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Beseech Spare him, I beseech you.

Perdónale, te
She beseeched him to cut his drinking and his
to ask for something in a way that shows you smoking. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
need it very much
beseeching adjetivo [antes de sustantivo] 'Please stay and read to me, mummy' he
(formal) beseeched. [VERB with quote]
petition ;call upon
plead with ; beg
ask - implore

Martyr 1
(mártir) mártir
to act the martyr/make a martyr of yourse
sustantivo el mártir
1. 2 martyr to sth
a. víctima de algo
any of those persons who choose to suffer or die She’s a martyr to rheumatism. El reumatism
rather than give-up their faith or principles
- verbo transitivo
any person tortured or killed because of his or her martirizar
beliefs -martyrdom sustantivo
If your son wanted to play the martyr, he may have
had to pay the price. -martyred adjetivo
de mártir
a martyred expression una expresión de már
vasto, enorme
Vast the vast majority of people la inmensa m
(vasto,enorme) la gente
a vast expanse of desert una vasta exte
extremely big:
Vast audience watched the broadcast. a vast improvement una gran mejoría
The amount of detail the book contains is vast.
a vast sum of money una considerable su
The people who have taken our advice have saved themselves
vastly (adverbio)
vast amounts/sums of money. considerablemente
The vast majority of children attend state schools. I think the original movie was vastly sup
Synonyms the remake.
vastness (sustantivo incontable)
. inmensidad
..the vastness of the desert.
Neat a neat garden un jardín bien cuidado
(ordenado) She has very neat handwriting. Tiene u
muy clara.
1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
2 (persona)
A neat place, thing, or person is tidy and smart, and has pulcro y ordenado
everything in the correct place. 3 (ropa)
So they left her in the neat little house, alone with her elegante
She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in
the corner . She’s got a neat figure. Tiene muy buen
Synonyms: 5
tidy, nice, straight, trim hábil
Neat adjective (GOOD) a neat solution to the problem una solu
hábil al problema
MAINLY US INFORMAL good: 6 (USA, coloquial)
That video game is really neat! estupendo
7 (USA straight) (licores)
neatly adverbio
Neat 1
neatly adverb [ADVERB with verb] perfectamente
I followed her into that room which her mother had to fit/slot in neatly caber perfectamente
maintained so neatly. neatly folded perfectamente doblado
Josephine's few possessions are neatly arranged. 2 (vestirse)
Synonyms: con esmero, pulcramente
gracefully, expertly, efficiently, adeptly ,cleverly, 3
precisely, accurately, efficiently con claridad
neatness sustantivo incontable It neatly sums up… Resume claramente…
...a paragon of neatness, efficiency and reliability. neatness sustantivo
Synonyms :tidiness, niceness, orderliness, smartness 1
esmero, pulcritud

terco, tenaz
Stubborn 2 (mancha, tos)
(terco/rebelde) rebelde

adjective [ not gradable ] stubbornly adverbio

A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she
wants and refuses to do anything else: stubbornness sustantivo
They have huge arguments because they're both so terquedad
opposed to change or suggestion: *Things that are stubborn are difficult to move
deal with:
He’s sick, but he’s too stubborn to see a doctor.
-He was famed for his stubborn resistance and h
accept defeat.
If something is stubborn, it is hard to fix or deal with: -Stubborn stains can be removed using a small
stubborn stains detergent.
a stubborn problem
OPPOSITES: compliant, tractable
Yield Verbo transitivo
(producir, dar, rendir) producir, dar
trees that no longer yield fruit árboles que y
verbo transitivo The policy did not yield results. La medi
1. resultados.
to produce rendir
; specif., 2 vi yield (to sth/sb)
a. (a)
rendirse (a algo/algn)
to give or furnish as a natural process or as the (b)
result of cultivation ceder (ante algo/algn)
an orchard that yielded a good crop She yielded to temptation. Cedió ante la tent
NOTA Es más común la palabra give in.
b. 3 vt yield sth/sb (up) (to sb) (formal)
to give in return; produce as a result, profit, entregar algo/a algn (a algn)
etc. The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets.
el universo nos revela sus secretos.
an investment that yielded high profits
Yield 4 vi yield to sth (formal)
dar paso a algo
(producir, dar, rendir) Video is yielding to DVD. El video está dando
5 vi yield (to sb/sth) (USA, Irlanda, tráfico)
ceder el paso (a algn/algo)
the act of yielding, or producing 1 sustantivo
10. producción
the amount yielded or produced; return on labor, 2 (Agricultura)
investment, taxes, etc.; product
3 (Finanzas)
11. Finance
the ratio of the annual cash dividends or of the
earnings per share of a stock to the market price
OPPOSITE: resist

