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Ward No.
Flat / Shop No.
Market Value :

l Actual Value :

Flat/Shop Area _ _ _ ___;Sq. Mtrs

. (Carpet)+
Survey No. 13 Hissa No. 1/1, 1/3, 1/4 & 2
Stamp Duty


e at Kalyan
on this_ _ Day of _ _in the year _
_ _
MIS RBG Constructions & Developers Pvt. Ltd.
Office No. 7/1, Santosh Colony, Ganesh
Nag ar, Tisgaon Road, Post-
Katemanivali, Tal- Kalyan, Dist. Thane.


Survey No. 13 - Hissa No. 1/1, 1/3, 1/4
& 2

I At Tisgaon, Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane.

Page 2 of 31


through its Director's
Age : 60 years, Occupation : Business
Age : 32 years, Occupation : Business
Office at 7/1, Santosh Colony, Ganesh Nagar, Tisgaon Road, Kalyan
(E). Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane hereinafter called the "PROMOTER"
(which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the expression shall
unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of

Mr./Mrs.Miss. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Age ____ years, Occupation_ _ _ _ _ __

Mr./Mrs.Miss. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Age ____ years, Occupation_ _ _ _ _ __

Mr./Mrs.Miss. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - -
Age ____ years, Occupation_ _ _ _ __ _

having address at

hereinafter referred to as the "Allottee"/ "Alloties" (which expression

shall unless it be repugnant to the expression shall unless it be

repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and

include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the

Page 3 or 31

Al WHEREAS Shri, Numdcv Nuruyun Guikwud and others urc

the owners, (hercinnllcr enllecl and rcl'crrcd lo ns the owner The lund
Owner) of the piece of free hold lnnd lying al S, No. 13, Hissa No. I/ I
admcasuring urea about 0-08-60 1-l-R-P and 0-00-60 1-1-R-P Pol
Kharaba equivalent to 920 sq.mts of Village Tisgaon, situated at Near
Jarimari Mandir Road, Tisgaon, Kalyan (E) Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane
within the limit of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation, Kalyan
(E) hereinafter referred to as the said land/properly.

BJ WHEREAS Shri. Namclev Narayan Gaikwad and others are

the owners, (hereinafter called and referred to as the owner The land
Owner) of the piece of free hold land lying and being at village
Tisgoan, Taluka Kalyan, Dist. Thane being S. No. 13, I-Iissa No. 2
admeasuring area about 0-07-00 sq. yard, 700 Sq.mtrs. of Near
Jarimari Mandir Road, Village Tisgaon, situated at Tisgaon, Kalyan
(E) Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane within the limit of Kalyan Dombivali
Municipal Corporation, Kalyan (E) hereinafter referred to as the said

C] WHEREAS I) Smt. Lilavati Ramanuj Shukla, 2) Shri.

Shravan Ramanuj Shukla, 3) Shri. Sanjay Ramanuj Shukla are the
owner (hereafter called and referred to the Owner) the land owners of
the piece of freehold land lying and being at Village Tisgaon, Taluka
Kalyan, Dist. Thane being S. No. 13, Hissa No. 1/3, admeasuring area
about 00-01-00 Arr and 0-00-10 prati Pot Kharaba, equivalent to 110
Sq. mtrs. of Village Tisgaon, situated at Near Jarimari Mandir, Kalyan
(E), Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane hereinafter to as the said land property
within the limits of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation,
D] WHEREAS Smt. Lilavati Ramanuj Shukla 2) Shri. Shravan
Ramanuj Shukla, 3) Shri. Sanjay Ramanuj Shukla are the owner
(hereafter called and referred to the Owner) of the piece of freehold
land lying and being at S. No. 13, Hissa No. 1/4, admeasuring area
about 00-01-60 Arr and 0-00-10 prati Pot K.haraba, equivalent to 170
Sq.mtrs. of Village Tisgaon, situated at Near Jarimari Mandir Gate,
Kalyan (E), Tai. Kalyan, Dist. Thane hereinafter to as the said land
property within the limits of K.alyan Dombivali Municipal
Corporation, Kalyan.
Page 4 of 31

E] WHEREAS by way of Development Agreement registered

with the sub Registrar of Assurances, Kalyan dated o5/0 2/2007 of the
above mentioned land Sr. No. (a) and (b) between Shri. Narndev
Narayan Gaikwad and others as party of the One Part and ( 1) Sau.
Suman Namdev Gaikwad and other as party of the Second Part as
Confirming Party and Shree Tisai Developers its Proprietor Shri.
Ganpat Kalu Gaikwad party of the Third Part as Developers this
development agreement shown that Shri. Butya (Budhya) Govind
Gaikwad after his death his legal heirs (1) Sushila Sakharam Patil and
others relinquished their inherited right in the said land to the share of
their father Butya Govind Gaikwad (deceased] vide Registered
Released Deed dated 20/10/2006 registered with the Sub Registrar of
Assurances vide No. KLN-2-6741-2006 relinquished all their right,
title and interest in the said property in favour of Shri. Namdev
Narayan Gaikwad whereby he become absolute owner of the above
said property.

WHEREAS by Registered released deed with sub Registrar, Kalyan

on 20/10/2006 vide KLN-2 document No. 6741/2006 by the legal
heirs of Govind Butya (Budhya) Gaikwad i.e. Sau. Sushila Sakharam
Patil (daughter) and others relinquished their right, title and interest in
the said property in favour of Shri. Namdev Narayan Gaikwad.

AND WHEREAS by Registered Agreement for development

registered with Sub Registrar of Assurance between the said
company, its director's Shri. Ramesh Babu Gaikwad & other one
party of the First Part as developers and Shri. Namdev Narayan
Gaikwad and others party of the Second Part and Shri. Ganpat Kalu
Gaikwad and other party of the Third Part as confinning party. This
document is executed on 5/10/2017 vide No. KLN-5 at Serial No.
11434/2017 by virtue of this execution of Development Agreement
the said company i.e. the Developer is vested with their development
right of the aforesaid land in favour of the PROMOTERS as per the
terms and conditions mentioned in the said document and given
physical possession of the above said land for the purpose of
development and to erect multistory building thereon.
Page 5 of 31

WHEREAS Irrevocnble Power or Allorncy executed by Shri.

