 1 kk ^ srfkHm "gsrr i
T«k kkkrk HTHT HTHT Hkkr k i
kf^; (^0) CR i|drdW)l«Tr t^BT dxrMPd fk^T: I
ft (arkmm) kf ■doM< % (kk HPT) H ktFT k HPS HPT (HRHTPH
k) fd<+e|J|i I THk ^o k TJHT ^R HdkrfH (HcfHTH HPT H?f) ktk t T^T
t«rR CR\ ,0^,^,^000) % Tpn 1
W: +<r^-^ WTTTT d^MHTct^Mdl: I
<ratnT xf^rmft Tftr HTW; I 6 1
■gnpnrrrT M«r (^,0^,00,00^0,000) % STTT ^
cW Mzr^pr fH+dcfl % I Tff WR "Rrfapft % ^RT% ^ TTPTT
■feH Thpm (<r^c)K TT STRW?) pH+clcfl % I (fTR % *rm tR ^
TfgrRR snftt R frrpf R: RR "PPPCRT %) 1
cTTiRT- ^tcRT^TTttf ,mm>>pf<i5Hi: i
snnfWimppit: ^ ^wPi+iPi+H, 1 1 1
Rf RK RfR aron? ^ ePBT STRRR fan ^ I RFT
arf^mra RT% % fHn; RI^ST ^rr wn fan m) Rn cfen
T Tjir ct5ftpmng ^jri:-. ^cf n^nn-

nnt fRRT fPTT ZTT I Rn Rff RRpn % WR: TPTR ¥t 'TT fPFS apfrcT
ii ft TR; arfqRra fan % ft crt^f T?SF? ZR ?pa arfRRm Tnpm
wn I
"nczrr wnrft f
tTZfT fTf cTR t^fT o^rdp)^^ I \\ I
■qltr ^re?r ft aiftmm arrt ^trt % nr arf^mm % ft
■?p arfRnm % tcR p? RHrf 1 Tft wr sv^m it rr Ph+m^i r ft
TR) ^T 3TRR MS tToRcTT % I
tcfl-^wg 11#? wftfMf mwft
WfRr^t Tf#? cMp<t^+llV+lHdl I w I
ttrff m RRT f TRi aRR ft% ^r nrR"? % fsp RfRT-r ftrff , HI-H
w nft w RRt (^fr -ERft Rsft %) % an^R R % crffR iRRn %
TR> ctxrM f (<^4 ^'S, ^t) REzprnff RvT o^TRWR fttlT % I
arsnftfrt^r: rteztt HI«K md<t>i:
Mftspfnt: ?#•• RTT IRPtT^R?: 1^1
3TF#T f (R<NH fp % ftRj.) ^ fis+z vs nn RRT % fRr %
arjRR ?fRRR (t) arrff fp arm t 1 1° "m "^tPrtr) rr nft
an% m "?ps amfm % fim. ? fisni rt rzptt fRit 1

enirnf«nift': ?tw?^ WT
^rs^mfr (?o) ^ Tjnft ^ ft; (^) fW ^ (^) i r* i
s^rftJi cpt ^O ^Tfrx <^ch< elf^T ct^ ^ y lT I <1 ^
7 7 u
^ ^n ! ^ i ^n ! "ftw TI Tf^ acnfe 'I mi iftRf i R? RR srf^rtifTT
^t rrt srfsmfcT •gtnr i
RHfa: ^nf HI^Ml ScTTxhTR^: I
<fi<iH (^o) ^qiw<^^TR 'Er9rr ^iaII I i
SI^TW ?o R ^im R fm -ciRrici rrt ^r ^ra f^f (^o)
^fr^rr ^31% TR TrRT ^ft RPR -m ^rp# t^r tRePn i
«<mimih (^o) ffcR (^) (?) -gcfr (\s)
^T: Wd'f?!) TT^ETT ^T I I
sr^rfDi % qm tti ■$ % -rpn ^ ? ^frt i ^fct HF) VS
■fr RRT ^T TR •gRi rfgr arrfc RR rn<j)«ii, jq cpf ^FT arfRRfH % i
3^° ^ 'HI '1 'R 'JTH Rf^RT oFT ^ 37^tcp 5cnr UTT Mcf
^ «HIH ^3TT «n 1
Uri|®<^ URlHIW^ WclA ^ VcnfR^ I
?ldH-<ir<r*J: TtrFT fiFThf: mcRFTftPT: I ?V9 I
RRT ^ yRT f^T gTT aqfRtri^ RRT cFI 3lfsRf?T tl«n ^ % yRR
f^r ^rr srfqtrfgf 3Tf«Rf^ ^mi % i WRRT 3^ 3^1% sr^nf^pfr
^T f^FT RcT % I
fT «i?Klf«Rf) f^ft ^ y'sFlPrl eTPC I
WfrT "RR^T WTf^T Hlfe+I" I XC I
RTT srfRRfcT -^rar % I (:rR% f^R) ^fR TRFTpR TPRT RR SRIrf RR 3RRSI
^ RRR ^ WTR (^Tg 3nf^) I
WtHJT -^T: <p (V) TJDT: ftg (^) «rTS«fr SRtS TR)sFHI< I
WTRR (?vs) F "^tfT 5BT (i) TT -R^TF wr<Hir<+H, I ?<? I
?rR cfFr WRf if R3RR ^cfrq WR if ^ RRT ^RR ^TT P^dl-M
^ 3n%> RtTj if ^ % RRT %RR RPRFcT RF RRR WR ^ <u^ir< if
I RRFFeT t^T "fRjSRT -gHt I (pHdHI ^IRT -RR) I
WcTFfif ifFltF RTRR ik^R- I
flFTTftl R-HlPt FttT FTcRT: I I
fgR TH ^ cpi Trfn (ip? H5FlTd RR FIT RfcT) WtR *>'ll
fjrH n fcm f^r 'ERn% % w? f?Rt ^f wrPtT % am^f f^r SRT tr?
^TRFT ^TTT I W ^ % ^f^TTRl 3Tf«T3R fT 3Tf^ t^T (^o f^T
v<c ^s) ifim-t "tj^n % i
anMsrfar: ^Cf ^ tMrffbT^T:
wmte ufr i ^ i
JE ^T "0? 3Ttft % fcTO, ST^TH "^f XT? % qTm % Tjon
wgq •feq % TPT ^ I (^T TTT^T 1^T ^,V9V9,^?,V9<i,^,ooo)
'HI'I'+icrl Jin TTT ti<o<-rr sl'fl I
frrr: -q^: (^o) tsjit (^O) (v) ^ ^
■^P^rr: $r<HiHi: f jirf^r ftnir ftrftifiT ^FT-- I ^ i
^rq ^ ^ ^ T1 ^ f?a % qm xr xrftt, "PR
xr ttr ^f ^o^o^o % -^fon ^ wi^n Prq % qm m sm, fcnn,
Pel Tel HI STTcft % I
^ ftngi^r-W w?fiM TfRFi: xj^TT^R: i
t^efR iicnT: niidiw^ cjdsn^feRflftnn": i ^fir n ^ i
(^ ftratRt fr ^3)- TfP je Psr ^r Tfrwm, q^ra, qm
Pic^ei'ii I ciPtu mn xpf 'iRi fWrthr R^u ^f gl-i % «t>Kui a +1^1 xrfqr
axif^ qir c^) ^if^r "fT qzx ^1 % I
T[d^ wrnn<!T ftsr (5) ^n u^rr (^) m-
qq Tiftr Trf^r iq I I
"pr ^tPr ^ xpp qq qqq 3tft R Tfj^f ? ^rr% 1 qtqqrer ^ %
yui 1 <t>< «m <ir*i q®n '? xiPfi 3^ ~iih% 1
q^qr (^o) fqm qtqrsj qwr: TJ: uq^Kq: 1
■thFTd^'qxNRT^ qfl^lt ^IK^Wd'- I ^ I
■Ht'i'+Kri qq ^o ^ 'qm XR %EJ if ^ ^it% i xtqq % arnxq
Wl XJ5 fxRTcTT % I
3^qT: (^) lETratWl (^^o) qpq
qof q^qy •firq: ftrgr: d«t)|tf<in< qrr: 1 ^ 1
^<? qrpjf ^ Trfqi % qiq 3tqT 3X1% % aftx "3^% ^11 ct>< a tin
qwt qm fqenaqt I q? -jq qq ^3q tqq ?tnT I qjrq
fqq qt frft qqqx fqq^rnr 1 q? fnrf tqq ciqq qft qsq qfq % snrxq
¥1% % 1
^l-^T gf^cT- iftTF' Wfcrllftt Tr?R: I ^\9 I
•qCTf "TR "FT *5? "TR "Q^T -qi-R ctra "^JW TT STTT^T ) ^T "TR ^"TI
^ (^TTt TTRT ^ H ^Rr) TTT ^nRT ^T uru-Sd STftTcRm
WcT t I
^il4> WTWRT: Mshdl WT
Wm: "HtSTT WS^Wq; Tlf^T: -ppr; | ^ |
"Tfd % TT5F ^ "J} (^m WlRr "^T 3TT^t SFTcft W^lPd
^TR cfR TrRrat w'T grr "HcrrtR ^tW% % i
^d^rddKcd^^ft ^rR TTT^TJ^T
WrRgTTH^TMt irETrffdrPT: I I
^ ^ it-qR Tffirarf^rR OR ^rct XJRTxsrrq
3^7; ^T: ^TT TTfR it ^FRT ^ 3TPT T7T Tfk ^T M^MK ^FTcT
% 1 cl^ Ht ^FT TTt^rfTT: cTT? Rr^I 3^ 3TH'TcT<+'lfl % [

cT^t: t%r55TTT ^ "RTR W ftWT: I ?o |

5,0 =rr#PTvq^ if ^o "jn srsrfc^ s =Trfwq ^
^Rr % I RRm fRRTT S, ^ iTPT tRT CTR«T
if ^ % SR^cT 3nR TJ? -yr -^R t I if
^rrPT imfRrRsrq; ipf arfpR w- ^i': i
d<"44> R^cfRRr sRq^irfg tWcTT: | ^ |
5F^ R TPq, Tft, FTT, 3T^, "TI^WrM oR -fR % | ^Rt STfRqfH
"*Ml^yK arfR, TgR, ^SRT, ^RT 3^7 RlR f I
HIHI^M ^FcKT: ^e|h|irt-d> ^WUt I ^ I
MM %> q,o ^I^^HCH '^f RT TTPT Rmi RPTT % I
RT Rct ^R? hihi^MK Rrn % i ^nr RRR sTrnTR RT -ncr % i
tptR (^) Rm: (^) (^) TRR (v) s«r wmR: i
(H) amftRrw^ TT3^ ^T *F«rlU<l: I ^ I
Rsra". Y. nn^. s. y^iMR , R -gam "Rroj,' gn R
RRt rtR t I *
atfTTT: 00 (Vj) (6) -afoTT CO «mfT Uo) 'fofcr %
^TPTRT ? -^qt sxzrqft ^ i i
Ticfl-q^' ^snfwq ■jjt % trfsr %- aqfrRT vs. <i.
^rrj. %. "^ett *o. «crnn t "^i <i. ^ ar^pq %, -h^V ?p^
t^rfr (u) «rRr^ (^) irt^t («) f^rt
(^) UK) TTTsft 5% ^ i ^k t
"^cfhr <m^'W<rq "jq '"^rra* % TP^VFR f-^. f^rc
Vt. r^shH, I fqii fcft^T 3^: ^«f, VFTZ 3^ RjIshM ST^^q
t I
t^WJ: (^K) ^E^Sf (^) vfTW: (V) mPfoft (VU
^r- (^o) mct+IJ) ^ "yt ^ •?fWRr: i I
'Mi^w^"g7T'mctc^<4'%r'gr^t-^^t^srr5 ^vs. \<c.. ttrot,
nrfsfa R°. i ar^pq t i
0??) yefvul (^^) ^r fferrW (^) tW^--
(^v) m-. (^H) ir^r sftr ^Jr u-«nTt ta 1 ^vs i
4i^tMr4 'r^rrg'^ t-^.
tferfoqt, Pd^Ri, ^k. q=R i ?pq t i
T^ft -ffcRPr ^vs. ^r ^snr) ^qsr
?<>. arf^s^r ^ -q ^TT) I ?6 i
aiPs■qprqi tsci ■yr %> qp^rrFR %-qK- "T^^rr, ^vs. tW^pq q<:. ^pq,
T I ?
F T T, 1%, I aqfqpq aq^pq % i
tw^ft %x pcicri^) (^q) ^ f^rqft (??)
^TT^fft: {■$■*) I (^K)
aqrf^f) ii wrat wr ^fr i ^ i
qncrif qpT^p vpwffi -jn % •HMcwq % i ^MHH)
fW^N), ^. Pcf+i-Cr, sjiicfrq, ^k. | ^qij t^t cf) -fpq f i
J?i)+'t«p(^) WWt CH) Pct^Ny, (^) (Vo)
aq^r ^ trt qqspft ^ ^nq^ i vo i
aqra^f '■iu^' % CP! f i ^e.. ^rmp^^vs. sPOft,
PO^M^, vo, M<|c(^ -5^ "?pq % i

tcRf: (>f?) W) (^^)

m«nW (w) (v^)
-gt ^ qef^ ft ^sff I vx I
TnTRT <?, ^f fwrft "JfT % «MrM< %-lf^ ^ftcf^T,
v? "R^f, - \- f^ttET^ i i^r cfrtft 3ik % i
T?ft«rrft (Y^) wsfr (vvs) ^ 3TT^t (Y<i)
TT^nrt m) 5*TcT: (V)
^PTH ^r S^sft ^ «<iW\ i I
TR^) ^T^f RFRTft "JR % TRRrfR % - MRRIcO W.
gRTRt, STTR^, TiaSR, V, SRTeT I W^ STf^RR ^PTt 5:<fl<;iR<»>
% I
^ftcT: (M) W) ftrgr«ff (HS)
Mt (<\V) 5 ST^lfft: t (HK)
H+K?llfteH ^Jr Rt2T T^oT ^qy?-: I I
3<lftc<H RTRRJ n "JR % erf t-^. chftd, ROel, S3 . ftTST^,
W. fft, S\. ^4ft I THR ftRf; ftRgH ^ % I
(<a6) ^f«Rtirrtt (^vs) xmq (^) ( \%) ^ (^o)
<*>Kir*gy<i: irt qr^ -gj^r % ^r i vx i
RFR RTRRi ^ ^f ^R % ^ %-^. ^5^, ^PK RKf, Hi.
H^, 5IRRR, ^o ^fR | -pft? RRt Rif M^i+yu< % I
f^3 (0 t?Tqft: (^) Trart (?) gftr (^) "p^gr (h) ?nT:
TRT^ 3Tft^??R (^) ^ ftTRt (V9) (i) ftWTft: (%) I VH I
\. -R. fWrfR. ?. ?T^, v. Rftf, H- ^ STft^^R V3. ftRT,
i. fRRR^R, ftRTTRft I
•T^TRft (^o) rt (^) qq (^)
^ft^rrfW: w+idi RTR ftnlr$q RCRTT ftrlraqr srj i i"
^O. 3^ arfiR, n. STfWft ^RR 3Tk RR-R feR^
Rlrf^Hrq "JRt % STfRRft t I

'^t ^lisft- R'|u|i I

^MtMK ftci^WcRIER REfPRt I VV9 I ^
R^l-M'l 3^ RTR^R (tRR, ^RT, RRR, RrfeT) ^f 3^ 3TR%
"PPTSPtT cpfa

TT 'ft rH<+lcil % I
ifnRrtT ^rafTTt r<HNI
ft ^MMnnSMIHWi: I
■IJF5 TTX fRff tw
tt it i^r i v<i i
^fcT "TtTTt ^ ^r% % "R'R 3Tltnr •pT^TeTt ft ffTsi tt tt
^rrat % i Psiuii kw? xr? sTrtrnft xr PrspeT XT3Rt % i ffer^r ■grff
1 "RTt 9ft it 3TTtl TRIPI ufttf % *ft txn it ffn % I
(«) dirndl l^ftRrraittl HIMlP-cldl
f^T: ftftUT: fim f^Ftt i^,^, \\\°V) HT:
ci«mo^i: Trfn (^o) (^,00,00,00^.000)
PdMl^dl IPt^ff ?KlPd Tltl IcTT m^T
PhnT^: 1 I
sTiw % crt ft ^ ^r -jprr IR ^ fwrr xr
ttR HI<H -^ii-S I fTT M^el ftttXRTH<.<. l +i< y.'+i XTPTR (^,00,00,000)
"ipn IR (^^.H^.KS.^OV) % Rm i cfssi ^ s^q W=T f if
ftt 1 ixrfr 30 -ft Tpn ir strtrw f rt? f ff% ftrf^ ft% i ^ft tt
x«m XTPT "t (^,00,00,00,000) ^ "ipn ux
(^^o.^^S.oS'i) % Rm ^ atk cxf%sr ft wr x«nH if -ERrrt i
fin ft sTfokr k arTrwr xr ft% axifi % i
•fqr R^nr "OTCPTT ftrr w Hint TRR^ TUT
qRar^WRf^T: TJTPT nft^T RTEJTT: l>^cff^d= 1
mtf if ikr irft -=hdi?ii (k^oy)-
ikniitsi in (VA^) nfrrs i \o i
chfci^'i 3TKwq % anfn Pd+Md f «ft Bti? ftt xrtr wn
ft "snftt 1 (?ci)i) f Tjir ft f affi y im qi^fl f *ft
srfRn? IK skf 3T«if^qFRm- sv>y'i«n vsi Ph+m fit arrft i m
3i6'Tui ftkk jiuiii ipFKK it iKft qqfff qjkrjn m hht ffr "?jq>KK
kt 1
Wlq ifht fd^Th *eq nTTT isnr ■q-s.itidi: I (V^)
Wmrf^er ( fir: w wn: ^fmi-di ^u-.
fl^Tbi: diPeldN «Idd Pd'l Al-flfl HIT:
ftfrF sFitfr iBRf Pndr HIT ITTIH: I ^ I
xrg TFn wi vooo ^II M *rc &IM<. '^PT
^ 3RT RRT ei'U I ^fcTJT STTfe ir f^-i % STSFW S,ki
fq^TTR =R WTTRT "H <=11S-1 fl y PH Sfil^ ^ TP fTT cR? ^T ^4H
a? ttht I
jjiifT M^^<+.14) TT^af^rr
cTST^cT f^rftTfiRiT: chPcrl^ll^f Tl% "P 8fT I
Tp5rtn1%far ivav^) Cf) ^cnf^gR
r^^in>H: (WVS^V) (^ft) W ^l^'JII (
(^) sbHI^ I
ct,rel STR13! KM<lPm %i TPTT °f>T Wl TTTT H'let STlfT RR Tr?t %>
■JSTR, arrfr (TTRT) TTFT % CT^TT "^FT, 3HIR (^) urt % tncf
TRft PoP^Hl R tcT^ ^n% t I Ttnel PolRrlHI ^
(^^•R^jTzn (<:^^o) t i
tr^rt (^oyo) (^ft)sf^
T^nra' (wv^-"?r) wf^r "n^- 5rr^.- i
(V^Y^o- RR PR) R
P7 W? fPPP: (Y^Vo PPR PR)
R^SPP IWR ^ 'ii'- (d^^Yo-s^pH-*;)
R^PPP PR I ( ^o^o^o.^P) | ^ |
pRRftpm - w^o ptPT tfp PRIPT ) PRRRIW
(V^Y^o), prip P-PTEp PRtW PPT fWFTfp
PRTEP (^o^o^o) IpfPHT^t prfp SPTR ^ % I
•iPir-P*n PX^p>PR)
rp^ ^TREnrnF Rpr (^^vs^o - RPT pr)
RpTinRFpTSiPPT (vs^vvsdi- PRPTcT)
RX WIRM ^Rd: wr PIP)
Rptp R P^PTT (^O^VS^-^PPTP)
R TP Ptssf PcPT (^W^o- PTWfP PTP)R«ft
PRTPTTP Pt ^ (^^o^o-^FJ PTP)
PR TXJ PRT (^^^^o-RPT PIP) ff^r i I
^PW (^o^vs^) PWTPfP PIP (PW^o) PpFPIP (T^opo)
f?r<jra ^4ui

«-i'i Tft (VVJ0) 7 "FcTS^ft

^ri: T5 ftr^ -gr^t Tftr («) M: ^oifv««<ititii=
-ffH -rpr ?r (^.vs^.ovs,^^) 4TKT: W
gnrr PudWcM' *MMI ficfr: i ^ i
<+<uII«; (ir=ef tsrt "FFPT Y^vso f \.c^c) snt®? % TT?
STTRT eTi% % ^<UII«; % ?t sTfTtor f^mrm ^rrr i ^fci "TcT
TTP^n ^ ^ Tfcf 1ti<ull«; sl'll I $*A> ^«^><.
^ Mm ^ i H)HC(K (WTP^T f^i
wim^K «n) % sirw Tra t^i tf^TT ■fTfft i ttdhr f^r
^ aig'lui ^jII I

vii*l>5lrt<;6wrf: ^fcRcT M^l'l 1TW^5®',:t,'

gcfffPr TITET TPfVT -ct^T-
^ W^T ftR ■*& Tr^rr f^mp i w i
"HTMRuid: -pre iw pf?T tr % gcfm 1^T KSIPT -g^f
TI1?I ^i armr % i sm; "^r? ip* «9»>HUI =BT t^T » IT
n^ii'i ■gra fiiRT ^rrm % i am: -qinm •g^f ^r Trfsr an^ %
f^=T -pre % ^pt P*HuI fl^T f^r ""T^TP IT? ^T frr^R
faRTT ^rrm % i arrp TTRT f^r xr? pfti % anrre f^r ^FT
W fPcTcTT % I
tfTT tTsPT ftTf %aTf^ TF^TPr
ss^ ^?ic[?id» iresftr ot^s ^ ft
icftciA nl^; irr irf^ fm ^ ^ %tr sf^r^
^Hla4> PIR;?' STfg [& TTETfT^r l gvs i
^T?t gfs hp if % -f^rq; afrr ^ ^ «RIM<I
^ ^>T 3TRWT fw ^snrn %, ^ MPJ^CI (^S ark fftK) gpf
»ft *(R% % I pszpr PR % TRk PPTK ?t% PT +<U||«; ^7 aqKWT
PRT PPT % 1 ^arp f^r PTpptt % ts® VRPKT «ft P«TT we ap<+A
Tcrfit % arfRH wra p PP if P%?T PP ^FT PT I PP -fep % t^rp
nit pft pw garr, pp ark pttt -gw wr pt krpr gap % i
+<"!!< ^ f^TPt: prfp^ I
vfprr pffcTT PPlcTPTT f^fkP^T ^PTWrftr t^Tl1
gPtePr PfiTW^I' pjfppf Ur4o< ^wp. I
g^f<ir<+ P^ gp kfpwrmf^ MMMcf ; I \6 I
-rj^TCpT ^

37^ Tff, ^-<1^1, Vflyisi sft? W 3TTf^ -cTEq -fgcf c(,<U||«< % TJcf
-^IHc^K citil ^f> % iTT ! f^TI ^llcll % I 3TcT •jHa ofhlt %>
f^pi cjft ^Hs. "IFft % i Fiiyoh onqgK % tMK tt? ^>T
-ffTtr^T ?r wf tii %
Tt: ftrai («) <r^|: (^d) S{l\-<crt (tK)
?«Tt fjTT (^O) Tcrt «md|: (V^) I
for«ft rRT (o) ^dHI, (?) ^ w^t (^o)
^crif^r (^) sBtrpr to K?) w; i ^ i
-g^ ^T +RU|l«i m TT
„ „ Xf. oRl^ol^lS^
flTPT ^TWT (S) f^[ I (0 Tf^T (^V) niO*<c|:
(t\9) TOT^F efhTOfT (^) I
^ -^fhr frPT ftr?ft (?o) ii^cr: I (^)
(^v) ^ («) f (^0 i i
xpTcT ^T ^ TT. SHR^Wsl^S
yflyisi ,, TT.
(o) 3^- 3n^T: (?) "TO^nf: (v^) ?nd+<:
(?) (^) ftnrf^ <rar (??)
(??) J«I«KI (v^) ^T^TT m) (?^) 1^1
WTPlftT ^T ggr xt. ol^lV^I^I^^I ?J9F ?fhf ^FT <+<"»«; fg*
tr. ni??iv?i^i^i
VI^Oll (VS) f?^) WTO (V?) I
H^cl) (^\S) facft TOPr (^V) r(
•^t ""TST^ Pof+dM TOItt
TOf^tsftT ^ ^ TOT% I I
<=b<uii«i ggr TT. vsi?<ii^i?V9i^
"OFf FtT tSTFT pcl+dl Ft FH^MI "W %, tRT 3TTfF fWPTt Fit
^TOT ^ (^) iTt^cft (?(i)
THToFFt (Vtt) tFTO (HV) FFt (o) S[F:
ftlFT^ WFT 1^?it (?o) ft FTFF-: (^^)
^tTTRFt (?V) WTO: (^) FFttnT: (Y) | ^? I
■g^f FI wtw Flf <+KU|l«i ^F tn. ^I^IVtaiSYlo

(v) w (V9) ^ (^)

^l«*m: (V^) tr^RT ?ft^Mc|: (^)
fWT: Tf fn^t (V») Sf ^PT: («!
(V) (?o) <tUe|: (^ t t
^PTcT ^uiisc; ^
,, „ TT. VSI^IYI^ol^
t^TM TT^FT TRT (H) (?V9) H'T^^
(?\S) rc|W|M< (o) ?l1-<e(: (^) ^
(^) fVicH^i (H) WR?: (^) inf^ons (ft)
^Tt^: (^) 1^1
"3^ H-<1^ ^JT c^uik ggr ^r HKVsl^loKH
Wfi „ „ V-
■?I^¥Fr W Hd'MI U)
^rat (1) ^ («) (VV) ftW: (?o) |
^i4)U^«r wsr ^T
tr^l^fST: +<U|K d^l-. I ^ I
?rpT tp^lw ^T =t.KuH®< U <il^l^lVrfl^o
■q-S.HI STTfe % Rcl ^TT ^9p % <»><u||®c; % fTR^T f^Sf
% i (facilH -nfci % ^rrm ^ xrfyi ■& W^I-MI % )
fW^ WFT iprT (?)
d^cfi (^) qpr ^ofr (^) sw wrw?-- (^)
^TcTCT FT (o) HMI^el: (^c)
f^nit^ ^mr (^) fisn^T: (^?) ^ 1^F«IW: (V?) i ^ I
nra ^i «btuii«i ^ar tt. ?I^iw
WT „ „ F. o.VIS^I^IV?
^FFT ^TcfFT ^ (o) (^)
H^cft (^Vs) RTTTJaTT (^i) ll^pr: (V)
FK; fiif^r (^) 1W («)
UBTT: (?) T^t^PniT (tS) (V) I V.I
^vmm ^i ^un«; ^ F. OI^I^IVIV
HFUcT „ ,, TT. ^IUI?I^I^
WPT tRT (0 ^T^ft (^V)
Tjnrr (?) t^THTST Tpria-(^0 ^T^fo)
^l^|ull: (? ) ^ (o) (??) Jtsv^T?^:
(^VS) ( ^) ^STT^T TITcra": I ^ I
Tfm ^T <+<u|l«J ^ TT. ^I^RI?^|o|
^TpT ,, „ TT. ?lo.«I^V9l^
^<f)Rdl: ^IT mci'Jii^eii tpFTT^TRRT: I
-pi^md: T^z TTp^r *U$ ftreT TTftf*?: I \So I
ifTTnT =P stjttci % 'irw Pi'tiici Tr% % i =Pt Trg ( stk Mm)
cT^TT i y R V0 ^ 1=18.1*1. ^TTT MMfl % I
TR5)^ Tgm cT^^ffcTt '?Pn«r: I
3)«<lkl ctrR; PefPlHI cT^T WTT W fcTHT- I Vs^ I
H*< lsl 3^7 ^TTcT ST^ftcT ^f ^11% 'fwfsr -30 -q^l % I
tfRFefhr H-<{)a sftr Mm f-i^id-t % ICIM «<OMI MidCHM"! ^
Tpn ^,00^00 % ^r, RrtHi srrRr TTRI ^rt HM ei'it i
^firr t^rpT: grtK Tjfer K^IUIK^ ^ ^ ^
f¥ ^T ^T«f Tcf^r TF)^ WT: i Vs^ I
TO ^Fel ^F) cbiuiiwi ^ if (OFT ^T RT^T) 3TOV¥ OFT 3^ TsT
O^ir OFPpft: ^ ^TO TOTO O^FT (^00,000)
fjO: 'bdlPd ^TOTT: T^FT: T^RTT: WORT: I \3? I
Mi CO OOO TROT O ^. 00.000 % OFT OT TR 3TFTT %, "TO
TROT ^ TOT OFO OT OTcH 3TTfT ^f TcT% Off Oft ofo STTcft % I
d^4di«< d>diP<ro: OTcf^rr-.
3^ OFT 3i|2|MI I
^TRTT^mrr osroot^ITT (W) om^xf ot (w) svr
KIHIOI (VCC) ORTftngT (^V^) OOTRfWO: (?^)
«HMox||g O^TT: (^H\3) •
3TRT^: OFTTRT: fsrfcFFRcTO: (^V9^) OSFTT ^tfcTfmr (?^)
Hh «s.i*n

^nsr Mct PRT: (^^)

^nr^cr^r: (^vs) ^ i vx^ i
W ycnK r-i<*ici "f^r 'TRT '5R PIM FeiRqci %-

RfRT „ RfRT ■qicT fR

1R „ -gtr ,,
„ ?xc ,,
., W „ W
"^IPt „ "STPT ,, ^vs
tNV UcO^: ^ ^I
^(ItTia "TfilS VRif flrwv^fl: WE WTTf^Rn^ I \9^ I
H-<I?J 3^ -Efhrtir RRT WR: ^ CIWJ rptV wdt % i
UW ^PR % WT % RHcT, sftr TlPT %f H<1^ RRT ^R SPdylsJ
Rft '|R| SlRt ■£[ '?tRt % I 5<rl=ti1 RRf TTf RJTJ RR%% RtW "RTRf
RJt ^TFRft I
RTW +I^H ^RR RW^p ^Rlf^-
31^ttRftr ^ (^Y) Rt %5^r TR%
frw tWerfr ftreft RT^T to i \9\9 i
TPtTWT (^Y) toTRlRRTRr RWf o^fshxRWR^ ir?rR^
(^Y) RRRt twr
rPR R^fr *ftww Rw^Rf^p)
Rt M<HlrHl (RRWTR) HldlRd PviW^ R? fRW faRPRRR % RRRt
RTT WR I HldMd C1^) RRcftR RTERpRR R ?YY RpiR R^ alft
tR^R RRT % ^<CY RtRR 3TR RgsT ^cT ^f % I
^c^^ocfl^Rd ■jMiet Jd R^cT RPT^Sf^TftT^
TR y+K 341^1 % YRR ^ 3cR-i Rt R-^^K=R 'gRI ^TRpRrtRR
3^ RTFTRtR %? foiy, TfRR fR^RT R'J"! RWR TT? RT^eft SfsznR
W \ limt IMl^ klk i23ji
I :hl^Jhbj lblb->^ fteCfblkft 1*^
(I % IPIP^t?. fbU
kUzi li it im b'RlaJ. ih Jti£; I ^ %bitt Hhih Jib im jjb
Jj b>iK '^. Ibiif> Ikih (tmn) oo ib>> kiyioitt Jib b-bj t-m VHfeK
Jkte) I % ibii kibjtalb- kUab ja (ibdl^) bi lib b^b % (k^)
jbft ^1. (pib- xbis ^JIK- biisi b^iS 'ykbte '<buaj|> 'mop .
I V, | ^ba^^bah tk ,Ulr»^ iahr»
I :bl>^^JIbfei><£ |p-b Jib liaj|> l<bU>
I ^ Jnib Ibh. lb. Jaib bSbj ^ jib it>ie S-bjiap <£ife 'ikuh
lbl« Jib «£lfe % IbliiE 15. kjy. b^bj I ^ |Ulhg faJYJh^ Bhi
JJ» ib %% IHK Ji. jnib b'Kbj >ib I Inf. b. Jib JaJiJbJt ttbah. Lbteie
I X I :i>itijitt Jn^b^JsJ tijyhH :ia (hi)
I Uiyi'Jr :bj\jh Ibftblit^ bl
I % JPPhJ iaj>jhh. Shi ib bib. % ( IbkfeJ. Jib
bb. HLb ilbib ooV«h-?fexfe) ih^bj iib UiilL ^ (Jii Jib ^Lihb Ji ^s.)
Ibr-twu. Jib j3j>JhTt biak I | kbjh> ol |^oS (kjyh JJb Jbab)
\ fe I (?fexfe) i^b^J iLga. ka^. h3hk
(oii^oS) itk isjiiL lib bjkimak
I ^ Jjai£ (JikUb. oil^hoS)
Jajyb Jb. ib ^ Jtilk % ( ii^^J J<b bjijb |!i£ |btP oo?oi) ?fexfe
Ibfb) iib IInTi ( Italic Jib X JKMUtb J<b oobt kb) oo?0i
Jib lbo>J» kl I ^ Jdfejte. oo^i (ih im b£bj) Jilts kh3k lib Jfesb
I h l>lfofrR|h :Ji (?fexfe) Utebyia (oo?'oi) ^jibiyib l^bb
(oo^i) :b£ Jkibkbab.
I ^ ikk iiib Ji >IUib[ ^ pnvuc- JJkJb LSib Jj Ji^B. ifilbyb
lib >14] ^ >l«bit» kl I Ife bbUi Jib 211 kthak ib l^bR fe- blbsie
bjp^l I ^ [Jilb Jb hjbj J<b tjXfa >lib>K Sb. bak J3. kltsi kbie IslE
I i | :bk ^ ^ bii^
rjikikii Jeklibia

^'Jnb >1^ ^ iak^lklh

:IP;lifeK :j8kb.

xjftfli tr) ■^PTPT 3T8JRI o(TcT ip ^frcf ^ (^ TT

^VM.-rK % I
trat^T: ^ (^O) 1 ^Rh|lf:
3T«RT fa^H.ur- IMm ftsr ?rrt^t i vs i
■pr t?rRR %3R ^o % 'Ipn 7*re %3FT % *rnT
p, 3T«Tm %5PT ^ ^ Tpn ^7 ....
^5 OHHI«(< <r#: f^TRR Hll^+|: I
^HPIT: TJcf ^ m\£ lift TftftTUI: | c I
...(^o^^V) ^ *ii«i P c;u« 3TTf^ <i*ll-a<. TTTT STTcTT % I ^^31 %
^ ^Tf ^ 3N% 3ft 3ri7Tfft %....
^ft^PHdl cTRT I
crjt^ xnnif irffrf i \ \
"3T % TSTFTt ^ -331% % 7733 3ft 3TsJ Trfft 33 TT33 3331 %
+4fr+ fPT, 3T7T 3^7 3^ STTfcT 33 3TT«7 7733 3ft STsfTTfft % 'ft 7T*{t ^?Tt
.^T ftWI % I
33^3 %f^3T 3T3f cH>l+fc*< 33cT3:
3TT 3^3 o33Wr fsF3% 33T I \° I
^75 33314 ci33 % ^41 <3 3377 Tf 3R 3nf3 33 snT®? 3X3% % I
TT^ftf p 33% % 177^ PT 3H-3 % %7T f%43 %-
31% 73%4t iPTTRRT: I
cT^tf^Tfm^ «<dlf4+ 1134% I \\ I
3fX 37 f^TTT 73X3 XJ^fiPT ft 3lf ^fiPT % prg 33> '37Xt
3X7rf33f3 33 3Tf33) 377 ftcTI % I
firsn"Tlsft' 331 3Pf 3X3 3IHI*f3 3^
xjirft 33TPl ^5 7 xrttTX ^RT TXRXR I ^ I
^ %^Tt % 33X 3^7 31 3X^ 33 3t 377 3rfT 3X37 % I (37 3f 3ft773
33 13317 %> I PXTT ftTXSRT 33 3%f TTR# 3^1 % I
3P? 3T73>T: TrafRXt gf»ft<3lP<R( I
3^FT f'fu|H( It 7TP3T ftRRRT: ^33X I ^ I
31733X3X4 UfilPd 331% 33 SIRWX 7733 % "q4fPl % 3X3% % 3X3:
3333 3Tf43 3P3 fTX^RTf "% 3X7X3 % I
-TT^1fgnj ^

fipTc^Sftf (CTfhTT 4m<^

^sp arW^n^ d-HdH. i ^ i
^ fq^r ^t «ft wt^FR f^n ^n «+di % i "gja
-F^fsrFT "0? R# Ri: Pew 11 ^ I
TTfTTf "P^W "TiRft ^s(ii-fl< gdi;
^ 'TTHT "RT^p ^icf w^n ^rf i %\ i
c^T 3Rf Tff^ % W 3RFT 3Rf Tlf^ ^rr U? SFTR %) f^Rl
tr? ^pt Rf^r ^Ft ^?TPtR Rzt ^ -ym w: 5.0 -& RRT % 1 «r«n
^ifssr cpt ^11-sci (cH=hl RfSR WPTT % Pdy.) RT "dild ( m4 % tSTFTt %
fHt?) % I
^TT cTWr: ^UfT- f^TTRR 4^:
^Pt xrftp?rrHT: «w»'ui R^^^dh i ^ i
3TSTRT, %PRP "RfcT cpt ^TPcTC RRR "Jon ^ RFT ^
it 4t tWtR RPT ancft % i «fr % ttrpt RT RHRT % i
tPT^T tr«T^ "'Tjt tTRT fa'P?:
CT^T tftrrPnt r«rf^% i ^ i
(^ITRR Pd^lcdi) cpt IgfR)- "nnHT -gja Rsq R3T %f WR Rt it%
PtitPl nm ^FS iJ5ui ^T «im I
W«MHi8t% i^T "d^fjeTd "+lcdd--
TJ^q^TTcT sFRT^ I \C 1
3FPT RZTR ^t ^rft Rof w ^PT "PFPt ^r I wr %? •FT?f> TITO TO
iHlc-id Tt Rt R? tTORR TO TtTOTO % I
TTT^ irfSFT TOir "TOWR "TG!T ^Tpt'- I
TOTtTTOT TRptWror ^Tftftr TJTOj; I \%[
TOT% TO^ 3TTt^ TOt TOF TOrfiftr "if TPtTTOt-

TOSTR fPrroro ciwPr 4l^nMci I

■PF TO fTOPcURp TOPzf TOFf ^11-dtW TO I ^o I
(P.o) % RRt ^Vfl-cK TOT %5R TOff^ TOTTO % I PdHldH TORT TO
^ TTOt TITOR "ffTO % I

. ^4 nm +dir<+M,'
"^r ^ft^r -%$ "T^ ^arr trEl^ i |f<n ^ i
(^4 r^^l-tl % -d^a) Pfrtfi tPTT ^T (dlrtilfctti) XT? cTT^T % f^TQ.
TTf ■nf^T (+Mir<) ^ VZ Xm (3X4 TTf^ ^ ^ ^TT XTtTq efrr
STTfe) XT "ym ^XcT % I cTSTT ^o (^o ft^T ) % «rm ^cT t I cT®«li
^en sTTfe TT14 "o? 4 ^w ^PT TT? smn % I
t^TRt WTT ^FTnp fl4T<^
ddwic+iPd ^ ^ ftr^r are y'^Pd i i
•aR TTWR -fXX y^nr XSPR % "?f^T ya ^4T<At cMfd*
yf sM x«im % pRajl^ (smt RTeqf^T ^n ^TPCR W t^r
<^TI yx ^4t<;-H) yjicT yri y? gl^u i cH4>i 3^T XTT-t % 41^ 37^rr?r
^xt- (str f^?n 4 %ynxy^Tre5PR^3naryyyrsT% (yytt^
■gyfaxt yn xmy wtm i
■Fj^RrfyaryTPrapr vratR^nrr w^r-- i
■"Kdis^y- w^Pnt-y: qfk yW; tid uit I I
<ray wpd* ^j><i <^4 y>t «>il-y % yx f-rysrcT yR 3 4 y? yff
crfyyj yty % -rpn ^x ^o ^ *rm t i
«PH gnrot yr^ ^fspifRR i
3tw +iPci+ ^5 ty^R xn^r: i xv i
■g^f yfaay-syRdrryy gen % yR) 4 xi% nx yxx (yx xtxyyx R
^r?% t, xttrppt (4y % yRyi) 4 x?% yx ^yyyytRy? w4 txt
% f arxaryytRyx uw % 1Ry3Xxn yxR % (^xrxryy g4 % Rro. yx xtxynx
v4is4 ^ I ST^TSTf 'ST3T% ^ I
TTcrrs^ xjz ■q^fxy yytxt i
yxra eufHMi®^ imrf ^Eynhnf^ • i
xgrs ^4 fy^ei y4 sm 4 x?4 yx Rhrt yx yr xxr y4 y«yy
xfy yy ^cR sty yx sxft % yxHX yx<u-s Ryr (ygy yyr sRcfx
Ryr) i
xf^trpgversysr HR ynr xrrt#:
y^RT^: fspyr yRit crfEy yry yftfEnrry; i ^ i
xfy % M-<y.d, fyxssi dHMH ark sxyrm sirfy yjxi sftx y?F ycy
"OW xfxanx ytt 1yRT y^nr f i
^r:rrf%n? TfW^R

^><ii4.w rn^iKdH, i
t<Ff dWI^lT^ ig^R ih^r i ^\s I
■treq ^fgr % -SFffTR ^ 3T^ TTf^ ^Tf^t, ( ^Wf^F) Tf^
^ ST-^WI? <5*4^ f^FT ■HHH 3T^ Tlf^ elal % I 3TcT: t»j><i ^iT
Uf cFT% =F ""-f^ 3^ 'fji Tf^ %r ^Nf ganrr^i Trt^iR f't'Hl -^Idl

^cTRT W'HjdiRd sFT^RTT^TT^PT: ,

PK^T r4MI TfW ^t: ^cl (clRj d>|: I I
SFFT "m^cf (3T^nt?T ^4+0 Tf% % -R^ ^fff TTITI
jfT 37^ (<Jt4 <iP?l % T?3T t+ilcl WT) TT Tpn
3TER7T ?rt (^00) TIHT: W Tcf ^ tRTTW:
■strr f^r nr^r wr ^cn^r; I w I
TCT 1^n<n (»ioo j TT Rm ^ | tper n? 'RPT TT "ym
RR: -RSRR Tf^ Trra^r t^r % arg ((^^,w) RPT CTT <=t.eiir< ysrRR
WRW it.dc|< ^TRf: ^fr< I
oJI^TT: «W,d%Rfld|: I ?o I
W TJ? it Tf^r % H-<^d Rff cTT? % -qj -^^1% % I
?fPt 'CRT ^ yqPtR «W>K qR% tK -qt % H-<>«1 qi TTf %
y^TRR it 'i<ri| gtiil I
atdtM^Kqcii Tpr «rT| <t)dl^dl
d.rd+1 (^^00) qw PdHint dxMidH, I I
(y^RR qq% % Prq ) Tfq % H-<ydchd q? qtt %PTqt
"tPt % -yqi qq (^^,^00) % mq % fcrm snft it qicT ¥Pn 1
1¥ qr qTETast>rdHi, (^?^oo) Jidti^dki, RVCR; I
^t: xRf qq; TIFcr PrdHlP; «>+d: 1 m 1
arqqr (^^,^00) qtt q? qtt ^fqqr qftr % qrq ^r, crPq tt Tfq %
XRcT if qrq ^ |
H'di-dusir qvtjtw ^qnrr "5^
^iPd^lcf, cWdleM^ W +KUIH, I I*
y^TRR R^+iK qq% %T qrq <}<q|t1< qff fqfq qj^t ^fTcft % I *lPd
?xfrq Tfq 3tp RT^t qrffq (fqyq >731 ) Tfq (^qq qsqq) %r ^ttq 3RR
fSRJRT c;^ul

^ itm % i
FTPRfmir ^f«PTFr f^prw:
PsqR FPFT ^ (3PHm TTf?T % ^tcT
smf % frc^T ^sfVq grP srg "=t ^r ^ stror rMrfeft xif^Rt % srg
TTt^T % ^<ioo 3Tg) fiTcTFt I
ftR^T ^NI^Fj, ^8 RWT mWd:
^FTSir ¥^r -^cr fcrlHIW^ f^cm^TT- I ^ I
?T^ WR Tf^" ^Ft Mm Hi Mt^T Pd+lri'l 3^T FeTf ^TT 3RTT spt. I
^fr< w ^ja^r ^r wr i
Tifcr fcnrr fcrr «t>dirM+Hs i ^ i
3RR TTf ^iRr fRHT % "yiT % MPT %- Rfssf
•FCl Tpyf ^'A^l M<;M\: ^"1 SFHI^
(MTBTRT-SRWcyf yfioZFRfrT:)
TUPI rezt wrtr^; f¥ RT strP -MTIR+M; I ^VS I
TTPFT MWr <rc4 tlH if T^T % RcPTTMR MRT TT? P ^-si -^IIMMI,
PclMHMK ^ ^ MT ^TZlifrt I 3^ W if fRMTR itMT I
FFFR ftdit'WK r*MirHW|rMd*d<.H, I
^ozf ^TdPl: FT FT ^3" Mctd^ I I
(RT, ytTRR sfk d<MI-d<) TftM ttFFR M«2T Tt? if M WK FI¥ W if
Mt Pt>A RT^ I
d<IH^ MRtt SfT 3 TTfrgPTT I
ITtt ^R%t: TTPF MRHjdP I ^ I
V§Z TT? if R? tit+K RR% % TTMM MRT^ sfk ^WTW if R?
«<<hR y: R^t fR)i[ vsllcl RRtfRj PTE TTf RRcf TTMR "% TTRTK 'gt «n%
% I
Ra^T 3t: RTF ^FT PR^T TTf MMMId,
^dl'Jtl y'^dl^^fepFTFR d^dMI-dTM^I Vo I
ytPtR RRct TPPT "MfR <Iq %> M-RMRT RiT 1PPTT RTTctT % I ctt
3T^«TT Tf? MRMjdl^
1 1
arg^rr^R ^
^ TfR ^ ^ 1mr (Tt y^TRR-RE^R Wt
(H-t;tijiti) it <sc;ill-t1< TTE^K ^TRI ^TT-tR cvi-ii STeTT Sicl'l el't I
^ritcT TTftftT: V&; W^RRTT W:
q^sFfcrfit ^FTTT: "WT^ I ^ I
qsq •MMRPR ^t fsrpr % sryfrr ^ =fR %°o "^cii
(^TT ^5.0 ^ ^RTT) qm (1^sr) % ^TR RT sm
^anq qft ^Tt smft % I q? ^t 3R)% WR % RRqlrR frT w. irrf\ I
?t^r "STRFPtf trRt wR" qrsfrr
^n ^pf cRfirf -q^Nr tr^FT ^=1^1
q? t=RFra% q qfd qft^iq SR^RF -^r qnTq ^r ^prrqpf qft
tR? qfT q^q? rtRRR ^ Tgr 'C 1
cRRTt qCTmpfrPT ^WWc^ I
y.+ir< cr^ RWRT yioni^ifui sfRn^ 1 YV I
qeqqq^f % ijq q*HU| ottr rr ^t.... arrftr ^ "?R ?rt
q^r % 1
qtrFtq: ir^fr eiK^qm^
e(T qft ^r fsfrqwrat 1 1
f^cT^ qqf ir qft % ^51% SRcmRF ^fRRt R^t TRpqiR
^=h< \9 % qiq 1 '?tq' ^rt Pt^fRci RR Rgt fRcn^ RT -i«H T^qi
RT TT RR -gftg; -^Rft I
WTpfrq IcToRf qfWr "5^ «HdH, 1
tmfiTi;fir^ ww<^: qjprf o?qir< q^r; 1 1
qfWqq qRtq 1^RR =FT arr'W cTRfR 3q% ^ f^RR qq nw aprft
sT'Rft qpnft % sRcfWF ftRt % "R^qtsft q?t qfteqR "PRFTCR ^lipii i
arqsftsst- WTTWf^ q3q + |<iij|: ^ctRRI:
xpfRTT, H<+Md-- I YVS I
ird4t rr qtq qfqr arRtq ^ tqqrnt (xrt) "crf t^rqi qmn % tr
^ % ^o q^ (a^q) argTfq qqj q^t qfq fH+^'fl)
^rrHr +^ii«<ir< ^qr- ^etir <4id+i: 1
tqr ^r uPd^d ?R ^qqr rdft+i- 1 vt 1

(TI?, -qtrr snf?" % ^K) xif, ^ra afR qm %

^Ff?! "grnf^ ^n =t>< i« 3ITW % f?r^ ^nt i (u?, T¥ mti
^r) i ^trh VKt ^n, wtw sik
^TRR ^FTcT frR^t ^l^l'fl I
M<oh^ Bl«Hrm (\9?) ^;t4«l«t»ire; k^PTT
krrnt v* w nwrn- kiftrasg> frt^cn: i i
vs^ x^cpt if irit ^ %,-r arrfe fT% Tif^i skirft
Tf -qrcl -qf^ ^ TTfTI k 3Tf«r^ ?t W Tlf?I (T3^ ^TsF) fTZT% % I
■^gr^ ^wr ftrar a^tir ^t^rr Tffi:
cH<*>i*ki^ ^rrt: 4>iuii«<i krrtdr i v i
ir? TTf?T ^f ^orkF fHdi-f ^ *ft ^fm ^ ^rfVr % m ^
Tlf^T xiir^^ I ■spfcl yrw % cT^T STtfcrfr ^T v^i <+)<u||«^ srrw
k % wr krF ^pprq- % ^-<1^, HCER "srhfre snft- Tf^
3^1 Ha "5TW ^1^1 I
qcrfkr ^sc ww ^orer ^RE ^RRT:
^5^ ^ wtrkr^ w wr i H? i
•^i-^ici Tif 9PT kwihh %r Trcrq ^rirr snf^ ^f ^ M^HI
ti%7ni ^ ^KI 'at ^ Trf^i ^14HI ^rm TR ^ii^i'i 1
5^r*icM<;^> wP^'^TT %> W «<;i*^ I
^Rp (iRidWcMi tt^ci; 1^1
■^1? °f7gf FH ^<*1 'FS' wfrn %, Tflrk to 'yft WPTT
Xo ■& vm ^ 1 cqr t0 wmr if ^o -^r Tpn Fk)
ToJTT^t TRRfr tmk" UWjRtH,!
^rsrr fpttvcT: HN\^ I ^ 1
TFT ^FTT Tfk snf^ w cHTFR STrfe UF^U ^tm I
RR "nk yu-s^cif Fft wnrm k ir? ^tnr 1
W ^ «<+il?!^ ft^T 1
(3T«r M<*irH 4Rrvi^ tz o^tRt 1 )
trt vgrcnhr^ wf^sji ^isbMH, 1 K< 1
fcHiH-t % TTTT 3n% 31ti% twn if tF^t 'Ikt t "ctRF'F tm ^
SR^lt ^RTT ^TT "T^ish^H, I SH I

TW«iM ^ff 'WTCT %> 3T^pfTK M?cl M«;<*> <5 •HWi WR ^PJT? TR %7
■f^pr 1%nk % I

^frf <fi'i yr^v tP^:

ijcRftT yr Hl«=^i«f^tyT
wyi f^ryy <rr# s^gyr^
• 4<;<* «i>lo «[^y^r ■yj^ftrrn^ i i
STTTTRt % TTW qrt.-i % Pet^ yiel "HllT ^llR •i-fc(P| '?TRTrft
flP^d, ^,^)^...1y*T ^ Iciw yy % I H«;=til % S.Ki TT? vjxi °ft% y^
yf? ^r WR ^r TT? y?y^ y^r ?t <Tt trzt % ym it yfy,
ysryi ^fri snfy ^<. ( ti< i
y^nrPtT P^i-dni: TrtRRrr ^<1^1 IYJ^ y^qf
yppt^TFcR ■?nf«nnfr ftrqcrr r^<r^Mi< ( ^v) '
rrt ypy? yrcfrpRt IVI^I ^rui^ii^i+i Hciiwr^Kl
TRppTTaT <|>j| ^<;i iV^T PlOti: 1^1
ygfErnqf % -qy sT^ymr YRVS sftr ^VII-CR P^PdHi y«n
angfyy? yy % ara? ymr sth: ^W<R fgHmr w:
-Pleii-qci yr fyy Irry ^SRT 4PHI 9ft WFTiy ^r Pckmhm

^r^rtheTl dmcl ^cT

ftngTR ^fw Tyrf^r yict

(v) wr ^tchRiqn wrt: 1 \6 1
TR yynr % -d^d <mci^i if aft ^Rtfrr^ yfyy
ST^'y^T^T if WHHdl cT«TT ^TcT % fdy P^^l-d ^T ^51ITRTR
ym yyjRi iryTH fsy 1
3r«r T^zxtwr:

TTF +<"14,

arsjt^r H^rHB ^ ^TT ^ftr-- I

iTfFrf w trra^f ^ w t^^rr i \ i
Y2^ % f^ft ^TFT % t^TO TTfST STTirr -it IT? RiWI^ ^ t, ^rft
irf^T STtfe °Ft Jlum SKI crlH TT? <*>5Ci % I t^TO t^TT-T ^
TTf r<Wd f, ^rff % STJHK WT % . 3TcT TIF ^ t^rf%r
tt)?! ^icfl % I

Tiwrwr uR^hmRi trcfgr

TTfitMll^^ "^TT ^Et ^fcFfofty^r?^ I ^ I
Y^ % ^l<1 TRTP TFRi Mcfl trftsFRT TFT % I
3TI+r^d Ft ^qtfF+»FH (TIF STlf^) -
^ WT F^FT TrfcT: .

Y^ ^ FfaH Fit FTTF fFTT ^f TTSff sTTT Y^^tt «f>t FfeFTt F><?1 % I
%fFF> 'ifd FTFT ^lldl % I F^lFt Fit Jem (F-T^t sftr FFTF 'ifci Fit

TFt%F FTttT ^erfTt TftTET TFTFTfcRtt FfcT:

ifhTR^- FTT^tFTT fJF ^FIJ: I V t
TFTHlPFFi FfF FJF% t I FftF (F^) sftr F^F ( F^) % FFT FtFR VfZ
■^f ■ftngPrt-SI^TF^FT: FilTVM ^[^Ft FFTTfiSFT:
(^ fTTSRl TT) FFT ^f ft«TF FfratlT, FFtW Slk FTF FFTFT FFcT
Fit 3TYFF YtrtFt YFf Fft TrfF % FTKT % I
FF F^FF FT+TF: Fftrft FFFH *$%•
FFF;FTTT #gw Fisrr Fortsr Fra^t i ^ i
F«FF TfF FFT Y^Ft % TRt FTF> F^TF vittr FFt F>t F>?3T % FEq
cf VHtft WSPPT 'J^T:
t^st>mr-ti wpmt ¥ vfcs-- i vs i
^ -qEzrct % "m«T T?% f% (Tf^r MR*hi ^f T? ^R: )
trncT srrfe 'n? ^ ^ MR^H % i 3T<T: Tf^ itsrti sn^^r
Tpn % i
cr«rTlTT ^r ^ «Tt ^fr w:
^ iitcr: ^ftsr ffft Pnra^ i i t
■qricT, ^(fWfd ST^T ^ll-l MRI "P <^4 ^Pl<* JlRl 3Tft(<ti
•gRft % ^a % Tfi* ^ an^^r-fir I i am Tf^ ^rt ^T uwt ^T sfHylsi
ct>5l ^1101 % I
^tF W^pTh^rT HcMrcll^ MlHfft "F^:
vnM^ wt «rrj: wf ift ^ i % i
^sr, % Tf^ "TUT ar^T % ci^n y<;i Tf^ <6cii % i
3Tcf all< ^9ti "^t *^1 ^51 viiiqi % |

JF^TJ^CWT- T<( V* "^TTt^T ^ I ^o |

TT wtt^TR ^ ^ ^r, ?pj, TTTCT, ^^■wRj cmr ^fPr
tcirl % I 3Tcf:
f^rftRT ^ sFMCT WTFT "WT: ^rr:
tidU^el ^Tftrf^l: I U I
^ d-iohl 'TftT 9hH % arfET^T tfhfT Rwcfl % I < HHI-T "Tf?!
it% ^R Ht ^Tt ^7 ^FROT gPT % ) I
^2/PTc9cfr cR; tnt-cT ^l" Plehi cdrfn:
*RT?T TTfiF^TT ^fvT PdRl+lrH+f I VI I
^cfar wt ^TTRT ^ ^ ^ ar^RT PRFS Tt MR*mi ^R %
3: ;
'7T 'q'S.HI "RfSpTTcTWr Tii% 6lci ^ *ft 3RT^>t <»>cl-1lrHf
"nfn arfsn^ -gtcft % i
^^11 tTTFtW ■pRTIc^' "TF:
dWIslshMy^^T^ ^sFRfsPT W^TT I « I
3?R ?J37 Tfg- %; rH<F £ dciT % I PTf?I %
^ Rrinu^u Tfg- %r "OTsr ?t% t, Ttft vmi it $ Trfti ^ m *ft
"^T«f t^3ct % I
^nrr vk
^V ^Ft xTsFT^ t^FT 1f«rw-- I ** I
tfi* % ^>t jun-ii ^T H'lcrl, ^WVTRl 3^ sfif-i 3TfVcti ^ %
+KUI % & Trf^T 3RU Tfg' TT ^T fR f^l% % I cr«n ^ Tlf?I
STxR 3<r*^ 1^n ^f fHtqci % I
J|R|W<| rTTTT WW ^1^1
^ % i^r t^n ^f 3ik TREFt i^q^fT fen ^ nrrra? (RRCT,
'J-*!, ^pF, ^riPl) ^itf- 'ft (ft 3RT XTf ^t ■H<'?T (HI 'ft) 'iRl ft;<51 (ft % I
^ feRWR (nfhhrlcr "q^r-- i
^TsFT TTftTfeT (TFT MW{|^ Ttfif I ^ I
■qfe •& ^s^ft 3^ (Tm tj? fpF fen ¥t nt ^frn stfk
R«zm -nfn %> 3rr % ^FTRn ir? ^ftr Tc€r l^tart ^ "nUr (ggfhrfb)
fes<ft % I
T^iwf fesn «<r+f< «H^'ii:
^nf^r (tro w- I ^ i
Ml^ (IKI 11? "^f "ft ®KI«K ^■0 m W qR 3tn% *i-<Cla sffl
fftwta <.fi» ainFNn "ft titi<=hl fen qfr^rnr "nRft % i ctn»>*i
% «rasF ?t ^tct ^31% % I
«r ^ irepiT ^Pt ^TTfef^niT i
31^ ff'ld ip «Hx(st»l»l"d91>tft : I \& I
R«^t RERF fer) % %R5: ^ n«n strfe ( nra imi nft)
"^f %, 333= ^?F (^ irfqt ) s^i (^ ffei ) ^ if?
slk wt -nf? ^fi ^ (Tj«cft % ?n?ft fen) -sffMR ?t ^ntft % i
xiftr tptFt nr^rt ?feT ??: i
(Til?: WPTM fkTfnr M<l-?^: I ^ I
^F sftf -ggn^ "k eft? irf?r % RT? (sft^t aqsrf^lwr ?? ^r) nzeft
% ?ta3 % 1fen n?r? ?n ^t stk if? ^ ?fft <RT=tT ?n g? (^at) fn^r
fen 3 "fttt t i sni: ipr n?FtT sfrf.arf? aft afrsr aftfn stem ftrft % i
i*m<t>f-<u feFTRt^ ^r TftrfR (^v) fprrfW:
*tRr writ wlVtH<f> ,w ?% i i
Y®^ sfk ifa % STRR fern it a? SRR akpr
m lfR (
Tjon -gtcn % I ^^ ^ ""T ^ ^^o) ^n 1

T^ef ^r ir *)»iuu'!{ii (^v) tcnnt^n: i

cr^sft^T: ^TjnrRR TTcI: I I
fW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5> STRn % oT? Pd^H
3il-5r) ti'H ^ ^ sr-cR %, "Twt sffly -fh=r sfR <3a MRlMtii 3T^R
ftm i
^«R ?rr^5t er^qftTsr "ffHra-*!; i
Tn^KiVolKyi xtOT ?tt^i ■Pref^t i I
of^T % crapT -fr^ s^T da MRRT ST-XIT yenSJ ^<.11 ^-Sfi «<axii
% I 31<T:.Tff "9Tm 34j.MH 34|c(Sii|<+c1l T?1 % I
W Tf^T t%Ff?T TTfnxT I ^ I
srrPr tiw H-<)a % "tt In+d, % ar^ H-<ta wft ^cn
(3T^q t^) ^RI WT TRTf (ST^f ^T *k-MlH»t> IxT^n) ^f 341+fiJd
^ . 3TcI: (TW) TT? l^RTT (HSiPT "HI "&) ^ 'cTT^ t I
xfiTT "?F^T: ^Rt I
Wf^T: Ml?l^: TI«^: I W I
3Tq% 3^% ?Kr 34l+p?d TIW 3ixpfr 3^?q -qlTf % STprftxF W?
WT % 341+^1 ■£( ^ % ■qfan xrctB 1 )
ftrsj^ - Pm
^dfmm^KHxl fitxt''nPxT^«ni;f^«fR;i 1
3R% ^ ?Ta -pR rra 341+^x1 # ^nrt ^ icrm XRTB
I 1
"fffix^ *Tw^«r: hi^' ^ffcT wi,
Zs[ Wferm^ w 3RT8T^ ufr; I ^ 1
•'EIW ^ ^ Wt«f xTCB 341+^x1
^<nr % 1 xri^xi ddi^ ^ TFT ^ TH FT XTTB 34'i<+.PJxi ■gPn
% 1 ^rr 3FP TTRRt XR % cpn^r or? Tmt ^ XRTTJ
%fF=r if 3TR ^4^ ^TII^ MISJH ^tufl ^TxP

wV^I FFFT *4 'I "I: TJT^ TTTp'iT TT?!1 I

xT% T[FT f^TrjfxB ff XT^ I ^fxT I f
' 4% 3TFFF ?t FT ^rxf TTf 'g^f tTTTT 3n% % I F? «R "Tfcl
CTtT) cr«n 1^n "nf^r -gtcft % i (^f -RT^RT

^TcTT^F-- I K I
VW '357^3 f3 % 33Tcft %, 77? TT TFnrlRI 33 37 cTKf
3)1 337 ?t WptT 37 77? 3)t 73? f7«7f!T % I cT^ 3)t ^Tf 3? "7R 37 f3%3
37?% % I- 77? 3737 3%7 377f%T 33 Rr? 37 f%=557t 37 f3et% % I (fR^PT
"^F3 ?t3T %) 3% 313 37?% % I 77? 3737 377 3n'37 *773 377^333 %7 337
3%7 3337 3^73 ?t3I % I 37?: 373 3% 337 31[ 3^73 f^^Pl 371 37773
3737 3731 % 37 333F3 "77? 377 337 "37 3^73 3fr 3737 7^337 % I
3)011 % 3737 37737 % I
"q7tftngn%-TTOt%^ 3T3t f%ftpi?3 MlU'h I
3? 7m; 3W«f7«7t 3F3T 3TIT3377ff% I ?f% I W I
"77? 77 3fsj3 (37%) 7<io (37^33) ^ ^ ^ 3737 "77? 3% 7<#337
% I 337 "77? 37 3% (3?^) *6° 3737 % 3T3 3f33 l3?n % 13%3 37737
% I
37 33= Mill m 31 Jf3 7(1 WmI": I
<^ef3<^^37% rTESlrf) ^Top^ | |
^3 3%7 "^37 377 333 333 "^TI % I 33377 "37373 ?t ^3 3%7
3pF t I 3T3"- 33%7 3T3 ?ft37? "% 37% 7<io %7 37=^7 Wf 3t 3^73 377, 3^f
37 337 37 ?I<1I % I
73373 773 ^373 373 337T«f37:3 "3
■Rr^lf3t 7^33737% 373tS7ftwPW- I I
77? 3%7 373 % %t3 "373 3731377 (33? 733 37 7^°° 37=37 ?7% 37 )
"37 31 f3%3 3?f ?737 % (71? «>|p3 33 37 ?l3I %), 3773 (f333 3737=37
-^o 37 ^\9o . 37=37) 7?% 37 377 773ff337 (373) gill % I
3$%^ tcTTTT 373T f%3l=f3 ^ 3m: (?0,l)
' f373 fTTT (77?) 1773 ^31 (7^) ^?73% I I
7T?t 33 3«33 37337 373-33C37 ^o<7 RTTTT
•33eT 777 fcTOT, m 7^ 13773, (^gwFd 3^7....)
>MI^ (VSC)S«r "^73 3^%? (7V<i)
^T% ffrm (7V?) 737771 3Sm 3?lr I I
<Jg«*lRi 33 V9<i Hmhi, 3(37 33 7^ 13773, 7737 ?7f=T 33 7"*^ Icimi
^ i Pihh wnn % i
'gefto cft^FT TfTfTT ^ftF: 'iro4ai
«lft«IT HI Lv 'iRl: 'TSTT^ MR): ^-2|RT i|<;ci: I I
cfif tTcTW TT cTtnt TT? ^>t f^PET H^K "nfcT Riiacfl % tyic:
Tjfa % i ^3^ "TfH 'cft T y=hK % sipt (xir^"qT Mi'ft) TTRT,
(g^) "TRI ^ ^ 3:T,Tra)
OT^TTRT: Mo-xltfl 'TST^
f^^Tc^T ^HIP; 'ilcKeTT I I
STFt =f>t "Tf^T HiiK MIW MRI H^K W8!! "nPT
■QcfT -gspR srrs "nfh ^ snft wt -ftdt % i (^
-c]-^ ctH ifci etcfi)
f^4l^-cl*li<=lshl Pdcbdl TTRT I
^«n" Wnm -^fhrr whim i fRr i ^ i
-Rn^RT % 3T5?TR 3TT3- y^FTR "TfcRt ^ HFT %- -5^
3T3^sF, Fd + dl, Y tR:, H. TT^cR, TFt, Vs. TfllT, cizn <C. 3Tfcr?fr?I I
TTSKPT ^fhrnmr erlrRr iiftcrr i
d^MHI ^ ^TsFT "RT ^TT I ^Vs |
'fr# Rt TTf?T ^TRTH •?)% TTTT =FR ?R cRRft % I "3iT RRT
% I irfa STRRI lt% ^ =4<3al %, dFl 3FJd^F ""iftr tt>6^ % I
WNdl Fd+dl ^FcTT t^vT:
■dsfudrflr rq^Mi«f XTRF 7 :
T5r i i
dd>i|Rl 3TRR R WT cisn WTH lt% Tl? ^Ft "nf?T "^T "gtcft
I, <iwt qrrf ^TeTT Tft % RTRT rdcbdl ^rgl ^^ncO % I
sfhnrmr d^HHi RTRTT grrn^
dTfil H-<dil TTRTT 'llfl: WMl I I
.RF TRT fTf?i "& -^t ct«n ^rz ^r rn H-<d< TTRI, ^
it.'cTt -TRI t I "PTE "FpT REzm TTR[ % d<H< it TTt ZTT RC[
•lid % |
TTGirrfWr d^HHi sftwwr ^tt nRr;
WSSiRRT -^ftOT sfRTZ^ I Yo I
"RS ifd iszr ifct R stRrf it im Tit it TfRr it i«tt -rz
^ it it "^iht ifi Rii % i it 'ifd-Mi -qi R tiRi ^t m itit
^ I
w*<d<l W I ■
ijltp: i{cfc(^ tt^rf^RnTT I *\ 130 9
<r«( afti -^-s, opfF srra^r % *KuI H-*;, T^cR, wt, JJASI 3^T:1
Tftinrr % WR trf^ft ?Wt t, PdH+i 3i«f ^sfor^ 11 1
c(?|irHrM' W ^^RTt TTfT: i
u^iT-d "craRra^rrPr ^rw m^rni; 1 ff<r 1 1 1
(■g^ ffrsRT %) ^ 'iRi4f % ^PI^T •RESTR UW f^Rr ^FR ^ fq; ■
^«rRT t (f^l ^ "Tfom ?KI -0? fRfR I
STICR frf^TT «raraT ^ i 1
anwhy 'Tm MlHl 'ifd ^Id^l '3R: j
wf fW^nrf erg^pf M^RIH, I I
3TR ir ^ sfk ^ETRT-nuHT gft tMer "f wt tWrait ^r ^mrrfl-
% sflr pJi^i <»IM ^[RT STT^nf MC^CA yiH ofR% % I
artcT TftcT ara cT^Pr: TRRt W
fftcT: gnr ^rrt*?: R^itFT MM-dd: i YY I
RRR "f^HET y^\j< RTR ait ay ici "FT RR Mif^a wRn %l RRft yfPR did '
Rt qfRt ^RT Rt ^Fft WR ^TfecT ^TRT % (fR^ft Rt fRRjai! % ^Ni RRRRT
■?t RRfRft % I TdRft 3RTpiRT TT^RI % I)
W5f^ RPR fipf^ftRcITRR: I ;
Rj^fT ^ RSR RR (fRRRT o" ^t) "nrf R^ fcT^ fF«rfR (R^tR RF) R^t J
RTR RA RRT RRT% f I Rf RRT^ % RRR ?tRT % I RRT^ ^ ^ RRRT (WR "j
R) eldi % I STeT: RRft "<Pt RRT Rt R>6a % I
RR% RR> c||dl4 TR RTRPrR RcT-- I
RW ^Rt ^TT % 3nR RRT R7R (R^) R^t RffcT t I RRT
R^t RRT R Rfe% RTdF "& ^fTcft ^Rt TFRT Rit oRTR RRW% % I
cRt oRTR ftRRT MFHf<Jd R«W: I YV9 I
FftR TlfRI (^o°) Rft '3RT 3Tk R^ftRRT RR RFRRR "fTcH % I cftR FtIrI
■as "pgst

tfpT % I 'tTFT '?t(TT % (^F^S "& ^>t ^Tf) I

Trft^: nuuidrii'jji: Wnrwr "?<rcf: i
TTftr frTHT (^oo) *IPT: U«Rt ^TT«f I Yi I
xjftfsr *PT 'TFT "TFrT ^rm % TRFT itcti I i arci: ^rg 3Tq% ^n
=TTRT: (TIFT:) '?tTTT I TTT3TT =M<U| TTf?T PelHl (Voo) ^TT iji. TFT (
■qftfT "PT MVk % ) T«FT ( TT -jTT) % dTHT -gtcTT % I
3Tr?r TRRt ftRT gnl^T:
cT^flTTFf l^frrT TfRiMt I ■*% I
T?eft 'sqT ft TI«FT T^fFxF % (o" -spt W -o %) I ficfld WUil-dT
(i)gdl -RT TTt ^TFt Tt F3T% TT Mid) Piqiicl'^ % Rny, TTT <.=(U-S Til
^TT TTft Tqr CfT^) % TFT ^TR cTfsT T?t TTT fT^ ^t T^TcT t I
) iq-g tpcT (^^X) TTU-SltF '53r[ I
TTfTi TT«FF3TT«f f^ftT I
^d<isi*i TtF "?tT: "RTT^ffTTTt Tf? I V |
fScftr WTRF ^r TTT Tqr •£[ TTt5% ffefrT Tqi^qf^OTTTl
% I ^T: TTFFt TTT TT^FtF "ft TFT ^ t, flT Tfe 3TT% 371% % 3TfTT
% 3TfTTT) 37Tcn % I
flcrflm^^ "yp cloT Til4 TTtg Ti.dc^Ti I
PS.COT ««« IWTX dcn^Ttr TTfrrm^ i ^ i
Tt eTtT TF %% % I (eTf®T % 3FTT "TTf ) fT TTfsT Tit tVol'-
'5IT fefrr ^frr Tqra[ fR^TT:
arrt^f sftfp fWn; twi ^ i ^ i
Trftr yu-sitR TTt ■fefrr Tftn^ T Trrs% % ^frr TT
% T^T% TT 3FTcTT 7TTRF 3TTTTT %, Pntl 14"-"-s % %15TF 3FTcT
■q^fWtT T5: TFRTT fRg: tctftTTiT
W TTTR *Hli«K X % ^X RTTfTtrg %) T%Tt tTT^ RnftRS
fHTiM^t RFTT ^.Vs,^....
T^ r4?ll< 'RTT ?TK, fWFTTTFrm TTTT
i y» 4. H?.h ibsi 1 ijriii h-^?.
ip£ jfi. & ih. ^I?fa 4 y-mih" {<k lb£i ^il£ h^A 'h^J 'hJsfi.
| ^ | :ihl ^I^JI^Jhir»- ^11^
>JI^J ±4 jy-mii^ inh-p lateen.
I % tpil^ (at> Ih^N ^Jfe is-nb>
Jsi£ 1 % yys. inuj (7fe^) iizsi Kh iba (ifejkfe) ih£i fei .
I o\ 1 :l^Snb> %h24bJ£ Ih^h^P
:kJlk P^hOMI» (ife^fe) ilflL. >ltm hplh^
(^fe) Ihfi
Jjk bb. lisi. (i«\ife) Jiae. it. ittfi ^ lbs. U
I I (V>JU) (^ftfefe) it-V»^»Jt3X|lht?
(ifcU) :kJ6£. fc4It^B linL.
(wife) 1J2£1
J[b. 71 (x?ofe) ibfi 4b. e\i (?e\i^) ihfi Jb. '(^7^) Ibb 4^ Si
I 7S I (Wife) :>>Sb jyji. ^Jllrt- (X7ofe) lkU>bt> aiU^b
(7e\U) ifej&ihk *^b»b (iS7i) Ihb<baib^h^b
I (?k6\k) lb£; 4^.
Xi Lba( S7Si) Uab 4b 'fei (ife^i) Ib£; 4b ii (s\Skk) lb£ ib ii
1 «\S 1 (?is\fc) (S7Sk) iiy4fei)?)>|pj a 1 boh
( ifexfe) ••i«bt»b (£\^i) )4ib ^ kk'sbiyE.
I (feio^) lb£;
4b oi ibb (oiii) Ibb 4^ ^ '(ii«\i) lb£i jyb 7 (o^Si) lJa£i )b ^

(Us\i) :b^y^ h^S44 (0JiSi)l«fe 42)1 Hbtph-'fe

(Sifei) 4^3. Vii-^blh °i7-4b K 'ibS-^L fe 'iXA bi. 'IHPJ S^^-lba
(p^h -(bik % 4i£ii2b 44Lte 4i i'i % Ji<fe p>p % 4iS.)
I SS I (Sifei) :bb-(nrrhi>lnlb
(VU) Ihb-^boh (oi?) |anbvgnib->
(i«\^) JiA (^) IPWjIt'
^(Sik) insfrjibsany-nj 4£k
I ite llife
7>IP % ISb <frjlbfe (u%4b 4St >bb. ih bbiie mite kii Jj
hojui ikbiuv 4a. nib <*>ih)a >ia bk^ enhj ibr* 4^. i^'oi'e\i'Si
I Vi I 'Utt&JfrkSjhjWSfa -.ia. Si ^3^
'HPIiritjlb^lt' £lb>,>.hJ£ i^JP?imd
I ( Rlh^ ln>^F- P-I>I^J jA) I % y^ljl IHxnpji^ ^
hIb- Uli Lbk £ hit (iaJx) fcLUh.'k^te LaSLEi I'fettP jg. ih. h.kl
I % yuk y. hiii iuytt IteP. UhJEK yfe. hltt £h. ^ hhbj
I 7^ I I "b^k IPIr lbt>^ll» ^Ih-tk Efrrfc
I pjyp >ltnlr jyja^j. hikS Ikk

Ihaspj^ lye ibrjeg, i ^ mu® ih. kiPh

Mtzab: iye ^dtt ih ^1?^ I^il> yfe &£l tak
I 6\^ I k iMk iJi JsOi
I bj ifejl IB^-k M.
I ^ (?tX.fe) g-nhj % p-lh^ h^k ya. UaH (feiht) (^7^) m
grtbj ^ih£i h^p J^. feh ibk (feihfe) rn bl (^7U) Ik lb
I ^ I :l<k ?nhj fiibsi hf^.f (7fe^fe) iloU ikik krjiatP
I (feiife ):kkLlhh. ife%kUti (^7U) iyik ^kk aikk
(e\W) Ik °b '(7^) Ik Ik 7^ ik snV
1.^ I (e\^6\^) :H3yilrP p-li>>fe (7^) IPhh^lK>]nl^P
:hPyilnTt htJI'PPIh (feiii) J4lky h^P^JIIfiTi
I (7^a ) ik V« liak (Usn^) Ik Si '(7kSi) Ik *i '(S^ti) Ik fei
I J& I (7iU) :l>«t»llAkj-#l<*»^ir (a«\i) iife^ h^Pt
(7iSi) ••kk^Ji feJIIifcR (Sx^i) kjflJiii
(i€\ii) ik hi ifek
(6\ooi) ki (feS7) Ik ii 'o^sn) jk "i '(^e\S Ik % '(°Sx) Ik 7
I ^ I (ie\ii) :llkJk ikliki
(s\ooi) i^Bkkj Iktlkk
(feh?) ilfesJejakfei. (oie\) lltlh>>J
(V.6\S) pskXlkk (o^x)
I (xSt) Ik J^. e\ ibk (iSh) Ik ^ '(h7i) ilk J^. S '(«Nii) kk
(V3) Ik b(pp (Vh) Ik bip'SJ 'iHPaj (s\) hk^P yk Snki bisk
I a I (xSfe) 'iPkiP'S frm.m (i^h) :ia^hh^ (h7i) i!k|iiS
(c\ii) (^) ykkM (V,b) iP>ht?fel («)

iS >tln>k 42^ ^

3T«f ^ Tfrsr ) ^ Tlf?! cfTH (^0°) ■& ^PT ?t%

tr ^-?ft gsrsip ^n, ? rrf^T ^ itSr ttj: ^ Tif^r ^T%
m ^ ^TR 3?T^t T?T ^ERff W ¥t gsrs^l -fHt | ^ ^ Tjf^f %
STfsp; ?!% R: B^TfT ^ ?Tt?T ^ERT W ^ qff ^SRqi
^fr i
^Rcf ^sF?fg f^r«qr: ^tfcref^Rf: I
^^Ff "E^T qra wr ■gtrP I vso I
^ ^ ^fVr tr arfsr^ ^ R: ^Tft ?,5 ?Tf5T M<il^< ■STRft it ^TT
TTTETT wmr % i gsf EP <rf?T am ^ TII^T (^o") ^rc "^mrm
c^Ii ctigri % | >M<i^ cTpft Zrf^r (^Ttsm) Hr-I <in?i ritM^ EIZTTI I'M
msqi) % 3Tr«m ^ -R it ^rfti (*rm() % i
"gj!f R(^l^-rdHIWrc(<)A cT®Ef irtt I
TRT TFERTCT «rW: ^mcT WlW<T (^^) ^ I Vs^ I
f^RT Efrq C^PPT) 3|ft 3qT PH+lcltfl % I 'gt ^ % 'mn
er1%«T tn°Mi CRV % grnt i erg am^r ^TT ^>T
■RT am -gPTr, 3Rm gft% ^qrfqtrg a^: cfc?MH % ST^r
"jm % •RTr erfssr CTtT) W fims ^ %
w EFT ^n 'Pmemt % i
■gE^rrq (fmn/^^'A = crf^r cm mr ^fr ± (wcfRH
^ri ^r ^ qmj x (ct^Hi-^ ^iTmu-s - "To ^41^4) /^\
+ ^rr = vz eft 1
<3<c)|H W ^TTfRt TRT I
grq ^ngf wfir: 1 ifir 1 ^ 1
3ri-.MRi Effr «ft R?t "Prf«r gmt 1 cq^ Pn^i-ti tmiki)
^snfWw: T5nt^T<rnt. ul-^^t ^5 H^M+ih.
^rrfY^ (^^H) TE^ '^ErT ^ 1 \s^ 1
mr PM'J'S "tr "414 crr^ Rny, tettt WMVI ■4^1 mr Ri"a m W*
ETZT WR "5R H it -qxrn 4^ t cTm :5=TrfW5 'cT«n sm^ TTrfW^
%; 3Rn -4 ^n7! % i
d-diftci -juprr TRrm WTRT
^ ehdlrM'+iH, I ISV I
Tm T( M'J11 '^"Mehd 4ST "Tct ^ RR
(-rqKqu.s AKoqi x ell Srl % TTt 3TMik '3-41 arnft ^ I
w -RTf^'j-s - g gri H r'i i Riu .s = -m (spm T^RS m 3m)
-gg ^Cgsi *<uin.

3Trn% <.=)u^ ^T FHU-S-"fRT Pi"* + "Tel w-s)

ft^TT (W^w) ig5pSTT TflwraimcT:

tr? <*[& -S*!*! <t>^2 r Pr I V3l\ I
fR ^T ger 'JSfETR ^iHi-^l ?tcft
% I Tffr yro ■sptfZ^TT % ^TT -pRHcRt % I (^Sf afR % tcT^)
(-cFir^^i^ + = f?»W )
ft ?lPiH*<H( mf Wf SiHTTf I
IT fHti-M; TRt^T^f: "^^tW I Vs^ I
H'ici, str sfif-i ^rr *<-^■<=1 st? ftf ^riyla arnt sftr cTl-il
Ic^narf 'iRi ^ ^ii-i<t)< ^ H<1a -rPRji33> sft ^CICII ft^C^RT
^Tcn ift "?Rffr wrffi ^Rcm % i
IR^Cf: ^EflTE^: "PTTf fffff ^^7,
¥ ^TCttt: -q^t: ftsr: fmwfq fI \3VS |
"qsrq f 5. Trff (^00) SRR XR itnR qq ci«n H-<1SI
qn ftsr fxr ^flylsi % crsn ^smtfsr ^1 -qft^ % 1
(^) ftq; •^rPnfsq: WT^PT qftirar: 1
q^tirrftr q f^qt; qrTcnjtq: 1 1
^^^ ^ % 1 TK^g-
qt H-<lsJ ft -(Rf 3Tf?q qrrR "gftf % I
wrt ^^rw: nqq wtr qqsitj:
q«tft qwi: ^trtf ii^^KH qnt^r: 1 us)
TRt XRJR -qttf ^rqt n? 37I<+ri ■£[ t, "ntf f 'TOf fk
f fm ^TR if fq% t 1
% ^J¥T ^R^Tf ft 'itqiiici^Rr I
qfqqr arPr qrqrt <ixbi^ir< 1 c° 1
^ f^^qt irtt, qquft) ft -qf^ xpf t tt tft ^n qreft % 1
^ qt qfgrj % ft ft RcRt % ^RTT ^ffq sf® ftRSRl ftT^RT
^ ^ q-rf T?% f qTRR ^ FT3^ MR-Mq ^ft t T?T # I
^ *
Wtm fftr (v) qifq qt^nf: wjfWV
vtwr fqif fqr qioqf iwr MI^PT (^o) ftq: 1 &\ 1
^ ftifm q«n qftq qf qrfq f qft;? f qqf fts qn qff
I Pl<^lcl (^o) % Tpn
^rvw^i (^oo) «r ti^'BMni wjcirftnt i
ClA-iS. HiCirctHlR; WHut ipft'- I I
■jottoct "£f (^i sfk % feR) ^oo % -ym f^n (^<i) %
mn ? I PtHHlR TRT ^ %=5: ^tr< (^ Tlf9T) ^f ^
cf«n idiR ^ ^ ^rr^r i
^ octxn oTnf ^Tfrt vjwi'- di; I
ir«^ "^ftw 1i
^er «'W>k (^mR ORI41 % Rrq. -ET^A W sjdiR
% fetn :5fl5%) % yflyi^i % t^i fHRn ^rrm %, wrc tft^r 'Hnt
(^Ef % 3^ ^fly i a cfETT *IR«M MRIS) ^TI ^ji<i HM 3ii^i % I
(h'ICI HRla ^Fl <r^)i Pi<t>ici^ % Pc^yJ H'ici ^T *ff|y h<*{
sttR ^ KTRT <.6^ ^
^dc+Hfsf ++Mf<1 (RFTT^lf I
inqRtwR;ftRhw% (R^ssif w^KiP^tn: (^o) i c* i
■pfz WPR Efft sTra^Run % i ^5; ^ snR 5, <iRi4f
^5% er h<I a fTRPR TR ytiK gl'ii 1 "TcT mi Pin H'ld hR) a "Ft
Rra ^ yii<+.< (R) Pi+1 Pi 1 R ^ ^ m^T PI+M«»>< ^ vv

BrMPdHI (\Voo) R^cT Wl^: TJZ": I 6\ I

.... "^pn ER I (^V^<i) TFT tf I Eft yEFT ^frST Tft
"FtPi mTT Tit "Fell % tPTT <^Yoo (cftT <1 P^l Tit "Fell) % TFT ^ I TTeT
Tt T?^ Tft TT? ^FtC % 3Fpm TTT ^ ^r Ti%, f^T? TFTT fsFRi «W>H
■gtTT I %5% t cTTT Ten, T^ % feTT. ^31% % I H-<1sl ^t «'W>K
dc+Yi TTcT RTTFT UIM^Idv ^ttt if^R; I
H"||4) TcTT ^PnTR;^ ditPRid W: I 6%, I
H*<tsl Tft ^pTTT TPt Tim % TTtsT TTFFT H-<l«l TZTTF (XRiPS)
ytm yft ^ "FtPiMTi T?r ^v Tpn TR fT^rr (% TFT ^ i T?
H'ld TiT "Ftpi-Fd TtTT I TT^iTt o ^ \Co '?t% TT TftT "FlPiuHl
MlR, l^o % gt-t R MilM | <Fd T?t tfTTT T^TT 'Ipl % '^"ll TR
1TmTT ^ TFT % elRT TTeT M*<t« T?t Rt^ % TRT %1TTJ
TfT -SFft I
fET 1TWT TRTTO Tfrs 7^ (KTW^ I
f^miPH +«ild®MIW-^-<Mi I <i\j I
^?Tt y+H "?lPT ^T y<)a HtTia SFtR Pl^ici THSFf ^tfe^Tt
^ ^oo "ijTr % im % Yrfcrzfrr ^Ftf^PcT PI+I<?I' i
^rfetFer "^TPT ^ %t=w trsjm "nf!f % 'j'Jii^ f^rr ^6 "^r *jm ^
Tf y^ra trF^cT ?tPT IrPr^ "TRI "^nft i
^si % m -^gsr -^i ^sr -gt %) -sFtfe^qT
opr 'jun^ «TPT ^ (^Hylsi) ■wtm 1
EFt trsim TTITT % "yn f^n ^6 it qm ^
-ft ^ ^Ft tteer 1
<o<^rn; *^V'g^)T »<eir-flfli:
c(*^«i ^Ihm^^"nfcr: "^t 1 a 1
«<^ci H<la ciPitt) "TfcT M<)a ^ fwRi tR 'PT^ % l H<ia
%v=5: -ysTT Tf% % m -TftT aTnl ^ trw fstfrn alt?
flrfl-4 MK <.5-1 M!(!<'+> elcf) % I .
■g«i vHyisi -qcqR Tif?f (w'^d) tfTafr TTRT apt
tft# wrt cR^ ■#[% tR % I Tf aTT^t afft cTW m •6rST% % 1
H-<lai "b5!"! TF5T "EPPT TCT <j^ycl I
Wt W?«reTT asbRdHI: (^^^00) «^4d|: 1^1
t^PET TT? ^iT fviicni M<H -H^a ^iT ti"!"! Tpcf % atH<al OTTT ticll
1??,^°°) "ft "^pn
t^PTT ttrfict «HH-< I
fM^di ytni^ Hici^y yRl^wd; l ?o 1
t^aqy (^^<i) ^ RTH ^ R? IT? yRfft STTtft % I 'y?JT
"Tt arft^i % "R^ Rftfft ftt ^fRf RT adw "gftft 1
^T: ?lRi MRHi Rft£R>: ?4T^ f^Wlt1 I I
I 7
T TcT> aft? TTPr apt Rftfst "fefr'T ark ^g«f mkm ^f
^TRft % 3^: MKIRi ^ ikft % I 3^? 7J5F "?fkT
strt? ^eer ■gtm % 1 fkRR 4KM ^t aftsi^r akf -yR ft -sfrq 1
' \4Rl4l^-Tfk Tft trfteftiOT RREf: (^V) ^fRrrft fcTT- I (^^)
to (^o) fkrft Rdiwifi: 1 ikr 1 1
^ ffngFxT % ar^RR -?kr ^ to 'Rltfft yi<M< ft ^ a^
sfrar (fanTR) tort? ft (t^i^o) tot brtV tor TORfkr to

cT«n afrsf XT?Rfrq trftf%T (?s;lVo) -^rft ("fw? ^RR it

Rnm ■fTift) t
>^h¥5[ («iyo) W9T vntRhr (^v) rd^PtdKO: (^) i % i
■M-^W mt «rrM4H rVl^lH^ I I
»tl WM[4 % f^F^RPTfoT ^ srjfTK 3^ 3Tp3r ^ R^R!
^ 3^ ^ H*<MRr«r -aRRT^^ivo crm wtnt (
W5«t^ ^T ^ ^RR Pd^^d-- .
tnit TRT ^Itf^ TRT ^qt: i i
-T^Tdt "R ^fft cT^TT "d-S\HI 3lR <^4 ^T TtWl 3RR
~&ni sfR iRtftfR -^r MRHIMI Pt+icti % i
IR %Rt dMKI-tl RTfr: RN^fer|: I
R "^IT *Tm (^iy Rngf ^ i V\ •
"R %R 3TRT (1WT) MKM R TR RT R R Rftfsr ?^ie ^PcR
T%ai> i^RFT Tftr ((^) fcTHtpRTT: (UI\V) TE^tT
^grant PER (^V) fRmr: (^15°) ^ ctrr ^»«R I %\ 1
TfW^TRiRWg^RHTiiTR ^RRRfrfsr (UIS^J ^«n fRhr
RR ^ (^1^0) 3R WPT if Tfd" 3^ R R R Rftf«r r-f+tetd ^trr
■g^ wt ^n twt % 1
W Tfrar RftRT fiMTT (^<i) TTT RcRRrf:
OTTRFT "nRTT ^fcf (V) 1MRT: I ^Vs I
3R ^SR if ^ R R fRTct% % %if R %R R
•hiPd^l R ^ % Tpn R fRtl (^d) 4f RT ^ I RT RTT snft if
iPn I R %R yR 3^: ^g«f R if TR tR w Rtr Rt %6 %
RTipf I R %R 'fefp? sk fcfp? R if RC RTR \i if
^ftif I
%R -JfTwiWind-Rfl (^d) FT I
■ppf: d>r4.d*l<|cftdR FttPl: (^l^) TJH": I V I
^fFt RK RT FTf R%R *ltdvrit| % ""jm R fRn (^V^<i) Tf
RT ^ I RT RTT ^Ft R %R fgjftF sffa ^t?[«f RRT if F?
3Tf3T R FftfF ) % Rif I Rt tSR Fff R FftfF Rff I
31-q wpff %> fcm, vstT^'i 1
TjajR" *14- wN? (^) ^IFT "5^V '
grf^rRt ^ ^rP*T HM<J+«IH erm: i i
-^f^q-rpjpTT feft^ TW y^K. H-< MRI^T Pl^Mcrfl ^llcfl % I '("Ml
1d41 3Tf%I^ JIUMI d^i ^4 FddH % STJ^TR H-< yR.f%T Td=hlC1
^ V% ^ ^ % i ^f ^4 TTf^r (MMHI
3TEI|c( Wl ^>T ) MHdl Wtcft % I
fWRtE- IT (^l^o) TjP# ffen^l" (^<i)
(^o) HsJ>K^ ^HTf<r ^'ird^T^: I ^OO |
xFsC H-4la ^>t ^PTfH^n ^O Tr "JpTT ^ t^r^TT ( % ^TFT
^ I cpellR ficT ^T 3TTlt ^ TllTl ^ T5% ^ tWR
q^Trft^FRT '"Kf^r (^^1^°) -d-S d-< Htid 31114 ^ 7lt?T 4f
'fTT diolirc; RieT ^T d-nl (^l^o) "% «H<i|4 | JR y^K •d-S.dl ^ft RR;
"TTfft I
^^l<3fl'i|WC£(Vll iftefTf^T (^) Prft W^: I (^vs) .
TTTSf f^WtTT (^YI?o) WRTT (?^) S
(«) I lo\ I
4'ici ^>t "R7^ Rftf^T STWf? ^
l^T „ „ ^
TF ,, ^1^°
^ ,, ,, K
frrrr Rfttpft r^tf; ^m-^iKiP-i (^^) fon?%
(m) ^ f^TTTfr (vso) TT^IT (^) HodJH^I I |
"■trm "fRMdl-d -sift Rf^fsf- ^ 3t?T
l^T ,, „ W ,, '
ICtRPci „ „ V9o
' W
^ ^
3Tt5rp%SX5fF ^ ifrPT (^^Vs) (t^0) (^)
SvjTT w (^^) WI^ (^d) ■pfTcft^Ttr I 1°-$ I
stFST Ro-di -^r ?fr?r RftfR
■Rncr-^^va sm, -gR-^vo 3T?!, ■grTRfir, ^ sm 3T?I "CISR
^<i am i

trftofr f^oRi (^) TST

ijsrrqT nwir q^iT cT^Fcf chRr1+ir<+H, I I

H*^ ^nsr qfrfq Pi^ici^ <^>1 f^rfq 3fr®r 3^ M^I-xi
MRIq ^>T sTxR (^ ar^l) qSV "?fr5T ^-s. ^SFsqr "yn qR
(^v^) ^ qm %% qr TRCT ym 1
yq qiTRr 'Tftsft ^ 1
3r?q HI-I qq' nlVi qttqpT ' ?o(\'
-^frq qftfq fm fwdt -qftRr ^i •sfttit xrm ^fht
qftRr -rtpt 3iT% 1
^ftr^r ^jcnr^j;ft-- ^Rnw: 1
«<.i*i: (^o) <tii4: ^harncra^qftto vpr: 1 1
5*1 y^K Pl<t>ICTl H'lel tyiii SjHq MRRK ^T -a «<^i\ KHW ^31
qien qq V qn 1*^% % siRr -^fhr qRRr sn^pTt 1
CI^R: qr ^wicq ^rr yr: 1
^ ^rglltT (&) qft 4*i<1 ^RiidlRq (v) l^-. 1 ^0^ 1
yrcr q>t qRRiMKi-ci q ^ am ?tcft % 1 qr^ ir
% 'ftTC; *i*\<n ^rTI "T^ '^5 Ri<nici 'TxT qRq <^)Cii ^f (qr^ snfe
sftr qr^ ar^ ^f) aft % 1q> q^rqft Ri^nici 1 q-^ qiqc
sqRr q c am % ark qqR ank- k #% k -k am k yn qq: -
•pn^ Tifk iqqT (?Y^) *ra; q^f twRr tkRtq: 1
«qNd i^TRR 4Rrq'iT<qi?i+- (^) 1 \o£ 1
te Tifk (Yy) qrt aqr (w^) k qm % 1 amrk wi qit ^
am ^ qfrsif if w q5t q^qftfq fqqmcff t 1
ar^htRR qstTcH^r qftTRPT % 1
di'ii^ieiRq (Y<i^;i tcmrq: (wo) qmrar ^ 1 M I
ym q-<*2b-< (v^^) q (Y^^ + ^^o) few % qrq
'T^SfW^miW: (^^Y^) 4.dlrH ^ 1
qfteyry: qJcf w ftirftR (URI^) 1 «o 1
qr (^H,W) ImTr k (^.w+W0) ^ ^ ^ y a«+f
q^qftkr Tcrff y ftcft %, Ricni qR%qc cftq rrkr (^o) q? q^qret
(UI^iyvs) ffm % 1
^qwTR ^rq^X 'ixi^irs qvcTT^qqrr 1
yrnft crsqr fkrfrq: wi-q-< qftkr: -pyz: (t«)
afET cpT H-<, <^>-5. f^TTT MK -i« HK "TfT «t>eii
"gT •dtl'til % % 'Ml M «t>< clf^r cticll ^FET nRf^ (^V9)
■q'il't ^ ^Ji<i M< MRRT ^I'fi I
"^sFFT ^ Trftftf: ^Slfftr (^) mW: I
ft^ri (^<i) Tf^r, ~p§Z i W I
y^Frqr ■R "& "JOH *Fl R Tf qm %%
qr ym sm STTI? ^RTST *f ( sm) Ft ■qzA ^pF ^5t F^Z
■cr TTRRT "?t^t I
ftrsoir-^t +int^ wrm (^o) i
^^^Hbd tt^nN PdHiP;* WR; i ?ftr I W i
Rt-dLI-d % STJFTR FTF^ct tFZ trftRr ""FZ IJSR^T %
ark R ^ i % tjott (^^O) "•F^gsrqm
3^F tF? ^Ftf^FcT "fFn % I
(w\) ^ Pdh Hi inmpmp Hifaqi i
Vtftr ot^MlTl, ddWr+4 foRI^ | liv |
^cn (^ VH') ^FT ^ 3tk W ^ 3FFR Z# Ft% Ft ^FRFT HsfN
% w? ^IH VTMI ■qr -J^II qii qm Pi^ici-t qft anq^mcn % i
ZFT^ arfim qF ^tr ark PH^ieUt, ^rtfkk i
ftrer^-im wtf^W ^ wn^ «nf F^ctq;
^ (^<i) qr qjqqf ^ shf^1 WR; i jfa i ^ i
sjcdtq. 3Fpm qfrq Wzqm Pn+id qR qfhr ^s, Hct,Fif< ^
FTf?i k Ff% qF ZFmt Iqqqr (^i) k ^frt 3Fq Fif?iqf k tqqqr %
qzikk i
tcfRFT FtF^fT f^sqr WT^q
THtttq qduf «p4P,I I '
iff qicT qn qrq chtfid gqqm % ark krsqr k aksk qzrk qqq k
qqr (qrq fft qkt) kt ^fsti qrfqk >

f^srk-q^ qr^ qtd^k ^i-^d vofeenfvr:

f^qratFk ^rw w qnif fkqrfkFFt; i i
^r qqr qrq aik ^tfz % qk q^T dt-^+F ZFtqq qk^FT P<q.i^
k qftq q^f anqr % i gqqm q^t fkm k 'j,"h<*f qftq qsk k
qnr kk qF

cTWTPT rdHir< TfrcT -frsir WcT^ I

^<1^ ^5«f ^fPT I W 1
dftti PetKiR "^fhrvd -EP# t i '4iTCT srrf^ -mrnrif
% trft 3^ % ^rrq sncn % i
•TRT TT«ft^T%
•|Rr i %%% i
■g^} ^i-skMi Ht; '+)e) ^ReT y,«+i "CTRTU % "PTC % I
^tfTCT ant^ qra dum^l ^r ipci ^nj?F «P+K ^r R: %
^ "fTRTR ct)<^ M-^n % I f^rtT^F Miti ^«flf ^TR "PfR '+)<r1 "^T TR^R
«t><*1l "flTC % I
srsnft ^ -rsNt tir ^ ^fPT i
«R HiJI"!! rdHlft idKltJ"! ^ ^ I ^o | ffin
sffly ^i-s. "tc H-< <=f>-s s Trfti "p ?trn % i "ciT "^fhr "tici "TT
"TC^" TTd imrH* "ftTC % Wf^TC PR RTRt ^ "^r RfTcn % I RfR RRJ ^
TTf?T "it arfsRi ^t3T % PR RRf Nil-HI Rlcll % I (plgPR R HIH)
PR t)dl^H PTFP": P«nTt W:
P^fTC "fcdl^H IT «'W>dH, I KR% I
Trap p? ^Pt PRfTBR "fr tc ^rr %PC snfp ^TPT RFP P^T PP
PRR^rat PRTprfr P^- PTE Whro I W I
fefrp P? ptPT % I fSrfra TJ? ^r 3P: PRTW ^ PZT% TR P^
PP5 3TTcTT % 3PP? M-<i+>d ■& "feflP TTCPP «'W.K PR% Pt PPtP TTC STCTT
t I
d^pTfll^Wti'llcV ppr^p |
P^cf: TJTPT %tcr ^Pff^RRT^ I m I
gcftp P^ WSTC pit PPA TR pfT pfrsr %P5 simr % i
3P% PftPPTcT "TT g#R PI PP PWiK PPrT TR pft P? 3TIPT %
p^t PRPP ^f "RTC P? % I
TRdPtpfpTE^ P^THPTt;
ftp. (^o) ETRP prnf rcl^KT.drdHI prftftp: I I
PP^TF 1PPP pro PPCT PP P^VP RRT pranart PP
ir -rpn arf^n ^r ^ feiHiR if
rpeT 3TTcTT % I

trEm ffs: ^ ^ ^ auft ^ xrRmf

i, TR c^) IT? if ^Ttif, 3T^T TTfW ^ "R^ ^ 7?% RR
viiiijif I H'ici "^T ncflH H'C, i-S, <*4) STrf? RTfRTRf if R?% RR —
RTcf tKS) Rwnf ^rfft5RRT ??i^ i
(^4t> f§4 W®sr 'FcT Rtb4 I I
RTcT ^r ^ ^<il+R RTcT ^tfHRRT (RtRft TTRRTR Rff)
Rf "jm RR ^«f RM Rf 'ERTcT t I
R^RR- RW? 4rWI^ W: RTR dHW<l
R^T TPR" HshKl^lcf R^RR: I ^\9 I
RjWf? '+'<n R^t RRR R? if RTRRiR RvR% RR Rg" f+ii TT? ?tcTT % I
RRV RfFT RT^ RT^TT^ RRr% I \^6 I
RRra RfRSFR RT gffRTS ^ "RSm RR RR R^Pf Rf RT gftR R^
h^MrcI eTT^T I
^rarr fRtR fs:'WRT RER, tw£ M^II^
3TRR frRT^ (^<iV9) RRFTRRTcf sR^fffTR R^ZR; 1^1
RRT RR: Rf RRPT RR R7R, fefrq RRTR RR RRT gfrR RtH % aRTRT %
TI^H R^ I Ropr % arppj ^ -^ft^c Tppn^ RT RRT RR RRRR RT
f^T^T RR RTtR ReR^ if RTR R I
R^RT drH'Hidl^ WTFfrW ^ I
3TRg41<i RffR^cR RiHERT RT-XT RT I I
g^: Vf^ fdRlcf 3ffR RT RRTR if RRR I fgRfR RRTR %
^ RTR ? |
fy-sj-ti c;i}ut

HWJ «Fr^T shMlc+Ptf Hnir<H I

"F^r ^TRST I I
z E
• etP^M ^ M*<; ^>-s, " n ' T2T% (n't; ^-s. 3nf?r
^ TTF?! iq TR sr^sTf ^r^t) % ^ihi -pH
STUR^Z itm % I (^4 fWSRT % ^eRT ^T STf^
^•fi. slcll % I)
TR PTF il^MI +d!Jird:
^nwi" P+M^ iR7TTf4 TrRrwp I w i
3T5q Tf^t "TfTT <*)T Pq-^K fqvqi ^TTcTT % I 'T? "TUT q«;ci4\
% Hf+H 4t 4>MI ld f?Fff 4? ^ Wf % STrR BTT f^T °Pt ~?§Z
•iRi (3Tr I^T % Rnn IRI) 51nl % i
■R^tir ^frF Tf^TT ypTbil^Wqi
h-<; 'iRi: dd h-< ttdPiixn ^RT I ^3 I
n-^Tla rfcT us ^ff RfR 'iRi ^ qii't ^ h*< 4>-S qA
^r-iq> "Tfqi ^Idl % I <=h-?, ^ff ^Piqi RpT M-< ^tfcRJcT ^Hl "ff -
-flPinn- flFsnrr (m^i
+«wfr< M4><K1 xr i I
, u c
_^ l'1 »>< fq^xqi (^f^) % TPHI ''R H-c; "TpT "-hen eioi % I
H-< ^)4> snf? ^ T?% ""R fR tr? °Pt R^H 'iRi ^4A,
RRRlft ^ <1^141 "4 RRt RC R3RRt I
R^RTT ^frF 4^ '1^44^
irnr: RT «>+di^didi d<^<w IR% I i
<41H Hid Ug Rit "Tfcl WRIT % I ^4 ^ SIMCI R-i ^HI^H
cT^T (arftTR) 4 R? TH? Rf4 iHt I
WR ^pil?i1 ft<T«RRft R: RRT^Rt I
"JdWr+ld RcTT dc+ld RRRT I I
<j4\«;q Rtpq trir <^4 34^ xcs, H>i 3iti< HI< RiIr qii 41 ^ihhiid
(H+ddl % 3R% "fcTa^TtT RTcT R RRC RfS RRT Pd+ld RR% fd'RRT
H>i 3^4: RR4jR <ti<ci % I
«W>!4 Rit RWR R^TKR:
RRR ^rtftf R^? iRulWRT I I
TR m<*>k tdfR % 341(4 srtr str <ft TRRTR qgci ^n& % fdy, elcii
% I fR^t SfraTfR^m RR % RR Rt^ RT "O^R % RRR 4 RT^? ?t I
-ymi-4 O<4^5R ^FTH % fcT^ 5<m "PTE 3TTdT?T^Kn -IgT
% I 3-E^ ^r ^ ^PHdi TTtTT ?JTT # PETt #n I
sftcrf^ #ft I
WtF ^frF Tfeft TTT "^frST JlRi^dl
XT^TRTR; WdT (^o) *TFt«T: fraTT(IRTtsq" ^TETT: I I
■^Hylsf "EfcT iT XT? "TRT dE SEtE ET EltiT ^5 'iRl "^hft % I
^pi g TficT "Pt ^o "fexfr «HcM=t>< sem vcT %—
sh^-rm Pt"® ^TpftT ^t*T ^>*i\ ^T .
ppp'idi w^rfm ifOsi^Tt) ' ^0 '
yflyTidohini'j'Hi ftJhd.n, "^fRr dff cpp-i^ 'iRi tt "yn
C^frsr "dM) XT WT ^ I cT«n "^cT d^T ^Hylsl "EfcT % "EZT^ I
"^ftsr Pf d XTRT: XTft" ^[P^. PdcilHd:
TFq^crfW TT^p TTfir oflrllT I V<\ I
txrt TftiT Pjid 'iRl el'fi I "Tt^ EieT TftiTt^r 'ifct XT 3TfsT^> "gt TTt
"HRT ^ "E^T^T I ?tE "^fTTfcT "fPnt I
yf M-<T^il ^fftlT XJiT yPdir^Pidl
XJiT ^frP TsftiiTRT ^TTWf tcftcTE^ I I
fXT y^hK Xfcf 3^X XFsT ST^j ^fi^i u^f ^ff ycM< ^.t 'ifcl
%-H^ "py sftx ?fr5T "Tjs: I xRx ark ^fT M-<Pi.i flfcT % I
^ kn^r arrfe TTRT xnft ^fT XJH" "nfir ^r PWR TkrqT ^nrn % i
?fkr T^E TTftlTfETn" fWT ?rikidi
TrezfrmTtftETT xror ^frP 4rWK tKtKH, I I
"^fhr XJi: TTRT ^k|[^r "Ecq "TfTT % STpST^J "?!% XTX, "?fhj Xg^: PfcT k
^rsp tTSSTq TTfTi 1^7% % I tTSq PpT 3Tf«TdT "gt TTt ^xkf "?fkr XJS
"Tft PiTcl % |
d*mwir-ddl ^TfT llMHmMUlfildM, I
"drWKIil 'iTdTxH' TR" cif ^ xreJnTT I V<SV I
"^frsr xgr? -rrip w xr pcqH "nkr k t i
4Ht (aXXTT PI %n) p:i PPT STRPlfcT PIcT % PdP+l 3TTPT PPcT % I
xflst tjd "JEt "tfcpT ftRfRx^" yhPETT
dwr^^igPixti %P "PTTT^ UPHMlffl: I I

WH argwi (?fr5r qR 3Tfqqr) ^ qsnq qft if

% i q c^ftn qR q>q) a^ ■grffq (ifhir qfir q?F) 3Tcr?snl
^ ■?% q«qq qfq "^r q^Trr % i q^r q«m qfq % i ■)
^ ^cnFiqiirfbnrr j
qqr qitft weft qr f^qr HT d^dUd: i ^ i |
qqq 7^ ^ qr qqj -fqft % 1 Rt q^PtRw Tpn flrsqT 1
(^v^) ^ qm tqq crfsq qq snqr qqq % 1 1
+n»)d*ir< %^qt: qqrtt^ftqqq 1 |
qhRweft r^mi qr qqjof qrR? q 1 1 j
qq q#; snfq ^ qRiqf ^ t^T q ^q sn^r q?t ysm qfq i|f ^
qtqq qqq sqfq ^ qfqqt qq %qr Tqt q qqRnt 1 w f?qtq I
qfq "gtm 1 I
Fs.cA^t qfq qf q-q % ^jqr qq Rsq (w<i) % qrq ^ |
q q^t erRq q
tfHjdi qeqqr yrq^Mqr FTR^ d^P^di j
"IrffRq 'jftii'- Hi'+id «i<=t)i fto) ■qqsrqr 1 vtt. 1 \
qeqq qfq qi qqR qft qr? tfqqR qq% fr qfrq qfq amft % 1 yft
qfrq %r^: qf qfq % 1 T^qf (fqfq qfq qf) qffqqq (qffy qrq
qqfqqn) ^ Tjon q^:
wfq Wrr^ i5fti>: qRr *f%rir
qrq qqr qqq wr ig^F: ^<ftq %• i 1
qfq q^f % qrq q qtRq qt qrhftsr qfq R qzR q qfq
qtqt % 1 fqq fWtq qjfs ?tq q qq qfq qrqf 1
srqt qftr w jjflq y«rq*Hicf
<+.<irqds w^t ^tf^r q^trP ^mivhh. 1 1
qjqqfq a^c '^qtq qfq q aqq qf qgsf qfq qq% % 1 ^4 Rrspq
if qfq qrqq qf Rrfq qrq: sfq qqf % qqqr qR qqq qqf fqqr
% 1 '
f^ir M-<fa qqqcqrjqfjfrq: 1
yqqrqf fWtqr qf ?ft«qrqt rsq: qr^or q 1 \\\ 1
qqqr, ^q afk ?ifq qf q=4r«r qfq qtqf qR q qqq qfq ark Rqfq
qfq q qq qsrqi qrqr % ark qqf qkr qr qq qfRr qrqr % 1

Wt¥ I
"y t+ci y^n? srtz fssfry MRI ^ PIMH %> stjzttz ^tfzyTH
Tpn y>z r&nl'h sftz ncfhr "Tfw yii ZTT^PT s^'ii I Tft fscfry sftz
-rfj^f vjxi ?ffytfr "TRT "Miid yz y«TH aftz MRI yy ZTT^TT '?t,TT i
^sr ip ^r3«f TTtTTOeT Z«rRf Z?3^Z-
ifl^TTft' *cfo^ era Zl%: yxd^ I
TJ^ ZfZ«TF3T eKyt ^tftZFcTTWl. I ^ I
TTef> Z^TR yz M-< diifi yicT ^ "jnn
f^rsrm I^sft yr it wrrft^ i
SR4 sFW: ^yfj eT^f^PfZ y^ I V<€ I
fyyqr (^d) ^r ym yz 'rafsy cFt yr^r ^ yry (y^ ^=s.
-3{& ayft;) ^ zrfyr ^ zf% yz ) yx fyym (Mcpzift zrfyiyt ^r zf% yz)
y^ff i fzr yynz ^y yrr fyyty tjd yfeTOcT ytyr i
^ ysFryf yf^ yF^r^N y^fy, i
yry eRTePftyPf yy fq^el 'tyt'- i i
yfy war yA yz yfy y^nr^ ylw y^r ypy % zit ^yy^t yh%Tt i
yfy ^<i-i yfy y^r yy yt zfr yHt yy azyrz ytyr i
yfyt ttefry 'jftp: wra; y^yr znzg zra^t: i
yzzyFTy w yrf^ y sfnyt-. zsraf i ^ i
hici yzF yfy % Haiti f^yfy yfy yrgct % i ^nyi yry >yt y-y yfy
y^r ayyr % i y% yr^ syfy y zrfyiyf ^r z?% yz yf^ % y«n yyyrfy
zrfyyf if z?% yz yyirr t i
v^zHd yzyrwr yfsrr +<rmi arftr
t^g vieii-r<(i oyyy wzramc "jgyf: i ^\9 i
ypmy y?t -pgz y?t% f^rri az^yr yyry "^yy^fayzt^yzyy
syyyr yf% % yyzy yyi yyf fyyr yr zyr % i
yrfiAi ftyy TTF yrerryzy;
yuyf ftcy# fcrafyy: i i
yy y=FZTlyT 3yy <ifVi yyr yy yf% %> zryy yy yff ^fyye
^ yfy zr yyy yfen % i fyrfe zfy affz yyc % fcr^r sryry fyfy % i
TPTf^v (W) (W) tw -q^f (w) H'liftN: i (^y)
(us) %^flr femyy i i\% i
T i
t TeT am , (w ^m) "3^ (^ 3m) Tpr ^
(?^V9 3m) ^Erg^Whr ^FSRT TW% ^R-
"^f ftrST%-WpRT 11fli"I: "^': "^Slshfr^^fVcl:
3)c4f>iKiii ^mr^r%^i«rPtr ctf^diH,i Vv> i
Cg^ "ftmPtT % rct -ft) ?t% t i ^o sm ^ w ^3«f "^fhr
%^m ^Ft ^31% TR ^it ^mt sm frm %, ^crt sm w: TH ^ RPif
?)'! ) I
OAMJSA ^ ^ ^<^iw tnfr t^rr
% ^cmi ^sjcr vwfW i i
TI?f ^1 ^TR 3Tk STRT am ^r WR RH l-oRTRFrfm ^Ft "^eT cl«n
^F, iim ^r ^sr ^F5% t i
tnftmr t^rrlr mt -mfef
T'v# (W) ^ ^ ^ (W)
m^TfTR fiT: (^vf) i ^ i
RflR ^f STRT % fcRJ, tRl^E 3TfRTR "^fhr ^ %^m %-
WT (33^ 3m) ^ST (W 3^) TF 3^)
(?V9\S) ^r«y'J,3l:
(3V3) Wl^J^r-d •% ^T:
(^o^) ■?!% (^v)
ifon- -g t^Pr (^3) (^vs) i ^ i
■^jsF (^^9 srtf) crm Tfri^r (3^3 sm) 1 Rcf ^f #r %? fRf^
srcr -^fhr ^ % sm %- RRef (^ sm) ^sr ( ^0% sm) "js (^v am),
"?pF (^3 sm) ct«n ?TfR (vs am)
UI^HW t^rijSr (3^0) TirfrsR: (33^)
infre^ •TRT: (v) ^r ^T|PT: (3^) 1 w 1 •
(SR^T Tfftel %R5m) ^Sf RR (3^0) sm R«TT ?pF RR (33F) am
fRRR R^ ^ STRT ^tRT % cTRT ^R RR {\o 3m) S^T RpF RR ^<i am
1)% R^ RfeR if ^cTR itcR % I
(U) IR: ^ W{; I
3T«mr RR 35^ SFRET sr*pT: 1 1
■g^f ■£) R^RT u sm tftd 3TT% R^ STRT R^t (l<<=ldl %) RtcR % R«n
RRR ?)% % fmr % w sm srrfr STTRT R^RI % 1 (RR r<«di
%) I TRRR Iwrf (R^ 3^t RfaR) SRR 3R<T % RTtf TPRPR R^f % R1
^ ctN 'gtcn % r
urt H*<; ■<i^-' Tfr^ozh<f tnuf<i: I
^|: wt "T^r wt I I
V§z TT? ^ XT? en% feR axk "?fr5T ^PcT ^T fWtcT
fqT^ TTX^TR t-xci % I IHX. 54H yctiK TT? <sn% «)H ^ XTT^FT
-^frff | ^PXt R^T ^ 3T*tR ^R ^fV R^RR i45 WlRT I
^TW Rft?fR7XrR^^ UM<iJ< oRTl^ XTc^ I
H^rl<.<4U^4 W M^IMd RRcT I^SRtSK I W I
TI? ^tT "RTRR fRfR R^cT ^fdl sftx cRRT sl'i % RTR0! -iWH
HcX 3TT^t^T <5cfl % I 3TcT: "^f RTcT 3H^<. fWfR FViy.
■ypg W^BcTt IcKfl TfT ^ I
(^v) R^rrtftsRt fcr^ ^nn^r ^HCT B^rra^ i
■^RR R^ BTRT «bli ^fer l^ "T^ I I
qRfBF 'Sf % 3StRiR RR ^S cRF R^ aftx ^fTR RRTf Rft
dircl^l % I 5VIH "RRt "ITft RR Rilfdyiei, RRBf STTftT TTgt RR RfcTRicT,
^<i tqu-s RR RftR RRT, cru-s RicTRR, RiHr RR1? PelH I
Ranp RTBRTW fR^B^fhrr R SFXT^btwt ^ETTTRT-' I
XTRi, ^BpSfTSTRf RRt^ "RTBT ^RR RidlRidl RI*^ I ^Vso I
RRi R%RT 3fk RRfRT % 3TB STTfR, RRR 3Tk 3R<T RRB RR RfrR
(RRcT, '^R, -JR, RpP "BPT iBR) t^t R^T % I
^l<rlRI« PdHlfcirdHI: R^I'IgrHMI: I
aRTRfRT: B^fiT (^o) THRIFT (RO) fsfR^T^f (^o)

H*<; =b-s. gBTB R>BT fRRRRTSnfR R5t STeTR 3TcTR <i, "& 'Jjun RR
1RRRTT STTft 3pt ^ot Ro RTR ^RR 3TB STB R^fRT 3TT% RT RRT^f
^0 % RTR ^RR-
^tf^r rbrtrbtb RRTBR RMIKR; RTBTRRRTT- I
^TRT rtbrr; I i
XTfB -gtRt | TTfB ^BT RRR RR RRR 'ftRT I fR^ RTfRftrP Bt 3TB,

"heti, fM^icni arrfe % <51 u« M-iciitK. ^ -q^n

i ^CT am snft ^f ftmraR: ^ ^o % *Tm i
HilKI^ roirHMI-. TFcT "fiK ^T^r
MWMid «|iir« «R^I
^ ^ Wcdlfte)
(^^) IRtFT I W I
^Ft ^ % "yiToR 'cFet "Tcf H-^txn <?!"« | if? H^P'l'HM
snrnr -qm ^ f^nrtn wrm i MRPvih % m^rnt % THV XT?
smfe H-<ibci wtm i TTRT ^FT ^ditK % "jormx %
•qm xT m^f %r xfrsr -qm 'iPd^'d % i
XTUp dufi 5«f i|<|a Pel HI Hid I
cl<PH 'ifcia^Jici ^cT ^TTTp <rC( f 31 >315l4i <J<;15 I ?V9V I
MPXP^IK ^r ^FT xrrmt ^f M'M, ark ^rfx ^FT
^rm fPrnr IPTT % 1 sfk mr^Txr ^ "ni% «ft -f^mrr
TRTT I 1 Ttr mrg trm XT ^ knm sgxm ■qxts' wr PH+M ^X xrxmr
•cpm, sfk ^rfk % k srtx ^r sjfttrtsj k -m ■etzA XT
(m[<P Pttt srjxnx) Hxta XTX^TT t"+><i '1R1 whft % 1
^flwi^ xprimr iRf xmnrsTRT 1
TTs^rfk HIIIIR* W fW UIM^d TlM^TTXf ^m5T: I ^\3H 1
■?frgm^ xxrxaft k MT »<io p^xfr tc xa^si if wr ttxt % cfrx
xrf?T % k (?0vk') % ^xmx % 1
^Hyra k xiw (^m x^) ^rr % ^fkr ■^mr % 1 "?fhf
MMlPd ^ XlPyiHI k ?t% k "TcT XT«n 'gen snf^ ^ XTITT k -qzi^
13 u
^TX "T ! % I Hi-5, <|P?I TTT STTfxr aFt 3TT3 "k y ii ^iX M^'HCX
XT TFT TX xms XTXpTT 3n?ft % I
xmnXTT^f XFef d«^l-dXMi^ d|iull (?o)
cfP^WT TPit W T^ XFFf XTrXfhT TfkRf iMITpMI^ I ^5, I
TcT xa^ ar x=pxs am (xnxwff IIXT) PH+M TFX Tm XTS% %F XTTT
Trf 3ftx "TXT <aus % smx k 3Tar?TT x=tu5 TFT "^pn TFX k TFT ^T
sftx eTf%sr ITXT ?T% % XITT srtx itnr i xa^ am
x^d'Hid frxpr xrn^ MxUa>- xxmp i
frsfxnra[ m-ai^ xmr Tpg- xmcrf^ P^aix^-. i ^vs i
^ xxfar ifmkr k "a? ^rPfr diJT'u tWPa ^ xikr if

^i^'ii i TR «<*!< i-i, wnr H-^; «H« ^Hy RieT RKI

^ IT? t'ji'i ^lJH I
RW Rftf«r^nT ^fg ^kptrt
^cT W TTfcTR I
(Vi) Mtg fnr CT^TR
^fg-i sfrr RfTel Rftf«T ^TT R?' Y«Rv^«Rv?^r % "?ihT
xfJeT ®f>t ?T? 'T^ TTcl "Xi fcKfti 'iyi % I "RcT 3T\T TJ^T ?t-ff
% ^fN ^FT ReT RI% % fcR "Pr^eT TeTRr ^Ft 1M%T 3TJHK ^Pl
^rt I Rtr? y<3cl «HM fw^ <3"-s 'tFeT vsilsi vstm'll I 'RR ?t%
fPPT SRR 'fPn I H-C+ici y oh' I Rl Tgt 'glcft I
R1HW "^TR^Fef MRft(sbH)r«f glPd'iJId
(^) Hf^winr^T?^
foT^T WSPTltfWTrErRRfH %?t: I Vs% I
RTcT -SFT H-dRxH en% % fpR sfk ^ ^f "npTcT
^■(.ci ?it 'Rgt % I R ^"-sl 'R ^.6 'dT ^"SMicn ^l^l^fvs <?i<t)< <*14
?PRT % <P|1RF RR yu^'+icfl R? RfpTcN R?t -gPn I
sTTR^ %RC ^TT td"® ^FcTTRTT ^-ft
^Rf ^TT cTrRR^r: (^^) RJHFT
srl R ^FtfRR RFR
^frF wrar RTcT^fig WRt: I %Co I
RftR %RT Rf? °Ft RW? RTeT % RZTRR % RTR ^ I RftR RTcT
Rftg Mid "RRR RT ^TR ?!% RRR ?R did % STIR R? RERRfR R 414 RT
R^T I R? RRR Rfa ^pft I
It^tR R^tr«PF eTTRRcft dcdlRd (^^) fe^T RcftR "JRR
RT R3) RiRRff^Ri H-<; fgcAd ^ ^ 4qi I I
RRR RtR RFT R^R <du-s RJcRRR R "yiR RR (RRR TT? RPR^ft),
^ RTR ^ | eTfsR % 3RRT R^T RRR RfR R RtR (R^ %RT R^T 3TT1R ^
RfRT ^f) RT fRRtR (^en snf? ^ RfRT if) rR I RTeT fgdlR RfcT ?Rf) I
ijRT^T (^^H) RtET ddHoR^Hlf-dd RFR ijfrF:
R^frftRT R d^Prj^dl^ 15RF <%?;^RRpT^tRT I \6\ I
PfeftR RfR RTT ^ R XT? % RRTRtrg RTeTFrR R 'ym RR R RTR
RT^I fScffR RtR R 4)4 RT RZTR ( R^R 4^5 RRFffR RT cJcdlPd R
^R) "+)ci gcfl'H "Tf'cl el'fl I gol'M 'iRl ^PlsTis "TR ^ "HiM xr
^3«f '9TRr RfcT ^"fft I
"Ri^f «u^Mt wfia"'(^^) fcrR«r ^PHdi ^
"^grzr W\Vin -JpfT: TZ ^TTgRdt flpf Wl<^: ^ef I I
v«f "?ihf ^ "t (^fRr) w % "?fhi xhoiitR. % "ym ^r
RTT RR xfRl BFt ^ R RR ^ft% RT (RRpffR RT RRRlf?
^ TTfRR!) if Rt %fRRj XT? Rfcl RTH WfRf I RTeT ^sWRRRT % R?
'iRl Rif RXffV ct)5l ^1l^irTT I
opnr RSPT f^cftR RcRt tRTif sFRTt RfRTR'-
M-<1sl TTfcf f^xftR I XCt I
RRcT, ^gR sftx RlpT % RRR, RcftR RRJR Rft RpT if RRT H-<lsi RfR
R^t Rter miicii % axk Rirnf M-^Tia Rfxr rht rr rRt fRRrreff -RTtff
% I IXTXT H-^'lPd RRT Pi "Hid RR fs.dl'H 3^C gain 'iRl RR XTTRR slat
R^ 5^: R«RTqR RR^I^cffR ^ TR^RR: PTRp I
ItxftR RRT ^iftR W RHufRIMH, I X^\ I
Rl^l'ff I RfR % t^ffR RfR TTTRR RRT fxft WTX ^ffR XTfRRRT RTRR
■gtRT I RfRRRX RR "RXRRT pRROd cRf% "fT STRf^RRnfR^^ ^ RRT% % I
c|*ir<HI R^ fcRTtRT R^RFtW^: RfcRTTRRtRTEp I I
fR RRRT HMel, R^R 3TU RlfR TR RpT ll^l Rff fScfrR sffx gall 'IPa
PTRReff RfRft % I
RTSRT f^ifhrr R RRlfStRRR^RRlf^raT RPWRRt f^cftR^ I
dsblRgxhl R^ R^" gfxE RpJRT Rift RFST Vcf^R RFRTip I \6* I
RPt RTf RR) RfR % RRTRR ffeftR RpT pTRRcft RTTcft % I RR) RRR
Rpr RR> H-^la RpT % arPRRT rP? RX RRTRXRto RpT Hi Id % I RTR H-i
'I Pi Rid R^t R^ PfRR % 3TJRR PdlPld RRT % Rt% RT I (RR?
HR'IPmid RR RTRR ^tR? ) I
RRfRRFcf R? RfRPfR RWf gRlf^T PT^ft
RTcHiRRr RR: ^RcTTR cfpHTf Pi eld-/I I %&& I
^ ^5 TfieT HIRuH ^ W^T ^rr vprz -"T^ fHZ
% ■qi STPTE %, ^Tt '3^T TS1^ *I<P«HI ^ 'J,"!! ^i-S,
f i jw ^PT srfc Rrspm m
% i
-pptfTW^ ^TFT %^^rRT
am T^T K) ?TT (^o) (^)
■q^ (^) (tv) (^) (\9) i ^vs i
■qj ? ■& RT^TZcTT % ^K"! Mel «PT ac;H alR 3Tt<T "451 RMI "4icii % I

■?J5F ^T (^) ^WWRT ^I (^o) ^Tt. (u) ^ST ^PT (^) -^IRT ^T (HV)
tfneT ^T (^) '?jaj ^T Ca) 3t?I I
«IU«NI-£ (^oo) RrRi: mv wrm^ wr*HR--
qr^R CTR TnrnT 'qfcTT: i x\° i
FT amt Rt ^oo Tr -yn HI"44 34ohT<4 MR^IIH Hi|2[j| I ^r
"gRrr (i7fsTr -q? %qr9t Rtsptr^ % feR ^ TTIR i
RR ttpr Tfq' •Sf 5. TTIR "JtW<+< aH<+ii a<in>i RI+M qlOT
qq %qt?i wzr^Ft i
T^r it: uhj,<4' w^r ^Trfv+iqi-ti URT-- I
or sF^r "^SFRST rct ci*^oiFw xrai^<q1 i \%\ i
""RTcT, ■gWrfcT 3^ RRT % -SPTCTRT TRT Rt "SPH ^ XR -g^fcR ^
'feRT ^ ^q itcr % i <»MI>I arfqq? R ■q qf^q am
% i <49hi ■gq a^r qjqj Tfq ^ q? qncTt?! qqr ^ am
^ ^ ^ % qqcTRT arfqqT q* q%q -St qqq -gRn % i
qqRp H^i+r-xi\w<>iM< tcrfir qq qq: i
'Mr^l-xRIHia r<c(ir< wf V^Kcinp^Rb ^RTI w I
^sffrP qieH^il qr "0? iqr?ft fqq fqrtT% RrF % am qi qqq fan %
3^ Rt'ci-i Rq qq? qqq "qr aim gl'u q? % ftrq u? aftq <.Ic( cpr
SRK fqqrm qq qq qtqt qfq 3RR ^ qrq ^ aRR Iqq
sq^qr i qq mR qRt qi -^qf %? qfq %; qtq qfn tqqr arr^qr i
nfT^ qqrtmjjR qicf ^mr qqt qrf^ q^ q qq^fr i
qxpsq ^ ^i^Pd u+i?iijxhi?i ^qvER \ i
srr fqq fqq % qzT% qr qt?% q? fqm^ fqq>"^ aqq am
% qr qtqr q? qrgq •gtqr i q? arR Tfq qfq q^q qR qr qqicrr
% fqqq fqqR qq% % aqqpfr qr qq qqq qn fqufq qtm i
ftfr <w hmIc ^rrtT: ftrsr: T^nen:
ftrgrw tnh^mf
nrgrw trwrnr "^^n^rnt.o wm^ i %w i
S^miTfbf? Mf5)ct,| ^Tf 3^: 3TOT sm TTf^T "?PT^ fcRpRt
^RTT I ^PTt^ ^ t&F* ^fc! ^pftR % I
^NrdRfldirH Sr^rWRTTfdr sf^Tci;
5T«fr "nftr WRrt ^TWRR ■'EiT«Ji?m^ i
^ ^Rr 71% Tf# ^TW HIH«u^l-d\
^t%?r TFcTtlRTRTR^ %«W I X%\ I
f^TTT WR 4ic1H< 3?T% MRfVISd R "%nm f37T %
WR TfRppeT ^T SRR afk +^<+,^1 cfn 3i^R "pRFRRFR Rt TcTTpRT
■ftnr I ^jf, TrfH, 3TT% 3mr5 fshR % W#T -T^ RTcit
^ fRFrm i R? RTW armpft % fR# RT RRTfft % i
^ IRFT %%cft37R%r^ T^TRra-: I
REZf RER T? 51^;Rt^- KR: e(*|^c(|
RRRRF^R f^TR: <=bl<n^«^«y ^r^Ri: I w I
37k R=5?TT RR "gR%R % TRR RRRt Rlf^T I
TRIRT (3TSlf^3RT sfk ^it-d R) TRff Rft RJ><idl RR^ft |
RSfTTRf sftr R^rr^ k RV Rf? RRRT RTfwk I IT? RRT, RRT "k RRtf
3TRR7 7T5RRR R^IRIRR RT RR> IRvT 'ifcl Wtcf RRR RT RRR afk 3R<T
R3RR ^RfcrRRPT RM<ct>| (^oo) RPH (.ioo) R^TRT (?<ioo) 3R "Rr
W^il-d< Mfr RTT 71% RRTT RRR %Rltr RRT
TR^cRf: W% RRcrr^T W kRT^
RR^ RsF 7%V RR4 MTRvR^Rn ^Tcft R^ I I
RRT R^R RK ?oo RTcTf RT %Tm, R^tR ^T (Coo) TTRT Rf?T (^Coo)
Rnm ^f §\di % I Ritf TI? f°h«l RSTR, 3«=b RTR RT R%T k RvR RT^TTT
RT fRTcFf ftR % % | Rf RTR^ % %T% RR TTf R>t RlRT RRT fE 7T%T,
R^TR RT RTR RR 3RcR RR RRT 7^ rt) RtR RRR k RTR % %R
3TT% RTcT 3TFTRT I R% R^TR 3TT% R TT? R^ k % Rt RR% %R ^ R?
RRif RkPTT, R% 71? RTR ^f % Rt ?c% %Rt % RR R83R 3TTfe 7f t I 7T?
RR> ?% RC %R 3Tr% Rf%% R27% Rit R^Rt fsFRT ^kft I
WTK^ 5%T Rid I Rid 'iRl 'yi WERTRR?^.'^: I
% m 7mft?enn
tgt ^TFcRt^Rr Erw^^rfw 4.i^i«ch^ i i
th Qhll'id "R^tl-tll % til4) H5 t^jx; %> 3T-tR ^r ^tA. % JI0 Hi'll
^rrn 5r% iR TT? Ur-i^ tMy "nfjr sTrat % i ^nrnrci t^rt % WE
Tj^f ip ^Pt -iM^'fl WE "HfiT ^PWI WW % I ^r=ft if
cfw 3WR $icii % 3T?I: ESii-a ^Pit) «iRi eFT ^ ^Ptf ST-tR -igl sloi I iH;
^t-ff y+K "'ifciHi ^ 3WR ^ M5<ri A Id % WE 'ifd
fH°hlHd % I TT? °Ft WE RRT STTf? 3WR <it1<*)1 %tW> WE
itITI "tf WT ^ ET ESel tW Wfe STETI % I
E^T TrZ. ^5^ '^f^' Pel HI
TpfrET f^R EiF cfsF f^TEt iTHPW fsn^ I
E^TRT E? ^ i-S\ dl€ll: t^tfl<;*dJfdi
fcWIWlfEWI-- ^ EEEKE: I l%% I
EUT E^HRR "Sf Efhr %F5: 'iruM fEw wm % i Ef ETT wEf
afA EfET EET SWT %=sCTET EfttETE fcitdl EET % "E? EFTfT W EEE
EfrE 3RR E^t E^t % 3RR ^ ETE %% % % I E^T EW EfrE
EW fEW WEE EET EE ^iM-I % fci4!, EtEt EfrE °h-^ E>t '%fEE) EfcT
W^Et I ^t) JlRl E5dI"t1 Eftw Spl< SiihRiE) EfPE aTEWTT
ErFTSTgRPcfT: ^ (?») ^ "EHlf^RT
(^) ^Tf^T («) ^.^TTlfE (^) (^o)
yiVilA (ioo) ^ fWftrai: (^00)
TftmiK ( lioo) ^T^ETRE: (5^0) 1 ^00 1
(^^,^00) -^wn E?r EW^WE 3^ ^o % ETE ET:
VS^o, ioo) \6oot 6oot I
wet ^tRnr ^PRWE ETTTE (e^o) TRCTRE^ I
rfWT:"?5R«HTETEcTT: UPdM^ ^ifRT HIElPdd: I
E?TTETEcT% "f^E> Ef^TT^ ? ifETETRTET I |^
tHK Eft Trlrr anRr R WE t^4 Eft tiP^i srifE EZT ER ERTT
?ETER V9^o R ETE ^r EK EE RrfE Eft WIpET wRRt I cTW E1pi|| ^

