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Diajukan untuk memenuhi sebagian syarat tugas mata kuliah Komunikasi Organisasi

Dosen Pengampu: Ana Ratnasari, M.Pd.

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Dzhuliannarta A121230068




N.L. Supartini, I.K. Seken, I W. Suarnajaya

Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program

Ganesha University of Education
Denpasar, Indonesia

e-mail:, {ketut.seken, wayan.suarnajaya}

Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh
siswa lokal dan siswa blasteran (campuran) di kelas Bisnis Perhotelan di Sekolah Tinggi
Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua siswa blasteran dan siswa-
siswa local semester dua di kelas Bisnis Perhotelan. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan
menggunakan kualitatif deskripsi serta instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen
manusia dengan melakukan beberapa aktivitas seperti merekaman proses belajar-
mengajar di kelas dan wawancara.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sebelas
strategi yang digunakan oleh siswa lokal dan siswa blasteran selama proses belajar
mengajar. Siswa blasteran lebih menyukai strategi menjelaskan, strategi meninggalkan
pesan dan strategi pengulangan, sedangkan siswa lokal, mereka cenderung
menggunakan strategi menerjemahkan kata per kata dan strategi alih bahasa.Berdasarkan
hasil yang dtemukan, tujuan siswa menggunakan startegi untuk memfasilitasi percakapan
mereka agar mencapai tujuan komunikasi dalam proses belajarmengajar.

Kata Kunci: strategi komunikasi, siswa blasteran (campuran), dan siswa lokal

This study aimed at investigating the type of communication strategies (CS) used by local
and mixed marriage students. The subjects were two mixed marriage students and local
students of Business Hospitality class in second semester. This study was designed as
descriptive qualitative inquiry and the instruments used was the researcher through some
actions such as recording teaching and learning process, interviewing and doing
observation. The findings showed that there were eleven (11) types of communication
strategies (CS) found in teaching and learning process used by mixed marriage and local
students. Mixed marriage students preferred to use circumlocution strategy, message
abandonment and repetition. For local students, they frequently used literal translation
and language switch. Based on the findings, they used certain strategies to facilitate their
conversation in order to get the goal of communication during class sessions. Thefindings
provide empirical evidence of the importance to use communication strategies for the

Keywords: communication strategies (CS), mixed marriage students and local students

INTRODUCTION are also hard to catch up the meaningfrom
Communication can be done in both the speakers who are speaking a foreign
written and spoken forms. When people language especially speaking English as a
communicate in spoken form, language is foreign language. Sometimes, they only
definitely used as a means of listen some familiar words to understand
communication. Language is known as a what the speakers mean. The success of
system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, the use of language should be able to
written or gestural symbols that enable overcome all problems above.
members of a given community to Both non-native and native speakers
communicate intelligibly with one another of a given language sometimes struggle to
(Brown, 2000). It means that in oral find the appropriate vocabulary or
communication, language takes the most grammatical construction when attempting
important part as a system to understand to communicate their meaning. Some
the message. To deliver the message, the people tend to employ different techniques
speaker should be able to use the to overcome their problems. They may
language correctly and accurately. abandon the message, alter the meaning
Therefore, the language needs to be they intend to convey, omit some items of
learned in many ways. information, make their ideas simpler and
Every language has its own set of less precise, or say something which is
rules for grammar, syntax and slightly different from the intended
pronunciation. Brown (2000) said thatone's meaning. When person is able toanticipate
cognitive development in his/her native such a communication problem, he may
language helps the person transfers the overcome it by avoiding communication or
already learned concepts to the second modifying what he intends to say. If the
language. The basic concepts and ideas of problem arises while the people are
one language can be suitablyapplied to any already engaged in speaking, he may try to
other language. Therefore, many people find an alternative way of getting the
still encounter problems in verbal meaning across. The ways in which an
communication such as expressing new individual speaker manages to
words; get the intended meaning of compensate for this gap between what she
interlocutors, use the grammar correctly, wishes to communicate and her
choose the appropriate vocabulary to immediately available linguistic resources
explain certain objects, etc. are known as communication strategies
Language learning cannot be (CS). According to Littlemore (2003),
separated with the term of Second people take some ways in order toenhance
Language Acquisition (SLA). SLA refers to the effectiveness of their communication
all of the aspects of language that the known as communicative strategies.
language learners need to master, such as The term of communication
phonology, semantic, pragmatic, syntax strategies (CS) is used by people in
(Ellis, 1994). There are many ways where attempting to communicate in the foreign or
speakers acquire knowledge of a second second language with a reduced
language (L2). Different people in different interlanguage system. They find that the
situations will learn second language in target language items or structures to
different ways. The second language convey their messages are not available. In
acquisition (SLA) theory suggests that order to keep communication steady,
one’s learning of a second language is speaker may circumvent linguistic
affected by his/her exposure to language difficulties by changing or reducing the
models. content of their messages. In other words,
The difficulties in explaining the the speakers may avoid reference to a
words in learning English as a foreign or concept or topic in order to overcome the
second language commonly come to the lack of the target language term or
people who start to learn a new language expression needed to convey this meaning.
for the first time. They are lack of some These strategies are usually
linguistic resources which are not familiar
with their native language. The listeners

