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Uganda martyrs university

Faculty of BAM
Introductions to computer application Practical and
take home Exam
1. Upload your work on moodle
2. You will present your work for the award of marks

Question 1.A Computer 15marks

I. Why do we use computers as students? 3marks
II. Explain the Information Processing Cycle in detail 3marks
III. Explain different types of computers 3marks
IV. What is a software and explain different types of software’s 3marks
V. What is internet? 3marks

Question2.Use the following text to answer the bellow questions

BOU Reforms Monetary Policy Framework

In July 2011, the Bank of Uganda reformed its monetary policy framework to meet the
challenges of macroeconomic management generated by the transformation of the economy over
the last 10 years, and in particular the rapid growth and diversification of the financial system.
These reforms entail the transition to an inflation targeting lite monetary policy framework.

The primary policy objective of monetary policy remains unchanged: the control of core
inflation over a medium term horizon. The reforms to the monetary policy framework are
intended to strengthen implementation of Uganda’s medium term macroeconomic framework.

As part of the process of introducing an inflation targeting lite monetary policy framework, the
Bank of Uganda sets an interest rate as the operating target of monetary policy. The interest rate
is called the Central Bank Rate (CBR) and is used to guide the 7 day interbank interest rate.

The CBR is set once a month and is publicly announced, so that it clearly signals the stance of
monetary policy during the month. The CBR is set at a level which is consistent with moving
core inflation towards the BOU’s policy target of 5 percent over the medium term.

Click on the link below a presentation on Inflation Targeting, by Dr. Adam Mugume, Ag.
Executive Director Research, Bank of Uganda. He made the presentation during an Inflation
Targeting Monetary Policy Framework Seminar for Business Editors and Reporters on Thursday
June 23, 2011 at Grand Imperial Hotel, Kampala.
Balance of Payments Outlook
in the short-term (6 months ahead), the external sector performance will be contingent on the
evolution of the pandemic & efficacy of vaccination, global financial markets, regional trade
disputes and IMF Executive Board approval of the recent review of the ECF program.
The CAD is anticipated to narrow.
▪ The trade deficit is expected to widen as import growth continues to outpace the growth in
exports due to a pick-up in domestic demand following the full opening of the economy;
▪ The services deficit is expected to narrow due to a pick-up in travel receipts as increased
of vaccinations will support tourists confidence.
▪ In addition, the secondary income surplus is expected to increase due to high budget support
grant inflows in support of the post-pandemic economic recovery and strengthening of workers
The financial account surplus is likely to widen.
▪ FDI inflows is expected to recover in line with the positive outlook for Uganda’s oil sector
following the conclusion of the FID.
▪ Portfolio flows are likely to revert to historical trends as interest rates in AEs rise.
▪ Loan disbursements will increase in support of new & existing public sector projects.
▪ Budget support inflows (incl. the potential $500mn syndicated loan with SCB) would further
support the FA surplus.

The MPC assessed that the economic recovery continues to require monetary
policy support.
Based on an assessment of the current macroeconomic situation and the outlook,
and balance of risks, the MPC judged that keeping CBR unchanged at 6.5% would
be consistent with meeting the inflation target of 5% sustainably in the medium term
while supporting economic growth recovery.
The band on the CBR is also maintained at +/-2 percentage points on the CBR and
the margins on the rediscount rate and bank rate have been kept unchanged at 3
and 4 percentage points on the CBR, respectively.
The BoU will continue with credit relief measures for those sectors like education
and hospitality, which remained under lockdown for an extended time.
➢ Furthermore, BoU will maintain the Covid-19 Liquidity Assistance program (CLAP)
to manage potential liquidity risks arising from the pandemic until the economic
situation normalises


Use the above text to answer the following questions

1. Capitalize the first paragraph of the text and bold it underlines it and italic it. 5 marks
2. Give the second paragraph a background color of your choice and give it a fort
Stonehenge and fort size 20. 5mks marks

3. Insert 2pictures of your choice in your work, insert 2 shapes of your choice as well join
the two shapes with the double arrow, write your two names in each shape and add color
inside the shapes 10 marks

4. Justify and page number your work. 5 marks

5. Insert a watermark of your two names in your work. 5 marks

6. Page numbers this document in roman numerals(i-iii),Numbers(1-3)and Algebra(a-c)

accordingly and generate an automatic table of contents should be on the first page,
number it Roman i. 15 marks

7. Save the work and give it a file name MsWORD 5 marks

Question 3. Open a new Microsoft excel sheet and use it to organize the

following data.

Karyesubula Peter is a lecturer of introduction to computer; he gave his class two

tests and awarded marks accordingly.

Kiyingi Christopher test one 66% test two 55%

Kabanda alpha test one 60% test two 70

Katusiime John test one 60% test two 69%

Ninsima Innocent test one 70% test two 80%

Musime patric test one 50% test two 70%

Ayo Christine test one 60% test two 67% 5 marks



 Average of each student 5 marks

 Sum of the each student 5 marks
 Present the above marks on a bar graph and pie chart 5 marks
 Save the work and name the file EXCEL 5 marks

 Upload your work on moodle in the folder called computer literacy final exam
deadline is 8th March 2022
 The day of presentation will be communicated through your class representatives
for Nkozi campus presentations will be on Thursday 10th 2022

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