Member Details Agreement English

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*I hereby undersigned and confirmed that the information provided in this form is accurate

and complete to the best of my knowledge.

*Applicant Signature
MAROMONEY means the company providing this Maro Credit Wallet facility.
"Member" or "Wallet holder" or "Wallet Member" means a Customer named in a Wallet or holding such Wallet.

"Merchant Establishment" means the entities located anywhere that authorizes this Wallet. Further, these can
be other stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, main order advertisements, retailers, distributors and service

Merchant means any person who owns or manages or operates the Merchant Establishment or its successors
and assigns.

PIN means the Personal Identification Number assigned to the Wallet Member from time to time / or chosen by
the Wallet Member in respect of the Maro credit wallet account.

A Maro Credit Wallet account is an account opened and maintained by MAROMONEY in the name of the wallet
member for the purpose of sales / service usage subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Cash Limit is the Cash Limit or - Cash Equivalent Value specified by MAROMONEY Company. This wallet
member can use it for sale/service in his/her account name. This cash limit wallet is subject to the member's
purchase limit.

Charges or Charges shall have the meaning set forth herein or otherwise referred to in these terms and
conditions. The details of all the charges mentioned herein shall be specified to the Wallet Member or amended
from time to time.

Credit Limit / Purchase Limit is the limit for spending using wallet member wallet.

Transaction Instruction means any instruction given by the Wallet Member directly or indirectly to MAROMONEY
and its website / service hub for any transaction. A transaction instruction may consists of either a charge slip, a
cash advance slip or a main order sale.

Service Hub is a branch / service center which is authorized by MAROMONEY. A card member can access it
for sales and service.

Customers may obtain the facilities of Mari Credit Wallet which was introduced by MAROMONEY company as
per the following rules:

I.Wallet Services:

a. Maro credit wallet is a system established by MAROMONEY to provide the products and services sell
through its website to customers in a credit facility. It is not like a bank credit card.

b. MAROMONEY reserves the right to refuse to issue wallets to customers at its sole discretion. This wallet is
not transferable. Its use shall be subject to these Terms and any additional terms and conditions issued by
MAROMONEY from time to time.
II. Using Wallet :

a. Maro Credit Wallet facilities are valid only at MAROMONEY Company, its website sales and its affiliates and
other merchant establishments associated with the company.

b. MAROMONEY reserves the right at all times to refuse the use of Maro Credit Wallet facilities by merchant
establishments for any reason whatsoever.

c. Maro Credit Wallet must use the facilities specified in the Wallet for genuine own purposes or official purposes
only. It is not allowed to be misused by the Wallet Member.

d. It is the responsibility of the Wallet Member to sign the charge slip / bill of sale for the purchase of goods or
services from the Wallet Member Company or Merchant Establishments. The Card member is responsible for
the transaction and all related charges even if the Wallet Member does not sign the Charge Shop / Bill of Sale.

e.The Wallet Member agrees that the Wallet Member shall pay all amounts due to MAROMONEY in the event of
any dispute as to the genuineness or validity of the Purchases or charges for any reason whatsoever.

All the disputes between the Merchant Establishment and the Wallet Member shall be settled with the Merchant
Establishment. The MAROMONEY will not be responsible in any manner whatsoever.

f. The facilities of Maro Credit Wallet can be availed by the Card member subject to the credit limit as specified
by MAROMONEY Company for availing loans and should not be used after the last date printed on the lid.

g. MAROMONEY company reserves the right to provide a different type of facility than the wallet member is
currently availing when the facility period of Maro Credit Wallet expires. MAROMONEY reserves the right to
change the Maro Credit Wallet facility and credit limits at any time in its sole discretion.

h. Whenever a wallet member transacts with MAROMONEY, they must act in good faith.

i. Wallet Member agrees not to use the Maro Credit Wallet facility for any illegal / unlawful voting / purposes.

III. Personal Identification Number (PIN) :

Wallet Member Maro Credit Wallet Facility A Wallet Member is assigned a Personal Identification Number to
transact on the MAROMONEY website and Merchant Establishment. To use it, keep it
safe and confidential, and this PIN use it making account requests and changing information All wallet
member PINs are generated for transactions and requests authoritative. All subject to all the means
mentioned here wallet to keep PIN safe in any way the Wallet Member is solely responsible for using the
Wallet to transact on the CREDIT website and the Merchant Establishment. Member
has to follow all the rules to make the PIN visible to others. Failure of the Wallet Member to comply with the
security services shall be liable for any losses incurred by MAROMONEY. The MAROMONEY may, subject to
its individual approval, issue a new PIN to an existing Maro Credit Wallet account. MAROMONEY cannot be
held responsible by the wallet member for account and PIN misuse / fraud / unauthorized use / misuse etc. as
per the instructions mentioned herein and the instructions notified by MAROMONEY from time to time. Maro
Credit Wallet Account and PIN for
others MAROMONEY shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of the disclosure and thereby
account usage / misuse etc. The Wallet Member agrees to be responsible for any liability, expense, damage,
etc. incurred by MAROMONEY in connection with the use of the Services including the Wallet Account.