known in the field of second language Bali Tourism Institute which is popular with
acquisition (SLA) research especially the best and biggest tourism in Bali. The
communication strategies as “avoidance” students are not only come from Bali, but
(Tarone, 1987) or “reduction” (Færch and they also come from other provinces even
Kasper, 1983). More often, speakers are other countries. It seems to be interesting
able to keep their communicative goalsand to conduct a research in the field of
convey the original content of their communication strategies used by
messages by developing an alternative students from mixed marriage family.
means of expression. People can also use Additionally, Business Hospitality
the similar terms, a descriptive Department will be selected since the
circumlocution, a word coinage, a native class contains students from differentfamily
language transfer, a gesture or an appeal background such as mixed marriage
for assistance to achieve the goal of students. This research will be carried out
communication. These different kinds of in Bali Tourism Institute Nusa Dua Bali on
techniques might be used to compensate purpose to investigate the form of
for or avoid all sorts of interlanguage communication strategies used by students
deficits: lexical, grammatical, pragmatic or from mixed marriage family and local
sociolinguistic. students during teaching and learning
In classroom interaction, the process. Bali Tourism Institute is the
researcher found that the students came biggest tourism school in Bali which has a
from different backgrounds of lot of students from outside of Bali and
characteristics, race, and language. They Indonesia.
did not set the same language up, in case
of their mother tongue and dominant METHOD
language. The phenomena were alsofound The study is based on a qualitative
in teaching and learning process. The research which was conducted in
researcher found that there were some Business Hospitality Department in Bali
students who are from mixed marriage Tourism Institute.
family. The students from mixed marriage The subjects in this research were
family were commonly becoming a mixed marriage and local students of
bilingual. They master two different second semester of Bussines Hospitality
languages based on their parents’ class and an English teacher. In this study,
nationality. Although they are able to the students whose parents were mixed
speak in two different languages, it was between Japanese and Indonesian. One of
found that they still had problems in the subject used Japanese as their
expressing ideas in English. This means langauge in daily converation. Other used
that the students who are from mixed Indonesian for the min language in
marriage family require using certain communication.
strategy in order to be able to communicate The data was collected through
with interlocutor in teaching and learning observations, interview and note takings.
process. Commonly, the students use The observation was done for three
some communication strategies like sessions of teaching and learning process.
repetition, code switching orexpressing the The students were given a task to make
word by giving examples. conversation with their friends related to
In accordance with the phenomenon certain topic. The process ofteaching and
above, the researcher finds it interesting learning were recorded and observed. The
to conduct a study about communication data were collected in three class
strategies used by the students especially meetings; in the first meeting they learned
those who are from mixed marriage about their experience in working, the
family. In addition, the thing that the students are asked to tell about a job
researcher would analyze is experience that they have, meanwhile in
communication strategies used by adult the second meeting, theywere asked about
learners during teaching and learning their opinion of abilities and skills that they
process. Here, the researcher finds the have. They were given a questionnaire
students from mixed marriage family in which consisted of a list of

