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Corruption is a pervasive issue that has significant implications for national development.

UPND government, led by President Hakainde Hichilema, has prioritized the fight against
corruption since assuming power in 2021. This paper delves into the intricate relationship
between corruption and national development, critically evaluating the nature of the UPND
government’s anti-corruption measures.

According to Coker (2007) corruption refers to dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in

power, typically involving bribery, embezzlement, or misuse of public office for personal gain. It
undermines the rule of law, erodes public trust, distorts resource allocation, and hampers
economic and social development.

Foulkes (2014) explains that national development encompasses the sustained improvement in
economic, social, and political conditions within a country. It involves advancements in
infrastructure, healthcare, education, governance, and overall quality of life for the population.
National development aims to enhance the well-being and prosperity of a nation’s citizens
through sustainable growth and equitable distribution of resources.

According to Mwape (2011) the relationship between corruption and national development is
significant and complex such that corruption undermines economic growth, distorts public
resources allocation, weakens institutions, and erodes public trust. It impedes progress by
diverting funds meant for development projects into private pockets, hindering investments, and
perpetuating inequality. The detrimental effects of corruption on infrastructure, public services,
and overall governance impede a country’s progress and development. The following grounds
will highlight the relationship between corruption and national development in detail.

Corruption hampers economic growth by diverting resources away from productive sectors into
corrupt practices, reducing investment opportunities, and distorting markets. This leads to
inefficiencies, increased costs, and reduced competitiveness, hindering overall economic
progress (Mwape, 2011).

Mwape (2011) further explains that corruption in public institutions leads to the misallocation of
resources, substandard infrastructure, and inadequate service delivery. Vital sectors like
healthcare, education, and infrastructure suffer, impacting the well-being and productivity of the
population, thus impeding national development.

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Corruption exacerbates income inequality by favoring the wealthy and powerful, perpetuating
poverty among marginalized groups. This unequal distribution of resources and opportunities
hampers social development and reinforces cycles of poverty, hindering efforts to achieve
sustainable and inclusive growth (Mukuka, 2005).

Coker (2007) explains that corruption deters foreign investment and reduces the effectiveness of
development aid. Investors are wary of countries with high levels of corruption due to the risks
associated with unstable governance and unfair business practices. Development aid may not
reach its intended beneficiaries, further impeding progress in key development areas.

Corruption can result in substandard infrastructure projects, as contracts are awarded based on
kickbacks rather than merit. Poor quality infrastructure not only wastes resources but also poses
risks to public safety and impedes economic growth by failing to meet the needs of a growing
population (Coker, 2007).

According to Liwewe (2016) corruption erodes public trust in government institutions and
officials, leading to a lack of confidence in the state’s ability to effectively deliver services and
address societal needs. Without trust in the government, citizens may become disengaged from
the development process, further hindering progress and sustainable development.

Corruption in sectors such as natural resource extraction can lead to environmental degradation,
as regulations are ignored or manipulated for personal gain. Environmental damage, such as
deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction, can have long-term negative effects on national
development and the well-being of the population (Kekerwa, 2018).

The UPND government has embarked on various anti-corruption initiatives to tackle endemic
corruption in Zambia. President Hichilema’s administration has emphasized transparency,
accountability, and integrity in governance. Measures such as strengthening anti-corruption
institutions, enhancing public procurement processes, and promoting ethical leadership have
been implemented to curb corrupt practices (Ngoma, 2015). The following is an explanation of
the fight against corruption by the UPND government.

The UPND government has emphasized transparency and accountability as core principles in the
fight against corruption. By promoting open governance practices, they aim to increase public
trust and reduce opportunities for corrupt practices (Mwape, 2021)

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The government has demonstrated its commitment to combating corruption by enacting or
strengthening anti-corruption laws and institutions. This includes measures to enhance the legal
framework for prosecuting corrupt officials and ensuring that perpetrators face consequences for
their actions (Banda, 2012).

The UPND government has initiated investigations into alleged cases of corruption and has
shown a willingness to prosecute individuals involved in corrupt activities. This sends a strong
message that corruption will not be tolerated at any level of government.

Efforts to recover assets obtained through corrupt means have been a priority for the UPND
government. By seizing illicitly acquired assets and returning them to the state, they aim to
disrupt the cycle of corruption and deter future wrongdoing.

