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Effective study strategies and techniques can make all the difference in achieving

success in nursing education Alkorashy & Alanazi, 2023; Mariani, 2023)

Relying on didactic lectures and exam-focused learning can create passive learners
who depend on rote memorization. This approach can hinder the development of
critical thinking skills and the cultivation of essential nursing values (Lin et
al., 2022). However, developing effective study strategies and techniques can help
nursing students manage their time more efficiently, retain information better, and
ultimately achieve success in their academic and professional pursuits (Cao et al.,
2023; Warni & Jufri, 2023).

Based on the study of Sulaiman et. al (2023) it is recommended that nursing

educators encourage nursing students to use effective study strategies and
techniques such as group study, and practice quizzes. These strategies were found
to be positively correlated with overall study effectiveness, which is crucial in
achieving academic success in nursing education.

H. Alkorashy, M. Alanazi
Personal and job-related factors influencing the work engagement of hospital
nurses: A cross-sectional study from Saudi Arabia
Healthcare, 11 (4) (2023), p. 572, 10.3390/healthcare11040572

Recruiting and Retaining Nurse Faculty Through Mentorship

Nursing Education Perspectives, 44 (2) (2023), p. 75,

Mahmood Hazim Sulaiman, Mohammed Salih Jasim, Atheer Abd Ahmed, Ammar Akram Ahmed,
Radhwan Hussein Ibrahim, Osama Ismail Al-Mashhadany,
A winning formula for nursing education: Effective study strategies and techniques,
Teaching and Learning in Nursing,
Volume 18, Issue 4,
Pages e142-e145,
ISSN 1557-3087,

Effectiveness of the use of concept maps and simulated cases as a teaching-learning

strategy in enhancing the learning confidence of baccalaureate nursing students: A
qualitative approach
Nurse Education Today, 115 (2022), Article 105418, 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105418
Test Anxiety

According to Zeidner (2004), in the book Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, test

anxiety The set of phenomenological, physiological, and behavioral responses that
accompany concern about possible negative consequences or loss of competence on an
exam or similar evaluative situation. Test-anxious behavior is typically evoked
when a person believes that his or her intellectual, motivational, and social
capabilities are taxed or exceeded by demands stemming from the test
Similar to other emotions, test anxiety is comprised of a complex array of
component processes. These processes can include (1) affective components in terms
of uneasy, nervous feelings; (2) physiological components including physiological
activation and symptoms such as increased heart rate, increased respiration rate,
or sweating; (3) cognitive components involving worries about possible failure and
its consequences; (4) motivational components in terms of motivation to avoid
failure and impulses to escape from the situation; and (5) behavioral components in
terms of facial and postural expression of anxiety.

The findings show that there is a clear negative relationship between test anxiety
and academic performance. This means that as students experience more test anxiety,
their academic performance tends to get worse. Conversely, if students are able to
reduce their test anxiety, their academic performance is likely to
improve.Therefore, reducing test anxiety can likely lead to better academic
performance (Benjamin & Mohammed,2023)


A total of 25.4% of the nursing students had a moderate test anxiety and 2.1% had a
severe test anxiety.

Test anxiety can be caused by several factors. Research indicates that parental
pressure is a significant contributor, with students who feel pressured by their
parents experiencing more anxiety and physical symptoms during tests. Other causes
include poor performance on previous tests, lack of preparation, and fear of
failure. Students who have done poorly in the past are more likely to feel anxious
in future tests. Procrastination or inadequate studying can also heighten anxiety
levels. Additionally, students who tie their self-worth to their test scores feel
immense pressure to perform well, leading to increased anxiety. Furthermore, test
anxiety can perpetuate itself; once a student experiences anxiety during a test,
they are more likely to fear and experience it again in future testing situations
(Cherry, 2023).