a. Violation :

Maro Credit Wallet account facilities are only available to one person per family. Not issued to more than one
family member. i) These Terms and notwithstanding any provision other than the Terms and Conditions, the
Wallet Member shall be liable for any loss directly or indirectly caused by such breach. ii) The entire balance
of the Maro Credit Wallet Member's account with MAROMONEY shall be paid to MAROMONEY on demand,
even if the Wallet Member does not fall due.

b. Termination / Withdrawal

A wallet member can terminate the Maro Credit Wallet account facility at any time by writing to the
MAROMONEY company address.

i) Wallet Account and Wallet may be terminated with or without prior notice if in certain circumstances
MAROMONEY may terminate the Wallet Account and Wallet facilities at its sole discretion due to exigencies.

(ii) on termination of the Wallet Account notwithstanding any agreement between MAROMONEY and the
Wallet Member to the contrary on terms and conditions
(a) outstanding amounts and charges whether already shown in the statement or not

(b) voluntary charges incurred after termination (from the date of transaction); ) shall be promptly paid by the
Wallet Member as shown and the interest thereon from time to time.

(iii) MAROMONEY may at any time at its sole discretion, with or without reason, temporarily or permanently
revoke and / or cancel the rights to the Maro Credit Wallet Account. If the rights are temporarily suspended it
may be re-enforced at the sole discretion of MAROMONEY. In case of permanent withdrawal MAROMONEY
may permanently deny membership of the Maro Credit Wallet Account to the Wallet Member. However, it is
very clear that any withdrawal, whether temporary or permanent, will result in the loss of all benefits, rights
and services associated with the wallet. The wallet member shall be fully responsible for the charges incurred
prior to such temporary or permanent withdrawal and other related charges unless otherwise stated by

The wallet tie may be withdrawn or the Maro Credit Wallet account may be terminated without regard to the
validity period inscribed on the wallet. Using a wallet after giving a withdrawal notice is fraudulent. Also the
wallet member may face legal problems.

IV. Charges and Payments:

Charges include each of the following.

a. Included in Voluntary Charges
Amount for purchase of goods and/or services through a transaction instruction

b. Included in the involuntary charges.

Joining fee, annual fee, renewal fee, handling fee, late payment fee and other charges etc. These fees are
non-refundable. The Wallet Member shall pay the membership renewal fee before the end of the first year.
Service charges for certain transactions shall be determined
by the MAROMONEY Company from time to time and the method of calculating the involuntary charges shall
be announced by the MAROMONEY Company.

c. MAROMONEY can control the wallet member if the amount of charges mentioned in the company record is
correct. or any statutory taxes levied by the Government or other authorities from time to time in connection
with the Maro Credit Wallet Service including sales service taxes levied (including stamp duty and registration
fee if any).

d. In the event of late and revised charges, the Wallet Member shall be liable for any payment made by
MAROMONEY for such charges, and shall indemnify and hold MAROMONEY harmless from all
consequences arising out of such payment by the Wallet Member. It is the responsibility of the member.

e. The Wallet Member is immediately responsible for charges incurred using the Wallet, and if there is an
outstanding amount (whether billed or not) on the due date, the charges will be applied to such outstanding
amount. Charges will be levied on daily average balance basis from one of the following dates.

f. Without prejudice to the Wallet Member's liability to pay all amounts and charges immediately before the
payment date as notified in the Wallet Member Statement, the Wallet Member shall pay the balance as
specified in the statement before the payment date. Interest will be charged on the outstanding balance from
the date of transaction.

g. MAROMONEY ; The wallet member can pay the purchase amount in weekly/monthly instalments if he/she
wants to pay for certain categories of items classified by the company.

h. Once the statement arrives, you can make the payment through the wallet member mode. Any of the
following methods

i. To pay the total amount mentioned in the statement or equal to or more than the amount mentioned in the
statement by the date of payment either in cash or
ii. By draft at the Company or Service Hub authorized by the Company.
iii. When paying by cash/draft the wallet member should ask for the receipt. MAROMONEY shall not be liable
for any loss arising out of non-receipt.