^ 3Tf«ra TR ^ ofTT 3T=tR I TT^T tr^f % sftcf

TRpTT I ^FFf % fHeTFr R#RPT tclf«r y'-fp-m "frtt I
¥^rr ficnrciT ^ r^+Tddi
WTHT^ sFTfit Rct^r MHI+I:
nntn^ir^+ ^FM xlirdd TdtHw ^tf>5T ^T:
RTFTT: y ^lfRIT%5,*JI^oIT I |
M^T % "^r (THT ^TTeT) ^TSTT SfT^t ("n^T)
% fen?, fcTfq- Ph + M^ ^ ^ERC TfR +dir< 3fcR V3^o ^ RTT ^
^T pcf+cll sRT^nt (^O % "!jan ^R) I W^T "n^ ■JBTcT "pRBcTTT I M'-M+lcl
Pi^ld^ %i % Snq^iq q<ii<ti< fq<+ie1l sRT^Pt I qcfnM f^T
afft sTRTrqt -f^r % w Tf^r ark RTB ^ strsf
■pr^n^t, q-s. "ntH CTSTT Tf^ "tPt (%Pt^) % spcR % "^IR, Pqqicii (RT
% 3TqR) R RTH I TB^T TRT RT "H^T Prfsr ^tT 3TrPr ^ RR
#11 I RW ^of#F Rcff TR # UTR: % {-03? Prfai # Rpl %
R#r RTRR #T Rfh #m PBRT RRT I I STlPj ^TR? % fpRT
Rfrg;^! M«r PT^BTCRI FT Ft xiMFF SRR R TPT ark ^ a#: FR
qqqil i33> fcilk °Bt RfcT ^t aiRR k fcrfsT tMK (q^qi ^TPRn I
Rtt#: +rc|ct,| RRlRT (ioo) fkfFT cT5R» «?(l<^:
WCT: ^PhntT "nfr^T +rd+l: RE5TFFT HlPddl: I
fRRTF^RR: WTft rdltt^l-
T^y #mt (^oo) IRT r*i)ir< Ptcrt ^rr tr«fT M"? I
Rj><i qq; Fit FRIT snPr ^t •rsfiF frit (<ioo) k MIM # FT ct®F
3Tf?FFt 3TTtF F^F TRfRT 3TT#ft I FF F^TF RRpFT cTpF k \ FT
FcfHH F^TF RToil| 3Tr%Ft I 31F#t F^F FF FF 3# S^T Fk <ioo
FFT q-^ %1FF> FfF Tf RTF Ft fFfF FF FF 3# FR FFS 3Tt1f
3TI#n I RfF FRC Fit 'BRIT STlfF eRt TllFI Fit RtF FRTI ^oo it RTF #
Rl'lt ("# 3TTfF) I FtF FlfFTF TlfF FF FF 3TFT FFT \6oo % Fk RHT%
FT RtR 3# #n I FF FT RtR 3RT Ft B.o it "JFT FR PFFdl FFT#t I
sftr RTt TFR q-s. Fit ^fFF FfcT % RTF ^Pt Ft oTcfRTF TlPfl FF FF Fu«
FsF fkfFF FsFT (tt.^oo)
IpliiTT FtF FRT (ioo) FTdTPtF ?FT: ?ltl'lf|wi|: FTRTT: I
Ffk RT Tfk Fqt ^BjftT ^<rd«Rlg FT^FTRF:
^PTTl^T (H«) ^^5 V^% fdHIWI: I I
-ppj sftr fJcT '^f^' -3?ls=tT(. "qt^ 5^ Trfqi % 3Tfi|<*i eft
> c
CTf^T M<il f< T^fqft tiell snf^ if qi'i <?ft Si'H *011 (^oo) ^
qn ^ % 1 snft 'iciqf'i wqi iftnt i erf^r ir ^ ^ft^r
^ -g^rrpr Pifpm 'gtqt i "^fq 'la^cn erqr TTSR) 't (<ioo) if ^iq q^Ff ^
-qRl q^fT itfft I "fq "TT "T*3! q^cTT if ^o % Tjuiff ^ <1^ sfk -q-S. 'iRl
^ -qm if qm %% m eld MM "^tq % Tcr sfk -qc^ ^u^iR aqqir i
PTC Tf^r qft q^n if qqqr q-s, q>t q>cii % ^27% 1
^#ar qTTCTPT (^o) qrft- ftf«rq^ dHil^+i ^TTCTT:
WRt qqq: ftlet: trfePK: UMI^d: ^fftSRT: I
fef^r^TPT ^"T ^a^ciei: y I'd I TrP d I ^elH,
qr^^IT^F ^^q<HS!ft HI I ^«>S I
"TCf if qfTCT qft MtTq qTCU (^^.o) % HFI ^ I df^M ^T Vs Tf tFT
tc qrq "nq qrpq y<°qi sfh qfq if ^ ^ft5% tc qcfnn qrpq tfVm
irtt 1 qjpq qrr STCTP qfrcRT if q^T snft % qRWf ■gtcn %*
qqr ^ <+)<"! qld-t qr gq: yqq srcqq itcn 1» 1 qi-s.Hi« %> ftrfq
if ^o qjpq ■gtff % 1 t^raif qRwf qq <i qR qqj q^sq q^qff %> xrptt^
if d"f ^tefr % i (^ qq"!) qfq x q^rcr "qj^qt qtqr^ ^ qfqqqr
qqqr^ qqr fwf qqqi I fqq% qrq t- ^r^fq, qim, qjpqq q«n fq^gq i
Hi-st FTreqfqqqw M^PCIHI tq^
qfig ^^Pel U^HIINMH,!
ql'iiPn^i Pq+PdHi: wqel ITTHT:
dddlHiq qftqqf^ W^rqT^t I I
"gqfqq % qrqq q^nn fqfq qft ^qq ("qq sfk TCq qrar = esqo)
qfq qps: »fk qfq ^fqqr qfq % srqR % srfqq? wt ("qfq srr
^n Rf qqf qt) i qt Mq •gtqf % (arqfq^ ^ q^ qt srfqqr ^rtt)
■fqfq qtrq fqqrqn (VS^o x5p) if Rfq qlq SRR (qR) % qRT ^ Wi
tqfq qft qtrq qpq qpi+iR if smn % i qq qo % srfsfqr q? fqfq qf^s,
¥t% q?: fqfq aqq "ftqr % i
mi HM;q^ qfeR: qti-d^^^Tl^
MstiiP-d ^nrt MP; qrqrqef qir^ffsV mcA I
wqt qw q qt; tftnfqr qrf^q: i
yWrsqFTfRfqqt qn RTRT f^nqrf^ i ^ i '
^Hi^ (yc^i STHPtT ^ lcl STTFtT ci«t>) "^f <fc^ tH^hif-n {<1^
^ if qn% if) % qps qiq; rrt qtqr % i cfq thFifq q^t qt% q?
MdHiy ^mn % I ail'IIHl 3PTRt % 3Rnfct KPTT
^srmi % 1133? 'trt if % i
Mltl %i a^: <mc; if 1< Hltl % "ffcR 'Q^' y,*^ HCIHItl Hi-fi 3
^ HelHIW ^t?n % I ^ MeiMIW y-MHHET af^PTfcT cl«n
HCIHItl Hd 'IHI % I ^frf 'HcT sfhc ^T'T Hm fqejlg STTfe ^j*!-■,
HJinf % fel^ cityn % I
5^ wirf* ^nftr +in»<+ ^nnNTT
^HN HRH^: WTCTT cfrcTT f^% iJUct I
<+)Hk«) wftr ¥«¥ ?r«rT
Hi*! ¥T MRI % ¥cf ¥3 TRT ¥1^3 '
sfk wfcT r^f^ct sTif? ^nf, mr«Hi sfk stre; snft
sftr af^wRt ft trrat if ?T % i cfP+H HdHiw if
^ •ftnr i % Mif^ ?rns TTSTT % snw sfk tmrfH %
3n% % •dtr+i "tort (t^ if) if^rrft 11 HdHiw ^f *Hk»i
¥T WHlPH ^r?T ^tcft, ^TFcT % 3TRWT ^TR ?tcn % I MdMIW if TJspPR
Hpsfcl R if 'MH Pt>i) ¥1% % -
il5ul Hi Id oR •WH, FR STTfe, Hl'li ^7T Hld-1, Sl'lRlHi ¥cT
(HII'H ^>4, arrf?, sfnPn sftr yPt; HI4) arm HI4, sRiirra; cttt
F^ Trf^ I
HFT: yvrRR: ^ (w )
¥T fit ft ^T: (^) cWPxIcpHcf^Pf (^) ^ftif IF:
■gFTFT^ 3^- f^ ¥Ilftr cRFTrar Wt^fFT:
¥ 3 ^PTT ^ftg^lHI<J^»lfl I >{o^ |
"0^ SfR RRT % ^ % ¥1^ 3=1: RTTT % I RcT
¥T STftRTTT TJR: ^tf?T fTpR ^4 if t|FTn I I a^cft (TTR TFTT % ¥*R
f.) -q^f ^PT tRrfer if Tf% % qTTRpT % 3TTTR %
RTTT if MdHIM Wf TRRT % I <+ir4<+> ^Tf SfRR ^ "cfH RTTT SR FTTT
TRRT % I "TFT RTTT SfR ¥T STf^Tm ^T4t "?t TRRTT % I (H^)« TIT 3RR
"TfcT TR Ifif % THFT ¥? 3Fft 4f ^fn %)
F¥ ¥¥¥ MRIRI trf^T FJF WT
Hi^iiqei'lH^: HRK^HH f^TrT I
H+K?T|ir< Tcf pRT "FFT flTTS t^PTT it
sfiwirciwi4 qw m% 3 M&n fFn ¥f^Tt: 1 1
ft ttir M«t Rt^nr snfar sfnf ir 3^ hP^+i qff ^ft f^r&
TTTTTf % fTFR. WT TR FT% 3Ti«K XlfhT^ % •) iMfrlTi Sfk fRR TI»f,
srrfc T^:, ^ ^ r<^ tilrHci 3TTf^ I ^ ^cl,
gqffHW *Frf?cn % 3^TR 3Th ■#(% %T ^>R T ^PT
ipTcT WK I
fr^^rWRr +i^rHc(i«n^:
qf^+| o^at—14 Hl^PJcll^ I
SI^TT ^TT flT^cT ^T:
eb^xniq trir cf HR: I I

f^r t!|jMrd°b ^TtT^- % f^r -3T^> # •g^ffe w ^^Teld Mfa«t>l

^ ^TT It TRRW ^Pt ^3Tcn f ^Tt <S^T W\ aTRT ^ ^T (-OdMcH) ^
•^cTT r<i<i«iMH % I
^r^c^cTl aTarcT TTTcT Jd' Ht^ci
?fr "nf^Trrsir^rRr^
ftrenr ^r m\?M ^
WltM^H: "PJZ ^TT: ^TFeT: TRTm: I I

^fT 3^hn % R ^FT ?ft ^FS^tTSR ^T "Tt^Tcl

3^ WTSfl ^ WMHdl cTT% ^TFTT cTm ^TePPt % fcT^ ftT^RT
if ^PcT STTf^T) TTf^T TT!? f^T ^FT 3R2TPT RRTTS
OTTW t^nrsRwrf^ w
iwftftr? ^diHfl t^cTW "q;a?ft^ W^T
^ "TPK WT w-
wra ^iw i \ i
^TTT-T, "5^5, ■HI^I, 'jsk^-T, ^rrcT ct>4 snf^ 2^1
?ihr ^Pel ^1% % teR ^ 3^ -g^R Mfa+I felWdl "f I ^«e»n fTfTRrn %
^nt=ci -^R, afh? -g^ TT^T, w sftr ^m, aror, hwtw
(^ aftr ^ R5V-RRPT M^T, R^r, "RtRS^C^ROTsnf^^T^TRRT
ei'ii 1 M^HI 'g^ER TTR sik g^sfR '5RT ^TRT -Rife^ 1
(^) f^Zf: ST^WhTtTT (^)
-qtqwetfr W^t
«r4J«li*lc|' R (rj,Ujrd eRt "Jf^f dW-R^I
^ vrgrrmTT ^rFq- g;w WERTCT I ^ 1
*<«♦> fcTfq' % wir: ^o t^^sl XTTR^-T StTRPf ^ <;us cl<t> qSt "jHse
^ ?R; RTRV (^m gfs TRSEPTO- srqt^fcTfq qftRm s,v %
% ^ rtr% «r 1 mmcii % "qfWr "rotri tger itdt
aft 441 H+i cffai 4 c<iwr44i sfk ajq wit «rgfT 3Et%f^ itcn % 1 sm:
fM^cl R3^R -gapr^T 4 Ml^ld Rcl 4ft 4^+1 WTT % ^ 3TR g;^R
Mfa+I 4ft fqfR <4c1ldl ^ I W^ I44M1 % SP^K rRt 3TTf^ 4ft
4^4 % 44^4 4^f % 4K fdf4 STTf? 4TCT4 4 4c4^r ?l4T I 404^441^4
%> <5ci 3il< ci'i 4ft 3TT4444kTT RWf % I
^^nrf n^fd tRf TTf^r f^sgt: 4ftr«rg^T
wrnr vftrg 4>eii'idiJii imfW "Pjcrw ^t4rf i ^ i
Tt4 sft? ^ 4ft 4t R-^ifUfqqi % STJfm ^fr 3TRT4W 3^ MpufHI
3(1 eft % 3T«TfcIE%?4cT R-eiHici TR47R ^ 3^T 4-S, 4ft ^4R ^44^
firs 3T4RR4T a^c gMRI ^teft % "4? 4^44 ^gcd ^4 TT 4^t 47 ^4ft
% I (S 4 4444T ^) I
gi?rr* eft: ^4^ \t& ^tptffW trh^fWM: i
ftTS: 4Mt ffwp 4^5 ^t: 444 4?: I v I
4f44n % Ml 4 3T4 (4K, f4f4, RSETS', 414 3^ 4R4T) ^t*t % 4)WT
W M^l 'l 4e?4 t, 4814 314 (4TC) 4ft tSt^ 4I4ft 4T3: afti ^4=3;

-ppft % I 3TcT: sfk ^ ^ ¥t% ^ (arfn -^t I

^ afR ^ ^ ^ 'cflTf*T f^eT sftr ^rf TTHPT "gft %
-tf^ '^Fref <rlV*>a Tf^ 3^: 'SFt y^FT 11? HMI ^llfll % I
T^TCT "^^TPT T^^'IrMI MHlul fttT wP*): I
OT^T ii'IM-<+«f: "qjsfnt f^T^cT dHHS I H I
■ffft ^SFT "CTf cT«n ilfcl TT RlHHH T^Z ^TcT, y^MH,
^fg- 2^1 ^ ^Prt % ^=2: 3^: "g^f 3M<IJI ^TT CF^R FT^TT f^n ^rmr
% i
-^i|M< TTTf^IW RTT^f W ftimW I
shA i 'Prtt^r'TtRT ferr TTtcr Tii^r^ farnr i 5, 1
^f<T %, TF^i <*lcl fRTt^TT ttii-t RSC Ht;'+icl
^ 3TMFF 3^: -cftR RieT WM-K 3Tra^RRT iPTift % I ^TR <Hf+l<l'
^ RTR t-"R^, i'll-tK, Rtf^P 3fk f^t?l |
3T<ft? +icnr^T iTt^r -qjif 1
^F5Dt Br^H 14HC|K, ^IT ^M^rcf+MI: I \3 I
^F5\ %> 3^< "^"R TTtTT °PT "RpR Rp? R^
^t -ERT^ I t R^T it FfS TfR R cfR ^Tf?T RR 3RR RZT% % I R?
■jRRR ^ 13TT I IR3Ft ^RRRT fRRR^t I
WSPPJ (^o) cfr nt'^uR (?V^) *WT R-SvlnH. ^r
fRRRt^RRT cRtpR: Rtctm 'MirdPtM RRR ^f: I t I
■jRRR ^RRteT ^Rt (^o) Tjon RR(^<;) % RTR ^RR: "q;^R TfR
3^ RRt % 3RR Rt ^STjRT ^ "Q^R R^ 3fk RR: 1R5RT RPT ^ I
Hf3R R^TT StTf^ Rf RRR :^3' R-S^ 'iRl % TTTT R>^_
fl-H^'Idil (\S^o|^) f^f VefW ^TRrt t-tR 1^tR "^xF: I
WRR: RI^R fWrr* R^ RRPP 1 \ 1
RSR RRC RftT (V9%o|^-if) % RTR ^ I Rf^T RRtanlTf ^RRR RTR
?tRT I tRTRR RRt ^RTft- ^ Tlf^T if 7?% RT ^iTRR RR Rt RRR
^f ^if-scl %, %FsT 'JRT 3TTf^ TTfRT if <6^ RT RZTct % I
■fefrR Tgra: rHdcll % I
ridlHTNlkRMiR ftt ftre RoTf^T f^ftR: }
^¥T TJRfRR ^ MKRIx|wt<df|: RtcTRT r^PtHI: I ^o I
UrN RJ? RRT 3Tk ^R TfR % 3TRR Rt RTRR % I R? ^sC
TxT % ftlRT RK if ^t 3TtRI RR 3th RXR TRRS tRRTef I Rc^sfh RTR
^'RRS if Rt RR % RTTRt RcTT RRTRT \ "h -yRT R^ I
H>«n VHIC^ <t>ci IrH* TrfsST^ I
'W<ia WTCTcfhTvcT ^Ifcr TEftS^ I U I '
'JUM'+ICI ^Ml f-ltild tii. •St) PimIciRicI 5K % *ll'l TR <+)dlRf
eTSEf TTJ^T ^Tlf^F IJel W ^TTcn % I TO % ^otf^ if ^5C T?% x^C
XTTf^ TTT^T ^ fl^ % I XTSff if t?% x^,
^Ff ^21% f I "cTt ^ERf "^tcn % I !
■g^Pnr "^ft¥ ^ frfn f^mr IWr^ i
wt^, (t^o) qwsr ^ ^TFTT Clo) ^(ftum VeTtWt: I ^ I
^Tf^rsp xp^i ^TT -g-R -pRFTcA % 1^% Tf^ M-<lsl afk ^RC H-<1^
3mn-3Rm ^RTCT 11 ^ 3RRt xjsr^m f^pm ^RR^PT
M<W< Tppr ^R% t i -3^ xp^r if (^o) RT «rm ^R eif^r ^f so
% wt xnf^f xjRf ^rr ifR FfciT % i
wuif4> ^t: ftTTf tto) ff Ml41-^ TRqi FcT TEJT TxP^ I
w^sFtfiTEr^r -gxp.- -^Rft^rinT -qw: i « i
TfR % "^SFT R^xpcT ^o it XTRT ^R fji 'RRC "XTpT ^ Tpxi ^R%
t crm R«R ^ flfiT % # qm t I Wff ftfxm RRT PMcICII % I TfR
H-^Mrn SR *RT ^TT l!t% XR R'i^l xRcT ^frq V+Id if
RT xRTct % I WfT "RJR: ^ERf "?Rn ^Tt ^ps RR "fRTT I
W'lx-qcl TJeT Tlfir ^cT 11^ I
«<Vx4 +«ffrd«l f^ Wr«l«f Hl'I^Pd RRff H^V ||
RH-id xjfR xr RXJ WT qft RT? ReRT % cffRR f^TR ^f xsn% "RRR
RftRI ^IRT % 1 TRt ^PR fRxft RR^ER xpeT % RRTR xfit R RRRR
if xtRt Rft fRRRcTT ?t RTcft %, RRT %ReT M-R'Pd ip STJRR «W»K
■gtcTT % I
RRTcRR^T WlRlWcrsftT RR^R RRf ^T II \\ II
fRcT ^f R%RT RR% RRR RR^ % RRTR % RJRRT tPt Rff xp^cf Trf^j
(RtRRPR) fRe^eT RR Ft RTcft % I RIR RRlRft WRTfRRJ "^ftxff irfR
if Rt 3PRC X(FRT % I T^ft R5PR R^ "RpR xp RRRt Rp jJHI-xR 3?R TRf^RT
shHKuj, "fsjcR fcTtfr R ^ TRTR "f^tfsPRFRt^ fcRRf "^PR II ^ II
^ ^z' frsFcT^ % 1cTir "'jw fiKuO 3?R "?«jeT "^grs: FH+M^
ip feT^t WHun o-HqgK '♦><•11 WlTg I Sdil c^<'l ^ 3T?pSf
irnt i
--zfj. gfr ^SFT frRr

^TfT^R ^^tid ^ 'ftf?' r^l W nry«)A*^ I

tTcO^I-tlA^ ^trrV gfRt "ipr «i]Ulsl II ?\9 II
^'IM< iFeT f^n (w<i) ir g«Fr ^
ff^T ^'fji TfW %i 3FF ^>t 'jhi "& *11'I ^ I tid ^t 3TRI fjid 3?R
% ST-^R gft gitfz^jgr ^ gR
g?ggi* Fd^ind H^TR; I
■zitgg dtg ^tF tWhn;11 ^ "
f^sgr % RFf ^FT i igici ggg ^ji<; 'FS 'iFanun ^ ffeffg
■rrfg gigr ^Rn i
doH>j>d geggifr gt fWn Fsnfr?! 'jftF: i
gifTd.d' grT^gr Pdrki+Ni ?Rt^ggwi-^ «i>dw ggf^n \% n
TR Tfg g^ g^t gR? rkr gfg «i gfeg gr gsT% tt fssfrg g^c gftr
frcft % i RFg gFg g^ srrfg ^ Trfgr if ifg gi: gtfcf t, aFggr
% i g>cTf arrfg' grF^igi ggg g?t g^t gg grg grfgr^ gicT % g^t gt
g^ i
,fg^ftsg ggig g^ fl^ftg g-<i4> 'irg-d^ gnpg
Ri^jwr (wi) ftnTgrFf^frg ggft «R g^r ^tsf^w^irt: i ^o i
gig % g^Rjg g^t g g g-s, 'ifd srfa RJR <fg 'iRi SRR ^ "^pn
gR fgsgr^ (^g^) Tt grn ^ i (FFT gg g-^m gpp gag % gggr^ gr
g^r % F^cflg^ if R?% gr g^s gft ffegfg gftr if gft i
ggg g^Rf^rg gfRFdwid,"^WRR ^ftF: ?Tf?Tg wtAgi i
f<di-dt-i-df tf fRfdi gr gfRTS ttregrl^ f^Rgg; i i
R^gn feffg sik ^nfft grg (gp? g^ fefkmi gr ^gg g^r gggr^)
R g^ iEF5*g gff gfg k g^rgif i (g^5 citg gp? g^f gr
kig %?% % ^rgr ggg ^ %; f^q; -q^jR |f) i ^ -pRq "gfg (g-^m
^Rff i ftgf % g--? % 3FR k gm g^: gfg gt sgrgrrfw
^pi gggf % ggfg ig;^g % afk TgiT fgfg gg Iggrr «+di % i
f^E?Ta1kF gr<<{ifVgr ddrgi^f ^ g^ gtctfF1
tg g^ yigdcdid. PHRj^g^K fkt: i i
tret ^ ■f^fg 3TTt%r srPre ■^rm l^nn ^nrn % i "?jq ^ ^3|
^TcT Tt *ft fgtfe arrf^ ^Rt HFf eRT ^t^RT % I "^eT 'Ret RT^ZTt
^TWf %, fReR oW5R % cttR Wt "RRct % I ||
%^l3r wfa ■$"? R^rrfer HI-^4 "yr
tT^rfSTT: ^ RTJ RTift: ?KI^ TT^T (t{l\) ^1^1
"SRt "& tR RTt %vRt BteTT % I 'R"? ysTR S, Ttf?! T?% m
(Rf^ % ^EFS ^tl ^o" eRt STPt T?% RSR R«n Itcfat ^ Rlf^I if.
(^<io0-^^o°) ^ RSet ■ftRT % I Tizm :} RTlTT "^p? RSft -^orf^ "
RTT% 5. Ttf^T etR> RSS RR ^TRT^ "gleTT % I ^R -q^T oRT
^ ^ TTf9T W Rttll^ ^ ■& ^ TTf?I ^IRT % I R^t (^o) % ^Rjsf
3t?T (VM ^ R^f xrctR (qK q^l) qtfT ^TTcn % I • |
tjftF nftraj |
^r ttflf-q ReloR ^rr^ i |
q-S,: ^<i: We^ ftsiteT Rilcrfl |
^^RetT ARtMRIR ftTg: I W I |
31^ ^t ^=5 WR feT^ RM^'H ^ERC "Rfrt (RW q^TT j
■f i "Rf qfR PI+M^ %> q^fRT (^HHIH stk STRTRT) qn qq (^kn) ?
sfk Tpq (qrqft) qncT fRRtraqrc qqrr ^-stm qit qR% % i ^tr J
■RRt -SKI qrfsRT "gft RT wq % Rq?f, qt^r -Rsrlq snftr qqq ^ ftrs ]
% i (tfht % aqgqR -^t ^kq% I) j
pT<tT ^TR ( ^o) fTCig;
M>ld-RI^ R^T (^o^) RtB
RTrRTam^f tWR SRRT (Vs^o | I ^ I
. qqq T^Z qqq -RfcTOet Rtt Rt WH k WRTC ^ WR k
qicii arrftr Rrq gqpeR qiRi (^o) "gqt qtR qrq qqc M-qtici ^cii
•k qm i spq RRTR % qsm qkt RR qrr qqq Rgrz wz, "Rfq RT "gqr
v qt? qszTRfq ( vs^oi^) ^r qm ^ i

VRTfW qtf^ »JMir<H-< eRT o^PRd qeq ^ftP:

tt«TT^ grPRT ^fiildl^K TrPTST WI-^IRfd I ^ I
st-ff rsttr q> qreTt qft^ ^ i qqc ^qc qr^> aqfq qfqr t?%
m Tq qtq RtR q^t qqqeqq qfq ^ qft%Tt q«n qq^s qq^ aqfe ^
TrfqiTt if T?q rt q«qq qfq tt qzi^fif i q? ^qc qft tf^q qsqqfq % i
5^+1 gq: qt qRprt if <«+< gqt R«nq if qqqf qjtz rfq qfq qzrqq:
gfjir fK (f^ = (^<h-<i«i-^ -g^) gsr wt x (Tm -^?t
^ gsr - v!.° + ^o) ir *irT tf i crfstr si^r f^riH ^ft TT^CT
neqTTRl ^ ;3'^ ' ^ "g^tciM 'iRi 'gWt I
133^ ^ Mfsohl "TR;
srgwrRr- wiai'm: mnrr^ ^pf I i
133: Tjzm ^ 'PTPI ^ Mpsf'+l 3^ *I»-M<=ti4 % 'ftTQ.
M^+a 3iit;< 'ityi I 3TcT MR^T^T ^-R ^TT Tnft
^pK <*' I Hi ^ "^^1 HPa^l oHctgK 'ft -dRm % I ^ft
geTTT ^ Mfsffi 3.Tf%T^ 3TI^aftq % I
+nrMd -^^PM t^?r ^i+fdd tr^it 1
'fldiT+d ^MiPdit ^gr Tr?T: wgd^i *r^r 1 ^ 1
Y?^t -^t TTff tR fHcil'l %' I gfq % -iR % faTPT 3RFr fSTPT
% "g^ (P3T) ^t 3TT^)T?T ^Itol-i RT Rf STT^TRT "RtcT ^ RtW Rl-g
tr -RicRn % 3RT% WR ■SFT (^i+iyi^gNtftgn^) ^fRmn
% I fR ISWfRT^i sfR ohlTcl grT t^Tf TaTPT RT TTf ^>1 <|R| 3fgT arrf^
% (TTf %> Rc^M Tt sFtfcT grT tR cl4--! Rl-^) -d <r( Rl-^ ^110 gw, ^ etx;4^
ym grT ('!lc-f|i| \^NT) %, ^fft frT yT Uf f^TRt Rg% "ft 'iRld TRT 'Rf
fit "FTE' RvfT vjiicii % I
yrgRRfprr f^rrg ffrR^T ^r^ttr
R«RF fg^T grrcT c|!jiir< Rrt fWsfhr^ft R cft^r: i I
yi-dld 31 Ml iff % Rf "ff "Ftfft gJR RRif ifft "RTE "CTf % S^RR ft%
% I "Rft 'RTE TIf ell-t % Riff -jfflfcmt Uf RiT R'l"! sffr off^ Riff TRRTR
3TriR RRff % I -qf- -JR %I RTRUT fan TRR TTf "Ft "RpTcT ftPS WH
R^ ^3 iSTT RR^ % I
RRgr f^RlTRt 'tz
ftPgffsPT f^rff ^fr?, ^fRRraiwrafcg i ^o i
^tRRr slk RRiff snft' fffcR fffffkPF R5t ffffts %r R? -pre:
R^T 3|iq^iicti^i % I ohcjcl M-Mig gRs. %> fRg i3RR)t TM-S. PTE'
Rft 3TTRgRRim STfRRT % | TRip ffff iRRR, RTf^R? afk 1RTRT 3nf^
^ fPRTRt Rff "g^T c^cRHi ■qfit Rfft t I
krang^t r^Md tPtfft %r: RT ftTRg5rPTRF%'- I
«krF^ g (^v) Rft Rff^rg gggtg RK wdtf^ i i
fR ffkr gw fftR "ffPFRt % rk fft RrTaT Ran r^r ff rrt rtt
('Iuhi ffE ^r) T^en %, R IW tmrR v* SFCR%
H ^Tf % I 'PT TjiR' R-3 ^T^T) ^ "TT ^ ^T ~i 4R
, u
Ft TTFfT % I ^tf l l-1l R ^s5 'gfe STF^T el'fl I) i
■^5 ft«nT^F f^raro FRT
FT: Rftnr FiFR "ntcT-^r i i
T«Ft % "T^ ^ % TIF tFF tF?n ^f ^ TTFF % ^r%Tt|
ofF ^TRt fF?n if Ft^F, FRt fFFT3i| Cg^f) FT 3RR (oRpiftF) cRTT 1
FtFFTCIT % I TF wrw+ sk FTfFT FF % FfF TJF (WfFR FTfF ^F f
FT FFF fF^) d<+ % g'eci^Tl (FFR FfF gF) ^ TJF (fsFF ) Ffft ^Tt ":
"?R FT fF^F FiFcT % I
^FFf tTT«r gcf -gF «|W|I^F^^tf -qt TT^F -pift: |
FTFFftf^ ^ T^IFFTFitFT^I I i
WT, TfFFFF 3ftT 11? "glF ^ %, Flft FFF fFTTt FFFT FWt I Mr
^FF; Ff^FPTF^HT #ft Fcffir F^ tFFF?T W FTt FF I
3Tfcr^ ^F FTcT^ft TF WT FTW I I I
FTTF tFfFT FTt FFFtlFFT ^ (Mpuidl'ld F^f FT TTFF % TTFF FF F^
F Ft^ FT 51 Pi % PcimF ^t) Pdidl %-'iuMI FRT FTH TTFF % F^ TIFF
TF?f 3TTfF FPt IT "F^ FTFT sftl FRF 3TTtF FRT FtFT % I frf^F FFF
FtFT % I
F7? TrfsjFT FPp - itdlfdRth +lpl FTFgFi
FF HgPt FTFT FT ^FF % I TTJT? FTF^ qiPt % TTFF ^t FTFt 3T-FT dgt
^Fv FlfPF FFT f^tlt ftfFF TFTT:
FFT^T -^feF: "tpf TF ftF fWFftfFT: I ^ I ^fcT I
FTT gFT 5let % I FFT *ft FF sftr il'i % M^Tti FtFR gidl Ft% % I
Ft^t¥ FTFFip - FftFT; F^t FT FfT^ ifF ^FFftt^FFFFp
^TFit %F F^PT ^FffxT «FTftr PffFH, M\9 I FfiT
fjgp -qf^T ^T^rrf^

^ % 1 ^ 34d«i< ^rw w ^J- 1^r?T ^

(tl^) ^ STJFTR tR TT? ^STTT ^ "feSct % I (3T«lf^^3^
Tj^tjj^ ij ■yMHdl "^Tcft % I) 3 til %> STJ^TR Rlf^T 3TTf^ ^>T Pi"? ) <=^<.-11

iTT^WfWTRWTKir "FIFcR «f^f HTd+lP;

"ff^TSSTT: 1TF4 I $6 I
Ulcjicrq <riPgciI ^f Icnai %_':TfcTq>T, (TTteT 3^ ij<ih) 3TTfe -H-^l
^RT aft^T ^VtiK ("HTTT^TT) 3lf^I "PTE ch<'1l WfWT I 3T?Tfc^ yrH^T TT^RRfcT
XR 1|UH| if qff SEtR <501 % oT? afp5f qft^ "Iff -EfHT^R ^
-fRft tWT Ef^r I ^TPra? Etf^n ft TTEft I
f¥ t ETft T^cfufH ^Ttft I
ESETT ft H ?iift«i E^T EFT^nr: EJEE; I I
fftp ftft ft i^*^ ft e>e ^5iih ^TfEq e^tt qiip ytiK fftrr
EIRE EiT Mad EPT^T "Eft ft 3tlftl ETT ^TPTcf % ?
• Eft? EEft d^H yPft^cF ftftftRE TEST cTER EZTT-fftft 3Trft eTft
ft EftT Pft+K ft cT^ET EfT EMft'l Eft TP EF^ER ft Ttftt ft REE %-
Eft E EftRE ftT^E ftEEfftrfft "JET EEE EftEftft I
Ef«R Eft EE^ft EtET fftEEftE ft EEEE 5IIEHH, I I
ftfE STTft "pTEneft ft ftrft ftt ETE eEEE PPFK ftt ETE EftT t |
EE EEEE ft fEEE ft Eft ETE% % I EEEE ePEE ETE ftER % Eft
EEETET EfET ftr E^ft ftfTT % I
EE: fE«Eft;E^ wt "q% f^lrETTT ftft E«W Tft: I
Tft ^pg: ETETsfE: fETTp"^' TEEtsft ftFTHEE E«ET: I V\ I
ftft Eft ft^ ft E^ EE EE EEtET ft ftTTT EPF ETET % I Eft
^ EfftETEE EW ftft Eft "PTE % I 3FE EE PTE Eft % I
EES' ^ ?l HI tftET: E«E ftE EE: EEE,
E^PE ftETTftE ft«EftEEt EE: I I
Eje ft 3TPTE 3RTE ftft ft ftftT ST 3TcTS 3TEE "fEfE anftft (EE
^ fftE fEETT ft EEPE) I 3fE: fEfE ftt EEET EfE E Eft ftEC ft ftt ETE
^ EE Eftt TETET ft ffts: TpF ftft ft EEPE ETTET EEEtft ftft I
^T^tEE lEftET: ^ET: "PJefT E EftETEft: I
EE: EEftrft" Eldhlfd'F ftE tftTEt E^T I Tf^ I
^ nfufd m
^wbtt ^TFt -gt «<+>cit % i am: "Tf&m ^T "grq^r - ' % iVlM, «ff
^ ftmr ^TRTT % 3 44+1 Rtdd ^T +4xIT "f I
«n^prapf-%HTtMk#^V (us)
fHctl % TPfFtftWRfPT I
+<H'ndi m ^ mt wrsft
tnufcc»4«fl *PTeEncr 4 YY I

% ft* fiPnw ^RT PHRK wd % d<Hi us t^nrj ^ "m

<1Wrll % I ®ft3r ^PeT % 3Tp4+c1H "m -MHdH ^ % RFRt ^TdT I
tpipt Whsfto-ir "zf^r -qfrn trm wf ww ^
4R»TSI% "rftor 1PFJT ^Tdt I Y^ I
-g^f % % t^4 ^r (g^ ftrepy %) srt it.+iT % 1g», -qf
tRR 'itmlM gl-i d? ^ft Mi'ia % Ten % fcm, ^omr afh; +t yuiiH
OHI^HI *<01 ^ I
WJR ftr«r% w TifiRf ^rfifT '+T^T
arfWhlt ■JE57 dPsft^ -p- I lf?r I Y^ I
w Pfs -ftrsim n-T<rq wi mi +i¥T fsu ii^'ifuici 4pm
=ftcRt tR qH 'ft "TTI I 3m-- imi "JJH BRT+T ®ft3f TR+R 3
mr -pre m +rfcr % i
fRTTT R^fcl IPTWT T*tT^ f^mFT
Wbftvr re f^-^r repi ^rg (s^s) fcirep i Y\J
"aFS % MpJIdlMd WR -p (us) r<HHId+ +T 3PtR P«4dc1:
gp % res re^n %■ rerpt I sm: pi resre % wr fp^m- (s<i?)
-fere) rerefem "gtre refws i
reft fe«fr: pfeq irrrenpi gnfer
^+i«irS('pH ( t^o) ^cre
p^rew (s<i?) finpft (^YH)
-%m repf (us) ftrrep i Y<i i
+4)!+ "rerer res ^f refe refe re rerret rerfre ^re (u^®) reen
%, 3jk (^) % gre m tsrer (^i) % rep re pt (us) rere
^r«T ^ TpFTtif
•^fwn^t ^ ^fran f<FT fillft? cfrsr^ | >i% |
^ tpH it STMT % -f^Rrn ^*sr ^ ^ crm Tf^TcT m? %
jff^f -^mA 'gj^t #31 3RR MIHI '1^1 % I
c^rqimnxr t^«ft #?#
^IM( dc^et H-oH*lo( (?^) cl^#»l 1II>H d^lr# I V I
■tn^FiTr^r# % "*14 %, sft ^ 3I-H y^K
^ srr^pr ^nf- IOT % 1 sra-. -sf^r TTWR 'SFFTF ^mr 1 ^ ■?#
d'U-d< Mid MHI % I
«l^ (^0) fertf f^T
3PTH #S- I
TfTTft" 'jgtfrF f#er ftrg ##:
W + ldlPg't#: ^.irelH, I I
(^IWI ^Ff % # ■dF?n % f# I^TXR tpcT -spr M<HHH (^o)
t#m ^fcT f#fT tlddl 3TT TfT % 1 MldlH ^Ml# % aF^TR %? RH7TT
•Mcni % 3FT'- #^1 "TR^TX S,KI <*><•11 I
W: ilTWRR y.^diic^ ifRF shAui HsPTT'jt^: I
dtd^d ^of ^|c(|^ift: s d^-df^TdU^ I ^ I
cj'll-rR TRcT # ^RH RR ^f ^Rg; ^f ITR % 1#% #3r tR^R RR% #
iFR; ^ F3fR R# # 3RR RT TR jj'll-d^. RR KRT V§Z UW tRRH dl#ll I
^RaiT RRC # dR<+>l Pdddl 3RR #RT R# #3T TRRTR itRT I
^Rft- (^) cnJTr«if«Rrr f## # ^FTT tuit^H^wi i
■q;^' HTRR ^rxfT fan i '-J 1 d #TrfRgT f^RTf^-iiftngr i ^ i
VHpdRl ^i -g^R Mar RrFr RRT %, f#?# # SFRRRT Mrf #
RpRrdd # I SR: IR RRTR TR ^ ^ # arTRRT RjfR

(tRT R«RR RTRR Mr s^f gfo 5. if RRT

"TRT %-ym:, ^[Rtir, RSRir , aRRIf, RTRR?) 3RR? -ft 3RT# RSRF cFF
^ t#T W (5.o) -zprg -gTRT aRTeTT 3RRij # R^RftFT #% # 5,
WR Rlt ij# # ntHUfd, ^Rft fRT ^1
^3> *&%: RdJR "^S^R RRT MR RT I <<* •
^Rl # arjRR Rft' RRTTit #t RRf RR "MR RtR SR# Mr M^f-S.
H TTRTH ^rrq -RTT^ stre; ^ f^r ^T?t arrr^r f^r
t T
i% rr i sm^r n aro ^RT #n i
(frrR-eUR<* % fEpr '% ept i\ Mrni ■£( ^rei % i -glrmm <*t
<i "t •Rm ^xrs ^cPT ^Flct t I T^P HFT TJ^ %)
■pT ^frB % arjRTR 'ft Mft ^T TPT TrPTT^ (^ ?^) + Tlf^
(?o ^crg) r<HI^ (^ ^rs) = ^ cW ftcT[ % I
^kTR (^S) rT^T 'ft tyl ^tng era? "ftcri % I
^11 ^ftpRT ft 'ft % ftp ^ Mft #ft I
ftre-uiftH sTMrftf %^iumHs.ths^; (*<* ft ^ift fcrrq)
% '5T?rft ^ ftR3R ^Tcl ft Itf ft ^ ft aftft^T TW -sft ftrfft R^fft
yHiui ft ftt ffts % i
wf RftcPT;- Tjorfl' yftpRt irnnT "ft "Rift i
anftft ?rns <leui *r ^oftrftft^ i ^ftr i ^ i
iffcm fRfft ft? ar^rn ft? yiRi« ft afnrmw 3TRnR 'fRR
"ftft aRT^t f^T yfclMdl ftrfft ft? RERTlf Rft ft TRHK 'ft ??m -ft JcTtT ^fft
(^ d'j-s) ft arng; anT,si aRtft ftwi'51ft ft ■hmih 6hi ■qiFeft 1 (aRrrarrRn
arrs) 1
wn ftrfWrwRftfET Tftprr-- (^) ^T:
Mm ftfft? cR^ft RR 'JMT ft"^--
RnRRlf^ (?) q^VMPdr^ tl::^5 l[^) ftftlftftcp
RRRR? TRftrft tftMm fftw^ ffttM I ^ I
■?I?f aflT ^507 ft wft, areftt a?N 'rnftt FT tfm Mftftt
ft m.H 1TR 5, d -S ft diH ? let I % 3TcT: FT Pet (ft'•ft ft? Rfftt ^ ft^ Tft ^
ft ^?K % fta: ftft %, ( Ffft ft ^?R ^5?T Mft Tft ftft)
iRR & Mftftt ft? <? WK ft? ft?r ftft t I RRfft ^ST FT WR 3T«f RRft
RT f^fTRS ft R?tf Tft ftft I
R«ft R^T fftftR (?V) ft^R Wt JR¥ RajRRTt-
WiR; f^T TRT ftWR, I
RiafttHMftRTtft -qw M«T H^^oi)t)|WFp m
TTt "jft RRWRT TRft TTft^Tf T|: I ^Vj I
yiftd aTTRPf sk^RftRRC^tlftTfcTfteFf ftTRft ft, RJcT-nnm
ft R^RSR R?t Mftftt (« "ft, ^ ftt) ft "^SFT RTT ft cRHT ft VS RR?
R?T 3RtR RF RTTcfT % I ftfftTR R^TT-cT ft "gft ueul "RT "R-S tlgul ftft ft?
R5RRT RRft "q;^? TTTRR ft? fftT. Rftft RfcT ft^T ft ft I fttfft? 1TTRRR
5rm "rt -^ifdM ■arr aFt ^Rta^r % i alrt ^
WfcTf^PTt apr aiMHH ^rr an I
3T«f TFf e||>i8ir< ^PrN: qR+lRfdH I
f^T "TTsTT Pdeil^l^ I \& I
fWrw aftr OTfe ?pq if f^pf "cpf -rTTf> ^pyiy,
gfH anft "SRI PiMci -q;^ f^TcT% ■pTard ^?cn ^ i
^FT ET^PTT 'jftR (\no|V*-<^) ^^TT^zm I

inmmf^TixTfw ^ ) i \% \
^ KSq ^ifn (^ol^HI^) -qziFT ^ aF?% t I FERn
^ atfr %- ■tlftufl, sT^n^rfj yn^fd
(TTTTT ^IC-'JHI, irnmid ark■ETTS^) i

ar^ MIIIIPH m^fl^i

ttWTTFTTf^TTf^ (^V,

F5^ ifmPT ^TFTcT: I ^o |

(^) ans^f t^.) 3T?mT (^) weft (ts) ^rer ( ^) ^mfw
(^V) ?. ^T ^Pd 3TFn (^I^VSR^) fr^f ZR dtd trsp
(^Ol^-afl^) fpn % I
UeMJIlPi P?^V<\IV?RS) WFTT (^^oo)

t?cr (^?)^bU|c(4it (^^) TfEir et^ ^ ftarteft^f: I ^ I

^vs 'tm R^HIY^R^J fer apft ^enarf (^^,^00)
% tr ^ (^SYI^I^S) ^<i ■# artdf^rcp -TSS^ ^rr 'tpfi ancTi % ^it
(^^) eT«n ?WT R^) ^ ^Nr airm % 1
Fft? ^ fcrRT«t: ytwrrf^or wf^ 'HI'I+K,
tof^S <fPT wnfr "TTpT fW^iHTTSTW: I ^ I
ye? ^ft ticii ^ aifwft -T^T^ "ft aiK»«q f^rel% -TSTWt aft dxniHi
^jft t, 1 "a? a^ra Tfwr ^t TRT aara If 1
eT^t cnhmFT tMsfeP^RT I *
3T^ qtaTtp afteft ats^: FTRp aiPd+l^^: I I
^naft aw (fanrtt a^f a^a aft aw a^t -Era ar^) aetara asra aft

"TcT (^M fft) SRcTT % I ^ TT ^T% ^R Rtrq

iWt I
■nt^TT: +r^+|: ^TT TJpJfin: "H? Ijfa fi?: |
t^T MPl + liai: FpfW: ^CT ift^TctT: I I
'Id 3^ ^1 'M MicrlI cfil STcTT STcTM ^o % TpTT <*>< H? fji Mpcl
■^TcTF % RFT qcCni-l =f)t "Tel sftr ( "Hl'M) STTf^
TTT T!4f4 TtTRT TTTT ^TfTftrcTTTft" I
f^TTITf^ TT^RT TKT TtTT^nTT: ,1 ^ \
^fxh % tHMM, "5-TT TT 31^ TtT <*>^1 <^l^ STfrP^cl MFSCI
RC T^t W\ 'TtT Tien R ^ % TIT T% 'R TTTT ^ TK STTTT % I
<+c{o4l TT^ TRfW PPTTt TcT Tt TTST: I ^ I
% SRJRK ?Tf?I (^<ioo if ^ TK (3lM^
TftT R'a T^f % ^VS xV = %o6 TRJ = X^) "^t I SIcT: TTfWTf
%l lot T^T TK TSZTRTTT % t I fT^m "T Rrf^T TT RtT TS^T TTT"
^of T¥t TtTCTT % I
T^T ftff WTt: |
^T W T>4.^I^K5TfW I ^ I
T^Rl t^rfT RT TTf?I T^P % 3RrT TTl V X ^ = ^5, T83T TK TT
^ -=- Y = ^ T^TT TT STTefTT TTT T^TT I 3Tcl'- S "Bft tW TtfTT
% aTJTTR TTT T^TT fw % (t 3m) Tl^t Tr% TfVT 3TH»T "ft TTcTT
% I
WTt Tfcl RrlHlI^ t^T^TTT ftrfcTftTTTT: I
WT: a*lM TT^T: "^frtHTaTf^tni^: | I
TTft TT TTS fT^ fTTTTt tItt % STpTT fT^ (Tit STT^ft TlTT TT
3TRBT fT^ %) TT TfT% % TTTT Tit Rj^T TsFTT TTcl Tl?% t I TPf
<r-M T TR TRcTT % I Tit fTTTRFl % fRIT fTT % oTTTT fTTTTT if TT?
Tit Tfel TlcTF % TFT TT TTH TTSt (T^S) STTfe Tit «*M"I RRT TTgT
M Riff I

q^T 1^T?T W W'sbir-d fRTT TrgT: I

H"4d^ qq ftsR^r «PM'II: I ^ i
aHM-ft tHshif-ci <t>iin HF qtqt Tifqrqt qrr (fq^r) 'tic-i % i
gsfrR tjofr IT q^q if ^qRt qnrq qf q^Tqq fq^T (H sei) qq
■frqr y*Hui 1®)-^ ^ <.eoi %, TTF qtqf q^rqf qq 1i+)CI % i
Pd+dl fcrg; ^Tb^q>l q I
^Ttiqi ^ q-si4) 'gfrF qtifq I vso |
qq: -fq^q qft fq + dl qrt (^) TfqqqC qff q[fTT5 3RR (^) q^ qlq
(^) q-s sftx qfq MRI qtn, sftr
q ICTT ef®qT <u^i<i: qqqp
TRT q^ra ^"ini qqqrqf^q q^rq: i V9^ i
(v) qqc aftr: Tlq qft qfTT qrj ST^T-TT qrq q=T qr qrqrjrm (^) fqfq
(^) qajra (^) qm sftr (v) qqq qpq qr qqq 3trtt % i (tcrfq ark
i wqi aqqi qrqT <ii-ii qft jiRi qq> yqiK % arfq: qrpq qqq fqqqei% q>t
fqfq qt % i
Tcw^ qqtsq^ ^fiwq qrqqr-
^ftqrfr qu^di qro: -^qq?^ q«r^t^qi: i vs^ i
■3^, qqfqr, qm qra % 3Tq% TTrqf k qqrqqr; qr^if qqqt

qqqqrwf qf^qfrf: q^fti- qi^q: 1

uPdM'^d qjqr FHcp qqpqqrqtsqq^er: 1 \s^ 1
qfrq aAr; q? anqr^qr qft qfcT tr tif qq-qr qpf % qfWjqqr,
qqfqr qft "nfq qrr qrf arw^eT qi^dicti % 1
fk^twrf, qrqtfq: qrcqt q knTorq:
Pci^q-qu^di q^qq^s^qgqrq# 1 \sv 1
qqpq qq it fq^rq % qrnqT qm qq qpf ifqqa^cT qrFT qiFi % 1
tqjq ark apq qq % qk if arq^ arsqrq k ftft di^'ii 1
uPddfH TT%: qrqr qqkq qirreq qrfqr: 1
^qr «H|: + r<rMtlI: WlPs, q-S,l SrP^ffWp knTT: (^Tfo^VSo) | \S^ |
TTFt qft "rrpTf-q qfq qft fqqkq tqqn % qqlfkr qra ^ qqpq qq afk
fq^q qq qq qqm qr Phcih fq^) qff qfq Ftcft % 1 qq? q^q if Ftkp
qqq (qqr) ^qrq^ (krqqr -sjq) % ar^qrc (^vo^o) % 1.
ifTir VTRf ^T'- I
Tani; tmr^ grrf^r m«if-i«u *•■ i ^ i
?m ^ Tmt vw rrm Tttet % 3^ % carf^ ^tt cistt ffer^jcf ^
% acil ^>T PhcH Im-<. 13 3Tfsi3> %) "31 ^iP-n ^tT % del
13 333^ 33 3^ % 3fa3 3)t cTOT) 31331 % I
mr WftT hi 3w' ^'1^33+ ht^ I
ncfNt uRw^iR Hrthr-. irfWw^ 1 vsvs 1
31 313 %3 33I3 ^ <ir*l4l "Sf T1% 31 33 3lk 31 STTfl 33 3^
313> ^vs 3RT ^icil % I 33T "5^3 3Trf3 irf?T3t 3 113 31 3fS3 3>t
3i3T ^vs 3m % i
■zRdrwr jfa ^IWKI-W wnrftsrai: i
M^HT 13 IcRsn 3T^ 3^3 I \36 I
13 313 % 3313 ifsr 3Trf3 31 331 STfWft 3TTf3 3^3 3T33t 3T33t
33f% % STPt ("^3 33f3f 31) 31 it iftn 3T 331 3Jt 3135
3tl3ct % I
itf^T 13^ 3W ■JPUT: 3ri3 1)3^:
3^ 33T HTTTasffc: sFTpl: 3T3-. I^TZt 3^ I V>% I
IE" t33 33 »lI-3 3T3 133311% 3i 1cT% »|p3 313 % 3713 3'lul =Ft
3n%3 -yn 33 333 1333 t33 (^,^,<11, ^^3,000) % 313 %%
% I HM"! 3%1 IITil 3TTt3 shlpfl 3T3 231331 I
(RrrW 33^1 W 3^3ti rom+i
fg,imiHi: •ixniPlI-^ SUT irR%S33tlI3)T: I do I
in irf%I 3313 3711 3% irf%T "% 331371 "513 37) ^J337rTf 133317%
% I y>33.(r1l ^oo "% 3T3 %% "% 3717 3117371)37 I 317131 l) 3733137
% I
HflEi: 3t^ WnS%3 if^TT (^oo)HT: 3»int^3:
Wf%3lf% IEIRIT: 31) 35) (^Rd) 3f% 1cf% I dU
^oo "% 373 %% 31 >3) 3)3 331 -d t) % ^11 371 ^00 "% 373 %%
31 37171 377f3 351) 1)31 I 337133 % 3733)31 3f(T IRd 317 37lfc; % I
3><!U||«: »4^i5ll<ll ^3, ^3% (^) 1: (?) ^3)337): (t^?)
wrapit (VH) (v^) 33T^3) ^PgTDfcP): I dR I
333753 STTI"? (?d^o f. 3371 1737713717^)33) % 3133137 3)37 I
IIMIVivlY^ 37713 31 I

acll«Hir< UPTg 1T«1% Hi?|+|: I

^rr yiw^i «rT WVT: I ^ i
-^iPtiMlcl cidlR 5. TTlTI TT 3TW?T ^T ( NtlMI) fT«n
^ TR' (^TTT) Rfi'HI ^llcll % I
TJTf fW^-Wm^TT^TT^Tc^Tf^ tJHNi <^1^+^ I
TTE^ ^ Icf^cr^r^ i TRT i i
-g^f "ftr^RT % 3T5^TK-3TW?T H'^cl a sFTf% WH, ^U°|U-5
snf? Pi^icii ^in % i 9i>iPci '"TTcT 'iRi fEf^wrPxT (<*i<h frarrPcT
■qx ism arqq cian "q^i: y'^iPti ■qr ^PTFH) % Trqq qrq^r ^qr ^r
«q>ai % I
«H«fruiiH'i^Fr irqi wrft qt:
dTlrMI?cftq iTITmf ^if^T Wt ^ "dld^: I C\ I
■qHf^, sm^Rq afk qq qqr 3^ fqqjz % qm qq q?t qqpq
HICI q> q^noq qh^ qfq qqt % i
T^qf wrtqTTf w^qRT^; qftr I
■flT7^ 'iPiaPld qsh drHSKciqK^d, I I
fqqft "iRi q^rq M'-'-sci %> qici< qft qqr? wf% ^ qq^Fn "qrfw^
f¥ q^fq qqr qfaq qfhRq ^q qqr % i
qqr^qcfr ^of qrt qqpq dd^Kd; i
sFrPq qrqfip ^fit qrqf tq^^rq qqnq; ^q: i w i
tinPi aqfq q?t qflrq qfq qhq% qq srsf % i qqqrq?t qfq
% i qq qnqn % srjqiT qqtfqf^q qsjqt qft qqpq qq q qq qr qqr
qfqq fq^q qq 1qofq qq% t i
tJiqi+fd,"HTftrar q^wnq qrwRr
qqqn: fqqrqpq: qr^^riw: w+IPfdi: i 6c i
tJiHi SkKi fqqneT nq ^4 q qfqq qrfqq <^4 4^ tiP?i srrfq 4 qr
4feT qt qqq Tiqr % qqr qt arqqm qn^Hi qrfqq i qq arqqtqr qfT
"'rfq qt ^ q5t qqq % i
qrwr qq q^rM rdrWi^i t^rrqRr
rrcqq^qcrm Iqlfqi Ptdn t^qr- i i
Tq% PiHila qfq rfqq qro fqqqq <^4 qr arqr q wi ski fqqrrPr
■^4 qn atq qrq %, qqqq qrqr qf^q qfq qmr arqqfqi % i

f¥ efPR gntnT I
rfr+M 4\>ll^ Mmiti I %0 I
3T^ 1ct>< tiW'lf-tl % tPT^f (ST^Tft^^Tf 5HH-lf ) ^1=1 c^ft tlH'H
Tf^ ^ TPTR -gnft, ^R! TPT^f % -SFt Tfl?! 37Tft ^BT ^
aqrm ^ spptm mRmiui sn^m i
tTPT ^PFT tishl*ri T^TtyT S)ellJ?lI:
UT^ st>Mttiulf<pHI stiH Kl: I I
Pi-eH'i *4. 3^ yghiPci % H^el tHinn' 3^ H<T)< fRPTptT
sh=t% ^ 3j<misi («R) ^nimr 3Rq«n ^mrnr i
«l<^T^TRRTPN' IT? oirtf'l:
m?cf4lcf*di TPT grrf^rsrwqtwq; i i
~m ^F?n afk ^ xf%q f^rr ^ t ctsn % TRT
^Ft 3TRiT?I if ^TgT ^TZ% % 9Mf-xl ^ftft % I SR: TT? ET?'
^SETT % "qi fq^gxT cT^ aqRR (^of VTcT ^rT tR) % ^
WfR q^cf t I T^RFT STR TR STtR RT SftRfR vft % I
wc# ^T irnf 1W f^ qr
^ Wfrnf^" ^rmt: i ^ i
aTTORT "fftR R q^RR "tRT f3r& qTT^tT ^rT R Rrt WT ^UcIT % 'Ttrtf
^TRF TTf^mf t I q«R 3^ RTR TTf?T ^ 3TR tiW>K I
■^T ^ qt ^TWTT TTftr W: I
l^rgmT (^i^o) RW^SPT qi«i'ii i v« i
tTRiR % <Hlc; Rq 3^T 'JRr qq 3ft TafR FTTr BTTft ^ TTfqi R ("*>4)
3jk trr) qqf% sfk fargerfrf qrr WRM wtnF i ^ ^if?T %
3RR XR ^TfR 3^7 fRgq frT ^ ^fNr TRffW (T:RR) ^7t ^"l^o'-ftft |
*ir^i wmrwr^^rfsE (^vso)
-qdl>l «>hdMI "TT ITfFlf ^Tf ^AfWl I I
sFrfR (^^i^o) qft ^ (^Q) iHt i ddiyi ttrtr qr
■ft Tr?f qq y^f+xn 3^7 qqr fqqjTcq qrRTT % 1
MtHIMshH 3^1 (^\so) cfr Rt^^TT f^RTRT (^V^) qcR
71 d (^00) eft -q-s^ drdl WT shlpq ylfqiAqct I ^ I
TRR R? STWTT ^fteqR:Traqft gsraqr q7q RHIR qft (7^0)
^ tl^n qJ7 fWn (w<:) TT qm STRRT (700) % tjor q^ (W)^
-frsFT cluing

tfprr i 9hir*n ^HI ei'H i

r3 shlf^fl «4» Pd * I: sb I (-fl ^*11 opf c(pjf^i^

r^M'iK m<^I wrftrrar^jf^: i ^vs i

grrPtT^TT ^>T ;ErR ^FiT% % shlPn ^dl I Bt^MI ^ shlPtl^l
gTj gfr Sf* tm ^T ci^Md ^1% "^TT ■fr'Tt ^n -f^T 3T?kRf ^tT ^T
O^H [ < j I si % I
gftlZ^TT 'JcTdTT (^0 HT
■JPn^T r^^l (^^<i) qw el^II: OTPtT IJtPT: I %6 I
fj+ii TT? ^Sf c^lid 'SsrT ^oo ^ "rpn TT RFT FieI
g?t TI? "Tf^I ^ TPn ^ ^TTrt ^
g7Tf=cT RlTT W "Trrft I
sblf-d sbHIc^fftcft- iA^TWTT pRftrpft' I I
SfRT TTf ^tT RT? 3tR =Ft cIVF 9hl W "gtdt % I
cT«n ^ ^r ^f^TT cTTTi 9hlpd iWt I
Ut <Tm^ ^ «Rcaf ^Pfcf "JIcT: I \oo |
RR^RT % Rcl ^ SRFT "TfcT RfaR PiSdl ^T ifTcft % % 3RT:
^"1% W 3TW?T ^5?^% % «rft R ^ % I
tfsnfr w ara wt^rp i
in^TIRRFv^eR ^Wl+f<p I \°\ I
rrsnlR s(?r C^g^) PW^M cran "g^t PR^RT %? rct ST^RR SRR
'i Pa sfk Rf^r ^tRt f^nsrt mhI % i 'sftt 'sm "rtrr
TT "RRt SRtft cRW ^TE ei'll I
iFTpTTSTT Pd^oi^Ricft ^KVIIHI f^pTHT R>T
t^Rrr ^cimi RT^TT ar rtrtr: I I
grrpR ^TT grr (pRg^ W^T) ReIRT "^r "yrn RR % RPT RT
fajpRRT 'ftRt I fR5RT (^<i) ^ Tpn RR 'gRRT Tf RTR R7 R7RRT
sl'H I RTRFR pRRiT^f I
RR-tfr RR iA^ RRRp fPR^A I ^
TjTf PR^I^-WI^VlR R^Rffft- f^T TTpJ RcT "7R% I %o^ |
tRR TTfR % RpR RTR (^ Rtrg) g^R grrfRt T?% R)C RTRTR Rn4R Rs
r<HI^ cian ^ WT t I
R gm -ETZT^ TR irm ^fpf% ^R R1% SR^ fmt % i
iji^st>i-di fSnpf# fs^t % f^rar^ i jfz i
■^R ^BFt Pra stil-rMI 'H^-S.l ^<Rl "RT^j I ^oV I
R*1l-i 3^ <lBi ^>t ^^*11 ^R% % faTT Tlf^ RTT RPT STTfTT
t I Fm^I-CI RJT ingRT RRTTT) ^ cTRT 3^=7 "HWf ^T 'ft f^t
307 TTf^f ^>T HM tft^TRTft %5 F-iy, 3-1^v S(K ^niFn ft >3llsch<. (TR 3ft7
gJTtftT ^ tft?n ft TW% TR) "7T RST ^fR RtE ^iftcl PH + lefft W ^ "PTRT
ft Rnft 'ftTTT i
IftSRft-fftftxmrarftafKft sFTtftrtftft^ ft^r i
t^sft^sRrft^ir wt wft<n i ffft i \o\ i
Rft fft^FcT % arjRR-sFTlftT ft "9R ftl^ft ft RHlft ft VW aFTfftl Ffftt
% I "?R aft? gnftcT !<<*' Iftrfii ft ?tft R? ^ft-si -Jimi % I aiei'i Rriii ft gift
R? 3TRR WRn % I -gft RTI -?R -gtft % ■aRRT a«+l Rr RHlft
Rii -r^t wftrr i
"eft W^N I \o\ I
ft> f^; ^R RTI M^leM* RIR Fl+lelft Rft fsrfft
^iieft % i ftt aft? ftftr <1^14f ft> 3?rt ft 3*1^1 aimi anr-rr *r?
PHohlH I
3TTftir I^Tft f^T ^T:
TTf^r ftsf -Rrra? arft Y«pfv i i<^> i
^ Rfft ft ^ ?Tfft =F1 ^R^TcTT "ERTft 7? ^ R R? R ?Tfft ft ^
Tlfft 77 tRTTcTT Nilft 7? ftcfrq Rffftt 7ft "7? TRTf
777 7? ?77^-^T TTJR •ft7 antft ?lP^I7l % efft? 7? 77^5 ffteftT t I
7!77l+fr< TTfft TPT fftTT: 77^ftsRT:
i?7i Tlfft ftf^^TTTRTT ^I'llST fctlft 7>T-- I \o6 I
aim "77^7 ?jft atnfft -?r?t ft> ^sr Tlfft am T^cil aid'i aidJi 7R
737 I Tfft 77 7,7> ?Tfft ft 7v7 ft ft fRft aftl aft? tidl aid'l Tftft I
ftftftltft "Jffteft: 71717 ft^TT" I
tftTTffteir "gftftrfft WTft 7.diP-eld|: I I
?rfft, aftr aft? tr^T 7ft aid'i aid'l 777 "TR « -s ft "yn 7R 7>di
?«n7 77 7RT ft 70 ft 7T7 777? ftft ft 3ft ft Tftfft % 37T "ft7 ft
xrf^cFT IVS

% I 3^ ^ '«:t«.ctu-S "& ^ull -stlH ^o ^ ^ll'l

^fs«T ^t TTf^T ^li-Sd % I 3t?T •+>« et'll I
^ 5)i4<ifVi jrrf«rrr Trsm i
fmFTf ?lir<+ ^»f T cr^l^dH, I W° I
gsr if tT^ Tlf?T tR TSJPT ^ -=H«U4"spt ^ 3^ 3TTt%r "feft^T
ipn ^o -£r ^IPT fTm ^ftct WR ^R ij ^frs%
-pTg- -^R itRT I
"ticllr4! TI«nf W? TTftr "?Rf "JrttT
it5Rf: fcfrT ^ dc(ir<+: i m i
gsr -qfz R Rrf^T % altR fScffa ^ "RtR RlfVt WR
if 3T?TTf? go)<4 <=)"« ^ "yn °Ftit I
R^kih -jcf im;^T?«r wft?3^
IfRm ^ ftTR^TT ofT W TTftT ^1^1
rrt ^o % vmr ^rr cTt^sr ^ rtIti Rft^r ^ vre fnv i swrn
RR <1^1 RR '5R ci=t)< 'gfR 3T?T RTT f^TcTRT ^R % R? fRRRcRt I
sftt^ snrr^nfr TvnniR f%% i w i
3Rr -FTRR ^ R^RTRR RcT (cRFT ^ "PTC" "g^ffgR RRT RSRR ^tfRR
^ 3RR) fH+ld^ Rff t^f«r RlTcft % I (sFTtRT '^tT Rft ^aRTT % RiRRI
T^r Pq^ci ^)T RFTR RPTNRRT Rr?T RITcTT % I "R? sfRf % ?ffR Rrf^T 3R^
R^cTT % ^«°h RTR cftR ^TlTT 3R^cTR) ^dcll % I
15f («) ^ rt) ^ (^) tgT (Y) RcT (^)
fTPR: (^) Wmf cT^TH ^fhRTm RRTcRRRp I I
^FTpR 3Tk tR^cT RtT % y«RT RRRm R«TR cfPT Rlf^T 3R^ R4RT
^f RRm: t.Rt% sftr "if Rfft % I cT«n RTTR^t
RRR RK (^o) 3RR CRF RTR fRT ^tcR % STRf^RTRRT: °iit%t\R
RRTt ^Tcfr % I
RRT RTRp RicTR: wf RFnf RP^ ^RT sFRTcp I \W I
TTftT 3Rt (^0) Rd -^T TTR % 7RRR R^T Pl+ld^ t I RfRT
3T^ % RcT SRTf R?t TTftr 3^ RRR R "yn RR "R RTR % I RRT R?t
Rf?T 3R^ % Mi en R Mfl-Sct % (Rf? RRRTRR RicT •Mcs T?T %) RT RHT^
% I

cT^r tts) W% T^TT ITt^

'ildMH V^f -^T ^TTFIT ^cT: I I
-Efrr ^srf?T vs" (^ x *h° "m ^frq nf^r ar^) it it Tsrerr
WT ^PTRR ^FeT R\ ^ (^ + ^ + V ^leT) itcH %, xp:
■^TcTi ci'mi % I <[c( %> tFT tr^fT "TT a wit 'it^rt Tlf^T (o i ^o j ^o°i
^V3o° gsit?! XR) H^TRR W "^T itm % I
^frF Titrra w (^oo) tnTr^criir<cbH,i
^PRTOf^rjntfsp ^pf tsn^ I I
B^TPxR x[eT "Ft TTf ^ft ^R+ "TftT it -ym ^ ^ xfcT i<p^T
7 x
(^oo) ^ SIT ! ^ct % I FeT ^Tt XT'tWH TTW ^f ~il-S rT % (^fc; <^4 ^[iT
x^- ^ it) 3T^«TT XTZT% % i -q? cpft qpr -qsi^q <+1^+ IT? itm 1

WfWftT TOITT cPRTTt Mft^dh I

■t^ntt ^ftRTftr ^cft (^oo) ^ntr 1 iw 1
TI? qft TTf?I STW^T -RPR TTf^I ^T ^T SPJ fH<+Mcl
% 1 sr^ ^t 146 q>t ctPi"*) 'iFa tyir qR Trf?T qft qrc-rr WIPMI
(?<ioo) it qm % 1
tr?FcTT <i^Mi air fciHi: (^?,^oo) wrftnqnritqdT:
Iti WsF TJifr qi^T qRdWdl: I \\% I
xpcT oFt ^rf qft <^cii (^^,^<k>) -^f % 1 qfi tt? Hi'fl it
I ^5Ft iti XR (^,^00) % TT^T cfi xrzri % I xf^T it? qq mRuiih
imT 3T«ifn T^q iti % -pTTf Tnrq qn^ T^q itm 1
f^ct 5 qrfifqrr qft-: (^o) -qi ftreR tirfn^
ddf+m (s^) i^ti: f^ifdirfw t^mrsn 1 ^o 1
frrqxT tiq qq MR"IIH ^CTCT- (qFTO 5,0 <XJ5 (qrit ) % I TfTft
\% firm qqr x^q? qrsaq fiq iRn % 1 u? qq fnqq Prr fqqqwt qft Mq
^it -sn "gqft % 1
fii 4^<qi: fiiwiiwir+.ird+i^t:
qpft FxRT qiTT: T5?T: I I
Tifqi qq ^'?q (it xiRi WRrqr xr 30%) cpq qTgcTicn % 1 ^qq
qqci ^f it ^4 qq xifVi atqr ^ qit ci'*i % 1 <> w4> qrq <(4 mIh q>cTT
-ft T?q=q arg qrt qxrg if aft^qq tnqq aqitnq qq mRuiih Pq+Mit
i 1 tp qitfiq* ffi i fifqi qq ^qq (ci'-i) Pi«i>icixt i 1
I I :Jam J&
f -.ilufe llntrk f^ty (tSife) Itefe Jife J41i ilk
i % uya
I>iji> Jbtkk Iffe (1) Ik^fe Jiak k b life (S) &HJ. 'k fe ik ^kkl^teiE
Rn>i>p lit jhityu fe kpie i^ik i ^ nate Biki£ uk 14411 (tEsh;)
fc^ki (kk) h»[PlJ (k^.) 1^11> ^ Ik hkk iiikti Hi I % Ikiifi b. (inin)
Bbe Plk kkE lik 14Jii ik t;l?h klk i>k Ikpi ^ k klk i% Ik^li
b Ikk lik lftjl> k^ ih. hik lik Ik^ll b 11 hlk % Ikjll fe
I I tohs. ^jkK IHI-iP iyjkk'k k^
I :bB^h««oEoh«» :^s^i£
I tdk lik tpti ij-tp i^e I ^ kib
a Ihk lik llijl> t ^ ik llb'Plh'k lik lloU £. llkbj
I jpinotj kfyrk lik lible Xfeiyhi jik. lik ik>»nU-ji<45 Jik % Ikk ^k
lfc]l> 'kyfi I £k iLk I'kUP lik Hl'kt-J I* Ih^kJIUS Uk kjl> ttekiK | ^k
Itk I'kbP lik Pl<kh| lbt>l.U>K> Ulite lik (o°l.) IfeJIl tyi (oo,3) 14111
b (oofe) I^jll ikh. Illy. i% ^I'kkJ HhhhB lik jklljll l<k P-kkJIMa
I I (ooxSUeixfelk^l) k 14 £k (?fexfe|oUJ;ll>o^)
IUPVP hJl-Phty. Ikfe^S.
Ikkl Ikkl kjlPlnjfr
, ,
- (7^) bjlk^kj (S^'Sl fell.fel't«\'i:ls\feVs\S i) HJIPTtP
I xbl I (x^lxxl.'^'l>Ul???'lVxe\l^^'vi?'^) ■ IPfJk
(oo^l^V'xilSii '1.VX) Ilk (o^l^UlS?^) Ih^PjKP
:iim. (XX?'U'?^ilX?X'?V??ii^VxV^)
(?fexfcl?6\14lUs\i) ikfek IkkidkbLbLby. klPrEjtll;jl> iki.
I % mi4 Ilk PIPP (yilB gTLp.l kkk life
h-hF- i^ ]gnl> khjbj ik kk pjl'k Ij. k^ klliaie :ia£ 1 % (Ikdklkll
tjo kk k£kj.) ik|fi kk pj1'-16 fk^lh 1k ^E. o0l> ^ kSkJ.) klkkte
I $.b\ I l^ky IfrEjlh IHhip ikjii IBJej. ifeJ^ iM
"Wlliiy IhSJikb. PJIh ^HkikiieSiSk
(I ^ (i^S. Ih lolik iPiik- a kk kEkj.) ikk kkia 2lkl4 ^
Phbj Hk»k 'kji> Sk 1 ikia 007I k ikji>l aik b'i ik kk kllik
1 ^ 1 tP'gjk lo^c^ioj iMkk tmimiy.
VfthJ SIP'k (oo?i) B. :1S. llikil kk k^

1,1> Wok kllkklik lik&lk kS6-

■ftrsRT r<5Df

fwfsr wi -^qr (% nf^r W ^r) "?ftq "patpjf

qfrq ^ %,■*,% Trftr ^rr ^ ipn
(^O^VO.O^VI^^^^^IHV.^O.OOVS) smrm i sFq ^ aroft sjvft
~$,R,*. ^rf^t ^ ^tt ( ^ ^ q* q^cr -ginT
qm rH4)lrf (K .^ool^.V^I^^'sS) ^ffjPTTT TTf?I qq a<qT^
% I
nwi^r^ tr wit: ?i^n -qp? q^RERT:
^5r m^U TT^flRt I w I
Trf^i arg. % ^ ^rfTr qrr arg, ^ Tifqi %> srgq ^ TTf?i anj N<di^
qr wiH^r ^ q fWtq xrf^i qn qsqrg fq^rtr i qqq <il\i q>T
wt ^rra % i
gm (^\) w+f<+. wn

^KTt^gt («^) W: (W5J

(^\SS) I W I
(t) ^V3H, (^) (5) (V) VK^%, (H) rn^ TI«n (^) ^V9S
TTf^n 4<qiii«ir ^ «i<4.ift
sK^iW TT% W: TJ- oJTSf ^?I % I t?o I
aFK ^ snfq ^ Trfqr qr gcrr arrfe s, ^tlTfi %> a^'-i arg (wr )
11 ^q (g^Mtrsr), strt (qfsrq ftifiTq') , ^?pi (qT«qP^3T w:
q>T ti<v,) qj't qft d<'+i) mk <t><'i iiRiql q^t wrq ci'idi
% i
Tar^r cnq unref qsfR«r: IRKNHH,
qmpf garr qipf nn: Tarar ^5 qrr: i w i
aiq^ Tqpr qr Trfqrqt qq -s^q arg, PH+M^ % 1^T% qafgq % arjRR
^et "E«nq ^ 1^1 qqq ctTq <in?iq| % qR fqqqcrci % i
3RTl^ fiRT^rqFSTT: V^ITft t^St^lT: I
•SciTl^ qq TTon^qr qgq ftqq Tf^nq: i i
Ti qr q?t qiq ^ ^PT q«m aftr arpqq qtq Trfqrqf %
ad-mgaff ^ qzT% % qqr fgcfrq a^E gqtq ^rfqrqf % qqqrgajf
q^T% % i
TTqfhlTg^qT qq Tqqft: q'Hjfll: qPTT?i; I
Tq^qi qi:^ Hcfa qt-HCIMi: f-R8T5rT: I I
9hl-rqif<; ^"1*1 n. t.o%

fc(M<id «Fti <s3T^T "Tf cl'*1 (MI^-^rf*<H ^.<.11 ^ ^nTH til

-fltfZf) 'Pief>iei'J %> TTT^TR "SFR T^TFT
3^qT5 ^Tf?I ^iT f-l^lcl^ % I
^lc(d^nT TifWFT WT: I
dlc|c||k1t|^ ^Tfrf fa +crMHI I I
j u
ci I MI "TT ST^TPT ST^FTIX H'i "^t Tlf^T -dc^^ ^cf) % dtnl
fPRi ^if^T ^f d«<t>l Ttrni Trf?T arfci ei"fi % i
fm +ici-' icfctc^ r^.- 1
Tmr^fitcTSTsFrtnT ^3qrf%T: I I
•ftR (TTf^I ^ snsn SRT) ^Shl"! (TTf?I 3T«lfcT ^O 3t?T ^T
<1^1 % dc^Hn ci<6 Pi<t>icii ^ih'h I Fciy, yfci
Tit?! "^n TrftT fa sfiFXT -^qr -^ft am: ^ Tif^r
^q TT 3Tf«Rr "g;^ 1
^eFRT "g^r- ipt ^ H 'Tt^ I
cR; ^fTRTt TiTT^Efr FdHWrdH TTpRT ^PT: I I
3)1^^ -^2: -^fer 3{<qHi>i fat i ttItt % ?«<+>!
grPRt srk qtnrf^T PH+I^ 1 MTnrm TH TTITT % "rft -ft "gon

(^o) f^f^TT eR«TT: ITRTW^yg^RT: I

W ^TcTT^T: ^fr^TT WdW<M<ViJI-- I ^\9 I
^o TT ^nn -CR *itTq srg Cqq wt arg) 3n% % i -gqf^T %
% •ET3T% t I 7R SfK fa Tlt^RTt % 3cRT ^FRl
Tft^rnR^fS dHH4 yFIT: Wf^T: (>o)
g^rr ar^g ""TTwr vi'imi TRT *nf^nTT: i ^6 i
-qRf (PdW^ SRTcft Tit?! "FT gnf RFT H ^o
^ TT^ Trf?T % ^7 RH R *m m Tfr TTI^T SRT strf^
n%7n i ITTR fm Trf^r wVqi ffafanr i TTt ttfr CTR STT^PTT I
FFFWT t^tc^PT ^dl^cird ^■:
CTR: iTftnghrftr ^IPT +dir<f»i: i i
^ «n wo i ) frq WR % w ^orq % RR ^FT
"ftr^RT ■

TTf^T 3t?T <+icr1lf< #1[T I

cfHIHI olIM'Hl: TJTZT: I V*o |

■Ml' H 37^ % ctilcrl T!
^7l ' T 3T^ % 'J,"!! ^5^ )
TTT^TT ^ 37^ TT ^TRT ^ q? ^fr 3^?! 3TTfc 37T%qT TO 77m |
U$Z Tfq' '6f BTOT fTTOT qR cTTR 37T%qT I |
^cTRT RTf^f W TOR ^rPRT ftrRl^T: I \
37qqT?T RTR^cT cITR % 37?T 37Tf5 3 wl Rlfqi % "3^7 HM % ;
"yiT q^R "^o qIJI % ^tti 37^ ql'll I
3T«ft5«ft dHMHI^I-. RTTTO^PT I
rihi^PI^CII^ RJ ft? q.idi«qwHl: i w i
TO^f RTTTO "q^f (:JTO qro %) % qR TORF crq? TTfqrqt qq i
TOq 37^ i Rrrqq qrt qftq arq qt qftt% i qm 37^ 1
■qqfeq %> MK qq 1? qqqt TOn IRRT RTTO to TOR qro ftit I
toth ctr qq ftrro
to? "dH^iifM TOrreqt f^RyVq^iqfq- 1
WftHl^fRd irraT: TTTO3%q; TOS tftftRf: I I
"Pk^i (tTOcr Ranq) Trftrqt % tor tot ft wt tor tot qq ■ft
RTTqq "fTOTT TOcTT % I fTOTT^ % H6<?1 Rfft TOTq qft ft RTOT %
(fft-ii<^ TOfq qqei) 3ft qft 33 qrrqr qr^ft % 1
TOTttf: ftRRT^ftr ^tE TTTTOR7 RTR:
sqg- TOT ftr^hTT ftRf^cTT: I ^VY I
qftftq qqqr (srg ft ) ft tttto Rfft fftq Rrfft ft "ft 377 xrfft qq
"fq^q RTOfrq 3TOTOT 373TO: ^ TO 37^ (Tlfft % ^[35 arot ft) TOlftft I
Trft ftrmftsftisq wrtiiuih TTRT fttro:
ftftqr RTO^n TOT? fftm^TO: ^of cTRft: I iv\ I
37qftq ft 377% TTfTOf % 333 TO 3c*r 337 ft TOTftft I ftq
ftt 37^ glm (1ft7T ft TTfft qq 333 3q^[ 3gt 3ft) 377ft ft "ytT

Trrft tai: Hiciiqiq fttfftq fihro "To:

qcWI^'Jdlftqr TOT o^^MlsId TOT^: I W I
■ 3T?ps TrftT (srg^ TTf?i) ^r?1! arg fr ■^m ^ ^ 3t?rrfc itBcT WTTT
^ ^o ^ -ETHT^PT I ai^fP TTf?I % ^rt ^rf?! -fif fp? ^<+< frprT
qszf cTT^T ^fPTT I 1=1 MOA TT^ % SPPT ^
TTF^f ^ WR: FTRTtTT q W#r T^fT
qflr qar^rcf: *iciwt;i ¥Rq qpRcT: i i
-pflj -qsq cl'-i g^'M I ^TPT ei'-i qr q>^l4i "ft "ns^ % I in^lel
^ (t^rr^ % qR f^Rm fprq ^r ^ qfaq %)
qfl ohici % «I<HI Tfq ^ «r*i qq
qtrq qm i&i q«r q^n^
q»5«IT qroir^ ^c^T Trrrq crfHq: (^o) I X*6 I
qpr ■& qpq ^ict q^pt' i fqqqqir smeft Trf^qf qq Iqgq
q^qqH qii'S'l i ST^S TTITT % ^ (fq^rq qq qfqr qq <rqq qR q^f
qt) q?t TilqT % qqqr^ tt qm %• ^o Tjon qSft i
frcTT d<rcfH inMsqf qTEq q ^ofqrq; |
f^eftq q^f ^rr qqwffr ^fsqq ttcRi; i x*% \
q^r ^i q^f ^q? qfqrqr qpg- qq qq^ arqqm q3T% q qsq rr
sq^m i
q^v q^ qrqqrqitcq ^ qtR
q^qpRTT qqqr% R<?I<N! qr^qqi^fq: i \\o \
^ qx qfeq qq R+m^ qqq qfq qq qqci qjqq Tfq %t gq^qi
qtR arqtrqqqrqtqfr^oit Tjon qq q^fr qf?i % qqqx -g ■& qm
^I i
qxpr e^q qprrt: xnqx qmRqqkfcr: i
q«q KR: -PTK, ftqng q: i ^ i
Rkq sm aqfq ^ qq -tfq ^ qqkk stk qfaq qq if qfk%
ir qcq qrrq qtnr i Rqi^ ^ qqq qjnz- qrqq ^fq k qsq ctr qRr i
it^ft Tq qrqRT^ ^piRT: qreqacrf qirq: i
«imihi: (?o) qrq ^R ^fcr q?q: WI^WJ gksfq% i
RtERR kR ^rfR (^o) ft^q JTcqq^qq^f: ■# i
erkskfsfqqr <J,H^-&r$ WIWIRMIM: q^zq; i ^ i
<i Ri qq fqqqq qqqrq^ IRqqqk qft qqtcft-srqqrqr qqji qfq
qqqr qft qqq -gq^) R qfq sftr qqk qtq qft qfq qff
^R5 % qqq if srqqm ■& "jpn qq (?o) ■& qnr tct % i w qfq, qq
^ Trf^i %
if 3RT «fT srf^ ^ TR ^dlJfJl I
SFRWr (WcfsF) cRtp "nfcT ■?!% % TfT TTf^T "3^1%
wt ^rf^T % ^wg % srk ^ apnrm % Tjon CR ^o % ^rrn
t i ^ ^Ff ts TTOT 3<^iy, ^Fr% ^fff % ^qrg % ^nr
^t%il 3Rq«n "RZlifir I
R«rr^ ttwito ^
^RT (^IVIV9l?o) (^.^.W)
¥r^ iR v[£t ^?r ft^cr: RJ: grmn;
^ 'tf^r cTR HHcl^ld: WltflK f^t T?§fi-
^nrf^PT^TcRPR er^rfiRPft: RWf^T: I ^ I
sm (R^RF) RfSR ^ rTRH iTftt tR TTt?T (ifR, ^T, ^TI
3^: tr^R ) ICT wr 3^ PR^H 3^?q Wrm ^i if TRR % i
3RT WRf if *ft iR a^k ^cTt cfTT TTPR 3^ pTRH 3<'MMH -RRR %
(f3% ^ ^ TlfVT =FiT 3^q -qpf ^THPT ^ % ^TRT 3<-m^, ^FT 3FcR
R^t^tcn) I
3RR (T^ra) ) ^ ^ a<,+) "Till el-f RT fl[ •WH|C( ( Ph^M, ti-HI,
R-T, Rf-T) TTf^FTf =FI r^^c, xr; fTSTT •t)-Hl 3^ RhT <lPi;i4l ^>T 3RT R^i-if
if KPR sk PKM"I 3^q RR fRR WfR I ^ ^ Tlt^T 3<i^HH
Ul^) ^Tf: (VRV) T«rf:
(^IVS) «M*I f5^-5f^r (HI^VS) RT^TT:
^crr^r (HI^) ^rNra- TT^TWT: (hr^)
*fl^ sKHWH ??rR; f^efH ^T: *&■■
1 t
3c<+icl %> RE ! if fRRR <.iPjl il ^T cTRRR HM <;"-S sk Met if sFR
if W WTR %-iR (VRV), (HIVS), ^ (SRV9)fR?
(HRv) (SR^) 3x% ^FR ^grri snf^^r % i SR-
^<iuic(^r^: (vrvs) ^rmRft (vi\\) ^ffqrs
T^Tf^T (SR^) ^fuiHIU!^: (1^1^) mr: m 5^"
(<\R^)'T«rfa^nWT: (HR^) WT^r: KR^) WW
H^r (HR^) T«ff- (SUH) ^<N|U|^: (VRH)
^aT» f^Tl^ *ft (VR) Tnnwr^: (^1^) r*^l< I I
.^•gir -qfSPPT 'shi-rHiU; qxtii,

(Hl^H) ^sf^TT (M^) (Sl^), (M^) ^ (M^)

t^psrc (vi?k) (^^) ^«n ^ ui^)I
ftrg tPRt ^T: ^fT«f: (YI^Y)
-mr$ (Hi^) ■?RT» ftrf^
(Hl^) #?T: WTWTtW^: (YIW)
t^FRT TJ^r (VI^) i^cTrf^ !iH^in;<^ WIHIdH^
URv TOKmiifl ^ cT^IT Mlefl^ Tn^TT I ^ I
-^STPT m Tifrnrt ^ri fm B^rrg t ^ f^i
(SI^) "f^^T ^ (SI^S) "ftT? (Viw) ^=^1 (Vl^) I STTft-
efJT -qwt fTPT "3c^ ^T Tl -#01 I ^TW TTPT ST^RRT %r feT^t t I ST^FTm
^eT% TTJ; f^spr trr^ *ft i
ipf offtrF 15^r fif^TT TTWI^T: ■mftrar
STFrfWcT «T^e||W^MR -pjcrra rdHMRTT: I
(^T5r ^of TRWT: 'TfWt IRTTT: )
qti: «<i^ TR%H cgrrf^r nrafeon
<1^131: ^cl" (VS?) TRT^^F^T: MMc|^ I ^\S |
STSTTH ^ "qFf ^ r?f^ ^ 3?k dTvia snft % sr^mr
^rr % i <ifVi4l ^ tw % i ■Rtot snf? ggr «ft "hh %
ST^^TR t t ( R? R5T Ww ^f ftRT W %) RfWE ^ f^1^
3^ shlPd^d 'CUCT "nfcT ^ VS^ •fert % ^Fft % fSTRTT t^Rft
^ t^Tt % SRTT "nf^T 'l l-1l ^fl sn iT^Rcft % I
tWar wr^tr w wiftr ttw 1^; (») ^ («)
^TTRT r^lMI: (^^) ^«rf (m) «l|U||H<fl
(^) S^TTT (^) ^RcTmftcfT (^)
dIM «(lul (^^) r^M^TT: (^^) =h<rmulic^
d^^'l.TPR HM+dh (vso^) 4iKU||a<|^|«||
TTRT (5) ^TT (^) RdilHI:, (??) Rl^R^d^
(V«) qifT (^\9) ^uifufclia (Vo) I \\£. |
f%rg^ sfrrPxi ^"iid <PPRP "nRr fcrmft'
% i ^rd^'i % tirwi ITSR
% 5FTf=a 'Rf^ar TFTRT (V9o^) -RtoT (^FcTT) "f? "Tqi % I ct,<u||«; (
STRiq "fif ^Tf^T gm <+IHH Trftl.S W^IVVsRVSIVo I «n I
RT^TT en RWIHI+f^JM ^FtcT WTT "rf^pT^T 15#;
f^FT (^>0)
WT *JMdrd (tSt^) ^T^fTT: I

(s^i -gfer: ^ -
M^'Hl FmJdi?ll 1cPPT WWeTT ^sbHIc^ Wf WT1 I ^ I
'^feTJ'T STTW % ^Tcra^t ST^^TR: ^'M-iJ>l %r TR^T
fgfsr T?T WR % i ^ferjn ^ -H^TT w&w % ar^fTR) ^f BRTOT
Vw RTR 4^4+< R^T^nt i ^TfeT 'Jf (^o) -yin (W^) %
rft <+>^11^ snRm i ^3% (^o) % ^R sTT^m snVn i
^ET^f fR K* R^Pt I
^ ITPR ^ cfr "5fcrf€f^ (^V) yu^X tT=fT: sFTnRfr
^5qgt?^T TtETin- fERJT «RUf«c| I
^TSifTS^Wg': ««l«4 ci<PM|: rvi^li
^foWP^TRRT IT^ EMgr- ^ TTfTP^ft"- I ^o |
(?FTf^ WRq M^lfH AKoqiPi )
MRRIK ETRR V§Z '^[4 ^Tftr cftR Tlf^T %> <5)"-s ^)t ^RfT,
5frTRtt ^c3T, 3TlRm ^tT 5PT <>4l«l4, ^T xj<«u^ 3^,
fW^^xT ^fTT T^RRI cfm ^cT^PcR 3Tg SffsRT (=4M+1) % ^RT % f^TTJt
Pei<-41 'i41 % i -stt <=!«« % 41^ %r 9hiPfl shiR 3I^MKI S.KI 3ii44 i
UIM-HlWd t^sF ^Rf f^RTC WfW mfW
"EnmrfW Erfr? ^rjrr ^zorsr^
ycfFmrfir 1^t^«r STR^ Rpft^r ^RT I
(T^r ^hxPTT^T RfSTST^r «P^ I ^ I
^l-H trfxTcI >t)4 ^TSTT C(4HM ^pq 3y<+i| Hid «FR UK
% ■fen? rji« w °pt "JT? H)<4 ^TI 3TT^?T fern «rr i <TIT ?r§r
■JR !?riy STR HK, VIRS, hici SiiR ^FK Hi< TT? 'ild "Ft PiHHid H><C1 %,

ark Piei % uiPih! % 3•ski<. % 1eRt yoqlxiH R>t rPk RFt % RTT
RlclMd mEft ^MHI«r Rft c1<H[ RRcTT ^ I
^rHiefl afdcl RRTct Jd tRJct I
«fr ^ TTftrfcrsf^ftrl
ftTSIRT Rifw JUlPfd did41^
RFtSWiPnr <cn<i|Pd TET^T: I
TH HHIK 3«1<HI % Pi<PHId Eldjiel if 3CH"1 41-M-S, 4I<HE 'SJET
^"iPlildR R«n RlelMlR % fERSRT if sFTPcT, Tfk
"SRC d^F-l "JXF W HHilifl EPTTH 'gSTT I

fern;^FTH <=hdHi«f ^«n-
ft wr ^rq^r M+4. ?I
F^!W^FW vRnf mrRf W
•^fxmwq qft i \ i
cfrqt % ?T«n jm+K % ftrq w ftqrr qrqq? y«+i^r ^r
c^ldl ^ ftrfTfT ft1!, 'WR Slk WTT qTF qin M<cr1 ^im if ?t I
ftq (ft^n) qq iHufn
y iMdI'f Hddl ehfll4)!
dl^fcfrd-lpq (^V) ftdlll<rlH
■q^r q^^cf q^r qq^r q^r ^qqf
Ut,<c1 "JMv I ^ •
ftq (fd^n) qq f-i'jf'H ^<-1 % ferq ftvfft terrr ^id qff Traq
tjHH tFRTcT q>^ T^T efft yft? qrc qq qt sfjei oqnrr^ qq qqr qq
^sfBr i qq% drfi, fs(-^ q^ ^ aiyci q>wf qq qq> <.<FI I
qraqrftftift m qqtfttft ttrv
q^q ft«rft jk ft^r qq qc^r
qq^ w qif wn% eft (^H) ^W
ftrft •pqf f^qtftq tfftft; i ^ i
j qif &\m qq qff qftftr qst qt mk fqqf qj^ft (qq wqr q>f
enqrf qqjeT qt) qftt fq^aft TR ftrq %qR qqT^3T % fqefi^ft
qqr qqr HHq>< spjei "gq (sqrar^) qq qqf-qqf qq qfftftt i
qr qqmqr qqr^qqftq
HrWI+ft nftft q^ qpf; I
f^q tftq; qq f^R ftqfrtt qfft^r
qrq; ftr^ qr^q w q>H qieq ^tqrq^ i v i
qftt qq qqfr qt fq^sft xr qq^ft qqr qq% ^fq qq ^fq
q^q qjf sn^fq qq qftr i q^q aq^ft % giq arh ^e^fqiq xr ^q
qt fq^sft q?t PHelft XR q^R qftpq^qi qfxft i qq^m wn ^taq^qft.
^qr (Xrirfq % qtqf fq^3Tt qJt^3T) XR Rxq ^rft I XiqR 3^t ftcfft etiqi
f^aff % ^q % qt% rxrt xf qqft qft RfcT qrq qftt % 3Rr q^T 'Sft
■feTI ^llcll % I
imrhrnv qft -qsmr^hrer ^^rrfWrt Rfsfftw: i
^ ^ ^TT ^ fttf^hr^rratm: i \ i
^PTtxR 1^rn #ft t5r?n ^f 1^% TT "T? ^r ^t vftfa ^
dTt< alk ^fsETT PM-^ Phci'II i %r^: PM-J k <hm ^Ni%
ank kp^ Fh^'ii i vTum, ^tr kr^n
^r-kf % tck? ^T Picti«; qft R^iiarf % wpat % =Pt cjr ^tPT I
iH^ini ykr -^kr TTt ^of ^
ci'lM 3Rt: ^kr (^) kRfWr FF^tR- <tT WRT:
^Nkmwrki ^
^ iriW W ^ft- i ^ I
^ ark sji'Hi ^<t ^ ^Tt ^cf Pi'tiici'i "k <♦>"? gicii % i
oPt «BT c|#l *=4ci«t>^ arR°FT kR»TcT% "^T t9l"HI fr^l^
t) ?kft % i ^nf ^ ^Hz -fTZT% tf^ ^rkr fr ^r c?^)
wkn % i gsr a^r sprtz % zni fkcrkr gick 'k^r apof % i
■gef kRFivA tkkr-
ifrnf TRT fkw ytasnr ^cf
«Fr^T 5^1 H^l (fcWdfTStf
r^TtFT a#lcl kK ^TPT cW ^RTT
TT^TT UIM^ctn) WPTcT s^rt TOT: | yj |
TTf^I % ZTf?% kr TTR afr? fwr WTH ^R f^i; I arPtTR fwi
•<.lp?l ■& P>ld*fl "TT^JT ^>T q 'I ^TZ TRkJT %, ■RZI^f I fTT "Jd ^Ft aj<n'I
CTO ^ i TFf^r zt Tpn ZR TTR TTkr k wn tpt i
"^ra % ^rz kR ZTR k fwr Rrfti zzkk i zrrk ■qzicr iro ?if^r
crif trzknt i kR zk zjt zt "yn ztt zItH k i trsr
SPZ k xikp zkft ZTIZ»I armi ZTF Trfk zn ^r •fkn i
t«r)K<rM: IPTZkr ZZT ^Jcf kz kZkfRt
fkrft ^zt TTT (^) ?z TT^ut w vzs-
cRZT fcTHT zf^- ZZ ftfiR"-
ihktrkz (V) r f^r zz fz, iz i
(SRZZ ZTcft TTfZTZt -z^ Rim "ZT <t>cii (V'fcll 3TTfZ ZZ zk •Jet)
"trtzzz TTfzi % w? k 1^rak zk Tifk zz Rzzft % zzkkt i kz
fkHT ZZIZR kF Z? ZrP zk Trfk %r k zr % zr z# I zr
k% R zzzit ? k "3°n i af(<+l % z T]^ k nz> ^t^ZR zih
■^sqr ^ ^ i anfcr itfir i
yly yarn % ■HHH RI arfV^F 'ft cit ^rf ^ % -rpn
, -zrrg ^0% I 5*HW>1 Hel % V 'j,"!! ? ^fl-S-t % yiH THPTI ^T yPT
XR y^fi arrfir H^CI ei'ii i
tf^ 1J^I artr fncitx Mil Wtm I §« y<t>K RRt 3ic(qq
cpr Rel fH+lcll ^I'RII I
arRpf^ +rd+i RR ^nr (\3^)-
RTfTf Vc^Rl "ZRW: *Hh <t>l4^
fP'Hylil TSTpT: Mild* Nfr^ HtHI-
^jcf rdHir< ^ r«(+rddi<^ni;%<T ^rf n i
Tfr u"iiefl R sTppfy PH+M^ % fprq (yrfem ^yffcTy ^ yRy
y>TeT "& Vio ^4 sr^ynr) 'yrr ^ ^cii ^>1 3<A yr 3TT5 ^
yy ar^xR ^ixn % 1 arcT- RTRyy <1 FVi yy R^ct RTRRPTt ^ PI^ICH 1
RTt%^r 1 (y? '^cT tRtR %, afk 314s aRjfe weft % 1 Pi<t>iei«ti<
yrry yRRT M^mi)
•^ryf ^rt ippr T?Rfr TJCT m^rMg
xT t ^Wl'lid ^PRTT ^l3>dmirH+|c||
STSfTT TTniT: +Pl Myfettft' fcTRT PctPdHI
^TTSr "RTTcp Pcl+Pcrld '{dMIH d^fey: I (^o) I f I
cfty yty aryyy grdt <iP^i4i yy ^ppr ^ tRpft ^f ^mr %, ^piyr
% yr^i+ aRHTR yft cfrit sryycff % TTTR arcTT aRm '3"ii°b<
^ aryy^t wy ^r!%^ yR % 1 yyyr ysm ^
sttrr ^ yrsr sTyyy t. t^ra^f ^y (yyy), fern (5.0 Rt yry), PciPdHi
(f^mi yy ^o yf ym) wr yy^ 11 ^yyy y?^ yft ytfy yi^d P<«*idc>
I 1 yr -^sfyfyfy tt -^y, y^n, Py+di y^y <il>i4f yy fy<»di yR
yyy Tj^T fyyyc# t 1 ReT ^o % yfy yy yRrr syly -gey ^tyr 1
ysW) yrrr yryy^rar y^^di yyft
^NfeTTcfT '^dMfl Hfll 'SJT?IW: Pt>ciit*ii:
f^yr yrrarryy t^sft ^i^HMi'i yt&
^yr ^Esryf d,d^d ypt yt^ff yrr ycyry; 1 u 1
yy Ry ayyR yyr yjyy ant yyi yy yjy yryycT afty yftyr gt'ii 1
^ % ypy yft ^yt yyr ayyR yrT yft yfyfR yrypj ?tyt 1 yf^
^ ayyyy tft ?t yryyy % yy ayi<+1 aiyil % tj\?. ym aRjyy
yrr%yT 1
fPTT PH+MH % ftrcr 3T^ TRk MH<+>-( tJFH % sni
«rm PHPTld WR if ■(.<=(<+< ^TK 1TEJT "CT HTtft ^l^'H I
■^ftW ^T iapm «M^IS% -
*?Rf P+nPf f^nr wj fcr^iVf^Tf^ i
f-fMdPd irat my44. UH'Idl^
"dy Pfci tjchqf i w i
SFFTf Si id cR) ^F)f do-ell I ^Tf hFtMU-S "m 'R13? d-SI ^7 d t|tt)| tslHIH
wf wtnr ^5f TTT 7<ro7 "SFn 7?=nt i ^ fq^ sRff
wm yft f^n if TT P^RRT ^7 qt^n, y^f % yr^ff '®m qft
"Riint i f7i% f%q. 7<iwi (ddri* %f ^Nrf ) qrr VW qm % spjr f%n
^n%qT i IM"® CTSIT T7T% qrq him qq ^ wn qq qn MR'-'MH WPTT I
Wm WTR^ ^ qof f^-. Tf^ET
dPiMi-^ ^r qqRqvcR: ttt q i .
qwcpqqjf f^rfir t^rg, qprt (^«) ?tq ^y+iyf
^ PyMi^ fti^jsr (^) -rpr Wqqifeprpr i « i
H6I PqTT tsiMI % qft if qr^T ^q TFT % qF f%q %-5\ ^ deM-H
%t 49iHI % i etPtvH qft TTTT t9iHIM qqr sm % HIH Tqfqft
^HH'if qF ^4 % %-5^ f%5 % Ftqq TFf qjeff I q4ff% <^4 fspq % %-Ss
% SiciiHi qrqvf Vi'ii qft 3i*qqq7 M^uf -igl % i d-i4 *ft 49ihi h*i41 % 1
STcf: ^4 %-5 qft 491 HI qft CTHI^ 1qqqcT% % Pciy. 49IHI ^f dHHH
sm qF% t 1 qqff% q«qf % -g^ qft ^4 °qmi^ qq (w)
■yrr % 1
T?if47: %tft- ^tfWq mvx w^qr ^snRqPtf: 1
^rfifpy im^^Rr qtq ^cf ^f qqf *$%■ 1 v* 1
%t *i7Hi Hoifi *ft qiFi qicTi % 1 qqi sflr q^t *^4
% I gqq4 sik qrffs q4 qq qtq sr ^qqq -gcT Tf qq>f FfFT % I
TTT %tft, gq qm qraf % nifciHo (7m%tq ) tqgq Ttm % 1
mq? q«ni; tnt "TT^T TiHHq-ggi 1
ftra^sfqqr qr ttt py^y-qoTdi Prm 1 \\ 1
qt qFTp^q ('iicn qq HH« qqT ^TT fqriqq %-T 'lid qq %-T FtFT
%, qF "ntq ttctf qft tttr ^tst %) ^ tT qfaq TSTqftqq? fT^7 qrar %
d4 gqfqr qq q>F% % I mi*-<41 % fq^q qq fqTTtR q>7% qr snqqqr Ih^h
Ftcn % 1 Ttrqq % aTsqfqr ^J-H HIHI qiFT % 1
ftrftR WR igrsFi ^
y^^^usciKpti cF^rtwRr irR®T^: i ^ i
3^ -peTrT % t
rf^cr ^«n % ^rrcn ^sn ^pr ^ ■

rd^dlPH ^PT sp I
giHi^N ^TTTPT, m^v *n^r: i ^ i
qe^f Pcl^c) (^') ^>t (RT? >311% ^ 3Tel<l^ ( ^T STfRra)
grT '9hHVI '?PfT ^llcll % I
qitt tprf viftem % i
TFrgermtsftr ct^h igf'M ^ ^lOidi: i \6 i
sfra' ^ cicti-sl ^T TTtcT ®R7^R d <HH 5Hl<t>l ^1 Icc^q, Shlf-n^TI
■cr? Pc<i4u-gH (^ajn) cT«n ^it "3^pf r<wiiiM i
W yyi^l «TT ^cp ^ ftsrcTT
^TRT^foT^arssr ^inK H«I Prsfhr^ i ^ i
■f^RfV Prr % "?i^ ^mPr -s^qr -qpr"gpr TT ^tr
°fit CK'+I ^ cit d tl tfTTT -dtPi fq^cf tSI4!! % ^Cf >5ft 3T-tR
■fRTT ^3^ STTTT *50 % I
TPT M"^d Tt TPTV TO" ^ c^TRIil+l | ^o |
"zrf^' SSI-HI % ^f^TT cK'+i 'gt Pq jq tSI-HI % fTT ^FT "%Tr
"3Tf fcRT d TSTR 3T!n gl'H I
TfcT T«": McriW^I HPdefH I I
^ ^ l^gcr % f^r -cm t ( \?m
^ ?mT %) 3FT: WfeH HEITF? R ^ ST^f tdPWd. % "f^RRT BtR
fftt % i wnr Mei ivi "Err strsftm % i
^FfRPr Tmr^em" cn^r WHuPd: i
3T^rRT t^T Tcqr ^TT I ^ I
W?T "ft "g^ ^FT far^af f^T %r Tnrq RCTRT ?tcn %% i
RRR P;'iqeii P>icl-ll clcii %, R? 3—RTTVT "gtcH % I -ini vi
R RcTTVT 3T8frm % «RH< cIRT dHdlVI ciMIVI ^ «Rld< WWf % I
W ftrsRT

gur ^ f^r ^puf i

tPfKtT^ FTSTT^ ^f^ft T^rr I ffcf i I
^ 3P|c7 "91^ cTm ■feqr (W^) TT STeTT ST^n "jopf ^
McT ^ TR 3^ 3T^TI fmi % I ^TFT
IR grr?! aftr sretrin •gtar % i R? "<HHI>I afp ar^rm
■?R eTTnt % <rf8rPiT '5t1cTT % (RRTt f^ET % ^rTC %) I
w5?ll^r U RT fPT ftngRT "tPTrt^
^RftrTT iJsfpT: W ftHl^i": I ?Y I
■ Mcri HT s.Kl ^Mptl ^jmi-
3RT 1lRSRt %> a^^RK 3R(% C^STRJ Efn -qcTRI ^ :
RTTJ 9hil-rt r-i^.c^ i^fR «iniai ^ I ^fy^frrFC\<ai 'R R^RP? % wnq
# ^51 Ol^IJ % I t I
%R tf^rar ftRii ^mrfnT ^ ^ ^>cp:
RrTT RSJTTf ^PT ft" ^f^TT: I ^ I
arm l^pRn (^Y^) ^ Tpn RR ^FR <JH<+>I Rrq RTCTT %
rn+lei I R? RsqR? ^4 qfr RsqTIF qJlfeTRT "^Fcrn?! % Rftl
EFPT) % I Rfe WRT STTF Cg^T) fRgR 1%R (f^r.RcT ERTRT ?t ^TR fEHT
RT "g^f ?t) -STRT 3RI TT % I
RP% ^W(|: <r^cll» sFlt^T ftnnW RT^T'-
ftftiR: rM M^TRT: RTsrfcTfWr i i
cT«n "RPR tfpR (fclgc)) 0\-ni 3rR qft % eft fRRcT ohlPn RTciT (3TajU*l)
ark RcTRT EBcTT ERt ^ % I RR "^4 RJt sPlktl % I EIR ^Rf fqgST
"STTT cFRT -i Tel t5TRT Rufii k Wt eft SRR RR RJlfkt RRTT iRRRct I
^4 Ui iS^I-rqiSST el 8,4
Rkfnr t^rr (^^^YY) WI,
dMaqiJy^ni4.M-. xmRnfRcRPSR?: I ^\3 I
"gk frr^RT % aRRR rthtrr (RPR^rmt^yRmkeiJ - qcwr fa^
WTT rH=R^ %r fcig aqsjm (^t RTqR %) Rft 3T^n RRT RRT^, TR^
^4f qft fqaqr (^Y^) % ^4 (^^^^YY) I 4 rhrfr ay+i q'igert
fqqrr^ 4t epapsqi kRFRhrt i (RTSTRR RRRT 4 RRT m WR^qr
"swRrf RRR -psr^r % «idi'«i+i;
R^TTIiT^r ReTRTTR fe;^ «He4 tRRfT^ I RC I
^4 cm) eTFf ^Plcn -f I 37q% ^T BR ^ft MciiVI
(fg^of s5PTT I) *f ^TEqP? ^ ^ 1OTqT (W?T) (ft
(tfrff?! 3fa W?!) °FT am ^It % I
ftn;ft^ sFTlttntrHrr ftpjor (^i) diP^di
V<HNd>H W 'JSTWCTT «r5: ^CH: I I
f^n ^ ^ wrt, sfh W5T ^Ft ^~U<+>< -g^f ^tt^r PH<»iot,'t i
-sffr ^tr ^ft fqw (w<i) TJOH qr?: wf grrpq ^ (^vso)
qjrf g^f qq gsr^qr Pl^lelM I g^rsqi qrr -qm ohdl i) PlcMci*) I
i)i^iyi= ttr^ smt chcwkl ^Ud^di
^didl mt^% i ^o i
q? gsrin (g^r wi WT) wt PK (mRr ^ Trf^i q) m q^c q^t
ynq qq g^f % i HsfN mi< (q^r arrfe ^ Triqi) t?% qr ^ TTf?i
^ ■EfHT^Pt, fcftq qi^ (len arrft $ ^rfqi) qr ^rcr 5,7Tf?i ^f ^it
q«n qg«f qj^ (qq^ sqf^ ^ qf?i if) "^r m m Trlqi -ft qerVr i
(ttfr sqqfg feTRrt fq^R qmrt:
qorPtr Fddl^fi ^ i^<
fq itrqFT Tfq if fqqrtcT qrq it arqW H't+K qq% ( q^q qq
arrfqfq^ itq o0 qqqiqrif^T qnr it aiFt t?% q^ arqqtq qiiifif) fqrqq
iq ir '?^H: g^f Ttfqr snf^ Hicjq ^fft i
t^ii+fdi^ WM-<1 w qrq tgrt vft
snTVSR Wr^P tqi-qtqidi: ftq<tq qiqiv I I
Tq ^ qqi q-qia if qqqq qt qqr qret 'ftqi qqq fqq^tq
qqqp ^ -^g^- gq qq «"w>k qqi q^ (qsq) Tfq sqirm I qq qq fqrqr
qq% qr q«q gg qq qpr f?sq (qqKi gs) itqi i

ftr^r%:-TqTsnqrf wq "gWq; ^i^^-dtn-qqi

^ •fdl'?IK^td«t: qreir i i fRt
tq^RT q-qmq qq^i qft ^rqr aftr wqr qqif ^hhi (g^f qft
^rfqr 3^: qmr it) - srqi wr qq sr^fqi sfk qsqi?? qqfctq? g^f qft
^Tpq q37 -Rrqi if it qt qte ^ I 3^ fqq ttRn if it (ft qzii i q?
g^f qq qsim q>ifcdq> qqfq itni i iqqft gqqqr sffr chfr^-jqi qqqf i
*i3»HMigcii,aq<t ^tqqf ftrsir qqqpqg i *
qjtf^jqqr i i
^ % 3fgcdirHq> qrq (^^) qft gsr (qqqi qft gsrw) it gqi qq
chili-j'Hi ^ tpt ^Ft 5ai-m cT®n % ymr
+1^1 % 'im TK hsw ^i mm qfnr ^nr , j
B-^u^dW AiW thl-r4l*TH.
fW^sftEarftR WRt ^r^^rr^RlT: I ^ I
•s-Hu-sci 1T^ tTfSIf sftr '3TR STT^JT^iYT •Jimi
% f^R^r d^g-"^) xk f^fcRi-^n % i ^TO^CT ^7 ^rft
Mldi^ ^TIRT) % f^sr cpT % gro % i g^rcrsH %
Cfg^gcT frT TR "^T^) 9FltRl "?t% 'R 35^ *TP1 ^ WcTT % I (77?
fRTfcT % g-^u^d tr cT^f ^ eTRTTf ^FT .j-MU-gci ?ffr ^r?% % I
^nrrf rft^^RT *7^
Bt^Tl-MU^d -^ff^ft ^sn TT? -JiftrspT | ^ |
q<fmi x *ir^i
s = g-^u-sd w i
Md^uf ■

-• TRmr dMi|)

^^tT i}(«wi^l g^fRR

TTteRft aRtT: ?(^c(Rt Wr<HI^: I }VS | I
grR -qfi gRfnir "ntcr ^r tr ^ ^ ~m RJA % rstts ^
"?tfr 3T^ wg ^FT -fmr % I '
3T«ra7 cryH|U|lT4l JlPildX^f ^FTT
■cR^IHI ^^PJT 5RT¥^t: I U I
STRRT 37RRT (RTC ^f -RqV ) ^HHU^d % "Jdl ^R d<^n
R TR Rszrrac RTI RTT ft+ddi % i
^ ftreR%-w?r ^ vtf^r R% I
sbiP-d^i WIHT i fRr i ^ i
-ldis(i gRT sfK ^Ft '5FtRT: cTRT qigci W I
sFTtWn ^Ft fR^Rct tJTRT RRf (TcT RR?) R TpfT ^tR ^ (^) % RPT
^ ^R -
STJIT RT«RTf^t IfR RW ^rmn WyiT
gmf f^T RVqtFUlfHi iTE -Flfd+h I Vo I
R«Rr? arot ?tcft % I ^FlfR ^ f^TRT % STJRR R? Rf^RT RT gtR
■gtcft % I (^fsfRT !FTfR RTF RpRR R? STJRR RSRTR RRT) R«RRn R7t TE
-f55j^rrf«r*TO ^
tjutt ^ S sim m ^Fruf ^riiui ¥nft % i
(tTenTfr ^ STRTR^ 'mm
fop gr ^rorf «Tf shlP-d^l 'jP'Idl I
crm 'mrm' ~z irmnrr ^viui mftr wm^ i vz i
sTtmi *ir-«i ^mr STCTT sneiM t^rmt ^ Tm frmi
3^ ^3: 'aiiii+ul % stem smm "yn cTi-il ^'is emrmi "fi *im ^
xr gm^r: Hmrnr sfrc gr^f grmn (w mmg?r) ilcft % 1
gdi^l TTPFtf "Ipft' A^KI TTtcT TrR:
gen^ Tfftsiff ■'Tim: ^rfcT: I V? I
mmr Tfg' AgiR ^ vrfgmt ^i m: STR ifiei ggr -5^ snfg ^
^rf^i if m gf^m "nter ^ Tien % 1
^<i+r«i f^cTE^mwtsfW
dxt'MK'CK ''nm i55r-" miWji fcid-' 1 -t? 1
■g^f "nteT si acfli smi gfg fgggcT 45i•41. ^ srfggr
?t gt ^ft gix SRR -gtm (g? r<Hi4 ^ 3^ gi^? % -gei
% gf^JT 'ff'TT ) I
-^-eU "ffPmr ^ ifter %r
3T?r OTnmt #T: I w 1
•3tk 'Aei <^4 <sA «t> I gxfrg smi fmmr^ 451 *41 % gm ^
gt fng^t gemx % <4ii4 gr g ! gim gm rw xr snjci gty Rci % -STK
gft a<4i s^'ii I gfStrg 'Aei sr gei m aqftr grnf qn 1«1 gg
sAifii gfg 'ftgr % sftr g? gr^ STK fg^n if -gtcn % 1 (g? ^«gf % sgff
"AtemS % ^rt Him % f^rg; 1ggH % 1
wm^H ^rgf g^r fW<T ^I^HT
HT^nf ^TcTT- "FJ: tTW^eRT ifxT I I
gfe gi^wHT mFPmer'ttm (graf gr^gr) g^gtgt WHT, ^Ni+uf
■^gr grieT (grm "ggg? "g^ gg f^ifgg % gmg gr ■& gg gfrg)
mft ^hhhu^^ ^ ^tci % 1 mm ^4 gft ggfg sm wg % mgra
^ gmxr gtgt %) 1
mm^sH ht g mr imt gtent
3T^TN%5gtr g mRf ggrmr^ gt^ 1 1 #

^[4 gft gm ggfg smg sr^m g (g«gt % ggrt grgrr^ g; mngf

^4 Hrm % fgig) sifggx gx: tJigr gmrnggr gf^m glgt
% I "^4 3TS3m -qi ^ TffSJT '(lei14 ^ Tl% tR
"0FIT WMHU^ci •& itcft % I
tlHHu^ci (^ T?fOT tFfT) gril^l 3T^f?I %
"3Fn yHHu-sci % ^fsEFn'-'q^ grfRr ST^TRT % srffeRJ i ^Fif^ aik
sryfwr st-rf '3TR)
"aspn tm MU^CH % ^TR-^4 ai^rf^r i
cTRTSIT Oi^ei^tiTEft ifNr *lP% ^rq^ tj^T
iPTtprgcT ^f: "PTT^f^T crT^TSTT* (^) distil I W I
tTT RO^ciN WZTT SfM pi^lcl^ % feFJ ^eWT *t eiMi^l
3rR ^nrfRt ^TT RT RFT %% % I STTSft ST^^TT R ^ TT TJTT RR (3T8it?I
R?! -SRI) - - -
tl<*ir-d ^TT ftf oTT eicpJIT "PfT
sr^nmr r<HKfii[ f^r ^nf: T^T i i
RxR sblPtl vrHl ^ RTT %cT % I 3T2IRT (<r(MMu-se{l-4 WTT *uf
Pt+lei^ % f^FU RcFTT ^ RHI^ CBRRT WMMU-Sd ^T ^1% R? "9^ %
RCTRT -fmr i )"^ "yn RR RRcfhr % ^rnr % i (RRT^
<+>I<H1H i5Fn -BPT sm fR^R tSTRT STTT ^ PRdHI RRT RT ^RFrr % R^RTnf
ST^r w sFTpR RRT^r il*it ^ fcIT
wrrscf ^ -pmpRrsnRTf (tvwir*) 41-eKi^ i *% i
ST^TR^t (ReT Rrof) if (RTFR) RRfRT R^t RRT % RRT RR Ret RT
(3TJRRRI) % RFT ^ tR ■RTRTJ^CT smtt % I RHHU^ci % Rif
TJef ^RRT iPRHI UT ?i^Reh R^tTRT
R't'iel tRRReFt RR fRRRT pHRjelcfl % I fTRRT RR Rt "ytt RR
(«HH«-sel) RtJ Rt RTR RR 'HHHuSe1 ^IRT fRR^etcft % I iRRRt
Rt "JRT RR RRt^T ( RtHHU-gd %) RTR RR RTRR^ct R^f itRT
% I
iTl< 3T8jr?I Rff RRT X _ Ret RT X (r-II^ rM
"3RTR RRfRT R>t RRT Rni-i RReftR RrnfRRTRn
Wilful x 4e1 «+>"?

^T?qT = =/ - WHHU^ci T&g

Wn = 5ZL-^UL^

^HHU^ ^if = B^UL33

flHHU4<H ?TgT
^ ftner^ ^ciih:
4<st>ir-n ^TTT (^\3o) I I
tfTH «j|qi4) oti^^i cf^ I St I
w<H*i -scn "?RF x ST^ff^T -^Mi r-
= =TTRH ^ra^ST WW
tRH 5FTP5I ^T W (^o)
M: ^of c«i^4\ wrr* MiW)t\
3T«fM^ ftrgtsxrsraiTt^n^ 1 s^ 1
W^PT Tf^" TT neci cRW WT (<^"1) Pi=Mel <*< ■tHfc!
(fTPPT) Pl^icni '5(1 tT^TcTF % I 37^ <*ilul Pl^lel'l %> aTTTSTT
arrfe % snt wt ^mn % i ( ^ ^TT Y t^pgarf
<*>ect % I ^rf ^ el-I ^PC V HA ^STRt % I
■q^f fWhTT (^d) cTR ^4IHI14Hlref+|
ikv ^nfprr *Tf^ t^T ^Iill^dIfrH<+>I I S? I ffcT I
„„ »™
"R^r amr = ^FTPeT W X 1^11

^r0! C(nil4l _
— 'RSR —snn x w

"q^fq,f^rfcra- 'iil^-fl
^Ftf^PTT ^r iffe^frEZTrT ^ fWlW I SV I
^ 'RSR (zenith) % f^rfcr3f % ^HN (R^PT ^tT) RT*
"q^ StTctT % cTR % fSiPa^i qrT Rt ei«4 Rt ^FPR ^ecl % I
^T TPTR 7R "^srfeTRi ^ TfR cTR> R>T ^PpR Rrf RR SRI q^) RR RRRT RI
fsalRar % tfR TPP RR aHciivi % i w aHdi^i Rft RRI RT Rtrm
RRfeRRT RTpR sjij RR HM eicll % I
RT forf^Rp rfR RT '3TRT RJW tfi^Pd RT RcfT *
tfNr r^ "terror r^ r trtrT r>Pr rtj i ss t
q^ % fRRThr fRRt ^f atq?! Rf^ Rfl RR RRR (q^f ^ RhwqR

^ % ^R) cpfa t5w % i (3m) 3T^r?i

% <HHH <^4 ^f) <sti< sFffR 6)-) m <i4 i '?TJRft aiqi e)4l I
T«mr "nt tn^ ^PT "PTT ddwo
^ WO'^f WRT I ^ I
■TRR <^4 crftpir 3cT e)cii % 'dt cfi)u| ^I'CJ, (^sf
^fsePT cT«n spRr^t %=ISR (^ta^r crf^rT ^sPn) "srfr
^r?% t I
^ yit^TPTf d^iHM^r^ii: i
*)UII<P4 msqcTT wi, i hvs I
^4 dTi< 3ci §)4 m Hcjlg p«n aPRR % =ii)uil ^rmr:
t^rR srk c(|i|oA| ^PJT ^TRT % i m ^tor mft^r
a?t ^RT afrt ttdRdi % mfR Tarn r-idiicii m TRRT % i
f^rr d'lUd) (^ BTSSTPT (?W).
f^TRT c(i[<cr( (\S^) ^ XRRT mf aiPddl^ I <\6 I
f^RRif %? 3n«T % aRRT mf mr m (^) % mf fr "yn
3m 35t (^) mf % 3n«r a^: mi m mf % atn ^ mp % i
cTSST dr*<«ft 3R mf fRI^IdlH,
3>rt (^) R rct^d^Mdlfedl I I
mr erfm RicT) 3?r mRft m?T mm % i 3$ mn ^dr ^3= snrRi
mt ^ aifa Nci-m ^ "yn <*><
<oi(s^i^ (\s^) t qrgm mf ufudisr ^rci
3^mf 4)'inv yf m^ticTl 353^ 1 ^o 1
3^r mrmmf mh vs^ % 4R TI nrn % 1 Trim mt mm m mamm
•tigct % 1 srymm mr crri mRft ^r mrmr mfgm tmmrii m mt
3331 % <jt) yi ti^ci % 1 H<-I mt srymrn m ^^ici % 1
gRvf: mW "RRfSiPlitm 'ltd4):
yfftreRt-af^Ri enf fcr^Rpyf ymr fVtrt^ 1 1
y^mWm^mRmTrfyi-ritm (^3f ^f^t, (yf fmsiR
%> arynr) fmRT orri % mriT mi mri mrmr mfyr f33>rm% %
yRI ( ^FturmyRT ) 3Rft % 1

Tmtm - m-ft =
(«V^ + WIT )

sTSi ticn Fe[ = s—
• + xtcmr
TJ?^ = V + ST^TOeT ^
of))": '?i^ = ST^FPeT + *^cn (M^tl <<=(l ^
■7TT7 7^. ^TT^T
pr ^ra%)
tclJfijull ft^Tf SLK;«fi ■?%
OTTT ^f ^ w?cf ^fr +id^- i fRr i i
WP WTIf = -iT— ^TI: x

=»t1uI 'SiFn ^Flf

ROf =

(^f ftr^Rf d^<U! -fPTTK)

■pNt Tiiwdl «ni Hlrcf+I
^lW («\30) eft t ^ |

altefq^p am wihi X PTP *1(^1-j^I •

^prftnsr (w^iiiHM'i: i
r=l^ ^T-' I I
wrlTcm ^ "pfpt "q^t g^mr (^^) % i (^0
ara ^ft ^qr = arqpHR qq TP? q^q ^TTXR (qq%
) pan 3R<I (STtRTf; it ) % I
<=bVn«t OT? Pit "PToR^ flieit^TTrT? Pit T^t I ^ I
Tfq- if T^r m pqt "nnt pannt if qqh< ^TPI (qi snqtRT
PtT) % «*ii*ii-n< 7?^t ^ PmCT qntE Prf PP PPTPI t^RTPT ptpl
% 3 cm pt smrrsf ^ PTFT qri PIT PPT^T qtctr % i
sFrfpqr qft: ptt PHf prsf ^cf ftrrr^ ^
qrpt.preTEq <I«+M OTBrr^^mpit^ i ^ i
n^-M^ % Me<?f <^4 ^ sprfqr ■smt, frqq, sm sTrf? fpq>ipicf ^ i
tpqr^ P> "nqq "T^cn pan piq TT Pt% ii xtprtr «n< ®m "PTPPPT^
^t Pipf cslof) ^fpT % |
STtftE PTTcRT ?^I4I ^TPTP: PPcf T^pit *
P^N-PP^IKt «dHI: PJjf?!-- qj^T: I ^ I
sm fpr^ 'sro ■arm sfh mm ispa tptr fa+id} M«f ■sfrnNt
'sncft % i "7? % "jpT a^t ^qf srri^ TrtR% ^TTq? CTR afk n?
f^rqi an % i-
^TcT ■aRn^,ait S^rshH^rr HmMrl
¥T ^ftr3R ^fWtT t^TT ^Tim RTpft: I ^ I
W -t^^ici % ar*H RTT r-i^ici^ % I -idctild yctt^ "m a<H<IS f^T
^>1 w *rm %, ^crm ^ tiI^T TERT wt TR ^rnr fara^t
■^fn Pif icici % i
fir^rr ^rreRr h<ri 4^
SRTT ^ sPT ^TT I w
3TR TTRT ■£} farssn afk ^<-V-II %IT <T«n RR ^ ^Prt
^BT SRR ami ?t?ft % (^scfr % ^rrflr Tjtari ^ ^rf % ) SRR ^
T<T J^H ^-tl ,fRT% TR TRTf aqr % I T^T ^T t&P 3fRT HR TE 3RR
% I
UPto RTfiRftcnrr
f^ARFT ^ winder HTsrsncrr: R mf-SR: i vso i
W aRR ^t ^rr f^r afr (srim mi ararf^f^aqr)
"FT -500 f^anr ?Pft % 1 TE ^ (^)
^ RRT w % "ynr ^ 1
ft «F5W ^i^w^srrf EP: ^frPRT^
ft^TT 01 'ifl^ ^ "j'^l 551 Ml ^pjf ^ "^ofoilt. I
ftsqr it mft ^ r: apjr (M^i^ij) -gpft % 1 ftaqr R ^ onl
wzt m ejil^d 1wrh tr fRR frcft % i w ipaqr % mw
%5RT sfk ^ fWcft 11
ftrePxT - 3T%f ^TW «THTft^n iTc^f TTftTTT
^IRT ct^^Pf «^l< I *9^ I
■SfRT TT RR ftobM^ -ftftr -^E URT BRt ftRI ) Tt
■Jon WE ^puf ^ RR TR ^raR % I fRRf ^r fRR RT
q4 Mril ofvf TRoPI Rlf Ploflcncl % I
■^Tf ^T ftE ^htTR: iarcTRFSTTftRTftRf: I ift I
ftj wnsrar^ -jftnT: ^rf: («) fr^ ^ 1
R? ) (rfD EtciT % 1 Eigr Rf ftaiR % -jon mz cTRaR
RR R 3T«RT EeT spnf ^ "jnTt RT if RR ^T R RR ift (TE
$Ri) "^TT WtcTI % I
W t^IT ^ ^ dHdi^l d^PHdl
WIt4I ^dlcshH^I FTT^ WFTT Hdl«c|: | vsV I
fTT ^fcT ^Pt t^TT TT ipn "5^1 TT ^TFT ^Hd-^l (SR^n)
?tcft % I iqZT% TR RcJ fnft % .1 3Tg
«(-1lct % I
ptur cTor iiiuiiw^HialHrti«ci:
TRt (^) ^ ^TT r=HI^ ^ IR^TI^T +Mlei4|: I \s^ I
srffsit ^ fr RPT Rc^rrr^t 'gRft % i 3Tq% % ^ ¥1%
TR RW ^TcT PdHI-al cl«n 3RRTf R13? f^HI^I ^Rft % I
U<?4^ RRcRT WWr
HdlwhH ^TT (RRRT I Vs^ I
RcT RcgRFSR ^V9 TT RiR TR aRRT fgrfR % I
31RRT (iR-STT + RR^RT) % RTf R
TRR -rHl^rd t^TTRR
iil'lliH ¥¥ R^TT^RRTT ^4dl«e|: | V9\9 I
¥¥ ar^RT (R=nT5RT) R5T R4 R2TRR 7m -spr '"JeT t I ^
f^SRT 3?t^ Si-rHI % Hl'l % STT^I % 'Jull RR STRRT ^ RTT % I
RRT HdliJ, 'g3R I
ddWH'j,"! Rd^ir^d> irg firspfrf^nr
?TRT^ sFTRTprrg RTRT t^RT RRT (^Voo) f^oRffS RR: I \3<i I
RcRR^iR RR ^ 3Tfti=t. TR f^fTT RH7RR (*i«ivrq|)
^ETR fRRHePt I TR^Pt 'f^IT RTR (HYoo RRR) ^ XR RcT Sf^
Si'll I
gR R WTRR ft^rr RJTt (<0foo) RTfRRR: I
RgT dlPddl: ■?RrTg sPHvrMI f^RRTfRRT I \3^ I
RcT 3Tg i^Voo 3Tg ^ STfRR) el'i XR RTT^ l^Yoo STg RZT9FR "ttR R>t
Pi'tneiM I d«*l ^il-S'l % RR RRPRXfTT Whft I
WlgtRRT^ "SP^RT-- ^TTRsFT^Pr (^^oo) fdT: I 6° I
RR 3RJ 3RI% 3WTR (RTRR tRR) 3T^ R gRT RR R1F 3Tg
(^^oo) RPT XR ^8Eq STTRI % I
fSTSFtT ^Mul

wrr* TITT ^rsrr imr: inpn^er ?fffr:

cr^nap TPTTTT TJPltTT dMH^Tcf+l I C\ I
snmrsn % PTPT ^PI PT^R-SR =FnfgxfN smr trm
«HHU-Sd % WR Tf5r fpPTR^ 'Msr WcH ^1 prof ^xlim
dMvrm % ijdT ^nr-
W s^ir-^-^Hl igsrST ^T
tR: TPrp^ tllrTSPTT TP^t: I CR I
JZ tsiHi (% a-ijici ^f CI«II^) % TFT ^ ^iif-a -RT "gtcft % I
^rr (f^Ri TT ^pn wrhIR Rt ^qr % *tFT RRT
Tfp -PFR •g^PRT fH^ld'l I ^ ^ft "f^FT cftp TTf?T ^ TTPR TfP t I
3TTPR TP fTFR Tf^ 1R5PRR % I (SFRRI ^T f^M-Od th^R
^ 1RPR ?rm t ) i
fiw^di (^i) ^ («) -^Pinn
WHHHu^d "Pmt ¥rs«R<r-. W^Rf^RT I C? I
t^Hn (^Y^) iR Tpn % tJFP TT RP
Rfsp RtRfj wrat % i iFRf^r 3R% fsjR RSErm ^n TT "jpn ^R-
W: ^>-i (RTiJRT Tfcf: W2" I 6^ I
sFTfR -RT (\"^Oo) % RFI IT Hiel TTFR <!=( ^TRT 51 dl
% I '?TTtf 3RT ^ cR? t^+'i TfR fT^TRcl % I
WPP psifr PROR ^ TPt: P^
P% '(Tlct Jfl JdT T PHrT PcN cTc^ I
fM MPcimrd PtR% I
p%: WTH fit ^Pt ST tPP^': I 6\ I
^ PRr TRcIT % I P? TRf TPTT TTTT TRT TTR PT eldi dgt % I &\mu
%> mRimT % Wit ^ 'ilcrlfTt^l ■H ^f TWf gi'fl I 3TW Tlft chici if TPRf WR%
% Icm u? sftr psatt «i) wpj d ji-i 1WFP onm % i
p^r ^fPr ^ wpit M^PT PRT ^rj-
if PW^T Tcnirr % afftr T^t TPfPr
^JPfsFTTR •qcriiP « Wjd M?l<^TtRT T^ttfRPT
PR; ^nTRTT I^TR PRT T ptt: TpffSTr PcrfpR: I 6^ I
TlfW f+d-O ttp TTT P»cl-0 WRfi % P? WR% % fcTT dKI^W
f^rr "n^n %) % arrsfn^i n fra afri "T^ (xj^q) %
tjszj eTR (V H cTX-T) PH+M ^5T TTR SPTTT?! ^ «'^+K ^E I "ffTTT
elH % PHX^T dciHItj, S^KI tMcfi STrfST f^t^Krl I ctillelt)
"frrT^ ^ ^ ^rnr -q^t PH+icI I j* ^nft (Tf^r Jtrk enn n
<in?i4) ^Ft T^I qdi ■stiH (<.lq qpt q<il) ^T x?tS%
t I
P^IKMPi+l tliVldl: l:5t^T
w^rrsr ^rr i^R^nr: ^PT BT -ppftiT:
f?®f xtezt <T Ml*4) dilel cimi stil*d8^ ^Ttii-dx.
^Rt: r<Hi^ Tftwr "pntw ^iratfW: i w i
xqhTOcT ^ ^rfg- ^FT f^TT^ ^ZTtt % I ^FeT TTcT ^Pfft ^ 3irfe
^txft I 4)'I^cH if Tf^ ^FTT fW4 X3te% TT ■& Tm qft w
Pi<t>cidl % i 5M y^K x-fsq qft ^'H Mil, ^4 ^Ir <.ifVi ^>t 'qzt sft^ <^*it
%^ ^ xiPi!141 -q^ft snft 4l^<+.x 3^ xf^r r<di^
-q3R 4r slk r+d4) rm % 1 ^r? *rigH 1
^mr^ wPr w* f^g ^frsFi d^^dicp
w4t r<<cid4i^cnh ^ci^idl ^^v 1^^) ^rf?r ^T--
% UM^d t?P3T rn'lRldl ^
-3(1$ ^ Mdl-^d: «^Rd|: ^4T'l WRir ftR": I 66 I
t53 Slk XT? ip XT=PT "& eF3 Pd+lel^ qlt f41%T 3n % I
3T^ ^ sm SPPritT % "ftrxr si^ltll -qpczflxR ^ri qx XTcT ^ 3«? ^X? qFX
3XT XTTq ^3 cTR- -pfR (^tx?) 'gt XWT % I "Tf Wt XSTRI % I ^
% TlrT^I (yMl'l Rt ^tf "XJX^ Mlcl) STfTR yXT—T .'ifiT TTTT 3l%^t
qq xn-d gl'ii 1
XFT^r? C(I«C«^ XT: WftcTR: T^z:
xTftxrp if WTT^t xrf^q^-doHHHli W sl^ I
to^oft yKLilcli^dH o|iJdM«ftI%H-<| (^\3) xpT
TTFTTTp Wl^d^: (^^o) y^dPM (^V)
o4imv. ^ qrpjr (^o) ^1^1
■f^TXT qsd? <14 %> <gd qx f^TT^ P-l^lell ^iicii % I RXT t<;il<£ %>
q<H< W "TTRXT (3tq?X qFt) ^Rt 3TTq?m (■MI'-MlxlX) Wtqi % I
3XT XTTT (PdHl«^ %> OHM %>) RR (<RXT RR) q»t XTTFT XTf?T 3TX<T cTR
Itcft % I *
^iciui (^^) xT 3ttxr qrx Rt XTTRTTTX C[XT qx snxn % 1 RXT xrqq

fa)<HI aH)c1 aOdcll % "T? f^nST ^T TfT % I

(^) ^m-^r vx ^ei, (^^) wfa«i-^T-^o (^)
<3M- ^O H<n
■^"nst (^) 5fa«f ^?fr (^Y) i^fT PrfTi^
^PTT^3Tf^C=^ (^) ^TfWnft (^Y)S«r
+4.i<H> T^ot (^V3) HeJ|«j\t|i): | (^,)
srt^RJT (?) W<c||«c|| (^\3)
a^r (^) s^isf t^ft (^) auf^T (^)
ftTfT ?1sC WT (^\9) WWHI (?vsvs)
T^t (?) ivurid^ (^) i %o i
*nsC ?W TTcT (^V3) ^cfcfr ^ Wf (?) STlWft ^
(?^V9) (^) ^ TTeT (^) ^Rl+I ^ TjeT (V)
trf^vft-fW (?vsv9) (\) H'ifaKi-^n ^ ^
K) sw: +Rm«Im (hs) srt^i (\s) t (^)
cfirddtiWl^T^ (<i) (?w) ^snt (?)
(Rhfatf^nr-. (?<iY) (?o) ^t-. (^;t) ^rw: "#n
(??) ^ ^-<crt (??\9)jr^R (?^) M^is w
(VS) W (ft (?^) ^TW T^TFrf^
(<tf) Ttlfa) ^IPT (??C) l?ereft (?V) I ?? I
(^) sTTscf-^n (v) (o) yncf^-^cn ^ Tjei U) 3<sq-^cn ?Y*
^IcT (?) SRcmr-gCTI (?iY) ^ (?o) -SRT: HeT (??)
yciWiicii-fl-^ff^fr ??\9 ^ (?^) ^ttti ^Kr'jnlr ^H ^ (?^)
(^) f^T-«I3 (?•*) ??i TTeT
(?h) ^fur (??) w wrf^r (?^) ^^rfWn
(?S?) ^ (?^) s'inT ^Tit ( ^) ^rotPr (?<:) Midlij^'iirH
(V9) ^ (??) W: tftfr (^^?) ^ (^o)
«e(«efl (CO ) ^7% (^?) 5fy«<|U)^cf| (^) ^dHMM
1H WufHHI dl^ldlH, I %?. I
(?H) Wmt-traR 'TcT (?^ r<=IVIRd|--R^; ?H? ^ (?^)
--q^R ^ RcT, (?«i) ^mr-^rnq RcT (??) ( 33?) ^ (^0)
Mclfald (RtR Co tlcT (3?) dTRHId-t^T Co RcT (3?) iTRHId- "Rfa ?H3
Md fR % nS<^-H <t>id % ST^^T? TPTR fa'nidl >511 tT^cfT % I
irf^rgnr ftntWl- ^ ^Txnr
dwnnt ^*¥<1 ^nif ^rf 3T3T t^«rf fa:
flrhxR f^rwW 'iP'ld r<'^l <+>ldlH^
^ <^1^1 WET^ litf^r Tftwr^ i <& i
% frnspcf f^RnrPT ^TgcT XR>R ^
ij5Ti ctiif*;, t)"? S.KI 3?%^) yohK ^>t ^T^-Ttsft ^T c»u|f=T fSFTT % ctTT XR^ftrR
^RT 3Rr^i r-1<l=h<"l % I •M? C(l<rl-1l 'Hl^ 'frf%(Ir'ftrS5RT
% mWI % fR TRST if f^RTR m Tt TT- ^f tcRST T?T

ftr^T^T^TKHf^ RT ^RPTt Vt 1^Nt ^TT

^fjF«T TTM 'hdir-d^ i^r^r

^TTT ^Vfxnfr f^ ^CTITT f¥ cf^t I V< I
3r=q TPerf ^HT if f^R fWif ^ RTI RSTR^ fWR % I 3fk f^T
RH^nait (Ttw f^rffT) ^Ft ipT 3TCRt STRSt "ft ^31t %, "?R TJ^TR % 3RRf7
fW# ^ W TT-^S if "Mm ^FTf fRTf % I if "Ttcl q«n qpTcT qq
<ps m FFf % TFq 3imi-fl if TTTfTT «<*cti %, sftr 'if^ici ayift; f-innf
qft dyMfri (wm) ^tnti 3Rt: ^qqf^r anf^ HH<=<<+>< trst qrr
+<?fcR aTdlHI ifq 31|c(^qch «H^I I
■qwrf^f +di<q «H(^+^
Bq^ITRf (^l^o) ■& ^ -gt (^oo) ^TeqX«i+d:
ftrs -qtoR^: TET^T ftrat frarftnTT
Wicldi ^Fwr foidiwd w i ^ i
^HTR srgm (nivd) 3T«rf^ fq^crd; Rqr •& (^ ^JR
qm MRrffq REZT^T if (^oo) Rforr rg$ ^TRTf qc ft«ra -fldi^d
(git) if q-^d % 3ftf: IPPf qrdt eTSFft ^ff % "fffq git^T-qRcf fq ?ft
"^'iHiq iRi qRttq gpf qfi i
sflcicn "jMicn ^cf fTfJff
?ft WZ "^R "ffffrT Sftf ftT^
ftr^rnr ^for ?qTf^T wth
RfusfHoii^^rHHd: TrftRf: wn?r.- i i
TH qqnr 3^1 <fi % fsr^qicT •fM^d if Tfqq aft "srt muhi
qqr ^?q if TPTtTT % ftrg qir len^ firecFti <;«l i if cfl-t q?Rt
gfTRcT % fq^R fff^cl RRTarf qqrm fRTTK f3Tf % I

Wrrf: MlT^Rl+l: ^mPT^TT

wmrf ■% ^Rrrf i
HI H^NHH»rd ^ft eftoFT RT^TTt^T
f^TRTTcTf RTR cf I \ I
UF0! % TTRF "FR, elH alk FRTfF F 3FRT FTR FlcIT % I
^r<=h dlf^, ^ FkrfoRi, ♦ifijcll+K cT«TT FTnf cTFlt FiT FcT % I UW^T
^di % erm Fkr t, f«it RrfFFt m fk^ro ^fcT
% i am: FFm % WT sm ^ TTF^T 3?k "q^J) fit FRFT
F^TRT mftRT foRnT fkF^I>ll
tk?FT (^) RFFT ^r<d<l HWHTEftoipr
FFTT^fktft- rVlf^dHl-FddPd^Ft
f^FTt (^) cTFT FfF ^Ml-^ I ^ I
MpulHI-d ^ TTf FT F^T %3 FIT "TTTFF FF FTT % TTf FT F^T k
Fit "TTWTTFFT TF^ft % I 3TFfF. MpufMl-d F^T FIT TTf FT %I5 % « 3^1 Tf

"q^f HftFfcT (^) cTFTFT WRT ^3%

trmt HdliP-dd. eTW^ fVlRddN "JPT^
. tTTFFv TjdFcF Tpifa (?) "Jift F I
F^TfR +ird+ ^Fl+t ftFI Wt | ^ |
FR F-<m k FR (TTg FT %g) FIT 3RTT 3t?T F FR FT% FT WT
Fit TTRTFdT TFcft % I
(F«Ft %RC %) 3TFRT PdFlcdcl % I FF 3RRT FIRT % F^RT F^
■gF: tg><i FFT FIT TTTFF FPTct % I
dr+M fkfiW FptT FI^FI
WRr ftpt F f^r F iPFti;
^ WT

■JT: ^TTeT -^T (^W) cTR fH + leta % I ^WT HcT^T

grr ?jz,o w "?5^ '^5, (cr^rf^T -Bpra ^P ) WTScT t, ^ ^5 3^
Her -q^ -ft^nart "gt, ^ f^FT f^qn ^r qr ^r?T% t i $«<+! mRrt^t
sfr ^ ^ ^nr ^ ^ wr y^NHi Twq't t i
drHlPj qiRTTftf qRd^l-d^
(^l^o)5f^¥ Tt^PT Rr:"?R^"

¥ "^n^l^rmr ^IRK>UI qw («) tft:^ i s i

($rn 14 5"! <H«Hq:) qTHt mm ^Tfct ("Tl^ITK gn -TRT) 1T\<
(^ ^o*) arqi % apq -^r -q^ wr ?t f^cn % i ^rf^ ^TT
^mr % i ^ ^fs. TT -qnT (Tr| "qr %g) ^ sfr ^PT garm V9 at?T
'H' qiq Wf ^ 'ft "145^1 '5t PiapdT % I
wfnT !eiift+^d
^ *TT TTPTfft sTHTPT «IR ^T^:
"¥ cl'-q HI q Rl" tcT^ qcni mnitl
*iiwwtir« q^r wz-- i 5. i
3Fq fPT^Ftn % t^FT t^lfsf "ft ^TT TFT ft STTRT ftr feTQ, eFTT
ftM>K, Tfft aftr aFT TTfft TTSTT smRr tttftet><ull ^ sftr WTT
^FT MRHI"!, ^PT TTra qfftTFT, IPZTfft, STTlTr apicT, qiwd "T^s:
eTFFT, TJS ^TRf, fdMclcH sftr MRHT°I gnt^^ Tpoftr 13TT % I "T? Tqqftft
^rft % qiROT fsrar^T eftn TcTcT PRff I
TT^T TTsft Wdfftfd UVdlslMPft
■ftrt THR Tnt f^FRT^TR;
-^ftyfftftrsRTqTT: ysrft^ q_4
^Rlt fWt ^pftq | V9 I
3RRT aftr y,uif^ TTFT RfftcT ^TT TFFT sftr ftft ^ftft
(xrft ftr ^RDT q-j!,Hl ft ftrqrcT "RT qrcT ftp+K ■^ftir) ^ TTf?T "ft -qft
tTf?T ^T 3RR (3RRT ft) TTSTT fpTq ft Tqft Tjf^T ft S, TTfTT 414+T.
SFR PH+I^'ft I SFtTT TTfft 3FT 3TT1TC qf) qPT (\l^o fq+cil) qHI<P< TTTft
^ aftr -qft -^ft TTfft ^T 3RR (^en ft) ft 1R ftft) WT qcT (PclHil)
3Tir«; 5)111 I
ftFRRT STR^T fftjTT: TR qft+ld: *
'Wlr+lRrl<P|cfr M<d^-d Tfft» TJ^R: I
wrwrm rdpefcfl *r^rf
^nfPf tnSn-. i <i i
^ snlt TT=R ^T ^ -g^f ^ ^nr wt% m wf^r Tnrq ^f ^t%n
■crm 5. TTf?T TT STf^aFT #T Miliji| | ^ Ttcrf^T (^li-d ^T
wf^r) TTtra itm i ttt tt^pt 3^: ^fs. zfiti Tfar Tg^r t^n
^l^ill TTm f«RT TTT% STgTTR Tfd" Tipz ^mr 1 TJ?
^R% tr ^ ^ arfr dft ^cn (gpuhi Tf ^ TTf^t ^4^0
TTRFT It ^TRT TT^T Mdf-d Pddict'll I ITT% -ft WT %T 3F*T
"grfpT ^trffiT Wt d<dltR»d
TTiRTCT t^rart tf^if tFf FIT^I
d^Kdl-^K gdl-dt % ■g^tflft-
VfWd, ^ TKHgct Pef+dl WdWh I \ I
'gt TRrq -g^ ^rr H^et, TRTTICT TT«TT ^TR^R Tier TfNt RT
RT =tv i 'Bt^' TT RtC % BRRRR 3^T gRTRR TieT % RfT % 'g^ RfTT TieT
Rit Pd+ell ^t RftSit I
;fldf^= w rtcTT -jPncrr t^rarr
(vs^^oo) fcffenrr
ewra' TR: gnR^ wtrtht: I \o I
ITT RTTTieT Rit R-stHI % TieT RieTT Tt gRT Ri^ I gf&fRT Ri
elfsR PH+leilt I IR fRRieTT RieT Rit "gRR TfR sftr RRTRI % RfcT 3TRR
<;«JIlP<; % tt? RTet: TTRR^f ^ftF-
3? gOPdd RTeT PdddufdlRI^I
ggfstnft-- RH+efi+Pd RB; gerf i tt i
er1%R <;u-s 3TTfl R^T Rit TTR h4 RiTcT gt-t RT 4^ RTTeT %
3Tk R5R ?t^ RT (RRWeT, "3RRTRTT Sik 'iPdMiel Tfkff RTR 11% RT) R#
RiTei % i3ft%%) ITTk fR^ TTR R^ RiTeT BtRT I TTRRcf+lei 3%T fRi TTR
R^RiTeT %T 3TRTT k ^4 3^T R^SRT R% RfcT PlfleT RiT ^R^TTR Rk RiTeT
RR TfR 3^T RRI t^Jxi it'll I
r^mPd (^^.ooo) ^HlRdl4) folHMRl
■rtt^T ctNiHcM^vjiJii er«rat ^Rr: I
■^T^ior^j^rrrdt TT?
TRFT wwnt Hd)?Md 1^1
3T«r^ ^ 3S> (H^l^q) -^TI 3T«f PH^MU! WT if fsF^r '3FT
sqrff (^,000) -JTTSR % 1 % snsn^: TR it% ^sr sfk tpiptt
^ SFT Tr?t P^HM, "wf trftf^T cT«n icrg11! if 3:
^ ©i^i
snft ^T MR«ir«T -^pg: ^ fWcTT I I
PdoiM^ Pd^wiftw (^) tmr: w^dl
ftr^lP^ o^l^: ^cT «hcl (WY) PHd
^si yr^Ril^r (^00) TT W ¥lof^«rfn5Psr (v\) crat
efcft s^rft^r w^rsi xm ^2T *THt i « i
^ 3qm = —li = vw % arf^i 'zfrsnr

TTs^r oqro = _1:— = ^Soo qf^R

^ft B^ffT ^5.00 -JTrsTT ywfn vHifPciPy^f % «ff trrrT % 1

3W if oil I •HI ^FT 31!<+l?l if +<HlrH+ "RT^ I
'J TTe'TRp TcKeTT XT? ^ <fui [<91 TFffiJ-
1=? PiPlM^f (^,o<it^V) %5Rt tfe^:
sfftdi# w. p^TRT m W%HI tqtsnfr (tc .vso^)
4l«»HM wit: xw qt^T^n 1 v* 1
%r^ qft ^(t.(\9^ o^,^v) qpsR cg^-qM),
cT«IT -qaqt %F5: TT %F5: qft TR&m ^ (^,\9o^) qt5FT (q^C
% I THXt q^r TTE qtfWTcTT "EFfKH % I
qi'M-qu^d ^vHHlPq (^,000) TJOT (^*3) qThlPdif
f^TpTTO WT Wt^T qfq^ifeq- ^llWlPf q: I
(^) wrqrftfq (^) tpsrPT WW?T-
^IT¥ -FrrfWcIT (^1^0) qcfl^r wft OTqT I \\ I

■g^f ^TT qszf ^prffq fspq = V9

^'000 = ^cTT arrftr

qqm qrr qeqq ^Mhr fqR =—^fUL— = ct>cil

/a . *¥
qff tticii qft cR? q tsi-Mi qft fspq qrcTi *ft Pi^ci'lli (^i<iH)
^ -yn ^j;) 1% ^ % -fprq ^^<+1 IWci ^ ftcft |
%i !
H-<; ^ifi l+itrl ■>
^TsF ^<5) M <, %!* I
Rsm qcrRr if^rr w
f^jRTT ^W+l (^S\9^) I ^ I
(■^f ''TT ) M-<; ^5! snR ^ ITf^T ^T T5% W. 'Sf •
F? ^iFi'+id ^Jtrr i w snR ^ TTRT ^ ^ w: -ERi^pt i WT ^
Rs^t Tpn (^\9^) ir er-
"^pt ft^rr Rw^+i
^tcT W +dlrH«h:
M-<+uf tt '^n- Rr%-
ifEETcffS^T IT "TRT I ^Vs |
^ % rWT % -arif ^ ■qm i -CRCT RTHTI^ Tf^" srk
H-<; '?tTtT I ttt 1^TRT % ■qR MjICI arrR Tr^f ^RT H-<; piq>i(Mi
wr ^ ■?? ^Si % ^ wf ^rt ifr'ft i
W "!Tp5RT g^fft5T ^RT ftTcf ^TT q^T^T:
^TR ^uf^d f^T tcTftRT "PTE R[fTTT: MR^iP I V I
<t)Q1ICH«ti fjd tRr ET11? ^T "PR 'qpjpT ct,uf % Tpn fq-jqi % TFT
%% TT cT? ql^-iicqqj PJTZ Tf^grof gi'ii I PEzpT qicni "PR 41^1-1
% "jpn EiT Tgrj ■qt^R % qFT ^T tR ^Jid t^Fof qxni el'fl I
Ri^i-d ^Pds^k ^firarp wt^TT
TRT Hw^l RTprr tWhTT (^vs^) RRRpT:
(^.v ^di^iiwi "Rmr ^PdfVd'M "?% RNr^ i « i
(Pp^ltl TVldHRl "P ^ f?T) Eft^T ETf cTR PR ^ TH+lef I
■RRT % ^ "JPT % PIT PZTPR ilP % tERT % oT^ ^f PTT ^ I
cbdiwr; PIcT PT RT PR PHif "gprn' I PE ^R Tt "g^f PT
PR Pft PJT PTP % (PRP "Ef) I
fcHTT ^fcF-T ftspplP PTF:
PTit pt^prap
Rtr it ^ 1t?r^ (W^) pw
5ftRt: R PFIT^fP (Yjio) PtPPlR I ?Rn ^o |
^ W11!

