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2024 - 2025

English 03-15
Mathematics 16-42
Informatics Practices 43-52
Computer Science 53-61
Physics 62-83
Chemistry 84-100
Biology 101-115
Economics 116-125
Accountancy 126-144
Business Studies 145-161
Political Science 162-166
Sociology 167-173
Psychology 174-179
Legal Studies 180-185
Home Science 186-196
Physical Education 197-203
History 204-210
Marketing 211-214


This booklet is to inform the parents about the home assignments and
the syllabus break up of all subjects. The assignments are carefully
planned to help the students to improve the learning process and to
be conversant with what is happening in the classroom.
This is going to help all the students especially those who miss the
classes due to unavoidable circumstances.
The major concern of a teacher and learner is to ascertain from time
to time whether the desired learning has taken place. This can only
be seen if the assignments are done by the students as scheduled.
If they follow the pattern they will reap the benefits of systematic
The syllabus is framed term wise for the parent also to assist the
child. It opens a channel of communication between parents and
teachers. The assignments have been compiled to bring out creativity
and improve writing skills of the children. These assignments help-
1. To maintain uniformity of work in all classes;
2. The students and parents to know the work in advance
and what course is going to be done; and
3. To facilitate the students who have taken leave or late
admission to make up missed work.
Suggestions and comments for further improvement of this booklet
are welcome.
Mrs. Anjali Washington
Vice Principal (Academics)

April -May

1. The Portrait of a Lady
2. A Photograph

1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

1. Classified Advertisements
- Situation Vacant
- Situation Wanted
- For Sale/Purchase
- Lost & Found

1. ‘We are not Afraid to Die -if we can all be Together’
2. The Laburnum Top
1. The Address

1.Speech Writing
1. Note making
2. Transformation
of Sentences

1. Childhood
2. Discovering Tut:The Saga Continues

1. Mother’s Day

1. Debate Writing
2. Poster Making

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills will be done

according to CBSE norms.



1. Father to Son
2. The Adventure

1. Birth


1. The Voice of Rain
2. Silk Road
3. A Tale of Melon city

ASL (Listening and Speaking Skills) as per CBSE norms
Project File – Discussion and Submission


The Portrait of a Lady
1. The narrator’s grandmother “could never have been pretty,
but she was always beautiful”. What does Khushwant Singh
2. Why did the grandmother take to feeding sparrows in the
courtyard of their city house?
3. What did the grandmother do in the evening when the narrator
came home from abroad?
4. Imagine that you are Khushwant Singh. Record the changes
that came in your relationship with your grandmother as you
grew up from a kid to a university student.
A Photograph
1. What are the two things that are a matter of the past?
2. What does ‘this circumstance’ refer to?
3. What is suggested by the words ‘transient feet?’
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

1. Why did Mourad and Aram think that they had not stolen
the white horse even though they kept is with them for a
long time?
2. Do you think John Byro recognized his horse? Why did he
not accuse the boys of stealing it?
3. Mourad had the ‘crazy streak’ of the family in him. What
doyou learn about him in this story?
4. Why did the boys return the horse? Were they afraid?
5. Whatwasthe Garoghlaniantribe known for over the centuries?

Classified Advertisement

1. You are Arun/Aruna with an Engineering and MBA degree.

You are looking for a job. Draft a suitable advertisement.
2. You are Rohit/Rita, General Manager of Hotel Yellow Park,
Delhi. You need a receptionist for your hotel. Draft an
advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in
‘Hindustan Times’, Lucknow, calling for applications.
Speech Writing
1. You are Ankit/Ankita. You have to deliver a speech on the
topic “Education Gives One Power”. You have jotted down
the following notes:
Education trains mind—sharpens skill and abilities—Education:
a source of power— improve self—be independent—earn
money—ignorance to knowledge—removes superstition—
develops a free spirit—important for women: gives them
freedom from social ills—independent—responsible.
2. The increasing amount of time spent playing online games
has been a major cause of decreasing the outdoor appearance
of children. With this concern, write a speech to be delivered
in the morning assembly in 150-200 words. You are Parag/

“We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together”
1. How did the narrator get back to the ship after having been
thrown into the sea?
2. What injuries did Sue sustain? What does it reveal about her?
3. After the water level receded, what was their next concern?
What did they decide to do?

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

1. What generated the world’s interest in King Tut?
2. Why was Tutankhamun’s body buried with gilded treasures
and precious things?
3. What was the interesting fact about Tut that was revealed in
the late sixties?
4. Why did the tourists throng to see Tut’s tomb? What was their

The Laburnum Top

1. Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet?
2. To what is the movement of the goldfinch compared? What is
the basis for the comparison?
3. What does the phrase ‘her barred face identity mask’ means?

The Address
1. Why did the narrator, Mrs. S’ daughter, specially make a trip to
46, Marconi Street? Did she achieve her purpose? (150 words)
2. How did Mrs. Dorling receive Mrs. S’ daughter when she came
back after several years? How do you explain her behaviour?
3. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?
4. Why does the narrator say, “I was in a room I knew and did

not know?”
Language - Classified Advertisements
1. You are Rohit of 105, Rajnagar, Chandigarh. You want to sell
your house. Write a suitable advertisement to be published in
the classified column of a newspaper. (50 words)

2. You have lost your documents while travelling in the Metro

from your school to home. Draft an advertisement for the
classified columns giving all relevant details.

Debate Writing:
1. “Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful
career.” Write a debate either for or against the motion.
2. “Online smart classes are the future of education style.” Write
a debate either for or against the motion.

1. Why does the poet feel that his childhood has gone to some
forgotten place?
2. When did the poet lose his childhood?
3. What did he stop believing in and why?
The Voice of the Rain
“And who art thou?’ said I to ‘the soft falling shower which strange
to tell; gave me an answer, as here translated; ‘I am the Poem of
Earth’, said the voice of the rain.”
1. Who are the two people in the conversation?
2. What did the poet ask?
3. Why was it “strange to tell?”
4. What does the rain call itself? Why?

Mother’s Day

1. What is the main idea of the play? Has it been brought out
effectively by the writer?
2. Bring out the differences in the contrasting personalities of
Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald.
3. Why Mrs. Pearson is always ordered about by her family
4. What advice did Mrs. Fitzgerald give to Mrs. Pearson after
they change back personalities?
5. How does the Pearson family finally spend the evening?

Poster Making:
1. The Directorate of Education, Orissa State is organizing an
Essay Contest for all the students of the state. Prepare a suitable
poster which can be sent to different schools for display on their
2. As Cultural Secretary of Ryan’s International School, Gurgaon,
design a poster to announce the staging of a play in your school.

Father to Son
1. What would the father not want the son to do?
2. What would the father do if the son came back to him?
3. Explain “We each put out an empty hand.” What do they yearn
4. How is the father’s helplessness brought out in the poem?

Silk Road
1. Give reasons for the following statements.
2. Tibetan mastiffs were popular in china’s imperial courts.
3. The author’s experience at Hor was in stark contrast to earlier
accounts of the place.
4. The author was disappointed with Darchen.

5. The author though that his positive thinking strategy worked
well after all.
“I’ve done something: oh, God! I’ve done something real at last.”

1. Why does Andrew say this? What does this mean?

2. Why was Joe Morgan relieved to see Andrew? Did Andrew
justify his hope?
3. What were Andrew’s thoughts as he waited for the child’s birth?
Why were they heavy and muddled?
4. What was the child suffering from? What treatment did Andrew
give the child?

The Tale of Melon City

1. Describe the incidents that led to the hanging of the King by his
own order.
2. Mention a few incidents of the story that · highlight humour
and irony.
3. Why did the King order the construction of the arch?
4. Who was the wisest man? What did he say?
5. How was the new king chosen?
The Adventure
1. Briefly explain the following statements from the text.
a) “You neither travelled to the past nor the future. You were in
the present experiencing a different world.”
b) “You have passed through a fantastic experience: or more
correctly, a catastrophic experience.”
c) Gangadhar Pant could not help comparing the country he
knew with what he was witnessing around him.
d) “The Lack of determinism in quantum theory!”

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what
has been heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways.
First, they may drift. Their attention drifts from what the speaker
is saying. Second, they may counter. They find counter-arguments
to whatever a speaker may be saying. Third, they compete. Then,
they filter. They exclude from their understanding those parts of the
message which do not readily fit with their own frame of reference.
Finally, they react. They let personal feelings about the speaker or
subject over side the significance of the message which is being
What can a listener do to be more effective? The first key to effective
listening is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes to
concentrate on receiving a message, his chances of success are high!
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow
either because of voice problems or because of the form in which they
send a message. There is then a particular need for the determination
of a listener to concentrate on what is being said.
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped
by physical alertness. It is not simply physical fitness but also
positioning of the body, the limbs, and the head. Some people also
find it helpful to their concentration if they hold the head slightly to
one side. One useful way for achieving this is intensive notetaking,
by trying to capture the critical headings and subheadings the
speaker is referring to.
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also
helps the speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners
are sufficiently interested to take notes, the patterns of eye contact
when the note taker looks up can be very positive; and the speaker’s
timing is aided he can see when a note-taker is writing hard and can
then make effective use of pauses.
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less
competent listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An
upright posture helps a listener’s concentration. At the same time, it
is seen by the speaker to be a positive feature amongst his listeners.
Effective listening skills have an impact on both the listener and the
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes
on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable
abbreviations wherever necessary and also suggest a suitable
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words
using the notes.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
Everyone needs a holiday, both to relax and to have a change of
environment. The holidaymakers feel relaxed and refreshed at the
end of the holiday and look forward to the resumption of their
duties, be it at school, office, or factories, with renewed vigour.
This is the reason why all establishments grant their employees
annual leave. With the end of the academic year, the schools and
universities grant their pupils a long holiday during mid-summer.
This lasts until early September when the new school term starts.
Of course, the parents
will like to take advantage of this and take their leave to coincide
with the children’s vacations. This has become a traditional holiday
season in most European countries, particularly in England.
With the coming of August, the traditional holiday season in Britain
reaches its peak point and most of the holiday resorts are packed
to capacity. In order to avoid the crowd, some prefer to take their
holiday a little earlier if facilities so warrant. Those who have
already taken their holidays can console themselves not only with
reflections on the happy days spent in the country, at the seaside or
abroad but also with the thought that holiday expenses are over for
the year and that by taking an earlier holiday they have missed the
August rush.
The main thing, of course, is the weather and that would be
hazardous to prophesy. But whatever the weather is like, the essence
of a holiday for most is the carefree atmosphere in which it can be
enjoyed. “Take all you need but leave your worries behind” is the
sound advice for the holidaymaker. Private worries are not always
easy to escape from. However, even the pessimist would admit that
for the moment things appear brighter than they have been.
Holiday time is surely a time for shedding serious pre-occupations
and seeking the pleasures that appeal to us. It is true that we may
not always succeed in finding them, indeed there are people who
maintain that the great thing about the holiday is that it gives you
an ampler appreciation of home comforts – a view no doubt more
widely held among the elderly than you.
(a) On the basis of your reading the above passage, make
notes using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable
abbreviations, wherever necessary. And also suggest a
suitable title for it.
(b) Write a summary of the above passage in not more than 80
words using the notes made by you.
Transformation of Sentences
1. Rewrite these questions in indirect speech.
(i) Ramesh asked Rohan, “Who, do you think, will become the next
prime minister of India?”
(ii) The policeman asked the driver, “Why were you speeding so

(iii) “What do you mean by these words?” asked the teacher angrily.
(iv) “Where did you buy these books?” Arun asked Abhishek.

2. Rewrite these sentences as directed.

(i) She was so tired that she could not keep her eyes open, (use ‘too’)
(ii) He is so tall that he does not need a ladder to change the light
bulb. (Rewrite using ‘enough’)
(iii) The owner of the house has gone abroad. (Rewrite as a complex
(iv) The soldiers who were victorious were honoured by the
president. (Rewrite as a simple sentence)
(v) Though he was powerful, he was lonely. (Rewrite as a compound

3. Given below is a set of rules from the School Rule Book.
Purnima Seshadri, Head Girl of Vidya Bhawan, Jodhpur, writes
a set of instructions for the school noticeboard using these. Write
the instructions for Purnima in the passive voice.
Do not bring motorized vehicles to school.
Do not park your cycles at the entrance.
Return the library books within a week.
Do not walk in the front lawns.
Senior students should not go to the Primary Wing without
Students are hereby informed that they (a) …………………………
as they do not have valid licenses for driving as yet. They are also
(b) ......................................... at the front entrance but must go to the
cycle stand. The library books (c)..........................................within a
week of an issue as other students may also require them. No student
(d) ......................................... to walk about or run in the front lawns.
Senior students (e) ………………………… to go to the Primary
Wing without permission.
4. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions
given for each.
(i) The teacher insists that the students write neatly.
Rewrite using ‘writing’.
(ii) Don’t take bath in the pool as it needs to be cleaned.
Rewrite using ‘bathe’.
(iii) The riverbed is slimy; don’t step in.
Rewrite using ‘slime’.
5. Make questions to which the following statements are full
(i) No, we don’t have to submit our homework tomorrow.

(ii) No, we’ve never had to borrow money. (Use ‘ever’)
(iii) Yes, the old man is suffering from an infectious disease.
(iv) She’s had to wear her old shoes for five years.
(v) The doctor visits this hospital every month.

1. Set Theory
2. Relations & Functions
3. Trigonometry
4. Complex numbers and Quadratic Equations
5. Linear Inequalities
6. Permutations and Combinations
7. Sequences and Series
8. Binomial Theorem
1. Straight Lines
2. Conic Sections
3. Dimensional Geometry
4. Statistics
5. Probability
6. Limits and Derivatives
1. Fill in the blanks in each of the following:
(a) The set {x ∈ R : 1 ≤ x < 2} can be written as ______________.
(b)If A and B are finite sets such that A ⊂ B, then n (A ∪ B) =
(c) If A and B are any two sets, then A – B is equal to ______________.
(d) Power set of the set A = {1, 2, -1} is ______________.

(e) Given the sets A = {1, 3, 5}. B = {2, 4, 6} and C = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}.
Then the universal set of all the three sets A, B and C can be
(f) If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, A = {1, 2, 3, 5}, B = {2, 4, 6, 7}
and C = {2, 3, 4, 8}.
Then (i) (B ∪ C)′ is ______________. (ii)(C – A)′ is ______________
(g) For all sets A and B, A – (A ∩ B) is equal to ______________.

2. State weather the following statements are True or False.

(a) Let R and S be the sets defined as follows:
R = {x ∈ Z | x is divisible by 2}, S = {y ∈ Z | y is divisible by 3}, then R
(b) Q ∩ R = Q, where Q is the set of rational numbers and R is the set of
real numbers.
(c) Given that A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} and if B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9}, then B ⊄ A
(d) The sets {1, 2, 3, 4} and {3, 4, 5, 6} are equal.
(e) The sets {1, 2, 3, 4} and {3, 4, 5, 6} are equivalent.
(f) A ∪ B = A, where A is the set of rational numbers and B is the set of
(g) Let sets A and B be defined as A = {x ∈ Z | x is divisible by 2},
B = {x ∈ Z | x is divisible by 6}. Then B ⊂A
(h) Given A = {0, 1, 2}, B = {x ∈ R | 0 ≤ x ≤ 2}. Then A = B
Choose the correct answer( 3 – 15)
3. The set of difficult problems from ncert maths book
(a) A null set (b) A singleton set (c) A finite set (d) Not a well-
defined collection
4. If a set A has n elements, then the total number of subsets of A is
(a) n (b) 2n (c) n2 (d) 2n
In a town of 10,000 families it was found that 40% families buy
newspaper A, 20% buy newspaper B and 10% families buy
newspaper C, 5% families buy A and B, 3% buy B and C and 4%
buy A and C. If 2% families buy all the three newspapers, then
number of families which buy A only is
(a) 3100 (b) 3300 (c) 2900 (d) 1400
6. In a city 20% of the population travels by car, 50% travels by bus
and 10 % travels by both car and bus. Then persons travelling by
car or bus is
(a) 80 % (b) 40 % (c) 60 % (d) 70 %
7. 20 teachers of a school either teach mathematics or physics. 12 of
them teach mathematics while 4 teach both the subjects. Then the
number of teachers teaching physics only is
(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) None of these
8. If P(A) = P(B), then
(a) A is the subset of B (b) B is the subset of A (c) A = B (d) All of
9. The set of intelligent students in a class is-
(a) a null set (b) a singleton set (c) a finite set (d) not a well-defined
10. Which of the following is the empty set?
(a) {x : x is a real number and x2 = 1}
(b) {x : x is a real number and x2+ 1 = 0}
(c) {x : x is a real number and x2 - 9 = 0}
(d) {x : x is a real number and x2= x + 2}
11. The set A = {x : x ε R, x2= 16 and 2x = 6} is
(a) Null set (b) Singleton set (c) Infinite set (d) None of these
12. Sets A and B have 3 and 6 elements respectively. What can be the
minimum number of elements in A U B?
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 18
13. The smallest set A such that A U {1, 2} = {1, 2, 3, 5, 9} is
(a) {2, 3, 5} (b) {3, 5, 9} (c) {1, 2, 5, 9} (d) None of these
14. The smallest set A such that A U {1, 2} = {1, 2, 3, 5, 9} is
(a) {2, 3, 5} (b) {3, 5, 9} (c) {1, 2, 5, 9} (d) None of these
Answer the following questions:
15. Write the set of all integers whose cube it an even integer.
16. If A = Set of letters of the word ‘DELHI’ and B= the set of
letters the words ‘DOLL’ .Find A ∩ B and (A – B).
17. Two sets A and B are such that n (A U B) = 21, n (A) = 10, n (B)
= 15, then find n (A ∩ B) and n (A – B).
19. Given A = { 1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6} and C = {1, 3, 5}, verify
that A - (B U C) = (A – B) U (A – C) and A U (B ∩ C) = (A U B)
∩ (A U C)
20. Let A and B be two sets having 3 and 6 elements respectively.
Write the (a) minimum number of elements that A U B can have.
(b) maximum number of elements that A U B can have.
(c) minimum number of elements that A ∩ B can have.
(d) maximum number of elements that A ∩ B can have.
21. Write the following sets by Roaster method.
(a) The set of all natural number ‘x’ such that 4x + 9 < 50.
(b) The set of all integers ‘x’ such that x2 + 5x + 6 = 0
(c) The set of all natural numbers ‘x’ such that |x| ≤ 4.
(d) The set of all integers ‘x’ such that x2 ≤ 36.
(e) The set of all two-digit number such that the sum of its digits
is at most 5.
22. Describe the following sets by Set-Builder method (Property
(a) A = { 6, 10, 14, 18}
(b) B = {0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 35}
(c) C = { 1⁄4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64}
(d) D = {2, 9, 28, 65, ........}
(e) E = {2, 10, 30, 68, ......}
23. Classify the following as Singleton Set, Null Set or Neither.
(a) A = {x: 3x – 1 = 0, x ε I}
(b) B = {x: x3 – 1 = 0, x ε R}
(c) C = {x: x is a two digit even prime number}
(d) D = {x: x < 1 & x > 3}
(e) E = {x: x2= 16 or 4x = 16}
(f) F = {x: 31.598< x <31.599, x ε R}
24. Let A, B and C be the sets s.t. A  B  A  C and
A  B  A  C . Show that B= C.
25. For any two sets A and B, show that ( A  B )  ( A  B)  A .
26. Show that

i) A   A  B    A  B 

ii) A   B  A    A  B 

iii)  A  B   ( B  A)  ( A  B )  ( A  B )

iv) A  ( B  C )  ( A  B)  ( A  C )
v) ( A  B )  B  A  B  A
1 x 
1. If f ( x )  cos(log x ) , then the value of f (x ). f (4 )   f    f (4 x )
2  4 

(a) 1 (b) –1
(c) 0 (d) 1

x| x |
2. If f (x )  , then f (1) 
| x|

(a) 1 (b) –2
(c) 0 (d) +2
1 1
3. If f (x )   for x 2, then f (11) 
x  2 2x  4 x  2 2x  4

(a) 7/6 (b) 5/6

(c) 6/7 (d) 5/7
 
4. If f ( x )  2 sin x , g( x )  cos 2 x , then ( f  g)  
2 3 1
(a) 1 (b)

(c) 3 (d) None of these

| x  3|
5. Domain and range of f (x )  are respectively
x 3

(a) R, [1, 1] (b) R  {3}, 1,  1

(c) R, R (d) None of these

6. If in greatest integer function, the domain is a set of real numbers,
then range will be set of
(a) Real numbers (b) Rational numbers
(c) Imaginary numbers (d) Integers
7. If the domain of function f (x )  x 2  6 x  7 is (, ) , then the range of
function is
(a) (, ) (b) [2, )

(c) (2, 3) (d) (,  2)

8. Domain of the function 2x  is
9  x2

(a) (–3, 1) (b) [–3, 1]

(c) (–3, 2] (d) [–3, 1)
x 3
9. Domain of the function f (x )  is
(x  1) x 2  4

(a) (1, 2) (b) (,  2)  (2, )