No service charge will be levied if the total outstanding amount is collected by MAROMONEY before the due
date. All cash transactions and draft transactions will be subject to service charges at the prevailing rates from
the date of transaction till the date of receipt of the payment by MAROMONEY.

h. If the wallet member admits that the payment is due on or before the due date or the wallet member agrees
not to pay it or MAROMONEY breaches the agreement between MAROMONEY and the wallet member for
financing/credit/other facilities; The Company may, at its sole discretion, exercise or exercise any or all rights
set forth in these terms and conditions and/or applicable laws without prejudice to the foregoing; Merchant
without prejudice to other rights of the Company

i. MAROMONEY IN CASE OF DELAY IN PAYMENT; MAROMONEY reserves the right to terminate Maro
Credit WALLET facilities by declaring the Establishments not to accept the Wallet. WALLET MEMBER agrees
that the Sai Shopping Company or its designated representatives / agents shall have the right to collect and
continue to seek payment of charges incurred on the Wallets. Wallet Member to pay all costs (including legal
costs) outstanding amount, charges
incurred by MAROMONEY for other charges, charges for renewal/transfer of wallet, duplicate statement
charge slips, penalty charges and similar costs in case of legal action, legal costs, mandated cost amount with
interest Agrees.

j. Wallet Member until full payment of due balance They are Work At the point of view Salary/Employment
payable from MAROMONEY shall have the right and authority to deduct money from the Card Member's
payment to MAROMONEY if the Wallet Member does not pay his/her balance on the due date; The company
has This amount deducted is MAROMONEY ; The Company shall not object/create objection to the Employer
of the Wallet Member. Any law or agreement governing the Wallet Member or the Wallet Member's employer
Transfer (and may be advised) will be made. Wallet member is such waste MAROMONEY making such
deduction; Authority of the company and Money to MAROMONEY who employs Wallet Member Payment
cannot be resisted or blocked in any way.

VI. Insurance Benefits

MAROMONEY in association with insurance companies may offer various insurance benefits to Wallet
Member from time to time. The insurance company is personally responsible for paying all kinds of claims.
Wallet Member shall not hold MAROMONEY liable for losses, recovery of losses, processing of claims or for
any other reason. The insurance company shall settle its liability by paying the authorized amount to the wallet
member's successor whose name and signature are entered and witnessed in the nominee form sent by the
wallet member to the insurance company or MAROMONEY in accordance with the terms given in the
following paragraph. Wallet Member shall immediately inform MAROMONEY in writing of any change in
appointment. The wallet member should be aware that the wallet

member will get the insurance benefits only as long as MAROMONEY is a wallet member and his Maro
Reward Wallet account is in good standing and no errors have occurred. MAROMONEY that the entire
amount due on the wallet has been paid to MAROMONEY; the insurance benefits will be provided by the
insurance company only after individual decision of the company. Upon termination of the Wallet Facility all
such insurance benefits shall terminate immediately upon termination by the Wallet Member and
MAROMONEY may, at its sole discretion, modify, suspend, withdraw or cancel such insurance benefits at any
time without prior notice. MAROMONEY cannot be compelled or held liable for further continuation of these


The Wallet Member shall pay the balance amount mentioned in the statement to his/her account before the
installment date at the Service Hub authorized by the Company and obtain a receipt. MAROMONEY shall not
be liable for any loss arising out of non-receipt of payment. Balance will not be accepted as check only draft
will be accepted. Or you can pay the balance through IMPS / NEFT / to the bank account of the company.

VIII. Late Fee :

If the wallet member fails to pay his/her balance before the payment date specified in the statement, the wallet
member will be charged late fee along with the due amount and the corresponding withdrawal shall be paid to
IX. Computation of Interest :

If the Wallet Member pays MAROMONEY after the due date for goods purchased and service received;
Interest will be calculated and collected along with the outstanding amount at the sole discretion of

(Amount due x 3.40% / month x 12 x number of days outstanding) / 365 MAROMONEY; The Company
reserves the right to modify the calculation of late fees and interest at any time with or without prior notice.
Wallet Member MAROMONEY; If the company does not pay the due amount by the specified date, it will be
charged along with the due amount. No claim for reduction or waiver of late fee, interest and other charges
may be claimed. His account will be fully settled only if the wallet member pays the due charges in full.