. MdlrHt+j
TPtZ "qTSFT = =
^ t^n
■q^ 1%^ ^F3R cf«n ^ f^f (^o) %iR % ( *HW,MI4
If "sra ^r, "n^r % stjetk )
<TTFRto ^nif ^T«R iRlftF
w^tfevcf -ft T^TRT ftTsnrczr iTW«f ^ ft i i
•q[^<i ^TR? TRT TT ^rr ^TT«H "7^t TTPT ^TT % i crmftr
ift •+ini'-hc1 % V$Z ^T TTT^RT f^RTT % I WlfcF H-<lsj sfk V^Z TT?
L c lJ
cflH <in«l l< -iil< t^ [ "FRTPT glci % 1
^iPfi f«(«(^i; cfcii-'
¥SR »[fTE dir4dl: I
^^PTH (KV^-^ol^) torW: WH"^d
^ PdWPd'K: thdlPddl I I
"dWd Tfd" a^T t^TR -^TT opt %PT^ "q;^Hd>dl 7 "ipm Wl
^FFt 'T^TT TTftf 'FT mri ^T ^ sFHI^HK Tfd' ask ^=5 "RE
r^M+di arr^Rft i

f¥ cn TTRT if^rjon (^i) TPTOT ^ Wf^TRf

W^cSTTHT: tJEcTRfcTT 7 *TT t^TfTT^
^S,l "TlflHid ^ «^nti (tt0) t^RTR^
E^TT: Em: Ejft^ •+>Pd +1: HdilPd I ^ I
aqsm 4ldHIR+ aqrFT f^qj % -yqi qq ETE ^uf did HI
% EFT w: zfq, qi 7 qi (qeqt qfV wqi) 1qtq oqrfr qn q.eiirHq.
eft anTqr i
"q7 qq qididHd) fsnq qqm
qsq pdH+dl^dm + ^7 'iHl^d

qeq^FS ^ q qqt ^ q qrq 7 q? qtq (qfirvor qq) qr qqq

ark xsj tnq 7 qr qsyq ^qr i

qeq mf (?^Ro) q^q^f qTcTT q»qfWW WR

rdTTR. di'ii^"^7f^nrfgr qrqrqtkR> «H4i<v
Tier (u) ^frsrr TJE ifcr qR; wf^r «RCT*qR
qrh¥5 'iPd+di mq (^) <RFT WTFR I ^ i

y=M< STTTT <*«ni

"EFST <>41^ ticll ± ^7Tf!T 'KcT

^F3C °f>T "PTH tidl % f^rtr y.<+i 3^ "g^ %-

"WE Trflf x W
oTTTT ^hetl = — '
fTH M»«( om«
omw SRcTT
titni = —

goq|« (^0°) ^F"

goitl« <R (VSo.Voo) teTRrF:
<t)dd<l^<rl fWRT
fmnrr: ^Tcft nqm: i I
■gjcZTRTR OIMI, cTHff WE X g o^TRT
(Y=sft ipsc %) " ^ wm -
fViilHuiV^wnr xfe
t^W f*% +Ulhd' ETWR cf,uh^
^ r^^Pd ^TW Ef^T
^iPoi^Ri tt^rpT i ^ i 5ftr
^ ETH (E?S3T) ^ gEISEm
(TtE bete - Esgnr)
S>t-m - ! r-
TIE wtet
d-EnrdHi: ^rfWd; wrGzrr: t¥
clHHl(?l- (v») Eiftr
iftoElfsT (vsc) ft^E5 (r<S)
TRgfnr: WTPTE: WETE; I w I
iHEilHI BnET % I (EEffSfT E^S E^n ^f ft ^5 WT % TRE TEE7T 3E%n


VeETE^ WE EfE %fEEf WE TfE Eff x vsi

^ ET E?C IE ftraf W EtE Wf EEt: WT^ I

Midi<9*1 <ieV[^ Hpd +«lfd, dWI ^ HIE HififVd: I ^6 I
EBEt Mill f EECET EE fEW 317% E7 E-S 'J5UI EET EEdEW '5171
•gf ee% et eewt gf we fmr % i gf, bfs eet g ei (gagft Eft

■01^17) ^iT T?% %> tlH'H i46ul gi'l % ^rm <16

cpi htr) 3TO7; "skt xrm it% yftns % i
fr4Ml>l(lH^-r<'^l ^MT e|<u||r< *»<IH^I<+^I^Rl sT^rt^T I
TFTTPH: %^T "rftef f^TT drURfdl ^ ^TW I ^ I
fy^i-nr^KlMrui it ■$ «nr^ % teR^r % TTf ?jn "um
■ftcIT eft WT ^ ^ (^ft ^ ^ft ^t, ^FTeT ^ (^TEf "JH
3Tf«T^> %> t^ny cT«n Tira ^ cgpf'm wr «6ui) %% wn % ?
3TeT <16 UIO SvKI y6UI HM-i ederl ^mci 31H--I 'ltd 51 m =R STf^PTT-T
t I ^R^eT: % "RS 3^ •%?, OT^dl cT«n ^CPT % PctOtfl % I
TTg- ^IHU^d'l: WT^r "mrnF RMH,
etifm: ^rcgoR y<Hi^ wdfimi RTH "ftenp i ^ftr i ^o i
Til 3TO^K (wmi) Epat % -grg WTT g%?i
^r UTR oFRTTT % I fYR ^ERC ^ y%^T ^7 "g^f ^t d'cbcll % I fTT TJ^PR TTTR
fdy, <^4 % "3~tt ^ITf c|< f^TT % 1 "PT "+>1 OHIOH "9TR5
fRTmt wf %l (3^<U[ TTRTH)
uvi^cfl vi^tPd *rng
"n^tir Rift: ^pi *115:

crtp CR; it?: HI tnt f^r efftitp 1 ^ 1

■g^f % ^troi Y^sft wn g^f ^ pcjypld ft^n ^ wtcft % 1 -qwft
^iP-dd-d gef -j^n tf ggeft % i MP^HM ^r ^ Rt g^f % PdqPld
ft^ll (5. <lpei STRR TR) ^tdT %, e!«T TTT^t "TfeT tSIHI 'iPd 71 3lftR>
61*1 % ct>l<ul WRT ^ y^!?! RR ^R vsiini % I WRT ^f y4s?l
RR% RR ftFROT (y+l^l) ^FT cfPl #11 % I TR RRR1! ^
#1! % I
g*TT^ TR^T Rift Tf^Tfti eiK^Pd Ueft^l -
u^wP^eAqw Tgf rtASPT ^prf^ Rft 4??RTcp I I
3TRRT % TRR ^ RKcft ^ sfk g^f Ft ft^IT "fif (^ Rf?T
R) #r t i trt X)^«HI ft^n if g^f ^pr #n % i emr
"nftr sffsRR #1 % ^RRfr PTR g^f t^r RI 3TRt ftrn R ) Pd+ci
"^nrn % i g^f stcrrt 7JW?T RR ^1% % RTRRT cfRr RR RR %
g4 Rft ^Pcf TRRI RRTRI #T RRTRT ^t ^t ^RcT t I
W«rT t^tWT TT^: ^T: "fjz ^4 ^RftcT ^pf: I I
H'lel 311H; clKI Met %> mn q twtf y^K ^ISI 'TT ^TZTTT
^tmi % ^npft y<+iK Trg % f^'Ufi yxn *4 ^fl-s-t qi qzTct |i i 'feTr?TtF^T
^f'S.qr f^nET y^K fq>qi -strcn % i ^rft XI^TR <ig ^sr T^tn >+>c^
qf PH+MI ^smn % cT«n «'W>R ^mr % i
Wtq i)lr+ird+ ^ ^qf WIKlPn (^) qPpT ^dlP^dld I
dii/ldjdi qs;feTfctr WRP *dir<+ "Prsr "m i I
vpz qrrfcTq> PI^mci qR Hnrf -q-s, qrq qzrd % i
qref qft gsrsqr Pi^icici % i q? for^q q^ qqr % i 5<HH ^rqqrt v^0
qm qrsrr % i q^i qq anqr qq ^qqrr qm fqqn^% % i TH qrq ^
tr qm ^ qq qxcnlq "FTE w fqq^mr % i
Pmidq-^w wqj aniir qq qfiEnr: "Pmp i
ftrfif yqi<lMui rft fWcfhT JFS q% t^F '5R TJeT %?!"• I I
qra-^q qp^ snfq ^ Ti1?r "^r xr tr 3tR fqqn 4 ?tqT
%, MIn wtq q-s^ jcniR; ^ Trfqi q eR q^ qR qf^pr fsr9TT girii
% i M5ui qft^Rq % <hhm fq qR ^ qsnq 'Sr qrq? RMI STRTT % i
qrq f^qr qftftq^f qqrpr ^idd qnT qrqrfqr qpfr:
Pd^l^d qiui'lPd TJST Wipcnpif^t: sFTPq "0%: TJHTqxp I ^ I
(qR q5t spq fqfq) qm qR% % q^4r, qR % ^Fttzqrqr q?t qqc sik
qra q5t qfq qtq % "yqr qRrt % i Tpqq qjqr f^n k qm %%
q^ qR (q-$\ qR) q»t ^j>d rRt i ^n qfq q>Tpq qfq qq qqqqr
qR^ q^ ^j>d qR »iRi *i) I
^4 W (^V)
qRfqnfcr writ qr
q>tf<rq>cT cRpqfxr qkr
'iPdVdfd W (^^H) HI ftqqr I ^Vs I
qq; "4 xnq-qzrqR qqqq fqqqekr i fqfqr "4 qR snfq
Pi Mi i cm i qr umimi % i tr4t Pcim. stqi %> qq qiq 4 qqr Pimikm-i qf)
ci<6 qv qqi (ijqqqr) qR qc%q> <.mus qq qR, qRiRR, qhfeqicT ^uinci
anfq Pd+idHi qfrfqr? % fq%q 4 ftqr qqr % i
qq fqqrq gqfq? 4 qR snfq fqqqqrqr "gfqqx qqqr % i q? qq
qq^ micii %? 3RR qq Rn ^STT % i
■erj term ^rf (^) ^r Mtfr (u) f^TtPT: i
tffcf m- w ^rwhfwnef crfg ^F^rfhr: i ^ i
sramr ^ TT qm -3%^ ^r ^rrr^nt 1 ^rr^r yw+i
tj^ ^■#+< u ^ *Tm ^pt 1 Tier -m -^rm 1 JQ ?R P^MM
^ 3T?I ?!=♦> ^TT?! ^l-t ^ Pi<+)icii ^SfT TT^itTI % I ^TT^T ■?>% 'TC
M«T TT ^cT WPft I
siia ©K* HM <;cldl ^T: "^R T^xRT
Tfl^T TO f^TE +nd+l^l cfT-
wrraixr f«RT ^itw: i 1
Tmr (-01?) 37k TTTF^) (sJK^) ik^f tTH 4l4=b< ^Ft% 3TTRT % ?R
^1% ttrt -frctr % 1 ?k w k uwr Twf wmr t 1
fk^r kki ^r snm k "^r rt kr kN % trrei -fkn % 1 um ^trr
rh Tmr can-sn k arkw kk rt: Rk tmr itctr % 1 -am k mm R^rk
m kt sTETcrr %, TCRI 371*1^1 ^1 Tim krfn % 1
TFikakmr: ^klkfkr T%: TORptk^kite
wi: pim fkfkrf it Tnur tkror ^r-
dkkld4 kar fkrfkq- ^kk
TRT^k nrkt PdHdflkk 1 vo 1
^ wir ^r ^rk tto: Rk f^?iT k ct«it kt^r tipt: trfOT t^n k
ikn I frr kPR k ttoptt kkft % 1 kfkR ■gkn?^ '5m: Rkm fron k
mk cT«n -kmr k kki 5k ^pmr 5k mkt % 1 5k 5km fmm m
5^ Tpkt 5kt ^PT ^tR 5k kt 5^151 Ikk % I 3TcT: ^k 5fkR % RT5
5m: -^I®? 55 5km fSR % |
■fkn mm irrmi 1km thu 1km 5k mr 5R mmr % 3k Ikktcm
mm 5^%^ 1 mw 1km Tim5) fkm k fk5RTk ki mm «Ft mkmm
mm 5;?% 111mftm k 3-hIch 55155 mm Rk 5?mi 5m% 11
Rkf Tk fkRk 5mT k 5^k t 1
TOfcr: mrMk kk k 5 Rkr gmr
ki-iw TOkm km mm kkm mkm:
mkron^ ^ i^zr^TT^.kkkmkwik
TORT k "jfkk ftk^r 5if>Hl: -q^r m ^dm-dci \
kk ark mRr 5k Trfki, smr akc rtctt 55> mrm kk m kr m^I-ci
% 1 Brft 5k mr 55fRT (smrm m ^nfm) 5i?k % 1 w smrnr
"ftrSRT c;4ui

("tPT^PTcT) if 37k "54 ^1 STtR ^ Trf^I ^14 TT?13! "TCJT

^Md "ftrtT % I
UTU 37k UT^F "krtsf rft ^?r ^"14+< H7E7% snk % ^4 -ak "?gr? ^R
% "^4 k "ertci t srk 4ra 57=7 Fh+mcI t 1 iy+f 5.0 % -gon
37k kk "Sfft 'lid 4> 31 tK k (RTT %)
<ra> tTfFH RTfeVT: tkart^T ROTRT
m§r Thf^nr RR kkr ^RT, wrcqr fcT^Frf^ft: 1
^rT ?t«7M<i< ^bnrf^FT rcer rcm^U^ti^
TRTfRr: k«7kr H<«U^ rd^dW^"^ ^*714.1 I
RFTdRT WT fklfcl "SFT STTRT "RRR (RT^t k ) FfRT % I f^FI k
"^TT RR% ^R ^7 ^4 "TTRR 37R7 % I
ikt WR xnn 37k RH SRR ^R 3Rk snk k R4 kt
•iti RHR k> ?R 3(4 k R^T% % I 3TR k^T RR 3^cl f^TRTTcT RR 3Rk
k "JDTT RR RRk 37k 54 % "nlk 3TRR k RFT kT t I RRT fkR^
snk RR Rk STTIR kdi % 1 Ttxkt k k "yn RRk RT R4 RHCT STTTTX % 1
fiHddl-d RReT k kRrR^ RRT Rk^ RRcT 437% ""R RTRRJ: RTk skx
Pikldd R77 RRR 377777 t I
Rek Rrk fkkkrk R RRkr aHknt ^kRR%
flticfllcili RTtf "TJSFT Rlfkk Rfk-" «l(kfli: I
wtifai. are^llRRyr^ndiii WKit^tkkTk-
"7%% "7R IR rddH^: "TTf MUWRf: ^|: I ^ •
MHMdt-R RRcT k ksTfcT 374 RRT Rk4 kt^k k kt^T cTRT 3-kldH
"RRR 37Tm % I TR krSjT cTRT d-kdd 37714 ftR'T k RTR 37k "g^FT
TRtFT^RWkRR rHR>Id RRg?" RTkkl^ 37714T7RR Th^MHI Rirdk I
W RRTH WT RR kRTcR RTR 377RT % I "gkn^d k V§Z "F74 37714 RRd
377% tR 317% RR RR cRR-f IRRiR RR IRK ITRR 1%R>R77 RTR7 % I
RWRR fkkR kkr (u) Hkni 4SR utkterx
^<-41 7M-d<WM Wk,
RT^RRf "54 ftRTRRT Rk'RTf:
^rrk^ to R Rk RRk TRrkftkm R% I xy I
RR RR klRRl Rk RRRR Rk R# kkt IRTR, 3(7R % RRTRT ^ I 17RR4
RtTcX RR RR 1%RiTR7 RR 317%> 371% Rt R^S 37k 7rfR Rk mRi %> 377R k
RTR 4 I RTkR <;uS 37714 "Rl 1TRR4 RRRT RR k R3T% %, "RlR RR WT
k, 3FRR7 RtRk % I T^k R4 IRK YtRX I RIT R4 RRRT k kFl RTR, 5^7
"^FsC WT o|ufHi^

^ TR PH-MH'! I TR ?R slh «HM4+iPri+ ?R % SRR

fci tticil ^'\tjt.
Srarfjp'JcT \Mt\r< ^ "TOT: iRTt^T
STRTCT ftsrf^r ^ WRf y^Poi^J
unit ^ WW ^TRTCT W: FRlk^r:^: TRRp
xrar^ IT TSTfTSZlt tRTfhgT W W JJ^IdlH, I I
^Rrt sntrr t arh: cnt Rct Pd+Md t i t^t "?ct ^ «MMcf
d-d did ?R ■& ^ZT% TR dR -fTdT % I Wff d-JeT dTT cR? Iwfd ddet
Pl^lcicI % I fR 7R % dft TTRT 3TT1T dd TTRd 3TRTT % dT "Jd^ PH^. cldl
% i TR ?R % tiRf srrfe frdd dcp # dR ^r ¥r dm % i sTd mt
^TdT d^t dT Tft % WdT % I (d^rT dff ^STdT "^cT «tT I)
3TS^ +ldl^ TRR TRTof TTRTR tft^TdTdd dd^T I
^cf^mi) Ujiutg dltt ftsRd^d": ytd«T ddliclOll: I I
STd JE ddd % TTRT TTdT TTRT ^T ^T3 dR "TPTd Pldild^ dff fdfd
dTgt dTcfr % I REZf ygui "R i^cf dd TRTd '5t% Tt RTTdt "PRf ftdtd 3T^
^ ddT^ f I
^rrtPf^dm; iTd^ld ?TT dlE^f M^c+IPi+dlPcldt: TJ:
irrMI dTtft" dTerra' dCd f^rr V§Z dHHlr^: I V\8 I
did <;u-S anfd' ^T UTddcd FR (^4 TrFd TTF ddcd dd ¥R dfofd
%) ^ "3dT dR ^o % did t I "dF ^ TTFd ^ ddf? dRTT ^Rft I
WT Tdd?f ^d: REZT fTdfd 3T^ TT ^JdT dR frdfd SR^ Tt RPT
PRT dT ddft dRTT 3Tmt % I
ftend^rt Pcf^dl: T^«rr: TJ: dc+ld f^T^d dRTT ig^ftett
dftft: cntdd +ufw^H drtdd cjcf IWppp i vc i
TTT TTdd % dR % gd d5t dRTT ddld'T I d^tft sffT 'JddRTT % Tpf
dd dtd dR RTTdd d^t ''JcT fddd^ I d? ddJf RTTT I RR fd^d did "did
% 3TT% fr der^ dr dm RR fdd^di i
dnt drftrp TRRFT dtssr ftdrd^d: deft fWdrttdr
%dt ^tfd ^rRdRT TTW dfljfd: ddhft: I W, I
Mm Wd % did dt^T fTdfd 3Rt did JE dddr feTdT did dt Rt^f
ftdfd 3R^ ^ m Td ddR ^Ft ddT dR Tfd artr dFd % "^t^T dfd 3RR
% "yn dR do d rtr %% rt dftfd el'ii i

dl^ird^-<1= m : Wt it: ^Rl+dl: I

+rdct.lrH+: WVlt ^ T^tS ftlW: I \° I
"Tgl TE tinn ^PT ^5C ?R ^J3T H5<?1 ^ffl' cR? PI<=mcii ^II^I'II I -dtitl
'WF ^<**1 f^cMcil «n H«t)tfl % | fTT 5^ ^tfz ^T cnt vsTlscht
^cl °F)t foe^lHM 41*1 % 3n«r % ^<il4 ^ URT "^T HI-1 gl'll I TTTTT HI*I
^fPT% % tmr ^rr smrpft % PI+MI -R^tT % i
"tnrr % ^ki Pi^ieni
UTRfT: +clHH WM s».Hlft<H:
1 < 1
q'fn (TRPPT ^5^5 * '^ riciit 'jw q>ciiS qTiH;: I ^ I
3^k % ^•XtRT ^ TR^Ft fsT^ ifl'll^
R Ndl<+< '3*tR 'PT SFtR ym gl'II I fR f?«rf5T ^rT %
(o^litii^) %> =Pf ^ TR TTTR % vj><i "?R % wf «H<ii<t)< -dtint '^c'T
#1% RT +\U+*i\ Wtrft I
^hrt crraR fWRTtf rrhI^T ftnrr: I
: :
iRR ftznn^T W<tT ¥jidi TPT" «hir<i q>ciH^*<ri: I ^ I
■g^ WR ^ w WrtdT t+icll cl^m TR^cT IWRT^ % "yiT REZI
fiSTRn^ TT RPT %% 'R RTR ^Ptfe^cR ?rtt I ^tf^RTT % "JRT ^R
TIR aft? -q-s. %? - ■
^x^q-cKiHi H>«I Hif§q>il>i: f^IcTSgR RT "fr? RT^T:.
RT^T cOdHjig ftmr anftftgR umw u+c^n i ^ i
- RlR 3R^R % RFT %% tR RRT 3RfR RTHT I fR RRT R5t RRf
RRT ^f SRrfTTE Hl« RJcH Rff M5C1 R>t RT^t ^ RRH RTft
RRT Rtsil^ % qdl'l R? qiqTl RRcT 3||<H'|| I
Ulidd^ WlddP^ia ^TTeft T^Tfft Wlftl*
ftqTR^ % R«Rnftf^%% ifnrfRR dMdd RRW^ I \V I
RT^ sfR Rt^I % tRRfR 3Rt RR "g^ WT R R«R "fWilT 3R^ RJ?T
^TRT % I <+4ir+ TR^T Pd^lR RRTR cRRR RRFR fRTRT RTRf % I 3RT'
RRt q>IH RCR ?R % PDHI RfRTT % I (RjcI ^f RR RR R? yfqiqi RR% %
RTRIR TTRR ^iq'll) I
STRTt^RT^SRRR Rcft^RR q)eiitq«*M RcTR SRt RRt: I
Rcfr RR w?f ftniW R«trt ft^r: Rf<n: t^hnr: -+md^: i \\ i

On 146ul *r C4C1-1 (TRft^PT) ^cll % '-4K <t>6<1l 'C

^ ' ^PTf VHicTi %
3TI^FRT % ^ trf^q +Mld (f^fcTir % 341+1^1 iftdl^. %
■qfcqtrR ^tT ^JTt ^t RTT) 14 6ul % W?f, 3lV^ RtSEI R^ll epl
^TT-T 61111 % I
tJCII!}! «'W»U W+lRl
fcTHT (Wo) dir^dh i
««ir®V (<Ofoo) fefpn WrT:
W didl^* wiidd WHMH^ I I
"OFT stir y'^+d ^=5 3^ "g^ SRR yVpd g^
ct)C1l "Rt M<H 5hlPl1 (^v^o) ^ "yiT CM. cfll <irVl ctTi otJCIl (l^lfoo)
R yPT VIIH '-hel cden STPR qcl-l FtiTT % I fyy ly^ii (ycf zjj MJ^H
cRMId) y y? H6UI 'gtcn % I 3^1 Iq^ll "T? qcTl "ftcIT % I
f^mr ypoft: WPdHI^Hd Mdlcyct, (^o) ?if r<dl^
fMt": yfPddH'iJI chir<c(, yT: l- ^VS I
(g4 wy y Tfy sih yyc yyry % yyyy yyc ^tyf
wf yrr snyy yyrr Picmcii yr yyRT % i)
y-s i46ui y y-s^ fy-n^ % -TcT sftr g4 i46ui g4 f^-n^ ^ yet
iH+id yy yyyy yer yypfn i yrnyr ^o % gyr yy 3R% sry^ r<Hi^
yd ■& yry tr 3tyTf?r y^R syyi % i y? y^ yfgy f<di4 %• si^rr
y^ yr yfay lyyir y yy yryr i
fRrrg ymn yy yry difedi yyiy (^o) yryi: w%y ^nyyy;
y%Fn^ yen yyyrt y% y wiarPr^t^ yfgygi <\d i
yy y^t 3Ty% ^ sr^rfy gyr yy ^o yry ^yR yrR
341^111 g^yy yyy 34k yfey yy if yf^ny 34^4 yyry ytyr 1
yy): yyfWyyyt: yymyt^ f^nityr^ t^Fryhyyt: 1
Tyyr yt r<MdHi5H+ir<+ dd'^di^' uRefy ^y% 1 ^ i
34^4 3^4: 34Tyy yyry ytyf yyr lyyr if yt% yy yfy 34k fyR fyyn
y yr% yr sryr fyyr yryr % 1 yryr yyony ^f yyc yy sftr g4 yyy
yy g^f yy sfyrrfy tyraryry ytyr 1 yy ryy ym ysy 1 -rqyf; ytsj, 344ly
tyry fyyn ^ fyry yyyr ■ghrr 1 lyrrr yrgy el'n 1 ^yyy snjcr ayfy
yry yfteRy if yj?4 yyr % 1
grtfW grf fty krgyyr wykj y^ f^yypr ««4dH, 1
t^TRT kr^ryyym Uw»d1 f^nNvny^rvi yV ^ fgyt: 1 1

♦J4! ^F>T l^-T M1<.uI(H <*>51 ^TT ^5F>T % I % •aQH %> <1 31^
TPPT ^5 ?tcrr % i ■g^f % HUM Tfsr sik
■i ST^PfT?! ^-scl % I ^fci 3^< ^f>t 3^4^ 3l4*ll ^flfVl
T% cRT PIOIVMIMI: «y"l (^o) ■^IT ''E^'
iK-tt-ft c«rrRr w (^) "?pra ■JtFT WHI+I s^r I ^ i
7f^ ^JT iqrrqm (Tm ^-<M! ^rP 3^ <|p?|4t % d<^lti % TP"
^o % *JPT I ^fr 3TT^Ft 3-1*^ <lPifl % ^-Sv*il ^F>t
Tlf?I % Trf^Pif % 3^Tnj yl^'Il I Ml'l^bd S?. 3Tg <
% *mi ^TT^Pt I
ftnifteiwsi *1^ rdt^ij gft^r ^rfcT^r T&n
f^pr ^fpr ?f)Rpfr ^nr? ^TE F^TRRR; I I
"g^PT % fcpft ^TfJ^T % -q-^ni 'fPTT I 3Tt<I 'Md
% STTeT f^*T gqfe^T % ^fT^PT TfcT 3^ ^FS. ^T tn«R 3^ Win
<rc( ^jm ^ <1^1 grF fin4-1 "4-s. % 41-4 grFig "Fi «im-I 4>^*I I
TTFRnrprf fftnfrnr -q^t fRnrr ^TCTITT ^
IHhrSKW TW (S^J cTRR t3^: I
<[4 aftf TPS <1 P^i if Tf^ ^iT Rtrq 3Tg cfap 4-s ^rr gxF srg
^fr #fn gqfeT % ^ fPPT % ^-<HI STRT ^Pn i TW ^PPT %
^ srg elHH «FIeT ^27% ^ "PTE fTTT ?PTT I
(■q-SkMI ^>T ER ^TircT 51-1 TR 3^4 sfk 3RTT % 414 ^>T 'Mel
W+ld W HEFfenwr: ^dl: <Edl^l*|:
gtftPRr: fm^hsoi cmj^ mgRTK^Tw #r i ^ i
3<;4 % <IH4 3<;4 4)1 el Rff ?R t)ell cTRT 3TRf % TPTR 3TRT 4>lel
R7t' RRRTcTT ^Ft ReTRT % "JOR RR ^ % RPT ^T I RieT ('FellcH'F)
dwr ?R Wt% RT 'TReT ^ ^fttrt, RfR ?R Et% Rf I STRRReT
R? RRT RtR ?R "fl^" RT "?R ?t% Rf RCT^Pt I TR RRFTR
PRTFRt: gaFTTftr PTW^T +^1^+1 (^) RlPdcll
xf#: r^": «*rddi PrmWcr Rihhh ^rrt i V\ i
31441 4-si.HI R)t TlfR 4)I el R)t g^R "TUT 41 ell Xt RFT
^RR MellrH4» RieT rft TlR % TlBlHH ^ ^ ^ ^ RRRTT RR f?R RTR
■gRn I
^ WT ^ufHH ,

t«IM ^Tcfrr ^(T ■II J (^^1^°) I
floTil^fl 5Hi «5i ii
jFr% W^ti< fSR^rrPr fzm, i ^ i
m TT ^f^piT 3RRT cTUT? 3RR ytct ^rf ^tT
gnf^T <JTI %> fRTft ^1-n rd-^ ad> dim % ) ^o') ^fegfT ^>t
(Rtf: nit hi (Hnt% hh t^m^r hi t) gn h^h imi % i hi *ir-Ti
C HI <ST1 f^n ^F HH
t °h*S. % I
5HH 1^ RrfWit W^HT H^H
wh4: H^H rVi<a: d>*n«(: I
d<m?ef Hit l^fHH 1F53 i^H t^FH
HFp HTftT ^TWr^Sf^eFH: I ^V9 I
HHfH ^tT % He^t (Hf^FHt) tH^T H HI %=5: HT crfsa^ft % 3FHH
HtH HTT tr "3HHT V) ^TR % , HTeRH H^eTIHT % I 1H H><»H
HtcT HtT HC it HR lt?TT % I fd«=b «t>Kul HI HTTpH tjn <Sd< HI HtSPH
Hft cRtr ttHRH^ % I H"=H I^RH HHt Hit Hft SF^F^T HH Hfl TF WIT % I
j&i ftren; H:?IHRP IHHTI; "qHHt I^WTEH-
T^cT titHBRh^f^HT 4u^dl^S |
HTIT dTlR'lRpH <dPmfll tA"4 HPHPTRSt I I
tWH %^5C ^ 'pT "fF Htl sflT HFl Hrft H? gof sftr H^H
Hft ^ftHt HH SRtR (HIHfH) Hft it TJHT HR WSfWH Hft HftfH %
HIH TR 3THH dcl*l STTHT % I H-H -stk 3TH-T ^F Tl% TR HI HTR 3FtT
HfOT 3RR if TlH tr nf^FH HeFH itlT % I
^chB ^rr Hrftr HI HcR tfrj tr^r SFHWT:-
WEZf ^ST^TTHrT HrfcttT ftrftr HT^BPT +tri^o4Ff:
HIWIH> l^Ttt H M Hir^l^lPrl
HHfteH #f?rtfr ^eR HHHH HT^FH H^PTFR; I ^ I
cfitlHHHF % HT <^<rl-0 HI' Hft TlfHT if HlHI WlHR -3«^> g5f Hft HSFH HHT
% I trt^ irft fHTH TF fHTft HHOT Hft WT Hft H^RH Hit % f <RiffH> HT^t
sftr dilf-d HH HHF %: 3RFHR -ifci itcft % I 3RT: HI %: «ptfe 3THI

3^ 3f?I &K1 «>H?l STT^TT sfk 3T^f c^cn ^R^TI ^nf^t I

31KK?U^<H "yr VH^H frT
irftff^9T»Tr R;lici fo(-^ i too i
MReiti ICKPI-I ^>m-i «Hnci (<3ici % XHM) -dtiH y,t> <jn
(\c srjer wht^ ^rr ^ ^tt ^tpt M^f ^ <t f^%
^cr t i (^f afk qfan) fM^srf ^r SPJCT WK ^
^13; ^rf <f(T*»cl % I ^rTt % TlfcT t^?lFT <^lul ^JT fc«-^ ^
t !
"TE^t m W fr?- «ft?T
m^wscn^qfWlf^T ^npfRt
f^Rmr wr f^nnr M"^diw
^eTRfftcT ^I'l %S^Tt^ I to^ I
^ft frTf % ^5 ^ R (^of trfgR) tcm T^N% % I ^
wl-^ "T^ ^rf % -stk ^ H'tR T^Bfj aij^cn R
^3? TTm qfg^V ^rl % ^PJT fsp^ TT t STJH TTEF 1^=5
% I
3Twr "nf^tr 1^ Wt;
JtatM f^T I
3¥r?r wT^r (w^o) fW^f
<J^uI 313 33 ^#3 r«(Ks(HRt I to^ I
39 3flPI 33ra ^t T9% 3?; 3fW % ^l^o SPJeT WtTT^
BPI 3f«R ^3 if 93T ^ 33TcT ^ T9% tR ^ ^fT %
^l^o 3TT^T 39 313 3fa3 frT ^ WNmt I
9^3^31^ fcfrdw^i t^?ft sftr 3T3 f^rq^nrafW^rr^
3T313 tTcTfcT trft3fcRf ft39T 33 3Wfcf3 1?n3r: | to^l
93 ^l-il 3T3f % ^4 3^3 <*>Mld "shiPtl^n 39 39397 'H-i'll I
3v=rq;f<nTt W^RT 331^ (^)
ILS&i ir(iiiir«<cmficE*!TwCiicEit'j^
a^i <t wP'safl^ *i[Vn' Pi 4 73
3-c^il^iH 3ftcrR IDpr ^3: I toV I
3t=Tt 3T3t % f3cT9 % 3t 39f=3 ^3T 333T % I 33^ 3fa3 3 ^4
3Trfe ^iT f^F? I «)ir-nqTi ^-s, TTT TTf^T
tj 3T^ yfu^d ^=5 f3P^ ^TT^ % I ^Tt *#r fHcilrl
TJcf Wr wl-elfl % I
t«F^ TfR^FT fct <; M i P;
Pl^mHMlT t*T5^: <51'I "FTRp
yi'L,^rf ^>-5. "'■RfcT 'Mrti \Rq<Diqi
trsn^ irt wfsf Po^r^^np i \sh i
frjt Fhcii^ "^Tcft \?3T ^ onm) % "SKI^K c»4m
fsi^ft ^ % -^TT \4lW i ^prrr ^rftt ^rPtT irnf
^sn Tt^i'u i ^ <.=f('^i "T^ %> %r^c % «iicfl <3h^<
\?3T (-MI^-IItK frl ^ )
^T^flrR cl^Hd -jfrSR^t «R: TST I
"dWHdW Md^cld'^T ttn WFFTtr«T "BTcFrsftR IVs^l
■pR^r cf^grt^m) ir ^<c. -qt^R ^TR (^^0
^ ';E«rFT qr wiPti C|ti ^ % qfaR "TRI ^IM istrtr 'gt (ttR
q?t) P<^i| ^nt i ^ ^TRra' Rm (iftcT m) % ^it TRRTR ^
ij -Sfifi icRdiql ^cfr % 3TcT: 3T^r "TT STRFT ReFT R W RT ohlHl^l
^SRRcT ':T?t % I
^fyuH-dMp? -rMlcHdi mdA-dld I
n>q^(i<;ci: shiRdHl'lf-cK shiRd ^toTT^T |V9\sl
qfeR <5Til -jqi Rqr, '^TT ^ft qlrfq tran ^Rrt % ql^i
TRt ^qRqtxR \RT3Tt R? cT^r % I 3Tcf: RT Rm TR: -qr^ TT trfgxi (TfEq -gpf
^ "& •gnRcT ^qr qq RR "?fcn % (q? ST^TRT ■spfr ISTT) SR: qqfR RT
qfaq Rqr cgq '^') qft ^fr % Pinicfl % i y^K stscFRT
<5tk qf^TT \RI (^IRR <<511) '"R qit % Piquicfl ^tiol % I
■^TffT tSRDft iqpn qrtr qq^TT
^ ciciq *1^*1 HR1I SRqcT RIHH,
cR- c(dH« qiiq dc^qi* f^v, (?<>) ^fTT^lT
qfcrnrftr ftnimt R<rq HW^: I <o& I
(XFS ^ qft wn RRf srt? q^rr srcrrt (q^r
^FqqrR qicfl tsiqi) ifRft % i fq=Ft ir 'jqi (qsqt qff wqr) q>T
"TRT \o qTRT 3Tf%iq> 'gtcTt % I \o qTRRpfj ^qrpTT q^^RT q^t (M5ui %
STfqftrB )3Fq Rqq *fr qqjcft % CRT TRRT wq Tff PdTddl % RT q^RT
qq qqqqr ^ qq -gpR)
3i«r fimnr wnft mwMwm
MdWO^I fsFW ^HTtPH: ^rcft|V-dt i I
y^-ql offt ssmi % cTTT ST^lFnT ^>T ^I'l 3Tc^RT =M<ni % 3Trt: gjpzj
wn TT t^cr ^rrar % i 3Tci: ^ SJPTT ^ a^rcmr ^i ^ (ar^
\°/~$ ^cn) ^4+< ^TR frm «JTcn % I -el^H! TT "'TT fT^T
"?»% TR ^fT ^ ^«sfr ^ WTT ^ 3RR #cir % I
w*-- ^f^TO-. sF^Td iduf<Mir<Midlg ft (^) cfef:
ftrgrF -5^ ■Rmfrfir *I%W: wrmr: siDein^: 1 c° 1
ssi-hi r®iKH ^rr mRuiih TfW %> ma % (-i<t><i <5-1 ^ Mitii % sff^
TRI % (^0°) Sf&n % I 3TcT: Tft RfsT ^FT *1^1 ^RH
t^T if ' RrRT "JfT '3ft?T ^TRTT % (R^? RPT ^)
PcJ^MM WJ^r c^) TZ ftPR (^J foiTtt
^T: ^ TFERff^sr TTt^FeTngt Pft I
d^HH ^ fMRRf ^TT ftng mm
TT^rJtF igt Hdf^< ^ MOdHId, I C\ I
3Rt- ^ fsp^ "SFcTT opt if Tyn ^ RFT % I WT if
^4 TTfcT w («FT -qr ^KTJT) QFR TT -ETzirr -qr ^?cf % (^" SFR ^r)
^SSI-HI oft RH^HM sTrqrn) IM'-H qq <*cii RFT Pi^iei^ qff fqfq
qrit ^n ^qff % 1 ^ffq SR^RT Tqrqnft sfh: TROT qT% TTFRP
% 1
^>^rqf ?rftR (\ddr^dddV-w^ RVCT %R P&
qfq^ftyw T^rfsT si-HH qtd^i 1
^ts^rpr TOf (^o) 7I%5ftT qftfT TOTTT
-^r^t: qf^r yfHfM ^6d«rMi<rM ^f^iqV- 1 1
q«Rf -g^ % RRt 3Tk % ^ROT qft sjftt gR?ff %, ^
qr^T if RTR % 3TJRK ft R?T XR % fqTR q^t d'+dl % I SR: ^
q^^n if ft frrqq rr qnqr % 1 "g^TT^ct qz^r % qrrOT fqiR
WRT if VRo RFT qJT 3T?R STRTT % I q-AHl q>t RRRt % ft
q-^q>^n if w iRR rtt if srr sqcrr % 1 xr q?-g^f % srr qft ^cht
if STRRT qrq ft% % q^TOT T^rq^t "OTRT qff ftcft I
sRrq XTPTCT sph-' tcRTfr qrnt ( vs^oo)
fsfRf: (^Vdoo) f^rff wft (^00) ^
(^i ^oo) Ttftr "TCT (Vd\Sol\) ^pJia:
O^.^M, ) WKI«f) <+>uil4d:
ci^ft qrfgfcr rdwPd: wjw: ^ynraww
HR W firyiT ^ ?lf>l?icMIH ild^dl: I 6^ I
3R fdrf«T ^mfr I i ^ oqif? "ft dy+i tj^o
TZZttl (^^,000-^9^00 = 5.^,^00) ^oqra {^OO -ERTcT % )
(^^oo-^^oo = ^oo) fTT^t ■qEzpT ^of (V^jVSot^) ^ Tpn ^vC
(^,0^9^^,1^,000) fCTE ^"f "ff RT %% % I RcT ^(2^ oqm
m\<w. Y®^ -^ptt f^Rr -qR ■gtqr 1 f^rr
-rjun «Y?£ ^ 'Hi'i Y®^ aiii f®i«t (q-?v q>^n ^r)
^CTT qrq itnr 1
qqt t^rrar oi)|^iH<+d: (Yo) ^Tcf) ^ TJlf^fr-
sqrt qq: wr- «md< qqjfe^raw^ 1
dWI*d:, uPd^lTd qqr ^ ^FRT
wdiPdHHH: WIPHPcj^ TPT ^n ^q ^ 1 ct 1
Y^qt qq tJiHi fq'q HH tqqrrqr qq Tq% YO qjqr qzpr qr y®^
wqr qq sFqqqq qiq wnrr 1 q? strqqr qqqn % 1 ^kuch q§q qrq
qt% R w 3Rrqqq ^ qq ^PdkdM qr stfq qqqn r«.ddi % 1
TT^sWtqftr qpr % ftrq^qt qqt qq: yi^vi-
q^T Y5 ftqt qrartcr^ ^ofrs^ qnrfq^
TW wq qfq qq^r mq^rot qrqqfr 1
q qr qtqiidw ^ qfqt: q^dif^d: 1 1
srfq 3Rq WT qt% % UTd aqqqqi qtcn q¥ qiqi % I 3T^
qqq ^r qq^r tqrqqr % 1 snqr ^r srfqqr wq ^f cTTctr qqcn Pdtddi % 1
Yof q^ wr ^f TTR stq qrsqr q^ qrqr % 1 y®^ ^qr ^ ^
Tq% r qqqq tq hIcii wt qrar % 1 Trfq ^f q? qq qFf 'gtqq
qqq qqi am (qqRi) qqqr fdiddi % 1
^RUmidx rdj,; %if^di^[ Pd^dl
qi^PHfVld ^jq ^hiPdPHH:
«PJ^d wqqfr qqcsrr
^q^q^flr jr jf^dd fq -5"?: 1 <i^ 1
fqtq qft jom q qqc iq^q wtii Rqi % 1 3T^: <^4 «eui
% sr^qm % qqq -g^f gq rfr^r -fRr % 1 tk q^c q^q ^ fq*q qft
^crt ^ Y^ ^ W ^Vcn % 1 qq: qqc %r qm % qqq
f7! HRr r<^c1[ % I frT frT % ^TZ% % ^% |

Sf^T qjo* TT^

PejiflRl VirVlPld(Vl< HMlMr^dHIH, I
T^ftTfig; TJS ^^wicJHf
«r<?li ^Tcf WT tWcFfhT: I ^V9 I

?)% % ^rt wqr TTf % TRH % t^ro^f ^

% TFR -flelMd ^|41 3^ dlR=ht "SFt Irrf^ tft %, %
^ "^nf ^T TTTcT wt I

^ el ^cT IHJtT
fft" dP'lcl'jRi^

^ H^iKH W: ^ranrr: I 66 I

T^T y^K <HI %) Iq^PMICI •f.M^icI <iOH—1 9ft "q*S^^i<5l< S.l<t '|uni
sfk ^ 4HHHdl cTSTT ^ft ^ f^T^TT % f^n7 1en=r Rl^.I'd if
WT % f^RT rc|ct<u| TFrf^ 3TT33rf ST^qR ^HIH ^3TT I
WJT cjufn^

xjcf wtsttpt "OT«n^T TRTCT

^(rdHdlclHrd'»4 ddJiPoineiK MHI-d^^|l>HMr<^ I ^ I
(Haei ycM^i ^ "ZFZ. ^4 tTl-iI % ye J WTTT g4l % I
^FT srfclfcR "g4 WT 4 en^T cl^n HcT "PTWcT% 3{|c(S!'Md,c1l
^ttfV % clan ^T pMMHH 4t T[4 w^l % fat?. ^TRT -^Rn % I 3RT:
^ wf ^ fferm w srccrnT ^ ftrft i
<!;if-d'ft fyftnnhp,

ir^lcT WTRF ^
^V-aMdlSclHPd cT^T W^c^Wld,! R I
ST^rrRT 4 Tfg- 3TIT ^t-5. ^l-ll F«t <lP?l 3T?T tidl aTTfe tlHM 4l^ FT
4t %^rel -RCsn^ TTTF ^ TftF ^T cf^Hct t i 3FF TTTF Ft^t FFT
Fg % ^ % Fft <Vdcl t I 3PF TFTF FTTT FFt 3Tk FTF lt?TT % I
Fg TH 3TEFTF 4 W Wl4'll I STTFfRT ^ F«F !^F ^4 T?% FT
ePFF sftT Fcf (%^ FFT FF % 4 3TFTT) Fiff FtclT % I
"qrf irftF -p$z <^i«n
ir ri^ci«innr^. if
TfF sftr FF5: T^Z F5T% FT FTTTt TJF <?lf-d FtFT FTTt
"g4 TTf"! "4 "FTTT F^FFFeT 'ftFT % I F^t T^F STTPFFFeT gtFT % I
^HPdg^ FTftsftp^Ff^ FTF^ F%F1^ eFFFTW
^iWldT^dPdPd: WMtF l^dl# F t^T F^dlH, I V I
3TFTFT FFc7 if ^4 Tf FF[ Fft fFW "4 STFTC gtF! % F^ <FMH
FJfcf t I F? FRIT (Fg ^FT ^TpfF % FFTF) Fp FfijF IFFH ^f FT
% I FFFFTT "FEF if TfFFFC FtFt Tg% FT FtFt FH "^F % FTft
TRPFF fcThTF clH "?[c% f^FV^TpfF dH ^ lei
liW^ TFT^T WF FPm TRF^ ^RFrfcT ffFT^f: I H I

em) imPT ^ enm ?tcn % i fsrfim

cm 3rR gnf^T ^T % ST^im % mPT ^ ^ m *ft
■ftcn i
t^T dHV'Nsfcilsteftr^" ^ TRJtTT "?ft
'*11*^1 HcCP ! 'Hl-qV- Ml"(l Hfl) % TfoRf: I ^ I
fWf^r (^m) cm ^ ^TR wf^ am sr^im ^r arfmr ?)% ^r
^tR Hftr ftcft | I "f^R cm 3cR sBTfa 3T«t?T TtR % ^ "ft
RT sFlPxI -ft eft ^fsSFT ^f?T ftcft % I
ammw ^f ^ a^t TTftr snf? am^ "mm "?t% % mror
TRP (am afk fersrr) % ^t mm mar Tjfmmrmr % i
dlc+irdebl+ftlC, «HMefciHm-ni( mRT^WT
sjrrPt tptpfhr ttRi^r MI^IWCMPI ^«nt^ i vs i
% fmvq % ciic»irci'=b ^ m mm m WHMcf
mcT m cm lament i aar^ ^ Triar mrm (fgfm) cm % ga: mfar
mm #n i m mfar sfk srsam tmr ^ wt^ % srr afk
ftm ^f ?t% % -qta ^tar i
ftsw^ta KR aWmRt fWrmt:
#ft ade^Hel «tPT tf? sbH^+i^ ^"TteT I 6 I
mer t^rfm cm mr aam ^tnr (amft ^ TTf?i (^o ) % mT% m
m a-ieiisji "gtm i amriai aft mrmr aft ?t afa
am mar % i
fft^awRi atct acf tra^)-- a^rrm arfcm
fenftmr % anrft mftm maart mrnt afir tfft mr^ i ^ i
m^ atsnr aft efft sftr ms a>m ft ma aa aaraft amr laarrcift
m m ?psm a^n atat % i laar at mrar: fta sfn aft am afa
atat % i aa atat afam srr "gftaaa ft am afa atat % i
a^ ar^ ^ maga (^v) anr-. aramr (tv) asft mrftftfft
anaat <-a< ar tftfcnrr aarr^ anmar fctftrmHi: i \o i
_, __ mfaftftfaarafa
TfiwHli - ^
msc aft ftfaar afa
aac am afa =
<fft srtr ma aft a^r afa % amrr aft faaJcrr aaraa aarft fta afta
wt m

^ ^-nfn % -spt ^TcTt fr ^iPT snt^: wr CTFSTT FTfTT I

qm^Tf^Sf -pgz ^Tif^t uftN^I t^cf VcH^T
STrEf HlP^+ia drtliuidl ^TT ^TT I U I
c;us snft m<h ef-SFT ^t TE ^ici % twf^ ^15 'ifci ) 'Jul I
3R f^F^n (^V^) Tt HFT ^ xr "^T 3F^TT ^T % ! fTT^T 3T^
-i y ^Fin ^r "^R ^TRTI % i
WW ^ (^^} Pcf^^l TTT^n; ilPdcfHH ^TTt^T
ftWtHd'^wi ^RTTtrm ^if t^pit ( 4dNI I \R I
^fgrs ^TT^T (M^ra ^i^) (^00) tt ^it (^) ^r ^ift
"FT «ft 'R* 3TT%7n 3R t^rtw cTR FTTT Xfa 3FtTF ^TT ^t R FT
-JOT ^R "f^TT FT trm ^r FR-
ClHI^ ^ ^ St>HI<^ "^cfT-T WHMef cMci I ^ I
FTRR ^n ■ftrft % I -pT^T (3T^ ^TT WT -tf) F^e eT^FT % I
cTR FT ^T trfgir (WT FTf^T "#t% R FFRT Rf «HMc{ RTeT ^T
4)4R ^4 % R4 (f^fRT eTR RT FlfR "q4 % WT 4T4 R)
3T^ fWhTRRTTtSftT ^WcriMH ^cfd^ FTTeRi; I I
4FT y=t>K <Ff<i FlHHcf <+11 el FT <14 S^F P+r+^T d'-l Pltildcl
t I cT«TT 3-FT% 3RTF % 'JT: Rt cTFW eFRT RT FT7RT RFrT t I
ctcFT Wjfllc^ dcOHMcf "^idl^ FPT eTRTR
fmtSFFRWf d^llH; %Ri; M"W)K FftTFf FJ? cTF«R WT^ I V\ I
F'+ii 1(4 FTR RTeT ^tR I 4t d^-li %> 4TR 'ft 3RTF RWf FB4 R RW
F^TZ ePRT +>61 RT^TT I
R^T FFFcrTFRT Wf^^T dHl4> Rt FW:
4t: +ir<i4t^ RR^ RlRTRFT d'lf^d +ir<ldi|fdv I ^ I
Md R cTR TTR <14 Pi+iid RF ZFTf 4T 3T-tTF Rt "gRRTT aftF Rffz-jRI
fRRTeT I *
[Witt ^"1

q-E^t q^criHH «rnj Tm«r WFRTT i ^ i

w?t qr^q ^Frq % SHR qn qsq q^rfz^q qq
qpf ^ii-s^i aqqrr ijcT ^T% % qr^f el'ii i ^tfa^TT '"^R' % ^u
qR ei^-i qrr qM % qpr %% q? q^nr q> SRJ aqcn % i fq q^rq epqq
TT qqqcf cmci RTT iTtqrR RR aqqiT q>t MRI ^ qcqq cpqq qir
■yrr q^n i ^rqi
q snw ^qqftr f^qn m q^r qnqRto-
r+^qqwRl^qfr qf^qrxRT wHtqM< qr qqqfq; i %& i
arrsr fq qfq qq q«qq (qit<+>(lTb) dWH aqm % i
q? qscR CTER % arfiqqj it% m qtqt q SRR arq "& qt-
U'qr ^crpq^Tq cn^rnnq qi^q qq»: qrWYq qq
dcriHd q«q qr^RR (\9?0 R qpcft i vk I
qt tt qqr qq qcq rrtt qrq tqR qifsq q^t q^q qp: eRR
qt%Tt i tr qqq 3^ fefrq qfR wqq % fq^ft q?r ^rr Tfq sfk
qsqq qfd % afRR ( % qR qR qsR qjTJ qRT Tfq

'M-d1«iX 'pr "^r ^ Mr<d RKdH qtfig 1

qft^qt ci^mr qrf^ qrrlf q^rfqr Tjq tqz' q^nqr 1 ^o 1
qRr 3RR % MI'l I HTRRtq tqd cRR 3Tfq <q<i "EtcH
% 1 retV y^K vjid cqqq qrfsqii s,i<i q^et qft qtfq qqrfqi qq qqqqx
qR% q qpqq q^FRr aqqi % 1
q^ (^) ^di ftrg *id ei'd^diqiFtK q^fft" ^twr
fRqr fq ^ qf<r qifedmi ftqqq qr hrft qr fcRiqq: 1 1
(3T^d 1) qjS' Hcf chic-1 % qjR cn'-l 3T^ Tfq f-lel qR qRf % 3RR
qft qrrfeqr q?t (^q) fq^qfq % ^jqr qR Rrt % qm qr eRR
qft Pcri^ aqqt % 1
qqf-qqT-- MI*** q^RR ri: TjqqrRRTHT1
qrr^ qtq t^qt'T qTRRp MR^rtisirwH q^qqcr: 1 1
fq crr famrt cpt qq^r qff cr? Tfqqqc % qfq srr ( %
qqr qR qtqf % rjr: qifq srr % qrq qr qm q^r ^ qfz qef qq
fqqfrq rrtr qRR qqq^ qnc? wtm 1
■gjzf U6UI o| "1*1*1,

TnTTOT ^ ut^T t^RT f^T

amr fjer ^rRr^ ^RT- wpr CTT5R hiP^*! ^ i ^ i
JQ HSfTR U? -qeq^reT ^FT TTT^H tR WT STR^
cp felH TfiTT %> t^P?, 4M4l«n SiFtii VJxi MRi (Wet RHI Mil
%-W 31^111 it ) Piiiiei 3irlM ei*q-i vji lid.Mil Tpn iPLM I
^Kiiw^aiV "Fd^M ^ ^TRi: ^7 srflfl^wn^
urifr r<'i>ii^ ftng: ^prfRT^rnp yfm: ma i y* i
"rpjpTtReT ^o WT ^=M. elfi^t ^T tiMHcf Wet %> if ~A^it
"Tt MdiiM Pnn y^Ml cTWT W i><ct % I Mlcl W I^WPFeT it «i*«i>i<
^5: Wdl<+< m PT^TePT I
STPft^T Wtt Tjcf crnt t^TtR cTR ^
mt TT W^mr^T: ma ^^^mra: i ^ i
5«^i cllmIPet^ <^4 "TT <^i<i m4 net W el'M 3^7 PlPfT ci'-i
Piiiiei «*>< 3-t CTIM! 9Mpa Pi<+11etM I JHMM ^*I 1-1 % stsiiPfi if i*s. 111
"m 41-S't IT 3TI< I-S. Mdi-l % sjKia "whrr 1
Tilt Dwi'ii mpir
mta 3^1 Prf^r mPtr wt if ir ^14 <+>•(. srk Pt=t ferm
if ^t% "ft wrm W Pi+1 eld % I ^ WT mT ^T dd-^l ^?ct f I
TTRFT SflRT RPT "T^TR el'M Rit deshH mf TT 311 mt Tt lien % I
HWIIIHII '^("101 ridH ^111 4flid"«t ^Pd: H*ldl
TUIIC(,CA ^cf Prat wm ^ ^ W w*fdii«iri< i ^ i
fTT "RST (lltsel TWcT TCI) WT 311^11 "P "yiT TR E^MII % TPT
%% % I eTfsT W mt sfk RcqmT cnt ^TpFT ^et et^ ^t fdT ^T ^tdT

PfTcTT PfTtT d^l TTj UdicdTd^ sFlPd

WTSTT cfctrfH ^MI-ddrT +ldW cf^ W TeTTT TRt: I RC I
31111 Pi(l*T el1 *1 ^t ill 11*1 ill 3nil sniPct Sltr TT HIH nl
Ptdl^ Pddilel I TR Pddl-i TTJ MTT WT ^ TtT % 3T^ if TTRT
Pi 11111*1 TT RcTT^ sill I
% Ti«<=iw unatoFR^i ymi-di+i a<;fiscitHd-»^i
-yT naOii RcrrftartRmamtsar^ i i
Tw c^iT ^qr sRqr ir •qept
m qra w 3Rqr) r^^iri) qrc wq wm qft fqfq % ^ w
ffcT, fqfirq ?tfr 4«+l arTf^ R+iefil i ^q^^qiqn qrq farfim
'ini^i ijl'ii i fqfirq <iTi< shii-ti sfA sr^rfvi % <5TI<

wi^X ^I: Hdigi<»i^s^rjt? iwau-- ?u«'^di:T3:

f^V'ffTHT irdcT ^ f^T«iT d<<<N ^ fa jf* f^aSTT: I ^o I
^rr ini^i -iTK % 3Fqzn ^f^rq ^■'ii i q? q?riqi sftr q-s "^rt
ftqn ^r #r q? ^rrnqr qff qt ST^R ^qr i q^r qft qqi %q
ei'ii i fq yqu qt ?rr? qrr ^qr ^rq % i
qsr^ rHMd>nr)d>lymi IT:
1 1
tWfcT: ijqirdH^ %^t FTT^q^T
qf-ft Y°fi, %q STeTT SJcTT «&'*><. qicTRTq? ■dd^'lRl % J^uii cf><
Iq^n "^r qnr ^qrr qrdt ^ t (q^: %R3: snfq ^ TTf^r
qr) qr q^T% (H-<4>-^ qqq snf? 5. Trftr q %)
¥t% % i
tt«fRr %q chdicmi^ irrtsffe" ^ (^) +Pd+irq^ q
Y^v "Ywrr HsM Wts^m IWiw- i i
qt y<+.K qq *^61 qqr % i \ q^n ^ q^q ^c
qrcq "^r sifqqr "wt q^j ^f fsjftq ^ farfqq qqm % Th^q %
fcrqi qnqr % i ^ q^rr qqr qm m qqq fqv. f^n "snqr
%, qt qrossr fqrfqq qrrpq tT qqp % i
qcqr^r qqcrqq HRI^W (T^T wvi, ^
Y^v ^ t^rt P^oqf (^<i)
irf dHiwrt qqfrr ^ ^r
(^) cTq TJcTT qr i I
q«qq^ (^i^) sfkqqcqfcr (H^I^I^) qnsraq ( ^i^i?H)qjt
fqv ^q ■& -g0" ^ f^qr ^ qrq % q^r qfq ^mr % i q=q
^ ^rq
^qt %q
^j><i qfq —

q? fsf ^rq qft -firqn ^ % i

^ WT

T^ritnha^ ^
fTvlil^cbiVI V§z ^ TIT:-?JTT^ Hl«ir< U? ^ M^T: I^VI
xRC ?R cT«n -pfz ^ -RT Trqpr f^m ^rc "qtn TTSTT t^n
cf M< H^. 6ini % i fsrFnfrt HM ^\cii %
grfft f^n ^f ^n i ^Fsc WT -Sf fwr %
grj^TR TTRT cf'TT f^rRl 3T^ ^TI fTT^T-T ?l111 I
^•Wr^rrfl") "9Rtf^% ^^TT TRT^T <MI«II<
^q": w^t Vr^: PdHw^ ^fts^ i i
'ERC =FT ^TrR "?R 3Tq% fSTR % sn^TT?! % 3lf«I^ ■?!% 'PR ?R Tf STS^RI
•ETZT^nl i ?m ^r BRR -qRi^ ^¥T -di^'ii i fgrfw ^ ^TR ^rf^r T*T TKI^T
^ ctan
-p*T$rrfa%s8j MRci-4 dwi^qi wgr^r i
tra fPTsnh^r Ictht rddii^i^: i i
ST^rm % srfs^F R?% RT PdldR Rft "JtTT sFlPtT RT STajTRT Mil+T flR
?RT8rf Tf T3n^% TT "JtR Ret "fmr % I fgrfRR Rft 3tR sblPrl ST^tiRT %
RTR it% RT 3T^m Tt R? RTtfRT R2TRR RIR % RTTT^t
PctqiirRdl RFR ReftSeRtR RftrR: WqTT^
PdRfR cTR ^TcT TdT^I-Rci qiTiydllc^ I ^Vs I
fRfRR Rft RtficR RRtRT 3 STSTfRT % RW RfR RRT RTTT^t % RTR "?t
W^RT: tfr3RRRTqnTlR PdHlP;*: ¥FR Heflid^lV
RTTTTcRRR^ f^itR ^ ^TRt I ^6 I
Rt RRfR S^T 3T8RRT %i RtR RTTI^t % RRTcT % I RTR <t>cil 3nfR
RR% % 1RTR. ^TTT PdiH"! % St^TtR % I
3tR: W^T Rfet TfWRTRT: gtRf: TRT dHdldh I
RRfqr RPRfRT RTJTTRT ^ TRT RRRfe Rfldlt^: I t
3m: RTR: TIRt TRTRt ^t (fR^RR, RR ^TR Rt Rt?RT) RTTIR TTT^
ttpp d^Hfn Rgp^ RR RTCR PdRldrVd t^RT^ft^R: I
^ RRt RTR RR: RR^t ^ fRl^t R^ Rfttf R I Vo I

wr srcqm Iwi % sfk ^ERT ^pt *n«rc

^tnr i w y^K yra Rmmih ERT ■gwm %$ t^n ^mr yft
t^rfsr ^Rrpft ^rr % i y? y?ei fyrst 31MI4 % Hff EPWT % i
+cHfft -r*ir<+- Z+toW (^V^A) WMIdl^
^ ^t: W enf^xbl^ tlFT IWt^T (WVs^) Pd^dH ftydYV
"EP?: ^iT M-<+-^ snf^ 5, TTf?T yr fy^n % ttrtt ^tfevcT
^AiJjfi, 3RT«n (H-< -rer snfe ^ Trf?r^ Tg% yr) fy^rr sfk d^rA'Pd
=Bt yft%TT I FRT % 'dTf yst TFT^SPFcT % erf i Ft til 'gcT B(vrHi
% "jm % Mdrfil I
tt$R ytPT Pd^lWcI'lf^W
fdHmd TRT
Ht-xtlM d>dlcMf«<M (^oVsVj^Y)
Wr+of *ra: TTPT^ I ^ I
"^ry fysqr ^rn, yrf yft f^THT irft i ^5 %
y^r f%% yven KR (^?Ro) cpt f^n (WA) ^ TpRy^a
(^ovsa^Y) if H-A+UF % ym ^ TF gy ^53 fg»^MH ^tnr 1
arrfrf ^ tEjr Mef+M fRqrsg yryr (^I^A)
^TFT T^: ^FfiTJrF TdldJlf^^ WRT: TRnjf: I I
F^Jid STHRT grfeT PlctJld «*>< -dFI FtHH %> FMti Tf%r PlHM %>
spprR ?f^ afk fT^r fygrra^ 11 ^gjiR^gy (S^RA)
% 1 ytg gy wf 3^f 5j-3*ii gy grf gfi^gR Tngy ^ci I-t^ici-f % g? gg
grf (wtt grfj grfr 1
rd'j,uiM ^n^+uiT^ wNHy ynciH, 1
g^ gggyr fdfHH yif PdWiH^ -^rMdwy-w^ 1 I
fsng g?r Igggx ^ -5^1 gg gg grf fr gm ^ gt "q^f xtgg
if dMtHM gr grggr gig grfi 1 v$z ggf fg»g grg gn g
Mef+M -ft ipn gg fgggr % gig ^ gg grfsg g?r "F^e ggc fgig
gR if gft^g % gf gsg ggfgR itgr t
ftrfr PiHwiHd Wgr flFfr M^rmwgftr u^gr 1
gnf ftrft^ RggAg gnf grrf gfg^ ^ gfygrgrg; 1 1
gtfr snfg % 'sort ggt fgtg anfg pHg.i<H^ if gfg gftgg % gnrg
ir% gggft trt ftfr fgfg ^ fggygft % 1 g^gggr if 'fgg g?t gRg
g^t g?t y % •ggi gg fgggg gR gg ^j><; g-g fg^g gff ggn arrfg
WT cjufHI

ft "ft CIHIHM i
an^ 5# T«r *irT: ?icwi left o^rnr 'TtF:
^Trl TTfeT: «itel|cf, ijfeF ^TT TH chid^U: | I
V<H U<*IK "tt -el's, "nftr %> xj^p =Ft t^jxi '"^ <!=(
■Ef -rpr f^n (^<c) «jrn ^r tk w ^rfssi n ^FV ar^
TTRT ^4'l | •Hi'itici ^4 "TRT % *M<iM XR y5^1 <t>lie-let) 1R gl'll I
TUWtFT R-ftHdl^T IT^t Wf^: +rd+l ftRRTTT
3Fe%^ tgrft TfeT ^tlT W?f t^ft^ I IM I
R;-i % <J™IRI epici ('Erzt 3xiR;) TR^T x/£ RT7! <+><
^cn HPT ^Rlfd UIH'Fe-i ^fsr ^ft "l^z: "nfd
Nii4 ^ tysfi 3lt? Rt^I "Fici ^T 1R li'll I
il^ulHeJrbl W
TTrat^FftSl I I
u 7 < j
'=i-^ye i y*«t1 WTI sftr 14«t T ^) epajt ¥ t>K' i yitt
RR FZIFT FT t*FT itdT % I STcT: THR if "T? ^Tlt ^PRT
H-scii % I ^4 yeul ^ tsiei Tj4 cl«n tiK^ t'RT 14-1 et)^! ^ 4i4
%? ^RDT WR 5K URT 5K 1RT % I
erwn;^ trfSR TITRT T^tRT M<WlyMM< ^l4>^
3TRRT «cfui5 cpcpuii i|i||y| I I
^4 TRW tSISJ sftr sjK=t) Rt 3(ciM ep83T 4i4 cp RRW 3tclJl 3|cT'l
TSTpft 5t TTTTT 5^ ^Rr % I Rf Tf^T RT ^TR crfRW WKl 3RR XR
wt <5H<FI atcMum ycfuiw sfk WRRRR TTTTT arenr srtt RTFR ITRT

<ciw+id tsAP^Hfiji mw ar^r

f&KWt Ttfti ^ WTfr iRRfhT ^ H^xbl^ I «V> I
R=cniw 3IEZTPT ^ fppff ip ar^TTR TRR^nfbRi 7R,
(ssia tJKR [4•41 R 4l l R( STTsn), TRW RTcT 1R IRI xr^ W5t, Rt^I,
fTSRWT^ cIWT XKf^ WaftWeT fHd)|<ritt I (WT W1 ■&) Wl RRf , Wt^I,
frwRT^ sftr H<f4 «MM4 ^FTR R -^31% R (in wte% x^j TPRtcR ark
W?lfr<+MK «4Mcf VTRTX TfWCRR RPRtet
f^fk cTRR; XR Xjof ftRT 1) li wtxT Mw I Kt I
1R% WK eURTTfoRF sfR RR RRRR ^ ark MfV^H ^R
f^RJRT cr«ioT

iniTOT -ffil TF^cf: WR tRT f^PT
ar»»ici ^ "itAg, ftlit: f^TcT ^i^"- ^HH^ICII^ I I
W ci^T ^ncf "^f "PR?, "Ptser arrf? ^>TCT PP»K ^RcT % i
5^ XR>R PR^iR g?-! "PR?, STlf? "^icl % "PfR TP ^Mcn opl vj><i
3?k TP^ fpqppg fH+ld «MMcf<+lci "FTT Pf^TpRT ^ I
qR^dld^^frt: ^I"- TFP Pl?lfp<d»l Rrf? "g^p rd>^lRt:
ftsjt "PR? fWW RpfrerfRflcTT ^TcT TTcP^ I ^ I
5P ♦IHHcf'tilcl ^ ^-T: RRTICT =tR I^R? 2fnf5 Wil <*>1 :

PPt-U I TP P^R PR PR PRP ^ PRigPR tit "PR? PI ^t PtSff

pppit if P?Tf 3RR TTf Wtm I TP P^R "PR?, PtP, T=fteR PH^tdH
Ptp-PTE ppfpR -iife+iii RPcP^ P^ "5P "PTR;
p^^ftr "PR? Rnfw TPT: Hw|tj,d: PTTCTP M-diPd, • sv i
TP PT^lfFd PPci S^T P^ PPcT % 3RR "^r ?pTt Rpfp apg PPT
TPTt pf 3T^ P?t "PTE PTT? snf^ PH PR PTH TTTT I 3IPPT TpF PR P>t
fpfP % PR? 3?k PtSPFRT PH "PfH PR RpncT PR PSPP PR TP ^Rt
PP 3TPR Pl^lct I
PRTTymTR; TR ftrftgRPT ftPPT^ % PTRP-cR^f^t
STTTT ftsftp ftpfir Rng ppf^r FPRP PRRTFP I KH I
TP%3T3Pni"^PR?3^:PtsEf PPRpp?RlP"«?tcn% i pprpp?
TpB PPTTtPP; 3TPR FRT % I TP% PtP % 3IT^t % PPPT: ^tPt 3RR PR%
% PR? affR PRf tiici P>T PR RpJeRT I
TP PR % P5P PR % tPPP PT (^PP) iPPftir 3T^ PleT rddil^tl I
PRcT t I fTR P«P PPcftp PR it PR? 3^T PT^RTRI % ?R PE 3RR
"fppiTPltt % I
PPT ^Mtdtd.tiMTIl-dTttPl^pt dcftPlRd. dHHlRt
TP 3T=cRt % aiymr "& (PtP? afRRt ^t T=RP 4i'ii^ % PTRR PR)
fPR PR? aftl PRTPRt PP "?3^ PR (TRRT) tPPPPTft % I gp: TPif fppfd
3T^ fppiMtl % I P? fpTPT PR PR PR% it 7R (ePPP) PfZ Tt ^nPT
% I -
UTPT ctufHH, ^^3 •

orf% Ad<IH ftenTT^r

157 "PTT^^ du^dl^' WFcTTOT^T I S\9 I
vmm TR^R % sdc; Rt^I <*>ici ^>t IVMICI 3T^ 31^
WT ftsTfil 3T^ if ^Tt W 3n1? 3T^R ^HT 3^% Rjf ^T Pt^fd 3T^
% *TPT tR # eTf^R #nt W^f 3^ % ftsrfd 3T^ R ^5%
R R? t^{><; FTdl % I
^ <;u-S % 'gi% H<61 R? IVMI Wff % I 37^ *ii'iH>cl IRT
srrfi ^rrar % 1 TR PRTPT g fiTR: ^frir w^f aAz Rf^i ^1 «'w>U
Rf? Pttrt ^TRn % I
RT«T TTcfl cTf^T 3nt ft«rt?T ^g%R
^ eTRR tTTf^f RT^T di^udl 1^1
^ft RRf -qr Rt^r qrreT ^tcn % i RPRT ?r ri^T qqrt
(P7HHH1 %T RTn qq snm) R srfqqr ?t-
inhsftcrr (RTRRnw RaratiRR PdRf+iPf:
Rsq TT? unr d>cilM REq ftsR3^ ^TcTFT ^cf Pd^rFH, I ^ I
RI MHH "?t (fr RSR fRilfq 3T^ TTRT q^TT "FT "ym qR RFRFT
3TTRT qRcf % I <i<rlH dr+lPeld) ?R sfk RfZ: Mcf+lfcrldj TR qft 3RR ^RR
RRT ^ct % I
H>CI M+d, <+>4^ Tjcr ftrs fWRT^N* HIR R
dcW't+dld, qefur ifoiw ctdHd WgHd: TRS I \o I
TR^ # RR if RRf sftF Rt^I fFSTtR 3Rt fRS t I fR
f^ffcT 37^ g tfF^d RfZ qqcT R Tiqr ^ RR if "PTE cdMH Pd+cddl
% I TR C1*M-1 RPRrf RRf 3^7 Rt^l^lCI PJii RT fdliei'M I ^R ■Old
% RR RR ePR-T 14cm eld Rif STTRRRqicTT dgl % I
WftirpRRft WfWhr TTRT 4l'll^ RTrf^RTRTf fPnrp I ^ I
g4 TTfR "0 "mu fRJR RTI MRH|U| 7717 (inw fspR) "& 37fRR7 Tt%
RT RcTR TTTR 4f'II I ^777 '?f% q? TTTgl 37^7 «l6ct' Hldd^HI-i (tR^R Hid
RR <7 4 R27% % I
"^cT ^Clq<^'5DT ?R %7f[: qWrRR>: "FRT^ RcTRT^i RRcT
TT^R "gRTRp FfHMofui: Rep 3TR«T RT?rTRPT cRRRT«np | |
STrK % Hgci cR? il5ul ST^TRT tWfW ^) M)uiI
'gR %> m«J1*i ^ qciq XJTO M<n 3Trf^ f^srfg 3T^ I-icMeiM I TR
ftsrfg 3Ft gFl cfRH «V+H WMMcf grr?I TT R3I% RT
qeis TTRf giT 3IRJR 3^ "9tS WTTcT gtTT)
<wr^n% <U4M^ TT I^DJ -pt ^TTR
ftfTtr TT^V -nr «ti^ ''ftoh'mr Rftr^Fg ggr ^?K I i
«6 I % >;"« RFT I MI % 15PK ^iT 3RR %T3 dafSJ TP
% 3^) % 31*1% Tw•&i-n % SFtl -ii-s^, -TcT % aiift;
% ««>k Ri% % I
RRRiTRFRg fti<6 R *icf<;i <5*n «Hfli ■H^HI
r+r^^ fcRp ^5t i^teftr 1 1
^IM><MI4 % RV ftrsjRt ftiimnn ^ fRfsr RSRA % i Rrr^r
iig"! <*»nn TT^I Tgt gtcTT % I SRT1 <^4 neui % apfeR RI^H
tR atftl 311*4<*> -STfcT Js5 ^51 % I
Pimia ^4 ng ttRn tss(if-tt Rpr^nr
%w wdHiMH fW^nm fVio^^di wn^ i ^ i
3=4ftt) Pill % *^4 115ul «4I*H RR RSR sft^ RtSfT uitn %>
?R =Pt 3P4% •HMM % sTR sFTpxT ^TT % 3iel'l STcRT "yn gfR Pi-thi )
RTT ^R RR 3 tl TPTT "fit •HTK gtcft % I
«<^dld^Hg d-lP^^I <RFT:
^rip; shHlfttfl'd): «HMc{d>ld: I ^ I
gR <frT R% Rn (Pt+dl RTT V^O) RRt afTTft TTgnr gTT
^ RRt 4RT 3TTf%r RR4 pRFT^Pl I FRR d>lpd ?R PFR f^?n
^r gt^ 'R TR MdicH^ RRT Rmffe Efira ^r sFRzn RRr^pt i
cTR cfTRTer W^f, Ht^l 3^1 Rf^RRTFT el'll I
st»Hi«rs 4>^dsTTJR: ttehcT: WeP^PTRTT TOft:
^ift PTgT ftffttr ePR tjanp ^cffteRR* R5 d^HH: ^V» I
Rg tTRR M6<?1 %> RPRt RT 3lt%13> gt% 1R qiwPl^n «MH gtTI I
M4t4Hq % RFf ,gt4 gT 3* 3qq>l 34H*fl 34H41 C1»«1-1 -JHI ^ 3UII <*><.

RRpfF w: it RHT Mdlp; RRT P4+Icl''>l I ^ WfgR vTHT %

Tg% IT Wyittd RgeT if -41^<) I eft I
W!flfP<4> «43d McfdIHI rH^dH^H
■pnE^g" Hg MM+ld Wlr+lPd* f^fTT ^ptFT I %C I
wit o)UJHI^

W mTRT=r n ^T?f, ark kkr ^>TCT arknn i hwt+M

cWT % TR^cT tR WH °f>T 'FTTH "qwi+lc-I FRn I
c|i|fd4< ^UIM^t>ic|it ^rR^tWC? "^7 f^ I
ftsic*n£ ^rftwr- W^H ^rnr ^ i -\% i
TSfe ^ ^<+>1^+ ■Qgz ^FTf ■gk aflT -Rtq irf^nf ^-s<+.<
TfRn cTii^ci -k ^ itswtIW ?R ikn i w#r ^tfti TT
FT^f ark kty=t>ircn+ IWa sr^ Ph^ICI'I i ^h+1 arem a^cm ■?«rT:T ^f
■jg^: trsq^ikT^ Frnr ■gaqr k gnn Iwn ir «rFT ^ i
W!JIf-rl «rm MU ftrFt ^ TR^tT I
^rnf tTSTFqr femt krjg ^ i ao i
wf ark kkr ?K f^n k T?k FT w^f TkfcT Fk ffct k
F«m fjfi F^kkr aftr -fefkt ftft kt ft^t M'^ct Fk fjtft k klkk i wf
a^r kr^i "?r fq=T f^n k ktk ft tf^ ark kr^r frsTki a^ % ki'ii-di
Fk wf aftr krss kF+d Mcf+icH k FTFTgrrR Fzikk, ark an%k i
Tkfgk H^T kwjd wk tkktk WT: "rgr?
fkHrF^i wn^ HTF ^l(?^ knFFnTT fkF# I \9t I
IF kkt gF: 3TF% 3TFk cRFF k TTT^T FRF FT TFFf ark Ft^T
k gFT FF tk5FT (3Y!<£) k FTF kFT ftFT I
MFf-dk cRFF F^F: ftkrT^ "Jikt F ^
FTrFrrfkkrkt TW^ W?T drdH^) WlW kH^klF: | |
FtsST FTTcT k dlr+lPF* FFT k TFTfW sfk kk^FJ cdHH fFFFcTFT
F«FTTpiRT^ WlfVU ^Tt k^F? FTFt 5 ^kl+W^F
cRifk FFitk gdPcfltF wkksfr wf w pnrp i i
TtF % F«FF>lcd "TO k TFTfFtFT ark klf^FT TIT k W arPFF? % I
afk T^r FTHT % FF% fkF, kt fFFTF fFfk FT1FT ^ I -fFTTkr fFFT wr
FTFF armFF % i
kMTiT Tjk TT? gF? krFT W?lf-d WT FTWrk
k TF TF KRT FF «'gdl4> sFlfkr FW^F tkgkF^WT: I \sV I
ff^tf PfPf k "gk wt Ph+if ff TFk, f«f srk fT^t fftt kr
FgiF ^i< FF aiFk aiFk ttff k> cim k> FFkF fft k aicTF aicTF m)ui i

f^n ^ % i
^pTcT I^PT ^rrt f*FT r<^^N= I
mRTt ^"jf^nrs ct^T: ^t^rar (^) HT wif& tenTT: i w\ i
w?f a^c ^ ^TCT "m -q^r f^n if ?)% m FT TT^ff ^ 3ro%
3iq% ?Rf fr HilJjJl, fvFT 'feqn if wr%TT I tfTcT apt 7RRR ff "^m
% TFT TT THB Tit f^TTT gt'll I
TT icnpt fjzr-- ^ mhrsn w* TNt:
ftrr^r ^ ^TTTIPiritfWtrrITTftmTE"cRn i \3^ i
?T^t FT?!, Tsq aftr Tt^T TiTeT %T ^ % farfTT cFT % 3RR
Tit Tqj % -gon TF 1T5TT (^i) % TFT TK Tffe (TfhFt) PHct'lt I
Tft^cTTRT^ TTWrncT fFTT T^rTT T^t \cT TTct ^cftT I
^TRT T^Nt T«FtTi- TFTTft tftr yUMcf TiRT: I VSV9 I
^T rfhT mFk Tit H<l TF FT?t ailfi Kgui ^Tt TFT i=ti< MciirH=n Mien
fnTHci^l I CIM-aillnl 3it< ^Jia tr—l IqifM ^f Wt% TR FT?lff^
TTTRT T ^T%TT, 3FTTT (T^P t^Tn T ?t^ TT) TZT^Pt I
■mrfft % RT^T Vrf TTRT TTFTt SV T^Tt Ttt cF^R
tTl<^ TTTTET Tiler RTRTiTtcTTi FT? I 0<i I
yn: t^ia. cni-Mn "^T FF^T TiT% TF U6mi TiT t^Ki T^TTiTeT eini I
5tl^i <Ml<; T^TTiTfeTTi <Mjia TT T't sftR T^T Tffe T't >5ft^TR
FFTiT ci'f'jei el% % T? FTSTT T*^) Til el TiT 7R FtTT I TFFT FT?f sfk
Tt^f TTeT TT fFTftT 3FS PHTiiei I
M«|fcT cTT «j),^uie-i ^tf Iruri fef wV^ei H=fuiW I
FprrPTTTtft: FoPJW TTFTt TWnr TimtPTF eF3RT«TF^ I 60 I
^TTit STcFT tyi<i T®TTirfeTTi eFT ^TTT F "3^ TF 1TTTT % TFT
^ I TTT (FTTf TOcT % ) TFT ^t 3TT% FT?f fFTfcT (FJZ) 3T^ "FT TZT^Pt.,
TTT 'fefrT TFT Tit TtTT % Ff? fFTftT 3Tit "I I Ttrt apt 3nT%
cTHH Ft FF^T TF% % I
^ WTT "^nf^

(^PTf % "qm ^T 3TT«n) ^ 'Rszni? ^rr IW ?R

^ ^n % ^IKI 3Tf%r^ ^ 'at a«n er^ sFrf^a "g^f ^iPxi ^ trt
wr ^rr "ot«R ^ fgrar ■gtar % i
q-E^: ^R: W^hr qW ^TTW WT^tPTf^ SFft
q^, qr aq ^q f^rqr ^t f^q i cr i
q«q ?R qfq "P^f 3^: qt^r qqer qtat % qR % q^t at, atat ■& arfqar
it ar itir % arRR it it qa^ qreft 1qfq aa at ^aqaR aRar qTla% 1
irar a^ "Rai itt a^ unr a qr <[aa fia firaTiq
stat qat aat f^naf t%w ftt a It ¥WT^sftT 1 ^ 1
qt wr ^ qtar (srai wa % firaat %) arft ai wt ("gi at
q^t aa) qtat aat % 1 qt aat iiaat % aai faat farat (strata) aft
sTTqaaarai aat % 1 srcr: fia an aac aaa ar ^ifa an "gi aaa (afaa
a? spprrc) ati a? at <ra atn aat % 1
fti PRtraf qqrat feapr qpft aft pat 5 aqq>:
aat ftrftTpnqa ta anattt fita aat aawtf^pq: tgcfl 1 1
atfaar fia ir qran area (arffata?) tOwdi "g^t "Wt aat qfa ir
aaa area atraax 'gaq aat wn % qaa ana ara safi aaata aar
ata? saft aaf fafa^ % 1 tar "?qfa t aat % 1
arita aactT^TRR freR at atq aaat: qfenhaaar^ % 1
aatftt aa; qart pt aar faia qat ftrq anf ftofarq; 1 1
q^ «5 i a fqq aanr fE anat % ttrt ata aat nm ata "t fE
anat aat stq sttaa aata faanatT qtat % 1 aat aanr "gi awt t
at aa taaTT itat i 1
araar aat at T5: aaa fiaft aa pfits at (^o) fiat
tiHipitftn (^vs?) aia aaa qj: arftr rrafataar: 1
atr^: awrr^t ftR qqaa (Y<i) ta^ ftrats fta agr 1
ar: ^^aftcar: m aaa^ar arttainqxfq: (vo^j 1 6% 1
qq aaa aft tTalTr •qaffaar (^o) aar 1 qq aaq an ara aianat
(^) aq 1 "gri xwt aft aaffaa? ftqfa (^'R) aat 1 qata am aft
qqffaa? ftqfa (v^) aq 1 aara am an aqffaar aianq (9^) aq 1
^gaafifa qqaqaa: aq ^5 it aanf) % qaf?t (^o-k
at it aantt % 1
W f^nsRT ^tSnr !

ftrsr: ^ tr nr ftw (v^) -RTct;

a^iKHi^U (w) ^'ii^ TT^n: (^)
ftRHFirPr (^)
■q;9T "^f TJTcf ^ TT^Rt (\9\9Y^)
*IR> %^T (Y^^a) ftrtcRT
^H\w+r {^?) ^R: («vs) iRRfW^T
CfR^ 5 ^fRR: •(?«) ^5= I d\9 I
fwfR wr ■TR-^rg
■fWfR ^Tel Wl *^Hc1H
"RR trr
"FT WT iTfcT RieT - tR ( + ) V9*a'if^ Pcf+cHI
WT RfR TFR-^sR (-) Y^^VS fR^cR
TfR RR RR RtR RvR-«FT ( + ) t^RieTT
^R R5T RR RfR RTeT - RSR (-) ^ PRRkHI
cn#T RR R^t (Hl^)
RRfj ^pr RT^; Iorr ^r TR^; RR^RT^ r^RT
^foRT RfRR RRR>T H+^X ^Rlils tfcFimi^
^5 RT^ ^Rl R^ RRR^ ^ RT^ R>T ^Rr RTT^ I
^pr^f Rt RcljiRRf x tR^Rt f^5: -R: I 66 I
RT^RRT °Ft el)'l RT^cft, tRIR <M1< R^tRT %» c^H "^f RpT RR^
t I 3Tk fTT RRR TRRRf efrRf ^ft ^R4 ^cT % I R^ RTf TTg
RReT RR pg7? RFR RTR ) "q^f % BJRT ^TR IRU^ % flMH RRRR
RZcft % 3TR5T #Rt "^T VR R STcT f I R? RRRRT 'Rft RTRf RR
RTRT Rjt .
Tr^FcftSPReT RRTcT ^cT R^R
Sft R7^ Rt^P RfRvtSf^T fRt
ftnePR R^for RRT^R RH^
•q^f Rt -TRR RTt RRRRRRRTRr: I 6% I
fPT RRiR <3^l«l % PRPoRld PFRgRT ^ RRFT 9ft R^R RRRP RRI
RRRT sfk ^ RRTRcTT RRT RTcTRTt Rft tRSfn % tcRP fR^RT Rt}ni %
RRR RRRRT ^f "g^t Rl^f R^fR «HIH fSR I
MRelW cjufn^


c«l<^8<r^<+ ^ xT^ Jtw&t ^TT I ? I
"0^ 3^ xF5: TTSTT ^ '?q?f, cTSIT ~R&TR *Faf sftx fifTfJ f^w if
^nn, TFRFT ^FT ^ f^ra TT -we crra MR^W ^rm
I i
^Wcri^f^TSf: Rsrt FTK, s^rarAcr
<.c0^MN mu>6Pj mzt iprti d^M, i ^ i
Tivft ^ ("^n ?oq if) Rrra erg -q^ qq ^ret ^n % i
(■qr ijFsi qn q en - ^-s -i i elqi %) tfNr qft Rrqir (3^) q -isT
irm % i Tfft qqqr snqr?? q -qq ^rw ^ TR qq? #T
qq qt q«q imq f^?n) ^t #31 Rydr % i
fWcfhF# ^ irfj^ RlqwrshHdls ^diPn
Rt^lPd W. dehPei^l Pxt5<||qw-qH ^T«lc+<uiN ^ I ? I
■JT: ^1 "E# (TT? f^Fq) PdMeiq ^t qt qr% <lyd % I 3Tq: UMld
srrq# qiWixF. qq qrq q die+>ird<+ "gq snf^ % ^RT frns qfq,
"SFTT 3Trf^ qq (^R) MRHI"! # qTfq q 3TRFt fq^Tq o^Roqi
qRcn "f i
qrrer ^if. R-^iPH fZ\ Pd^-r q^;--
^ +dHH^f UTRT UcTT^r PjdUmdlPd I V I
^RsC wr ^t "q-5C qq TTgrq if "g4 qq qqeT qr^ PHdild qR
(q«q wq qqeT qq qi^r) qq# .% i 4lqq>d # fqqqj fr
hrt qR qrei fr qr ¥?: fIrt i w f^ rt "g4 srk wrt qq fqrq
qqr qR qRTi ^f frt RT qqqq sgjer FTR FPTT I
Pth 'PrjiqpT qioq f^TT^ qq> qqlcffx^FT WT
qr FT: teTFi qgq (^) FT: Rnrr^ dd^diPn i ^ i
srqqr q^T qq g4 qrFq fqq % (3'i4. qrt ^ % gqi qR sq# sr#
^Rtq qqeT ^ #q qR q>qi»d # fqqr^ % qpr %% qq q# FT #"11 i
TR FT F fqRT, S)Kq>eTI 3nlF % FRT FT q? SRJeTRqqr Ft qiqi % I
aqqqq qgeT tqfq % fqjq sftr ^R+ell qrt FRT Rt arjeTTFTq?
"5t% % I »

"^trrfWcTFrf fcp^ Ati <;ccii xTiT: I

"HHTsf («\VJ|^) ^xf cieRTfW ^ I ^ I
% "^TTR nHcid ^ m f^rft ^ TT (SVSI^) snj^r
oqrm^ % (+HI«) TT -q^? ^xi i w ^XT TR
frf r^ytj (^cMd) i
m^PT gfi^T TTGt TWhT ifhSTT ^T ? ^xT
^pif ftpf xf^xr I to I
: :
^rT ^f>TC ^ 5 T nA'X-m^ %> ^RJ^R ohimi^ ^>1 V^> 3^
dxT M-ll^'l fWB^T TPT TPTRT ^xT el'il I TR%i ofiqel «l§J Vnxi oTPETT^
"PT Tflir ^xT d-ll^i I
Hl'ei<y P^ll TETTER eH^W^xP^ I
MCi 'l|;l<^ eTcPT 'Pr^T xTSTfT ITtW I 6 I
f^wnfenw ^ tM%r % Wllci frT if sfk slk XTfg^m ^xT ^
3Tk xtfgxr 1^5 % cJcm>l) % ^<H< (atjcT) ^TTR (xHXT ^713%
t) I
"pr^f: Pnft wr ^tprt ■tf? wr<?i)c» ^ tfr^r I
^r f^-tft: FRf ^ xnr: ipprftr wnht, i ^ i
3T«Tf^R4 f3F5 % x(-^y^u| tp wqf ^T ^T -r^ % tfT^ ^TcT ^
cfcR sppft 3im1 H;*!! RTRT ^Rct % I
(^JxR ^oPT % t?R TxR 1^1 ^ afrc ^Tf^piT gcR % ^PT f^n
diH dildti % I ^ ii6ui ^T Rtpf cT^TT y6ui ^iT xft£cf '3-1% fd'-M %
^ -fT WtclT % ) Tfft xrfgri % TT?^ % Pt^T xp P?xq %
fpf <t>ici %. dei-i P>T 31 ml R^ll ^ -did PPxT % I
sppeir w¥ fxr psxrsftr PTFR; I
xK: PT^T ^RTT fcr?ft WPf: ^{TxTSTT ^IsbHd: I ^o I
PR3 ^3 % ^TR 3313 % 3nif%5 31 331 %m ipfrSpt I
MI^<P4l4 (333131) 33 XR 41 33 f3 %t 33? 3^ 3^3, 333 3faPl f%5
=3131 %^t I W6! 3^ 3^13 3^3 333 3f33 ^331 3st%it I 333 13511 4
34 31 xtf^P 13=5 %t fHcll-) cTlcP >131 33 331313 >131 31?% % I 33
3% f33 3t xn flitfl % 3?T 33T31T 313-ft 13511 % -Mm M>M I
33T PRTTTPT 313131 335lf 3%3W31 I
513: UHl+lxP* U^l'- W^: 335? PpftePfl: URT I 33 I
3T3t 33131 % 313 313 %t 13c3% 3pft >131 3HIP^3 3% 133 3t

f^sif ^ fr ^ % «ruwt "mf Jfftr ^iei % ?k

^rfra i 1W9 ?R ^TT wnm ^rf ^ i ^r? ^idi+o
U6UI 3^ flHlcn-l % MHH ^ cRtfi-
trara^ftcR tftspfter ^ ^ft W^M: I
?Kiiidl ^re^nr -nrPr "^i "ppt^ mn irj^ m i ^ i
7T«TT i-H^dH sfh: ^tasr % fprq qfsFt crrqi ^Tcft % i "g^i WT ^
TT? TfRfft f^n it wmr % i mra ^r -TS^PT 1^5 ^
^ -mm 'ftf«'' ^ <+.idcii %
wfg- gtsra q-^R^ d^-id qg': ¥^¥: 1
dlr+lTdd. "JPfT?; cfeR WPTT ^fTl^or T?R: TOPf: I 13 I
^r?f q? <diwr<d+ "'Eq^f ark ktagf ^mr 1 qiri "m ik?n
cU^+t fcT3F> MM % SPTOTC IMJ4! ^iicii % I
q- kkq qpqr'PT qqrft qfkiT 1q^: q^fkTPTT^ i
cJdiTH qcq qiift t^tq wtg %ift: tt fk«r?«r ^ 1 v* 1
m ^rq sfk I^tt q -fpr m qt srpqq snt^ qftq
qft fq?n q ikTi % 1
3Tq -gii Tj^nr if WI ^ qicT f^RfK k ^EWI ^ I ^
U6ui %> MMM <1 g ''q % fqqjz ^rft kT% qr
H^dl'^cl Itf sfcFTR^
d'dli-qd, *Hi4<^ TRpqqt 1
ftw ^ eraq qr^rt
wr<+ WfcrfWq wwrq; 1 ^ 1
Frqq k q^ R'i % qrE qcn srqq RVH q <-ii el'ii 1 irr MC-H %
qq qm k ^ spjci % srk k qqx a^c qf^rq qft qpq afk qt fq^f % 1
qk Tpqnr k qrq: qft cptf qf^xj ^wncr q qRm qrt qpF) 1
Wf tW r+dHilTd-d, mi?ll*dMdf fkdf#
WRTT^pif q-Rr ¥kq dHmm^n'iid qqqrr q«rq; 1 ^ 1
?q qt fkir slk fq % %FS fqq; q im ^qrq qqr qftqq 1 -g^f
q«q TTFq % qqq q ^ Rqn k qft qqq fprqr ""iq? m qq ani qm
^q qqq q5t cm? qqfqi aiq % q<N< atgci apsr % s

qqqr f^cfkf \za qft sqrq krat M qqf 1

ddji?cfj| qxrg^r qm kfmm qqqkrfkq d<«id, 1 ^ 1
qqfqr frq %? stjett? fq^ fq qm kr^ % kkr qsY
^ "ftr^RT ^Tjnf

o^m % ^r % 3^ er^ ^tr % HEJT

-awm spHt f^n 4 1
hi^+i4 ttM ^ -g^r ^ftrpt prNl":
Trrff tRTT ^ir<d W "TT^ft- I \C I
TH^n % 3Tn f%F5 TT TTTF^ f^r 3^ wpt ^T ^TT ^rrntn 1
^TT tiiw ^fr ^r ^ft HPT CFI^'U 3CRT sfk ^ "crra
^tnt ^FT f^wrt i
faF^nf W?f f^Ttg- TE^T PHuim dWM
3TT3RT r«(-fii-a< (?) "TPT gd l ^xf ftxPT?? I 1% I
•PT?f, 3lk tfr^r TPPT ^T Pd+M 3m ^TPT
«<l^ % I f-T cfV ! i^ait % V^f> <3x1 Xffl'aicl % I R? ^xT Rrt^i
(^IPHPI RTRPR PrpR)- RRf afp Rt^f % Rpg Rft ^Tt % RPT R^t
Irrrt R
d<-dR tm yR ^xMa^ wi*\
gR '5R ^fsSTT Txft RT RPt crhmi-xk^) JTRFf I ^o I
RpT lR^3Tf IR TJRT T3R7 RR Ijfhapt I ^r *HI'ld RRt % pHetd %
RTPRT MR mn '3TR crf^r M^srf pHdidl RR Rt
IRCTTRR arnt rrt^PT I
crtpMR ^fir Rnrts^r faF^ MR wfR
it&i m?Ri Rpf w UIM-XR MfhrRmpmp i w i
RtRt MR \IRR Mr Mg m PH^'fl RR % Mrft RRR %?
SRTRT^ ^ RaF ^xl ^Nt% RT R? cfHt M^ait % ^tRR RT%nT I R? RR
RTgR Rrf "gtRT I
m^RFf 3t Jtm; Mr^ Rft RTM ^5^
y«lRd< TTTir R Ht WRf "R^t xR MftcR Rpp I a I
^R RTFR Rli % RR tR^ it RM Rt MRT ^T ( RRC WR R R^
WR ^ Rf^rq) -argR RR %? MnfR^ sft? tttrr RR % RSR (^ps
iR^ it) fRRTRR R3T tfO^M | Rg iiai RRT% RC illgj pRXR Rt 1R°F3
(3Ml-ci) RftfR Rt RST RT^f Rt R? PIRICH 5)'II I
iWld^^PF RPf ^rt 3«fT R^r<g Rit^ cTSR:
H^IRP<WldP<^ fW^ RPTt ftRT RWT f^R: TRTtp t
^ tjtu yrr ^fr ^fftfsr % fH^ft % ^
fspg ?mT % i w ^ C^FR) in fsny IWrt "dm "fmr -q?
feT% TPf yn tf^i Wrg -tnSnt | ^
f^n F (y^cwr % ^ "g^ % fen? 'FFt w^s ci«n ^rra
■qtg I
(Klpfr wiI^U ^tfy+Hpil '^i%w f^r tifd+iH;
ft«ir^ f^r tbciiiidi'^ ^r i i
3^ "RtadWJ^ ^ft SFjcTf eHyi{ ^f¥t I SFJcT W ^ TT
ijon mM* f^rRr TT ^tm ^fn (T^ "PTO "FR! % yrr^ %)
cTSIT "Rt^T STJJ^t iTt^l 'gt% if Hn51-11 TFTT «1l«lA % -3«tH "jpn oR iTf^
f?«rf!r 3T^ % ^TFT I fWn F TTT?^ 73^ FC W?f STjel
% ^Tf FT -FT -Rt^r i( -Rt^f 3RJcT 3?t <jft FT I
^TT d<^|<^ ^rP" -q^r ffT^fcKy^ %R
wrf^r unr w+idiij.d+i iv\<\\^ \ ^ i
W9f "31 RTSF %; ST^cTRT "R Ulf13> f^rtR % oRIRI^ 3? RTFR
fy^n 33 3TT RRR i TR RR ?KI TTTH fRiy 33 pyddi RRJT RVn, TE
•RR3 if TcTRT ft TTRT ftRT I
"RTf t3¥ 1T¥3 31^ iWtezr
imrnpf ■PritsyftrEFier mm rtcr wfft i ^ 1
TTUT 3Tk 31^3. 13^3 Rl'll^ STpT "& fR TTTR SPJcT 331^ I 33
3FJeT % 333? 3ft 33? 313133 (Pointer) ef 1
mwr^ift Rnf -^t wpf w?t ftpft^r wr<f>i i
33 *(16* 3Pf^3T cilPR rTWt *JI6'f 1^3 MH t I I
31 ^Idl3)| unr 13^3 % %3( R WfW IF ^ 3Ff 3ft 133TT if 33T
IF if Rt^FrPt 3ft f^RT if R=FT I 3TeTI33 UI^JHI't ^t f3R R3R
3? FFt 3ft3t 33 13^ if 3113? f^MI^ 3? '531 FT33 33 tdf^'H I
TfTir i#T 3133131-1, 3% ^3? FRIT ^tfcT 1
FRFHrSl ftlT ?ldl3>l UIRI4 RRRf Rsjff-^ I ^ I
31 f3i3 371113^3 3ft 13331 3333 % 333T it IF 3m f3tmf I
MI6J Sft? 3713? fRtR 33 3(31? 3?? 3?73ft 33^ft eF3Tf 3ft "33333 3ft
3=3 313 if 3^3 f3>3 ^ % 33T ^ 313 if % Rl^f
1333 if TRfi I
IWeR PZTR t^TPT ? W^ftcR W ^sftc«r 1^1
•q? ^ieii+t ^rgr Trrpp wf ^t ■w^'+A: ^ir ciHtr^tsr
i ^ win sfri sncitnj "nm (Tfrm "t*?n w ffcr^rr) -gnn i
ii? "or?! srh IJI^* -fw^r WRT "ntn in PHHICH- IR strw WR t
nf^r fTHir ^TV nnjR <!-41<HH i^znn ?tnT i
nor nt wgdilssrar m %=?[ ^pr yd^r4 ^srr
dcniJJof inwcn wn %S^Tf dMf^dl ddn^MId, M® 1
snf? MRcIW spn Mtr-w^rrra %? v^F nw; ftsra nsq
wn % ^P'- itl-ll cTWT^ "Ft y,<+i SRT\?pfT (dcl'tlM ^'SI
%> WTRRR) •d M=t) 3m t^P^STt %
■ftr^t? Trarr^ W^fhrtt nft' crat ^cii-^I
■^sif^ ^ TT^ft-- sF^JT jsn "?iTni% ^ i ^ i
3Tq% WR 3fft SfW^TRT % Vs? ITFT %F % WTW IT?^
n TH TRT (n^ TRTO \?aT) % n«n ^ ^et TRT %
<rclM ^Tcf^^r itftr wn rdRrlEpn crf^Pnf^T ^
?K-- wrarwni ^ n% ft^r: Udlc^: I ^ I
?n t^3Tt nm "^K % R tfrr t^arf % W qn
^wr ^?t uT?n; ■Rpf ■ftnr i tei nnf 3 wn? ^Fsc ^tnr i TT
P^-^dTT % TTTH MI6<* oTTOT^ 3RR ^ ^RfSR ^lcll=M (nR TTeTRiT) cltx
or?m IRT% ^r "nnt "^STR WE ^tw i sr^tf^w^ R n ?R ERTRE
Tfeq r«(-5, % Mied> nni ^igi U? "Sj ^ ■f^n ^f ) R?f
Ul^t+i fcdwn) I
qif Wt wWnt Trniiftr?rr "q^rr:
Ti^r wfW w dcT^ we-, t ^ i
■qif M5ui ^f w^ nfai? 1?r?n nit wn EWf i TET fgRT UTir nft
% aq^ETR W^t sftE fwfttR anft "ETf3T if «n WFcn % t w^
w^f snft: RR %> ER "m ^CR inl sTmRRrm neft % i
nt>-coi^ we"! ipm (^)
IT tcwnj crnt wr arr^w^f:
%tt ft<RT: ?i^?di ««ir«M t
(Woo) ^dldPoM^dl f^imr: I & I
fgiiir % ^4 u 5ui nlieiti %> ftm fst*^ % "?R % x/^
^rm WPT H ^ ^ dr+lr-fn % TJOTI ^R
(nfoo) % WT ^ 7T«n erf%«T TTfel WPT ^f ^5 ^ |
3T^E <i)|<ri ^cl4> HT 91^ lrtlJ1T oZTtT "Tilt f^t^T^T I
%HT ifMicti^ ^ 7 trat? i i
ST^frE iFTT H y.ii t'ei"* ^ «;HI ■q-s, 31tF <H 4 ye"i R-i<4'i I ^tin
Irrl; wr 3^ % tr^T w?f snfe fir?n Pcmii^ wft
I -Slirii 1I6 I '51 i «4) ST^TK fR "-bcii) g^Ki cil'il °Ft =n«i 4(5ui ^TT

Rt^Mi ^cn % )
TTR, «<«< WR
t^r tffWiwt;!
WfR ^TH VdMl-Met,
ui^rt MMir^ 9tPT iricrnp I I
cm? Wm -tf ?sn SRT UI^OH 3imi4? %'^fr wr
^f, cr«TT 3TT1?' % H 3T%^ ^Trf PrlFll t I FT^PT 'ifuid
H 3M4|'I M5t "5t% % % ^rcf qV % 1
Hpl -^-<<197 ^9 fmi
W wrg MT^
oRTtT 9ftnTT ^ Pel pelt) ^n HRr
f^RT wf tcrg qsR wn^f «rt 1 ^ 1
^ amRT <!-<;<, SftKf % 5*1 el %, i^R%> Muf "HteT TTPTT c(*1-t1
% 9TcT cMCll-l "^[4 «MC1 %> -<1-5% ^F>t Ci^iqci crqlPl 'TCTRT
qi*<nl %, ^rt 41cii "qcrt T? sr^qr <^il % 3II4 cTfnt % 41 -q STTM
?PT t I ?«n ^T mieT fsRqff ffg %,
cd'tHisr ckhi qmn 'f 1
^rJRcflaRcT HMid yiJcT
^2: ^ TTf^sftiftnir
■ftrsRr amP^d Mid4i«r
9ft PHl'IM ^TM: TRRT: I U I
m y??R ci^lwi if PcUpqi^iMJcl if -drMH 4t "9^4^ ?RI 'luMI
sfr?: if TRHm % cT«n mmff f^i^n % ftr^ femt fmsHT
if ypicfy fwtqr ysFnn "Fnrnr fan i
w^ ^twr^
efl% ^W^RT igati y<M^dl4i I ? I
arqrr smt ^a^rart ^ HU^ch "o^t ^T "^^TH
iT T3cP r<Ml41 tctT % I ^ ^TT ^5 ^«n ^P 3V5& %
^tTT ^llcll % I
■^f ftr^Rf-HTTT U^IUIIM-M^' war -^s TrrprqV
PMl 'I H: -^fofT TcTW: ^TT: I ^ftT I ^ I
cfRT XT? (^TTcT 3TrfT ^ 11?) -px^ ^ t cTt ^XT T3^ TTm
3TT% "Ft TIT "3^1 "PT •4,'Si % I cp XTT^I ^Rtf 111X1 TTT 3TT% MX
-iM WHI'lH "ti^l MTRTT % I TTXT TTf '^pf % XTTST XT%.MX ^T f^X0!
%r cpixor MTf RxMdi % ^r artr 1^T t I T^ ^TT TIT MTI STXT TPTT
"feci ^ i
TT^ ^ Hdxril I 5°^? ^ ^cf: I
x^r x^rr x^ ftFTrsr xrr«Hr TT: i ? i
^JpT fR Tt Tlft TT XlfTT 3FT sffx TXTT (+<Hylc1 frfpT) TFTFT MF
frix yici ^rfhr (^c-n <^>4 RKI) TF& Ttrt urt TT fr^r
TIX 3Ttx XTTX 3TTfT Piohci Jll I
xj^t ftngt^r-Wr TRrTf«i%5cflRr: xtrtift Mrddi-rm
^ft: WWf^ dRpuhyt, rdM^MId, 1 TRr 1 v 1
Tftr FT "FT FfTF FT % arfFP (XlfTT 3m) F Tt^ MX TtMt
FTt FT FtF Tt ^FT % I MffT MFf Tt Ft Tt^ FTcF % ^FT XTW WT^FT I
THt FT FFfJt #t MX MfT TftF FtF FT FT FfT FT Xt STfFF % I Ft
MtF TtMT FfT FM % Ft FtM Tt -^"bi % I
STFWTTfF^ FfsFM^jft 5F^5fF% FF I
FT ^ftF xpft XT FFf Fi? XFWfrFTFT I \ I
"■FT 3Ttx xfly FfF FT Xf FXFt sftx ^XTXT hi'IT Tt Ft HI'lT %
MFftFT (FT F "^ftF Ft^ FfF FT Tt) STfFF Tt% MX FtM TtMT fF=g FM
?t% F MtF Tt "^FT %- XPTTTT FPftFt I
f^F) T^ftF foRftFft: I ^ I
TT? 'jfcT

xr?t ^ ^ fsn ^n ?t% ^trti %, -q? qr

fePj, $ti <+>1^ 4>1 u? <ifVi ^f spqr <+>< <s<*>cii q^rrq^t S^JC
31 ml si ml "pjrs Tff^ ■qrcTF "fT si^PT qFT ni'i 1 <;l-i( % Hi'ff qx
qpft %> qqft qr 3-^ nel qft 'iRi ai-m. q^Ti TT stctt srern HM
tpl 1
iqVPspuq^ qRpqtrtq in
c^sr rdHiR* ?freq qftr qf^qRr 1 \s 1
wf Tt qcp it qiPt (sfk ^ro qrfff) qr 3^ vfn qm ^ qm
^pt) 1 crifiq feTFrrf? qTeT q^t qf^ qtq wt %, qr ir? qff ^rfTi snf^
% 1
fcPPhrK, cfsF qfqr "l+r-M-kt,
qqfcn^ qtcrf ^ TT! ^qq qf?pfr 1 6 1
qtq qfq qrq ^ fPT qrcrr %, qt ^tr q^ qq q? qft TTfqi sqfq if
qfttn 1 qpff -m qfq qqft ¥t qt fWtq ttppr qqpt 1 (srqfq; qtq. qtq
qn% m qtq qqr qtq qrqft TW^t qt qztipt) 1 w fqqn ^ qtqf qq qft
trfqr qicTr sqlq qtq % qqq qqiq it di^'H 1
torEft q^ei^rq r<Hir<«+.d fq^f% 1 1
qq m«i qq: trn^ qq^ ■prtqr qq qrcft ftqtft' 1 % 1
qpft qq qft spqt qqn qft qqct qft qt? qfq spqt qr qfq qtq %
qiq q% qt qq q^q (qqqjqtt) fqq sntq q^qr snirm 1 q=p qrt tPPK
qq% qfq qqt qft q^qtt HMM qqt qtqt % 1 qt fqrt ^ qq fqrqT qqift
t 1
•q4 fW^-^rrf^f -31 mmhi qtct^ 1
qtq qtftqq qp?f qpfq qrqqt-- 1 \o 1
I'IOI stft ^iPi %> naM qqqft qjq qqft trqq qj^f qpf qn qftw
Mici fqit qqqt TttqrR qtqr % qrft qq>n (qq qr qpq) tttqqt qvfif 1
"^q sftr qjqr *q<l qpq tPRq q qr4 % qqq) i-quct qq q ttiK
^ qqft % 311+ fqqftq qqtR -ft qrq q q't+K qft^t 1
wqidt q^TJ^r ^tcn ^ftm q^sr tfhqqt 1 ^ftr 1
qs^ ^itqq qptrftt f^r^qr: ^ tqqq: 1 u 1
fq% qtq iq trit qft fjq trfqr % spptt spptt qrq qqrffif 1 ^tq
qft qqr qpfr "ft fq%q %=q qqt inft 1 gq sfk qjqr +t 3iq% 3Tq% qfhrtw
ft qqjqq qtq qft qqr qn^ ft fq^rq q^ ^tt wPft 1
1%f^rq t%r^J % Tpn ^ ^gsf ^fhr
-ft mn %% tt ?tcn % i
ffffts# «W.K ftneRfto T^f^T:
f^trf ^¥T ¥TW. I VR »
■q? ?R yv+>K ^PT MMIH r«<iM % ST^FHR fenar % ^fr SPJTTR
% i apa arrft: art -g^q TR fsnr WR <ham % a?
w arRt apt fctfii awn ^ i
aewfe TSIK tft a? RJni HI W: I
TJ fjer gft- irtcTTr-. WntrRr i « i
faa WR ReRTU ^ % RTR (taqsq) % ^7 Wt TR 3^7 W3C
an trspr ftnr % (n«at sfk gfq R an srr) RTft nan?
spa nit an at 75? w itai % 1
d-qvai: ^q^vrMI: TfiteaT' 7a 75^ nart-
ddURa^ afatr ar^-- uiMc+iaf ■ptPRrr- 1 ve 1
REZPT HMQI, ait? 5ftPi =Pt ain't atn-t vji R-itw ^ RzraR aaan
aR %• Pnn. sn^RtJ 1 ?7T h-< ar-s aft am (3Tafa.TT*aarci )fnanfi
an a-ft RR Rtzpr Ttf R aft^ RT RWR (TRgof RWPcT aft cR?) TR %
tam xt? an R^a Tgrz iftRi 1
^aTa 7^ afW 75? Rrai^, aTt^aa^
anf ^catn ?R Trftsrar: 1 1
H-<{ta "R afhrhE ^Bt asiaR RTian aTts (niia %rc am) fnarra
rr an amr arR ^ ga-. aftatn ^t Rtf% at azA tt rr % taia RaaRft
aftat^ itar 1 apF^afr^^aRarfwtsfh: WTmarRaftsrraaaarm
ngt % 1
TanpftRRa w itftr aR afbrachwar: 1
amftarfSrar^FT tr- tri Tnaact 1 1
faTT aarR rrcrt an rr % fcfR la^a ■faanan arar % 1 Tnt
aarR -ga ^pr, an a? w afta fa^ta isn) 1 spr ata a? rrct
amfa an ta^a ^m: (tr: afta) Piaiet^) % faa. w%r rpt tw an
Taart: aftfanr: ^75: aratn a? Ttiarr; 1
R,aTf: TR ftr^asf: UI^I TIVRT arwr 1 ya 1
3ta% ana% am % rzt% t 1 tr an -ga faarmr an a7Rt tr
TTTRR itar % I R=5t 7R =P SttRTR (RRC TJER ) if ?? RRt % RTR RfsaR
ij? "gttr MOHH

ftyn % otr % i
•tiCllrH H-< <t»<«|: TST^T IH7^
f^rERTT 'T tZTW i ^ I \C I
H'lel STlft UFt =f>T ncfl>H necl "T^ft fsrffer % PicMd ^7^
RmHI ncllH *i-<; <*»"[ % 3H-el< ^1 3^ ^flis "^"F % 2ARR
"yn «t><ci % i
f^ftw r^cllHl %TT +U|f^<
r^lP^-^ ST^ "Tf^" (^<i) f^: I V. I
Mid r^^l % TTT >3ff Hid SllH'll 3tiohF <^uiF-eK tigcl
t I "^fhf f^jqi 3Tfs^7 -gt-^-ffF % FTT^T "tp^ *ft f^sqi
Tf STfij^ "?t TTf
^ ^rnf wr ft^rr ^rf^Rt ^RTT
"^TFT t^npirr ^ ^uf^ar fWfh^r i ^o i
1Wrr % sft -ErHT^T i f^n tt ¥t% pt

^nr ^TNRT^TTFTT^ ^rtf ?R ^Rr--

f^qr^ ^4 ^ ^nrff ^<iN+: i i
^"iftK. I Hid "^R Hi"? Hiei ^slldl % I ^^4 t^STi
% HiH e)^ 177 ^ <s| Xf^ ct,uf f^vrHl % 3Tf»HHi %-
^-f^nl^^T ^uiFtRlf-oldl
f^STT ^l>ld +uir^u ynr^ldl I ^ I
cRT "ERcT, -rjF 3^T 7Tf4 ^T diUlfdK (I^TT R) I sftr
^jg? gii HI'JIF-CK gn "rTR -
H-d ^fcT T^tT f^RTTcft H-<;
TTSTT ^iUiun' +«ir-d(ir^di I^I
fg^TT % <M<;d H-C; Hi"! if ^"ISH I Hi"? Bi^i 'R HIH
rp ^ gpuf Rt fgw orr it cit 1^n % rtft aft? ?TfR ^x
%R =tiU|f-dt I
tguRI^^CR^cn "fj ClrHiUlf-CK c(IVdl
R^^fct 4^r+4 "^rnT ^ m ^fct: I I
(dej^f ^ily gM ark ^F^grof itit Icihi % h^h el-t it^^jgt gn ^tR
RiUlf-tK "R^t kPS Tt RdlRI idig'll I Itft RRnt fR R, cTRT "Hit RTT
fVl «SJ tl c;MU|

TT^t 'ftaTfcT ^ qP1? 'ftTT I

wicn<mfFf iV-^i -q-Eirf^^T wrf^T
^Rr H^ii ci®^ ^dH, i i
^offrR t^fsr % TTF % ^FT ^ Mdictx f^"^xT ^3^11 I
TTEZPT "?R % Tpn -^K ^uf ^rn i ^r t^n TT Tpnr ^
-^fhf sfM % i
V§Z "foT^T: Wc^^T: ■+r<H + M+:
tftw^r Trimt cn -^cft unit s^r i i
"txrl HMcl snft ITlt ^>T TJZ "?R (cfiell ^f) 'ftTTT I STR13? ^f ^>WT "TRT
Wcl TR ^FT ^FRT R cPTRT ^TT % I ^Tff^ 1^ ^ ^
«lgci MiH 37-tR "ftcU % I
^TR?rsTT m «r ^IHIH fcrfW: i ^ i
TT? ^T 3TW?T "ETWR ^R ^ TTf^T (^o) ^teRR'Rrf^I "FTRR
^3 Uf ■ftni I RTTSfff sFTf^tT^RT R?r TFT HW % TJS' TR % "JOTT RR FTRTM
RTTRR TI? ^Ft "^JRT it RRT RF t^im snft Tp^t itTT | ^Ff STPTR
Mi 4 RRTT Migd % I
tmt^TT w<ia^Hi: grRKRFr ®iiui4l:
ffrl ^ wr T5 ^ar ^ inn: Tjer: i *6 i
^5% % i Rr^n "4"?!% rf Rrtcr % i ^FTT ^R?r FT FT? FRE ^tnr srerf^
+<H ytcfl-M FT? FTtcT WfR it ^|4'II I
KRFR itft-.. |
STRICT '5?: ^rnrf MH^cA^rci: I I
IFF r^MI 14 3FPTR inf cpecl % I "g^g 'ft4' RTcT iHt FT?t UT
3m-T M)4 IR4 4^ in R-tir 'JR: 3FRR tFCT 14I<4 M I ST^F M?C\
l>t 11(4 RRlft <t>cii 3TT1R «HM 1R4 l4 tsFU I4M I
lit Fichrr ftwr: FRMIW^H ^Rft-
at^im ^ ipzfr "RT^TPR ^ no 1
§«ti "RcT 3FlF 4.^ 14m (mIm 1R 41 ell ^3TT t4-T IT RRt 114 % Mgcl
1? tlR) 3Trt4 UTcl aTFRTT | "RRT % FFRR RtRt Uft 1R 7R S^F RfRTR
1R RtRt FTlt =Ft l>cll SRlFr 41 FRTPT 1R4 % I
^oTTSTT^i^ <t>crt1 "^TTcTT ^
cTtft wf <*rci4>i ^f "5^5 I ^ I
^fT ^R RR ^ ^Tt TT? Trf^I "yi ^cTT ^ «HH "ft ^r!%
% I cRl STRFT chdl ^>T c) ^ 3^ "9R apf ^t ^5t -5?!^ ^R_
Ttt "wr^ f^r^nr gnf^r tf^tn i
iT^ler TRfct <TPTt W HU^d'IW TtT I ^ I
RTT ^FF cHlHd fH+M^ "?R fRn % I ^SSR "?R 3Tk ^STPft'T
^iFd y.ct) Firfll WtH ^R ^11-^^1, '1ft "ft 3FRR et>< TTf ^ ^iFtl
pH+ict'i i Rf ^ Rr^t "q^fRT "aFr frT TR 3Ri% wrsq "ft wfhr
^ft ftRt i ^rf^r ^TT "^r Tf% % TfRFt REIR ?FTfRr "ft "?grz"
♦ iPa "ftcft % I
-pgz grr^ at tcm^ ^Rt ? tRp i
^TH RRft^ ^RTt ^^TRF ^ tpf I ^oo) | |
■f^RRTfRRTR R5t "Mr % ^Ftt TTft RR gRpR % RRRR ^R,
i<HI^ Ret cTRT <dH(1<+M rH'+M^ %' I Ret 3^ R=RR RReT R^t <^00
Pj-il^H RcT^R R7 cTRt ^ R #Rcr
"CTRtf RER RJR RRf^t fWtt ^ERmhft: I I
3Tq% 3TR% fSRT^ % RRT ^ Rt RTRRT: RR S^R R^RR RRcT Rtt RRT
SRRt % I TTf R>t RERR t^Jxi RRpR % RT RRt %■ 3TRR Rft R>cTT R^f
RR RRT % "yiT RR tRRRT Rt RRT ^rt t I
RftRf ^Tt ^tR yft RRTT^RTRTjRt ftefT
RRRkp Tt# R^ foTRtliF RRcT RTetER RW^ I I
RRTRRRi RRT Rtt 3n< RR fl-t RR fRR %> ^t TTf % RRT
tRR % RRTt Rfttrt Rf^TR RR Rt% RC tRR %T R^M ^ RR 3 ^ftt^t RRT
RTnJ if Nil't'l I TR "&,3TT^ yt RRt TIf "ftRT I
TllcctlVHKl^ ^RRf ^T= M-RlRFd
^cRT RT% f^ RFR TtWRR RRt: I ^Vs I
$ H RRRt tt y: RTF <lRl Tt 3R^T RR^ RRf RR RR RR% RT RTRT
yftR RtR Rf^m 3RR fRRRcRt I
I (ds\) (os\) ifilk '(Si) iL. { pith -% >n°h ii!
idH twbj 'fe^iu.teloj life ^ll£ Plrh I 1141 hnhj hah. lit l^Ji
I XX I >lht> (oi) II^J (oe\) |P||jnTi
(Si) hJI^P (Si) yiMia (V) Iklt
:P.>JII^^ :IHPJhJ ^ hatr^K Jatjy hi
I ih kih % iih JinS. Jaji^h jayi. yihte Jhhte
life (y. Ifeife hji) hih <% ah feyi l^ite I ^ KUbo fei hah
i<fe^p (ato ^ (£ iteibbjvl hlh tottoj tfehiiutb hfe ifelfe iye fei
1 fex 1 itiitjik (o^fe) jiih ^h lonfe^Aife hyi hihfe
I Sto»>hqmbo feahi £
I % ifelle hlh fa*to] 'toK^I^'*' life ^h J3. mife fe]h ih hlh
y. feiii %1 I ^ mh° fa*toj felPIH^Ih % ilh fedh feyiE Plrh Ih.
I iX I iyh. fellltiife^p. falK-^ PjlUxfe Mife
' (feiii) hi =IKtbofa*toJ
(ooSt) UJIfe (00^) ifelfe (oV,^x) hH (ofe%.) feE (oSX) Jfehh
lixi •■I<*>wihb\h (Ii. ooV,fe) (Ik oo^i) ibaito^hnna
(II-oSg\X) -.tohrhJ-yitJfijlnT. (0^) Mfelhl>h> (h (oSx) :lh^M
1 (| yfeya feih Ihfej. %) yhyfe ^h hi
'fehg- in>i»to ^ ifehys yfehh y. ihial yfe ih£dfe ( invi'fe i%
lal^fe cbt-^ y. ) 1 % lyh (hi hlhh % £02: (h ih. feyte Ifehh
I ox I :^h|u> t>]U> felh yfelifc "btoVb.
yp. (bjy I^V^J IM iim
I ^ Ifelifeh life ilifefi. KtoJbJ hlhh.
i^ £ji ^ne 5=fe. iifelfe (ifeLifeh) hy yihh 1 il (feife^ btfaj |iE.
I U I IhHJKj %ihii JLkh (KPi^K
:1M>llnPff ihJi^iHtottoj ii :hh|to
I fa* to]
to^B ifei iye fa*to] >to»IK P'fo 'fa*to] hi ?<?r> 'toitoj >to> toah 'twtoj
ufe YnU I ma fa* to] life >1*1^ tolh life Jih. l>IP tolh h]1^ l-ai.j*
I ?fe 1 Ihfefeh 4)14 fei4) lii iE| 1414 Z&. hah
£fe to^>l°4lh ho>,||lfc hih fa*toj

us c^ufH^

PelK^ "'TT
Bwrsm w ^mr Itnwf^w (^cvs^j ^IT: I \
ur?u7 f^r sniu- 3Tur uuci ip sftr Titu urr wr t^f o^TTTT ^ST
TPU T% ';faTFT ^f USrf | Trqr '?arPT ^ '^'^' ^ftu '"T>c7 Pl=t)l<n-I %
uuu gm TT "yn f^n ^ "jut t^vs^) TT WT % i
<T?T7er ^IRTT: ^THTf ^«T ^^
svRr wnf^rsf 1wr-. WnFcftfrW: i i
^arR u fsTR^nu u m us us urut
sftr ^sh us uffu u>-s, "su^ufu ^ TTIUT TS% UC :u52f URJ utcti
U^t ^fly^tr) uft
u?rt^ tcrars Ttutsu S5[w tow uw
^s: ujurftor^r^" scruv 1P5TRU tortof: i vvs i
u^ffzu^u ^f ufrsuu: ^surt urt sur aruf^ sfUzuut ■spt
tour ^ sfi%Tt i ■gs: ^ sftr gpF us ^ftu %s?c Tftu ^f #s uf^r

^ttorw^T: "?fr^Tr ftu ^ urw i

«gP"ici1 fw tosi Tntor s^st i vc i
zwt U^fz TTf^T UZTSpt I 'tiu uft gSTrUT STaitc^-W URRUT toFra
us zs%> f^Kai ouns "& "yn us fusm % zt Tpn (z<i^g) % utu i
(ust ^tut wt us upfus 'tou stur) y^K uru' ctrt srsf us
sFTiUTtouUT g^il guiuil I I
TRUT fU'U SilH'll I UST if fly USS USU 3^ Uirfz USTI US
UtU cftS TTf?I TT 3TfW ST ZSUft USRUT toUT sff?^ % sfrc
gjUi US '^"icti StST I
w ^Rr isrftosi usfqiton: i y i
usu gu fscs sftr ssus sftr sttut fu^u uft znsu stcTS ruus
tour % gur us 3ts% suft ^ftu "S spt ur Tgrz fu^u sftr ssus
tou sfsi I
tjst wPs ut ws ss Fm Wt Rrssst
eff U5hl5 sfKlc^t SRUlft Urf I ^ I
sfk 5. TTITT ^P sptr TR % 3T«rt^
% "g^f 3?R % ^N- ^ t cfr tr cg^f % ^?rnfrT 3FtR 3T«rfci. grrfct
^tT % 5O) ^TR lfl% % c»)Kul c(? tRKf % 'l<S^ % <HHM STRfc^
yctii^i g<rni RiTPTT i$^ ^mr c{i<.q'ii I
T$Z RRPR f^nRt RsftPRcT
^«r tm ^ ^rr Rit^r R^srar 1 ^ 1
3TR RTWT fRiR RTT RftRTRT R^?T miicii % I RR RT?
RRRR ^E^yl c{l<=( rT % I
^ R^-: ftsrftr Wf TR RRTRfcff^T^ (^^)
RRtfW TgcTTT OTR fSSf: I ^ I
«4g,ci ^ft R^ RRTRIRT-i'eRft 6A RT 3?R% RTTRRfRT ^"fll" oRTTT
RR cll'il RiT RhRRI % I
Prk* ^R (T^) RTRFT RiRTT RR^R Rc^ I
mnTRPRt tor TR TR RR; RRt«r TJRR: I K* I
TTPR TT^R ftfi-T^Ri Rii^f ^ fa WITH Pel tn I I
R^R (RTTI) TRR IcftR % I TRRft R«sft % RRRf RRcft RR! %
SIR: RR% tRlR RR if 3RR R^f <01=1 <11 % RRIPM RRRR fRR fRFR
"55 ^TRTRRt R^f TtfRt: RRtoRt
toRR ?RTR^ -$s. ^R^rrtrrr; I ^ I
t I
P^ ^ R HH I
dWK^l torto RR Wf (Rhsto I HIS I
RR? TT? RR fRiR R? ^ R^RT (RR) Rit # RTT RtR R^T ilR ^st
RT%RR (tR=RRTR RR RpT) % RRT ?T Rt R? STR fRR^ % I RTRt Rft
R>t RTTRT ^Tt RlR tor RTR % STpRR? ?T Rt aTRRRR R»9cTTRT % I
-ij? dufHH,

3rit crr«r qnTrPsnf^ ynum:

irwrtr^nr^q- m■ i ^ i
^TQT 3T-tR ^ 3^7r (5.0) <^>011 Cl* '?t) TT5 ctSH •HIM
SRR 'Tf^' T^> 3t?T "IT "STKT ■?! cTI HHIMH <*>5cimi %l aiM«oH %
3T^Tt t^»f ^ -5^ tfrft t; ^o(PTPR:
era "^r %s^T ^ft ^H" "55 cf ^let I \% I
^ra PeMuf (gfrPeT "^t-y25^ alk % ^fNr) ft cit ^ "^5
wtllcll % I Ft-ft c;Uh MM glM MMIMM F>FcTRn % I 3HMMOH 'F FT-Pf FTTImT
elM FT% H<i. + 'el ^1 icii %■ I
f^cr iWr ^nft FJrT Ft FeRftFeP-
ftrefts^: «MiiliYN=, ycfp3i< Yn- < ^0 I
3m <+eHir< TPTPT Ft TIFf FeR FiraT TTF FfF WeT ^TcTT Ft
Ft 3rFt FFT FF FTFF fF^F IFF Hi 61 FTFT % I FtR Sjtr .FT^fF FRt
fiFF FTTF^ Ft Ft FfFTF FF FFt FFT 3ti< FF tFF FtFT % I Fpf> (FF
fF^F FFT FtF Fi FFTF) FF7 Ff^TF FtFt fFFtT3Tf if FFt FtFT % I
TtW FPF Tft# ^Fp FFNt Wp I
Ffet "FT? ^Rf: WIMelcp ^ I
Ft TTFt FitF ZFt 3^ F^F fT^TF % FF ^1 MM % PelM, STIFF 3TtTC
FFF%5tgf?T *tFt SfT FIHKIHI' ^^Rp
mfhCR^F ft[et etFT MeFeFt FF cHF^ I I
«r i
FftFtFF ftFttt itfigFt Fftp% I I
3TF: ^P^MimI %> mmIF %t 1ftf ^t% 5M^> <hk FTFT % I (Academic
interest) *

T^PT ViTim tWMfr ^T

tt^r^gpMsir f^n^fr sa^N traW i i
<1^1 M<M-lRl <*>011 rq4>«l %, ' r?t sftr "?jg> cf)t Hfrt
"#Rft % i ^ST sfk "gsF -qeqrr -^ITT -^TT opt -f^tT "jon
3R^t ?fhr ft «rrn f^qi ^n^nr i
fjHT ?Rlf T^rs?f iRFf «m<i4>v>n i ^ i
ei^r 'TTci g=T.- farf^q Hmr "& ^T1" ^ ^r5,TT ^
?r% m ^ sftr ^pp "to tRT ^trft % i
®n^t ali ifgt (H'id aiftr ^il-i) Pi^ici^ "ff H-HJ,
TfW -iRl
Ws^ich (^o) v i Pji d i
^TfHT dlf^dl I ^ I
3JM*fi ^Hy MfiFEf <+>< % MlM ^ fWTI ^
■yn % MFT ^ I yiR RicT SBt "3^: ^ irin ^
r^ jyiHi vuhHI wet <^4 «?ui ydMi
y'Wjdl IT? f^r^T: VgZ- W?«r dHd^ I ^ I
fy'JMI 4t MPT MT "PTE "HfcT 6^41 % I t^TTT yyiK <^4 U5UI % TPTM
faFTT "rPTT STT, "PTE RfTT ^TTT U? f^^ET "TtPTTTT BfR^ tR cT? "Pp? 7R
"wnn % i
cjTSJTfr m WRt: ^FTcT PE ETcfr ^tcf: I
E«n t^YET TR qfYr ^nrfWt t^ftcPTT I \C. I
Tpm arrft TTRT iTEt TR PEER- crt^ % fpp? pee 4t nit EH
pFsfl 3RT sfYr ■Ticll 31714 PETE Et TP PEE ^-1^4 EPRtTT Eit ^E, Ef4
Uprar fWrr ew un. TREE? E^EE^ I ^ i
ETE ^ER Rf^E ETt lEtEE cPE 3^ Pf E7 3TETT Eft EET "fT "JET EE
f^EtE dH E: %TET ^I XERp PcPEE:
ECRR PIE; t^EEt 4?Et: PTT^ EEETPP I <30 |
TT? fEfEE EFE P ^4 Tl4 ET PfE EPEE EE E? E "4m EEE I
rrg "gfa cpf^Fi;

cTR Tt qfaT T?=T m HI it wrs: cHi«H 'NilijM I CTRR

HiTH XTFT Hit fisffH H HfT 3FrR 3TTcTT % (fRHTR H> HWcT HTeTT
Wt J|c|wt«KI«rl: FIK, HT^R:
3TriT Hm HTT HH TTEq HHeT pHHild HR HMHidl Hint I T?T
WHHiHI Hi TTTH HiT cPHR Ph + M HR TT? Hit HIH.d Hint I
STtT flR HHHH Him TTHTH Hint I H? HIT HR Him if HTmHlHi
Him arnmr I
^TrETR HtH HRR; amfit HRTiT: I
trjtft Him in*; 'ichi iT?r: mp i i
H? a^T H^IH HiT HtH- H^IH H^Ht il #t % Hill") aHH>1 hRt HI
(yald) "?Trft % I 3TH: a-lit 119 Hil "HFT HiHcl TT? hRt ^RT 'ft
!HH>l<rll HITcTT % I
ttHTH t®rm trm HH:
ttrtiir HFHH tWE HTHH: I vs? I
mm sfti: HIH mm HIRJH % Himr HW H'IH.K HTHCH Hwt %
^ "3^: (H3i f^mr H tmsr m imn) HI TmrH fHTHT iHTHT % i aim
vtH>i< Hi "55 lent ■gsn 'i^t-ii nmit Hft % i
TTfHtp 3^1 HTP^ ^ tttEHt tHi%Hi ftR Htft I
HtHRRT cn«rt TH WMHI ^tTTTH: I \9V I
aik HJHi aKI HiT H-S. TTfH (HT TT? % HPTFT tHHitcT
tHHTT -Heict fH, 'lid 'it 31^ tHHI-t fHHTT H HcTct TTf HiT "HfcT at-eK '§[RT
HHRT TFT HTTsfr: H-OPdet ^HiHt:
HuScl ^T?" nmp fl I rH> I Pet Hi ^Irb HtHtf: I V3H I
HHil sftr HpF HiT HR "H^ci HiH ftH % tt is a-iH> ^RT TfH fmH
HiT HH ftcTT % I HFT 3TrfH HFTH TfH" HT TfH HJHi % Hftl HRl
S.i<I PiHitcii ^idl % I
tHm ^ sftr ^%Ht h^pt wtp tnmnt: i »
Hfet mm ftrilR ntHf Ht^tif^ ^j^ntp i i
ttrttt? afh ms H^r ^gfH - hRt aft?: mm ?rt me ms hh Hm.R
HiT HHT^f TT? fmH ?RT HH HH m?t 3TTfH TTHH ^ fHm HH apt ?Rf
% i
•q'S.W ^Hdl ^ fid ^pTT ftr-TT d^HlMd
^ ^ERC (Vs^o/^) Tfj (^V) ^3T (^<i) I .W» I
f^TfT TT^PT HncI STTfe ?ITO Hft ^TI ^RCTT % "OT«T Tll^T 3m 3^
fell -HHH 'gt 3« MM-H ^Tt eT^PT ^M'l % lelii, ^l-S. "TRt
(Vs^o/^) ^FT Vi *tm I erf^I (H^/^) "Ft
IT ^eJTT rd+dir-ddl
WP5 etsb^c^^: 'MniT r^ir^dl l vs<i |
H'lel 3TTl^ Mei H<M dfil % Pif ie^ 13rti eP^PT "ff ^dIi|'I I "T?
'd'S. sftr 3« 115 did 3T-tTT PPT M<H MM gl'll I
WRfTT 3RR mPTt ^ «f(f< TJ^T TE«TPT ^o TT Tjon f7
mFT RT Pft (MTMHRI) pclfd! Pn%Tt I ^TT^t ^ sftr RPff TTg Sft trsqTT
"nfrr stmr % «rm ^T I
IT? cifPn ^ ^ ?^7TrTr -qk trrtotT
eTSST Hl^ir< ddpld ^"ntcfk Pw^l I I
TJW TR ^RC 3Tk ^ R? Rft RSRR RIIT %r Rtn TT «tPT
I SfIT M<M el^MM % MIS! iTlf? f Ct RtI 3M f lei =T>t ^'^'lld (tPrfpfR
?t^) % "jm *Ft ■Btprt (w<i) %
TrF tlrtllul tft ^ftofT PR: vm^ el H HP
3TmTTK; Ppt TTTtJr TftPpf MTIMIUI^ I 6° I
in <MP1 eRST RH 3rg RMPRT I 3Tk 3«<+n ^TT fMf leT'«l I WRTT
eTR 3Tk RTF STRT RR 3^+1 3^ PHf Id'l I
gprmr sfrr 'nt k 3TeR RTI
T^RTtp ppf ^TRp ^Rr ifef MTIddl
^t-- ^RT W er^r ^ irmr k i c\ i
ck 3RR c^fdvrm RR RTf V>h4f<, 3tlfI ■geT PM*lei'l I PPd
tJTRT pp4 #m I f Ipd^l m "R R -ym RR ^TRT il Rm ^ tR TPeT
^ IT^Tt "TTcPMR MWl-
MMIXuin "nRr^fPT^^ ^T: I <iT i
-cr? gfir