skill and abilities. The students wereasked 5 Circumlocution √ √ √
to choose which one that they have. For
the third meeting, the students were asked 6 Appeal for √ - √
to make a conversation about what kinds of Use of All-
abilities and skills must the person have for 7 Purposes Words - √ -
working in tourism or hospitality. Self Repair or
The interview was also conducted to 8 - √ -
gain additional information about the Stalling or Time
reason of the use of communication 9 √ - √
Gaining Strategy
strategies used by the students. Certain
data collected through the observation Avoidance or Reduction Strategy
were cross-checked through the Message
interviews. 10 √ - √
The data from the observation were Others
transcribed and coded in the form of 11 √ √ √
utterances to identify the CS use by the Note:
subjects. Each strategies used by the S1A1 : mixed marriage student (female)
students were recorded by placing a tick on S1A2 : mixed marriage student (male)
the list of CS form. S1B : local students
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 above showed that they
There were eleven (11) types of CS types of communication strategies (CS)
were found in teaching and learning employed by students during teaching and
process namely: message abandonment, learning process were varied. Mixed
literal translation, circumlocution, stalling, marriage students employed more CS
circumlocution, and appeal for assistance, than local students. The researcher put a
self repair, mime, word coinage and use of tick in observation list for the CS used by
all purposes words. The researcher also mixed marriage students and local
found another strategy that was repetition. students. Utterances said by mixed
However, three CS namely foreignizing, marriage students or local students were
approximation and topic avoidance were differentiated based on the subject. The
not found in this research. subjects were coded based on mixed
From recording of 3 sessions of marriage and local. As illustration, CS
teaching and learning process, the (literal translation) and there are tick in
researcher found that there were 50 column S1A1 and S1B means that the
utterances can be analyzed during literal translation strategy was employed
teaching and learning process. by mixed marriage and local students.

Table 1.List of CS used by Local and Table 2 Types of Communication

Mixed Marriage Students Strategies used by Mixed Marriage
Subjects Students
Strategies S1A1 S1A2 S1B No Types of CS Subject F Percen

Achievement and Compensatory Strategies Literal

1. 2 4.44%
1 Literal √ - √ Mixed
Translation 2. marriage 3 6.67%
2 Language Switch √ - √ students
3. Mime (S1A1+ 3 6.67%
3 Mime √ - - S1A2)

4 Word Coinage - - √ 4. Circumlocution 4 8.89%

Appeal for Stalling or Time
5. 2 4.44% 6. 3 6.67%
Assistance Gaining Strag.

Use of all Message

6. 1 2.22% 7. 2 4.44%
Purposes Words Abandonment

8. Repetition 1 2.22%
Stalling or Time
7. 3 6.67%
Gaining Strag.

Table 3 presents the result CS used

8. Self Repair 3 6.67%
by local students. It was found that
Message literal translation to be the most
9. 4 8.89% commonly strategy which occurred
during teaching and learning process.
10. Repetition 3 6.67% The percentage was 20%, means that
this strategy was the most frequent
strategy used by local students. The
From table 2, it can be seen that the next strategy was language switch.
most frequent strategies used by mixed Stalling or time gaining strategy and
marriage students were message appeal for assistance strategy have
abandonment, circumlocution and the same percentage of frequency
repetition. Other strategies also employed after language switch strategy. Then,
by mixed marriage students are stalling, followed by other strategy were
language switch, self repair and mime. The message abandonment and repetition.
other strategies used by mixed marriage The other least strategy used by local
students were literal translation, appeal for students was circumlocution and word
assistance and use of all purposes. coinage.
Meanwhile, for local students also The low percentage of Use of All
employed some CS in order to overcome Purposes Strategy in mixed marriage
the problem during communication when students indicated that mixed marriage
using English as foreign language. The students did not like to use the general
local students used CS strategies such as terms to explain certain words. They
literal translation, language switch, stalling, preferred to use circumlocution
repetition and appeal forassistance. strategy, message abandonment and
repetition because both mixed
Table 3.Types of Communication marriage students have good
Strategies used by Local Students proficiency in English; therefore, it was
No Types of CS Subject Freq. Prctg. easy for them to use circumlocution
strategy to convey the meaning during
Literal communication. Meanwhile another
1. 9 20%
Translation mixed marriage student preferred touse
message abandonment to avoid
2. 6 13.3% inappropriate topic during
Switch Local
Students communication. She felt better to be
3. Word Coinage (S1B1,S1 1 2.22% silent rather than gave improper
B2,S1B3, answer to interlocutor.
S1B4.S1 For local students, the lowest
4. B5.S1B6) 1 2.22%
percentage word coinage and
Appeal for
circumlocution strategy indicates that
5. Assistance 3 6.67% the students were lacking of
use vocabulary. Some local students with
good English were able to use
circumlocution and word coinage
strategies in which these strategies
required the speaker to be able to use

