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Pavement Evaluation

Maintenance and Rehabilitation


Dr. Fazli Karim
Maintenance and Rehabilitation
• It is important to distinguish between the terminology rehabilitation and
• The Asphalt Institute defines maintenance as; routine work to keep a
pavement as close to its designed level of serviceability as possible,
• The terms can vary from one agency to another. In some jurisdictions, for
example, overlays with a thickness of less than 38 mm (1.5 in.) are
considered maintenance, and those of greater thickness are considered
capital improvements,
• Rehabilitation, involves more extensive restoration efforts to improve the
pavement's structural integrity and extend its service life when it has
significantly deteriorated. In short, maintenance keeps the pavement in
serviceable/ good condition, while rehabilitation restores it when it has
deteriorated beyond what maintenance can manage or when maintenance
is not viable (feasible). This can include activities like resurfacing,
overlaying, partial or full-depth repairs, and recycling of the pavement
Maintenance includes
• Preservation of existing pavement surfaces
• Resurfacing of less than the nominal overlay thickness
• Resurfacing a short length of pavement
• Patching and repair of minor failures
• Under-sealing of concrete slabs

Nominal overlay thickness refers to the specified or intended thickness of an overlay material applied to a surface in various
engineering and construction contexts. This term is commonly used in construction industries such as road construction,
flooring, and coatings. The nominal thickness is the planned or target thickness that designers and engineers specify in
project documents and is intended to achieve certain performance criteria or aesthetic qualities.
In more detail:
Road Construction: In road construction, the nominal overlay thickness is the planned thickness of a layer of asphalt or
concrete applied over an existing roadway to restore its surface quality, improve its structural capacity, or extend its lifespan.
For example, a nominal overlay thickness of 2 inches of asphalt might be specified for a roadway rehabilitation project.
Points to be Remembered?
Evaluation Process
• Pavement evaluation is the first step in the process of
developing pavement rehabilitation alternatives for a
• It is the process of learning the existing pavement system
to understand the extent and cause of problems prior to
developing a rehabilitation plan
Evaluation Process
Evaluation Tools and Techniques
• They are categorized into three major activities:
• Assess the functional characteristics (ride quality and
surface friction)
• Conduct condition and distress surveys
• Perform structural testing
• (nondestructive and destructive).
Functional Characteristics and
Ride Quality – Driver's satisfaction
Ride quality refers to the comfort and smoothness experienced by passengers when traveling in a
vehicle. It is a measure of how well a vehicle absorbs and manages road irregularities, vibrations,
and impacts to provide a pleasant and stable journey. Several factors contribute to ride quality,
• Suspension System: The design and tuning of the suspension play a crucial role in ride quality. A
well-designed suspension system can absorb shocks and bumps from the road, minimizing the
transmission of these forces to the passengers.
• Tires: Tire type, size, pressure, and tread pattern can significantly affect ride comfort. Tires with
good shock-absorbing properties and appropriate tread design can enhance ride quality.
• Vehicle Structure: The rigidity and design of the vehicle's chassis and body can influence how
vibrations and impacts are transmitted to the cabin. A well-constructed vehicle will reduce noise
and vibration, improving ride quality.
• Seating Comfort: The design, padding, and ergonomics of the seats contribute to passenger
comfort, affecting the overall perception of ride quality.
• Noise Insulation: Effective soundproofing materials and techniques can reduce the amount of
road and wind noise entering the cabin, contributing to a quieter and more comfortable ride.
• Driving Conditions: Road surface conditions, speed, and driving style also impact ride quality.
Smooth, well-maintained roads provide a better ride quality compared to rough or uneven
It may be defined as,
Ride Quality
• The ability of a highway to serve its intended function is greatly
affected by its ride quality, which depends on changes in the profile of
the riding surface.
• It was demonstrated in terms of present serviceability index, PSI
(ability of a specific section of pavement to serve high-speed, high
volume, mixed traffic in its existing condition)
• Ride quality of a highway section is more closely related to surface
profile characteristics.
Ride Quality Measurement
• Since the late 1980's, the common unit of measure for reporting
ride quality has been the International Roughness Index (IRI).
• The IRI estimates the response of a reference vehicle at traveling
speed to the measured longitudinal profile.
• It is reported in units of inches/mile (m/km) measured by
• Ascending values indicate rougher pavement.
• IRI values of less than 95 in./mi. indicates good to very good ride
• IRI values less than 170 in./mi. indicates acceptable ride quality.
Road Profilometer