Namdev Narayan Gnikwnd nnd others nnd Shri. Ganpol Kulu
Gaikwad and others in favour of PROMOTERS. The said power of
Attorney is registered with Sub Registrar of Assurance, Kalyan on
5/10/2017 which is registered al Sr. No. 11435/2017 by virtue of the
Power of Attorney the said company has acquired development right
of the owner of the land and the said company ls entitled to develop
the said land as per the terms and condition in the Power of Attorney
and to sale the flat/s, shop/s to the prospective Purchasers except the
shop/s and flats which are to be given to as per development
agreement dated 05/ l 0/2017.

WHEREAS by Registered Development Agreement between the said

company and land owner Smt. Lilavati Ramanuj Shukla and others
and the irrevocable Power of Attorney executed by the Smt. Lilavati
Ramanuj Shukla and others it is registered with Sub Registrar, Kalyan
on 22/03/2018 which is registered at Sr. KLN-2-3322/2018 also
irrevocable power of Attorney is registered on 22/03/2018 which is
registered at Sr. No. 3323/2018 by virtue of these both of the
document the land lady and other owners of the said land has
transferred their development right in favour of PROMOTERS and as
per terms and conditions mentioned in the development agreement of
both for the purpose of the development and carry out construction on
the said land after obtaining necessary permission and approval of
building plan from competent authority i.e. KDMC Kalyan.

Settlement of Occupied Tenants:

THEIR are 22 tenants/land owner having shops/office area about 747

Sq. mtrs. and 28 tenants/land owner having flats area about 1024
sq.mtrs. which the PROMOTERS has agreed to give them at free of
cost and as per the revised plan approved by KDMC. The said tenant
has agreed to give cost of the additional area as per the MOU
executed between both the party's.
Page 6 of 31

Details of illegal encroachment on the said property:

The Promoter has confinn that there is no illegal encroachment on

the said property.

Permission of Government Authority:

The Promoter has obtained NA permission from Tahsildar Kalyan

vide their letter No. REVENUE rr-2 /LAND /NA I VILLAGE
TISGAON I SR-34/ l 7 dated 5/03/2017 address to the planning

The Promoter has obtained Conversion Tax penn1ss1on from

Tahsildar Kalyan vide their letter No. REVENUE / T-2 / LAND-1 /
CONVERSION TAX I SR-348/18 dated 11/09/20 I 8 address to the
planning department KDMC.

Details of mortgage or lien or charge on the said property:

The Promoter has confirm that the project land is free from all

AND WHEREAS the Promoters are entitled and enjoined upon to

construct buildings on the project land in accordance with the recitals

AND WHEREAS the Promoter is in possession of the project land.

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has proposed to construct on the

project land
i) Building- Wing A - ground plus Fifteenth upper floors
(Residential and commercial)
ii) Building- Wing B - ground plus second upper floors (commercial)
AND WHEREAS the Allottee /Alloties is the existing tenant/
occupant has occupied flat/shop __ having area
- - - Sq.ft. and
approach the Promoter for redevelopment of the said flat/shop as
more then 25 years old and not in condition in repair as per the mutual
understanding between the Promoter and Allottee/s they have
mutually agreed for redevelopment of the property on the terms &
conditions mention herein under:


Page 7 of 31

AND WHEREAS the Allottee is offered Flat/Shop No. _ __

on the _ _ _ floor, (herein after referred to as the said
"Flat/Shop") in the 'A' Wing of the Building called "SAi SUMAN
TOWE R" (herein after referred to as the said "Building")
constructed in the said project, by the Promoter.

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has entered into a standard

Agreement with an Architect registered with the Council of Architects
and such Agreement is as per the Agreement prescribed by the
Council of Architects·,

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has registered the Project under the
provisions of the Act with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority at
Mumbai no. PS 1700018433 authenticated copy is attached in
Annexure 'F';

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has appointed a structural Engineer

for the preparation of the structural design and drawings of the
buildings and the Promoter accepts the professional supervision of the
Architect and the structural Engineer till the completion of the

AND WHEREAS by virtue of the Development Agreement and

Power of Attorney the Promoter has sole and exclusive right to sell
the Flat/Shops in the said building/s to be constructed by the Promoter
on the project land and to enter into Agreement/s with the allottee/s of
the Flat/Shops to receive the sale consideration in respect thereof;

AND WHEREAS on demand from the allottee, the Promoter has

given inspection to the Allottee of all the documents of title relating to
the project land and the plans, designs and specifications prepared by
the Promoter's Architects Messrs Sthapatya Nirrnaan and of such
other documents as are specified under the Real Estate (Regulation
and Development) Act 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "the said Act")
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder;

AND WHEREAS the authenticated copies of Certificate of Title

issued by the attorney at law or advocate of the Promoter,
authenticated copies of Property card or extract of Village Forms VI
Page 8 of 31

nnd V\l and Xll or nny other relevant revenue record showi
ng the
nature of the title of the Promoter to the project land on
which the
Flat/Shops are constructed or are to be constructed have been
hereto and marked as Annexure 'A', respectively.

AND WHEREAS the title of the Promoter herein in respec

t of the
project land has been inspected by Shri. Bhaskar H. Patil
and has issued a certificate of Title, copy of which is annex
ed hereto
at Annexure "B", which Certificate of Title is also
seen und
scrutinized by the Al\ottee.

AND WHEREAS the Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corpo

scrutinized the building proposal so submitted in respect of
the project
land through Architect and accorded its sanction and has grante
d the
Commencement Certificate bearing No. KDMC/NRV/BP/
19/0019/77 date 28.09.2018 copy of which is annexed
hereto at
Annexure - "F"

AND WHEREAS the authenticated copies of the plans of the

as approved by the concerned Local Authority have been
hereto and marked as Annexure Cl.