English fully. The highest percentage language switch, miming or stalling
of language switch and literal to deliver their message to their
translation shows that the localstudents interlocutors.
were influenced by their first language. 4. The students do not have sufficient
It can be concluded that the local knowledge of English.
students tended to avoid delivering Although the students havelearned
difficult words or sentences owing to English for years, it is still as a
the shy feeling or worry of making foreign language for them. They do
mistakes; thus they switched the not use the language for their daily
English words or sentences into their conversation; therefore they do not
native language, which is Indonesian have enough vocabularies or
and since the listeners were all knowledge of the language. To
Indonesians, they thought it would not enrich the vocabularies, the
be a problem though they just used students require practicing the
Indonesian words. language regularly. Learning the
Based on the findings, there were language does not mean learn what
found some major reasons identified language is, however learn how to
beyond the strategy used by the use the language. The strategies
students; those are: such as literal translation, appeal
1. The students did not realize what for assistance or language switch.
to say in certain situation. In this 5. The students tried to clarify their
study, the researcher analyzed mistakes from their utterances.
that the students did not aware While communicating by using
about what they are going to say. English, the speaker frequently did
They looked speechless when they not aware of what they were
are given a chance to give their talking about. When they were
opinion. They were hesitated to realize their mistake, they tried to
start certain utterances; it affected make a clarification of their
them to be silent in classroom. utterances by using certain
Thus, the reasons the students strategies as repetition, self repair,
used certain strategies such as stalling or appeal for assistance.
repetition, message abandonment 6. The students tried to make the
or stalling strategies to overcome utterances run smoothly at the
their problem in communication. same time.
2. The students found difficulty in The students tended to make the
expressing their idea in English. utterances run smoothly rather that
Commonly the students are able to avoid the topic being discussed. It
answer the questionfrom the indicates that the students
teacher. However, they were attempted to keep theconversation
confused to say in English. They flowing and maintain their
were not able to access the word interaction with theinterlocutor.
that was actually stored in their
memory. Therefore, they employed After finding the types of CS used, the
certain strategies such literal researcher tried to make a comparison
translation or language switch between CS used by mixed marriage
during their conversation. students and local students. Table below
3. The students did not recognize the provides a brief view about the comparison
English form or structure. of both subjects.
The students were not familiar with
some form or structure which are
different with their first language.
They were hard to recognize the
correct and appropriate structure,
then they used communication
strategies such literal translation,

Table 4.Comparison of CS used by Mixed important for them, so they decided to
Marriage and Local Students leave the message unfinished. It might be
influenced by their Japanese culture.
Japanese do not like to say something
No Types of CS unimportant to their interlocutors. They just
(F) (F)
say to the point what they meant; it is
1. Literal Translation 2 9 different with Indonesian who is likely to
talk something with many explanations.
2. Language Switch 3 6 They did not straight to the point whenthey
wanted to explain the certain words, so it
3. Mime 3 - influenced the local students did not use
avoidance and reduction strategy.
4. Word Coinage - 1 However, it was found that one of local
Circumlocution students used avoidance strategy. It
5. 4 1 seemed that the student does not like to
Appeal for talk a lot or they are difficult to say in the
6. 2 3 target language.
The result of this research is related
Use of all the previous study which is conducted by
7. 1 -
Purposes Words Hua and Nor (2012) which found that the
Stalling or Time level of proficiency influence the use of
8. 3 3
Gaining Strag. communication strategy by the students.
9. Self Repair 3 - Bialystok’s (1983) study found that
advanced students use more L2-based
Message strategies of approximation,
10. 4 2
Abandonment circumlocution and word coinage than the
regular students who employed more L1-
11. Repetition 3 1 based strategies of borrowing, language
switch and literal translation. He concluded
that the more proficient the L2 learners
become, the more they rely on L2 based
From the result of observation in the
strategies. She noted that as the learners
classroom, the strategies which were
move towards advanced levels, they
employed by mixed marriage students
abandon some strategies in favor of others.
were more varied than local students.
In this research, it was found that mixed
Mixed marriage students used ten (10)
marriage students employed more
types of communication strategy;
strategies because they have better
meanwhile local students used eight (8)
proficiency in English. This statement was
types of communication strategies. Based
supported by the result of interview
on the theoretical review about types of
between the teacher and the students.
communication strategy, there two majorof
While interviewing missed marriage
CS; achievement and compensatory
students, they said that they really like
strategy and avoidance and reduction
learning English since she was child and
strategy. Mixed marriage students tended
have joined many kinds of English
to use both strategies and local students
courses to improve their ability in English.
mostly used achievement and
The teacher also said that those mixed
compensatory strategy. This happened
marriage students have got good mark in
because when the local students having
final examination in previous semester.
problem in communication, they tried to
Dobao (2012) investigated the useof
deliver their intended meaning by saying
CS by Galician learners of English and
any kinds of words in order to get the goal
learner’s native language was one of the
of communication. For mixed marriage
explored factors influencing CS choice.
students, they also tried to deliver their
Fifteen EFL learners with different
intended meaning to their interlocutors;
linguistic backgrounds were selected;
however they dislike saying something not
seven of the spoke Galician as their

