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AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

The purpose of this document is to highlight the significant changes to the AZ-305:
Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions course from the previous release. This
document is for Microsoft Certified Trainers and Instructors to prepare for teaching the
class. This is not an error log or a supplement to the course materials. This document just
provides additional context so that you can understand the major changes.

Most of the course materials in the MCT Download Center have been updated to fix typos,
broken links, and formatting. Please read the Instructor Preparation Guide which provides
the overall strategy for teaching this course.

Update – 11 February 2022

• Updated the Trainer Case Studies file. There was reference to a Networking case
study that was removed.

Update – 28 January 2022

This update implements changes based on our first teaches of the course. The changes are
primarily to ensure the material fits in the timeframe and provide some higher-level
context. Changes to formatting, typos, rewording, clarity, and technical settings have not
been included in this list. So, we recommend you always download the latest course
• All modules: hands-on exercises. Student feedback suggests that even though the
focus of this course is design and case studies, some students do want a hands-on
component. To address this, we have added optional hands-on exercises to the
Course Outline and each Summary slide/page. The Learn sandbox exercises do not
require an Azure pass. Students should not be given time in class to complete the
exercises, but the exercises are available if they feel it is needed.
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

• Case Study – Fabrikam Residences. Added the Fabrikam Residences case study to
the end of Day 3. Previously this was optional, but recent teaches show there is
time to include the case study. We added case study slides to the Monitoring
module and updated the GitHub page.

• Case study - Networking. Reduced the case study from two case studies to just
one. Adjusted the slide decks and GitHub page.
• Trainer case study solution guide. The case study solution guide has been updated
to reflect the Fabrikam Residences and networking case study changes.
• Module 04: Design a data storage solution for relational data
o Updated the Database scaling strategy slide. There is a table row to focus
on SQL DB and MI scalable performance and pools.
o Updated the When to use Azure Cosmos DB slide to include common use
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

o Updated What Cosmos DB APIs are supported decision tree to cover only
the Cosmos DB APIs.

• Module 05: Design data integration solutions.

o On the Compare Azure Data Lake to Azure Blob storage slide, removed the
table row on geographic redundancy which Data Lake now provides.
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

o Moved the Stream Analytics slide ahead of the Hot/warm/cold slide. Did
not change the Learn content order. Added a reminder in the instructor
notes under the slide.

• Module 06: Design an application architecture solution. Added a slide on What is

Infrastructure as Code slide.

• Module 06: Design an application architecture solution. Added a few more tools
and links in the Notes on the Provision resources with Infrastructure as Code slide.

• Module 07: Design an authentication and authorization solution. Added a Follow

the Zero Trust model guidelines slide to introduce the materials.
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

• Module 09: Design a network infrastructure solution. Added a Defense in Depth

slide to review previous security features and how network security fits into the

• Module 09: Design a network infrastructure solution. Added a slide on Global

transit network with Virtual WAN. This helps to complete the discussion since this
is a new feature.
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Change Log

Update – 8 December 2021

• Updated the Trainer Prep Guide to be clarify when we are referring to Skillpipe
Modules vs Learn Modules. The document now reflects Skillpipe and the Course

First release – 19 November 2021

• First release of the course.

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