AND WHEREAS the authenticated copies of the plans of the

as proposed by the Promoter and according to which the constr
of the buildings and open spaces are proposed to be provid
ed for on
the said project have been annexed hereto and marked as Anne

AND WHEREAS the authenticated copies of the plans

specifications of the Flat/Shop agreed to be purchased by the
as sanctioned and approved by the local authority have been
and marked as Annexure D

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has got some of the approv

als from
the concerned local authority(s) to the plans, the specif
elevations, sections and of the said building/s and shall obtain
balance approvals from various authorities from time to time,
so as to
obtain Building Completion Certificate or Occupancy Certif
icate of
the said Building.

AND WHEREAS while sanctioning the said plans concerned

authority and/or Government has laid down certain terms, condit
Page 9 of 31

ns and restrictions which arc to be observed und performed
by the Promoter while developing the project lund und the suid
b 'Id'
u, mg and upon due observance und perfonnnncc of which only the
completion or occupancy certificate in respect of the snid building/s
shall be granted by the concemed local authority.

AND WHEREAS the Promoter has accordingly commenced

construction of the said building/s in accordance with the said
proposed plans.

AND WHEREAS the Allottee has applied to the Promoter for

allotment of an Flat/Shop No. _ _ on _ _ _floor in wing "A"
situated in the building No. ........ being constructed in the "SAI
SUMAN TOWER" said Project,

AND WHEREAS the carpet area of the said Flat/Shop is

square meters + ___ __ and "carpet area" means-the --
usable floor area of an Flat/Shop, excluding the area covered by the
external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive balcony
appurtenant to the said Flat/Shop for exclusive use of the Allottee or
verandah area and exclusive open terrace area appurtenant to the said
Flat/Shop for exclusive use of the Allottee, but includes the area
covered by the internal partition walls of the Flat/Shop.

AND WHEREAS, the Parties relying on the confinnations,

representations and assurances of each other to faithfully abide by all
the tenns, conditions and stipulations contained in this Agreement and
all applicable laws, are now willing to enter into this Agreement on
the terms and conditions appearing hereinafter;

AND WHEREAS, prior to the execution of these presents the Allottee

has paid to the Promoter a sum of Rs. ___ ___ (Rupees

only, being part payment of the sale consideration of the Flat/Shop

agreed to be sold by the Promoter to the Allottee as advance payment
or Application Fee (the payment and receipt whereof the Promoter
both hereby admit and acknowledge) and the Allottee has agreed to
pay to the Promoter the balance of the sale consideration in the
manner hereinafter appearing.
Page 10 of 31

AND WHEREAS. the Promoter hns registered the Project under the
pro,i sions of the Act the Real Estate (Regulation & Redevelopment)
Act, 2016 with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority nt no.

AND WHEREAS, under section 13 of the said Act the Promoter is

required to execute a written Agreement for sale of said Flat/Shop
with the Allottee, being in fact these presents and also to register said
Agreement under the Registration Act, 1908.
In accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement
and as mutually agreed upon by and between the Parties, the Promoter
hereby agrees to sell and the Allottee hereby agrees to purchase the



l. The Promoter shall construct "Sai Suman Tower" i) Building -

Wing A - Ground plus Fifteenth Upper floors (Residential and
Commercial) ii) Building - Wing B - Ground plus second upper
floors on the project land in accordance with the plans, designs and
specifications as approved by Kalyan Dombivali Municipal
Corporation from time to time. Provided that the Promoter shall have
to obtain prior consent in writing of the Allottee in respect of
variations or modifications which may adversely affect the Flat/Shop
of the Allottee except any alteration or addition required by any
Government authorities or due to change in law.

l.a (i) AND WHEREAS the Allottee /Alloties is the existing tenant/
occupant has occupied flat/shop - having area ___ Sq.ft. and
approach the Promoter for redevelopment of the said flat/shop as
more then 25 years old and not in condition in repair as per the mutual
understanding between the Promoter and Allottee/s· they have
mutually agreed for redevelopment of the property on the terms &
conditions mention herein under:
Existing tenant /occupant is having flat/shop no. _ _and
. area of - ~ sq·ft· as per memorandum of understanding
executed between both the parties.
Page 11 of 31

I .a (ii) The Allottee hereby agrees to purchase from the Promo

ter and
the Promoter hereby agrees to sell to the Allottee Flat/S
hop No.
of the type __ _ of carpet area admeasuring
---- -sq .me ters + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on _ _
_ floor
in the building "Sai Suman Tower", wing 'A' (hereinafter
referred to
as "the Flat/Shop") as shown in the Floor plan thereof hereto
and marked Annexure/s Cl and C-2 for the consideration
of Rs.
- - - - - including Rs. _ _ _ _ being the propo
price of the common areas and facilities appurtenant to the
the nature, extent and description of the common areas and
which are more particularly described in the Second
annexed herewith. (the price of the Flat/Shop includ
ing the
proportionate price of the common areas and facilities.

l(b) The Allottee has Rs. 10% paid on or before execution

of this
agreement a sum of Rs. ____ (Rupees
only) as
advance payment or application fee and hereby agrees to pay
to that
Promoter the balance amount of Rs. _ _ _ _
in the following manner :-

i] Rs. 15% after the execution of Agreement.

ii] Rs. 15% on completion of the Plinth of the


iii] Rs. 15% on completion of the slabs including


iv] Rs. 15% on completion of the first slab.

v] Rs. 15% on completion of the Second slab.

vi] Rs. 15% on completion of the Third slab.

The Cheque /DD/Pay order to be drawn in favour to

Page 12 of 31

I(d) The Towl Price above inclusivc Taxes (consisting of tax paid or
puyablc by the l'romolcr by way of taxes which includes GST etc. or
any other similar taxes which may be levied, in connection with the
conBlruction of and carrying out the Project payable by the Promoter)
up to lhc date of handing ov<-'T the possession of the [Flat/Shop],

I(c) The Total Price is escalation-free, save and except

escalations/increases, due to increase on account of development
charges payable to the competent authority and/or any other increase
in charges which may be levied or imposed by the competent
authority Local Bodies/Government from time to time. The Promoter
undertakes and agrees that while raising a demand on the AJlottee for
increase in development charges, cost, or levies imposed by the
competent authorities etc., the Promoter shall enclose the said
notification/order/rule/regulation published/issued in that behalf to
that effect along with the demand letter being issued to the Allottee,
which shall only be applicable on subsequent payments.