Zeidner, M. (2004). Test anxiety. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied
Psychology (pp. 545-556). Academic Press. retrieved from:

Pekrun, R., & Stephens, E. J. (2015). Test anxiety and academic achievement. In J.
D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
(2nd ed., pp. 101-107). Elsevier. Retrieved from:

Benjamin, L. S., & Mohammed, K. E. A. (2023). Test anxiety and academic

performance: A correlational study among nursing college students. Journal Name,
2(3).retrived from: https://jpns-journal.com/index.php/jpns/article/view/80

Khaira, M. K., Raja Gopal, R. L., Mohamed Saini, S., & Md Isa, Z. (2024).
Prevalence of test anxiety and its determinants among nursing students in Selangor,
Malaysia. Heliyon, 10(4), e26236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26236

Lesson 7: General Principles of International Law

Member 1:
• international law vs national law
How does international Law become a part of the law of the state?
• Doctrine of incorporation
• Doctrine of transformation
International Conventions and International Customs
• International Conventions
• Bilateral treaties
• multilateral treaties

Member 2:
• International Customs
• State practice
• Opinio juris sive necessitates
Kinds of International Customs
• Regional custom
• Special or Local custom
• Jus cogens
• Obligations erga omnes

Member 3:
Basic Principles of Concerning treaties
• Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt
• Pacta sunt servanda
• Rebuc sic stantibus
Executive Agreement and Concordat

Lesson 8: States, Nationality, and statelessness

Member 4:
-Elements of state
-Creation of state
State recognition
-Landmark doctrine in state recognition

Member 5:
Right of states

Statement of the Problem
According to a study, nursing students experience moderate to high levels of test
anxiety leading to reduced academic performance, lower self-esteem, and
difficulties in completing their program and pursuing a successful nursing career
(Khari et. al., 2024). Moreover, poor study habits negatively impact the students’
performance and adds to their struggle on test sand exams (Singh & Sharma, 2022).
Thus, this study seeks to determine the effectiveness of the study habits and
levels of test anxiety of Level I and Level IV nursing students. It also aims find
the relationship between study habits and test anxiety of nursing student at
Baliuag University, specifically, it intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.4 Level

2. What is the effectiveness of study habits of nursing students?

3. What is the level of test anxiety of nursing students?
4. What is the significant difference between male and female in terms of:
4.1 Study habits
4.2 Test anxiety
5.What is the significant relationship between levels I and IV nursing students in
terms of:
5.1 Study habits
5.2 Test anxiety
6. What relationship is observed between study habits and test anxiety?

Hypothesis of the Study

Ho: There is no significant difference in study habits between females and males.

Ho: There is no significant difference in test anxiety levels between females and

Ho: There is no significant difference in study habits between level I and level IV
nursings students.

Ho: There is no significant difference between test anxiety levels between level I
and level IV nursing students.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between study habits and test anxiety

According to an article by Stein and Dosmann (2020) “A simple definition of a
learning technique (aka a study technique) is that it is an action a learner can
engage in on their own to acquire a piece of knowledge or master a skill.”. And
according to an article by O'byrne (2020). Learning strategies refer to methods
that students use to learn. A learning strategy is an individual’s way of
organizing and using a particular set of skills in order to learn content or
accomplish other tasks more effectively and efficiently in academic and nonacademic

According to Gayle Morris an MSN, on her article "Why Every Nursing Student Should
Know Their Learning Style" She stated that Nursing school is a big commitment of
time and energy. Moreover, Knowing and understanding your personal learning style
can help you identify study methods that make the most of your time. Additionally,
Nurses are lifelong learners and often must complete continuing education credits
to maintain their license.

There is no single “right” way to study – there is only the way that is right for
you. A style that works for some students may not be as effective for others. For
example, many people need to write things down to best recall course material,
while others learn most efficiently through graphical or auditory methods. If you
haven’t discovered your learning style yet, don’t be afraid to experiment and try
different strategies to see which one makes the most sense for you (Gamboa, 2024).

Students’ independent study behaviors are an important part of their learning in

college courses. When holding preparation, class absences, and total study time
equal, we found that students who spent more time on effortful, active study
strategies and used a greater number of active strategies had higher scores for
Dossman A., and Stein G. (2020). Common Learning Techniques: Using the Science of
Learning to Make the Most of Your Study Time. https://medium.com/study-kit/common-

O'Byrne, W. (2020). Learning Strategies. https://wiobyrne.com/learning-strategies/

Morris G. 2022. Why Every Nursing Student Should Know Their Learning Style

Gamboa, A. (2024). How to Study in Nursing School.