According to (Mwape, 2021) the government has engaged in partnerships with international
organizations and foreign governments to strengthen anti-corruption initiatives. This
collaboration allows for the exchange of best practices, technical assistance, and mutual support
in combating corruption on a global scale.

The UPND government has focused on raising public awareness about the detrimental effects of
corruption and the importance of reporting corrupt activities. By engaging with civil society, the
media, and the general public, they seek to create a culture of intolerance towards corruption
(Mwape, 2021).

Tembo (2019) argues that while the UPND government’s commitment to combating corruption
is commendable, challenges persist. The effectiveness of anti-corruption measures needs to be
continuously monitored and strengthened. Ensuring the independence and effectiveness of anti-
corruption agencies, promoting a culture of accountability, and enhancing whistleblower
protection mechanisms are essential for sustainable progress in the fight against corruption. The
nature of the UPND government’s anti-corruption measures can be critically evaluated based on
several key aspects.

Tembo (2019) further continues that the critical aspect to evaluate is the effectiveness of the anti-
corruption measures implemented by the UPND government. This includes assessing whether
the measures have resulted in meaningful reductions in corrupt practices, prosecutions of corrupt
individuals, and the recovery of illicitly acquired assets.

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The extent to which the government upholds transparency and accountability in its anti-
corruption efforts is crucial. Transparency in decision-making processes, public access to
information, and accountability mechanisms for officials involved in corruption are important
factors to consider (Kalaluka, 2013).

The independence of anti-corruption agencies from political interference is essential for the
success of anti-corruption measures. Evaluating whether these agencies can operate free from
external influence and carry out their mandates impartially is key to assessing the credibility of
the government’s efforts (Chanda, 2020).

Mwape (2017) explains that beyond reactive measures such as investigations and prosecutions,
preventive measures are vital in combating corruption. Evaluating whether the UPND
government has implemented measures to prevent corruption in the first place, such as
strengthening integrity frameworks, promoting ethical behavior, and instituting effective
oversight mechanisms, is crucial.

Mwape (2017) adds that building public trust and engaging with civil society are essential
components of successful anti-corruption efforts. Assessing the government’s efforts to engage
with the public, raise awareness about corruption, and involve citizens in the fight against
corruption can provide insights into the nature of their approach.

Evaluating the sustainability of the government’s anti-corruption measures is important in

determining their long-term impact. Assessing whether the measures are integrated into broader
governance reforms, institutionalized within government structures, and supported by adequate
resources can shed light on the government’s commitment to sustained anti-corruption efforts
(Banda, 2012).

In conclusion, the fight against corruption is essential for promoting national development and
fostering a conducive environment for growth and prosperity. The UPND government’s efforts to
combat corruption are crucial steps towards building a more transparent and accountable society.
By addressing corruption effectively, Zambia can unlock its full potential and pave the way for
sustainable development under President Hakainde Hichilema’s leadership.

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Banda, M. M. (2012). Corruption in Zambia: A Historical Perspective. Oxford, UK: Oxford

University Press.

Chanda, M. M. (2020). Voices Against Corruption in Zambia. Lusaka: University of Zambia


Coker, A. J. (2007). Corruption in Zambia: Political Power and the Misuse of Governance.
Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

Foulkes, R. F. (2014). Corruption in Zambia: Causes, Consequences and Cures. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.

Kalaluka, J. K. (2013). Corruption and Underdevelopment in Zambia: The Role of Political and
Economic Elites. Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kekerwa, H. H. (2018). Fighting Corruption in Zambia: The Financial Intelligence Center Role.
Saabrcken: Verlag.

Liwewe, P. (2016). Corruption and Governance in Zambia. Hamburg: Verlag.

Mukuka, J. (2005). Zambia: Corruption and Development. Hauppauge, New York: Nova

Mwape, B. (2011). The Anatomy of Corruption in Zambia: Is Greed a Crime? Abingdon, UK:

Mwape, M. S. (2017). Corruption and Society in Zambia: The Impact on Citizens. Cham,
Switzerland: Springer.

Mwape, C. (2021). Breaking the Chains of Corruption: Zambia’s Path to Accountability.

Chingola: Copperfield Publishers.

Ngoma, L. M. (2015). Transparency vs. Corruption: The Challenge for Zambia. Hague,
Netherlands: International Institute of Social Studies.

Tembo, S. S. (2019). Beyond Corruption in Zambia: An Analysis of the Effects and Solutions.
Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

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