I(f) The Promoter may allow, in its sole discretion, a rebate for early
payments of equal installments payable by the Allottee by discounting
such early payments @ __% per annum for the period by which the
respective installment has been preponed. The provision for allowing
rebate and such rate of rebate shall not be subject to any
revision/withdrawal, once granted to an Allottee by the Promoter.

I(g) The Promoter shall confinn the final carpet area that has been
allotted to the Allottee after the construction of the Building is
complete and the occupancy certificate is granted by the competent
authority, by furnishing details of the changes, if any, in the carpet
area, subject to a variation gap of three percent. The total price
payable for the carpet area shall be recalculated upon confirmation by
the Promoter. If there is any reduction in the carpet area within the
defined limit then Promoter shall refund the excess money paid by
Allottee within forty-five days with annual interest at the rate
specified in the Rules, from the date when such an excess amount was
paid by the Allottee. If there is any increase in the carpet area allotted
to Allottee, the Promoter shall demand additional amount from the
Allottee as per the next milestone of the Payment Plan. All these
monetary adjustments shall be made at the same rate per square meter
as agreed in Clause l(a) of this Agreement.
Page 13 of 31

l(h) The Allollee uuthorizes the Promoter to adjust/appropriate

payments made by him/her under any head(s) of dues against
outstanding, ir uny, in his/her name as the Promoter may in
its sole
discretion deem fit and the Allottec undertakes not
object/demand/direct the Promoter to adjust his payments
in any
manner. Each of the installments mentioned in the sub clause
(ii) and
(iii) shall be further subdivided into multiple installments linked
number of podiums/floors in case of multi-storied building /wing.

2. l The Promoter hereby agrees to observe, perform and compl

y with
all the terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions if any,
may have been imposed by the concerned local authority al the
of sanctioning the said plans or thereafter and shall, before handin
over possession of the Flat/Shop to the Allottee, obtain from
concerned local authority occupancy and/or completion certific
ates in
respect of the Flat/Shop.

2.2 Time is essence for the Promoter as well as the Allotte

e. The
Promoter shall abide by the time schedule for completing the projec
and handing over the [Flat/Shop] to the Allottee and the comm
areas to the association of the Allottees after receiving the occupa
certificate or the completion certificate or both, as the case may
Similarly, the Allottee shall make timely payments of the installm
and other dues payable by him/her and meeting the other obliga
under the Agreement subject to the simultaneous completion
construction by the Promoter as provided in clause 1 (c) herein
above .
(''Payment Plan").

3. The Promoter hereby declares that the Floor Space Index availab
as on date in respect of the project land is 1900 square meters
and Promoter has planned to utilize Floor Space Index in projec
including by availing of TOR or FSI available on payme
nt of
premiums or FSI available as incentive FSI by implementing variou
scheme as mentioned in the Development Control Regulation or
on expectation of increased FSI which may be available in future
modification to Development Control Regulations, which
applicable to the said Project. The Promoter has disclosed the
Space Index of _ _ _ as proposed to be utilized by him
on the
project land in the said Project and Allottee has agreed to purcha
se the
said Flat/Shop based on the proposed construction and sale
Page 14 of 31

f-lnt/Shops to be carried out by the Promoter by utilizing the proposed

FSJ and on the understanding that the declared proposed rsr shall
belong to Promoter only.

4.1 If the Promoter foil s to abide by the time schedule for completing
the project and handing over the [Flat/Shop J to the Allottee, the
Promoter agrees to pay to the Allottcc, who docs not intend to
withdraw from the project, interest us specified in the Rule, on all the
amounts paid by the Allottcc, for every month of delay, till the
handing over of the possession. The Allollcc agrees lo pay to the
Promoter, interest as specified in the Ruic, on all the delayed payment
which become due and payable by the Allottec to the Promoter under
the terms of this Agreement from the date the said amount is payable
by the allottee(s) to the Promoter.

4.2 Without prejudice to the right of promoter to charge interest in

tem1s of sub clause 4.1 above, on the Allottee committing default in
payment on due date of any amount due and payable by the Allottee
to the Promoter under this Agreement (including his/her proportionate
share of taxes levied by concerned local authority and other
outgoings) and on the Allottee committing three defaults of payment
of installments, the Promoter shall at his own option, may terminate
this Agreement: Provided that, Promoter shall give notice of fifteen
days in writing to the Allottee, by Registered Post AD at the address
provided by the Allottee and mail at the e-mail address provided by
the Allottee, of his intention to terminate this Agreement and of the
specific breach or breaches of terms. and conditions in respect of
which it is intended to terminate the Agreement. If the Allottee fails to
rectify the breach or breaches mentioned by the Promoter within the
period of notice then at the end of such notice period, promoter shall
be entitled to terminate this Agreement.
Provided further that upon termination of this Agreement as aforesaid,
the Promoter shall after deducting an amount equal to _% of the
total consideration payable hereunder as liquidated damages, refund to
the Allottee the balance of the sale price which the Allottee may have
till then paid to the Promoters without any interest on the amount so
refundable within a period of thirty days of the termination, the
installments of sale consideration of the Flat/Shop which may till then
have been paid by the Allottee to the Promoter. And upon termination
of this Agreement, pending refund of the amount as aforesaid, the
Promoters shall be at liberty to dispose off and to sell the said
l l11l/Hh, 1p 111 11111Jh 11111·111111 111· po1·u111111 111 1111uli piluo 111111 1111 1mul1
1•11111Htlt 11111 1111 thu 1'1•1111111tur11 1111,y
dl11iiru 11 11111hl11k 111 111 111011' 11btt11l111 0
1ll~111•u11t1111111111h11 l\lltlll11u 11h11ll h11vu 111111h,luutl11111'111•11111110,

~. Th,, nx1111·1)11 1111tl 111111111,11 WIiii 1·uu111·11 111 lhu l111orl11K 1111tl Nlllllllll'Y
ll1tl1111,11 1111d 111111mltlu11 lll<u rn1u 11r 11111ru 1111 11 wllh p111·1loul11r hrund, or
pl'luo 1·1111~0 (II' 1111h1•1111llutl) to ho provklutl hy lhu l'rw11011,r 111 lhu uuld
h11lllll11 a 111\\I lhu Flnt/Hhop 1111111'0 1101 OUI 111 An,umm, 'I~'. 111111oxcd
hi.ll'U ltl.

