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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Linguistic 3

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Analyze character development in short stories.
b. Identify character traits, motivations, and conflicts; and
c. Create and develop characters in their own short stories.
II. Subject matter
Topic :Short Stories
Lesson : Exploring Character Development in Short Stories
Reference/s : Structure of English
500-word essay rubrics. (2017, March 10).

Materials : Visual aid, paper and pen

III. Teaching procedures

A. Preliminary Activities:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
 Rules & Regulations
 Review

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity:
 The teacher will provide a sheet of paper containing daily
activities. The students will fill in the blanks how often they
do the actions.
2. Analysis
 The teacher will ask the students what they have observed in
the activity.
 The teacher will explain that there are many types of adverb
and adverb of time is one of them
3. Abstraction
 The teacher explain further the types of adverbs to elicit
understanding of the lesson’s content.
 The teacher will ask the students their ideas about adverbs.
 The teacher will discuss the different types of adverbs before
4. Application
 The teacher will let the students perform a group activity. The
students will play the game of charades to immense their
selves in the different uses of adverbs.
 Students are given the instruction first before proceeding to
their respective groupmates.
IV. Assessment
 In 500 words, the students will write an essay about their childhood
experiences using the different classes of adverbs.
Essay Rubrics

V. Assignment

Research and study the comparison and special uses of adverbs. Print your output
in a short bond paper, Arial, double space, 1.5 spacing. Due will be on Monday.

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