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Centre Number Examination Number 2/22) eee] 2) 2/8/22 2/8 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ZAMBIA Examination for School Certificate Ordinary Level Computer Studies Paper 1 Thursday 16 NOVEMBER 2023 Time: 2 hours 40 minutes Marks: 70 Instructions to Candidates 1 Write the centre number and your examination number on every page of this question paper. 2 There are two sections in this paper. Section A For Examiner's Use _| onde For Mark [Examiner's Section A: There are twelve questions. Answer all. [candidate's | Obtained | Initiale Section B: There are three questions. Answer two | Section A | _—~ questions only. Question one is 1 compulsory. Choose one from the as other two. 5 ~ 3 Write all your answers in the spaces provided a 3 in this question paper. 5 4 Tick (¥) the question you have attempted in 6 Section B in the grid for Candidate’s Use provided. 7 8 Information for Candidates 7 1 The number of marks is given in brackets [Jatthe [a | | end of each question or part question. ra : 2. Section A has 50 marks and Section B 20 marks. 2 3. Cell phones and other electronic devices are Section 8 not allowed in the examination room. a @ _ @ s Tota DECHISCIREIRS This question paper consists 12 printed pages Centre Number Examination Number Page 2 of 12 1 SECTION A: [50 MARKS] ‘Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided. 1 (a) _ Give one difference between data and information. Data .... Information .... (b) Name a device that can be used to capture analogue data at a point-of-sale in a supermarket. a) (©) __ State the smallest data size that can be stored in a computer system. ie [Total: 4 marks] 2 (@) _ Give the use of a data bus and an address bus in a computer system. (i) Data bus ... (ii) Address bus .. (b) State the purpose of a program counter in data Processing. (1) (Total: 3 marks] Give two advantages of using a tailor-made software to a company, 1 3 @) ‘Compiter tusies/7010/1 2 o Centre Number Examination Number PELE ELT TET ae (b) (i) Give one example of open-source software. a) (ii) State one advantage of using open-source software. a) [Total: 4 marks] 4 The following diagram shows a logic circuit used to operate an electronic device. = 8 oo (a) (i)_ Identify the logic gate L. fon fea} (ji) State the purpose of logic gate M in the circuit. ea} (b) Complete the truth table for the NAND gate. A B OUTPUT 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 [4] [Total: 6 marks] ‘computer Studies 7010 a Oe 2 8 [urn over Centre Number Exerination Number Page 4 of 12 | 5 (a) __ Give one benefit of converting hardcopy books to electronic books (e-books) (b) Name one hardware used to convert hardcopy books to electronic books for an eclibrary. Q] (©) State one other role of a librarian in e-library apart from converting hardcopy books to e-books. (d) Give one disadvantage of e-library to users. [Total: 4 marks] 6 (a) Complete the following table by filling in the missing information. Position Responsibility Network Administrator (| Monitors and tracks criminal activities such as fraud and hacking, a (b) Explain why most companies do not allow their em, iployees to cont it computing devices to the company network, inect their personal a) marks] camps Sen010 20 2 3 Centre Number Examination Number [es 7 8 c 5 1 SALARY SCALE 2 £ 75 4 F 9.2 4 @ 10.5 § H 12.6 s ane ‘Salary Scale | Contract hours | Salary 7 kamave E 34 255] 8 Walubita F a Zar 3. pita 6 72 756| 10 _ Crankshaft 4 33 667.8 11 Bemuda E 34 255] 42. Supuni F 8 395.6] 13 _ Hamudala € 7] 756) a TOTAL 3692.6) 18 (a) _ State the use of the feature labelled X. (b) State the adjustment applied to cells A1, B1 and C1. Page 5 of 12 ‘The following spreadsheet shows the salary scales and contract hours of seven workers. a Q) (€) Write the function that was entered in cell DB to calculate the salary for Walubita Computer Studies 701071 (2) (Total: 4 marks] [Turn over Page 6 of 12 [ Cente Number | Ae Examination Number | Ld LT 8 The following diagram illustrates how information is transferred from one computer to another on the Internet. (2) Name the hardware on Computer A which enables it to connect to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). (b) State one other service provided by the ISP to the Internet. (c) Name the method used to protect infor A to Computer B. (1) users apart from connections to Ol] mation being transferred from Computer QO) (d) _ State the feature on the Internet that enables computers to locate resources. Computer Studies/7010/1 QO) Cotal: 4 marks] Centre Number Examination Number ; Page 7 of 12 9 (a) _ State two data types in Python. 