(3T^ "nf^T ysm "TfcT ^11%, "q^ W^t "cTSTtrP:) T*T

cT^nr '^erc 3^ Hi'ff xr? 'H^R "HIXT SRTX ^ "yn xfz
ilPel 3p|< i4^ ctil ^k; "HitT 3RTX % R7! 4M I "UW WsFt glM R MRI
"4R ^ "J"!! fjni "MicT mIm 'H Mi m 4m I
ftMPT cTR TTR^ TTR^v^ W + Idd:
^TT ■pi "PJ dRTTcT ^ 'iPdMIki, 3TT^nTT I 6^ I
fXT ReT f^RR (cfR TTRi Nil+X) eTR XT STpRP ^ R% R
^xRf ^Rrrt i RMR ctr TT RR RM R% R <rerit RW RR Rt%xt i RR
fxp JMIHI: tt: Xfp^r: XRfcR ^t:
■d-^M TRxfT: RTHt ^ ^ XfZt I CX I
3Ttx RRRT RT) RTcT %; % "yTT RX RR fWfR? % MR
%% R RR "?g^: cRR 3T^ iRT I TM 31^ "gRT XRfRTft RRI % M-iS.HI
sftx 3RI 11? % XRM Mil TRRR RR fjxi gRl MRRTcT etMl I
dr+ld RrftM RTt ^ ^T: UFp e(<Hld:
■Rrt^RR: (HP?) Mpnyr ^qRT (^p) His ^RMWI: I «:H I
yf TTgR Rl pRfsr XT gR "HRRTcT % RrtHM cTR RT 'pTRTcT
RT ^XR 3XTRT P/HP? MR t <TMT MR Rt HP ^ MR 4% R ^
Rt MfcT STIcft % I
*KIPlig<j4: HT HRI Rpp MROMj^ I I
yf TRR fRfM % fRfHM cTR Rt X^R MTR RfH RM XT RX sftx
STSETTR RcR '5JXT Tr?t =fff MfcT txra; 'gtxfl TM^
RTt % fipxp Hxlt
rKT Pcigc): ^IMI f^R Hi Wgl I i\9 I
RXC sftX MIMIH; Tn?t RT RX XTXRR glMl I STMfcpR^C S^X -itlt) y
11? RT RX HR fHRT ^f ?t% R HMRT 3RTX 3^X tMR t^RT M ?T% R MR
elMi I
pft r<?ftd<pnp «'<il'lir< RX: X^H: I CC f

"qp3? sftr TTg T?% tR "ffrcq ?R FPTT I %? frT^


UT^: TOT^mPuIiJ: I 6% I
RRcT STTRr -R«ft -qRI Wf qq ^EFSPTT^f s41<+ % +4lT+ ^
frqR STRRF RrRre % i (^-<MI qn 3Tf%fqj PRT ^r "rt% % qrrpji ) wi-.
^ "Rr^rr ^ PT?! aik qf^R f^qn RT^T -gtRt i
^f^PR ^ RTtf Tt^TOTt qf^r ^fR^r-. I
rteer ^ s^ir^mw: i %o i
wf qrr STTRTR RR^r % RK it RR% RcT ■gRT ^R "SPI
ariwft snRr q^rat % sk ^R snftr % ST^RR RR? (R^R sik TT?)
"gfq RTT RTIRR 'fRn i
^ ^RTRT RRTRRpq Rrf ttPcKpq "^cfeic^ I
R^TEEfSR tWr ^ R% RcTt RRT I <{\ I
wr MReR=( qft CR? ^ RRT RR •£[ atk spq R?t RR RT%RR
RtT Wl-Ei'l I 3lk Rfft %RC % R^RT RR tRTR RRknt I TR RrT RT RRPT
R? tRTR -
w^fw Rkr5-Rn;n?i-nw«^ -yir: i
McfpR-^ k 3RRft f^TT R WfVfR RePT RRR RRTRt fRRCtR tRRTT k
RfgR k rVRsr; rcpt Rtk i Rerrra k fk^R r«r qq? kt km
(^R) RTRT "3k fRRpRR RFRR t I
RRRRkk: wr<^Rm-. wnf: fk? qrrfkRr:
RRlkW ^ftRfR RR-- HWJ'IH, I I
RR fRRp^R RtkRRRt RR Rt 1kR k ^RTRt RC RTtZRI % Rlf k RPf
slk RtR R>TfkR> RR SRpft SPpft fR?n R (RtR RI RfsfPT R>t cRR)
kfk I
^ rr dWN "WRf tkhft'
tk Hd'lRi RTRT3R iftcr kft: kRSR^ I I
RkRRrk k rrir tR-^kt k rpr fkR % rsr cjrt km "eps fkR
RftfR Rt fkR '?RPft m RTRTcft % "Rft k Rf RT R^TR RT fkfR kk RkRT
-CR: % ^^■wRt, ?lf^T cTSTT iTTcT % -J-i-mW ^ir<H<+> ^«f
-?fr5r if ^f(%Tt -qr qziipt I ^1 sfk ^pF if Tf «W>K f^M-Od WT
^ ^TT I
V§Z T«ft *TRt T^TTRT qft^dl< I
WPfrrPT +idi>iU fcrnts^r ? i ^ i
cTTr^Tf^T tildd <^4 ^ff TlWl % U? ^F1? '?f% ''R TTF Pel<4 'l4
cFTcTT?! % 3TT«n ^Tf tr I
3Tf«RrPT Tc^ ift ^RTT d<^<+>i^ |
WPTRJWf^ «TFft- m3R«r eTnf ^T I (^ I
Tf^r % arfti^F #T m xr? diidi^i ^ft 3Tr«n xf^r if ^li'l i xfsr
^ if ■?)% '"TX TXT WTT ^7T c-l'l gi'll I
"^5 <r^v ^fT tTPTT^ PclHlMd: ^T: I
^rl^r ti'w>KMdi?iii-ddi?i ^rrp i KV I
<1*4 if <^4 H< iTb <[4 TTf?T 3^lf4 if ^ <1 f4l ,3fl*Sct>< ^3XT OH'H
^T eTR snirnr I RTq if ^ xrf^T 'ERPR TXrtr XFTliR PHcFlefil I ixr sFlPd
if 3T^m XTRnR br 3X1% W?T sffx 3RRTRT ft+lefJl I
3TT^TT«T ^cf (Y) t (S) ^T (^) 51^ ( \9) (6) I
tcm^T ^fTl^^TT % I ^ I
TH XFFK "5^ ^rfq 3Tk -RTTR TdRT PH+lel WH ^Rif
'^HiiWK v.s^.vs sfk ^ if
ddFdld^l TRfTTW ^4: XTTwifHd^^n'
wsr 4)ldl>l l4d^lHI "3441 I ^ I
4^ 4?f <lHdl>l if ^1-5+< BTRff W fRFT^Ft I TT dKIU^I % feTR
4% 444TFd +ldfi!l 'SFt 14441 XT "yn 44 441 4t"4 (4R4RT % 4R4TR %
414) ^47 if
WT 4?44T W45 11% 444 44% I
4vq%RT %4 4414 ^cTliWltiM^dH, I i\\s I
4744 %% 47: ^ 3747 37714 47^ %t4I 4? 77? 477 sFTpTT 4414 474
^PR I ^77 7l4 "% 447% 47 3774K4 44 ^4 lt47 I
■%<*Tt irPF% TTTT;4^ ^ ^4% i ^
4nt% 4%%4t %4t?r W I V I
4? % 3774144 ^4 44 3447 if 77744 Tf4 44 777447 4^ 4% 777?
W fsnSRT

% i smfc^yr-n ^ xr? ^ft sjcr ^ snm «i-mTf%r%,ErCTqT

^rwn i Tf^r % arfs^F n? ^ ^ ^f ^PT STT^T
wmr i ^ tit+ci TTHTT tf^ oxr arrf^ t^m TTf?T ^f % <ra% srjm?
•d^crt Tr?t ^>1 t^TT ^n <51 % 1
ir^r ^iomw ^crrfWrf^r ft^rr-. (?o/^5)
^Ffpr\^5^: WT (W^) ^ 15^: rtiv) i \\ i
■ggi ^mt?T y>+d Tf^r ^ 3^ ^ '<iryi4l if- \o/ifr
(3^he1) ^ 3Tk ^ Tlfwit -v^
f^i^r ^r 'jt (v^i ^ ^raTl^T:(V vo)
W^l^cl KIO tflf^T: I ^o |
- tR5F(T TIFRTf^ TTf^T if Tf% ^R-
(cfr^cT) Y-^ " -\lVo

o^OTTRwnit^ ihrr ^TRt ^

MWi^ HI'loi^ <rPTR^ TT^ I I
^ ^ <111(141 if «Tf ^Rrm t^r fan % SFR fr \s-^^
<irvi4l if %3rm ^Pn | I ^ % J?<ril«<; 3T«f if f^RST ^TT ^FT % I
Tf^" if Tf% TR YTrt ^ <ir«l TtR)T Mgei %> <HHM
3TTf^ TTf^T if ^RT ^fFT I
tr^g- dgi-d< «w>di4.^: i
aT^: (sufl-l (^o) RTST HfKrMI Pci^fll ^T: I ^ I
«ng «<«^<\ <f^ % SRTTfg fJETRT % afRR % "jpn gR 5° ^
nm ^r gr ^fr erfsg ^tnt %gf?T srfggr ?T% g? Brrif ^ft%Tt i sk
%gt?T gm ^R ^Rif ^r rte %gRT -fim i
3T«r ^fgr grtf^ %gRT ^cfg^ -fpfr
f^t^r (^/^) rcr?«i4»<o «Tf (?v^)
(tR/U) niHir+H: I ^ I
y=tiK -dr^ci if rfrtRt gg ^rgRi
"RRR ITF^g Tfg, Rfn if «7^VS'
„ - «°/r
„ - w'/w'
^ Tlf^: W dlfedl
(^?) tfrPT dHHI^ TTtrT I %\ I
ark ^5: H fsrf^^ CT^T % ^PT (»,oo) ir -rpn (^)
■fr ^r t^jxi C-I*<h-I % t^T^ ''R ^n '?Rft % i
'^ThrfA WT gnr:
Rcqift Tf^r-- i 1
xfs sfk «ra? % -qm ^fr mw, <rgft ^1 a^c ^ HU-SCI R
R%?T 3TR Rf^R ^ Pi'fn RRR % I RTI ?R RFf T?R % cm<U|
sftr ^J9p RTF RR -ft -gfR RR alh w RR RR fRR 'ft RR fRR fTRT I
RRcUd RRRT fR "R R«R ^T ft TfR fRtR fRf I
rIhiR rki TTfF Rft rW>< i % aj'^cn =ft wimi Rft iRticfl % I
1 1
STR tJTRTTF fR-^ RT R !"! RR RR Rt5> STR fW-^ «?>t a<'+i ^?RR ^ ai'Hin
RR WTR RRJR 'ftRT I (RT^ -RR 3^ TTf .TjpfT TRTR R7 ff^TR I
tTRY^ UTdai^ R3R fTdtf^R RtR; I
^ RR uz ?U'iidir-Rd^ I %C )
RR Rc^RT Rl'l R^ fRff RR I RT^aTF RiT aft^ 'FFftRT 77RRR RRFRft RRf
T? +irdR ^ZRR RR RR dlP-d^l' RRT^
RfRj^rftR R^TR lj>r RttRt fcT^R; I %% I
(tRRRRTfRRRT tRfR "R) WFRT oRFRFT^ R Rf^ % RTRt 3TR RRT RrF tffl-R'l I
d-^dl^ RRRR RTRp RTRtRf^R "RtfR %
ftrfcT^ RRRRf RTRf \RfF*l RRR, I \°° I
RR RR ^F fRRv fRf (fRRRRTfRRTR tRfR RF) RRR %RR f^aft "R
^Rf TR afh: RTTRTfR^RT wV-j'! I
tn el'D i ]
^rrhxR^t: iFT^it ^fRT W OTT
foi 41 in ^ fsrf tjct ^wr i i
<=huf<3Tii«i f^TTT Tf^PT ailf-d % ^f^PT 3^7 "3177 wnPtl 3177
(jl'H I 5«M ""T^T *n "^RTPT (337 "TT "nV13? shlf-tl "£() 31 «il-§^ ("TT13? IFTPn
3) IT 33737373 "07377 37 ^3 "5737 I
^PifRTT ^7373 ?lc11+i ^ yPuidlM, I
777774 f^q; aril t^r=j fWnra i 1°% i
33 337 3177 773 3 3c3t 1337 "4 073717 ^3 % 37737
(337377 34) ^71 37 "1357 I 37*3 (373133) 3177 34 1773 <H1WH
^3 *1 3f8J3 34 1773 I
'JST TTf 3 37 3313H 3J 44^ I
MI+lPl 3737+md7«r yilfcKl M<lT<?lH, I I
0737 cpif ^ ^5734 337377 377377 77? ^4 77 3377% 37^ 4137 % I
•f3r4 37713 41 37?% t I
77? 1313 ^[4 37737 3 TF? 37 ^3777 77 3flR 337 -
771337 74 uTd^fuil 77T7T73f 33 77773^7?; I
317 33 773177 7371^ HIT"- 31^ Penfliqfv I \o\ I
77? 13*3 3%3 373737 4 7?% 37 ^377713^ 77 34 4 34f3 433 4l44
13713777 7373 4 3? 3413 0737 3377^ ^1 "^37 % I 3? 73lf 13^ "^f sjiji
33 073777 ?137 I
3H37 30f3Tif73 -373174 ^>1 77= I
317773 ^4 <^-fi4l ftnrfgiTT i \o^ i
?7T 073777 14-^ "4 0737 3P3f 374 "4 334 773377 314 34 3737 4 37
34? "333 YftlfaM 4 3?1 77? 31437 I
4? 3774 J(^^^f4^7 7737474;
147373173" 14431: 77331144 I ?oV9 I
we til? 4 7733 4 44 774 34 4734 % 1133 774 4> 377 47 37137
373R 37 3?4 34 37? 4 37^ 3TS371 37734 137737 47
07373 ?n3 4373 <§f4?l ^^4
3053714 37erP3T77T 771431 ^ ^3t ^1: I \oi I
07373 4 37773 1337 377 3737 34 3737 473% 37 ^f^MH 1313 3777774

•ff U? ^13 TT^Tct % I y*K "^t XT? ^Rt 3R 'ticl Tr%3T ll-<il
if t^rxT <360, wTsii) mI^so cil'i <13 i
(^) ■yr ftnr ^ ^Tf?r
inr ^ftRr irat^ ?pft
a^r WHCI^RI ^«rf?r xtrt wdw: i w i
"317 p3H Wt 33 33 fsTR Oig I "331 33T 133 3RI f^t-OT % 3ft ft
3T3 ft <t>6l ^iftm ft STlft T?TC 61-1 ft <t)Kul 3^ "ft ^ "j"!! 33131
33331 313 % I 333 3ft: 3T31 (<^4 3>V 133>33T ft 3333) ft 333
3? Iftxi 33 ft3 3=3 3313 3feft ft 3333 333)1 13*3 "i "^J0!! 33 ft
t+,gl 331 % I "53 ft 3? 13^3 % 1ft 1ftt3 33 3Q3f31 Ft 3131133)
313 % I
'lldlWH^ft 335ft 335 3Tft
fttZtft 3^3fftft 'IddHl fttftlftssrf fiJlioWl (Y^) 3^
3R3^fft333 333 (^^) ftffttT 55 ^T«f35 (^o) 3^3353
1^?3*335'3 333333 53 oft Wl< 33 3^1 JIFI• ' Wa '
3ja) ft <+>l<ul "gft TTF0! Pl<t)lel') ft fftft 3333 13*3 313 33 OKI
TIF o333«tl 3)Ft )»llol % I ^lel'lO 3ft Y^\9<^ ft "gft <jla<t) Tlfft ft 3Jft^3
"qft M6ui ^33 31 I -i 3 333 3T3) fft^ <^4 IftR 33 ft^I "§311 31
Sltx 3F (^S. ) ft^-1 ft 3331 % I 313: "^gft ft 313)t 313 3ltl 3lcT UFt
33 fftR 353 Olil % 35 13E 313 ft 331 [30 "§331 I
31*551 orfft Pd^Nd 55 ?ft 1*5 HfftcRT Pd^d 3131
P»)«J 333 Mpo: iPlOHl 33 33ft 3: I W\ I
fttcl ■5ici3< ft 0)0 3)1 ftt 3T3ft %5t ft cnPxoo 33ft %, aftl ftt 3133
cftl 31 3T3 ct)<d 3Fl 3^ 33R13 F3T1 ftft Mfoot 33 315113 31-3331

515 <3)<ft so3d ^iid Jd utjo

#3*5 ftm ^ 3fft^Sf#ft^
lft^l-d 5#1 JMlPFd dldftit
H+K^ltiJlF^Pd 33# U3>l*|: I ^ I
TH 3331 3#m ft PcKoiiio IMJd ft dcMH ft ftl31 FJH
30131 sftl ftft ft "331331 331 "Sift ft 333 ft fftft l3lft T«^l-d 5ft3
ft "OF #3 31331 3335?! 31«313 "3313 ^33 I
arsr «r IT? %TPr *TRT ^crn; mn;
^1^1 iftiidKi; mMHi f^rrar forwt i 11
CTTO aftr n? %n ^rrr^ % f^ra arfWft anf? dni'iuil ^r ^Tf%
Tif?T snftr, ;3^PI sn^R 37k IR%EF ^RT ktn (y?iw
«Tra 3TR ?R a^C %»T cTRI ^T ftJTcTR JG XWR % 37Rcq
R ^TTcn % I

? ^rrsT;
(mivK) ^I*s<=I 1 (^1^0
4<4li<M|H<|: (3-V\UH)
(V) V^lljo) THtftf ^cf^: I (H-WtH) I * I
srtWft snkr^serjf ^ctt^r (^Tf% ffr ^ 00 fr ) tr WR
%- aiDw-fl «Rnfti ^ ^ ^1 x. TTf^ft-v^/^o.
K mmp^KI ^o/^
w? ^fftr ^prf ^r: (vs-^o/^)
^cfTW (<i-?oV) qq: (^-?od)

TRT (^-W) I ? I
3715^ (^H), V9. (VRS) <i. 3^ (^oV), ■%. 37^n (^)
%o. TRTI (^), U. y^rfwipfr (W) ^xRIW^pft (^)

(^-^3) ^rT«RT: (t^-m) fwrm, (tK-w)

^nnuw: (^-^ovsj imgfF55?T (?\s-^w?o) I V I
«- W (^S) W. f^rai (W), ^S. ^TTcft (r^), PciVIKII, (^oV9)
^\s. 3TJCT«n (WIV>) 1

ttd-w^o) ^rti#iF^ra[s
(^-^VolVo) «I9K<4I?C|: (^0-^0)
31^^^ tRsnfr (^-^V^o)
^71 sft-S^T?^-. ( \-W$°) 1 H I
%£,. "^THT ^Cf (3Yo/-*o) ^O. Mdhld ( ^o) <lTRmid
(RS?/3o), o, 37fkf3r^ (^ Ao)
BWITH -mt M^ik vm
sunnTi^pr: (^51^)
^Ptr 'Ocifuih ?pf (^vs-o) nrfi^rrfW i ^ i
^. s^nr (^5) TPtst (^KI^o) y* (^^IYH)
tr^ *iT5?*<r ^irR (w), ^vs. \cnft (o)

t^r (^<>i^) tm-- (^-u)

trn^^rir: (?-YI^) wrtPWFT
(v-^l^o) yi^fHdr^T: (V^IYo) |V9 |
XT^r? HU-Sd % •MI'IdKI ^>T TR "TT 9FTPtT frT TT ^T ^TOT "I^T
"Sf •sd t>l vjiml % I
^ srfWrt (T-^oi^O) qr^ft (^--^j *U+.\ (^-YI^) Y. trfWY
(^-^i^vs) i\. yiiRfkl (^. «i^o)
xrif ^TT: (^-ISIYo)
(vs.^i^o) titrsr^T (c- ?I^H) (^-«)

(«-«) 1f^ («-«) I £ I

3nscf (^-^SlYo) VS. (T-^l?o) 9, ^1^) <K. 34^1
(^-«), *°- ^ (T-o|^) ^rRT qq^pft (T-^lo)
W: («-«) (?Y-^l^o)
^T ^ (K-R) ^
«m<+dl (^-YI^H) y<dH<rR<3|-A?ll (^-^l^o)
yi^f'll (^0-^1^0) -^nWMI + dl: (^IYo) | ^ |
«. FRT (^-^1°) "f^rar (^-^1^0) wvft (37^10) fq^rnm K.
^10) ^vs. arjaqr (q.^lo) \C. ^%T (q. Yl^) ^.xjeT (q-«l^o), ^o.
M^hld (^l^o)j (^- ^IYo)
(o-^) TflTTRT
««R?I (1^-^ ) r^rd<ft(V^i<J?|:
(^Y-o|^o) ^ WTT
(^-^) W R\9-HIo) ^rdJeKlshHIMMIH, I \o |
o. srfqf^^-^lo) ?TqxiT (T-^olo, ) 33. qfHBI (g-- ^|o)
^Y. TTcrfq^ (^-ol^o) q^rT5^ (T-^^|o) T?R (3"-^) ^vs
WdV (T.^lo) | *

inmPTFT (YIHI^) (WlVJlVI^Rol^)

(^) ^TFT («) fSHTRT (^V) eH.u|W (^v)
^ "'TT1^: wh^tsTTT^rhTR; i %\ i
[HHlViRftci H^raf ^BT crfasnr -f^n ii -^TT % i

Hssrat ^tr ftTn ^ ^mr % i (^T? it RWI-MI

wi ^<+1 % i
XHIT (^) tTTT: (^-^) ^ (5
ftiw (y-H) ^fr?TT (vs)
^ (^) w (\s-s) trw?
U-?) stt^TTS (^-s)
^TTT (^o-^) ^ (U-^) ^T
(«-^) ^r^lPJI («-K)
tan (tY-t) ft^rr (^H-?) Tsg"
(^-H) (^VS-VS) W: (V-*) I « I
V 3lDi<=Hl (1).^. (^) ^ ^Rl<=hl (^) Y <lftun (H), s yirvm
(^) snsf (^), V9 (K) <i 3^ (^) 3T?^mT (c^), ^o TTEn (M «.
^rfvrc^pft (^), XR. ^xRTOT^pft (^), «. m (^) t^rai (^)
(^J, 1^mm («0 K sT^am (vs) \c. (i)
m-s) ^r: t^rw (^^-Y) -jonsr (^-^)
w (^-^) w (^Y- ^oo) g^ (^) tt
(^-^) r^lHI (^VS-?^) ftrf dK+|UM
wnftir oNn-idi sFftor i ^ i
n. (^) Ro. wkrs' (Y) dTt<mid (Y) STfqf^ (^) ?rauT
(^) (S) ^Y. (^oo) ^ Mof'MKMd (^) dTlWKMd
(^) ^v» \arat (^^) % fgrfiFT ^f cTRisrt ^ft tr^n % i
^ft^ssf U) iTE^r «(4dKd>|U|i fNdlelftt oJTfa; WfcRTtT: I
T^K^grE d.PdPd^ WTTf^T I Vi I
<i. g^q if 3T%op cTRT T?% «ft ft "RH ft
ft it 1RT % I 3IMl4 SlftF ft IKiaft ftt ftlpRT f^FT
1ft™T % I
^T T<HV<|d>d^= TRT^T ftft 1STT I
g? ^raii (^) fWm (^) ^ddfVudi (^) ig^nrar: i w i
sra issft ftt Sii"^Ri*?)! ^4-1 tftn Mtmi % l sfti^ftt ^+>1 fttft
«f "XT? 'zftTT l=tu?-1'-lv

^ ^ fFTPT, wft-lWrn STT^R ^ ^fH+i arf^rfwr % xmrT

ffzn V. CiOs-n-ll^ (^I'l-s) '^TI %eT 'll-sl % tPTR I
'TR VK (S) f^T (^) )V9)
chHl-fiH: (C) ^5 K) fRTT:
cTnicT (?o) tJKMMlil (u) tnr («)
«RT^r (^) ^ (?v) i ^ i
M,. H'lPmi -f^oril % rt RR % gis % MHM, srrsrf ^nr (
xrf^) RT ^ '^T? V9. ^FT 3TP^K % XTTR <i.
STT^FR Wetrfl (Chalk) % RT cftX W %. 3R^T ^FT 3TFFR
^ft % «*IM ^O. H'Hl ^T 3TT^R gd cFC?, Mctt sftx ^STKI
FldMHl (^) ^FT 31T^7R RR (+|cR^| eTTSt Rt ^Tf cTRF di+l^
IR) % WHM FRf wn 3TTR7TT "^TT %r RHH, X*. f^T RJT ail + K tTCft
Mlpil+M (^H) jfRR (^) (^\9)
TfteTZ (V) (U) ^ (^0) *5*
^Rcf: ^Tf f^T t^FSf (^)
^r (^) ftnfR (^v) ycftrnfrr: (?«) i
Wtft ^FT 3TT^R Hiru|<FM, TT "yn f^WSI rfRR ( U^R )
^Ft cR? STJTIRT "RRI %? RT^ % XTRPT, V. '5irgT-"g3R %r ^RT
fR?, V,. ReT-^RR XFTR, (RT fR? R?t ^5 Rft TR?) ^o. yMfald 3Tk
-stririg ^FTt Rft cR? (RT ^T^ft <;ia CK?) O.O 3TfRf^R^ STfiR
Rft RX? RT R(<+|u| WOT ?R (elk) RX? CRT RRPT)
tTfHBI- H'II4I Rft cR?, RTtTfR^fTRor Rft RX? ,
RTXftRT (^ RTWRT (^) ^TTRT (^\9) ^rdWHdl^ WR: I
RRfSRC TTtrFT t^TRT ^TRT: W?!!^ I \C I
^ R^ RT5R? 3fR RtR RTXXR- RR (^t % TRRT cT^T)
RT RW % XTRPT XRcft RR 3TRFR R0Xft RT H'll^l RTt cR? dliddl
srf^r (0 ^ (m rt( (^) Tsnt^r uto ^fiR ^o) f^n (^o
«NI<+I (^) srf^GTXRt (^^) crxxsrpfrwrxT^eTt w i n •
H'lPjKI, XX. RRtRRX^RT X^. fRRTPRT, ^o Mc|fR|di ^x. RXRTRTR',
^% I
^5 (V) (^) fHJT (^Vs) f^T (5) /HHI (C) ^STIT W: I
STTf^T (\3) ftrT (^) tvTHf (^) f^R f^T TftsRTT: I I
%%. ^RST, RR. ^V9. Wjnsrr ^frl+l, c. ^ FT ^>T
■qR cTKT % •qeq it I V3 FT<T, W ""JeT-FRT ''TR RTT
HacR % fTTFT f^TT if % I
f^ra (^) FTTWSRr: (o) ^TUT^^cfw STIT (^) "inNt K)
RRT ^cilPti: (^o) TJ^TT W (^) 4qU|l^ (^) ^ftpirT: | ^ |
«Tf=TBT sfk STfqf^ (o) cfn %iT rTRT % qf^T if % I If.
■Tir^ufl ark ST^RT BRT -qR -mn qk k % i ^o -q^n km cnn sicqR
"^ci % 3^ qgq % if % i ^vs Reft, *TRft 3th ^ . ^wrnc^ft
^T qi'MKI HfiR % crfaim if % I
^pfteRthT chl»iq( -qtWRT U^dM: (^Y)
WT cer? ciidMI ^T *TRfT: I I
^Y. WfiRT ^T ql'IdKI 3TF%^ if % I f.. atTsTf, ^Y . fk^T sfh
weft if TRT Ft crra sm: qi'MKi sfk T$g( if srmt
qff % i ql'WKi qrr Ft gsr sfk -^R, qn ^ atk "?R FTFT % i
41'MKI torfemr^ \^n, ^RR; HRTT: ^ (^)
R) WT": (?) WT: (\3) fiRt (^) W^eT: (Vs)
f^TTT U) cft^ c?) hRTBT: (Y) ^ (^)
"yn (? ) ^rr^r (Y) I i
kkmRiatt qft "q;sFr kr^f qmn (fkfkm if) q^Ft ^rmt % i *. srfW^t
(^) ^ qRft (^) ^fxmt (^) Y. trfRft (va) s. yMpfm (^) sns^f
(\3) V3 yHcfy, (6) (^) \. STT^qi (Y) \o -qRT (^) «. Md
(^) FW RTRpft (Y) FR (Y)
"lk«W (\9) Fft^r (??) (^) ftFSR: (Y) I
trrr (\3) qw (^) (Y) aRRt (Y) S Rh?^r: i (?Y)
cTTkR: (\S) qrcRTT (?) cftfeT FR: (?) ^fFT (Y)
sr^kn" (Y) WT; (?) FWRR: I vt i
^Y. Rqr (V3) Weft U3) fkqmFT (^) ^V9. SR^TRT (Y ) \6
^kmr (V3) -gcT (s) qo. qmkrm (y) 3d<mid (y) O. 3Tfkf3m^(^Y)
?wt (vs) is. stRbt (f) ^y. qrakm (^) qcrfqrFK (y) ^ftr
FTFTF (Y) qvs. Reft 1 (^) I

twi (\s) ^Tfnmr (TTT^T «efdlU

f^PT ^rdPrlHI TOT: (^o)
^ ^cr tnr wf (\3V3) MHN,
yiufdi (vo) "?IT f^Rmgnrr^fw i i
(3R( grf TTRt gq PdMHIH cTm ?R f^lT ^Tt T?T % I O. »|H4M
gr ^f^TT gq fWR gr?n (^o) (vsvs)
crm gtcfrq gnf^ (vo)
q4f\UH di+mftd girg^T ^d+i ^ft ^Prirf^ i
q<;RrMi TcKT irR' "TTRT cT^ WK^I dW^^sfT f^Fffwn^ l^^l
r<ri»siti ■qg ^ <5®^ot,< CKI <^ei 'srrcn % 1 sftr "^qr tslii
tTRT ^ (qq4^ % crf^T if) tOtddl t 1 ^ff -gssiBi^ % 1
gTR W (^)
gTR oTFfr TTT: WIW <!fld)in;'P C'o)
rdTdMiad-MU-SdWI gpT: I ^Vs I
grrf ^idi4 yiodR ^'IP^KI dr^g ^TOT if -RPT^
% 1 5^1 =m '^f^rnTR g«n IWR HPT % 1
cTR %W (H) q^TFTT (^) Prrsg ft«ldlWI<cb
ftmr {ami {rddp i
Tj^ ^ (^) 5?: "ff^r YP
BfflR-^rT: (^^-V5?) iflOdlH 3TTHT W: I ^<i I
■q? ^'lot4|ST aftr inisj % ^pEf gV? %> JHI^K %> gpT cTKI % I
fedcT grgT vsimi % 1 5-I4> giT ql'iai^T % (^)
cT«TT (^1^0 ) % I
siir f^r ^ tr^rgf (^) grr ^trtiS: 1
fmw ^ U) f^r (30) ft?frT tnpfr -atw: 1 1
gq -g^ frrsRT ip arprK gg- (^) dfc grR ?R (6)
% 1 WI^T gq "g^f nH^i-d % srpTR p' ('^) gan grR ?R (^O)
% r
l^PTf ModPffll: PRFfpT cWrr
gwRrc <1 h 1 (^<i) gigjtscjf^r: 1 ^o 1
WPT % g4 \ gft pt y^iiMfd % 1 Pdfi+i gg- ^a° CTSR
^tR W y^" % Cg^f fw^i-ti % sipm) 1

itr ^ w i^it: xrsnw^r ^ff^r \ n \ |

STT^Pich yrq^t ^ff cTtnt % f^T cTRT ^>1 ^>T % ofB 'cp

f^v «MI<;i8l«rf (^KS) W Wrffc (HUH)

^ Pol+dlW TR ^nfir f^TFT I n I
v" V< \ V4 :3TR TTan fsp^ KPT (^) % I W
K)T - •
3nTT«if: ifozr m ftofjsr (^) w^i^m-. (^)
■R^f^TeTT: Tftrm (^) KTRTOt Kt ^S<PF. WRf^ 1 I
H<0 -dTKVK cTKT ftFKKT^ (^) % I M'l^KI K^T % ^fsSTT %
CTKT wwi KKT m u^ruRf K?#f ^crrcn.% I,
HTg (?vT CTTPTT cTfTT- H^crqi-ti -qwrg*;^. KPt I
3TRT ^ KT?TfN T^cT; f^t^pftSKt ^) ff: I ^ I
V(. fK^T KTTI % KKT \ Kft ^ KT SPTrarR Tntt % I TSfa KtR ^
Kft R: 3TP2T %, KB KffT <tMd! % I 3PK KPT STTK
% t
gcftrmRRK M^l+ (^\) KPTt: KSKTsPT: (vsi\) ?R- (H) I
^PT KCtl^l: ««»d: I I"
apTT ^fTT aTP2? .K>T pcl^l %T «HW % I SPTT KTTT
3KR W ^ V cTKt afTPK KTT TtfRR (^ V> % I 3TKKK cTHT
^JI ^ sfk <f^T ?n vav i BK H=r KP spprm kwr
(KK Bt% K BT% TT K^Pt) R KB BtKT I
KdKt (^i) Pcj+yiww ^PPR^r ftR^fEr: i
KKT^K IW) -^rf ypf "TTPr (^) KPfW: i ^ I
3PTPK KK fK^K (^") 4^°) "?K (^5,°) cTfW
KPKtS^ Rcl + dl fW&PFK5fr ^cT. .t1>(.R|: I
TTfWPPRPRK 5^: Wttol: W I ?\8 I
KKT tKRT KPT (<i") % I "q^ Rr^l-d SfTfcK cTRT KTT ^o" KTBT
% I (KK TPK^K ^T 3TcK KT \R% K^f KT^t KT) I
KF KTKt TPfT (iVs) FtrF «rr«^M
1 mrftppr (v^) dx^Kiw.^ «ftKBT i\»\
«f TT? 41 Jt

^feT jidi®< ^rpf % r«^M ryi<mrui ^ 3Trrt?q qrr

ggfrt <iV3 qr?T % i
ihwrftRr (vs) (^) cqsrs;qpm^rp^: u\s) i
yimd wi^mi uvsi^o) -^TRR i ^ i
(pH^I-d f^Rtqf&T 4 ) gcT qan SFTFrq qq ^
arqf^ ^vs" wt % i amt frr^RT % qqrq f ^r) "q?
(vs) yHi4y,Tr 1^° V 4r# % i arzrf^c^o0^-^0 ^o'- vs^" v^') arrr^q
gq ^lv0 •£[ -ddi^i qE qt vs^" (qrq: Trqpr amn % i
ti'HW fgrq- («) qpTFtf T%q^fr: i (vs^)
WPTRR ftrs ^r^scnrrfWR; i (UR®) i *<> i
arq^q qq ^0 ^r \\ ^o' arqqm ("RT^RT t?Rtqfq)% Tnrq «n i
aoff qq fq^q (^0) gq qrsqq: ^ \9^ q4 qq qRcrcfq % i (

qq^f 5? irrt^RtrF "ETEW^

qqr^ qqi^qf qqqw fiFq^y^qr i v\ i
qm qftei %e qqqq qqW qu-scd qq gq qql wit % qwf q^r
% i qqrfq arq^ ar^qq % anqn q^ ?qqft iqqtq % qft q ^ q^^qr \ i
iqfiisei+di+K, '5^w "55 wHq>H. i
q^cr ifRF qqqj t^r qqq^qq; i i
i j
"HrR Tq^n ^f q^ ^ qfaq qft d< +i ^jhi-s (tfcr ii-41) q>t cr? frqrf^
qu^cq qfq vm «0widi % i qftdi ark 4 qHf^ hu^ci qpt
■q^si q>iT qqi % i
d^Hd ^rtr irttf?: qM qq: i
qfWtS^tnft ^ThWCWHqPni: ftqq: I I
WHR q"-sei 4 q4 qit cRqi qft a41 ^41 ^jqr qkqqt % a <H4) arnt
^ q^fq qq qqiq % i qrtfq % qt# qlw, are^tcft % qrq % i qf?m
% qfaq atfqq % i
qqmrq; ^=5 It^qfiRFT q-1
^reqt qpr qftFt ftqq: i vx i
5«4> qrq qt "qj^q % a«4> {^11*1 "^l"! k arfq % I arfq % qf^TT
qqrfq atk 'pR<q % darq ^rq ftsm % i *

fSTR W^tb\ W§
^r lic^inl ^^wnr T^TT I s£\ I
yet6 % ^3TR 9^3 % yet5 3^ ^>3 IhciI'I =1I<^ 'QtcT ^rT
"snrPtr -^RT wn ^ <+iiMi (TT tt^T) "H^^e?
MM I ^tl^'ll I
W5ra f^t 'jg^rm (^o ^ i
9hldiliref?c(<i: (^) Tn^ZTT ^cT^r Wtf % W: I I
aw): yeig a^h; SF5 frt? TTf?T % aPRT ''R 'TT y4 ^Iey-fl % gal<t
^TK ^ % I yeTW 3^ sFg % +lcH'«!l ^ *f yeTR^ % I
tTcn^:¥P1% (y) Tft tfRT -^TPT (^) W: I
ddliglPr (6) cfOlHliWI^M^r^cfd^ fftT: {6) I VV9 I
■get? % y *Fle1l5?l ^ 3Tt4, 3Tf4 % ^ ^ arfmi, STfro,
ir 6 ^Term ^rfW cT«n fr i ^tctri g4 t i
arwat ft«ftTT Vtr&a WlfM-flSfsC (VS) +<HI-d\ I
^rt c(f>lHird ^ ft¥T ^T -^aiT: I Yd I
ST^Tcft' '9rf?TS « <t>leii-rt< ^cf, ^f^TB" % f-t<+)<i «tg,t1 tslil ctKl ^ft
arm "R BFTfeaif % <0«di % "BT <li<ici\ % i
BfeftxT): TT^Aotcl I
W^TT MHPel+dl-. iWr 5%^ ^T^RT: I I
?jq 3TBjq ■"TTeT % I ^fT RBT % I (^tBT¥ ^
V9 ^Fen g4) 3T5^mt B^eT ^RRF % I W^T HRT \ f^eH % t
3Tf4 ^FT fsr^r ^ fWen 3^; -fmt cmt ("RRf^ MU^cH if) fstrsr
TTT C ffer^en % I
BTFRFT ^%Tr W^TTRR f^lt: I
'l<-M-d! ^ Tt^rat ?lir<+ (to) MdlcH+l: I yo I
FT cTRT fRTt afft BtFR "TFTTH % aTd'- FT^FT d>ldl^l t0 FcT % I

vui i^tfu trcRfti- gf-Rhr-d ij?i?i+T: 1 yt I

FT t® ^Ft t<ioo Tpn RR -f^R^ TFT (eTT HT*T) 3Tg RRT
BT: Tf eTf^R sl'il TR yet? sfVr sFg % y^ixti yet (ffft? ^
% ^ TTf?T 3TT1F yR -ftRT I
•q Tf? ^

wW "qrq (y?) +idf?i ^tePr ^

^di^-Mi fWcTfntsYEw (Y^J i ^ i
^thI^ qu^ qrt -q^ tr trfaq f?r?n ^ dMif chmi'^i ^ *ft
•grqq' «♦>•*!i J^-II Tif^i <s«=tn f^qRi %> ^K"! "q? cn^rrf at^x
^rft t i
*lTq-<1lr«\«l qiqufll tcT^RfS^RT: (^) I
(H^) ^d^WlDH «l^+|: (t\5) I ^ I
qiT ^rTPTT^TT TI yfcf (JT) qT ^xR TR ) 3t?I % I 'Jef?
qq (^°) q«n JidtdJ (H^0) % I
SRFT xrf^ir (^) T?cn%: ^ (^o) iPKtflHdl I
(^) c(Pji«w irfs (v) i i
0 0
3Tfq ^T (^ ), sjfiRT ^T (^0°), ^!T (^ ) 3^ tRtf^T ^T
(^o") ^xR TR <1<qcll % I
iT^m 7R- sFFxt ^ r[^Tt qtxRT
■jnTFtR WftlF: Fn^^ThTRRt 5^ I ^ I
^ gqPxT % -erfw qq ?R TRpR TRTRT T% qt ^T? ^<HI-xl (fqgq
siq) P Tfq % ^proi ^ -^r ve tR I qf^ia qq 3xR -qr ^R
5,^ y'Hi-xi qp gqpq ^T <i^0I sici: %o0 % aq^R H" I^n i)
-pgz sFRt TfWNf ic^rar "qf^ ^rr
qqi tiJjq*xK Mini f^^pfr Pn-qqi ti^^ I ^ I
wMqf q qft v§z qqfqr w "RRFT ^R qf, % srq qf?T
P '5rr% qc qqqq tr qqcTfn % i
qHMIfdJ ^ sFP% %STT TTF^ I
tqpq q^rt %ftqfrsqq: i ^ i
qq sqk sRRxq qfr vgz qqfqr qqr qqpr ?tcft % i 34^^ snf^
q^rqt q% qqfqr ^r «M<ddl % 1 qu^d qft ^tT-xf qqft qq qqft
aqqqrq ■^Tcft % 1
urM®< yppqPr: qlqq tv rdfk+i
^rt qt Prfaqr ^crf <^di-qqi 1 \6 1
qr^ srrqrqf % ynPSM'J^d qft qfqq % q^ qfq q% % i #qn qpft
% 1 q^ %% (%4qqr) q? qfq q^f ^tffl % 1 aqf- '5% q^t qrqcn ^ 1

^icf +rei^|fo^ JTc^ifcn; ftsr% i i
"^R, STTC^ sfk RTf^ tprgoT °R 3TRT TT^PR ^of ^ f^TftcT
it ^R% % t^PT Tpq-f % | ^ ^ "RTR % f^r f) % f^R; % I
fcTfTT PdM?l (^) TR: (V) ^ m IRT5^ %<*■■
7 «RT€2r ifsiR WT t PTRcT I V> |
<TPCt (TxR) ^rt rr Ictht rt tJw *m (-qr v Pct+eti) % i
■dxH clKI °R RTPT crRcTf^PF RTPf T?t % I SR: IT? IR^RTT
=h-S\ -TSt % sftr aft?; ^tT Tpff^T -iliai % I
wr? (^Y) ftmrRltdt "znft p-: 1
^iRwhi ^TFTT^^iWr (^vs) inRT^t 1 w 1
fRT ^ RU HT^t ^tT % YS' CnPtifH ^Sf) % fRFTT (^ ^H')
Rt ^ r % i sr: t^"cff ^tser ^iRku r ;stt% % gsrciKT imfir if
RTRtrR ^tT R a TcT cO«dl % I
TRift ^T^Icf fofWr (^^) 'ftrRT (\S) RT^T
(tV) T^T "RTR RRTT ^fhRT^ I ^ I
atRR 3=^9 RRRPaR % tRR, ER ^ci t^Rem %
3R% 3T^rf9T % tRFI "3R?f <1i=tdl % I fR^T RRRtrR RtT RC
3TT% % 3R 3R% ifRC % OS ^RTT cffWT % I
3^ RTR 55ft irf^r YcnfiftR
^RTTf^sfr JWRir ^nt ^Vl'l?!: I ^ I
fRt y^tiK ^f^TT ^f^PT 'itell-i % Rfnt RTRtfRR "h-*.
% RRt cKHi Hcsl % ^TeT ^)t cR? ^mhi <;1<3cii % i
snftrg t^r, mnmi, ^PTCT ^t?ra>T: 1
etHHi *l<;ifl1 ^ra ^>Ter I
3RT % %-HMIVI, d>MiVI 3tk I TTfW ^T
RFT 1R=T f>RT 1% % «FRor ^ff?T 3tk +MI>I -
3Rff fctftR^ qcRT: R^RTT TPlV I
HM ^TTcTRRff «i«t I ^ I
f*RT fiRT t I R R9F TRTTR Tt% R I^t ^Rt ^T RR ^°° ?tR
% I HHivl 3tk <+>MI>T RIT RR ^ RRR ?tm % R
•q TT¥ cfuj^x^

tTW^R ^ orPTTxT^T, «TFmt-'

fBr^- % ^ m <+iMi^i srk MHRI ^ ^fcr 37^
fmr 1 fmM % rrrd ^r ^ f^n f^rflT (twtR iF
3T5?m) f^TRT ^rmr % CTT^ Rflm SFT Rfcn crm sirRr) "T?
f?r?n (sraam) ^ ^ R# ICTRT ^n 1
^«ira ^cir ifK^t mr- (h)
RTHT TJ3 sFxft ^T: I ^Vs I
1^rer 37k ?F5 -aFT "^TTTRR (^ ^fk7 ^WtR) s" R7^ %,
-m Ttt TTRTR TgrfT % I ^Tlt ^FR 5Fg 3^7: MlOf^l ^FT R^-RfkR 37RR
Trngf (oi^o) WT? mf fr«r -RRfr; 'Tg^r i ^ i
HHlk) ^K° cT«T7 mm V % I WR fktk k 7^: mPxT m
TTTRR' f%RT m Rc+icll % I
r<Hoi||77 ^ «l'c|k^ ^'ll^ ft^T I
RTRT mffef ^Rn"«rFrr H^IHI- ^wmrn: i ^ i
<^Ki mfRT S.K1 6Jm«4| m TTTRR ^'11 I (sFTfRT ^xftR 3ik
^rfkr) m Rt'll^ fR apTFcTTRT % I RHI>I tsmf k "yTT m
¥R R "RTR k -RIH Rm %Rm (mfRT ^rftR 3m)
TJRt WRT: ^ ^ RPT (^oo) fTIT: I'
^TcTRIT: TJ^ft RR RTR ^gn? RRkf: | vso |
%Rm RR 7Tt?T k R^RT^ % "JRI RR (7^00) 77 RTR ^ TR RRT RR
•Fieri I ?! frm % I TR RRJR RTtfR sfk RR RRcTRT 3TT%RT fWht
Ttf RTkR Rpf Wl'lllPH (^o) RTR RJ: I
SPRCT^fR PrlHI^ oT^ (iAXL) RTRm RPRcTT-' I V9t I
%R ^F RRR RTk RR fR ^o" am WlR % 3i7<FI HHi?I
(^ox<iY) /^6= 6W tTTR % I
OTPR ^ R?f^ RT Rimf: RRRT Rft"
FTTxT^RR R.ldi?ll: sFTRRcRTR R?Wft: I \9^ I
RRPR R<er1^ R7 TTTTlWt RR 37TRR7 RfR TfTR % (RRf=tT ^ "RTR
^ RRmn) Rt RRtkr R^T RT STTRR? itR R7

^55 s*>Hr^
«t»lcli«[UfH SKlPfl ^ iiR ftSRI^ I V9^ I
T^TRR *ft ^TT "JJI STfsRT ^mr % ^Tf STfsRI -JfT
■?>% % ^TRnT) |
grrf^i ^ ^ tmf^ ^RTRR "ft«R Tfcn t,
^ "^ftg "PIT (TT^STFtRRT ^ I
ftsRT sFTfnT PTT^ +ldf?Il I V9V I
eft 5FTt^ ^ 3Tf«Rfi TR cTRT ^T ^ Rl^R 3RR ^TR RT 3TfRR>
SI^RT 3RR % RRPT IRn % I Rf^ mR3ft Rft RRpR fPR ?t Rt RRRR
^talVlHl ■ftsTR^' PTR^RTRT RTRTcR
Hm>i4i-- ftrfg: RRP rirt ?I4IRR I vs^ i
Rf^rr -fatRT ftrWs cw -^jzr: i \s^ i
iRTRT ^3TT % I RR RR m Rt aprf^ ^R RtR RrffR % I
^RRfRT 5R -VgZ-. PTTRTT^ R^ I V9V9 I
TTRt RTJ STPfZ 7R <+<1^ ytct RR if % I fRRTT ^RJ4 RWR RR%
R cTf -gra arof^gR RtcT '^rftR RTRT I fRR RRTK cTRt RR PfS' RR
TjlcTT % I
RTlfR TT5T PTTit TTft ftRRtR RRR^R^R; I \3C I
«>lpn tjTl % R^Rlf RR RiRtR RRftR RR RRPT gi'l RT Rf RR% ^
R^R eld %T RTRR (giR RtcftR) RiTpR tR*R ^t'O I 3TR'- 3R%> iRR 3TVT
RPT «l«ii T^iT sFTpR cfTRRt^RtslRRiT TRR: I
■q HI? HtH

cfFf HHT ^tB HRT t^rpft ^HT) TH ^^3 ^T '^fajFT

VFZ sFfPrT dHl'iJI it 37f%rsn "?T% tR cT? ^TT WR XR TRT 3TR
TtHT 3T«Tf^^Rt r<W!{ I
HFiyf-d^l f^FHT TTf 'StRTT tWRRTT I
r<Hir<(V: W^hM ut ^5fsr% gcTRi: I I
t^nr xr? =f>T tqrtft -r^R % XTTH HtH ^IH-II FT 3<H TT? qq STHR c.^
H'44>K XfR 3XRTT a^x im % ^ qq 3RR pH+IHcl % I XT?
qft SRR <^)Cll XT? ^r XJTJ "qflT ctic^i RRX %°F)X crtf®^ 'f^nlH' Si'!) I
XT? l^r, (H^m) XR ^T% f^Tf % sfR XTfTT 'ft7TT1 TT
arfqq? '?t% qx
"TOt HsFX)^ Jl^WlreJ fWhmt. I
STXT^p *4ull <^<*1 VMidi HWt I C\ I
^ft xnxq (f^r anrRr) %t -ft ^ept % 1 xrg ^fr #t -qx xr?
qatR 4l'l q?T sFH a<rc\ gl'll (XT? ^=1 % X?% HX •afl-l' XTRH H5el
-jTm isn, axf^TEB x?% xir if "qfn i hR xrpt qq xr? sftx
% aX-XTX % 'J-T: SX-tlX •tiici PiTiici <^)< Pt>< HVI ^ici I ®rR
MIX ^xn ^tiX-l XT XT? qff =t?e1l XIHM gtdl % I
^xFif xpsrrsgr i
Pq-i Ph r XTT^ t^id sBlP-fl HR sfTRTXp I I
^RR> •Miq HW 3^X cfH 3XqR axxpft X^>*i sBIPtl 3xtx HX PiGhlcrl
^>X Iq-l sffx XlfR HH =FT RTISR gl'll I
TT^SW inR et H HXd cl H y <+ic^H H I
W ^WRTRf XT^: I 6^ I
STXXT ei'-i 'ii I qgei ^1% TR HR Pxlq R xfcr ^>T sRi
•an-it "FT fR FX a<;<4 JsfVx 3TXXT RtT TFTX Ft7!! I
cbNfrHHdl Xn\ ofc^XIT«T HWRRPTt: I
RR tlxra wicT H? I dY I
R 3rr xf% qx qF^r qft fxf ftrt rrr qftn i fk
HF qR Rfq XJF sftx qq qqx Fftnq strtx 4RR VKMX)
F«n fq-R 3RR qq R^R qRH I
st^r -^nnd TMR WP^T:
xflwm: ^r ^el^cj «rddl (Yldl^l^Vl^o.|\9|^
I^I^RVsRVI^^Rol ^*41^#^: I f^RRt
ft-firf (vs) -fff: ¥^11%rat i
+Kir^r+d4l ^dl-dK^h (^ol^vsl^)
OjIKirn (Vl^ltol^VI^I^I^I^I^V) %: HRff: I C\ I
<inf»n, g^r, ^trT^TT, f^r, TrEiT> 3T^T«rri ^8i "f^nrar,
t^cft, wfw, Mclhld 3fk dTKIMId n ^ ^T XT? ^ | I
axf^cnt wfT, HMPmi, snsf, ^ic-unl , FT<T, x^rcft, "^cr,
3Tt%Tf^ ^raur, «lfTOT, 1# ^TTFT^ sk RTFT5 FT V\ ^T
"IT? "^Tf ^R "41% % I ^T ^ M,-i4yj ^ij fRft XT? ^ ^RrT % I Hc([qic3i
\sRTt srk ^Ri+i "FT Zfz ^Tctt % i SRR R^rat ^TT XFTIRT %
3TJXTK XTP?: ip? "fTWI % I
^ TTftr ^rar (^v) dd'iwi XTRT ?Rts wn^ i
M>4'?ll CRRo) xrrtRWTf^ "?T^ W^RiJ^nT?: I
STT^rf^Rr^" RPT "ticm H-^ul XRTPTf^:
xrpsfr r<"im^ *^r ^cf tt i i
^ TTf?T % v* 3RT ^f f^TTT TT? ^FT XFTptT ^ ^o' "fT STpR^ ?t
cr?t <ir?"n (?P?TH: 3TRFR) "FX xracTT % I
3RT "483# ^T XT? FRT ^FT FFT RT, ^TtfhfTlfWS' FT^t fwfTT "Fg%«T
"gKT t?«R ^TTrt t I
R^rat % 3TRFR TT«TT ^3% ^tR RT FT^T Xr?t FfXT "FT ^FcT
XrTFA ftrgRf FTtfW WRlW xflw ^TF XTTfT ^l-tidTlPil I
^ eT^Ft TTtTFTFFTPt XT^TT eTfe: WftT RTTTR ""Jof: I d\s I
Vll^ftH FTFT "ft "fFXpRrcT Ff XFRt ?ft fwffT FT XIFR F?t "FTt I
FTT% STRtItF ark fFTT% FFX t FRfft XTXpRT «ft FTcT F?t % I STfWft
STTfF F STftTfXF aRT Faatt % Fk if R?f F?t FFT iRTT % I
SPtozflfteTWTT Tm TttT? otFTRT FSTt-
4P<n>i-HMf TR tr^d Pf^rdd: I
TTFTFTcXTT ^XTT FttT X^ftRft mfif ^ F-
X^kkT XfXFR r+4r<? FFTfk XJF TTFT I C6 I
3TTFTF k STcFTT "^^T XTRT "TFt FT XTFT ark ^TTTFR RPt 'ifdVffd
■q TT? tfrn qu?HH.

% i weft ■grpn ilwm w'm srW^'qFf ^rmr % i

f^TEffT "ftsTfq % if Epg% qfy wen % t
TTft ^R¥ (5.0) tlHT ^ ^ccRT TfjH ^fiSTOt I 6% I
■q? wnrnj^T <|ni<t)K % 1 »iiPq ^TT qq "q? ttrh sftr H<t>< srrf^
it Eft^n % 1 ^T: yMH ^ ^ ^0° am 3XR ctm «iEtH ^=5
-& crf^r f^n ir-
rT^ (^) cTef^T TfTsfcT^ (V9)
^ftwm rv<ct|l^ r<!}il|d: I
TJcT (^) Tfm (^o) fawft TT^TT
fqf^; cNrgrr ^TT TW; r<?i'M: i i
^ cm w+O ffTqr % 1 gqcN, q^t ^ *tm ^BT -m
f^n it Mtict>< ftR stk M^hid ^rrf ^T isr
sri^rf^ ctm cm ^mn % 1 ^t % ^rtr mt ?rm ^ncn % 1
-qrnm ^TFcT Ter^Tcft f^RcT »TRT
^ ^TFT (do) til JIM gw, f^tofPTcT:
'iTc^ rctfcupqi ^fcT WT HWf
w ^hR CTSTT *t^r<rcf I I
EF#r % 3TTfe 1^=5 % -q? •qnit it EP) crm do" cm men % 1
mm mt -nTci % bw ^ srrapfT % R^tqi m ft+cii %, strnm
^ fdidHt Tmrn n# % (mTt tm 3TTm # dUdcll %) 1
TFT^-q^ ftcT^ TetcfTxH ^RT: Tmrf^cf cnwnf
cFTPf TJ^q (d) ^ mTETcft fW ^tcTiq \«lT+cl|:
cftm PiR^m-^iq finft ^flcti'^ct^ ^P<dcft
^ qfi^r w imm wr -^r irT qwr^ i i
Wtyr) qff tteiqcn ^ mm mi %> ciki 3RmT xmR (arcm
mew ctrT mT) ^=r im% % 1 % qgq (^wrfct ?) Tm^ % ejrmi
wr, q-<Muscri ^r tihT, mfq a^c ^^t 31x1? «tT % 1 m? «j«r aih
mt «fT mwr % «MH ^Tn % 1 mPr % mtt ctm
^mm ^cRt cTm mf ^ wt stk wwt mt *fT w mq m tamcn
% 1
qTT ijfTr xpxr tmr 9ft ^mr;
•IxJIC *13*11 VJidlc^Ki <+>dl^r met ShM: I
^ZT«n: WT^CTeTR Weft W^ I I

^ srqpT <iidiH< -ft ?ps wof sn^r ertwe! %_

^Tt WT^ ^TWt ^r T^TT cMT -qZHiaqf HK eft^T % I
chlRrt^ ^TFT % ^jy xa ^ cfR% ^ ^?lci t cT«TT ^ % Pl+d
^cr ysfirtwr % ^rft ^ft wh HE
wt i

frje^eft w^cT ■jmci ^cl' u^

«ft ^ "ft^TC ^tft TTf^St^T I
Ri<M ^r amftid WT ^
wts^ to •%*$ (vi) to wr^T-- i \v i

T*T 341«I % refold ^ ■drMH aft ^TS^R^C "nfony

aiftt ^fE ^ WMT-Tdt TT^n -ST^t ^T f^T^T % toi fcT^ ftfT^RT ^r if
^r^r afft ir? "^fw -ertsto ar^qFi tthih i^n i
3T«r WnTTRWTf ^TTH ^
^cilRtblw cfr^ffr cRT ^T: 1^1
3T«f IT? 3|ji; r1KI3Tf % aftr 3Tfcf ^TT cjol-i <+i<c1l ^ I ^pcTTftl^TR
ir am am mm % ;mi: TT? % aik aror % xf
% q>5T mi % i
4<^iw qqt t'Eir ^rPrfrr
ir^icm ^TtfcT sFTf^T I R I
fmr (yPdHiH) afe Ntqfm Tnmft qr ^q) mr % mq aik
aror % qm % i ym ym % fsrm w? qnr^ ^ ^ (y^
qft yfy qmr) 115 ark ym-
T^yrRmft yq^T: yrqp
^ryPd^ yrn+tf ydirdHl i ^ i
yfylm y^ ^ my aftr yfm y afRT m t 1 fycy yr yrryfW
yrgi ^iim % 1 ^4 yr PT^FZ qaT % ytnyr u? yy any (fyy yr yyyyr
^ ywt ytm % 1) yr ^ 5T% % ymyr my y^t u? ysayf ^r ^fyfyyr
ayyny =ti5d % 1

t^p^-^yf^yffsm, yamy ^d$di4.di:

mi: ynpy zrrpy dP^uft yyr 1 jfti 1 v 1
^4 fPrmr % 3151111: - ym, 5^ aik yrfy ^4 Pr aifyyr (iryyify)
yi yfay ^f any #4% 1 ify it ym 414 yi 4 y^ 4 my 4t4 % 1
yy4 afti yjyr 4t ify ^ arfyyr 514 yi yfgy 4 any afti yry 514
yi y4 4 my 5t4 t 1

aryrfyy^yyt ^yr 14^4 yryp yr fVy^;

arfyyft 4y 'iwm 1^ rfpft-r Mdi yy: 1 \ 1
mf arryyr-yry yn ai4 144; irf^i 4 yyt % 1 ify 4; Prm yfy 115
3114 51 yr an aifyy;, 414 "4 yt m ymnyr % 1 mmra: 4Pt m 4
4y yy ify aifyyr fmr di^'ii 1 yyffy; 4ty % gny yry 4y irf^x % 1
4ipyi yfr 5% 4 44 iry4 aifyy; % 4rfm 4y % tyyra mt %, 4: ny;
4; any 4 arryyi 1
ftrsT^r-^rr w&t w *rnf^T:
ST^T W)t%l«b|: ?fhr ^Tf^R: 1 ^ 1
■g^f ftr^RT % arj^m- ark ?JSF g^f ^r Tf% 'K if
arra ^1% t I Tfk % 3Tt%RF T?% % RfaR if ^T WfcT % I ^ 3^
Tfk k 3rf%RF Trfk "fl% % ^RROT w % i
g^Fw ^irclc^ M|T>q ^ifcl^
Rcji+< n# ^rf ^r ^nrfsf Tr?Ff ^ i ^fir i \9 i
<f^T STRT % ftr^ VTR WrT %r=5T?I Pl^ici WZ 3^1 sjk
3TRT ^iT 3TRT~I P^-l 5ii-i <^><-11 gl'il I ^ti r<;-i ^ifSR f^-fll ^>1 •3«;h oil<
3TRT «ii-i-i Rum g^f sfk tig ij^mFw MiiFciM" ^RTT sl'H I if
ac;M afk 3TRT <s1MI VIM>k F-imiici-I % R-iy, XT? aFk g4 ■3<;M MUFCIM)
**><•11 gf'll I Ml<5 (Ti-lf ^TT M)4 Rt>MI MIM'I I
^T iPRr RT?EF5 fk^T MWr I
srg *m^T fgg (^) ^RBT: ^ wlkg (?<ioo) wrf^T: i c i
M6<?i an M-i sfk arra^^^f f^rqr vjimi % I Mgi araff
FmRi <»> el Mlcfi % I lie Mi Oil ^it HetMK % ^ull Mi<
TT RFI I'TicT ^Ff \Coo % "rpn Wlr
aiM>icilt«i Rici'ntj, TrBT tRyf I
m^s% xrnar «Vfii«i ?K^o4f w^r i % i
a« tiH4 % eii-i arg % rtt %% 'Tier Mien anftT el'ii i ?xr 41 ei
Tien ^Bt g4 f^fRrar if xw% tr ^fssm tr tj? if ^ter arwn 1 cT«n
^TR TR TSTTT wknr 1 g4 STRT 'fkr RRT Rm-Od ^tn 1
g4 ftn5n%-<niteh^RR upit-- TtWRnrr-
tnfNzf W4eiriHI-d<l«o|: I fRr 1 ^o 1
an^I mi4 nt^ti tie af|< <fci Ti srr % arg Tit (f^RT imik ei'-i
Tit a<;4 srg Rimi 1 en Mini %) ^o % TFT ^TR Miien'^l fMMnen Mini % I
hRih if aQ4 afl< aitn el^ %i Rrii^ an^T 116 R nFVi mI-6 m>< a ti4 ^
Xlf^T grfi tPd ^i aflRR mh eTRig, RiMiieii Mini % I 5ti4 H6 Mil titMiR
TR gr: cf.|eH>[ fHTilelcf % I
g^Rrt; xj? fk^cr: wrrg^Rr
WWemrcr TicTT: TTR^TRTg ^dcfRFdh I « I
■gsfr vjm 4-5^ % «^jic. tr if g4 ii6ui Tft ImFm ^ -iRi nim>k
elm % I a nMil eFTT Mien ^t MiMlel if 3TRT ^iM-f % Fein g^T M-s.
if % cTsn 4.me1 ^ ^TZTcT % I
^k-d ftwt ^5 (U) +lcii!fl«ftsftR»: I
-^HWdl T ^rar ^d<lfVl ^ f^lt- 1^1
fTT XI°FR eT^SFT -^1M "^4 % W "FTqTTWT <6cll % I
ci«f ^3 Y® ^ kt.«ii*0 ^rTT % i ■itittH "^4 4 ^ct \x <tiicniifi 4
4T% m RwiiH ^TT I
'TRT t4^ni -xi^c-mn, yt'l, f^^nr
sPTPtT ^jezn- dd^f f^T ^TRT ^ "FcTm I « I
?R ^rfcT ^rar % i sm; ?K 4 -vgz ^Tf4 -pr^Mt
^rrcft % i w gnP^T PH+M kHHH srg PH+MI
vdl^MI I
Pdr^<iJ!W ITH^ cfT^ dr+ld JR^t:
d^f-d^ ^TT ^«T: +ldlll 4fw 4^"^ I W \
^1-1'+) <3C;<HI«I <T>ICI aK^Mpd^ti elM Iff ^TRT ^'11 I
circMrci* c-IM slk ac^iPcidi <^4 4) 3RK 3Tg ^.o 4 4lM ^ TS
+I«dl>l itm I
wrw ^nf 11T54 ^4 "snPd «ofdi
«nPr inTp7^ '^mc«II< ^4f^<d ^iWdfCr ts i
w ehidi^i 3^ wei TT4 sm sm <+icdi4i % 4rerei
J j
<Pl f Pi 5.1 < I ^T8j4t cm d 5 ^ SRcI 51 Id ^'ll I H^4l M^<4 I Pel
% sm: % -tReT, ark ?rPr tkw ^4 % ^tctttt 4r
^4 4 4k 4 smr % i
Wtp^sf 4k ui{i<4l <T4«P I
d<iiiw krf 4?t TRf kknfnpi ^ i
44^ 4 str 4t4 % 4t ^4 4 4fct % -id^iw
"RtR ^ % I +4)P+i "TF 3R^an %,
"^IT^T 44 PH+ddl 4 4k «M-*| % I
^"ZRTR PolRdHHi 4Hmw1<HI-7ra>T: I
4 4 +idicM+i^id ^ ^^nrr aRT^ i ^ i
a^r PTR-FTF Psmr a^n 4 FPHT 3H4 ar^m sfk strt
^ FHeT 3m 4 FTFT ^TTFT % 4t f4 f^T (yiWcj 4 cfUddl %) FPT % I
f&SsJRT <;4ui

iIT felPdHH1 MI^MI

<iy<wV^I!?IHI 'id^lH, I V |
r«l«« rqr«Hl =fft ^sft THpTT, ^ "^7 3TTSTT % "TRpTT
+MI>| % ^ TTWn I
^ U) ^nnf (V*«\) (V^«)
ttBtHK' (vv<\) f^fN% (^)
m) ^w- m) m)
^r w =f>T"- (^o) i ^ i
fsTR? -RPT =hl<HI>l 'TR
\"/° rv
\"/tS ^ V'-Ro
^ ^ iV^o) TTTT (^) (v) MWr (k)
^rat (^) 5l^T (\9) 3tW: («) <£<pfr
s&ft (tvs) ^ ttvs) ^n: (^) ^rr (w) w«rr i ^o i
^"Ao-n.i r'W*"-*\9/ V'-WV'-W^"-^
srer (c) ^raT K) ft# (\o) ftRng#
(«) uuT<<*■ (U) (^H) t#«I# (?K)5-^TT:
(?M TOT: (?v) TOT: (V*) (^V) | ^ |
i"-W^~Wi0"~W' U"~^i
tm ftv) (^) ^TT (^) ^r- st
^frr (v) #^r: (^) ft# (^ ) ft# («)
ftwftr («) -g#: («) ^rf: («) rnmr: (^) i i
TO: (^o) TfTTOT W R^TT^W
^Itl+I: ^T («) ^T («)
ftmr («) T3rT«r ?fft: (?o) trfftftxhrr: i i
^o'-URV'-^TJ^V'-UI^"- ?oRY"
-^ol^^'-^o ^V-^o|^Vj"-?o|
srqftftTO ardlRjfKAl fttcfftRTT: (
^r ^TcrfTOT (^o) # #ftrnt Tft ft (^) "'ftr: i i
r^MMH # faRRiT ^rr RR (^V TT yo") ?r R
!«(<*>cii# # oRTRRt % '?RT % I
3T«r mwr: i
nmhsfT (^) f^rcrr (u) («)
t^«nfr (?H) ssft^cr: (^j -g^n^ i ^ i
cTTTT Xflt ^T cbloiiiJI T?T %-
■^pF - ^ I I I | ttTTeT ^Vs
■^Sh Tjshi^ fWcTCT Tiftr Jt-m:
^TRfr (^V) Tm: (^) WT (^) d^r<d|: I ^ I
■=1* "'TT fTT y<*ii< %-
^ ^ -V* , g«T ^HFRf
^<*1 ^r -^o ^|<ji -c
W^ft <Tf#nfraf ^RTf "HTf^%5^ I
ftF^TT ^ i ^vs i
<rc( % TT? 'TT -T^TSf ^>1 aPRR ctildl^l R 3Tf^) SM TR ^6 "tT^T Pcdl^
^TTT I <rq % XT? RT "TT 3RR Ft% RX Tdd'll I
3TW 1^W qpt^T: WTefM mftHF^ft: I
sbMKW TPTtSiM %f% Pdxll^dl^ I I
JE ^Ml^l <+MI>l % ^rflrq if ^ "?t% TR ^RSFT SRcT
■ft -^<^1 %, 3TP^=ti "?t% 'R '5t% q ic-II % ^RT RRfRT WTTT I
tr«r fnr mf«rRT ^r iTRpff:
^'JJIHI^^I Wt ^PdmPHPd Pd-rddlH. I R'K I
ycfP;^!! if dc;q fRR IqH<lct RT ^ gl'ii I fR =mcii s;I Mpid =MCII ^I
% arPR^ ^f% RT axsf % 1R RC^T %, R1? RT 3T«f % f^F
ef-f qicii % I
■ddl'iJI RWdT <iil^:
T^ffSRT cRy RR? HfdH RT ^R I 5° I
3mfR tl'^Fd RR a^T Tf^T t^RT Rf?T if 3R% dddiy, %
i<«si4» ^Ptf ^JPR^T HIV -PP^PT (^o) ^cf i
WRTT RTRT Rdt rTd^ Pdof^h <dlWdh I I
XfR sfk XT? Rft ^PHR, TTtxT -rpn RR (^oo) R RPT I^R^T RRR
RT 3R<J RRR Rff RRRt Rfh #ff I

oqT^f <+>4^<il<+>l-d< cTRT ti«»le||:,

^TTcT "TTTT "^ra 7T13T I I
3TT^T «ti4 t^-TT <.1«1 Ml '(I y? til 'lid 3(mR % ^r
nielli?! % 3T-tR Ml 'I ^ Hici "TcT "m '("-H f<;-i 3)lie. sl'ii I
, n% ^rshPn^^f ^ tjiMdi:
+Mi+rTi<w wr *1^+^ 1 1
IT? qohl ITC d<rl4> sftr <rM % 'iRl 4|M % MMClisfl 3R1T 4 'HPT
fe-Hi ^1 i^Imi I I^T STrf^ Mid h<4 Pimm % SpffTR 'id 'TT 7Tl3T diici el'ii |
xrt^r -^r Tf¥ ^MiiPd fk^n- .
w#r ipprmr wnm": 1 1
3^ 3P<T Tfg- Pl<+.ld SfX 3RIT
Midi Pld-ildd.% I dMMii tSTR % <P( "pff 'lid Midi % ITT
M< ddd 3|td dMi M>l p;d 3Hlie MMM 3HIM'II I
t^dl Vje ShlPfl-wfii.MK MI^MI^ ^
ddJiun Wfomr (?<ioo) HIW<W1 WT^Pr: 1^1
•T^J^ % VJii MilPd % P;MI«i 3^? MilPd % P;n^ % 3RR
37^ (^00) % -rpn STW^T (TTPPT) 3TRT ^PT %

M d 1^1 tR^cT ''ftPT C1<SM stiM PdRl ^>1:

jR^TPT RW tcT^" sFU^ ITRv XI^IT ftsnfl' I I
MFT %% R Mid 3TT^f ^M^ Mi4 Midi SuPe 4l'll I -T^R ^T mtk ?R
^cf -qx ^ #r R ■*mi«K
5# f^xCT ^tFT PPTT:
^v, ^ tMlTlM I 5^8 I
% gg- "^r -qsr^r -qr i "q^r q^r ^rt m ^ -qr q%R
^ gq- ^f 3ft% -qr i qRT qjt fq^qpf gtr % sftr
Tfft qq^mr?f 4M>K fqrqr ^rmr % i
<biei'ivii qVidKRii % ftnsT d<qiwnir:
!r TTftr +Rr1di| (Voo) OTRTT: TOW m)I^IV= I ^<5 I
■q^iq % Mi'idKi qq -qt eei 11 aRi MUdld Miidi^i fdCMi 'gsq %
dMMil Midi qi ^oo -^r 'yn Mi<d % i Mid q^t q^rq tqqn ■?(% 17
qiqft Ttfqi % qurg %, sftr

dWsFT Wf:
^r 9=r^ 9(frEzft ^dir^d: I ■$% I
xrf&tf it T?% 3RRft TTt^T % ^FT^ ^ TR %cF % I Hfssr gRp<T
grft^f %3Rt "gmr i Rfci Pi+Idi RRT 3^ -qr qfaq R #T
^T ^qf?T qrr sfiHl^RK ^t%tt ^ ^r^Pt I
qqWcnrm ^rrw qq^r:
"^T% drM^m -^Ft^W WRT«n I vo |
RW ql'idKi qq ^q STRT -^qr i qfe ^ ^ qm ^r
^q qi 3trt ^or rhh ftr xr cr? qgq ^ frrfREq (rnqiidi) % qqpq
qqq qr strt gi'ii i
• T^qr wihimw w ql^q mrcii^ I
^yqwqq wnr^m qirrq %qcP3, i ^ i
qqc f^qn ^ -ftqq q^ q^rat qq qfsrq q SRT wt% % q^ ^r- qsf
qqq '?t qicii % i sTcT; qqqr spq %r qft 'Sf qqf 3nqqqq> qwt % i
fqq qt q^ qrqt qqqrt STR it qqrm %, fqq; qqq % ^TR fRPt it
qqq>t qqf 'gqt % i
qrcqr fiqr M-qqm', qtMMw qitd^
qqtihtf qtRT himiw ^fttrr i i
qjg 3TTfq fq^ii q^it qq qqq a^c am qrqq ^qr qrfiq i spreeq
3^: qq aqfq qrf q^q qfq qf^q it% % qqqq ^ q^q fqq qqr smt
T?i % i
qfqrg; mRUHH tiittnr:
tft tqi^rPr ^qrsf ^dViPJH f^nRR: i i
sm .srqi -ahiPti % st^rr q^ fqqqeiqq wtqr u? qq fqqqrq
tqqqRi qq w+di % i aqq: qqqq tqR qqq sftr 3R<T arrrnqt % qtgq
it qq^qi i qqifq qqq aftr 3Rq qq fql^E "qwq qqqi %? fcT^ q?f
tqwR qfqq q^r qqi i
d<qiw qqt ^cf ir«nfr i
^ -ftr^r ftRq^Ft q qtqq^ i w i
qwf qqr qNtq aqrqrqf qft fW % qm sftq xrit % qqq w snq
%• fqqq if qsqi qqr i aqq aqqqt qr^qqi % aqqqR qq^> qqqRq % qn
N *
q qi^qr ^qft fq? ftrs qr qiwq fqtqrqt im i
ftrSRT ^fnr

^rnt TT^ryform^ <fnvr ^

mRj t^r o?rrtk: ^ Mu^dii'ii i i
TT? sft? cTRT "TT tajfifST % doM< TW% ^ ^T5t ^ <lWcb| T33;
nra % fsp ^tr ^BT y+r-?i B^TH WT % i -q^ ^ f^r
HU-Set R •#!% % ^FTR^I-
^5er ^TcTTfeMT W cTRTSW ^TT'-
r^lMI tt^PTT ^Trli^T: M»di?l|: "^: ffHT: I I
^4 % lu-SCll^T <3™lcll^l °Ft "TcTSTl % 'J,"!! <+»< ciK4 ^PTt % ^TPT
%% % 1 tT^T g^T-. f^rsqr TT "yn '^sn % ^ni %% % i -q^ %
TnTTSTf ^T "Mclli?T S^'ll 1

tr^Rg- ^TifiT^^rT f^TRRf^W: I V\s I

fR^T 3T«f % f^B HU^crft^ 3m 3fk cBMl'sjl if RRffT 3RR "gtm
% 1 ^1 ^f (f^T ^ri ^R) 4t "qi SRR srk 1^1 % SRR
% o|<l«H % I SRq tRTT ^R R? 37k srfsRB I I
trrit (^) gt?i% Rtk ^mwqY-
T?nit: RI -q^fw ftftcrt TJ? ^prqt: i v<i i
(3<I^<ui W<pM) farfr WR qrr arfijiqi ^ %, wr kq Rm 4 (^
kk kq Tifk k I) kk Rfk qq -335 37k qpB - k kk % "rt«t kt
■glk % 1 .
MlWdl ctRfcdl^fk^ "Rwtk
<i<qi*tR HRR m krwcrq; 1 •*% 1
k ^tkt R? -qk k ^k qr kt kkak t 1 SRT-. 3<;qitu
•tiicn^i krqqcik q>t qkt % 1 'STT tnrq fkrk qk qncrkr k
q^t chMki T^k TR kt kqm srfkq? wtk % qnm kkr ^kr % 1
fqcT UUdkwVqX*^1 •
qJIcTRrkkT drtblcl kt: q>ct->q fkqTRk: I \° I
CTRT Rff q>T ^q^kng ^qk?t -qwk krk qk sfk strt k>-4^i
k 3crq akT; STRT qm fqqn^r qR TR RRR % "qk qq RRT qm fkqnkr 1
srnif qkqqk krit "^r wkqiwk
ktR q^rfarf ^qkt qq aqf^rrq; 1 K? I
fktt kfk k h-< ^si'+id 'qk k kT?T qr q^rqr arnTT % akt qjq k

TrsrrWr [\\jw f$m UVS) (u) (m)

ftra- ^«rpr M^r t^r^nfr -<&%&■■ w$%) i i
^ cf^wRi %5ri?I-^TT^T ^RT Y-^ ^T if fo'
^-6 Ttm if
^-V9 „ - n0/°'
gsr ^r^ct Tf%r Trf?i if w: -vk/V?

FSi^1 (W^^) («/^.)

% ^T: (^/\9l («) l^r^ETT («/?)
$15 tppft w irp?% (w^i i <\H i
^I^m-lTT^T IR^cT ifsr Trf^I if -%X°/^'
(^f^i if) - *-% irf?i - «0/^'
"A-i „ „ - «V
^ „ - ^=)V '^'TT
Tlf^ mf?I -1TFR w>+.d Tf^T »-5;^ HftT if
^T (\6l\S,\ ^TI TJDRfT#: (WW ?l^c(: |
(W^i ftT^nhrPtrftr (W^i i ^ i
?if=r%3rm rrr^j «>hci if^ r ^ irf^r if -x.c /^
?-\o Trm if -^"/sV
(^Tc^clit),, ',, Y-S ,, -
„ - ISV
^ ,, " l<h\ fS/V
ftrsnr: ^ uyv ^fft
^dl^lr (^o/^) ■?!$ (W^V) «lf^fttfH|: (IVS/^) I^V9l
■"TTcT ^PT ^ram-mYR «>+d lf^ Hf^T if '
(^RTif) ,, , " ^o7«AV

,, „ - ^7M'
mir<^1*T (^o| $11 (^vs) T^cT ^TT ^ror (val\i mTR:
aTHR^ ^grr: wr W; I %c I
YRR ^mm-lTFR Wl^cT lf^ llf?I ^ ^7^o'
(TRTR if) „ „ 5,-V9 ,, - ^7o',
S irirr if $ smfrrq #TT RYzm $ram$ HRR -^TT (^ ^
3$ V9«cff Xjf?I ^T ^RRT 3RT1 Tcitqi YllYfT % )

^ I ^ I
5RT WRt ^ «ft ^IcT ^TT 3Trfe rH<+.M ^ ^ 3ft^ TTf % ^JT
^T 3^ 3rt<T ^mt?T iH + MI ^ «<+,dl % I
vgt f^mrf^r TRR
^Tcf wr VfVl ^T ^frPf^T: I Oo |
3<^IW ^TcT ^ t%rf«I-^ a^c "ET? ^T 3T^R ^frP g^rm ^cTT
%i "CTTR ?td ^ cie'l fjxl WHM el'll I Mqlxt! TfW 3^ TTW ^dl
"gJO ^Rt ?tni I
'^UKI^H ^v^Ff WIT^f f^tTPT ^
<wpr "tiwnT snmt ?iir<+ ?raT i vs^ i
5?K 3TTR*T 3^< 3TT^ c{l-li cf)*^ I *=^1 M<tM<
«R RT -^sR ^FR m RicT «R RT WT ^
ftRTcfr ^T "TvTTR I
^fsF ^pFIT fTR^ ilttT %fT fcJ^ir^dH, I I
retcbdi RiT T[4 alk IT? "TfR 3RR <*>di TT RPT %^T t IT? q^hl
?T% 'CR IT? (^T RT ?pF) S^T ^ Rf? Rtn ^PcTT ^ RPT ^ I
<;u3iR;* Vcf unr ^ *41^1
Wr xjfamww ui^4w ^ i vs^ i
3TTf?r RRT ^Ft ^ ^ RT qfsm ^f aror tmq ^1%? -qfe
qnt ttrtr ^t qm fan an 1
m^UoiTTiMV^4ttrm ^ 1
wtft R^T ui^qq^i^r T^ft-- 1 vsv 1
gsf art? ?t% -qf^q if ?t% TR Ttr iMtn 1 Rf? Tgr?
Miiqi trt «n % ?tt z^s arrf?: qrcT qsf if Rer? ark qf^q
k aTRT fRq k wript 1
ktsq 4^ t?§Z FT: FTCT: wiw^<qiw4l: 1
TT ^ ^frF "TJ<r ^Rt: I V9S I
(tjz- fqr ^4 qsR ?t% qr) ^ % aror cmr qfrqq % Terq Trqq
4 fir ^14M 1 frr «=bK IT? qq qqqrr? trqq art? gi'ii 1 ?TT U«W<
art? Tje TTRR TT? qft sfk RRT %? tPTq qk Ti? qk -qfq %
qrnqr % 1
^r 1TWT tRT I
TJ7 ^ ^^l<^Hf ^5t>U ^ ftra^Rt: I V9^ I
^j><i ir? <itVi *1*11-1 eft cm M'ici arrRr ^ ugl
cm ^ ^ncT cran ^«r "^f («ft) 'gtcn % i
^FfsqiTR^ d<lcoil4. W "TFRRt^ fcTT: I \s*9 I
^5? *1Hh "ft fill <*>4 Tit**"!* %> 3FR1K^ ^lel
Pl<+>le1-) «f>t t^rPsr --ae^ei %> eiih-i ■H^a ^ft <1^1 SFpPTK "TTlT
^JT d<A| 3Tt^ aurdl^1 <+>51 "TTT % I u^i ^F" tiiei sft^C ^T aftr
If ^IcFI^ =FTeT ^ ^TT STWld^iVI "4 Tfm 3^ IT? ^Ft "Tftl 3PcR «IFT
wsfwRtct MrM^ 'iPci 4l'i ftrqrftrcTT: i
r<dir<pT: TFeT: TJ^1 TFT Tmrrfift^r: I V9i I
% letll <3-1 lh sftr <rci %> 'IPel' 'Hl'l TTT ii'l I tFeI
cFT TIT f^-T 3TT1T "^f el'll I Tcl^ f?!T 3llR TTT-T ^TSF 3^7 T9FT^ *1*11
% Meet cm> UTf ^)T 3l<;^I-1 cTTT 3*1^ TK WTF I
^ WT^ ^FTeT: "FTTc^ "iHWIc^l rd + l4>d: I
TTFRT i<^IW!?l|: teTTTT: TTF^fcTT: ^TeT: I *% I
fF ym* «fT 3<;i sftr 3TFT *1*11 Slll'll -3*llil ^T'- l9h sft? Ishl^
^TeT WI ^liTMl I
3TFT +lefl-T TFTTT ^4 ^T T^F sfk JTFF 3m 3nf^ STPTni I
3*ii>i i^el ^fT cTT? Tim 3^7 iPcl 3(-ti< % ni| j (^q-
!eii< "tRt TtT % TTT IfT) F>eT TFT TT-T f^T STTf? ^i'll I
f^rrtTW ^c;i cFrll cic^ld ■STF 'iPd*^
m3> ishi^ mt cictiii tT^ff i||^ TTFT^Tt: I Co I
mgr TT msFT^ TTTT TF ICT% 1^T snf^ <m TT? smr Ttn,
TK ^Tn I TT "^rrTsFcT 3<1IW ^FTel if TFF sffc Tfm mT TlTT P-l+leF
i1* 3-in ill 3TFTT 1j<i I
+44lmi "FfT "TtcT: "FTTcnr: Ijcfmt^: I
yllv. WTcTFTcft' lileil *iicv, iitflVl I C-X I
us sftr Tfm ^fT iRi % iii ^ft snmr tf 331 3^7 stft i>iei %
mrtPT % %% mf 3^7 Tim ^imf ^FT T^T TTRT iFrft mrirnT 1 ^iie+iPei*
sfk ^14 TTFfcr Tfm ^ff TTFTT % srgmiT 'fmcrfT sftr STTCT
strr 'H Tfcr sftr "IT? %) 'iRi SRR 'In jIRI ''rrn
Vl'1 I '-Htrl f^TcRT I^T -STrft: sl'll, "tt ^1% R-l M5<^
FTm I g=T: qi^fc)et> 3T?<T iPTT Pi=Mtni WT «q>cii % I
r+^cd: TTg liclkwV^I^I+l: I
Tjcfnrr ^nr: (vs^) g- grr ^ t ^f?TT: i ^ i
'iPuM^rt % ^ arrfe TT# % spk ^
^ <5<<4IW wt y<o-m -pr f^rTsr % ^RtFft % I TTT% 3TJHK ^ ^iT
^o, ITPT cft ^V, H'M ^>1 qstil ^rr va, irFff "^jar
^ <Ht<11^1 ^tTT I
aai^^MWd ft«Rr Tf^ JTRT ^TT OTT^ I
■snflw *nt^ azPr: iram^r a<tRm
HSEairWT u? ftnn H^TT i 6$ i
fa^ff TTf an <aiwa ^ 3R?T an ertn nff % i "n? wr % arn if "R?T
aof, afaa, ^nnc ar nf% 3ti% t?% 11 "g^ afV %^r lanar % sma -^fnna
% cuk"! 'a? ctrt tt? snfa <1 siid aft atftr aanar ^ta ^t a?t ^ha%
% i fa^r asr -gt^ % anra a=s, agwRi sfk aja? 1aa if at cfha% % i
araWnr: ^tRiaaaa: wdJ+i aftsrat
w^aRarai^ ^cr-5^ f^ TT^iftrn: (^^1^0)
sr-aaftTpar tjt forlt ahaaaar arf^fit:
ijof^tcf^fa: (<:) a^rryaaw^ fntft^ar i c* i
a^a gti % ag^r 3^ ami ?t% % ara fa?:ar ^ar i (faga t^at a^)
ancntai if saanar if firfaa ^a % an aanar na gtar % 1
spa fapff a^ w ^^1^0 anyrfar aft faaar ir ^ax aa srai wpt aft
ePaaar % am ii ar ait ananar sni'u ^a-t ^7 aa> <^4 an aanai ata
gtar 1
f=R8n ^ar if ^of a^ fam naa gti % ag^ sntr arm gti' % am
c ancnm if arran aanar era gtnr % 1 aja? an famr ^ar if ^ anafar
aa> %a aanai gtax % 1 gaan at sran aam ac ananar apri % faa
fara anafar aft taan % ^jar an sppt aam aft anaan it am 1
anfta % gftga trm amre garft f^at^ gt=i
argfmeft an anr^gg aw mrFrW aPngrft a^t aWf; 1 cs 1
tan an %a gm aft aim % aam %, 1aa%i aaa amct am, argfar,
a^rar, fam, a-sr sftr <^4 am-n anft %, nar aca ^a ^m-nra %> trsr

^ ^JTRt yorrq t i

s^cl TTTcf Jel Utjcl

?ft ^ -^rt ftr^ i
^T ddlRfd ^TcT
ttreft ^tt SZRftr (^) IRTRT: I ^ I

w ^TT $P fWW <1^ if eft ^RT

TFR! 3^C if WHHdl cTSTT ^iff f^T^TT ^ ftT^CRT if
sftr 3prt ^ ^1 u+ui tcRm "nrqr i
^ f^TfcT

frft=Tftf ttPHr^lVd I
^ ftnsf «<sh<ii ^d+iP-^di^ i \ i
■qsw Wrqt % % 1^ 3T®T 3TRT, ^'ilHrd
TT«n MR<?I« % ^I
y<yiw f^IT WT ft"«fr: I
^v^nf ?7r ^nwcTT: i ? i
^Fw % WW PHcPM^
yji a^: aqud^id Pi+iHdi ^rrf^t i ^{w ^ -qs??
3lk tfo ^T "fn«R TTPR ^^Ttf thERR I
aPTTT^: «>Pd^: q^fW ^PT^nft:
*rqt: ^rm wn- ^TRTT dHi-d<iiqP{: 151
tTTT-T 3^ titcf a "mqiF-i 3fR -qn ^F ^ TlfYI
«lF-§«t>'. 3-l^» W-1 SRR 3Tq ^ cpTcTT^T ^TT fTT^R t
tnh?RH liPYiq^gwnnTfPm R I
cR^itrT cfTT ■qqTRt^rm nft (^o) q 1 v 1
<!=( 3ft^ ^-S, FvJIMcpl <.lTs?l 3nt^ <**1 % d Wti| ^HF'®) STq ^ftjct,
TftYT RTt qdJ 3RJ W«n RGqcRff <1^41 % RSR STq WTSSR ^o ^
Rm i

T5: <dJ<il-tK VRTRT WT (^) HT ^Pd^KH:

dHlf^<P[ YtT qfrE ld(\-<\: Yftr *TTf^% I H I
wr Tfg- a^ ^fs. ^PT SRR +Mis(i i ^ Rni
•ERF snf^ tHR Btm Rraif xf^" sik Yft Rlrr qon ^o RTT
ddpdIP-dd4l ^5= «p4o^| rc|c«me(:
^^5 ftanr: "^fl: i ^ i
FR ^ TpT <14 sfk Yt1!! q^T:
R-RFT SRR srq Pi«w<ri'F i Q,wi RRRR '3R4 % <14 R-S ^>l srtt
srq ft«R Ytnr i
3R 1R appf ^T-. q?:
Y?T i5^ft: 1TTWFI 4^ (4-d'dt I \9 I
sn^rfcT ctu^n.

-f-si. ^>T STT^RT 3T[^F ^=^<^>4 ®!K -*m< I 6l'11 -TWf

4t ^Hjxi Tfr% MICI %r 41 ^<1 %> OFRTT TR 4 t4—im el'fl i
cT^RtfCT ftsrt ftc«f ^T:
M^T WRtrert 1^5 -^FWr I 6 I
ITT y^TR TtR sftr y?T 3FtR 3TTJ fTSR m ^5: % cft^T TTf?T
RST^R TTRFT (Rinw eR^T yR) TcT 3Tk ?R R+lel ^R TTRPT 3TFFT 3^7
3TT^T yi4 'I I
(^V) SJirVlTMIH) dH^XftT:
fTTyrt yR% % f?T% 5, Tlf^T TfR ^«TT ^ 4 ^TfsyR
^Fft RR 3RR srg Pi =+> I el ' I I ^5C yfl" ■ejxi "TfTT % y>T HpSTT "yTT
RR dW^MI TT RRT %% RT ':R:?C RTR el'-MM 3TTJ 3ii4mi I T& Mgel
Pl<t>lei 11 ^ 3TRR TT «HiM M < fTTS ST-tR 3T^ 6lJ11 I
t: TTT^TRT ^i+fw H^ldTTH, I
3<7ii4» «iMMrq s.mI «i i et) I Pel «t»1 ^ift' I ^o I
"gyfRT % TRTR RT? RR SRcT 6^1 Ml I TfR sfhc "RRT
clleMilFel * RRcT TPTR 3RJ MI MM TTyT
+1 Pet +1 ^ ^ imfr t «MHI I u i
4)clef RTf c1le+>lfel<=b RR% TRRT 3Tg ^Ft RT^TR (STyfc^RT^fR 1RR
RR ^,^oo RIM) MM %> STJTTR MIMI RfT^RT I "^TfRT RReT ^f <.PM
RRf Pi Ml I el-) % MM M 3TTJ MIMM ( Rm RR MHl) 6)MI I
y«|U|l^ Tt TcRT RTRTfrsr^f^RTRRT:
cf: nr^: Wt^ sr^ I u I
TTSff i} -gRfRT Ml I Pel* RfR RR TTTRR RR RTT^f ^ TTfRT Rfl%^f I
TR TfR Sfk RRC RR 3RR 3RJ fRRRet'tl ^Rftd % fcT% 3TR; STTfR TPTR
snrpyRrfw RReft^ T^t^Rv
i^enyRT ^Rt RMcM ftsRcftrFRc^ I ^ I
R?t *ft T^RfW TPTR % TfR sfk y^f Rpft RR ^PRRt TRRRT RRRT

n<[$\ ^^TT ¥T«zr "RRFf jFT T^F I I

■q^f 3TOT, -qr JE ^PTcT ^ ^m ^ f^TeI% ^ f^t%f cp^
^Trft % I

TO TOJRT t^rf^RT ^RT ^ fcT^H. I

"^¥ ^TfcRT ^ TC VTRnft I V\ I
^ ^ y^i!?i ^ ^ift TFfr fgrf^f % "Pge f^raFfit i ^pr ^«n
yf^T ^TTFT ^PT ^y+l'fcIcK ^ ^TT I
dH fllr^lPd'P =FTc[T 'iRf "cRT: I
ITRT yCl^ni HT ^)v 'iRl ^"MgiTT: I ^ I
TO ^PRT ^FI cTRf, f^Hw cTR cTSTT 1^*1 "?t^ f^RPT I ^ "TT
yf^T-f^RT chMlel ^ WZ. % y W'+A "PT^IeT FrfcT (f^tTO
fij) % ,J,IJll <*>^'1 TT1T-
f^rn<TT ^ (?v) ^t^rsiT (vc^^) -^crr
yreT teTHT t^Tl^rcft t^: I ^ I
"f^Ri "^r ■qm i CTR yap? Tje yRr fr X
(^ xtpt ^r % y>Rr anfer ^c-r ei'u -^-s, ^r
R HdiSi'i yf?- ftrfro rr % ^ry-
TIR; TTRRRr^r W^rr^WR;
^ WRRh^f^pf^i; i \c i
R RRciT f?®ra FT I Tfr^r TORTR RT ci*«H Ry
TT TR yn TTRnr m IFFPTR wi d«<+( STPR STTSET ^P4
Pl+ldcl t I TORT TO^R Ry RT W'M>K WMUlcl frfty
^rnr Rt qyg ^ ^tRcnr % i
frftRfir t^ETT ^or ^tTOTOft: ftRT
^TOTrcn^-^TRRTT TTof ^T ^TRcn I VK I ^
RTOTT % fn ciflfTT) yit yyro y>t ^Rfy (^ntRfif) ?Rft % i
«IHM<|: ^JITHRI 3T^ RTcT fn y?t "3RfcT ^Icft % I ypg ^ fdiH
^py ^"iThHi -ySV *ft d>eMHi % (y? <lipicii % R>HT top RRT
RRT % )
-ER? ciufn^

*I^Wr^ TPT^ TTSTftTt W: I ^o I

% T^T % CR? frtnT ^ns: •?IW:T f^T ^sum
% i -^i-s girPd fn^R ^rm fE *PT =FTPI <iRi %
f^RnoTct % I
^ft W ^ "FTPrT ^ f^sft:
^rt-rRr: i i i
•^p? ^ % Mdt^ (gftr tRT ■& V9 HlM4-d) 3^ ^OTT'-q^i ^JT ^xRT^
(% Rt TT V€ tpfR) "^pf #rx cfff 3HR| PH+lefl '^rTcft % I Wf y^PR
^poi yas yy ysn Tp? y^r %? 3tri4 ■£( ^T fy yft ^HRI PH+idl
wt % i "?pp yr yt ym artyr % yyr dyyTt ^HRI Pn+iefl
yrzryt i
foiHu^d ^ yy^ yrf^r Wmp
aryyrr yy? t^ryr ^r ywry: i ^ i
pctnusci yrT ■£[ f^Ty TR yrrPtT yy % lyyy ij4 y>t Pt><.ui yy%
y-s yn sr^yr yy^R yy snyiR yhycn % i
3rczryrf?yy^«T fy?7f yrr
^TRR eTsF yR y^TT I ^ I
^P5 yrr ypft fy irty % yyry yc Tft R yt ^trr % ^Ry
yy <=t)H yr arfyyr yt% % i Ri<®i ypyy % i
ifNnyyr^ yT^ f^ynS y^yyft yft
yy ytil' ^ir<^ rddwPd: i ?y i
fyRT wy ^f 1yyT^ y yryy fygy sri yy ^4 cfN? f?R % BPR
"ft (araafy yry ^tr ysjfy % rrpt yyf fTiyy "4yrfy yy -g^- .
yyT^cT ^?y f^yiTRtsyyy^ery^ i
yyrM^fy jjfi«ti^ yn? ytcf: y^rtsy^ i i
^gyfer 4? yyy yyfyc ^y yft cr? Pd^'ii i yy wy 4 sjk^h yyc
y^t yfy strrt TRCT fyyn 4 ypft i
yyyr syyt^rRTRp arrPy ^y aryr^ y%cp i
ypy^yft ypRFat: 4y: -ytt^ yy: i ^ i
TRtt Mdi yyyr % fyr yyfy gy yft ftyfy % st^hr yyc yy ayr-r,
?y atk -niTi -gtcft % i TfPt *ft yn^ry % yyry Pyyyr ytcft % i

^5 WOT ■STrffTaT Wf&r fWT,

3TTW ^cT-if Wf t^WT I ^\9 I
^P5 wr ^ y'llnni "fn«rr ^ 4Tt SWR s^k arr^r ST^R
Tnspr f^RT ■^rraif % i

eft- WkrliTt ^krr^ ^ PTT^ i ^ i

!?Rc<efH SFf fkkT- (^) kk sft? ^ERC % 3RK ^Tt (^)
^ TTT^TI *PT ^pr kk (^) v\ km ttt
1k*pr k-
■fiRfTT 'fSftkl' *«lFm 4>C1 wkt c^rt *C1|:
TgWHT ctcm'srii: fcT^m^i^ciiM^i: I I
Ikmr -SR k ipn % mn TR kr ^ arknTT TR WT ^
<+ic-ii ^Tth i so k nnr ^7 m skjcf k TR ^rr CRTTRT snimr i
^r ^citaRR MW fcr^
Trmsk ij^rnpm; i ^o i
W^T % trftkm k fkw wmr^ w m ^TT RfNn ^rmr % Tcfk ^t
sJtmrt WWT kt R WT w: wk kr?n w akw ^kk i TRk kt
5. akjcT WTHT^ ^T ^-^HU-ScT fkWt TRW WTR \R akfrT W "gkn) I
^ WT 'PT¥ TTTRTf W% ^ Rt^TW: I
wwr wftk; ^ Thmkn; i i
rtt wncT k -rgk w w rjt rrt Rk 1r=5 k asn xrfan
cTfRR if sffWT ^kk I

a1Wf: TrtRr wm tk^r i

r<'^0cti^ RRk^gmTH t^d^.m<: i ^ i
"PJT cjc-HIH fwr k ?R W ReR, WRT fkqka 1kRT k (TJ7
RrR TR #T RT "RT RcR ^fatm STrfk) kk WTTcT k kk I
^r Trarftk grS fkm Rsgrm RRkg; i i
RT RcR kr am W -gk "TFT W TRk tkR kr kRC wr
W> TR^T kST WR gR "Meikk I
^ y^lHPd cfufn^

cn^r -pr^ fW^TFcr w^iTd -q^r:

^sMt?q1xr ^ ^ i i
"'T? twr !«(«(TtfpfEr ^rgr ^rft ^ ^4 % °RTVT M=M ^I
srk 4?PTT ^ 'prPsT ^rrfr I
^T^PtR ^U fclHM ^ ^ fdT:
!?i* I lid dP<-<nll <-d?4 ^RfVI: I ?<a I
<14 sfk ^-s, sprR ttxni ^FT ^oo % ^rpT 'R ^wi'^ci el'ii I
4T TR 14 «I % ^Ketci-f % am 14-^ "q4 cw)
tk ^14 ^ t^n 4-
HFlir 1^ R«r ^Tfcp *T ^JrT %
'TTTef "4rfRT cT^ ^iJI^ I H I
d^dir^T frT 4 "^414^ %> 4Rt crtf c^o) am TR 4r f4=5
^rn i ^rt f4^3ft % 4t-
yr^Rcq^t wrt^t ?[R^f
T?5T ww^f f4«r: i 5\8 i
% RRPT ^ Rm <#Er ^ HU^d ^T 14R
^r f^srt TR cpj^ift 4t 4r fap^ tpt i tq^^srf crm ^
Hu^d ^T -fR #=T f4^3ft 4-
M»dl^d (i<iHld WWf RR^
ddj«» RRTF q^4l4^ «^ffl: I I
M<4«t> % H SRJd oHmi^ R>T dt-T RtT <4144 I fR 41H qrlt % Pid-i
^ Rt RRRRffR RPrt I RlRf RRRf % 3^?5 R^T PidM RTeft \<RT
^r?t d>l4 n ,
Rdt RR RTfHf R^-^l-dl
RRTiq PdHI-cR -WTR ^ ^f^TT f4^ I ^ I
a <1 14R?t 4i-s. RTRRR old 14-^>4f % 5l<t>< qrl RTd <4144 I fR
RTR % q4rdg RH tRRT ^ fRiR RR Rt RTR % R? y+lPjId P«dl<l1
RRfRi, ^ HI*' R^ftRq qf ftsi% •
RRRTNR PdHlWl dddl4. f^Tfqtf: I Yo I .
HI* R^T 4 R%R +yid RR ^R R?T if q4 RRTd if 44 afh RK
RRR R^TT % RTRRT RdR STCT 4 <14 14?r RRF-

irra i
. cicrHlcHlcfcd: <PFf: W WRT ftTf'T: I I
f^TH y<t>K y^hlHiJIcr MFI <6t1l % 3lft y=M< "^JW ^8S ^cf^HIci if
3^T ^ir Tfaji if 'qfeq =FqTeT if wmm "Tf^r
•?mT i
ST^fWt ftf% vk*\ f^nit I
^TEfTf -5^ TAR iflRJIH, I Y^ I
'FJS' "& STTSTT ^£r ^ET^fT ^T (-1^11) yeef 'TTiTT
lT?n ^ ■ftERT <|ctM XR ^frR "qi qft qw ^qq 13TT
spr eirtt Ept f^qpn'-qibn i
fc^f q^i-rfi"fwfi^rr«iqf Rnft: i
d-dif<ftfdl fn^f c(eHI<J)d: I Y? I
q^T if m q^FFTT (qfteRpf TT ^iqT) tf# f^TT if <1=ilef
xr Rriy<+>< qr qrf qw ^qq fm fe=(^iqi ^i^'ii 1 anxn %
srfxiqi qqqfTRT ^-s, fqxq (^RR f^nqi ■gsn) q cm u <rqq-s. %
^q qft ^JHRI ffxft) 1
(Vi«iti stiHfl: ylxt> *lrq ystiM- I
STtr^xfq 'J^RTRf qftr^f^qpjqxnf^ | "(TY I
yi4fH % stjrr qqc fspar qq 'FpF qm rn+icrt^ qft
fqrfq qj# qqt i srq ift sryR qqr q% % arj^K fq^f^ra: ark 'paq
qp? rtxr qR% qff ^tfq qxiH ^tro ^ 1
q-S, qkn' qqifcft ©q^^ qqT=k qqiff?^
dc+ldld^PHq: qq^f Tcft ^WT qsifqt: l YX\ I
qpsqi % "qk qq ^Tfqr sqfq qsrqR "trq qft gqqqr ^pf ^ ^ %qq
qqif k Tpn qq Tfq qt^R qqif "k rpt XR cp?n snlq qrei qkq iqqf
qpF q^r % q-^Mi if kft^if qqr ^af q^i % k qzkfrt i
qpr ijsq vjiii-xTlif 0^4, tqlrshH ^sfqq
W "yflfsC (I\\s5) xkfq cfsq I Y^ I
q? Rf? -q^ qtRT I Tfq qft Tlfqi sqfq gq: W ■JEjq qq? if qqjqR
qfq qft qiq>q qqr fqqqef i kiq q?t \vs^ % qnr ^ qR qf«q spjqt srrfq
xpcT ei'n 1
ST^f -t-eTl T^fcTrPTR^ q^gf f^qr^f q
^frof ^pnjcf ^q grqqrf fjef i ys i

371^ XR tfrri ^qr sntf ^ srf^ ^p? ^ f^r

^tq qr "T? "^^"1 ^TFT spjcTrfe ■-ben isl'ii i srr^n % -n-s. fsr1^
fFT ^ ^ stjeT rFZ, 1WRT 3 ^pn -Jel Iw ^l^l'll I
WJcTT Tft^T ^nf tW rwdf'j.d^
fjl^T r«IM<cl ^TFTK; oldHlef. t^I: TJT: I V6 I
^FsCTT 3n«n TT gt'i =F™T snjorr!^ ^ 3TTJd
•R t|ii<=b<. 71^ 3iM<n ^t 'Tftr ^ 31 yen efq e^enn %
3to 1^m ^r-
STRTR d-^r^HW Trr^ cT^fd^ I
Hdd^lel,^! WT^ftTg: I >1% I
M6<?i ■qiV ci<5 effq F«t-y3Tf % T :
fr T inin-K '5'3 yc«j ^eni %> Pnenn
^T frT wl-^il I
Wl^fUdlerd TpfW fiTP^TRT qft^RT:
T c^^-Rwrtrf ^TRmt: I yo I
^ spjeT % ^ ?p? f^r dFf Ryiql ^cn % i ndiPb gp^
dm armm dcicn iten % i 3m?d fd % am dm iddrz: zffer -^p?
r«.qi4l ^n % i
^^Tcn dfs ami dTd MRcId %
^ d^PT MKInl ^fW dd et,ird+: I \\ I
tdd, mR^W (dqmT dT #dd1) <MHlct)<. dmn dft mfe a^C ScTd
■fedTdT dtdT I dpF dS3 ¥t djdf Rffd dTt "gdfm % fTdd
d-^i+l^d+lel^ TTOPRtd I
d-H^r<g wtfr% td ^rr d^Edd; i ^ i
3ti< dit tddTT "5? dd dT 3iyen °dpff dd d-Sl Fii PeneSii I
"3^ih fqmiaTt afk d^tdt % dtd dK odTd ^.e=li<i mt%it I

eRdSdTdt ddT dtdf f^Fd d^f d^d dT

d^Td, dfad dt dRTftdt feTdTdR: | |
ddt dKt tmr^i ddPR d^ fd^ m Iddhft aftq dt drmq dmt if
^dTfdm #rft 1 ^ -fd^d % dfsd dft emd ^dt d^ ^ Pen^'i I
PdHU d^d dmd dldd f^ ft^d- *
^ dlf- d^ ((Wlni tdtsftdf^ftr 1 y^ I
Td fdm ■% cfddd d^ HU^eri dd dfddd fdFdT^ dJdvT dtdT
W f^RT

di^'H ^Krt <*>tcM4i l«i«4 Tt Mf^ I

^ TT sirfe? f^?n if ^ 1^ ^r i |
TTOTTr Hifin<-<t: +«rU-flilU |
fipN; ftsirerr^: iM: infkufh^ vkwm: t I ]
^fr ^fct-^ % % smsm qfr ^TR tn^nt i "g^ fsp^ % |
l%RI ^FT STTtn ycFlftld T?% m *ft g IPX % ^TIcXT |
^rf) 3fk ^Tir RPR f?Rm ?t% % ^FROT ^3SF RRT STTRT ]
^iR eOwm % I J
t^iR -m \f^T
tntRT gftaifr^RT d-iHw^crl f^fcf: 1^1
|VIH sftr ^^*,ci *11 HI R>T "TTTT RfR^ R % c-tX'll Rt
tR«R ?ii^Tll I
^turiTP ^Wnf orPT R^tr ^p^nr:
SRT: TSTt ^Bfr RPlt <J?^dl ^rdi|<f^ I H\9 I
^rf^TT Slk^TR^rT Rt PRlf RRTT f3TT RfaR 3TTR RW RRT RT
g^Pf'ld RPR ^nr WRP^
cPR R^R ^SIP^ ^tlSfll^RddvlH, I V I
3RI g ^ 'RRv Ru-sci % RflffR tR-^ RR tRSf RRRT 'gSTT gR fWR
5lRscM\<.m Rt
RR tgsfiq^ cTXRRRT ^RiRRf RidfVsifa: I
^IPRTRf RRT RTR: RTnf g^R cTs^it 1^1
Rrgf RT^ «A*ii Rljl % RTTf |*|H ^tRvER\X37 ^RvrfRT^ RR? gw
<^'ll I 4*ll-l ft;*!! % fRlT cfRT RJI 3TRTR STRfi^ of0"! T^RT I Rpf
gR % RR Rpf R«aft % iRRTf ^RT % I
RT^ TTTRRts^Rt-. TRRpf: fW:
RrgTRRTRRt RlRTct, RT^lR^ oRJcTr (?IV^) PRF': I I
TfR 3xk RR SFXR (V^ ) R»% R ? 3PTRT RT^R RTRRt ^f RPR
RTRT % I RRT fRRT fSR Rlt?RR RR ^FpT gR ^ RRSff (^IMK) 3PpT ^
Rp aRRT % I
RTFR ^PfRt <pRV RtclW: d>«fc»<*fdl I I
f^TfcT oiufHH

Slcf: hIu-SO ell'I -i r*H ^TT g^Ki ^JT "9TW mRhIuI tHItl-l
f I ifleT ^53 ^i *ft ^TFT HI4 RtHil <iJll I
7ja> ^shl^ffHIti qRf-il:
■JT^T t^ETT ^ ^ cTfT I I
■pft a^R ^rrfcmt erm ^ cft^PT ^ ikt ^ fn ^Ffr TR? tf^r %r

tpfhr ^r "?j5f> 'ft ^Tf ^rft % i

*Tnft FTTO: ^'I^HdH,
^TTTH f^rft +<ir^<rw i ^ i
'TRcT ft '9r=[: aft? tRtr <il-ii tiMici ft ^T 3ti< ft7! 3-hci-
CVHCII % ttm H^d tiH 3-id '5tc!T % I ■
tflHl ftTT^f^fr Tfft "ftf^T stil-rHHift^ftiP^dl
ft! ft'lHTdilRrV: P+dH^I
Tpft ftTcreftftf^ftl^RRT fWt:
ftl^ fWftiir "HftT er^T% I I
yiftlH snwrft wn ^ftr ft? "Rrft jg ^ra ft? aftjei "ftg? % wn
"sm ftft aft? ^ PidiMci ft ark ^-frft ^ ^ft
ftHMPd Ph + Mc! ft I "T? -fftf^r T^f ^frft % ^ROT ft TTfT Wf
^ ft; wts ftcn "C i 'gft fft^? Wr ft? Rftr m (RTRR ftRiPft ^T
jclllft ft tftP TR) "OT'! H=ti< 3Trfft ft? ^I-S, ^)T fftRTT^ ■ird Pkl* ft
^nfttxR "^TT (ftim) mr wpu^d ftftsm % i 3^: Pmhi^ ftWn % i
ftfft ftFIT^fft-
(WY^) left W?T ^Tftefr ^ftrHI + eil PMH^I
3r#Rft ^HTpftftfft ^ ftfgft Mftfr-dd
ftlftp ftftTft tfteT fftTft ftPT PdHleHft HHH, I I
am: -g;^! ^fs: ft ^ ftm ^wrnqr ^ y«n=r
"wm "nfft ft ^pm (vawuz) ft tpt ftft m: ftT mm ftm, fftmr^ ft
^mni mr TPT 3CIH rnmr H^H ~m srfftm el'n i 5H mrnr ftt
trnftftg ft mm m fftmr^t ft mft e!«n fftmrr^ ft aftftm
-6h tr rft^ii ^ ft ftfeft m '?]s' fftm mr rnmmm! hm fttm 1 nft
^ ftfftR ftmt mftim ft ftns ftm ^ftn 1
wg; (??) mmr emrmts* ^ilftift: ^prf^ fftmr ^fft: ,
mftnr ^r (^) fftrnmr HMK-IHI
f^nrt qorftr ^
(^) Inlt ftr^cftswRT T%^r 5»>hi<\ i ^ i ^
H4 ^ -ci-^ 3T?i ^ tR ^■H^I qqqqr ^vs t^rspcrr % ^ 14^
TT arf^rqi ^gwRi % CTSTF^T 14*^ % FTCTT % i srq: ^fr C4M
am ^t (qsmm) m ^I smt qm t q? q#t % i
(ui-cfn 3Tmr4 ^ qrr a^qiw qn^rm ir qm % i q^ ^1° TTR% t i
tq^ <?1W+ ^ q?n w" % qtq HPm I I
W^qFTTEtxR T?IW (?o^) cfq ^q % ^»H^r
uinw«4^ (?) q^fi f^qt-- ws qi'ia^K
Moquj^ifV Tq qqnft «l-tfqiH BiMKl:
q^r (?K)s^ {£.) Hsicidd qftriHqr% (??) smm: i ^vs i
qp" q^r yRm^i % arq 4 Hu^ei qq \ot qpr arfq -gqR ^t%
qt 4) <)«di % i qqft q^r ^ q^qf M«r % srt ^f qqqq qrq ?p
<10) 11 i qqqrft fqfq % 3RT 4 >7^ qrq qp Ftqr i q^mt fqfq % fFtrq
q^ qrq qp "ftqr i mMhi 4 q4 fq*q qp #tt i srqqt Mq
4 snqj fqiq qp q«n tpqqqft % srt 4 <V^ qrq qp i
^)0<4q(4 fiRt qft itamq-.
qifr qqpqfq mr^nr 4f^Rtqp
qRtq qlqq qfrsftqit ftiftfq-
qntrerthr fmqtqqfif qr4q i \c i
Trgsr qq (gqqtqq %q 4) qrTtqq qT qpqfq qq qrft qt qqqrq
^fgst qq % ?Flq 4 qnrt qft Tqr qqq t, qm qqq qftq qq) 4qt qn
qm qq41, 4 qqrct q>imi qfqq qqt mrfq ^7 q4 1
pjqrcft ^qm qqq
sfr qp *)«< qfTrTsTy
ftrspr q4q sjqrfrd qier 4)4
fqpTtcTazfTrq pp (?Y) 14q: qqnqr: 1 ^ 1
W qqrR qfhm 4r fqipqm TTST^P 4 qpiq aft qp^iw< qra
qmffqqi qsqr % qrqH qqqr % ferq^qqi »i4l qft jqr^n % fqq tqnft
fqrprq qftq 4 qp 4M)HRI qmrqt ?v ql srmrq ^hih ^sq 1

^ XTef ^nfuTT
WTR; *nift TTW ^FT ^ ^r:
tT ^fnt^t fc)q<u|
inpzr fq^'wrnicT WTR i \ i
TRnt % THT, ffer^n arrfe % ^p? ^4 f^nr H^IMIA %
«nR WT ^n% %, t^ra- M^IMIcI ^ RH<iMl qt «fHcT "ft
^n% %, ark fiRT H^IMId ^f %T «i ^FT, RF sfk WT SFf^ ^T FRT
xrw^t % TTRFT # -^pq -jmr % i ^rfr fwifrt ^ f^FT
3^TK WK WT ^ I
%rR otiHimmi^1 ^ wfr chlRfdl
'Plcll^R gnftT ^ TTBRBft Tf^ -3FZ%- I ^ I
^ WR %r t" ^f?T 3Tk I "g^ sftr -^C ^Fft WfRT
"ft% TR -^n % I -Q^J Ft 3RR TF% TR (f«FT RteT ^) %gftT
RtR F«n PFT 3RR T^T RRT ^ T5% RR ^RcftRRm FTCTT % I
RTT^ ift^T M^c,^ RcTR^nff:
Rf^T TRR TJcf RTr^ iRHIM*M WRt: I ^ I
TfW sftq ^TT (tjgc^3TFRTR RTT) R TF% RR FtRf Rit 'Md
"Rf^Ftcftl I FPTf RRT RRftT % fSTR RR TFR R RRR?t 3TRR "RpR Ftcft
% I
OTPF RTRt -JRT filHMHMt: TfteRft: I
RtR: "RTK; oRfir RRTRpR FTT ^fWcTRnft: I Y I
TfR sftr RRT R^i RtcT Ran faFT 3TRR <5-i R^ RTR Ft-ff R>t »lPn
^<i R Ft Ft oRFtRTF RtR FtFT % I
f^rftFR TftFT Rt t+IRH^I: RTTldT frRFT
TfF sfk fRR RteT R Rq RR? Ft 3TRR ^f Ft ^ IFTfRT RRRt Ft

ftTSHt-^Rt^ FTef IRRFlf tRR^ RFFTFF:

F^ <5*^ ^Rt^ RFt F% cil* I RTFPT RTRct 1^1 *
(■g^t fRHSFF ^t) TfR 3fk RFF FtRt Fft RRFT rrIRt Ft% R? RRRft

TRPT Iwr (TT -^pqt7! % srf^f goTf? ^cT % I

wft Mi'm TE WfcIT % I
fcRTlTPTTf^ >JlcfliW: dl+HIH ¥^inr:
o^PdMH- nftrgtetr- w ifa t^Rr*. I \9 I
3Tf?f ^ra "Etn TKT ^<+<rA||U| ^ 3^ TTTTR ^PT fcRm on^n
WtWl % I ST-T •TPT oHcflnia cT^n ^^fcT % I
i)c*wrt ?TPT Cf^ dfftdl^r
. irafPTE ^ ^35= WPT% I ^Rr I C I
s(rH=t> 'mcl ^iT <^"1 f®"!, ERtT srRr ^T^NR CT^TT STHpf c-llcl cicfi % I
^ sjRt t atftr yRr "Era % ^Rt rrr "gt% % i (eeee er
ER cjci*II RE ET-T Tf ETcT §1*11 STfEE) 3TRrE EiTtt ElcTT % I Fti •&i-n
Efcrra y'Wjdi?. ^fhw w E^
ETT "EREfWt "Etift ^"^rq": ^TEt: I % I
smra tft^E TfE sftr ETT RfEt snf? EE "ETE RE Vi TTIR wt
oqRmidW<IEHl RFE ETEREt I ^o I
E ralET ET V EfEI "FTcTT % | Et oErftETE EPT aTTER ffEI % I TfE afR
EEC EtEt ^E % RfR EIEt (^o ) if ET ETE EtET % I
UTE: TT^ITwrat Elt
cHndrHPHPiStl ETTcf ^W^Rr^E W I \\ I
ETE: UPclHm EtEt EtE (%^1E sftr ^EcftETE) EE? EE? ER "f1% %)
IerR IerR Era ir fEc^eT Ft ""JrE E^f FTET % I EECER Eft ERET %
ETFTE E^t ERt RTRt Rc^t ETE FTET % - EE EE? ETE E ^ ER ^ft R
ETE FtTt % I
^^jPn^E? (E?,^00®) RE?T^ (^o^oo) RJ: eFRT: I ^
^ TET I aTEETET Rt ETRT ER Et "^JET E?T% % I iEE?t EE? EiRT (^^,E00)
EET E*l4 E?RT (^O^oo) if-
TTflMI^T c(o^

fcToTtTT if^TT gsFT f«r^T^ W WW: I

««iai (^oo) m "ncfi %rr t^psrraT: i ^ i
r^crflH W'f+H (SFFTm ^ ^TT ro^l'l cT'TT ^1 -qtn)
t I ^TieT (^,^00) ^ 3Tft^F 11% VX ^IRF ^1% % I -fp? %
(^00) ■% *4i'i %% cTf%Er foc^"? srrfi"% n 4^*1 itnT i cnl®M % y,<+>
ofTl% ^ -
^xhrrmn: (cv)
HI^'I^I ^ral^T i ^ i
C1T?HM %m ifr TRS^tt inlt i (^oo) •% tim tr% XR ®r% ^r 5.0
■% -ym *fr (<ioo) -% ^mr x^ r^dHi irfr snf^ xttct frm ^ ^tpt
4m if m -erg irn % 1

wmt mm; im mm: mm;

mivmM^xMid; mmrai: mm iw; 1 ^ 1
W mm ^RC ^ writ TI% m tim -^i «ft mm IICIT % 1 TR it%
n tr mm ■% mm it srm % xm itciT % 1 am: xi^ trmxr hr %t
aTjRR ^Frfm mrm it% xr xfnr m mmr ^mn mrfi4 1
3T2Rmft ^ (^v) i^rr (^) ^«T xn^fr
TerRr um^ im %m mxftxmmt: 1 ^ 1
amt -f.^r) mRmr I 1 ttt mm (^v m) ci«n
m) 4m 4 ^ ^^ ^xilum -am? XJK wi: msw
% 1 am; itt mm tft ^opt Rm mm ^it amn % 1
aTcftjrjxmm imrRT 4 1%: 1
441 RTart" cfrrrff ^4 1 ^vs 1
am: TpF 4m artr 41x1 m3> (^^,^.0°) ai^c (^0^00)
^t mm mm am f?m cnmrrfcm) ^ft "g4 aftr ^-s, m^m <4X4 1
-^HiPtj+i fcirdHiy, ^ xprnmr mfsnrT:
d4({"^ir<14: xRTcT: ^4: ^n4t ^xilPHd: I IC I
(<rq 3(4 m-5.) 4t4f smrn?? mmrR ^r '4i-s m i 4mxfm tiw 4m
4 (^^,^00) -sFmr % ark ^5 4m 4 ( ^o,<ioo) irtt 4 P+xmi im m
mxmf) % m? <4X4 1 5m<4i msr afk Tm % MHi strr <*>cii 4 im
44 m itrg arrf^ ■^mr 1 ttt ^xrg snfi :4t Rcf ar^xTTfm mm 4
4m m fg-xfm ^44 1 (Tfrnrm 4m Rmr m ^*i4*4 ^rq 4 m
4m 3Tm«n f44m)

+ W *IT^
tldWc^ld ^IcMltil^ UT«T: 'HT^P: I ^ I
y^K ^TK ^TT % TTPT-T 3^? win ~H-£. ^>T '^T^P "TI
•=i<3bi4 % it ^fFTm i w% WK ^ ^ ^FI tn^R i
^ 1J¥ ft¥ ^TT W2f ^ TT %nr:
^ ^ ^tf dHH IoUrd ftRT I ^o |
% "?wt %i 3TR3 ^ % ^tK^t ^ ^f sn^i, 3tfr w4 -qi
^rflT ^ wf t^qT ■5n%m i ffe % it mq qq "OTqq "fqrqr
iti^'u i
ftr^Rt- 3T^ ^ 1K" 'i<^-<l: sfrrPtT TEfffw--
q^TPTRiftRFT <Trfr: SPI-^: mctl 'ici«<;i I I
(•^4 fq^RT *?) tqqq ^TIHK (yqq aftr Rfrq) n qq w'^a
qnlRt 9FTf=q) "^S q^V ?FTf=fT srfqq? ■ft% qR q^T ^qn % ^n
tRfnt i
^TT ^prWr qr^t wrq ^
q<i<rMrci jpir-aW^msi^for ^qRi i ^ i
fqqq qrq % qft tjr qqpq ^4*1 Pa qrq ^1% qq 3T«f % f¥
qra 3TPT qieTT % I WM^rl qicT q q«n % 'ERC qft qsTf^T
^ 9FTf=ci TT STTRP it% qrr ST^ % f^P qm qrcn %, qRfgR qq srq
% f^F qiq qta ^qn % 1 ( i^Ri Rmm)
7TtHt: "fRRr tq WP qfqqr
TicH?5f It qrarRf ttqrq qftqqrq: 1 1
qtcr wr qR* "'fiq' 'SRI qnt trt qmr % qi tt qqn % q? qrq
qq^ % 1 fqrg si^r cii'il % ^im % Rn^t qq sftr q^q qfqq fspqr fqqqt
qqt % 1
qhmrtNnft: ftrtr q^r qqqRft^ft:
dr+lddl Tft qit W'^wtr, I I
■qq Tfq afk q-s q>t qltr qq qfq qqc qt qqn^ q>t ^cii % qq
q^ ti wm, qq qft qrq ttq ^qq %, qq qqq ^o qwg qHn^nl 1
qjqqnqq iftrsqr: ^awc+id qwrt--
■qih^mr ttfirr^: qrsq gnqqrqt qqt: 1 1
qiq qtt ela qic-11 % qt qq qqq ^f s.o qtrg qt%t 1 'sq qqq qq
**-£. °FT 3^ "sn PIOMC-i ^tK a^T ^RC <J+>a «>i[-a ^>T
STxR f-i^iciM I
^RT 5T^v ^TeRi = MrlM^ fWh?:
^RT^ ^rg-RT ^ 1 ^ I
Tw ^ trfH m ir ^mr (TFT ^TT "TR) TT Tezr (TTR
"^TI "TcT) (Tf ^3tF (^O) CRS 'Cf V^Z ohlf-cl «MM 51 'H I
^RT WCT IWT 71^=5^1 ^ qfor^Tfcr:
cRT^ ^TTRJ I ^V9 I
W. ^R; HH'-I ^FT "TfT ''TI "TR ^TRT <i1<=h TFft U<^>K "TIT TT TR "gt
^RT TR <Tt TTT ^O <~,u& % TTT et'll I ^o c;u« 1T-T %> TV TT
-T5t 5^ *11 I
cr; ftrsd Tft: TTRT TTR ^rimhX ^
THTT TTHrRt: TTT TTtw ^T fcPPf^ I ^6 I
Ttr r«n& %> fciy, Tfr afk T>t smPH TT 3T-TR I^rtth^T I TTT
aft? TsFT^ TRtTiTT' =mci %> T^ S^T TT TTcT % TTcT T>V TT S^T TRTT
T^tthlP-d TfvT TT^rr wrsf +rci<T>lPcM+l I ^ I
TTpT TT 3T-TT sft^C "nlicM TTT^T "rFftTTT TTfTTTi TTpT SRTT-
^Fct Tr3TTR" HW»l4: TT^" «M+ldX^ I ?«> I
tr Tt cTf®T Ttrt TTTit TTtTRTT TTTTT "^T TTT Tt% TTcTT (TR) Tt TT "TtT
TctRTT TWC. ^TWrT>ld sfclPtld: ^T:
TTT ^t TTcTTfeTT' TT TT TRTT % ST^TR fE "MCI "^f ^T; <fc| -q-s.
aftr 9MRCI SvKI M5<?l ^Pt TT? 9hlPtl 3T-TT TT TTTRT I 3c)< TTTT T>t
TT? 9hlf-cl TfcT TicTf iTTn^h-T? f&.cfl1! 5Mf-tl TfcT st'fl I

awft: "^PTH (iTlr^ld MRI; I I

^STcT % *lf-tl 3T=m ®Ft 5K "li^'^f '^"ll tx fRcfl4! wifxl 'ilci
% *irT ''R t<r<l«t>l ^icn <*1^1 =f>l J'f: t<ft>K ct>X'i I
IB ^PTcT ^ *l-rM-cR ^o "ff "rpn IB ^Ict «fni tR 9FTf=cI
•iRl BtBT I
<MH+^ w4 ifftng I
sMx*t|: ITTHT RIT ¥ ¥TT^ R^T: ^TcfRfnTRT ¥ftT: I H I
I¥ M<tiK ¥R ¥R % IB % ailf-d Ppt SRTt 'iRl ¥t sl'O,
3¥ ¥¥R 3lk ¥=5 VgZ ^.iP-cl WHHcIl atTT^Pft I
mci ¥®T «wci it'll l 3if*tii '(Rt mo *>i(-ti 9prr 'iRi il'fl I
Tgft Rl^:
fVflRi M>icii oi'm't ^i i i
mci aiiR; ^ 3ixi tRF m<i whm ^TT-PT Pelm, miel %r tM^l
Rt83 % RR: if ^ 3Rf RTIcn ^ I
^ ¥^ t«i«i ifhThr il'ii4 i
dll'An'Mltlt (^o) «iw ^iPxl MCMTMMl I I
^5C WT "f^fR "ft BIcT RSEf ^TefPT 3Tk ^ "PT f5P¥ PM+Icl
MA<WI^ (RHR -rpi % Rpn ^rr snm) Rrw^Pt i ^
^o) fr "yn RR sifRR sprfRi RRT TT «m i
cWT BRfxf W¥T ¥«¥ ft^Tr^ HlPl+l: I
¥«¥ +lciW4 RI^T ¥Rft 'fRETFT ¥sq¥: I ^ I
RJeT BRI ¥«¥¥ fwRt 3T^ Itnt I BraB^B BBPT ¥ I^t ¥31^
Bt B^BB tHfl Mild clBI BtcT M>ld ^f B^BB ftBfcT 3?^ ults-t BK B®BB
BtSB Mild it'll I
rtrMild BBBT^T^ sPItmI
iPBTB il'Kdit ^p W?f<it Bef: I I
3B: cRBBcftB <R( afp; BBC Bft ■PJii MilP-d BB STBR M>^'l I B?
BT^BBT^ ^ BTB iPf BB 3T^ % f¥ ¥BB ^tB BBT % (BI Bt¥ lt%
Midi % I
Bt^t Brat BIT BRmpB^iP-ct ^btbrb; I
wvil Brit Bit BtsfTRnp aJTBBBR Rrtnt+I: I I
161 Mid cfufa

■RT^IT^ 1 sFTTf^T 3^-rR 3Tfldi 6M IT^f 61*1 ITcTI % ^ETi I

(IT ITS? ltd ^^SPT % )
^ (^o) T|ftinrr w ife^n ?dT:
cT®?T ^frR dTcTT: W?f it^trT TTSRT WT: I ^ I
ItZftf <rH^f IT^T cmRtI"* ^ilF-tl 3RR cfiCII 3nfi; ■% ^"11
dR 1EER fwfd 3T^ Mldd,| 1 IF! dT TFTI 3^
*ir-d dTdn 3TT%ft I
IR ret<*>«IW<y »lTb|: tMTft I
fWrT^ •llf^til ^hn^T Tn% I Yo |
tMin?id. IF ltfs?sp HA+MI^ fERFen dTt •wMd. 3?^ nVi?*
grrfir ifd M»cn it im ^ m iRf shx itsr ift 1Wd 3i4 ir^t sn^ntt i
5*1'T't MKT I®2? <TJlC1 1ZT% sftr ^4^1 ^t 50*1 ?l" 3fk Ito "TilCl
3T|2|I|| I
dc+lcf UTPtr t^TcR PdRl+l: dlPddh
tfefrir ft«ri«r yu^iHi: yPdiRRi gnnp i vx i
3d: ^T 1T?t a^r irs? ddcr EPlPd 3RR dTcTT ^t ^o "& Tpn
*HI3«K WhT dan Tftf^sp ftdtdsr^ ddt "& IFT dT f^dtd
WfW dm ddfdT did (3RR) dtdl I
ddPRddR dtJTT^ dM ftrftrfdV
d^dt Td^ ddSTST ftarfit I Tf^ I
5<H dd>TT 11< dTT dTT% % HlftffdT sftTtftfsEldT sPTpdSRR dm Idldfdi
atftt dtfs?d> dTlflddP^ HPT dT dT?f aftr its? EPTcT l\*l< dtdT I dTT^*
ftdrd-A Hife«Pi ant? it ftmc dtdi i
^4 ftrsnF^'STTSFd *lci4l4t'^ dTTcft^tdtsfcT dTPW: |
Ualdd <c|cHIM.U: TRf ^5 dlfd: 1^1
(tj4 1ing[RT Tt) did 3TRIST df 3Pd ddT dd "TPTd y^tcici 3TfR
% HPT 3TFPd dd % dm fd 3Tdfd ^1 (fdmd, ddddd STrfd) TTdt -^1
ddi tddpftd t I
T^sp ddST dd dTdd^dt H«€cii-^<.n,
titddwid ^dtTd dnf firrm ^ i w i
Tfd sftr d-sT d>t T^> dt ddfdT gt-t dT did dFt dcWfd dtdt % I did
dt% "Tt TPtt dpT dPl dd dt dT% % I

WT ?rR ^nr 3rns ww ^Hir<

VT^t "^TiX ^ ^ >=HW^H"d-- I ffcT I VH I
T 7 IJ
Tra ^>T TTH ! '3TT-T <^< ^STTT 'A6 I <*icl % TPTPT ^lf*i, c^M,
"gn 3ik srrfe % 3^ v^rc. ^1 'nra ^tcn % 1 ( J^<uI
ft^rRr "bicftiw H^fhi
^r <"41^+1-^: TTrqWff (^l^o) I 1
W qRTT HSZTR gf^I ^ siqfc^ ^ % I -JHdM
ftarRl % '5*^5 cT«n 3rfi)4.^H f^rfg ^Tcl (^Ro ) t^T ^T % I
^FRf Mldlsft Tfora^Ttr yPHVl
W&K. Ml^'iwg MldWItrMfVilRl I ^ I
TTf?i % srftm ^r ^ ^rr ^ ?T«n mtr T%, \r Ttf^i %
W^PT Tfg' w ^ Trfti ^ R+i ptppt ^ ^ f^rfct ^TPT
aTvT-rf cbH elai % I
W irRnt c»»4)iir<'ll:
«i^-T ii ftnit <JTJ w<;i wn^ ft®rfir: 1 1
^=s gg 3^r( w sik wi ^ (frriPT) trfz ^ Trkr % snw k
?t, (WPT) Vj,<irvi % STptPT T^K k it <Tt W ^1 fwRT ^IcT
■ftdT % I
imfrsg ftPprnfk: vm, ^ it: yPHtft ^ 1
3tw% krapf wit wr^f (^) ^rrfk^stkr 1 1
^>T Mid 'Tf? %> STPW k TWk % «ic;ei fT^T <lPil % ^<S
3t9t k <*4. % \ 3T?I «fl'<=l k 7% Itt 31 Id MiM TPTg k ^ «IK d'tf-d
W^T #?n % 1 SPPT tmrfH % pm ^ "pm ^nksr ^ sm k
STfk^ 'ft TTt 3«mj| sbil-ci fTP ? "Tft 'ftcn % I
an fk^r aft miit TTkr ftnr^:
qr wts^R wnrnkr^ ftstrt: 1 v 1
■dm "wr«R %r fak % ?R k ata ("qk pfa1? kta) k 3PtR
t^rqi smn % 1 sppt ar^r ^ft CTPF ft^ k ^uui 3«+i SPPT
H# fRr % 1
Tikr TFtft urikr iird<rr< krat i
aTctl trm tP^ Trktsffffept JHpdd. I Ht I
gFTf^T fePl (STT-T,^^) f^T'TT WRTT % I 'fl cn tHp-^T H
g^rrpcf ^PI "W ^PR^T 3RPT RFt #n I SRR TTf^T R 9PTfRI
TTfrT ^iT ?n MRI %> cpK1'! SRR M-Sai % I ^TT^iT =M<UI % 'ild <HPM R
'9Mpd 'iRl SifR 3RR yptl Tj ^TR glcfl % I
RW mRT "TUT: mnp
^fSfPT sfk 3tR "fficT ^ "R % RPT ^ sfTCRT: ^tR 3^?: ^pir
TTfti (^rs gRiRt sft TfR sftr ^pir -nrf^j ^FI tr ^ STRR. STJRR
FT^R l?Rt M~gTftSt^ MM|!}«f4li
F vRTBRf^r ^rTPT «|Ui^4 +<|xH | ^ |
FIcI FRT TT? pSFS) RfR ^rl % ^fSjRT 3^ 3tR 3fit cRTP t^FFR
fgf^H ■?!% (%%? ^n%) ^R Rt sFTfRT ^ fRH ^ Ft ^Tefm TFTT % I
9(ilPn ^rl ^it 1f?TT 'iRl FFf FF Ftcft, fRPTT Rt 3TfFF> "?R R
It !
ckisS ftftTTFPf FRT ^
o^qfTT Pel Ted I ^tb ^T: •H<MS I W* I
■gFRTRT RRRp -jpsf ^ oRTF fRfW^Ri % H^NId ( %^r cl«n
RtfhlTtT) Fft RtR 3^: 3RR RRW Ftj -gf^ "g^R t%(^n % I
FtFcfr Ftrft it WT Pd^lPd:
Wf^TcfT Wd Ft HFT f^T iPF^TT I \\ I
XI^ TJ^ 3TSTR Xf Tfa S^T -^TF TTiFT 3FlF Rpr % STJRR
^vs xfrnt -^t crnfR 1frt rrt % i r ^ -qpft "£f ft fft ^vs ft fItt-
t^lcT oiicflmdRoift dl'lldcd-d Fiwt

FTR?!: -^flTT FFT oMcflMM F% ^n% f I Ft 1% 3TRRT FRF FtF % I

"g4 sftr RPF Ft% TT) Tm^t FFT ^f ^pit % FF (%FT ^R% FTT
Rpft FT 3t—T FF FRT 3RTF FR% Fit fcR ®ict1 Fit Ft^t) <5^ ^ FtFt
FRRT fns % sftr FFF^t ^fE "tt F? Ft %fT FTFR itcT t I
togiit- nrpf (^) ^ (vf (3\s)
FFTTTT (^ol^R) FFTFI^ 'l"^l-d
dIH Fi1r4xt I fftT I <\\S I
3T^n, srh % srf^ ^ Tif^i sftr ^
ITf-^T % tiR^I 34p<tH HK ^>t Jlu-S I ^TRTT % I STT^It !
(wr, srf^rft) % ysm tiK TIU-5M W ^mn
^gT eTR ^T^f?ra> T? ^T'Tt ^Rf ^cfft
+1i-rm FR^PT % ^'ll ^HN WRfReFf:
ttor^RT <T TTR«r w ^?TT: ^nh^fr
cmi^HI Rrffe- ^I^PHK Rmr WnnhrET: ^ i y. i
<irVl ■ffRr % .<l^f ^f «t>4 ««( XRTR % r'HI-J'H % I crxi, q[«<=h 3lhc
"Rt^T ^1% ^T arPxTR (^ -^t) R^rm ifrr 7Tf?I R itcn % I fw?, stR
"RPT WH R^TRI RR snfsr ^ R?cir % i am: % tptT Rt R^TR -JR;
t i % rrto 'iw^r-d rjV rt? aftr rseir Rft Rf^r rs% % rtrrt
5l<l "?TRR 4 fR^f 3TfRy RR RifT RTRIT % I
Hl<^ *<4) RH?IH; ftRX R7 -gRR: <f(IV ^Rlflv '^TT (WS^oo)
f^TW ^ oznfhT RTftTR T3R: ucr? H^RIUIIH, I
RTRR; +idi<RR% ftm t^r M1<I®< RRT
"PRT^T: -gft RRcTRRRR^TR RRIT^R) ^Rf RRttcf I ^ I
R<M< -gfE RR% 4 R^n RFt YV9,^oo 1ROR R4 ePt, fRRT RRR R^t
ffe RHcT RT "RfE R^ R^% % I Rfg' R^ TTRTR RtR % an^ fRR % Rt
RR, RRT 3^7 RRT antR RR RRR 3IR®R fan I 3lR: ^f% RR% teTtRT %
1% IT? RHRR RR% % R-m. RicRR^ % fRRI "Rf& R4 RSTRT MtiH'll I
^RT % ?IW UPdMn<R RR" Rit R% fd'HRHV
C| A «ia Midi fecT 'I'M R<l«shc|c^ Pd^Rii:
dWKWi«< myIMM RRR -5^1 T^R RRTC^ R^RT:
I^SR etWTt^T R^ MHI+I RTR RRR r+r^< I %0 I
"^ffe r4 R5t RRTfR RC ^ Rpp yfdMdl fRfR STRIR "gRT I RMRlHi
RRR d'K R ^4 RR RRR (cTRR 4 R^R TlfR) 2ft I R? fd-l TfRRR RTRT
RRT % I 5*< RRR R^T R Hg, <s si, Mid 3TlfR R5t 31R4t 3TR4t Ri^TT R RfR
aTPRR RR% % tcTR arf^RRt R^R % 3RlR IR^ (4R anfR tR^) % eJT?
fRRT I ^R> 5 41 RTRR % 1RR, RTR, <^4, RiTfRT af^T RRR antR R>t
R^t, 'JR afk R3 3TTtR Rft RTRfR f4t I
HSiHin quI-i

% ifttliT: ^rn<r: ?ft oTHT fraift" ^

^IdmN W
'+K ir^r+d^I ^ TTl^cfT Tc^TrFia ftr5jf^: 1^1
M<I^K snf^ =Kf^Tt % ^IMCI % ?pi 3T?pl '+><n %) f^T% I, sfht
VM<», afk anfe ^ET, sne^r "fBnf^T, sTf^r, ^rf atk sinftf
3TTf?r ^FT mn, TT^f aft?: «rf«Ri^r '%tT arrk: cfi t^TT % i ^ ^
•^rqt Wfofcr ^TJci % l % i ^ ^1%
■fg^R k farm % i STR ftngRt TTRt ^f *ft ^rk k a# faar
tknf fkifcr: ■pn^'^ir cr^^cit (v) %
kr:ikR3f fttkr Hud^ft ifmw ukrsT:
"ft (V) at (^0^0,000) %SttT: tnr ^PTT:
^nrr aknfr ^fMii-d i ^ i
■yfcT H^I^'I % srt k ft afk ^T "rm ft tta % i Ta Mdif'i
% V^f Ski (^o^o ooo) Cft t Ht aioR Siwta ft ttcTT % I Mtflf'l
t=F k) ( ar^T 3f?tnT tt) "inpfT (^.YX.VS^^VS) % I SftR
3RT ttcf f fe^«< (^0,^0,000) t *Tm
afstr (w tR fR ttcrr % i T*T ^rar SRT k tk wz
^tT Ijq tfig'i "tt STTaVRRT *ltl % I
f^ffodHf TRT fRRt fttkr fta-
WI-HWIli tsFT fa JMWd eff fcfMd,
^dl^Tfcl ftH'irdtidl ^ ^art: Mfti+K1!
tft fRTT-- VTW aRt fltX'ii fTTT (^) ditiq^ I ^ I
HR ft snt^ t % "WT (Ta f^T ^T) fft anw
t 8.1 M<. 3RT fRi "HTf "Sft (^.^S,1^,^0,000) ^Rn "Tel wt (Y^XJo)
i. +<U||<t<) ^T 3Rta (V9,^,^0,^^,^.^)
% i fNt tt are fRs: ttai % i
<+)<«! I«< % 3TRR t tfRH Tft t yta ^T% % wk TRt
^tr t fs? tfeT trt «n i asr ^r tt fcf srrfer ^bit ""Rf % i
ast (tt? tkR? Tnfer) tRt t Mfa^i t ft kreRT % ar^wr?
^fB^m xr? ^rr ttai i +<UII«< af^'H ^FT efK anft taa aR t anrR
tRr i
^ mt w U) trifsmf
T?ftr ^rtri% w? -qif^
Rcqr^r^qcr trf^FT qmw ^af iRrcarr
tPPTT: ^ef *11^: I I
vwsr ^rr -fez ^ thwR qrPTT % i -q? f^r %i gRmqi
TT 1 W? ■RTT % "T? ^5(111=1 3rf»tMl« gfcPRT «ft I fH 3TRnq
Rj-i % MS ?! HEZFf 'TPT ■qir ^ *II« arftPTTR
% ■r? VRIH<;I
^ps HHT ■nm "q# "^pc URIM<I tfmwR fzn -a? w anflr
vp ^r^r % f^r 3Trq^ % i
na^^Bf vkz ^T«f TpWr
Tff +^11^ qrg ^fiT M^P-inW
urt^q 5^ TIT ^rr imyt
^ gcf fipp^r Mvmr<nK I ^ I
3TTT»t % (^<i,tH,^?v-ts) tqq wt qrf^rjn qq anw CRCT
q5t atri TTRT ^ isn m i zrr ^fr F'RF KR qrtyrcm<i UITOH
qra «n i gq: SR +<uii»< f.) qq qsm tqq w
RTk * ^w«s if qq w % i Rg % qp? yPciy^i PH^M^ % fzR ^imki-CI
5®r ^ftqRT I ^ CIMCII % y^, >3 v aitc mici 34if<; qsr q)g%
% tcT^t ROI 3?k W RTO ^HFRT gRT I
*cq*< (?OY*) gPRT r«*a>qi ^T
TfR ipq ft»I (m) WB (^o^)
wiwiMi^Pi-q ftrsprft (st) qfw.tlqi'K+i: ^5-
(tvi) t^Rr T?f (v»«) qJNqr qr^f^rsqr: 1 ^ 1
qrfcT RR qrf % ^oyv R*TR t^npqmq ■gtTn t
^ «S RZrt % 5WI*< grtl I VI RZ7% it RTiRtfr 31»?
ftnr) RRcrtt viirk ^ ^ gnf gR rt taraRTeq it Rzrt it
Riw><t*q grtl RTFRTPH? % Xti, R2rt % 5>mi*<i RRT RIMi'tK ^ \S^
Rzrt ^ qthrrsq (fWR ^ RR) gtm 1
RfWt.glmq ^ftwrrf^rt:
ftrrnftetft ^tRtt rrt^ "tjrrJ
qftq-l, fii*iiifMMfl «MI «*i«X <rkf^
grret mt: R»tRr fttRr gi*rt RRrftg 1 ^vj 1
f^sw (us*) if -gffe snft %'snrtR qra ng rtor apt Rrtg gt zir
r-M^iwi RrgS 11 ynft snrH it Rt tfr ug rfr Rjt qir rr wr
•q^Tqra dufn

% I '"T 34-q (Picfie %) "gr't 3i6^ui ^TttPT ^sdd Tjf

fTgrrcT^ ^ f^f«T t^TfT TFT it -5^^ TFT Til% t I W fTTSTRT
■^xtr ^ #4! it frfW t i
iwf WT fii ifit ■ftrarRt ^rfr
to Mil ^fti tF^rn fiiM
T^FritcT liw ri^l •Hvg, irmnfW
mf offtnR: itsi lywqit i i
frFSFT wtti "& itt Mt mrni itm % i cFg^m
^ Mr n ttttmr ^rpri Tierir^ Mr ttt tptif itcrr % i
^ft frir ^itfiT ^rri Hct li to! mr % i Tf Tjit % i sttr lit
dtMH ^ IfcT TFT '^cTf % I
nt irw i^rnsf firs
tifWliTT Tfil iTfilT TOFF WTRt
t^> s TTfi ftrftRPr ttrttoftt 1111^
TTTPrnTT tRMcT ^MKxHt famntTT: 1^1
tru anflr irf % Tgre tic li tsj ar^ -Si tFrr (nrti) fi
^ TtfT 3TfTT> i<=4=ti<. 34 M"I fiFSJH TpRcT (fTFSHT fiRtlf^T) ^ ^T
i 3^ itl "fen I STTfrT^ifi TTT Ff? H TRTSSf lit fifrqi TT I
3ft Tii viircir^ i ii tt arrfi fir^ srcm arcrn ttft! ttNft
MtT % I TFm % 3TTTT i ^ti T? FaftTTT lit MTT % I
%t^ ittF ifcTl TJR: TO^itsS oRtfti
TtfirfR: TTS Tifi tft IT u W i
cT^ TT RTJ 1 TFT: "Vtsfir
-txrqwiw ^rr ifiri wir« tr^r: i vso i
Ti % H % TUT "it MTHI^ UT 3TTTT (V) ITT fTU SFT fsrfW
it *ra fi (v VR Ti) TTri 6 Ti arfin?) iti TTT % i wi
itf it n itir it tou itf itir bftir i irrm lit I +ij r+ in
ifin n Tii TcfiR iff (1ii) fi it itir %-3m iti Tit fi Trgi
lirTOTi til HI it ^T ^cmi
t irihrt ifin fiWt in irm nm;
TOuitir ^ 11 ifir ir stt vrwi finj: i
TOmdw: im iiT: fins^n mn^- 1*9^1 *
firafi fi(t ^Rs it in i fin nf fi •nfira imk i i
W fsn&RT

f^n % cT«n ^ «jf;g t^R% a^frr "SR % ^1

^qrRrg ^ssnrqi cr^ft %> wt % ^RHT "gpra % ^n^nrl
WeT ?t (fiR#r ^r? f^-flfHTd H ft) +41^ ^T ^'MIST 3RRf^f 1
trf!rat-^rr T^R wm ^ "^rgs: % i ■')

frJc^cft^cT ^Mlcl Jd y^
?ft 'iH'ltiSlV ftft I
ftrsRT ^fnr TTTIW ^T
■^TRT: iPTRT J% M<«l«;*|: U^TRf: I I

TR "fir Tt^FT «ft "SRI "n^HT

afk cliwol if TPTRcTT cT^TT ^IcRfit % ^TR % fdT^ fR^TR ^W
WcT -arfa TERsntft ^ ^t 3TSZIRI TPTTH f SH I

fRr •j.Rd ftr^RT

^RR ftlTT ^rt
IWtg-TrfWA: U) M^vl^: (^ ) iRJTlr
ifW^nr wW ^cTm^m «MIHH, I ^ i

w XRTR ^ aPTftRR % tH WRT RfFcT iTRgRT TF®! ^T

TTRTFT ^341 f^RT^ f<4 S,Mi ^ 31RT-5 % RrIM P^-S. UiS 'iP^ICt cfSTT ^«€
■ftTgRT % I

wgr wzm w^fRqrwiT

^ ^ ixm foR?Txni tonrmr
ftrrar THR oi?ii^ -qw^rr ftnePxT w ^ i
IPffT 3TfT HI<J?II ^T Wf ^I'lcWI M I ^ I
t^F ^ir =bHcl1 ^ SSTPT TO ^ WT ^f?m STTfe WT^Pff % TOR
TOR TORlcT trosr^f ^f ife cf|73[% % <5cMH TOTRTO % TOTOI TOT
frosj^r «-*ii tron TOt TR f^TRt %> y<(-ii TOT "q^r fro^troT TOT "STTT
IcRT ^TTOF TT^ "gt^ TO *ft "Jft (TTORT TOS^tTO TOt) TOfcT t5tt "dtS: 1TT5RT
W^^ullffl ITtTpT TPT^ MTTJTT "Tif
qrftcf Tjft TTESftr WTfcT: TRfRmt TOtTOT:
cfkrr cftro pcuerict, fTTTR TO%- Wg" TTOTt ^WMI^
W^'KlrMH) TOTCRT 'R^' yPd^ TOT" I ^ I
TOTOt % TO TOT TOTE TOR Tt eft# % TTOTOTO t TOt "q# TOft T#TO TOTet % I
to: ftrsirot f^rtiroW uPiuk^ to tftro toto; totPtoto:


-cT? ft qtftTO TOfet TOet TTtTT TOPTTF^ I V I

t^PFf -flctifs. mmivH tTKT '5frnix cftcTPjP?

