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Law Secrets
For information / entertainment purposes only, and definitely not for those who
intend on disturbing the peace. You did not learn this information off the
internet, you worked it out for yourself. If you agree, read on. A number of people
notice that the justice system (just us?) is corrupted and that it only seems to be
about money. If banks create money from thin air then loan it at interest, who ends
up with all the money and what do they do with that money? Well governments go bust
so the banksters take over governments and the court system and there goes justice
- to the jurisdiction of the banksters and the entities that the banksters create.
Then comes the question of why your name is in all capital letters on any of your
government issues documents - is it you or an entity that the banksters /
government have created? There are two worlds: private and public. Two sides to a
coin. There is the land mass commonly known as Australia, and the corporation
called "Commonwealth Of Australia" whose interests are their own profit and money -
go do a search at if you don't believe me. It is all about jurisdiction
and semantics (interpretation of words). You may choose to continue your life in
the everyday life, or learn this information and work it out for yourself. I'm not
here to teach you a certain way, I'm only here to provide you some eye opening
information to get you started. Eventually they may come after you or someone you
know. Its like the frog in the pot scenario - throw a frog into a pot of hot water
and it will spring out. Throw it into a pot of cold water and slowly raise the
temperature and it will cook. History repeats itself if allowed to and the masses
are ignorant, though if enough people wake up, things change for the better. For
some reason, you may end up in a pickle - and the elites are clamping down on
ignorant slaves as the elites desperately struggle to keep their power base going.
Cut the snakes head off by learning this stuff and applying it where you can. Learn
the money system especially. Get your assets into a trust so its apparent you don't
own anything of significant value. The next few links below is the good stuff -
study first. Then study the text below the line then study the videos. Learn the
mindset cus it is a whole mindset / paradigm shift. Two short videos: Meet Your
Strawman Sovereign Australia Mark McMurtrie - Law in Australia - and when you pick
at the foundations, the deck of cards crashes! Its much the same deal in other
countries - UK, USA, Canada, NZ. Do some research for yourself (recommended first)
or read on for what I've come across so far (a little outdated needs work) Links on
a more frequently updated website page - for your research An example of what to
write in response to a parking / traffic ticket: In care of: <number> <street /
type> <suburb> [near <state><postcode>] <month> <dd> <yyyy> Re: <infringement
number>, dated <date>. Notice of Discharge of Outstanding Fixed Penalty Charge and
Request for Clarification.[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]