(c) (,  2)  (1, ) (d) (, )  {1,  2}

10. Domain of f ( x )  (x 2  1)1 / 2 is
(a) (,  1)  (1, ) (b) (,  1]  (1, )

(c) (,  1]  [1, ) (d) None of these

11. The domain of the function y is
| x|  x

(a) (, 0 ) (b) (, 0 ]

(c) ( ,  1) (d) (, )

12. Range of the function is
2  sin 3 x

1 
(a) [1, 3] (b)  3 , 1
 

1 
(c) (1, 3) (d)  , 1
3 

13. Range of the function f ( x )  9  7 sin x is

(a) (2, 16) (b) [2, 16]
(c) [–1, 1] (d) (2, 16]
14. Range of f (x )  [ x ]  x is
(a) [0, 1] (b) (–1, 0]
(c) R (d) (–1, 1)
15. The range of f ( x )  cos( x / 3) is
(a) (1 / 3, 1 / 3) (b) [1, 1]

(c) (1 / 3,  1 / 3) (d) (3, 3)

16. The range of the function f (x )  is
| x  2|

(a) {0, 1} (b) {–1, 1}
(c) R (d) R  {2}

17. The range of f ( x )  cos x  sin x is

(a) (1, 1) (b) [1, 1)

  
(c)  2 , 2  (d) [ 2 , 2 ]
 

18. If f :R  R, then the range of the function f (x )  is
x2 1

(a) R (b) R

(c) R (d) RR

19. Which of the following relations are functions? Give reason.

R = { (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (4,5)}
R = { (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4)}
R = { (1,2), (2,5), (3,8), (4,10), (5,12), (6,12)}

3𝜋 5𝜋 5𝜋 3𝜋
1. Sec ( 2 -𝜃) Sec (𝜃 − )+ tan ( 2 +𝜃)tan (𝜃 − )= -1
2 2

2. sin (A+B)sin(A-B)=sin2 𝐴-sin2 𝐵=cos 2 𝐵-cos 2 𝐴

3. cos (A+B)cos(A-B)=cos2 𝐴-sin2 𝐵=cos 2 𝐵-sin2 𝐴
sin⁡(𝑥+𝑦) 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥+𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑦
4. = ⁡ 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥−𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑦

5. cos4A = 1-8cos 2 𝐴+8cos4 𝐴

6. sin 4 A= 4 sin A cos3 𝐴-4cosA sin3 𝐴

7. cos6 𝐴-sin6 𝐴= cos2 A (1 - sin2 2𝐴)
8. cot( 222)o=√2 + 1

9. sin2 6𝑥- sin2 4𝑥=sin2xsin10x

𝑠𝑒𝑐8𝜃−1 𝑡𝑎𝑛8𝜃
10. 𝑠𝑒𝑐4𝜃−1= 𝑡𝑎𝑛2𝜃

cos   sin  cos   sin 

11.   2 tan 2
cos   sin  cos   sin 

12. Without using tables evaluate 8cos320º-6cos 20º

𝑚 1
13. If 𝛼⁡𝑎𝑛𝑑⁡𝛽 are acute angles such that tan𝛼=𝑚−1 and tan 𝛽=2𝑚−1
prove that A-B = 4

14. Solve for 𝜃

a. cot 2 𝜃+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃+3=0

b. sec 2 2 𝜃=1-tan 2𝜃
𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
15. Find sin 2,cos2, tan2 if
a. cos = ,x lies in quad 2nd
b. cos = ,x lies in quad 3rd

c. tanx = 1 , x lies in quad 3rd

3 𝜋 −12 3𝜋
16. If sin A= 5, 0<A< 2 , cos B = 𝜋<𝐵< find
13 2

a) sin (A-B)
b) cos(A+B)
c) tan (A-B)

17. Prove that tan    x   tan    x   2sec 2 x
4  4 

sin x x cos x  x
18. Prove that  tan and  tan   
1  cos x 2 1  sin x  4 2
x m
19. If tan  , provethat m sin x  n cos x  n
2 n

20. Prove that sin10 sin 50 sin 60 sin 70 
1  tan145 tan125 2p
21. If tan 35  p then show that 
tan145  tan125 1  p 2
22. Find the value of sin1845 .
cos8  sin 8
23. Prove that  tan 37 .
cos8  sin 8
3 cos 23  sin 23
24. Show that  cos 53 .
25. Show that
(i) tan 72  tan18  2 tan 54 . (ii)
tan 70  2 tan 50  tan 20
26. Find x from the following equation:
cosec  90     x .cos  .cot  90     sin  90    .
   
tan   A   tan   A 
27. Show that 4  4   cosec 2  .
     
tan   A   tan   A 
4  4 

1 
28. If sin(   )  1 and sin(   )  , where 0   ,   , then
2 2
find the value of tan(  2  ) and tan(2   ) .
sin 5 x  2sin 3x  sin x
29. Prove that :  tan x .
cos 5 x  cos x
30. Prove that:

(i) cos 20 cos 40 cos 60 cos80  1 (ii)

sin10 sin 30 sin 50 sin 70 

31. Prove that : cos8 A cos 5 A  cos12 A cos 9 A  tan 4 A .

sin 8 A cos 5 A  cos12 A sin 9 A

32. Show that : 2  2  2  2 cos8  2 cos 


1. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four children are
to be selected. In how many different ways can
they be selected such that at least one boy should
be there?
A. 159 B. 209
C. 201 D. 212
2. In how many different ways can the letters of the
word 'OPTICAL' be arranged so that the vowels
always come together?
A. 610 B. 720
C. 825 D. 920
3. In how many different ways can the letters of the

word 'DETAIL' be arranged such that the vowels
must occupy only the odd positions?
A. None of these B. 64
C. 120 D. 36
4. There are 6 periods in each working day of a
school. In how many ways can one organize 5
subjects such that each subject is allowed at least
one period?
B. None
A. 3200
of these
C. 1800 D. 3600
5. In how many ways can 5 man draw water from 5
taps if no tap can be used more than once?
A. None of these B. 720
C. 60 D. 120
6. In how many ways can a team of 5 persons be
formed out of a total of 10 persons such that two
particular persons should be included in each
A. 56 B. 28
C. 112 D. 120
7. How many triangles can be formed by joining
the vertices of an octagon?

A. 56 B. 28
C. 112 D. 120
8. Find the number of diagonals of a decagon?
A. 16 B. 28
C. 35 D. 12
9. If nC8 = nC27 , what is the value of n?
A. 35 B.22
C. 28 D.41
10. Find the number of triangles which can be drawn
out of n given points on a circle?
A. (n+1)C1 B. nC1
C. (n+1)C3 D. nC3
11. In how many ways can 10 books be arranged on
a shelf such that a particular pair of books should
always be together?
A. 9! × 2! B. 9!
C. 10! × 2! D. 10!
12. Kiran has 8 black balls and 8 white balls. In how
many ways can he arrange these balls in a row so
that balls of different colours alternate?
B. 2×8!×7
A. 8!×7!

C. 2×(8!)2 D. (8!)2
13. How many possible outcomes are there when
five dice are rolled in which at least one dice
shows 6?
A. 65−55 B. 66−56
C. 65 D. 56
14. How many numbers are there between 100 and 1000 in which all
the digits are distinct?
15. How many numbers are there between 100 and 1000 such that
every digit is either 2 or 9?
16. In how many ways 5 rings of different types can be worn in 4
17. Find the total number of ways of answering 5 objective type
questions, each question having 4 choices.
18. How many 3 digit numbers more than 600 can be formed using
the digits 2,3,4,6,7.

19. There are three dice each of them having faces with a number from
1 to 6. These dices are rolled. Find the number of possible outcomes
such that at least one of the dice shows the number 2.
20. In how many ways can 5 letters be posted in 4 letter boxes?
21. Find the total number of ways in which n- distinct objects can be
put into two different boxes so that no box remains empty.

22. In how many ways can the letters of the word PENCIL be
arranged so that (i) N is always next to E ? (ii) N and E are
always together?
23. In how many ways the letters of the word ‘DELHI’ be arranged
so that vowels occupy only even places?
24. How many even numbers are there with three digits such that if 5
is one of the digits, then 7 is the next digit?
25. A tea party is arranged for 16 persons along two sides of a long
table with 8 chairs on each side. Four persons wish to sit on one
particular side and two on the other side. In how many ways can
they be seated?
26. How many different words can be formed by using all the letters
of the word ‘ALLAHABAD’?
I. In how many of those vowels occur together?
II. In how many of them both do not come together?
27. How many arrangements can be made with the letters of the word
‘MATHEMATICS’? In how many of them vowels are together?
28. The letters of the word ‘RANDOM’ are in all possible orders and
these words are written in the dictionary. Find the rank of the
word ‘RANDOM’.
29. There are 10 points in a plane, no three of which are in the same
straight line, excepting 4 points which are collinear. Find the
I. Number of straight lines obtained from the pairs of these

II. Number of triangles formed with the vertices as these
30. How many four- letter words can be formed using the letters of
the word ‘FAILURE ’so that
I. F is included in each word.
II. F is not included in any word?
31. How many words can be formed by taking 4 letters at a time out
of the letters of the word ‘MATHEMATICS’?
32. How many words can be formed by taking 4 letters at a time out
of the letters of the word ‘INEFFECTIVE’?


1. The sums of n terms of two arithmetic series are in the ratio
2n  3 : 6n  5 , then Find the ratio of their 13 th terms.
2. If the ratio of the sum of first three terms and the sum of first six
terms of a G.P. be 125: 152, then Find the common ratio.
p r q
c  b a
3. If a, b, c are p th , q th and r th terms of a G.P., then Find     
b a c

4. The sum of infinity of a geometric progression is and the first

term is . Find the common ratio.

5. Find the value of 4 1 / 3 . 4 1 / 9 . 4 1 / 27 .......... . .

6. In a G.P. the sum of three numbers is 14, if 1 is added to first two
numbers and subtracted from third number, the series becomes
A.P., then Find the greatest number.

7. Three numbers form a G.P. If the 3 rd term is decreased by 64,
then the three numbers thus obtained will constitute an A.P. If the
second term of this A.P. is decreased by 8, a G.P. will be formed
again, then Find the numbers.
8. If the A.M. of two numbers is greater than G.M. of the numbers
by 2 and the ratio of the numbers is 4 :1, then Find the numbers.
1. If A (1,4), B (2, -3) and C (-1, -2) are the vertices of a ∆ABC, find
I. The equation of the median through A
II. The equation of altitude through A.
III. The equation of right bisector of the side BC.
2. A vertex of an equilateral triangle is (2,3) and the equation of the
opposite side is √3 x+y= 2. Find the equations of the other two
3. Find the equations of the lines which pass through the point (4,5)
and makes equal angles with the lines 5x-12y+6=0 and 3x-4y-
4. Prove that the lines 3x-4y+5=0, x +2y = 3, 3x-4y+15=0 and x
+2y=9 form a parallelogram.
5. Find the equations of the straight lines which are perpendicular to
the line 12x + 5y =17 and at a distance of 2 units from the point (-

6. Find the equations of the lines through the point of intersection of
the lines 3x+y+3=0 and x-y-3=0 and whose distance from origin
is 3 units.
7. Base of an equilateral triangle lies along the line 9x+40y-50=0
and its vertex lies along the line 9x+40y+32=0. Find the length of
each side of the triangle and also find its area.
8. The straight lines 3x+4y =5 and 4x -3y =15 intersect at the point
A. On these lines, the points B and C are chosen so that AB=AC.
Find the possible equation of the line BC passing through the
point (1,2)
9. A line 4x+y-1=0 through the point A (2, -7) meets the line BC
whose equation is 3x-4y+1=0 at the point B. Find the equation of
the line AC so that AB=AC.
1. Find the locus of the point P if PA2 + PB2= 2k2, where A and B
are points (3, 4,5) and (-1,3, -7).
2. Using section formula, prove that the three points A (-2,3,5), B
(1,2,3) and C (7,0, -1) are collinear.
3. Determine the point in the XY plane which is equidistant from the
points A (1, -1,0), B (2,1,2) and C (3,2, -1).

4. What are the y and z coordinates of point lying on x- axis?

5. Find the ratio in which xy-plane divides the line joining the points
(2, 4, 5) and (– 4, 3, – 2).

6. Find the point of intersection of the line joining the points (3, 4, 1)
and (5, 1, 6) and the xy-plane.
7. A point (x , y, z ) moves parallel to x-axis. Which of the three
variable x, y, z remain fixed?
8. The plane XOZ divides the join off (1,  1, 5 ) and (2, 3, 4) in the
ratio  :1 , then Find the value of  .
9. Find the distance of the point (4, 3, 5) from the y-axis.
The co-ordinates of the points A and B are (2, 3, 4) (–2, 5, – 4)
respectively. If a point P moves so that PA 2  PB 2  k where k is a
constant, then Find the locus of P
1. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse if the latus rectum is one half of
its major axis.
2. When does an ellipse become a circle?
𝑥2 𝑦2
3. What is the latus rectum of the hyperbola − 16 = 1

4. Show that the equation 16𝑥 2 − 3𝑦 2 − 32𝑥 − 12𝑦 − 44 =

0⁡represents a hyperbola.
5. If the line 𝑦 = √3𝑥 + 𝑘 touches the circle 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 16 then find
the value of k
6. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points (1, -2),
(5,4) and (10,5).
7. Show that the points (7,5), (6, -2), (-1, -1) and (0,6) are co cyclic.
Also find the radius and the centre of the circle on which they lie.

8. Find the equation of the circle circumscribing the triangle formed
by the straight lines x + y =6, 2x + y =4 and x + 2y = 5.
9. Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle x2 + y2
+4x +6y +11=0 and passing through (5,4).

10. Find the equation of the hyperbola whose latus rectum is 8 and
eccentricity is 3 , foci on x-axis.
11. Find the equation of the ellipse with foci on x-axis and
eccentricity ¾ , centre at origin and passing through (6,4).
12. Find the equation of the hyperbola with centre at origin, transverse
axis along x axis, eccentricity √5 and the sum of whose semi-axes is 9.
13. Show that the locus of all points such that the difference of their
distances from (4,0) and (-4,0) is always equal to 2.
14. Find the equation of the parabola with focus at (-2,0) and whose
directrix is the line x + 2y -3 =0
15. Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is at the point (4,1)
and focus at the point (6, -3).
16. If the eccentricity of an ellipse be 5/8 and the distance between
its foci be 10, then find its latus rectum.
17. The eccentricity of an ellipse is 2/3, latus rectum is 5 and centre
is (0, 0). Find the equation of the ellipse.
18. If P is a point on the hyperbola 16 x 2  9 y 2  144 whose foci are

S1 and S2, then Find PS1 ~ PS 2 .

19. The length of the transverse axis of a hyperbola is 7 and it passes
through the point (5, –2). The Find the equation of the hyperbola.

Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola x  y  25 .

2 2


1. Evaluate the following limits
x 1
i. lim .
x 1 2x  7x  5

(1  x)5  1
ii. lim .
x  0 (1  x )3  1

 x3 
iii. lim  .
x 3
 x2  4 x 
3x  a  x  a
iv. lim .
xa xa

(2 x  3)( x  1)
v. lim .
x 1 2 x2  x  3

a  2 x  3x
vi. lim .
xa 3a  x  2 x

xh  x
vii. lim .
h 0 h

( x  2)5/3  (a  2)5/3
viii. lim .
xa xa

x n  2n
2. If xlim  80 , where n is a positive integer, then find n .
2 x 2

3. If xlim kx cosec x  lim x cosec kx , then find k .

0 x 0

4. Evaluate the following limits

x3 cot x
i. lim .
x  0 1  cos x

1  cos 2 x
ii. lim .
x 0 x

1  cos mx
iii. lim .
x  0 1  cos nx

sin 2 x  sin 6 x
iv. lim .
x  0 sin 5 x  sin 3 x

tan x  sin x
v. lim .
x 0 x3

1  sin x  1  sin x
vi. lim .
x 0 x

2sin 2 3x
vii. lim .
x 0 x2

viii. lim (sec  tan  ).

x  / 2

sin ax
ix. lim .
x 0 sin bx
cos ax  cos bx
x. lim .
x 0 x2

(a  h)2 sin(a  h)  a 2 sin a

xi. lim
h 0

2x  
xii. lim
x  / 2
cos x

sin x  x
xiii. lim .
x 0 x3

x cos x  sin x
xiv. lim .
x 0 x 2 sin x

sin 3  sin 
xv. lim .
 0 sin 

1  cos 2 x
xvi. lim .
x  / 2 (  2 x) 2

3sin x  sin 3 x
xvii. lim .
x 0 x3

( x  y )sec( x  y )  x sec x
xviii. lim .
y 0 y

xix. lim {(1  sin x ) tan x }


 sin( x  a)  sin(a  x)  2sin a 

xx. lim  .
x 0
 x sin x 

x tan 2 x  2 x tan x
xxi. lim
x 0 (1  cos 2 x )2

(1  cos 2 x ) sin 5 x
xxii. Find the value of xlim
0 x 2 sin 3 x

 3sin x  3 cos x 
xxiii. lim  .
x  / 6
 6x   

cos(sin x)  1
xxiv. lim .
x 0 x2

5. Evaluate lim .
x 0 | x |  x2
6. Evaluate lim[
x 1

| x|
7. Evaluate lim
x 0

 x , when 0  x  1
8. If f (x )  2  x , when 1  x  2 , then find lim f ( x).
 x 1

 x , when x  1
9. If f (x )   , then find lim f ( x).
 x 2 , when x  1 x 1

x : x  0

10. If f (x )  1 : x  0 , then find lim f ( x).
x 0
 2
x : x  0

d  1 
12. Evaluate  
dx  x 4 sec x 

 x x  x x  1
13. If y  x  cos 2  sin 2   cos 2  sin 2   sin x  
, then find
    2 x dx .

14. If x
 y 2 / 3  a 2 / 3 , then find dy

d 1  cos 2 x
15. Find .
dx 1  cos 2 x

16. If y  x sin x , then

d 2 x
Find ( x e sin x).

ax  ax dy
17. If y  , then find .
ax  ax dx

18. If f (x )  ax  , then find f '( a ).

1. A basket contains 20 apples and 10 oranges out of which 5 apples
and 3 oranges are defective. If a person takes out 2 fruits at
random, find the probability that either both are apple or both are
2. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is
the probability that the cards are either both aces or both black
3. A card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the
probability that the card is neither a spade nor a queen?
4. A card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the
probability that the card is either a spade or an ace or both?
5. A card is selected at random from the pack of 52 cards. Find the
probability of a king or a red card or a heart.
6. Find the probability of at most two tails or at least two heads in a
toss of two coins.
7. A ball is drawn at random from an urn containing one red ball and
one blue ball. If the ball drawn is red, a coin is tossed; if it is
black, a die is thrown. What is the probability of
I. Each elementary event
II. Getting a head
III. Getting an even number
8. If three numbers are chosen from numbers 1,2,3,……..,21, then
what is the probability that the numbers are in A.P.?
9. If the letters of the word REGULATIONS be arranged in such a
way that relative positions of the letters of the word GULATIONS
remains same, what is the probability that there are exactly four
letters between R and E?
10. The letters of the word MUMMY are placed at random in a row.
What is the probability that the letters the extreme are both M?
11. The letters of the word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row.
What is the probability that the three vowels come together?
12. Three are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting
a total of at least 6?
13. Three dice are thrown together. Find the probability of the total of
atleast 6.
14. An urn contains 9 red, 7 white and 4 black balls. If two balls are
drawn at random, find the probability that i)both the balls are red
ii) one ball is white iii) the balls are of same colour iv) one is
white and other is red.
15. Twelve balls are distributed among three boxes; find the
probability that the first box contains 3 balls.
16. What is the probability that in a group of
a. 2 people, both will have the same birthday
b. 3 people, at least two will have the same birthday?
17. There are four letters and four addressed envelopes. Find the
probability that all the letters are not dispatched in the correct

Code No. 065
Learning Outcomes
1. Ability to identify the functionality of various components of
Computer System.
2. Ability to Create Python programs using different data types,
lists and dictionaries.
3. Ability to use, develop & debug programs independently.
4. Ability to understand database concepts and Relational
Database Management Systems.
5. Ability to retrieve and manipulate data in RDBMS using
Structured Query Language
6. Ability to Identify the Emerging trends in the fields of
Information Technology.
Distribution of Marks
Unit No Unit Name Marks
1 Introduction to computer system 10
2 Introduction to Python 25
Database concepts and the Structured
3 30
Query Language
4 Introduction to Emerging Trends 5
Practical 30
Total 100

Unit Wise Syllabus

Unit1: Introduction to Computer System
Introduction to computer and computing: evolution of
computing devices, components of a computer system and their
interconnections, input/output devices.
Computer Memory: Units of memory, types of memory –primary
and secondary, data deletion, its recovery and related security
Software: purpose and types–system and application software,
generic and specific purpose software.
Unit2: Introduction to Python
Basics of Python programming, Python interpreter - interactive
and script mode, the structure of a program, indentation, identifiers,
keywords, constants, variables, types of operators, precedence of
operators, data types, mutable and immutable data types, statements,
expressions, evaluation and comments, input and output statements,
data type conversion, debugging.
Control Statements: if-else, for loop;
Simple programs: finding average and grade for given marks,
amount calculation for given cost-qty.-discount, perimeter-wise/
area-wise cost calculation, interest calculation, profit-loss, EMI, tax
calculation (example from GST/ Income Tax), absolute value, sort
3 numbers, even/odd, divisibility etc.
Lists: list operations-creating, initializing, traversing and
manipulating lists, list methods and built-in functions.
Dictionary: concept of key-value pair, creating, initializing,
traversing, updating and deleting elements, dictionary methods and
built-in functions.
Unit3: Database concepts and the Structured Query Language
Database Concepts: Introduction to database concepts and its need,
Database Management System.
Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation,
candidate key, primary key, alternate key
Advantages of using Structured Query Language, Data Definition
Language, Data Query Language and Data Manipulation Language,
Introduction to MySQL, creating a database using MySQL, Data

Data Definition: CREATE TABLE

Data Manipulation: INSERT
MODIFY TABLE, DROP TABLE, keys and foreign keys; to view
content of a table: SELECT - FROM - WHERE - ORDERED BY
ALONG WITH BETWEEN, IN LIKE,(Queries only on single table)
Aggregate Function: MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT, SUM
Unit 4 : Introduction to the Emerging Trends
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing, Immersive experience (AR, VR), Robotics, Big data
and its characteristics, Internet of Things (IoT), Sensors, Smart
cities, Cloud Computing and Cloud Services (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS);
Grid Computing, Block chain technology.
Python Programming Fundamentals
• “Python is an interpreted language.”What does it mean to you?
• Explain the term “cross platform language”.
• Python is a Free and Open Source language. What do you
understand by this feature?
• What will the following code do? (a=b=18)
• What are the two modes of working with IDLE?
• What is the extension of a Python script file?
• What is the shortcut key to execute the current Python Code?
• What is a variable?
Problems to be solved using expressions and conditional statements.
Write Code:
• To find average and grade for given marks.
• To find amount for given cost-qty-discount.
• To calculate interest (Simple and Compound)
• To calculate profit-loss for given Cost and Sell Price
• To calculate EMI for Amount, Period and Interest,
• To calculate tax (examples from GST/Income Tax).
• To input basic salary and calculate DA as10% of basic salary for
10 employees.
• To find the sum of squares of the first100 natural numbers.
• To compute x^n, for given two integers x and n,
• To compute the greatest common divisor and the least common
multiple of two integers.
• To test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits.
Problems to be solved using Iteration-Looping statements (for
• To print “Hello” 10 times.
• To print odd numbers upto 10.
• To input a number n and print even numbers till n.
• To input a number from the user and print its multiplication
table with 10 multiples.
• To print and also find the sum of squares of the numbers
from 1 to 20.
• To print the sum of first n terms of the following series
• To print following pattern without using any nested loop.