According to a study conducted by Almoslamani (2021)

that aimed to investigate the learning strategies adopted by Saudi university
students and explore the differences in the use of learning strategies due to
gender and academic achievement. the use of learning strategies significantly
predicts student achievement, particularly when focusing on microstrategies and key
aspects of memory and metacognition. This finding implies that students must pay
closer attention to utilizing these learning strategies if they wish to enhance
their academic performance.

According to Jerrim (2022), moderate levels of test anxiety can be beneficial, as

they are sufficient to motivate and drive students to perform without impairing
their cognitive function or distracting them from their tasks. However, meta-
analyses indicate that students with higher levels of test anxiety tend to perform
worse on exams. Anxiety can negatively impact cognitive processes, particularly
working memory capacity. Therefore, the general consensus, is that test anxiety
interferes with working memory, leading to poorer exam performance (Kaminske,

According to Artz (2020) who specializes in psychodynamic and humanistic therapy,

to overcome test anxiety, employ a variety of strategies such as studying
efficiently using personalized methods, starting early and consistently in a
conducive environment, and seeking advice from teachers. Additionally, Arriving
early at the testing site can help you relax and focus, while challenging
perfectionistic thoughts and visualizing success can boost confidence. Prioritize
good sleep, read test directions carefully, and manage your time effectively during
exams. Avoid distractions from other test-takers and practice stress management
techniques like cognitive-behavioral strategies. Finally, If anxiety remains
severe, consider therapy and possibly medication, though medication should
complement ongoing therapy.

Jerrim, J. (2022). Test anxiety: Is it associated with performance in high-stakes
examinations? Oxford
Review of Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2022.2079616

kaminske 2024.

Artzt N. (2022)
------------------------------------------------------------------------Barrot and
Parmar (2020) defined study habits as those techniques, such as summarizing, note
taking, outlining or locating material which learners employ to assist themselves
in the efficient learning of the material at hand. The term “Study Habit” implies a
sort of more or less permanent method of studying. According to Good’s dictionary
of education, “Study habit is the tendency of pupil to study when the opportunities
are given, the pupil’s way of studying whether systematic or unsystematic,
efficient or inefficient.” Study-habits are the essence of a dynamic personality. A
proper study habits enables an individual to reap a good harvest in future. The
present society is a competitive society, where the principle of struggle for
existence and survival for fittest exists.

Barrot and parmar2020


Ahmad and Batool (2019) conducted research aiming to investigate the correlation
between test anxiety and the study habits of Punjab University students. The study
utilized Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) to examine the relationship between
test anxiety and students' study habits. The results revealed a strongly negative
relationship between the two variables, indicating that as test anxiety increases,
study habits tend to decrease, and vice versa. However, the p-value was found to be
insignificant, suggesting that this observed relationship may have occurred by
chance rather than being statistically significant.

The findings are supported by the research conducted by Sanuar, Patra, and Maity
(2023) that aimed to investigate the correlation between study habits and test
anxiety among B.Ed. college students, utilizing Mukhopadhyay and Sansanwal's Study
Habit Inventory (SHI) and Spielberger's Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI). The study,
comprising 120 B.Ed. students, showed a substantial, adverse relationship between
study habits and test anxiety. Specifically, students with better study habits
demonstrated lower levels of test anxiety, while those with poor study habits
experienced higher levels of test anxiety. These findings underscore the importance
of cultivating effective study habits to mitigate test anxiety among B.Ed.
Ahmad S , and Batool A. (2019). Test Anxiety and Study Habits of Students: A
Correlational Study
at University Level.

Sk Sanuar, Koushik Patra, & Dr. Arun Maity. (2023). Correlation Between Study
Habit, Test Anxiety And Academic Achievement Of The Male And Female B.Ed. College
Students. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(9s), 1872–
1880. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v6i9s.2660

An analysis of the results revealed that there is no significant difference in
anxiety levels among college students of different classifications or by the number
of semester hours taken. Shocking becuase according to articles first year students
may have

Another study by Tsegay (2019) emphasized that problematic test anxiety is a common
health issue among medical students worldwide, affecting 25 to 40% of undergraduate
students and negatively impacting their academic performance and success. They
investigated the relationship between test anxiety and various sociodemographic and
student-related characteristics in a study of 423 medical students. The study found
that 52.3% of the students experienced problematic test anxiety. Additionally, the
lack of a systematic study plan was identified as a significant predictor of test

Tsegay et al., (2019). Prevalence and determinants of test anxiety among medical
students in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Retrived from:
Please create a video in which you provide concise answers to the following:

What are some non-verbal cues that you observe in the video?