<,. Tho 1'1·1Hnoll11' 1:1 h11II Blvu prnmu11u lo11 ol' l11u l'lul/Shop In lhc l\llollcl.l
011 or bulhrn ............... tiny of ............ .20 , II' thu l'ru11101or f'ullNor
11uslui.:1s lo glvtl poH1:1uH11lon of Uw 111111/Nhop lo lhc l\llullco 0,111coo un1
or l'\lll1:1011H b1.1yo11u hlH IJOllll'lll 1111d uf 11111 111!,lllll/l hy lht.1 uf'mc1111ld dutc
thun tho Promol1J1· Hhnll be llnblo 011 dum1111d lo n,1 l'uml to thl.l l\llollcc
thl.l nmountA 11lrcudy rucolved by 111111 In 1·oup1.a.:I. ol' lhti 1'1111/Shop with
lnlllt'UHI. Ill lho Hlllll\l l'IIIUIIH m11y monllonud 111 lhc CIIIUfJC 4.1 herein
11bove l'rom lhu d11lu lhu Prnmulor rucclvcd lhti 11u111 till lhc dote lhc
umounls und lnluroHl thuruon IHrupuld.
Provlclotl lh11t the Prumolur Hh11II bu cnlillod lo ruuH011ubll.l l.lXl1.:1wiun ol'
lime for giving dollvery ol' 111111/8hup on lh1.: ulorcMuid dulo, ii' the
com1>lclion of building In which the Flut/8hup iHlo be 11iluutcd i11
duluycd on nccounl of -
(i) wur, civil commotion or uct of God ;
(ii) Non-nvuilnbillly ol' 11lcel, c1.:1111mt, other buildin g material
wulcr or clcclrl1.: supply;
(iii) Any nolico, order, rule, nolilicution ul'lhc Uovernmenl
uncl/or other public or competent uulhorily/1.:ourt.

7. I Procedure for tu king llosscssion - The Promoter, upon obtaining

the occupancy 1.:erli licalo from the competent authority and the
puyment mude by the Allullcc us per the agrcoment shall offer in
writing lhc possess ion or the lFlul/Shopl, to the Allotlee in terms of
this Agreement to be taken within 3 (three months from the date or
issue of such notice und the Promoter shnll give possess ion of the
[Fial/Shop/Plot] to the Allollee. The Promoter agrees and undertakes
to indemnify the Allottee in case of failure of fullillmenl or any of the
provisions, t'ormulilies, documenlution on purl or the Promoter. The
Allottee ugree(s) to pay the maintenance churges as determined by the
Promoter or ussociulion of Allottecs, us the case may be. The
Promoter on its behal r shall offer the possession lo the Allot tee in
writing within 7 days of receiving the occupancy certificate of the

7.2 The Allottee shall take possession of the Flat/Shop within 15 days
of the written notice from the promoter to the Allottee intimating that
the said Flat/Shops are ready for use and occupancy:

7.3 Failure of Allottee to take Possession of (Flat/Shop]: Upon

receivino a written intimation from the Promoter as per clause 7. I, the

Allottee shall take possession of the [Flat/Shop] from the Promoter by

executing necessary indemnities, undertakings and such other
documentation as prescribed in this Agreement, and the Promoter
shall give possession of the [Flat/Shop] to the allottee. In case the
Allottee fails to take possession within the time provided in clause 7.I
such Allottee shall continue to be liable to pay maintenance charges as

7.4 If within a period of five years from the date of handing over the
Flat/Shop to the Allottee, the Allottee brings to the notice of the
Promoter any structural defect in the Flat/Shop or the building in
which the Flat/Shop are situated or any defects on account of
workmanship, quality or provision of service, then, wherever possible
such defects shall be rectified by the Promoter at his own cost and in
case it is not possible to rectify such defects, then the Allottee shall be
entitled to receive from the Promoter, compensation for such defect in
the manner as provided under the Act.

8. The Allottee shall use the Flat/Shop or any part thereof or permit
the same to be used only for purpose of residence/office/show-
room/shop/godown for carrying on any industry or business.(*strike
of which is not applicable) He shall use the parking space only for
purpose of keeping or parking one vehicle only [two wheeler or four

9. The Allottee along with other Allottee(s) of Flats/Shops in the

building shall join in forming and registering the Society or
Association or a Limited Company to be known by such name as the
Promoter may decide and for this purpose also from time to time sign
and execute the application for registration and/or membership and
the other papers and documents necessary for the formation and
registration of the Society or Association or Limited Company and for
becoming a member, including the bye-laws of the proposed Society
Page 17 of 31

and duly fill in, sign and return to the Promoter within seven
days of
the same being forwarded by the Promoter to the Allottee,
so as to
enable the Promo ter to register the common organization of
No objection shall be taken by the Allottee if any, change
s or
modifications are made in the draft bye-laws, or the Memo
and/or Articles of Association, as may be required by the Regist
rar of
Co-operative Societies or the Registrar of Companies, as the
case may
be, or any other Competent Authority.

9 .1 The Promoter shall, within three months of registration

of the
Society or Association or Limited Company, as aforesaid, cause
to be
transferred to the society or Limited Company all the right,
title and
the interest of the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter and/
or the
owners in the said structure of the Building or wing in which
the said
Flat/Shop is situated.

9 .2 The Promoter shall, within three months of registration

of the
Federation/apex body of the Societies or Limited Compa
ny, as
aforesaid, cause to be transferred to the Federation/Apex body
all the
right, title and the interest of the Vendor/Lessor/Origi
Owner/Promoter and/or the owners in the project land on which
building with multiple wings or buildings are constructed.