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<Council / issuing agency> <address of council / issuing agency> Dear Sirs, Please
read the following notice thoroughly and carefully before responding. It is a
notice. It informs you. It means what it says. The reason why you need to read
carefully is simple. I am offering conditional agreement. This removes controversy,
and means that you no longer have any ultimate recourse to a court of law in this
matter, because there is no controversy upon which it could adjudicate. You always
have the option of dragging these conditions into a court of law only to be told
that they are, indeed, perfectly lawful. That is, of course, always your
prerogative should you decide to waste your time. Any court hearings against me
without my knowledge will be appealed / reheard further wasting your time. For this
reason it is important that you consider and respond to the offer in substance. The
'nearest official form' will not suffice, and consequently is likely to be ignored
by myself without any dishonour on my part. On the other hand there is a time-limit
on the agreement being offered. It is reasonable, and if it runs out then you and
all associated parties are in default, removing any and all lawful excuse on your
part for proceeding in this matter. For these reasons it is recommended that you
carefully consider this notice and respond in substance, which means actually
addressing the points raised herein. You have apparently made allegations of
criminal conduct against me. You have apparently made demands upon me. I do not
understand those apparent demands and therefore cannot lawfully fulfil them. I seek
clarification of your document so that I may act according to the law and maintain
my entire body of inalienable Natural Rights. Failure to accept this offer to
clarify and to do so completely and in good faith after <date 30 days from todays
date> without sufficient reason will be deemed by all parties to mean you and your
principal or other parties abandon all demands upon me. I conditionally accept your
offer to agree that I am legal fiction 'person' Mr John Doe Smith and that I owe
<amount to pay> for services rendered by your company, upon proof of claim of all
of the following: 1. that I am a person, and not a man. 2. that you know what a
'person' actually is, in legal terms. 3. that you know the difference between a
'man' and a 'person', legally speaking. 4. that you know the difference between
'legal' and a 'lawful'. 5. that I am legal fiction 'person' Mr John Doe Smith, not
John: of the Smith family, as commonly called. 6. that the charge was the result of
a lawful investigation unmarred by prejudice. 7. that I am a member of the society
whose statutes and subsisting regulations you are enforcing. 8. that I showed you
some sort of identification. 9. that there is a nameable society that I belong to
and that the laws covered within any alleged transgressions state that they apply
to me within that named society. 10. that the “motor vehicle” offended anyone. 11.
that I requested any of your company’s services prior to issue of the infringement
notice. 12. that the <parking and control of traffic law / act which the
infringement was issued under> is more than mere guidelines for the peace for all
motorists and pedestrians. 13. that an allegation of an offence being committed is
the same as confirmation of an offence being committed. 14. that I offended officer
id <ID of issuing officer> Sincerely and without ill will, vexation or frivolity
By: ***_____________________ *** (Agent) John: of the Smith family WITHOUT
PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved Please address all future
correspondence in the matter to a direct man, namely John: Smith, as commonly
called.[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]
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Tricks with court (I used with the above letter): 1. Send in your letter of
conditional acceptance (see the parking / traffic ticket example above) to the
issuer (council / police). 2. They'll send back some nonsense garbage not relevant
to your letter. 3. Opt to take it to court and sign "under duress, threat and
intimidation" - this nulls the contract. 4. They might say they received your court
election slip but you never signed in step 3 even though you did (they done this
with me once!) - sign according to step 3 above and send again. 5. You'll receive a
court summons - ignore it. 6. You'll receive a letter from the issuer or
collections agency - apply to the magistrates court (or original court) for a
rehearing and include a copy of your letter (step 1) and say in your application
form that it was never answered. You could even ask for a default judgement in your
favour. 7. The court will send you out a date / time to appear - ignore it. 8. The
court might send out another date / time to appear - ignore it. 9. If you haven't
heard back from anyone, then you should be clear (as happened with me). 10. If the
debt still stands, get some names and make a formal complaint and quote any court /
criminal codes against those personally (not as the court / police / council
service) in the court and the issuer. 11. If for some unreasonable reason the debt
still stands, make it apparent that you can only afford to pay so much and no hard
feelings about them not getting much. Remember what you earn cash in hand for odd
jobs / hobby / little chance of profit is not income. It is a debt based economy
and the crooks are looking to fine people for petty stuff that doesn't disturb
anyone - when they issue fines, they are trying to siphon off the state / national
debt onto you to pay for them. Who cares if a 2 or 3 grand debt takes 15 ~ 20 years
to pay off!? As long as you get the meat from your pay and they get the crumbs,
you're all good. And claim it back on tax while you're at it, as well as writing
off as a financial loss of your effort spent in writing to them and handing the
papers into the court. Points to consider: How did they get authority? What is the
statute / act code based on? Did you sign a contract with that business that claim
you are a part of their act / statute? Did you disturb anyone? Who are the courts
run by and who are they accountable to? What makes a contract valid and binding?
Were all conditions required to enforce the contract and make it binding, were met
by (a) full & complete disclosure, (b) equal consideration, (c) lawful terms &
conditions; and (d) signature of the parties (they usually come back with no
relevant response, avoiding your points raised questions....) Who are you? John Doe
Smith? John Doe SMITH? or JOHN DOE SMITH? Can you tell the difference? Who is the
living being? It's all in the NAME! Sometimes they address the strawman using your
Title Case name - ask lots of questions to find out what the matter is really
about. What is your name? To be most precise, I don't have a name, I think my first
name was "its a boy", but I am[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]
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commonly known as John Doe of the family: Smith I don't know when I was born - my
parents say I was born on (month day year) John Doe Smith © - authorized agent for
JOHN DOE SMITH Was there a breach of the peace? You know, the witnesses know, and
the evidence (if applicable) shows if there was or not. The basic rules: 1. Do not
harm other people 2. Do not damage property 3. Do not use fraud in your contracts
Do to others as you want them do unto you. Universal maxims of law Recommended
videos TheAntiTerrorist (YouTube channel) (website) Robert Menard - Bursting
Bubbles Of Government Deception The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Revealed
Hijacking Humanity (final cut) - Part 3 - Commerce and Law. Works in Australia too.
Learn the meanings of words! This is where they screw people up big time!
Semantics! The interpretation of words! Person? Driver? Representative? License?
Income?- Not all what you think they are! A person is not only a living being but
also includes corporations or legal fictions (example) Did you want the side of
fries and the side of gravy and instead got fries sogged in gravy? Grab a Black's
Law Dictionary 1st and 2nd edition and keep it handy. Torrent - PDF Handling
presentments: Honour - Full acceptance - you receive a fine so you pay it. Honour -
Conditional acceptance (read email message) Refusal for cause, without dishonour -
refuse their offer based on your beliefs, and give them opportunity to prove you
are wrong. Dishonour - silence - do nothing and you accept the terms of whatever
they plan to do (eg. arrest / imprisonment) Dishonour - argue - "I wasn't
speeding..." (An email forward I once received on this topic) ----- Original
Message ----From: Jack To: John[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]