• To display n terms of Fibonacci series:1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21

• To display factorial of an input number.
• To print following pattern without using any nested loop.
• To find the sum of 10 input numbers.
• To input 10 numbers and find the largest number entered.
• To input a number and check if it is a prime number or not.
• To input a number (integer) and count the number of digits.
• To input a number (integer) and reverse the number.
Problems to be solved using lists, dictionary and strings:
• What is a list in Python? Write any four features of Lists.
• Why Lists are called mutable type?
• What is the difference between the following methods?
Give an example each.
a) del and clear() b) remove() and pop()
• What is a Dictionary in Python?
• What is the purpose of sorted and update functions of
Write the Code for the following:
• To find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
• To find the third largest number in a list.
• To examine each character in a string in sequence. Take
string “Cyber Safety”.
• To find whether a string is a palindrome or not.
• To input a sentence (String) and count aparticular letter (ex.’1’).
• To input a sentence(String) and count number of wordsand
• To input a sentence(String) and count number of vowels.
• Give the output of the following codes:
a) Names=[‘Anmol’,’Kiran’,’Vimal’,’Sidharth’,’Riya’]
Names [1] = ‘Rahul’
print (Names[0:3])
print (Names[3])
b) Fruits=[‘apple’,’banana’,’cherry’]
c) thislist=[“apple”,”banana”,”cherry” ]
thislist.insert(1, “orange”)
d) d = {‘apple’: 1, ‘orange’: 3, ‘pears’: 2}
ud = {‘pears’: 4, ‘grapes’: 5, ‘lemon’: 6}
Dict={5 : “Welcome’ , 6 : ‘To’ , 7 : ‘Geeks”,
‘A’ : {1 : ‘Geeks’ , 2 : ‘For” , 3 : ‘Geeks’ },
‘B’ : { 1 : ‘Geeks’ , 2 : ‘Life’ }}
e) Dict.pop(5)
• If strl is : “Python in CBSE Schools”. What will be the
output of the two lines:
>>> str1[:4] + str1[4:]?
• To calculate the number of digits and total characters in a string.
• To replace Blank Space with Hyphen in a String.
• To count the number of lowercase characters and uppercase
characters in a string.
Data Management:
• SQL Commands covered-: create, insert, delete, select,
update, describe, use
• Write SQL Commands and write the outputs on the basis of
the following table:
1 White Lotus Double Bed 2002-02-23 3000 25
2 Pink Feathers Baby Cot 2002-01-29 7000
3 Dolphin Baby Cot 2002-02-19 9500 20
4 Decent Office Table 2002-02-01 25000 30
5 Comfort Zone Double Bed 2002-02-12 25000 30
6 Donald Royal Baby Cot 2002-02-24 6500 15
7 Royal Finish Office Table 2002-02-20 18000
8 Royal Tiger Sofa 2002-02-22 31000 30
9 Econo Sitting Sofa 2001-12-13 9500 25
10 Eating Paradise Dinning Table 2002-12-19 11500 25
• To list the company name which are priced at more than
• 15000 from the furniture table.
• To display company name and price in descending order of price.
• To display rows with company name having royal word.
• To display distinct type.
• To display total price of all items.
• To display rows with date of stock after 1st Feb 2020.
• To display rows type wise.
• To display highest and lowest discount.
• To display rows in alphabetical order of company name.
• To display company name and date of stock of those items, in
which the discount percentage is more than 25 from the furniture
• To count the number of items, whose TYPE is “Sofa” from the
furniture table.
• To count rows whose price is above 10000.
• To display rows whose type is office table or Baby cot.
• To find average price.
• To display company name and type whose discount is null.
• To modify price of Dining Table as16000.
• To increase discount by 5 of Sofa.
• To increase price by1000.
Data Handling

• What is NumPy? What are the uses of NumPy?

• List the advantages of NumPy Arrays over (nested) Python lists.
• To import numpy as 'np' and print the version number.
• To create an array of 1D containing numeric values 0 to 9.
• To create a numpy array with all values as True.
• To extract all odd numbers from numpy array.
• To extract all even numbers from numpy array.

• To copy the content of an array A to another array B, replacing
all odd numbers of array A with -1 without altering the original
array A.
• To replace all odd numbers in numpy array with -1
• To copy content of a 1D array into a 2D array with 2 rows.
• To perform basic arithmetic operation on 1D and 2D array.
• Why do we use the following functions:- numpy. linspace(),
numpy.nan(), numpy. tile() and numpy. arange()
Data Management
• SQL Commands : the following SQL commands to be covered
during the labs: create, insert, delete, select.
The following are some representative assignment:
• To create a database.
• To create student table with the student ID, class, section,
gender, name, DOB and marks as attributes where the student
ID is the primary key.
• To insert the details of at least 10 students in the above table.
• To delete the details of a particular student in the above table.
• To increase marks by 5% for those students who have RNo
more than 20.
• To display the entire content of table on screen.
• To display RNo, Name and Marks of those students, who are
scoring marks more than 50.
• To find the average of marks from the student table.
• To find the number of students who are from section’A’.
• To add a new column email of appropriate datatype
• To find the minimum and maximum marks obtained by students
• To modify email for each student
• To display the information all the students, whose names starts
with ‘AN’ (Examples: Anand, Angad,...)
• To display RNo, Name, DOB of those students who are born
between ‘2005-01-01’ and ‘2005-12-31’
• To display RNo, Name, DOB, Marks, Email of those male
students in ascending order of their names.
• To display RNo, Gender, Name, DOB, Marks, Email in
descending order of their marks.
Practical Marks Distribution

S. No. Unit Name Marks

1 Problem solving using Python programming language 11

3 Creating database using MySQL and performing Queries 7
Practical file (minimum of 14 python programs and14
4 7
SQL queries)

5 Viva-Voce 5

Total 30

Programming in Python
1. To find average and grade for given marks.
2. To find sale price of an item with given cost and discount (%).
3. To calculate perimeter/circumference and area of shapes such
as triangle, rectangle, square and circle.
4. To calculate Simple and Compound interest.
5. To calculate profit-loss for given Cost and Sell Price.
6. To calculate EMI for Amount, Period and Interest.
7. To calculate tax-GST/Income Tax.
8. To find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
9. To find the third largest/smallest number in a list.
10. To find the sum of squares of the first100 natural numbers.
11. To print the first ‘n’ multiples of given number.
12. To count the number of vowels in user entered string.

13. To print the words starting with a alphabet in a user entered
14. To print number of occurrences of a given alphabet in each
15. Create a dictionary to store names of states and their capitals.
16. Create a dictionary of students to store names and marks
obtained in 5 subjects.
17. To print the highest and lowest values in the dictionary.

Data Management: SQL Commands

1. To create a database.
2. To create student table with the student id, class, section, gender,
name, dob and marks as attributes where the student id is the
primary key.
3. To insert the details of at least10 students in the above table.
4. To display the entire content of table.
5. To display RNo, Name and Marks of those students who are
scoring marks more than 50.
6. To find the average of marks from the student table.

7. To find the number of students, who are from section ‘A’.

8. To display the information about all the students, whose name
starts with ‘AN’ (Examples: ANAND, ANGAD,..)
9. To display RNo, Name, DOB of those students who are born
between ‘2005- 01-01’ and ‘2005-12-31’.
10. To display RNo, Name, DOB, Marks, Email of those male
students in ascending order of their names.
11. To display RNo, Gender, Name, DOB, Marks, Email in
descending order of their marks.
12. To display the unique section available in the table.

Code No. 083
1. Unit wise Syllabus
Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation
● Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, truth
table, De Morgan’s laws and logic circuits
● Number system: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal
number system; conversion between number systems.
● Encoding schemes: ASCII, ISCII and UNICODE (UTF8,

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1

● Introduction to problem solving: Steps for problem solving
(analysing the problem, developing an algorithm, coding,
testing and debugging). representation of algorithms using
flow chart and pseudo code, decomposition
● Familiarization with the basics of Python programming:
Introduction to Python, features of Python, executing a
simple “hello world” program, execution modes: interactive
mode and script mode, Python character set, Python tokens
(keyword, identifier, literal, operator, punctuator), variables,
concept of l-value and r-value, use of comments
● Knowledge of data types: number (integer, floating point,
complex), boolean, sequence (string, list, tuple), none,
mapping (dictionary), mutable and immutable data types
● Operators: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical
operators, assignment operator, augmented assignment
operators, identity operators (is, is not), membership operators
(in, not in)
● Expressions, statement, type conversion & input/
output: precedence of operators, expression, evaluation of
expression, python statement, type conversion (explicit &
implicit conversion), accepting data as input from the console
and displaying output
● Errors: syntax errors, logical errors, runtime errors
● Flow of control: introduction, use of indentation, sequential
flow, conditional and iterative flow control
● Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else, flowcharts,
simple programs: e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers and
divisibility of a number
● Iterative statements: for loop, range function, while loop,
flowcharts, break and continue statements, nested loops,
suggested programs: generating pattern, summation of series,
finding the factorial of a positive number etc
● Strings: introduction, indexing, string operations
(concatenation, repetition, membership & slicing), traversing
a string using loops, built-in functions: len(), capitalize(),
title(), lower(), upper(), count(), find(), index(), endswith(),
startswith(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isupper(),
isspace(), lstrip(), rstrip(), strip(), replace(), join(), partition(),
● Lists: introduction, indexing, list operations (concatenation,
repetition, membership & slicing), traversing a list using
loops, built-in functions: len(), list(), append(), extend(),
insert(), count(), index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(),
sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); nested lists, suggested
programs: finding the maximum, minimum, mean of numeric
values stored in a list; linear search on list of numbers and
counting the frequency of elements in a list
● Tuples: introduction, indexing, tuple operations (concatenation,
repetition, membership & slicing), built-in functions: len(),
tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); tuple
assignment, nested tuple, suggested programs: finding the
minimum, maximum, mean of values stored in a tuple;
linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the frequency of
elements in a tuple
● Dictionary: introduction, accessing items in a dictionary using
keys, mutability of dictionary (adding a new item, modifying
an existing item), traversing a dictionary, built-in functions:
len(), dict(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del,
clear(), fromkeys(), copy(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(),
max(), min(), count(), sorted(), copy(); suggested programs:
count the number of times a character appears in a given
string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of
employees, their salary and access them
● Introduction to Python modules: Importing module using
‘import <module>’ and using from statement, Importing math
module (pi, e, sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, fabs, sin, cos, tan); random
module (random, randint, randrange), statistics module (mean,
median, mode)
Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics

● Digital Footprints
● Digital society and Netizen: net etiquettes, communication
etiquettes, social media etiquettes
● Data protection: Intellectual Property Right (copyright,
patent, trademark), violation of IPR (plagiarism, copyright
infringement, trademark infringement), open source softwares
and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache)
● Cyber-crime:Hacking, eavesdropping, phishing and fraud
emails, ransomware, preventing cyber crime
● Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection,
confidentiality, cyber trolls and bullying.
● Safely accessing web sites: malware, viruses, trojans, adware
● E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic
● Indian Information Technology Act (IT Act)
● Technology & Society: Gender and disability issues while
teaching and using computers
2. Practical
S.No. Unit Name
1. Lab Test (12 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation
+ 20% code quality)
2. Report File + Viva (10 marks)
Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs 7

Viva voce 3
Project (that uses most of the concepts that have
3. been learnt) (See CS-XII for the rules regarding the 8

3. Suggested List of Questions for Practical

Python Programming
 Input a welcome message and display it.
 Input two numbers and display the larger / smaller number.
 Input three numbers and display the largest / smallest number.
 Generate the following patterns using nested loop.
Pattern-1 Pattern-2 Pattern-3

* 12345 A

** 1234 AB

*** 123 ABC

**** 12 ABCD

***** 1 ABCDE

Write a program to input the value of x and n and print the sum of
the following series:
a. 1+x+x2+x3+x4+............ xn
b. 1-x+x2-x3+x4........................ xn
c. x - x2 + x3 - x4 +.............. xn
2 3 4 n
2 3 4 ......................... n
d. x + x - x + x x
2! 3! 4! n!
 Determine whether a number is a perfect number, an Armstrong
number or a palindrome.
 Input a number and check if the number is a prime or composite
 Display the terms of a Fibonacci series.
 Compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple
of two integers.
 Count and display the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase,
lowercase characters in string.

 Input a string and determine whether it is a palindrome or not;

convert the case of characters in a string.
 Find the largest/smallest number in a list/tuple
 Input a list of numbers and swap elements at the even location
with the elements at the odd location.
 Input a list/tuple of elements, search for a given element in the
 Input a list of numbers and find the smallest and largest number
from the list.
 Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n
students in a class and display the names of students who have
scored marks above 75.

1. Computer Fundamentals
2. Programming Methodology
General Concepts: Modular Approach, Clarity and Simplicity
of Expressions, Use of proper names for Identifiers, Comments,
Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance;
Running and Debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time
Errors, Logical Errors
3. Introduction To Python
Getting Started: Introduction to Python - an interpreted high
level language, interactive mode and script mode. Variables,
Expressions and Statements: Values, Variables and keywords;
Operators and Operands in Python: (Arithmetic, relational
and logical operators), operator precedence, Expressions and
Statements (Assignment statement); Taking input (using raw_
input () and input ()) and displaying output (print statement);
putting comments.
1. What are the rules for mentioning python identifiers?
2. What are reserved words? Write few reserved words?
3. How to give multi line statements in python?
4. What are comments and how to specify comments in python?

5. What are suites in python? Explain the function of print() and

input() function in python.
6. What are the different data types available in python?
7. Write few compound assignment operators?
8. According to the precedence of operators solve the following
and write the final answer:
a. 17 / 2 * 3 + 2
b. 19 % 4 + 15 / 2 * 3
c. (15+6)-10 * 4
d. 17 / 2 % 2 * 3 **3

4. Introduction to Python
Conditional constructs and looping
1. WAP to accept monthly salary from the user, find and display
income tax with the help of the following rules:
9000 or more 40% of monthly salary
7500-8999 30% of monthly salary
7499 less 20% of monthly salary

2. WAP to accept the marks of a child in 5 subject. Compute

total and percentage and award the subject on the basis of the
following table:
Above 90 Science
80-90 Commerce
70-80 Arts
Less than 70 Look for another school

3. An electricity board charges according to following rules:

For the first 100 units - 40 P per unit (P-Paisa)
For the next 200 units - 50 P per unit
Beyond 300 units - 60 P per unit
All users have to pay meter charge also, which is Rs 50/ WAP
to read the number of units consumed and print out the charge.

1. WAP to find the sum of geometric series. Accept a and r from
the user:
a+ar1+ar2+ar3+ ........................ +arn-1

2. WAP to find the sum of Arithmetic series. Accept a and d from

the user:
a+(a+d)+(a+2d)+(a+3d)+ ........................ +a(n-1)d

3. WAP to print the Fibonacci series till n terms: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13

. ....... upto n terms
4. WAP to print the sum of even and odd numbers separately
from 1 to n, where n is taken from the user.

5. Write an appropriate for loop or while loop for the following

a. A loop is to be repeated 200 times.
b. A loop is to be repeated 200 times, but the loop is to be
terminated if the value of the variable X becomes 175.

6. WAP to find the roots of a quadratic equation.

7. WAP to input any 10 numbers and find their sum and average.
8. WAP to find the factorial of a number.
9. WAP to check whether a no. is prime or not.
10. WAP to check whether a no. is prime or not.
11. WAP to check whether a no. is perfect or not.
12. WAP to check whether a no. is Armstrong or not.
13. What is the difference between break and continue? Give e.g.
14. What are conditional statements? Is else mandatory with if
15. How does for loop works? Give the syntax of for loop?
16. How does while ‘loop works? Give its syntax.
17. When is else not executed with a loop?
18. What do you mean by pass statement?
Continued with Python-Strings
1. WAP to check the input string is palindrome or not.
2. WAP to input a string, count and display the number of blanks
in the given string.
3. WAP to input a string, count and display the number of
alphabets in the given string.
4. WAP to input a string, count and display the number of
uppercase alphabets in the given string.
5. WAP to input a string, count and display the number of,. digits
in the given string.

6. WAP to input a string, count and display the number of vowels
in the given string.
7. WAP which accepts a string and reverses the string Example :
if the string is having “Computer Science”. Then after reversal
it should rearranged as “ecneicS retupmoC”.
8. WAP that reads a string and a character. Each occurrence of the
given character (redardless of its case) is converted to opposite
case. For example, if the string entered is: A a b r A c a d and
the character as A or a then the output string should be a A b r a
c A d See each a or A is converted to opposite case i.e. upper to
lower or vice versa.
9. WAP to read a name (first, middle and last name) from a user and
produce an output where the first letter of each name is capatilised
and rest all in lower case. Ex. If the input string is sUmiT kUmAr
KhuRana . then it should be converted to Sumit Kumar Khurana.

10. WAP to count words in a string irrespective of spaces.

11. WAP to find the frequency of particular alphabet in a string
entered by the user.
12. WAP to enter string and display the string in cyclic order. For
e.g if input string is Puja then display
13. WAP to input a string and display it in the fashion shown
below. E.g. if input string is



14. WAP to find substring in a given string. For e.g. search “cat”
in “education”. Also display the no. of occurrences of a given
substring in the main string.

