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Materials Lesson objectives

 Flashcards with pictures of - Students will be able to identify

various means of transport and describe various means of
 Whiteboard or chart paper transport.
 Original dialogue copies - At the end of the lesson, the
students will be able to use the
words (car, bike, boat, bus, train,
taxi) to talk about travelling by
different types of transport in
short sentences during pair work

Warm up and Objective discussion

The lesson starts with a warm-up activity:

Good morning everyone! As you notice i have some words and pictures on the
board. Can anyone tell me what the theme of overall idea of the words and pictures
are? Great.

Yes, definitely. Means of transport.

Leave flashcards of a car and a bike on the board and mime driving a car and then
riding a bike without speaking.

Ask «What’s this? A car or a bike?» Allow students to guess and respond.

Continue with other pairs of flashcards and words.

After each round, encourage the student who guessed correctly to use a sentence to
describe when they might use that means of transport. ( For example: " I might use
a plane when I go on a family vacation to Turkey.")

Objective discussion:
Tell students that today they will learn how to talk about travelling by different
types of transport and learn vocabulary related to this.

Theme: Exploring Means of Transport.

1.Lesson objectives:
 Students will be able to identify and describe various means of transport.
 At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the words (car, bike,
boat, bus, train, taxi etc.) to talk about travelling by different types of transport
in short sentences during pair work discussion.

2.The lesson starts with a warm-up activity:

Good morning everyone! As you notice i have some words and pictures on the board.
Can anyone tell me what the theme of overall idea of the words and pictures are?
Great. Yes,definitely. Means of transport.

Leave flashcards of a car and a bike on the board and mime driving a car and then
riding a bike without speaking.

Ask «What’s this? A car or a bike?» Allow students to guess and respond.

Continue with other pairs of flashcards and words.

After a correct guess, ask the student to use a sentence to describe when they can use
that means of transport.

For example: "That's correct! I can use a bike when I go to the shop."

3.Objective discussion:

Great job, everyone! We've just warmed up our brains to the words we'll be using
today. Now, let's talk about our main objective.

Our main objective today is to use specific words to discuss traveling by different
types of transport. We'll be doing this through pair work dialogues, creating short
sentences. Let's discuss why this skill is important.

 "What are some situations where you might discuss your travel experiences
with a friend?"
 "Why is it important to be able to talk about traveling using specific words?"

Well, don’t worry we are going to practice very hard so you can all talk about
travelling by different types of transport using specific words in short sentences and
create your own dialogues.

Modeling the Language:

Yesterday i was sitting in the park,reading a book and heard such a nice dialogue
between friends, who were talking exactly about means of transport,so i decided to
wrote it down and share with you. (invite 2 students to read) Let's listen.

Characters: Elena (E) and Lev (L)

E: Hi, Lev! How did you get to the school today?

L: Hi, Elena! I came in a car with my family. It's blue, and we played our favorite

E: Cool! I came on my bike. It's pink, and I ring the bell when I ride. Ding-ding!

L: Nice bike, Elena! Have you ever been on a boat?

E: Yup! Last summer, my family and I went on a boat. We saw ducks and fish. It was
like a floating adventure! I felt like a pirate looking for hidden treasures!

L: Wow, that sounds fun! I've been on a big yellow bus to go to school. It's like a
moving playground.

E: I know those buses! They're so big, and everyone has their own seat. Do you ever
take a taxi?

L: Nope, not yet. Taxis are like speedy cars in the city, right?

E: Exactly! They have a special light on top and you can wave for them . Oh, and I
dream of taking a train one day!

L: Trains are super fast, like zoom! Maybe one day we can go on a train adventure

E: Yes, that would be awesome! Train buddies forever!


 Divide the class into pairs.

 Provide each pair with a copy of the original dialogue.
 Instruct students to take turns being Student "L" and Student "E".
 Encourage them to use the dialogue provided as a model and build upon it by
adding personal experiences or preferences (to expand the dialogue by adding
more details).
 Emphasize the use of the vocabulary words in their responses.
Guided Practice:

1. Teacher (T): (Addressing the class) Now, let's practice together to reinforce
what we've learned. In your pairs (low-performing students with high-
performing students), take turns being Elena (E) and Lev (L). Use the original
dialogue as a model and add your own details. For example, one of you can
start by asking, "How did you get to school today?" and the other can respond
with their means of transport.
2. Student Pair (SP): (Taking turns)
o Student 1 (S1): Hi, have you ever ridden a scooter to school?
o Student 2 (S2): Hi! No, I haven't tried a scooter. I usually come in a car
with my mom. It's red, and we listen to music on the way.
3. T: Great job! Now switch roles and continue the dialogue. Remember to use
the words we discussed.
4. SP: (Switching roles)
o S1: I've never been on a boat. Have you been on a boat before?
o S2: Yes, I went on a boat last summer. It was a small blue boat, and we
sailed on a lake. We even saw swans!
5. T: Excellent! Now, let's move on to independent practice.

Independent Practice (Teacher is walking around the class to provide assistance

and feedback as needed):

1. T: Each pair will now create their own dialogue. Use the vocabulary words
(car, bike, boat, bus, taxi, train) and share personal experiences or preferences.
You can refer to the prompts provided earlier:
o How do you usually get to school?
o Have you been on a long trip by car or bus?
o What's your favorite means of transport, and why?
o Share a memorable experience related to a specific means of transport.
o Discuss a means of transport you haven't tried yet but would like to.
2. SP: (Working independently)
o S1: Hi, have you ever ridden a skateboard to school?
o S2: Oh, no! I haven't tried a skateboard. I usually take the bus. It's a red
double-decker, and it's so much fun because...
3. T: Continue your dialogues, and remember to be creative! Afterward, we'll
have a chance for some pairs to share their conversations with the class. This
will give everyone an opportunity to hear different experiences and reinforce
the vocabulary. Enjoy your pair work!
Assesment: Provide constructive feedback to each pair, highlighting strengths and
suggesting areas for improvement. Emphasize the importance of creativity, accurate
vocabulary usage, and coherence in their dialogues. Encourage students to share their
experiences authentically and enjoy the process of expressing themselves in English.

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