mother tongue and the rest spoke Related to the current study, based
Spanish. All the subjects were required to on teacher’s perception on CS used by
accomplish three communicative tasks: a students, it was the strategy used by the
picture story narration, a photograph students to overcome their problems during
description and ten-minute conversation. communication using English. It is really
The results showed that no significant important for the students to use this
differences existed between Galician and strategy, because communicating byusing
Spanish native speakers in their choice of English is not easy as using their first
specific types of CSs such as avoidance, language.
achievement and L1-based strategies. According to the teacher, students
However, there was a statistically faced many problems in communicatingby
significant difference between the two using English in teaching and learning
groups in frequency of CS use. However, process such as the use the language,
he did not provide any well-founded pronunciation, lack of vocabularies, errors
explanation for the difference but or grammar and the use of facial
suggested that further research should be expression. To overcome those problems,
carried out on this issue. Related to the students might use some strategies
Dobao’s research, in this study was also which are different from one to another.
found the difference of two types students The teacher also said that the students
in using communication strategies, it commonly used Indonesian while facing
seems that this study could answer the difficulty to express the word in English.
reasons behind the differences above. The They just translate word by word and
differences above might be influenced by ignored the grammar, it seems that they
some factors such as: lack of grammar knowledge. Moreover,
when the teacher asked opinion about the
1. English proficiency students, some students forgot to use
Less proficient learners may employ English anymore, after they have used
L1 based or reduction strategies, more Indonesian to say the unfamiliar words in
proficient learners may employ L2-based English. The teacher directly reminded the
achievement strategies. It can be seen students to use English. The strategies that
from the students who were local or mixed they used based on task given and also
marriage with high proficiency English their proficiency in English.
prefer to use strategies such as From the teacher’s perception, the
circumlocution, self repair and repetition. use of CS by mixed marriage students and
On the other side, the lower proficiency local students are different. It depends on
student preferred to use language switch the first language of the students. She said
and literal translation which are still that female student of mixed marriage
influenced by the first language. family tend to be silentwhen she is not able
2. First language to answer my question or understand the
The use of communication strategies teacher’ instruction. It might be because
was also influenced by their first language. they are influenced by Japanese habit
The first language is the language thatthey which people do not like to talk a lot.
usually use in daily life. When they were However, another student from mixed
asked to speak English as a foreign marriage family tended to explain or
language, in some cases they might use describe the words that he meant. The
their first language to express the student said the words then giving
intended words. It can be seen from the examples or descriptions in detail so the
result of observation that, mixed marriage listener can get his intended meaning.
students whose first language is Japanese Compare, with local students, they were
was observed expressing a word using likely to answer the questions from the
Japanese term. Meanwhile, local students teacher in along explanation but there is no
who commonly use Indonesian as theirfirst point inside their speaking. She said that
language were also found used Indonesian commonlylocal students speak like ‘talking
terms to express their ideas during around the bush’. They usually speak out
conversation. of the