Continued with Python-Lists
1. Define List. What will be the output of print (type([ 1,21))
2. What is the Output of the following code:
A= [1,4,3,0] A= [2,4,6,8,10] x= [1,2,[3,”abc”,4],
B= [“x”, “z”, “t”, “q”] L= len(A) x[0]
A.sort () S=0 x[2]=8
A.insert (0, 100) for I in range (1,L,2): x[-1]
A.remove (3) S+=A[I] x[0:1]
A.append (7) print (“Sum=”,S) 2 in x

3. Write a function to find all duplicates in the list.

4. Write a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the
cumulative sum; that is, a new list where the its element is
the sum of the first i+ 1 elements from the original list. For
example, the cumulative sum of [l, 2, 3] is [1, 3, 6].
5. Write a function called remove duplicates that takes a list
and returns a new list with only the unique elements from the
original. Hint: they don’t have to be in the same order.
6. Use the list of student names. Create a for loop that asks the
user for every name whether they would like to keep the name
or delete it. Delete the names which the user no longer wants.
Hint: you cannot go through a list using a for loop and delete
elements from the same list simultaneously because in that
way the for loop will not reach all elements. You can either
use a second copy of the list for the loop condition or you can
use a second empty list to which you append the elements that
the user does not want to delete.
Continued with Python-Dictionaries and Tuples

Project Work - Developing logic for playing the game and

developing logic for scoring points (Introduction to functions)
• Hollywood/Hangman: A word Guessing game
• Cows ‘N Bulls: A word/number Guessing game
• Random Number Guessing Game (High\Low)
• A game to check whether a word does not use any of the
forbidden letters

1. Write the code to input any 5 years and the population of any
city and print it on the screen.
2. Write a code to input ‘n’ number of subject and head of the
department and also display all information on the output screen.

3. Write the output for the following codes.

A= {10: 1000,20:2000,30:3000,40:4000,50:5000}
print (A.items())
print (A.keys())
print (A. values())

4. Write a code to create customer’s list with their number & name
and delete any particular customer using his /her number.
5. Write a Python program to input ‘n’ names and phone numbers
to store it in a dictionary and print the phone number of a
particular name.
6. Find errors from the following codes:
c= dict()
n= input(Enter total number ) i= l
while i< = n
a= input(“enter place”)
b= input(“enter number”)

print( “place”, “\t”, “number”)

for i in c:
print( i, “\t”,cla[i])
1. Find the Output:
t= (l 0,20,30,40,50) t= (‘a’,’b’,’c’,’A’,’B’) Tl = (10,20,30,40,50)
print( len(t)) max(t) T2 =(10,20,30,40,50)
min(t) T3 = (100,200,300)
t=tuple() Tl =
print( len(t)) T2=(100,200,300)
print( T3)

2. Write a program to input two set values and store it in tuples

and also do the comparison.
3. WAP to input ‘n’ employees’ salary ‘and find minimum &
maximum salary among ‘n’ employees.
4. Find the errors from the following code:
t= tuple{}
n= int(input(Total number of values in tuple) )
for i in range(n)
a= eval(input(“enter elements”) )
t= t+(a)
print( “maximum value = “,max(t))
5. WAP to input n customer’s name and store it in tuple and
display all on screen.
6. WAPto input n numbers and separate the tuple in the following:
T= (l0,20,30,40,50,60)
t1 = (10,30,50)
t2= (20,40,60)

Continued with Python-Module and importing module
Data Representation
1. What are modules?
2. What is the difference between random() and randint() function
in random module? Give e.g.
3. Explain the various functions in math module:

a)fabs() b) sqrt() c) sin()

d)degrees() e) radians()

4. What is the difference between floor() and ceil() functions in

math module? Give e.g.
5. What are the different functions of statistics module.
Data Representation
Conversion from one Number System to another
a) (93) 10 to binary
b) (93) 10 to octal
c) (101011) 2 to decimal
d) (2AF.5C)16 to decimal
e) (4E7)16 to binary

Society, Law and Ethics
Databases and SQL: Number/Decimal, Char/Varchar/ Varchar2,
Date; Sql Commands: Create Table, Drop Table, Update
.... Set .... , Insert, Delete; Select, Distinct, From, Where, In,
Between, Order by, Aggregate functions.


Write MYSQL commands for the following on the basis of the

given table library:

BNo Title Author Subject Publisher Qty Price

121 Turbo C++ Robert Lafore PROG Galgotia 6 270
112 Mastering Windows Cowart OS BPB 4 230
304 Database Dummies Palmer DBMS Pushtak M 8 255
154 Basic for Beginners Norton PROG BPB 5 160
503 Mastering C ++ Gurewich PROG BPB 3 210
650 Advanced Pascal Schildt PROG McGraw 7 350
357 DOS Guide Norton OS PHI 2 175
190 Data Structure Lipschute DS McGraw 3 325

1. To display all the columns.

2. To view Schema of the table.
3. To display Title and Author of all the books.
4. To display Title and Price of all the books for quantity>5.
5. To display title and Publisher of all books with price < =200.
6. To display all the books with Subject PROG and Publisher
7. To display the details of book DOS Guide.
8. To display Title and Quantity of all the books with quantity
between 2 to 4.

9. To display the list with Title that starts with 'D'.
10. To display all the columns with subject DBMS or OS.
11. To display title and Publisher of all books with price from 250
to 350.
12. To display Title, Publisher, Price and Discount (calculate it as
25%of Price) and label it as Discount.
13. To display the list with Title that has second letter as 'a'.
14. To sort or arrange records and display in alphabetical order of
15. To display the list with Publisher as BPB.

16. To count number of books in the table.

17. To display Maximum Price from the table.
18. To display the total quantity of all the books.
19. To find the average Price of books with subject 'OS'.
20. To sort or arrange records and display in descending order of
21. To display Minimum Quantity from the table.
22. To display the sum of price of all the books.
23. To display the count of rows group by publisher.
24. Modify the price and increase it. by 50 for all the rows with
price more than 200.
25. Modify the publisher name as OXFORD for all the rows having
publisher as McGraw.

April - May
• Physical world and measurement
• Kinematics
Extra classes for new admissions
• Above two units will be repeated again
• Laws of motion
• Work power and energy
• Motion of system of particles and rigid bodies
• (Concept of center of mass and its application, moment of
force, torque and concept of angular momentum)
• Motion of system of particles and rigid bodies
• (remaining part of this unit)
• Gravitation
• Mechanics of solids (elasticity)

• Mechanics of liquids (hydrostatic pressure, surface tension,
viscosity and Bernoulli's theorem and its applications)
• Thermal properties of matter
• Transfer of heat
• Thermodynamics
December and January
• Oscillations and waves

Units and Dimensions
1. Find dy/dx for the following:
a) y = x7/2 b) y = x
c) y = x –3 d) y = x5 + x4 + x3/2 + 9x
e) y = 3x5 –3x –1/x f) y = (x-1)(2x+5)
g) y = x2 + cosx + ex h) y = sinx + logx
2. Given S = ut +1/2at2, where u and a are constants. Obtain the
values of dS/dt.
3. The area of a blot of ink is growing such that after t seconds,
its area is given by A = (3t2 + 7)cm2. Calculate the rate of
increase of area at t = 5s.
1. Evaluate the following integrals:
a) ∫x15 dx b) ∫x -3/2dx
c) ∫(x + 1/x)dx d) ∫(x2 – cosx + 1/x)dx
e) ∫ x –1/2dx f) ∫ sinx dx
Dimensional Analysis
1. If force (F), acceleration (a) and time (T) are taken as the
fundamental units, then find the dimensions of energy.
2. Establish using dimensional analysis, the relation between
time of oscillation t of a drop of radius r, surface tension S
and density d.
b  x2
3. P= If P is Power, x is distance and t is time. Find
dimensions of a and b?
4. Check the consistency of the following equations:
1 F 3g
a) n  b) T2 = 4π2a2 c) ρ =
2l m 4πRG
2 2 2GM
d) T2 = n  4π a e) S = ut+1/2at2 f) v 
g) h = 2σ cos θ
h) V = πPr4

rdg 8ηι
Where v & u are velocities, m is mass (mass/unit length in a) F
is tension, T and t are time, a is acceleration ,G is gravitational
constant ,S, R, l, r, h, L has dim’s of length, I is moment
of inertia, w is work ,σ is surface tension, d is density, g is
acceleration due to gravity is volume per unit time, ρ is density,
P is pressure, η coefficient of viscosity.
5. Write dimensional formula of following physical quantities.
Planck's constant, gravitational constant, specific heat, gas
constant, coefficient of viscosity, electric permitivity, magnetic
permeability, refractive index, pressure gradient, coefficient
of thermal conductivity.
6. Write five examples for each of the following:
a) Dimensional constants b) Non dimensional variables
c) Dimensional variable d) Non dimensional constant
7. Which of Dimensional the following variable pairs of physical
quantities have same dimensional formula?
Stress, energy, pressure, angular momentum, torque, angular
velocity, Planck's constant, frequency, velocity gradient,
strain, relative density, frequency.
8. If g is acceleration due to gravity and λ is the wavelength,
which physical quantity does (g. λ)1/2 represent ?
9. V =At B t2, Where V and tare velocity and time respectively.
What are the dimensions of the ratio A and B.
10. A gas bubble from an explosion under water, oscillates with
a time period T proportional to pa db Ec, where p, d, and E are
pressure, density ·and total energy respectively. Find the value
of a, b and c.
11. Check the correctness of following equations using
dimensional method.
a) V = √ E/p , where V, E and p are the velocity, modulus of
elasticity and the density of medium respectively.
1 T
b) V = 2e m When V = frequenct of vibration, e = length of the
string, T = Tension in the string & M = mass per unit length.

12. In Vander Waals' corrected gas equation (P+a/v2)(V-b) = n R
T, when a and b are the constants. Calculate the dimensional
formulae of a and b.
Motion in 2D
1. A boat which has a speed of 5km/h in still water crosses a river
of width 1km along the shortest possible path in 15 minutes.
Find the velocity of river water in km/h. (3)
2. A van starts with acceleration 2m/s2. A mobike starts towards
the car with a velocity of 20m/s . .If the mobike was 96 m
behind the car at the start. Find the time in which he overtakes
the van.(8s)
3. A stone falls from a tower and travels 10 m in the last second
before it reaches the ground. Find the height of the tower.
4. A boy wants to climb to the top of a vertical pole 13 m high.
He climbs 5m in ls then slips 3m in ls. This process repeats.
Plot x - t graph. Also find the time taken by the boy to reach
the top of the pole. (9s)
5. If a body travels half its total path in the last second from rest,
calculate the time and height of its fall (h=57.llm, t = 3.414s)
6. The sum of the magnitudes of two forces acting at appoint is 18
and the magnitude of their resultant is 12. If the resultant is at
90° with the force of smaller magnitude, Find t.he magnitude
of forces. (13 and 5)
7. A particle revolves in a circle of radius 0: 1 m making 300
rpm. Calculate its linear velocity and centripetal acceleration
(1tlll/s 10n2 m/s2 )
8. A projectile of mass 50 g is fired with a velocity 10 m/s at
an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Calculate (a) linear
momentum (b) Kinetic energy of the projectile at highest
point (0.43 kg mis, 1.875J)
9. A fighter jet plane is flying at a height of 500 m with a velocity
of 360 km/h. It releases a bomb when 200 m away from the .

enemy camp. Will the bomb hit the camp? (g=l0m/s2)
10. Can you associate. vectors with (a) the length of a wire bent
into a loop (b) plane area (c) a sphere? Explain.
11. The ceiling of a long hall is 25 m high. What is the maximum
horizontal distance that a ball thrown with a speed of 40 mis
can travel without hitting the ceiling of the hall?
12. A block of ice starts sliding down from the top of the inclined
roof of a house (angle of inclination = 30° with the horizontal).
The highest and the lowest points of the roof ar.e at heights of 8.1
m and 5.6 m respectively from the ground. At what horizontal
distance from the starting point will the block hit the ground?
Neglect the friction.
13. A ball A is projected from the origin with an initial velocity
v = 7000 cm/s in a direction 37° above the horizontal. Another
ball B, 300 cm from the origin on a line 37° above the
horizontal is released from rest, at that instance A starts.
14. A bullet is projected with a velocity of 196 m/s at an angle of
300 with the horizontal. Find the velocity and direction of the
bullet -
a) when it is at a height of 176.4 m.
b) 3s after the bullet is projected.
15. Show that a body thrown at two angles θ and (90 - θ) covers the
same range provided the body is projected with same speed.
16. Deduce an expression for centripetal force realized by a
particle moving with uniform speed in circular motion.
17. A particle covers a distance of 4 m in 3 seconds and 12 m in 5
seconds. Calculate the distance covered by the particle in the
next 3 seconds.
18. A stone tied at one end of a lm long string is whirled in a
horizontal circle of radius 0.1 m with angular speed of 4.9 rad
/sec. Calculate the angle made by the string from the vertical.
19. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with a
velocity of 30 mis.
a) How long will it take to rise to its highest point?
b) How high does the ball rise?
c) How long after projection will the ball have a velocity of
10 mis upward?
d) of 10 mis downward?
e) When is the displacement of the ball zero?
f) When is the magnitude of the ball's velocity equal to half
its velocity of projection?
g) When is the magnitude of the ball's displacement equal
to half the greatest height to which it rises?
20. A boy whirls a stone in a horizontal circle 2.0 m above the
ground by means of a string 1.5 m long. The string breaks,
and the stone flies off horizontally, striking the ground 10 m
away. What was the centripetal acceleration while in circular
motion? (163 m/s2)
Laws of Motion and Work, Power, Energy
1. Consider the three connected objects shown in figure. If the
inclined plane is frictionless and the system is in equilibrium,
find (in terms of m, g, and θ (a) the mass M and (b) the tensions
T1 and T2. If the value of M is double the value found in part
(a), find (c) the acceleration of each object, and (d) the tensions
T1 and T2. (Fig 1)
2. A mass M = 16 kgis held in place by an applied force F and
a pulley system as shown in figure. The pulleys are massless
and frictionless. Find (a) the tension in each section of rope,
T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 and (b) the magnitude of F. Take g = 10
ms-2 (T1=T2=T3=80N,T4=240N) (Fig 2)
3. Find the acceleration of the 500 g block in figure.(Fig 3)

4. A block A of mass 0.5 kg can slide on a frictionless incline of
angle 30o and length 0.8 m kept inside an elevator going up
with uniform velocity 2m/s. Find the time taken by the block
to slide down the length of the incline if it is released from the
top of the incline. Take g = 10m/s2 (t=0.57s) Fig.1

5. A circular disc rotates at 60rpm about an axis passing through

its center. A coin of 18g is placed at a distance of 8cm from the
center of the disc. Calculate the centrifugal force on the coin.
6. Two bodies of different masses x and y are falling from the
same height. If resistance offered by the air be the same for
both the bodies, then will they reach the earth simultaneously?
assume X > Y
7. A block of metal of mass 80gm when placed over an inclined
plane at an angle of 15° slides down without acceleration. If the
inclination is increased by 15° what would be the acceleration
of block.
8. A light string passing over a smooth pulley connects two
blocks of masses m1 and m2. If the acceleration of system is
9/8 find ratio of two masses.
9. A body of mass 10 kg initially at rest explodes and breaks into
three fragments of masses in the ratio 1: 1 :3. The two equal
pieces fly away in the direction perpendicular to each other.
What will be the velocity of heaviest fragment?
10. A water pump pumps out 2400 kg of water per minute. A) if .
water is coming out with a velocity of 3m/s, what is the power
of the pump? B) how much work is done, if the pump runs for
10 hours?

11. Two balls each of mass M moving in opposite directions with
equal speeds 'v' undergo a head-on collision. Calculate the
velocity of the two balls after collision.
12. A planet revolves around the
sun. When is its kinetic energy
13. Deduce an expression for energy
stored by a spring of constant k
when extended by a length x.
14. The momentum of a body is
increased by 50%. What is the
percentage change in its kinetic
15. Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other
steep, meet at A from where two stones are allowed to slide
down from rest, one on each track. Will the stones reach the
bottom at the same time? Will they reach there with the same
speed? Explain.
16. A wooden piece of mass M is hung by a string. A bullet of
mass m strikes the wooden piece with horizontal velocity v
and enters it. To what height does the wooden piece lift up?
Calculate the loss in mechanical energy.
17. A particle of mass m is moving, in a horizontal circle of radius
r under a centripetal acceleration -k2rt2, where k is a constant
t- time. Find the power delivered to the particle.
18. Deduce an expression for final velocities of the two bodies
of masses m1 and m2 moving with initial velocities u1 and u2
which collide elastically and head-on.
19. A steel sphere of radius 10 cm moving with velocity 10 m/sec
collides with another steel sphere of radius 5 cm at rest. Find
their final velocities if collision is head-on and elastic.
20. Blocks A and B in the figure weighs 4 N and SN respectively
and coefficient of sliding friction between any two surfaces

is 0.25. Find the force necessary to drag B to the left with a
constant velocity in all the three cases:
a) A is kept over B,
b) A is held firmly over B,
c) A and B are connected by a thread passing over a fixed
pulley. (3N, 4N, 5N)
Rotational Motion And Gravitation
1. A meter stick is balanced on a Knife-edge at its centre. When
two coins, each of mass 5g are put one on top of the other at
the 12 cm mark, the stick is found to be balanced at 45 cm.
What is the mass of the meter stick? (66gm)
2. A rope of negligible mass is wound round a hollow cylinder of
mass 3 Kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular acceleration
of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N? What
is the linear acceleration the rope?(25)
3. A hoop of radius 2 m weighs 100 kg. It rolls along a horizontal
floor so that its centre of mass has a speed of 20cm/s. how
much work has to be done to stop it? (4J)
4. A bullet of mass 50 g and speed 500 m/sec gets embedded
exactly at the centre of the door. If the door is 1 m wide and
weighs 12 kg, find the angular speed of the door just after the
bullet embedded into it?
5. A child sits stationary at one end of a long trolley moving
uniformly with a speed V on a smooth horizontal floor. If the
child gets up and runs about on the trolley in any manner,
what is the speed of CM of the trolley+child system?
6. How will you distinguish between a hard-boiled egg and a
raw egg by spinning each on a tabletop?
7. Asimple pendulum has a time period T 1 When it is on the surface
of the earth T when taken to height R above the earth's surface,
Where R is the radius of the earth. Find the value of T2/T1. (2)
8. An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit around the

earth has. a total energy E0 Find its potential energy (2E0)
9. A body is projected vertically upwards from the surface of
earth with a velocity equal to half of escape velocity. What is
the maximum height attained by the body?
10. If a body is projected at double the speed of escape velocity,
find its speed at an infinite distance from the earth? It is known
that escape velocity of earth is 11.2 km/sec.
11. What· is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of
mass m from the surface of the earth of mass 'M' and radius 'R'
in a circular orbit at an altitude 2R?
12. What is the physical significance of radius of gyration? Does
it depend upon the speed of rotation of the body?
13. What physical quantities are expressed by the following: (1)
moment of linear momentum (2) rate of change of angular
momentum (3) Aeroal velocity of planet.
14. Two spheres P and Q are of same mass. If P is made of iron and
Q of wood and the spheres ate rotating about their diameters
which one has greater M.I.
15. Two discs of moment of inertia 11 and 12 are rotating about their
common axis passing through their centers with angular speed
w and w respectively are brought into contact face to face with I 2
their axes of rotation coincident. (1) What is the angular speed
of the system? (2) Show that kinetic energy of combined
system is less than the sum of K.E. of the two discs.
16. A ring, a disc and a sphere all of the same radius and mass roll
down an inclined plane from the same height h. Which one
reaches the bottom (1) first, (2) last.
17. A satellite in force free space sweeps stationary interplanetary dust
at a rate dM / dt = α. v. Calculate the acceleration of the satellite.
18. Prove that τ = dL / dt. Where τ and L are torque and angular
momentum respectively.
19. In a certain region of space, gravitational field is given by I=
-K / r. Find the gravitational potential at distance 'r' when the
gravitational potential V = V0 at initial position r = r0.

20. Deduce an expression for escape velocity of a body.

21. Three identical spheres, each of radius r, and mass 'm', are
placed touching each other on a horizontal plane. Deduce the
position vector for its centre of mass and the force experienced
by the mass placed at its centre of mass.
22. Draw a graph showing the variation of acceleration due to
gravity with (a) height above the earth's surface (b) depth
below the earth's surface.
23. Two masses M1 and M2 at infinite distance between them and
initially at rest, start interacting gravitationally. Find their velocity
of approach when they are at a distance "a" from each other.
24. Three point masses M1, M2 and M3 are situated at the vertices
of an equilateral triangle of side a., Then what will be the
coordinates of the center of mass?
25. Calculate the moment of inertia of a system about an axis
AB passing through the midpoint of the base of equilateral
triangle of side a, assuming three masses M, 2M and 3M are
held at the vertices of the triangle.
26. Calculate the kinetic energy of rotation of circular disc of mass
1kg and radius O.2m rotating about an axis passing through
its center and perpendicular to its plane. The disc makes 30/π
rotations per minute.
Properties of Matter
1. If the height of water in a tank is H, then at what distances the
water will come out from the holes made in the wall of the
tank at distances H/4 H/2 and 3H/4 from the upper level of
waterfall?(31/2H/2,H, 31/2H/2)
2. 100 g water at 10°C is mixed with 200 g of water at 80°C.
Calculate final temperature of the mixture. (56.67°C)
3. Water stands at a depth H in a tank whose side walls are vertical.

