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Detailed Lesson Plan in Criminalistics (Personal Identification)


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. identify and enumerate the three basic types of fingerprint

c. explain the importance of identifying fingerprint


Topic: Three Basic Types of Fingerprint

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Handouts, Worksheets
References: http://www.crimescene-forensics.com/Fingerprints.html


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!
b. Prayer May I request everyone to please (The students stand for the
stand up for our opening prayer. opening prayer.)

In the name of Jesus Christ,

c. Checking of the Attendance Class before you sit, please pick
up the pieces of paper or the
garbage around you. Thank you so
much. You can now take your

Let’s have your attendance.

Based on your seat plan, everyone
is present. Good job class!
d. Review Okay, who could still recall our (Ms. Samarra raises her hand.)
topic yesterday?

Yes, Ms. Samarra? Yesterday, we discussed about

Personal Identification.

Very good!
Yesterday we discussed about
Personal Identification.

Okay, who could still recall the (Mr. Dionne raises her hand.)
definition of Personal

Yes, Mr. Dionne? Ma’am, Personal Identification is

the process, or techniques, or
means of establishing the identity
of a particular person.

Very good! Personal Identification

is the process, or techniques, or
means of establishing the identity
of a particular person.
e. Motivation As discussed yesterday, one way
to identify a particular person is
through fingerprinting.

I would like you to look at your

fingerprints then try to observe
each other’s fingerprint. What did
you observe? Now, describe your
own fingerprint to the class.

Any volunteer? (Select at least three volunteers.)

Good observation! My fingerprints are different from

my seatmate.

Each finger of both my hands is


My fingerprints have different

II. Lesson Proper
Analysis Okay class, look at the pictures on Ma’am, mine is similar to the first
the screen. Do they look similar or picture.
different from your fingerprints? Ma’am, mine is similar to the third
Ma’am. Mine is somewhat similar
to the second picture.

All right class, these are the three

basic types of fingerprint.

The first one is called loop pattern. (Answers vary.)

Can you describe what loop
pattern is according to the picture
that you see?

You have an idea, but a loop is

that type of fingerprint in which
one or more of the ridges enter on
either side of the impression and
then curve around to exit on the
same side they began on.

The second pattern is called whorl


Alex, can you describe the whorl (Answers vary.)


Oh, good guess! But a whorl

pattern is a fingerprint pattern
which forms circular or spiral
patterns, like tiny whirlpools.

The third pattern is called the arch


Kia, can you describe the arch (Answers vary.)

Very good! As you can observe, in
arch pattern, the ridges enter from
one side, rise in the center like a
hill, and then exit on the opposite

We can see that the three basic

types of fingerprint are different
from one another.

We were able to observe also that

our fingerprint patterns are similar
to any of the three types but
different from your classmates.

Why do you think individuals have I think individuals have unique

unique fingerprints? fingerprints because of genetic

You have an idea. The finer details

of the patterns of skin ridges are
influenced by other factors during
fetal development, including
substances taken during pregnancy
and the environment inside the
womb. These developmental
factors cause each person's
dermatoglyphs to be different from
everyone else's.

What is the importance of Ma’am, fingerprint impression can

identifying fingerprint impression be used to identify the suspect of
in criminal investigation? the crime.

Are fingerprints enough evidence (Answers vary.)

for conviction?

Fingerprints are unique to

individuals and provide accurate
identification. They are never,
however, absolute scientific
evidence that any individual
committed a crime. Anyone may
be present at any scene in legal,
harmless capacities. (Hager &

Even though fingerprints are

commonly used as tools in the
investigation of crimes by law
enforcement, the identification of a
person through fingerprint analysis
is not completely reliable, and the
use of fingerprints without any
other forms of corroborating
evidence may result in wrongful
convictions. (Woolf, 2021)
Abstraction Differentiate the three basic types Ma’am, a loop is that type of
of fingerprints. fingerprint in which one or more
of the ridges enter on either side of
the impression and then curve
around to exit on the same side
they began on. While whorl pattern
is a fingerprint pattern which
forms circular or spiral patterns,
like tiny whirlpools. And in arch
pattern, the ridges enter from one
side, rise in the center like a hill,
and then exit on the opposite side.

Why fingerprint identification is


Are fingerprints enough evidence Fingerprints are unique to

for conviction? individuals and provide accurate
identification. They are never,
however, absolute scientific
evidence that any individual
committed a crime. Anyone may
be present at any scene in legal,
harmless capacities. (Hager &

Even though fingerprints are

commonly used as tools in the
investigation of crimes by law
enforcement, the identification of a
person through fingerprint analysis
is not completely reliable, and the
use of fingerprints without any
other forms of corroborating
evidence may result in wrongful
convictions. (Woolf, 2021)

Application This time class, I am going to

group you into three.

Kindly count from 1-3.

Group yourselves according to
your numbers.

All number 1’s, stay at the left side

of the room. Then, all number 2’s
at the center and all number 3’s at
the right side.

Answer the worksheet that I am

going to distribute.

1. Write your name and the
date today on the space
provided in the worksheet.
2. Imprint your fingerprints
using the
Why are fingerprints important?
How does your finger create a print you can see?

Discuss comprehensively.
1. Are fingerprints enough forensic evidence for conviction?

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