%, 3^% ^>1 55tzn-T ■i'i* SFpf^' % ^1% Mg'iP'ict t^tt
"fPTTK t)< 3T^ y«—ii^[cf<t) "Htcl ■iP'Icl STR®? ^RTT
ftnSJprmt % r^lWR % % I
ftrgRT ^ idl^d ^T«Pr99) «*<;Waiw Uf^TTH^r tlit:
■fftcf ^ t^ft«RRT ^ I s 1
SRfW #nt ^ RteT RfxiRT tTW^ % f^Tti ^
yna: qr^RT ^i4 % "Ft ohkp-HI R>t %, STRTRTF oB^f
SRI STTRTR? % fR^TK t 5Tm MmIh Rl^ltif % STCRR % R^FI
Pd^R 'ft % I
, totrWh-RGziRr "nl^nr cmrtWxr I^TT
iftt if^" W ^fft TPI^t fft: IRRft ? JcTB^ I
tM "tTT PdHcll *<.IHclct)c(clvttrrt ?it I
^TRRrF^mfft ^ fttef mxft JFS- I ^ i
^iiPciM ft xr?t R^I, ig^ snf?frfora^rr g-imPcRi sraf -snRft
ft % TR ft nftf RRT <6Ctl % crm Rf 1d&<\ MHM ft 3IRR
irai % i fR Tifora t?^i fit ft Rft aftcR^ % hrh tw irt ft
ftrsrrft ft- m Fft?R ft ft fttei trt trrt <ir tft ^ i
ftpsft -q-SfT Hft Tft tftFRft TT^t W TFF fftgfdhRW
FTTR MTcft^ ^tFT iftcTFrtftift 7rnI°FRrft^' I V9 I
ftt ft? fftRT Hftt iftt FF ftRR, TMT ftr fsRl TTRT Fm Ftftt RtFT ft?
[4-11 Hm Fit fftlT yct>K ftftn Wtrft % sftt y=t>K fttcT FR % 14-11
Uniep sqzf % |
cl|nfioH|ct,IUi fftftcl f^Ff P': UfftF: TTft
dirM-ic-HnPi W dlrl^ Midi ^ftF dshllfli[4:
iF^qFRT ftfft RJRft 'hdH(4il TcRIT
^rdpcf< nFft IRRT im m^gittxEtft; i c i
fcf RtFT fftRI odlcfl"! FR % tftgjftt qft "CTR ft "dd>dl< FR
•a-id) oRR ffg' aftl dd-it RR I4id)i< FtRR cifaici FtcTT % I fft^ Ud)K fttcT
-TWt RR-lft dicii 'iuid) ftt afttfftfqftf dO URI ft ftlfft—1 Md>R ft> y^-1 aftr
d^cjd) a 14) RFf RFTIT RR aygm RR RTR d-iai ft I
^STRT H,RMPdR -JiFnTt ftftTTR RR yfcPir5RT«fip
fttH: l^iT: ft? tftftR TRSrrft W: fRT^ RR: I % I
gs^t, TTTO afft TiFt ^ "ftsrRt qRm"i snftr «H^[^ wf>
^ri (uRup-m gt model) % i f^rrf % gtcT ^ fwi)
gpn % i fgr& ggrsp gft HijHtii ^r gg?? -gspm % i
WlRr fitw Hiw ^IuI 'iui^i
^ gten aftuhi-dX"! gf^ %ft$ftrT ing<ri
gpn^gt gftnr g tfir ggrg 'ildin;<4> ^i^Pd i \o \
yi4lH gg^t% gqtlgg gTr?g grei g?r ag^^i (wiP'i^) gnr % i g^
egg ^ ar^gR gtciT %, egg g? (Y8^) fgglg % srjgR % i fggr
g? ^ng %^eT egg g«g gff g^r gr ggun % i g^ftg? (4i«iu«
^ft) gtei # gggggei % i sra: gtE g? grrg% % f^f gter sngwF
% i gtet gfgg ?ht # ggm gn gg^gi % i agr: git gfgg g^t ggggr
g"? ('ilet anf^) ggtfgg %% ggg «g>cii % ?
ttf^rg gfng ^tp ^ra> gsqtF ^P
gg g ggg ft¥: ?io<?ii^ gfg¥:
gft" ggfet g^g ggtRrg iig
ggftgr gtM+iiliwi^gr gmrtt i ittr i u i
gfgg ^ xjggz gn %- ogrP (gr^t) sit^ sraqg; (aftar) i fg ^ V«i>I<
%> gfgcT ggi ogrggg (gi^r grrtg) gg ar^sr ^ng gr ggtftrg
girtg gggg gg^ (ggr) gggg %, sggm g? ggr grg grr fr ggtfcHt
?tgT i (fg^Ri f^Rtgfg gg a ^<ui ggm)
gr tXm'ctK o^i^Higr i
<r?g ^ ^ g«hdni gnrrr ggRght: i « i
Tpf a^ f?refT % ftgK gg ^ am aggggr, Yraft gftr grngfer
g^ifg fggg an %, lanrtr ggft grr gggg (wragr gxg^g) w?tgi i.
tra gt- ?AH<HI4 fpsrgnT^r g g^
tg gtgi ^7 itPiRf gtetT^g gir ■qfggg; i ^ i
(f^g)- % airgr4 ggtgg, afig^ 3^ argg ggrg gpft ^ gt it?
gfgRT gjgr g«n gtei % tggg "gggr 1
^g % irgr HttT g ^ gft^gr
grgr gg g| ^n^l+di w; 1 v* t
girft ^ri "g^g aih gsr %, gar g^t %-ggffgr arr^ ^ grgr gg
3T%gr aggrgf % gg gg aftr gggft ggg fft gmm^t % t^ra^f gfg
. ftr^RT ^}ox

^ Tmr % i
W3> "gYRT rdWJHIVtl
wzti vwi rnFTT: Tsr^r nR^rd^' '
^fci ■gffe % aron* % tWrm % #nt % %TT ^ ^
MR I Ml I XJ^ Tfft ^PT "f^R tiH^i^il I
iftef 9icrI xrn«ifVif*-i: «-^e R*T: «<;i\
'iRidwii^rd^ i ^ i
■3^?% MK ^nxrspt •& ^RT TSntcI sftr IT? "nftr^ aPT clIWfMM.
sijrw ^t^Jcn % i
■4*1+111 ^snrPxT «i<lRl<:

if ^T sn^R'Rgj % ^TRTR WRRT % I T?T

3R: ^T?, ■R^> C^tWR) 3^ STtf^ % XTRXf f+RT % I ^T
■RlWK Sp +*>fk4>MR % (^R+cd)
^rdr Ararat ^rtt ny^MR Rr^r--
mm cIRuft^ tf^TT ^i v i
/??!% 'Sf ^ "RPSPT Irwk (%axf>cT) RR ■Sfx^'gEtxr % | ^Rf
cRXR C1RUI «^js, ^ fxTR % I
M^d^rVgRft ^ ^ «l®tMK UV.opo) ^t^T:
«R*d^ \ irP<E^y\ w vm'H (^,000) i « I
^TX^ % xrcq if (^ Rf3R xf? xj^cT % | (3rmf)
af!T ISpoo XTtspr ^ ^ % I
?JhTT: XjftW: ^ U^l^dl:
Rl^P<^ ^m»ftoT: *Mri'4>ui rd^dl: I ^o |
xsp^ ^fq % we 9PXRT: XT'n Pd^d 3FR ^Xf % cf«n ^Rq?f *ft
HRfW ^KSR.-g^T TOrJr ^cnft
WO* T«IT^f HHRlxR I .«■ I
SRf xf ftgm ^fq * xrcq Rm ^ dcTR * STT+R ^T HHRKK
Mcfci % 3>XR TT ■HHUI ^XclI % I
OMI«^R( ^r: wf ^cft+r cf* i
'fflfdWd, w?r +diwird I^T: i w I
^ srk wr % cftoMW % Rrt«+i ^rm
% I fR M4C1 %> «4I5<. sl^I ctxil? XjfH ^% I
XTTJ TtxT ^Xfgr orTSPfrSR ^TT:
-afq^n intxr Pd^rM-d ^nt: i i
•q Y® ^ ^ CTTH "ql^Fr ^4 Mftwi ^Rcf % i q 3T?qqr
sfk Rkwi ('FR? i?1% ^rncT ^4 aftr aror ■gtqr ^Viai % i
fwPz ^ ^"rraf ^4xT:
^eil-Xl K ^ ^ ®of flfli eft Hi: ftsnTT ftxT I ^S I
■q^f % "RXTcT 3TTf? H? wq %' I TRT4T 35XR
qq ^4 r^rci I qq cHTI HX? 4> cilH -doMX % I tjq %i <J5M< 5hM*|: H5:,
^FT, cim 3TTf?r cftn % I
XT VXTIeft+lP-cRI tfTTf ^T^ER;
^iqfttiixft'»q TSTTTWr q :
4h5 tm % 3Fpm qsceff % ^iff mm q^f qqxq qrdT t i am: q^t
q>T 3TTqK iHtft ICKII ^f q?f % I SilHI^I ^ qrfr qt<J *T?f gift
% qTROT qqqft HeMHI % q«4t ci'lldK 4^4 qn T?t % I
tqr in ^ ^ qWl- cmr
q^Mftui "rqwf ^4 iR TTWRf: ftsR4; I I
4rq qq aRqRX aqq^m 4 r -q^, ^ qm sv q^m t i ^
q^ftui Tq»T (q^^iHK) 4T TFTPT 1q«R "4q q4q q4-
mzffil q^eTTq: T^ldWIdl+k^ft:
q TRTRR ^Rft 4n? qitxjRr: I ^V9 i
MRHMI qfeT 4> qtcR T? qq H<ft % i STCT: 4q qftui iT y,H % qiq
qqr qrq 4r "q4 qn q^q 1qw4r ^qr % i
^'^"s mR'STTT: WT: q>qq[-ci q
^fterr er^eT: vlniPd irW^fW i v i
q;^q 4? TTepq % qfbqqf q4 qrgqr % fqr q«4t Tqq 4H
^xnqq % sftr srrqrm 4 qqqt snfq wt qr HMH -
q qsqw op?T^4 RlHWI qqqiA:
3iiHKaq> qTy qiPti HIP-CI '^% I ^ i *
qfq q% -q^ fq*^ % sqq^hq 4 qqfqt qq 4 qqr q4 cR? MR*HI
qq% % i
ftnSRT ^tfor ^

^rPT: Wd-i<y UI-rMI ^TTi WPT iTHf^ I ^o |

W f^n R "TfcT if ^PT ^ Sfirar tjuf
■flcn % I g«Eft 3RI% ^STR tR «im ( aroft TR) "tt ■ftR sfk TR
11% % I
^er TfiT ftm ^ Tlf^T cUtt+IRl R
VFRT: WdH^VHlPHr^' "WRTRR ft«lRr: I 1
fR XRTR R«Rt Snf^Ri 3fhC RTf^i-'pT 'iRl^l % =M<UI sFRR:
f^T TR crm wl% % I RS^t Rfr RTf^Rr RfcT % RTRR UPdRd TRRR
STcRT 3RTT WR f?«lRT 'fTcft % I
R MflPfl <JHI RfVq|tf»*fu| ^IPTDO:
«l!Ji»-^d>fr<+l-pilMMirc|+lft HMIPHCI I ^ I
■jss^t % RR RR> STRICT ^itrh % RiRRI RtT R^-Rt % fRRft
RRn if fRRt Rff % | f5R TRTR TRR RftT RTtR RTR if RTfW RTRf
-TTR RSR RRl Mcfa RRcTT 'jsn d'lai % Rtft RRJR RSRf %> cli'll
R5=Rt ft«R RT TR R8R 3nf? RR% % [
^ TfRTf^ PrgTRf ^\<\ ^Rct TffeT
ilRI-4 RRRIR^ cRR I ^ I
R«Rf RRflR if T?% R3C "g^f ^dlR if rR=RT % I R«^f Rft Rf^FT sfk
"3TR RfTT (^°hM| % R7RRI Rff RRR: RtR sffT RfWT vFI^R "gfcft

^JsFToPfr RW ^H-<|: sRTRt

^RRRFR TRR: Mfl'I^P-dd RRr I ^"K I
^R, RpF, RSRt, H'lel, "J5 sfhc Rlf-T RRRT: "g^f ^ STfRRi RT % | ^
"gti %> RRRT RJIRT: RRTp RfR RR "gtcff Wf % I STR^ff 3RRI RfR % %
Rft R^MT RRct % I
VHtM4) Ren^Et ^-^Wl RftlRrp I ^ I
•dMMe TRt R>t RfeFRT RRcf % TTff %> RTR % RiRRI
-q4 Rff Rt RRRRT RRcT % I ^dld^l RRFR RR RRIR R^C R«^f
Rft RfRTRT RRRT % sfk RS^ft % RTR (R«5ft R^t R>RT if) T?RR "gj4 Rft
Rlf-tT ^RTR SncTtRT Rv^ g4a:
g; fcnrt^ RRRfPR RmfPr ^ if^r: i H I
% ^Rt srk y* m 3^ crm ST^R % fsm
WR ^SRt ^R =J?3 iR ittH % I ^PR-aRT wf XR *ft ?mr % |
Sfir ftsr^ IT? TrfcT TTFTT ^ ^ W^
<i^<l+«fu||^ Wrf^T ^ffan WrqfT I ?vs |
TH WR RRPT ir Tr?f ^fr -nf^,. THR snf^ R«cft R ^fRg; ^Rn
% I R^I«f STTSF^I it R^rsf ^3% ^Rf 33^ ^JRcTT % R? «fr
?R WR Rft RW ftarfR RRRT ^ cRfr fRTcT RFcTT % I
ftngr^ ftiRTRS^t Tf^cfT ^TtR R^RR
ftTRRFfr TpFRTthr^T: I ^ I
<5R+1 RF5C ^jgr TfR, RHyT, RTRTRT sjk RlfR RTT R^nRrT fR
% I
smf RftSSoft^; ^ ^ TRWR WTVRTcRR:
ll7q\'lRl^*W RT^RTfr I ^ I
SIR? Rf % RTgT % -ftp REoft 3Ty% RRTR RT T? fRRt % STRfc^RE^
RTT 3TR% 3T^ RT RRRf ^Rn % I 3Tcf: RSRt tR 1RRR R^ RTt RRF ^
t I
Tft f^T SWT ^ R I Vo |
(t^TTR-Tpp RfR) 3Rf 3TIR R^cT % fR^ 3TR% RRf 3TR % Wt R?t
efRR <^4 R®Rt R^tSRIT RRcTT % I R)t RZRt Rft RftRRR RRRT
% I (3TRt^%TRcT RRC # RRTJ? % RR ^ R^t, 3RR Tf? tft ^4 % Rt«T
ufptt ift-miW ui<H4i apr
^ fWmiR ^tr RftrfRTRR i i
STR 3TTR R^r t I fRT R? RRTR Rgt t I 3TIR R? RRT IctRR
RRt ?
ftl^sr "^ftr \T2rtt enm ircft
%R RRfW TfaRR TTgiar RTJRcRfll I I
f^R Rft TR Rft STRRT RRTR % SRT^RI #(ft % I ^R fff
sqr^n % ? uif gjT % ? Y8^ ^I TBRT f^r I^K
r+Hr*ui f^frmrf m «mr wri
^^4<iti\oA|fHr grsf «Ff<r r^iftidi i i
3TFFR S^R SHRR I y«Rt W f^rcPT, tTg5, ^T W
y^T % ? yr f^ci% cfry -Pram yR% t ?
r+y-tft yft ftrszrnft fiff v^i ^ysf yyy;
TScrftrcW ^Pdni I W I
ys^t yy yftfy, ^rra, 75 (%yy^i) srh -yrocT (snyyy) yrf^r 1
T^cft y* TEcrftR yicr % ^tyr w xr?, yssm ant? ftsnt t ?
^nr ^rcrynsft yyT 7 7F yhit:
^ ylniRi ftr^ yyrer ftf y yr ftsrfcf: i i
y«^ ys sftx yf fyRT y=FR ^cn sftx sr^pry yrWt 75% % ? yyi
yyc sftx yy^r ayfy lift % tyy yx *ft yxft yyfn: ypft fyym yy^ t ?
wnTt y^y ywr % fW^i +1Rfdi:
%yT ^yvftfPg xrfW ypf yfrftPr^1 1
^ 1

yrypr ftrej^ ^ nff yy y^y *nry % yyyn (^y;

'^') yTT^f ys SiiR; % ^*i:~
♦RrMdl ^yr yiw»<ll>r-«l^dl:
ftyn ^rr^«it yw wfHW: 1 w 1
3Fy fyj; ftr® wit y>t yscyyr yrt 1 yRyrt ayfy arryryt % jt:
sn^yyx yy sftp^ wd-y wy fyyffty fys^ 1
fWrrdxRpfhrf f¥ HH^diH,
fyyifbyr-d ^ yftyt yy ypTRW 1 vt 1
fyy ayyyy yy^r i:ft yrxyy % srery % 1 T?r& emm % fy? ym
fty ywt % 1 th aryxsn if sny^; ym yft yyr yfy irtV- yyr *ft
=Ftf yy<r ^yi ?
yftr «'yr«ti: ^ -nr ytyrr:
y^iwftyyyrf^ yry y yyyryy: 1 I
yfy y«3m -gy % xrlfyr yty "t ^o yft ^jryfy ytcft %, yt y«yy
"55 iiyiR if y TfcTcy yyy ir (5; y) yyf y^t syy ytyr % 1
^m^ci MHir+cii tr ^rPr FT i ho i
a^foi arrfer % t^sp arrq^ ^ff (%^r) <mt-m ? Ti?f % ^j)«w»i %
tcR IcPTT ^qt ? Wt ■qft "T? ^idl ^TSra % f^T % "qi aflRT
Tiwt .Tr *ft T?ft fH% •& 3Fq w ^2- ftn ?
fwr^hrf ftr^ ^5?^
sifW^'q^nhxP ^ f¥ qw ^ 1 ?\ 1
wefhr arrqrqf ^ srrfe irgt qit tjz % f^r qqrR
tRq>R q>% % 1 aim^ g«r, ?rf-T aftr I'IW t^jxi <*><--1 %> Pn^,
srffrfep «'W.K ftrqr 4«q>i qqr % 1
in«fEr: qfWhf w^^«f ^RRR;
^n^t, tlm yr irRnfh 1 H^I
"^frsr aqU *i-<; MRIV qff HCM-II qqt ? ail-31 (fqi*i) aJk "^"T (ttt)
% RRiq-qqtq# ^cf ?
ffq- qr«f ^r?t: w 'tq 1
vmf^f qrsr 5^: qrt^f -1*1^4 twr 1 H? •
afk ?ftw VROT fqTR qqrre-gtm % ? afk ^c1lf<
Ht^ ai\< ffty H^CI ?t>H5fi qq aii< qs^r *t^il clni % ? 3iif<;
frnr qqR arrfe ^ TI? qfq q^r qimi qq qi jbot qqt ^n % 1
fW^r (^v) ttPHdi grrt^T:
r^Tbi^i Pft ¥W qMsq^«n^ 1 H* I
"?r4t ftrer# qrq qnf% ^ am qrqr qqq % 1 3nq% ^ ^ am
qqt rptt % 1 aprRer 3TR aftr qqt ^n % ?
^ fWiM firr Tr>q 4%^
sFTP<r frTW nWl^T T IR^r: I HH I
TR 1^T afhc TtcT qq RPT RScn q^rf % ? RRI Tlfqi qt *ir-ti
%, ^mr a<qHH RHPT qqt Tft % ?
^Trff t¥ WKMM: t^lM ^
ifrornr r+mc»4r-d -MMxtl 1¥ ^«rr 'PTT: I H^ I
"g4 xftwr qsg cr«n RIRR 4 fj>tq+< qqf % ? qfhR
q%5 %? am 4 irq arfqqr Rqf qr^t %, a^q q^aff if qqt ?

^TPT "^fFT ^cftrFT -jof ^5^

ft? ^ ^«r tT^ WT VI\ I H\9 I
srrft ftnsr ^FT ■RPI MMIH arr^Fff ^HI ^t "jon HRT
% ? HTT TPn ? 3TTtft? 3T5BR (^aRC 3^ '^f)
He"! ft??? yaFR ^tcn % ?
^3C WT ^ IRft tT^T Tlfr V%-
WT^ ^FTT^ c(<|Wlft dHHIMcrq ^RdlH, I V I
% fPTR Tftr cpT u^Tir *ft tr^ frt^ H ( STHRT) ^ ^
■fftl % ? Tft' ^>T cl^-l ^TT "TI -jq|c;i ijtcTT % ?
fWt wrenf qcfdHw
ftrg ^ETPT ft? liW: « W)K w&- ^T: I I
"gj4 ^r wt "nra HFT ft^Teft % fti% hmh y'w>R ftrqr, ftR ?Kar
«'M.K ^Tf ?
cf^r ^ WR ftrftT dH^I--
^?: HTftRT: +WI^'?RT^ TTT^ ftT^cT: I \° I
-tfci Tn^TT %? fcR?, R^TH ci'-l ctTT ftrft*? cTR ^
STT^T^faRn sjk ara^t m? I ?RT^ ttWR % ^ VJI^H
sn^pf % ^qt Hit q?iT % ?
anft c4«i^ ^qftr JI^UIW^
ft> <«>lVMfli ^ofwit musci l^l
■g^f wi %? anft, H«q sftr SRT HFT ^t ("RT^t, "HSH arh ntssr %
TPrq) ^ f&z dHlnui'ci arpft % ftR sipft qft ahcMHi aqt qft
Wt W*T 34Ml4? % H^t qft sft ?
ftF HT^ WHsnit irm HHT ftil+dl I
ctdHWlft ft? cbMMql: | ^ |
g^f trph %? «hh "HRt wr ^ trm sfk w^f? ft^n ^ qqt h#
?ft % I gof qfljq ^nneT % ^cIH if ftn ^ qqf Iftl % I
iftf ■Jftf ^fT gft it-- I
41^-1 Rk HrRFSfTRTt 1^1
ftrr -nit q?T -qm gfq hi % ^hqm % hhhh hisetthr -qftR if 3nq%
Hcf Ht r+clHI % ?
^wftqpA W ftftnsCT-^t
•^HirTrft ^nftn^ irroH irqn^ i i

arm ^itcfrq ?K gg- -gtcfrT qr gpef^r Tt1%

% tiiMK"!^; ?T •jiicii % I
«T5FT^ ^ ^>iW MWPT 1^ I
sFTTf-ET W>hK -jfrnrPT q-eq^tsf^rrs^ I ^ I
3TPl^i ^tT "^R ^iT ^hll-O W^tiK <*><.-1 ^R s(6 3TfsjqF> <t4l 'gt
^mn % ?
TrfrrMfrr^ WTW RfhrRr
M^r t vn mW: i ^ i
3RT=^ 3TT^m ^ sRhpq -ng aftr cto s^m t ct«irfR f<=r %;
■RRPT SPR^R RRT Tff ■ftcH ?
^fPT ftROT WRT: +Pd4t>3H «f^dl
f^Rnft m wsifniT ^ ^rar i ^ i
^■4 ctTl Pf<ul t^PcT% 4l<n"l cTRi ^ici\ % ?"IT? 3^T «FT Ptxi^
■^t W ^fTcfl % ? (% % C^3<I % ? )
^»nfT ff^nPr ^ ir?wf -nfir i
^ w "zfmrftftr ^f<f I ^ i
^cq qrqq if xr? qfd R Tpn qx soprg
qf^n qm (qftfq qft wqrf) ?>?n % ^Rt (%^ qr yiqld qrixq) if
qrfT qqi% i q? qgt q? snq^P srjtm
f-Ktq q'ito Aq*qiiy qftr ^c*i ftr^:
qq-q^ f+q-m-f «(5ii««V< -flM+H, • ^ I
wf qft qRspi qlq xmrq q#f %, sm: qmsr cnqq «ru-5d fart
(^npf^r sppm: wr^ qq qrw qrr qTspr qgf sn^nr) i w qjqwi if
snq^B aTJTTR <*$I\<J£ ^7 qftfq-prR -RFcRT % ? aftr q? %ir Wf ?
HTfrf TRTMV q^qr ^qr qnf«T t
cnnf¥ qqat ^ q qr dP-cfq i «<> i
sqq^ snssi ark STPRT qtqt % wn q^ a^k qjsrat qq qqq
a^k 3TRI -mm qR% qrqt % i qqi kq if q? Tkt xwit fq^n
ankqf ? T^qq krifq qk i
^hnmrr: qrentt: tflq^vijd ttftft:
fftqr?:: ^imim xrjq: kF^ft n?r: i vs^ i
^qratr #n va fqnw qq qrq qrtcr If i w q^K IS^qqt qq qqpr

arm? 34^ R TTfT t frreqi % ?

^efWI 'TftlMWI^ TTPRT: ?lOn1 ftftl
AHR)-- ^«iw 4?4|^ cF^ i \s^ t
«tRtT ^ ^ fn wa ^scit t - ^^-qr^laH
f^Eft *ft f^n FT TH^I ^n %?
^ft reiu+tif<^r
^ p- gnt^T iTTRtxR vtit ^PTltr: i ^ I
xfa ark 'ERT t i wfr grrPtr ^RTR ?t% trc
sfk oMcdMM) H^IMld if ^T tT^ "f^T W* ^1 % ?
f¥ *Rf^r T ^T cftJFT: I
r<wi®< nnr fhcprr Wmt snw i \sv i
°RTT fW: cTT STlfsC cft^FT sict® ^rg 'SJTI ^1% ^ ? 'fin, ^f, Hm
srfi: -fTO % WRt t^T ^ -gfit % ?
wnrf ^Tpfr; 'Tfir fin fiRt^hrr
•n^t i^i ^fir <i*m*il gfl> TRftrf <;H: I
^i mm ftrj tiftrs^r
^STfidf (^ ooo) fifj^T Wlxtt^: i ^ I
■g^ % cnfir 3?R sk^T (^T) sfk aroi) gn ^r 1^T srfi: Tra ^
% ^O f^T ^>T sr^tm fPTH ancJT % I ''R W-S hir fng f^-T, «\<
^ ^ ^ntrarf mj f^r cT«n ^ooo Hditt'i ^ ^ 1^T TRI ^
^Rn % ?
^RfirfiR: nm: ^fiHETT: IPTT: WT ^r«r^ I
^qfir *t nf Tf^r grcrr finiV T^fir f¥ frnr^ i \>^ i
MCI<4 y^K 3^< fitn^T y^R <*») % ? ^iCi HI^I *1*51
%Rn -gfin % i SIRFTO "ntcT afhc irir Trf?i, sri a^k ^cir
sntfiF arjTTR ikra TJ^K fiRsrar wrrn % (%«r ^ro)?
uMctfid ^«f fisr Ht
tVg «*il -T WTT: fifrg
^r^firrtfimr at'idlifVd+i
y(jir«' wnfifir ^rfkr ^r-. i w i
r^iPw arrf^ 5. Ikm y^fK ^% % ? (kk, nps, RT^T
arrft) yrr WTPT "hrft ?RTT % ? TJ? wr m k w
titiK ^>1 30 cm ?lfll % ? '1*0fil 5Pi mricv, , amfi^aPM y>T 3T*f JlRl

^ren -fmr % i HIPW* (^r<+ ftRNt) -

HfVd f¥
"?Tt^r tRicrtW
f&l ^HltVHdl Hftr Tftxt
K^i): Wf WP I \si I
ch^ci % 5«om 3TR STT^t % "bciti "Pit
% ? w cfrr cfrift ^Ft Pro WK 'Rt^t PHCHCII %, •^TRTPR
Rt iHel -BT^Kn % ?
9IM *jcl ^cra1% TRT
"ft«rRr mi'idH, i
^2PT "^ref fttf
swt: wt^rfir igfr- i ^ i .
HPF f^Ri RftOT % fgr?T y^FU srcftcT cT^n «TRr=m ^ft frrfar RS^
3TTf< ^i'l "wn Tf* "TT% farf^r ^n^T i PT tpft wrf
5TTR% XR ^RT -Rtt ^T RFRn I
RcTflPTTl%T ftrfPT ftut
Rcnr RWW TTR^pw

RcTRRRR iftttT ^FTtSi^T: I do I

RcT5T Ri^T R>t MICTI f^FTRiT RRfrr ^ill>ia %, Pn-i^> RTfR
R^RT % T?RT W RT ^RTRft fRtlR ^RT %, t^R% RTR % (3TRRT
R^F R) TI? Rft gf^F RR RTR (>4'MIR) FRRT RR

ftr^M ^r TRTl^r RTeT RA

UKHir-cTcfl Binft- RtfRRFi: TRTRfT: I 6\ I
TR H*K -d^lRI % fRTfiRlcl ^JcMH !?IW< "SRI 'imi
sftr if «HHdl <TRT RHTRTf Rft f^T83T% t^r "RrSRT if
R?Rt "R «RT fan ^ RT atRRTO -HHIH faiT I
ITTr ^T:

flrMU ^ohn HI*! «ll^l 'T^STPT ^WTorf^T: ti<^rfrHi: I. t I ■

WT f^T WT % 'ggf ^T) 3T^ PW4I
gfr ^ ^ Wl TEf^r «lTm ^ % lel^ ^ wt
I % ^r?r (f^T), g»T ^TPT t "5% I
Uc^r^ IHTT^r o4c|tfl^l ^ ftsron ft«RFrT: I '
SJ^wratBcr?!? fed 141 iftcf VfH HT ^1^1
(f^wrft- tpnur tflfsr WR% ¥J% % i (t) RPRT ?f«n
afk arm wt HH+ji ^RT (^) cH^HH 4>I44.K»I mh-*<
&I<| I*ioc»>4 Pi^icihi I yRWT-fW'Ty ^>T ^"J-s-i SPPTT 'T^I
WlPMct ^FTT) I
if 3W Tpaft ^fT 3RctR Cf«n 3(1^ tret ^r Mpcivnci #n
TTtcT 3TFFR iSt ^TT tRM ^PfW, TTT^ sftt STJTPT ^R7 3R tU
^fPsf: tftR pncrfTtm gw^f gWRTRrg
^trtt t$Z i
itdr Hwi+wr tn
Htudimw 4 *rf^ t^cT WRtgR: I ^ I
g«i, gar, *fnsr, ijs sftr uPr TT ^rha iro utf aft arssr %r if
g^! % i fa^j ai g^t gpr a#, a^znt g4 % i atzpt g^ aft arsar
if ^«cft % i rszr g4 ar«t g«^t % faae afk ar*!t ^ Tim % i
•siuiui % a«a if Y^ft snaR gm itart aqri^t mfar ^ trsni % i
art tfa, wa m^|i mm aft ararr ift m % I
ftrjnt ftfRtimt - Mcfduia ura ^a a^ftid: i
ar^gf^mfar: tt^ftar i ffct i v i
Y^sft at a^a, a'fNi, tna, far an "agatr at tgaatrfir ^ma % t^ra
aam a^a % gm if %TR arm aam tict % i
HHiaAa ttRj^t amRtr tWaartg
anftgffc^rt a^PHH ^PnaidH,! H i

% (2(T2ifc^'j^iu-s usq ■£[ 3TT«rK

^f: -g^, -ra^ ^ajr %, ^ arr^R
tftcT %) r«n»l hci % y^-il oFT ^tR <i +i< ^t SRFTt Hcl
•ftns ^T?<n -f I
"^f ^ifRrt oqtffcr ftrelrr
t^sFT: wn ^frF ?fimt tnwtvw^ i fRr i ^ i
3TT^m WTt^ % Rsq ^ ^ ff«K "IRSRT % I
'gRi ym mRuf) SKT tchj sfi m ^r tiiRufi
<t>6ci % I
f^^i-d I>i(lH<ifr-^ft ^rf mn-
WWM-4li^«r iRRWtSU I
3R^ ^FTT ^TfrF: t^TT^ I
<jt ^jPT: TRT? SI 'jRf: I fltf I \9 I
Y2^ tiK't) Ptitft SRI hH^ R 'pR "S^ctil RR°F> ciitA ^t,
cfhft ^r ^sn sfR '5n?rR HHIPH irtrff i ci«n 3^ K
Y5F SRlf ^TfrF ^FT ^IJR^ HHHI iPm I W ^ ^ ^ % f^IY
3TRR ^ Ft W ^ifrF Y2^ FT! RTRF RFT % # ^FT FTpT % ? Y2^
STHYftf ^ft rR? FFf % I
<t.Mr<0H(Hdi yuuu^
«'l^ «rR^^ Y1 Y^tt: I C I
srrfY STYrTRf ^ Y®^ ^ YRY fYRIT «n | FYY7T 314 % Pf YFt%
Y^% ^ Y* Ft YTTY PRY YT Y# Y2^ Y^T YFt I

Y; fYT- Y^cTT YK. Tttf +intd|-

Y^Y Yt F^ft YYJR Y2^ % Y^ atYt Fit YRY YR%% YRYT ^YR YJ?
^1% % I Frft WR YY YTTcY ^YfTY SRRTRf YY (sm YRY ) YT t^RRt
^YYY YTY YWFft snf? %' i


^YTiY fpT YTYY FcYYt^p ««« YK"iiYi I I
Y ^ % YR % «FF ^TRt Yl YT^Yp YTY SRFTT fTR ^ft% YR fYYTY
YY% % fYRRl YfY YYY FtcIT % TY YTYY ^T 3T«f *ft *<t Y^Y®^ YY
YTRY YRYT Y^t %, Y2^ % YY» sm ^t YT^Yft YTHY YRrl % I
ffcnsRr <n$or

3<<i^ui<!<<^ft i n i
-qfc cny+i anft Y«5ft % T^P «inT «TR^T % tir ^
^ *rm ^ ^ TraT %, t*p*t whimh % % % fspift «ft sm
^ w: yf 1w ^TTcn % i Ttft WR Y®^t % faRft 133?
*Tm ^r 3^R ^ 3t cr^ 3RI wit ^ W ^rrm % 1
■jfaT wiwi ufir WPH+K HI+KMIUI (ifsrt) ttrtfj ^ 1
SF^JT ^«TrRT Jpq SRT ^FSf I ^ |
35tt «fr it®i yWt cbt WTTY (aararfc^^yct,! ester sm) % I
3Tct: Y®5ft wfr "^ifrB % BT "553 anpft clW 3n^f% ^Ccft % I Y®^
TR fY*^ % ^ armR fY?T *nm % sm: afk <p?t 3ft «ncn
% l 3ii<*>i!fi 3^1 I«n'tA Hisrii 33 •dk ! -iff % I
•nsr •ftRa^r-Y^T^^ft t^?fW %3er grfWwr 3ft
3t<rY<M'H<MIHf r«tMKI^ Tct^it I ^ I
Y®sft 3!T fW^TR V oBtft "%3R % I 3Tcq TF33 % TTRPT ^ 3^ 33^
TPSTT 3f^ T3% 3ft ^t TTR^t ft 3333 3t? 33 ft3R ctrn^ ft ^rFRTT I
-invcw 3 ^ f«n 33t fidiP< Y5^ i
Pw<iij>m^.ci l\ii^Mi«di i tv i ffir i

333 ^3 fte snfe 3{t YT ^ ^ ^ 3n^,:i

33% % (^t% 3c«R % p^t ^t %33T, amftT «R 3Pft ft 3R3 3% 3ft3t
33 33T%3 31 3i^m 3% 3^ anff 313% t 1 313: T3%t 3ft Y®^ 3%
3Jc33T ftt ftRft3» 3ft % 3%T 3333% % I (3^3 3313)
33T %t, 33-31 YTft tlP%>d1
3133367 3ft Sftfttf 1^3 ^JcT^T ftrft: 1^1
fW^ (%?) ft 3% 3^331, 133 (3Tft 31 33% ft) 331% nftp
3% <*>CM-ii 31 33737 3% f?37 3>T ^73 f%3 I < 3737 331 % I 3*3t
33>K Y®ft 3% ^eicii ftt tc%«^a ft YP^t % I (T3ft f3iftt 3% «•%? 3ft
MM^IR yniftfir 3ef mftptf i
«3R Y^T 33Tft3t Wl^fte 37^ 373733= I ^ I
YF3n fte ft 30^3' 3TTf% 3% 337 ftt T3t 3337 37177133 %, T3 37=337
ft Y3T, «373 3TTt% 733 f73T % 337 3^7 3% ftt 37177 ftcft % I
sfTtcfftsrfcT c|UJhh

+ cfWl: Wt«IHIc«cfdir<!}IH, I
M!!^r-d cjTflH<^dl I jf* I ^VS I
jjcm *i Mj,04* STT^R STcT-vT ej1<;I WA % ^iTVT
<t>1 clt" Midi % 31^ Y**^ ^ 'Jtci Sil^hK
^ ^?Pcn i am: y®^ ^*I«»>K % i
ftTSTRT TVldmift - Tfc w ^fTt^T yP-Wl *TWV %nuf\d<urt:ftr%
<5MR^ mftsPT -qft T«ft ftsrfT^lt I \c I
M'Nd) y®^ «nm ^ fRTT (aMcid y^t^r) % cfr testr %
"ft f^n ^ trap; mrai <I^MI I ^ ^n % trt ^TR ^ n ^BRH
cll'l ^ HI tH (R) <^4 Mm % I <S *4! M®bl< 3Tm ten-rf ^ *ft <j4
fmr <1iMcii % ?
mP; Pi*11 ^n*-' ^rm»T ^ci: o^-flt'i: inr^TtRf
xampn^ ^ ^HT «TPT % 1 v<, 1
Mp; =t)-1M) P'lR Tlf^ m M)KUI %, 'dT TTcT R M-4i T^t cfitMCll,
a<Mi <^4 %> ^HK"! "MMiMcti 4) <.=101 I "^if^ r«4) -dTK ^ 'dt
3^R ^ ft "FRT ^4 m 3^? fmi, ^tScPT ^4t fmi % ?
y^itd: WICMR^-- y®^ ^ tYmf crfhtR;
^ fRY¥ mrPT ^TT ^T «TFT UPd^lrMd: ¥1 I ^o |
Y^r ^oo ^1 ami mmr "ft ftorar % i y®^ ^ gem ^f
H^'szf <ngrl sjlti <*>KuI 'tld Y5^ m sft? 4t <Mga sylci 3t?I
^3 WT % I 3m: "•TY^T ^t "Ttm Y5^ *ft WHdcd ftmcft % I
Y^Pdi %f^" fY^r crtwr PFY
^OT?I% RcMiqid'MrMI Tft^: Um«IIH, I I
^ 3mc ft t^R (3m <r^m Rmr m) mi f-mum i fmf
mi 3m: ^rffrt tf?n "4 ftmr arm ft ffmrff i sr^m arm mi frmr
^fr^Y ftf m ^5,0 mr ftmr arm si^qm f ffrnmrf m Y^ft mt
qRniui frm 1
PTT^T fmcp Rtftr ftewft 'iM-i mPTRt;
(TERR ftr?r tTYf "PIT Y^HHWId,^! r+d^rbR 1 fftc 1 1
f^Y^" "f siqRft mrft Y^ft trftfsr % «ini ^ft ^ft m f?«m % 1
srm: mt ^ R ijnn mrf m ft Y^ft mt ^Rff mi mR"iim srmf %
Y®ft ^ft litciichR sfh: Tftff % mft f wf srftim WE sftr mn mm
trmcn % ? (mgwi tftth)

^ iFTmr "TPT iTTiPTfirf ^TT

cifllicM ^TFT Pdcif^iT rfT ITT ^Hwi T3 I I
Y^Eft ^ TTlcT TTRcTcT Itcft TTt ^ t^T ^ 3T^RT if .
ftaRT irq «HH "TftT *ft STr^TtT ■CRT Rwiql \ if PH+d
-nfjr im- % TRPT %^r -ft ^I^MI I •
anrnhr K^WTI ^'fPi TTfOT *ii<i4f: TTT
ttt^T tp* ?ri% TT?!TT ^WT OTT^^RT ^ "mgnp I I
T !
rW)-tj •fq % wmm m<P if srf^ T® TT^r if ^4 °fit 'iRi srtt -i§lf
■ffcn I ^EUTlf, ^TT, ^5f ark ^if^r if «ft "g^f ^ft TTfcT ^ft ^ if wf
^cRT ^ft "flftT ^ft cRW TTHPT "gtcft % I (Hrft^RT TTTT HFI% % fcT% % I
TTRt ftns fan ftT g^Tt «Hc1c1 4l<r)l+l< % I •

^ttW TfRTFT THIfcK^t «cf*HI<r-d+ cff^T: WRf; I ^ I

Trgs % ■qcq TT ^ft CR^TJ sncn fsn g^rft ^rnf cie TR:
fERprnrt %ctt I i «tk "if ^pr (h-^ch) ^ft ^n *tFf cT«n TRrir srt
if to ^twrt <1«dl % I
^rfRT %c«pT MHcJlR ir«t f^'TRT 4tRT^ o^dVlPfHW!<
^ TTt TR;TIRT ^ TTTOTR ^rf dlWl^^rR% "fe^SffT I ^ I
H«n 'ilcii<ti< -leK 4i 4 "TT <HHdei mi-Pi if th mmik ^Pk o^qqi-i
-T?t eld I I STqfc^ M6cl STTTTTT, cRT *i|i| ddi uigl-q T^t dltddl I
q-s, iiij"i %• TOTT 4t TR-ft yqiK UT?T if ■q-Sv dil aqi-l q icPI dPl
WTT ^tII+K <t«dl % I ^t TR 1wRT if ^WFR t5FTT /SR
3t4 % Pti ^nqii "HtcT <Miqii< % I
7 -prra ^iitK qrf wtsept^ ^hfrnw: "^rrat:
'ild^MMlPd »T *TT^; "5^T "RlcTT fflrFT: "Pi: I ^ I
YTOt 'itefldiK TO^t "T^f ^t% TR Tgf trfgrr % TPff TarPTf "TT
^4 dil •3<;H 3TTf^ ^qi HMH gldl, (qnil TRTT diI 3RR sli diI SRf %
1^r TO^t Jndl«»K %) I "5RC ^T «ft ^fS SFT ^tII+H 41 iddI % I pH«d>7
3T4 % t^i 'liciiqiK % I *ii*q sfti >5Pa %> TORTT "Ti yiqt-i STTTOTt % <^4
^Sfra 3Tlf4 TOft ^t 'llcrfldili °F?T % (3RT: 4t 'llcildiK % ) I
ci<-rm4>sftr «nt ^t ^fT -mr ^ wr ^ i
M<I<[ qm-^ TPTcTT q<y «!tci MBid -T Witt i-d: I ^ I
M«P1 ^TsJ cll'l 3RRT *ft qigci %, "T? «ncT STTTTT -T^t % I y««Pt
M/iteinwRr opf^

■rfm % ^rniir frai m f??rr ^rr% m iiK-'snt ^wre

emHT I tra^ ^piK ^ «ft i«+l SRt '?tTIT \
■g^riNt TTR WFtPrft 'TT I
VFfcq tnn^ ^r^Ri ¥r ^ ^ HM^RU i ^ i
■qjsf % ^sm ^ ^«n HSJR % -aw ^ ftstfci yi^ln srmmf %
^ %- ^r? ^ cRy? % ^3% m ^n % i 5«itRT
ffs "ft ^ I
f¥ ^T ^5^1 T^ T^pr R «-<f>fd fclJfcJ^M: |

«fl<^6U| ^ ^t, w? ^nilf^r wer m4>u%i)

pcf^ci^M r<«Ri an nan
ar^fnnp wnf 'fnrnf nt
igl^t vz mp +dPdcy^rd)cT t^TErWt, i i
nan -n^n nw? nrr nnspt -nnr fnm -toman an-nn nto
N<di<+>K ng- nnrtt % fim % i n? ^ mff % i
d<tH<Miy nfirat m ^nw 'ftnsj:
1 gwRt ftftr nrar ftns^ ftrarRr ^c- Wr: nn i n i
rnn: ^nwt ^r t^rn nznf, nofn rngs, -g^ affft nam snfn nn rn^fn
%-3iT^ FnRt mtf Hdci<M nFf % i nftm -ftns na^Y mareY
amm % i
ftr®RT ftntn^-g: ^ nnftfir Tjm^anp
mm ^ crrftr ^r nfrwr ip i ^ i
t am ! $F?rtt ^Rs mtdd 3 ann % i w ^r tomr nt to
snmm %nft -mft -mg nrtt nant m sit ^rrcft % i tor MY torn
nmR nrm nt to na^Y <h'imk nY% nfY nrm 1*k t#Y % ?
to ^(Mdcf %7jtnf Irpn -qt ^an ^Tir: I
nto^m tocftonff ^'ifw ntomg; i ^Rr i yt r
fn gg- ncm nfY yfntor nqm, ga} sfh ^ mR*hi nnccr fn ^Y?3%
%, fto MY -M mi% nY to snrnrm M nt -qM, ^erc afk nam nusd
% i Tn% hhhi ^Y to gn P°4tr^ei -gcn^Yn \ (^^ui tptth) t
*fidichrd- vrzt ito fin ,
^ nra ndYsnrr i ^ i
"ftnsRT -zM

•dTK. 3TT^T?I y,"* HKI msctH %> an^H ^1 %, a ^ H

^rf% t I TH "TrPT %> -g^ ^ cTm Tjs® ^f TfTfT '0fZT ^3»
clKT % I
roi?iH Tnrq% TTT RIB^-^ m I
^T=at dl^WKl: ^ Jtft ftSRlT: I ^ I
1Ww ark w ciki % ^mn fan nn^ (^uld^ri) nr n?
nm r«<<iiw» \% am m fwt t i w "g^ sfk ^
nfnrqt *f np % nm I i
fk^irareftew nrr IR^S^ nfi i
dl^+l W^WPTTfWn^^nhRTT gHTTf I ^\s I
n? nro fW^mm nssnr ^ arer ^r % nnm nfaR
fsafcrsr ^r cmcn % i 3t4 nfW n? oki ^ % -fh^ amffsf^tnkR
^ ^rnnt % r
w^iri^: nr^r fkslcr m m- i
ftsnf i i
n^k 37= -qnfen % nnn 3^5 nra 3# f^rRi^r emrn % 1 Tn%
vw %%-gTfi^F#tinn«ft%«fTf (n'tenn) fn fnt n5t
wt ?
arkr 3;«nn^nf^ tsf^r ntTReRcrr diuladdi ^
P& nrm yf^sn nf»^r n^ PKMI^UI 1 1
-g^ % a^ f*wk aignn ftart a^r -rrflRftcT
% nt fn am w^t ^KT yf^-s<i it an^r -sjn ntm fn) 1
anr-- am^ft n%^tn no apt Isshi^^ *i^l mcr g^rt 1
Ft tPteti nr^if 1
STlkW Tftt r«IHW f¥ 3cf % PclM^ld, I Vo 1
wr ^ n*ft Ft ?«^t ^Pt nfit ■#! ^tact % anr: 3^ aft fw
' ycnaf wfrn % 1 Fft ^atR g^ aft nfn «ft ncnsd 11 ant: g4 aft fw
afrt 3^ aft nfttaftet rr% aa ant aaat'i % ?
actdtuft nt am: nanftr ftarf mkt
d^w^a^P^ star ar tkaft aaRf 33=
artanftr fwt nnatr: aatat^at
uasfaPd nar fisrRr nar Fftasrifta ^1 vt 1
^qfrheTlWcT CMHH,

«TRI WEcft ^41 •ii«t %3T oTtxF 3:PT-ft -lici ft<R HI-1
cpl HcOd^ % ftm f^TttcT "f^n ^ "STcTrn fSTT |, TT«n
a<'+i "Jpft -cfl^i *ft ciih« '?TST 3TT% % (mi-T!
^r ftarr ^T) ^ ^ -qi ^PTt flF^TFr yspR cOldcfl % (
qft Tjftr % qnrar fw snftr fg; %, qan
tR qt dDMi. q>t C1<H1 =1 Wl, WPRT 31TTT*T cilMtl 3llcfl
%) i 'pr CT^J ?[RI -qfe qssqt qrt 'iRi^nei -qm "fpq %-
cRT xnrfcRT f^rr
Riir^ qft qffe q»T ftreR ^trr i
Ucl^o ^pnRfcTif iW cilwci I
TO STTOTT if, -qfe ^qT ^ tTOT if q^TTt ^t, qqi ^ wf^p
cbM< *^^|H q>t MclI ohi qiq <*>< tjl*ii <*>\ qf qw Hrll^l qqr HC.I
qwr fH^ii if 3-i•■i') ? Y*^! wt qqq n^i M^f % qfsrq qff (Rv mscii
^sn <iydi % ? (3Tq% ST^T q^ ^ TOH ^ wro, wq qff
qfq qflm qff cRqi ¥Pft qrff%) i
qft- qq^F^wnf; stwRf qfaqr w u?:
TRT ^qcrrff ^S'lrd^qr^ iftt ^
ji q^ftr ^rovqw qqi;
wus TRfrsft uRr i y^ t
wtfqq Rci ^ qq^ qrj q? qf q^q ITOT if tqq if
q=P qq ^Hidi % i to q^ qRr I^TOI qw % iqr fTR w ^ ^
ckhi (q^rat qff c^ci-ii if) fsro qwr m<nri % i "srr qrr qrR % fq; qsc^t
q> ^q "srt irq srk q^ft snf? q^ qft "TOP to^ qqrre qq? qT3 TOT q^rq
srifq qfro 1qqn if q^qrir qi% qr qf q? srqff qifrp % 3i^k q^
TOP qfcT qRTt % I
^luiRf^M Rrttt
ftsRRr TOirr^t^
q ^ qqmt Pspqif wqrq errqr
qf«f gejfrl^oini ^pqf^ I YY I
qrqfq srrqrqf q«n STTH (%q qrqt) gwf % qs^f
q^t ftaR qr?T % i q? r/1+u q^t qR% to qpq (qpr) wf if
q^1% %Rr -ftqt ? *

upciw ^t^PRtSsfloR^»)e«i\
^fef«f ^TTRT ^ i[^i( trateftr ^TT«f *$\ i v\ i
Tra 'iRi^flci chK"! TTfTR cm -iIH JI^% — y.tHi STPT "^T^CT^f
% 3FffTR ^ TTap^ % | XR^C|^ ^Rt °^Koq| % ^^nTcf STerfc^W^,
'Hc'f 3^7 HICIICI XR)R % yc-iM if TT^I Wt hicii % I
3T«f if Y^t (^m ^n, sr^iFft) ^P?T ^nrn % i
^fte^rsnrsf: tj^t tot fteftfir t¥ ^xt^Pd ^cqtf i
wtoctt w^n^m ^TT inftftm- •^•. i vs, i
^ arm t*FT ST?} ^TCT t (smf^ ■nf^i Tftcr %
^mci "TRct t) (it +rd t-Y®^t cpr hth ft«ra aik amen ^qt fan ?
arftrftrfi rnmr ^nm (fm?; afhc nRmter) n^ft ^fit «R ^3% %> <+«KuI
HTH ^RT fct^inf % 7(31 % I
^i<«; h cfT ? TR eti-qiet ^ ^31-^ qR
tRT (W fWftgTW W mirtlMI WHIVH ^(t MRRt I V\9 I
arm MMIddl % 35KOT nf? %^el 3TTK ^FT W^T nff ^3%
n«n ar^HR (n^) nmw nt nrgrt % (it ^f arjTFT 'SRI «ft *nmR nn 35t
Iw-S. 3^% qft Tcdn P-l cm el a l ^ I
w«f ^K4t«di MRqiPd M-dd^ i
wsFeERT W^T nr tmr n«m*R: w imtftRr ^ IRT i vc i
^4 'ski aiic^l^d st arris tt? t^rtr ycM< 3m4 ar^i nr ^h4 %>
ktk kik StR ark sfaKT sirikr aRR k anrrit awft k arsrit Kfs
k ^rkt t i kts> akt yssr s'kt 4t ank ar^r sr %r kts arqat
qrsar k ^rrit % - nls ^KT fwr KS %-
K FTTS, 'ii(l: nRb'jtiaRaci**! «13>4 fk^riTS^TTf^klks,
%^rkr ct»W"4 tw ssrar ^imiiR»4 qk^nrtr i i
skptIs st fqr qiftp kt kfi srt ^t 1kRft kt iris strit %
ark ^ikR k sstr sk %-ari+4«r "nku kar sit skf ski ari<+.4|j| kItF
(fk^nr) kac k qft ci<.>+,-
qrpipTfeq tr^qsrar ^r "p^r ei'iHi^R^H, I
ddlMd^"nkR? Plu^^UddrR^HtHI kRetlfk I «v> I
st kk sstr kt qrfs; ^skt k kt kkt Kifsk sklk m<hiuj, sifes
k> ct>Kui sKskasrfrr qsnr ■gkt kkt 11k>*3 ^^kt kt Ikkq TIITB tksrkt
sk kit i skt sstr q«kt m q# Ikkt alk crrg; ss arqk arn R vm
^r^rci cfof^

•sft ^rwt <0<p(dl I

SPTjtsmFTT ^ ifleT OTthl^T
TRfWf TTtH: TRdcfMH: I ^ i
% ^jtR ^Is^r tR m Mt Rpfft ar^i Tiftf;
■gRT 3TS3 TR •gTRTT % I m ^rft 3?R "fTR tKldcrl RC
ifteT ^5 (^^T) gs^I VK tR -g^ -gricn fan <UddI % I
¥ ^rtw fsgn^r -^nn^ tnrar ^rir
■?IRF W WFT CT^ q- fnrffir i ^ i
ftRft TTlcT g-fg xRTl -aft TOft % ^PR ^R ?T«I % ^cT
R? RWt "ff 3RRT WRfR Resft Wf sft ^n% m R«jt ^T %PS 341+^"1
^Rcn % i %ercT ^r 91^4) -sra sn^ ark f^fssrn arrarm
arpn ti pfrn % i am ar^r XR ^rrt XR ^ aii+fiui aik
fR^nor %P5; ^r arm -rgf dlwtii % i
^«r wi-s^R^iRb ^TR R U nftwiftr
1onid<iwi R wir+><i "nfcRRr^cT i ^ i
■pft y^K "Tf^ R'sft %> tR ■gxf m fR^rcj 3^ 3<Ic^cfui ^iltb Op
oKRnt RScft RPI % nt nasfr Rft Rf?f ^pf ?ttft I
%> V$> xT8Sf ^T «+!?[ aftR ^RR cRR5 aptRFR mT XfcH I
arrafr df<rMic«r ^ rptrtt BRIPF ^
mT^RnfY tRiH^iBi: "RT md^r R?: S^-I
RSE^t ^ % ^"tff cTRP ^R RRTR RR% % fafTT
XR 1m ifPTT R1T TTl?f xf^l FRft cTSR af^f oHj ^Rft' RFI 1m Rlt gldl I
wviPd wit TRR %t^f Rf nnflf R?F ttfWxrtNf i ss I
TPTERTCTCT XR 'Jlc-T fHu-s RW Ril cR5 'ReJ% %> Rf<
rse^I Rft -m Rpft xRirq -ft a«dO m TT grfbm wlcft % i mr %
w^rf RiRfipf ft- ?nm tcrr RT^ ^ B^IR;
Wr^RtT WHHui ft^SV WTftr^ (^ooo) RfftlRft^R^PRr- I I
RR> ftR "*1 appft mRFr RRPT Rxft RRT "R^P «ii<;
Y*T R? y^l ff %> RRT% FtRT I ftpf R*<fl °F>I MRIR ^Rooo
xR fRft Mfl ^ *

?rtsr u.oo ooo) g?t^T w?n ^»«r ^ ^rar

HI «TPTT: W[^ tf URft ^Fsf sFlf^T TliiWtr: FTT^ I ^ I
«+dl %, ^r? qftfq % fcPTT ^qKT -fmr ? ^pq; ^ -f^n 31X1%
3TS51 XR iTf% (ci^q qrl «n.mci ■% %, 1%R MWI q% "Ttcf »iPti ^TT q<lc1d
^rnft % ?
t^TRt TTPt "O^f: ft
TjorfftT^Tt -m-. ^ irr^r ^ I ^ I
^qrii-i =»^ui ■% ^ oqfrp qft 1%?n % "qftr et'fl (q>?t
*n$) !
fs cimi?cf xim v*<rRter
<jmiHi q w "jfxfi r*f«'i1 xnf% %^f: > ^ i
3i«rcn qsc^t q% xr^ -rrfcr (3m% ^ TR TI^) ( %^%) q%
w xtrf^xTP^ % f%R7f (yie^Ri*) q«n (^flFr srqqr
% TFTR 1*Rr fq=T gftp % I
^raf>W feftm ^T xp:
xl^xi s»>ll-ct «l»^<p«(l<y '(Rk-^I ? M«le|c^ I ^o I
3nxi%j xrt "% qs^t q% fEnqtfgep TTf% %; 3iiM"i % q^qr % q?
wmif%+ % I tpsfcz qtricll % fqnsft % STiqnW "% qit I SRT:
■q? g<rni 3tq> -T^f % i M^K qzqt q% "TRi; sPrfRr % era % %
■q? MI-I i -r^f «n Tram % i
Ri^xv qertq^-^ +01*1
anr^qf^g^E: r<^y: i ^ i
fq^q^rT ^ tRnra mi ^ERC mi qram srqq % 3m%q f^n
% 3%T 3TK sjqq ^qfn*i Rq^fii ^ eqixjxcir % I
fle+mi-xi'Icntqiqi W^. nlPtl ^FVci^n,
(KnrpR irr^i gef qfRr i i
"Hit q% qfq qff CR? qs^t q% qRT qft fqgq % SRnfq ■fteft
qt q-sq qq +oi+ f%aq sTqqrfqgiq gin, q? fiaq % i
WFrar^r f^^q ^grorPr q ter^-
^nr sFTfq qjeRqir^ i ^ i
qixqjqq % qRq qn qqr TfRq (q^R) arqq % qfasrq qR qt%

Tf ^iPxl HPf ^TFf "d^m, fdc^eT 7K T?% ^ ^iPtl

TTpf dfe ^PcfT % ? (STzrf^l^^ cTcT •£( %% -nfcT tTERft % ?)
^ TrfsETF eTT^ 5*1^1 ^"hTR ^Pr^T
^sfr ^W<[H W^W I
7^ ^3^ +ni-rt«rtct+: ^cHTT ^T-
tt? viT-d-f ^TctRT Iort w icr Tnrf PT^mi; i i
^ ^ STRTm ^ %, T«I dt 3TW?I ^ ^
^nfr=T ^ <3><s,*>l'l d, "^1 <^cl if ^r <rjotf A d 33^5T 31*1% 3T?3 VHUI
amt ittci ^fft f^n ^t ¥RTT % i RSEP ^asn *r srA srser
tr ^moI % i TR^t «>iI-o Rrnf 'R ^rf 'iRi % ?
WR OTR SRfcT giTf^ ^«nTT
Pncfen rrt mRIR onrrr wrftr '5^:
■fcf tjcrfararw RTPT sFt?r "RR^
RTR, ^ URIRH ^fRT 1 1
^R5C fct^c) TR tdcd T? RR 3RJ% ST^T XR 'gR tqHV«cl pencil
%, Rf? *ft TRt g=FR IWgRRPf tR gR *|ptt RPf XR it^f ^Rcft
% Rt R«dt % dm R«df XR gd STTfR fR?n if fdra ^8? 3fk Rcf# dt
<t>iul RfR ivici Puti y^K RR 3RR 3ici«l STcTR fRRTT ^13% % I
TR ^rTct RRPT RPR^ fRgdt
^ftgt fimfW,
ifWrmT ^7W g TRR RRA ft[RR^: I I
3RRTt RT^TT (3TR RT fRgR fR ^r RlR) % RTR RTR g«dt RfR
RTTfR gR ^ ^qffqgdt dt d, Rf RRpR gR % (^H ^R RT RcTR
% cRRT R^) %> RiRR RRpR 'iRi RR RRT 3^ RfSfft tRRJT 'if RRI %
«HM RTR 'gmT (RTR % «HH RtRT RfR R^t) RfR RR RR gR
RRiR 3I«f ?t Rt RtR % fRT ^R 3RRRT if RTRR R^f sfk
RRR 3RfR if gft % RRTR (rH RRR RR gT RR RTR if) dtZT 3^ ilR,
gen % snlR if Irrjrrt rrtr dfet dwR RTf?% i (xr Ttm ndf
RdT) I
f^grteRTR T^c«f f^Rpr gR: Rfdf^ RRTT
fAsflMlR dfe«f
cher Tsrft *

Wt ^ ^71 RPf (tRR^cT) 3TrT^T TOel % ^TR^T

^ +d+ 4t ciir«4f T^pr Ft wr <l<.mi wf^r i
^ RT H?t ?Tcn, ^ +d+ fq=^ f%FT aTRJR (t^n) ^ R«<ft % ^tOcH
% (3TcI: TRSRJR %? R5T % TZcft ^T ^RPT R#f BtcTT)
^TTT +gWIHI ^«nfT
artcrr ^Trftt^RniT ^ cnmgrnft i ^ i
^ S^KI % t^F "^4 'SRI srr^E w. Rt Y^t "nfci
*^4 ^t Iq^ril 4 R FNR 9hlpt1 ^ITT if Rffe SRlf S>t T50I % *KUI %, St
"f^'n 1^> <s41 wPE ^Rif ^>t T^r ^ fwc 1% sci-qci ^rst
Bt I
iftl ^ftT dr<^l UIMIU^I ^RRlt H^l^l^:
3tl+4u| ^ iTRt: "PTT^f^ qrftd- ^ WRIT 1^1
^ ^fl Wt% % ^FROT "^4 ^I 3II<+.4U| % (^RT St) St ^Tf RZ^t
Rt SRt *l^T StRI I (3<|ct)4 l ^ifrF 4>cici oTt^ ^ ^ SWt ?

STRTfot +KU|»tc| ffRTf SIT St ^TT R cRf: I too |

ftzR alii dt? 4t IM"® dt dt-qm % I 5«'H R? RK, %
r4> 3TIR>4 I sfllrtJ RIIRTROT (M"® RH R^I FtRT *1^1, SRT^t SIRRt TRTRllRRI
(%tTf4RI) SlfrF % I *
Rftr ^ sfw TnrRr ^^T^T «raT-
^ gsC "^f TRR RTRvRcT Tf^T I
Wd-Rc4 RT RRRrRT R TO«frT RelRt-
TfTT: Wdf+Wu^d R'lctnt^l RcPRft I to^ I
STRT «H$lA RT *ft RfS 1»WRI R>5RT % jRI R#t RTg dt dtR
RR>cft % RT wtcPl R^ R% ®Ft R^t Rt M<.l RtR % tFF R? 'WcFR Rtg ^
Pen4 R? RTR TRRR % I 1RR SoR (dtZT RT RST) ^ RcT RFf
% RR%I fd% Rf ^tR> R^t % I Rc^lRI RTJ ^ 3TTR4% RR% RTeft TlfrB
^ST R^ RTIRtti W
RRT R^rRSf: R%W SIRcRmp "
Hldl+t dt^HIRS-irolRit RTT? RR: 1 to< I
RR»R RTcUR ^ ftRR wli "^R <j«® dt RlfRRI R>t ^ RIRR
MRshHi ^>Tcft %, <4 tH y=tiK ^src(< 'afft 5^1 ^ SJ)<^
MR'sphi R4VIM "g^ xtft % "tn«T RPJCR %? dl+lM+u % fer%
WI % I
err Rfstct^ Wr trptf WFTT:
?Tfr ^ ftsnt ncrRr ^ftslfer i^rrar:
^qftrgxRr mw*
■g^Nt mRtr w RP^; wt; ^TRT '(nf^r i i
ark 3pq tji 3ri% 378^ XR % ) ^ET ^rm % TTt«T %
R«k Tg% if sptt Rfttor % ? ^emr % sfk ^Rr wf ^ddi ^
^RrTrf -isl %- l^ref^t ^«i ^■hi^ % 5 wi <*Rmi i ^ft "trgr^nrr
wf itRt ^T3 qr Riqje % qjt (3Tq% 3T^r m) -nRr qqf
qRr ?
mPer HSMH^iuii mraRr wf ^Rroft^Rr
^ g ^r qiRr?- r<<<«+di ■jfrrfRf
■^FSsT^hrf IT TJcT T^TRT AHflqi ^rrf^rr cfqr
H^f^ii qjtsRr Traf w"m mdtr^ir WTRT: I vav I
3ft m? dMu^l 3q aroi 3T?r m qq^r ^mr qft
armq qq % 3t ^RT % RF q«^t arrfq TT?t 3>T g^f % tn^ 3t
«H-*T % (if g^f 33 "35RT cTTTcT %) 3?t «W|-*I 3^ 3nf3 ^MU^I 33
q«3t STTR nit % 313 % (333? *fr wf qgFR iret 33 3^ cT3T% t I
3q( anRr 333? g^t ir 33331 sfR 313 3?^t 33^1 % 1 (^rm 3? 3R% %)
3C qRt 33 ^ qH-qr 3# % 1 (sm: 333313flR 313 % feRr 3? 333?
"TT3R %, 313% 3131 31 W*m %? RRl 33t 1T3T3 3^f % ?)
RpsqTFTT f^T? 3T53 iRl 3f%3^3: ^5 gf: 13%?
WRq: 3?3T (^o) iqft Pircfftm 13 T^r (^H) '5rM: 3^3^
qfRP 3RWt3T3; <fgi$R3 («) 8Hlt343: 3r3 (^)
1313 3%Rr 3ft3 13f%? 33 33: ^ 33: 13313: I 3S I
qs^t g^f ■% 3£3 ®t3T 3tR t%3m 133R Sp 303 if 1313 (3T33T)
wi 331 ^ I33 % gj4 qq 3?) 333 gn qrdt % 1 gwiRr ifq ir
3flT gc 15% % q>K3 13 3% % 1 333 33 3351 % 31 g«^t it 31[cT 331
5t% 31 «ft 3333 313% 313 31 (1313) 333 1H (g«sft %? 33% %
%t 313) % ^t Ml 5) 3151 % I 511% CT35T % Rp 53 33<^| 3%f 1333
3?) 5151, 53% 33313 3% T5®! ^t 3313 % I
UTPTT VMshift <T% ^ft: IRt ?f*n
sratf^r trz (^s) ^«f "wr«4H i \s^i
(^^Wpd 3^c ^szft % 3T8? wn TPTT %r aqj^TR) sf^l WT 1%
IT? oRT TSTTT %(HUI TT? % %5f gldl % I ?Tt TfW ^T 3T^f WI
■Rrrf ^ ^rf ?tcn % r^m+i ^Mftt % ^r % i Trrq
<j?wrcl %T TTTT % ^T ?t=rT wrfw% STT I
ftrsRr ■qfer TrtW^n
^r: % +r<JHc«l M^mPh
^ rsm icnmRn
■^nrt ftrf^r ^r ^5 trpt: I ?f<r 1 vsvs 1
pSTTT gWR Tfg- sfk 3nn ^RT "yr ^sq %,
^TcT ^ft (Kcicll, ^«R +P1HC1I, ^RI 'irdVOcrl #n % TTTt TOR
y*-cil «+!! tciiMllci'f '^"l 3T^cT (fl-ll % I "lit SRRT SRTT y«t»K tO
?T1tR %, Jtl+I WHIVH % I
W ^mr nRlMaH H^NP^kiet^ <KdlH,
rVq^PHei "wn^fiTf crmft^TT fRnf cree^ ^ar.- arroRj: 1 \9C 1
trpft ^f srr^t fft sra RT ^ ^nrft % RT RTO RTT RRT
13TT H?IMld ddTMl % I TRt TOR WR (3TRRT?T) if t5t^ 3TOR
ft«R % RT R% 3TORxRR SRfe RftT ?ftcT % +41 PR RT? WMId %
% I
P+>R<id: THJcfr ^T ir?TWf tRTT ^ I
ygRlP; ^cTRhSHTftR^r ^HHd: IT ^ » \S^ I
3TIR% RcT ^ "JIFf % RTO 3TRwr RR +RT "RRR % RT ^Tf PhRk
STR Vjf! RR t ?
Rznft Pi'{cl+. R^f% RT RRTPT RT 1
++>4Hll<. r<H'ini: ftTST •^flRR'RT W I I
SRRRR RR 3>S9 *ft *41 R Rt, 3im4> RR % ><*1 RR^T RR "Rf R1R %
RR% 3TJRR fRRft RR Rff ^fRRT Rflr RTO fRq RTR) RRT ift
*>*HM,IuI % 3T^RR %fRR> 'ltd (RR RR R>cR RR®T RJ^R RTRR f^R) <<*»
RRTR % I (3TR: RRRt if RJff 3IRR R^f RfRT )
R4WRT R>«TRt %Ri ^ ^4M"4sr(H,
RRRHRIT 5^4 «Rf^) iJRt ^Rfip I C\ I
■qrfteTlWcT cM-fH,

■qft "Fnrt Tr?t ^rsfn ip 3 •q^f mu«^ % eft ^ ^

qjiZ <^4 (^) ^tr, ^1* cT^Tf ( ^) M'ld "5^ rJlPl ^>T eFT^I:
^eq^T Tftwr w: ifrs^ftlcr ^ MfW;
d<mftf^l^-. tcft^dv ftnl- ?ftw q^r-- i ct i
(^) tTR cT«n (^) Tfhfrar ^nr i ST^SJT ^ xirqqf ^
■?fr5T 3tk %
^ ITFFR ■mtcRTf rd^diqi ^ I
^TT 'frT ftsftT ffrft ^ •dd.lPd't) "WTt: I 61 I
THTt tlt«hl< <*>< Hg XR tMK <^4 ~5T5f t^i-q| in 41-1 <in?i
gr cit % Ph+cI f?«ig Cq^f % gw % gra^r % *im )
*frg trnhnfr ^r: wfVq^ sFgnp
.+di(^ (^-H^) Tf^sr grg^: c^-sv) | 6V |
ggcT sftr gpp % ^vfrns xtpt iipuMi'id *rR if g^rqi: g«n
"^cii g>t 3i-xi< % I
ft«nnit ^nr «rrim (q w) WranA: (^ 5^)
^Tq% WWmp« 6\ 1
g=r: gg gHt g<*>i4 (g^gt gft ggp gg gjqn gpr) if Tg% xr g^ggr:
(wr) gsrr p^gr) gjgn gq srr ^torm % 1 gift gg>R spg
"ngt gg gt irg tOd'ii 1
(Rg»ar ftWFr ir«Tftg; gEggftinrr
gqft ^fg; qef^<gw^|^ ggnr: 1^1
aig; -^z 'q^ i«r, -qgr gg g«zR g«n ftngr qg, grftr gg gftstsr
Vft gpg gg ngrm | q4 gft irMt Tjgf gg grsar %v5 gft citg gegg^g*
ftgl ggft % Tggg gg gg % I
gggurrcftgenpganfft ^ftrsggfft ft ggq;i
grRTftpNft gr^ g><irgip gi 1 #» 1
gggggcftg ^TTg (g^gT cTTcT g^f gT tfgft % gig Tggg ggf g^T fftl
g?T gg gg mmi ggT fgi gftgl op ggrg xpgT Zgl) %> ggPT gg fgfg %
^ gfgr % 1 srg: ggt gg ^tgr %-gg gg qfxP ■gg? aftr gg
g^t gtnr 1 srg; gg gg ft g^f grggx 1
g^ggrgf gfft^g; %grFgt geggftftr:
Wlcpi4^ g^g gmp ^ ftr«: gr^grrfcTgft 1 1
ru-SJ-d ^

■qtzpr TfW TTHt n^l ^T ^SEH ^>-S TTPr% % VTE TT? TTsf tPT"! 1
% I 1
t^^i4> -prt^r %^T ftrarrai^r m^nr:
Pi<j|*)a ^RIT^¥ Sl-^d^ Vlf-fl ARl ^T: I C% I
3TcI: Tf^T IT? ^Sfn % ^ HFf %, ^pfTFT ^30 ■% TT? 3
•^53 ^ srraif^T 3ft % sfk cr? 313% 3^% %3cn 3TT^ :
6i<=r>< %? ti*ii-i '^"3 ^3% % I 'Tft •mil "^fxR "Jrj; cticii % I
^vFTt ^ txrl l^ 3^0?? '1
HiTia^cticM 33^31^: wn^ i ^o 11
^grpS Tf% 3^ '?pP 33 M-c.'+ici 3T?3-tT ^3 % cTSTT H'lct % M<la |
atk H-<1^ ■% 337 313IT ft% 33731 333%: 33 "3 *ft 3f 3T3t ^3>, •
ft 33)% % I
ksR3T WTcitS33^fm 3^ STP3 33T fknTT
STRFg' 3r^T: ^Rf IRIR^ ^3133: 33^3 3^3 ^HT: I I
t33g3<|=t)l^| k33l3r^3%? ^■I.ldd •% 3T3% 3TS3 ( 37Mc1 37 c1M»>3) i
37 "^11 ^3 'Tt 333^3 %?> 3373 '^3 37rf3 3f 33p3 ^tT k ft 3f3
33 713)% % I 3333 ftRPTfcT 33f3T k ft3T )
33Pf3T 33ff TF^nrr. 53T fk^: «HI+K 35 TRTTtcT I
3fT fTfRT 3fk ftrS[3T t^IT 3311 %3T ttcT 31-331 33^11 ^ I
-i *A "SJTT 3|iaifio 'gt3R 3)^1 % 33T y**cpi %f) 3713)^*3
33? 3WI % I 3f3 %,7n % ft 33? *tt 3«^t 3% 37f 373% 3T«7 37 ^3%
3% ffTTT 31% 3% 31^3 %, 37-3 tfTTT "% i^t "fT 7T3KTT I

3 313 HW<v 3TWV 3^ 3^1 tk7flft?3<RTT 3fTT ^33^ I I

3^7 ^tt, -q^f %) 3713^3 % 3373 Y ^ 3% 3lf 33f%T k ft% 71
(Y«^t 3)t 37SSI 37 3ftl *ft 37ft 371 ^ #ft) 331 t33 37 ^3 33)
^RT 37 <I7%'II (f3Ycr $3 ■&) I Y3: 3«^t 3ft oFfPf f3 371^
3-5? 3)t 73E «)|p3 fRft I 3f 3)Tp3 «}ti ■% ^t -qctn I ff 713^
3^31 33 f737 ft-TT f^FPS % I
373tW 3T3T B33T3ttiN fRjflrRTarftsifl %3t
3f% o33ir< 333357331 3t3Tl 313373 13 ^33; I I
H-<ia, Tfhfra sfk 3T3 37Tf3 %> 3373 Uf 3ft 3J37, %t% 337 337
trfarPT 3 373f7«rf3 ffift %-T3 "TttT 3% 37^ f573T% ciiet q3 3773133)
Wt % I
W cf^t f^qr ^ W tTRTt WPTt
liTho-d ^rat¥ flcfr^TOrf ^TTfiR^T^ yf^T: I I
^TT snxrpFT (^n ^y+l ar^f f^?n -qr \?qT) % i fsft qr^n
it T(? qq ?K (fq^ ^ <4><H ym ^ffT qjsjn ^ fsrfT Wi -+I<ic1l %)
-^rar % i yisirq crm fsm yqqr ir? -nf^ ^r Cg^f) qq artq^r
altT fq^q hmc! %, q?ft yqiK 'gK anq^T afk fq^q qifrF qtcTt
^qqr "TPTtT % I
qeRnt glWf ut^rt q ftrat ^npu fad^tid,
qsrr qRf TE^HRT: qfqoqr ^qi<qi: qnrqm^f^rq; i ^ i
■qt? qsqt *ft spq qgt % qqrq qpft qrq qt q«^t qr anqnr it qfq
qgr q^Rfq qm % qrnqi qgq ft (qqt qr qf^r tfqn it) qqt qcrr
qtm % ?
ftr%q H^sPq qr«r w f¥ qf^pqt ^ptr ym<q fqiq i
r^HH^ qftq W<vji udiPr ^5 fMcr 1 ^ 1
qjqr % qqrq qsqt q) -g^f %r fqq^ %, w. qz^t qq qjqr qrt crtg
fq^rq qqt qgt ■grar ? tr qr qra qt ttRt f^pq qn+t fq^t qgt % arct:
"55 qf q«qf qq TR q^r '#n tr»iq % 1
f^STcqf cRTPr xnqff gqpq TJtRlf f^qrq^j
f^ftrs^rqRRnhf tt Wf qg WVM PdctH ftjfig: I %6 I
qfq qq % arjtTR qzcft qq fq^tq cftq qjetr hhi qrq trt fqgq
atk aqqq "ftqfq it itq q qqtqr g4 fq^ftng T#t gTqr 1 qqm: wr,
"Bqqi, qrqq ark cTR arrfq q#f ftna gt qr^qt 1
arg: mrqrqq "tn^n1~rsftq% 1-RJ$RTT qgrrqi'-
qf qtcnft: gjqq qm -qryt J qifg ir?ts qq^ftqq 1 %% 1
qzqt qq qn qgf -qm^ qg tm ftrs gt qptm 1 am: q«qt qt ftsR
qnq gt ftrsRT % 1 qfqf qteft it trrqq g4 ^q gar -qqiq gt% qt qn
qt qrfq it? qgt gttn 1 qt 1r«r qrgq gtcft % i
w mftg TRt q^r t gziT ^qt trmq fsr qrw
^ q^Rrc qnr^ f^ qgrnr qr^rc mrf 1 ^00 1
^«qt qft *1 Pci qnH it qqqq HUH 1 H-SHI % 1 fqttit qg qgqgt
gt "t^t % 1 fqtt qqn f^gti qq ^ g^t qt qt q^f % 1 atftjtqR gqfi

Tm % ?R % i *ft ^rsqiT "q^f smn Tfcn %,

w -q^ ^TT ^Tt ?
^RT Ur^ycliHirH tT^I tfjcf |
ft" YTto'TT1 ^rr wrq; i i
gtSKI "Tcf % ft> q[4 % "Hl^l "Wf % «HM ^<-q1 %, ^>qci '^)
Sf-n< % [<»> sftr TTWt ^>t <R5 ^>T 7R -ftt % I ci4> "^tl IM-ii
% ft? "OTt ti? -q^f MR*HI %, m Ys=gft ftsR % i ^qm
% %, ^Er£f snwr amrf^r ?
^ trftoft gsr lift "Fj-- ycf^wkm^ftRRi-.
wejiR ciiM^i- qcr %EI ^nir HI^}|<^i^4i W Whr t i
qft wr snft nirt ^r TPn" % hrr *ft q«^t
^RW ^ =(%3i< % lit 3rHtci«-Hi fyRT y<*i< "^s; q^f <&> "^RTT % ait^
TRt TOR Tq TT^t % fTOS % fTOrT % iper q«^t 3lk Uf %
silcIVt *^1 qjff Txci I ctg 'r=i( isT sini ?
q%eft dt^icH+h gs ftqintmi:
tprftw T^CT ^rafr turr Ti?t wi«i qcft sFRrn^tq: i lo^ i
?p> tn «r?itq %, ycfl q>T r®**®! f^iq>T 3^C ■a-i «4^i
% i w % ftr w TRTFT qqf % i sm: qs^t ftsR a^ qR
SITft "Ft qd •ii-i'l "^f «Ftf aRHTft -T^t % i
qitqq^ <t»<ltiH •j<;Pd +wi "tlT qflTfT VEft mi-- t^'-
q ^ Hcqni^r ^ I ?oY I
, tq^t % troa: ^FT ^ -q^ "qifF % 5FT ^rrar % i ftreRl
elm % I 3Rq wgJ ^>T "^>eici «IcfrT (ji'i % ■S'l "TC WR*! -T^t «<*ini
3TcT: ^T ^tTOIT I ("T? fRft ^fci: »icin %)
n "jiq ufttncT 4siqfll jctiwin,
qR T«IR i \o\ i
T^sp 5 ^ % WRf "tR sFR^T: l-SI 3^ ssldT 1W5 cR^f)T% ftRT
■?siR TR TO^% ^ STT^r RMdd WT %, WFT RR %=S
t I TR RR %RC 5Ft "q^ cFTOT ^R qqi% %
IWFT cj^diqi<»f wi-qu^ci srrfft *ft "5^
aicqRft tRwqt TRTT ftRiPif qftvftRtmif i i
^ter fTO5 q% qrf if RejT ftTO qR if VTO ^RT I q«^t

■g'f yt'K »i<ii sftr ^-si Fmus hr =R

Tl^r ^ Mdo^d= nmPdd^^
9TT ^TTT Vl^Pd ^frF ^ dc(|Rd ^rMlfV I ?o\3 I
^Rt "5FT ^ fsFR R xfScn % I 3R: -qif 1^J5I ^ 3TRFT9T
nfCTr if srk ftsR RRT TRT % i y^K tp; f^anr Rssft Hd^iM RR
if X? WT ^ ^ % I -q^f % ftsR afk Rfccft %J RR #f ^TT
if^t d)K l 3TR ®icim % ?TT TRR Rf % I
■qft tPT% tRV^f (H,^,^^o|o|>f)^\9l\9o\s)
T^t fdV^I^^IW^R^RF

WT "H%¥ (^V9) ^TR •yiRRR RRf

(^V.V.oo,000) *^llrH«f> VPddyNd RT| I %o£. t
■q^f »fR "JTT% 3TRiR % m^KR Sf^MId if % Tft ^dWPd % RR
^Stsfn oTRT %> R-TTTtrf ) R RRT RT
^ +-5R
3TRT % I if ^.cti Rf^if TR £%\a SfTcTI % I ^TRf "q^f 3fh: ^>t
RRI if ^f TR
^,^o,°o,ooo _ CFRT SfRTI % I

■TRWRt Tftr ddirf^dl-d>l

"RTK; *TR%RC Rf«R> ^PdHU-Sdl^K
^ ^ ^T ^T ^Ndldc^
RtTrZR fTFT ^rsf ftsR?^ I |
SR: q4 ^RT ^rf XR RR RRT RTl%ir I TfR
x tjR %, Rt rr % arrif ^ rtr % i
RR %-sC f^RTf y<^>K q^4 Ph4^ if affRT % I 3R: q^4 xfft 'RsRcTT
% f^RT 3fTtl% ^Tf ^RRT tcRfT | R? R#f % I
aRrrft- ftrfig: ^cffftjiuii tfMct,iddi ^r
^^TRRT RHT^ffRT -ftngl dr+<rMHI M^djdl f^rq I U0 I
RWf *it q4 TRTF TRff wf "R ^sar wr % RRT ^FRT TRRT
5fdl % I fffR 3fm ^d-f qfe HH cf<ti< *IR 4>-s. ^>t dicy-li ^if
^ q4 fsrRf if sTcrn % i
pH^I-d ^trr

■T WlWaft ^<ni Tl%^ '^cci ''T^' Tft^ -ii wi

'^oclq ««'llcH<J(lf HscilO I %X\ I
TTEf ^>1 "HK -1IMI -T^f ^TT ti=ticll SHT1 =t>-S\ ohkohi f^R<f«F
% I wi^i aft? f?T^T=Pt %> 1%cT % feT^ 'IR % WH ^
WTgTT Y^T fT ^TPT ^T HfW^fRerT
H^rMdW^ W ^ ^ ^Fltrr: "PTT<^!r % P+P^^ I W I
cp cm<U| i yctT) TTfT? ^R RT Mcfo % f^RSR «t%
Rfr ^ % i sm: Rftr (RcT? RRT 3Tf^ I I "qf?
3R% r«l«K R tR^R Phi •Ml RTR 'qt <M 6 3RI% Bl* ^fr% %> f®!*^ ^ J)t}
R>V tRRi Pll'll I (RZRt q>t RRl I^ifM ^j' % ) I
•% STRR *17^ R?R WlPdrMclKl qPdd-H^H, I
3^T5 TBjrar HIHilq Rlf^T R^cT tftr: I W I
^Wl ^*i.'l % ^RT ^tcTT R? aRRRfiT Pi®^^ % I RR %
TRRR RHRq % fqr STIR? RRRF RRT^ RRT Rk RIR k Rf&R -fT ^ R>t
cuti MPci RRcft % I
WORTar^yT «l^u\ "jcifflfl RRT cT^TT"-
^4(0 RCRT uiqlHd: RPI;TicPjPrqnr: i ix* i
W RTg k RRikm wTrr rrt snfR rrt: ^4 qrt sik rV
R^ Rff cRRJ ^3P «n% %■ <t)K i Rc^R rI-si ^[4 cRRi Pi<ai % I
anr- WPRS^ hiPR q^rtxiipR ^TTf^4> R^WPT *^ur
R4 W^- ricriji^ R4 WRt Rllr I uh I
SIR: ^RRft o4K°qi % fk% R«Rt RR WT Rft Rf^RR RFf % I
RRt ?°q BtRT R^% R?t RTO # kR^t fRWTt ^cf t I
^4 fRiR %R5C R Rf %RS RRi RTt RR Rft ^(t RTgR % | -Run R?
R?t ^4 RR RR) R$7 d'lM 4 Pfla-ll PRTR crmif % BTT RRR RRcI R^t
t I
dtdil+f-d: P5f^4t«>HHI % P^Rfd U^ldl MdlR>|:
RxRRRPTPRTttT ct'lfjl % RRfpRT^ Rt Rf^RTJRRT: I \X9 I
tt? 'er ct^tt hi? % cuicn 'arif ^>t stjticT
apqts^r ifch^PT^f Tfts^r ^
^ ^ WFTf^T (^S) ^
«HiK!^ (^\9) -qTicftsf^
e|'lU-<Wmc(a)iiHld: I W. I
fnft Tiwt %; fcT^ "?mm ¥^1 % i ^MUI<+I<H t^) ^STT
TtrteT % -apm (^<ivs fER ) ifj ^if ofTt SJ^qicf I
CtRcT WT) ^vs
, =
(TX«^t 1
cTJsr^r M^IR( (Y.VS^OO OOO)
^t?r ■'fwrRT:
o4lm+i«i ETwrf^rfrcT (vs^^^
^r yVA^ Hi'Iw-difM i \\% i
"g^ ^ Y8^ ^ ("tf,^.,00,000) ^T8'! H'ld

"PTI^k "g^ ■EHT^ SrZ "E^cY Et«W?r WRTrer

^i% cI-MH)^! xrraT^Eq%EFt5 tY *rmT i vio i
cv rv. a . a — = t• > — *t/ ~ >
(Y«^T ^tt) (X^^oo ooo)v
"TT0! %> cpff ^ET yctiK WT =mci %> onf ^vt St^qTcT ETSTT Y> ^T-T
E¥T aq^qTcT Y ^ 3^ ^TTeT Y? TRPT % ! TET fWT Wr^dl Y?
snmE -qfe ann Y8^ ^ ^iPmci EFRY % ¥t M
rq-qfcici 'ft ancft % I sft? "Eft <Mlrl ^g-fl M^'fl I
Y EFT^ ^rftetfir YTtw^t Tf^
arths^w: f^ct eptct trnf %ft: "ETY i i
fYn fTKoi % RrrY R# #cTT I ffY -gY Yr 3Tq% 3T^I TIE RRTJJ Y?
¥TTE°T a-Et% ^TEt TTW Y®^ EE? % I EPft TTft f>t cT«n ROfT
■zRtfYRrTf<T ErYhmt IT?: SRTFY^ pt s I
YER ftrg If^ trrget VHsbHN^I (^H)
f^r I w i
Rf ar^urffafr ETERR Yt^r % ft "gY % stfY iws (Y8^ Yr
fYfra- YY % ETRTR) YfY "Of ft ft BETYTT "gY % RTEf 37tE YU WT
^tcT ^ tYRt ftRT WffY I YYffYT YRJ fJET YYT fEES gY cfrt aTYY 3T^T
16° f^nsRT

^ wr ("^T fnr? % nn^) ^jtct % I

^trt TTEJT it)^(R<RfhT r«|MlUn<«i *1^ THT: I
'?rf^RfRT obfcvfl WftcT iHS^ftt^rqPi I I
3icT ^ TT? cf>t ^rt^tfci-^ % r^i^ ("Tnrr^)
%? «ni«l<. ?Ht ^Hflp+I Cf? Y5 Tf TIZI 'gSTT % I
d<n1<ldW (^I.^^.W^o) ^RTf

^Mdid,^mPr Hi'fw mi^d: ^FCTR;

%■? wRrirrf^' ^f^r ^cu ar^cifl1 m;T6 i i
T^r ^rt cg^f tpr o^rmr^ = ^rtrr ^rr -eft
(^.^.^.^.'ifVS.Wo.^l^^l^ol ^T ^«r % ^FT *TFT
g«r % «fn^ I^T % "jpir ^ Tra A ' sthtt % i
<r^ct: wvH+icupr ^rn^r t>diA+ HIP^+M, (^I^)
^^ f^TR A Pd^^nmH • '
^ HR (^IH^) "g^f ^T 3FJ% 3T« TK RRUT ^FTR ^PTT ^Tf?% I
3T«f ft? -g^f TR! ftPT 3R% 3TSEI TR ^ ^STsF ^ TR? ^TT
^RT -Mlfti* ft? ^T fE "HR (^ ft^r ^r TR? TTt) % % I
3T«PjiRJT '(^<0 IIHUHAcligO: WV$ 1 WT: ftsUT:
ddM^li Vftd>ld <3rfdt Tft- ?Rt AHR ^iPddld, I W I
3*T: HP; ^4 ^T 3:iM'l STSJ VX VHuI •nici ^ ft/T HMI RFT 'dt H'ld
snft TTf %? RRJT ERR (^\S ft^T) R4 d?t Tft RRT ^?TcT (3R% 3TR R)
(^ ftd) %? opf Tt RR EftR
#zrr ^nrr f?t wft" RT gcr Mi'id^
(R* ftftFrtNts* Pdwrd, RI;-PT¥ ■RfRnpnr ^ "(jftR: i^vsi
^FR % RTR Efft ^ % EFT ^ RFI %% % cT«n RR RT RT -gR fHcRel^
% I 'g4 % ftRT^ Rt ^sft RR 3TRT % I RRrfWd? RR RT
**i*iM f\i«l jnTT ftrrap^ RTPT ftr^ A- Pdo^ Rf ftft; i
Wd>Km= RfpR ^^Pg^d: f^RRFFf yHUII^Idd: I \^6 I
W U+K Rft "g^ ftFSf RT RR 3ft? MHrl % I RFT TFRET %
RTRT '3RRT TTR RRf Metci 3TRT % ERR RTR ^fft? RT-ft R ftPR
sjrfteTfWcr CMHH.

^ crpff 3?yira ^ fg^s: % fTK" ^TROT RTcJ 3nf^ "R?t ?R ^ET

Prm TT %Rr WTT ?
HMiW tpfznrt WHTf WT- *4l<r-d+ ^rfr
^SFT^ ^cr % H-< <roi<iw*lci i i
ar^rrt srq^t 'fsir ^ ^r nft wi -g^ hmci snf^ wf
cfi fr^Fz ^i ^f ctsn ^ ^RF ^>f "?t% ^ -srite ^n % i
it # \<.m jciif*; cT«n ^ srrfz yfa ^TI ^JTZcft % i Zt
"?«m 'Jctt strte ^ arrfz ^r "site '?l?n % i
Tcfttfte? iRwftr«rte ^'Hir<+Mitercf
•|r?f wrt "Riftr
cF?t tJliHdl II? WW: wf
'J ^ f^te onicf "sj^v ^ ' ^0'
te^r zte frfk -grf -p -q^ yfti ^TT % te^z cim fr^
^ ftecT ^ctrfz terrfz ^ h-z ^-s. ^tzr % i Hjiet strfz Ti?f ^r Tftw
sfa tRRwT y^K 'gtcn % i yWI ■g^f il zczt fz^n ^f (qtet
z>t fz^rr zit zczx) gf-i "& sftr zte "?! ^ts. tter ?)% % ztr"!
z?t HHHI "gfzzi ZZF % "g^ wf %: THSI g«zt zft yzf^nzr ^ i
sfpsrraNr ^r: zftte
doited Jt "RR: I
rTZRjfW f^^ft Z^5f ^Jii IT1!
sffltTf^-t yxriz r«t>n»q<;rv<t> M-H-Z ^>*^i5a I I
tWT RTZRT if ^fTfcT *FZ Zftte cfte sm 3PrteZF ?)cft % I Z?
zz T^ftte CRte) "g;4 "& zft fz^n if fterci tem ZRT sn^F ?IZT
% i SRT: tete zm M-zte ■& m^E zzzf fw^ zz ^
ftez H-ZyiH ?fcTT %, Z? ZftiPRT % «feT 3lteZF ZfZT % I ZZcT TZ
z>-Sv % ZZT®! ^in ?tZT % I
T^fhr'R aciyiciiyq ZT^ ZTcRZ
flrMcfn^) ^ ^'IH ^ ^iqcti^fc^ I I
^T ZZ ?fte yvrt if zlrg ZTI ipZZiZT ZZ ZTTT 3^ 'RFZ %ZZ %> ZZZZ
"?fte zrzf zzzr slk zzzr snfz %zzi %r zzzn z^f ztzt i (g^ sfk
gz ZZ ZZ' .zNt ZZTZ % I)
Ilrr f^rRrsr f^r tftr
VjiicrM ^FcT tToffir ^efli^Vf:
rrsn ^ TW: TTftmltr
R%S^r<TT ^dH, I I
1 5
hmci afk Tff J^>R 3fht Y ^ ^Rrt ^ MR»HI % i cr^rr
sftr ?fhi ^rt cfR^ % SFROT Irng; % 1% wt ^ srtnfttF
sth: "g^f if "fT "YHWi % i vfc Tth ^st h«R HHT
^TTT eft nsl ^1 r«-a. mm -T^f 3TT TRkH % I 3TeT- T? cPT % P+)
Ft ii# gft ^^rrstt ^ft Tn^f B (TT? "^4 'EI^ cmnt t) Y^ht %
■Mi-Cf eRV ^Hcti % I
SritT ^TT Y^'iusci eRcTPTT: escj, fll<<t>i: fttTT1
smir^r ^ grfWgj Tgw&fer i i
Ml"•Sell (tJiatr!?) ^*ra%f^cnTITm3IrqRt^T?^%EpKwr^T^t
fwfeT f?SR HIciM -^teft % I ^R.H "^pf WT (^ ^sfT ^ ^ SRT
11 1
ciki M !) STT^m if STirT ! STcTT q<mei if % I
WT%: MRcflRdlW: ddHIIW RniTl^tKH,
ftrtet <trpR ^ ^n^T: ^ ^ sr? (sjooj^nRi^ i^ i
spq «it 3n% ^Rcik (Tr?f) % "rft % i "q^
^it ttrt cg^ =P ?t ■rhir) % -iy+l "qY ^ "ft ^ I? ^
(i^oo) "yTT % I *
TfheftePT EpqiRn ^ETY
75^: MR^i-^ tte^ CTT KRef: tt^ 'IHi O^Mel I •
hRPt eTRI "q4 h ^tt % I Tntt «5tt 3TT°FIt ^ft Y^ ER %h
^rh wr ~^x TRR % ? SR: Y®^ % HPFI % +K"i Tt crnt ^ft "nfer
T^eft % I
ffir %^T3 Tp^- Y dlWd'l «flY«|: fYWR:
dtwiPd ^Rr ^ ^Ttfhf RfrTO: i ^vs i
■qf^ TH ^ERE et% TE^Ntr fYTR ^TRI eft ift RcT % aTJRR RE^m "q^
^ft qon ^t PC MUSd Y®^ ^»t mR^HI VfeT hR EfR%
t I (Y®ht % Husel ^ft ^tt = ^O X Tfh •'TE2RT PSR = x
= ^(YV9(^(V^o ht3R ^ )
^ ?fhf ^rftit tfRii-eR'
tiisnq^^fhr eioi-itM^Reii Ri«i *r PsF ^Rr;
vnt^rfWcT C)uIHH,

-znbz or; MHIrcl ^fcRT "OT TTT^ flT"

(WfT UMoIr^ IPTtcr m sFTF^nmt T^T: I xst I
-tftWFrr fH+Mrl TR 3Tk fWT MKI-xt ^ ^T STtU
^ am «0<.i<ii % sr^f: ijft ifcT STJ^TR ftrqi "TTT ?fr?r % i
<R? ^«cft ^7t ^ f^TT ^f "Tfrr ^ TTHT ^r?f % ^ 3RI ^PTfcl
SJTeTt^^-TT "& tMli e)Jll I
^ t^r trjRnt ^
WTT^'^H xi^cfolM'i TTcT it J fW^t;
<5JfqdiK+di-dt qqf^r ^IHIP; cr^fsjcqir
cftoKcqcrPT: ftsftfir inmr qof^: i i
tnqq srmq (q^ %? SRT ^t) ^ ^rqq q^ra
3^q q^F *mscT) ■£( fsra mrr q? <k=Mi % q^qt w it
"As 3m swPq SFXR qr fq^-r SRT (qr <+>41 simq) if T?% q^ srq^f q^et
T5q mrq % i' qren (YVS0 / qm Wt qtWrr qrtqit i
■q? oqcjqn FclcJH Tgf qt3% % qqm q«cft ^T Ff l^aR HUdl ^ I
qpTT qst> qcn tfW ^qqi W qeni;ii
trr^rr^ H^J tq 'jqq ^Tt, qf^nq sFRq trr *-HICV> i
tq q^ft" qdn sFTpq cjq^q ftns
q tq qsOTt ftrRr qqr qm ftrajqr wrq;1 V<° i
qqqr ftsq % srk q^di qff q? qxq qt snq q?t qrq "qqj% % i
wqq qqm arqq qfq qr srqqm % i qqt stk qfssm qsifqi if aroqrqqr
% q^rm qqsF qq qqm 'FTE qtmn % i inqft oqmqr qfq ^Xm 1q> qq
qqpq qq % qciq %? qrrm % i qq% qqm qgqqqqqi qq qcrq
qRqm % i qt qqrqrq q[fq^ i
^qfqr^ar wrqr ^ftftrer q qrEi
iqqwnqcqqEreRR ftan^r ftr^ i
ui+Mtq)i, q w Rir>Mi: tmnft^rq i^r
qtqraqr qq^r qfqqt qrftr «*ir-q qq^ i w i
qqfqiqt % qqr ftm qq q^rat qr qqm atiq qqm fqqqt qqx qr
3r4t qt q? qqqr ft % i qrfq qq qq qqq 3?k qqqf qfr ftsmn qH%
^qr qqt qtnr i stct: qrrfq qtqq qqq qqq qq cfrnf ^tnq^ q^rar
^asn <twn % i
f?q qRt qqq qq% Itrt^t ftr^q
Tnqq^qpr uRiftH qqt ftarNr qft^t
fti E^lPrf M>l 7 foTcT^ <41^ i i
^rerat ^rr stsr ^^ ^Ph* "nfci % ycfkr ?Pn
%, 1% YSE^V ft«R % i ^TTTH (sn^rm) ^ ^fer "g^ %r itrr SPT ftsq
^qtf^ ?m eft TTf^ 3i-*)obK ^ ?t ^srnn (TTft'^r gi-*i<»K ^
Mcfin glai % f^> ciKi'i"! g.4 % whh y<t>i^i MM M^K % I)
^ w xpir t^nsnrmg;
Wftirp^K ^ M ^dlWcl <r[«*l+f tTs^MN:
5lrr Tftr Wir<c| w fiJHHI<p
tTPfr 4-^ImH TTcRpfr %7Tt: ^rr«T cTTT: I ^ I'
PjIM % too Tpn ®r5I [«»•«( tTlwcii % <3MM cIRT
4^4 ^ RTS <i Dm ^ *ft tOwai % I ':g4 ^>1 T4*mmm Tit '^Pff
^PH MHM fH^n DKuI 3TRTRT M4D< ci^i -3 CMM jII I (' 3TcT;
FRft "g4 %? RRH snqFnn ir aro^r ^4 Rff t)
ftHtoil Tpnr w<r imrr
WT^fp ^ftfrT: SSrttT tttrf HPd^fPd tfRt ^
d^dnf tRurtvNdf t^rg^rf-
wrt: t¥ tn^w tirPtr ^rf P^HiaH, i vr* i
^ 34rqsRI Cl4? % cTKFFI 3TRTRT #4 % ^PROI
•3-IDI reMDuil afrr atrfe 'SR ^Ttf^ ?t -^IOI % i arcf- an+i
yDI 4fl ^4 D! Cl<.^ CI^M *3^1 ^icll % I 4t 4<l <iTl< %— 3MI MDK D^ 'ifcl
D<4 C(|<M Hgi ■qft cR? cTRT 'lul DM <i^V<3tn 'gt MDci % I tSR %> DKUI
^TT g«TR SfTft ef^HT % ?
TcTRT ^naeT ^nTcTRT:
^T'Tnf inp ^f^crftr SiRfli: MPMI C^HI:
Tcr <Joimm* ^JTT ^Tof Rcim: I I
PttZ if RfRT anf^ TIFf FH y+li ! f^R % I fSFg
aKi«iui 1
^ afR fF ! anfF % an<jTi Fl% % FWT ^MDI S4Dl5(l D*MI
FRFI % I (fiHRlMldl %) I arm Fff FFR rf FR®R FPn
■WIMlfctD % I c^feb-i arRT F>f cRF U
3TTfF % DK I dMDI *ft
gn Ft tram % i wi 4tn tra FFI % ?
w^tsfhr fiiftrF Ttnfr «Rr gra-
" -qrifMn^ra

y^PlPd ¥«fT ^ I
•(^HHrt<«^ f^WF#T)
Vi%- ^ftr W«tj?i tjdit srrf^r ^ffr: i w i
T*$ ^ "fftcT -ftprs TVfo oqm % ^ q+^«M ^>TI^
c^Rt sqnmr ^ % ctstt H^^CIT ^^TPT %ej ^rar % i
y<^K y W1 ^f *ft ^ ^«IcT r^Mil TTSn -iHoh wt^r fq^cl tjTl tTcI
VCTT fan % i an?% ST^T (otpet %> witf TRT?) "HH-II ftrs
% I 5^ ^frfj ^TT >3T1< % Icfi ICIMICIJ- ctTi WFE "^t *IHM
% i 5*1 ^Rt hiciI °Ft tiHMcii %> ^k i ^*0 %» arsji ymiji

^>c^-i*ii ^r?f % i
^ HRtr tr w TTTot 11% ftiit r+mmwdl
tr sr^r ira^r^r ^rrw ^ fWrftt ^ ^
'f5r: tT^T TT=ftft' f^SR •ycA PTTT
^itxF tw W T^nTrZRTfR-1¥ I ^VVs I
yWl %• ^ MRI VFPT % ^FI 'Tf^T aft cTW, "JH-Il ttr^
% i afa ^n TT at Tnara % STT^RI MR^HH R 'arg ^JXT a^ni M«SCI
at«R irfa aat arrw aft ? waa ~vfc % far wna frrftt ^st ftar
M<Ja aa "a^raR aTa>% % i arrar arras^t Rw A %> fci^l a-gS-t ^®at
sFt at sraR aa ftar % i
aaf^Rt afcf U^R tWt qm
ff=aT ^feqr agaar^: %crT5 cftcm^t=
cit+w srwtppiFa aat araw TRTfeta:
araarar ata a^ei iraftr^|: i v*6 i
cft^nftia hwr % ermf aft a*!-sTa1^ aa m^ci fta Tci ^ a^ an
f¥aata smzara aft 11 Rfaar arf^ a ^aaft aft^ f¥aata
•Htii ast % i Rtnt aa arfR ara arj^ % Rfara aiana, rt airaai
aftaa ■& efrnt % faaro a? aft' a«at aat %, aaraa aiwn ftar
^t i tartr aaax apirt aaara a€t ^tfar, aaara at a«at
apt -ftar 7?a a^rat aft ^aA a -aat aaa % i
y^Hi-a^iwat RKatj TFft ^ a^?a<t
^tuai sAsj aftftftr aa ^Rpfat atsa^
iaa araf?a'Hir< arat aat Ramft afct
cha: ana? ?fatH aat^ ^ra<. ftatarw anafsal^^ i i
■fan aaat star-ft ciIm a^ sk aa% srrfa aft %et Ret %, <ra

y-=+.(< iTpft TTf I "H'lclM ■tictcl -MIM % f?T% 9hl-SI tt><rl % I

i-O "T? % # %a ?T#r % 1% "fT«fr afk ^
srrq, crm ftmR snf^ 3Tf%T^ srr^ "qpn snqf^
% ^ U qfluiiH % f^r ^Tft 11%, ^ T5^
% i
^Tret cR^sr ^TfrE
ifEgf^E TRR M<A'5!ct<W:
«illif^ TTftf*mTR<r f^r f^R; i \\o i
H'MI^ 3r?ita (cta^ar) aftr WTR ^Tfxpqf %
3T«^ TT^ -rpft cTSTT TT^ft ^T f«TH % I 3TcI: M'WIH
% sm -a? ^Rqft qr<*Hi t, fqif fsrf^q qqr % ?
f^TK sFTR^fT JlFdR^lR T5r%
TftngT ftraCRT ^TOcT f^fTt^T «WWT: I
<«IWKI<I«I qcr^ q^nf ^TTOT
sFTptf fWWTT THftRR, I V\\ I
f?nsRr ^85 % qicT qft CR? spto "jftR S^KI qWl qft ^[*I<T>, ^Tf^N>
qm qqpq-cTR qq^R qft irfq wpu^d (srftrs ^ff) i ^n*4l qn
qR^ TT #nt qft qmm n TT WTPTT ^ i
^c-^i«yl<;M atbin^ fT HI-^I s,!-^ "ftci ^^PTT
f^rfcr cT^ ^cpnt
stt^FPT ^ +<f+iPt^«di ftrt: w ^frr
^nrfWtfcr infW fcff i ^ i
qs=qt qft -ftsron Ff ^ff % Fwf fit- (^) qgq ttRT ^
R«rnT TR Tfft qsaq qrr -fRr, (^) alh wi % R=?r cT«n
^1 y Mid i-<;^)*s. % M>l<. l '5RT 3Tk qf^ (^) "& dTi Mid1*
trar RRRT Ft <1i=HI, (V) (Fq% RRt) W^N ^3%
TT (H) SIRfB 3TT3^T aft t^T ^ "^ (^) ^ 33 7R T?%
% 3TTf3 I
- 3*R3 FFFRT RFRrfhf HWjfVqdt cftr^t 331^ I
3IIVU^-4tint F^eT yclNFwR^I ^eRtl ifteT: I ^ftr I ^ I
cilgi ^jTti RpT %> *ft<R cilgi 1mRT MMiK 'fid <ectl % <Jtfl w<*K f«in
fqrtft shrr % Tntft 33 3333 WeT 3? q«^t FhRhci 33 fr 3R4 % 1

^fr^ I^T grftsnftf^f: I ftrf I I

TJK eft? ■grf; -ttpiT % eft?T TfcH % T?ft cIRT MuSe1
cp «ffcR "RFr^Rft % ^Rft *ft % i
^FTTfrTrRT ^ IPTTfft ^Tddl JJeJrf
^ WT TRft
nrcH^i-d fW ftrf^r iRFef Wtr^r
?RT ^r<;Hi ^RTTT H***l cpdl'f cpfdH, I '
irrt "?? wt "jfrCTf % oFRd RcT % fsp ft8R % I 3mt
■qezm "ql^ "§KT CRWT ^ft) SR? wf ^PT -tn«T eRR VZ^f MR*HI
^Rcn % i TI? ^rg? ?PR -trpt wtf % i (tRft am mft TR? "ft
an% % i) TTRSTR ^PT ge^r arRft ^rer mpr -Rrsrt ^ fmR ^ i
4f TRt R -sgrnsf ?t ^lai'ii i git 31?% m % WRT stztrt fmr % mmr
% i
t «ftn TRm: Ttw mcfr ^snwleT -
wfsftqmrPrE «n^ ?r?T ctf Rt^si^:
«tIdH1 TRtwft ftteT W MMK
gPmi "irRnrr "Jt«rRTRT trnxftm?; ?% i ^ i
% -qfb?? Timr, 3?? ^ft % % i g f?«tcR?n ffrs ?r% % ipft
f?TRt gm ^PT arRR ?% i g m ?m g1%«Rm wt ?ft wtinft ftt
■fet? g|t ?r?f %% ?r?T % i ^nrct % ?ft? ^1? gtr; % ? (3T«tfg
TH gRp % ?t ^t? "ftmr % )
3tlcHlet)tf: «cfi»gj
mnwiFT^zT ^TR ftrfs
fmtfnft Trft? ^t? ■??%?: i ^vs i
Rgcq amr 37?^ ^mn %i mrft mrft wz gfft
^r ?ft ?t TRft ctt m ?% ? Tft Mr m fctHH ?t huhi ?^TfT,
?? w ^t? % ?
#(5ii«s 9»KuII®*A ?eig ^eT «(etig eTT Hisieii^ ^'ii^
f^cfr WRF^TW A^MR ^Rd Tfng ^ti "iiR ftrerg
gRnrng ?Tf^t cRiRtgfrF
ofttrR gft d<u^<t TRT tRuft mr gf^r ^T?g*i \\c 1

^ Trgs ^ ^ % SFTCT ^m,

H^MtrMI snt^ % ^FROT t^T^lcT H STTSFm if ^fft ^RFTTT T^TT % |
"TfJ% '^TRf KMi ^<|>J| crfnfcf fTRT iTg^, a)M, Mcfn STTf? % I 'q^f
^r% «T?m^ qft qr«n i %qci simR Tm ^ff, snfq
% tqqq if # q^r i
^ntcr ?IT1^ «rr^t Wr ?
(^VV) SiRftt Tf^cT: ^ildlWI- qZHT:
dVMIUr^faHNf: THI^RRM ^f^T qf^RTOT:
«imfqw diccfi«t w qrfq wr^t i \\% i
sTcftq if MWI qq -qciii qqct qqff ^-ii -nfl qqi i qrfqrjq % tyv
^f qrq (SRrf^qrfqi ?ooo •RTqR^if qi w % qjTT *£ qeTT
qft wiHi-q q^r % qqf ff i *mqR arrfq fqfw qfbsqf % qrrqq ^TR
qt «iqKui '^fk q^ ffrqr i STTT; w qq % fqrrqRq % RIH qqf qgq
qjqqr q^r i
•g^f -^rqtfTF ^ IWqftr sqi-snracq qrq:
ftrspq whfR: ir^r gWr qq^qr w?fqk^: i
3Tmq;fkiqirqnRrcTfW wqqr^ ql^r-
afcrr^ ^qtrfk -qfjq qjqn^ fw ^ftqrra#^: i \\o i
•tMuf % -ijcH—i ('?qufqqq> qi qq «tci %) ^4 qft iqqrqr qqr -aw^i
gq (^jq.4ui) % % ^qckr qq kEFSRT %5fr ^b1 fro qt qqr
% i fqqqft ^qr -k kft qffq ^ wnr tkft qs^t qft ft«RqT % qk if
aRrq? -gfq; fqq^ft afk srftq % qqiq qqqf^m gkB k q«^t qq
wuf ^qf ffRSRT qcT qqr, qq qRft qg ^t i*-iiq wrri 51^101
qk i
Tc^c^eft qcici ^sict Htjfl-
?fr ^ i
rVf4ii-d qifq dmRjd •iid«hil
3Jkf^ BHq^r qqq?T: i w •
W qqrR qqkn % rq<°qid, •CMJCH if qqrq aft q^c fRpR ^RI
qq-n T^q q^fq if qprrnn qqr qrcT qfq % ftrk 'RRCRT <;4uI if
arrqrm if ^raft qft kqfq k «HPqd qf qqrm trqiq fsn i

Treh^ihTenfTliT ftldMHI: MldSMI-

ftr^T: -TR: ftlW jfti sI^^T ^KlP-dH:

T+nfM cT^^wil^ ^ ^ | x |
snfara eftn ^cr4 weft (^rn-V5^') t i "OTJ^t a^k
■sitn ^ r^ititii him PiMh a^k f^icr, %2rRT f^rk 'a^r ^ei
TPTT %, WET kJkr mmcHi (stir) ^cn %, HIHI'TT* t^rrr ^4
t TT«TT -g^hnw ^TT wt %, ^rfr ^ TTE^ ^PT ^f

TTF^ ^ WC 'pT tRT

wti qknsqlt TKT fft-. ^kfT ^TT
ftnSRT U^f^dl ftf ^ ^Thflcqi ^
2^ ^ 'imi^ctK ftrftnrr ttrtr irrnft- ^1^1
HdW4("% fffe % I^RT it Rfct ^sT w % 'tt H'lcTH ^T f4t
4t fTT fg^T IR fctWK TJ^r ST^T TF«T ^ ?F^T1 I W 2^=
^Ft Ttkr % TTT TT^T % 1r?T% SM-MI'H ^tcf % ^rk it i wk
ftT TSR if ^ft karfH sftr HftiTm % fwr if sft
ftngp^-ipslN? wwf 2^ ^T^rrR HPWH,
TRr^nkkr «r?Fnt kra^ TT I yi
TJcF ITH "2^ "WfRp 3TEZTTTR "Tf TtMPtJcT ^t4 % WOT R? ctrot
StfH 'ltM-{|it % I ift RR TRTT 2^5 ^f % fark RrFt R SRt^
^TRT TT3 ^1

^ irar 2^: T^:

ars^r t^: wtkr q^rci>ii I V I
^RR ^?t ^ ^ 1TT*T 2^ crr^R % i =r? Pi'jui, TTTRT, stoqR
cR#f % STfirftrF % I
ir^Ntsv: w^sfkRtrr 2^1,» S '
RRT w %T SRI ^P*T ifot>4u| % ^«J*Jlfl ^kt if TtkTT faFRT I
■RngRT |

% i g«Fr ^ ijffe 3^ ^rif

tTEF^T % Slcll I
d<"^M tTeT^tt irftnrenfr
d^irw^ Wf oJTr^r ^R7?R: 1^1
^ STJS MRuid ^sn PalH^ *fcK f^rfe gff |
B^ET 3<*t|4>n % «jtcR STPT^S y^ifvici ^ I
«mT^ ^ ^ftr ^1%
3iir<r41 wft ijdccii^TrgiT -qTf T^nr 1 vs 1
^ 5*1 ^ ^FET "IMI % I "El^nT ^cHfrl,.
% ^JKOI STTfervS -q^f *ft ^F?T -W I
^HIWH: trft -qifCT.iTfSr^T ^
TTffiT qr^n; ^ qRq: 1 c 1
3P«RFR qn ar^r % qron qqr qqt "qfq
Tq% % qrRor -qfarar 1 uifm^t qq fqqH % "ettst fnq TT^ft
gqqt (^ qr ^ qq qftwq q^r 11
tpftwit qqt H^IP^H "ftrp:
*^Vt| M»gg( tillHI-a^l ^ I % I
SF^RFR -iK «t>*'l qq ttiKui *^4 161*^% <?>H r4<p'H(^% I qs=f^
%er qq -rbi ^qqq qy^r, «IH4< Tra ^qqq f^t qsq fqqq
% ^r ^ uRiMiRd fqqn ^mr % 1
^nfhrqRq q'lcji^ +idirH ^ f^rg:
Wm inhT: ^JFT: «cff\M^-q: uPdftld^l \0 I
sm: -q^ cftq 4<Hq aqk % 1 q? qqci qft STRRT % 1
srsrf^TRq qq qrq Br#f % fqqtftq fair % 1 q? qqn % qqrt sfh
«cfoi<nfl q? imqt qft a<itMi».'ll % 1 sm: ^ WTB % *ftcR -q^qr "ft
t 1 ^ ) "q«ft 'ftcTC % t
. PdlWH^ ^ ^T
W^«H: qd^dh I U I
RR STR^ HIcci qtl BRRq TT %, 'SRI B-TRq "Hi-51, ^T fofRnjf ^
"g*P ?tRR % -HRTR RfoFRT RRct % I ^4 % RTS 'if % I
ftwrff ^ M+dbq^d,
q-rflcT PdcUuiH! RW

■g^f tTSf -qTcr -gt y+if^M % gsn 3TOT ^P ^

-rjttpr % i <5^1^ 3i6<*iK gffe' VSIMCI, ^rr^ % fcT% «IUI gfE
^r ^TTR, fr^ pft^ fMdm^
uTdai^i ^ ipff^nirT^ i ^ i
"?T4 % sun OR <nctii spns %> t^rrftpT fwrzn
crm "^t y+iOifid wi f i
3T«r 'Ralr si^i^'+K
■tPVSFZW art oRiT IdP^T1 I I
^rsn ^ ST^TR <?>H R 3TPPT MIH M ftTTt I ^3Rt> Md 't
XPS, ^tpt t stfr^r ci«n srra % g^f 1^. oft Rvft ^rsff % R^SK 11
^R¥: ^ Mt ctl^Pd IRt tKlsPMId,
TJ^P ^TT q^r wrjcTTftr orf^it i w i
HH % 3TT^7m^ «<I^ ejl^J"t STp^T, % aici> *ncn % yvcf\—5M
y<+K T^* "3°! =tts^ %I sPR^T: qsqTTgiggf qrt ai-*i 'gSTT I
arPTOTfr w«Tf^»KR:
t^ft ^Tt«r: xm- orM I ^ i
srfTR, g^ ^FS sik TTR RTRT STT^ ^FT ft I t^T g«^t,
STTapRT, ofcT 3^ RcR t (Rfq tTRI Wf) *f(R 3nft) dcMfrl ftt I
TTftr WR;
FPPT ^T-. m f^wrtr ^rrft i ^ i
gR: wr t 3Tq% qt ^ RTRf t Rfe RR OpJl4! R>T WT
ttrqr I T^f trftltf ^V9 R^rtt t ft*rrf3r<r ftPRI I
rmtt Rt tt^cf Mt t^cNrg;
^tcfrmr it&w y)d)^: v^nt g^rf \ \c \
R^rtr oiiq t^ciT TTTT fi®! <37H<) R'ER tT®n "fr% spr g y^ra <*>1 gfE
RRT ^ 3FR Rf^T gg RRRI I
goRRf fkRP^r gc^rr
firRFr «p<rm<mm Rqucf tf <;?fdi< i 1% 1
RRt iTH t? ^RT ^FWft 3TRt STRt g0! afk R?4 t? aqfRR ItRmf
RRRRI Rt | *
w q-ywmwt ^ref?c(w t^g:
^EIT^T M^I«U ftrgRT^ W sFTg; I ^o I
TT t^lTTf if ^RTI: -q?, im, TfRI'l"!, Y5^, WPJ^,
srfp:, "RPTW 3^k ftrs Tcq^r fY i

^nFf^anr^ Jpici^i+ni i m i
wr^s % ^frm weft ^rrr % g gsr, ^ snflr ert^ % i
^T?t 'FWT r+tlHl % fMHH TR ^fft ^TtcT 3TT^fn ?tclt %, ^^l"S
I i
•rgrnT qftfg o#Tv^r MNtT i
<F*Tcir tBM!?ftsti= *HI<u: I ffir i ^ i
% 'ftm wft qftftr ^t sqm ^rsar % l ^
^ft TTTTI gnm, anft: ^TT % i f^raj^
^R^r-^T xrenrcr ftrwrr gf^f gnr:
arll^i VF&t nftrftr^ i ^ i
% ^T ^O qgt if -gffe efft g^qfrr ^T sFT TFTT
% i am THif TTFT anft; % 1WR ftmr ^n wr
% i
g<+)i\ui ^ftr: ^ofer i ^fcr i
?fiir sIV YR^hfto: q^gg. I
^ '5r nr w^i ^tk 'mr ^ ^>14 eidi %- tr vi"t>K ?ft ^<.IuI
wr w t i tft TOg ?rai t i (a<i^<ui % w, %
gj'f i (g^) ^ *j«t>^ui Ttr^r arfTFS, arfTira; (ftrag) ^

^KTFT ttftTW ^frq: TEH% I

? *ra1[5^r: ^eznT gg: w^g^: i i
Wtgr ^»T qiK i M^Tidd <^4 %, q$j ^>T tii 4 <^41 aftr "g4
*ft wt ^n?iT % i
traiawicM gtrer i ^ i
aicT: g411 q«m g4 anHc («f?n ) amRT gfH mRi*
■i-jifTH f-r^prrrc

rrait qr^fr ^ w?f

m^qVd^ qng^n a^m^r i ?c i
■g^f ftt tr^g ggt ■?? ^R7 FTT qr ft sr^f TST^T ¥H %
c;| M'+ wt J w H yeM »l fq^Trm % I J <H=t I ^Tit S.K1 in "I'M '4 f^TT
Tin n-^dl % I (^1 R Trt Hlt^H FTTT!
3rprrel qrj r^HWiw ^ q^r qpm;
^ Wt37T; SJ+IPfrt: I I
g^ f^f % srra- gg fwrnn I t ■< R THJ-H % 3^
v fawin v n?T»TrTl % ( yi-q^ VJPT RFigrr -WIHI
t ) 1
HTqi-Md: jRT:
ftoif T^Rft qini^iti I ^o 1
ci^l dec* yiiM ^ ct)[< ] ^4 ^T rRTtT ^ 1
rfer gn arf^r srrf^ %: nrst R ?oo gun % i
WFTTrfftRRW r(<Hg4:
g-rRTliq qpi^: I I
5n"l WTf ^-s -Jlel HH T?14 np Rt d +4H i "< qi-Jl Jlci
% ^run Tjrnr % i srtA trr?
T^T qAr^rf ^TRt W* Tc^T:
RT u*i j?i*rci qryrg qrj tufrt^ I i
Rmft ^TR Trnt if RFtgfT ir % I g4 %
% ^K"! nt y^nTr "fttn % (
ffepTT frSTrT ^Hll^c4ir< gjrT;
gr^q Tr^nrt W wmtWg i i
"?g1lT srm (WItT W) R W "n^n % i ^=5 yem ^PTT m
% arm ^ nkr I ^ y«n«f ^ (CR^ fw) % i ^RT TJ?™
"+"'K I I^T y^R <+61 ^IICII % t tR q 5 31V! TmTm PRR
<M/-T?n %)
ciqH: PTTrTtf TR ijffe ql'Plu^
t^rR ymr g ^R: I ^ \
^r RT yrr ?t -wyRr am; TfRR 3T4 y?1 gfy nTn, (ams R
^TT %) I ^ % UTT ^Tf -qm 1VqT-f^PT 3T«f "q? % 1%
W? "TT^ qq T3T TFTT I qHT qq 3Tsf 3m% % 1cT% oMcl^K ?t % |
q>cii ^iqi'-qiq^dT^nT:
^TcT T^znT ^ SjfcT I ^ I
^cn "91®? qq yql'i ^-s. % yq>T9T <^>41 "qr «f3% % TTTT %> qr^
4 fqrqr qqi % i q?! err arMMiwi 4 ■^rqt tqrroff qrr ^rq ^ ^TRTT % i
9rtT Hqq qrert qRs, qft qnr qqt el'H ?
qWr^TFT qfq: Wt^T ^Tltq ^fteTTt:
iRq- Hiw^idiiNni 9fldW9ifi-q^ i i
q% TT "ster %q wmr % "q? ^qrq (q#? ^qq) % i T^t qqrq
^ qftqyrqr qft xranqi qnrnr qqrqft «Tr?t 3«»wi qq qtqq^f
^trn % i fqFg qqqqr q^t %, qrq q^f % i
q^rqi qwt qr qqqq qftq ^q^f sr^q qqrrc qq ifrqi i <5u-si
^tnr- qir trqiq)
^iciyi^ f^qt-. qt frer ^
q>dq>f^H q 44i TRT UI-41H qi*4: 1^1
qqrfq^q qrcrqq % i qqq q^r q^q arrfq % i q^t qq q.dq> % ^q
if q^fq fan % i w qqq q 3r%qr qqqr qft qrqfq qm^ qt t i
^qq^nranrror rrnjqq qrft- f w;
crwrt^fq? qf^q ^Tp^rrfr % qq i ><s i
qq % qqrq qqq arrfq % qm ^qq; %qq (qqqfqq t
qq % i qrif qj^ f# ^ fapq *ft qr?% % i q^q fqqt % qq^rq% i
sttgt^ qqr^Rt Rt^ni:
fq+di qqqq: qvm^ qq-- qq; qrr; -qqmrrq; i « i
qgq qtcT 4 dq qq sqjq s Pcr+di qrq % i 3Tq: qra qq fqqps;
qqq r«i«i qTq qt tfq qft fqqqr qqqfT-
di^j,<c»ddi qyqf q ywrqPq qpq«r
qir4r ¥q% ^rfftr qqrq vnq qtPrf^r i vo i
Tqqt aqftrqr qqqqrqr qqt qtcft i qqr^T q^qr cr? ^4 4) trqrq cr^rq
qpT m Tifq 4 qqqr ^jm+k q^f qtqr i arsitq qraqq q ^4 % qqnr
crq-q q q-?r 4? qqr-r qqrqq i