Measurement principle of laser

profilometer for rutting
measurements. The measurement
area is determined by the Finnish
standard in the way that laser beams
3-7 should locate at the left rut. Such
a system can cover a 3.2-m-wide area
of the pavement, with point spacing
of 11-30 cm across the road.
merely adequate" or "of only
ordinary quality." A "C" is
a mediocre grade for students.
An interstate road, commonly referred to as an interstate highway, is one of the main roads that go
across states to connect many cities. This network of highways is designed for high-speed, long-distance travel
across cities/ states and is a crucial component of the national transportation infrastructure. Key features and
characteristics of interstate roads include:
• Controlled Access: Interstate highways have limited access points, typically only at interchanges with other
highways or major roads. This design minimizes interruptions from cross traffic and reduces the risk of
• Multiple Lanes: Most interstate highways have multiple lanes in each direction, often ranging from two to
five lanes per direction, to accommodate high traffic volumes and facilitate smoother flow of vehicles.
• Medians and Barriers: Interstates often feature medians or physical barriers between opposing directions of
traffic to enhance safety and prevent head-on collisions.
• High-Speed Limits: Interstate highways are designed for high-speed travel, with speed limits typically ranging
from 55 to 85 miles per hour, depending on the state and specific road conditions.
• Signage and Markings: Interstate highways have standardized, clear, and consistent signage and road
markings to aid navigation and ensure that drivers can travel safely and efficiently.
• Rest Areas and Services: Along interstate highways, there are regular rest areas, service stations, and
amenities to support long-distance travel, providing places for drivers to rest, refuel, and get food and other
• Economic and Strategic Importance: Interstate highways are vital for commerce, enabling the efficient
movement of goods across the country. They are also crucial for national defense, providing key routes for
military and emergency services.
• No loading/ unloading, Highway fences, etc.
• Overall, the Interstate Highway System is designed to support safe, efficient, and high-speed travel across
the country, playing a critical role in the country's transportation infrastructure.
Surface Friction (skid resistance)
• It is an important functional quality that affects highway safety.
• Many highway agencies measure surface friction on selected sections
of their pavement network on a routine basis
British Pendulum Tester
• It includes a pendulum on which a rubber slider is mounted.
• Pendulum is raised into position and released.
• The slider contacts the surface at the end of the downswing.
• At the end of the upswing, a pointer indicates a British
Pendulum Number (BPN), which is related to the distance that
the slider travels.
• The procedure is performed on a cleaned and wetted
pavement surface.
• The results of four test repetitions are averaged to yield the
BPN for that location.
Structural Characteristics and
• Structural characteristics and their evaluation is used to
determine the current structural adequacy of the pavement
system and to predict its future service life with respect to
projected traffic use.
• Structural characteristics or performance is described in terms
of pavement distresses.
Process of Full-Depth Reclamation
Preliminary Assessment and Design:
• Condition Assessment: Evaluate the existing pavement structure and determine the
suitability of FDR.
• Material Testing: Conduct tests to determine the properties of the existing materials
and the appropriate stabilizing agent.
• Equipment: A reclamation machine (reclaimer) is used to pulverize the existing
pavement and underlying materials to a specified depth, typically between 6 to 12
inches (15 to 30 cm).
• Depth Control: The depth of pulverization depends on the thickness of the existing
pavement and the design requirements.
Addition of Stabilizing Agents:
• Stabilizers: Common stabilizing agents include cement, lime, asphalt emulsions, and
fly ash. These are added to enhance the strength and durability of the reclaimed
• Mixing: The stabilizing agent is uniformly mixed with the pulverized material using
the reclaimer.
• Compaction Equipment: Rollers are used to compact the reclaimed and stabilized material to
achieve the desired density and structural integrity.
• Moisture Control: Proper moisture content is essential during compaction to ensure optimal
binding and strength.
Shaping and Grading:
• Grading: The reclaimed layer is shaped and graded to ensure proper surface drainage and a
smooth base for the new pavement.
• Profile Adjustment: Adjustments may be made to the road profile to correct any pre-existing
surface irregularities.
Surface Application:
• Curing: The stabilized base is allowed to cure for a specified period, depending on the
stabilizing agent used.
• New Pavement: A new asphalt or concrete surface layer is applied over the stabilized base to
complete the pavement structure.
Benefits of Full-Depth Reclamation