A hole is made on one of the walls at a. depth h below the water
surface. Find at what distance from the foot of the wall does the
emerging stream of water strike the floor. Ans. 2 (h (H-h)l/2

4. A material breaks up under a stress of 20 x 105 N/m2. If the

density of the material 2.5 x 103 Kg m-3 calculate the length
of wire, which on hanging may break down under its own
weight. g=10m/s2 (L=80m)
5. A sphere contracts in column by 0.01 % when taken to the
bottom of sea 1 km deep. Find the bulk modulus of the material
of the sphere. (9.8 x 1010 N/m2 )
6. Two soap bubbles in vacuum having radii 3cm and 4cm
respectively coalesce under isothermal conditions to form a
single bubble. What is the radius of the new bubble? (r=5cm)
7. The thermal conductivity of brick is 1.7 W/mk, and that of
cement is 2.9W/mk. What thickness of cement of cement
will have same insulation as the brick of thickness 20cm.
8. What should be the maximum average velocity of water in
tube of a diameter 2cm so that the flow is laminar? Viscosity
of water is 10-3 decapoise. (0.05m/s)
9. Calculate the increase in the temperature of water which falls
from a height of 100m Assume that 90% of the energy due to
fall is converted into heat and is retained ·by water: (0.21° C)
10. Calculate the energy spent in spraying a drop of mercury 1cm
radius into 106 droplets all ,of same size. Surface tension of
mercury is 35 x 10-3 N/m (4.35 x 10-3 J)
11. A metal bar measures 50cm at 0°C and 50.048cm at 80°C. Find
the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal. (1.2 x 10-5 0c-1)
12. An elastic wire is cut to half its original length. How would it
affect the max. load that the wire can support?
13. Which is more elastic -Steel or rubber? Explain.
14. A wire of cross-sectional area A and Young's modulus Y is
clamped rigidly between two supports. Calculate thermal tension
in wire when its temperature is raised by 10oc. α be the coefficient
linear expansion.
15. At what temperature is the rms speed of an atom in an argon
gas cylinder equal to the rms speed of a helium gas atom at -
20°c. Atomic mass of Ar = 39.9, Atomic mass of He= 4.0.
16. Three. capillary tubes of the same radius r but of lengths 11.
12 and 13 are fitted at the bottom of a tall vessel containing
a liquid at constant head and flowing through the tubes.
Calculate the length of a single outflow tube of same radius
which can replace the three capillaries.
17. 'n' no. of spherical drops of, a. liquid each of radius 'r' combine
together to form a single big drop of radius 'R'. If T is the
surface tension and the energy released is converted into its
kinetic· energy, find the velocity of the big drop.
18. A U tube contains water and spirit separated by mercury. The
mercury column in the two arms are in level with 10.0 cm of
water and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other column. Find relative
density of water.
19. A stone of 0.5 kg mass is attached to one end of a 0.8 m
long aluminium wire -of 0. 7 mm diameter and suspended
vertically. The stone is rotated in a horizontal plane at a rate
such that the wire makes an. angle of 85° with the vertical.
Find the increase in the length of wire. Given: YAl = 7 xl0 10N/
m2; Sin 85° = 0.9962 and Cos 85° = 0.0872.
20. Compute the elongation ·of the steel and brass wire with
unloaded lengths 1.5 m and 1.0 m respectively and the
diameter of each wire is 0.25 cm. Y = 2xl011 Pa, Y = 9.91xl011
s b
21. A spherical body is moving through a viscous liquid. Explain
how will the viscous force change when (1) radius is made
half (2) mass is doubled (3) velocity of body is tripled.
22. State Bernoulli's theorem and its two applications.

23. Why does water rise in the capillary? Deduce a relation for
height of rise of water in capillary.
24. A sphere of radius 'R' is immersed in the water. A weightless

piston of area of cross section floats on the surface of water.

When a body of mass 'M' is placed on the plate, find percentage
change in the radius of the sphere. Bulk modulus of the sphere
is "K".
25. Why do spring balances show wrong readings after long use?
26. A needle may float on clean water but sinks in water having
impurities. Comment.
Heat and Thermodynamics
1. Calculate the fall in temperature when a gas initially at 72°C is
expanded suddenly to eight times its original volume. Given
γ = 5/3 (258.74K)
2. Name the physical quantities kept constant in the following
processes (1) isothermal (2) adiabatic (3) isochoric.
3. Two rods A and B are of equal length. Each rod has its ends
at temperatures T1 and T2 Deduce condition for equal rates of
flow of heat through both the rods.
4. Derive the expression for work done in an aditatic expansion.
5. Why does air pressure in a car tyre increase during driving?
6. Discuss Carnot cycle and explain why Carnot's heat engine is
more efficient than ordinary heat engine?
7. Show that Cp-Cv = R using first low of thermodynamics.
8. What are reversible and irreversible processes? Explain with
the help of examples.
9. Calculate the work done in isothermal expansion process.
10. Why do two layers of cloth of equal thickness provide warmer
covering than a single layer of cloth of double thickness.
11. Two rods A and B are of equal length. Each rod has its ends at
temperature T1 and T2. What is the condition that will ensure
equal rates of flow of heat through the rods A and B.

12. All objects radiate electromagnetic energy. Why do they not then
lose all their thermal energy by radiation and cool down to 0 K?
Waves And Oscillation
1. A tuning fork vibrates at 264Hz. Find the length of the shortest
closed organ pipe that will resonate with the tuning fork.
Speed of sound 350m/s. (33cm)
2. A wire of length 80cm has a mass of 8g and is under tension
of 500N. Calculate the frequencies and the wavelengths of the
first four modes of vibration. (140Hz, 280Hz, 420Hz, 560Hz,
160cm, 80cm, 53cm, 40cm)
3. If the period of oscillation of mass in suspended from a spring
is 2s, find the period of mass 4m?
4. The first overtone frequency of a closed organ pipe A is equal
to the fundamental frequency of an organ pipe B. If the length
of the pipe A is 30cm, what will be the length of B? (20cm)
5. The piston in the cylinder head of a locomotive has a stroke
(twice the amplitude) of 1.0 m. If the piston moves with simple
harmonic motion. with an angular frequency of 300 rev/min,
what is its maximum speed?
6. A block of mass 5 kg executes simple harmonic motion under
the restoring force of a spring. The amplitude and the time
period of the motion are O.lm and 3.14s respectively. Find the
maximum force exerted by the spring on the block.
7. Calculate the speed of sound in a gas in which two waves of
wavelength 1.00 m and I.Olm produce 10 beats in 3 seconds.
(336.7 mis)
8. How does the change in pressure affect velocity of sound in air?

9. If a phase difference between two waves is π/2, what is the
path difference?
10. The equation for transverse wave on a string is Y = 2. 2 Sin (300 t
- 0.24 x). Find its amplitude, velocity amplitude and time period.
11. A body of mass M is first connected to two parallel springs of
equal spring constant' K' each and then connected with series
combination of the same springs. Calculate the ratio of their
time periods.
12. Deduce an expression for K.E. of a particle in S.H.M. Show
that a man dropped into tunnel dug along the diameter of the
earth, will execute S.H.M.
13. The bob of a simple pendulum is a hollow sphere filled with
water. How will the period of oscillation change if the water
begins to drain out of bob?
14. Show that the total energy of a body executing S.H.M. is
directly proportional to the square of frequency of vibrations.
15. Explain mathematically, why the sound produced in open organ
pipe is sweeter than the sound produced in closed organ pipe.
16. When a tuning fork is sounded with lm or 1.04m length of a
sonometer wire, then, in each case, 5 beats per second are_
produced. Determine the frequency of the tuning fork.
17. A tuning fork of unknown frequency gives 4 beats with a
tuning fork of frequency 310 Hz. It gives the same number of
beats on filing. Find the unknown frequency.
18. State the principle of super position of waves. Explain the formation
of stationary wave and formation of nodes and antinodes.
19. Show that the louder sound can be heard in resonance tube
for specific lengths of air column above the surface of water
filled in the tube. Show that the velocity of sound, in this case
is given by V = 2 v (12 -11), where 12 and 11 are second and
first resonant lengths respectively.
20. Define standing waves. Derive the equation for transverse
standing wave.

1. Some basic Concepts of Chemistry 7
2. Structure of atom 9
3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity 6
in Properties
4. Chemical Bonding 7
5. Redox Reactions 4
6. Thermodynamics 9
7. Equilibrium 7
8. Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles 11
9. Hydrocarbons 10
1. Which of unit of expressing concentration is independent of
2. Hydrogen reacts with N2 to produce ammonia according to
the equation N2 (g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3 (g) Determine how
much ammonia would be produced if 200 g of H2 reacts with
excess of N2 [Atomic weight of N = 14, H= 1 u]
3. Calculate the mass of:
a) 0.1 mole of KNO3
b) 1× 1023 molecules of methane and
c) 112 cm3 of hydrogen at STP.

4. If 2.0g of CaCO3 is treated with 2.0 g of HCl, how many grams
of CO2 can be generated according to the following equation?
CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) → CaCl2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
[Atomic weight of Ca = 40, C = 12, O =16, H = 1, Cl = 35.5 u]
5 2.746 gm of compound gave on analysis 1.94 gm of silver,
0.268 gm sulphur and 0.538 gm of oxygen. Find the empirical
formula of the compound.
6. A compound contains 54.2% C, 9.2% H and 36.6% oxygen,
determine its empirical formula if its molecular weight is 88 u.
[At. Wt. Of C=12, H=1, O=16u]
7. Oxygen is prepared by catalytic decomposition of KClO3.
Calculate amount of KClO3 required to produce 24 mole of
oxygen. (At. Wt. Of K = 39, Cl = 35.5, O = 16 u)
8. Calculate the molarity of a 10% aqueous solution H2SO4 by
mass if the density of the acid is 1.2g L-1.
[Mol. Wt. Of H2SO4 =98 g mol –1 ].
9. a) State and explain Avogadro’s law. Illustrate it with an
b) 500 ml of 0.250M Na2SO4 solutions is added to an aqueous
solution of 15.00 g of BaCl2 resulting in the formation of
white precipitate of BaSO4 . How many moles and how
many grams of BaSO4 are formed?
[Atomic weight of Ba = 137, Cl = 35.5, S = 32, O = 16u]
10. In a reaction vessel 0.184 g of NaOH is required to be added
for completing the reaction. How many ml of 0.150 M NaOH
solution should be added for this?
11. What is the mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6]
(At mass of Fe=56u, K=39u C=12u, N=14u, H=1u)
12. What is the mole fraction of methanol in solution containing
3.2 g of methanol in 18 g of H2O.
13. Calculate molarity of a solution containing 13.8g of potassium
carbonate (molar mass =138g/mol) dissolved in 500ml of

14. If the density of methanol is 0.793 kg L–1, what is its volume
needed for making 3 L of its 0.5 M solution?
15. If 6.3 grams of NaHCO3 are added to 15 gram of CH3COOH
solution, the residue is found to be 18gram. What is the mass
of CO2 released in the reaction?
16 3.0 grams of H2 react with 29.0 grams of O2 to form H2O
a) Which is the limiting reactant?
b) Calculate the maximum amount of H2O that can be formed.
c) Calculate the amount of the reactant left unreacted.
17. Account for the following:
a) In the combustion of methane in air, methane is limiting reagent.
b) Molality is preferred over molarity in expressing the
concentration of a solution.
c) It is necessary to balance a chemical equation.
18. Calcium carbonate reacts with aqueous HCl to give CaCl2 and
CO2 according to the reaction,
CaCO3 (s) + 2 HCl (aq) → CaCl2 (aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l).
What mass of CaCO3 is required to react completely with 25
mL of 0.75 M HCl.
1. Why electronic energy is negative?
2. What are quantum numbers and give the significance of each
quantum number?
3. Calculate the energy and frequency of light required to excite
an electron in hydrogen atom from first energy level to fourth
energy level. h= 6.626 × 10-34 Js.
4. Can we apply uncertainty principle to a stationary electron?
5. The mass of an electron is 9.1 × 10-31kg. If its kinetic energy is 3.0
×10-25 J. calculate its wavelength.
6. What will happen to the wavelength associated with a moving
particle if its velocity is reduced to half ?
7. Write electronic configuration of Cr (24) and Cu (29).

8. A photon of wavelength 4×10-7 m strikes on the metal surface,
the work function of metal being 2.13 eV. Calculate:
a) Energy of photon in eV.
b) The kinetic energy of the emitted electron.
c) The velocity of photoelectron. [1eV = 1.602 ×10 –19J]
9. a) Why are half filled and completely filled orbitals more
b) Calculate the number of photons that provide 1 J of energy.
10. Describe hydrogen spectrum and describe series of spectrum
and the region to which do they belong?
11. If n is equal to 3, what are the values of quantum numbers 1
and m?
12. How many electrons are present in all subshells (fully filled)
n+l=5 ?
13. How does Bohr’s model explain simultaneous appearance of
a large number of lines in the hydrogen spectrum?
14. How do 1s and 2s orbital differ from each other?
15. Calculate the maximum number of electrons in f - sub sell
with same spin.
16. Which of the following sets of orbitals are degenerate and why?
a) 1s, 2s and 3s in Mg atom
b) 2px, 2py and 2pz in carbon atom.
17. An element with Atomic number 7 has the following given
a) 1S2 2s2 2Px2 2Py1 2Pz0
b) 1S2 2s2 2Px1 2Py1 2Pz1
Which of the two is correct? Why?
18. Write the electronic configurations? Cr3+, Na+, N3-, N2+
19. Calculate the wavelength, frequency and wave no. of light
wave whose period is 2.0×10−10s.
20. Which of the following orbital is not possible 1p, 2s, 3f, 4d?

1. Which of the following pairs of elements would have a more
negative electron gain enthalpy? Explain – (i) O or F (ii) F or Cl
2. Among the elements – Li, K, Ca, S and Kr, which one has the
lowest first ionization energy?
3. What are lanthanides and actinides?
4. What is the general electronic configuration of d-block elements?
5. Arrange the elements in increasing order of their size: F-, Li +,
Na +, Cl-.
6. Noble gases have zero electron affinity. Why?
7. With reference to periodic table indicate:
a) Element that is in group 13 and third period both.
b) First transition element of the fourth period.
8. Among alkali metals which element do you expect to be least
electronegative and why?
9. The element 108 has not yet been discovered. What is its
IUPAC name and symbol?
10. Arrange the element N, P, O and S in order of increasing first
ionisation enthalpy and increasing non-metallic character.
Give reason for the arrangement assigned.
11. Justify the given statement with suitable example “ The
properties of the elements are a periodic function of their
atomic numbers”.
12. Discuss the factors which determine the magnitude and sign
of electron gain enthalpy and are the trends of its variation in
the periodic table.
13. Out of Na and Mg which has higher second ionization enthalpy
and why?
14. Name the factors responsible for the anomalous behaviour of
15. Define isoelectronic species. Give the formula of a species

that will be isoelectronic with Ne.
1. Define hybridization?
2. What is meant by lattice enthalpy? How is it related to melting
3. Draw the resonating structure and resonance hybrid for nitrate ion.
4. What are the molecular shapes of: (i) XeF 4 (ii) ClF3
5. Why is H 2 + more stable than H 2 – ?
6. Why does NH3 have more than NF3 dipole moment?
7. Discuss the shapes of following molecules on the basis of
a) PCl5 b) SF6 c) NH3
8. Discuss the shapes of following molecules on the basis of
a) CH4 b) CH2 = CH2 c) C2 H2
9. Why is σ-bond stronger than π-bond ?
10. Writethemolecularorbitalconfigurationofthefollowingspecies:
N2, N 2+, N 2−, N22−
a) Calculate their bond orders.
b) Predict their magnetic behaviour.
c) Which of these shows the highest paramagnetism.
11. Give examples of two compounds in which octet rule is not
12. State two conditions for the formation of metallic bond.
13. Predict the shapes of the following molecules. Using VSEPR
a) BeCl2 b) SiCl4 c) PCl5 d) H2S
14. Predict the dipole moment of:
a) A molecule AX4 with square planar geometry.
b) A molecule AX3 with pyramidal shape.
c) A molecule AX6 with octahedral geometry.
15. In each of the following pair, predict which has higher value
of the property mentioned and why?
a) HF, HCl - Polar molecule.
b) NH3, PH3 - Bond Angle.
c) KCl, KF - Lattice Enthalpy.
d) NF3, NH3 - Dipole moment.
e) C2H2, C2H4 - s-Character in hybridisation of carbon.
16. Why are all P–Cl bond length not equal in PCl 5?
17. Explain in terms of VSEPR theory the following observations:
HSH angle in H2S is smaller to 90º than HOH angle in H2O.
18. Give three points of difference between sigma (σ) and pi (π)
19. What are hybrid orbitals? Describe the formation of sp, sp2,
sp3 hybrid orbitals.
20. The first ionization enthalpy of B is less than that of C. On the
other hand, the second ionization enthalpy of boron is very
much higher than that of carbon. Explain.
1. What is meant by open system? Give an example.
2. Differentiate between extensive and intensive properties with
3. What is meant by enthalpy of combustion?
4. How is enthalpy of formation different from enthalpy of
reaction? Illustrate with the help of examples.
5. a) A reaction is found to endothermic and ΔS is = +ve. At what
temperature (high or low) will reaction be spontaneous?
b) A swimmer coming out from pool is covered with a film of
water weighing about 80 g. How much heat must be supplied
to evaporate this water? ΔH vap of water = 40.70 k mol-1
6. a) Define free energy.
b) Calculate bond energy of HCl if bond energy of H-H
bond is 436kJ mol-1 Cl-Cl bond energy is 242 kJ mol-1
and heat of formation of HCl is –92.5 kJ mol-1
7. What is meant by entropy? What is effect of temperature on
8. Calculate heat of formation of methane if heat of formation
of CO2 is –393kJ mol-1, H O (l) is –286kJ mol -1and heat of
combustion of methane is – 890 kJ mol-1
9. Derive an expression showing relationship between internal
energy and enthalpy.
10. 2.5 mol of ideal gas at 2 atm and 27oC expands isothermally to
2.5 times of its original volume against the external pressure
of 1 atm. Calculate work done. If the same gas expands
isothermally in a reversible manner, then what will the value
of work done be.
11. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the
value of ΔGo? R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1, T = 300K (log 10 = 1)
12. Give a mathematical expression relating enthalpy of sublimation
with enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporization.
13. Comment on the spontaneity of a reaction at constant
temperature and pressure in the following cases:
a) ∆H < 0 and ∆S > 0
b) ∆H > 0 and ∆S < 0
c) ∆H < 0 and ∆S < 0
d) ∆H > 0 and ∆S > 0
14. Use the following data to calculate ΔlatticeH° for NaBr.
ΔsubH° for sodium metal = 108.4 kJ mol–1 Ionization enthalpy
of sodium = 496 kJ mol–1 ,Electron gain enthalpy of bromine
= –325 kJ mol–1 ,Bond dissociation enthalpy of bromine = 192
kJ mol–1, Δf H° for NaBr(s) = –360.1 kJ mol–1.
15. Use the bond enthalpies listed below to determine the enthalpy
of reaction:

16. For the reaction at 298 K, 2A + B → C
∆H = 400 KJ mol -1 and ∆S = 0.2 KJ K-1 mol-1, At what
temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering
∆H and ∆S to be constant over the temperature range.
17. The enthalpy of vapourisation of CCl4 is 30.5 kJ mol –1.
Calculate the heat required for the vapourisation of 284 g of
CCl4 at constant pressure. (Molar mass of CCl4 = 154 g mol –1).
18. Predict the change in internal energy for an isolated system at
constant volume.
19. What happens to the internal energy when work is done on the
1. We know that the relationship between K and K is K = K (RT)Δn.
c p p c
What would be the value of Δn for the reaction
NH4 Cl (s) → NH3 (g) + HCl (g)
2. BF3 does not have proton but still acts as an acid and reacts
with NH. Why is it so? What type of bond is formed between
the two?
3. What will be conjugate bases for the following acids:
a) OH -1 b) HCO3– c) CH3NH3+ d) NH3
4. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction is 1.6 x 105
at 1024 K. H2(g) + Br2(g) → 2HBr(g) Find the equilibrium
pressure of all gases if 10.0 bar of HBr is introduced into a
sealed container at 1024 K.
[PH2 = PBr2= 0.025 bar, PHBr = 9.95 bar]
5. State Le Chatelier’s Principle Discuss the effect of increase in
temperature and pressure on the following equation:
2SO2(g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g) + heat
6. a) What is meant by hydrolysis of salts?
b) For the equilibrium: NOCl → 2NO (g) + Cl2(g)
The value of Kc = 3.75 × 10-6 at 1069 K. Calculate Kp at
this temperature.(R = 0.0821 litre atm K-1 mol-1)
7. At 500 K, equilibrium constant, Kc , for the following reaction
is 5. 1/ 2 H2 (g) + 1/ 2 I 2 (g) → HI (g).
What would be the equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction

2HI (g) → H2 (g) + I2 (g)