9 .3 Within 15 days after notice in writing is given by the Promo

ter to
the Allottee that the Flat/Shop is ready for use and occupa
ncy, the
Allottee shall be liable to bear and pay the proportionate share
(i.e. in
proportion to the carpet area of the Flat/Shop) of outgoings in
of the project land and Building/s namely local taxes, betterm
charges or such other levies by the concerned local authority
Government water charges, insurance, common lights, repairs
salaries of clerks bill collectors, chowkidars, sweepers and
all other
expenses necessary and incidental to the management and
maintenance of the project land and building/s. Until the Society
Limited Company is formed and the said structure of the buildin
g/s or
wings is transferred to it, the Allottee shall pay to the Promo
ter such
proportionate share of outgoings as may be determined. The
further agrees that till the Allottee's share is so determ
ined the
Allottee shall pay to the Promoter provisional monthly contrib
ution of
Rs. ___ _ per month towards the outgoings. The amounts
so paid
by the Allottee to the Promoter shall not carry any interest and
with the Promoter until a conveyance/assignment of lease
of the
Page 18 of 31

structure of the building or wing is executed in favour of the society

or a limited company as aforesaid. On such conveyance/assignment of
lease being executed for the structure of the building or wing the
aforesaid deposits (less deduction provided for in this Agreement)
shall be paid over by the Promoter to the Society or the Limited
Company, as the case may be.

10. The Allottee shall on or before delivery of possession of the said

premises keep deposited with the Promoter, the following amounts :-

(i) Rs. ----------- for legal charges

(ii) Rs. For electric meter deposit and connection

charges and water its connection charges
for proportionate borewell charges and its

(iii) Rs. for solar system.

(iv) Rs._ __ for deposit towards provisional monthly

contribution towards outgoings of Society
or Limited Company/Federation/ Apex

(v) Rs _ __ For additional amenities charges.

(vi) Rs _ _ __ For deposits of electrical receiving and

Sub Station provided in Layout.

11 . The Allottee shall pay to the Promoter a sum of Rs. ---- for
meeting all legal costs, charges and expenses, including professional
costs of the Attorney-at-Law/Advocates of the Promoter in connection
with formation of the said Society, or Limited Company, or Apex
Body or Federation and for preparing its rules, regulations and bye-
laws and the cost of preparing and engrossing the conveyance or
assignment of lease.

12. At the time of registration of conveyance or Lease of the structure

of the building or wing of the building, the Allottee shall pay to the
Promoter, the Allottees share of stamp duty and registration charges
payable, by the said Society or Limited Company on such conveyance
or lease or any document or instrument of transfer in respect of the
structure of the said Building /wing of the building. At the time of
reg]stration of conveyance or Lease of the project land, the Allottee
shall pay to the Promoter, the Allottees share of stamp duty and
Page 19 of 31

registration charges payable, by the said Apex Body or Federation on

such conveyance or lease or any document or instrument of transfer in
respect of the structure of the said land to be executed in favour of the
Apex Body or Federation.


The Promoter hereby represents and warrants to the Allottee as

i. The Promoter has clear and marketable title with respect to the
project land; as declared in the title report annexed to this agreement
and has the requisite rights to carry out development upon the project
land and also has actual, physical and legal possession of the project
land for the implementation of the Project;

ii. The Promoter has lawful rights and requisite approvals from the
competent Authorities to carry out development of the Project and
shall obtain requisite approvals from time to time to complete the
development of the project;

iii. There are no encumbrances upon the project land or the Project
except those disclosed in the title report;

iv. There are no litigations pending before any Court of law with
respect to the project land or Project except those disclosed in the title

v. All approvals, licenses and permits issued by the competent

authorities with respect to the Project, project land and said
building/wing are valid and subsisting and have been obtained by
following due process of law. Further, all approvals, licenses and
permits to be issued by the competent authorities with respect to the
Project, project land and said building/wing shall be obtained by
following due process of law and the Promoter has been and shall, at
all times, remain to be in compliance with all applicable laws· in
relation to the Project, project land, Building/wing and common areas;

vi. The Promoter has the right to enter into this Agreement and has
not committed or omitted to perform any act or thing, whereby the
right, title and interest of the Allottee created herein, may
prejudicially be affected;
Pose 20 of 31

vii. The Promoter hns 1101 entered into nny ngrecmenl for sulc 1111<.J/or
clcvclopmcnl 11grec111ent or uny other ugrecmcnt / urrungemcnt with
nny person or p111'ly with respect to the project land, including the
Project und the snid [Flut/Shopl which will, in uny manner, uffcct the
rights or Allottcc under this Agreement;

viii. The Promoter confirms thnl the Promoter is not restricted in any
mnnncr whntsoever from selling the snid [Flat/Shop] to the Allottec in
the manner contemplntecl In this Agreement;

ix. At the time of execution of the conveyance deed of the structure to

the association of Allottees the Promoter shall handover lawful,
vacant, peaceful, physical possession of the common areas of the
Structure to the Association of the Allottees;

x. The Promoter has duly paid and shall continue to pay and discharge
un disputed governmental dues, rates, charges and taxes and other
monies, levies, impositions, premiums, damages and/or penalties and
other outgoings, whatsoever, payable with respect to the said project
to the competent Authorities;

xi. No notice from the Government or any other local body or

authority or any legislative enactment, government ordinance, order,
notification (including any notice for acquisition or requisition of the
said property) has been received or served upon the Promoter in
respect of the project land and/or the Project except those disclosed in
the title report.

xii. The PROMOTERS shall have the right to make additions and/or
alteration raise or put up additional structures, as may be permitted by
the authorities on the terrace or the said land and/or grant right of way
from the said land for development of any property adjacent to this
property. If any portion of the said land is acquired or notified to be
acquired by the Government or any other public body or authority, the
promoters shall be entitled to receive all the benefits in respect of
thereto and/or compensation FSI or all other benefits which may be
permitted in lien thereof.

xiii. The PROMOTER shall be entitled to sell the premises in the said
building for the purpose of using the same as bank, dispensaries,
nursing homes, maternity homes, coaching classes and for the non-
Page 21 of 31

residential purpose and the Allottee herein along with the other
Allottees shall not raise any objection for such non-residential use of
the premises sold by the Promoters to the intending Allottees.