■q^f ^l(lfM<* <t5ft ^ 1T^5 cT^Itf i vx I
3m: 3^pt ■Sfff ■5?Trt% % TPTFT S^qifsm? % (3TTt 'OSFR
% i ^ sftxrrf^mf vmr PSRT TT? % 3^R M-^m % cr^t cOticii % i
crnfiRt W eff: MK^K^^Hd:
<r«iTJl^ "Jit^ 1^=rr ^fir- i ^ i
STT^TR ^7 <*IKuI ftw M^K srfm %7 ^u[ t^pmr srmt % 3 tfl i<
^-4 P<><.ui y.'+i c(uf ?tcft %, ^ r ugl ^ 4 y<^11 3R*nT
smrT TT 'stm % 1
fi<n:«F5 r«(MW ^5% ^FarrRR:
w Trarsr n? <WT wt Mhit 1 1
(?Trm % Sl^TR) ^ y^?I if cifsf? TfcT % I T^ft
WTR 3RT UWf ^ 'ft "Pr^T ttrnft T?% % I
^cTW ?fWT tPipT
ftrhft TTf^Niwr oqerwrRcf-' 1 w i
f^ra- tttot ft 3iT cftsp ^rn % ^rft -qFt Hft % wtn ymfr
11 qzgf % fsrpr sm ^ ««ii4> ft ft aftw srr^ % 1 T?ft ^r
t 1
sf^ll^ fteq- «WIHl
cw iHRnmmf ^fft*)i'i 1 v\ 1
wn^s % 'R^T ft ftam Rzftt RTR ft % I STTW ft T^lft "<
TFI (i Rm ft) Rfft ^FT RPT «n I
ftdlH; tp tfHIHI WJRF TjefcnptnTft; 1
ftpf ^nrcT qFmrPftaft; 1 ^ i
nee) r«A Trft Tm % arjRR arrfft Rct yr^ti y,^
Rm m 1 R«ftt fm? RT ^ rft ^mr ^BT %-
ftiftft ?r8?ift vpnfit
fttcT Y? ^riV "paelided TTR 1 1
ttr tstct cil'il ftfwn % 1 ttt m^k fttm Tm? ftr y.<+>
^rg«lf5T RPT T«TeT ft TPft R^Gq fT«m % t
dcfulVlftHWJW M^lOn "Sft Y«nfv *
RTifftft ?? R?rrefttsRtT<rT: 1 vt. 1
mnT wgs % srnn amn % i TTCP 3^
f=r% JPT wshi 1
amiWFhrRT^ ¥?W:
'^n^rr-'^nrm: vi 1
•fr% ft«4Cl •HSIRIH % aTlO 3T?I aftr <4)4-^ r^RI^ %
1 % 1 c4ici ^JI ^f^tuii^ 7i«n
ht^T ^PT nf^f:
-trtr w t^Ri: t^rr-- 1\o 1
X/XR ^IFT (arKl^ ^T) ajk fHcll<t>< 3T^ 1jp7 % HFT % f^pTTcI
% I 5«*i 3^? Mi-m<; % TPTT-T ^ wgS Skin % I
-sl^SklM 15 "S111 f^xfit «nf
dT)-*<Hin< itxEiPr »Jir ^rf?r *11^: 1 ^ 1
'3&17 'P M=fcii '5m "(ga % ';ar,4f f^TfF % I TT^T 'RT-T "51?,
^■Hf^i 3^ ^ ^n^tr^pf URA % ^>?i % 1
^ Pnfir 'HcIkI
<ra^flr ^3r 'nPnf ^ 1 ^ 1
PclWK *TTW orfnhr srrf^ ^fofcl WR<lfW
^T?t % (ffE' fgRPr %) I am: Mpu^d cfm %^cl RTR ^ ^pT
% I
w=3reft ftr^fr ^ ^jfrer (cv) %Rtf^tf:
+«ril^rd (^) Pnit IJH 3Jurt«l«rMl' 7 WIPHPJ: I (^^o ) | ^ |
tpP ^ R#cT ^5t ar^rf c* %5pt % 1 351 *rm ^ ^frtt
Pciwk ^ %SR crm 3«5ft % BPR T^PPT P^WK %3R % 1
dqNdi PdHis^iai: ^RrhfW:
^RP 3Rsn» THfPt tsF?% "^Pnt 1PT: I HY I
fw?rq anf^ ^ n^ft (^r f^n^FT co^ TTPRT I^RI) -if
-sacll \o 4)kin HT^ % I 5-1 til 'HEzt i^o rI^H % I 3T?T Irrm
^ "TPTW TPurmr an twt % 1
Wn^ 'i^dW jldlPd ?ff^f ^trf ^TPp
owtrr ^rar HR ^Prr ^r 1^1
TR TiPrRT wrr ^ ^3 sit R^T, anf^ «jm crsn
fffe fftm (Y«zft Bfft "ntcT TRT? tr r=M-fl 3^ ^3 TRKT % i anPr mm irt
iJiftcT PdcKUin

«<*iai % I
3T*ftE ^ JM *rg$Fc^T
WTtZT: i^ESTlNW: «tjsh+rd+l (^t.^oo) | ^ I
MRmi"! 'il'rt ^i -i«H yFld <»)crM-ii<^>< *f=r9? (^o )
Hl-i^ % I 3^ET^> 'd>M< ^"E Hi*i ^T fTTfEtl d «<♦>! tifVl ^>t ^K-TT
^^^00 Tjon

ir^fcmt firatorr (^<i) IVI«<II^ «rrJ^f?r: 1 ^ 1

^rfteT ^ftf«T "?> Vrtn t-'PeT W^d ^TTPT^ TT^ ^TI I
^Pt fSTFTt Wi <14*< WPT f^TT (^^<i)
iju|| sp^J % (TTT T^TT-T 'tR ^fig) "'it1! Hgci Hid
Hi! ^HlJl % I
Hid 4fspH ^hrTtnp "Hm HI4 fcrftRrr
tTT "nlcT mRAi ^""l Hifci^t ft1T: I I
'Pel ^r9hM -jHI iVff t TH^iT ^TPT Hii.-! 'PC "^fS TTT7t IdHl "^f
■gtm 1 3PPPt ^it^r ^?r nfpfs! % ^pn ^ *ra?p ^ft (^^,^00) A ^rnr

?ff ^ trat ^ 1
dcsbM-^i anit (\s) ^rT^t BM+i^FdH, (^.V.W V '
Pc! q^I-i pTIhi whft (3T«Tfc^ dcul dH> sfiji Rdi41 d'n)
drihH-^ii vs % "^nr "51% XR ^ppct ^tf!! % ^irm) 3Pi^t fa^n pt "ETZT
H-i. Hid % ^t Pp! fd^qi op "^f % 'si3T%,'t t "?!^ ^i! q'i'jci TrP
<3c9hMH«ll ^TT ■HIM gl'll I

MiHIdlrsPM^HlMl fcTftr^rrf^Fp I I
fPT 3iq f%T if <S ^i! HIM MR 3ppft ^>dl "A STpMHi "^T CTT <Jdh*1
-JMI "^iT "TP! (HHidl "iirai «5UI Hi<ct % I
"mwgpqt^rRWii ^f^mrf^r:
TlSHir^: MiPrMfl: M^HUfKy I ^ I
So "qpapT. 33" P?HIdM ^t! ijigi MM I HMI I

^ (V^) MNtifVi-p Yit^r

^ Trnp^nptTP^tr: Tfff ft«rftT (^^s) ^Pd+ti *ra?p 1 ^ 1
f^ngRT ^tjai

W \o %5rT "yrjr %3R ^ttf«T % 37q^

i ^ Ttfg % 3FpmR ih^cf ?tfr ^>T -qR ftqi i
1%: W^" (^o^) ^TT:
^TrTr?fr (w^) iftTi (^H) ifi^r^hn i ^ i
^nl tR TRT fgnn ^R% ^tltO drohM-^T ^ gl^fl |
ft ffR "ffTRT ^T RR ^TRT ^ fsn fffe tflRT ofiT f^R
RR % (37«Tf^ L^o Rt^R fWRTRR ^ ^VsH %5R TR? ^Ft ^Tt it fhs


If RftftRT^R RRRT ^+<HI W- I I
?CET 3tk oRg C?!^) % Rt^ ^>t ^ft ^Ft RsF ^FRT ^oo) %
"yn q nRrq (H ^) it qnr rjrt ftft 1
S\f TTftr ^ft^ ^ftr TTWR": I
55" Pel HI iq + l ftq Itsn^tf: 1 1
TR 55R^n RR mRHRI ^ TTlTT % ^q f1% TR TET f?R ^Bt tR
RRRT % I g^TfRHT % ^ cFt t^5RT % cpf % RSRR <SR<+.| WtgeT
Pichlcl't %
^?t fpRT ttnpTT (^v^d) 'Satw^w: Wl^csFH^+l
3T«r RT^TRTT UnRTR: RHjeit I ^ I
R^tferRT fRft I TH cFlP^^I R^t fRRRT (^i) iT R^ TR ^ctRRRT
ftnt I ^Moh RR el "?f^ opt RitfZ5RI ^ 'yn RR tRRRT % RTR

"^ff RT ^cR <>c*«T^ff UMI"Id:

^RT R ^Rt ^RT^ ^fRrt oR^UR ftj^i ^Vs I
^gR?f^3TRT% | RT? ^cRRRRI ^T RR ft% RT Rft ftRR % I R?
?tfJ % RcRRoRT R2T% RT ^R RRT ftft % I TR ^TR^RT
% "yiT RR 'SET art? % 3TRR R»t RRT % RTR RT a—ia RRT
ftcft % I

^ tr^fWtTHT: HiWWchl: f^TSTT TTft I

^TT TTftf«rgwn Wferat^cTT I ^ I
^=Tcf w ^rq f^rf^r % th^ci ^
(^^jOOO) ^ 'HI'I +iC1—
?rqfr qUr- rtsi f^srrs^t nrftrcrr
TTT-" t^<i ?fW>t t-mc^ iff^T ^nR;*: I
■?f5 ^PT f^f RPT wtar % i 'gmt % i -pr
^4lHn< f^n •& -yqr ^T RPT ^ ^Per ^PT 4>^HitH«i>
RTT ?tcTT % i

firsTTt^ft ^CIIHI cfflm uPrRr i vs^ i

■g^: doshH-J'HI ^Pt R ttftftf "R y ll =PT TEfsF cpc^l Tt Ml'I
I 3^
met "f^rsTT ^r 'j ii <*><. % MI'I ^ i qicf %> SI^PT mi*1
^T MRhi"! ?tcTT % I
n?MlsO-F ^cRT: (^) ftanT
-Odlltrt^l s^' WR I vs^ I
fgMMcH % fR TTeT % ^P ^ %5PT TR M^WPTcT (jft
if 9ft ^'IHIR RfP) s^ST ^PT WPT MT^f I
trP9Tt?eit ftfHT^^T oRTT (W) -^csbH^+l
RHRT: (vso) ^toro <«i'-MpHr4di (5^) Rar^ i \9^ i
PRPt (W) RF5HI ^Pt gSRPcn PsPRW V9o cJ«n «Plfi^m
^eftrP: W§: (^^) ^t (^U) itfW:
^rWRtRoft ?TsF viHd^g, ^TPt: (\S<»H) I V9V I
tit^'d Tfy ?ty w, f^PPSRT Rm 3Hd^4l (vso^) |
f^TTPft (V9^o) Hd+dlid ^ ^PTt^TftTRTm
Tgrr ^pfRftr (^) qflaR «PMdr i \ss i
-s—ici^hi mim (va^o) -s-m^cii, ^ft 3—1 la ^ ^^Ml-ifa
^jfUMHiPi ihgrnPr fhW:
f^Pd^l AK?H>itifWd ^PTt PiSHH^: I vs^ I
Rp3PT ^sn I 3RI: STR Rt^FT ^T RTR)
^ fT2? "#PTT WfW^r I
YT^fcT f^T ^ ^UT
»K-fMHI w^nT^nrr i vs^s i
in, gf^i, f^r sfk ^ "sjrr 341-^51 r<d %r arf?! ■%
'^3% t I m gg- RrFT % SRTcp ^RSF -RTR^ % ^TRTIT
(3T^r %)
STtiH dlc|<\HrH' ftrg TRTR leRfifr
THT^T «TW ^rgRcf «lufeH!fl (Vo) t(1T: I *Sd I
fWmm ft«rRi (stirto) "deft % i ^ ^jrrft BNnf,
ci«ii{ pcfwu ofTTcr^ "ft "frrs Rd den i nssm ftn srrfe % +Kur *ft
fsn "n^d t, "nfsr ^nft ens fdrrem nd *ft "dnr i ^
tdrmn dt v© am d % i
lf|5^eI?7T (^o^oo) Ffdlf: Tjf^^rHt^tei: ^T"-
pTem (^^) Rl+cllWlcl^e^nM^I (V^l) ? ef^: I Vs^ I
3«tl r^Hlel-M dt ^o^oo "^T^T 3)^1 Sjij HHI ^ll4) eft <1
TR^eT ^ r^=hHI ftRRtft ie^HM ^TT «ft r^+eril ("^7 ^
rc^«i) d'ft i ttrpt ^m-
^TCTT "dnr wtw H^Pmh (^)
ddeiWH^X ^frd^rftj n w- i c© i
W ^mx ffn dtm ^ dtR dnt i ard^and dd % dft d ^
dtR dV d n fwnmn "dm i ^rtm d nd ddm i
fWeRTE ddift nft^CTPft ^ertl-derl"-
w^dd ^Prt rrf^r d^rft i 6\ i
tdrmnftr 4 mn ft t^t rnn Rft^r nftn dt ^aira % i r?
amft "^d ft ^o c(ii« nm dm % i
ftft Tersfram fciwiCi nwmrr
(WftfeT fftrp dcTT^F U+l^)
WRT tFTTrarmT ^Fft Pm i i
(arift ft?) ft^mi 4y n«n "dsR fftwu dft ft
amrrad % "frnm drmaft dt dft %ft dd ^ "gft dVm dm ft
d dm ?

ttl&ll (?V5o) "RTWRTRT ^rwr: qviw«rd (^)

dsimi-difa-- ^ M^rr^ rc|?c(MIM^'- I £$ I
<+4[n+. d^ + l ST^TRT \s<i7^«>') ^ ^ fEPm (^s")
WT %? ft«ra ftrlrnsr \^0 ^cnarf <1d'ii i
SfcT: '^T? Tft ^F>WT ^ tl^dl % 1% ^cicil cil'l 5, TRT «^4 -TFt I
1^^WrcT% ll^S M5"i I dV I
"PTT fsr^TT (:3rsr \T3T O sMptl ^t) ■if cT^ %> <.1U-S
"ct^T ^f
3T?C^nT: 4<!M5l MI <+icrll
anft ^^Hfd I I
■q WTT SRHfcT ^ WTT V ^en 3TlW <1wdl % I 3^=
fFRcfR qff <sani R qSt -sacii qrq afrcft % I
nffoi^: Hw+I^cf TTRT 5^
^HI(X^ fWRr^TFT ftsrifTErf^T qt i ^ i
^r -ftsra HiPcict, 3Tq% fw % qrqr ^ q^rsc q?t ^3% t ^ ^
qqt ^3% t i 3t4 q? q?t % i fqi srfRT^ qgt % i
tcf^ntPTTW •qr^TFT^Tt I
snrerfafr H^FHI i dvj i
qer 3^ 3T^f qq fqernr (%£Fr 3ik ^iR) (^ ark srg^f)
qft HIHI % q-'K"! H^'H! qqt qksqr % i qqqFt i sfk M^II k Tqqrr
sRTtrhT qrrr *ft q<+di % i ^ qwt ^qr TT qt qtrq
y+di % i

^rt^v F^^0) ^doqm wrffeNwI^^nr:

^Fjsftqrqrc q «ef^i4ci«TcF i 66 i
II»<^S)H qq «^a<i fq^q qn "k ^vao 'qfqq qft qcqq ^ q^ % fq>-^
qq «<Jq «HH qqt % I
-tidi^diviN" ^qnfw qqftftr
s.Ktutqia' -flctirR: Hi^q ^wfkrq q^qp i 6% i
dldMci (g^) %qsrq 1qqn ^r jhiO an^q^tq (qqqr JHIO) %,
JMIO % qrqoq qrrur FC wcqq qqr ^q: ^Rqq ^ q^ ^t #flciifX % i
qq cftqf qsnq wgs; ^ei q^ % i
pH-aiti <4nT

3Ttfr *TRW 'TFT *TFt fWlTTT

3ra: TT WTt T>T 1wrT ■TTFI % Tfwft MFT ^ ft«RT % I
^T: TRcI of^ T>T afF FT FFTt TT 3FF ^3% "ft Ft "PTC "?t3T
% f3f -
TTHmi 3>Kdl ftifis
cf-THdl F F TTftt cleiTI^Rl: I %\ I
FTOT TFT STTTTF TPS % 3FTOFT 3ft % I 3FT: TTjtT 33 37133?
33733? F^t % I fTft !I33? «*js, ^ft 3313733? "T^t % I (^FTT 'g?raft

37W7 337 % I)
dTldtifV+ FTTtS^ft TTFlfr MWTFFftT:
31^3517^37^3 «1TI<p3I-HHIW- ?«n3«t^T: I ^ I
?TgS Ft I3f33 37733? 337 3Tf337 373 % % I 3^ FfOT, fTtTT
337 33? 373 tT FT TTg^f 33 373 333 ^377 % I ?3T3 ^ ?r FT33 373
37373 37c73 % I
d3»l|utc| F^TtTT ^t3 3?= 3I3T:
<'?ll^<lf^d)| TfFTT H^TIUII ^537 I I
3733 TTgS ^ fF^F fFT ?ft ^ 37fF37 ^73 % I 7J37 37737 % I 137
^Tt 3? ?oo 35tf3 77 'Ft 37f337 cTtF Tgct % I
?T33TT^3t5Ff 3^ ^ftcT: 37^
^ftr ftrgiT7 3t ^ i vt i
7^7 3^3 it ""Tt^ 3ft 37?t 3?3> 3TC 3h?7 Wtcit % 3? f?775737
ftT? 3t ^33 % I 373"?3 3373 *73 it 3? 373 37 37f337 3tcft % I
3§fc37 77777?;; 313 gSTTTtftt TcIT Ft
33t i«biH<0 FiFT farr ftsitlr i I
3T%3> l33TT3Tf if 337 3^ ^7 377373 337 33? ^ *l
3tt? 3^t % 7137? ?t f3^t 33 37373 37%37 3337C ^ ?t37 % I
4-Haif-fl r*i*iial-q %f^?%1^7373T 3737
^stl<tMI FFT?^ PtHI+UI 33p3 I ^ I
t3^t %7 373373 "3373 % 3333 RtlFH 27737? % e5tt aft? 3% ^3
37*ft 33 37% % I 3m 37*% 77^3 Tt 373? 33 37% % I 337 37737R <ft
3337 3737 % I
■ffsnflr cpnit ^ i
MHI^ TRT I ^\9 I
ciml^ •Prft sfrc ^pft ^ w MRCI^H -ti Y'sft ^ 'iM+K ^ st^cTcn
% i trnft slk ^ wpt wRct^ ^mr % i
cfcju^H w^rhi: nn(i<Ni«wir^^wr^
^trRT^fk ^E^TtcT T W^M-si ^.IrHld: I %C I
^fk a^k fkcTr fsn trgsc ^ff m % i gscroit ^ ^kkt
■?p5 ^k "JH ^fk T?f % I
?^F ftnsPtr wks ^kftsr^-
?r# cnfjTR^n ^fkkcr aRk k^i, i ^ i
STctTH % r«^M TRTt k ^fnfcT "^fk^TeT cT«n ?«*?! ^ k«ri%
k smt k«ikT k ^fct srm % i
snftkik^-kPT ^ciidfti fWkk:
^fkafkrot qk<f k ^ ^TTcf i i ^o i
arrfk •MIHH TT-T % ST^CTTR f3rtT%: fn % T&fi WR ^ ^ ^Tf3
%crm TWCT % i cr^Y k? k? ^Eq im k % -er? ke: krft TfT%
k smn % 1kRj cO^di % i
ftrgrtr-3^> TFT kmt m Mt-
iJlftH kSk Tit k? WR krfW: I \a\ I
fk^RT k? stjhh -^fk k? Erm k tkkisit k fk*^
ik kt kk % i tikufMq TTSTT ^rk siksp nfk krfwi % i
3MRgl< fkRTkTPT k^T
kMWK^IW klfklT- I W I
^rk> j=z trfkcr kmn 33k k?tk Piciiw If 1 ktktkm
k^ (^rk^) ^ k^rnak kf kkt argk ^rr sum WR % 1
m W5TT ttftfk sFk^irk wf^;
k^fkw k«nk qm\ kki^r fWn^t, 1 TRT 1 1
■q? krkf k5 kr ^qkt ^ Tftfk kr k w "trgs kk m
t akr Tfrk? TTO k*r <TkT argk tk^im -pre krrerf kre % i^^srer
k^mr- fk? Tgjr?nr: *
TWFtRRre ^ar suw^qr aftfkkm; 1 v>v 1
So"* ■ftTSRT |

^wr <T«n TR arsjct % i fsirft "&

^TTSR fwcr H^mRr«T RT f^Jcf ^[rT grgT ^TRH % I
ar^rn inf^f jFTtfrrr ^tr ^fWr:
^ f^r ^RTFT ^rPsnnw: w wr-- i \o\ \
W t^JEr EpT % EFR -^r ?1cr TT^t ^rT ^ crar^t ^3% % I
argf^t %' i ^rf ^ Refa %r ^ ^it fr stsei frrf Ept
=M<idl % ^r Tifsnrr (^RTTRR ) ^wcf % i
^iim+i?i ir^ u+c^tl
ft«ird4wi^^t I %0\ |
fR XRTR SHEFT?! if f^Ff \<ai3it CM-ll <f>t 'l^fl %, <s*l) ST^tTR
RS^V RT Rf \^3T3lt Efrt cmtM-II % I 3TT^T?T qfufci' ^3T "% 'J ^t
(^T) ^ ^RcTW EFt ^vRTI %, W -cr#"^! RFft W(ff % I
5<^|UilcH AKUilf^^ ftsft
efprt ytkt- Tg^srgrn'ftgrFTt' ^"ii*^ i lovs i
"f^TR WR R^sq ^ if % I (ipfr if 5. cT«n BFR «^«K)
WR tRMIcHI %r fsruz if *it ^nff (^IR?)
% R, ^jq* tq: 3TTf^ oilqi fVqo % I
^^ ihxlh' cilq»iqK flqi "T^1
Trqk ^ Tjcr: ^wr^nr i X0* i
sn^m % in^ seufefl % TFft efRFf EFT ettetr RHT % i yRr^. %
f^F Ergf RfcT ERPT ^tcTT % I RTTEFT ^ 3TTRR ^T % I cTSTT ^
■RJsC % RfcR % I
cfarr cft^F cRTT TftrFT «FTr? WTT^T:
tWnrqt W <rat ^r "yfRRT i \o% i
Y5^ eft RFT r^<"H4f % I cltRt ^ft iif TREFT 3TTEFR ^T? %T
"yn 3ifqq>
sFMIatdK^: iflrFT: U+rM-dl: H«'<ldf: I
ERsnmrw Y'ttH w^r ^rr i uo i
^RT snft % aTN<u| %1 3FTT if TIEffTT % I WT % STyTR pTEFT
S^IIWl if qufni % | (RPR, -PR) STTfe ^T TTTRTPTcT: YYtRT if
cini %l &ici"
+t[4s!I didrVM-i >\Mr<+ U<;l>fdl
^sn^^mmtcr <J<+?IIW tiHdH, i ut i
sicT: fH •iP'm if -iy+i Tra 1^n 'n^rr % i if "Tlei
3T«zjrq if mrRTfW 3Trfe % if ^TgT d|5fJ|| I
arq- ^(IPT TTWR Trttf^r ^^ditv
<+)Rir^r?df+!: tntftrgRT PfUtMuft I \U I
if "OT WR ^?T tR % -pRTT RfePT a^t ?TTfR %
fdif UHlH<+ ftT^RT 5!c-il+ fcT^ '50% t I
ftnsnr Mtvft-eRO ^Te% ^ ghftrw:
3TTRnr: ftra; cr^crRcra i u? i
r%*&ld f^RtRpT %! 'I^i<—%> R^T "<^! ^R) cicm ROTt
I iM (^o R? ) RR mti-I, ci^l TT RpER aa-fl ^ff ""R
tfRRi MTH % I CHcm %> Rf% (^o tR) fRS ^ cTRT ?R dl<i Tf dl'+i
(^0°) Ri: 3^ ^f^nj if ^5 RT R^RHd % I
^tT OKMRdlPi RlPf "?RHIPH R^fteT f%^KfnT
eRRT ^ W sftof^ R^f TOO: O^rMh I I
Rg 'R'ft ^ WR "QRT if RRi ^rf RTR (^o ) Rff ^it XR % | (giMC^
artr % ^fR ^Tf ^ RTR RT \<C.o Rff %) I ip?: if 'PJT 3%T !«•&
fRRTR RR% % I RRT RT RgRTRcT (5%^) if ST^t ^g% % I
tPRRtTH: ^ R^«f R^RT 3TRa% MfW RRpR I UH I
^**(1 if Rt RgT XR % 3TXT% % Rtcfl RTt -ft% cTRT 3TXT% cpf <jj4<. RRfTRT
% I Rif ^i) ■%■ df'll Rg ffRRT RT-T% W I
SIR": FVKW)!: dl-XKtRI?®!Ml R^RT 5®l I
aroifcrrt^nfRR: ftRgRr f%gPg% RR RR RRTR I i\\ i
tRR RR5R ^TeT if "?5TRT Rf% Rff RRP eOtlcfl % TRf XfgTR RSRT xr
RTRR ^o" XR fWcI Rjsq STXpT ^R 3fk Rf% TOT
fRP fgrif f% %Tg% % I <%P+H gR citR tRR RRJR fi«R gpfR % I
rI XJRiR xff% lc;s(|| XR tcpfRT 1%RTT RTe! xft I f


Rg RRR RT*% ^TR sftTRP^RT PftRT: I IV3 I
dct^l Trg5 %T OxR fi«rg artxff R«%i R5t %g STTRTR!

% I f^HTCtcT ^ 5, TTTT cr|c|U| srrfe

CT^T ^Cl*ft<l<\ CRYT

M^d^<um<H: xxg ^^,r< cf^rRr

TT^cf ^ret etl^dS I X\6 I
cra^r w 3Tf%7 8^ -trgs % i sffk Trgs: TT afk cTs?ft
^i *p*i i w^f wi c(i^e) fWrtr % i t^R% ?Rk ^ yiyuf
■asu"® % I WT STTf^ fPTt ^cini -s-iml ■>=i<uI q-<;-ii ^Rxt % I
^h^rFf^ttTCT WCTPT^ ^^ ^TTPT tn^:
Mmm cft^TT: ^loft' ^<11 Pi I ^ |
ssfk % ^f«r (^t) "ft (^ft) "5? (tis ^i T^T), sik SRT
Mi'ii °FT Slftrar ^0 "^R % I 5*1 WeT %> *Aci<
cimci % I Y®^ *i'5jsi yV Mmicn <»5i viiicii % |
^^^U||HPi| i|U||^+d Ud>l?ll
T^ETT^T TTTT: 4»P<Hlc|«r-d I
^^pd ftoY tWV wft®r tt:
ftrera ira -ddy^^R^T PdYlA:.! ^o |
xirmeT ^ srgr a^ ^4 f^crm ^R<r % i-mf If-RR Yftir
% ^ y+ifvid % i ■ftraE 3to% y^t T i 0
rf »r ^Ft sjk ! fWm
^R% % i fgraRor (^ gf^i) % % -^of 11?% TRT
% I Rl-S. sftr Icjo^ f«4l 4i «II5*II <*i|pt1 % yctilfVlCI
% I
W: iJll^d^Hd sF^f 'M<+ (tcT^r) ^

% fnqt tim "Rgs ^ttrfr % 1 ^F *ftcR ^ % 1 #4 % RR

?FR?T: TTT^F, VllcHcrfl, 3qk ^RR, "nti^F ^FT
3RT RR % I
dd»l^llP4MPlR ^ RRT4;
crpmrRit fm TPT i ftn^
^ Prscrj?" "nPr q -Acii
wrfRW Ynift? ^rr 3RTt tufa ^TTY; I W I
criq>l ^ HsHlciq RTR R>t TRF % I 3 TTR Mcfci cT«n 3^7
•sTJTtcT rdcKuiH,

% I ^FT fsTRTR cW % I ^ "& 3rR

grq^i: fwn; ■gsF a^: •=ftci ■q^cr % i ?r ^f «it ^ %
3 *t? ^?( % i
<irra ^ l^rt ^ "T^fr (?Rc(^
ftne^TF W ^ cTPTT^ fcrf^ ftrmpr c^f I I
cri^l TT '3TR R^ll ^ Mgel ^l<o(4 P+>~1< ^71 TT^n -d^K FR
^t I i f^ns: gr % gnro- f^cram cT«n ^r t i
1l<r^e)ia wft ^H+lsl ftFcf i|-*IHI<iH:
^rficr ^ ^rrm m^Rdicfd^ i i
MH<=b1Pi tRR ^i|R ^ tTOT HI«rMdl<W Tmr ^ 3tR il^MHKd
% I 'q? ^Ht 9FW: ^fteT 3Tk frm ^ET cR? % I Vfo
gmsFt ?dldTl ^ <f^T ^TTcn % I '
HIc^datcinST ^^ d I '•
M-*l|lcl ^Tcraf^r TTEq-ft PTeTT ^dlPcK: I I
HKr^dH r^cT ct«n TEI^ % ^ ^T HFI VS jpT ^dW! % I
'I-*IHKH cT«n ifrgs: % RK crm ^^nid*
^FWctt I
fm ^ftcT wP4di ^rf ^rr^r irr^nfr
3«H<<i^dl^ «Ml^d' +l»dd H^ddH,' I
"Pm^r, Ttd, 'WMK-f Hi^dK^r -q^cit ?r ^ -Pr^nsTf
fsTCT "|3TT Pdt^d IdT^IrT % I W ^9T ^ ^cH ^ ddl«=b< % ??%
% I W ^1 3ft? (dPdd % <T«n 3??% ?^of ^U-SK % I
T? ^ fftft: fx® w&m- TRqW^r? Tncpr.-
^RT diRf^Pd ^ g<|U|Pe|<fli gMdufMH, I VI* I
i?t% Trezmm T^T % i T?Rff -pr^t WUIM^ % ct«TT g?rd1?r5f
^ 3Tg?n? w ^orarsift ^r fWr?T % i -q? ^ ^tft
C+fufd.!) % "Rrfrft w w? istt m i
fa*fwr -Irerr: h-^Vw Tpro ficrr ftrgcr.- ^Misjcf:
^jaPTTrtrfig ^ cR fMujdl^l I I
Wi^sfcT%^rr? Pd^isr (^mm) t-'R^?, (M-«Md) •
pn^HKH) t^rgcT alt? -gqr^ i ^rft apm: (^tig:?),
^«n tjpTeT aft UUHdl % i *
ft tRTT W:
MV^I4 ^;^?cT % th fn^ -rr ^ v^c «rT % i
r«m» ffrrf ir ^ hRt «rt i w k -^t ^jpft tftir ^
^tTTSRt 37k f^sf 3PI ^cTTT 37777? % tkl ^ 37^?' tn? % «ft fciyy ?r 377?
err ^*11 Thn^kf -RR ■
mftTsortsT^rMnrtWi; i \%o i
k? %> ro7^u7 ?^?t ^ ^ ?m k ^77: ?R 11 yr«^%-%7«r
37rR? 1kfk? %, ?^=r if STRTTPf gfft7 ?Rcft %, 3R ^cnsff ^Ff
% I ?«7I ^9737 37r??T % I
illpf Wftt T^T Tef •TjViiAMH,
HTc^nrr TTT'wncftn': TJTTT aTcr % fcfcrrcrar: i i
?? ^ ^Tf if ^ WZ C^fkT) t- 37^, "'TTTO, H^l^< 3k ?%?
?5T) kr fkT^rt ^7% k «r?^7: k 377? s^pfi % 1

T^IS^piftH «fk^pTPf ^ I I
kf k ?^c7 k ^fkr fn %-^kF tth 37k wt k 37% t 1 7337x77:
fkai, VK W sk Tfkk ftra STTTT 37T777 ??!+< 7?? % I
5? ^ItMl k •A'? sh*Hfl: 5^, STfR, HH, X7$5rtT, <=(<ul, M??)kx ??T
ftToT % RTR if I
fcRj ^Rft ftiwJi<7t;i FTfkrr kk
tkf7*rT w?; ?iw«<: Tnicrr ^T?T I i
ftr®! k 77K k fkFRt 3R W ^PI 37ilcK«l ?*ret k^ R f377 I TTTk
it? ^r urnf k kmrfj ?ftR ^ kngnxi Rkif k kk k> ^r ?k k
fkeT 7R 377k I
^diMI ktnfk «ld4.M-<l ? mTcf ^fk:
kffl ^kltM I l&t I
kkn kn? rstt? k? k, 37ci^H<i (-ikn) rr? ?rk k -srg itm

ipjJMIci 3fh ^ ^ "fif Ucjlftd I

^ ^P'ftll f^TfWT ^FT W KM 'I I r?!dl TfrcfT
1 1
*raT WT t^dMi ^«nfT FTPR:
•mn %r -SKI ^gct WR xnxjt •?>% % i TR -^^r, -q^
qff qR% ^ "^'j ■^5(1 <711-1 '^| Hl-fl MI'I qfrp <f«^ '^'1
■PTOT qR% qi qR% % I
i)Mxird^ dPcidlfVld ^fr tte^t cTRTf^ ^ I
OTF rft PctPjIdl-dd. ^ft qtRT ^dl+H, I I
w ck'+j y<4i"i =t)<^ ^ cii'ii qii "Pra qq tR ®i-«h-i ~zz
STTCTT % i 'IMI cT3 qr q^q % iT "?t q^q <.^[1 q qrq ^<sai % i (stwt
qm qr qfq qqr) "R^ft qftq % i qer^f q%Fi qR% % qqp
q qfrp qrqq ^t q^qr qqcTT % i
^t +^<>?id>d ftjeir qm qqfqqr^qqftq q^g^qrft^rwt; i
di'i^ qW qrw itRWt -rnqsr^ WfW qror sd q^r i^\9i
qRci % qjf iqnT %- ^ qrwf, qqfqpqq, ^RrfWr,
qm, qpR, qiw sftr qi-qcf i
tr^qrqmqr qt
m^^rth qcrnr^ mRqidi qir:
qfoRq if qn^dNdKoiii: i i
3>HIR^>'I ■if ijt cP1! oqqqqr % i spq qf sRqq (qi-^id)
qrq: fqarrq qqcf % i ?q qrqr q^ ^f vs jciMci (9rq q^q) %- q%^:,
q^rq, qrftqiq, w qk fq^q i

CT«T: H^lit-HIaldlid")d«frs do^^WM: «d<H-d<: I 1

^q ST^fq %r tq-R qt oqg (qr -prtq ^q-1qqq % |
krjq "km q ^fqor qq m ^ertq?, qqr qqr qq ^q- gqeftqr +^didi
% i fq-' cTlq> % i Tqk qqq q?; ciln, qq cil^, qqcflq>
qqr 3RT k qcqRtqr % i
d'+i^i^w q<1<q: wM<ir<Hi^ qqqhf^rK i
adqw<i krs^ w^tq% qf^H q^q i ^o i
qq etqq k -qqRiq "gkn % qq qqq qqqhft qqr k r<diU (qt
^1, efqq ^ ^kf) fqs ^ k -gqfqr qm kqq^ qR k snkt qq
% i
t°FcT TRT: uTdsi^
d-HWidli-^ ^ deftiRfldHltiddv ftsnft ^RHd Ttofig: I t^X I
3^1 f^n ^Ff ^ cr«n strt MP^MM 1
t i ^pf trfeti % ^ft tdvu^i ^TR sftr ^rf^nr % | ^ ^ |
RsfllSrt % SRT tWf^7! (^tuT r«;^M3?t) ^>1 PiufH ^ % I I
%> TrR ^ ft«nT % I i
3T«ft3rRPTT ^^4 TPt «i^i PdfViwid,>nn?lRft9r
ef%er dPTT: i wx I
* ' dalP^-fl ■& ^s=3ft % ^ (^o°) ^ f^n ^ •MH+lfi WT % I
TR ^HdilPd WT % ^ 3T^f% (dalP^Hl) T^f % I
■MMdiffd % RfSR if cfspl % I
pr^r Rchr inffft nrwid, ddwn^d, ucft^*p i
fRssr ^iir<d<d dwtpirNt infrsf ^r M^r i w i
Wff cRTdT % f^F f^nr TSTFT % ^ if ^ft WRT % ^TWI % R?cn
irfaR if Tff % I "T? f^rf^ onqtSTT fPrl> pq^q ^tT 'HTf WTcff
% I
yPdHU^dfM'rt 5=fPR: WTpf TP^ftrRt
^Tftnf ^ qciq-qq^TT SRc^ *T P-iqMWFlMR I I
Pd^q^Ti PPR^T ^9T) if XR 3iq% ^cPT if ^Pff
: 1 u
<p* cTIT jfilo q>l q>*ifi •3q< cTTT ?fti i. q>1 cTRF ^tqqi % I •stl qtipq
^tT 3RI% -Rr % 34Id)IVI if dc^d-d % RRR cOiddl % I
1^?f ntcT W ?«imWSfT tTSTT WMd R^T HU^dH, I
tstt; far wrffr fifrtr w<-df Rf^r m- 'Fdi>id.i: i i
R^SR fq^q frf ^ ^fif RTR cRTF qim %, 9Mpq ^xT ^RPR
Rr?n if «fft «fR ifr% %, R«n fR ■RrRrsr % btr rott % i
Rrrft far arff dnPd (rtrjtPxt dff rRt) Rcrff %, Pdddi
% TR WR dff dldHlcHd) ^ff RJT 3fVllrHd> RPT ■gtcIT % I
RtaRT RW Rffr (^o) -jPFRJI WMRRf w id-dlVII:
fRWprnrf RPt«ft ■zharnRr ^ odWH, i w i
^VM-rK RfaR art % 'juiid)< RRRPR RfaR if RFI XR RR
RTR RTT 3T8ErrVT YtRT I TT? R7RT if xft ^ff U+K S^SRVT 34|i|'|| I
^pftcT rocuuit

smra ?ja fci^c) 'iM-f RcMcfl fi+rf) % i

"aWf 5ef A«'(d|: ^lUj^rHirH^ HW+><^
«oi|iM«o^ ^SF rcidl+ ■qf^r f^rRrsr u«Th\ i ^\s i
f^T WR 3TR fgf STtpf tTR % ^tR ^3% %, ^ft
g^PK 5^ ^nff ^rf^pr ^ i ^Nt ^ ^9T crm ^TT ^
tloH H;^!! («;iW ^ fl<H>) cl^TT % ell'l 3R-ft SPRToZf (®ll41
ckhi) ^TcTT "g3TT ^TSct % I
f^trrf^T iFRTTri; "^l^R *[ T^f ^cf |
^T?t cl^l «ri<sn Tnt l^Pd^"? Rsctl^l I \X£ I
PitKri ^lRic+> ^isft %> <*KuI iiwr % y,* (<=mrM)
srranr ^ntf %3R .(^ faF.'qt.) ^ ^ncn % i wi cTT
(<iRi *t) ^ ^ "'TTSH <5Pa KE "ft vii(al % I «i^rci<*> Md^ yWi
TS ^ ^STTcft % I
t^" UW i hcpt
«n^T Wt w f^FTHT ^ iJcfTft ^ WW^ sRtnT I Vi% I
yf^T f^T yrfMt q?! TTRT ^HP<H WR % I WSFI f^TT
trth m ^Fft •gffe % ^i cjr ^ ^rmt % i ^ ^TKT WR ^mn
% i
5<^M^ TPTTf^r iraftRcT: Ul+rd* <=b^-<|:
efrTRR: ^f^TRRrcn^; f^Nn^: I ^o l
«f?n ^>t 3Tr3 ^TTTH ^ yc^Ici if WHI <31lfll % 1 PaiMt^
TRt ^isfl -^T Tpr ^ fRTH TRTT % I ^ HlMiy* (^THf RI ^cft^)
W^ftRi yd4! % I wfii %> TPR ycfftl ^4 'TT "yr
•dry—t cti-^ol % I
^NlPH ^ryiRdd TRT Wt- ^
^ ^Pl4t ^TRT Pralrf M-WKMPd^nt cRS^f I W I
^TRff 3RRT WT 3TfnT ^ JR sfk Wt ^Tf ^ 3R% tr oft
Itt tR? M'MH if Rten %% % I (^R -^R ^ t) tt«n % RTR fR "RRR if
3TT% ^ft T5®! % I atlrMPdd. WT t I W
y^K %>. yciM % I sft?!, yi^Rit* aRRprRT I
^tRf^r MHellill *
if iRSlPtvJ^ IHI4 x(l ^sF «F^rT: I
sfW1^ I 'ifcT I ^ I
Vell+l H T^TT) ^FTor, TTT^, HSSPT, W 3^
HW, ^R, TTT 3TTft: ftarfW Wf 7Fft I ^
TTHt WRS % T^T: ^ T^F STT^TR % ftsR % I ("ftT^RT
rVlOMpJI ^FT 3^<u| TFTFR) I

(tV'o) ^Hf^d: Tfl^ ifSSTRTf^fq: (51^)

^nrar: (^o) WMftft: •q^ffefiT ^lelcft I
^ZTTf ^rdrd^l^l H^TT ^d>4^d1 tt?-
o^: ym^i (^oo) w- ^ (w) "Rrfr i ^i

1FT ^THT (^oo) -qfaR % I 1% (^Rvs) % Tm («Sp) %

*mT tR y^ ^ ^TFT srnn % i Y ^, m ^«TT
arrf^ % sqrfr "& id+f qftfir PH+M^ sfk mcT fgrf^r % i Y5^
C^T f^ift w) % ^rm ^oo % "^"n iw % nm m nf
nftf^r ^tnt i
dwi^ my^i^iii: (v^)
irgip?fV ^Iftwd: (^;o) (V?)
wit^rr: (v^itoiYO
onnrcT: nftf^: ^r^Fcf ^PTT?
dMiN-fl, tof f^r (do^^^)
l<Rfr WFcf o^ini'l (^) nPTTfcT: (^^YVV^^IYO) | I
?Eoo X 5oo - »
■pr fsrfY % nftfn = <v>^ i %<> i nrsR % i
iRT (cRS^F ^TT) nt -RcT % I Y^ nftfn ^ °®mT ^ TT111
% YSTCTcT 13TT Ho^l^olV^ x \%?a = do.V^.ddS "qt^FT Csnf)
Y^t qn HH'Fcd (YB^q x sqro /^)
S do^^.dds x xspo
c = I V t
8RTYFPT TFt "Wcf ifl^
diuiisO^Ag, 'STFT fcnjfn (^.ss,^) "Rfnr Pnf di^:
j^-q^pd "nm ^ (^y.S^^^o) iiM ^prrr
TRTSSfrj (W^o) Wef ^ TPf ^fcRp I ^Sh I
•grfleT rOcRui^

% <rtRT^ MRHI"! = "qt^TT

^1 ,, = ,,
,, = W^,%o
^ ,,, = ^,V9«i,oo6 „
ftrerxr f^rttvft - wz- ^ ^
cI^MR TftcT: <+,^cb^o| otictH,
ifRrt^rcT W^TPT ^ Hici MB^ji OTRT fr^Fi;
xr^Tb Rnnf ffter ^ mi^ i i ^ i
trftfsr oTTTT % "ipm ^TT y tr WC cf?T ^T %^ReT "gtcTT % I
^FT ^tT % V % "yn cdi.'l c(5 i <rl oH I'FT Vfc Hlel 'ilH iTrTW
^JT %WeT ?tcn % I ctM^Pd ^ WT^t ^UcT ^T fR m? "nt^
^7T etdl % I "ffteT ^ft tTcTF % %WTieT oTTR ^ H,"!! ^^
qFi d«<+i m«+><ri -fnn % t yRiNH (sm^R ^g) ^r cRsrrf,
■HISI^ ■aNrrf ("TF Rtsrf) ^?cft % i 'iin RFKT% %, T^T rttfct
R W ^<^J|| I
%f^=r^l ^ oTRT
U+c^W ^Tf^r (^^)
^ (vs) ^ ^rr Rf^r
mdw ^«f trnr i ^vs i
RfTFfr (^FRSR: STTRT ^T) ITCI % RF ^rRftr % sr^qrn %
sqRT ^Tgr ^mn % i sqm ^ -rpn vs *rnT
TTF TFftfsi ¥t<ft % I sfh o^rra % 'JUH4-!cT ^ V % «FFT TR I
^FT frrW W 'rtdKi^W <Rfr riPHMM, I
'Hd ^8frH f)cf ^Thl rTRTRRF VT^tftftT ^ I VyZ I
^T ^m?5s wtcn % i ^FrT r "ym R tft ^r
oT^ Mldl-i •HCie ^IHHic-l ^Fdl % I "Tf ^^Hid ^ 3<FMH»
¥ldT % I
^ ~p§t rrrRt^ Rtcf *rgsF ferrrr i (^,^00) inpmW
t^HTT (^o) tofozmERvf U+c^dillTK E^NT I W I
yy+id ?T«n WT Pf+M^ IRRT ^rnft % 1 je
'°^iyi4 ^FT TJop iftel cRTR ?R TFRffF R\, %po ^TcH ^
t^RF I oHIRI^ PFvpHI =Fcn RT^Rt I MRRI %
IH-^ rHf^a' nR'i I
Pu<iiTi ^h»i

%^TWnsr ifllcrl 1*1 ^

dre||Re| ) feTFT U^dlPl (^Y)
TSf^nfr PdRrl^dlP) I ^O |
"nlel %> XJI^HI <|Ij Xlftftl % (^R.^OO ooeii if fecHTh)
R? f^RST <jxi % 'T? dtqf'm. %> dl* % | %
t^sr ^rt en? (^o" ^ct) -gft ^FCTT aq^n: tR T^BP ^rt
^tT % «HHI-d< I
<ra1^T trfWi; ^PTTIWPT ^rrf^ %Tf sF^nft fRgnp
o^TRT: wm- TTftftr: sFfrr: ITf^F UPdcriH I W I
fq^ci ^ aRT <2Til % % ^iciMicfK ^rat tiipqi
% i ^ ( dci«4i*n ^f) -qtzif (sqra) RRH aflfafc^
*cii % I Fqg^ % •ifenFi (KV ^n% RtTI yft yftfR sF^RI- wlil
^tcft vsiicfl % i c(<ji<4 ^t=f yft 4l<ii^ (oqrtr) yy "gry yf?T y y^fy yftfy
xr ^py^rq % |
"RTWry fcHTT: S»>Hfl: 'JT: ^*q ertafxTniT:
I^TT ^d^l -n^IT: fty^djdl:
«R«-idl I w I .
yfy wy yft st^tt R*ici yy d«+i fysyi yf % tj<*i*t
yrryrr Ph+M^ cr^r yyr "^tyt i
ynrf ^Pd^-d^Kif^diuii; y^!i%TF
-tfts ftrt:
wt Tgfw m w (^^)
^di?-d*«hcii (^^.^oo) ftr^r I^I
Td TRft HH-^MI yy yty (^, ^ i '^) ityr i "Pror yy
slyyici(yicn ^r) Pi*ici^ %> Pcim y^ry y>t W)-si^ ) yyr
(yftfy) ^ urn i
yjef &m yypy
TRTf^WR: (Vd^
xnpM'^ictdH ^yydTy^
ftyyT PdMrbid, ^cdAd ty I I
^RPt (Prey %yyy ^yrer y^t) eiH-^i % yty % -gun yR%
. y^ px-i.^o ooo) im i tr yry ypt tyyyr (^^) ym TR
^ <fll K J<rM (V91V1^^oi ioo)
^Hl<^ 'ricl M8l"i 4IC1 «t>C1lrH I
r&rHM «=hct TFH 'FTT^
^ ^st) ^TcTT^T 'M I I
^ (vs.^.^o.^oo) 'fldl^ % "?TcT? ^FT %^FcT FPTT I ^ "ft
vx "ntei % (^.^H.^.^.oo) wrnr i
ftFT ft^cll (^vs^) -jPinT^ ^sFrfcTRT tRRfti' TFTT^
^^srf <>n\mh Trftng w i ^ i
onm (1^71 X x = cTTT HRFET (^,^00 ohcii) "yiT
■fr «ft "Atei y ^RT wt srrai % i am; sfR sqm en^rf ^fterf
% ¥ trft ft "Am ^mfei imr % - yn URH^ % i
HrA=h cid^lRfilM 4)<1lPl tl^ oR^ ^<AH
ft^mr emrr "#nr: qa^d cT^cr I ^\S I
■^nrraJR ^ opi %W5T FHCPMA % fRRt yr (fsry %
^tePi^ra) ^ m ^ ciM^i yn Bi ^i (w^)
•^r «irn % I "TT =)HA1 ^ Ami^ % y TTRR
■?mT i
^T MRi+^l «c|T{d .^iNi>lVyrar
(nh^nit: wr^ Aliyid: y:
yir ^Rfts^TTM-v-
^TT«iyF W^T 4B4^cl ^ f^ «ner TPT I l&i. I
fPTRmm (^fif) mRr^tm"Ami cim 4^t°tA"i (^HNH ) wmA i
wsnr % aiym siym wt mnm m srym Wn wr rnqr
m % i -d-i=iA <3«t)A "^f f^TcFn mrsr WTFT I ^rrm srynr Pi^ici i
AtAt aryrmf ^Ft hhihcii ^ -yr 4M<+ «ft w ¥t ^lA'ii "fA? "Am srk
■ER % RR EFT ^ sryra %, sryra ^F m'+id EFT At ATFT I
HNI'^d ePJ (4.) MftHd %
^ (v) arm (^) Met ^rt:

sAm: <f1«l»|: TA^r (^,000) T«r ER^'^ApT I I

«i EfAt % tjef % Ae (Rkrt) Ar TRRR mA m m yt ^rAt %
ETA 1 styr ^1% % 1 t aryr m TRT -gfe, ctm ^ "gfE EFT "yF ^rar ?tm
% I V ^TT RT 4,* Qu-S, Tian ^000 <;us TR> mET WtcTT % I
<Ncfm (V,^o) I
■n^^^PTPT ^TITf ofT^t: KV)
sFt^I- M^ctTd Pccl-H I v*° I
^ ^7T TJ^i 'lo^Tci I ^ 'lo^jn ^>1 M.ti -q^PT I °Flf fcTgj^
0 2
(V, ^ ) Ft ? °F>T t33> ^fr^PT HMct % I tTPTPT •sam °F>T ozrfxF «mmRi
"& "^Tc-Pt \^.00 FT ^ciai % I
^TtfcRm crt^r ^rr<rv

FPTT^cllW^ ^Pr dmiKPT: (^oo) RfbRTT

^ft rcr^ (^) T%: y^PT: I W I
st^TT ^4 3TTf^ r<H •&! pn •41 % M'jl THI % sn^r RTT Tt •SRt <*151
% I 3?k -g^f ^T PtHMH PFtPT % TP ? fTT2? 'lo^Rt

spt 4V %3R % ^?T "TRT % I w "TPFn % Sf^FTTT Y2^ Bqrp

<C.°o RfSPT, (l^oo/^) M -^<*r* -oqrp RTSPT (YYY/^) PSR ^ PJI oJIPfT
■^^ooo 41 •31-1 (VS^ooo/^) |

^ («) ftFPJcr -Rt^PT

tf: sFtt^ff trjTT «5ifl PpTPT Wr^f^J SffiFTTFit,
dWI^I f^itF f&Z fWR PtSf^T: R^ipTT:
YoftrRr if^r (V9t?ooo) (mnf) g; (^oo)
TTJiPT: ftrert^T ftrw: I va\ t
f^stj I|4IT1< VJ<.|U| 4) STYTTR ^131 ^11 PPT 31 ^ci -fiji piT ^
FTP, V FTP FF ^ P5 FPT ^00 p^ PJT "qrep c#RT I FP^T PPT % STJPK
oPPETt PTT PTPTfpFi PPT fP y<*>K %- TfP oPTP, V9^,ooo 41-31-1, PPT
oPTTT ViOf %3PT FPT Y2^ PPTTT ^00 %3PT I
tspfirft - U^TPJHFJ: tji^WlFo-P "m:^:
.ddiN. PJ: iftrF aMP^: TTFWP; I Ffir 1 w 1
fp^3 PHITK YTTP ■& PF-^ stg^T pf pp? pf^, ^ ptgf PF ppt
PR (PPT PT FTP), ^ FR Ppi PJ FPT ^ooo pj PF PpT <*iliH FtcTT % I
PTFt: UtxlPtPcltP ^IWIPf (H) FT F^": ^ PF,
'jnpiftr (v,«o) tW^rfM^pf^pRFf %:
IWA: +d-t-< TdlP-rPt I WVVo | ftvTPftcTFr %EP
ptrnft sinftr w^ntPr (^\cx IVH) WTTPTFTF yfpp, I vav i
Ov f^Rnpi

^ 3FFT ^Trf FI^T 33T% % WT ^ft

¥Tcft % "s-fT^F VH ^ ^fr 133? ¥i«T ^rmr % i va rft % v,
"^T'T ^>7 4i^1"1 Hr^-Scil ^ HM1 % I MM % ai^lTR
8 T: E
Tfrspr Y ^ ^ itTr r ?f«n %c>s\^\ ^trt wn i

HMllKlP^ Tmf^T WRcT (^o^.VdC) Mq^RItTT^f^T:

^ I<I PM^i 4»d TT^SFRT^ (HooooV^Y^)
(V) ftra pd+di iTRt Pet41 <II^ i%-
f^T ^ t^rfcr: ^TTST ^ I I

■^T% ar-JRR ^FT ^TRcT "RTSR W MM'+xn

UpoooYC^ psi^tl STptTR STc^FTTT MdM "OFT: H ^tf^Tl^Ff
•ERtfJel tm\ I W WR ^T PclcRUi -RTTTH ^R 3T^ ^T 3TT^T?T %
^iPdWui! % ^ ^RT !

^dUPdM; ^rMrd-< diPd^ ^-Odl^lPd t^TcTW R ^ R^R

■OdNdlRT -AdJ^li RR ^ Wf R^TTR: I I
^ftel d>Hdt §rR ^FR, ^-s.-Pici "RpT, R^RT % dlel -jIM, RRRCT %
"^ftfRcT TteRRT (ReRTR) %> 3R^T Rit TRR ^ WcTT I

^djc^heTi aTRcT RRTcT Jd U^d

gft d^W RftT^ftr fR^
4IKl<Vl1 RR ^dlPd^Pd: U+IVh \ Vav> \
fR y^R ^sHn % PcRpdld RTR^cT -d^MH Rt UR j1uMI
TTcT ^tR "if (jHHdl RRT RTeRFf R^t fR^TT % teHj; fc^ PH^I-d r4r R
vHfcl!*! WRT:

^rf trr fWwft ^d<jffe: ^rr#-

Ttrt^ f^TRT^f^ ^Rcrf^T: H-»^<t>\ HUSCIMI*^
W WITRS" ^l"^l<jrd K^HI efcRH-d: ^ "SfT ~$l
jpi ^cn-^nad<< TZ "TWHhr ^"^gurn i \ i
THTt siiIuimI wPsi % slUT % % fPSR sftr ^rq
^PK % PCIH ^T yqiK %> ql-qi SRI sftr ql? qT<q % qrq Hu^crl
f^t I qru qYst # cpr 3{|q<u| -gan I 3RRNT %
qfq MU-dcrl 3crc ^ TOFT f^-STRTOr, ^T^FTO, Tfg^T HU-gc),
^F5CnFT Mo^d q«n Y5^ M«-Sd I
4ii«Ni<t,i?i #5^ r<rd«irdd^Ti qf& t^q-
"R cfjRnsH ^jcil<T> u*< PqiM ^cijc-4)i^ntefTt^
oll^-tfT: iPRrre^WW^R: UHlc^Rll
31lsl^|udir<«5l^ ftarc TRMfifJci' R I
sTTqnqr % «Ft «t>ei mhi % 1 snquqr (^t*ff
^ PHdl^ TBTTcTt ^T=n) -qfE (^5 -qi ^ft) % TTTR % I (^T%
3TR q^rq HUgcd MR*HI % I) i)«<u5 "& 55R q^r % I ^T
TOt % 5?T q^ ^nro q^ WRS qq> anqi sntcr Tnq
qtY Ri-q qie< qft cRq> qnTqi: q^ stIt q?% q^t qrr
qiY tq^q % «ftq^ qd STqcd «!%, dKI, 14(5, ^rq 3nfq % I
ftngRr IWnfr-^cn^nw? w iraw^f
"PfT^q? VftQ ww^ss
arqwdtsft- ^q?; nRYuf^iWK
W: wq? i^r wit: irftrsr: i ^ i
■ftrsrq fqrtmfdr if qr^r ^ snq? qj?!r % i qqr
% qr^ qqr qq^, "W?, "5^, qftq? afk qrrq? -pr qqqr qrg
%t fqqrq % i
qtsRifr wi^rd^ian,
d^<cf4i) Tf: qcf?: jt ftcq TOY, 'ifdww -jqtq qw i v i

Y^ ^ qtqq qq^ % i T^t % qfrn irq sftr fqgq arrfq

T?% % i qq%> ^qr qq? qr^ ¥'i Iwqqft qfq w Y^ 'TT qfaq fqqn if
% i Trft % q^q if frqq
grfTeT witeT

^ftk inwte^
<twi: ^r, ^ "pit ffqcsmr ncrwrf^r i ^ i ^
^ssfT cim uw snfer W? % sn^mr % fnft ^ft
<^a?T nf^H f5r?n TTftmter % i
iTTRfr *r^r d^cf TTc?TT tTPTT TR ijAy'MI
f did ^ ttPr cimiidii ^iRfr R ^AZT ^ mf^r ^TRT:I I ^ I
«r^?p MfVdM "Tftl % «ftcR XT? 3^ 3l^T Tff^f ^ (»^)
cjcnii ^f) M'J cRV Ttft ytiK ^cia % I ^RTT "RsF 1^RT R^ii
^rm %, zxr^ft f^zrr ^ qftrr qM "nfH % ^n ft i
%3f "nUt %> cT>Kui -SI «lt RXft R^II ^ serial Rtl141 ^TT, «f^T
SZTFT % ^3% tR 3M+1 Sltpfl- 7x1% Rwi^l | (^ft XRJR XT? *ft xrfSR
cRXF XTRXFT ip xfjRnr ^1% %, XTTXt cpRT ^T 3H+I XPERT: ^ ^
cTW frftr ^cT «|c(VIHl % ^3% XR ^TRT "?Pn % I) <5^<U| XFTTH I
xri7^ xrrfr Tcqxr
xRcf: W^TT IPRT: I
Pdui-d xncrttr ^crtitu
tRrt^cRr^rr I vs I
ttszrt xfR ^ 3^ ^TCP xsmn % i ^grxt crw H-<I^ %
Wl3R fsP^T Wk XXf ^1% % I % % xrflPT Rm «n% % I
(RajHC MU^d % TRST) 3RT: JH XJ?t % REqR axk XE^Z 3if XJ35R
% % I
STSfraxfttFT ^cft^r^nftRTT +5fuidl ^emt; I
^SjrPrai W^tT VTjai 3TnT glMl^d: xpif tHT: | 6 I
% "RTXt (RXP Xfk Slk XTRXtT 3R% % I hRI-cIC-I % ^RT TI
stRpp snsp^r ^ ^kp RFf it sxt^r qfkrcfd ^kn % i sm; rjtrt
3tS3T fdXS^R XI«r XTFtpT % Pem. 3>^n fcn.'fl ^lldl % I
xttwfsr XT^WTT z=AW ^kr frrf^ff irRpp
»ld»<rM HldirH^M^ 3)^1 3"WX|cf,dt vm T^5 I ^ I
ytcfl sfk %> «fiex 3tRt ftsrd tjetMlci , *i'iei, sjk
?lfd 3>t "PlXT STtPRT 3RT it% % «PRXP sfk H'WJH "Pfp *ft ^TR
k RERR %P5: k # 3H+1 STPft STPRt RXR RT^TT 'gkft I R«RR XfR
f^TgRT c;4ul

t^T ftR^Rfe
aR^rnr^r if^r TT^I^IWI if^w^Hr^rr i ^o i
TRT ?fht if^s; eff> ^r^fi -gHt i -g^f sfk ^ ft«ra adf^K
"nfcT ?ftcr ^sr sft^c •gsR ^ Tf^r -^^rr % i Tf^ % ^fKt sm ^r^t
fsra -cici % 'srft <+>ei iPTr ~d <HH <rc( %-

wzr^tntP^^tnifRnd' ^oqt^r ^ftor •^n^ft-

^4^otia-fl< l<cm-< ^Tjf t^idlSill^: fTftcTR^ I W I
alk -^gr "m«R TFRfr *ft ^r
WT tl+d! % I f^m g^frR gpT -fT ^ 3^ -g^f % tRR^f fn«R %r
xrszRfSfn ^feft % i i^4 % H»ici ant? ^ ^<1 ^r m-<; ti"! "TT h-<;
% i % ^TTeT snrf^ ^ Tffr^ cT^rr Tfsr ^ arrflr ^
^frsr ^of % |
v^Tsnii 4Wt ir^pn
JJIdllfdlK^mHMIlli^clOj^lcl: (V^oo^oo) i ^ i

^ W* ^ ***** ^ "4^ V.v^,00,^00 % |

% ^ilrPT j'X'JiTeiifV ^STRTP^
^«rw ^4<IT (t^v.i^.v^o) frsn i \% i
Wt ("q4 -qezm ^gn) ^rrrer, w ?IPT ^cRi ^fhr ^n
% | gtr geT (?,<iV,S^,V^o) -qt^FI % I

^wmig M^I^IIUI -ipfT: (?;^AH, V") I

H«<l''IUW ^ ^uilV^ui^dHM: (va^^o^^oo) i I
•?pp ^ci -m 4lr3R % i
H'ld ^F?t TTSZT R ^T ^oo) 41^1-1 % I
'ftwg -iwihik W^ngT: ?Mi^di- ooo) i
^ ^ ^ WI^PH Tn^'d-Sir®*! ftpeiW: (XV,V9^oo) | ^ |
"3^ ^ "m ^TT 'Rr ^ln (^v.v.^.ooo) Tqit^R t i "?IPT ^ wz
^n (Yrf,^,^V9,^oo) -qtSR % I
■?fhR>5rr *T (^o) T^TT
cWT: ?fhT trftaRn aar m*\4.4\ W: I ^ i
IT? ait (^cf). «P^fT ^o ^ ■gon a>T IT? ?)t rcrwtt % MT?
44 ^'H m4i"*K ?>( "*fty RRRT %■ SRT STTft' l?iM I
•grfTcT W?lc1

V-elthi^l x "9ftlT ^ScTT

dTf^T 3t?l[ =

?WNIH^ wz yyfum (50,^000)

TRT ISWW ^rrrTTg- ^qPT (^,^0/^,4,000) I ^\9 I
^«5n (^0,^,000) %5R % 1 - (^,^0^^,^,000)
MM-1 % I
-& T3 Tftg; (W) ^ft ^ H ^dl (^00) ^fcT;
^srr^trf i u i
in arq^ft smt ^t ^ ^prr ^ ^00 % qr ^ST
qi^T H'ICI "5^ sr^ sjif-i «^4 cisn q^n qrr qs^t % q-qqq'f
(^t) #TT % 1
H-q qJcTi Tnt-A qtqr Ix^^oi vjxii
qcqqRRr ^ft^fT: I \% I
■qszi qjnf Mi ell ^ 'j«ii qq fqsqr ( TT
qm qq tR tiei ^4 qq 41 -MM ^t H-<; MI"? (^rt) "^tqi % 1 yqnr q^q
w qq H-<qei tTEqqt fqrqr ^nqr % i qqft qqqr fer 3^ qpp %
^t H-qMiel «tMiK ■gtqi % I
^q£qTq;"fJ7 qlmR obuf^MN qcqq:
qqih^fhr qrnfqqT' PW-JMI *ra>tr*r ^4MI I ^O I
q*-41 mi-s, iMeii snlq ^ irst qq qt^fq ^f (qftw M>uf qrrq% % Rni,
qszjq qinf q^t gcftq MidIrHMi M-qMi^f % ^"11 qq 14-jmi ^ qpt I Mid

^cmi"iw r^iqlqiH: qiT^f: qj^uPT qr^fq:

■QTCTT (^00) ^fbrqrq; fq^^Pr (^?) q^dT^i ^ i
qftwf qr Tpn =Fq fqqqr % qm ^ m q'qer srrfq qqt qq qt^rq
^ qfrq qqif el'ii 1 qqjf q^t ^ "yqr \%\ ^ TFI ^ q^ Midi
■gtqt 1
qqfrarqjqq trtptt qqqrPsq qrarq:
qf^rr q^ra qr^q tqr ^fqr Pqqiq; i w i
q=qra sfk qrq 3Trf«iq % qqt"? ?qqft q^qn qasiq qresn ^
^Tct el'il, q? % q^f qqr mcimi I
33^ fsngRT

^ wiftT t^rf^r i ^ i
UW % ^n ■qtSTT ept XT? % <»>cm TT"! % '^"ll ^vC <^<rM
^ Ml'I J6 ^Piq> qiq-i 'iftt 'Stcft % I
Wtq ^rif iifd: ^qtq ^tjnTt xft^TTfc'T^T
"BTcf^ I I-
-g^f % i^r Tfsqrr TTT^FT f^r ^ u?t ^ srq^V if "^snmqsir
«iqi 'iRi q>^l srnft % i
^flcT MU<flicf>W 'Nf'IIKI^r^?c< % I
«Hd*ii (u.^oo) rdtfNfHi wravwni;^ fiRm- (^v) i ^ i
% qi<l afftx tj4 l'EznT «iq-i F^-il if 'iRi ( % I
^ ^T («,^oo) Tmr *T^P (STT-T) ^ ^cf -qr xjlOT f^TT if ftftT (^o^)
ql-^n % l
T^sPfng weqi* gnrr^r ATF xfrrar: (^o, uo?) i«r i
■"iteftsr^^Tt^snr: (^.HY.W) Hffhid: i ^ i
K«ZR tftr % ^lif XRXP ^ gR axk TJSF afff arq^r s^rff
if T?ap I^T if Tftr sB*RI: (^0,^0^) W HV,^) %3B % |
H'ICJ ^f>t 'iRl-
W^renf (W^O ^tSarrfic
?r^a<w w^of^r urier?: (v» ,00^: r i
(^,oH,^<i) %5R Y<. ' -"-fraR nan (v^.ooc) %5m % 1
'iHiaa) < h'~' i hMI inn>9T(Tf nrcrrPmiT
TRTiX^fT wW ^dmPtM+l I ^ I
fnRft V? nff ■^MHIc^of,' -rrfH q*ct><HI f^, ^oo) "JOTT TR
XT? nff % «rm %% nx xim-- ^RFTrnmr Tnnr (STRR) -nfcT
?f# % i
«rarf<T (^v) u? ♦I+hiihi t<dU^
msi<V yI'+t, ■n* ^ci% 'H^tv, 'iHi1 vjii 1 1
qiq-nrH** STPnmffT XT?-%) Txtii qiqq if JJ«II n>T Mqxyi qiq-i
% nm ^ XPT vjt ^i wtnr qq<»> nfan n>f nxm q<n-i nx u? "nfn
ir nm cT«n trgra? ^ nr? % n? -nRr if ^r%if 1 Tnir xtrtt
snfn % XI? qlqi if tyit *ifsi ^'fl I
qrftH ^TTteT

j'll ^8jr ^)-R|"1'H: y<;iH,

<+>ufwlHirv<+.<^5t^ 'iRi^ei^ i ^o i
SHict>^ui %> <=t>Kui u? srr^ft gl-l
"iW + t ft^IT ^r 41^-1 MRI tlHM <.5eft % I RT 3Tf^ 41 'i
IR f^rn ^ 4l'^HivH+ TTRT ^ cFeii^ict, -rrfti (srRff %; arjqm
■Sf ) Will 4141 % I
ftrftmHt tet^: mfr- TIW WJT -qftr- vp--
-fJHlftl+K, H-<+^ri«iw: i ^ I
3Rf% snFt xrm ^ra % ^TR RI f^rr ^ cm) RfiT
ugl SfA k; r?iul % Siyitcl %> Sl^TTT 4141 % I
*HI^ <J^Rj>: w^rt i I
Rs^t % mt 3Tf: mm: ^aarajt if ^5;i ^r, ^pFi Tf^, Hmi,
<j^wr<i, cr«n ^r %,- ^trr ui4fH srrarqf % ^f?t %, w. -q? fa^ fRS
% i
iTxl^FT W. W W+cMtt'luft ^TT
d«*(if^il(?+8frrt<T: ftreiftrc i i
"j'R ^ft nit °Ff nr^Tt m nfsRR^Rfr RH n>Fr "nm mr^f TT? % mn
TPT (STRof RTpF 3t?T) if tTFT TR STPft ^F^Tt ^f f+clHI 4f3FT nf%
m fmn % sffr arjqm mr nm itnT i
%ffe% rdRffcl fcp^ «[Pt qrftf ftntsrar
m fn nr^TT HIHNI UI'Mtft ^r: I I
W n? % ^an mr <.=ff^<+< ^F 1^% ^Ft mr
appft smt n?«rr ^r n? n?t fmRr stk mmf ^ nftr 1m°nt i
Sffi^ai.♦'fiHX^cr^ ^dlKfVq^lT?:
*jduiw mpmagrr^ ^rttr nf^mc i ^ i
W fmftr if vflyl^ afi+^ui % mm # gsrmr e^fhrocr ) imr
•3«4> arnf (-dci-Tl ^<1 m) n? «=i4 i nrn cm tr
ftfff % nra narsf) R«n m fn it-ff TJJF ■gn if i TR4 ^Wf
1nr -M*l4 if (TW if ^0° ^T 4f^ RT) m mF cOHdl % RT R^t I
d<W^Th Hl'fmi: !FHIr<f'M4li4.d: *
fj^^qw: ^ra? Tjmc ^Hfuii: mn: i !
■* ftnSRT

fr "nfg "a? (wi, -35, xrfg) ^RTRT

rTRT 'gg git cKt* T?% % I
■^ci+uf g^TT^t^ gitETW:
WTTT wmnmnftT gw^f fwr: ^2"= 1 1
gfrsr g^f g3% gg% %r Big tgig sih gir gt grg bt sifggr -ftgr
I I TBTT BTcl 3TTfe Wt gg B^BB TfB gft BfoFBT g^Bl fB^; ^gr % I
-qft W^BTW: gr^n iflT «rns»T Tnggr
cKTR ^frF 1<r«g^ us) fint ura; m 1 ■$& 1
i ici 3<i(c; 415*1 gft ^4 %i b(<1 bbf g>) g>8ifT g^ <$4 'Rrsit-g bt
BTtgrBBT^ % BIT %i STJBR ^tcft cTt •s-igil ^S ^cf BT BfBB WBB ■?!%

b«bb cJm4 B^jf Hi1)?!: gifcigrr

fingr^f gftw +"4-4 grt BTHCB (S) fdH+H, 1 ^ 1
BBcl gg B«BB cBBB BTB, ^ g^T ?mT (B«B BfcT = ^^1^ B ^
% BIB ^ BIB: ^ BRB) BBcI % TR eRBB iBBBT % "JBT gR gfrg
gg»f % bib b^ ggg^ s ^>cii % i
BTBT gsjin^ ftra; gilcTgnBf ^gpFT-
"RTB^R: BBT BTTBT wi% i vo i
BBcl 3TB% B1R BBTB Tt ^ gRB W B? B? BBBT ^ f^TB
dKI %> BIB BBB ?tgT % I
BB-. ftrs g^n bsikw+IC) B^gg%
3TBT % BBB BBT BBB W gien BfeB ft?n ^BI % I
BBT BBtf^ ^tcB gcTcB gr^ftrST dHHIB,
grgrx % arfg BCB BBBB %> BBBB ggfV BIB % BIB BYIBBI "grf^r^ i
BT ^BT B^f BtBi i ^ (ei<gg> ^) BVB gang BBei BB dHH gg? gRTT
4t BBt ^BT % I
^ggg Bngg BW^BT grgr BBBTT
^piij.g.MK^ii wui^g ^gBTRfr i i
aig-. Bt BB B ^ fBgrRT % gign BIB gft ^gpn B BBCB anfB
irntcT *rnteT

cnn TTft % i
<m§)^rt|i ^hr ttifedi
ifkr^r* +uifHi ^cf fcnrr ^ftPnr: i i
^ TfW (^t <ir*i) ^THTRiT -ititil gsFSTT Pl=M<ri)
-rpn ^ "^4 frnsRT ^n *iR^nc % st^hr Tf4 rr tt *rrn ^ m
^TT ^ 3TmT % ^ %

+W||K^^ TH^ ^ ^Tlrf^: WH^THT: I V\ I

'T^i 4; ^-s-l Rf tfsjf ^5 if H<iA R "?jw arpff
y^n? md if (TfR R-?\ SRR ~C3 %> R ) srt^
STERt 4? srfRR yR ^ (TfR RR RT 3RR 4? «ft^) ^4 ^
yiT STTRT ^jw -TFt WtR yft '("HI TT 5l*ii I
yft' fl^fry imfR ^fryrftr y^pft:
y-svi^[ cT^icT "g^Nrorfsf^RTRR: i i
fyrg w STCTP % ifefry yR % 3RT ^ (rfy SRR V") y«n
^>y sryyt 4r feffy yR % SRT ^ (Tfy ^ SRR ^o ) yn arryr
fy^y yjw <{i<.ini % i 3TcT: ^4 yr^ yy y-yl yft jci-n y srfyyi fcTyr
% i
war yanTrFyi t^ranfi^fxF t^: it:
^idi vyyrfhfT yry^t^Rr y»sycf i vvs i
Tg^f y strr yy xryt ywf yft yraax aik fyR yy y^r yry "^4 y
37rw? yy yyt yyt yft yr^n 3^7 fyty yy y^r yry (^4 Py^iti yft
■jfri 4) y4r *srt ftng yRr yir^4 1 sr: r Tnft yy yry fyyr yyy7
ICHT "gay i^yy y^y yy TFT ^ 1
ytt, ^KiP^d RrniT wpt ft
PdwiPli+dt ypft w-y^i ^Rr ynyy: 1 vd 1
yy yft y yiyyy r«4> argyty yft T?reT y^t yYcft % 1 sr; 4ft ^4
yy ftyty; sym wl+u fyryr % 1
ygrftratyftyftr yyyisf 1
fWRr wmfft ytyyrftfft ynyy: 1 1
y^Pyen yyfyy^ft wy (as.) ftr 3T«f yft yyr^yr ftr yifty ^4 ya
^yry va^^oo ytyy y^r % 1

ftr^r ftngRr ^ozrnrg crsn 'To: I \o I
■qwigw MjIC(H % ^ -fif «ft fcRi RIWT< ( ^ s^mr ^i)
^FF I I Pw^M ^f fjt ^ft RTFI TRT %

F^T [«I«(<I»cii FRt 4*^ dfVuH1

*<l^>X\r<dl WF t^TT (5^) -m-. \\ I
FTTT 4V ^4 treq ftht (^I^) % ftnrn ^IWT
^i4 4 ^FT % I
FT^^gT <h«fm<iT M4ir<^:
FET: W: T^FFg inrftsr W I I
^r% FF ^TF r^^d. (FFT fFRl' onm FfFF) %> ST^FTF
4r Tfw F?of (^4 Fft FF FR w % I FF% SI^HR F^TT FF FPT
FTfT % I FFt FF smi ?fhf F^T
■frai: FftFF: tpik. Ff^r *n1«Rn^ (^)
W fFTFt: ftnl F? W FT^r ^[sFFt: I I
3RF FFt Fft TfrST FftfF *4 (STFFTF FIF) f-t<+><FcO t I TfF 4> F^ETI
FF (^F sftr "^F F4) FftF FltfF % 3m "SFT FF ISp ^T FPT
F^ FRFT: ^F 3^7 FJ9> 3m41 sppft F^^TT F>1 FTT STIFT % I
Y F^TTFT fctFTblFI: Fftf^ FHI^:
f^SF F^FiFIT: i^RRr Fcf'FWFF, I K* I
amft STFH FRF FftfF % am 4r ^ '4 FTF FT fffi,
ark FifF f4 Fmr Fkft i ff fftr tf FHt ff ftwtf (f4) ttfRt)
Ian I
ijx^mi dl+rdSfl^ FTFTT r«(HIcFd1 ^?IT I ^ •
FlF aftr cPFF Fft arfFFKTT fFHHHl 4 aTFT ?t% % FFm Y^TFT
T^FfRFtF ^FTF WrFRf^t: FTcR,
Ffttf ^^[sFFl: I |
"g4 % F83F "gF 4 fTFcT (F8EIF ftFTT 4) F?t FF FTF FftFFTcT, FfF
F^kt TT FFTF gF ^ fTFF ^F afk ^JF> % Ffhf Fm if-
cs W?l^T

arftr^ 5**1^ "'Tra^ Tf^Rnr^

H !—eTTg H><rtl-flt I «\VS 1
3Tftra» gldl % cfSTT H'ici, "55 ?rPT ^>1 wfrs "+>01 tfltficll % I eft
^prt (TI^ -T8^ f^n ^Tsn ^T^3f^?n) % srtR <»>cii
TFH «r^lM'?T (^o) Ic^TT ipsm dl4?rtdd:
TQitosrar trr^Fg i Tftqr frfadi ft«r% i s<i i
^o ^Ten il% % ^rRfT «i (H^R) ^n TT ^so -ym -Rrn
rpTf % I 3<r?cHl 3Trf? % STMTtF 3T^ TfWl 3T*ft
cl<?) 5IICI *TWf % I
ftw ^rnr ^[sq^cfr: ^Frof- iTlWhm
W+of cpf^ iTfqf ^RT I I
afk ^ 1%^ WT #T "fT itpt wr?n % i
511(1 gH Tt •d'l<?i| Vw 51H 5l(1l % I
r^i« ^^rhfcrftenn^TtR' 45*1
Tnrnra fracrr 1 ^o 1
f^r sftr sr^ srhs %> sfl-q arravr Hpg^i f^RT-ft «=(*)
r TT sqm % "FTRRT (ft^F W? f^R I
Tf^>T??RR Pim tPh^iiy
^rsfirrT FFi^^nirf^ fijHlifM 1 ^ 1
sft? 3Tr?3 % 'sfrg' %? yft r^«1 oTTR 'jull «{R tTSt om«
"& SIFT ^ XR 3Fk ^ ^»f RPT simi I Tc% SFyqra -gRT
TT r»l«1 Pl<*>ici1 ^n R^FKTF % I
f¥ cft^iiiw TnrifF: vrf xrer^^nft 1
(T^ <4ldHd Hlt^ia dMMfifH era ^ I ^ I
sisRn "m STRT % "RRT ^n ^rfsR R^«h1 (Tier ^r
% <»<*> <+!<-
f^ttPT r»^ <l'ii*«ni' 'ifl:
3ldMtimrtRsfr -jft r«tHI+K 1 ^ 1
ij "gyq ^R yfR (RT; ^crm ^ "ft «+ivi
^ % cpkoi aqr^R ^l 3TT3f7m <{Ftidl % 1
^ <»HI« leFivHrfRt *5K gs^*! Pmrll-iKH, *
HMIQit '?Tt *r® ^rof: I I
fSTSRT ^rfor

^Tf y+i^i ^qnr f&z. sirm m ^twi % i TfT ^rm

sftr r»S\ % <H1-=I ^fit ^Tf °Ft f««*^ yHiui TT "yil gK ^ ^Hl'l
(^4 ^n) amn % i
"JTW itpt iitswifM ^twnsr H4\<4\ I
imrw TO¥cf PWRT I ^ I
f^RT OKI af^T XT? ^>1 -q-s. %> TTTT STfcI elcil % I d-1+ ^Tt
HH ^rm % Peiy, -
TT? ^ f^FanrfWWi;
3<dKi^i<* ^-rf+M, i ^ i
3iq% WFT ^ "grsr 5ft TR yr cncT STRPK
TT=RT, t^RRr ^cPft tR ^5 I TJPRPt ^ WPT Rt
PsTfT^ ?[KT 1^ I
^ ft^N> w drtu+l TPT:
^Rt dd4i<«' ympi ^9 I
TFr^r ^CTTT sf^x ^ cj^ii fym cira c^ra TJ? ) 1^ w<i<tw
I sSti % qcjqfsd qil-
dU+l+uf dWIHJiJ-d^l-d^dld,
^ficf URT H? c^Rit HM«JNir< «1lW^d: I %£ I
CTRT ^rtif (cira w ^t) % yn mem afk 3Tf?3 %
^ ■& ^ct % i 'Per fTm iiw 1^r rft wtm I fax* KTH
f*iq>ieA ^ y?T f^rf^T % I
ttTRf (^) ^ftaTJcf H>itq ^
r^iw (chVO) yr ^TSRRR^ i \% i
VV\ 3Rf sn^ro ^ yp styr % <0Mdi % i aro-. sma, sfk
ara m an srr t^sar an ^afar ^ v^) atyr ai ^ ^ra
Ttar aai % i
ara ifta jmai^d^Hriialafrd^
yhmpa^gani^ ?i$^!aiadH nrx^i oo i
a>t war ^raan ?fta aak a^a anta ^ aw %Rr Ph+mi
"aann %, ?wr a^a tarar ar t?t % i a? ay naa? % i
yrea ^nta*ftF amrar
iPRhBtPfferew «®ianr 'RftreRnp^ i i
ijTfTrf WTttrT oTof^TH.

^ ft«TcT ^ t^T if UHtKMd ^ fTT


P+if^ fW^RTT itcnfT:

ft^T "?f^ "TT^P W«Fr UVfir^fdH, I \3R I
3Tff if id-I I dj-dl H<t) 3^ d -Hetif iSldl *ft HIM
qn: cfpTt ?f^ % 41-d Mt -IIMd % I i <HH "9fj WTT <4l-S<*J<
Mijell cSI dl Hdl?! % I

HSSf flT^v tftthr dd^fdld. I Vs^ I

'HeT ^t ^l^TH sfij WTTT % "^pn <H<iA ^ 'Rcl y*IH
^ ^Tf FHTt I
STPJ^ 'JTR eT®sf ^tfcT^
TSFf^T yWE^TTT tfrR I \3Y I
■Mmm Pld>lcl^ TT M6<?l clf«T STT^ft aff Tff ?f^ ^ff % "yn
y^r ? yfj tsidi ^ 'TFT yr ^fy yff TircTT 4l'fl i
Trt^ ^hrnrt ^ -jPTcf ^pnfnpx
^T^TR^Ff; ^WlRftT: I V9^ I
afh: 41m % 41-M yff ^rf "Ft F "{pn wn % tft yr
cT«n i«M ^ iacn 4l-s*l yr ^ly yft aaai gl'il i
3TT^r Mefdl^TR S'ldW fcTHfyy^
cR dcHH ■qwA Jfid<;«si(yM>i-d<\ I vsTi I
3r?T yr y^r <4lH CRT %y % M4<I yy ffy (4141) 41«41 % i dyi
fy % TpF TFeT tryr (tft ^y) if mtfk ^oo ytijj ^ srfyyr yr
M^^wir^dl ft%?FT yfsF^ ^R; I
Hc(?i<wn4l: TTFy ^TT iJcfftsjcT MSV9 I
S Ry -4-MI ark 41 MI TMIImcj <4X4 I yy M«41 y5t Try? yr
a 41 trt if (tft Ry) yyr yfty frr yynr «4m 14iti4 a« yW if Mcfti
(yy) ark ^ij yy aryyiy yyr 14-^ yr 41 <4 i
ynt yy kTf«?y krarypfk^ yyr
y^knft Prtt ypfs^ftt kfy? ^ffyr i m. I »
yW fryfy tt 4i-il yy wyrn tpt try^ y>T 14« yyyr 41m yft
aaai yyr ^rf nry yf a 41 yyyr yofy 4y yff a am yyr ^Xl 41 my
ftngRT T<iBr

WNt I Hcftj 'at Tigj rki d «<*)i <4 am Pi mi eft ^T

"ITEPift % I
nj4\ tqwAxfm Pi4*^ "TW^ I \s^ I
l4rl °PT fVT ^TFT cT«n ^ % #5PT 3?^T 'TFT HFT% f^ftnNr
^ ^qgrwR wtm 11
^TFTT w FFcTg <VI^WI^I<»l-d(i
dN-tft cd^Mi^ ctivqiuft dP-Mtl^ # I 60 I
^00 ^TZT CRJ f^rft % ^Ft ^renf ^FT% %r p?r^ ^TST % arf^;
wfq?T 1 ^TI% armr arerf^ H wT«r 3RR XR *ft
TT3T -^T «mm % I sfijJTt dam "ft \° fT«T "TI H '?T«T ei'ft I
«ft ^npFhr^FFfrfftFr;
ie^+ld *Frf TFTf flwi'lPd cTlfeiT: I 6\ I
•dti TFFT ^4 RT -q-s % mKul *131 aim ^TTT ^R5 ( ^8^ ^>1 -qltft)
"0FTT xpt "TflT (eFsnf) ^rRT ^xft I "?T^ ^ ^4^ tJFTT
ml *iPi % ^ui 1 m<
TIJ IJd^ll XTR flTlcidV *^1,1 ^ I
3lH*ft ssim 'lift % TFT TT ^SfT T>t d—1R1 el'ft I ^SET Tit d~lPl
^Ft STTT % "ym TR ^ TFT ^T XR f ^T -^eT iT WTFT cTT> Tft
3|oi|«WI^«««^W4?<lld>r-dl fcTftTR:
WTiRtim i^THdWHl-xR <Wd»K I ^ I
4T TFT: fTSR XR ^RJ} aftr ^4 % 4tT Tft ^PHN T4 trtt
4 TTxfxt I TT TTTT 3TXJ% T«TH % T«4t XR ^FTT Tft 4t ?T«Tt 4
TFtxt |
f^rr ^rrp TihrTftT^FmhsvgRr: XPHH;
TTT di+M ^Tlt^lHId^ I CV I
3TXT% TTFT % ^FT WTT Tit ^ ItTSTT (^^) Tt "3TT TR R[4
Tlk *TT % 4tT TieTRTTT ^ % TFT ^Ft I xrcT ^TT ^TTT % ^ cFF ^4
(^■0) mi TFT el'M l dti muf t4 d tft miei % TigitsiHi ^ yn m< t9im
Tiof Tt TFT XR ^4 Titian if (4t ^4 4T ^T TcT TTI Tft ^(t 4txft I)
qrftcT Wllcrl

srr^i Wxr~Ff wwi;

tinlHrMf^rd m4KirVi+ gnrr^ i c\ i
^^^r^mrTeiTf^qffct^^Tr fpfr i w ^ ^ ^ % ^pn
m iii$t4im i wt %TT1W
'il^in S.KI 3h-m (ywiCi SflfH ^^ 1*1 eft ti^cfl % I
atgKgr u^i^itrt. rcm<id,
t^r^nr: g^TftcniT ft^f: fisrt i ^ i
3T5KgW STEqPT ^ftHI ^t ^ft »FT f^I "TTf «n I
Wt? afk ^rgi ^n Tgr %, 1Wmt ^rr 'iteii=hi< 3?k WE Et -^i^'ii i
?ff rftwpn EM HU^dl^rd:
wftrar tef Pd-dftird^ MUSdH, I tvs I
Y Y® ^ ^TTTf 3TtT <jni<*>K ^t ep tflHI % r-l=hicft "T^ft
% i T?ft ^t sfij ^>1 fsgftr^r Hu«CI opgr ^rrar % i
Pdadi^Pci^^i^ "E: Y^TT ^
d^WHll^l^H ¥ 5^=1% THT: I 66 I
^it ^t % ^rm y^ ^t trt? "h Hgt <0wdi % ^rwt
^ wpt r<w( %cn % i
srqtw Pctu+Ki'! t$ f^ttRr ^nft:
^ fWcT crt E^cft ^ft fffe fftRT %J "ft ^t ffiErffRT ^rl ^miT
^|2|',ii I <2Tii % Ihci-i WcT ftssnt omItT) ^T t{i-il h4ci 4i<S'ii I
fstfirsmtr nic(n?iti^?i^d:
^ttft trrar^ wni Hi8111 ^tw; i \o i
■QY* Mcfcl ("?f3') fyRl-l (^tT "fftRT 14*^ iR) Tg^T ^ ^fft
tju atn (Tit it % -il4 Trar) t{|ioi'ii i
PdHiai: fW^RT d<l*d<l
■jPgWT: "^Tf ^i'HI-d MMlfHI: l^T: I <« |
f^ftT^r it fWd WfrP ^Pt ^PT t^cRfT 17m (-spen if ) <0<.ddl
% ^ tf "it'll sfigi %> 3T*tR (1 i %> 3I*ti<) % yuFT tx <J*I^> ?^t ^1
if 17m TR -?f^ 3771 ^ff 7^ fWfelHT 37rf? "gfrft I
TRWtr <cnn^M cnt^fafd^^H,
ipfft^rjr frt^T ^TTW- i %r I
fcnsRT ^tjx

f^rlrrar ^ fqwn %, cit ^ ffWr

% ^ ^TRT tj^cl ^Tiff f^wft ^TT I
wrfkf^rRT^rpTRf: f^RiW Tftr i
cfrJlt d-HtSMIW ^ I ^ I
®r% ^T^T % f^fd^T % ^ft?R ''ft "Tft' ^cT ^T f^lld^l ^TT ?t TTt
^TI tflni "ff ^fl% 'CR ftrfi «T?T Mcfd f^wf ^'11 I ssldl Hofd «fr^
^t R?: Rt Rff ^"nr i Rs^ft if efrr isn <0^111 i
7tPTfW^rpr?rf^ ^ wi-HrW ^f^rr i
d<iuiitd^ oiiiH'i t^lWf Trft i v* i
•^4 "ijt? Hcfci fSlld-^i ^tT FT^f <^<df 'ft cTt tTRT RT
TfRR 4<-d^ % «F?T R^cT 3ii<t>Ki if *-^1 t{1<.ddl % I
'l^F Tfc ^rtf FTRPfit ^ ^xRT
TsTTJE^tyftr ^T: I ^ I
mPh mh <iR; «;>Jui %> wmi-i «fcicici ftcTT <it Rl^t RT It^ici ffRR
Rt R5tf % t5t^ tjft: R^f R«cft Rft TTcTf Tt cTRT f STI ^RtR I
Rtcmi "^^nr ttr^; M: f^nr I
w ct^fer TtitR»a*w i ^ i
R^R % fyPd^^-d RT R®sft RJT 'Itcdl+K W <flWdl % I R^TT f^RRT
R? TfRR 3^T RTT fWF? ^3% % ^ttRt (Tlf?T ^rf) Rft RteTlf -PTE
<1<5t^ % I
tn^Rai^ ^ ifhthv i*rw< Ret iftr;
T^ftt ^r: RMKWifrd RRtRft I ^Vs I
M4d % <i)M< fWcI oRfrfi Mcfa %• -ft% RTR RT ft«ra oRlxF % ^RIHR
RdHlPd Rfet -gRkR ^1331 % I RRT RR if ^Rfw ^3RT % I
fttw: TnrjPteRf ^tftr TRmtqRt:
«Hl4 cftR fT«T RjRlt oRfxR ««icici RT -sft f^lfd^t 4<-ddl '33tR>t 31R%
3RTR ^ooo fiai % |
R^FTTRfT 3ilct^ ReflRteTft^ R RRRtt
R5R Rf^TR ^ntl ^ftr^sftr IHullftl*= I VK I
R^CT RTRT sft? 4t% % fiffilR if RRR RR 3TRR RfR RRi hci ^
"*>*1 Rt cTt RRRft 'fl-ll *l4I ftcft % I Rf ^RT 1*1 •& tsl-f R^ *ft TtfR if
: ,r

• i" f .T 'i M M111 H o f % I

^<r WWT ^Tcrfsr ^FTTg^T: irfbmt
TrftfWmtWW ft«ldmshM!^ I
"?t^Tt r+ddTl<4 ^qt Tfw 15%
^tRT ¥5!rftS3( qwuie(Ht|; trr«ftf«r | ^OO 1
■ijmeT % TTftftr (dov^^o) FI«i % 1 T?I m ^ Tijsrt ffe ifr=n
m ^rrr \ 1 ^1 itr
^rr % 1 ^ ^ n ^ % 3TT«T t 1

(^) ^ (UH) (<iO

^CT: (^\3) HTSSnit (Yo) Tfr^ltW (^) TOT (^o)
«^r (^Y) t^fr (^o) TftiT:-9RT: (H) TrHRT: T^TTOT
TO (Yo^) TT^^W^: (^YY) wflHIM< %
TfrTOFfpT: TO^Rf (^^YY) Wt
TOT: (Yo^^) lEoRTTEftTO: I |
■^i^arf ^rn sftr <rTOt VY ^qfrtr ^r to -
Tif; TTTOT "^ffTOcn (fi«r ^r ) f^TfRrr (VY'qFRr R )
1 Yo"^^
Y ^V3

vs ^Y ^0
d ^Y
51° d V3
Y s

^ <rfi HI Pl^lcl-^ % feiy. <5 acTF (Yo%^)

fi«T % ■qrrr fT«T f^ ifRn (^ ^ra
(^,?YY) TT Tpn TORTT t I
cT^TTOY ftTTO (^d 00 000) TOTTOfT
°TOrr5SiT5( vfS (^^d.Yo^o^0^0^00)
^rsqiro eTOT (^,00 00^) ^Jftf (^,?d)Yo|o^i\^iooi oo^)
(^00 00^) TOR, (V^/n) I
"ftnSRT cTifnr

(^oooo^) 4dir<Ki
^IK+I< I W I
onm-i (^,^,00^000) fT«T% I Wf «Ft Yi^t%> oZTRTT^
^nf ^ ^ ^l4<+i< -^^1% w. SRR '^T ^PT twr^t?i 1 -qw
¥T«T % qft (\°\%/-$%) -gTsq wrtt I
W ?FJ qft PH+MH % q5t %
^ TE ^ qft ^qrf % 1 qjcr qrr wf^yT en 1 'gt'TT 1
PciPq "fr ^ cina qqi qft ^qr tPl*ii an^'H 1 -

"JRI Cl3ll<rM *tFn<ti: wnq" •*t«r tqq: ^1?: I \o^ |

Iqq, q^, ?^<.i qJl< qrof srfqqfq qrrq^ lem srq qq>R qft
(qrq\q) xr? fxqfq qpft qrMf 1 xrq^ qq? qfq qret xr? ^Pt qqxr ^qx
xxxqrx q-xrtr
q| «[Rp qrfr: ikz Tf«Ftq ibM>M^^
ftrsr%-xp?TqW55? 1 ^r 1 ^ 1
qrq^i: sffqqr qfq qicr xrft ^Pt XXPFT 1 ftngRt % sTjxnx fqqrr
— j
qnx ^<H qqrrx % qrfq, 13^, H iei} xj^t *^pp, q^sv 1
^wratsq x<rarat M-^I^F ftqrrf^qr:
xpt W^qi« wicHKirqqT: tFH^ I \o\ \
fxrq qifq % v ^ qR qrr axfqqfq Iqq qq axfqqfq "^mr 1 tr xr?
fx«rfq ^i "jx % cfhrn w xnqq q^ qn axfqqlrr "fRn 1
qqcT thxifW eWrp flsftqr: qftq^Wqi:
efqrr^ XNd^s^t TI^ (^v) xf^qqq: 1 ^ 1
qra "gtxi ^o if f 3^7 ^qcfrr axrw efqq qft sr^xrfq ^
3XR«I itcn % 1
spqr^Mqi: T*j- ^ppripxnqqr qiw:
«^l<1 f^T m«l«i VHKfqtFd; I ^o\9 |
^pp % strox qq 5t>*i7i: ^sqx q>t qxT? 5^ q? xnqq trt qq
srfqqfq itqt i xjffe %r axR1*? 'Sf xiq Pqq, qixr , q^F srk ?txT qrr
axfqqfq qr i
q^ qrxr Pd^im' q^<K«T qnciq:
qrw: q>TH xr^f% ^qq^ i i
•qTTtcT WHlcT otufnn ^
4Uir<c<<S wrj arfq^lrf, ^mr sTftrtfcT (^ffk) afk
3TfEPTf=T omUtq ^TtrT "Sr ?rm i
TftrF ^gr^r^IlT: ^4 ^r: w HU||ft|+^
(^O) ^ fcf w "yf I ^ I
^nwi % -g^f ^fi %3f ^ afh fr ^oo gyn
3rf^ % I o'Hm ^o "TjaiT ■?>% TR '^TT ^FT SJ^FcI ^oo eiai % I
FniRr: THTT: ^Fcnpf^ft ^Tr:
^ ^TTO FT FTTOT "Jot TTf^T I \\o
cTSf ^>T y«K % STJFTR ^FTT % I 3TcT: f^Ttft oTRT %> t;^IHi^l
■gRi f^nm y«t»i?i r«Ftflr ^ft Rt whrr, gof ofre ^ST ^RTTT "Ft \o "fpn
^rt ^r ^TTT I

fW* Wo^ltilpTl'H ^?4T<t I I

%o -gon ^ct TR era %/xo RPT wm % i SRT: g4o<Ti«'"it (^,000)
fpn ^rt ^R gpt r=ti<ui
TTOT W?f TRlltr: r+TU|HH*tWci
3RT WHTT ^mwf WITT "jot iTf^T I I
^ft RRl stl ) TRTTTT WTrft % I STcT, SRT ITW^T95f "t*! el"3! "It 31H-1
^TRT ^ ^00 tjor ier RRTFf ^TTcn % I (<F4iP+> 3W>T cT^T ^4 ct^T
V^00 %J
TTOfPrr WTrf: w ^SZTTfiT, M-^IWI "J^t: I I
5tfl y<t>K ^ el-si "^t "Rtft *ft oRTR % ^oo TpiT ''R tlHIH
"gt ^lld) % I PF< I ^St ^saiqeriai 3RI% oTTR ^ \oo Tpn ^rt d't) "gtdt % I
3Tfl|+lPT>T«l «3TTfr RPt TTTET (^)
TrtArTjnTTf ^hTT^gjftRT: I \XX I
P»Kul ohiIH "RtRT sttr "yiT ^Tt eW tsiefl % I ^T
arjHPT ^ tfhr, Tf^" sk "& f^n % i
oTnft"^f r«THW F F FTSTTlfsT 'ftSR: (W^ooo)
FT^f (T^TOf UJdMir®t| c(|«c(|: (^Y^o oo^ooo) | ^ I
<^4 f^T^T "^>1 oqnir (Va^^oo) Rt^FT % I 3RT: TR^ft 'IhT TfftRI <»>uf
(l^t) ^Y.Yo^oooo) RTSFT % I
ftRor <4»«rt4W ijert: (vs.^O OO^ooo)
W ^njtPT: SPIRIT oo^OO) «;?IH gfiT: | \W |
■gjsf f^run ^i cpsr (vs^o.oo^oo) %5R <PF w«n f^r ^h3%
■^t ■yhrr (^^o^o^o^o^oo) «Jl<sn % i
^TKVI'linH (^^o)
r<o^HH <r^r ^TRfrsFT -^nRhftftr: i i
tl^sq % «t>lci Hl'^ HM -$\o ^ IJUII oh<^ tR f^oq cMcl sftT
■qiT HM "gtm % I f^oq tTR % ^ ctiild ■qr^R
i^nhs^sFr ^r--
^r ^ ^T OT V ^T OT^ ft (^^o 00,00,00 ooo) ^ofHHd: I \\& I
^irrrg qq oqro % I SR: q^^q xfR ^ -d^iu^ qq sqm
^,^0,00,00,00,000 <iiMii % 1
HWSRT H <m f^TTT «cnq ftw ftw
eTSJT^TT ^q-ic|«^«infi5 (U,^0,^,^0,00,000)
■qhft: iTftnnw^
qrqt Tft q^ ftq^qn TRW?Tfeft ^rt
S^rqt fcTHT ftqnf (V9^) qiqr fqr qqoq^qr qrfWftftqq; I \VK I
qqr q^ aqk cnif qqq^r qq qm q¥f qrqr % 1 WRS
TTT sqqq^T q>t q>^n MR«IIM ^^^O^vs^O ^OO^OO qt^R % 1 Tfr^r
qft qqfq qr^r qt q^r qq TRRT % 1 ^nft qr ^4 fsqq
ftftlHT srqft qfq "fqqr^q ^Idi % 1 srt Tf?t qq fqtq fcTRT qq
aw <1wdi % 1 q?T ftq -qq qt qrfm 1
efftr^ qzqr t^Rqr qiq^
M^ mw qr^r, q^rq ^r^di-riwH:
+CMK, ^cf q qft frR Tnqft i^IrM ^ cKT
1¥ ^ft ^ ^Tf ^kqqj ftftcrftw I ^0 I
9ft qifq><Mi4 ! aqqft q^r % ft? "qft fqq0! iori sRiqq^ qT% %
qiq ^rqt -ft ^FTcTI 3TRWT ftm %, q^t 3nqq?I qj^n % I fcRl ft %3R
3Tm % sqfqeqqr STJFnt TT? Trqr it ^qcTrr % I aqq^P fPTR ftq
oqfq; qft qrwrFT %, qt qq cfR fqqiq; tm qtqq aftr qqr qrtft 1
wsgrqi ^ qqq qq ^tcr srercuft
qft iqiq, irqnqfRT qftftqr qftqqr

wr^rr fWrf ^rft^fprt uRir<-i

+^1^^ MMW^TTftT w: I m I
3mt °Fsjr ^ ^ ^ ^ TTf sn^rm ^
WSR %^T ^Temr %, tft ern 3^ # m ^ URIRH ^ ^ ^
^ -qftfEr % KFf ^rr ?
^r<iiA4yH*< to i
i^tfWq- ^ ift^r: ^ ww^rfr
TFTflt r^Ki (w^) TfoT MRTPT Y^?N
?tm sYiftf: ^T: f^rfir: yst Y7% ^ntsM ^TrT I i
STHT ^ "^IrfYoPT TPT (^,^,^0,^,^0,00,00 00,000) %3R
^rs% t, "?Tr% crm HPT ^ «fr ttep *rpT ^pT m ^ o^n^r %iFT
•=iwt Ytcn % i (^ran^ ^fcr srf^ %) ^r 341+1^1 -Tter ST^TR -ntcr
mRIr a<^ -ii^1 =f)<.cii % ?

stA^iu^iujJiuit: k%ih\ cpfcnsrr Yt siPr

n*>-cow^^H% ^1^1 ft«rtcr ««nrti*iiH,i ^ i

qwHtrsret 3TT«4 ark srta^f % % 1
^T % ifrcR WR %> % I ^ WT WT ^ TWcf % I
am: sfk YRT^t ^ ^nm wr 4Ruiih ftpn ^pn %, ^r? TPT
fppi ftFg Rpfe fRFft ^ WWR ^ w t, ^ft
fwRr % twr ^ if 3^ •sFfnJ t


viyi+Pd fWrftT: ira% PfW
WrRr frvpr ihih, i w i
U-i^ ?[rt OR RR -^r XR taprar to®^ fit St, f^H+i
wa fYgr mi 3^ ^<1 ^twr %, iwi ^fr #01 ^ra % wcRRRI
% 1 (H^iyy^'i-nm) wrom snRt f# % ^ Trite enftqf ^tt

5C^C^>CI\ WoT^r ^Hld ^

?ft "*4'iP'iciir^r PH^
fto^r ^fnr Tqrttcr «rrar ^ i
-m-- TRTO if «TT inj^rf^r- i ^ i

ITT y«t>K ^sVl'Mi % <.f^3><n ^cm~I ^liPK fTO M«r^T

^fE" ^ TPTPTcTT % "cT«n WcT^t ^pt t^T^T % fcR ttngRt
if ^rssra arr^RT ^ f^rq ^ ^ ^1 y+Rj tprtr ^an i


7T^nf«r^: iWft ^

tcRTW ^«lir<+H|
^mERT ^ wr wnra
^ -JRr ftfifcT ^rgrqr^StW^
^dWdHI^KId,! \ I
fsm % wt "nfii w w^i snf^ smmft % ^ ^ ^n
TR>% % I ^T^FTRT "ft f^*ii % -TWt ^n*ft ^sff t)<^>cf\ I 3T?T: 9ft^-5^R3T
snrft ^flw % st^tk ^ PhmH ^t STR^J ^rc% % i
f^«rr tRlcT 7ttcR) +Ic1
ir«T: fWR ^iPf «HI+dW
uiyi-Md: rvt^^ ^IPT I ^ I
"HtcT <t>icri % •H*^ 'Srf m^k %> %, •s,i^> "ftcR *ft I
^ff srrerft ^ «iii«i «rt i 31® % %> fWvr
Tft ^11 *1-1 q icii % Pel 4 ^W^I
ifRfiwhFFsr WWr^ttr ir^
1 ^ 1
"TWT ycM< % 'lifn H-^1 % «t>ei ^Iiy'ii I T^> TJ^f ^>83 eneii
W ^iRI ^>83 cTf^I I if UI-cfiH STTEmfl if W % I
% ^ -^cra appft ■& ?F? ^T ^ 1

fmw^ HPdHef H<fllti\i<rl'+^ WF:

TET^pq qnsR ^Pl.lTfPpqqsF V I
TJH 3^ WE® WPT ^r ^fTT 3lk 3Tc^pT "?tER imqr alft
tarf^R ^qcnaqf qft pn Uf, Hu^crl, ^TRt cTPF %
iRifir WT^ d^i+ciff -fpq ftrsqiq
q^rr«f Oi«^iun' ^ fW/hrnt; 1 s 1
Vz. snfq rftq? qra, (USTSF) q«n apR -rp-famfr fsrEq if 1 Tf^
fsnwf % TFH W % fR5! itoppq qpERT aqRw? qft l
fWq fiEffinftcf qi tidiPfdH^e-f trfW
^mTsf «l'Hlll<Pt.dH-d'fd wqq;! ^ 1
qro ^r "TRT ERjif froqft qftfq q afipr it 1 q^f
TTPTT 3^X Hcfci I
5^ "TflK^fT f^rET^hrRTcnrszTf:
m<cii Pifli <^jfii <j<?i ^"skp^i I vs I
^1% ^ if l^TR if W^TT ^ ^ -qffe WTrifrf I ^ -qft
(S^ST) 'ifdi+K, cnsn sik "tftsn ^ iT«r cr^n •gW i -q? H^^CI
q?T qqcn % i T^T if^ti-s q^r wrar % i
«hi«tf(i*4qi<f tPTK ^>T M•>■«<*l-cK
*11") ^ "^T ^ WT^Ft I i I
W ^ ^"-s % ftr^ fft qNr (s-V^i) q?
^fsfm slh TrR if <ff s~,a ^T«r qq igzi ^ddi "^f ft«R qi^t I
Tr^rtrar ^ xsref F?r
f^mfq i^rnr ^ 5^r q^q q u^?iiq i ^ i
qq qNt ^ qpftq if qi cd+^f ^hae ar f^zR fq^n «iiJj«ii (d+-^l
qr anftq % qjqrf s qiq qFft) qHt if #=t qrq q>t <fcqi{ tR gg-
% ftiq qqr qqr &q q^if i
YTt ^'hd ipfrqqr qq wcrqt:
^ ing^hr vft qrr? i ^o i
^ qxq qft qqR qqrl qr^f fZRT % qqr if qq* aft aw qqr
qTsnq <3 5 if qft <Rq> qq» qq> qftif i fyq qffe I
amfhq^iTR^ qianrnm qi^Rvr ^giqi^
«<<qiqivii (^o) ipr ftq ifqr fiafir qfl^m ^qq; i \\ i
qfq ^ qqqft.q^t an ^qo sfijcT dHi qf ^pq «*«< aStif i
an ara farfqa ^q % i
far qq artriq ^EcrfaR qW qnqaresnwf;
ftqlaq q^'^fqwR ts$ ^Prt i vi i
^qq gq ^q qjqqnqr % i ?«a»i fiafqar gq ^ qm qfqq
ftrw if qfqaa fMtn aara if at ^q
^qra^qqft atfWHHTFinft:
qyqqqf^Rar=arqT iff# a<amd*4 qar i « i
aa qqif gq qfte q%ai a^ srh: aqwi % iqt if q% aarfaq a^ft i
qq qfat gq aaR T?if f^Mtf qq^f gam an ti% i qtat ^ ^fa? aftq
if qi qfq ^tar i
TfteTTft^pn: iltcllR

TyW^rf (^o) Ucr wf^rr

M«^d ^rr qitt ^ r^r^di a^rf i v€ i
t^P a^r sfjei cr*% ■ara aft ait aa arf aar^rft sftr awt
fa^aa t^ar % cftar arq^ srafa, fsfffira sfk a^ar ^xt ^ »fta -ft
T*=nt i ar^t MU-SCI a^% t i wft ar^r acT «ft raf^d a^t i
aau^Nt ^amsbH Tgi--
a¥ aetai: aratfR^ar^na ^tfr^aar war: i ^ i
fa^a aa ftfr af^ra aar atftt aas, silk a Trfar aft aafa %
ana?: skja aft ac a s^kia fa (aara: ■sift snarK aa)
aa ala k "?«ntaa akk i
fa aft- ftnar t^g iaarfk warga ar^afka:
a ?idia>i: ara frr (^v) akaftwara; i ^ i
fa afk k> alat arai at aaraiR afr aaknt i 1aaftF> %=a %> %a
k afk ^a arar akrm i aak atat aq lafsa aa ycka sta ar
Trar aaraa aftfa m aakfa i
^raRRa^araHk^; fa\ "aW ar^ a i ?v» i
aararrsit ^l aa aa k fa aa ftft taak a? fat a^t i fa ^Faa?
% ka snaa k (00 at) aat fa aar far aaaa (^o") k afaa fa
tau ftk 1
fa Pa®!^ a)cia>i-fl aci^l kvff cTTaft T^TT:
karfkRh;atar sra kik 1 v 1
fa 1aft k a^aar % aaa k afa kr at aaa %, aak far far skja
at sia faffta akk (ffo stfa at afar) a? fair araar kr fa^ft
k ftRk (fkt aa kr fa k) ftk i
3TTfkfa^ araaRrnf ararfk^ ffa fa kklt'- i
sr^TfTT raktar frafkat ff?r (5^0°) awrk i ^ i
aaa kr feat at afa at ktk k fa k fafa aft atar afa kr aak
aak fa faaarrkk i fa k k fa araa: ktft flk arkk i aar fffa
at aak ktar km i
fftftna afk aaka tppr aaaar kdHf
sraafk ktaa far karat: kppr^fkfa^ i ^0 i
f^ngRT ^OT

% Jllci Ttf^T dlti fTFT tWf^RT I fR=f) aJT^

srmH ^ ^TTI? i
^dlPn ^1 (^1^0) ^nt ro^i^
^pfhrf fifrafW WrftPTPf: i ^ i
?FTPtT arh f^^-^xT^T WTRR^* sik %-?sm TR ^0
^o' !^'ll I shlPo <jti "fit <1=1 'iRl HI'? ^§1 RRTT % I
in^ Wi RTRhrR RtR
in?N» wTW ftrfcT irf^f FregfRT* i i
TRRtT% ^R, ^ T^JR, crm RR (RPRtrR) IR R^FR
^ ^r t Rt^RT 1RF5 RT wfw* RTfT RHTT % I RS^ % <<)Pk1<t»
R)fc<rRl<» Rf?% t I
R^r^RT Wnwr^eniH, f^TRPT RT^
RTR WI^ R WT?^ sRTf^lR^t filRTRt ^ I I
R^S rtRt Tr?f % mm <ir*i rtIr Rif rtIrt RRMga Rj^t I RR^r


M<M!;HI-<I tR %RT R«%y3RT%R I I
RTR % RFT RtRt (fRRRgeT ark RRptT RR) RR 3RR RRC %
RRT RR %> RRRT RtR 3^C Rf^TR fRRR k itRT t
^fiT R'^Pd R^RftT RPff fR^HpR: I ^ I
f^fcrsr RcTR kRts^nmcf RTRR> RfttR^
■pR^I %Rf RR f^f!rir RR 3RR RRTRt tr (tRJR % RRR RT R^PT)
a-Ru.gcH R.^dldl % I w ^R ^ RRPI Rt RX R?t RRltxT Rlcft % (fR
f^fRR k ^RR Rt% % RRRR RBcTR sfk tlfVlRl RR RRR fR^R % RT
■ntHrfsrarit 'Ticufc;

afT? WtcTT % I fTT^T ^>1 ^ER ^WT -Jtiai %) STWRT^ ^TT 3^

•m^-MM-f. ^TT% wi•& <+>6^1 % i <=11 •£ fa^Ri^t iM<i(i<n % ^^tprt
^ m eR^r ifa t i f^rr ^f ^fct SFVTS^T -^gcr t i
3fT«TR fspp ^M<tI WT wm wpttr;
^ P+iP^"; f«R) ^rnf ^eR^rnr i ^ i
^rt sn^iR ^rT, sfir aiiPti ^rf 37k f^iRi^ ^ri frkt
Trttkf -^r MRuiih TRTH "?t% *ft m ^rf kt^r ^r?T wr ^mn % 1

^O ^onrfPfecT fftcT -^cldl ^

TT^kIci ^ .ni-ci*l I 'I
% TTTT 'srfE ^TT "PTWc-T <<=(1 wkfTT I TTtcT ^Ff VltiK fNRTT
<l^'ll, 3n 77% I ^rft % <R clcl ^T % %%
FRcidl % fRRTT Tin TT^T % I
jftdWHt ^TT TR TT?^ f^RTTF: -
'j^dci +Rri+r jFTtkr^n ^5%: 757= ^FPf: 1 ^ 1
77T yctiK ^I'ltet T^r^Ti ^>7% 47 <ik-f JJf5 clKl <t)i "fk^TTTT f%^TT
vHI^'ll I (Ttk %t) 37k (37^7 Hit ^7) 7R "pT^PTcT ^7 wf cfJ7
tipTfi 3777 <*)Cil STTf?' Rltilct'I I
RrsrPrsrqprf TTNTTT TifT: W^K
krr wrr^if fiRr ffkr xiicmi: 1 ^o 1
FT 77# %t 3777% 3Tq% rdMU^ci k 3777# Tit# ^77 WTfkT ^P7 kt I
Fki W17 arrf^ # IcRfiidi Tin Tididi % 1 "ntc! 3# ddi<+7 w? ^rg,
'iRi %t ctics-ii 1
d+if^rdgyikitpir«rk -Tkerrw Tftcr itsr TT#
5=7 ^77 TTTTtir #k% UhUW. SJIdl+dl I I
"TI? nkkr T^n ei%7 fTSTRr % 3757777 %t "n# 1 177% t^'ild
TETTT WZ. 377^7 f%7T TII^tR d'lHI M|I^jII I "771 ddl-MI 73n TIT % I ##
7f# "fif TSTT-ft %t ikTTf % 777T377 Tvft =717 ^77 3 WH #7% # %kT
(Tftm % f^O
15; d^TfV ^ ^ritcf qftf^ PRT^TTTF,
era RjRraf Tjcrf toRTTT TTTR- Tkmwg t i e

F77% *7%el % ^7717 7-7'fid -MHIii'l I F77 7=7'ltd k F "?# #T

FFTTT iT'^nkt f^rRrsr fxr, whr ^TT, ^ttvtttr frr,

■yicf fcsFTTTScr
• t^srcr ^ftcT writer ^cR *1^ i 33 i
^U|<f?l W MU^d ^tT I Wild ^f % ^ ^tT ^ 3qk ar^cT
^T ^ ^R% *rrftcf ■510% dl^* ftsn f^RI ^l^l'll I
arsTf^r Rf^r Tt&m wftr
■RWT ^'il^ftK^ol -ZT^t TP^f: WRIT: I 5V I
3R 3^% "fSTR XR 1^T if WR Tim TRt ^T 3^ 3TOT TIRSfl
% tdTi ^T WWlt % -^K S^T xft% % it Sjcl 3lk irffe apt
el'll^M I
'lld^ W^TTJffTft HMHU^d TTTT f^f^R;
^TSen WTlcT ^TRRWIXR M««dW ^ I I
wild sfk WTtd if 3R% WR ^T ^cf xff^cf faafcRT ^tT ajptr
aR wild frT % aIIUJItK
"tTW^cTR WR <+irld<+. I^f ^TFT
^ 'lldlM ftf TRPRW TcT«f tef^TT I I
ark WHHU^d % ^t fkeR WRt R WfkRT cT«n 3W:
R WfeR?) XR afJtR ^it pT ^rOcil XR H «CI XRTR ci«it«f M,

irR^XT^T^pTir ^R^xfof^ tRlcT «rf^:

w ?jafkr ■pRSfr^rat ^ci iiftr M4^H, I ^ i
^ Hu3d ^t M^F XR ^ri ^ft M'ild 4) <me< <,<^4, t^rrrk 5«<iil
gg- gts % ^kf TTW i
3Rdaicr4 ^2": TRTkr WPl TR cFRT^
ftrfxRT cTR «rd^4 ^R ^xf WT^ I ^6 I
^tf UW dgl XR %i TTT^j * MX % aflcT 'gg. gfXRR gpt I R?
fSF Ru^d fgrfgR ip cFXR cT ^ ^R fR -gt dl4'll I
klcT rf MfWtrfr RWFT r^WXTT f^ir
(T^RmftRT xr^RRpfww yufcfd: I VK I
Ff xftcit if *frcR "RJSR xpr ^fpn STRRR % | 3R: Rntd RR xr Tsft
"OR fgRTR RR% ftRT "RRT % I -i«*l R«kt ^R gfe k TR apt RtR "n4
if T?% ^rm ^Ft I (\RT R# Rtxft, RTRT if ^R^ xr f^RT R^t RFft I)
TfrcTlfspFft 'iWHfc oiu^x^

^45 TTftW- Tflt: ^trr^tT:

M^rsr y^HTd t?pr ^r-- 1 •*<> 1
■nt?T f^ffirsr % arrs ■fe^nsrt ^ %5t?t % +<^1
% f^fftrsr t>H-si ir *s^ ^1 1 fWcM % ^ISI s^i-s^ T^P ^rs
Opt f^Rl^l ct>< "il% c) 51 cidi <3°b'l 'lid ^>T >d)M<1 311*11 MPT
1¥ MTM ^5^ TTt^f ftMPT ^ »IMU|I<
fWifMhTcr MT^f ^ftsrfcT ^cqr I **1 I
aprar dfr^T WMIH ^ M? d«+T Tri^ % MtcR TTT P^T
f^ppr fssrRrsr PH^CII arrMT MPT TIMT <T«n sqft mpt
<^'11 I ^cm et><'^ MT '^ci e!
P< ^ilci rtMRi "hi ^P^-TTT eP< "^SfTT^T
<hM< ep ^spnS mtT <<.=11 «rr rsp^TT % i ^it f^r 'WtTn i
•RrgRr ftRrt^r-^rgerr *nTtcf TrgTif ^nfer MfcwtrPp
uf^pr Twr^f "zrE^nm TftcrV i jfa i i -
(ftngRI njKIMpJI % aTJHK) MMteT apt gcf Mfg ^PEI^R -qfg ^
WTtcT Mcft % MtcR ^HI=+>< MMtcT apt ^MT^Pt I Mflr % atm MPT ^t
Mf^TapT ^ WTtcT a^T ^rTTfteT cFt gft^ ar^T MR wrffcRT MRMT itMT I
<33= ap^T MTT aphr -
"ntct Mrflct 3? Mtet ^ftft trf^MTctsfr
ap3PT^3» 3T?f ^HftftrasF 3^3 | ^ |
^JHteT, MMtcT fT.MtcT 3^ 3TT3TT7T Mt# ^ tMcTMR ^RT M? t%3T?r
'ilel nil Mi3T *tt P+iMI ^TT <n>cll % I ^Mtfcia^i
^Pt fer^>%llcH<t> MMtcf T^tsr cfT
^CPR: g?<Rt MtcT: appf: ^<3331 I YY I ;
^sPTtR ^t <t3ar% % apTPM <33> MMtR (<PS: ^P MMteT) ^ # M? TT3
^PTToR Mf^t % "tTMPT ^PTT an M<Pdl % I STRT ^RSMPT ^TtP appft
ncdni % S.KI fM MtcTt lil Siihk I MT tsl<<l Mt m tiiicT % I
arqrfWpt arpr^Rt M^^rr^r mmstptp^
tR3R f^3T ^'IHM -sran- cTst>ir< ms?T^ M3ftT HIHI3IH. > ^ I
a^ar if 3f3<S5T % MTt: if apgnr C f^PT3Rt ^33% % "?t wt 3n
^•^K, fM*sr, VKMK, 3*<n, asm^RT arrfar Y«aft MT icwmk #t MPPET MTR
% ^<.11 an nimi % i
'jnf STO eTTEsit
«rf^: ftWRnRyr TFira' tfRT^rj^nPT trnf^T i i
WT«r Eqm ^r <+idct>i <t ^r ^g? i gt igcrr 'ii^i
•*!$< ^feerni sjk '3tR if "Tf ^PTt cTTRR or ^r I ^Igt '?g3 '3tR
t%r?n if ePTFTI «||i|J|| I If? jP cpj gftel «=(<*< gffeT
■^Ft -Mflil % if cTTF «fni ^tTT I
HKI-jgufd f^RK eT^cT ^
WfT (^o) ?F TJcfTSJ Uftl+MU ef I W9 I
^fgt ^13 %> "ntcTf if «JR "^H (dti-^l tS^"l) <ji»ll<f'l sfk "?Rf
% SPT^f TFT if %fif (^fe frn =R Rlt f^FTif ^o 3f?I f^^f)
ePTT^R «S*f I 'fPi sfk 3T8SI ^o STJJcT ^>t ^0 cl'fl I ^IRT
■ 'ifcif ^ '?TT «aM I
?idi+igargTT mf^r irasFi-.
buffer SRI I I
■fR 'ileil (%fR «fea) %> ^ 1T«I ^ STftrgr <*f«j
^FRStrsi tfUiti % tftcR ^HT ^R T^fif I FT ^9Ft % (^
fTT RT ) srk TT? ^n snf? ^if i
RT^TT ftrrarr^ tjott (^) t^pr
i •*% I
^fSEPT ^sF ('lIcMl) % ^ 3i^<n (41^ ^ff cTFR) dxK f^TT if '^ig
fgrgi fsn 3183 (Rtr f^?n if gftci ^sr) wnifif i sra if
arrspR gft ^sceff wn i Y® ^ ^ ^ "gFit i
ilfVl ^rhl st>iT^a TTRTTJ WT TH^TT R
giwfiR TnTrF ^ ?idi+i t& irf^?rr<5 ^sr i v i
M^-cfl % "RRt cK'-h ^831 fgrfsTeT et'fl, TTFFT HtM ^ sfijcl gl'll
(TSTT 3iiif 311% 3hpT TR ^ TllTT M®ci '?frft I ^3T if TPTptT, H*<{fa,
Hid sft? ^-5 <t»i "Fhm <*)< nftl-l "H* % FT%> 3>H< 'rf *M<ja <*>icsl
cFTRR «S*f I
^ifilPPd IK^r TTRT^Ii«Kd«^ y^MltA
W+ld<«A ^f^HT RsFRtif t^TT ^tEZRRqSRTWf; 1^1
^f^TT ^9F if Tit?! gR ftRT -jUHMI I ^tft ^RT if WcT
if 'M-Sv H*^fa mici ^g> if %% i 3tR if sft TTft g>t '^^31
%% I
'iHifc o(U!HH

ddi f^TT TTf -^sb 'Ttfe ^ ^V4!!