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Subject: Re: Unlawful Notices of Penalty John, They are going to throw you in jail
or the nut house if you keep this up. Why don't you do the honourable thing and
accept their offers? Always, always, always unconditionaly accept their offers.
Just attach your conditions of acceptance that are simple for your adversary to
comply with yet, they will not for fear of revealing their fraud and deception.
When you have it on paper, notarized with proof of service YOU WIN!!! Do you think
for one minute they will drag you into court when they are in dishonour? That
simply means they are the ones seeking conflict. And you have proof of clean hands.
(you offered to settle and they refused) So, just put down your stick, pick up your
pen with a notary (or JP / registered mail) and put that to them! It's much more
fun and there are no hard feelings. Jack External sites / recommended reading A
great deal of material presented here may be from websites other than Australian
sites, but the concepts have been known to work in Australia. Your Strawman (recent
site - teaches you about bank loans scams and semantics / interpretation of words)
Juris Imprudence (Randy Kelton - I filmed this guy speaking at a meeting recently.
He works within the acts / statute codes and uses them and the criminal / relevant
codes to go after the adversary personally! He's successful too and has some other
interesting stuff in the works.

Truth Movement Australia Mary-Elizabeth:Croft - How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic

Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man ...... A Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and
Remembering Who You Are - (Spiritual Economics Now website) Think Free featuring
Robert Menard Love For Life (Home page / Law page) - NSW Southern Highlands based.
Bible Believers Australia - Info on Australian Banking / tax scam Was Jesus An
Anarchist? - Bible info on law & tax Bible Law - Website guide complete with Bible
references A handbook of Bible Law - Another website complete with Bible references
Universal maxims of law Robert Menard: With Lawful Excuse (low cost Ebook purchase)
- Very simple to follow guide to law. Letters to the authorities Contains 600
universal law maxims. US / Canada based. Works in most countries. Bursting Bubbles
Of Government Deception (video for beginners) The Magnificent Deception (video for
more advanced) Security Of The Person (video outlining the birth certificate,
bonds, corporate nations) With Lawful Excuse (video outlining student loans, claim
of right as lawful excuse) So what do the skeptic websites have to say? Notice how
they don't fully outline the whole case files!? It appears to me as if the people
in the case files of these matters have not had all of their research together.
Nicely crafted websites, but no falling for it this time around! Idiot Legal
Arguments Bench & Bar of Minnesota CBS / 60 Minutes propaganda video on "sovereign
citizens" (you can't be sovereign and a citizen!)[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]
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Anyone who wishes to put forward any information debunking the material on this
website are welcome to contact me =) More to come later on! Enjoy the reading :)[15/01/2012 8:36:20 PM]

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