8. For the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI (g), the standard free
energy is ΔG0 > 0. The equilibrium constant (K ) would be
9. Why pure liquids and solids can be ignored while writing the
equilibrium constant expression
10. Very short answer type.
a) Give one example each of strong electrolyte, weak
electrolyte and nonelectrolyte.
b) State Arrehenius theory of dissociations.
c) Arrange the following acids in increasing order of their
strengths – HI, HF, HCl, HBr.
d) Give the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of the
weak electrolyte A2B.

e) Kb for the Ammonia is 1.8 ×10 -7, Aniline is 4.6 ×10 -10,
hydrazine is 9.8×107 .Arrange the base increasing order
of their strengths.

f) Calculate degree of dissociation of 0.01 M CH3COOH if,

Ka = 1.8 × 10-5 at 298 K.
g) Explain why solubility of AgI in NaI solution is less than
that in pure water?
h) What will be the effect of increasing the pressure on the
following Equilibrium 2HI (g) → H2(g) + I2(g)
11. At 25ºC, acid dissociation constant of HCN is 4.9 ×10 10 mole/
litre. Calculate the degree of dissociation when concentration
is: a) 0.1M b) 0.01 M

12. The ionisation of hydrochloric in water is given below:

HCl(aq) + H O2
(l ) → H3O+ (aq) + Cl– (aq) Label two
conjugate acid-base pairs in this ionisation
13. How does solubility product help in deciding the precipitation
of a salt.
14. On the basis of the equation pH = – log [H+ ], the pH of 10–8
mol dm–3 solution of HCl should be 8. However, it is observed
to be less than 7.0. Explain the reason.
15. pH of a solution of a strong acid is 5.0. What will be the pH
of the solution obtained after diluting the given solution a 100
16. 0.1 mole of PCl5 is vaporized in a litre vessel at 26ºC. Calculate
the concentration of Cl2 at equilibrium (Kc = 0.04)
17. What is a common ion effect? Give one example of its role in
salt analysis.
18. What is a buffer solution? Give one example of an acid and
base buffer each.
19. The solubility product of Al (OH)3 is 2.7 × 10 –11. Calculate its
solubility in gL–1 and also find out pH of this solution. (Atomic
mass of Al = 27 u).
20. 4g of NaOH is dissolved in one litre of water calculate its pH.
1. Justify that the reaction: 2 Na(s) + H2(g) → 2 NaH(s) is a
redox reaction.
2. In the reactions given below, identify the species undergoing
oxidation and reduction:
a) H2S(g)+Cl2(g) →2 HCl(g) + S(s)
b) Fe3O4(s) + 8 Al(s) → Fe(s) + 4 Al2O3(s)
c) Na(s) + H2(g) → 2 NaH(s)
3. Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each
of the following species:
(a) NaH2PO4 (b) H4P2O7 (c) H2S2O7

4. Balance the following redox reactions by oxidation no method.

a) MnO -(aq) + I- (aq) → MnO (s) + I (s)
4 2 2
(in basic medium)
b) Cr O 2- (aq) + SO (g) → Cr3+ (aq) + SO 2- (aq)
2 7 2 4
(in acidic solution)
c) H O (aq) + Fe2+ (aq) → Fe3+ (aq) + H O (l)
2 2 2
(in acidic solution)
5. Balance the following equations by half reaction method and
identify the oxidising agent and the reducing agent.
a) N H (l ) + ClO - (aq) → NO(g) + Cl - (aq)
2 4 3
(Basic medium)

b) MnO4- (aq) + SO 2 (g)→ Mn2+ (aq) + HSO4 -(aq)

(in acidic solution)
6. Using electron transform concept, identify the oxidant and
reductant in the following redox reaction:
BrO3- + F2 + 2OH- → BrO4- + 2F- + H2O
7. In the given equation identify oxidising and reducing species.
What type of reaction does the given equation indicates?
3Cl2 + 6OH- à 5Cl- + ClO3- + 3H2O
8. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur in the following
species. H2SO4, S2O72–

9. Dichromate ion in aqueous acidic medium reacts with ferrous
ion to give ferric and chromium ion. Write the balance
chemical equation according to ion-electron method.
10. Find the oxidation number of:
a) S in SO 4-2 ion
b) P in NaH2PO4
c) P in P2O7
d) Fe in [Fe(CN) 6 ] -3
e) S in HSO 3-1 ion
f) Pt in (PtCl6 ) -4 ion
g) Mn in (MnO-24 )
12. Find the oxidation number of oxygen in the following
a) OF2
b) Na2O2
c) BaO2
d) KO2
13. Chlorine dioxide ClO2, us used to kill bacteria in food and
beverage industries. It is obtained by following reaction:
Cl2  2NaClO2 → 2ClO2  2NaCl

Identify the substances oxidised and reduced as well as

oxidising and reducing agents in the reaction.
1. Write IUPAC names of the following molecules.
d) (CH3)2C(C2H5)2
2. Write the structural formula of
a) 4-Ethyl-1-fluoro-2-nitrobenzene.
b) 6-hydroxyheptanal
c) cyclohex-2-en-1-ol
d) o-Ethylanisole
e) 2-bromo-3-chloro-1-phenylpentane
f) 5-(2,2-Dimethylpropyl)nonane
3. Write the state of hybridization of carbon in the given
compound and predict it shape.

4. Draw the possible functional group isomers of the compound

with molecular formulae C3H6O,
5. Draw shape of methyl carbocation explaining hybridization in it.
6. Draw resonating structures of phenol.
7. Explain why (CH3)3C+ is more stable than +CH3.
8. What are electrophiles and nucleophiles? Give two examples
of each.
9. Out of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol which one is steam
volatile and why?
10. How many sigma and pi bonds arepresent in CH2=CHCH=CH2?
11. Draw resonating structures of nitrobenzene and explain why it
is meta directing?
12. Give principle behind the technique of Partition
13. Draw metamers of the organic compound with molecular
formula C4H10O
14. Write the bond-line formula of the following compounds:
a) Isopropylcyclohexane
b) Pent-4-yn-2-ol
c) Tetra-tert-butylmethane
d) 2-chloro-3hydroxy-5methylheptanoic acid
15. What is the difference between structural and stereoisomers?
16. Explain heterolytic and homolytic bond cleavage giving one
example each.
17. Identify electrophilic centre in the following:
18. What is inductive effect? Explain its types giving examples.

19. Define: resonance, electromeric effect and hyperconjugation.

20. Write the stability order of carbocations giving reason.
21. Write the principle behind the following purification
techniques: Crystallisation, fractional distillation, adsorption
chromatography, differential extraction and steam distillation.

1. Carry out the following conversions:
a) Propyne to Propanone.
b) 1-Chloroethane to ethene.
c) Propene to 1-bromopropane.
d) Prop-1-yne to propanone.
e) Methane to ethane.
f) 1-Bromopropane to 2-bromopropane.
g) Benzene to acetophenone.
h) Methane to ethane.
2. Explain with the help of an equation:
a) Decarboxylation b) Wurtz reaction
c) Kharasch effect d) Nitration
e)Kolbe’s electrolysis f) Friedel Crafts reaction
g) aromatization or reforming h)pyrolysis
i) markovnikov rule
3. What happens when (give chemical equation only):
a) Methane undergoes oxidation in the presence of copper
at 523k and 100atm.
b) Chloroethane is heated with alcoholic KOH.
c) Ethyl chloride is reduced with zinc in dilute HCl.
d) Phenol is heated with zinc dust.
e) Ethanol is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid.
f) Ethyne is passed through red hot iron tube at 873k.
g) 2-methylpropane is oxidised with KMnO4
h) Hexane is heated to 773 K
i) 2-methylpropene is treated with ozone and then hydrolysed

using Zn-H2O
j) Propyne reacts with water in the presence of Hg2+/H+ at
333 K
k) Benzene is treated with excess of chlorine in presence of
anhyd. AlCl3 in dark
l) Benzene is hydrogenated at high temp in the presence of
m) Benzene reacts with chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet
4. Draw Newman’s and sawhorse projections of the two major
conformations of ethane.
5. Write structures and IUPAC names of different structural
isomers of alkenes corresponding to molecular formula C5H10.
6. What are stereo isomers? Explain why cis-But-2-ene is polar
whereas trans-But-2-ene is nonpolar.
7. Predict and write the IUPAC names of the major product
obtained by addition of HBr to hex-1-ene
a) in the absence of peroxide
b) in the presence of peroxide.
8. Give the ozonolysis products of the following alkenes:
a) 2-Methylpropene

b) But-2-ene
9. Why can’t benzene undergo electrophilic addition reaction
even though it has three double bonds? What is the function
of FeCl3 in chlorination of benzene?
10. Draw resonating structures of aniline and justify its ortho-para
directing nature.
11. Write mechanism of the following reactions:
a) Chlorination of benzene in presence of anhyd. AlCl3
b) Addition of HBr to propene in the presence of peroxide
c) Addition of HBr to propene
d) Chlorination of methane in the presence of light
e) Electrolysis of aqueous sodium acetate

Unit 1 - Diversity in the Living World 10
• The Living World
• Biological classification
• Plant Kingdom
• Animal Kingdom
Unit 2 - Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals 12
• Morphology of Flowering Plants
• Anatomy of Flowering Plants
• Structural Organisation in Animals
Unit 3 - Cell : Structure and Functions 14
• Cell : The Unit of Life
• Biomolecules
• Cell Cycle and Cell Division
October & November
Unit 4 - Plant Physiology 17

• Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

• Respiration in Plants
• Plant Growth and Development
December & January
Unit 5 - Human Physiology 17
• Breathing and Exchange of Gases
• Body Fluids and Circulation
• Excretory Products and their Elimination
• Locomotion and Movement
• Neural Control and Coordination
• Chemical Coordination and Integration
The Living World
1. What do following stand for:
2. Brassica Campestris Linn
a) Give the common name of the plant.
b) What do the first two parts of the name denote.
c) Why are they written in italics?
d) What is the meaning of linn written at the end of the name?
3. Define taxon. What is meant by taxonomic hierarchy. Give a
flow diagram from the lowest to highest category for a plant
and an animal.
4. What are taxonomical aids? Give the importance of herbaria
and museums. How are Botanical garden and zoological parks
useful in conserving bio - diversity.
ACTIVITY: Study of the parts of a compound microscope.

Biological Classification
1. How is 5 kingdom classification advantageous over the 2
kingdom classification.
2. Describe briefly 4 major groups of PROTOZOA.
3. What do the terms algal bloom and red-tides signify.
4. At a stage of their cycle, fungi produce the fruiting bodies.
How are the fruiting bodies different from each other.
5. What are the characteristic features of Euglenoids?
6. What do terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify.
7. A virus is considered as a living organism and an obligate
parasite when inside a host cell. But virus is not classified
along with bacteria or fungi. What are the characters of virus
that are similar to non-living objects?

ACTIVITY: 1.Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification
with reasons – Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom,
yeast, and one lichen.
Plant Kingdom
1. Why are bryophytes called the amphibians of the plant
2. Heterospory ie. formation of two types of spores - microspores
and megaspores is a characteristic feature in the life cycle of a
few members of pteridophytes and all spermatophytes. Is there
some evolutionary significance of heterospory in plant kingdom.
3. Comment on the lifecycle and nature of a fern prothallus.
4. Gametophyte is dominant phase in the life - cycle of a
bryophyte. Explain.
5. With the help of a diagram describe
a) haplontic
b) haplo-diplontic
c) Diplontic
d) Cycle pattern of a plant group.
6. Draw labelled diagrams of
a) Female and Male thallus of liverwort
b) Gametophyte and Sporophyte of Funaria
c) Alternation of generation in Angiosperm
ACTIVITY: Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification
with reasons –liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous
plant, one dicotyledonous plant.
Animal Kingdom
1. Make a chart giving the salient features of different phyla and
Animal Kingdom.
2. What is the relationship between germinal layers and the
formation of body cavity in case of coelomate, acoelomates
and pseudocoelomates.

3. Give the characteristics features of the following citing one
example of each
a) Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes
b) Urochordata and Cephalochordata
4. Mention two similarities between
a) Aves and Mannals
b) A frog and Crocodile
c) A turtle and pila
5. What are the modifications that are observed in birds that help
them to fly?
ACTIVITY: Study of virtual specimens/slides/models and
identification with reasons – Amoeba, Hydra, liver-fluke, Ascaris,
leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark,
rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.
Morphology of Flowering Plants
1. Differentiate b/n the following and give examples
a) Fibrous and adventitious roots b) Rhizome and corm
c) Stolon and. suckers
d) Phylloclade and cladode
2. Classify the, following on the basis of phyllotaxy:
Mustard, calotropis, china rose, Nerium and Sunflower
3. Collect samples of pinnately compound leaves, press dry and
arrange them as unipinnately, bipinnately and tripinnately
4. Differentiate between cymose and recemose inflorescence.
Tabulate different inflorescence giving their unique features
and two examples.
5. Give an outline classification of fruits giving suitable examples.
6. Draw a V. S. of maize seed and label its major parts.
7. Make a table indicating the families : Brassicaceae, Solanacae,
Asteraceae and Poaceae. Give their floral formula, brief
description and three examples each.
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
1. Secondary growth is common in dicot stems but not in the
monocots. Give reasons.
2. What types of vascular bundles are present in the maize plant
and in mango plant?
3. Where in plants is the quiescent centre located?
4. On observation under microscope the leaf surface shows
dumbbell shaped stomata. Identify whether the leaf is monocot
or dicot?
5. What is the function of CASPARIAN STRIPS?
6. Name the two layers formed by the PHELLOGEN inside and
outside of a stem.
7. Differentiate between the following giving example:-
b) OPEN and CLOSED vascular bundle ·
8. Which of the two is a secondary meristem and why?
9. Dicot roots do not have CAMBIUM but still show secondary
growth. How is that possible?
10. List any four differences between dicot stem and monocot root.
11. Transverse sections of monocot and dicot leaves are focussed
under two separate microscopes. Give any four reasons of
identification so that one can be distinguished from the other.
12. Where are the oldest xylem and the youngest phloem found in
a woody stem?
l3. Briefly discuss the structure and functions of the first three
layers from the periphery in a primary dicot stem.
14. Give the specific location and functions of the following:

15. Give salient features of:
a) Archaebacteria b) Eubacteria c) Mycoplasma
ACTIVITY: 1. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot
roots and stems (primary).
2. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and
lower surface of leaves.

Structural Organisation in Animals

1. Give the tissues of man in a tabular form with examples
2. Describe cockroach mouth parts with their functions.

The Unit of Life
1. Define incipient plasmolysis.
2. What will happen to RBCs if they are kept in 3%NaCl solution
and why?
3. Starting from periphery to lumen arrange the following
Secondary wall, middle lamella, primary wall
4. What is the function of plasmodesmata?
5. With which cell organelle would· you associate the following:
Cristae, thylakoids, cisternae, polysomes
6. Define osmotic pressure. Which of the two would have greater
a) cells kept in 10% salt solution b) cells kept in distilled
7. Draw a labelled, ultra structure of mitochondria and
8. Differentiate b/n active and passive absorption along with
suitable examples.
9. Name the two organelles that show autonomy. What is the
reason that makes it possible and what is the need?
10. List any three biological functions of sodium potassium
exchange pump, and illustrate the functioning of the pump.
11. Name the scientists to propose the fluid mosaic model of
biomembrane. Draw a well-labeled diagram.
ACTIVITY: 1.Study through real life cells and models

1. Which of the following has glycosidic bond: monosaccharides,
disaccharides, proteins, and fats.
2. Give. the full form of NADP and FAD.
3. Name the functional groups found in a peptide bond.
4. Name the nucleosides found in the RNA.
5. What are amino acids? List any two functions.
6. Enlist four functions of water in a cell.
7. Why is NaCl essential for biological systems?
8. Cholesterol has always been in the news for the role it plays in the
blockage of the coronary arteries. Is all cholesterol bad? Briefly
discuss any four ways in which it could be important for the body.
9. Name the part of the enzyme where catalytic work is carried out.
10. Explain feed back mechanism in enzymes with the help of
11. What does Michaelis' Constant mean?
12. Describe the effect of pH, temperature and substrate
concentration on the activity of enzyme. Show the effect of
changes using graphic representations.
ACTIVITY: 1.Study of DNA and RNA models and charts.
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
1. A seedless variety of grape is triploid with three sets
of each chromosome. Which phase of cell cycle would
you expect triploid cells to be unable to complete?
Meiosis I, Meiosis II, S phase, G2 or G, phase.
2. Name the stage when cells become haploid:
Prophase I, Prophase II, Anaphase I, Anaphas II.
3. The process of meiosis produces four cells with non-identical
chromosomes. The diversification occurs during:
Telophase I, Telophase II, Metaphase II or Prophase II
4. Which of the following is unique to mitosis and not a part of
a) Homologous chromosomes pair forming bivalents
b) " " cross over
b) " " behave independently
d) Chromatids separate during anaphase
5. Draw a cell cycle to show its various phases. What is the
significance of each phase?
6. Differentiate b/n Metaphase II, and Metaphase I. Support your
answer with suitable diagrams.
7. List any four differences b/n Mitosis in plant and an animal cell.
8. What is known as a Mitotic poison? How does it affect cell
9. In a stage of cell division, the number of chromosomes is
reduced from 2n to n During which part, and of which type
of cell division, does this phenomenon take place? Draw the
sequence of diagrams of this part.
10. Draw the various stages of mitotic cell division in a plant cell
taking 2n = 6
ACTIVITY: 1.Study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and animals
cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

1. Give the details of Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll as
given by Engelmann.
2. How was it proved that oxygen evolved during photosynthesis
came from water and not from carbondioxide.
3. What are the advantages of plants showing C4 cycle over
plants showing C3 cycle?
4. Why are the plants that consume more than the usual 18 ATP
produce 1 molecule of glucose favoured in tropical regions?
5. Describe photosystem 1 and photosystem 2 in green plants.
How do these photosystems co-operate in producing NADPH
and ATP in Light reactions. of photosynthesis?
6. Differentiate between chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
7. Define carbon fixation in plants. What was the contribution
of M. Calvin in regard to photosynthesis? Describe the three
phases of calvin cycle.
8. What is photorespiration? Give .its chemical details.
9. Differentiate between C4 and CAM pathway.
10. What do you understand by Blackman's Law of limiting
factors. Explain it with the concentration of carbondioxide.
11. Differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic photophos
ACTIVITY: 1. Separation of Plant Pigments Through Paper

Respiration in Plants
1. Give the respiratory quotients of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats.
2. What is the full form of EMP pathway? Where does it take
place? Give its details. ·
3. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic cycle ..
4. How many molecules of NADH2 are produced from one
molecule of Acetyl CoA in TCA cycle?
5. Name a final acceptor of electron is in ETC.
6. Enlist the details of ETC cycle. in man.
7. How do poisons such as potassium cyanide interfere with the
functioning of ETC?
8. Give the specific location of F0-F1 particles in mitochondria.
9. List the steps involved in glycolysis. Also indicate the output
and input of energy rich molecules.
10. Why do the total number of ATP's produced during route-1
and route-2 of ETC differ? Support your answer with suitable
11. On which membrane of mitochondria ,does the synthesis
of ATP take place? List any three factors that help in ATP
12. Illustrate the pathway of anaerobic respiration in yeast cell.
13. Give an account of the oxidative breakdown of glucose
molecule in a tabulated form. Specify details of each step
under the following columns, ATP utilized and net gain.
14. Where does TCA cycle take place in mitochondria? Name
the substance that enters this cycle and its acceptor. Give the
sequence of the metabolic pathways and energy produced at
each step.
ACTIVITY: Observation And Comments on The Experimental Set
Up For Showing: Anaerobic Respiration
Plant Growth and Developement
1. Explain the biological meaning of growth. In what essential
ways does plant growth differ from animal growth?
2. Differentiate between plant and animal growth.
3. Explain the various phases of growth in a sigmoid curve.
4. Describe senescence. What are the various types of senescence
observed in plants? Can senescence be retarded by the growth
5. Give one antagonistic feature of the following -
a) Gibberellin and Abscisic acid
b) Cytokinin and Ethylene
c) Ethylene and Auxin.
6. What are paratonic movements?
7. How did Charles Darwin establish that it was the tip of
coleoptile which is able to receive the stimulus of light?
8. A chrysanthemum plant with floral buds requires more than
12 hrs of dark night time to flower. If night is interrupted by
white light for the duration of an hour, will the flowers bloom
the following morning? Name the pigment that perceives the
light stimulus for flowering? Where is this pigment present in
the plant and what are its forms?
9. Explain how it is possible that short day plant growing in the
same location could flower on the same day of the year.
10. A horticulturist kept a tobacco plant in short day conditions
during the long day season. State its effect on the' flowering
process. Give reasons.
ACTIVITY: Phototropism Examples

Breathing and Exchange of gases

1. Write a brief note on the pulmonary air volumes.
2. What do you mean by respiratory quotient? Give all categories.
3. Describe how the respiratory gases are exchanged between
the blood and alveolar air.
4. How is oxygen transported in the blood and released to the
5. How is carbondioxide transported from the tissues to the lungs?
ACTIVITY: 1.Working Model
2. Observation Through Model or Real Specimen.