xiv. THE Allottee herein has desired to avail the special amenities
over and above the general amenities as mentioned in the Annexure
hereto and the Allottee has agreed to pay the extra consideration as
mentioned in the supplemental agreement for providing amenities it is
further agreed and understood by and between the parties that the said
amenities shall be provided only on payment of installment as
mentioned in the supplemental agreement and that such agreement
shall form a part and parcel of this agreement.

xv. IT is expressly agreed that the promoter shall be entitled to put a

hoarding and / or cable network station, mobile phone set up or station
on the said property or on the building to be constructed on the said
property and the said hoardings may be illuminated or comprising of
neon sign or such other type or mode as may be designed by the
Promoter and for the purpose Promoter is fully authorized to allow
temporary or permanent construction or erection in installation either
on the exterior or the said building or on the property as the case may
be and the Allottee agrees not to object or dispute the same. Necessary
covenants, reservations in respect thereto shall be incorporated in the
proposed conveyance. The Promoter or his nominees shall be
exclusively entitled to the income that may be derived by display of
such advertisement or installation of cable network or mobile phone
station, at any time hereafter . .The Allotteee, shall not be entitled to
any abatement in the price of the said premises or to object to the
same for any reason and shall allow the Promoter, his agents, servants
etc., into the said property including the terrace and other open spaces
in the building for the purpose of putting and/or preserving and/or
maintaining and/or removing the advertisements and/or hoardings,
neon lights or such installations etc., The Promoter shall be entitled to
transfer or assign such right to any person or persons whom they
deem fit and the limited company shall not raise any objection thereto.

14. The Allottee/s or himself/themselves with intention to bring all

persons into whosoever hands the Flat/Shop may come, hereby
covenants with the Promoter as follows :-

i. To maintain the Flat/Shop at the Allottee's own cost in good and

tenantable repair and condition from the date that of possession of the
Flat/Shop is taken and shall not do or suffer to be done anything in or
to the building in which the Flat/Shop is situated which may be
against the rules, regulations or bye-laws or change/alter or make
addition in or to the building in which the Flat/Shop is situated and
Page 22 of 31

the Flat/Shop itself or any part thereo f wit. hou t the consent of the local
authorities, ifrequired.

ii. Not to store in the Flat/Shop any goo ds w h1·ch are of hazardous
combustible or dangerous nature or are so heavy as to damage the
construction or structure of the bm-1d.mg ID·
hich the Flat/Shop is
. .
situated or storm g of whic h goo ds 1s
• b. ted to by the concerned
o ~ec
local or other authority and shall take care whil
e carrying heavy
packages wh1c . h may damage or likely to damage the stair
common passages or any other structure of the build
ing in which the
Flat/Shop is situated, including entrances of the build
ing in which the
Flat/Shop is situated and in case any damage is caus
ed to the building
in which the Flat/Shop is situated or the Flat/Shop
on account of
negligence or default of the Allottee in this beha
lf, the Allottee shall
be liable for the consequences of the breach.

iii. To carry out at his own cost all inter

nal repairs to the said
Flat/Shop and maintain the Flat/Shop in the same
condition, state and
order in which it was delivered by the Promoter
to the Allottee and
shall not do or suffer to be done anything in
or to the building in
which the Flat/Shop is situated or the Flat/Shop
whic h may be
contrary to the rules and regulations and bye-laws
of the concerned
local authority or other public authority. In the
event of the Allottee
committing any act in contravention of the
above provision, the
Allottee shall be responsible and liable for the
consequences ther eof
to the concerned local authority and/or other publ
ic authority.

iv. Not to demolish or cause to be demolished

the Flat /Sho p or any
part thereof, nor at any time make or cause to be
mad e any addi tion or
alteration of whatever nature in or to the Flat/Sho
p or any part thereof,
nor any alteration in the elevation and outside
colo ur sche me of the
building in whic h the Flat/Shop is situated and
shall keep the port ion,
sewers, drains and pipe s in the Flat/Shop
and the appu rten ance s
thereto in good tena ntab le repa ir and condition
, and in part icul ar, so as
to support shel ter and prot ect the othe r part s
of the buil ding in whi ch
the Flat /Sho p is situa ted and shall not chis el
or in any othe r man ner
cause dam age to colu mns , beams, walls, slab s
or RCC, Pard is or othe r
structural mem bers in the Flat /Sho p with
out the prio r written
perm issio n of the Prom oter and/ or the Soci ety.
Page 23 of31

1 to be done any act or thing which may render

v. Not to do or perm·t
void or voidable any msur
. ance of the project land and the building in
· ted or any part thereof or whereby any
· situa
which the Flat/Sh op Is
. .
mcreased premiu m shaII become payable m . respect of the msur ance .

refuse or pennit
vi. Not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other
compound or any
the same to be thrown from the said Flat/Shop in the
h the Flat/Shop is
portion of the project land and the building in whic

of demand by the
vii. Pay to the Promoter within fifteen days
by the concerned
Promoter, his share of security deposit demanded
ricity or any other
local authority or Government or giving water, elect
Shop is situated.
service connection to the building in which the Flat/

r charges, insurance
viii. To bear and pay increase in local taxes, wate
by the concerned
and such other levies, if any, which are imposed
public authority, on
local authority and/or Government and/or other
the Allottee for any
account of change of user of the Flat/Shop by
purposes other than for purpose for which it is sold.