1 Q) 2 QO) (b) Explain the meaning of the term ‘debugging’. (21 [Total: 4 marks] 10 Ata commercial farm, robots can perform a variety of tasks such as planting, weeding, spraying and picking of crops. (a) _ Give one sensor that is used in the robot when performing tasks at the farm. (1) (b) State one disadvantage of using robots in agriculture, QO) (©) Give one activity that can be programmed in the robot using turtle instructions. 1 (4) Explain how a recently programmed robot can be ‘trained’ to perform a new task at the farm. 2) [otal: 5 marks] Computer Studien/701011 2 02 3 (urn over Centre Number Examination Number Page 8 of 12 I at 11 (a) __ Give one skill required in performing the following tasks: (i) Project Plannir ami TAY. (Project Monitoring: - 1 (b) Name two types of schedules used to monitor the progress of a project. 1 Q) 2 Q) [Total: 4 marks] 12 The following flowchart shows the process of testing and treatment of Covid-19 patients. Enter ‘Symptoms Convert the flowchart to Psuedocode. (5] Compitor Studies 701011 2023 Total: 5 Marks] | Centre Number Examination Number =] F lee] L] I Aa Page 9 of 12 l SECTION B: [20 MARKS] There are three (3) questions in this section. Answer two questions only. Question one (1) is Compulsory. Choose one from the other two questions. 1 Asystems analyst has been engaged to review a manual stock control system of a shop and develop a new computerised ‘system which must be implemented if accepted by management. (a) _ Give one computer objective and one business objective of the new stock contro! system. Computer objective: 1) Business objective Q) (b) State two sources of information for the analyst to study the current system. Source 1 O) Source 2 Q) (c) Apart from acceptance, give one other reason why the analyst must present to management the findings from the study of the current manual system. {1 (a) Name two activities that would be carried out during the feasibility study. 1 2 (e) Explain why the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are included in the user documentation. (f) Mention the type of maintenance where the system is modified to meet new demands by the user. Q) [Total: 10 Marks] Computer Studies/7010/1 2 0 2 3 [Turn over Examination Number Centre Number = Page 10 of 12 | \ES 2 The following database shows records of employee allowances that were paid in One month. JD owtovee.tane Des "AMOUNT PAID 1000. MARIAMARY yes ZMW5,000.00 1001 PATEL PATEL No 7MW 10,000.00 1003 HACHIGWANTU LITAPL ves ZMWwe,500.00 ad 1022 LOCOMOTIVE NYENDWA Yes :MIW 7,000.00 ate ty . (a) Complete the structure of the employee database using the following table. Field Data type Field size [4] (b) Identify the field that can be used as a primary key and give a reason. Primary Key: .. ry Key: a) Reason: Oi) (©) _ Givethe output when the following SQL statement is executed: SELECT * FROM employee_table WHERE AMOUNT_PAID < ZMW 6000. (a) Write the SQL statement to update the ar e ~1022." MOUNT-PAID to ZMW 20 000 for ID [2] [Total: 10 marks] computer Studes/7010/1 2. Oe 72s Hig Centre Number Examination Number it Page 11 of 12 3 The following code is written in Pascal. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Program myprogram; Var azinteger; Begin a= 50; If (a<=50) Do Writein( fail); Else Writeln(pass’); readin; End. (a) Identify the statement representing a variable, process and an output from the code. - Oy - (1) - 1) Variable .... (b) Convert the code into a flowchart. (4 20 2:3 [Turn over Computer Studios 7010'1 Centre Number Examination Number Page 12 of 12 (©) State how to indicate a comment in Pascal. - 1 (4) Use number as variable to declare an array of ten integers. (2) [Total: 10 marks] Computer Suen7010"% 2 02 3 SRARRRRRRRAR

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