Body Fluids and Circulation

1. What is a pace maker? Why is it called a life saving instrument?
2. Distinguish between Blood and Lymph.
3. Enumerate the functions of blood.
4. Draw a simple diagram of the internal structure of the human
5. How does blood flow through the heart during the different
phases of the cardiac cycle?
6. What is Lymph? Explain its two functions and write about its
7. How are A, B, 0 blood groups determined?
8. Explain the role of various types of disorders arising from
improper function of the immune system .
9. What is Rh blood group. What is the problem related to the Rh
blood group?
ACTIVITY: Observation Through Model or Real Specimen.

Excretory Products and their Elimination

1. What characteristics of Henle's loop make it an effective
counter current system?
2. Distinguish between ammonotelism and ureotelism.
3. Draw a labelled diagram of a nephron. State the functions of
glomerulus distal convoluted and descending limb of Henele's
4. What is counter current mechanism? Explain how it takes
place in the kidneys.
ACTIVITY: 1. Test For Presence of Urea In Urine2.Test For Presence
of Urea In Urine3.Test For Presence of Sugar In Urine.4Test For
Presence of Albumin In Urine.5.Test For Presence of Bile Salts In

Locomotion and Movement

1. Hydra lacks muscle fibres, then how does it carry out its
different movements? Show the movements with the help of
labelled diagrams.
2. With the help of labelled diagrams describe the bones of an
arm and a leg in a human being.
3. How is the structure as a sarcomere suitable for contractility
of the muscles? Explain its details.
4. Briefly discuss the chemical changes involved during muscular
ACTIVITY: 1. Study of Human Skeleton And Different Types of
Joints With The Help of Virtual Images/Models Only.

Neural Control and Coordination

1. What is synapse? How is a nerve impulse transmitted across a
synapse? Name any two neurotransmitters involved synapse.
2. Blind spot in the,eye is devoid of the ability of vision. Why is
it called so?
3. Explain how vitamin-A deficiency affects vision in human
4. Describe the structure of a human brain. Give an account of
its various parts and functions. Make a labelled diagram of a
vertical section of mammalian eye. Explain the functions of
rods and cones.
5. What is action potential? Describe how the nerve impulse is
propagated in a non-myelinated and myelinated rerve fibre.
6. Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of human ear. Write
a note on the mechanism of hearing.
7. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the human eye.
ACTIVITY: 1.Observation of Slides of Neuron.
2. T.s of Spinal Cord

Chemical Control and Coordination

1. Which are the hormones that perform the following functions?
a) pregnancy changes
b) inhibition of growth hormones secretion
c) spermatogenesis in males
2. Which part of the pituitary glands secretes somatotrophin and
vasopression? Give a function of each of these secretions.
3. Give the full form of FSH. Name the gland that secretes it.
4. Give the full form of G.H. Name the gland that secretes it.
Mention any two of its functions. Name the disorder caused
due to the failure of GH secretion. Name the hormones that
inhibit the GH secretion?
5. Give the full form of A.D.H. Name the gland that secrets it.
Under what conditions of the body is it released? What is its
role in forming hypertonic urine? What disease is caused due
to the failure of the secretion of this hormone?
6. Discuss the role of hypothalamus and pituitary glands as a
coordinator unit in maintaining physiological processors.
7. Give the 3 regions of adrenal gland. with the respective
hormones sccrered by them.
8. Explain the feed back mechanism of regulation of hormones
with the help of a suitable example.
ACTIVITY: Study of Glands Position Through Chart.


Part A: Statistics for Economics
Unit 1:
Introduction – Definition- Singular and Plural sense, features of
statistics in the plural sense, importance of statistics in economics.
Unit 2:
Collection of Data- Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data
collection, Census and sample
Organisation of Data – Meaning and Frequency distribution
Presentation of Data - Table, Diagrams and Graphs
Unit 3:
Measures of Central Tendency - Mean, Median and mode
Part B: Introductory Microeconomics
Unit 4:
Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics; positive and
normative economics, what is an economy? Central problems of
an economy: (what, how and for whom to produce); concepts of
production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Unit 5:
Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand:
Consumer’s Equilibrium - meaning of utility, marginal utility, law of
diminishing marginal utility, conditions for consumer’s equilibrium
using marginal utility analysis. Indifference curve analysis of
consumer’s equilibrium – the consumer’s budget (budget set and
budget line), preferences of the Consumer (Indifference curve,
Indifference map) and conditions for consumer’s equilibrium.

Demand, Market demand, Determinants of demand, demand
schedule, demand curve and its slope, movement along and shifts in
the demand curve

Part C: Developing project in Economics

As per CBSE guideline

Part A: Statistics for Economics
Unit 3 contd.:
Correlation-Scattered diagram, Karl Pearson’s correlation,
Spearman’s rank correlation
Index Numbers - Definition, uses, difficulties in the construction
of index numbers, limitations, cost of living index, whole sale
price index using aggregate expenditure method and family budget
method. IIP

Part: B Introductory Microeconomics

Unit 5 contd.:
Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand:
Price elasticity of demand - factors affecting price elasticity of
demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand - percentage -
change method and total expenditure method.

Unit 6:
Producer Behaviour and Supply:
Meaning of Production Function - Short - Run and long run total
product, average product and marginal product, returns to a factor.
Cost - Short run costs - Total cost, total fixed cost, total variable
cost; average cost; average fixed cost, average variable cost and
marginal cost - meaning and their relationships.

Revenue - Total, average and marginal revenue - meaning and their
Producer’s Equilibrium - meaning and its conditions in terms of
marginal revenue - marginal cost.
Supply, Market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule,
supply curve and its slope, movements along and shifts in the supply
curve Price Elasticity of Supply; measurement of price elasticity of
supply percentage - change method.
Unit 7:
Forms of market and price determination under perfect
competition with simple applications.
Perfect competition - features; determination of market equilibrium
and effects of shifts in demand and supply.
Simple Applications of demand and supply: Price Ceiling, Price
Part C: Completion of Project.
As per CBSE guideline

Unit 1- Introduction
1. Define Statistics in Singular Sense.

2. Example of quantitative data is

A] Honesty
B] Marks
C] Beauty
D] Intelligence
3. How is Statistics useful to Government and Politicians?
4. Explain features of statistics in plural sense.

5. What are stages of statistical survey?
6. Explain tools of statistical survey.

Unit 2 – Collection, Organisation Presentation of Data

1. Differentiate between primary and secondary data.
2. What are the different methods of collecting primary data?
3. State some sources of secondary data.
4. What is difference between sample and census method?
5. Draw Format of Table with proper labelling of different
parts of Table.
6. Draw a multiple bar diagram with the help of the following
Literacy rate in the major states of India (in percentage)
Major Indian states Literacy in 2001 Literacy in 1991
AP 60.5 44.1
Bihar 47.0 37.5
Gujarat 69.1 61.3
Karnataka 66.6 56.0

7. Draw histogram and frequency polygon

X: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

F: 12 18 27 12 17 16

8. Explain the steps to construct a Pie chart.

9. What is difference between percentage subdivided bar chart
and subdivided bar diagram.
10. Draw imaginary Multiple bar diagram and Simple bar
Unit 3- Measures of Central Tendency , Correlation and Index

1. Following are the marks obtained by 25 students of class XI

in an exam. Find out mean and median

Marks 5−9 10−14 15−19 20−24 25−29 30−34
No. Students 4 6 3 2 6 4
Calculate mean and median from the following data:

Family A B C D E F G
Income (in ₹) 1,200 1,400 1,500 1,700 2,000 2,100 2,200

2. Find out the value of median and mode from the following data:

Roll No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks 20 28 40 12 30 15 50

Find mind from the weekly wage (in ₹) of 10 workers of a factory:

310, 350, 420, 105, 115, 290, 245, 450, 300, 375.

3. Find the Missing Frequency if Arithmetic mean of the series

is 38.5:

10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Frequency 4 6 12 x 10

4. Arithmetic Mean of 100 items was found to be 50.8. It was later

discovered that one item 47 was wrongly taken as 67. Find the
Corrected Mean.
5. Calculate Mode using Grouping Method:

Age 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60

50 70 80 180 150 120 70 50

6. From the following data, calculate Arithmetic mean.

Income in Rs. No. of families
Less than 20 4
Less than 40 9
Less than 60 16
Less than 80 29
Less than 100 46
Less than 120 53
Less than 140 74

7. Calculate index number of prices for the year 2018 from the
following data by Aggregate expenditure method.

Items Base year Base year Current year Current year

Price quantity price Quantity
A 10 12 25 25
B 40 7 50 10
C 30 15 45 15
D 10 20 20 20

8. Explain various degrees of correlation and present on a scattered

Unit 4- Introduction to Micro-economics
1. Draw PPC and show the following:-
(a) Full employment of resources,
(b) Underutilisation of resources, and
(c) Growth of resources.
2. The state govt. has sanctioned a certain amount to increase
production in rural areas.
Which technique of production will you suggest to the state govt.
for this project?
3. What are the 3 basic economic problems of an economy?
4. What is the problem of what to produce?
5. What is the problem of How to produce?
6. What is the problem of ‘for whom to produce’?
7. Lot people died and many factories were destroyed in an
earthquake { natural calamity}.
How will it affect the PPC?
8. Differentiate between Micro and Macro Economics.
9. Give some examples of positive and normative economics.
Unit 5 Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand:
1. A consumer consumes only two goods and is in equilibrium.
Show that price and demand for a good are inversely related.
Explain using utility analysis.
2. Explain the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium with the help
of utility analysis.
3. What is meant by consumer’s equilibrium? State its condition in
case of a single commodity.
4. Given the price of a good, how will a consumer decide as to how
much quantity of that good to buy? Use utility analysis.
5. Is the demand for the following elastic, moderate elastic,
inelastic? Give reason.
Demand for petrol, Demand for textbooks, Demand for cars,
Demand for milk
6. The quantity demanded of a good at a price of Rs. 10 per unit is
40 units. Its price elasticity of demand is -2. Its price falls by Rs,
2/- per unit. Calculate its quantity demanded at the new price.
7. A consumer wants to consume two goods. The prices of the two
goods are Rs 4 and Rs 5 respectively. The consumer’s income
is Rs 20.

a) Write down the equation of the budget line.

b) How much quantify of good 1 can the consumer consume
if she spends her entire income on that good?
c) How much of good 2 can she consume if she spends her
entire income on that good?
d) What is the slope of the budget line?

8. What causes an upward / downward movement along a demand
curve? What causes an upward movement along a demand
9. Construct individual and market demand schedule?

10. State law of demand and its assumptions.

Unit 6
1. Define / briefly explain and give examples:-
(a) Explicit cost (b) implicit cost (c) fixed cost (FC) (d) Variable
cost (VC)
(e) Marginal cost (MC) (f) Total cost (TC) (g) Average Fixed Cost
(h) Average Variable Cost (AVC) (i) Average cost (AC) (j) Money
(k) Real cost
2. Are the following statements true or false: give reasons for
your answer?
a. TR curve starts from the point of origin.
b. AR is greater than MR in perfect competition.
c. MR can never be zero.
d. TR increases with every increase in output.
3. How is TVC derived from MC?
4. Do ATC and AVC curves intersect? Give reasons.
5. A firm is producing 20 units. At this level of output ATC
and AVC are respectively equal to Rs 40 and Rs 37. Find
total fixed cost of this firm.
6. Define- production function, Total Product, Average Prod-
uct, Marginal Product.
7. What is the difference between Short Run and Long Run?

8. Why is the short run marginal cost curve ‘U’-shaped
9. Complete the following table:-


0 250
1 100
2 210
3 220
4 510
5 60

10. Explain producer’s equilibrium using MR-MC approach.

Unit 7

1. Explain market equilibrium.

2. What will happen if the price prevailing in the market is

(i) Above the equilibrium price? (ii) Below the equilibrium price?

3. Explain how price is determined in a perfectly competitive market

with fixed number of firms.

4. How are equilibrium price and quantity affected when income of

the consumers

(a) Increase (b) Decrease

5. How will a change in price of coffee affect the equilibrium price
of tea? Explain the effect on equilibrium quantity also through a
6, If the price of a substitute (Y) of good X increases, what impact
does it have on the equilibrium price and quantity of good X?

7. Can you think of any commodity on which price ceiling is imposed
in India? What may be the consequence of price-ceiling?
8. Suppose the market determined rent for apartments is too high
for common people to afford. If the government comes forward
to help those, seeking apartments on rent by imposing control on
rent, what impact will it have on the market for apartments?

Part A: Financial Accounting -I 40 Marks
Unit-1 Theoretical Framework 12
a) Introduction to Accounting 6
b) Theory Base of Accounting 6
Unit-2 Accounting Process and
Special Accounting Treatment 28
a) Recording of Transactions 10
b) Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement 18
Ledger and Trial Balance
c) Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves. 10
d) Rectification of Errors 10
Part B: Financial Accounting - II
Unit-3 Financial Statements of Sole proprietorship Firm From
Complete and Incomplete Records 20

Project work in both Terms

Unit-1 Accounting: Meaning, Objective and Basic Terms
Unit-2 Theory Base of Accounting
1. What do you mean by accounting? How is it different from
book keeping?
2. Explain briefly any two advantages and disadvantages of
3. Explain the meaning and relationship between expense,
revenue and income.
4. What do you mean by the revenue principle? Are there any
exceptions to this principle? If yes, explain with the help of

5. What do you mean by accounting standards? State the
number of accounting standards we have in India?
6. Explain the principle of prudence with the help of an example.
7. Distinguish between:
a) Cash discount and trade discount.
b) Fixed asset and current asset
c) Long term liability and current liability.
8. What do you mean by stock? How do we value stock? Name
the principle applicable to valuation of stock.
9. Explain the significance of accounting information for each
of the following:
a) Investors
b) Employee
10. What is meant by the money measurement assumption?
Explain its significance.
Unit-3 Generation of Vouchers and Recording of
Transactions Unit-3 Bank Reconciliation Statement
Unit-3 Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors
1. Journalise the following transactions:
Ganesh started business with cash 20,000
Borrowed from Mahesh 12,000
Purchased furniture 12,000
Purchased furniture from Mohan on credit 8,000
Purchased goods for cash 30,000
Purchased goods from Ram on credit 11,000
Sold goods for cash 4,000
Sold goods to Shyam on credit 1,000
Received cash from Shyam 500
Paid cash to Ram 7,000
Deposited into bank 1,000
Withdrew cash for personal use 200
Withdrew from bank. for office use 800
Withdrew from bank for personal use 100
Paid Ram by cheque 200
Paid salary 700
Paid rent by cheque 500
Goods withdrawn for personal use 150
Paid an advance to supplier of the goods 200
Paid interest on loan 100
Paid installment of loan 600
2. Prepare journal entry, post them into ledger accounts and
prepare the trial balance, 2002.
1. Started business with cash Rs. 2,50,000.
2. Purchased machinery Rs. 1,00,000.
3. Paid installation charges of machine Rs. 20,000.
4. Paid rent Rs. 4,000.
5. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 30,000 and received cash
discount 10%.
15. Purchased goods from Mohit on credit for Rs. 20,000.
18. Sold goods on credit to Sumit for Rs. 10,000 and allowed
trade discount 5%. Sold goods for cash Rs. 30,000.
3. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Charu
a) B who owed us Rs. 1,500 is declared insolvent and 65
paise in a rupee is received as final dividend from his
b) Sold goods to Kamal list price Rs. 2,000, trade discount
10% and cash discount 5%. He paid the amount on the
same day and availed the cash discount.
c) Supplied goods costing Rs. 600 to Shakuntala, issued
invoice at 10% above cost less 5% trade discount.
d) Goods worth Rs. 5,000 were given away as charity.
4. Prepare a two-column cash book from the following

Jan 2002
1 Opening balance of cash 1,00,000
1 Cash at bank 50,000
2 Withdraw from bank for office use 20,000
3 Paid rent 1,000
4 Received a cheque from A Ltd. and
deposited in the bank on the same day 10,000
7 Honoured our own acceptance
and paid through cheque 12,000
5. Prepare a two-column cash book from the following
Aug 2001
1 Cash in hand 60,00
2 Bank overdraft 10,00
3 Received a cheque from S. Chand and 20,00
sons 0
4 S. Chand's cheque endorsed to Harry
5 Discounted a bill of exchange of
Rs. 4,000 at a discount of 1 %
6 Withdrawn from bank for personal use 10,00
7 Deposited in bank 20,00
8 Paid Shyam on account 15,00
6. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from the following
particulars as on 30th June 1980
a) Credit balance as per bank column of the Cash book
- 3,600
b) Cheques issued to the creditor but not yet presented for
payment - 720
c) Cheques deposited in bank for collection but not yet
collected - 1,540

d) Bank charges charged by the bank - 20

e) Interest on overdraft charged by the bank - 25
f) A customer directly deposited in bank without
informing us - 240
g) Bank paid house tax on our behalf, but no information
was received from the bank - 35
7. On 31st March; 1999 the pass book shows a credit balance
of Rs. 9,000. Prepare a. bank reconciliation statement from
the following particulars
a) Cheques issued but not yet presented for payment = 7,000
b) Cheques issued but omitted to be recorded in the cash
book - 3,800
c) Cheques paid into the bank but not yet collectedly by
the bank - 2,600
d) Premium on life policy paid by bank on the customer
advice - 360
e) Payments received from customers directly by bank
- 2,000
8. List any two functions of preparing a trial balance.
9. Pass journal entries to rectify the following errors [one sided]:
a) Purchase of goods from. Amit omitted to be credited to
Amit's account. Rs 10,000.
b) Received cash of Rs 5,000 from Charu, omitted to be
posted to her account.
c) Paid cash Rs. 4000 to Seema, omitted to be debited.
d) Sold goods to A for Rs 1,000, omitted to be posted/debited.
e) Goods returned by A, omitted to be posted, Rs. 400.
f) Goods returned to Amit, omitted to be posted, Rs. 200.
g) Purchase book overcast by Rs. 400.
h) Sales book shown at Rs. 1,500 instead of Rs. 15,000.

i) Total of purchase return book carried forward as Rs. 500

instead of Rs. 50.
j) Total of sales return book carried forward as Rs. 40
instead of Rs. 400.
k) A credit purchase from Anita for Rs. 70 posted as Rs. 77
to her account.
l) A credit purchase from Meena for Rs. 6,000 posted to
her account as Rs. 600.
m) A credit sale to A for Rs. 70 posted as Rs 77.
n) A credit purchase from B for Rs. 7,000 posted as Rs 700.
o) A credit sale to C for Rs. 700 posted as Rs. 70.
p) Cash received from Anju posted as Rs. 60 instead of Rs.
q) Cash received from Sanju posted as Rs. 500 instead of
Rs. 50.
r) Cash paid to Manju posted as Rs. 40 instead of Rs. 400.
s) Cash paid to Manju debited as Rs. 600 instead of Rs. 60.
t) A credit purchase from T for Rs. 500 debited to his
u) A credit sale to X for Rs. 400 credited to his account.
v) A purchase return of Rs. 1,500 to A credited to his
w) A sales return by D for Rs. 4,900 debited to his account.
x) Cash received from P debited to his account as Rs. 1,400
y) Cash paid to Q credited to his account as Rs. 800.
z) Credit purchase from B debited to his account at Rs. 400
instead of Rs. 4000.
aa) Credit purchase from X debited to his account at Rs.
1,500 instead of Rs. 150.
ab) Credit sale to P credited to his account at Rs. 300 instead
of Rs. 3,000.
ac) Credit sale to Q credited to her account at Rs. 1,400 instead of
Rs. 140.

ad) Cash received from Sita debited to her account at Rs.