• Cost-Effective: FDR can be more economical than traditional reconstruction

methods because it reuses existing materials and reduces the need for new
materials and transportation costs.
• Sustainability: By recycling the existing pavement materials, FDR minimizes waste
and reduces the environmental impact associated with the extraction and
processing of new materials.
• Improved Pavement Performance: The stabilized base created through FDR often
results in a stronger and more durable pavement structure, capable of better
supporting traffic loads.
• Reduced Construction Time: FDR can be completed more quickly than full
reconstruction, minimizing disruptions to traffic and reducing overall project
• Versatility: FDR can be used on a variety of road types and conditions, making it a
flexible solution for many pavement rehabilitation projects.
Applications of Full-Depth Reclamation

• Highways and Main Roads: Used to rehabilitate heavily trafficked roads that
require a strong and durable pavement structure.
• Urban and Rural Roads: Suitable for local roads and streets, providing a cost-
effective solution for municipalities with limited budgets.
• Industrial and Commercial Areas: Applied in areas with heavy vehicle traffic,
such as industrial parks and commercial zones, where pavement durability is
• Full-depth reclamation is a highly effective and sustainable pavement
rehabilitation method that offers numerous benefits, including cost savings,
environmental advantages, and improved pavement performance. By recycling
and stabilizing existing materials in place, FDR provides a strong foundation for
new pavement layers, ensuring a longer-lasting and more resilient roadway.
What? In today's environment, the practice of remove and replace has
become impractical from the standpoint of cost and environmental
impact. A very popular reconstruction alternative is known as Full-
Depth Reclamation (FDR). FDR is an in-place recycling method for
reconstruction of existing flexible pavements using the existing
pavement section material as the base for the new roadway-wearing
surface. This process can include adding chemicals to the base layer in
order to increase its strength capacity. The treatment of the base layer
and recycled asphalt provides a stronger foundation for present and
future traffic. This process effectively produces a cost-effective solution
that maximizes limited budgets.
• The new chemically treated base section provides engineering benefits
that perform as a foundation for the new wearing surface. These benefits
include higher unconfined compressive strength than the previous
unbound aggregate base material, and lower permeability of the treated
base which reduces the influence of water, the main reason for premature
pavement failures. Stabilization of the reclaimed pavement can be done by
mechanical, chemical, or bituminous means.
• Mechanical stabilization methods include the addition of:
• Virgin aggregate
• Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
• Crushed Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)
• Chemical stabilization is achieved with the addition of:
• Lime
• Portland Cement
• Fly ash
• Cement kiln dust
• Calcium/magnesium chloride
• Other proprietary chemical products
Bituminous stabilization can be accomplished with the use of:
• Liquid asphalt
• Asphalt emulsion
• Foamed Asphalt
For increased stabilization requirements, combinations of all three can also be used.
• Why? The advantages of FDR are considerable compared to remove and replace
reconstruction. It provides the benefit of being equal or better in performance
while also minimizing the consumption of fuel and natural resources. FDR treats
all types of failures to the highest severity. It eliminates ruts, rough areas, and pot
holes. It also eliminates alligator, transverse, longitudinal, and reflection cracking.
In addition, it FDR restores the grade contours to allow for better surface
• When? FDR can be performed in place of traditional remove and replace
reconstruction. FDR takes cold in-place recycling to the next level by grinding up
the old pavement and using it as a stronger foundation for the new roadway. This
is beneficial in cases where reconstruction is necessary in order to increase the
structural capacity of the roadway due to increased vehicle traffic.

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