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I. Fill in the blank with the given adjectives (4 points – 1 point each)

1. Maria has hair.

black, beautiful, thick

2. I saw the table this morning.

wooden, ugly, round

3. She looks so elegant in her coat.

wool, Italian, long

4. They bought a lot of furniture on the trip.

Indian, old, interesting

II. Choose the correct word (6 points – 1 point each)

1 I am (disappointing/ disappointed) with the film. I think it is better.

2 Are you (interesting / interested) in football?

3 The new project sounds (exciting / excited). I want to work on it.

4 lt's (embarrassing / embarrassed) when you ask people for money.

5 Do you easily get (embarrassing /embarrassed)?

6 I never think I can get the job. I am really (amazing/ amazed) when I am
offered it.

III. Choose a, b, c, d that best completes the sentence (5 points – 1 point


1. – Who helped ____ with the work? – They did it ____.

a. their/ they b. they/ them c. they/ theirs d. them/


2. Mary is independent. She likes doing things on ____ own.

a. she b. her c. herself d. hers

3. ___ ideas are different from ____, but I am sure _____ are still good friends.

a. You/ my/ our b. Yours/ I/ us c. Your/ mine/ we d. Yourself/ my/ we

4. You can’t have any fruit. It’s all ___.

a. mine b. my c. our d. their

5. She is not as clever as ____ expect.

a. we b. our c. ours d. us

IV. Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to .... (10 points – 2 point each)
1. They denied _______________ the money. (steal)

2. I don't enjoy ______________very much. (drive)

3. I can't afford _______________out tonight. I don't have enough money. (go)

4. Has it stopped __________ yet? (rain)

5. We were unlucky to lose the game. We deserved ____________. (win)

V. For each sentence, fill in the blank with either the adverb or the adjective.
(5 points – 1 point each)

1. James did not want to wake his girlfriend, so he left ________.

a) quiet b) quietly

2. I can't understand him. He doesn't speak very ________.

a) clearly b) clear

3. We had a ________ time in Mexico City.

a) greatly b) great

4. I understood the question, but I couldn't answer very ________.

a) quickly b) quick

5. I don't have a ________ time making friends.

a) hardly b) hard
VI. Choose the correct answers (20 points – 2 point each)

1. Everybody (was-were) asked to be quiet.

2. Sixty days (is-are) not enough time to complete the project.

3. All of the workers (is-are) receiving their bonus.

4. On our street (is-are) many tall trees.

5. The value of cars and motorcycles (has-have) increased.

6. Either the pitcher or the base runners (was-were) caught napping.

7. The class (is-are) turning in their registration forms today.

8. A number of young girls (is-are) singing out there.

9. Neither of us (is-are) going to work.

10. The number of private schools (has-have) increased lately.

VII. Complete these sentences with the correct verb tense (20
points – 2 point each)

1. She paid for her ticket and ……………………………… (leave)

2. I closed the door quietly because he ……………………………… (sleep)
3. How many times ……………………………… since he came to New York? (she call)
4. They ……………………………… television – their favourite programme is on at the
5. I wanted to be the first to tell her the news, but it was too late. Someone
……………………………… her. (already tell)
6. I think she is the nicest person I ……………………………… (ever meet)
7. Mary was cleaning the windscreen when she ……………………………… a crack in
the glass.
8. I couldn’t open the office door because someone ………………………………it.
9. I agree. I ……………………………… you should apologize. (not think)
10. When I phoned her, she ……………………………… her homework.
VIII. Reading (10 points – 2 point each)

This reading passage has 5 sections A-E. Choose the most suitable heading
for each section from the list.

List of headings

i. The Union
ii. Meeting the Chancellor
iii. A different way of learning
iv. Free time
v. Student discounts
vi. The first week – what happens

1. Section A .......................
2. Section B .......................
3. Section C .......................
4. Section D .......................
5. Section E .......................

Many people think life comes with no guarantees. However, freshers’week at

university is guaranteed to be the most fun (and the most expensive) week of
your life. you meet many new people (a lot of whom you never see again after
the first 2 weeks), find your way around campus, and spend lots of money on
tuition and accommodation and, of course, on going out. The purpose of
freshers’week is to get all the students registered on their courses, allow
everyone to settle into their accommodation, get timetables sorted out and to
receive an introductory talk from the Chancellor of the university. The real
reason for most people to attend fresher’s week is to have a really good time.

Unfortunately, you have to go through with the registration and talks, or you
may not be listed in course timetables, not receive a union card (essential to
student life) and quite possibly have no grant cheque. For registration, find out
where and when you are due to register. This information is usually sent to
you in the post before you go to the university. The time you register probably
depends on which course you are taking, and the initial letter of your surname.
Those people with surnames A-H are usually early-morning registration

It soon becomes clear at the end of registration that it is all worthwhile, when
you are finally given your passport to student life: the Students’Union card.
This small credit card-sized ID card gets you into many nightclubs cheaply,
gets you discounts at quite a few shops and fast food chains, and, most
importantly, gets you into the Students’Union. The Students’Union is where
students spend most of their evenings in fresher’s week. Throughout
freshers’week, remember this golden rule: enjoy yourself. Do not go to the
bookshop and buy all the books on the reading list with the idea of finishing
them before lectures start. You do have to work when the term begins, but not
during freshers’week.

The approach to work at university is very different from work at a school or

college. You are expected to do a great deal of studying outside lectures,
without being asked to do it. Most degree courses have some time set aside
for small groups of students to meet a tutor and discuss any questions they
have about the lecture, and also to go over problem sheets. It is essential to
prepare for these before the classes. Each week, make a note of any problems
you have understanding work in lectures, and mention these in your tutorial.

Try to take advantage of what free time you have to the full. Using your free
Wednesday afternoon (set aside by most universities as an afternoon off, for
sporting activities) to play your favourite sport is a great way to relax.

IX. Listening (20 points – 2 point each)

PART 1 You will hear a young man talking to the administrator of a climbing
club. Complete his application form with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

Mountain High Climbing Club

Membership Application form
Last name: (1)…………..
Age: (2).................
Address: (3)……………… Highbury Square, LONDON, W1
Telephone number: 07209 (4 )................................................
Health problem s: No
PART 2 Choose A, B or C

1. The leader of the seminar is studying ...

a. education.
b. educational psychology.
c. psychology.

2. Intelligent people ...

a. do well in their education without making an effort.
b. do not do as well as they could without good studying habits.
c. do not need good study habits.

3. For every class hour students should study .................. additional hours.
a. two
b. three
c. four

4. Students should ...

a. help other students.
b. make sure they organise information.
c. be responsible for their own learning.

5. After class students should ...

a. discuss the main points of the class with another student.
b. read the notes on the website.
c. read materials on the reading list.

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