Sandip Kumar Bera

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Different efficiencies for pump and turbine

PPT Presented by

Sandip Kumar Bera

Roll No – 16800720007
Reg No – 201680100720002
Department – Mechanical Engineering
Sem – 8th
Pump efficiency

Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful hydraulic power delivered to the
fluid to the power input at the drive shaft.
Pumping is the process of addition of kinetic and potential energy to a liquid for
the purpose of moving it from one point to another. This energy will cause the
liquid to do work such as flow through a pipe or rise to a higher level. A
centrifugal pump transform mechanical energy from a rotating impeller into a
kinetic and potential energy required by the system.
Pump efficiency considerations

Pump efficiencies are certainly important to any well site or office personnel trying to run
energy-efficient operations. There are numerous inefficiencies inherent in converting
energy to usable fluid power, some of which are entirely pump design issues (and hence
not readily changeable once the pump purchase is made).
Other efficiency-related items include the flow rate and pressure range a pump is run in
and the physical properties of the fluid the pump is being used to energize. For example, if
the mud has entrained air, common in poorly run water-based mud systems, the
compression of the air in going from the suction tank (atmospheric pressure) to the pump
high pressure discharge (typically several thousand psi) can be quite significant and affects
the pump efficiency accordingly.
Pump efficiency Formula

Pump efficiency = Hydraulic power, Ph x 100

Power input to the pump shaft
Hydraulic power Ph (kW) = Q x (hd - hs ) x ρ x g / 1000
Q = Volume flow rate (m3 / s ),
ρ = density of the fluid (kg/ m3 ),
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/ s2 ),
(hd – hs ) = Total head meters
Important of Pump Efficiency
In short, a more efficient pump saves you money.
A highly inefficient pump will waste energy when moving fluid in a system, resulting in
higher electricity costs to power the pump. There is also the element of maintenance
costs; an inefficient pump will wear quicker than an efficient pump, meaning a loss in
revenue income (because the pump is not functioning, stopping production), more labour
and time to getting the pump up and running, and more spares being required per year to
repair the pump.
Overall pump efficiency is what you would use to determine the amount of wasted energy
loss throughout a pump, which can be defined as the ratio of the actual power output to
the actual power input. There are three elements that influence and change a pumps
overall efficiency:
i. Mechanical
ii. Volumetric
iii. Hydraulic
Turbine efficiency
Turbine efficiency is the ratio of actual work output of the turbine to the net input energy
supplied in the form of fuel. For stand-alone gas turbines, without any heat recovery
system the efficiency will be as low as 35 to 40 per cent.
Modern units can have compressor efficiencies of 86–88 percent and turbine efficiencies
of 88–90 percent at design conditions. Efficiency and power output can be increased by
raising the turbine-inlet temperature.
Using the outlet specific enthalpy, calculate the isentropic efficiency:
Isentropic Efficiency = ( Inlet Specific Enthalpy - Outlet Specific Enthalpy ) /
( Inlet Specific Enthalpy - Ideal Outlet Specific Enthalpy )
Turbine efficiency equation
The efficiency of any turbine can be defined as its ability to convert the input energy into
useful output energy which is expressed in the form of the following equation.
Efficiency (ɳ) = Output / Input
There are two types of steam turbines impulse turbine and reaction turbine. Both types of
steam turbines have different efficiency due to their different working principles but the
efficiency of both types of steam turbines is expressed by the following equation.
Efficiency (ɳ) = Work Done / Input Kinetic Energy
Here input kinetic energy totally depends on the absolute velocity of the steam at the inlet
of steam turbine but work done depends on lots of factors including drop in heat content
of steam within the turbine, the angle of guide vanes especially at the inlet of turbines,
blade angles, relative velocity of steam in the turbine, etc.
Why are turbines more efficient than pumps?
A turbine (and this is true either for a ‘gas’-type turbine or a ‘hydraulic’, or ‘liquid’-type
turbine) is generally ‘expanding’ the working fluid continuously from the inlet to the exit
of the device (there are some notable exceptions to this, but we’re going to conveniently
ignore them for the sake of this discussion). As the working fluid is expanded, its total and
static pressures decrease, and its velocity tends to increase. This increase of velocity is a
key point. The continual increase in velocity adds kinetic energy to the flow stream, which
tends to overcome losses, and the infusion of kinetic energy into the boundary layers on
blade and end wall surfaces tends to keep those boundary layers well-behaved (i.e., keeps
them thin), and tends to keep them from ‘dominating’ the machine’s performance to an
excessive degree.
On the other hand, a pump infuses work into a fluid stream rather than extracting it. The
infusion of work into the working fluid tends to drive the fluid toward acceleration in the
flow passages of the pump. In order to convert the infused work into something ‘useable’
(usually static pressure for a pump) the fluid must be decelerated in the pump’s flow
passages. This deceleration process is called ‘diffusion’, and the pump is often designed
such that the diffusion process is more or less continuous in the pump’s flow passages.

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