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CANDIDATE’S NAME……………………………………………………………………..
SCHOOL /CENTER………………………………………………………………………….

Time: 1 hour 20 minutes marks 40 marks

1. This paper has two compulsory questions, write your answers in the spaces provided below each
2. Section A is composition and you are allowed to write between 200 to 250 words.
3. Section B is a summary and you should write according the instructions given.
4. When you finish writing, you should go through the work and correct the mistakes neatly.
5. You are allowed five minutes to read through the instructions and the questions. Write your
composition neatly, observing all the important points.

Information for candidates

Dictionaries and text books are not allowed in the examinations.
Cell phones are not allowed in an examination room.

Section A

COMPOSITION (20 marks)

Imagine you are the headboy or headgirl of your school. You are among the group that is accompanying
the visitors who have come to check on various developmental projects in school and how the school is
solving different challenges faced. As you are going round, you take the following notes as the teacher
 Visitors arrived 08 00hrs
 0830 tour started
 Production unit-rape cabbage, tomato, onion and winter maize
 Construction- new classroom block, science laboratory, toilets for boys and girls, painting of the
school and new desks
 Sports- two balls for netball and football, rehabilitation of football ground, new jerseys for
football and netball
 Staffing- new teachers received
 Learning- number of learners increased due to free education, more teaching and learning
materials bought in school, learner performance improved
Using the above points and some of your own, write a Report on the tour that took place in school. The
report should be between 200 to 250 words.
Section B
SUMMARY (20 marks)
You are allowed not to spend 30 minutes on this section
Reading the following passage carefully and then answer the question that


1. We are moving into the world where machines will more and more take over work done
by man. This is what we call ‘automation’. Though machines are very expensive to buy
they make work much easier. It is equally true that machines get out of date, and have to
be replaced when a better one is invented. However, that does not in any way mean they
are easily replaced. Machines can go wrong and it is not always easy to repair them
quickly. For instance if a machine can make an error it may take time before this is
discovered because they cannot think for themselves, they have to be fed with

2. While machines can perform tasks efficiently, they lack the emotional and social qualities
that come naturally to humans. People are able to adapt and move on to the most
appropriate task at the most appropriate time. Robots lack that flexibility. They also lack
awareness, imagination and understanding – all things that are required for businesses to
meet, and address all of the challenges they face. This can be a constraint in industries
that require personal interactions and understanding.

3. Unlike human beings, it is difficult to find a machine that can think for itself. Thus, it can
only be fed by human Wisdom and usually perform one type of function at a time.
Though some computers can do several works sometimes the speed of machines can
outrun human and this may result into accidents. Moreover, if machines could do every
work, the final result would be the creation of unemployment. We however, appreciate
machines because they can do the work of many people more quickly and more
accurately. Again, that does not mean there would be no input from human beings
completely. Additionally, automated machines can generate waste and by-products that
need to be disposed of, which can add to the cost of production.

4. Furthermore, if machines have to completely take the role of humans, it would mean
opening up new courses in colleges and Universities to teach people how to work with
machines. Surely, that would be expensive. Additionally, machines are expensive to
install, though they may save a lot of money in the long run. In school for example, they
could relieve teachers much detailed work. The teachers could give more individual
attention to each child. Finally, this would encourage laziness among most humans.

5. Lastly, the increasing use of machines would give men more leisure time to develop their
own interest. In the long run, if work became mainly a matter of supervising machines it
would became very dull and boring indeed. From this discussion therefore, do you think
that machines are irreplaceable and can bring in more successful world? The answer
obviously lies in interdependence.
Now answer the following questions
With close reference to the passage, list down 20 disadvantages of using a machine rather than
human labour. Your summary should be in note form.

The first point has been given as an example

 Encourage laziness among most humans.

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End of exam

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