assign or part with

ix. The Allottee shall not let, sub-let, transfer,
with the possession
interest or benefit factor of this Agreement or part
the Allottee to the
of the Flat/Shop until all the dues payable by
Except incase of if
Promoter under this Agreement are fully paid up.
ncial institution .
Allottee apply for housing loan from the bank/fina
in the property
x. The Allottee shall not sale transfer they rights
years, in case the
without the consent of the promoter up to five
to completion of
Allottee desire to sale the redevelop shop/flat prior
ium as agreed to
five year they will have to pay transfer prem
memorandum of understand.
all the rules and
xi. The Allottee shall observe and perform
pany or Apex Body
regulations which the Society or the Limited Com
additions, alterations
or Federation may adopt at its inception and the
time to time for
or amendments thereof that may be made from
and the Flat/Shops
protection and maintenance of the said building
the Building Rules,
therein and for the observance and performance of
the concerned local
Regulations and Bye-laws for the time being of
bodies. The Allottee
authority and of Government and other public
and conditions laid
shall also observe and perfonn all the stipulations
Page 24of31

down by the Society/Limited /A

Company Pex Body/Fed . .
regarding the occupancy and use of
the Flat/ ShoP in the Building and
shall pay and contribute regularly tua
and punc lly towards the taxes, .
expenses or other out-goings in
accordance wi'th the terms of this

xii. Till a conveyance of the stru

cture of the bUl'lding .
in which
. . .
Flat/Shop is situated is d . ~
execute m 1avour of Society/Lirruted Society,
the Allottee shall permit the Promo
ter and their surveyors and agents
with or without work.men and others, ,
at all reasonable times, to enter
into and upon the said buildings
or any part thereof to view and
examine the state and condition the

xiii. Till a conveyance of the pro

ject land on which the building in
which Flat/Shop is situated is exe
cuted in favour of Apex Body or
Federation, the Allottee shall permit
the Promoter and their surveyors
and agents, with or without workm
en and others, at all reasonable
times, to enter into and upon the
project land or any part thereof to
view and examine the state and con
dition thereof.

15. The Promoter shall maintain a

separate account in respect of sum
received by the Promoter from the
Allottee as advance or deposit,
sums received on account of the sha
re capital for the promotion of the
Co-operative Society or associatio
n or Company or towards the out
goings, legal charges and shall
utilize the amounts only for the
purposes for which they have been

16. Nothing contained in this Agree

ment is intended to be nor shall be
construed as a grant, demise or
assignment in law, of the said
Flat/Shops or of the said Plot and
Building or any part thereof. The
Allottee shall have no claim sav
e and except in respect of the
Flat/Shop hereby agreed to be sold
to him and all
open spaces,
parking spaces, lobbies, staircases
, terraces recreation spaces , wil
remain the property of the Promo
ter until th
building is transferred to the Society e sai'd structure of the
. . /L· 't d C
imi e ompany or other body
and until the proJect land is transfer
. red to the A B d .
as herembefore mentioned. pex o Y/Fe deratio n
l'aon 1N ,,1 Al

lA1I Nor l11

17 , PIH>Mom,( Sl 1lllU<l l\ 11l t 1114 t
'/1/ t\ /l • A
l'IIAIHll i
Allt'r llw Pr\ i111111 ur l\~tlll lllu.~ !his A rrt u111 lru Hl111ll 11111 111111tu11,111 ,,r
~'r't'n lt• n oluwu('\t, 1111 11 Ill .~nl(I /11111/ ~lt 0 1 I II, 1111,Y 1111 vl1 lllllfl/j llij ll Ill
' 1 "'"
chnrst: is 11111(1 0 ,l ,, Cl'tl111(1(1 llwrr rrntwltl 111111 111II ttij 1111y1/1lt1Hu1111111/m11/ 111
m~y otll(lr lnw pill I110 lh110 lwlnn I /' IJI) , /jlfltlt IIHll'l jjlf UP '" t'/1 1,rui,
f' II llf'
shnll not 1m I 111/111 /11111111k1 11, (If
" lnt 1111 ot'CM0/' lhv A/lollill)
• cf I lO t t ltl rlsht
ngreo to lnk o such
I//Int p/ ,

, hy 1h 11 /lm11u11w· do
Forwarding.. rhls· Agr, oe 111 e111 to th e AllnlhJtJ
u,· o, • 1/1 1,1 Allu11 ot1
II 1g ob llg nr lo n on th d pnrt o/' rh o l'mmor
crcnte bindl1 1w 111 u111 wlr/1 11//
A /lo tte e sig ns nnd dullv~H 'NtltlH t\g
until, firstly, rho /11l1i11/ 111 th o
nl on g wi th rhe pn ynrenlN c/11 0 nH tillp11
llie schoclulos 1'1J1Julp1 hy 1/1 11
ith in 30 (th lrly) dn ys from fhu <11110 o/'
Pnym ont Pinn w llll tJ he/iwc tir e
nd ly , 11 pp on rs fo r roglsfrntlon of 1h 11 Hl
Allolleo nnd seco Pmmotu,•, II'
gi str nr os on d wh en lnrln1111 ed hy tlt i;,
concerned Suh-Re l'mmol cr tltl1,
fo ils lo ox oc uf o ond de/lv tir fo th e
the Allotr.ee(s) ro oi;, lpl hy rit e
in 30 (th irty) dn ys from th e dufo o/' 1111
Agreement with J-ll Hll'llll1111 11n
pe or be fo re rho S1 1h-Reglsln11· /br II H l'C
Allollee nnd/or op Hl1111/ Hl:l l'V c 11
d by the Pr om ot er , then /ho l'mmof el'
and when intimate tho defoull, which I/'
not rticlI/led
tte e fo r re cti fy in g
notice to tl1e Allo 1l1 u Allol/01:1,
en ) clo ys fro m the dole of Its nioc, lpt hy
witl1in 15 (fifte mHI 11II HIIIII H
c A llo lte c sh ol l be lrcufod ns cnncclltid
applicalion of tl1 t lt1 cludln s th e
rJ1e A llo tte e in connection rh orowll/
deposited by 11t ,rny l111on.,Rt
sh n/1 be re tu rn ed lo rho Alloff.oo wllho
booking amount
or compensation whn

19 . ENTIRE AGRE co11NlilulcN
g wi th its sc he du les nnd 1111,wxurc.~.
This Agreement, nJ rlies wilh rcspcc r lo
llr u Hu bject
t be tw ee n th e Pn
rhe enlire Agreemen d nil 1111<l crsl1111cli11g.~.
uny oll1cr
pe rsede s nn y nn
matler hereof and su on dences, 111T1111gorncn1
.~ wh uth cr
t Jelle r, co rre sp
agreemenls, allotmen Pu rLics in rc gurd ro
th e s11ld
an y, be tw ee n lhu
written or ornJ, if
ns the case mny be .

20 . RlGHT TO AM co nsc11t o/' the
may only be amended through wriu cn
This Agreement
Parties .

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