What is the meaning of the expression mentioned by the speaker "Fake it until you
become it."?

How do you interpret the statement "Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes."

As per self-regulation learning theory, time management and strategic learning

approaches are positive forms of self-regulation that help manage one’s learning.

Wolters CA, Brady AC. College students’ time management: a self-regulated learning
perspective. Educ Psychol Rev. 2020;2020:1–33.

assumes test anxiety to be a result of students' appraisals of the testing

situation and its outcomes.

Pekrun, R. (2006). The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions:

Assumptions, Corollaries, and Implications
for Educational Research and Practice

Specifically, CVT posits that students' cognitive appraisals of an achievement

outcome or activity are proximal antecedents of emotions experienced in
achievement-related situations (Pekrun, 2000).

2 presenters
Flow of live
Content of the Topic (Breastfeeding week) 25 mins
Creative (ppt)

-about upcoming live
-a question, Do you know that breasfeeding .......
-date of live, presentors...

captions, short intro about the session


The purpose of this study was to measure the participants' study habits efficacy
and level of test anxiety, and more importantly, to determine if there is a
significant relationship between the two variables. Moreover, the researchers
intends to know the difference of the two variables among level I and level IV
nursing students of Baliuag University. This section covers the research design,
research locale, participants of the study, research intrument , data gathering
procedure, data analysis, and statistical treatment that will be applied in this
Research design

The rationale of a research design as stated by Pedersen (2024), is a guide for

researchers, directing them throughout the research process and assisting in
ensuring the accomplishment of the study's goals. The general plan or approach that
describes how a study is carried out. Moreover, a research study should choose its
research design based on the nature of the investigation, not only at random or
without good cause (Asenahabi, 2019).

Asenahabi, B. (2019). Basics of research design: A guide to selecting appropriate
research design. Research Gate.

Pedersen, M. (2024). The importance of research design: A comprehensive guide.

Powering Human Insights. https://imotions.com/blog/learning/the-importance-of-

Edit conceptual
make an alternative with compara
pick a statistical treatment, search about first year and 4th year nursing students
test anxiety
gumawa ng chap 2

shorten yung descrptions

add a conclusion, rrl,
theoretical - figure,
bagong conceptual - ako nalang din,

Jamaica - research locale

sharmaine - correlational
margarette - comparative
abalos - edit ng conceptual
Study Habits refer to a method of studying that is relatively consistent (Barrot
and Parmar, 2020). According to Jafari, Aghaei, and Khatony (2019), these are
methods that might help a student get interested in their studies without feeling
under pressure or having their studies interrupted. The researchers further defined
study habits based on the following. Time management as a method, refers to the
self-directed scheduling of tasks at a particular time (Eerde, 2024). A study
technique, on the other hand, is defined by Stein and Dosmann (2020) as an
independent activity that a student may carry out to gain knowledge or become
competent in a skill. Lastly, a study environment, as described by Closs et al.
(2019), is the combination of social, pedagogical, psychological, and physical
settings that impact student performance and attitudes during studying. In relation
to the second major variable, test anxiety is a kind of anxiety that students
experience when they engage in a test and in their results. Moreover according to
Dr. Sarah Dash (2022), anxiety is commonly categorized into four groups based on
the degree of discomfort and impairment felt: mild anxiety, moderate anxiety,
severe anxiety, and panic level anxiety. More severe cases of exam anxiety might
make pupils physically uncomfortable, whereas milder cases can just give them a
feeling of "butterflies” in the stomach (Cherry, 2024).

Moreover, it was stated that nursing students have higher levels of test anxiety
than other students, due to the challenges such as juggling duties, adjust to their
careers, and handle family responsibilities while also putting in long hours of


In a study among basic education students conducted by Sanuar, Patra, and Maity
(2023), their findings showed that students that with good study habits showed a
lower level of anxiety, while those with poor sutdy habits showed higher levels of
anxiety. Thus, the researchers would like to see if this relationship also exist
among nursing students.

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