topic, even though they answer the occurred in literal translation strategy used
teacher’s question. by local students.
Every students uses different CS The comparison of CS used between
based on occasion, person and person to local and mixed marriage students is that
whom they talk with. The teacher found that mixed marriage students tended to use
mixed marriage students commonly use both strategies and local students mostly
Japanese while communicating with their used achievement and compensatory
friends who understand Japanese. They strategy especially intralingual strategy.
use Japanese to talk about secret However local students chose
message. Therefore, the other will not get interlanguage strategy only during
what they are talking about. To examine the communication. Both local and mixed
perceptions of the teacher on the use of marriage students mostly used the literal
communication strategies in the translation and language switch as
classroom, an interview was held with the strategies to help them during
teacher who was teaching in this communication by using English as a
recording. The teacher was also asked foreign language.
about the different communication From the teacher’s perception, the
strategies employed by the students choice of CS used by the students was
during teaching and learning session. The influenced by some factors such as their
teacher reported that the communication first language, their proficiency of English
strategies that the students used in the and the contexts.. The used of CS also
classroom included providing students contributes the teacher the way to speak
with alternative ways of expressing in to the students in order to make the
English. She said that the use of literal students understand.
translation and language switch were Referring to the findings described
influenced by their first language. She also above, this research is expected to to
said that the other strategies chose by the know what kind of strategy which
students were affected by their proficiency appropriate to use while teaching and the
in English and their ability to speak more students can use many kinds of
than one language. Sometimes, the communication strategies to interact
teacher also used strategies in the during teaching and learning process.
classroom to encourage students to The researcher expected that this
restructure their answer. study would provide information to other
researchers in related discipline who are
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION interested in conducting research in
From the explanation above, it can be related field. As an illustration, other
concluded that there were ten (10) types of dimensions in communication strategy
CS found in teaching and learning process could be explored with more subjects to
used by mixed marriage and localstudents. obtain more valid and reliable data. This
The strategies used by mixed marriage study can become a reference for other
students are 1) circumlocution, researchers who want to analyze about
2) message abandonment, 3) stalling or communication strategies’ practices in a
time gaining, 4) language switch, 5) self community.
repair, 6) mime, 7) appeal for assistance, This study is also expected to
8) literal translation and 9) use of all enrich the knowledge of CS which can be
purposes words and (10) repetition. used by the students in learning English
The higher frequency of message as a foreign language. Although, there
abandonment and circumlocution strategy were abundant types of Communication
employed by mixed marriage students strategies which were found in researches,
indicates that they prefer to explain some however they have to use in appropriate
difficult words in the target language orthey contexts.
tended to be silent or not respond the
questions to avoid miss understanding.
On the other side, the highest frequency

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh
mahasiswa lokal dan mahasiswa blasteran (campuran) di kelas Bisnis Perhotelan di Sekolah
Tinggi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali.Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua mahasiswa blasteran dan
mahasiswa lokal semester dua di kelas Bisnis Perhotelan.Penelitian ini dirancang dengan
menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripsi dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen
manusia dengan melakukan beberapa kegiatan seperti merekam proses belajar-mengajar
di kelas dan wawancara.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sebelas strategi yang digunakan oleh
mahasiswa lokal dan mahasiswa blasteran selama proses belajar mengajar.Siswa blasteran
lebih menyukai strategi menjelaskan, strategi meninggalkan pesan dan strategi
pengulangan, sedangkan siswa lokal, mereka cenderung menggunakan strategi
menerjemahkan kata per kata dan strategi alih bahasa.Berdasarkan hasil yang ditemukan,
tujuan siswa menggunakan startegi untuk memfasilitasi percakapan mereka agar mencapai
tujuan komunikasi dalam proses belajar mengajar.strategi komunikasi, siswa blasteran
(campuran), dan siswa lokal Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis strategi
komunikasi (CS) yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa lokal dan mahasiswa pernikahan

Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua mahasiswa pernikahan campuran dan mahasiswa lokal
kelas Perhotelan Bisnis di semester kedua.Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian
kualitatif deskriptif dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah peneliti melalui beberapa tindakan
seperti merekam proses belajar mengajar, wawancara dan melakukan observasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada sebelas (11) jenis strategi komunikasi (CS) yang
ditemukan dalam proses belajar mengajar yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa campuran dan
mahasiswa lokal.Untuk mahasiswa lokal, mereka lebih sering menggunakan penerjemahan
harfiah dan peralihan bahasa.

Ketika orang berkomunikasi dalam bentuk lisan, bahasa pasti digunakan sebagai
alat komunikasi.Ini berarti bahwa dalam komunikasi lisan, bahasa mengambil bagian
terpenting sebagai sebuah sistem untuk memahami pesan.Untuk menyampaikan pesan,
pembicara harus dapat menggunakan bahasa dengan benar dan akurat.Brown (2000)
mengatakan bahwa perkembangan kognitif seseorang dalam bahasa ibunya membantu
orang tersebut mentransfer konsep yang telah dipelajari ke bahasa kedua.

Oleh karena itu, banyak orang yang masih mengalami masalah dalam komunikasi
verbal seperti mengekspresikan kata-kata baru; memahami maksud lawan bicara,
menggunakan tata bahasa dengan benar, memilih kosakata yang tepat untuk menjelaskan
objek tertentu, dan lain-lain.Orang yang berbeda dalam situasi yang berbeda akan belajar
bahasa kedua dengan cara yang berbeda.Para pendengar e-Journal Program
Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
(Volume 3, No 1 Tahun 2015) 3 juga sulit untuk menangkap makna dari pembicara yang
berbicara bahasa asing, terutama berbicara bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing.


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