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Debate Topic: "Today, Digital Media is Doing What Books Did 20 Years Ago"

Opening Line:

Bill Gates once said, 'The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of

Good morning, everyone, my name is [Your Name], and today I am here to talk about how digital

media is playing the role that books did 20 years ago.

Main Speech:

Twenty years ago, books were our primary source of knowledge and entertainment. We would

spend hours reading and exploring different worlds through them. Today, digital media has taken

over this role. With just a few clicks, we can access thousands of books, videos, and educational

content on our tablets and smartphones.

Digital media makes learning more interactive and fun. We can watch educational videos, play

learning games, and even join online classes. Platforms like YouTube and educational apps provide

us with a variety of ways to learn, making education more accessible and engaging.

Digital media also keeps us updated with current events instantly. We can read news, articles, and

even books online, ensuring we are always informed. Plus, we can connect with people around the

world, sharing knowledge and experiences in ways books alone couldn't provide.


In conclusion, digital media is indeed doing what books did 20 years ago, but in a new and exciting

way. As we embrace technology, let’s also cherish the timeless value of books. Thank you.

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