HWTJ' fcT¥T TJ^TSq' ^1^ ^ ^ I ^ I
■^9% sTK <STi<i if -d«A «rlMi^ %T "ftTCr TT? ^sF '3Tfe
(^J^T) rHK ^TT -gmi I ^ tRIcft "ftnt I 3^[ TH% aTO TTH "H
<^'ll I "TfE gcT cK,+> Midi "gt1!! JH-H TTft 'Tf -6MM
wrmr ^n H% I
?f<r WT +^+1^ WT^MTpT TTK^ I
Tf^f Wr ^rg: f^nra-: I ^ i
fH XT? M9b "TfE %> '3lX tR t^ v^icl cblcl MX ROTM ^4 clMIMI
-jii^'II cTSTT dM4 X/^0 3^lid (XH ^cIT) ^ ~$~2[ cut) MJ)i XlR
d'ti-m -3ji4'ii i "R? gsefl xi =rfT, f^r^n ak ^F 'ildi+K ^mr i
anxTR.«5T»sb MSiMl MMK^WIMIX thxTXW^
fcF^FRRt, ift(T ^K'^lS fWw % tRWfWirqg; I SX I
u? "^f ^qfe % ^o stijcT (x x/^ "ST«r) axR 3Ti«nx mrs ^x x^ aR
■f^n ^rr%nr i ydl+ axx -sffl cRsrrf ^ TTrflr i
3TT«nT ^ ^TFT X^ET TR^T t<nf^ "5^1
3T^ ^FcT U^iJVM XT«xr TT? ^ ^^1= I ^ I
STTRK "^RF % ^F5: ^1 pM^el crf^T t^TT RlXSl ^flcT
T54 XTsn ^Tr% ^nxt axix xrtt ^fl ^F^n ^i ^SRF CIMHI ^TT%m i
armt^fhTT ^cit: ^TR nw^nitnwrnr ^rt-
xryMWrv x^rra "km ddia^ nl^ft irgTftr- i ^ i
'm xnfr TI? ^F8^T 3^, sjm, vm ^ixr f^P^ti "PF^TT ^wm i
^xr^r xrfxr, axxi °fi *fl xlm i ixrf rIctx (xmw rx) Rner axrfe s
TT? -ftrt i TEsr^xnx wt ^FI x^rrr xx^x ^r^rr ^F (^TS ^fr
■grfT^TX TTft) XFt ^HNI ^T TRFrTT % I
xTFJir^ XRllPT W fr!T (XO

WS^pRRTFTT^hpTT (^<\) ^dl «S^Sl^dl

(\s^) MMd ^t^rgr I t\\s I
R^TR t^4 % m 14 HXXF sedi el'fl t^ro^t MRFR X^
spjcT ^fl ^Rft i ^xrxt ^Fl agjei ci«n tfPxrxl ^F^n RneT
■^l aRJeT ^ -glTfl |
ipt T^ftWHt^STT (^V^) ^cTTST Wf^ST
(W^) I
fWrsmw TRT ^ ^m-
•♦Oclsi iT^ 4i<rt|i: 1^1
^tqfir ^ spp rT«n ^ifr wr trf^- ^ sFjcf
^trft i ^r ^rrait st^TR ^Vat % I ^FCI TR
PciMu^a % i
^MlFTt ^TcR^dli* Rfl^T ^rf-
■PTT^-nVeT WRScnft H^l^^icll JMHM I I
^TT ^ft ^tcf ^ 1^ ^ftat 9FH % Rt tw^a ^JRT RTT %,
^ "R«2R ^5 ^ TjJa RfR ^r ^ MPe-fcm t^n I srtrt
a? ^f aisft fhft. i
^ssr ^ ^wmer^mr ftre:
H^<F 1%Rt ^ W iREp^Fyi^WRT^T M«4dW: I ^o I
^f^FT sfft % ^ffa wit aTT ^sar SFR tsi^l '?tTft i ^TR SFR
% ^facFT 3RR % ^ ^ ^ %I ST^qm % aMl| ^Ht I
H*<\si % q^gr % 3T^^[R SR Iqa lqa #t i
3T^ ^t5T SPFTPT ^r fRiPR9hWt WMMI^
¥mP? raHlft (vs/^c) nidf<i«rll^HM
■g^f '5^1% %> faq, ^rr % aa "^i % (W^^) ^
■qa 'ilai+u i
-$$& TTxf ciaqi^MH' re)ddlc(+IVI*P
W^PRRxTSFlftRT RTT^f WfWpxr^RT w ^shqffe: I ^ I
•MS "BTRRFI 3Rf^ wq*T ^4> arrfST ^ Ri-^l aTT
SRfc^RPR RqR 3TTf?r ^ STT^I 15tZT "fRT I ^ aft at
^fTT I
ifharft WFT wfct ta yarfRi
TTT^t VRfRrE Wim^WMT ^4 <+itd<+> MMdl^ I ^ I
aa arwt t? ar aw aft at aa aaaraR "der Tt f^qn
^ ^arar araar i aw at te am aar arrfa ^ ata an aR faR afif,

w rR- irfsr ^ft- imw^ertar- ftrsm (^v)

(^Rl?0) ^Kf "qnt ilWloKcdc^n^r I I
f^raiT "irfe % sni HFT «r -fern gcrf^R frr ^ cT«n
WR WF< ^ I WR ^ % STRR % (^Rl^o) ST^R
HTR: cT«n yi-MH % strw? WTF srT^r ^I^ II i
^iwfnR Pcf?idi-fl< ■gr Y^ft WTRT 'JTf^: i I
■gcTTRF^R ^ ^ ytiK STftfaF R tTTZT WtTTT I 3TST^T ^flSPT
^RP % ST^t % f7«I TRP irflr ^TT TRnH % I
TSSR Ra? ir^cf K *rpf u?^ M^IPH^ <+>id^idn>
^rsn n^f i^inpn^mTT^YYetnfr B^fiRT i ^ i
■g^f % arrsfrm % ^g? if anffe gnR gri TT? Ptsftr
(3T«ftE giTR T*< -pgz u? "PrartR fmg % gw^q
% 'gj4 ^ i
Y^Z"q% fW^RtT^ ^RT: ■?y2": ikz ftrsfr
<nh5rf^ %? irtr tr«R; wrt i ^v» i
Y8^ % w Tft«r if ^ TR gn TTIRI am (^
arrfR tft "RR R tOR 'ii i TR grr ?R a^k *ft 'iPuid % ar^tm
i gR ira % wc 3TRR Y^T1. 'Tfa^r aR ^Hiif'1 i
■ZTRRRT ■g^Tt^TT w^^rnrf tRr^ri TRRT (VH ) WT
^ll^ipfdl (RteW dtHafcllri WF& cT^ I ^ I
3T«m7 arfg YE^BRR RR % RRf crop VH iT«r -CRT grgifrr
qR ^rR arf^rft anf^r ^vs P^Psd I ^raR *nTfR R
"mpr 'K (fYY^ ^ V>\ ^PT IRT % ?RT R) mTpR qRR I
Tft ^ ^ai R w am aifk TtTcT TTPT Rm aRr fRwn RI TERRT

P»^l4>d= RRT RsF ■qR ^aiNHIMI (>VY)fR^T ^rf: I

■RWRR in^tRRtPft^ WimnR qef ^TR; I ^ i
3i«mT TfR R TR ^gr Pmr R Y®R R YR afk ^Rm *>t ttpb-
(^Y*) anjR ^R m R TRRR wfYa qRR i BTTR gsrfRr qxtRPr R ^
^ *ki«i< am (wt: ^ am) afaFi qRR i
f^ngjRT c^fnr

g^rsnre^hnnifv f^n^rr *roii4> t^r TTTsihwh,

■HW<l4HI*W TJ?Tt^ *n^ ^ rn^^Ra^l*!!^ I V9o I
Y^ft % TTfari «!i^< "rizt "qj^ Tifti 3t?T % 5, Trf^r
ST^rTT TR M'ld aTO^ft <f>^ii 'i} tSTiftRT I
^ TRltE^of ITffpsf W«r ^nt
d^tY9l<'* «NI^ (Vd) I *8? I
MMd afk Y5^ i5let»< ^iidl y^ f^rr % t^> cf^> (Y^
w*r •CRJ) 1 t^rfT am asnft: ^r?f ar?f
>f<t at^cT ^ -
^ic< Tpr hi^ ^ Y^srrt! MRI
Y^fWdi+r^f^r Yft' "g? Y^fwr tr^tw 1 vs^ 1
<1^ «pi^ 1 Tfsr '1R1 ai'jci cfn (arerh^y/ ^o) ci«n
Ynei st^t (R-tjR) "nfcT "?rtt 1 "q^f % Y^R f^f (q^t YnH
"<d 1 °FT Mcf ^>t fimi ^f) 0"* <t>l \<ai % Y*5^ H'ld \<ai a)M< Y»t
cRTP el'H 1

TTf^f«fl» Htfiin; irsf ir^r ftTm^^ropr 1 vs^ 1

Y^ ^ <SF "nfn ^t^nt 1 3FR "n^t ¥t
*ft ««rj a^r c(^ -rrftT ^<.4] Tsn % i ^RC ^>T M5ui afk "TRI anf^
*i<id<ri fflr ^mrr i
Rrarr vynir^ i wanq, '
<raT ^*11 dfisti-j ^2" xis»> ^ ^nr ^ ti "JKV I OV I
YF aik tpm ^831 % if ^ tp^n v* wft "f^rar^
u T I
cT% 'T^t I U? •l «ci TE Tlf^T 3TTRr R Y^ rfS T
TWR ^ffcT tmrarft Ffnt i
TZ Y^Y^rp^a+Hp^' ^^Ipfid d^liqi^l
Y«F Y8^ t
'^ ^ WNr RrmfWhr i VSH I
■T? A<l <pyi ^71 quf-i "gan | 5«il aimm %> %7 tlHH
tjgl ^Rt r^f^-i jIRI an n^Tcft % i MC amn arcnr af^ ■q^t <*1
trwpmT •& an % i
tiivuw TF* Rr?t?r ^tomw
jpidw ^ -yi^sPr ^TcT crf^q Y'F, f+^r-d i vs^ i
'ildlf^+iX 'TioiiR;

sftr Sjgqi^l - ^T yttiK %> "ntcl M-Jl ^ri qufl ^STI. I

("Tt SR? tSI-HI ^TT (WTT ft;?!! 3^7 cTRTf) 'Jn M-X
<*>101 ^T ^IM STRTpft % Mobcll % I CT^IIH STctf^T efrnt
TRW ITPT % ftro. +I<H^ % ^ if 3p^n ^ i
^TH^TT ^TJTT -I^W ^?ul "TT TcRHt^TT ^
^>r%: '^: VH<+ilCl ^Fcnrt^RT^TT: WS 1
^f> "H-^l % (•11-sl xR5cT ^T[ "TI H^SCI if) 'TfS "T^ if,
■&, TRf %, ^rf ^3T«lf?T ^ ^RT %, WW ?ORI ^fofcl
^cTsprf^ra if, if, tn^t %, ^trj •&, -qr -qpr ^ if tetrt
^rPT "?t H^cll % I "3rPT% c(icf oqfTti yc^<+i "Rt % <tiici ITR «<*ici
% I
'ifcii^ tPRT epT^r
^ftrs f^RT ggr ^ I vsc I
rngl % V-s-^ %> Pi-qci snir ^fTT % WHH «MI^ I
i«+l cTTtp g? V3 ^Tfif ^ET T«tm
anft fen oft Tn«R ^ f^r ^fir i n ^ ^ ^ qm % i
-iy<+i <jTii4 Rtif 1
5^ ?f?n>r ftftrRTSf^fefe^ n^r ^ i
^it ^Erwf^R <im WRRffe^nrr g^snT 1 vs^ 1
^ cfhrtf «rm) if 3^ i<iuifTi< frt ^t%it 1
3tr hw«p ir sr^rm srtt ir ttr ^r feR % ire if
tfif 1 ^ sfk-q^f ^ff srh ^n oqmr^ if ^ ^Pf 'tpt wt: qw
wl 'i 1
rcfrd^d^nftmrtfrri^Wd: •<$■■ wt^RT ferfWWrq; 1
ferR onm ^r ymm* nt^n Tndr ■nrd' feiftd: 1 Co 1
^ qrr TfT TFR % ffe 3T?m^ qrr ffnT I TR 3T?tm frT ^
oHitti^i %> ««i«i< =PT V^f> ?f^ 'Hcii^ ®ff^ if R^fif I
3T?kl5f frT ^tnr I 3«+f «ft
nrgf n^r H«sr crf^t ^trf iiP-^tii^
inftw ftrar^pft ftrnfT ^RSFTT I c% I
nr^t net arrfg RPsd 1 m wn fWtr * "tmn
^n <aiiJf»ii 1 cfrn f# 1=51 srei trt if «lt %s ^f fnm
m mm 1
UleTcr vzi
MR+df^if^g Trmrg
qr tK«n«6ir< i ci i
Ph^I^K 3TT^7T7I ^ "01 ?TSTT ^T 3RR Ttf?!, 3T?T, ^TcTT, snf?
PH+ldA % foTO; 3t«t HMAH % fWT if ^r^T ^ I ITT TRf % xi^cT 3tk
^set snRr HTT At ^rpn «<+<ii % i
«H^H\ ^TtHlPdtpit *IRTt (^o)
"JcT MRRtftl AdrWI ?I^<+Rtrc(|
^d^fAtj ^r5rr MPg+l "jBdHi
TftfA dc|d'l<Pt: PntRr ^t: I 6* I
«Hdd 'jfA q?r "01% wA dtM+< P^+HI WTtct t I aftr ^O
St^cT ^1133? ^Tt <MHI+< g?ir^ 3T?I (^ftfA tR ? SPJeT ^t ^Pt)
^ tJ^Fi P^l© % I rfl'ti <JtI % ^TT®R TJ3> Mgl ^>T ^TT «RT%
%, 3^ 3% I ttit A At stk amf ^t p^p^d ^
% ^tftfA % ^o am f^t cm ^ ^ff^cr f i ^fA % ^rt ^Ft
At ^o *m A 3fE% % i
n^ARt^ 3f^ ^ MPg+l-Addl^l
N W^dcH A^c«rf Icra AtAR
^5^ AA oH|«dAi4 9ATAA, I £* I
A^t A? Afcl am ATT Pet AH I AA ATcTT STtfA At fAFAT AT TRRT % I
W At % tRc A ^ sfa "AtAt ^t wttcJ %, faremr aaia aa
% oAl Al-d % «d<l«« AtAT I
tcrfAeRT d>Rrldl AT dlPotfdf $lWdl FTTcp
^Tft? dctHI+l^oHSfl+I^A WT AT
cTAArr AT T^FAAT PtRfdl:"^: I 6\ t
TA At ^T aRmI"! AT WRT At ?t TTATcTT t I
AAA dd'l^d AlRHKIA ?*£
ftAT tAAT At Mlt«((t: UHldtcp
A? AA TTfeT Pqqiic^ TTcAAT 'llRt cfcT-
ftAT cTAAR^-bftSRAAT (^Y^) cTTt^ct^ I 6\ I
Mieiilfcf+K 'lldllc; C(U^4^

Tit % wt ^ Tf^ras^ fftsr ^ <«+< "^rfE

opt TT? =F>V Tft«r % I Mgl % ^"l ^>1 ^Sft ST^R glcll %, ^^
tm % 'cT TT I^SRT % "JJ^n % I
PHPHRH <nftrt HIP^+I^
Pfft ^ ^TT ^ WR1TT fW
<I^T ^eHF Tl^f H^nt: I d\9 I
^T t^r % aiwter ^TT ^rmni % HFT SRR
sft RT# FrtV I R^cT ^1 aTORFT sfk ""JeT % ^T ^ ^Rt ^t^TT
"& Tjan ^TSRT qFT RR R^cf ^TsJcTT 311^ | ^Rn
*ft PH+idl ^n y<+>d1 % i
q?ci MPcici orf cAn^at^Tl^q tPlnl
^RTRT cra%«T: f^TRRT
«?R+< (^V ) ^fT ^RRT <RIMI RTTTTT: I
Tor ^RT ^afRRrt rrpm: I cc I
ctqf et)<^ ^T "^t ^ft HM'H^ % 3«<*>! -i—lai^l 'TT
RcTRT PH+ldl TRfRIT % I -dR+l frsqi ^Rt ( ^Hoo) ITT % "yn ^R%
RT Ti3> ^ RRi TR 3Ri% aiftr MM % ^ICT % 'stnt i
(Hd^l TT ^iR aiftr ■dHclMMI % ^ET ■SRt ^RftR TT W I)
in ^Ter ^RTEzf HMHI^ RW-
TPT gJHfil^tfTSIRRrt: Rt^TfW:
RRfff MPg+l-d: y^?f
RTfWtfcr iX^iP-d ^FT«nr; i i
TTJ 'SRT Mofn ES^R 3nf< farfR ^
% TTRT-T MdMrf. MTR "TR % Mofd ^T ^ERT % I TR "TR ^RI «u«| ^
% i ^ R^CT arrRr % -PRRZ 1RSRI Try RTT WRT RRT)
3TPRR7 ftrtc ^ in^fhRT:
rrwrr ftrPT«=4 rnr^
yfWPRyif w RHNIf^ Rt RT
Rorf^T TTR W ^ UMIUIH, I ^o |
TR RRiR RTT-T % Tfy S^T 3 tldPl WTT RrT RRR Tty ^ yiT RR
Rrff ^n ^frfr % i TR MR ^ R«cft rrcrt RT •ft RR *ft R^T
^ aacll S^T RRRTI fRRTR aR^RT I
mR.HIuI ^ m
m (<0 ^FRfW ^«Jfr+i4«4d<I>I«NIH, 1
f^Teif^fW irn3? mfUdiw SJWI+I ■
Ifir d'l-ftill W'^Pd: W?r^r I u I ; 1
3^ T^cT STTfe ^JT 3TftT tq? MRHIUJ ^FRT -^t 1
H ¥r«r <riMi tpt i TR aiu'Mi'i TftR 1
i 5«=b •MK srns siR mln "fl^ y.* sftr "?i^ Ri«<t)i sni ,
*fm 4V ^ft -ft i era farRr ^ -ji«<+.l -Rift 1
5^ ^nrnr ?pt ^?r ^TTRJ
Wf^qfeRR^Tf -^Hd^l wik
ftsrtcf ^ir<(cR^ iflHdoqi CTHT , 1
qelPd fVl«<, hH <j<.OI WTORT: 1^1 |
-Mr (qi^TR ^tt ^t) q^cT i q^cf I
% ^ qfOT SRR^qr sftr 3Hct^i tqq^PT i TR qqt ^ifq^ |
sTtRjqr ^ Tpn wi ^ % qpx qjei q^ci srrRr qft TSRTT 6l«fl i J
•^qr (q^rsqi) % ^<.cii 3TTqjH stqfc^qq^qr qil •dtfi qprf qr ST^R TPTT I
qR ^ % RRT qr q^q qft nn BHt i I
qaxjq cl^T qm IHf qmtqi^ qPfe TTRTftq I j
q^uii rrar +mw<^ qr^qf ftnrfq% cret q^n i i j
q*q-q RrTRFTR % i RRqq afciRR Rl «jqi^J«bR RTq q=q ^fT qim i
% !
^-T; qrq % 3TIRT q?t qfH q^q qr jOq (q^qfRt) qq qigi ^IICIT % i
q* q-q % TTtT qrr qqqi qm qi qq % stBRrq qq anqr,
^q, qfg qq (fftq qq ■&) tqq qq areRrq qq q^qfq (Rqi4)
fqqqeTT qi qqqi % i
qRq qrq ■yicf qWR «Wi^d q^ qWR4|q>H.
if f^qrq qcr ^R^diPd: q^R qra % qraq^ i i
<FtR ^fr% % qr qqq % qM % ^frq ^ qq? isteT #q -gRn I tqyR
•ii>M<. qq qq qq qt^ %> q<fq q qr y<+i i
qiq^iq wr ddMdi qqw «'RqPd q^^HWd:
qje^q RSRT q^sPr q:«ir<dd qq ftHRrrfr fT:^RT: i ^ i
qqqn qq qqR qR qxT% qq wq Iwt fqqqr qqq
■qqqr %, q^t q^sr Tq% qr qqR qq ^r qq% qp qqq qq^
■£[ ^|i|'!l I ^f ^TcT % ^TTq^T sq^R fsfTRT ^T TT^kTT
% I T^T %T 31^iR I<;-1 q^SPTRq ^ >31M tiof>cl % I
WRU- fW PjlPcrMHI ^f^RTT:
irqjf Md+V^TT: wPdd irrPr ^
t«lP<M Ph^^S HU^IP<+
PldP-d -yn- TjPW Upd^drf PT5OT I I
3^5® Pvidfl ^RI WlWIdl Tt "TT ^ ^TT^R Tfl% tR if
HRTRR «ftcR XPF eTt^T ^FT cTR mT^Pt I ^ RTTT TT ^
RR? Rft cR? 34i+«fui (Surface tension) % <+>Rul TH^t ^ ^
^feT >311-H 5<H<^ ot(cnjqi I ^f>t cT^nf 37^ RRjf fR y^FR f7«R
fW^ R (T^J ggcf) if T^fT ^ (qi ^Ftf 1R«R TRF) qpft
-311^ |
jhdi^f+Pd yftt ^mtPTRR;
P^hmRI cpptr ^ trtrcpp
ol^dPtPt TfiTcf ^
wRr yftt Wctertr; i %* i
37^ 'ilell^K TTP^ q>T Rrfq ctRR q^t, p3i«<*)i ctcT <4l-si pMHcM
It (PdWtt q? fTSR T? 77%) I R7T% TTeT TJ^F '37^1 %<Z qR 3 77%) RTRt
% 3PR T7%r TR qnf if «fft sfft qpft *77% cRtm I ^ qri 37Tq>R %57T
iPTT rd777) 73^7 R^t ■% Riq «R RTR | qTRTcT Rq qTwi f |
VIW.tu|)r<d RFTT^ qJcRFT^f ^PclWtl^
R^ R rrt TTf^f pcif^d 'JR: I 1,6 I
RTTqR % RRRF RR % RTt R fRRTR ^ q^7 % 3777: ^ 3R:Rif q7?
717 f I
RFR '^ci i<7c4ei ^eR iPr
fPRfR Rf& qPt+lrHd) ^Rfl+ltji
f^ (H) ttTct ^R RRT fRt: I %% I
TRRRl RR % fcTR 5.o SRJcT HRIR RTF 73[qr RsF I 3«<%)
yRfq tR yfq spjcf q7 yqj yq? tTRi i %fR q% ^o %73t% ■Rft-tttt qft
Ro "Rft % TTRTR t I S-S 37RT R7 37^7 RR fq? 377 Rt qRT^t I
dWdqtHPd R^tR RftPRW- *
"^cTTTTTRJ "p- PWRT trftRq^r
tn^fli Hsici elgivq I ^oo II
^ % %=5c ^ T?op %z 3Tr% tfrar "ntcT aik R+hi arm
(t^vft Heft) Hm^nt, f^TFrft ^r? ht srrapft -ft i htr
tH?n ^f ^ fTH HTHT Ht T%P VTZ efR TfT VZ V$i tfft TR HT? dftl^fft I
^"sh H>T ^RPT TTHFT WftTT ^Tf?% *1(ft Ht qg 3TmrT*ft ^ HWt ^H'll I
HftTftST ffl-alHi <Ie|H-i\ fttf
<;rqi«H «II«< ftRTT iRenf %HV:
vftnt mT*f Hmftir^itu vf
dlHlft ftrftftr Owwil^l M I
^ aftr f^ftrsr ^ -q^ afk HW 1HH TTH %
Hfan fiffftrar % Ht% ht^t snftr nft w* fffrft Heft
tl^^el VPnr dHei<»VtW
<rer ftrr^TH ^SRI
Mft: ^RT HTeTFT ftmPT ^T: I I
S? Heft V SPJeT ef^ft "gftft i W Heft HH HPft cftH> ^o ^f
^ stH'K «<I5< r^ltiel 5HHT%> Pi^el HPT ^f T^H> sslil Rss,
P^fez % ^fr% V°F HiH Ptft H^t Ht HTR fWeTHT fSTT HPft Hpftn
R ^HHT 'gt HTlftHI '
HHTHR f^TftTHT ^Dfici 'qtRHft^'
•l<o||UAd) Hqq.dMM: ^rftw
TTfeHHHT dlR^K ftfft
HHm<RTOTfteTf^H ftHT I I .
HHT% «IK % ^TTft f^TT ft ftifct^ ft T^H> «s)i) HfteT ft qcii HTH
HH HTT^T Hfttft R ftft ft eftTH HH Hft ffPF eTtftft I ^TT ftfft HPH
(elHi HH) <S<H qcTT Hft ftft etiHil HP HTTft eftHft Hfft JH-^I eTeTHH ft I
H^HT TJOTT^eT if ^ Wlfft
HftkT 'Hc^ddl^mdH,
ftft ftp fiellRlHje-
qft OTrHthT^T H% I ^oV I
"qft %> ftFHft HR? (HtH 3TTfft) ftft I Hrft ft STefft ft R?
'TWiiR ^

srstrnr if ®nT ^-•iiH-'ii i
W: ^C: ft«rRRt: ?ldl<=hl
^ ^TDT^t FftllT: UHljiH.
3T% +cHi|^^:
yT^drH^ ^ftcrr \m\^-- i \o\ i
^qf^r % TPrq ^ fgftrar Tf^r f^n; % f^z XRF %
ftrrd ^"MTK f^vrr y.ti ^icil «=(i ■g^qf^q % srrtq qq ■qq? %>
"feqn q % w (%fq) qrr qt qn^t % cttctt % w^r srwrnw
cfiT 3?qqq- (qzt, qeT 3TTf?) ^rm W'qdl % I SFT^T "f^T *ft qqi
q?r '3qft y^K tsnftRf q^t t
^qqq^cfRorfmrnqfq Tm^q
■qt ^ ^?f^«T:

Hvtbi* ^raqqrrf q?t q^r i \o\ i ..

fqqen qq>i^ qr^ftq % qt% ^=rt i q? qqfqr! qjt R^iq)
TTf q, qff Ttr qft ^Hr+K ^73% q5t T^T TS qt ^l^jiH I q?
qtq-frq fqlq fVi4i sr^ ^ fq^r-ft qrf?^ i
3Tq ^Rd qtn qftqqt qqRr qqr q^q Hdi-dtH,
i? gq qqr fiidH'fl qrq q^ fsFqrq; i ^ i
qi% q^r qtqr qq qq yqq *ft Tqqqq qq qqiq qrnr i
^q% qft ^r spq qq qrqqi ^ i qrqq qqifq ^r ^q (qqr) qyqqr %
qqqft qspft qq qt fq qqr^ i
remedied tqqr^t^er qq^q ftraf ^q qftqnq;
srM^q ^qqfq d^ci+l qenr qfeq^qqqqqq: i i
^q qsh %j qRt xqt (qqq % ■grnqqt ^qt) "^f ^W) qr? %cT ^qq
qqqrq tt qq^r ^q qfq q^T qq^rh) ^ qlei % qfaq ^f qt "st^t qftff
^qq qftq % qt qqft tanfqq qft^T i
qq^qrft wrf^qq ^Rq+i ^id^H rq^qqr
ft^r ^ iRati qntfq qtcT qiV vmRI qftqRr ^ i ^ i
qqft Tt qr ctsqq^ srk qqq qqq ^r i ^ft qjn (.41 q^ ip
%% qtqr sftr ^qt % ^ftq qq qi^FT i w^r qtcT q^q fq^q ^q ^f
^qftq ofrT qft cR? ^rrr I
Ttf TT? TO ITTc^T ^ftcT ^ tTcETcr:
TpfihimqcrFR: 1 I %\o I
IT? ?«n TTteT ^>T ^TFT ?1% ■& ^qf^F «rft ?mT % cTSTT %
TI? c?t^»'f ^TRTT % I

ftrenr rvi^^l-f^T ^TT -q^f^f ii^ftPini<uwnHmr<t*<

mkw)4 ^frcf y+m^' w:
^ <Kih<i ^rftnf
TWJ: ^rsnit ifhrrfW^nr: i ?fcr i w i
uwW ftsq sfk ^cflp^q % i q? w % qr?T «n
ejpjia srrfe sKpqqf %> qt^r q^ ^FT rdwu "gsn i qqjR
qfqq 5TR qjt r?'q<+1 ^rr qqr srfqqj Hrq ^TR q qntr
oqfxF qit q^f qifw^r i
qsfq -gfqqt qq q? STT^T q^t qrqq % arrg qqr qq qm ?tcn
% i
?rjT qg qRfrrpfr q^r?T
WK'fft^ftqkT qraqqi: qrqqr:
qqpq qfcRTT^qfiq ^qq^qr^
^fft cf^5 ^rs^r? M^M<1 qfRf q?: i w \
fqrqqq h^iuuk ?Tq ^ qr ^f ct% tr ^q; qpq q^t ^tqi,
■Rra^F "sra ^ttr qfqq *ft qrqq qt qn% %, Ttr qwrag qq era qqr ^
ffq ^ T? qq snq^q ^ i

^c^cqJcft alflci "jMld

^ ^ qfWfiEr ftrt
ftngrar * wfW
PcftHU'iq^lfttl q^FRT: I I
?q qqq^ % fq^qm Tracer ^ qeqR ^fhqqr ttrsR ?JTT qqqr
sfk ^fs ^ qqrqqr qqr qic^Ft qfr Irissn % feiq, fq^RT qiq qq qR
gufq tnaNt Ro qf qqq^T qqiH fan i
K?luli ifRTRf 'i^iasOH ««"fnH,
Vr$RF ^IVfWft eii«mr<4vu<?4^ I ^ I
TTW 3ftT fftcT bft cfolhT ^T ^F> U«H)TK ^ ^ eilWHI Cnf^ncf
farfMt ^TT -qt cT^P) ^n TFT % I
^ fijfrnir ^n; ilxl^u^dl^d:
T^% f^rfcrt ^41<4Uwi< wtosnfT: i ^ i
ftrset^T (l^r^^TT^) ^fyfinr^xT^FtSFZTTSlPffxR^iTn^eT
^61 -^tini % I 3P1% 3md TTPT % tsrfFsr <jti FV glcii % I SfA
TSTPT % fsFftrsr sftr fTT^T ^ f^rtrrsr (^ft sra^ TSTTF F^qtrg^r %) %

Itr ^rwni; Wrarr^rft ft«r% i $ i

sTFlrra WF # % I ^TF FtFt TSTR % ^4f<4f TWF
^T 3i-ti< % i <^4 STFTttf <jti ■*( srq^ f^iHi^i % ■SPTT TF% FT
v$k&: ti^ Fcfr <raf«r FrMt
FFTT^TFTf^ JHRf ^1% t Y I
3TFtTTF ^tT % I FTT^t Tftt ^Flt FTT f^TfFF Ft TPTTT FTFt FIFFT % I
3TF: ^4 tFT^T ^TT '^Pt FT fFF sftr TIF FT TFTTF FT TTFTF FT% % I
ftTT»ft?FF: ♦A'-H Ji\<rl
TFFtswnt: FSK; FFF hnpht: i H I
fF^F ^IFT ^ 3T1<- ^4 TF% FT FxR % TSTTFt fq^oi FF^
1.41 <F FFT Ft# IF^FcT FtFI % I FfsHtFtFT ^T FFFTT- fWtF FtFT % I
f^fWh^R: ftFWT Pi+FW F FtFTFt:
TfMr FFf^f TTRRF^FM % Fiwjd: I ^ I
TFFF FFTFT % FFT "FteT ^ 3-HuFd 31F% fspfrTF Tt ^FT TFFT
%, y-Fu^el FFT FFF% (tFT^T ^FfeF ) Tt FFct Ft ^4 3JF% fsfTftTF FT
atT FTFT % I aftr 3PPt TFTF FF "g4fFF FtFT %l FtFPF FtcT ^3-HUFH
f4 f^rftrsr % 4t% Ftwr %i

^rr^Rr^ftr (wv) IR uratwr:

"iftraTOra fcRNtsqr i vs i
f^y+i f«TFr ST^TRI ^ ®m ^ srl^ % ^f ^n
?Wt % i fay3b ^f ^n tit % i
erGrrfWRR arrf^ •qferar^TRTf^i:
^rn^T sbifat TfTTT flidTld Pi^llPl?!*^ I 6 I
<^4 ^Ft shifar fai3 f^-il trti <641 % i cR cTop •H6i R-i eldi
% w ^ TRT ^rfawT -a^Ptr ^tcfr % rR THT TTt^f (3T«rf^^ ym ^1 I^T
fi«n ^rft Tif^) i
^cii^iuii t^r^w4 TK-.
^q- tu^T vgft tW w: i \ i
^cr sftr sr^t fssifcM % i STCT: zm ^ ^cRnarf ^TT
crfssm srg^t ^i wfai* % i
«iRf ifrcr "41:
yo^'i <^441 ^T ^IT yo^'i ^ I X° I
^4 ^TR Tfm 4 m ^rai erm ^rift faf^r ^ ^mr fsn
^cr t i ^4 9FTt=ci 41% TR ST^ ^ir ^rrd faHrsr m -gtrar fsn
t I
arwr^T 4tcr?4 *n^ i
uft 1=^ icMni chrfl rMKeW^i^ i \i i
5t>ifai dxi ^>T srr^iir m'i (iriiM-i MM ^ wm-r ^cm sTrfe ^RF) fa^d
% 3TR % i 3ra'- ^4 4> 3n4 MPT 4 -STM "^4 ^TRPPM 4tcTT %, 3dai-4t
mjt "ftpr ^ srgrt ^ Tm 4t41 % i "g4 ^fa41 4lcr 4 TW4 ^RTT
-i^Til eldl % I
"^pjit in14=ift ifN" "TPTT "q4 i
"^14 nfnl^ yHdid4l= i w i
3TTT: TPjftPTt 4 MTfT TPTT % "g4 % TcTt MT ^rf^TT 3PPT 4 TW4 "4 "^4
^T MT TPT 4taT % | r<Hl4 % MR ^4 f^fcRT "4 44 41 feSTT 4
Rt4 cl'lcll % I cPTT Trfil 3<«i 4> did <JjH< d«3dl %, MT Hid 41 4
ni?ii^d4t 44 4<K^I ^iW
WKIWWd: T^rq ^cTPTT FTK.^CnRPl I « I
WK 3T^ % 'ft f^T ^>1 STRW ft ^IICII % I aTf: ■STU.I^1'!
strwt ft^ ^rrarf % f^r STTW trpn ^mn % i stfc fm
dc(cl|3Tf % fc;-iK"1 ^rH M ^c<dl 'lul ««—) ftct % I
irn^trfir ^rt RT^TT WT it^
-^r d^^r^i: ^ircj^iH, i x* i
■mPh tt «ffn =r^t ^5 Tf% % ^trt Rf ycin ft% ct^> tt^t xfct ^?t
^<=(ct % I f^T TfrTI % I yel'M ft^t TR ^4 3TRI (RT RE) 'fW
I RR WT R>t Rl% ftcft % 3^c R? ^TRR RRR % TjTfT ^tPnt ^t W % I
aiRTPt tRT?: Rv^TR RltT RTFRR:
VlPd^'l ¥W«TT ^RtT dWlH) t-MdlH, I tH I
SRTt RR (^R, RTRR 3lk R^sqt RR) fRR-TTR X^C -ft "g^f 'ftRT % I
5(fn Rft RfR fnrm f)% m SRR RR RRR ftm % i (RR! 1RF PWRR
tRTR RE Rt RRcn % )
f^R WK?f^ RTRhhfr TTttl VFfa
ftfRW Rf^R RTRTEtf^T R¥ ftRTftTRTR; I ^ I
^4 RR RRtR ft% % fRR RRT 3RRtR (f^R Rn%) TtfR ftcft % I
3TcT: tRR cftR? 'RRt R^t RRTf ER 4 R> RRER RRj ^PsC RTR RRRR 1RR
-RR RtRT % I
R^RpRRRTT^rfRT ^P4RT% FH?lir<HH.
RHJ Eci RTR Uld RE: shHm I ^Vs I
STRTR ^ ftERt RR Rdl^ RRT WRT if RR eitnf RR tRRTT^ RtRT
%l RpF R^f R5t STERt if RR ^tRf Rft fF«R1 RRT ^R R^f Rpt 3IERt :
(3TTRT ^f) RRRR ^4t<R ftRT % I
dMWstlf)?! qPTRTRW cPR: R^ Rt^ I \C I
H4 lyfcFR «.|pd ^rT RR ^ft 3TRI wmi % Rft RR RRR RR (RR
RRTR RR) eER % I Rf^R f^ftTR R RRfRT RR RR Rt RTR crl'Idl % Rf
fyPdR^ R^R^tV U^ll RRXt^R
r4 sfrt Rf^R fssrtcPR RT RtR 4^ 3^7 RRR Rft tRRIT ^KprfRl ^R
RR Rt 3171 ci'idl % R^ RiRTT: RTg^f 3^7 RTTR^RTR RR% % I tRRR RET
tR97RTfRRR7 ^ 'ftcIT % I
5bil-a ^>T fd<t9l VTTT sftr 3n<T ^lai % fN>-^ «kci
^IM (CI»«II ?l*) %> ^K"!) sftr stri el-I srf^Rj WPT crmi % i
trak fc^IT "JTTT ^*iH^: ^SRr
Tsrf^r ftm% (^o) i i
3IW- ^rT "OTt TTfVrqt ^T HPT TPTFT % I pREJI
^ ^o am crar ^o" SRT ^o ^ ^f ^rq % i
ararPr fVifti^ ^CCII mrq^ 'ricin
^cf^TbHj,Tb ^ ftrHr qtqrq i n i
*<51 «*>ei 'IHI % 3T«)c«l -It/l 'ft <*>51 "Tn % 3% 3lWl tR? «*l5ll^
% fpn? "55 fqj mqq q5t faat^rq ^TT ^ wrm
^•gqrqq i
W^: qsgimitqrT: imfW (ssw)-zfq <nif^
i ^ I
3?s3ri ^0 % ^t sfk Trfqr wf ^c» t i m
[H^-l sfit q^f fRT •dfqa ^ I
imsfgrflt (vsdi^o) PTWT qq qq Tif^r q^qq;
q^qTRr q^qq wq; ^qqnf «<ir<dH, i rv i
Iv"i« ^TT-T qq arStriqi ^ qo' ■gt OT^T ^faq> srifq ^qR Trfqr nqx
3R^qq <eci % (fqffcpsr -fr%) I qq aqfq qR TlfifT qrqi •af^a %
(fiatqq % g^R) i
qcTfqr HqRi4^
qr^ «<f j<nia H9f qqi^nqlRq qqrftqn^ i ^ i
qrff qrtjtRi v" % (Tg^q qr) q?T gqn arriq ^ Rfqr q^f ^q% f i
i>q snfq ^ Trfqi «<;i qfqq <5^1 % i
^ ^qt qntsqr "^sqcrasFn^
qq?qqT g?!T: V£ TRnteqqq^qr; i ^ i
W qqsR ^q qm i qrrtt qtqtni) q«n 3^ qiq <i)<Hi4)
if argrqi ^ sgrm xrfqr it qr grr % i ^q qrq if ^ Tifqr qqi
qfqq <ecfl % i qw qftiun (3itj,<) qpr ^ srsEriqi if qqr ^H eltfl
% i
cfiyHI twsq ^uIh

wnrt ift3R Tf%: TTFif FftfeFT# irfir

aJfr^^^rrferwR: I ^VS I
"Tf^ TT^f 4)^*1 "Tf^1 «MM Ml-fl ^STPT ^Tt TH^Ft *cil "TRT % STJ^TR
cfr^TT ^71 fq«JK ^<HI ^I'll («t>cni ""TITT XJ^ -gp^t ^Ta^T et'fl I)
WlrfxT ^^TT: frrf trfttnft ft
<rar1^r rjftcrr ^K^erar: SFT t^IT: I V I
^TT TfPT% xfT -qt Wt ?f^I xrftfxi f^fETTg; H^f, ^tcft % I
am; ^mucittsF-g^^^r arrRr qpm; ^ fitH
Wt ^ffV "jfrSR TTftf *ft ?FIRT: qfnT ^tcfr WT# % I
?Tfr ^sr WRT ^mnrt-
T 2
f^«i^j,xb r ra> wr^hrm* I ^ I
yMlH ftnsj^f ^ Tiff ^T ?R aftr 7ff5r Xf7?l ^T 3jf%rg;
ftHT f^ax % am; frrej ftcn %, ^ wf W\+K
«t><.cl % I xr TXTE ^XI "ft.jspfr ^Tff % I ^1% frnfi TTE Rqi % I
5^- Tftf
TTW* TfTcr^-znt^xT | ^o t
% ^Rt crpf -g^f aik ^ wi ^Rcr % f«n f«i arrfe ai^r TT?
Htzpp -qj -aft qr<*m ^PCxt t I TTT^T f^T ^ TT^ff TTfcT
^ ft?TT ^i fWt % I
Wturd+furd: trrf TT^FT +^"11^ ^ FT
H>glll>Wil^ fTRf FNhF TfT W: I I
Ffr th xiwf ^ff ttRt % i Ft ft? h^I^j %? air^fii % ^bhf
"ftcft % I % Tlf FT PpftZ FPT F aHct.1 HiCilfc; "TfcT f^FT f«FT
ftcft % I
HHIdl^ pK-xhlHl' *l'l"IHlTdil<x|:
^fVdcH>(H<ir< H>HVM WTT FFRTT ? | ^ \
3TMl4f % ar^FR TTf afh F7T *nM f%FT fsFT ft% %VrCF -gru
l, c
'l l t» FTfcT % ftF FFT anftT <8117-1 F>f 'I^MI *ft <j1<8i HFf % I
xT^Miqu^Mxl FOTT^ f\l^l-Hfr<H Tpfcf:
TT^XP fftrrnftf rddWHi-- i i
ftFg Ff FTRF fF^g a^T FRSFS % ( 3TFf F5 FF Fff STTeTfERT)
-a Th -q^H <^>4 3^7 ^-s, *<*IuI TT 'ticrM TTT^-T f^f
% 3T^TR~
34€liq'><(f4 qgtq ^IMI^ 7tSbS!Kll*<;fl: (^Voo)
VCTHf^tsfT "flcfetrw?^ •{m l l
aTPfq? TT vxoo ^ sftcT wi% tR it C(4MH "qsw ^ 3^7
Bfjen ^ 4t HFf % 1 sm: w^hr armpff ^PI
WT «<+>c1l % 1
»4i^i(w( "qRr 5f?r-.
^RTtt MHIcO+l^ q^?ll«4: Ucft? I I
j u
<rci H-^TI-C^I °Ft fTsirm esrgct iRt ?t% %> qiK i) fr®rT Tf^
TTRT q wqi srrf^ ^ ^pn tprp % 1
^ vri "rnft ffpt xidHi^ qiiuiiw4l:
q wtpT ^1W| t^Ri ftnenr 1 1
H-^SJ cTsr % •sfttot qft qf?r m n&m
-q-s, 'iRt f®ni fy"Sl-fl % -TSt "311"ii ^TT TRkH % I
TPRi ^ rct^iqlifq «if OTW ^WT:
qcq^tTOT W^TpqtT ^«r^J ^V3 |
qT7 qn ^>7% q7 TTRTT "TRT ^ ^tftt ^TT TT^TIT % i
5}lPl qft 'iRl 3Trq-t1 fiH ^I'l %) CM<U1 ^OO q4 %> qlci7 dtlofTl T®? 3^7
q^t¥ PRT SRR q?t Rpqr ^n TT^ri % i
tmnrfr^ *mT qnr t^nRr ?
cRrrt[ MeifftURi ftrsRr ^m; gsrr i $6 i
FT ^PKoff ^ TRr 3^7 ^ ^T WT, ^4, HTO 37^7 f^T 3nf^
'l<JMI cfrs ^ cti<qi STTRT -T^t, ^fqci % I 37cT: fTT^RT qxn «ft TTcT
W ^RT^f rcj«'c(|<j TrftiZfi
^cTT^f TSJCT <j{»4iTb •yr HAmw. I ^ I
■zfz % 3^7 qm qft *nm cr«n WT srrRr % wr ^ft 3RT7
^ "jq arrfq % qmqr ^acrr % i "jn qqq arrfq wn
% % i qqqr qnpq TT Ft 7PR?ft % i
qRpnq;»JIW»uni4: vfc ^'IM4^
q^FTf ^TT ^ifn+cqq^ i v» i
% "JH WT "fFTTT ^ ffe "?t% % ^TK^T ^
^nf *mtiT -qft etxrmi qft I
+MW ^ cqiW^T ^T ^RT: I
4i|CH-M 'luHI->qi) Ct*! q^l4 I I
a-^14 -gts qqcT qq ^rm q^q arrw ^ TTOPTT arros? qft i
qr^q 3TTTBq ^q% ■qq "& ctqq q!t ar^qfq -q^f, qsqq -gqfqq ^ isn i
+HI^'fu| Ww 3TFT^T srfW^qqt:
qrfcT^WR^ tq^id 1-4 qwr^nf^RFWRRT: I I
qrf^rgq % qrw % arqq Trqq % arH^r qft +crMHi ^sq m
ay+l «<°qi arrqq qrq qpT %? qnRq qmr Tfq atk qqc qr
atqrfq qq qR aifqqr wn (qnqq q?t)
wrft- kng +ci1>^ni<
ftR[RT qrw qrWhr wr ^rat -eqt: i i
am: qmtk kraqm WRNIW ^FT 'wmwi^^dh q^qqmr: tRT-'
5r4if4 Tcfrqit S.I<I Pw^a. ®frq q>cTT qt qqrqr i a-^4 3Tq% trqq
%> kk a^k q-5; %> km ^fs krajqi qq krqr i
itenrqnrwnTmq kmfq qwratenp
w^Pt^rfr hhi %qt kiHa ^^RT: I W I
pft qqrR qmkr SRT wt qq qt qqq anfq ft«R qq arqq qkr q^t
qfr^qq qr qqiqq ffkt qqf q^t ^q^kr® fqjqr i
ftRTtr krfis T^q^fftqrfT q^tfknrr
wqqkTT fkukr It q^rr wmp i \
qkr kt+K qq kk alk qq; "Pjq: fqrqr i wk mm fqr qqqq kkq
mmr srrfq fkkm qqt % i (qff qt tkqnx qft arraqqqqn qtt itcft i)
aT^ramcmrkr: kngim •tidqMd--
I^P^fPd df4td)l pq^- 1
c(4hm krsjm (knsjmmkr) aKi kroqqqrkk arkqq mmr
jqrqr mm %, q? arndt qqqx ^q^ fk-a. ttm % i m qnqq q>t kfq k
qqk qr q^q armt q^qr % i
qft q^l^ wr q>feRR^q^r: -^t-
srqqftmq ^qp tkftf qkqct: qmq m4^|: I ms i
qfq qqk? qqk fWt t qqq qft qsmm me uqt qft ^q?.fkfis qfl-
^njef W^T tim: WK-rlt W: I *6 I
eft vwix ^ ^frfi (wwr m^) sfn (^<TfW ^
3RR 'glen I ei-l« (^^) ^ Wgl "JR % 'txrM n7!^ %> 37mR "T^pn
if ^RT 3TT% °R
311^14: +e'<iH'i®ii^ Kii«i ngr^'yr:
TfRr tor wnrrfir thpziT ^wi;i Y% t
31M-1I STeTT cherH TTT <*51 7JW •S'l'W yul % I
<+><r<tif< % ctor % -qTitoT % TigtonK 3TK»T tom nm -nran,
tor, MlW 3|llc ^>1 STcTT ♦KPHI ^ <^6 -SMCM ill % I
ersrn^r totor^ fcrtoMi ^ ^TR; MR;
Hg^+R TRjfl^RpiT nRT WTeiellH, I V I
gsnfn ^RR str ^TJR ^f^na TR -nRra ^ ^mrr
^->M 51H qicl cil'li ^rr Mgel ■dH'DK rW>MI % I
arr^RT ^RRR RRRRlf RfR^rt:
MRtRTftH-: ^mq^lto Trrait: I m I
STF^R, !?!etH-< sft? HTPSfZ 3Trf?r % 3RTR '?T7m ^T Ug (fwRr)
R+MI ctstt spm «R snf? % am TTRR -mnn tonr ^mr
Tit: RrRR ^HRf ^RT «'c(|<HlrHH:
R#Rg ^ to5R fg^R WTRip I I
gn Tint =Pl ^R snR mhm 3<M-fl ilRi t-RnR R nil % e^ci-ii
¥t t afrt srjfTR faR t i
Rto miV ^ ito rtt *to
sf^RpTtoRf tt«r gfir ir W: i H? I
3TcT: Ml<«ll % to STFSr % ST^cT (^o^oo) cpf «TT^' «ft Rft 'lul-1l
arm 'gl % fFTR ^ ftns gPft i ftrfsr anft if, nr mra srrft -ngf
% "PTE Tjftr afti if aitf iRT mff Rnr i
tofTlcT HR ^TRR R sRTf totoRR:
amftftl: Trt^W^TTtoPf: HHfdto I «0f I
if R^M^l *Tgf ^"SR: topFm cR? ftn ftPSRI ft«R "T^f Tg TPFeTT
% i sra- tto argg apf arftRr mm % RE Tig % afttf if iia siR

xr 3^*1 tRThnr t|%TrT i

w ^pito ipHitPt fW^nhn^ i
t^rr ^T^rftt ?Tfr ^s^rror: i HK I
"T^J 'TTT % STJfTR "qfe "0? fwf^T e||Wc) Tf ^PT ^T 341*1+
amft % ^HI ^T M^HI i
^ m\U (^<of) ftpgcft (v^) ^r an^: i (vso^ )
TPTc^ ^T (w) «^['i ^T: («^Y) 1^5 Mlt+ll: (^^vs) | |
TRTttR % f51% 'TTeT % WT (^J TI N<iHI
T4%Tn I (+e^ WT ^T) ^FFT if (Vso^) ^4HI -qj (^) NdHI Ttm I
•35 *Fm ^ (w*) ^i^HI "m q^RT q^tr
ItllcT tff (^^) a^cre "yr WO
Wffar TF ^ ^rPr (^3*0 "TTny-TT (^0^°) i vf® '
qpF qqq if (^\9^) v^^HI qr qsrqr q%qT i qrfq qqw if
(^H) ^hi qr (^o^o) qdHi q%qT i
ijcf ^rf^qr ir^i tnHv^q WRT;
+rcrMdl: q>RT q'luiHI fcT^gif I ^ I
■pr y<tiK qfq srifq % q^q qq^ff if qqfhH % f5T% (qf?r ^0,000
q^ qrq Tifqi sr?! qrq qr 3Tfqq> ■gf) RnRia qicq qnrqt if pr pr Trfrrqf
+r qtpn qr qzRi q%qT 1

31^5 f^pir:q?rN1^r
tnit ft r^<M Tgt- M»x(3«llc)rq 1^1
qgf iqqT ^sn qqq irq ^ -jqr qt -gt tr+qr % 1 qqtq iiq, \ 3 qr
v -ynr «it -gt qqRi % 1 ifq s "jon qq? ^r qqRT % 1
d^qiKHM^T: PTT^ wfr ft\ 3»IMt^:
3Rfr r^iiuh w -Rqft^K; fqqr ?ftr 1 %° 1
pft qqp <i qf ifq 3, ^ qr s "gqr "gt ^errt % 1 3Fqt qn ^ qr
3 ipn qq{ ■gTqr 1 pi wr P itqf qft q^pqr 33 "gqt 1
UNiH-ql-q qtw % qp+r Tq%
«'e( %rf?rT ftm feramT ?PT I ^ 1
qRqq qj -qqq sfk ift -qqrq % qfq if qfq 3° qJRT qq
srqi: q% qf qg qfq fqqtq qRqr q%qT i
^^ w^:
* «cflm^dl tat FT^ f^tcf ^T: I ^ I
■RrfsT arrfe Rtiid^ ?ISTT «6uI "^f H-<I?I tfj^
^t ■FEffrrmfW % ^TTFT 3Tr%7 WhR % ^ T^T ^ |
^r ^c^-fci «f4jfi ^ ^TFT ^rr ittr (V^^^^VS^YO)
"3xF Tjgf^RT "q^Rhir wr 5RT^ I I
M-<tw ^TT TTFT ^r iFn "^n % i
+ldl^ ^«I^W ^TT^r^nr r^Ud:
3Tf«FF ^FTT ^ifT tleRfT c)d<MHt I J^V I
«»gn tilcl % s tHH 3T^5t d<? -d a TTF'Nd ^<-1 tR '^rfe "dy^
HM 3rf«ra? "TI diH t ^Tt fRl *1M ^T
urin ^ftrgct fsm w ^Fr: (^vs^j
^•<iri»j,um8ErT ^T t¥ crrnft^ ^ wra"; i vo^j i ^ i
^ vo^ ^%Tt Tfi ^TZT^nl (f^HT "TPT "fT TTTn 3^
WHHdl % I)
TWM^l t^t ^Mlll^d.1 Tft" I ^ I
- -d-^MId WT ^ Sigcl (^0,000) ^ MRdrfd aqgr^T ttdT I
'l l-ll str ^Pk M.di ST^T ^T 3RR tt
^ictid^^TRTE ^ (^v»^) ^
^Tt^ WFT tpptl inft 'I'HI'H^: I (Mo) 1^1
«it ^rm ^TT "TT tjdi^ t 9frrPtT ^rm *fft (^o^o)
^Tft^BiTsrf: (^vso) ^njmr (wo) ^ncn^; ^KP^H: I (^^O)
^PiHi IWWff Rt«»Hid> i («,dto) i ^d i
(S,^) (Wo), (d,^o) -^TFPi ^tipn (^,\s^) ^ TTn )
(nd^o) -qj (^d.^vso) "'n Mdl^it I (qjijq if qilf^T ^Ict
^.Yo^XSo %)
^rfsr^rr TTUW (W^vso) qt ^rn^F?TT trmfr ^
^qr ftrfiepf qrfr sq^Frr qrarf^qra; i i
■qftr th% *ft qnf=cT qm q?f ttt cit "g^ qft "sftt ^ri tFiftT
*11 Ml Ml?*) I
ramsmr ^

I ilpildl'M ^rT^f) «4l^l+ft1< yP-Hdh

? 3qnHi>ii<41 TTTfrr f^hfts^rfir ^tfrfcr; i \so i
; 'iPuict "5RI cTSTT tSMI ?JTT ^4 Pl^lcl ^ ( UnRRTfR^FR
' fsrf%r "&) ^Prt 3PtR fWr^nT i # fsF ST^RRT -gtrn i
•q^r u^mR): ^n^qWWR;
^ f^rnrqi^--pq;! \s? i
^ Carro? fRfiT qff ar^rfWr % stjhr) ^r®r "gffe qn STTPR to
^ ^IRR ^TOTRI TTf?I % 3TTTO R RT I 3TcI: ^ ^ ^TtR TTf?I
' ^ fRaR TFI FtRT I (RTOT RR R ^ RRJ 'Crf?!)
R^Tf^ VRWRIRT^ V^xftS^Fpt ^R:
fit "^wtrt winsTd+ireid: I V9^ I
TOR WR RTRR> 'J.-S;^'! 3TTRR fRT I ^R: cfTOlfcr iRlfd ^ T?% %
, TR R^ RR RTR RpP SITfR 'ft RRnTT % I
Rf^T 'SR ^Pd1 ulTbl W RER <Jf RRA
RRPfR fWfRt yJRPcHRpd Rft^ct: 1 V9? I
^ R RfR RtfT RTRT % I RfR^R ^f RfRrfR RTRFf ^ RlR RRR Mp^ctH
% RRRR 3TRR ft Rt Rf^RRf '5TR
RWf M-»Rpi:'flRT: ^C^RItdd, ^TTTRfcf
R^PfTRtcTg, (51) ^3t RTftToTTPRT (VJ t^rtRRT I Vsy I
"3^ RRR ^ R % RTR fTOT RRtRT I RRffRT iJR R^ 'gt% % ark R
"gffe 3TOR % fRRRTRg (51), RrfqcT (fqRcT) (R1)
■^WT (5) i^rf ^RT (1R) ftRf ftTRRT (^Vs) ftTPRTftT RT
^RT: W+ld M^PTT HodHHPclORrf: I \SR I
W (5) ^R (1R) "RT fRRR (^vs) 3TTfR RRTRT: it ftRT I RRflRT
RR% ^RT ^ yRPeld 3T ? RR RTR PdWdl RlPfi) I
dlotqe RtTT'f "SRt^RR^TJR RjfRJ: (5^ .V^.RVs.iVo)
^»i«i 'iuM • «cf R^nt: RTRRt RdT; I vs^ I
TJf RJPd Rft RRR RTpRT (5^,V^,RR,^yo) tRRT RT^T BtRt % fcTR
% ^t HMcRi 3TTRR RRRT Rltf^T I

* mm (^) t^rat^rsTFT
«i"«i^<+-^3 m imiH; «'ld\ I vsvs I
w ^ft ^FttrfW aTFTTT s3«f} ^ ^cTT WiA or?
aji+ivi if ^mr i TfFf ^ irfH snf^r anf^ ftrmr
■ftm i
tnf^R; oqWf?r («^) crsrf^- mzm Tftefi--
¥«T?5f qftnrT lira ^rpf ^ ftrfig i *6 i
^ "st^rfw m 3?k m<u4R«+. iici % argrm wett
Wl f%F *TcT "fr -RFT 3TTcn %, f9fi' I TfT TR^t "g^T
ctici rVtHsi °Ft^t i
?irWVMIW f^W^- v4'ftHI^-f
iFTozjt j4-«i<^r4)ldSv6R tlr*rl§l<;: I V9^ I
I MI if Jpi gi-f R Eph^T^) ^"iqM iflltq
«f+K<+ t I T?ft EPt T? TIIR w ^Tcn % I 3RT
CTR "T? <5^-4 HFf fTRfT «q>cl I
+<riiai ^RFifuwr ^r<di
*hk?I ^+ir<r<d ifdRyi i Co i
'il$l ^)t 'ifn qxrll ^o qprf if ^Ifef TFfr %, f^T ^f*1<4i 'iRl
sFT^T: ^o^o % "gon m f^T TRp^fT -gnTT o^if |
SRHf: gpRgift Pcfqxi-fl «MP-qAi
cnfr P^iPd d-<i-d TjPraT w«ir<Pf: i &\ i
ERR EFT STRR WR -git f^fPT ) 'P 5,0 Tf «TPT
<.<=)'!, alRi STT^ t^ir-T ^.tR?! if I ''Rf IViqi
TtT Ttf^T 3^ 9RRT: SReft ^iP^IMf if I guid^od ^T: ^
RpRsft "gon e^o % RT
PcR^lPd ^l-dni teff?rr jRTRp
fra msiT^: ftng qrf^ 1 6R I
t^o anflr ■• -mfr if TRTt I m TTf?T 3TTf^ H RSTPTf
xpqi ei'H 1
dR>tF%g ^^<.04 TT «<P4I TR ^T^RT
Wf: ^3T -RRTr^t RPp I 6^ I
cbffelch (Column) if fcTR^R T^fir I ^gf RpRsff

% I VpfFT % 31 ^ TE Hl<m fH-l ^>T "IT? Pi^lcn «T>r ^jrni il

I? "TRcl % I
"^rtw mR^HF-^T frspr: w^fRr: ?>$■■
^jflcT Hef «|^i ^ irrt+W Vffa I dY I
M-^I-IC-I 3^7 "sftg ^rT TTT^TR "R ugl ^T TTS =PT% fWf^ %>
% it % I 3Fq U?t "& ^TTt H? ftsrfcT ^
ftRF I
sr^T cft^^ ftr^T Hm»w:
<PMfi«Rui ih^nfr ^r I ^ I
3RT wf ^ ^ p3RT Rwfcl ^ IT? fcwi ^T ^ TTE "SR^ %
Rn? ^TTT TT? ?sn 3RT "OWf ^T 7f^" W*? "^T HT«R ^RTT "^nT I
H-<< sjR Tfhf ^FT "^r?t 7?7^ % I
ftrer=cr Mctdnw wf Her:
imlrFr ^rt, ^ttrt v&i
^«Tt m ^ *T W% RETT
WPUxnl: fiFT? TFcf I ^fcf I I
im HU-StH % ^ ^TRT ^T % %f^T "ET? U? ^7T %v^
^ % I 3RT: Y2^ ^ "'Era? Tt ^ sm RS7 TRTR f^fct ^ "^gt
P;^141 ^'11 I 31?: Timi cil'l "Ttzpi "IT? ?iT (M-<; "TT ?fl«)
=•>< TT? RTS" ?>7% % I
? ^ftrt ¥r^ra^ Trqf^
«i(ii<?i +di!^«if (i\vsiv) "q^r TfRnft: i ^\9 i
"!T?t t^ji<i <*><•! % f?T^ ?1T 3-ltt>) cfRTrfW^ fTSTf? ^13% fcTY
«HYrM % TJ3T 3m ?fl SfqcT MRRI ip fFHTST "ff 3T5?T oMIdl^
"3? ■=(-«, 3? ?r%ii^Ti ^FTT^nt I
fcr^n^F *Fi|i»if?n'iidi Rra^
Ycfhrolt irftr t^fmrarftr?: i i
Epw ?TT ?? ^fRrr? atjcT ?mT i snf? TIRIN"!
y^cf % <jtk "Rmr 3>t 317? TFT f^dgici «AMI I
?i<gT^5zr^ 3W toFfcT^f^efT:
Tm R ^ stq^r &*m TIT qntei ttrpt I ^ smr ^7 37 4tiiP<
T T^T M-<TsJ T^l" I

(^oo) ^ETRT
^TT^W +I8NI ^TK; ^q^Rf: I ^« I
^ apfTOc! ^qr "jon (^oo ^HT) %
strjcT tR R^tfr -f^n if ^ i
^jRrf^ ITS^ ^ ftacTHT '^pl'
RMi-rf wRrf^h^NhnRr arTT^ i i
3RT ^ ^T°P ^33? V=(l q3f%if I "f^aqr sfk ^5; SFc'T
=f)t ^JT % ^nf ^?f -ail•§<*>< -a«»M ci't'jci f-lchlcl^l I
I^IT ftarai ^Tisf q53j (««\R) ^ M ^T'-
?^nr «MI+Wf drt^W I ^ I
mRPt ^ TpiT aiRjcl >*<'1 %■ Rny, ^o % ^TT I
(WR) atnjeT itm I
^ xVl^Tr - = V^V + ?oo x ^
= ^xA.V.n.^Y* + ^0,000 = ^X(^V<^l1f)
^ X (^VH^IV) STJeT .
^Rn = i— = (W^)
(nsi^) aqrpa
*H^RdWI ^TT Mr^TtT W:
uRtMUid HIHItfl ^RfH" I M I
?c!% anpr oqmi^ % ^ yRi^Tt ^rpmi («Hr^i^
apt wft ^ tTPRR -gRRt it) I R? % SttapaN "ft ^ % I
ftr ^rprrdsniKRnft rtiV
YTRt ^ ^^trqi: ^rfWW «t>difif4T i i
yrc1M<J«d ^T apasn % fWT a^Pxt if apgi ^tT % RRTI?^ ^CcTT %
cr«n -fmr % i rpt if ^ apsar % ^ ^fcit srfamr ?tm
% i
TTT^ arf^TRR gr^ri WtOTCT ^aft:
^str mf ijcr ro^PdHia (K«.«) %r^ ^tsit: i ^ i
^ % R TTf?I %RC -^f apsrr atftq yRlMW^d apt ^ sft?: iTf^T ^T
WT 3tnR (M«) atjcT % I
ftrar fcTHt R 4o--d|^d W (YIW) m-
Rt iTTRT «Ttft ^tFT ^rr ^afor ^tofT I %\3 I
^ arfafi ^ if ar^t mm-w (yiyvs) acRj5T ?t<n %, (s,' + %
cHUHl ^ TFfT ^TO^T

SRT if) w WR % ^ sfk ^r wPm ;MI+<|UI sifter ■gtcn % i

SratWFT !i<Wro||^^^RT: WP^R;
■icir+K W: f^TT=3" ftsRTt fcT^ I %C I
M-<l^ ^ ^ Tf% tR yHlMu^crl ^F^TT Tf ^ cRRi STT^E ^Rn %
I^Sfn if ■<=(-£. IH'JH TTf^I % 3T-tT if 7W%
UPdHu^d "dlHI-d iJ^RPp
uPd^d 1W^r% t^¥ f^Par Tj^rwd; i w i
MPd'jd if M^iP^I % SRI if T^TTT I if TTt?T % SRI if Tl% TR
yfcl ^rl TTf^T %J SRI if Rr'TT I
^e|r<1»«f c(^||(*^fT
Udft^ Hmidll-f: PHft IT?: I \oo |
irg "3^ snrf cirf fg?TT if) ipfNr^r % ^itrt % "Str
if ff«RI iR snfg ^ Rf?rqf if Tig REST Tig R gR gSR
RT^TRSq" W d^HJlPd *&■
RwiKfinF: Rreaa? RsFT^ff: RR: I \o\ I
RT^T % gf^R" ffRg jJelT STlfg g RfW if RSR Rg Rg Rg
STfRcg gfgi % I ifR 3lk fell % Sgfg if RJg Rg gRT RSRR Rg TTRR
"gft t I
yrtRts^-dif R^geTiR" iff^ftR
Wg" RER RgT^Ff ^g" WgWTf RTTR; I |
^ tf RER Rg RRT T$Z" Rg cIR? R^-t^F >im WRfT t I if >ISlif
j RTgR 3^ RfgfR gfRf Rtrgcit git cFRcft RRii-nt I
| RRt R^TR^ RToR^ llPd^d RkTRRR; I
| RW^dl^d M^PAiflRI RTJ I ^ |
| Ufd<jd if gR RtRf^RTSlf % RfR rdd-fl SRR (RRTT STlfg if ) gtRT
|R^t R^g y^TFgt % I "Rg fg^gfRT % (RER ^TRI gff fgRT R^f, RR^"
fgRT if ) I
I cJdRlf-df'Idl +tPi4 RIHR;
1 'd: Rlgf RffRR ^cfRT (FuRPd+l I ?oV I
t .cTl-il "Jti %> SIRR "^f =h-s. % RTg Rg gR> \l3T ^fti RT irlltwicn
IjffgT % I ^RR^f SiVT c^Hic, <1 % RtR RR R'f'JgT RR"? ^TRT gfeft % I

4^^ T^teTT Mf^rd^dl

^•iUtftTb W^: y'ciK^lfV I \o\ I
"T? ^jf «5H da 1^*11 glcfl % i d^ sn^ir artTcT
■RPT %, r^y<+) siwfrcT rn sm^n % i ^ -pgz % IH MRCIW
■^r sxhc ^«n ^FS: wr % *ft fW^R f^n
^TT «<»>ai % I
<J?^ashltl MWI"! WMSsM^ "TPT^
4.dmM w T)cf i \o$ i
^TS' TTFT % H? ^>T r«1«l ®t^T WRTT % I ^ Tlf^T sfR ^ tlRri %Rr
C^sT Tf ''R) RTg ^FcT '?tcTT % 3^T ^Tdtic-i TRrfftT^ 'gtWT % I
f^FST a*iYM^^ I ^o\9 I
(^ % ^HN ^t) 3fp3T W^T (fgRR % aaRT v" cT'n
^\so t^) if TW% TR H-<4><H ^rm ^r ?tcn % i FT
afSTRt ^R R? 1RIR R^zR ^tcn % I aTarf^aj^' ailk ':ffR fePRt %> %T R>T
aXTRT ?tcTT % I
^fVii^ ^laan^ r*f+4R«Rr
RT^R^ "i-WlfV<W' R^^TZFT r«IHe|^ I XoC |
^8 WR RJT TTf Ra^t % Rf% % RHRR W ^ ^STFT 1R aqfcl
Pttxi % <aK l WR % R? R>t ^ RfR M=tii RJR RSR
^aTFT tR RR% arfRRT 'ftcft %, fRR «<ai< R? RiT fePR wldl R?T ^tcTT % I
?R9nr^ ¥k Rtf: w ^FTTlWt
R> Rft^ RR RtRJR^ RF^SftT Rf^TRRfR: I
RfR RRRT RT «it ^FR RRR atRft ^ RtRIRf if TFt RftT R5cT RsR
Ran op#r snfR ^ <ifVi4f if rr Rtm % i
ftrafRT OIOruiV W R^tfcTV RRT R^
RRFRRt %RRt f^flR:
-flRla RRR RRT
FTT^ <I^^P4 uRlHUgcfH I jf* I \\o I
%cT R)t RRft if t^TR RRiR ®fcT Rff RfR R»t dc^f fRRTT if rid ^n-f
RT^t RTTS- Rft RfR Rtcft %, RTft RRJR ^pnt if RRRT RRTt fi Rf
Rft RfR Rm % fRRftcT 1RRTT if Rtcfr % I

q^^rrift ftsicfr HTFRt^TtT:

^•^l + sl »IM|c;i^ +ufwin)li«ll (^V^,) f«R>: I W\ I
Tf^ 3^ *F3F83T ^f if f%PTR if T?% RTF^RT
^iT l^n (H-<cbuf) f^fT "R aqfRcfT itclT % I cT«n U? Rf?r
*ft TR^T ^ ^trft % I
^hrfiiTRr fi^nft f^wr^r ^^r-.
^ ftrrarrsf "^t <1+^1 ^ift: 1 ^ 1
Tf^T ^T-S ^TT % STtT if <.5-1 -d-l^l fWW REZPT HH
% ^f)K T ^raf i^qj % ^<i<m Ripn ^nipn i
grguPfT ROT f^RrT^il:
3Rrt *n«i^i«r^ *&% TEf^qt Tfcr 1 ^ 1
^Tf WHt (^ % ^0° tT«n ^V900 TR) TR igrfh^xf «IHI-q ^
% ttiK"! % Rt^'T <.!=( ^1 -^-s, =f>t ^qjE <rc| RT ^-s. ^<01 %
"ft ^RT5R ipft I
d5(l?>-^l4'W|+l'ff (Vs^oi^^VIYiVso^)
W) ftsrgt: (^)
Wla'tfit**!: q»%ii"l«i I xx* I
TfR sftr ^rr R*<<=bul ^vCRT: VS^.o^.^Y cl«n Y^.VSot^ %5RT % I
5-1 <*1 9hH-;i ^ cTSTT "fT "yTT <+><•! <R 5-1 <*>1 <i■& ^T"? gl'll I Tf^ ^FT
^ ^nf = \S^oC,?S* X %iR cT«rr ^5 ^T
= Y^.VSoi^ X Rt^PT % I T^f ^if % Sl^RR
^Ft +<rM-ll "FT^ft ^Tt^r I
wft ^r i
wt: dlKHw "pfpraf^raf trt trar i UK i
^R[ ^FT i'll-tK, RlfgsF, Rm 3Tk ^FI Upm Rfcl IPltft ^TT ^FT
trt % -i-i+l ^frf -g^F T^f % i ^Lidfisr ^R: Ff, ^ -fra % i wmrf^PF
RFT "^r tlHMdl % fepj <+.e^HI "'Fit % )
fttft^T q-dcld, ^ q»^t R HF ^Ff^rq;
ftrtcr^r rwt m- mfil^cir*qiH. • i
% fTRFT *<'151 suit F>t =F^n «F TTFI <*idl «RT <+><
■^t ^^1 % if ^ntt^f «=t 'l I epqiT ^Hldrf. "^fhl ""Fcl 1^»« UtiK
Ftm %, cf? r«.dl<I cim WT Rt ^f I
WWT^cfhrT 'IPel:
1 :
* ^ 5fTF t^jKit TTT^t: HdshHm I ^\3 |
XlfWrgcT if "9ff^ f^TT if ^"ft I Tf^ IT?
■^Ff T® T 'ifn % ^gel ctffijct) % | 3TcT: ^fly Mid % STJTTR
T !
^ijr? -^g
"nf!! wtrf xnlgit i TTW T>cT TTWR % t^RT 'y<+i^
TT? "ffcTT %, THf Hq»K 7lftT if if fly 'ila^ci ^TT lit<t>K Tf -qf^
¥Pft t I
wnt W OT^T>T%: "^fefr w.
«(4»l^ VeRPft'- •tfftsrftT: I ^\Z I
'ily ^>m-i Tr -s Pi+<1 %> *^4 cf4 ^[4 'ifci J
I Pi V il d
^ sffr ^pF ^f>f fwHr <^4 sffr yWf % 4\* ^f ift% % 4H<=hf
ftRt «o«<n % I
eTcfr grsFPlfcr^lT "JT:
qrsnfr PF=T fir^vWRT^ H-<'IMI ^ksi m i K\% I
3^; ^4 % "cp5 iipdyief sftr yzsfr -q^f -sFf I%ft f^t if ft«ra
(^ % ^nteT ^ fir?n if fwr) irnci, 3? aik ?rf4 ^4 ^^14 4 3T«rf?p
y*-cA % (-fly "^'PT, v#«4> mti) 4<*i "TRT ddol % 1
f^rwWt^nt ^rarr crarr 3^: ww,
VhfrrT WTF 4T 3f'id^^: f^Tcfr 1 ^o |
• spt •Rpfl13^: ^fff -rifir % ^rft P^WK "ff w ^ wt
%i -RSSR ^4 "4f^PT % si^qm af^tm argpf PPT
^n <mhi44 1
^<JJII ^dl'^H TRTsf (V) ^d4.H
T^t ^tf: ^foRT^r | I
% Rt^H+uf vago^^^Y ^,000 -^f 'TTT yrq; v "frnr
afgd MM (^n yl-JiR if %, X aj'jd = ^^,000 MI^M) aa-f oMiMi«d[
=I>f •<.T4 ^TT mmi44 I
«wHW RSIRfr cTPT Tfeit
imrWr (dv>) ^4 wr 1 m 1
TR R>^n % f^Fj if 3^ 1^5 ^R ^Tr% ^rd ttpf RTCT
Cto ST^cI <yjmi4 (W left ^ ST^cT = ^^,000 4t3lR) ^T yMlifif I

ttpi; imt f^r m^c):

^H 'lCl^rf ^ 1 I
^fT =P^n ^>t ^ fi;^ll ^T H'ICI-=pt <13M I M'Kn ^
^ y,^ \<3i ^
y+c^ll iTTT^f ^TfS^PTST +1drMH
^TT ^shl^'i ^TRT ^TPT TJE^ ftRPf ? I X^iS I
R?;!! ^T y.'+i cITCI ®l>t ^c^TTT <t>< 3 I Y*^ ^ 3TRT Pl'txi
if iPTrl «=!<+< ^fT BTfr cTRT f^n if I "^Tf ^n % crfSfFI «tnT
if ^tnT zftx MFT ^ 3?^ HH+<
^TT Wfeti IpT HTW
crarr wfi^t ^T«ff (H) (v^) i i
cir*i3> Hfti yd "Hf^T ^ TX^HH <R ^fStPT ^TPT ^>t ci<"o I
JRETT Hf^ct 'RTTeT °Bt 16 STJcT "Hfir %
wic^ft cRW ^FTIKI "^ncf; I
Si^Rlk ■gfaiq (^) ^ I m I
3tR R^h *f i ^C(T 3><-i % <^j><i i'icn dKi <^3 ^ ^5.
^ss^r f^n if Rd-H+'ii i

w; ftns ^ctt <j?*(i irryr^ ^sFT ■nttr i ^vs i

Y«^t % wi (^t) -gaf ^ct "JTr 3fnR armr wtm aftr
Y^ % gn^T ''ifcT w ^FCTT (5;^ ^n ^ft) <ld'fi i
^sP ^>a(i4.4U<P ■iinj4«i t^v (?oV3) ^TT
TII^: g^f ^ruf (v) eft fra^nf (^) fc^ i w i
tstft tt stIt wi t^p R?n if ftaritr % ^ ^cn
"•TTCT ^fsEm fTftr ^pf g4 (^j % gun sr^ ^pof ^vs (g4 ^raanr
oYmr^ v Tt7T^ ^wni <iV3) % «tft ^ TC (^ovs X VI/^H =
tmiRtf (v^) •+rdcbi tngr^^it tforftr ^Tiftr-.
WPTTy^^i RRmi g^t: I I
^ai "^nict ^ft "cmff "Hftl "ftrft I -q? ^rP fqq if TTO W ?t?n %l
<i<;ie<uil % csrt "nit ^t «ft Rnff afk craft -rrfq yRrsj ^t wr
* ftrsRr ^ ^TFT 5
wc<I?II (^) ^5T ^?«r vprf^inr anrnt; 1 ^o 1
yT r*<"ai-ti % 3iHeel MH <tq .+^1 '^f^' ^n 1
%RC "■rncT ^FT %=? ^ I ^scoft % ^Rt cWF \o%
3RJeI oqrm^ ^ H'icn =FSIT «in*i I
T^P ^ tft^TT: W^TT trsg^T:
W?ftH cPRT^E: (V9^) ^dl^ I ^ 1
^r 'gjsf, •i'lcn ft«i ^Ft wft't I^ETT % % T^sp Tfsg^ .
T?Tt ^ if T^Rt I RSZRT tRTcT % yflylsl % I 3n^
H'ld Hfian fqVll V9^ 3R[cT <^<1 ^R
(Vfldashl^'fl t^TTlttT: W
TTT^ ^omVcdl TTP^^ W+y^: I ^ I
,T«rR (^*i4) ir <{l<5i'ii i sfh: R^ra spt
^fR5P RRT SFR?I: crflfm 3jk RTR ^ cRTF S^Rft 3m=ft ^FSfn ^ t|^r %
RRR -fear^Ri i
ddWIdRni*^ Rf (Vs)
^ii<y idw ^trft irn^ rRt ftr?cr (^) tcrftr R»r i 1
«rgf % -g^f 3TTR^hr % RRT (\9 RrR ^ RRel ^ RTeH
^sf RfR <{l£»n I
ymn* -q!* <T3PSJTRf
Wlw ferr Rgr Rgn^ 1 1
-ft^l ftRR H'ld R>t of#) RfiTR 'iRl *ft <{l<-=( % I yWl
^ 3fk % «n% fn qR ("^ai) RSF^T art t^ra wr RT <*iiMi
R?f ?ftihw RT sfk ^fra fTPT Rt RRTR Rff Rftf 'ftTfr -R3> ^ 3^
dd-RW|i«f. REZRR fPti- ftR^rftr RR: I I
Rfrat^ ail'fr'f"! % RRRR RReT STlfR Rft RJT Rfd^R WtRT %
RR^f % %RC if TfR RR k^ ?t% it R«RR TfR Rjt RSRR RfcT *fr ftTS
^tcft % I
Rfir qwm RF^TT R^R% R^^TRTR,
3|ld.«f«IIH fFtR «<^Rf f^sflftR: I I

H'ici 3TTf^ °F>t ^>1 ^-s, •hR FTcIT %, eft TF^tST STTFi^T
IT 'gt 5«<v» Ft ?TT FtrTT %, ^ftt -ct-^Ml FIT FRIT % I CF^ ?R %> Hrty, "CfF"
•gt sryrm FTTTT % i FFt wrr TFFH Ft Ftrn Ft ar^FTeff Fft sttftffift
F#f Ftcft) i
Sjftw^l+lf ifFtF-- TrttnTiRt
FftfSFTCRF FTOtfTT Fvitqltd ftngFTt I ^*3 I
Ft% %I FFTF FtT FR ^t fF3FT % "yn FR V «f F^f "& FTF ^T FT Ft
FFtcftF FK um FtFT % I
ddl+I^T ?KI-rA FTFTTt FF:
H*<ld»KW ^Ht¥ FFTFftT FF: TTF: I 136 I
TfF %lf^F TIF FiailT ^I H-<lsl % 3TRFF "OF #F Fit FTFI FfF
FRcI TTFF TfF TT FF FteftF pFHU^el FFT ■jRlHUFd % Ft ^Ft % ^t
FTTT-F el'iai % I
FEFlWrnF: ^5h^ir+r'^FT: I W I
FIT Ft% FFTF FJFI, '^J51 FTfF ^F sltr FFFT FF F^FF <^4
fl-H-FI djffe t ^11 ■•JHI F^FctS^TF: I |
FFFT anfF FTF FTTT TTFt F>t F>W TfF 4>f-s.a FFT FFFft F^FT <*>4ui
\TFT FSFt % TTFT 3TcTF cftTFcft % I
FFttRT TfF ikt ^ Tpif^F eppp
H'ici snfF OKI TIF ^4 4)Rn STF-ft 3thoi FIFIT FTTT^T
FFsFTFftFcftsaT^ ftpftPp I W I
3 h4i FTF T^2T FFFIcT TTTFTR "fFIFT FTFT % I TTF FFtfF Tt 3tpel "^T
Ft% % FITTUT sftT F^F TFF FF FIT FFsF ^ fTFfF FTF% % f^T% V«f FftF

F«r tm- 'F^ftr

iuiPtf»i( dWiTi^ i ^ i
vi=t>K "?fhr H-q^cil^ H-^'+icl, "?fr5PTicT- ^nR TTT^it
% fTf^TR % H'ICI 3^7 5;iPl tMECll -Stlcft % I (I'l ^gj
ffe % ^rrm % 1%% -
y'^rd cftrPT TIFERrf^l^
(RHW ^PT iftrE ^hrfTrT tcTVIJfdl^ I VM I
^PT f-T RPTt ^r RTta' RTRTR Mt f^vqr % I °BT cj'ii-cn 3TTf^
Hicil ^rr TTf^TR TpjT % ^ RT^t opt Sfrf ^il (tf^TttR)
mm-II ^rrf^t i
srr^f ftntRnfr % \ Mm ^ ftrs^
U+o^-tl t TEPmfT i vx\ I
TTf ^t ftr^g; % Pdy, aimRr^m % t^ra^T i^r^p? «t<t>i<i ^ft
I °[iV 'l«n %, 3-1 "ET*lt opt oftoT yto^K Mm Mllctl % I
-d<qiU|«lir«n. M^ll^^3f ^TRotT ^cff:
tTctfTE^r "iit«ir: +<fo^ rnuhi^ft i Ttcir i ^ i
^TTH ^tftrMt ^ MPH^ ^uwl ^rr ^tsr ♦fw>K
t^jKi IT? RTTtpT RtiMI cT'TF "ftoT «5^> ST^PR Rlf^r,
WT snfsr ^ti PMHWI aik ?pi 3r?jH wr wren % i (WTM) ^r)
ftrgRt MPPA rt^ HMjuPdHU^cl ■?# ^RT JJ% trfW^ W
HHWda^d Tr<rg^t mt; «+<r^: i v#a i
yRi ^rf ^ ITCH Tt? srk ^ft^f yRt^d if ■HRT Rje tt? ^T^ 11
am: PfRr PPcT «W»H % TRH W< Tt? H5t WCWH TTf WFRT
I cftrsRT nn^Mm' %)
^ yfdHu^d ^t: tnra w eMr reicif«M<l
^TTt ft unrest 'WlHWt U+RrHd ^T Mm I V«£ I
3Tn% yRtWrt if Tl? ^T% % TPTH ^=Wt Wjpr H^TTfTT (nHT^T) if
fWTT T«rPT W. t, W^t WTTdf^P V§Z TI? % I W?t Mn)
3M MMM W>T t^d 14? % I 5M "t^J>d TIF ^.iRfl aTTft WT*T% % Ici^
yi-ofld armrqf % (T^r F«n vHyfa) ^t nft % i

tftsftr u^iadrfrft fwr, smMcrr fir itft ifRrt: i m •


gfrTfrT fsnr ^ 'fT^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TTR

fSTTT "TTT % I "Tf tft tt1% ?fr^I Ft% % Pel *11 fa 41 % TTfa
^Ft % I
T^np w^ ^TRR ^ n&i- w-A-^Isi «H^<I "pmp
FF^n^ar ^r^fpTT ijfj wnp^rtq- «MW<I-AH. ' V\o i
'3~3 % 5, <IPKI R cater cpT ^>1 ^sfr ^rrr pra^t %> 'R^rct fa^^ ¥t)
^>11 'l^f % I TT? da TrfWcf ''TT Hpcf TTfpTT TFTR Fl%
tR "gY "ff "n? ^ Pw) ^ri ^f Rear its % wr Pf
■ft^R ^TRT % I 3R: gsraR ^T SmTcf YtcTT %, 3lk ^«n W "Of
<raftaRt oJTfa ^T: ^ RftaR: wlPH+itlR^
sRtsYjf^KT: Rf^r Mi-fiwaimH^icitft i ^r i \\\ i
TR wpt ^f Y^-^rt % TRRT ^ RNT "fari'f ^R "pRTZ gin I
% I 3RT: TWi sfk ^fN' ^T TT? 9RRT: ^5T 3^ ttel cO^cil % I (3^u|
sm cfl+l<P "JRl t«fr <AfaN^ Tt:
■RHT^T (Y\3) w^t PfrPTSf (^V) ?ll<^+lMH: I W '
sfpc 3 ^ *1 ai^i, ft an stpr snP^ PW^H 'SKI ^r% %RT
% far ^ affr ^Rt ^FRfPT (^tR nm Sf^RI) W 3t?T % «fpR Ft % I 3R:
^r% UI--0H ?TR5t Rcl % yfa 9FI1R % ^V0 K afrq 30' (^Plf FRfal
W) KRT % I
WCT "TftiR KFRR ^rwp
cP^TKfFmfxI^ cPPTTRT sTfcfR# I ^ I
H6«i ^Tf nfaictf KKt ^ptti % TTiai FFT TRIT % I IK KKR ePKR
^ 3MMfa TR% aRT 3lk STfaRT Ft% % "faRR K WK ^ I


fKK KKF TfF 3Th; xF5: ^ KfK ^ TR t, F«n KRTT
sm FRIT 3^7 Pd+cil KKR FY t, ^K KKR Kl^RKT^ (f^K oRIKt %
RPl YY STTRT) % <R K7 ^fR #r Pi -
'JSPTT cTKftKR 7PRi9T fta(% KPTt
dHHI KKft Y Kit T^pftKRI Ht I ^ I
=>-£■3 f^RJRT

^5 r^«( ^gTTr cTT nitfl % I W& HTcI 'gSTT f^r ^fsT 3^7 ^ 'ST'n
t3^ iff ^rajr (^5 wr^TT) ^f % I 3Tcf: hit ark HfcsR H^f ^Tctt i
^ 1 fff=T Pleimd:
^r TITO iRfr dHHNH^l tT^TT I ^ I
<^4 H5"i ^f '^4 UTHT rTHT H-fi. fHTOf T^i HISSTT (ift'
HlSJt) ^f HWt <6*1 %> HiTOH-ST^rfl^ 3icl M STcTH H>^TT3Tt T?% ^ H^cft
<R WTH ^RT % TTTTT *ft 'fTH "HI 3TfHH> slm % I ^tT HTTTO "TT crlH-f
sftr HflT HV tTldl % I
^fTTOH ^ "WUln irtdiJK
WTOT Wt ^ftr HuSc) iTOT^Tftf: I I
y Wl % "Hf^TTHTR W? tR cTl ! P»>tfl U? Hit ^TTTOcT % 3TT% %
^SHTOTli ^TTOT HTH ^ %13% t I STcT: pnTB if IT? HH eRHH
?fcn % i
fisrRr «fr iTHcr ^Tf% ^Pr "t^it:
Tf^ r«IMl4'f '^f ftTO ITTO eHf^fWf: I I
3THTHT <HH-4 if "g^f HR WfcRT tR 3TT% % % %HC % ^4
HHl Hff "^HT if ^ Ht -j?m % I Cg^f TTF ! % TOTO)
*[ ^ ^fter "gjn^ f^r^hr:
arot feldM^ ITOTT^ fyfd^jfVl^ «TO ^rPr: I ^ '
14) *g ^Pm % Tfsf f«i«T ^THT HHl H>f \l3T ^ 'HHr cTTO Ihttt if Tf%
% H7RH 3^ H? TTHir ;STf«IHl % HTRH 5H+! iKHHfct HT HTO
H>WT miicii % I
«hw1H H^«;«\
^<MRI44^ \ xsfi I
3TI + IVI % HS!T?«raf arsrf^ THTOfWR if Uf f^TTO T?% HT gz^t ^
ir W ^^ ?fcn % I HHif SRTC HFf % HfTOH
HflT H?f #ff % I 13 ^TfeTHl ITTO f^TftTO % 4p3 if fHRft TOR if W
"4 TTf 3ff 14^11 cTm 4>-5 ^ fi^ll % 41-ci % STHR 35t -iftl TO cn«i*i TO?%
t I
wt 4<l<l<j4 "WITKI
f^+MIHIeUrd: 1^ WRR Wf I W I
TO TOPtdd, if Tfcf •[?% if TOTfTO frT ^ MU-Sd FfTO STO: 3fiT
H^f I 4>=t<n P^rRr?" if TOT TOTOH cl'll I
^rTPT: "R^T
mmdHHmic»Rid1 ^*ir-d«jTi^= i \^n \
UW ^rT R ^tcft % I WT en^T ?tcn
(3lfV+dH HM % JiS <+)H 'gtcTT %) 3T?t: H «et 3^ ShlpMgTI *f
^RRT^TT oRnf^RTT W^R R8^T:
shir-d^^^rT y'^'ll^ «I^IW 1 ^"51^ I ^ I
3ltl< %) <t»Kul "TT <.[=( xt-5^ iTl< S\fo ^fSlul ?hlT*^1 3RR
%r cfTROI ^Rt ^ SFrR WT «ft ^3 ^IRft % I
TIW&l ^ ^Rt (5blPd ^tT aik ^*U-5R) T^P ^1% % 4>KU| RcT TT
ct^l -1^1 WtWi I
CTR ^rr xtptr; SRI^T m-
UIJTIRI ^TRnt, l wnw- i i
f^TR RRT ^T ?R 9RfR ^tT % RWfeRT -cR? RRT % I REqTff ^f
whfir7^ cTf^nr ^rf%s^ RRt ^ ^
dM^ieUcfl cTRTR; TTRfr cTRftS I ^ I
clf»«4<1 RR STRTR -(.pet % «HH R?t T? Midi % I 3R:
ci*«i-i dpi tTT^R cti<ri <HH•H PdPffl ci'-i "^C-I-ii ^TRrt % I
tf TT w5 RtTrTT RT RT TTRf 'T^PT iffP^:
yrarr^TtpiTR^^ft (RpfW ^WTER I ^ I
-MIWITK R RT RCRRT (^rpsn) -gRt %i cT? farf^q %
RfSTR 3RR if RRT % RRRT STfRcF Reft % I fgrfRR cTR RtT RrTRT
TtFT fcTftR eTJ ^Tf^T ^rf R«rT W
efsp RSTT R«TT RR shlP-d^l Rfeft I ^\9 I
PRIRR if rrPT RR RR if R iRen % i R? ^
RRT Rf aq^RlR ^ ¥t pRpRR RR RTf RRRRT Rt <qR RTeft % I
RR ftrftR RRPT RTpR: ^RRPp
RRTRT Pd^ R sp iP-cl ^n, R RRT RRF I '
fRfRR RR RTf RRT RilP-d fRR R?T % RRfR % RRR RTcft %, RR
# TffWT cTR dH^:
^RT ^TtPfr: ■PMT ^RT d<-d<l I W I
■R13? ci'-l cT®n fctHlR ci'-l RRT-T 5tc!T % I SFR TRRt ^
?^c1l I RSR dM sftr eld % 3RR in-rMI-
RTfiT ^ TT, ^ T ftrt^TPRT
ftr^mnr ft«nr cRft; i voo i
RR ihft ^ ^ fWfWzn ^ ?R % RRH RRft :5tTcft % I % 3TTI
^r ftenr RRT IR f^rRr ^j><; strrRI wRft % i
?i\uii^r w w>i\ ^fKi
gjitdT «W)H Rftrgi^r ^ PTR; Tft^r: i w i
sm: R 3T83 «Whl< % RR ^R: PRBTM RTrRtT ?JTT
TR^cf RR% ^ ^TT MRtyi eicll % I
Wdft IT: W^rT: Vgzi ^P":
31%^: gnfiR .jtlV'tv'RFR ftsTrTR ield*^ I W I
thzp ^tt RJR tRfR R^T RRT, RR RR? % sk .
■RR M.ct) <*>%»«( Rtrf Rrl ^T RtR ^f^PR tWR RT Wt WtRT % I
f^RtR dd^ sFTpR 'iRl RRT RRT
* ?Kii«ucft im <^r«rr w i w i
RlHi-l eid Rft 5r)if-ei JlRl ^ ®l^'Pi TR "RfTT % «meui TTRT 3^T
■pr^f arrPr rrcT rr srr Rt Rrft y<+R i
TeR Hl'fw % RT ^Rlt f^TfeT:
tTwFTnrTfert Ul^+lel I ^V9Y I
TJfT yRclw Jjid4) Rpf Rft f^nr RRJR fwPr «(di4l ^ntft
%, Bfft sRT Pt Tfl^F RPt ddH PT 1RWT PPtRT WE ?t dl^'ll I
f^jg^r RTRT ^cpucfdMd «WidH,
rtt RW i I
«im*i HmP; % ggR TTRR Rfg PJid 3HHI-a R% eTR Rf^T Pl'Hieil
aTTRERrm RFf RMt !
i^g ei^r w?f RW c»,idw pRerr
ggg gg- ^TET wiP^ RT gnmp i i
c u
TWFT f>K i 3R RRR cid 5i>iPei R>T STOig % I 2R-R RRR STRFET

3Tk V§Z smi^I n 3T%^ ^RT WPlT I

-w^f sftr ^TRf ^ft ^mr wft i "?R ^Ft f^rrr % cth
g,|Ptl ;5'TT %• 3TJHH wi4) ^>T 'ft ^t1< 51 'II I
M8I^ f^rfcT^ST yRl
'^ift WRT rtfla-^ iT^C, 'Tft I ^*3 I
afR ^ ft ftrlrra w: fftm ^RC CT^T % ^tft ■gft CHMI{
HHH ^tcft % I
ypH+^K ffttft- ^TWcp TPTTf«Rft I ysc I
^-5 ft '5FR -id "Snft FT -c)-^ FT ^H ft "TTFlftf ft H8 ft FfldI
fsn TJF % ^ ft ftzr ftcn % I 3TcT: Fft ftfT ft aftftfT ft
^nftnr i (ft^> Fft ft-si^ srfftF) ftft)
fftF ftqft ft«RT
FFfttsfFFuTT TITO «bHft«jnd ^T "T^ I V3% I
ftft sftr FFS fft—T FiyT ft fftTcT ftft ftr FnVT ^JTI ^TOF-T 3T-FF>R
(■STOT) Fft ftft F«n TITO ftft wr FFTF ft ft Fftg ftft (TIF? FT) I
W Hl^+ft\+ ^^TorTOT^ I
^ FTTO TITO ftrr, TOT^ FrnfftSftsfW^ft I \£o |
F-S M5UI ft U15J 3ftT y 15^ HF) ft F>S3T ft ftft % FFTTT ftFT FF
■TFT SlfftF ftft FT ftftFT TTOF ftr TTTTT FTT 3RTT Fft ftFT I
PdHU^d 'llftefst)! "{Pifm-ftiil
FTO^TOTrT ffttft SFZ. TRTFlfW fWftT: I M I
^uil-tl ft Pcmusd FTttftTfTT ft '3JFT cITO ftft ft FFTF FtTFfft ft
ftft % I 7R ftft FF FTF F^ft FT Ft! ftft ft FTF ft FTTFT
% I
«?ir«l|: ?in?HWWI< ?ftr«r FFcfft:
FTF^ FSTft; ftftftTFTpft FTO TITO » fttftP^ I W I
31?: FR: FF TFFt aftft ft TPTF ft FTTftfW TTFF FR ft V tft ftFT
ft JcFH TTFF Ffft ftft ft7!! I FTO TITO FF TIFF ft ?ft ft STJTITT
F? FrftFT I
HIlS + M tftfft ftft Wftft FF: FR:
ftfta^F Tl% TITO FTOFt fZ\ ftRT FftT I %£$ I
■f^nSRT ^TJT

> uie* % M-OO f<;5;ii wgr "9R % «t>Kui Trnr 3?fc TR

STcTT % I (^?c TJ^nr if)

cT^ TITO ^TWlt: ftrai TTTOi TJ^f 4^1 I \6^ |

<^4 U6UI TnWsF ^>T "?R «I5<*> IH^Il TFcTT % | STcT: XTRT
sfk "^K TJ^J # tlf^I "^T ^tcl t I
3^13 33= ftr5 3cR THTT &
dWI<yjl^W 3^3 -PT^f 3^-CTT^ WP<'1^333:1 \6\ I
3l3t TTF^ff 3^ 371 qel-l 3131 % I 313: «6U1 %T
PT?f %? TTO3 TW 3cH 34 1^3TT 4? f33I ^ SPpft <3?TT ^T
oTRT 3t?r 3>lci FTR^ TIT^RTOT Tf4 3^ '
pV^r 3>T^f tomnrW w?f 33; fWl3 tt\ I %C\ I
3«n Ptasi 37TcT -Sf 3f«3 ^ f33#3 1333 I ^4 3313 4
34 f3?n 4 3t83 3T4 % 37R3 "333 4 34 14lf 4 31331 13?TT 4
T3E "3313 *f33T 3T4~3T I 331 T3^ "333 4 3fS3 "f^lf "4 3^ 1333 4
1331 33%3T |
. v5<;43WH4 nrhro
14^4 WRF^^TTOTT 344 3cn 343,1 1
l3TSff 34?T (145333 "TOR) 4 333, 3TOT sfk 3«3R "333_4 113
■f3TO 313% 3TOlf33> 1^3 4 3t3T % I 333 33131 4 3?^ 3eT3 "fRl
% I
^3T fclVI^ H^TOT^TTH:
TTR^ 144 f^TO7! 33^ 14 3>Mm % I \CC I
34 f3TO ^ 3ft f3?IT 4 WT 37T% 4 3TTO 53 3ft <r-Hni (3T3K
3T^IRT) % 3)5«K 3TT37m % 3TO T3R ^ "f3R" 33 ^4 144 ^4 333H
4 T53T % I
34^54 1R3^
4^ iRRT3ft ^?4 3H7R3 53^ 143^ I W I
Slk ^3T 3ft 3137 ^3731 % I 3^3 3>Mlci "4 3? 3ft 3137 ^3731
% I 338(1 33R 4? 37113 "f^R 3ft f33T 4 3RR 4434 4? 37113 ^14^
3333 3313 14-1 337X1 371 gloi % 1
arrcPTT Tf^3?

ftrrRf fWnfr-I^TT ul^^d'

n[^4^m^x)^ ftrftrawf^n ft^nmr:
■q^ofT TrfWf ^r
tRFFTEt t^f gnl^r « w>u ^rt^: i Tfir i ^o i
^T 3T^T WeTT ^TT ^Tf N<il=t>< "i«<+)l ^fiJcT PH+lel I
"TfE' ^fT ^STRTT % I IT? (^F5C) ^ TR "FT "jm f^RRT
(^V?<i) % RFT RF 9FTf=cT tit+K % 1^t :3TPTl7ft ?R STTcTT % I STSim
■nf ^ FtfTi (^o0) xsii^R d w<+)l g^r ^qr ■pRFief i TFRFT gq; ^ %
•gon or fq^qf -FT qm % gt ^rt^r Tcprrrft ?R srmi % i
viz- •qw ^FTFT wncrg
■gfrF ^ ^ cTPrnpftrf^TPR ftrq: i i
TR if RTFqRiwf % -gsR "?R ("Fgrj ggr qtcrgqhT) -qrr qn? RFT
(q)<M gtci grfrq?r %) Rwiqi % i er? gfrF g^i 'ft y+di i cwlHti
5^ q^ -m ^?t im %Fft: i
tt^^^Tf^^elir<rc1H|t|HI«ir W gvHIHdl I I
TTf, srk irf 41 *1 gq' ytcT grr ^ slcir % i srci: ^F4 %
ST^FTR Pdd-fl q^rr -di^+F RT Nii+F^rf^r gq^ftcrr %, ^ gar qFf%
sTPT"- ^ftftr ^enrf gqr
gcfi-qy w^qnif q?ig i i
, qtcfrq rszrk, s^F q^tfs FT qHf qn 4FF=H get
cT-t q qrif ^tnr i "Tft qft tqqiT g tr "fttr i q? qM q^tfe gt
tR Tt RST -ftcR % I
Rnt q^F fttTT TTft TfFWr TRI #qTT:
T^T qptg^ gnfrr qnr^: i I
y^iji RTFF cTq> FiPf flcfi % I (■srq Fpf 'FTTq-T gcii % STRoq
q FTfqmt ^f ftrit 3TR ire Fifq) ^ sTrft TH sn^t TFR grri^r Tf%
d0^ 9rfT dd'M sft? 3TFFT ft% % I
qgfmraTt TTfWTRr ^IWqf^
d<t<q!w wfr f^RTR: qr^ i VFH I
^r XT? % R^ qi RfaR q FTfqi ip «ftFR % FTR TFFT axk
3Rq qq PciqiF fqRTT m||J|J|I I
«t.ldl>ll % rH'ir<dl IT?PrT
clWTT sFT^Rft T^: I I
TT?! <=t)t ■sc;^ 3H\< 3R<T fi|C1t^l "T"?! MHI
4)6 sfht <[c( cfTT
5Mpt1 ^>1 3FcR -icHI 3r?T <5^ TR d-lcM Sn^T STR1*? 5^'ll |
VfK W ^rWld«INH
WzR?r: TJPmtSW^lftnr ^rfRMWr I %va I
■pR^f ^?I 3rR 3T^ri?T ^ ^ nS'll, 5FTPcT ^xf
H -Sc*1 % TcRT 'ft 'TcT <^'il I fR =t>Kui TT 'RT?C ^t ^tR ^TFRRT ftcft

% I

, RIHT: sFlfR I \%6 I

^RPT ark oZRfkrm Rwrrm ^fi ^mn %t "g^t sftr ^ ^t R^IT
't "(go 3F?R 6t--| 'tR Rt f>t sFlPf RRFT 'ift% % fH^t "f^RRt %>
tRePT % RJRR HflMId ^TdT % I
^tR^tt Titcr RRk; ftrPr: i
^ WPTPTT 1 %\% I
Y«oft % arrk TTPT R4RT "crft % SFTIRT Rit
rt tRvt ^=rr ^iTcft % i
RRWRt RTF TTTTaTflffF Hfl't,
^ ^ ^«rat tkrr R\ ' ^oo •
R'imitR'* ^ % I *RM k ^ W Ttkm 3TR«I ftcIT % I
3PT: "g^f ^ RRR RTf Rfct dM+K ftfl % I "q^t R RRt #cft
% I IcK ^t1 l*i R^t ^f<5 % I
-rfm i^rft dijiKmi 3T^r: i i
3PR=FR ^ fPTT %-fR RRTR "yr % i ftft RRJR
^ Rt sn^R-snt^ "jor t i
R'Ssl<»I cfte dlCrTl^) ^WRTT ^ORct "ftRJ:
cbHf^^KlHlcHini ^T: I I
oppt Rt chR") R>T ^TR "ftcT %l RtR Tfft v«hr "q^t sfk RRF R^t
WT Rft Rf-^Rdl 3Fk 34Uf-(tRdl Tpit Rft ^cPTT RR% % I
srrerTT TPT

inyi^ui^ VKIRUIIH,
■^qr^rrP^rfPir irrjRt ^n^fr i i
1^1^=) usi "jSt 3^^' y<+iK 'iRi ^<.1 "=»)<. %> 4^
it f^FT ^ 3R|H sptf wr 'gtcn % 1
cTSU ftHMHHI giTlt ^HlPt ^ I
^ xfl^HUd: I Rot I
(V^'lRl TT) HI %5R stk HI Ht5R Ht W itcH % I Hit
Sp .tk % "ft H«Ht ffsront hi it srgHTH "imr % 1
HHHiTHtHiit cftlt <?i^ ehH^t tki^JICI:
Httht^S^tttPTQ' ItftSH IHfft I I
aFHHIf HI HT3T HI 3>» HiH It HfTHT % I (THsF HI Ht Jits X1HI9T itlT
I I)
IHHtm I Ro\ |
HHHf ^ H^H ffHftt "^T HfH^f CfHHtHH: HlRl+j) spt flTtHH Hit
itHT % I TH HHIf HHH: ^ 3^H? <!MH,k ifl t I
HHtonf 11= "^1 +ld^Rl TJtTfHH:
HltfcrEHcfr cft^P IT 1RRHIH: I ^o\9 I
Hh^r, HHf 3ttf Hftl-HIeT H? "^t cftl HHTI "yt % I Ht%Hi %> Ht Ht
lt% "ft'^ Hsji itcft % I
HTHTTt H^f ctHT fT^of ^HtH:
HclfH ^PT TtHtIT: I I
HTfH H^ "^t fntt ^ Hs^art HI HtH HTH'- HTHT "^f itHT % I HfH
(fHTH) % IH HsfSTt HI HTcf HJlt 3TlH HcHTC H^f 3TlH HvH itrl % I
HUH HF^^cT H^HT^HlFHt H it
ifH fikv ^ tn^z; whit I M I
TftiEq HI UHHI4 HII^I ti«H>< itn % i ricft*ti^ H4 IIHT % i nnf
^Ht HI HHHT^ HHf cT'IT HtHT^ ^l<cl_ itHT % I
ftrftif: ?fhr HTH? Hfsn ^ iffr i
■g^f HHPH H^n%^5 RrHT; i R\o i
Hftl HI ^Hfe %H;HI M<l-^ RflRfK I ^HT (HISpfHT) HHT ^4 SMRci
'^ 3Tcn Slem -ftcft % I
ftTfa^T: <H<I<43[ MflT£)4><JT TJflci
^rmtfir <Rr«rT ?mt «ra ^ srefRR^ i i
■^e^t ■i>M< «^4 Pti< i fcR^ M-s*-! ^ -J^mi BRTMII
■?frtT qacii in I % I
Wl dimPdl+d:
u T
^151 ^ ^4 f«»)<. i "IReT (W^ ^T) J% cTfT SffVl^i 5l4 % <t>Kul
"lfr"®T jpj 'ftcft % I
cft^; ftr^r cf^cfm irgRenr^
qdrMI+'fuil^ tprt (TxPTT^ WR: I W I
■ Tfrsq ^ ^sft f^rrnr -ngs ^f ^ "n4 ^ Tf
cttoH ^< •drjM< Resell % I • ^Ph ^ anich^T % ciu-SI gicfx
341+1 Vl ■& ^ ^cfT % I 37tl: ift^ fmm lt% XR sraf ^T 3TR«1
■ftcTT % I
ftr^r ^Idli^llPTT TWIT ^M'iK+H,
t^nr fW^ -reft -rftw i i
f^Rea^I % ans 3t?T cRF> (HTOT JHlO SFfrfW +1 Pl+<lc»tff tairr
SlcH-ci "T^ % +1-1.^ ^?T CH-d 34^ PdpKK ?tcfT cT^n "rfW? 34k
■g^f SiftRJ 'gtcft % I
hkj^-^ stKc+mw *41^ qt4-d+:
W wmfrlr i i
cc^f tHHIH ■?!% tR 5fKd^ t+ilcl KRn % I 41 OH % 3TRB4 ^f cm HI Wt^TT
% I "944^ aqk cT^RT % k 34f«4SF ^fcf ( ^1) cTTet WPT ^ qiMI-M
■9ftcl 'JRT % I
■^fW TR <rtciie^»
<91^-4^ ifk^ e(«Hlir< I I
sisam c ^ ^ sftr trm -RTO ^ftcr % 4RT
trt ^4ht arrk' ^rc ns^f it -^fV % i
j(ft^9IIK^ '!frcf WMi'ifn; 4484^
^rrt^ w^Rrrar ai^ul^cmi w: i 9^1
34^4191 ^ ^ ?i % if f4«ra *447x4 if *4149(14 k 34KuH+<

trm crer ?ftcT % cT«n % snltr stm '■rrfft ^ ctcrt snft ^tr
¥Rft % i ,
-^TftT t^TRTfW Wl^wiHU^dH,
W- ^ ^ «HH"id HIH+H, I W I
3T?T ST^TRT cW HU-Sd ^tcH % I ^ 3m % WR ^ tRt ^
=f^t hth '?tcft t i % vo at^rm ci^F ^rr WR
WF «tmi % I

"RT^RT froR%cr c(«^ir< I W I

^ ar^TRI 'cR> cmR?^ 3Trf^ Hm ^R) "?ftcT "?tcTT % I ^61
cf?nR arrftr s, Rm iPn % ct«n ayln anf^ "gtift % i
ci^niiR ^ -rtttr ^fF i i
ar^FRT TT Yo ^ ®frcr % ^TRt ^r anf^cR arrfe £ irm "?fpT
%l -JHB arrfe Y nitil ^f qMti aiifi; Y gtdf % I

fR^K¥ % VI'IHI *ns!3t T?r I I

3T^rr?T Yo % L^o CRT VfldMU^d "?tcn % I 3T!aRI Yo -^t Y^ cRT ms
% ^rr -

l?pT: WR wr ^ f«r (Y^) dciMpr i ^ i

Ml<rl cRT ?fPl "gtcTf % TTTF 31RT3' sfk ^TRR HI til d^H HHH
% feR ^TRT anf^ ^sg -gtcft % I fR ^RTR "PR83 FT £-£ aRT ^TR 3T^RT
% 5, ^5g?«TRt gan i
arrg iR cnit (Y^) trnrw %cicif
g2f ■^Rt ^ gc^mi: i I
ar^TRI Y<d R ^R cR> Y^" 3T8aRI ^R ^rfj R ^TT TFcTT % I gXT ^RTR
a-cRi^ ^ ^g^t iRft i crf^RT 'ilcrii^ ^r gar anfg 5, TrRrqf ^r ^TR
'ildl4 %> RF Rrfe 5. Rf^Rt % ^ % TRR =fig "ftcft % I
3R nmg^rrar if^wrRRRi#: 1
W)+i4 ^g 1 w* 1
WR TfcT % % %RR=f anfg ^ RTET ^sg RFT % 1cRf TI?^T
■RT^RT ^nr

^»TT I
^tRT BTfrlT cd^tJ^refd^ld^S I
l-Mti-H fcmg^r^T Wf^ifWinhT I |
qy-ti ^ Hcfci sfhc ^PTeT ^ <M§>d <^<=t P'K^ ^T OR •g^r ^rnfl'
% I ^tm ^ TTFR TT^ TT 3TPT PH+MI % Pd«fl "g^ TRt if 3Tm
ei'inl % I gri ^i11 ci' ^lei ^mi % I
d^^ldliWI^ ol^QiliPd ^ O41H1<< °W^ fcr^pp I
^ "TPT iftrn- cT^rETT PdS^cdul TERPT (TOf I |
ITT^ STfSRT ^RT ^TcTI ^3TT P^ft 'pit' "P1? ectO %> c;q|c( ^
•do^K d<J VSIICII % t ■Mgi '^n "tTl H<C1 STTEpT^T «3cti tt>< <<=(01 % I gSTT
WPJ % -tV "fT tc( M 3TRT?I ^r RSTP TFPT % I
^"41^ IPPH tRtwrrBtt ^arrp oTRqiRr wrR
MTblfd ^TT: yraftT %?«f ^Ttfir 4«4H+ WPHmdl^ I I
"dWr niet ^f yt-K pit Pt>< i % -sprtp, *14 ^ <ri*js, -net
IPr: ^SPT % I sfk ^fofcT % fHeT^T "fTteTT «4Hlcll % I
ER? rp, ppfr ?rm % 1
cR^Redlr ^rPH: EfRT^P^ ^prnr^ir:
PPT elKlPir tspl^ rT^ P^ PTftniT PHe=ll< I I
Pntt PPiR 3TP% if PT WTPt 3TP% "gg: ^ mm! iptppR -nni <t><dt
% 1 <3tfl XJPTR <^4 pt SIH-TI fpvRrt ^ wgs PP PTPV ^TSTPR -S^ ^
pfe %cn % 1 ^ *n^ siR PPT "?TPR pprt PRPPT % 1
PITlPd^+ltp^Jli^PKI PPfP-d % gft *J<dl(^dj8l:
pit^rTfPTT: TFt^rHTPfPW ^Plcit PtPfltr TRSTT I ^<1 I
Pit TTPW % ^htT PPT Rpp ^P ngd PRt 'Bt -ni^
pept UTT dep-y ?tP^C Ppft % ^P 4 «Kttd % I Y8^ ^ ^ Pit ^ct
arfppi PWt % 1

tp SPPT pci^di«i tp ^Nt W^nf^r^n i ^ i
tp (PFP) fppTPT "Pt T^T PHPpPd % PPT P? fETPr a^T PPeT
piT TRPT PT fpp % I Peft ^P Pet % PPf PPTPT % I ^TP, pafp,
fp^cT STTfp % pft if PTf? fpf^T % aiTP^ PTTTP if feTRT % I TPpft Ppf
P5t P^t pft PTcft % I

^"T^unrd CIM=(: vfrpNtsm

^cf i^chdciuiw^H
^nir^n; TTtcicf w^t fxt
v^-. ^jprat irPTtf ^rsc*r^ \ w \
MSItll'K. C*1C(U| Mid % I ^4 CtIM ^ >3|C1 % STfT-^T tsli SPJ dDM<
'3!S ^irl % TK c-1c|U| %; gjnj "5™g% | snf: qqf ^71 Ml41 nidi gldl % I
3TST MHKaH % 1TR frg mil'ir^M w?n -f I
w(: fiOTPT ^nrct^hr idn^M i
M*11<*> MM) ST f-T^TPT 14-^ MOl MIM 'Itl "Mi I
cfrr «HH 3t^} % ijunhd ^T «rT Wt ^TcII % I TH MHIMi ^T
PlM) 1 Ci4 i|i fcili, Mg M)61 ^TT <51 % I M*1 «<Ptll 4) qifg'l 3|t*t1H 31M)
TTC fep^, ^Pt TTTTT WFff TTTO "^4 STP TR-
cra^«f gmM^fen Trfci^ 1W
^ frfr cT^i ^PT Trfihmr: i i
14-5 ^ ti< <Ml41 CKM) vRi M j4 3TM) tR i <4 MMiK 14-5 ^4 ^TPI I
^prt TSR <ir^Hl cRTP 14=5 ^T<4 SRF CPP 4t y'jp-m ^Tnt, 14-nl
0 0
SflrftpF <I< M I Mil MM Md <H M) MI %, Mdlcl % I 14 <1 <1 < M I Ml I MM Mdl 3 4
dl"*! %7 4 «Mc\ % I
xr^ fVqTl74nirc)4l4i ^Tfr 4MlM^ir<cb ^4 I
dWIWcl-4W 4S!p(v.ft«PTT4T d®*!!* 44 I I
5<H<1 dl^M <H<oi|I PiMild-l 4) fdM M5d d®MIM) M'Imk ^oo T|
5"!I M)<4» 3|dJl TM1M «Mcl % I
4mT^ M^ir<«r^^<+.i4» "prmts^T w ftsnr: wn;
^4 4T4T ^T't 4^% M MI PM 4) ^cTTTrft? I I
•3«<1 "IFPT 4 4T4 ^ 5<A 145 % M14 % 3141 MM) 4f 4l4 441 <J«4
"TFT % I ''Pel 5<rl<l dpsM % ^4 4 «=lcl % I
T%4 *M5(i M<;-1M TR ¥<4T 444? MTMI 4^ [M4IM
^tcf HsfrSTftr WT4 ^ cT^Tf T3Tftr (V) 'i""^*!-' ' '
4t4 elf44 % % Slfsfsp -fTcft % I 4t 4% % 4t ^<1 % ( clf^r ^ ^4
if) (T) WhT erfsR if 4144) 4ft "54T 4R 44% (^) fSSfN clf34
44 4^1 % d®MIMi 4ft 5"11 4R % Tjon 4R 414 «4pmi 451 <<4 I
44 M^lPt 4idW ^4 ft4t4f 4tn fcRf^ Tj#:
"4Tc4T4ftr '54% -^t: fttfr4 t%4r #t sFTOtS Md-MH, I I
f^ngRT ^rjoi

(^) df®*) «f)i H*!-^"i tft*T Transit «il»i cpf

% "qf^ RgcT 'fW 3TRTT % I Tit ^rrft crfsR =Ft T^> ^
JT: T«ft T^T % ■#% T^r rfr=T «'<oA(|Aj f^cT % I
ftrsrrir fiifWv ^fpt ft«rt Pd^^M q#:
M^HTPTT cram: ^f Wf ^fiT TER^er w I |
^BT ^PR cfrr ff^TT^r ftsR ?l% XR ^Rcpx %IT RI^J % t 3^
"^f 3T*Icf l«i-^ cR> ^ 3T^ f*icilci % I 3RTcT^> %> cif®*) STdh" ^Pt
M5dl cil«j RFRR 3l'icil cir«. 3R> Hgd cR? VllH ^<.a % 3^7
R^TIsif ^JT 4i'l cR) r»Hl ^Rct % I STprPT 1=F^ cRi
SJTrq % 3^7 RRTH R it I Rft cTf^R NH^ci itcTT % I
TRrf^T ^TT ^Tf *&: iJcfo|<di iftF: I
TTT ^rM^^llcrMddlfVfldl MH'idA'PH, I W I
a!RP ihSRI % 3?R ftrcR fzn% itcr t I "EprgcT ^ 3cl% it 3Rff
itct % i rt ^ooo % ^jr ij% % 3«+i t^p it strt rji irar %
R«n it RR ^ Pjcbdcll %, 1RRT 3PR farqT37t % I
insRqharf m<t>t»i fa^--
tpf: W^ftEpftSRTW ddti-rHd'f:
anti ftPiMWd arrfi ^RERTT ^nw ^ i i
u c 0<
rfl*i wii-i 3tR> (tKP'Hl) %> JJ I-II»ci tit 3*1 *l* ll R>I H-I R>5T «imi
% I thpRI =Pt R3RR 3*i=h STprTR sfsp % RR R>t <.<a*\ I itR 3RP % wf
opt 3nf< 3TSP Sltr cfl-1 S.l*l JJU|| RR sftr C1®1 311R tllPMI Wf R>t 31TH
31 <11 sttr ai Sufi; 3TRi % <H-1 R?t
WMM^H "5?: ^R: "WTRRfc^R^ddti-rd^ 1
ii ^fefi rr uftngr Wvir rt f^Msi RRi: i ?*i i
Rop-REP f«nR WRTR7R ^RT I SRI RR^t sjt^ ^R ^ R^RT
R^RT it Wit ^ RTR RR it 3T1RTR % ^R R^IR ^R
RRft WS % it RiPt R^ti I ^RTl Rft RWT RR RR 3P RTPtRT I
W^imdl iiit <lfVlf^lM: ■pr
ccf^d RR: TRit RPf Ttf^t RRt^ I W •
RWT % it Wit ^Pt SHRR i "3RT ^ Ijon RR RR^ RWT
^Pt tJRT R^I I RR% RTfii SlfRR RWt RR RR RRT RFt Stlfi "RWI

qifMc) cpi fH+l^i^l I 3TtT «R qa ^ R<»|^i?t |

ww —
arra mhwh wqi-t^K wt t^ft^r
■epf ^af M<HW ^TT f^TT <Moq' | I
Tnpm f^Rqq^ <ir^H mq? %? arftPT srqr qr qq ^ i
•i«,(41 cRq? ^ cTt sfq^t q^ srqr-T fq^r ^ I ^^IC fqR T^qr aiqi qr
ark T?r?r sr^t qr STETT i qft ^ qq smq fER
qr aif-ciM («4i<) ckvj) m TRoqr k f^RT 3iq> qq qq qq qqqn %
qrr afqi arerq f<n<.^M i aik qq q^t qqr^T i fq%) 3iq> %> qrf ^
k "ym qq qrcT k qqq qiqqTtq afk qq% qrq %r qqq arqq stq? "ft
qm q^r i
qqnn R^q^^frmqq ftqft ftFtt rq^rnwrr^q^nq
qq d<iai<qq^kf qf^ttq qq: ■$& i ^ i
qrcT qt qqq qqgqt skP % qtq i q^r % q^ qpt. xjfq; q ftqq
qrr^tstq; k Tpnr qq ark qqqrT qkr k "ym qq qrsq fikr % qqwt i
yt: ^ft fiq qqr qfqt fft qqr % qq q^t qqknt i ^rr qqqf qrfqq qq%
. qf qqp qq fqpqr qq qq yq fqq^qr i
yenq^qiq; qtsrqrqfkfg qgqwrqf qq?tq qrary
qq q-d+rt qqtqnqr ffiq^q: i i
frraqq "fkpqr qq qqqet fqqqRq % krq qqq srsrqq qq t^Ri-it
yq etdi %, qqq qq qq qziq % qrq "^tq qqqq qfT%> qrq % siq)
% qq k qqknt i q^r ?Tq "fRTT i
q qrqqqrd qfq "^T Tf^qr iwq q^i^tq;
l^T qrF: q>cf <t>ciifflts<; mctm* i I
•jci«<phi k srfqqr wtk qf ycT "^tq q^t ^.o k yn qq arqqfR
k qm qq qf q^n (tj^o k qm) if qqq aqiRT i yr fksqr ^o q qrq
"dq qf
ogpitsq^tq (^o) "Rf^rqq^kkyqTctitq kn^PT ^Tq-.
TtTP^ qqqq;%k wq; yicbifitquy i I
atqqsR it qcr siq^rq qq qqr qq qqt^t yR qtq qq i atqqwR
qq yr q y> qR qni qq % qq crfsq gt'fi Tfr^t yrqr qi%q i
M, ^"t yq "ftsR^kt qqj: ^Rcftftinftsr -qy^e gut-, i
yrra^tqV tkqqq (^o) fqcq Pctmnq: pnyfjT^R qqt: i I
* sih Tpi* ipn sr^q FR "& i ■qrcr
SF^R TT RZT% % ^ SFrq Tpgz -gR gtRT I ^ SRRtq q?t ^o R -Jon
qR '5R t^<i 6K % qr R? fciHi 6i111 i
iilRd T^K w? ^jh
dRRi Rr«nT cmRTRrr "ntcnr 'i^i^Rdi I^CTTOT I w I
c^iHcH fH+lcd-t -qft IMR RT? ^ | -iTpqcT ^T 3Tfh STTR^Rp
^r% % rtrot % Rft ir qt ^r% RTFT I irf&iRT RRR f^rfR Rim-q
qq>R "& qPFt *141 % I fctlMMi 'ftciqt 'iui<* RERT ^IM %

ftreRrfWrA-T^TRw ^ Tmtt TRT ifttcRnhT iRhxPT

41HHIMPd Hdl«Tb cflW iftcT I ^fcT I V\o |
PW^W Rl^HP"! ^ RR3T %- TFR *PI ^ Rt^I sfef
^ h< STPt ^tidi ^ I Ttft ^ «(i cfTl ^fxri Mt RRfT '
RteT ?!M 6^-1 % ^ -46 TRT gifli % I
^ttUlulP-^M ftqr ^ftftRT iFRRFhr WnRR[q":
H-»q»q ''IrWTPT ^5RT qtPR:
^T: ^ WT q? W^K"! ^TTScT qR^f:
^ qjq fiK qrlRr q; tt qq^rq^qr^qq oiim<: i i
R-T, mi I 3?^ ^Ps^qt qR 'pRP^nq % Hri^ q^ft 'Rl nig , q^tR cRH
qqq snfq qr^sTf q^r % i TR^T % qra #qTf 1fq^n, sifRRn, sppRi,
%q sftr arfq 144^i ■gt RT% % i ^R% MK RTnt 'iui RR qtqqq
qq> Si i r«q *ft -r^t I (srfqqp xrqq ^ft tcrq ^RSR qO
qnr % ) qrff qrq qq qJt qft 3ri% qrq qraRt q^t «6«i Ren % i %
Rwrxig 9ft" qpTRiq ^r Iqqq;"^ -gq; q^ i
^cgc+cfl at^cT gqra" ^T q^cT
sfr ^ qfbnRfgftnl
ftr^RT qtfq ^iqif^r didqlil
R^qmteftq^ R^q: w- qq^n i w i
TR qq>R q^tRi % qfR® rir rItrr if rcTR 9ft R-q qpqR ai<i
RRR aft? ffq RRRIcTT qqi q|<H+I qft tRSSfl % fc^T fRR^ lR^RT
q^q ^f Rq^RRRT (q% grP sqi^qr) Rt%q eri qqqqi rrttt fan i

<+nrtl-HMH +«lc1 <;«« Picrt^ *lc111^

^Tcft +Rrt ^cIT omtW« ^ WRTT ■qcnci
^sznp ^TfePT +ird^^H+d +|chl<(l '^IffiT:
^"f +H *M ^a-lPMc.^ ^KrufV^K stiM4^ I \ I
^Mctit^c^oui <+>101 %) W^T % 3^7: ^7T ^TTcf c;us ■i'lij TTt^T CgR )
■^t -3lldl % I •S't'T^ nlcl 'Sntft % I :5-nF H<n ^>t ST^-TT Mlcfdl
cpt 5f%T % "EFTS: ^ f?ra- %r ?J7I Tpft % I Hlcril-^ci ^'MI«T
tWT % I Wtl HlelMei tR ^iMI«T % *f tWT % I ^PT
^7 tiifei^ CH-I f^FTT cT^TT HIM ftaeJl ^FT 7f*TT 7pT^i7 ■s-i XR c;qi cjft I
TF^f XJPJ y^llH ^>7 ^TenfxFFR lenfini ^ I
ehiditx^ rM Plr4^ ^R^ftT
fr^q-: «fV ^Tcf <Ficiiq<i^q: i ^ i
■qiTcT % y<*)K %_Plc7 clTI ^FT I TSpq M<Hi;c(< Pirn <^)i<n xpr
t I ^ RTFTT Rft xrorn RiTrf % I SRT: ^RFT 3RR TTTR =FT7T t I
PoiTiq <+><rHlip cMcil ^T: TT ^ tT^T^T'
?npT^fcr ««r+i5i <+.^1 ^nciilWPi: i 5 i
f^TTTR Ri7% % «t>Kul xr xr£|-^r ^RR «t>(ci xft % |
3TcI: RTeRRF RT^T cllJl TTRt RTPtf xrSri^r RR <rH<ul RTR! % I
- amP; TWR ^FTcfl5R^cftS?I7:
C: m-
xiT: I

q7Rir xf Rr§T %- RIMH SRTTf? 3^7 3RRT RJTeT ^R % ( TRRTT
SETR RFf "flcR I ^ TTRt % TtR TfR RRT ^7T% RT?7 *ft % H^^oK,
TT^RcT, TRcRR Rsn TRft Rft STTfRt % I
XR sT^T 'R x^lPi di^qVPl 7lcl><:
RJT^R ^ 'gWxf 7T TRnt ^ I ?RT I H I
RHcT # 7RR TRR Tf^T, RT^R sfh T?tRR % | RFT7T "ST7T TTTTR
-scm-I RRT xft^T RE Et RTTcn % I (3"S,<UI TRTR)

T^ra-TT^t wm ^5 I
Tft: TR^t M'lelH Rift xfRTT^ RFTcR' Tft: I ^ I
# %- ^rt sftr Tr«ft wrt M'WM T^rnt
■£} % i Tnft %> ^if if srtr aTrrfe % i % 6l<. +^1"! v^ng
^ i
TTPT T^TTT ^ HIH^cMI fsPrnft^
y^uf^i TTTf^ TT ^ I \9 I Jft \
cPR^n, "T^r snf^ Tnrt cmhT ^ft «tiHl 'Trjfe f^ro^r -TTT tH<ui IT "tpt
3Tft «IH Muf -St -31 ml % I Ttft STEJtT =T>t ^ q-q-ll «»><.cil I (d^u)
frjoRsn^ Mliiiw drwRi i
^fcf % ^EgRt TTFT clirvi^l !?lORdl I & I
t^T?! PiJJuI % TTt -d-i^ni t*n.ui Pt>ti M«t>K ?t TT^cTT % I 5*1 yst-i
^rTT ^ "^Ttn ctipJIK tmiqui if M'|c(H % ?Rk «IR^ % fWl if
^?T % <J^d f^TT ^TT TST % I
«r2fT ft c(if>iy <mniu>-
ftvThiRra' ^rraV -if iT%m
TfRcrm¥ "rrnftslWt 1 1 1
^TfW Tmnm if w xjsfr %-ftr!T ark ^t- xrtr ^rr % i
^ TZPT sfk Pirncwci % I c(|uil sik S^KI -d'l^l ttxrmi
^T? IrPf ^TT "^MI 'TX'f fcm, % ?Rk *IKuI % I
^T W«R: JU^cft €bc|T4ir-ofd:
M*h<K «Hr-c|Tl: I \° I
HMe(i*VT353T ark w tR% ^nkf, crm juscf k Trf^rr % i
^ if ^ ^TTRT fapir ^ % I
^mft +)<IH ^r ir^?r ^
WR7R WTTT CT^T ^T: Pt)<T>< tl-iii I fft I ^ I
a^ffr ^ ganarf ^PT MrT.i*H ^ "Rm % i arq^ an^PK ark
kar^f TKT kfarn % I (TSRT TTRTK)
W^TFT wft:
RWRnrfWri^r wrf^rr ^ft T^ft: i w i
cT^fftft TR ^pk ^PTR -fft RT *ft RrFf % ftkr apR? y^K yrr
■^-y tnvr =»j<ci % 1 apT: rtp appft % ar^nr fyrrft *ff <p-m if a-i=M
w<ui % i

^Rr inrm m^i«i TT? toitzp^ i « i
RTc^ ^RT =PRT 3^FT ^3TT %- ^
^ % cT«n -q^ % ^>?T % I
^mf^-^TcT-- ^>TcT fWqf^a' TW^IT
inr# <H^4sirHHi: IT^T i ^Rr i v* i
^>^<. <P>M1 qiici % WI qft <jfK %> Iciy, tiici %> foiqi'i ( f^T, HIq
snfe:), qgq xi? qm Tfr fxr^ TERT q?t i
ct>ldlcqi nH^^xftrFT tsVlWi-^ ^dWd:
ftratRr TTf^n; Rr^rtRr i ^ i
' ^>XT RRI (fW^TcRT q)^ +ldlrHI ^TfT "TR % I TXT TfrP qq
IH^IHI qff Tfrp fc(<lH <*<.01 %, TTqr HI-HI dill TTf %l
5? xnt^ Udqi-^tj, ^TT:
TmFT ^ftScRicft I ^ I
'Til el I HI HM-1 il T g *C|H qrr qTRTT % I % el<Ti<
qerq TRT % ^RT qTTeT ^ WT % I TTT% 3TRR f-S^R,
«'cJrH< TtftftW: I ^Vs I
qm qa^ sik frq sntr 1 ^qt STRR T^ TT qqr %, TXRTT ^
qrq trrr qV % 1
%r ^ qimtrri; t^t TTSTT I
Tf^TTt TIT TT^fto qqq HMut^ I %C I
■gxf t^q cftq qvgsrt (^ qm) ^r qm fr^n srk srt qlq qsgaxt
Tf^r fTTn ^i qncTT % TTT it STXR qjFrr 11 q? qft qrrfR %r arjqK
¥lcTT % I (3T^ qrg qq srsf qfq %) ,
TTRf Tftqi ^rrRr fcTf XnqTRhR^
Xf: H<Tild tW^qtsqcTORTf^' TSJ^-cHci 1^1
■fqrr xrqq (Tt qra) smtq? ^ ■g^r aqfr amrqiRr rrt qrcm
% i ttt ^pt arrfr "qqqr qr^i qnqr % i
Hiwcl qftjfrqt w'M4i
TTf^r qfcnfq HiWcli^Vq i ^o i
I-^ih xrqq himi qin qr fwrnq fqRT ^nq qxt qixr q?qcf ^ i q=s
^oo ftr^Rt

sfrc SJ1? qieii ^TFS 1Trfr % i Trf^r "tRJ ^

Tf*pi him% ciICII <H1< HIH c[«n thi
t^rarPr Bznftcnfr *r^F tmrf^R
tTTO: ¥ l^T: ¥T^T i k I
^o cisrr ^o ^>1 ^rnr ^c% ^Tcn WFT WNH 3^
Hiy qieciidi % 1
tr^ xitt ^nn MvnHt:
"4 ^ ^ fPs^smK; *r^ 1 1
"ERC ■gfis 3Tk % 3TJfTR ^ itcTT % I ^T
^ ^T 344tM ^ aft? fq^RPf ^ itcTT % I
cRtftT ^ q^HMI ^frzPTTWf ^>crf f^ft:
W ^TcT ftf«T ftcfEq% I ^ I
'qx "Hi-t C4|<J| ^ ^icTT ^T WtT TFR '5KT
1%mq elai % 'Rrfq q>?% % i
TW ^ ^Hl'lHl M^?|:
o^cTfrpf W ifRFT ir«r t^WR ^TT^HT^ I I
■pft ytiK qiq, "5l<f srrf? TFPT % spt % i TPST P^WK
'MfS-l % TT ^T ««4<T>1 O^t^frl "T^f '^t % |
^psn chldHUlPl ^ «|cHH
Wwf tnr ^rm ^ ^ ^ i ^ i '
qqq ^r fq^Fi % WR %- qr5^, ^rr^, ^MH, qr^pitq, qk,
qpTsr, 'kr, sfrc w^r i
srrn? ftkr ■shwpqi
^wrtt H^IUII "^Rmr: i i
vqq qfq qqq RR it Mj,^ % OZRIR k STTTT %, qwt HH^
$TTf< ^>T oqeJSK 3R% -1IM % 3igqR 'itcIT % I
kT: q^nu^
Hlkt HaiPt THT I !{VJ I
'J ^ CRT % -g^ k Tjk cRip, ^ 3RI tqcrk "WT
k qps qicrr %, qrqc qpr (', tctfq) qrgcr t? i
wft knr w<;4 W f^Ttf I
RRr "Rc^m w?r (^) ^rag; i ^ i

T=(-S, TT <^4 ^>T 34-xl< 1<,<* Vl"! % I<,ch ■m-Sv HI44 ^cll % I 544
anir w i *tTTT fcrfsr 7T«n Mzr % sn^r *mT
^?cr t i
onfPrwnr wff^ ^rr^r fWsFrgT: i
'RT^r TJIT^ w ^fgsjWT; i w i
TTTO ^fr SJTR, ^Cl, 3MC4I44, ^ snft', <+r44+M 34k 3TWf ^TeT,
7T«n fq^kf^n-4nkt (Mk) % 34^\< Tf 1%k ^ncr % t
MolW "^kt ^T ^kTT 4lJl4 •PlRf'PKH:
■RTtfi: RTT; "MITT "w wrM i ^o i
^PufHit) k fkrr srrf^ ^raera % fnsr % ^fkTn % mKnr f^nr
MHiK mrftN) 34Tft? HI44I ^41 TFT r«;<4l "TRT % I "STft" y=f>K rjl44 k
WWt ^^■WRl SFTRI ^ -
<i<RW<v «r RTRT ^T: ftRTFtT "tFRcT"
rTwryun-MFd ojrrfr "rki UItHIPH MRRT^ I ^ I
3C;H ^tcTT %, -3 44! % 34^4414 HIH ^tcTT % 4,441
4^4 Ik "5.1*41 "^>1 HCI % I TF*T Ik 44114 %> HH k f-T "wft eT^PTf ^41 d UI*1
. Mrr ^ TFT % 1

^ mr ^ ^M>T kfWt iRit

^ Rdf-diiR^nkt Mm rnrMt i ^ i
mira* 34k kftufl Tkk ^Ik+l HHc+)< wk "Mft % "44124 Wm
k d-S. mi dl'l ^tk 4R "Tfk 4TR 14144 mt d>lRIdi d>?I much %,

4T^ RTk TErfm

34^ f^kaMtrr TFkfr: t 1
"at chiR?+ 34k -qpffm ^ikr k mR?!: Rckt 3^4 kMft % 44424
kkl ^rk R4: R4T Rk FT ",4T4k Rk 5PR4T: STTMR 3^4 4.ltii+ RRt ^FT
«imi % I
F«nfT ^ RtcTF oTcfFR eT "?4TM
mMr 4Tnf-?fh4ffk RiRlk: mMrr RFT-. I I
rf 34^1141 Ftk R4 mkld mm k y^P<rid °rc(^k % 34^4414 <»irctct,
3^4 RnMk 34Tfk RRTt Rk "TRFTT Ftcft % I RF R^TF RtR kt RIR-- RZFT
% I
ftnSRT ^rrr


* MrdcMRct) d-^l^cl ftngTllcr I ^ I
HSl^l Tfsrl7 f^T^TT y,"*" ^sn y<.i ^<*1 ^f f^RTTT VTT ciJI cl I %
\ r^l cti??! % I tlil, TlcT 3nf?r T^ft ''TR % STJ^TR % |
445)1 STTJ 'ft T^ft HI-1 ft glrfi % I
HH ftftr? Hl^: *<rMI<l> qi«\:
■jPHRf trf^T TTF *A<l«<;ir<; "^7 I H I
TR 341M, ^CM ftft 1^-T (^^"^oo^o^oo^o) ft TJitn
^Fc^T ^T^R f^FT (^,^^,^,^,^,^,^,^,0000) ft «IFT TR Tf^r
ftk c(ft 3Tlf^ ^idl % I
iraftr "ptr; wm wwV1* ^'"-^^H,
4TTR; -aiER ^ ^ef ?rsnfT fs i ?v» i
^F?T WT ^^EFT %, ftjftt JT^ "En TSR % TRf TZH ft
cRf % Rqq ^Ft TJW qr q^R qrr MMH fqq EF^T WCTT % i
•qeqr* qftr ^qgRdcTEFT WqEi)Tf^fq:(^t,WI<:)
wti "ffraft nsft WPRq q^ftpir i i
qqrfq qfftq ft q^qq tr tftRraft ft? forft ftft Ejft qorq qftr -gq?
cf>cu qft qrqrRR: qrqq tftq q>n qrrar % tftqqn qR
(«,Wi^) 311% I
JFH fftnt qRR
nftns %q qurfcr <id+ia«< qRq: i ^ i
qt "gqfeq ft? 34-a< q?iR Rt <^><1 qrqq fftq q?Bft % 3^
■mqrRR: qft qrqq ftR ft? ^q ft ^qq^H ftpqi qrm % 1 ^ftt qiqq
ftq ft? argqR qq qrrft, "gnq?, q?rft ft fqq ifrt, qftqlft sfk qmrfq
hRi snfq rv*4< fft?qT ^iicii % 1
fm ftftq qrftq mnrr: wtret;
gn qqffft qqfe Wtlill: ftfWrBfft: I Vo |
qr#wq qR ft qqq arrfft ftstrfR, "gq Erft, aftftqft tcxynRlTF
341c; qqj t<4< srrfq qRT qRT % I fttTT tjg^ftlgiii ft fcnai % l-
Tgnrr vt\ "nftr qfft: ftq Mhfti:
r^MI qfl^r qfftt 4K!?1 f^cT; 1 vt 1
gft fqqft qqq ft tr? sri qfft % qft tr? ftk iftq q??ft % 1
yt'K rr,-it ^)T Tlof) <h1 < HIW slcll % I y^K W\<
tnrit ^>T 't^> ¥tcn % i
Tjir^r wtceNTT^T:

KR ^ TTsFlfR, SFR 37iT ^ife mel-l FtcTT % I d^cil

3^ 3T5^t ^T 3^C TIcT, M-cj-cK 3TTl^ ^ '-HMlfH *ft Wt fftr RR
■& "5tcft % I
rddl^ CRT ^¥TRr ^WTWTKR: ftPTT
Hmi®< ftW: MdfudPj twtw: I I
rddl^, ^cT, ^T ^Fif, '.I3TTt?r -^f, ^cTTf^ ^T ReR,
^ 3Trfe ^FI ■qicR fwl ■ftfTtff ^?T ^ RT=T ^RT % I (WTRRT
WFS 'TR % 'StR % ^Tl Pel<511 RTT %)
^-ldir<H^fr (^) Rfr: ^ 1^
dsl^Kd AdWIcp*n^5 TTf^ I fief I W I
■q^f f^gRT R-gRl STRt^ % ^ sm cRi R (STzrfc^^S,
fftr t^rt CPW) ^ftUr TJJS rrt iftn % nii ^ ^tcn t
3^: PiWMId CSftR-sp Tlf?T ^ m t! itcn % I (3^<U|
TTRTR 'gtcTT % ) I
«r5^: 1TTT tWlS?r W'ff lWt5TJT5rPT Tf
^^ f&m-- W: i vh i
TTPJI ^vs 3PFT( rR RT STTI, IRyr ^rr n 3RT
^FT ^ 3RT ^r
^RRTT^ -q^q- q^^nrd qyi-ddld, I
q^^rMKoiidl TfRFT ^RRF tfsFRT: I I
11tPl qpr ^4 -sii^ ^ rim sfRt %> ^i^ ^
JH («i*ir-tl4l) q^TtfeT "5R ^1% t I ■% TT^ff ■gjfRPF Tlf^Rt "ft
"tlcft % I
afR m<ir< RRTt: Pdqdl^
■jnrrftr RTJT irfR ^hRT RT d4ir<d1 i vv9 i
fwr ws ^t fRR ?r iiP^iql sfh: ■g^n) "£f TfR ^ •HsFiP-d
^ 1%^ y'diiP-d f i fpr tr Irr ^ xrfWqt (^ srk tcrr)
RsFTfR ■ST'RT: -STT^rq 3^?: ^TTC 3RR wrfR ^TRT % I
•tfo* Ty >sjt[

^ nftr i
tTRt ftfrajq^t W n^RfcTT: I Yd |
sftr a.i(Vi<Ti <.n?.^ % ^f ^ ^K RTf^rqr (^f^ri 5rref)
sftr fttg) f V^T?! RT RmnfRT Wt % I
^cfttE gnr M'ftrgT if^r wrf^r ■&*&(■■
ynr qrrgTTFR fWii; Rm* RTsFT: I Y^ I
■QoR TTf^T ^7 STl^TR ^H-O TTt?I RR STTfe (q-^ % |
<rc( f«i*«i ^ft MRI^T W?f ^<-1 % tl9hHul "RF RTSFTRXT =FT STTTKI 'gtTn
% I Tf^ ^FT ^RRt TTW ^)T STPtPT IR-^, Ty fsF^ % cTT^' xr; XR^
Tfw TrgrxpT ^ ^ii^i % i ^ <;us (Tfy fspy oRiy
^eii rk ^r yyy) <njicii % i ayi: y? ^ <;>j-s ysnRy ^FT ■ynj
^icn % i
UI^II T?r5 ifiFTPtny^ crTsr®!^ tft;
3rRf:yar ywny: ygny: i v i
y^ifRi-tf y'*iPxi%3TTyy%^ ?r^#3oy^rTcT% i ?f^uiHH
y*H i xt sFRtm ^yyqw ygryr yyy arrxn (^^y^o)
yRr »i«<4dMI:TfRFT: y*m«H HlPd+I:
wrr y^rwi ^ fWmyrf^F cr^r i ^ i
ayy^r '3cn7 <t>ici g^idi % i y? yy? <i Rfi ■% ^yct yfy yyn yrr
yyy % i y'*iPd yqy f^r % rtr ^t=t snf? RFyr ymn % i
ypywyf^yat^t y»yR ui^ yt trt:
3ny=y ^ fx%- \ ^ i
Tify % ygf^ ^ y'shiPd tv* RT ^y% y# f^r % sr^ yyi yft
^ ■jyt 3t4 y y'^iPd m fyy % yyy 3^ ^t yu^yiid itcn
% 1
•ysFTPy yncT freryr yf^r yixfr
wf ymrf: t^rardw w^r 1^1
bY=f <ici y?r ywyfyr s-^-F % ^yyy srftrcF ynr fyy R-i gitii
% yyr fty ytT% yyy 3^ ^n % 1 ayi: yyf yyy ^rq fgRn
yyyt 1 37yy yyrrfyr iy y^R yq fyyR y#f % 1

yW y^ xy fty wRy yy? <ryy 1 sy I


SFTT "TT TRT ^f ^ f^T ^T cT«n

■STRTZFT (H0h<) TTsFli^T TTcT ^f "?!% ^ STT^ ^TT Mc( 1^ ^whcmci 'ftcTT
% I
T :
3Tf•• ^ ^ WHJ+irrfdH,
Wt "WsnfT iTsFRt TRTfrT 4^-4^ I \\ I
fST^ ^ tlshlPtl Wfi' % TTRI f^-T R-l "^icl WRIT % I '^TW <rHl4
JTcI ^ "ft y*Hul "eicff fWT Pim ^cT % I
T^r f4«rrR M«r ^ifMqiPiH:
^cirry?IMilf\4?I^HTirT: Wf^T HlP^+l: I k5 I
y'shir-tl -j^T "?t% ^ JfTRor ^Tt; WT. ^RT, Srrfc % ^RIRTB
snftR 'TTSR "BTTT % i arrfipi «TB3H 1p%«r «9hiP^ %
<;us Mgc-I 3^T ^«oh ^o <;"« sTRT 'cT^)> y^JR Jiel B.o cu-S cRi % I
MIHMKp^ RfWr ^ MI«WI-r!Jir<H\clert
RTFrf^ o^IM^I +C^|U| ■PresfR: I ^ (
pf?! yq.aRRFf (^o crf) 3t?T RTRRT ym y^m 3t?T Rr^T
«imi % I Rt 3f5Tt TfR T5% % 'RIITRT ^T^TT Pi^i ^ici e^cii % I
'^75% cfT^ pr f^Tt "Sf RryT fsfRT? 3TTt^
t I
Rr^RT^fxhr: ^T: Trarrtnr inrh^r:
»)Mr^i<oi'i^i R i \c i
-gjf fspR % (^y) RiT RyRPT yJIcT g^iKqi
RRT wmr % i ^fr^r mihhi Rgsr -fei^ rotct R?t % i
ifft-ir3ra> Trtft' ft^ar flctPt
arm f^pr cRr TRTBT mmw^i: i ^ i i
TRsB yft RTRi RT ^FS, "PPT '?l% % cm •(."I ^ 4shlt*tl fTZTT
SPR TPFrnrliT ■% arRr % i wrt H^IH; CTTT jjtniR; HUM M=t>K
M<? ^ <H<M<. ijO (^o 3t?I) y7 % 3<rfl ychK RFRT <^4) cl^n RoR 3llfy
^ "R «Ri<m yr % i am: yt fnTpr % i ("^4 f^recRT
% 375RR)
-<$: l>lf>Kir<
CT^R TTBTPRnr: m^rramyhRrr: i ^o i
>3tR SPPT ^ '5t Rm- SiTSTf^ Ryp M'^lPd (RPRT) ^
Rm CRT "?ftcT 3TTfcr TTRT (^ RTR cPB) 'RR>R RPRT
rVf.&l'tt ^T^TTf

Vtw if Hra c^f snftr 3 itTft 1

3T«r Morircmrs^Rt iftr w^-
r^HfHlPH ^Str ^^rtf^Kd: I I
^ cfft HEIR rrRi ip 3HHH HTH "5RTR % if H«3R HRH f^rf
Hit "RpHT HTft ^TT T?t 1? I
^rfsHTT Hf«l,4>l®Ei|sf TRT "Hl-<l®< e||«<|:
t^TTTW HTHRttH WTT (W^) ^ ^tT: I ^ I
HPS if (^Yl^) HHT ^tm -erf if UW*) HPR f^T % |
tflcRKW *f Hft MMNd I ('^o)
H ^SHT^cTgHt (^^1^) afl: | ^ |
HTHH if (^o|o) HHT -snfRR if (^IH) Hm f^T

«Vi««t ctrrt-' m 1 (^«o

tcT^rPT: (^H) Wfmtr (^^) Mr: (^)
ftrt (^Y) ^j-siRMdH, i^I
if HTHH "51% % I
Hs^rw wf %f^rnS hth irarMr 1
m <u^d HTHTfiSr HTHTT: I (^^\8|^) I \\ I
eps eTR ^ RFT HTTel H^t HI^TH HTH H^% % I PRT % HTSTH
(^ HTfTt if ) HTHH RH *U°m % I
TTFP^T arrfr TRT> r^ii-j Rr TRT HTH %, TTT thpt HJ
TiFT ^JIICII % 1 Fpif spn'i frr, Mm arrfr Hit T^HI TFT % 1
TTTrf TTTf: ■PrfftT Tcf: WT^f: (?^o) TPTT
TrrT^TF^irTif^f <r^ TTfR TT ^ '
fFHt HT % | T33T fq^ if TTHH fFT Ft% % I
tTTR TttaTT^C TfRftRhR;
TftTRTTRFtTRt f^TTTttrRnpfTR 1^1
^c«ai3tt 3^7 SPJ^f HIT "MM M<IM< %, R -aiMH RM 3^7 TIT fHHffT
•g'cloH-Ufc c(ufHH YoV3

¥1% t, ftra frqg ggj grt f^T ^ HTH gn ) trrg

gft Tifg FTcft % i
"ff (^o) W<«<: ^
■^rf^nr: m^u^iPn ifWrf^r f^: i ^ i
yaFK % ^o (gr sn^:) fjrrt gg 1gsq ?tgi %i
(?,«,^i%) ftg ilct t i
T^" ctP^lg: (^UoVooo ooooooo)
iTpgg ?r^ft ort ^rterer P^HK^: I \so I
gin gg g^ (^^,^0,^0,00,00,00,000) gftr g^ ■?)% % 1 g?iT % fgg
g? gft g w gn ^grt % 1
g^rf g^p ^gng ^M^SPrrt^: I
^ tWrangtfrF ffkggp 1 1
?ftggi ^f gj grr gt sjgg gig fggr ggr % g? ^4 g>t gfg % g^f
Pd+Mi gn gggr % 1 ggfg ggg % yfg grogg g? gggg ^f g^r gwf iggg
w 11
ggr Tftggt-fgggq^ ggr 'j,uiH^<N ggt: "rggg;
arftrrg ggr ijg gm: ggr gggcr i vsg 1
wRggr ggg % st^tr -1° tg^g ggf gg gj gn gg? srgtng gren
% 1 ^o gj aifTgg g^ gj gg % g^r ^rgr % 1
g^ft gg "yft gmt grrt grggrPn^:
gsrpppf tnftw: mtgRgref gftffg: 1 vs^ 1
grj % ^o g^t gg gj grg, g^ grrr gg g^ g>t gg? g^ gtcft
t-^gr grg g^rf grfggf % gjgr % 1
gg^znfir ^fPrgr ?ftg gnf^
grp^s^ fagrgrgl^jgg ^^Ptb grgg: 1 vsx 1
^fggr sfPr ggirf g^gf 3Tgg> ggrR gg gggr fggrg % 1 ggfg gg
yg.K gft gggr oggg^n gg g^fg wt^f % gggg fggrg srrfg gg^r ^Ps.
gSf oggtgr ggf ggf grgf gr rgf % 1

grgcTf^n^r gcft^rnTRggr^r:
ifw^fig Prgg: ggrfarrgrcgr^f^gr 1 VSH I
g^ gfg %> sgprR ggrtrpR gg m-fl ggg gsggr % 1 sm: ggr snfg
"Tfggt gg ni-fl *ff gggr gfgT 1 g^*5 gw fggR gfgr *i^l gt% ggvr
Vo<£ r<rl«S.I-Tl

fW fc|q<H if Rnwi ^TT TFT % I

^ FJRT ^hs^nrtmwmr
o^iH^-<e( Tfta^Fr innr sftt <+>i^:
■qTrf w^nfis^fr tictddi e^hsnt
d1d»tdd, f^TcR: ^ Hl«!4> WT^ WU{ I \3^ |
■q-Sv *^4 %> TPTf^ eldl % cf6 ^4 y=Mnfict
FtFT % <T«TT fWtcT fe'H ^T sn^TT HPT W^TT ^f TFcTT % I mm 3T^ %
tiiH'l cil't %, Pt) "q-s, *j4 % yfTrt tiM-H dtiobl cfjcrii
^ft ^TTcft % I Pr?TT ^f (^FS ^4 % f^Z) 311% ^ ^n
u r
tiicil % I tni H 'Sc i ^ RF% ^ici lMfl< *ft <14 ^ft T^T HUH cT^j
TTfap f^n fiftr ^71% % ?

qszTTR fRT TPTRR mV- U^crfl^d:

r, k li r.-i c i r i ti! :iKicrcKm
Wm ^ ^fWrft "^Pft^TT TTRR:
^ny: Wf^T ^T^TT td^Tdd F^Tt TT I V9\s I

TRT +ldl ^FR, ^ti-ll ^d, Mjcrd HteT ^T ^Idl

ej>eR>, «f>5rcT 41 dHf"I %> TPTFT T555fcTt Pl^lcrtl, ^W^cT, 3>3>*H,
F^t 3Tk RTt% % RFTFT MldlM< tTROT ^R% dH-HIST WR wfT
cfFr FRT «Rft FF FJt I

^r^^cTlsstdci HMlcrl y^T

^Pfnr dMlHjd RTTFr 4^1
■yfW^: yt^¥ W WT?T: I V9^ I
fRT y^FTR % yfRTS 7T5r Mft^TR ^ -icHH «fl^*A^ipR URT ^FFTT
3^R ^r HHHdl Fm «TTcPFt % WT ^ f^T PH^M
crpi- sngr TpTfoRT%: ^AmcI cfuhrrOTT
«rwi^fcTw^pq^ wmfr^iTT 'i^ulf:
^TRT ^TOir fl ^ ^«FT tit VRC^tST
dwi< ^ WTH Tpr ^rrnsfr cnhfhhsiif^;: i ^ i
TTT^cft, WT sfhi 'P^Tcf 'SJTr Mf^ia "J^ft % TTgS cT^fWw 'ici w
■5°? cji'tmI r^^cl oHfT % I tl«K ^F>T »*!" ^ WK. •H«*>ri %,
M-^6 Tff % I
3T8f TT ^fr ^RT 3Tr=RT TR fW^Tm 3^ TT ^rP % I
•M J^«I culcti "i^t % dtictii TTaPT ii6 i 'igl 'tx.ti % I
sm: "5®r % TTR? HldMd TTST # ^'MIST ^T ^fcT «teT
cjuti 'in % 1 gT %> tii'K tsi*^ % ohKui "ir'Tt i|ui1 fr'hr
it t)+dl I

Tifm ftraratr -irnr

-tfrn wlW?ir vtKcitjti git tOMeir^ Ww-
WflMfm: VrRTrPTiT 1i^r^*RTT ^citli: tlf-tl Plt^lv'
I?7tf:WtTf: ^prnxlf iS^<m m street: Wlr+rdM: 1^1
I^RT ^ ^TIRT ahpsor ^ ^ %,
SRT^T ^f 3Ti^> Mcfci tf ^T ^ofcITstf % rp5Rt ^f ti<;i ({lH<t> ^ncld %,
^t ^cn 3Tt|i sq-qi Hr-«1 if ftsm it^R it *RFt ^t ^ ^ tR
tenftR %, <3161 % cit'i tnii q>iH -iih VRR stt? "75 ■^<ui ttm
i acMt % I 'ar? 3o*cn ^?I qiPd % itit qil *11^1 ~^k. I
Woitisoiii srcf^n arftt ^FT ^Ffoq- ^rtsr ft^r
crf^tojpi^^!I3qT cT^r BiffftT P)4"4MMI
^ ^nr ftirf^tr CR wkj +^*1
ft?: iflT: irqirat ^Rftr TlfteR: «of^lW itiijip I ^ |
%> lHc<itf| sTqtTT iti tR it ^rit i sfk ^ wr
^vFt ^Tet foTHj qff cR? itR% % I ^oTM 311+RI i ^R$t ferf^
3^: i WRT qRi Tq^t itrq Cf7^% %, 3% t^T RfcT MlitH
^rm % fRRRTcT % sth spq ^?Tt ir ^ m% I