X. Billing:

All wallet members will be billed on a monthly basis for charges incurred for using the Maro Credit Wallet
Account facility and for all charges incurred on the wallet account. MAROMONEY will endeavour to send the
statement to the wallet member without delay. However the statement will not be generated even if there is no
balance in the wallet account and no transactions have been made in the previous month. If the statement
does not reach the wallet member for any reason or that
In case of delay by MAROMONEY in remittance, the Wallet Member shall estimate the total amount due from
the copy of charge slips in his/her possession or contact the authorized service hub of MAROMONEY to
provide the balance due and pay the same on the due date.

XI. Merchant Based Installment Plan :

MAROMONEY; The Company as per its discretion has categorized certain items for purchase by Wallet
Member on EMI or Equivalent Monthly Instalment mode of sale of goods. This wallet member can purchase
items by paying in weekly/monthly instalments. This includes interest on the principal amount and any/or other
charges applicable.

XII. Preclosure of account prior to EMI Instalments:

If the Wallet Member availed the EMI facility and he intends to terminate the facility prior to the term, the
outstanding amount, interest and other charges thereon shall be paid immediately upon such termination.

MAROMONEY; EMI twice in a row without prejudice to the company's rights default and interest thereon on
default etc a wallet member can be asked to pay charges etc. immediately. Once such demand is made, the
card member shall pay such amount immediately.

XIII. Cancellation of facility:

Wallet Member MAROMONEY within 15 days of provision of Maro Credit Wallet facility; Company or approved
facility may be terminated.

XIV. Collection:

MAROMONEY reserves the right to appoint one or more persons to collect the outstanding amount from the
Wallet Member at the risk and action of the Wallet Member. MAROMONEY for such action; To such person or
persons appointed by the Company, the details, facts, accounts and securities of the Wallet Member may be
disclosed by
MAROMONEY as the Company deems fit. And MAROMONEY may authorize such persons to carry out such
collection actions, actions, details and other related processes.

XV. Quality Of Goods And Services:

MAROMONEY by Wallet Member; it should also be noted that the company is not responsible for the quality,
warranty and other matters of products purchased from other manufacturing companies. Wallet member
should consider that this is a manufacturer related matter. Similarly, it should be noted that MAROMONEY is
not responsible for the quality of goods purchased, services received from merchant establishments, warranty
etc. Cases arising out of this shall be resolved by the Wallet Member with the Manufacturer Establishments
and by the Merchant Member. Such cases do not release MAROMONEY from its responsibility to ensure that
the wallet member pays all charges properly and on time.

XVI. The following terms and conditions:-

* MAROMONEY; the Company may offer additional offers, reward points and certain schemes to Wallet
Members at its discretion.

* MAROMONEY decision on schemes, reward points is final. It should be accepted by the wallet members
and no reasoning should be done.

* Any taxes or other liabilities payable by Wallet Members to Government or other bodies or statutory bodies
(central, state or local) while exercising the Schemes, Reward Points or Wallet Member is solely responsible
for charges.

* Participation in the schemes is automatically voluntary.

* MAROMONEY shall not be liable for any actions, claims, demands, liabilities, losses, costs, charges or
expenses arising out of the regular use of the Maro Credit Wallet Account by the Wallet Member;

* MAROMONEY Accounts shall not be associated

with the cancellation of benefits such as Wallet Member Scheme.

* MAROMONEY may, at any time without prior notice to the Wallet Member, amend, modify, alter or modify, in
whole or in part, the Schemes or other Reward Points introduced by the Company from time to time or
withdraw the Schemes altogether; The company declares that it has the decision.

* Wallet member can give instructions for purchase of required items on MAROMONEY website or through
service hub.

* Wallet Member must give instructions to MAROMONEY within one hour in case of change or cancellation of
sales and service instruction.

* Wallet Member has no right to refuse and cancel the goods and services ordered at the time of delivery. Due
to such cancellation, the wallet member has to pay the bill amount and other charges.

* MAROMONEY to withhold, delay or cancel sales and service instructions given by Wallet Member; the
company has the right.

* MAROMONEY shall not be held responsible for any losses incurred by the Wallet Member in case of delay
or cancellation of the instruction due to unforeseen circumstances such as interruption of website activity,
accident, flood, storm etc. Due to delay Wallet Member cannot claim benefits on bill and charges and payment
* MAROMONEY if there is any defect in the material in other products when the company sells or provides
service; Company shall not be liable. The Wallet Member shall resolve any claim of product defect solely with
the manufacturer. The wallet member shall not delay or deny the cash limit used in the Maro Credit Wallet
account without paying the amount for the bill and charges on the payment date on the grounds of product
quality reduction, material damage, lack of service.


