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Class VI - History, Geography, and Civics

Total Marks: 40

Time: 2 Hours

Section A: Variety of Questions (1 mark each)

1. What is history?

2. Define diversity.

3. Name the planet closest to the Sun.

4. What do historians use to study the past?

5. Define the term 'archaeology.'

6. What is the solar system?

7. Name any two sources of history.

Section B: Answer in 20-30 words (2 marks each)

1. What is the significance of the Earth in the solar system?

2. How did early humans shift from hunting-gathering to growing food?

3. What are the key differences between primary and secondary sources of history?

4. What are the main features of the Earth?

5. How does studying history help us understand the present?

Section C: Answer in 40-60 words (3 marks each)

1. Describe the process of hunting and gathering.

2. Explain the different types of diversity in India.

3. How did the discovery of fire change the life of early humans?

Section D: Answer in 60-80 words (5 marks each)

1. How did the transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture impact early human societies?

2. Discuss the significance of understanding diversity in a society.

Section E: Map Work (4 marks)

1. On a map of the solar system, mark and label the Earth and its neighboring planets.

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