* sfk •OdlPA
"f>? =lCci tTcTSSTT sdi'flid ^Tlrf
Pfr^Udm ^<Mrd<rcHd ?FHT qis^; im ^TPtT:
Taf aTcrfsr XfW^: <+>^1: +|fl4^: | V I
^151 aTO^T TETRt sftr 'El% %> ^>t WIHI % % cTHT
^>1 =PE -T^t FRTT I '^TfT % -T% ymidl ^>t ^it-qr %cTRI ycJn % arfti^ %>
■^RT W^Rn SISCII MC(*I ^ <Ti<ai % I
Pst«4> TRT n<.'+) ^lot; d>«ii 'gsn ti^s, %, fTTT TTR % TFTPT
y^-dH f ^if ft cfrnt ttt fr^W aftr wf% Ft 1
innmqf: FfbmgF FmnrRrhy ^^IHCMK
Pd^WI tFFHT H^Pd^Pd ^F: it^T WWF:^:
^FT ^FTftr ^FRF FfcTT ^1= Tl^F HHIrMTId:
^FfF, FFfff ^tFf FTfWT ttTFT FTFF qrf J^F: I \ I
TFT M4 T-T SRnt TT Ft FTT %F wjfci F>F% g'i
T^sqf "ft ^cfFT TM PHddl TTF% %, ^TFf TF 3T%3F ^ ftattF ^d'|U|
d.HdHdH F5t ^Tfl% FF^f %, FFT ^t afRTFT Tcft sftF -flciPlR FF
31-d^«0 M<ft PH'lPddHniHlRlrM^I rdtdd»l-dl
md.lO TJdlMId: TTTF FF^ft FrFFF ^WfT
FT ?ft ?l«ft<FlO toRR^ ^TFf ipFF? Ad+lPs^: I ^ I
iTTFT 5flRrFHt F>t MPfHI tfHf ^Ff if F^RTfFTF %, t^TRFft F=TF
STfFcFFF (ycfd F>t a a ^1*1) FTFT <HuflH %, 1WFTF>t FtfZFt FF ^<dOI,lul
FFtt %, fFFTFft TtF ^ ^ll'l FfFF Ft ^ilcl %, iTFTFft WFtF F^F «Tl-l
FF^t %, ^TFIFft n<i 1jfT ^t Pfl«1 FTFT FFRTT FRxt %, FFT toTFIFft
•^o"! ^Ft ^F % TIF Ft 3TTFTRT % FFft TteffFfF % TTF FTTFT TTcT F^ I
^F FTFTF fF «Pddd FFTFFtfcTFT ipFFcft
df^l+cFJH tft^FT fWtT FFtp FFcTcf ?ft FFTft
FRF FdimiPd dimald •d^Pafdl d^F-^ft
mdl-TIFI FFRF SMPid ?lP<HI Pdd^f^d^ft I \> I
«t vd'MIF % ^ TPFF F>t Tf^t FF FfcTFTF iRlFTft FFIFF FFT
Ft T>F-T>F Ftcft % I Tft^FF T^T FRF^SET %T ftR FF 1%cl% ^ FF %
MtiI TTt^TI "5TT HcTT^rr "?thTT ^RTf^nT =Rcft % I WT "-I I Ml ell Ml
3T?ERT Ml fed cfTeft MHJIM % fmR tjgf
tR «l%> 3n% MTtil ^)t ST«t>|c(<i TTTPrT ««;i-1 ^ I

W^T ^
<^M|u1<rU -d^UI^I ipTZZ:
a 4ld ■prt^Sclr ■nw 3TPT t^[ fe<dsl"^
■qo-qo.-q^-q^(MI'PT?SnT fe^Pd PiMKy eTid):
Ul«l<^c| Wef: P+'+duilH, I C I
■^t 'iR % ^ -zfEf ^ffr ^ctt %, Mdidii drRr
M<.M< <j4 fe^M ^dTM ^nr ^TTCTT %, ^ft arfe W^IVM i? feci^K
*TRt % eTtnt 1TST P^dl^ ^eH TfT %, 3TU ^ff ^3n % '^mFf
%, Mdl<+KMJ^ FT SiP+^d fl<d+i % TTT % TT T?t I

Tsb dHst> <isb sFTvF s»>i*rM festilPd <;^ft

sFif% ui-diPd "^rrrrr ftnr Tt^r T^t: t:
?rM?p wmz xraWft MPdd^i: wnp i % i
t^rer Tsti % M^t ^Fl ^TF % felM. UTF % ^l'0< 3TRt d<5 ^T
Trre srar F«n TK «ft arfe^r ^nrr aft?: srw^m TFT, ^ft
cT^ftrfF T'NH % "2f PdtlHH % FTT Tt^C % 'TTT?
<?l % °r? 3TM% d^I-i ciicl miPmmI % y«i<. srtr MTt TRF
M4-d1c+>tdHm<ui ^spira^Tcr^: ifW4t
T: M«l+W Km MclPcl^T RrM d>l+K ^5iT
sFI-^d ft: ^PTO T«r TftTJRsff^ fsC fT*T: I ^o |
ftsRT fnr -ft Tf^C FT %, Wt fe^lld 3TTcf
% *RT ^sn % F«n TT tR SFFF TTJR % fttF T% %, TF ^<141
FTT Tt^nrnf FT Fft FTeft FF 3FT«f ^ FRFT % I d'lHIF Tf^ % HW<+
% %F?C if FteT FF5F % TTR TF% % FWT FF TftR Fft % TTTF
4l<adi % I FF FFft FF^F % T^F FF FTFT Ffft % ftlHTFT fFTTFTTF
T% I
* aTT^cTT
^ enrZT «b^MI Hcrl+d ^Hidl
umK^d ijhN^ *rr?nr: iRhfRro *n^
^iki^m ^ fit-.
^TT «E ftrrt trmfr -Rrfi^ i \\ i
nRi <+>c-is?i % -ft% sfi^di % taici % Tnrnr ctstt
Hpdi <?>m1 ^k1<. ^>T ^Hin % I 5t1=h CC ST ! (3llc(C1l) % cTIT =
^.sl ^ ^3% ^ici cii'il %> rV« ^ m'i^I fk ^iictl % I -T? dHKi
arfTe ^ ^ i
^dd ch"d

Vm flET ^+181 W^fid Md^8

M!?8ir^i wra^r nUMeTicr^uddi
tF^¥ UPd+rd qfe flftldir^-
fHR" ?7Ri; 4>g<I^K I U I
I™IiT Hr^< ^fiT <*>"0 ^ily 5mi\ "*s;y<; yi<®M «^4 =l?t 3T^st y<t)K
^TE ^ I W % 3TT3 "Rr^nsft if TTFT ^q]r l<"Ml ^ %
fro. ?rg ftr? sff^r % i RP^ ^ ^ at? fR? cnt
T?% % fR^BT 3TRIR 3irH-a Sijci-fl^ cOd'EIT % I
w^mHfid ^r ^W«T ^rwnr <irft
'i4^H-d Pd^cjuR wnnTT ^mnmfhr RR: I
wft TmfKfr i'ilii^i'i^d: tggrR^FS-:
yrmtWW f^r ^r: tstript ?f^r t0-. i « i
TPTRT vd^M % TT^TSTt R Wfcl % ^<TR % if ^T% RR
3ii*M IRR •q? qmK 3iq% if ^IMW qrR^ TRT qi%
^ 3TFRT RRTpRT ^3IT % I ymi< STciRI 35^ % qqr fTRT qitf *ff
afq RcTcdi qi TifrP q^f % i qn5 -d'Miq qff -gpf % TRR asrfcpftq
atr sWf snr^ ^ ^Ten % i
UROT J?5&m HW mgm^K
uniK ^Oidfiqwd qyuid«"i<^qRnr q?:
dMI q>TTR5rft: ^R"! qTq^: <(31 dkd^:
^ ^TfiRNIdq TTRfFf oJ^rtssrFwr R: | XV |
«tc( quf^

^fxr tftft ^ q?«m % % i

g^R ^:-s5t^ ^ wk t i HNJ ^ft% r^+Hi ti m4< rc^R % i TTP^
<1^l<l "RrPT, 3nt^ 3T%^r 3TWR, f^TW 3^ ^T«ft ^ RRT
% i ^fl+fcui % -ER -^R nRi % FR ^fRft ^scn R% i
tfifte TFT ftra^c T^R wft Tipnrf
trfrT tdwiytflfd t^cT^TWR, <4 ^511 eft fcl^lldlH,
^3f OlKlPV^K TJfqttT foTcR !Sft W^pefrgRF^T
TtTTsf MU^q»xj|^ ^Ef wft «rarFTT?Ft TTS^FT I \\ I
TKTt Tftl ^'IHIT ^ -Rsft T^3T! TfT ^ TftFi 3Tk •ir+Udl % FTT
3TT?nT eTcTT I Tf^T % (Weft % 37Rft TFT-TTTtT) Rn
fT Ft^t f^nstt % "R5? ST^FeT % I Tf^ % FtcTFPR <lc|M
W <1<3 TR TFft TFT RE ^TeT % I Minid ftsFT rftT E5R FT ( TlRT %
TFT RnR 'i^^fl, FFFT sffr FRTW %) 3tH^h FK fFFTTeT rflicil I
5<H=h «4K ^'i-dle-l TR % F?f % fq^lld FT ^f 'fFTE ell11 sitici % I STF
if FtF FtrgF % I
WFT TFft- TTeFT FfeT FFR, FTf ^t: TF^f:
Afll<fll(TauSTircl TeT^rf^TF FHI*^FTTFT^ftT f^T^Tct,
-TlflF: ^tF FTRIFft FftTF ^ ^tT ^TfTF ^FT^ I ^ I
FlRT FT FRTF^ TcTFWeT ^ Ft FH F^f itFT % sftr TFft TWT %
FRF F8ET FFF % STF^ft ^F RFt WRTSff fT ^4^ FF %> ^Ft FTt
^T FFT ^FT % I
TST^FTFF Wt^d F<RP(: "?ftRTF: ?fr^FT
FFFfer Vleiiffti^lF TFTFr "Ff^
ftfr; irfft ORF fWTFcr Rnsff ^f FFT: I %\3 i
%F % sNtF FPft Ft fFTT d'MIF FF FTF "fft FR % FTTt TTFF
FTF Rt ^F? Ft FTFT %, fFRT ^3% % FTTR (ftfFF) TTgS FRft FFt
F?FT %, Ft ^FFTSTt % F^ sftr FTF FTTFT FR% % fci4 FFf FRt ^F %
FFT Ft "^Fsa, F^t, FTFF, FeTFS sftr "^FSF % FTF FTtFT FT% % %

Wif TOT aHsici huAC^ ^TT«f

■^I®? sr?r MHIul TOWTO' ^

TTiyTeySftsfT TTT^ft TOf^T TOTO: ?ftTO': TTtS cldM: I \6. I
srit tcrt % ^rrm ^ alk to arrf^ ti^r 'ft "n^ t,
t^rfr^t CFCTOT k diR(?<+i ^t "q? Tran tkro- ¥t ^BIH (f?oR
^t cjd-ll k) ci'icil % I STW^T^ <p>m ^ft acsfrl k ^i«;
(3S>) 'ft TPTTT %, Rntt -TTTC aiiB; MgBi MrMSf ®t 3lk ^t ^i
Trqt % stBT wt^r ftsm %, % ct^HIMRI TWR 'fkrq ^ k ^rnrt
sioj|®if^mH ? TOftr ^ftRf iii^fd ?t?
ttclf^d^frM TOT^Rr "ZTFt ^NflxRFT
WMkntti fnr ^rrftr ^^RI> TOT?-.
WWIO t^rftfftsTOt^f ^ HfKi« ^ir: trfr s oqr^ i « i
^I'l^i-t^cit^lTK §i-l % "^K"! "ft yi"^Ri'P ^ cj,cm (-SHHI)
-3fil TTOJT ^T, "TT TOcT TO TOfH TO% k ^JfcRt TO ^ 'ftcn % I
■g? -mtt kkrc ftro % i ^=ff% TT*ft TOTP crm sttotf ^rot k 3n%
aivup'H TOrt ^t r«;<ai-t % fcnn fSTO fVi? C^rfTTf) TO TOT trtVT fTOTT
an I ^ft ^T^rlfT TOT k 6Hl<1 TTO =Ft I
vkn^ TnTtR Tft^rfhr fk^r TOtrory:
ijjjf TKR TTTOT Ttrftro^irrof HHI^H:
MmlttiHf ^fhrroftRr Wnf ^rt TOT npft i ^o i
Trgs: front: ^t f^ro k akr Trot ro^ ^ Hr-«
nte (TOT fwrror) to BTTMHH Hfi+N ^ft arf^f nror rom
% TOTT-T % I '3-?t% yxm TT^Itfi %> WT fel'TT TO I aypiic^
TjRr TOcT t I TOf TOTf TOt TTTO ^ t I 3TcT: kt TOTOffTT TO *Tt
^SR TOf |
3Tar «ft WTOSTFT IT«if Tf^ -
cr^fr? HMRJ^toto ^ftrrrPT TOftnwrr ^trr-
Trok WJift'imi: Trjrf^RRTTf TOTTOtrrcr ?to
WT tsfhrn^ ^TktPnr W^ER: ^fro^n^crrf:
EFcTRT TOcT cil*: TOT^ TOTef Tffaf<l2r shiPfl Jfi-c*l I I
(fn?) ^ % i -tpt ^n "Rgs % i <^Tf ar^i % SU-SK % i
<T'NIH % STTft yrJ|<=t> SIR^ fsfRlT m, ^ "fNt ^Trf
ynnt frgs % «ft STRT I^rt % i era TT % ferj; ^cfa cntcr^r)
sn^rq % ferqi sn-trgs % ^ *P£CT (i|Hi+)
STT^RT f^TT SIT I Iq^J, % TfTn -icylrl CHT^ % "gsft), TT^S ""fTT
fMdtft %, sm: mn % t i M'MH % ^Tafr if w, ^ra snf^
% irgs "ft % i ^gfe % SRT ^r ^ ^Trt ^rrccTrfWrr
% I ^ TWt TP3n t I % ?TTfm % feR "^13 (^TeT) ^PT
facRUI ^ i
«lir«(Mir<d ftm f^TTJT ulalclc)
Hi«Ni^«ifVi ^ ftr^nr ^rhn^FTft
^rttsT TTRcT frr^ ^l^dlPH-
^cn^" cRf^rsr ^R- Tftj^ wt^r- i i
e ,
Pnyofi <FTf ^TT Ftrt ^ <^4 3^1 f4^4t % TTTR % I ( 5'* l
"HteT cl^sitcfl %) I TT^S srt <Cl-il 3c;H glct "TRI 3 «4> TTTT-T <0<.l4
% i 1^ra% Trar, g^n, sfti arrf? TR^RP ^tqt %r TRTPT % C^r Ip
gsn, 3TTfe fSR STSTf^ ^rsft % RMH Pd^llcrl t) TT^sC % ^T TU^P
smt %T «HH pHcb^ % i PcUdTl TRRCT "^frqi % (^fwr sfk ngs:
4141 41 <4 %) ^ft H +)< 31 "-sen *)Kui
% (^^T % 3usei «PT 3n^>R
WfX ^Rn % I TTgsT % Rhn ^RRt ^JT TRJ? %), 'NTR'+I I+Oc^d^dlHcT
% «HH cTSRRt % (^pror Rfr pp-di CRT 3Tfm % RHH %, TTJS
^PT d^dlHcrl 3R+1 Rfnr % <THH %), P^M+I 4Wl % RHH 3TRT % I
%f 3Tte 41^1 % TTRFT RIHI-M oTSP %, ^PT TT^Tf ^R ^fNpT %-
tj<p| % y4^i =Pl CK?)- % ^TT «IM< (3®ui 3T1T TTJS) 6HI<1 ?IIPci %>
f^Rt PdTI^HH it I

crm I^ftr ^rr -jr f^tiK'm "?fwm<vi

■?pi ?ft cm ^WTR«R -pf^- odldd: -Hl^^dlH,
fcRpp PcR^luf cjTllid ^ddd tTTSsP cITcf
llcrl ^^Jdl <Pl^d ^MP. ^cTRp "^R: I I
4<$(iu-s % TJ4 -CI-s; cK6 3^1 % % I ygdus % 4R
m? 4t TTPTcT % I WRm (3R5pm) HRPT ^p°T Td^t} cRr
% I wrm TRcqr % TRTR cTFel tn % 3RRt ^PT % t M'ldH
4141 ^i4 st^rnm % I^'I^CIH ^fl crm 144^ 4ieil "§41, 4iei sftr

sqxR % I ^ tJ,c|utHi| %| c£TOT tft ?RtT if TjgTrf TmPT

nldlxK M6^ % I T^f WfH ^ -i W=h Wfft 6HKI ^ |
ijft -ai^MIST "FT f^" -
"?fT ^fcT ^Mc(vj| tpr <R^ *K
^aft^C ^'im^l »l|e(<T «p- ^cf:
^^ ^T ^ cJt+Hdl Tfk *n*tWT-
UVN^*TTcT qfxi^mnr^r: iTviKSTtW^: I I
(yrfapft) % ^ig % i f^icr gcr "Pm^f % i ^pT stIVtt snf^
% "t«rR %, t^ig- gRr crw -qr w^Ri) % sn^pr i
"mm % qTRor *rq Rq^fTRi) ?TTeft t i
gfR % Pi+ci «PTHq? fi-q? "mk % fcro^t f i M<Jci<M
(-flclMd) m % TrqPT gjz ^rq Tf tki.MHM % I 1w q^ct
<M (%efRT) ^ apT% gjd 'I'll -^tet STROT % I ^^1 ^ cldld
<.^"•5 % TPTR <1-1 af %, F^iq cncili ""R tiu-s ^-S, % I <^^1 «t4 Fqt
gqR % ^sEiqi % 3T«raT CJRR^ % HT?T qicrf % i 1?irq RRR RT SITES' % i
<^t*,i q>I Rigsit % R-iy, srRr tjdl % I f^iq <FT TTR <*i-hi
"Reft %> WR gyf gSTT | 'gsq CM Pel Rerf qft Tgr «t><al % STlfe^ cMdl
%, fRR qk % i k qpft xnfqqf ^RRT qk i
9ft iM Rkqg;
RqfRcqi tkeRgi^R WT q^ftgfeT fk^TllT
RTeTT cftq>RT "gf^eTT PjrM'flel TTRPSeT
qien piir< teqr kprn m RR^RrWR
9ft TRTT^Rcf^t kFR ^eT Tfef: ^Prl+MI^M'gep I ^ I
•• cfSFft Rfft fqigj % kkr-RRt %% RTct H^MPel ^MHIR "gqkt
rsr qk i qr? ci^ft qft qk|™r % krq srkr qkk qrvr qRrt % i ^sq
% Rqr sigRq (gq-q) Ikqemr % i % MW* q^ ^ik to cnn% % i arfq
•a« yqq %?q fwwqqrRqg ^T rr% % fcrk -Rsf snfq qft qrfxF
"frorpft «ft i Rg %cq rr% q?; ^qqisft k qqqft tort qft sft i k"
wpr^ qqik qj^ qsq Rkt k? gqq % i qqkr •FRR kknro % to
(R»qfq) k ^fsVft % i
kkt kr fekr R*ft qft sttrcr, k^ro <Tft RRt to «"tRt qq
q>Kui qqi cftqft qrar % i qpT sqlq kekt % efft WRk k? rrr qqqri
ReTO kq RT I tqq? TIlfeT srfq STgrm % qTOT "sqkr qiR ski k kqq
gqt % i Rfrgq qqc % qqqq ("fkiq qn) hri+ qiktT tot % i qqqq
Tj^ftrPT WcT

HIT 'S^TT % 1 ^ ^cTTsft % ^-l^l c(*<;-ll ^>t ^ft

fvjlH+l "^ifrF ^ ^ H 1<! 11"HI I

*tR; ifRP^W^T MtilOfVl fVlrM 'l H^fV

^TT ^rTPT "^7 tPTiPR: Tnif^ ellfedfftj: I
^PnfwR Trrfsnn tpt ftraf
f*raT^ fsjeT ^T f^T ¥^cr ^rrrfe^T ft«TtcPf: I R% I
cpq- TO ^f 3T«f - ?ft^siT fHRt ^ ^r | ^ftcT ?Rk
xftcTpSR ^gj % I ^^oh) Hiflcl sfk 'g^f «*HM 'fitcl % I -s-l^
qra' ^ctdi cil'i % i "tR^cft -3-i^> ^vrt c(<;-ii wRcft % i % *f?Pt
^>T 31511-1 <*><.-1 cPH sI^IT-T-? % I % g^vtk. ^ ^ tPTRf
^ TOR % I RRRft f^rfcT Mpu^d eTPl Ft RRfT 'RR^ f I
fKWcft TO R 3T«f- RRTOcft FRkt RTRT Rk I RR^P RTO ^TTR
RT RRR TR <51 % I k RF STT^R % RRT R^Ft % fyi TRR
RR sl^lH-d %t % I g^R % TI RR TTRR ^i TOR t I Rpu^d
RRRfft Pt^H Pel % Rft RfTR RRt% % I
FCTtF !fr t^rar Vdl-RdPddlPdclyl
icf'+dfSRR RSR FT d^Fg R^PT T^ig
TraktcraTRRRTTF. RT^RT ^W>l4 ^RN R%t
^R": ?ft Rr^ifr Rig MR MRTTOT: TRifRRfmpR: i i
^PR snlRrRt ^f RRR (RTO Rf RTRR) t, R^tTI TORT3Tt RRR R3R
% i cpii % RTgrm % g^ron MR RT I TOkr % Rt RrgriR %
Rgcf RTfRRTf 'k TlRiT RT RR % fRR 'k gT^RiTT RT T% I cf-BUl FtT
FT fRFTR ^ fRR % FTfF% T% t I VlRT Rf fTTR % FTlF^ TF% t I %Tf
% FIR RRcT RT TTRT fSR % I RlRt RT "TO RT^ft, Mlcfdl, "RTTRcft
gif Tnrog
RPR RFR: cbdl-dl^d RTW fR: RlMTRg TTTtR:
TRcRTRdtR did: RMldR FRT: TT^RtsMRoft
^TR % W^ I W*TT % | ^bdt ^
*if WTT % will cniPi % I <^>"*1 ^PT K"! itjii Stcft % I "TR (^4 ^)
■g^f ^fr gran % i =pn % ?T«f +H<ri ^TtPrri -^n % i -g^ fifRnff
(miPmi) ^ mci Rid rancT % I t^oui ciicii 'io^ idci % i "g4 %
srnt "ft CIicih (a»<!Mi) *iK«fl •a-% ran% % Ti^rnt (Trar-ft^c) cpi
-n?i % i g4 <>5i-fl (3i-*idi<) ^n 11*1 i><ci % i srii nrn)
"nt< -St f^arm % i ■g'f srii 3iii>i*i Rikui % ,
^t*ff ^r*{t yuK ^T cRT % I <{lil mfd-gl g<i % (diRuTI v^tui
t^r ir-fl, mfd-cTl 1311 g4 ^41) 1 4iil trt nn/^rt 3imP<i
^cr % 1
10(H? WT
^ gR ^ ing<ifrttrc
to: wT^N'ilP^d tot ^T: «rt>R<^ii ms
^frfcTOR ^tflTOTTTOl ?; *TTOTT ^ ftTTOWTT I ^ I
. raprr slk g4 H«^HH-< %% ^T#r % (ra^n % arm, ^iar arrfe
MVI *1*111 3n*n^ ^IHH, xll4> FT'T ^f My %, My I *11 if •Sl4> till >+> 1
3iii-<; sin % f g'f fraRvfi ^ ran Ridii %) 1 <^<**1 al^ i-«, ^tnt argrci
% «R5R % I apnr am^ft ■RTT 3TH^ cTTef ) %, TTTcI
3R1R (gsraft) %3T% 1 g^r, 1
'l*!'? TSH <^4 *11<*/1 3RT <illl ^Ifil % I ^C1C|4 S^KI ypiici %,
grotRr *fr "JT if gfram % i ^ni gf& rmfn (rapf^) R i>Rfdi ^n
1WT % 1 -^pp 4f ipRr (T^fnm) % i -^rPr 4t t i ^n
fTc^ 3TfR it ran W+dl fram WR TTf ^cn ran
trrt 1 ^wr (^r) Rtnt % t *fr ^fHf ^PI sffnnfcT % i
:f™r sftr g4 Rift irgt snro sftr y+isfi % 1
q-^qmi! cjUKI* fl1>< Pfl<51l <n IHiq <l4l~
5^41 TTTO urrr -yr gt: ftfcRf wMdft
<1^ ftrtoPR-T^to; 150 1
if ufl'i^Ran TSt MuIII qxn ^ I iqcii<flt % Ri< >4i4>K**!! RT MuIII
% fRii gapft f, nt gsp^ n? Rssrat ^rft y+i^i TRt it tot
TRTOT y<»irvifl it ran% % I TO%> TRt ^ft TOC TOR dalcigidi %
5Pt ^ 'gt ^Sftm % I <+I<I4I WT^5 % "rpft % y+iyi % |
^50 % 3T^?TR ^Tt ^Rct t I <!H<=h| ?Rt?: ^fleT #fTT
^ cT^TT cT^Rt % aTPT^ ^T ^eT % I
3T«r <^llc(dK ^HMdK
ifrftScfrft ^ 3PT 'HdldOw
Tfj Rr^dd clld^R^ ^4^1^14 I
%ST Hifftsnr ^«PT^T ddlPd^NV
Wf dlMd^M IT »i<M.U ITi I iT I
■rIr arcrmr mrt R'irm cfi-i ctnit (^fim, sftr RiRiqi) iRirt
^T I Pd^lM 3TT^R % ^rpprr % "TPT if "fTRsC Rt Rlt
■m: 1 ^iti ^aFT R«^r ^r lT«m ^sfmrf ci«n «r^dd %
%; f^r smcTR fppn «n i ^#T %r % fpm wrgr mr ^
Ptiqi ^sfr mr T15 qt< m i TRmt fWgnlT Rt q,^ % 1
tirt ST=?r
^^RUMIH TRRI mfiPT MtSIMH cbu^fd Tft^T:
m^FtmESTRt "BsfeTi fit RrePf "Rrrfit«ft-
5isf«T: ihRenrrPti ^ icnr TT^TR mzrhPFT: 1 1
ag4 ^fr ?sft vHi|HI«I IRRT SFRTPT ^ Wt I R^TT % 1R% ^H+l
" JcjyiM 'tfte rt H<<iqc-i t[^i % i-iqil ite <3^1 cii
"?t% mr fsn 1 R+tq RR% % f^RT y^R mt STT^PT Irptt
RT (qqqTI yte RT) <stil yqiK yfRcT ^F-Si oTTet ei^'il Rft -^F-a Rt fT®R
I^ft % 1 -gi RteRR irt fWrppt % trgi R^pt ^f afR srgrf mt
yifrp Fioii, fRf y<t)i< cil'lT mt RR RR ^ qilH RTPT yff RfrP Im^I I
mtcf-RitcT ^flcf IRTnT RTTtft RTR T^RRRT
yi-^iWI-^ TTSPT RtPd^ I
tlRRT Tr^%flR iftlRT ITrf^RTfoftR:
qKis % yqci ark RiRi % yRR gy flwRiy ^Fff RR
RR IRRI RilRRrf %»Rgi RTR RRPT spri mwt yr g*q1 mt "fr%
R3T fRRT RT I RR RRR RIP snf? % RR^ gpn Rft «ft I
^ I

am "tnf qfW ^rf

'i^rn^kej^: TT^nr ^r«n: WR srm infg^
sr^TRT Ttfn iTrFT^T TT^TO^T^T ^ ^ W
#R" Try4Hiui^RT qcR# er^rcT^ft^crgi: i i
trtr % (^RT -RcH ^) ^i^i'* Tihr qm TTTT
I 3^1% RT^HI % I 3R^ VRFf ^ ^f<T RT ^H "% -T^ *^T?
Mlcl % I f%Ttnr°irfWT5 % <^41 41 ^ f-iohcilgSTT
<Tb -i-l^t -Kfi! ^f d Jl fpn 2n I -i <H MH-H T-T^t 4l< "T^TT yciH <4>|crflH
^T % 4t 3rftW tCRcR eft |

yref^Pcfd .nc»hciiirci^i4T
'NfHdfc^ ^c<r4 cirntid^tji w*it ^mHH=
m*\r< "^T: m ^tr Tl^fR^T: I ^ I
4=11 RR% % I •c)< l ^idl 'I'll iRRicfl' % I RTR RR tSd RR% %
teTR, R^tR RTRR RR Rihi RT I ^cRRR (Rfet) Rit RP^Rf TPRfR (RTR
^T) HRR R^f% SPTR RtR RRt "R MMM, RRTRR (fRTf) sfk RS^t-RRRR

RE: TM fR RR ^3RT ^RR^f: fRR:

sft^JwdNdk: RTfeR TRR^E R^R ^
RlB-V ,t'PJ<i< Ryfrs^-T T^RRRRT r1< Hlfl'l
RTFTfT ftt RR^ ^ ^Rt ^ftcT +"6151 PTF": t H I
RRT aftr RR4 RH 3T#T RpgJ ^RV RTTRRT % %% 1TTE % "TTRTR
RTTRRff 4 I l^fR fRgtRT R RTTTfRhf ST^R RTt RR RTeTf RRT RSRt tp
TTRTSTf RTt R^t Rft TRR RRR fRTTR 4 ^RK jfudd RRf fan I
TTT: tmr^nf «nrf^T ^ft
fly: yyi< IVyi yP^y y^i^ylf^I
+i"J4i «Hoid <u^+Kuq
irft CIKI?! crrtt WTT mwrtt ^«rrtt 1 ?\9 1
VJ|o(H TTR 'TteT ^Tel % "FFTPT 3Tk "g^ cf^T % t I irfRT
alH'M <£. -Sfit 1 3Tn=r ^vRcT % '^FrPT t I fRTR % frtW
Ip ^nn % (^fT% % fm) H^iyi'K % trtt t i f^ra- trjq
«ft "HF? 'Ite f57n «TT I <u^ct,|<uq if t^cRDT ^F7%
% cfSTT y^iyi'K ^t 3T%^ Tmiii IT t^n an i ^
TT^T yiul1 % TTTar <6fl % I
T5faj ^PdWWd PdHcidO^I^^ nra:
TTST: U^P^^I i)H<M<V<l^rufHI "RfM
u^iii^Vdy; uPd^d in
g^rec, gritH tnfr m ^ ^1^1
nnm^^Rm wrm Ttmr *R ^ 1 w? <+ircf+ gMnr %
% ttrt-T y+iyiHH %, 3T«Fn -iiRiun enrcn) nr ^ (g?) <[ fc<<o^ifl
t 1 ^R% ?IT1T nfl *ram ^FTPn ^hdivi n^n Vr nt srf^ % 1 arnii
yam■w cr«n %, cnci sftr Iq^iicn 'gtn %? afly nncftn
% yyn <R=(dl t 1 nP% "£m Trgw % "trnFT tn ^n %
nan "n amjspiff % yfdfl % 1 irn % if ^r? ^ TRTR ^n mr
■f^nr ^ % it "01% % 1
ar^i^wjn t^r^r nftr^Tcr "^jTscnrscr
?ngT: fsrfsr ftrt^r ^rm ftr?
PMtlHt WT nrift fcd»«r ^FRTfi^Bft
iT«n®t%gR ^rf fwrei «rf «nf«rnt «Ryr: 1 1
yyy M ^-s, % if 6yi<l •jPs. y^iy 1 ym ^T % (cjR-y-fi
% Tivflci'yi) ^ inr XR; ^t % %r try ^ 1 -rrgs ir
% ftyn y=it% yxrgrp tnf ynt nm 1 TTIT arrrmi if effy Tiyy yyft Ipf
lit "stir 1 y^f% ^r<y> n yryf if ygart yft irR yft rtc ir fy^r
i5t 1 H if y^arf yff irr ^ yeryr if 3ry% -gf sftcR epm yyy anfy
■RT^RT ^fur

yfciMiftd t^n i
«i>r^ 3twr
Pnfcft ^HltlKI t^Pr Wl T«Tt rd^dHH'
yi'l, *rR 'HI VH<+>< '5? Hu SCtl« M^lus:
■JEsmrrorafk ^ssfrftr^r
m4H^I^UI m<s\i i vo i
1-1^ sph ^Ic^i sraraTT s.KI ^MKI HMCI ^ i ^fef,
ir -^q sn^RT it ^TR STCTcTR +r^ RH ijqiRT -gtRT I ^R% ^Rk
%> AM<I RIM k rTsr Pichq^ju ("ya sfk arrtst l\ 3iP-i) I cT«n nat
•tft^ir (RRonci) Rtfq RRUT akm i RRRR ^rq ^zn
RRRR) SRR qft MRI k yWl RTeft ?t ^n%nt »<?i-c®i RTT FT^R '^PTT i
<S att iCM™1 RTQ'I TT tclM TRf <3tt> IIIM'II I
HrMiai TrfrS RRT ftf? (^Y) WTTcR^Rk;
4ird>l< RPfttxlf d'l^q+dilc+HdHMdT!::
MI«H>IIIIrefill: qRdRd RT ^ ^R'T ^FTPP:
^or fwrr irsr^rPnrT ^dir PrwRr % i i
■H'lcd^R qrqq % dMdiK % kkr RPRT % '+r<^d+ ^o SRTtTR, ^
apRTR 3fk smcTK WT l^kr R«TT STRTRRJiin R a^C Rt aT^cIR
% I •TtcTRpT % «hm TTTR qi<ri RR%> "^Rk RrfRPq MR I q><cl
t I Spkr 3TePT 3Tcm 3R7f Tf PjjfR-i STRUK PPt % I 5ft 3Tr?n ^ft
PH^II FTRSC RTT HHR ^1-H % «M<UI Wt 5,«ti4 RRRI M-5fll %, aR4 <1 •S.K
qk i
■qr cfkrr 'it^tdi-d 4^t Tfsrar "qr qpn mdrMi
fisf?qf Pt^iddiV- yPd^'i q^rr- ^rit: m^fhrl:
• crrerr rctwuq^^ ^trPT PqPr Prft <tT ^atiddiO
pRjft RTpR "^5 RT RtrqqRT: TOR: I VR I
aft Ran sTcrnkt, gpik, nm akr 'gpa RRik RkR % i ^pn
RcTR if 'itjci, RRH RTRI ^KRI if RT nft RRRT R^kT oRTR snkr
qsfq Rfef ^t R7 ^ % I spft Rft -gnk «ft ^'IIHIR RR if 5 j>u<J tTRTR
•flciMd RTR if kKMHIH ^TRR RrPf Rt tRRT % I
qkqft Rsfq Tfjftsaqftnr fqft ^t %qr<t«fk aq^q;
q^R R^iq^tsaqnj W^d^ RRRTlftR ktR: I
■yWMH cprfq-

TTcT TFT ftcHTt ^TTTtScftrT «rr«TT I

■^MfRsra'ss'T: nfVi -r fet i i
fnfr fnTq sflr I^TFT ^rft CRW sqro XR «jt ^ fFft ^
■fpFT ^ fw ^tr if Tl!% % I Hit FT *ft ^4 HSTT I^CT snft
3t4ht Tfrq mror H^Tct % I cT? 37tcT ^aFf lt4 HF 4t 4tcR 3T=Rf
(V* 'g^H) % l ^1 yiun 3^T s,KI oFclHT 1 MI?< aft? Pcjui ll^ i
«ft fH4cT iptt % 3Tt?n I i -g^ nit: i4 igait htT % i«n
11 if uht wrfW R1 I
mg^oi4 gof: IWER WT uiti liidt* 1TST:
?fr ggfldiRt irr isFi^ HTPT:
foftRT frgoifa^ wnr gtt-- i
«efoni«i) wif ¥ mrg irw gRr TfRrf: i yy I
spor ii ■& gof sftr nr 3?m % IOIR % i n icfoqnft,
IRlTclT l«n 'ilcri)+ % m % I eT^fi, l^t HIT eftcTT 3nlH ^fW 1HT
mft ^rar nit % i fit gam 4 iifWT HIT m 4 vm, IHT,
hht 3^1 n irm jiit hi t i n-m, it^T, iti a?k qftp lit 4
H8S t I cTHt STTPH gRf WH I'MH e?MI-0 ifH it I
Tnrg UI«I^ir^ttrr nmrr ^T:
lafr WTH mn sirgHTft aRig Rf^nrg
TTf^r Hfttll cmFltfl^ci TSFfteT
^TTIH; iiri ifk: i IHH ifnt grr^ timr: i vg i
^TOT IHtrTl UlTH (ifHR) 4 fHTTHlH % I HI HI Hft Rtl %
H ^P gTHHTl % feT9 Hit % I IHtHT lit 4 STgTcP sTH gFldil HH
am^H a-ii-t IHT fHir IT I ii %> im nfi HRi net cm igs %
tHTitt itcmcT gfi % iriiti <mi % i lit ^im mrri iirit
Hitit ^Pt mfH % i
H.n+sf liPTF: ^S^Pd HTcTTit
%?hinp opH "PpdHicjl ^T^^fcT:
TxrMisf 1-1 tttcfliit HTlcTT <t>(Vti s^T tiidlPH 15:
, <p<rMluf ^rtt ItfoT ^cfWrtrftrT^F iftttf: I Y^ I
hit hk-t qici, iti % ii ui ifHniT mi irit, if
iftH ni i ilT % im hit init i itr hh cmri % i i? cprngii
n in afk g^TH ^ ni IF HIT ni ir^r C^HTT) % i hthi ir an
4 1H lin tlHTH IHit arfn HKT (IT HlHTTfn HH m 4) ^THT 4
cft-rf evt^ WTTH % I <*>1^41 % 3T^» ^Tf e(uf^
fEf^IT % "TTRT <+>c-mu| I
^ ^PT ^yf^naH wr:,
^ c(<d^ «l<0^0*^ ^nssr:
3T^sf^^ ^ ^cf tpfrrt
T^r TR" ^RRT W^Rpf: I I
"2^ ^f ^o"! % tR sr^r^r ^i^rat % tfk 'nft % i
Iwr^Tf^rg % 2? 3Ri% to ^r, yu^^+isa % ^rot
stto ^ «r 1 ■gtr ^f tj4<M ^ apmrfm ^ m ^r
TR ^rt «ft 1 ^sot vgs ^ m g^hrm
5iet»< 6Ml<i T^T 37H4Id *+>I *11^1 cfA. I
+KHIKI ^FRJ <ci^< qtiRf^R:
+ld<^ldWifler aHR ^K- «ftd-Adir< W?:
y^fiflcirui TraihdMrei w m^r: 7= 1 v<i 1
^T -TTtTR ^ <+>KllIK ^R% % ^RR, ^Tcl fnf
% if "fTTTR % •feU sftTO cI«TT HtcTT % fTO (Win) ) % I
ttoi "?rtk +ih<c( % STTto arr^Nr % i %rqt %
q^cl ■^ST % 'TnTRT ^FR "f^lT m I RWf J
2^ «I IHI«T FTfTf
tftrr sfrrrf^- ^ vrft yphhfhr TTT:
OTTjwfr Trftr ifkm^r trrfWr TOTTFTR w.
WkirHOPjIdfflsr ^WTRfxT TJtIT
qmwRnrRt ftnif Prwrf sft«R: ?fr«rt ?: i v% i
^sfl^""! % 2r' ^ ariH tT^T "2^ "Ti^l 3Rftn 37lf<; •TTf^RTTarf
% TTTZT 2^ wHa srif^ cftcTr% «ft i cr? <nqui ^ t^rft •flcii^d
Iwr % TOm RfcR if % ^7 ^ foUMMH t I STTf^T
^pt 2^ If i ^rot gTRft cT«n argmhr garrSf % i <r=gf%
"T^ r^Hlri ^ ("HTW ",SR7 an% 'CR) a^K fVi<ii «TT I R? 2**^ ^
*7R <T)<-I % Pd^ R^T 37TOR % I RWt STfh 2*^ ^'IdlR SHl/l
^77 STRfNk ^T I
^ir<-m#i< TOT ^ Trf^pfhrf^TORrr
tiTciHtciidtimT frro "TW ftR T^Rrror WET:

ftTFT "mr ^IcT Vlr+PrMc)

?A+W|: ^TT qfrE tcnTT5 1: «rsl<H-< 7^: I ^o I
?ft ^™T gifi;*!! *irw 9ft rrf^RTT %> tflni % I "^TtTT
J r
errat ^iM^cTi % «hh % 1 " Tr r •?!!%; -gri? 3ik ^mcR % 1 ^t %
•gsrPT si7! JH+1 T^JRT ^TCI % I -dH+l ^fTr'T WTcf (cTRTTf^P
%_ slT^t SR^rnff ) % I 3PR? ^TT'^51 3TTT JH+I iHctiy % 1 gp?
% ^ fSTOTR ^CcT % cT«n -gfS % I WT ^'IHI«I FTO
H W 3Tk ^Tf^p ^T F^d^l ^ I
TRTT ¥T«nTor «ft+m ^r+n4^i|c(d'«'

on?ft tf^nrddi^i ^TIWTT wrt +c-q^^'

-ar^ arcT^- af? ?ft ^mFnsr i ^ i
aft apror ^T«n cisfft % «mh ^3% ^ s^k "Rr% far^ <+im^c( ap
yHH «r I ^ <JH<*I STeRR % I -c|-<M<~-fl STTf? "nt^ =h"4l3ft % TtTTT
% wr? % RRPT Ren ^R^nn fakr % 3T«TT? RFR «t 1 R? Ren
ciiinellctH k RT «t I Rtk % RRR iftdlMt sfk TR RtTR t^T k I
craf cTtct kR % TTRT-T '37I% JUMIH ?I<1< H1?II»«H ^TRT fRSTeft %
«MH % I arkt ^T RR ^'MIST ^ft k ^Rn 'f I
TPT 8ft rdHttUK^fir ftfft WT W ft^RT
aftaft $1^11"^ qrft wrf^rar qar sftMdirdw^sji:
Tm ^ftr mdir^dRi d^?<^di<
RRT ^TFTK MldKd ^ I ^ I
fRR% mk °PT M-sdRrld %R %, k^TRT (^MpHdO 'SKT fRR^T
wr w ttft wr km %, m mm wimt ^rt *rR <r3T% t.kprk
mnRid (RT ""km) ktk %, m amr H^ifd^ t, fmkF fWrft
R kt MIMI RT y^Fa ek, ^ «i6ii, STTfk kWeTTaft m TERT kTcft %,
Rkt ^rrg wrcf ^ ism. wr k iRik m 1
<t>W| T(<U| XW %flu| ifldTxRIdi
^Mii«t*"iir< gmr k^r ftft ?ft Rt<w.K rnlkp
dbun^uiii^ FdWIMH ^Ill+K efTW^T nk
^IMk fkfkeT HdlMMcM^mftmdld,! ^ I
% cf* ! ! jM-t WR m STRT RT 'mi•41 % I kftft <4>hci
% «*im % I JH-i k ^dciisit % R^sft m TE ^R tgRT % I S^IMCO
tT«n 3T^T ^PT w '5Ikf k ^ tmn m 1 d>iHkd m km kr kt
cTf^ I "g^f sftr ^5 % flHH ^Hob^ft I I gxj
■^T^T yq'f <?>W ?t I ^It-H 3^T sJ)lJl 31 iR ^T 'Icf (T^RT) cft^T STT |
?(t iim + M +l-dm RfeR ^
'hrdRMR cb^i^^r tjot ?frq% RTftr^
^ ^sr ftqte^iwrl'r i sy i
% tlRTRiRt, '5'3 nici % «iii % I % Fft, % 'liR-R,
^R% TIR 3Th: STRTTR ygul RTHI RT I ^R Suit; %> 3fT?PT ?t I cjrm
3T^ get Tpr t I ^R HSSRt % ^RTRt ^t I R'SfRRcT R? R^R ^ctf
Rft RTeTT ^ilfR7T % I ^R RTR % 'ft I fR 3TRR ««K ERTT Rift |
gR STtftR TTT "RPK ft I cji Rtt Hfiq ^tt RR% % I ^R% ^t ^Rt RR
RTTT fRtRT RT I ^*1 STRRt ^HI g^i ^tt fRRHctt I
RTRfRsf tPTTR RtReT R^TOt R^TR RT'wf+l-^
^HpHrM '^RcT WIR RR Rf^R> RTxhtTRfRtRvf
TfRTR RTRTPT cftRffRRW RZRt: ^fl^MIR ^.fR: I I
% *11'l—llR, ^R% RTR^Rt R>T RRt R>R ^7 fRTRT I RRR^R Rnn
ft I *R4 RPt ftRR ffrnt Rft RRRRT RRR ^ tRTR gR RTcRR^T %
RRTR ft I RR sfk ST^Tt RTR RgR R=RR RR^ % RRR 3TTR% RRFft R?t
RR % ftRT fRTRT RT I gfT RftR R5t gft Rt RJcRRR Rtt WRT Sth
RgR cftr R7 TRTR Rt I „
RTlft RTR TRt ftrPf^T MtRTRfftR ^RfcRRT
RlfRTpft ^^ftRPd: RlftRTg
RRtRT RRRt^cf tRRRfcT ^Rf% RTT^t
^tR ^ft^fRtfit tWR^ RRTj ftttRTRR: 1^1
fstR ?ft%R % R>t RRtgfft Rtt ^R 3TRR ftR % Cl'lia RfT
7f% % RTRt Rt "RR^cft % R^ ^Ft RTpifiT RtRt % RRt RRRTRR ^RRRTTfft
g^RtRR %R 7f% R7 ^71 RR RRT RRR 7% I
^rgrFciiavRCl -jmci ^ct RgR: ?frR:5[?ttR7 RPttf sfiEfftT^
ftngRKTfR RRTfW RTet Rtst ^RTT^feTTRfW Pd Vl^d: RRTTR:
fR RRR7 TftTR % RftRR TTR^RT if R7R=T ?ftR:5Rt!37 RTR RRRT
3Tt7 if RRHdl RRT W3t Rft fRRT % fRT% feTT^ ftTRRT R^R if

<iM*M: ^ISdMPT PFW\- Wc|ir<JHI<i Tf^r^nPT

rt^MKHr^mdW ^jfrf Tf?TT I \ I
*R am aft ^'inm (fm^) ^FT jg
arrm t^n m i mr ft wrm rm ^ft
dwiRd; ^?Fr TrtWr^ft ^r^nfft r+r^^^rfftft wq^ i
Wft mrf iftr Trf^nfcf ^tg- ftrar fcTtW u^odid, i ^ i
U-®T TPTTTT ^R-T ft 1TF^ RftpT- HIH ft Iftdft 'iRki (ftfft^ll
ft cf^mi i ftt ftrar ft «r^fT Rfranr rr Rgrr ftt mftt mpft ftt i ftft
^ctieftSIT ft <;<-=><*>< "RF RTT^RT Rf^RF cTRR Rft ftt I

Rilc^R) nfftqctii

MJ-RIMMIo-ftt ftftCTIRM ■ftftTft-RT Fft:

yftt srjRrf M^cMtift^Tl 'RajT FRTft fftrznt ttrtr: I ^ i
■RFT 'iRld (RRT, chlft-Ml 3TTfftl tftFT RTR ft><=lci ^TUt MI^O (M-^IMI)
fttRRR fftTT tftrfft ft RftT Rfftt Rdlftl RTT TTRxft %, RF fftfft RR TFT "C I

fRTTTU" FPTWPft (^H(i) fcftT FPT^ FT^fttW ^ («) ftdl^R

^cTFRlft (^X) fftTfftfft: TTRTHT: ftr#RRFTRrfts% I V I
3TRft Tpftre ft'gft Rift RT fttft RT RFTRT ft TFft RT FTT Rft ftr TTTRRfftftt
Rft ftmr Ftnt i ^rft tftftt ft Mr rt rft Mr ttrttt
Ftft i
R^fMft (^) IftTR («) fftfra- fttrt
^Ttiird^oHrb R^RhiR I $\UXk 1^1
ftSRTpft: (^HV) TTRTTT
RTRRR ftft Tftr m ftRftR; I 1\ I
^1^1? TTTRR Rftt ft RT^TR RR Ftft t I 3TR: R^ R^R RRR
^crmTTTft (^) (^Vl^o) RTftt
TMHUMcTft: TTFT^: (^o)

* imfiT ^ ^
mkm -nt i ^ I
«|C(H f^T % ^O tJ'R THTT -ffcn % I Tff Tm 7r^ ip5; %
MKI-d % Tf^T T^T % %T?TT I I
fwczr^r ^ %fT^ %ef^Rr% Tjrnjf
^ ^'llfil TR^MKM ct)<|?|t|: fj: | vs |
■pjRT fhfsTST^ % ^ft c^<ul %_ <s tTi RiFtT <3 tfl 3ni %
f^R: ■fmr i % ^ETR ^ ^R% TR gc^r TTITT % % RK
%m i
^®h%r ?K9nj ?T%?r 7TT%^ <i^r-d
jT?j% ?r% f% t%f%: ^cfr (v) qrr tttut
■yft (?) % l^lHl TftTT: i t I
^TPS TTTfT -fT^ tr 3T2Tf^ "^TraTr f^rt % ( T^r %
3RT: tficT <HNH f^Tf %) 7=rP3; ^ff Y lirfET 3Tf«l^r %pft I Rof
wr ERT ^ cT«rr "%IT if
MI^4) (^ VX) ~*- Wjinrf ^ unr^r®^ ^ ^ttt:
^Rdiwi rH^Hir^+mi 4)'if!i Tfon^sr CTTO^IT: I % i
- (M«I (vi^ *RT^5: ^1^ 4l'HI<71: ^VI^o)
R VR "RFT 3Tf^r -gtcTT % I ERf % %T fMzr aTrR- "UF0! ^7% %
qflHM Eff) fH MST 'Flcft % I ^rf) %) TTTII fdTsT 3nt% %l
TU^I % \C\1S 7n^r; HTUfcTfET % cT«n Tmr 7%^ if
^Tg- *jt%7T ,
Rwik^: TT? ^%t«r gnr 7T^f% wnt^:
UTir R% T&i %4t ^W^T^TftRRTT Mrfr I \o I
"Efg tRT Eft ! <»•<•) tr ^et Trfg So grrg -R o(rq xfj^j fg^r % 1301?
T u
^K 'SITSHT %T rr I REeT 5,° <; -S TT arfM"^ eld TR ^ RR ^Tl-si ^ll^'ll I
11^ ill^rct^l 4l^HlSid<?(: [«t»Cldl<<M«ll*(v
TfRT ^ MI^AdfMK R«^l<4l mw TT^fnT I U I
TRcT Efft U|^rcir«T R V fdfR, R V cTRI cTRT RtR R RtR
Ester rtrht 1 fR% RRTR Tnn fdfR 3Rfg R je MR RifR %) RTMT I
531 MRTfRFT yR yRf RRRRRtif)
MR MR'- RT MRfTT yeRT uMlTd RRR^ I ^.1
frr ^mr % ^^ ^ snfET ^mr "?pf ~*n ^ H)
iRt W lTTf«T ^TT ?nfl ? Wt M«T R ^T: ^T^nr sfk ^PT ^PJl % ? TR
g^K IT y+rll % I M^l'l ii M«T W=r ^ % +KU|
cT^ ^ q^^lePcieqT ^frf^yNrM^l-d^Rl
dRenwicp^-[^T TM TTT^T ^arf^iiTr f^fm^E: i ^ i
pi< ■RRT % PsfH f^^T TE lTTf®T PTf sl'H, ^sff -TST? PT 4lM fTT f?Tr«r
R TTTTR -ftm TF^m fE MsT 37Tf^ RFRT litTT I TTT ^E fTTf«r %7
3TWR TTTII "f^T 'Sf E3T f^T 4l4HI ET MdHI E%1E I
STETTEEt (^) HHKWI (^) TRTTcTT (\s^)
ni'iTfoft (^) ETTyrr (^)
^TTftE«rT%E ^ r*^ir<
ET^ Tprr gr^PT i ?Y I
ET STRWT fE9 TIE) H ETff E TE ME *H?|: ^<i,
3^7 ^ EleTT (EcT) mTIS-E EtET I
tETEpn EtE ft EtE^ ET^ EPETTp
fEP^ jell 3TTf^ i\ El^l ^E RlfE "E ETEPfER 5*1 E3TET cl'H I
•Eff OEEEET fE fTTfE ■£[ ETEt I EfE E) \£. 3tE ET E? ETeTT
E?t EtET % I
EEfi[EEt ETfari^fEEEf^
ttPft (^) ^ (^) tETET («)
"fa («) ^ («) EEET <*o) ift (^)
Uo) Et^fr (U) fa (^) faEET ( «) ^ (?V) I ^ I
?E EETR % I EpJ (^) EEE (^) ^E («) EtE ( ^E («) EE (^o)
trj^E (^) (t;o) ftT?r («) E?=ET (^) ^cTT («) EfE^T (^)
EETp ETcf T#? ftrEloJui!^' ErpfsjE^Et^E E^TESEf:
ET^f EpftftfTE YP W? E^dsR EPfE^T I ?\9 I

•^>*i <^>61 ^TT <51 % I

Vftf^r w f^nr^ l^ts^nr-.
(KPTT iTR^tref ^ « \«t\M4 ^ s*iAul I V •
m^ikn % ^ <R ^rt "^mr f^r ^r f<Hi-^ t^r %
% ?mi i 3^= vs f^r RHI4 srr ^r ^RPT
<iTKi<ju| ^rcr tt M«r, afrc "^rm ^ ^frsrr ^nr w^ni t
fcfs^lR^ ^czr^uf t^q- f^?«f T^Ttnr i
ftremR* ^eRt^etsPr w3? IH^- sftsri^ i \% i
fcPTT "FT yr^tP 3TrR % 3TJFFR RRr 3TTR ^11 I
"F^cT ^TcT ^ R<+>lc1 RfRf 3TTR ^r H<l5l 3TrR % STJFTR ^rP frR %
^ssTfirfsr sttR ^ft +c<IHI ^ft #at i
-pn^w ftrgqifcT ^ firer
oTF^5 ^THR TTfti*!^ ^T: TTHTTt^ I ^o I
■qR thh "Rrfsr srrR % <fr w RrRr "ft ^ "F^eT -^iiR^i i
cj'iitK sfk qrRr^ fHcMci ^ RMFIci FtR % anR if <I«=M -FTWR
ORTFT WtTTT I <T? ms Tnm ■?)% <R «fr STTcT?^ % I
PPlfcft (^) HMlRell+FI^ (^S) "Ffr«f=^: (W)
(W) (^) ^4JHRig- (<id)
'chdM-imi: (^H) sPTteFFTRm R^fPTlPT-. I I
uRm<i % "FTH^ft ^ RRrqf ^r \\\t V
FTTT ^Tcn (WT) ^T%ir FT«n Tc% % STEHt % ^^^!fd<+ RRmf
if 'ETZTipt I
^rqftrmf^m ^iffcnrr: ^trP i»iitR %R ^rrai:
q-yi^lWrdq^l (^^H) Pcf^Thl eT^TT: WdHJ^IWR^HlcSiT: I RR I
^r^irt ^ jj'rwF yd+di % «rPT ^ ^ tPH
^sr fmr i

frPR Trf^HTdFT fcTHT "qTFFTT: SfRMf^ f^TTfeRT^T:

tFR: ^RT- ^TRT W- ^MKlR M ffr ^ I I
f^T TS^Sf % St^FTTF d^-Wfd ^T Rmi "R^fi^T ^TT "?Rft ^FT^t <\
"FT -yn R RTR RF RFI 3TlR ifrft | t^I 3TTR
~iMK C(ut-1

^ (V-VM
^pflf (H-H^) ^TTT^f (^-HVS) ^rt (\s-^o) rcfdlHH,

mil' (v) fef^FT cTFt ¥¥;"5#TT: I 1?V I

, V9 0 11 1
'RK,^S,^ aA ,^ TP If spirt:
% Tpn ¥5^ I TT^ Tfvclt if 5.0 -^r •qFT Wt
•7^1 -gfrn ^ir i'll-cK % RRR P^mOcI ffRl "& "q;8?T ^fRT if y>+K
^sjeT fclfsT ^nipff I
TTTir ^Rt^rw^ ftTCtRT tT^WCTTTg^T2
f^T¥t (^) ^nHlPwPT trRnM^^TTeTRR
¥!¥ HHI'M' I I
■S^F ^fft WFK M^r 3R?I if # ¥^ra ^fof -fmi ¥Rt firfar if ^ -ETZT^
"Tf vsTl-s^f <^icni arrf^ ^IMI ^•HcM ^TFT =tiH oq^^R <+)<ii 1
■RrPsr 3RT ^ R?t ¥1% ^R fcTp«r afk %T ^f % "RiRT ^t
¥¥; ^T M«r JFSi tTRf +Idl-¥>I ftftRT ^¥1
^Rpq'ST^%^ TTrtf^ sRRft PcfHI^: I ^ I
"If ^Pft tcTfsRTf % «FT RT WT <=FMI-cR TT "3^1 ^fR
Tf ^TRT Rt "Hcl if RTR RT ^TTRft ( TRR) if "ETST^if I TXm
^Pm 1
RT «n¥¥: (^) RTpPfW (V^) ft=N|U|l (H^)
w^«Rft (Y^) s^rf^F torrwt:
RP^RFff^ RpFfhrr
¥«nft«nrr: ¥rp|^ -^npfng i ^\s i
TTfir if RRR % 3IRWt RR RTRt if ^RRI: Y^, YF.,
Rcf (fmn) RZFTT qtRT I airfe ^ RTRf if 9fRRI: RftW
RtRT I 3^ fR^R iqRT if %n RT RRRT R^f ¥f¥T % I
RfifSg f¥«-3Tt> tfRTFR RRT (\3)
WrrPT fRf^, f ^Wp
Tn#«r fETPr Rrp ^
"pspcrrPr %wp i i
fR^gRR 3TTf¥ Rfn PjcMei^ % -^trr ftffar % 1mr fpR^ R^f «PT Rf
R5R RTcT Tf RRRT RRT RR °RR?R Rfpif I R^T3f % Rcl Rt R^R RTR
3TTf^ ^ % fPTR "WcT FS arrfe Ft ^irrinn i
^FtrF ^TRR FTf^T «f Wk'l+Hi 'TF FTf? c(|Ui|^
FTTRT +^fr< M'llk FTFtRnfFT FFTFPT I |
FF Mar 3TrfF °Ft FFF % fcTH jJ'lltK. sftr V*IHj
F^Tf fwfzr STtIf ^ 9FF «'Whl< ("3ftF ft FFTF") FT^r I F^TFf
TtrthEF^rfWiT FTF^F: W^FkR FTftRT^ I
FFTfS TFRT (^^) ftFaiFt^ef^ FFUFT ^FfF I ?o |
"UTU Fm ark FH FTF % Fkr arfFFro FF^ k arfFFHT % am^
FTF F RlPF STlfF FFt 445ul fF>FT Hl^'ll I FF=T>T <*>KuI T^> "^f
(F^F-V^) FF^ fFF FT firfF Ftcft t I (FVs^lFI^)
WFTTFT- (F^H) ^r<HirH<uF|: F^a^f:
(?^) F^FpTT: (F^) IkFTF F:
fWfkT FRt FFtF^clkF^ FftlFtcFFF I F? I
% T^p FFF "^RT Ft% k STFfF, T^FT 'F1^ k F^SkHIF^ FToR
IFF FtcT % i "krF FR k fFrr fstf k TfF «iMf % i FF F^TF FF FFY
FK ftft ^rkrm i
F FIT T^FT: TT^FtFftFT FTtxFT: ( ^IF^)
FT: Ffg" FFgTWTkTFrr Fft" "irfsbHUl Ff^% I F^ I
kk "JF: FFft FfiSF k 3T[% TR ^ FK Ft^HT #FT FFT "^FfrP WT
FTFF fFFt k V9 F" FTF ^ FC (^1WF^) Ff? TFcTT % I "FfF "FF "FtF
k arfFFT FtFT % I (FSTF FFFT FFF + -Ft W F^lPk
wrtkrat FF f^r
W fFKI-tR F:
fkHTkt (?H) TEFRI: (?^)
fFMHFT Tf^T: T^r: ^TTF; i ^ t
twift RFFPF % IFF FTF TfF i?"icii %, ai'ict IFF Fift
^5*^ FtFT I
"wftr -grr ftsrftr (^) 7^5
ftmr (^^) ^f^r: tfcrlr
d^lW*ftK f^TT^ ^
Tmi; cltfsjllc^ WE f?: 1 1
■famt WfT ^ ■fa^rT ^ y'shir^[ %
gl'il I ^31T Tra % awte f^T H cf^ % 31Tt TPW % TfW
% HSCI "cRf f^WT ^n «et>(T| % I
ftr^WT: Et^raET f^UrFT fHKKE
(^IV) W: ^^4'MI:
WETf^nRFT: ^rt: (^o) -^ZT:
^8iH5'lii®<;d: WT^ I I
(^IU) ■^FT ETIT "nw % 1 zrsRFt 'tgjz^ "nfti
% "yn ^o ^ WT w: "^g^- Etrrr 1 wt ligrz ^TT snf?
or^ % zwr f^T % % -qzi^ XR TH % JE 1^ ^T ■?5Z "^4 EtW I
iii^ir<u+m*d gww "q^: TJZT gftf; wtsg%E:
3Tc4l¥ TfW^wdxT Zlftwre- ^PcitlNilui: I I
3TcT: ^I'IIHI t^I % WE ^ % Wf^T ^R ^ ' RT4 ET ElE "g^f
^Ft TTRT zMt I "qf^ fi'sblPd 3TWRf 4T Et ERT STfsnTRT
5)Jll J
<r3^ zirgkE^izt (ico) f^Prwr-. wa-^ P^^i--
TTW^ w^rrazzt gai^i <wt^ f^rwE ^«rf^ fcTRT; i ^\3 i
5K -T^R % 'Id ^"-s 3ii[t; Zoo ^ gRT <t>< -sM -T^R 4) ^HI'I (STTfe
fr swi crf) arrfe it im %% ei ztt giF (4tcn fw) ^crr
3TTf%r gi'M I qlld -T^R it M5^l 4> -T^R TnpW ^ Zoo % yuii d)<. <Jnil
^TRT ^TSR %> giF 3i*iiP; «Ft FhciA =F>T ig^Z <»»dl 3iltd et'll I
I ^f ^O HPT ^-i H< 3RT 3^<. ^3H4 HPT %% HI llPri EtHt I
M^^PHHI «'NIK E^TT: (^z.zo ooo) irrara-m TT^ l^nF:
ETef t^nil^RF t^r ^nf ^i^wrd«^ir< I^ITT; I ^Z I
(^Z.Zo^oo) -Sf H^R Hfft attf^ 3fh 3FtT tcTHT (R^st ^?t ) % HPT %%
HI H4 igrz HfcT Etrft t fH^T HHHT tH HHTR 3T%HT ^4 HfcT 3Ttl
HW ftrfar 37Tf? ■oTR 1TH% % I
3TPftH HftaWtTTfT Wl4)e Mdli'MlfH %«T: I ^ I

3TU t45ul % Icii^ ■q-S, 3Tk oR "PJTH'

Trf?i sTift fH+iciHi ■gmr i "3^% fRtj; q^iHi -qr sm^TFqr qr -g^
«6UI i? ) qq 3T?TW I-iqilcl •dft "MK "?ps I
qicT WlrMI (^Ho|V<i) TRTT
ouHMJ («) TTT ^
ftTcT nq q-R
nft n^xFi w*r *ra> • i vo i
T^r srrfW -ERt tf^EF efrt TrftT •& "yrr ER TTR (TI^)
q5t TTf^T ^TcT mt ) 3TXTRT ^ gE{ aft?: qra -Jr ^ TTftl qft cISTT
MMHI-X* -q gjR 37k w % ^ am k qm ^ qr trttt
qft <6d1 % I 'ETR TTFT % <m^ W^t q>FT RI -^ohi % |
^ff=tr EFT^ ^'mmihRI 5Em f^kr
tl!r+ird+. JcftkPlirtfVW^ ^ ^TRT Smf (^o) WPT I I
'ifalcl % SPTFSI err tqER^kt afk ^TT% crT^m tit<t>K •tiX'i I d^m
TTSERT <^if-ti qrreT qn crm arkr ^ kmr ^r ?K km^nt 1 krfqq
eiM anf^ Iddiici arrk Iqqnd^t 1
kn; qmrtcq kRkr qtit ftra: r (^)
vmcHmcifkiiq TF? TTfw unnt^rsf qf^r 1 1
5fK ak %q qq EI<^ii< qq E^><i ?K fqqrn^t 1 q? gjz qn
did 1 % ER7 "gkr qc g4 ti5ui q>t iwraqT Twrft % 1 :3H^T ETR, TTRT,
qt^i arrfq Pidiid-i qff fqfq Me<ri qr^t ETT -^<*0 % 1
qqfqpr* *HU|ir<-jia' qrqqmm qq<0g q^
«iiii®< «'sbir-qd ^ qjq^ «f.i<rftcq qpt-- ^ddUert^.* 1 1
cpj g^ y'*ir-ci k amrcrnqr afk ^Mqr qq? Fqciqi tnqq tqq
fmr ^f qqt ri*|pd ^ad^ fqq qr?Tfq sfk qR qft-qfcT PdqiM
37k aTqr-q M i fti xfq aft^ q*5s ^ % <rq qR E^a "5t EnEprr 1
qqffq; arqiR ^i Tfq ark rr ^ Tiki aTTfq k qqTq qRr % 1 qqt
gftkTi q 3tq? ^ TTki ER 3RR qtm % 1 (am 37Tfq qqrq ?I% I 1
(^) krqknt: (^H) wm
(^o) (W) T^: (^^o)
wkq TT^T- (?v\) «<«iq qtfr (^v)
^qTqjfttqfkrPrt^: qRif^t^ 1 w 1
qTRq^ k qsp q5nf % ^ ^o, v\\ ^ot qm ^so fqfq
am ^ fKT "HFT I I
^T: OTITTRR ^Md^dfdlNRRl ^nr
"TRT^ Tcffsnmrfort^tf f^r wrar ^TCTVETTRR; I i
snft M«T TT y^K ^ET cr^ ^r yT: yeui
•ft 'y+cii % i xif, ^SFS, TRT cT«n artw^r % ^RT «H^I «<+di
% i
dKII4^|U|( WPF 7 WiadW^ol^Mf^ + HIH,!
TTTT? Hc|H-q +w\Vn f^r^rPr ^T^TT«T: I I
TJ=f) cTEf if TTRT Wt C^nTcl 3TrRr) TFTdT ^ 3TT% ^FKaf (TJcp
Tff ^ % ^Kni) "TRTcT Mfu^dl MP^+I wft
^nfl% i tjpJt+iaft ^ f^f ^n ^5% t 1
tjfcr T^T (^^) ^rr: un; W ^ Rr eft
^ «HI^ (^o) ^frr <m^T T^TTI^wrt ^rRp 1 vvs 1
c(c?HM "JJ1? % pJl« Mm % PittH t^T H'lCI Ttf?I 3TTf^
Pdcldl % 'RpT %> ^ ^ TTT -RTET % <rEft tFicI ^T
Tif^i sirf^ m t ^ *it '^rft ipfn) TT TTITT FT
T^T FT \6o c^cni yfr^FT MS' 11 I
^f: TFcTTftr ^ dlP^dlPF:
^FT^PF (^?o) ^r (^vso) TrrgfWW (^o) 1
TRTf^rPT: (^do) erf^rt: (^o) ^FT^: (^o)
WlRi: TPT^F> F^FFiT^" I Vd I
■g^f ^ T,^,? SFft TTl^I % aqRTT FT FFeT TW% FT TFFFT: ^o, ^0,
^o, FFT 6\o F^T FFeT "^f ^4HI FtFT I FFcT F^ TT STRTF
FftJFp sFFTFT^^TT (^) ¥ U) FFT (ig
Ficnr (6) ftrsF (^) ?r ^HP^di f^: i
^HlP< F^ Ft?r (^141^141^1)
^hnM W TJZFT ^tfer 1^1
ttranr («) ^ ftff FifWr fft «its f P+fi-^ t^tF:
FTFFRF T^Z FW FEF Fl-Flof^ (4) cnf^T (^) ftF ^F: I \o I

„ ^fr Tiiir ^ -RTO % 3^fr f^r «n i t^nr ^rk

*ft ^1% I I TPfiZ l®1' ^ % Tft 3T^ <i k "rpn cR ^
k nm 3r i
^dlftd: 71%: <^ld T^rkr^# ^ ^SRT^ d<lrHVIW<;
'iRt ^'l "TPT (C) HiaiPl (^) ^l*!-! ^(i: t^Jni: fTTc^ 1^1
'iRl, "% =hH ''IT 3Tfi)<+) el-I 1T7 ^TT '+i<n 'sk % Tlf^T
3TTt% % TH Tq^Tt i g^r ^ ^^
TJITT Tftri y<*K <C k "yn ^ "% TT ! %^R ^57 ^q- if
^5% ■% gtr "*3^: ikn i
^FiW^i ^nftr: OTT;
w "fcrr% +c)M<w
yi+f?i (^o) -^fkr: (??«)
+d!pl wPT: ^7: Moxlcb^ 1^1
^WFrfcT ^ft m ikn i 37k "g^f ^ SRR -ertt
XRo k qfT %^R odcii % | ktTT =Ft <jetMRl % ^ft% I
gR: ^etyfci surfs' h ^.IPJIM! % el'l
(^) («) (^vs)
%orf?r (^^) ^ krktcr rjftci;

«Hr-«id: "rr^ ^.idf fnnf% 1 ^ 1

Tfk sfk "5? %? sr^R ^Ft 9RRI: ■$■$, ya,XK,V9 sik ^ "% RT7T %^R
W TTST 3RR % 1N<i|ct)< fPT ^ <jgwRl % I ^Wrf?T
arrfs s <||>|41 % 7f% tR ^JET SRRTFcT apt ^\o q^n % Rkr ^R Rk gR:
"3? k kl^% k <3etsRr el'ii 1
emfg+i^tn7^fjaft 7r%cr km^r ^h: ^ «ni
34^4M trs ^grqRkw ^rnr (^ R 33ft (^) ^kr 1 ^ 1
TE q4 Hitr >i(k fs*i % ^pP Til Xlf^T el'fi q %kF 3rits
^4 Rkt "Rirr 3%[ ^kt Ism «ft 1 "gar 7JS rRt aftr ^4 qft rerr
TTkr % strr sst k ""yn rr ^ k rpt %% 1
TMt ^ W^eEt sFMtfk
-qmm (s) ^RTksr (^) idWMiw^
'MlfrKVl: kfewf M'l^l 'V\ 1
•g4 reer rRt k -^gz ^ar Rfti rrt rt akka? k% rt tr
cifsti ^fr ?pF if ~q\ % cjf ■?5rs -gsF (fE^. ^n) itm
TlsF wgff wfif R^HH 'iRi sfrt ^pF t^jxi Trfft %> Rtn =Ft ^ % IJTT
efR ^ % RR WT °Ff ?pF RT TR -tm I
-?lFT: WTT (^o) «?" WTSfa*,
#n7r («o) gftq: ?Keiininm (^h)
rdHJPmPr: I i
?TfR ^o ^ f5RT TTf^T 3RT 3Tlf^ if «n W "?fk RRT f^T
STTft if oflft el'll I R'^HM 3^7 RJZ "?TpT ^ff 3RR °FcTT ^Ft ^
RTT ^0ti< "+>51 Rif •hell if -sft^rT | ■hI'I ^Ff t^jxi ^if-i if -aif-^'l I
RT«r to (^o) f^rr (^o) Tor (vs) TOT (*»)
TOT (To) TT TPftTTcnft PRfVf<
^dlH; TTTO^ Tft TfTO (Tol^o|\9l^olTo)
^TTf^RT^T: <TTcr ^T I SV9 I
TltR iimR TTTTRT if "tR "?g^: TlfR sfk RSRR 3TRR
■apen ^T WRTT: T0,^0,^,^0 aftr: To RT RRT TOT apt '^2' TlfR
if ^iTlit I TTfR TJeTT 3TTf^ RfTTRt if R^jifir I ITOf "RfR
TfTTT I (I¥ if) I
3TRR ^c(l4. 55Tf gRX iRfenTRTRtT^R
R TTf^T ^TRT RT^RRT: ^ «R I \6 I
RTO, gT RRT TT^T RR g^f "^f 3RR ^ RfTI RRft stfRRT R^f #RI I
^ RfTT % RRT % RRR^ if RRTf fTTHTRR ^Ff RT^if I
STF^K: (W) RRT R%^ (n) HW: 1>dl^:.
RRt "Sfft TnuftTOT TT| Vf RtsfRTT ■RTHl, I HI I
Tmr aftr 1RR % RfR RFT ST^TW fRRRcT RR RRif % RRI
tfir 1 TrfsR RTT to) if Rfttir 1 to Rhrro RFT x% TT RRT ^RR
cTfro afriTf^ rft Tnn fro % to Ito rk if "^Rr rt rtot tt rrt
t^TtWR: TOTR+diroR (^Vo) RRT^FlRRT (^) mSPF^RfRTif
•pWt w ftrf tp§Z: TOTR; I \o I
3H^itu| if RRRR ^/VYo RRI RTTOR % RRT ^ir I TOT RTf RRE
TOIsr if imr tro RT to tro Rg^ g)% RT Rfttif RRT RTR if ?T% RT
Rerifif I RTcT RJ2 RRjt^ TOR I
ftloS.!tl '<^Uf

gr T^rrt (vs^) ^rtst

qft (^V) '^Cllf^ra':
(^) (^o?) ^Tcfrft
tl^HI'?! (<:^) ^cT W (VSV) ^T: 1^1
^HTeT V3^ yUc^t} if 3Tf%W ?tcn % I ?,Y
% (^o^) ^n ^r itm % i "5? m ^ ^f vsv ^TCTT ^rtf ^mr % i
^grfW^t (^v^) (v?) M>di<^:
"^rPrfcn^ (^) ^wnm^T: (^\9)
TTfft^T^ (^) ^ (^o) fcTfiT^T:
"?ft?frf ff^u i ^ i
-R&m -^gr (^) ^ -ggf (v^) g?cn ^STH % i ^TPT (^) ^
cP^t if (H\3) g^TT gfScn % I TIf (^) ^ -g# if (30) gfeTT gpg -^tgr |i
l«r sfh: gjg> gg gftgfw ggr SFT xrst % "P^H ■rpt e4l=h STTCT % 1
1crwiir<<jTt>i: Trf?T "tftr grw gigifftr: wffoRTfWmT:
m^s^wr* ^'iMui^tJ>K^^i4H ^nnr:"^: ^ 1
gnr % tfrfg g^g snf^ % Pc-i^ gn fgrfg gr ^teg
•ejzt% ip fggg ^f grfi ggr %, gfr 1 TTTW ggr IF ftg PTF
'"gpf % srr % agir gff tR if fgg gg "g^f fgnr gif^i ^f ^i4'ii
■dtfl gnr % gg fgfggf gff fnggf el'fl ggi srg yggnr §1*1 1
grrmtwfiT^ gr^fT: g^nr ftgfg gW ^
g>cT Wtsg ^4j|ug: ^ftpf^gr gr yrggyf 1 w 1
gffggr gfygg if ggci snf^ TTKI nwf if am gff if yggft % 1
ygc, "gi if gmt grr strr gm fgfg gfg aftr g^g if femr gg aggR
fgiT gygr gg^rq giifii 1
«Hir< ifgf fiR+Hdliwi Ffcmgfr ^i^Hd gi: wg;
^figg: g%F tff^jg gfiggnrrg- wmiTHrg; 1 ^ 1
M^cf fggff % iy gggr gff g^ggr gfygg gif ggrgf «ft 1 cfrg iy%
armrgf cffi wg ayfg gfg gfcf ggir ggg Vnf 1 am: gg ^ggr iffygg
ifi gr gf iyi yaprf gg yfg gqggr if y? ipft i^si % 1
yy^fwligiTy figrF ftnBTRf y^^gg^iwr
gtiggf gg gihfisyiggtefityT^f^gg gg: wg; 1 ^ 1
iy fy^Hf gig if wim % yfg arigr cr^rg fgym: y fgi gi
% 1 ggrfg iy^ fggg g?g, gff gffg yrgi % f^rg. g^?g if y^m if yif

'^'1 ^6^ % I
TtrF Wf ^ TTf^ ^TcTPT enTTf^TWr
ftngnr "tre^r^r ^rra "qwr WTPT ^ inr?ra^ i zya i
y«nT y<+|yi ^f ^ f^m^r %- arrfe ^ stttki ^ % ST^T craT
cpT cFTcT HPT, ftPSPTT HH cTS^1!, Wfy+lel, HTPPT 3PT f^HFT, HWt
y^iwi I
WTT WtcPTFT +<rMI«<Hm ^PrftT ffePT
nqmnnt ftn ^ PdHiwcHitpr Tphnr^ftr i ^ i
r^dl4 y+'l?T H H fHHH t I XT? S^t HPT 3TTf^ HHH XhpHr,
etiCTM H c)cf, HITT 3tVt R-l Hit ^<0^1, i46 i SI 3iTT Mid STTIH Hit ^PtHi
THi "^HTftxt ^RpfN 1% r<HI«< HT«nfHH HEH T^ZT
imTWHT^T f^HT TTFlft ^THTPT H^WTT: I ^ t
•^ftH yHTTHT % fHHH t-fH HTZ7^ PHHiMH Hit Mh, fHH, HTH,
H^t 37Tf^ HT HTfHHfH PHHiM-t Hit ThPh, H«HH H?, HT^HTtH H^, XT?
^ H^ttlH ZT^t HR U^TOK «PPif fcTHT:
?r«f HiPijfPdd HHTTfpfwfHWR:
3T«r HHTRT ttcftxt? %HT ^P^^ Pcl^idlPHHTR: I vs^ I
<<1d JlRi: yHlul Mldt^H HH'mRi
HHT HHH% ?t: Hief ^ X3H?T: MRt^mTiirVdPH HTl^ XT^: I V9^ I
HHFf y=ti|i?l XT?t Hit sttx HfeH 'iPd HiT HPT, ZU attx HPT HI
fPTH HftT W^Z,, HlTfH 3Tk ZHHTt H^Z 3xtx HltH HftfH, MH axk HSflH
mo ry«iiti

-qtRtfrft f^nf^rt^r: ufdHu^diai

* ^dl?l+l:^ ^cliaTTftr HTTT l^fWa^fT: I V3^ |
to TOTOI 'fif tfe, ^ sfk T[SFr Mfti+i, MST, srh
Tlf^T ^fr frf^, ^rr ark ^ifTOrT, STTOm, "?fr5f ^SeT, *lPx1 TOT, ^TOT 3^
^TOT, "ER 3Tk RTOT fki^ TO elTO TOTT "TOT % I
TOcT Rfi TF «HA *>l TO: TOTOT: I VsY I
« R TOrm k ^T aftr to^, CTOTOT, ST^TTOT
3^7 3TTTT, TTTOTOeT Sttf^ ^TT, f^Tr 3^ ^T fTTO 3^: "PJZ Tf^" pH^ldHI,
TOTIfl', TO"! J STTfe "TOT % I
3TanE% ^ tcf^ TOTT TOTJpft^ftarfrr M<+lcl
^RFflfThF cfeTt ^xEt ^|^r<H' TTUT c)ufil<|: | vs^ |
froRr, H<<+iM srh: TTO%T ?[RT ^swt, "gRf; TTIto STTTO sfkr: snsfr
TOTT TOS fro cT«TT fkf>T=T "am % ETR R TOT % I
^pTh ^ ftrfiPT d H cTTTO Rt-^, TTOt:
HPdWMl TOTRT?! Tntc«rm?: I VS^ I
TORT TOTOT k -iRt, 1%rfTO d'-l TO Tfk sfk TOS TO ^T TTTOT
"TOT % I
TOofFTtrrkr ftrqjsr TOT TOT TOTOT "ronmn; "ro^r:
TOT^TT TORT ftn^r T^TR" TOTOt I Vs\3 I
?R % 3TJHR cftR TOTt %T tWT R RRT TO11! TO Rft^TO tTOTT RRT % I
^TOTOt^TO ^cTOTT^ ^vTOffiR" "TJ7 I^RT TOTft:
"fR" ^Rr t^NPT^hflTO "pcrriRTTOTTOf^ ftfg: I \36 I
"3^ % TO35; RfctTO R> TOTOK % TO k RTO RRT

RTRT ^Rr "sjror % TOtit ^RT: TOTaironfr R TTTOT:

TO; P^HHHIPH R Rkr TOT: Tnr^fnTOT Tri^gr: i \s^ i

•snr?# y+i^i -cr ark u? km, TI? sftr 3TR

TTC, TT? ^T STRTR, cTRT wko-MI, MRH!"!, •MI'IdKI, wf^,
sFTFvq, ^•s^<+> snft cir^f % fpn % i
ur^p 'tnt^ip 'ini T?f MH^ Pi«^ i
cKMi?!^ qkt ^fwP-H^i tjftidi' u+i?[i: 11° i
« k y+i^i k ^ alk qf^r k ir? ^tt afk strt, ^trt
ohiciiki sfk HMiki CTSIT ■gk "^Fsc "9j5f> % ytiRi % ^k k Pq^iq ^"kr
% i
^BFT V$P% ^ ^Tqrf TfnrakkT^ WFEfr
^R^nit -^f: iTftk^ F^r: fnkTkr-- ^n^r i c\ i
k u+i^i k w gk afk ^ ^mkr k ^ afk
strt, ^rq atk <fpg: ^ft ^RkRs, ^sc k'ilHPd afk gtr cT«n
^ fnkrkr kt ^TWT "TTT % i
TTnft M««9l krerk t^T ^c«f ^ftk: U+lll:
Biusumftl^ntfk: WHIHI gf qq: -^JinHdl^ I I
y+iyi k k'jfk <T«n amfrqra jh H^midl ^fstt % i
yqrR % y+ivft k fWy^nfE^FR «hih ^srr % i ^rft qpsr ^i yctf^ «hih
fan I
arkl!<;«(: qls ^i^-s^ki'ii: ftsRT^cIT ^T t%inifirM*l<t>:
vprftrqi^ ^ o(||kHllk: I C$ I
thciFk y+ivi k ^[fi Kerf ^ft ^ft ^Ft "nkf ^ftcrai, gfk
ankr % k atk^ wr fkkr -rm % i
Ur^Th^: m&l klWT S(Uir< HHIHd «U4H^I:
mfkflofqt: ¥ M «M^C|: T«|HJ1c|lP< ^rJPIT I ^V I
t^wk y+isji k ^tf wff k ^rn, kks: -rct anfk ^j^h, ^
aik apy urgt % Tnsq gk ^ft wq q«n aii+i^i g^r k g«kt fkytk
k ofk k q^Fi "Tqr % i
3TFRkr gtt TtHWMIu^lfil+HI PlRi'ldlkt.:
kWT7 HHlPd ^Fef aktfxF: I I
ar^rgrk y^TRT k qrfe ^nk gk arrk wf ^pt ^kk arrfk kt
3sidi, frgs TrfkcT y«kt qn MRUIIH aftq fkifk, gkF % Tn«i g^r
cttt gakt gs arrfk =pi q^r krqrrekr qn wk-r 'gan % i

T^r IT?' *1IW+^T TPTM

md?ir<^9l fRTftPfiPTt U-ffRT: I I
^frtrW y^m y u? sfR <Hi+m ^ w^r aqh
■gfrB, UF ys^rat yTi yftHprr, ym, f^r ;sftT tp srfsRfHf
yn yjy, ^TE WIHI sfk t^4 IV><'jI yft y wR til HI ^5! yft % 1
f^t fl?rr fftcr^ ipy ffir 'ilciU ^ ir^Rr vtik-.
+idw WTTfcT Ma ftrfg: w4 yMr y«FR: 1 t* 1
Wblfl UWR % "HtcT ^ ^Pc^RT, 'lldl^, snf^
H-4i S.KI HHH 3^ U? tlP^I 3Tlf^ Pl<*)lC1"1l cT^Tt Wl H of? y-H «Hl4 ctH
f^fy yr?t yyt % 1
»ii^M^'fr<u Mr ^ctintHM^d-ii: i
-^sPlu^dlilV -ftTST: WoTTfRT 1<rl+4 I 66 I
^^hlt<3i y+iyi ^ "gfrP % RT«T TTTR ^r t^r sfn: ^pmt ar^Rrf^ yn
RR, anfe RRt ^Pt ■pfHRF aik a^ipl, fWRf w WT,
ycq^i "?tcr craRf anft ysg 3^ -ER (H+i<rt4 y?r fyfy -rrqt % 1
fttcT w^Wt Ji)diry+K
^PTcT: wraf: f^er crwrrar uMr % HH(^<I4> RTTT: I 6% 1
TR y^R P. y<+.|5frt R RlRTfyspR RRTH -gSTf I STR 3TfRR cfR yRTRTt
^p -yft ^rrar % 1 yifR ^f y+ivi sraf % RTR ITRRR, RRT,
RRprMf snM ^ hR RMT RRT % 1
rMRR: «|oKU|W MKNKir< W%R If tl* I %o I
^f ygpm rtr "TC rrR % My rtrt ^yt yMrfs Rt«r rMr
RMT STTRTR (strpt?!) aik srrfR "yMcr iRRft RHHCII Mm RR
•Kll^ cjuf-i fgpRT 'IHI % I ^HH ^<1 ?ft yRT-RTR Rpyt Ril Myty Rt'fR % I
3F& M&Vffl W "^TS^JsIRT: 4^1+1 Hi:
<=Pldiry+ldi44'll^ 4ldir<?l®<' yMcf R^Tf" I W I
arfMi ?* ^f ymra rtMp yfMmr afk tpz % fyyyf yy R%y
^ % i TR ymR cftR ymiRtf if mrarfWri; RRTH fan i ymn
«iicH aryf^-nMr^ RTRTH 'gsn 1 RfmcT arR ilcr TR Rt RRTR mr
H4ir<d <N^HK +i^<i"iimd^ i %?. i
^Tf ^tf 'JCT XP^T H hcs*< <*i<4ei -sM^igK ^ M<?n % I 'ggnTR nPa
<MJMK STTf? cftTj ^5f il it ^ ^ftRm ^«n
3«<+>l ITel ^IFT TTFi fcTl 34y^K TPff f^Tl TT^m ^t "TTT
% I
f^P^T <+.|dM'ird- U+IJJIId.W^ «HHI^e| cr«rTftT «ftTT
i eiW f&z "f«fer ^t«i wt^ w'd^i -q^TT: i i
tHHM yctiis;! tl !, "?«rPT 3^7 <*>ici snfl % Ict^nl ^f fq^lK HIT
"TTT % I l^Tlfq TTTTH yfti-a '?T1ft "WPTt Ht Mpusa eTtT *ft -Tit ^1M
% I 3TcT: HIT H^T TTWT 3TTft itTT 11 IcTT^ ^ % STUef it WT%

WR d'll^dl «RPl TTSI ^T

TRRT Tf^ ITfeHT: TTcT HcTTS if^T shHld^
^rsrt orf^tH ^r ft«nr:
wtiftr M'Pd+i H^RiTerq: tniH: i v* i
3T1: HfcHT ^TSEf tTH (IRltl ^PdM 3arT % 'J^T.dl ^^H-dT.
tnt Ht wi ir o" irt ^rrrn %i stfih^t xftitHiHt o" <yiM<
TT V9\90 Up' ^TRK IRT I 1R<fhT HI ^o' ^TRR HT
HMI vsimi % ^ift lit-l tHI (cnu-Sl) % ^ HST p-ili SrflH % ) % ycf
3Tk ifH if ftn TJIPT HTTf Ht %HPtR HRT 3^ fHC^i ^T IT fHJI
IrT ^ 'HIT IT Tf^TT STadTH HcTT HUT: Hit ^TT Tit % I 5-1 =b UTT I^T
"HH TtH ^Tl Ht it^THT HTTHT 3 tiM itlT 3T-tTT % ^rtt ^Tl Ht if^IHT
it HTT TTHTt % I
^rsq bSTJig- Tlftngr srwr tcfHT: tw t^PT (T)
itr ^ (^) JST (^) lit TTHnt ( Y) I ^ I
Tth tt 3T311 ftr^ sr^rfir hrt ^rt n Tnrf if Hit
Tit % I (T) ftn ^t IT v^HI'ld (^) HTTTt HtTT if itT ^T (^) itcTgT
Tftr^t ilciHK ^ (H) H^Pl
^iti -gif: (wv) (^\3t)
IPt^ST fttHlFTHn': (TW)
PjldlsiqiJIIHT ima (^O^vs) | ^ I
cT2!! (S) ^idiciiii'T -stk 3T^t=t)cll sPT^T:
(V-^^), W (V^\9) % I
sn%^^ Prs ^ t tiTRR
yn; ^fcrrnt ^ Tpfnf (^) ^FT PFTT ftrw^; i ^vs i
% H '^tr % t'-Zs % ^ crf^nt ^fr "TI <^iiti< F?:
ftsR % I 3TcT: R ^ nit ^>1 ^TRR tnE^FR -IgT f^RT RRTT % I Rn
^ aTTf? % Wt TPft %) I
ftT tw %r Y^ 'TT ^ -J^FR (^) ^T ^TRR \ ^RTT % I
tRTStfcTHT s(K(;-fl 'M-S.i:
(\9) s^: (\s) ?K«(|U| ^rf: (^<^)
afhphn" tr^Tftr wr (c) sftr
Wv (^^) («oo) | V I
(^) il^Od ST^r^RT ^tR (^^S) % I (V9) ^HIY< ^PT ^TRR (V9)
Y^ w ar^wcn ^R% i M ^Fkr RFR "RTR RT ^IRR
<^>cni Y^l 3T^<=t)C1l (t^oo TJrR ) % I
K) t^T (^) H'll'-fl
W (WVJ) atcm (^o) mRT: (?o)
«KHr-M' ^T (^\so) 3T«r 15r^>>W (5^)
% («) ^R" "^RT: (^00) | %% |
(^) RT <+ctlM4) CT2TT 3m % I (^o) 3^^
^>T ^o ct,eli^<J 3«n ^Vso <^cil 3tR % (^^) c1l^< (^ <^cil Y^i
^oo fell 3tR % I
wftr? ?frTfft (^) ft^T (V?)
(t?) t^P?t (V^) r^Kl'ch^^l (U^)
R^ssnr: (v<i]i ^rftrfrr (?^o) i ^oo i
(»^) ch|S>ifl< % rftmR ^T Y3 ^TeTT ^PeTT 3m % I
(«) RT 3m vw 3m % i (v*) mr
fell Y^f ^m fell>3m % I
(^) arPpJit uy) mm (v) RR
(W°) J«r rd-wtNd Rsq-
^srf: (>\^) FRrnmftr (OV) j*™)!
^ (?\9) writ (Y^) yHdifsn msr: (^o) i \o% i
t\o +^1^4 cT«n ^eTT % I (^ ) "REE^TT
f^ErraeT ^rr ^ ^Jen ^4 cT«n ^cn -^tr % i (^vs)
^FeTT TJcf cT8n ^"^o -EPcTT % I
?frrrr % (v) <o4i|f^di (^) ft^r
^ (V3^)S«fi?Z^T (^) HiKIH^Idl: (vs^vs)
+u|fi^ (^) S«ft (^o)
r?^T (^) TnWk 5«r: (^^) ^iftrgT: i i
(^<i) efrcn (^TFT) -m *v* ^Fen ^4 -^an ^Fcn % i (^)
<=bull<i<+ ^T ^ +dlM4 cT«n VS^VS ^cTT ^TR % I (^o) Jllld-MMK ^T ^
<^011 cTSTT <*cil eJtR % I ( fcc^rfl % TTrfT ixK ^T)
j>mR<»i ?ptPT (^^)
•NTfert (^) ^TT ^iToH (V^i) -ffW:
^5ra% (^^) T^RT: (^) «d-<|: (^Voo)
(^) ^Rn: (V9o) «<«il| ^T: (^o) I ^ |
(^t) <+.-41 j>MI-0 31-d^M ^T ^ Rcf cfan Y^</ % |
(^^) RtRTeT RR ^ RvdT ^cf RRT V<°° ^fRTT ^tR % I (33) sFR RR Vso
RJcR ^ R«n ^5,5.o RTcTI 3TR % I
ailJJI^ (3V) ^FRT: (V9X) ^THT
*IRT» (^50 <+>1^41 (3H) fiPRT: U3) *^^(^0)
?ft (3^) W (do) wbH^ldl (vsdo)
TRRcft (^ysjsrftE (dys) xmsf «nwr: .(SW) i ?ov i
(3^) 3TFRI °fR y>V RTcR RRT ^3^ RRRT ^TR % I (3S) RR^ft
RR d3 RRTT Rcf RRT ^o RTeR ^tR % I (3^) «fl^+<i (IWrfcT) RR
do RFcTT ^ RRT \9do RicTT E3tR % I (3^) TT^RRT^ RR dV9 RRTT R^
RRT <+>^11 <jr<. % I
(i^Tf^t (3d)Ss(RE (dV9) ^RZ=F RZRR: (^o)
^d % (3%)^® (dVJ) ^RSTsf :R::5(r: (^00)
«nH4<l iftrzntt o|«(<rd^ (30) RRT qTORPf I \o\ |
(3d) sOfR^ RE4 RR d\S R^R ^ RRT ^o RRTT E3R3 % I (3^)
^dRSRS epr ^vs RJeR ^4 R«n tSpo RR1T BTR % I (30) RRR %
R«R ^ RRT *PkT % RrRt RZ: +R f?sm dald^ RR
5RRR ft3) 3Kf'llPH ^ft ■( WK)** ^
(33) Trf ^HtRR: (3^) +<HI<l$ldl: (VJdV)
(;i^) (^o^) wr
(^v) arsft TPT ^ H<41?lI: (W) l^|
(^o) ^T "txni ^ cT^TT ^cii '3tR % I (^^)
■qi ^ e(JT ^\9 qxen ^ sfk V3<iY ^JcT 3TR % I (^^) ^6U|| -^nrR;
<ri'IH =f)T etldl ^ CT«n "J.V enell <SX\<. % I <iq^< ofiT \°\ ojidl
^ cT«n
'il^^ii^ii Tr5n#5t ^pf (^v)
(w) fy^r: Trrnt (^)
•4^SMU: (ut) Wftl?!>•<«( (^o) ar
^1^ (^) (^\9) ssf^: (U^) I ^oVj |
^Jcn STTC % i (^Y) <MH^-SO m ^cn ^ cT«n ^en
% I OK) wn t.x\ ^cn ^ R«n v^o ^Fcn % I (^) ^qlfeqi
^T ^dl^cf R«n ct«n (^VS) TFTJT ^Tf XW ^PeR -
wntrgyr u^o^) ^rwi: wr
(^^)5«r 'n<iei(l ftr^nt (^)
M^-<crt (^?v9)ypff (^oo^jsst (^ )
(^V)i50^lH (W\9)Tf5RT: I \o6 I
(^5.) STRtW RR 3T8iIRTcR X^'a ^3^ RSR (^V9) TR^ RR RicTT
% I (3^) RRTTt RR XW R>RT R^ RRT X^V* RRRt RRT % I
STsfif^ TTRRt (VoJiP^f («V9)
Hi'iivrRV^I (^o^jysrf^rra ^rfn; i m)
RTRTW («\9) <oq''ir<!*|: (^o^) RMcd"
^ (Y^) («o) finHTfyR^T: (w^) i M I
P^limikH RR RRRT xjcf cTSTT X°<kR R?cR 3TR % I ( 1f^) tPRRg^
sftRRfcT (V?) ITR^fr Rtft^T: (^)
TFpR^PRT ^flRRTR: (M^)
(VY) ^RTTRW («V)
weiK^m (w^) a Rt^M (Y^) I xx* I
(Y^) ^R.lj.olH RR RJRT ^ RRT X<>V« R^R RRR (W) ^RTcI
R«R RR X^ RRTTJcf RSR XS.^ R^R RRT % I (V^) R%^ PlR+l
% (m) (u^o) (v^)
^Iir^ ^sr (^v^) ars (^v^)
c(<H.^ (W) '^T (^V?) ir^«4l»l
(US^) WT (Vd) (^Vtv) I \u I
^ ^n ^ TT«n w° ^rr % i (Y^) ""rm ^FT ^en ^
tTSTT ^dd ^TrR % I (VVs) 'Jpyq< ^T ^TeTT ^ cT«n \V\V ^FeTT
3TR % i (^d) "^rm «FT ^ ^cTt cT«n
^t^TsTT (UV>f) arwsiorpr
^ m) Tt^ir (^) f^rrT?:
-HdH^ (VI ?r: i%«nfr (^)SE •TPT
W (Wd) fcr^chiyol^ (V) f^rsnn: (W) I I
^v»' ^TR % I (y^) %3f ^TT ^ cr«n
TtR % (V) -ftclMd (3^) ^FT crm Udd ^cTT HTR

(V) n+iy^H OR ^ ^rcn ^pf crsn

fcTRT: (^^V) -ttS; (^) ^TT^
^T (W («^d)
H^h«0 mm (^) ^
iM (w) ^-<01^ (^^) I^I
^Fcn ^rn; % I (^) ^3F ^T ^ I 3o ^Fcn ^ cTrn ^d
^cTT '3tR % I (V) "RWFT^r TTRK TTTR ^T ^ ^FcR tl«n ^cH
^tR % I
^T (!<*) ^MHMI (W) fl^
T :
T^ ^r (^w) Icr (W\) ^ i
wwrrfw (i^) ^ rd^rd^ (««)
(V) (^V9) I xx* I
(HY) dlc(!<d< ^1 ^5> ^en ^ cT«n Vi%^ ^TeTT ^fR % I ( KH)
■^et^cK ^rr ctxrti tj^ rfsn ^eii ^TK % i (v) ^VS
<+>011 '5^ ^TTT
TSTsrffhp^T («v) 3T«ld^HI^ (1\V9)
S^'^d: (^\9^) dl'+'^^da (Wo)
Wfstr -Rit ( vJJ'f^nT- (w) TRTftr
(^^h) ^r^r ^ (K^) sQ^mw (?\9V9) i \\\\
^cn % i (HVS) C)4HH <T«n x$%o ^n
•stk % i (u^) 1 i111 tmr ■win =FT <t)cii TT«n ^>CTT <iTi<
% i (s^) h^^IM (^rlfem) ^rt ^en ^cf crm
+d{Hl-<l» (^VoV) chrd+dl^i (^o)
^<tni (?\svs) ^mrf^r tfzt: («v«.o
W«r Oll^
(W r^iptftftr t?I^ (?w) i i
^o ^Ten ^TR % I (^o) ct.el+Tti ^JT ^diycf cTSTT ^cTI
^TR % I (?,») •MMled % to^ ^7 ^ e|STT ^JcR ^rR % I
rfi+iii (^^) (m)
Jfl'iyil^: TrfeT <lBHI«rT:
(«) 1^5P$5rT: (m mfa
te-tcfi (^<0 cfllW TrajR; (^Y) i w i
(^) SFBI *FT m +<ril^of eT«n ^JclT BtR t I (^) ?ftF5
(r«<d^d) ^1 <+e-|iyi=f cT«n ^RTT ^tR: % I (^Y) cdlRd
^wiiami (w) -jrf^rwr ^rr (^HY) •stflftdmd'jcfmii
TR TTTT ^TT *jH^7fllPdd>d: sF^T I U6 I
m RY? M.cll^cf cT«n t^Y 3m % I % mr «rRcT % ^cf %
W3% I am (OMMd, -^HIMd adtft ^ ^TFm>W) ^ MfmT
% ^?ff ^T 5FR STSSRSfl ^TTRR ^?T men % I
(VO 5^ c^) msr: (^yyo)
^ (^)SsRr: (\9) UlflMlPH
(^vs) fti^str: (?Y) mwsf msTF: (^O)
SIUK+I (v) ^enfr: (^) TR^RTT; l[^) I W I
(^) vr (WZ& ypeT ^) ^JT R °£cTT cfm ^YYo ^cdT 3TR % I
(^) ma® ^vf vs mn Mfamt mn (w<:) ^cR "HR % i (^) ftrg
tY ^FcTT MfSR 3«n VJSfi ^TcH 3m % I (^<i) SPm W«n (^1)
3t3t m ^en Rfmr
'NH^I («?(<i) wumaw (^o^)
•wrrf TiRiit (790) («) I
yrw (^\3S)
nafiN wit (vst)sffe«r ^31 (^Y) 3^T: (mv») • I
crqi 3T^Tf?T \^4. (^Rg^T) g«n ^o^vs (<+»i^d) g?en ^TR % i
(vso) sFRTiTfTtsTT-T gn =t>cii gfffT ggr gion grR % i (*s^)
frpg sfk 'RFR TFTR gg ■?€ g>ciiMt«pg ggr ^v?:v3 g^ngrR % i
TT gfig (vs^) HMi'-g (vs) %
^'iHid'i ggt (^<i)
uct, TRgrgr^gg snr
■q^ (v9^)ir<dTc)iP< (^vs) ■ygraw: (uo?) i \R\ i
(v»^) g^r gg "^gn gfsrq gm ?°<!.c. gRg gm % i (
•qng % g g^ggr (ggf gr igii-HR) % gsq gn ggn g^f ggr
\\o-$ grFn ggR % i
(vsv) ^icicft WR yiftiwi
■Pmigfcrgr mkw^ (VS^) gng gfeg^
ggr^f ggg (t«V9) (^^O;I I w I
(vsy) irrggt agk rfr gg Rgg g^gr % argt^gggr Wt
ggvs grcTr g^ sfk vt-c g^gn ggr % i (vs^) grot % gfsrg fggg gngg
(^gg) gg ^ gsgn gfsjg ggr x%r° grgg ggr % i

m^gggdr (vs^xfigpii-wfr (^y)

f^grggr (wo) mq ^ (w)
H'lind TRT: (^*S) (Wo)
gpgw d'+i^ (\s<i) (^oo) i i
(vs^) ggg gsg gg g^n gfarg g«n %>s\o g^n ggg % i (vsvs)
'jfg (^gff) gg g^g gfag ggr w° % i
gfgg ^ -ftigg Ffgg^t (sftefgg) gg (^o) g^n
gregr t^iwftis wrf^g v*66) tenn
g^fr (vj^)
ggi-- («) !?ui+tr^M ftgT^: («so)
qbgum: (?<i) (^tov)^' i w i
g«n vtc gren ggr % i (v^) g^T gg gsg ^ gren ^
g«n gggi grR % i Uo) r^gicng gg gf«gir gig ^ g^n gef ggr
^^ov g>cTT ggR % i
(ct)sf>gftngt (^) gggrg ^tt (^\s)
g«t U^) ^nft^i (^) ggij-- (w?)
^■."1 ' Tl

fTR «^fr<+ (^)

ETSarf^T Ti^FSC (wvc) vfllRFT I I
(<i^) n?MMM ^T ^ *fm w ^rr ^cf fTm ^vs cpcTT ^TR % |
(<i^) t%RTcrq ^t mn w ^-n ^rm htk % \
iMstaR (T^tRD ^T ^T^rf "gT®! % I
KT^RT^: (^V) TflWEFT («\9oo) ^?r
^TTTO TnTttr ^)
Md^-<C<: (?^) 7PT ^RH": (^Vo)
wnr TS (v^\9) i w i
cT«n -ftarf^.^v ^rr ^ sfrc tyaoo ^n BTR % i u*) gJtRrsr -«
RTtR ^ RTTR 'RRRF iRRR ^ ^ cf«n ^tl 3TR R ffsj-,
% I Ttraft WI«T % I
%cTm "ll^rPT (^) RPKcrt («o)s«f
■frarg (vvss) ad^<^ i
^ ftd®«ld RlP=T (i^) TPT
-'i1<M^|: (W) *H|U||' ^ 'JRt («HO)sst ^ (^vs) | ^\s I
(^s) %erm RRt ^FT V.O RRR \C^ ^T SrV. % I (^5.)
HRRTT ^T w Ricn <raT R^lT ^tR % i (£>3)
R>T ■RezpgRT
fiR^TTRT: (WJ «<«!« "tFZt (^o)
ft«nr: RFT ■•RNVI'ft (66)
^pmrftrgr (^voo) 3T«T REZT (^)
j^FTWSR: (V^5) ^ufHctl+imi: (^^o) | |
RRU Rcf Ran \c%p RRR RtR % i uc) TRR^t affc
RTR ^f 3T«lf^^^ RRTT R<f R«n Rtoo aPcTT RTR % I (<i^) ^TR RR RER
RRI ^ RRTT Rqi ?<&, RTeTT RtR % I
T^fWRTR q^hnmr
WRlPr Wt^- -gfR RFT:
RTTPT RSR (V) RTf^tora^T:
HHW RFHT: (Ko\s) (^^o) ftfTTT: I W I
RR T^IRT RWit?T W; Rarnf RR R^fR % i Rfim ^r ■gttq 11
(^o) % R«R RRT RJt IWR «aoV9 obcHIMfaR RRT RRn RrR
% i
cn^qr ^ar (^) TITS
ftcTT: (A9o\3) ^T^UPJUT: (^o^o) hRkm I ^o \
qfSH ^f 3Tf?T yRnS tT#!^ '5W % p5Rm ePJ^H TTK ^TT ZTB
TfR % i (^^) ciu^H vsovs eFen ^rfsFt ^«n ^o%o % i
^ iWtF wr^r M)
wntmwr# (v^) ^RTT I
• jHT: ^I'll Tf^W ^
niuii!!M<ii: trftrs I U? I
TFf% ^faSPT T3^5 ^PT ^TTH % I ("^q ) 3TO^n t%r^
<^oV9 tt>cii "3TK % I fTT y^iK cff^T %> 'Sr ^51 MMI I 3T9>t°RT
^ % 1
arirf^PT f^rtfrnnH
iA^W (^) tm ftnsjwr:
^RTPtr Turtle ^ m ^j- (^\9o\9)
««li)<IHI (^000) 3T8RTaEPiTFIT: I I
xjf«^ f^?n if amf^Fi ark ^Fif if ®feT fsn % 1 (^)
-sm srirfePT -R&I im ^vsovs ^CTT <T«i[T 3000 ^Pcn ^TR t 1
(v>0 ^T
(^v)sfic ^mrRsr (?^<i\s)s^tciHT.-
(^^0) 311^1^:
snttvPrFtr (^j f^^fii WIT: (W)
m^r ^artrff^nra (?vo) ^T«IT: I 1
■q'tzf *tm xma tcmrcrm \^o 1 km, ) ^Ripd^i
^3 ^ cT«n woo epen % 1
3T«n£ ^FT Uiflli^-

rd«lf^ TTT: Wjofhrtfrfr (^V9)

^ (^) ^n^r^p«r?ft?mnr: (^v) < W <
3T5? -^4 WT -gsFT f^R ?fR% % p)+ictdT ( -d^lyi %;)
vp^g wPTt MUcfl^, ^rm ^ ^ cisn fR^r ir 3m ^ tp^r
if fcR3 T?T -f I

^ cfTKT ^ Tr«n wu? ^eTT ^tR % I _

M^ + HI (^\9) (^o)ssf
(WKJSWjn^ (V) (?YY)
wrfW (^vvs) (n)J«f
■?[sFT (tvi\) wim (^o\9) ^IT: I ^1
(^vs) (^Vo) ^PeTT ^ cl«n ^cH "3TR % I (^<C) aTJ^JcT
^ ^T ^cf w W* ^cn TrR % I H4I'I« (Hcl^t).
^ cT«n ^oVs ^TcTT ^TR % I
(?oo)5^1*1 (^)
Tnftr^r (^^) 3T«r dM^ (^o^)
(^)stf wa (^v)
tntt (to^)sftcw (tv\s) f^fqfPiw: i w i
(too) W ^ t^t^ ^TT ^tR % I (tot) dlcrl^*
=f>cIT ^ cT«TT t^<i ^n ^TR % ] (to^) MlO^xi (t^Va) WT
cT«n tt<it °PHT 3tR % I

^nrfftsr ^r: (t^«»H) <id<f^*ii(ms i (t°*)

^IdlP*! W: (*w) (t^V)
^|P<H[^ (t H) ^Hfib^r: (t^o) TJ: I t^VS I
(to^) toi^t tVV9 4.<Hl^of w t^oK ^B^I % I (toV) tvvs
^ nm t^^ ^n ^TR % t (ton) d+Hid (tv) cf^n

^rf: (tHK)
4)>ii4i (to^) ndiPn ^r^roa (m?)
fPrt^TT -ETT^ (tovsjsfara i
^R(T (ts^) M^l"! (mo I X\c I
RRT tw R^CTT ^TR % i (t°^) +tu!i4> Rfi tHH 'Pen ^ n«n tw
'PfTT ^rR % I (to*®) "RR^t (t^C) ^RTT ^ tTRT tW ^T ^tR %

(*>£) (tv)5^
. TnNRt (««) -rtdPtti (w) ^rgnr: (tv)
wrq^ Wrrganht
RRiPsnir WR Tnf R^FR; ) m •

(^oi) ^ ^ ^ cT«n ^FHmn; t i (^)

■HidPiR ^I ^o ^n ^ -crm ^TT STTC % i w WR "franrt ^
"gf^RTl %> '?srRf %> ^WT I
S^f^RRTcf '5ITRTT *11 Jf H M Hl'l*^
irg- chRri+i i
^nwi (V^^) fcr TJ^RsF
PdHM^H (^^oo) »t,crlimrM(5d' I VSo |
WR! ^ 3T^ ^en % SRR ^ TPn ^ ^
^<^)< >+101 q4 m i

URv Udl'M< w ^tT (V^) TTST

di'iirn (^o) •*** ^PTTWM
dH^ill ftrpr (?V^<i) Wfrf ftcnf
%rRi;TTT wit fc^Hwimif: i ^ i
3R: ^Rt '?«rpft ^ 'tlfeR 3RK ^PRT IJUH+<
«im i w ^Ft ^Rf "RiRt °Ft RRR^T % 41«II4 "& TP117 ^ l^-^i
TT TFT I RR "Ft "Am | fTT ^rf "Ft Pmsjci % "fft«T
«ft^R ^ PH^Idn I ^R RtRf RTRt % ^Ft ?ftsft ^Tt ?Fft I "
WlRl"t^Ptl M<H St)l*rla<l-i6«l
■ztt^Ff^Rt^ft ^ WT ftt^wr ddlcl^l:
UluiluiR 1cFfM^ft=FfW rRnp+dlPtufi): I W I
yidlH RTTCT -ft ^RtlRtRRf % wr RTT tRR^R, Rf^FT Rm RTR RTI
■^pf Rf^R *il'i STRfc^ 3RFT ReR snfR % Mil R Rt Pcnai %,
tRRft ^t Rt "fRRt WR % ^ l"fl"t>K Rft tRRT % I RRt Rlct RcRStI
(^"R '5RT) RRRT ?t fRRt t I
tpift HUHPT: HNr<Hi.g ■m
R^RT^R ftRTRFt ftrftt RcR^ Rt^PfRtaRratct,
P+tuiW TRJ RRRf cRt^Rft
grrPtr tRt^nrift f^r Rf^r tif i w i
RSRT^ ^f RTRfRFF ^ TfR Rit A=1"F<. (RR % RREt Rl)
3TRR RTRI if RRT "SRT RR% t I % 3TRt fRRR % Rt% RRT RRt
RR RtfR IR% % I fRRR i^Rt "RTR RT RTRR Ffft I % 3TRt "fRRR
RR ytR ^ Rlt RtRT sf'll RWt "Ft"! cftTTfft Pti<"l RR Rt et'll I "R? "FfT

3Tti% WH "ft "gxf f>i5 fr^fr i STfr^r ^TR gnf^i -sfte^ ^nrr
#>1^ Ndi^t 3txi% farrf «fn stsfrra sn^rm i
^TT -tft m'lH'id ^r»ipr ti4we»i
infct ¥«3T?nfT ^jcT: ucj<(H qftrtrnnwr
f^Ef tmrw i^twnr wrthwt
"^Pnt ^r<rdKcIT I^Rd: ^ ^T" \ \rt I
STT^rntf % ^rf "g^Tf ft xp^t ■mA VKuii ^t %- vti^-i Ttf
"xtfwcT Fm, «i^ -^ft fast % 1^, R«arr ^t wt W1<+.K
<^<•1 oilcli %> % fcT^ "tt ttetTft ^TT mIu-sii "ffH "tft^Tft "SRI
fxt ^RxinsTf %r ^RWR ^R<n \ i

trf^isf ^r XT^ xra "TratW "TO:

UIH?flH<<N VHtelt XR: ttxiHId, «|4M\HI
fftTTY tTFft xtTR 'fJTtT xtf^TT ^xr^gf: | ^ I
<<!ull, T~Z., fst, "tR 3>^<., ^Rl, 3tfxR sftf Hcci fR 3X13" ell<^i Ml ell
3t^T ft -iCM"1 ^fFft RTR^ XJ37 ft^TT M«S| gM, I
% RJRR TRR 3ft TTSTt % 3% R*T5f aftf RJReR R?t RXttfR ?ft aft I
yu-SM^I it ^=2; %J ftRTR TtTftR RR% «f I RR^t 3^5 3lh Rf^HI Riff
cRRi Micil "gf sft I
RFTTc^ MJWMIT R^ft <RPI s^RRpi'if't R'll R'll^i
tfitm^utK -tfmt RRR XR ftRR: ?ftct xftcrrfic ftf?
RrtTTY"- T^pt 'tTJ ^qft MRRciHm RftM URTXT:
tfTR ItTRp ?ft RftfR" XRRf^R q<WJH xftctfWR: I ^ I
^R ofwi RR5 cRRff Rft 5-aai V'lRlR "^R % Rxif Rft aftf RR% SftTft
3R 9ft RtRTTfS tftR "iRRR fXX xsjt RRt 3R rHr % RfRTR RRRR ctRf ft
Tt^Stf R?t WfRfR Rift RTtct «t I RR%> 3R 9ft 3ftt? SIRR RtRt allf XRflR
^ RF2 3^f "g^t % Rt axfsiR? «r I 3XXl% ofRI Rft RRlfR (H«{<M RRT
RRfRT) mihi R>t RRI SPRtlsTtT (fR^J) % Rfff R>1 CRTR RR cftR dm
(tf^RX, %fRRT 3tk RtfRRT RTg") fRRt I
gRTftttrft Rx^fRRR XRT ifRnil
RRtftT: RRtlR ftt-^Wd RTR t'l^d, RRTRRRJ:
fcTRftsr <txr R^ yxTR R3 R?: trjRT WPm:
9ftRT^ fWRt RTRtcRfH ftcTR RT2TR RtRIRR ftR: I W* I

Trgs % tftpt ?pi % fsm^r wft fmm

% I ^tfl *i Mui % "HHM •jftis ^iT dciq 'gSTT «n I -d-lob 3ii<« ^
STFRT fWspi, sFFnsr^rFrTj^stsRTn;
WR% «T I ^=#T d-slwi ^ Pn^lW f^fFTT, 3Wftr «Trm
"cf®n 'H'f.S.M ^cT «*>HC1 % fcT^l ^S % «HM ^ I
Tm-. H^NNXTF^f^
fcrm^Rf wnnr ^RRPT^ W-
^TtSf W f^?T ^TTM^M^Idiy: FnEFrftPT:
ftreRT TTTT ^RHT Wlc^W| MKlfUdH. I ^ I
^ fwz ^1 "C 1 H^mid
•& eft % i ^rnrr (t^t^pt) stff^ fftw % ft Iftr^n eft
% i ^?n, fftwj, alk hei^i ^r -ck"! ftn 3TT?pr % i arqft ^lei^ft
■qTepr ^rtft ft ftft srpp ^ft % i crerrfft ^ -sfft ^ptt ft ^
MIHI, 'T? -3-el »i'|c||*1 fti ^rftt ft ■ST'W wt ^I
WPT PdHdin^ onm ^eft d-^d-^IHd.
ftsW^tr (^V) ^ %Tir ^ W TPdl^^MlPct^d
4t*d: 'Tfftft c*-al "^pT
'Jgl-fl: ^ <IU1«M Tlftt ft ftc^ yefPq^ I I
qFfel ft 'fta ^RT ^fltT I ?* gft ^ft STcrfft ft ftft TFST Tftftl
Tprnr efft i ftt ftft'ift TPd ftr ftft ft -st^ER: %ftei "yft ftt ft ftoscr
wr Efft i dftPt) ftff ft ftj^T frft^T ^rft ftm % i
1Wftr$fft<n STtft? ftftcn ft ft tftftftT ftftT
ft ftfti ftft ^gqftT ftft Trfft ftfft^ftyrf cmP^
eteel ftTWC WPTftTft ft?Tfftft:
ftftltftr ftfftftr t^v Ri^vi ftft?: i t\o i
Pd&lft ft ftft ftizfftf % tftf w ft^T ftrf ftft ^rat %fteT ftftl
ftft ft) ft>KnT Ri<t«M< ftft ftft I s^PttHR ft> ffttft el eel, ftlftftft, ftTftTft-ft
ftftT srrftfti sTTfft ft ft arqft TP«rt ft ft^ ftft ftft tftnft % i 3^ ftft
ftft ftTftft t I ftft ftp? ftftT fftftl ftftft ftft! ftft % ?
Rl^MimdH fftftlfft JPNIftlft ft ftftlfft:

R(<M ftftrrwftcrer WKIP^+K fft


IrnsFtT XF«T ^ 1®RT ^ *ft) ft 341+1^1 -jfTin, XI?,

Sift ^frF % ScTT ?Tl omjicl f^FTI % I 3T?: s-i^h 3Trf^^?TX
cl'M I ?XT fw-Skltl c;"!"! •H' Sl'tilSfll ?t 3Tft)ct>K CntcXlf^RiR ?sn
<X)lclllM<*>K)'FrE ^1 % HHIH ^ I "ffTcX "TpTcT %> XI f^XpTTcT ^rTRT^
TTRTFT ~g3U \ 3TfxT ^
?ft ftrg[Rf Tr«nT ^ ^ ^
xrftrs: xnpst era? ??^ WWrt?;
u+i^r{: -qxf (^v) (H) TPrxpft WSRf:
"WTfR? XF?: ^JT5 f^RT: fyPdddH, I W I
TTf&Tct % ST^XTR XR=XaX TI? ?1% % ?IR^ fXT^RT it
"^ps slk xrfxFg % i ?ti% y+i^i H aufWrxt k % i ?? XRT WHIH
fan i kr? ^ eSM^l'H x% ?? M % i
^ir< UdMI-tl XfncT +cHI^ iJcli>l^ 5IIMHI
x^tcf sCSSraxnfEH? ftRR?: +lc)^«l<iMd:
•ftdWI ?cRFT^R ftrratSekFH ?T3n^Ri?: I
? XfkF: ?ncT XFTcT ?kr ?: +W|m ^ ??: I ^ I
ffe % xra? srt cFF %? xra? ?? 1%XTT? ^kT, XFH Tx^rkf
Xt 3Tfxi?> ycKi^fl ^-tH cpT "^TTXFT c< ici, xnlt XFT? "^T kt? ?>X%
qict, -iteii-qci ?jt klil % Sjelt+iK teKf^H, XT?! <+iK-l % ?t ?iTcT
?? M"IIH ^txxtt ^ i
armnt^r ^ftr a^Rrar ?k ?rrt xrarfir:
IjIcI l H 'if'lfl XTT^kTrTR?
fkW ?: xrrRr HI<51^ hciRI xrRr xT^nvrkT^ ng,:
XTtsxi ^ ftrttw ri; oRfir xmrftRc xfkfkr?? sfr: 1 1
3Tq% 3x1^1 ^x kxr ?m xgt? k tki% ^rtanx ?4 snft gan
SvKI XPT? XIX MIC1H <ti<"l Ictei XI? 'Ip^lcl ?? wt XTT^?? HK.CI %, ^ft 'XIX
sfk srax ^ fk?? ?? HICH <t><e4 %, xk ^rk Hfcioi ?»t x^n kr fork snk
?Fft ?T«r so'-K ?)X snkr iH? k elk % fenx CIHK x?k %, t^R?n kVer
FsFftef xitxil % XTTR U<=FlPi?lcl %, ^ % kwt XT?T -fleiNel k
TcJ^eft -oelcl HMId 5>C1 XTXJXT
W^ei^ "^fsx nP'itisftr ftr^[
fk^RT ?xnffxr «ner ktk
HHsbA aqxfk ftr« (^Y) tk?: XFFm: (Xo<\)

<i-Slyi % XtRnS TRTJ^T drMH sft ?[RT Mum

sik wmhcii cT«n % Rro. RTSFCT
^ ^ ^r y+i^i trth fsn i
!tcn«M: W'+m I ^ ^TPT
am ^jstt:
u^trt ftc«rr: w smir w: (?Vo)
qoqpr *icn^ I ^ i -
tTT TF2T if ift cran TT^eff % ^ ^T WR
^v t i stRT mgr % "?p "?eTl^
^r i
^fhrFrrfr JFT; FTT^:
CH<IFN< w^m^nhsFT f^n ht in^if ^FT ^«TT
dVHI^"^ "^s ^ "TRnf W8?
TTtt^nr^ ^t«R: epcdl^MI I ^V9 I
cp*fr ^ft -5^ if ^IRT «ft wRRT t 1 "crm "gRRrf ^n *ft ffenr
^rrm % 1 RIR ift 4f"^d *FT ^qr % 1 sfcr
^r TrfntcT if 3T^fe % TT ^r?f yH^Mlrf % f^gj^ cfRf WRH
ef I
WTZ f^s ftsRfR «rWt Hu^d STf% qjW
ifr^rt dU-S<-dl ofcT «rcT ^cRT c|,u^<c|: #:
^ftSTT -ftwfit ^RFT MfT: ^ ^
■F^T HWlRi^ UTT fcCinild W«r RR: I V\C I
Rf^i-d t3?p wr rt Tr-xf % 1 ^qrRm % cfPr w.-*jj if -nfom
"T? TfK % I iir^I cl^" "fFffPTT ^fcT % I HtcTlfS ftf? %
^pff giq "391 % "qw "if^f "ftf? % ^ if ^rr^r fn+cfi % 1 stw^s
-il^ll"^ if 3«3ff R«R %, OTT 3RRN7R oTT^ %
Mfu^dl ^ ^rafr RTPT ^tdt ReT RT9 % TTTFr ^Ft I
%efm ifHf "qprmRr wcimcA vtii
JINHH "^itcHt Pdfd^ 3^RR" I x\% I
cftaf TRT "^3: % cR tR dldMd % I ^ Sfk ^RTTSff ^T
TfR % U=f+-f dJ|HI«T T^TFf 3pn 9tcft % I 3lft g^trR if
iRT ^rraTTR Ff I
elrta} Tnf !J<\He|mi fir^ w ^HT HIH^ufH, I \%9 I
ti^*< % ^f sTsrf^ \cvi % HPMH
•i^HI f!rfsi 5»ifH^K w yw=f> ^fft wn TPTIH ffr i

^ dlfdcfelij (H«tf MlfycfcH)

^5^ Ji<*(i?i-k>{ wtlcb
(^) WT^-^ ^3TRl3T^^Tgi?f^3Mur

V9^< nxzw
w* A W,^oVS
k. %
V9. 3kk^ Z vs^o.k^vs
6. Z
.% V. ViW$\
k. uaw*
vs^oi^ k. ?W,kk3
X<>^6 V9. ^k,k^U
^o. Vi.^o L ^5fR o V9o
k®. \
V9o. Z vsVk. ^k
<i.o. *w* \
^o. x W^o.^ko
k. U^,W
V3Vk9 K ^U,^k,k^k
1. kvs^ V9.
(tmi'ti q<iui

% ^ %

lo,%\\3^\3 5- K,%\SW,U%
^^^0^05 \3 *W,6X,W,\WX
6 KM.o^oo.W
RIMSW* % ^,6^,66,06^
RWW.Uo *WM)3W6
^(^^rfS) V9VH,^,HU^
^ ^,6\3,^U\ W,W3,\3%K,%V€

UU0,3V>^ ^ ^UXWW*
WWaSW. % ^6^6,60,6^

%. ^6,^,^,606 ? \°,%^&m%>rM
i ^(^4) * wzx,o:$,\°xw$

«b<uiK^idi ^ui: ^^(cbiuiiMsnrwr^iai^ir-^

mm%) - % u^o.n XW*
3TR«T % - K ^ 33^
^cJI^Iui: (U? ^^T3T?7k)
IJehldl^Iuil^cjl J<^|(d ^dl: Mlf^l UWlfc ^5: I (<*^11^
^6^.6^.) ^ M^chl H««H ^ cbl MWIM Mg Pi«blci*i "^f
^ TJ^ tTWT 11^ 1% Pl«hW ^T
3^ii?^5cr(^^T^r3nTWT^tfwf?f) ^t^f i
(^) <Ic| M^CD
f^r SrfVf 3Tlf^ t^T TTRT 3Tlf^
% o IP IHS !£ ^o *^K ^ RH 1?^ R 1??
* o 1^ l^d 1^ Ro H R* R3 RS IV9
o R 1^ R* ? 3 R^ l*d Rd IVo
O R R^ IY* V ** 1*3 R* l?d RV
o IV IHH IVo ICR H d Id |o IVV3 IV^
V3 0 R IH? IHVS iu V9 * RS R? R IH*
6 0 |\9 m |:R d *o RV IVS R^ Rd
% o id IH^ R? 1?^ s V9 Ro Rl^ R^ R
\° o R IHS RS 1^ *3T^ * R^ R l?H I?*
^0 o R^ IV^ IV? R? ^(^r^sn*) S R I? R* Id
5'o o R^ RV IH IH ? * Rd IV IV^ IV3
Vo S R RH 1^ V ^ IV R 133 1**
Ho \ RS 1^ IVd RS H *0 Ro |V9 RV9 Ro
^o % RS Id Ro Ro ? R R 1?? R?
\3o ^ Id IHS 1?^ IH^ V9 V9 R3 R* id R^
do ^ Rd IH* IH? 1?* d o id R3 I** l?*
So ^ Rd HR RH R^ S * R^ R* Ro IH
? Id R? 1?^ IHV9 *cIM S Ro RH IHH l?S
^ RI8 IV3 R? IHH ^ Ro R* IH* Rd
% RH r*o IH© M ? V lo |V\9 IV^ IH\3
* IV RV RV9 IVS V * R* 1? IV3 R^
H * R^ IVd IV |V^ H *0 R* RS l?d 1*^
* V9 R^ R^ IV* IW 6 R RH 1?? IHH
V9 *o RS IHH Rd IV* \9 H R* IH* RS l?*
d ^ Id Rd IHH l?S d 3 R3 M RH R?
S H RV» R 1?^ 1?^ s o R R? Ro IH3
Rwn <;4ui

f^T Tlf^T 3Tlf^ far TifRT3^

£ ^tia ^ RR \\*m * cb<|£ ^o 1^ 13^ r*H RR

^(^Tcira) ^ R^ 1^ 1^^ R R ^ R3 m 13° R*

* IV9 m\3 1^^ R* 3 $ 1U I3<i RtA 13$
V * RO Rva i^ m * * |R$ \\l 10 rxc

U I? RR 13$ 3 IR 1*3 1°
^ i^ ms 13^ ivs $ X R R$ 13^ R3
V9 ^ IRC 13^ I3£ U R'A R$ IR^
6 3 iu RV RR R° 6 R IRR IRR R I3\9
% o IR3 1^3 R^ Ml % R Rd m* l*$ 1*^

*3^ $ m RV9 I3R R

3RT^f o |o |o |o |o
^vm35( amar^r - ^ R<S iro
\6 \%o I^O.irxi^
sRT'Jf M^Itxj - ^
cfciun^aiRwr^f ii^lTsd- ^ \nc r&a

^md chi ^ |^
gir^vii*tt< Ichwi anf^^ i^o
sRHfiE **R

(^) waft?-

Tif^r I^T
0 1^? 1^0 11^^ R IW . vs r r^ 1^ nr*
^ \% m IW1?^ ? S \\\ R R? R*
^ \RR IV^ in RV V RH RV Ro mt\
r m it\v 1^0 •A 0 R IVH RV
^ 1? 1^^ 1^ VS IV R IV^ RR
vs ?'R RY IV IV vs ? RV RVS mVR
L ? RR RV l?d mva & % Ro |V^ R IV^
? Ri m R? iv^ % V RVS Ro R R?
v iu ivh tvd rt\ WT* 0 R R^ RVS R^
6 R? I?? RV9 R^ oM'Ri^YR?
^ m RV9 1^ R ? 0 R® R? V\\ ^
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? RR R<i R % K R lY* R<v RV
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? R*\ R^ R? R? ? ? Ro Rt^ IVH RO
R^ RV Ro iu ? ? RH RV RV RV
Vs Ro R^ RV9 it^ Y v ro ro
^ ? R£ l^o S ■ Vv R^ IV R? IW
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V3 vs R? R^ IVVS RS vs V R Ro |^ |^V
C ? IU IV RV \\\ 6 ^ Rt iv? R
\ u 1^ IV? I® % R^ iva mv iv?

f^T Tlf^T 3TTf^

%\ R^ \6 Ws \16 \ 3Rtf2 % IU RV9 1*3

\X \W RV9 RV mvs * ^ R^ 1^
^ ciio) 1^ R^ RR ^ * * 1* 1^3 1^ Ro
V XO R^, RH R * X RH M RC m3
^o Ro 1*3 mva R^ ^0 RVs 1^ 133 13^

^o M lYrf mo <: \6 IW R^-R^

V9 ^ m R R^ K R0 RH R^ 13
6 ^ RVS Ro \\% |*^ 6 3 R IV3 l^vs l*^

% ^ R^ \\% l\9 RK % 0 R^ \XX \XR R^

x 3^ ^R*I3^1V9'R^
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^"fcrarsnf^^o 13* 13 DR

^IRR SST snf^ 33 RS r^

^05 $iITlf9T3nf^3 R>f 13^ \%X \^Q
(X) m*}\\ - rK

Tif^r snt^ f^T Trf?T3nf^

o io i^ i>jo 5 lu 1^^ I5V3
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9 O |o 1^0 1^ MX 5 u m R^ m*
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o lo 133 \^X 135 ^ R^ M% 15 1^
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ivo o IH RY |^ R^ s R* Ro 130 MX
^o o 1^ iVo-m^f 13^ \ Rt 1** 15^ mt
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o Ro R R^ |^\9 *0 R DR 1^ RC
o iu u W0 U R 13^ 1^ 13^9
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^ 1^ M% m RO ^ 1* 1^ 1* 1*^
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<: 9 RS m R^ IS5 <A Ro M6 R^ I5V3
5 Ro R5 15^ * RV9 R R5 1*
RWH <^1

Trf?T3TTf^ f^T TT^rsnf^

^ Y 1^ l^o * *&$ ^ m 13 13^ i^

^C^TcfRsO 6\^\oR^R 3 *o t*o w mo

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V ° 13* I* I3V9 m \9 |o R>f Ro w<^

V9 V R^f 1^* 1^* \tt \9 ° m i*^

6 6 R6 1* l\3 6 l*° R 13* m

* * I* 133 i*° t^vs * *o \\\ \^\ rv

*o^? 3 13° 133 1** 133

^ nf^rasnf^^ io io io c»>fuiia^
gjt *© R^ R>J IIR nf Ji(d RHWI o wo i^ ife
^ ^IRR 1f?n<TT o 1^

f^T TI% 3UfcJ f^FT Tif?i3nf^

o I® 1^^ l?o H RV R IV* R3
?. o |^ |^ \\% |o *o Rd R R? IW9
o \% \%% 1^0 H R^ R R IVo
o R IH |V\3 |o V * R^ R IV\3 R? 1
, o R |^V9 |^ Ro
A H ? Ro Id R* R^
o R Id R^ \\ d RV Ro R* Ro
\9 o R |^o m R^ V9 ^ R R* m? 1*^
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}o o Ro Rd m© R Ro R3 mvs IVH
?o o RH Ml RH R d |o Ro |IR Rd
Vo o Ro mV9 |Vo m V ^ R* IV9 RH Ro
Ho o R^\n m R H * R* RV RV R?
^o ^ R R^ Ro |V9 V R IV* R? 1*^
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6o * IU RH l^o R d H 1*^ l*H IH* R
% ^ RV3 R IVH RO o R R^ IV* RV
\ R^ RV Ro R* ^ diy ^ R^ IV* IVd IV^
? RV IVd Ro R3 * RH R* RV9 R^
* H l\3 R^ Ro RV ^ R R^ l*^
^ R^ R^ IVo IVH V ? R \\% RH m
H ' d R^ lo Ro Rla H * RV R R R*
^o RV RH R Id V RSl Rd R^ RV9
V9 o R IV^ iu R^ V9 ** R IVd IV* R3
d t R^ iu Rt d ^ R Rd Ro R
? R^ RV9 R^ IV^ o RH Rd Id R^

^if^fi snf^ R^H ^f?i3nf^

\ f^r Vs \\6 \K6 IV3 ^ i? i^ i^ nc
^(^Tcina) ^ 13^ l^^ \x* * c 1^ R 133 is*

1 ^o I^Y \n m ? o R 13 \\o ^

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^ 1^ l?o 1^^ ^ <i RS 1* R* ISO
% \\% we revs \\\ ^ o R<: $9 l^t 1^
V9 ^ i^ \% I«a^ vs VR% 16 IS£ I^S

o m ^ w \v* c 6 RV Ro Rtv 1^3

V C IV* ws \% % o Rvs iu 133 r>R

lo cbil^ S io \u r** 13^

ihicT^t ^ 1!% snf?-

im 3RTif - W |^ M I>fd lo
<*<UIK mw R\f R\9
^icr^t^ra.' JIPI fc-udi anf^t- i^ RO
TO wr^nRtw* m^s io
TOan^^fwrgjTWo R^ i^
«b{U||<a^ TFTH^iT - >{ ra R nR |^ W
O Rd mR R^

anl^% i^ m
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* o Id IU l* 133 3 d RV RIa RV9 R?
o 1*3 H* iw iVd 3 S R m3 R^ IV
V 0
l*^ 133 H IV V S R R* RV IV^
0 Ro |^\3 IV^ RS *0 1* RS R RV8
0 RV R3 RV9 3 R3 IV^ m3 R
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6 * R IW Rd R d ** Id 133 RS 133
% * i^ ivs m" rs <* 3 Ro IVo R£ R^
\o * Ro IVa R3 IVS *0 ^vjJK d R md R ms
3° 3 13* mo iv<A R3 30 v m m^ 1*3 ivs
3° V IR IV^ Id IV 30 0 id mv ro iw
*o tA 1*^ IVs Ro IVH VO 6 R* m3 RV9 RS
CyO ^ RV 1^ m3 13^ S® V RV mo RV RV
^0 d m 1331*^ 1^ ^0 0 RV9 IVd IVS Rd
V9o s 1*^ RV3 Rd IVd V90 d Ro DR IVd R?
do , *0 RV9 R^ R Ro do v 133 iw ms 1*^
So 0 Id Rd RV RS So 0 R^ IV} R R3
s^ * R'* 1*3 iv^ m3 * crTHsT d RS IVS R K9
R Id RV9 R? IW 3 S RS R3 Rd RV
V RV9 IVS RO R^ 3 3 RS 13 R^ 133
V ^ 1*^ m^ w RS V SS Rd IW R^ RS
^ d m id mv 13* S d Rd RS IVS R^
S I3K R3 IV* 1*^ S Rd r mv IV?
V9 u RV R^ Rd m V9 3 Rva ivd r ms
d * r m® rv m^ d S* RV9 RS IS3 md
% 3 R3 IV 1* IVS % d RV9 RO R3 m
r>_- r^_

1° s 1is^ m R^ ^ +<14 ^0 Rd RS \XR R

^o R^ W? R RY X R^ Ro RY IY
*0 \\ R\S R^ IY IY^ Y V3 RY l^o |Yd Id

So S RY RV3 R^ R s ^ R^ IS^ lo Ro
^0 iu R ws R3 s m m R^ R^
V90 S Id 10 Rd RS V3 Y Ro R RY RY
60 XX W R Rd d 3 R Rd HR R^ R^
%o s R IY? IYO mo <* ^ RV3 R^ lYd Rd
^0 ^ RS 1S^ lo Ro

„ cb^uiK ^r *o 1^ 1^ R^ R^
Tdkil 3nf5(t-w 1^ R^ r3 R\9
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O R^ l^vs Rd md
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^ \\% mo m^-io S RC m* Id R^
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V\9^ f^RT^f"!

f^T Tlf?T f^T Tlf^T 3Trf^

^ iu m*9 \ +<14 ^ m RS

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i 1^ R? IR^ 13^ U R R^ R?
\30 i^o mv m\9 \tt \9 C R^ R R^

Co * R rc m 133 c ^ RV-nm RS R^

o i^v R m \R\ % V RO Ro mv IVV9

1° R R<A R^ R^

Ptt m\9 lo 10

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* o io m<i \\x R R^ IV mn IVV9
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O |o l^V l^^ V U 1^9 W
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V9 o io RV m? ivo V IU R^ 19V IVo
6 o 1° i^ V9 V9 IU 19V Ro RV9
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o 1? W IH 9o u RVS m9 m
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0 IV \\% m ivt^ Ho ^ RV.R IRC mv
\3o o m iv<i iv^ ^o ^o iv mn iv^ iv *
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%o o |V9 R^ Rd RV9 Co H IR 19V RR RH
o IC RC R^ Ri\ 0
% % IV9 R? IVo Ro
* o \\% R^ R X cTHI o RC RR m^ W
3 O RV ms Ri IW X R^ RH IHH I9C.
^ R R3 i^ 9 R RV RC m9 RVS
"A ^ iu R^.RVa V 9 IRR m* mt i«
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V9 ^ RC R RV9 R * H R^ RV9 w RV9
6 •R R RV9 m^ RVS \3 ^ RV9 Ro |W IV^
f^T Tlf^T snf^ f^T Trf3T 3Tff^
6 V9 l^ty 1^3 133 ^o O I** 13^ 1^3 I3V9

% 6 1*3 m* wo 13* * <*>^4 *o I* IH 1^* 1^3

\° ^ l*^? 1^ 1*0 * C 13 1*3 IV3 1*3

^o * 13V \\% 1*^ \n ^ iv lY'* iy mo
*0 v i^ 13^ mv 13** V V l^ I3S 13^ RU
^0 * IU m 3 i<: 1* iv^ 13
1^0 ** io wt i*o nt o i3<: i^ 1*0

^0 ^1*3 i^ md \9 *o |** t*v 13* l*\9

V90 t\ \^ \\3 I3V9 iv^ 6 c 1*3 m® m3 M
6o 3 IV9 l*V9 m l*V9 % ^ l*>f 13V3 13V 130
*o V 1*^ 13 13^ 1^3

SrCR3RT'$t^i<in' ^o |^
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MRRIB •&a\

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far Tlf^T snf^ f^i ^iftrsnf^

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0 0 RY RY RS
1? R IU
01^ 1^^ 1^^ Y R R^ RS
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60 V \6 \\0 \\o Rv 60 0 R RS R^ R^
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6 ^ R^ IVY R <: ? m R^ 1^9 R
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% irf^T 3TTf^ f^T Tif^rsnf^

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%o tt 1^ 1^ 13° "tt t to R I^S It l*d

to } Hf It® 1} lo

io io i
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(^o) M&UM VlPl
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fH Tif^rsnf^ f^T Tlf^T 3TFf^

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3° ^0 Rtv \6 md % R lo R^ IYV
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vao ^ RK m R^ V9 6 R^ R^ RV m
60 ^ R Rk IV* 6 ^ R m m<: mvs

S RK IVo R3 % tv RH 1^^ IV^ IV^

\° ^0 |^ |V9 R^ |V^

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o \\ RV9 RC X diy iu mt Ro
o Ro iVd R ^ R IVR R RO
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o R% R% m ^ R RS IV^
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%. x rvs i^r mn i^o X H Rd 1?^ Rd R%
v<:o RRRT*

Tlf^I 3TTf^ f^T Tlf^T 3Tlf^

\o ^ l^d Ro R^ R^ ^ m m R^ R°
^o ^ l\9 R R Rd S RO Ro R^ R

^0 \9 Rk R^ RY mva ^ R1^ R^ ix^ R*

Vo ^O R>f R R R$ X d RO R^ R R
t^o ^ R R^ Rd R^ S<> R<\ R^ R
$0 ? IR^ R R IV* S IS® RS R^ R
V9o ^ R R? W^ R? \3 3 m R^
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^0 U R^ i?x ixx V9 Rt\ m\9 Rd R?
^0 ^ RO M IXH R

SEJoq - ucbK SRST^

diiil ^ «IUMI tl«bdl 11
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^ R* IH Rd Rd
mIti (mil 3ITf^ (Hg ^ 1%) ^ Ro r>^9 r>{o Wo
^ ^iRR cE^T Snf^ o Id W
■flw »fcR-iTivnt ifsnr qi "nltr,
diUM ^ tor 3TI^D
(^) ^ -p^f Tf^
(wr w?r ^ 5?dl=f>)
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^305 M)CH>I 3RR%^T fcmn

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3RR fcimi ^Clcb"? Riyil

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