MAROMONEY will maintain the Maro Wings Card account in accordance with all procedures. MAROMONEY
offers membership and services to its wallet member with certain facilities; Purchase may be made at such
rates or on such terms and conditions as the Company deems fit. MAROMONEY reserves the right to waive
or reduce the Pease or terminate such benefits without prior notice to the Wallet Member without incurring any
liability to the Wallet Member. Such facilities and services will automatically terminate if membership is
terminated for violation of the Terms and Conditions. Defects in such facilities or breakthroughs in
memberships or services providing those facilities or their failure to perform therefrom MAROMONEY or
MAROMONEY in case of Third Party; Company shall not be liable in any way. MAROMONEY reserves the
right to use the information given by the wallet member in his application, the information given during the
survey and the information obtained from the publications, including the consumer report, by MAROMONEY
Company / its affiliates for marketing activities. Also MARO CREDIT; MAROMONEY may use this information
to create a mailing list for the company to partner with other companies to market offers to wallet members;
MAROMONEY Company shall have the right to change the policies, features and

and benefits of the Maro Credit Wallet facility used by the Company from time to time and inform the Wallet
Member of such amendments/changes as MAROMONEY Company deems fit. It is the Wallet Member's
responsibility to accept and incorporate such amendments / changes unless the Wallet Member has sent to
MAROMONEY to cancel the Wallet prior to the date of such amendments / changes.

The wallet member shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down by MAROMONEY or its affiliates or
notified from time to time to avail the wallet facilities / services. Internet, World Wide Web, Electronic Data,
Interchange, Call Center, Tele-service Alteration (Voice, Image, Data or All) or Electronically, Computerized,
Automated Machine Network or Other Telecommunications by MAROMONEY or its affiliates. , if such facilities
and services are provided, the resulting transaction shall be deemed to be lawful and subject to the terms and
conditions laid down by MAROMONEY or its affiliated companies for such facilities and services and notified
from time to time.

XVIII. Settlement of Cases:

All cases shall be subject to the personal jurisdiction of Chennai only.

XIX. Modification of these Terms and Conditions :

MAROMONEY may amend or add additional clauses to the aforesaid terms and conditions at any time at its
sole discretion. Features and benefits offered are subject to change and can be changed without limit. A
change in the existing balance may be made. Interest rates may change. Until full payment of all amounts due
under Maro Credit Wallet, the Wallet Member shall be responsible for all charges and
other liabilities incurred under these amended terms and conditions. It is the Wallet Member's responsibility to
review and familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions as amended from time to time on the website.
The Wallet Member's continued use of the Wallet shall constitute the Wallet Member's acceptance of those
terms and conditions. Changes in terms and conditions (except changes in interest and rates thereof) will be
communicated in the manner aforesaid. For Wallet Member one month prior to implementation

XX. Notices:

All notices and other notices under or in connection with these terms and conditions, including the amounts
payable by the Wallet Member, may be given by you in writing to MAROMONEY's corporate address by letter
or telecopy. Notices and notifications so sent shall be deemed valid.
(1) If sent by letter and delivered directly to him or sent by post or if the return of the letter is beyond the
control of the sender and,

(2) If sent by facsimile (receipt confirming delivery to the correct address) the notice or notices shall not be
effective unless actually received and acknowledged by MAROMONEY. Notices and notices may be sent as
(i) Notices / notices may be sent by MAROMONEY to the wallet member (as given in his application form) to
the address on the records or to the remote copy number. and
(ii) may be sent to the address or fax number of the Zonal / Regional / Branch Office of MAROMONEY. Or the
wallet member or MAROMONEY may send it in writing to the address or fax number given by each other. If
the wallet member MAROMONEY is not notified of any change in the address to which these notices and
notifications are to be sent, the address given in the application form or the last addresses

given to the wallet member MAROMONEY shall be deemed correct. Notices and notices sent to such address
and not delivered to MAROMONEY; they shall be deemed issued to the Wallet Member even if returned to the
Company. The notices shall be published in a newspaper published at the place where the wallet member
resides or where he works. They shall be deemed to have been sufficiently supplied from the date of
publication. But MARO quantity notice CREDIT; Notice to be published against the company MAROMONEY;
It shall not come into force unless accepted by the Company.


No.61, Silverline Buildings,

Alapakkam Main Rd,
Chennai - 600095.


MAROMONEY; The Company at its sole discretion may use the services of external service providers or
agents as required or mandated by the Rules in relation to its Products Services / Sales.
MAROMONEY; Company and Company logos are trademarks and property of MAROMONEY. Misuse of any
comments / content displayed here is strictly prohibited.

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