encourage /In'kVrIdZ/ verbo transitivo

Encouraging 1 encourage sb (in sth/to do sth)
(alentador) animar, alentar a algn (en algo/a hacer algo
making you feel more confidence or hope: fomentar, estimular
There was a lot of positive feedback, which was very Ver más vocabulario relacionado con la pala
encouraging . 3
adjetivo incitar
Something that is encouraging gives
people hope or confidence. encouragement sustantivo
There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival. 1 encourage (to sb) (to do sth)
The results have been encouraging. aliento, estímulo (a algn) (para hacer algo
It was encouraging that he recognised the dangers 2 encourage (of/for sth)
facing the company. fomento (de algo); estímulo (para algo)
Sinónimos:promising, good, bright, comforting
encouraging adjetivo
encouragingly adverbio [ADVERB after
verb, ADVERB adjective] alentador
'You're doing really well,' her midwife said He was very encouraging. Me dio much
Against all expectations, the theatre reopened to encouragingly adverbio
encouragingly large audiences. de forma alentadora
But, most encouragingly, there'd been no sign of any an encouragingly high proportion una
recurrence of the hallucinations. alentadora (por ser alta)
to do what sb tells you to do: obey (sb/sth), do
Obey told; noun (U): obedience; adjective: obedient
(obedecer) to obey an order
verb For once she did as she was told.
Our headmaster insisted on absolute obedienc
If you obey a person, a command, or an instruction,
an obedient child
you do what you are told to do. to obey a law or a rule: observe sth, (formal) c
-Cissie obeyed her mother without sth); if you obey the law, you are law-abiding
question. [VERB noun] a careless driver who doesn't observe the spee
-Most people obey the law. [VERB noun]
All office buildings must comply with fire and s
-It was still Baker's duty to obey. [VERB]
Sinónimos:abide by, keep, follow, comply with a very law-abiding person
-Verbo transitivo - to fight against a law, the government, autho
to carry out (an instruction or order) rebel (against sb/sth); noun (U/C): rebellion
-verbo intransitivo Children sometimes rebel against their parent
to be obedient an act of rebellion

• not obeying
Obey to refuse to do what you are told to do: disobe
(obedecer) noun (U): disobedience; adjective: disobedient
to openly refuse to obey sb that you should obey: defy to disobey an order
sb/sth; noun (U): defiance; adjective: defiant (adverb an act of disobedience
defiantly) a disobedient child
- Rita defied her parents and stayed out until two -refusal to obey certain laws in order to protes
o'clock in the morning. civil disobedience (noun U)
They continued to smoke in defiance of the a campaign of civil disobedience
He turned the music up in an act of defiance.
- refusing to accept or obey authority: rebellious
rebellious children

Dogged their dogged defence of the city su ten
(tenaz) de la ciudad
adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
doggedly adverbio
If you describe someone's actions as dogged, you mean
that they are determined to continue with
something even if it becomes difficult or dangerous. doggedness sustantivo
They have gained respect through sheer dogged tenacidad
determination. Synonyms (adjective)
...his dogged insistence on their rights. determined, steady, persistent, stubb

¿Whether o if?
Whether (conjunction) If y whether pueden usarse indiscriminad
si preguntas indirectas que tengan un sí o un n
I don’t know whether I’ll be able to come. No respuesta o que ofrezcan diferentes opcione
sé si podré venir. He asked if/whether I was going. Me p
It depends on whether the letter arrives on iba a ir.
time. Depende de si la carta llega a tiempo. She couldn’t decide if/whether we sho
LOC inside or out. No sabía si era mejor comer
whether or not fuera.
whether or not it rains/whether it rains or Sin embargo, con el verbo discuss, detrás
not… tanto si llueve como si no… preposición o delante de un infinitivo sólo se
Tell me whether or not you’re interested. utilizar whether:
Dime si estás interesado o no. We discussed whether we should have
Discutimos si deberíamos tener un hijo.
It depends on whether the letter arriv
time. Depende de si la carta llega a tiempo
I’m not sure whether to resign or stay
si dimitir o seguir en el cargo.

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