2,000 instead of Rs. 20,000.
ae) Cash received from Rohan debited to his· account at Rs.
80,000 instead of Rs. 8,000.
af) Goods returned to P credited to his account at Rs. 1,000
instead of Rs. 10,000.
ag) Goods returned by S debited to his account at Rs. 4,000
instead of Rs. 400.
ah) Rent received Rs. 4,000 was posted twice to rent received
ai) Payment of commission of Rs. 1,000 was posted twice
to commission account.
10. Rectify the following errors:
a) An amount of Rs. 500 withdrawn by the proprietor for
his personal use has been debited to trade expenses
b) Rs. 100 received from Mohan has been credited to Sohan.
c) A credit sale of Rs. 150 to Sita has been wrongly -
passed through purchases book.
d) An item of Rs. 750 paid for the purchases of office -
furniture has been debited to purchases account.
e) Goods of Rs. 300 taken by proprietor have not been
entered into the books at all
f) Rs. 350 spent for the repair of the building has been
debited to building a/c.

g) Furniture worth Rs. 500 purchased from W on credit
omitted to be recorded in the books.
h) The total of sales return book was Rs. 200 instead of Rs
i) Sales book was overcast by Rs. 500.
j) A sale of goods to Ketan for Rs. 2,500 was passed
through the purchases book.
k) Rs. 10,000 paid as rent to landlord was debited to the
landlord a/c.
l) Rs. 4,000 the amount of sale of an old building has been
credited to Sales Account.
m) Sale of Rs. 200 to Preeti was recorded as Rs. 2,000 in
Sales book
n) Goods of Rs. 300 taken by the proprietor have not been
entered into the books at all.
o) Goods of value Rs. 400 returned to Ashok but no entry
was made in the books.
p) An amount of Rs. 600 due from Harish Bros. Which has
been written off as Bad Debt in a previous year, was
unexpectedly recovered, and has been credited. to the
personal account of Harish Bros.
q) Bill for Rs. 820 received from Ramesh for repair of
machinery was entered in the purchase book as Rs. 720.
Unit-6 Depreciation Reserves and Provision
Unit-7 Final Accounts
Unit-9 Case Studies
1. On IstJan 1996 a machinery was purchased for Rs. 7,50,000
and Rs. 32,000 was spent on custom duty and freight and Rs.
18,000 was spent on its erection. Another machine was
purchased on 1 st Oct, 1997 for Rs. 4,00,000. On 31st
December 1997 one fourth of the machine purchased on 1-1-
96 was sold for Rs. 1,25,000. On 1-1-98, another machinery
was purchased for Rs 2,00,000. If depreciation is charged
@10% p.a. on the reduced balance of the asset, prepare the
machinery a/c for the first three years. Accounts get closed
on 31st December.
2. On 1-1-92 an asset was purchased for Rs. 5,00,000. On 30-
6-94 this asset was sold for Rs. 3,20,000. On 1-1-94 a second
hand asset was purchased for Rs. 2,20,000 and Rs. 8,000 was
spent on its repairs and Rs. 2,000 on its installation. This
company was charging depreciation @20% p.a. on the
original cost of the asset. In 1993, however the company
changed the rate of providing depreciation and adopted the
w.d.v. method, the rate of depreciation being 25% p.a.
Prepare the asset a/c from 1992 to 1994. Accounts get closed
on 31st December.
3. Distinguish between reserve and provision.
A company, which follows the calendar year as its
accounting year, purchased on· 1 April 2000 a machine
costing Rs. 60,000. The company purchased new machinery
costing Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 20,000 on 1 October 2001. On 1
October 2001, one-third of the machinery that was installed
on 1 April 2000 became obsolete and was sold for Rs. 6,000.
Show the machinery account in the books of the company,
given that machinery was depreciated by fixed installment @
10 percent per annum.

14. On 31 December 2002 the following Trail Balance was

extracted from the books of Mohan:

Particulars Debit Balance Credit

Rs. Rs.
Capital 30,000
Drawings 5,000
Debtors & Creditors 20,000 10,000
Loan 9,500
Interest on Loan 300
Cash 2,000
Provision for Bad
Stock (1-1-2002) 6.800
Motor Vehicles 10,000
Bank 3,500
Land & Buildings 12,000
Bad Debts 500
Purchases & Sales 66,000 1,10,000
Returns 8,000
Carriage Outward 2,500
Carriage Inward 3,000
Salaries 9,000
Rent & Insurance 3,000
Advertising 3,500
Discount 500
General Expenses 3,400
B/R & B/P 6,000 2,000
Rent Received 3,00
1,64,500 1,64,500

4. Distinguish between capital and revenue expenditure?
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year
ended on 31 December 2002 and Balance Sheet as on that
date after making adjustments for the following:
a) Depreciate Land and building at 2.5% p.a. and Motor
Vehicles at 20% p.a.
b) Salaries outstanding Rs. 200
c) Prepaid Insurance Rs. 200
d) Provision for Bad Debts is to be maintained at 5% on
sundry debtors.
e) Cost of the Stock in hand on 31 December, 2002 was
Rs. 7,000 & Market Value of the stock on that day was
Rs. 10,000.
f) Manager is entitled to a commission of 10% on net
profit before charging such commission.


Annamika started her business with Rs. 10,00,000 on lstJan;

2002. She deposited Rs. 9,50,000 in a newly opened bank a/c
with S.B.I. On the same date she took a loan of Rs. 3,00,000
from the same bank @ 12% p.a.
On 2nd Jan, 2002 .she purchased a machine costing Rs.
4·,00,000 and paid through cheque. The machine was
supposed to be depreciated at the rate of 10% p.a.
Her purchases for the year were as follows:
• 2nd Jan, 2002
3,000 units for Rs. 100 each from Bhatia and Bros. on credit.
• 10th Feb, 2002
2,000 units for Rs. 100 each from Chadha Enterprises and
paid them through cheque.
• 15th Mar, 2002
1,000 units for Rs. 100 each from Sultan Chand. Half of the
sales were on cash basis and remaining half on credit basis.
Her sales were as follows:
• 10th Jan 2002
1,500 units for Rs. 150 each to Archana on credit.
• 15th Feb, 2002
3,500 units for Rs. 150 each to Ankita. Ankita paid through
• 15th Mar, 2002
200 units for Rs. 150 each to Charu. Charu paid in cash for
120 units. Remaining 80 units were sold on credit basis. She
made the following payments in cash during this year:
• 10th Jan, 2002 advertising expenses Rs. 1,000
• 25th Mar, 2002 electricity bill for office _ Rs. 500
• 30th Mar, 2002 carriage on purchases Rs. 100
On 1st Feb, 2002 she appointed a salesman to whom she was
supposed to pay a salary of Rs. 2,000 p.m. Salary is to be
paid in cash on the last date of each month. Prepare final
accounts for the year ending 31st Mar, 2002.
Sharon started business on 1st Jan, 2002 She contributed Rs.
5,00,000 as capital. She deposited Rs. 4,50,000 in the bank
a/c. She made her purchases of 500 goods @ 200 each in the
beginning of each quarter. She made the payment for
purchases through a cheque. She paid her advertising
expenses and rent in the beginning of each quarter through
cheque. Her advertising expenses and rent per quarter were
Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively. She paid the following
expenses in. cash at the end of each quarter
Carriage inward Rs. 500 per quarter
Electricity bill Rs. 400 per quarter
Her sales for the year were as follows:
Cash sales:
15th Jan., 2002
200 goods @ 300 each. Received a cheque which was

deposited on the same day.
15th April 2002
300 goods @ 300 each. Received a cheque which was
deposited on the same day.
30th June, 2002
100 goods @ 300 each. Received a cheque which was
deposited on the same day.
30th Sept., 2002
300 goods @ 300 each. Received a cheque which was
deposited on the same day.
Credit sales to Anshu
31st Mar., 2002 300 goods @ 300 each
30th Sept., 2002 200 goods @ 300 each
31st Dec., 2002 400 goods @ 300 each
Anshu paid a cheque of Rs. 90,000 on 1st July, 2002.
Cheque was deposited oh the same day. On 1st July,
2002, she took a loan from her friend for Rs. 2,00,000. She
promised to pay interest on loan @10% p.a. She deposited
the loan money in the bank account on the same date.
Prepare final accounts for Sharon for the year ending 31st
Dec, 2002.
John graduated from Delhi University and started making
plans for a small business to produce high quality products.
John began his business on 1st Nov. 2001 with Rs. 5,00,000
of savings, including some money that he had· inherited. On
the same date he borrowed Rs. 2,00,000 from his uncle at the
rate of 12% p.a.
He hired two rooms, one for workshop and one for office use
at two different places. He paid a rent deposit of Rs. 5,000
p.m. for the office and Rs. 1,500 p.m as office rent. Factory
rent was fixed at Rs. 1,000 p.m. Rent for factory and office
was to be paid on first date of each month through cheque.

On 1st Nov 2001, he purchased equipment costing Rs.
2,00,000 on the same date. He got the equipment insured for
an annual premium, Rs. 240 p.a. and paid the cheque for the
Purchases for the year are as follows:
4th Nov, 2001 1,500 units @ 10 each
10th Dec 2001 2,000 units @ 10 each
Payment for the purchases was made through cheque. Sales
for the year are as follows:
25th Nov 2001 1,200 units @ 20 each
15th Dec 2001 1,800 units @ 20 each
Cheques were received for the sales., which were deposited
in the bank on the same date.
John appointed three personnel on ·1st Nov 2001. One
female was appointed for office work and two males for
workshop. The female was given a salary of Rs 2,000
p.m. and wages were fixed at Rs. 800 p.m. per worker.
Employees were paid in cash on the last date on each month.
On 31st Dec 2001, he paid Rs. 2,000 as electric;ity expenses
for the workshop and Rs. 1,000 for office. Depreciation was
charged on the equipment @12% p.a. On the basis of the
above-mentioned case prepare final account for the year
ending 2001.
Parul was planning to start a business of her own. On
analyzing a proposal of a furniture shop, she concluded that
she needed Rs. 15,00,000 for this proposal. She contributed
Rs. 12,00,000 as capital on 1-3-03 and on the same date took
a loan from bank for Rs. 3,00,000. Bank charged interest at
the rate of 12% p.a. Interest on loan was supposed to be paid
on 30th September and 31st March each year.

On 1-3-03 she purchased a shop for Rs. 5,00,000 [and paid
through cheque]
Her purchases for the year were as follows:

3 sofa sets @15,000 each from Anita on credit.
3 dinning tables @ Rs. 10,000 each and paid through cheque.
10 chairs @1,500 each and paid through cheque.
Her sales for the month were as follows:
2 Sofa sets @ 25,000 each for cash.
1 dinning table @ 15,000 each for cash.
5 chairs @ 2,000 each to Ashima. Ashima paid through
cheque which was deposited on the same day.
On 10-3-03 she deposited Rs. 40,000 in her bank a/c
On 24-3-03 she withdrew from bank Rs. 15,000 for office
On 25-3-03 she paid Rs. 2,000 for electricity expense and Rs.
10,000 as salary.
Pass journal entries, prepare ledger a/cs and trial balance for
the year ended 31-3-03.
Smarika started her business with Rs. 15,00,000 on 1st March
2001. She deposited Rs. 14,00,000 in a newly opened bank
a/c with P.N.B.
On 2nd March 2002, she purchased a machinery costing Rs.
4,00,000 and paid through cheque. Machine was supposed to
be depreciated at the rate of 12% p.a.
Her purchases for the year were as follows:
2nd March, 2001
5,000 units for Rs. 100 each from Bhan and Bros. on credit
20th March, 2001
1,000 units for Rs. 100 each from Arya enterprises and paid
them through cheque.
Her sales were as follows:
20th March, 2001
1,000 units for Rs. 200 each to Archana on credit.
25th March, 2001
2,000 units for Rs. 200 each to Ankita. Ankita paid through
cheque. The cheque was banked on the same day.
She made the following payments in cash during this year:
5th March, 2001 Promotion expenses Rs. 10,000
26th March, 2001 Electricity bill for office Rs.
On lst March, 2001 she appointed a salesman to whom she
was supposed to pay a salary of Rs. 10,000 p.m. Salary to be
paid in cash on the last date of each month. Pass journal
entries, post them in ledger a/cs and prepare the trial balance
for the year ending 31st Mar, 2001
1 Mark Questions

Unit 1 - Accounting: Meaning, Objective and Basic Terms

1. What is the basic difference between book keeping and
2. Wnat is the end product of financial accounting?
3. "Accounting information should be comparable". Do you
agree? Give only one reason. ·
4. What is the area of accounting information of an
organization in which management is interested?
5. What is the area of accounting information of an
organization in which society is interested?
6. What is the area of accounting information of an
organization in which employees are interested?
7. Distinguish between loss and expense.
8. Distinguish between profit and revenue.

Unit 2 - Theory Base of-Accounting

1. What is meant by accrual system of accounting?
2. What is meant by cash basis of accounting?

3. What is the essence of conservatism convention?
4. What do you understand by accounting principles?
5. What do you understand by accounting standards?
6. What is the business entity assumption?

Unit 3 -Generation of Vouchers and Recording of Transactions

1. What is a source document?
2. Define an accounting voucher.
3. What is owner's equity?
4. What do you understand by an account?
5. Define a nominal account.
6. What is a personal account?
7. What are real accounts?
8. What do you understand by a "Debit"?
9. What do you mean by the term "Credit"?
10. What is the main object of preparing an account?
11. Define the term 'Journal'.
12. What do you understand by an opening entry?
13. What are the compound journal entries?
14. "Cash Book always shows a debit balance". How far is this
statement true?
15. What is a contra entry?
16. What is meant by Journal Proper?
17. Define trade discount.
18. What is cash discount?
19. What do you mean by Subsidiary Books?
20. What is a Principal Book?

Unit 4 - Bank Reconciliation Statement

1. What do understand by the Bank Reconciliation Statement
2. Who prepares the BRS?
3. Why is BRS prepared?
4. What do you understand by a Bank Over Draft?

Unit 5 - Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors

1. Define Trial Balance.
2. What is the main object of drawing the Trial Balance?
3. Give an example of Compensating Error.
4. What is meant by Error of Omission?
5. What do you mean by One-sided Error?
6. What is Two-sided Error?
7. Give an example of Error of Principle.
8. What do you mean by a rectifying entry?
9. What is a Suspense Account?
10. Give an example of Error of Omission.
11. Does the Trial Balance get affected by all types of Errors of
12. What is the impact of Error of principle on Trial Balance?
13. Do the Compensating Errors affect Trial Balance?

Unit 6 -Depreciation Reserve and Provision

1. Define the term Depreciation.
2. What is the Scrap value of an asset?
3. What do you understand by a Reserve?
4. What do you mean by a Provision?
5. Is it necessary to make provision? Give a reason.
6. Give two examples of Capital Reserve.

Unit 7 - Final Accounts

1. Define the term Financial Statement.
2. What do you mean by Final Accounts?
3. What do you understand by 'accrued income'?
4. What do you understand by 'income received in advance' or
unearned income?
5. What do you understand by 'outstanding expense'?
6. What do you understand by prepaid expense?
7. What are the preliminary expenses?
8. Why is provision for doubtful debts created?
9. Define the term Balance Sheet.
10. What do you mean by the Revenue nature expenses?
11. What do you mean by the capital nature receipts?
12. What do you mean by the capital nature expense?

Business studies (054)
Class XI

APRIL-MAY Chapter 1-Nature and significance of management

Chapter 2- Forms of business organisation
 Sole proprietorship
 Joint Hindu Family business
Project work for Term 1 will be assigned.
JULY Chapter 2- Forms of business organisation cont..
 Partnership
 Co-operative society
 Company form of organisation
Chapter 7- Formation of company
Chapter 3- Private, public and global enterprises
AUGUST Chapter 4- Business services
Chapter 5- emerging mode of business
Chapter 6- Social responsibility of business
OCTOBER Chapter 8- Sources of business finance
NOVEMBER Chapter 10- Internal trade
DECEMBER Chapter 9- Small business and entrepreneurship
JANUARY Chapter 11- International trade


1. What is the reward for risk-bearing?
2. Distinguish between business, profession and service. (on any four
3. Why is business an economic activity?
4. Give an example of an activity, which can be both an economic
activity and non-economic one.
5. Name the industry which is concerned with conversion of raw
materials into finished products. Name and explain its various
categories with examples
6. Amit has his own manufacturing unit where he manufactures shoes.
Amit believe that customer is the king of the market and therefore
satisfaction of customer should be the objective of business. His
friend Rajat tells him that the main objective of any business should
be profit making. Rajat explain Amit that if he doesn't earn good
profits he will not be able to survive in the market.
Identify the importance of profit in any business and why it should not
be the only objective of any business?
7. Name the different activities removing various hindrances to
commerce. Also state which hindrances are removed and· how?
8. Draw a flowchart classifying commerce activities.
9. X Ltd. is planting trees on the road side. Which type of objective is
it trying to achieve?
10. Why does a business man willingly undertake business risks?
11. Explain the causes of business risks.
12. After completion of their graduation Ramu and Shamu decided to
set up a flour mill to earn income. The main job is to purchase wheat
from the market and have ground it into flour. The flour is available in
the packets of 5 kg, 10kg, and 20 kg. They sell these products in the
brand name “Desh ka Atta” and earn a reasonable profit of 10% on
cost. They worked very hard to flourish the business on regular basis,
and hence in no time the brand became popular in the market. The
main reasons for success of their business are their superior quality
and low price. Their business was running very well. But one day the
flour mill caught fire and as a result they had to suffer huge loss.

However, Ramu and Shamu did not lose their heart, and worked even
harder. Gradually the business was back to normal. Now they are fully
satisfied with their business.
Quoting the lines from the above para, explain any four features of
business highlighted
13. Good Earth is an organic store run by Mr. Dhruv, in a famous
market in Manali. He acknowledges that risk in his business cannot be
predicted with utmost accuracy as business environment is dynamic in
nature. Therefore it is not possible to predict future events with
accuracy like change in consumer preference, increase in competition,
natural calamity etc. Also, he feels that the risk can be minimized but
not eliminated altogether. As his business is operated in small scale,
he feels the quantum of his risk is relatively low. At the same time, he
truly believes in the saying that “no risk no gain” is applicable to all
business concerns.
Identify and explain the various characteristics of business risk
mentioned here by quoting the lines
14. Name the following & explain:
a) The branch of commerce which removes the hindrance of
b) The industry in which one material is separated into several
useful products.
c)The economic activity with no risk element & carried on to
earn money.
d)The trade in which goods are imported for the purpose of
export to some other country.

15. Ms. Stuti wants to start a retail business of Fashionable Items. But
she is hesitating as she is aware of risks which are inherent in every
business. She approaches her friend Ms. Punya who is the owner of a
retail shop. Ms. Punya advices her to opt for business and suggests
certain methods to minimize risks.

a) Which type of business risk is involved in the above-
mentioned case due to nature of business?
b) “No business is risk free.” In the light of this statement,
explain the concept of business risk and its causes.
c) Also explain any three features of business risk



1. Explain mutual agency as a feature of partnership.

2. What makes registration of a partnership firm almost necessary?

3. Distinguish between:
a) Sole proprietorship and partnership
b) Partnership· and Hindu Undivided Family
c) Partnership and a company
d) Public Company and a private company

4. Give three examples each to illustrate the suitability of different

forms of business enterprises.

5. Partners may come, partners may go, but the partnership goes
on forever. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

6. Name the smallest unit in which the capital of a company is

divided. (T/F)Justify

7. Name the form of business enterprise where there is separation of

ownership and management

8. Who has unlimited liability in a Joint Hindu form of business?

9. Explain how a cooperative society is a democratic setup.

10. Explain the following terms:

a) Minimum subscription
b) Qualification shares
c) Liability clause
d) Statement in lieu of prospectus
e) Name clause

11. Compare MOA and the AOA.

12. State the importance. of the Articles of Association.

13. In order to issue shares and debentures for raising funds, Rohan
Ltd. issued prospectus, inviting public to subscribe for its shares. It
came up with public 1ssue for Rs. 20 crores of 20
lakh shares worth Rs.100 each. It received applications for Rs. 16
lakh shares.
a) Which stage in the formation of company is being referred
b) Should the company proceed with allotment of shares?

14. The coconut farmers in a village decided to form a business

organisation with a view to assist them by providing better seeds,
fertilizer and agriculture tools etc
a) Identify the form of business organisation referred above.
b) State any two merits of. the organisation identified in a above.

15. Kiran is a sole proprietor. Over the past decade, her business
has. grown from operating a neighbourhood corner shop selling
accessories such as artificial jewellery bags, hair clips and nail art to
a retail chain with three branches in the city. Although she looks
after the varied functions in all the branches, she is wondering

whether she should form a company to better manage the business.
She also has plans to open branches countrywide.
a) Explain two benefits of remaining a sole proprietor.
b) Explain two benefits of converting to a joint stock company.
c) What legal formalities will she have to undergo to operate
business as a company?



1.Compare the three forms of public sector enterprises in a tabular

form giving the basis of comparison as well.

2. Explain limitations of Statutory Corporations.

3. Which is the most rigid 'form of public sector enterprise and


4 Life Insurance Corporation of India is the largest insurance

company in India. It’s headquartered in Mumbai. It was founded
in the year 1956 when the Parliament Of India passed the Life
Insurance of India Act that nationalized the private insurance
industry in India. Over 245 insurance companies and provident
societies were merged to create the state owned Life Insurance
In context of the above case:
(a)Life Insurance Corporation of India is classified as
which form of public sector enterprise.
(b)Was it necessary for the Parliament of India to pass the
Life Insurance of India Act for its formation? What
does the Act define?
(c)State any three merits of promoting Life Insurance
Corporation of India in a particular form of public sector
enterprise as identified in part (a) of the question
5. Do you agree with the statements given below? Justify your
a. subsidiary of Government Company cannot be treated as
Government Company.
b. The government provides funds to departmental undertaking.
c. RBI is an example of Government Company.
d. Global enterprises are superior to other business
e. A statutory corporation is a body corporate.

6. Maharashtra Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd,, registered under

Companies Act, 2013, was started with a paid – up capital of `
50,00,000. 40% of this paid – up capital is in the hands of private
individuals and the balance held by the Govt. of Maharashtra.
a) Maharashtra Pharmaceuticals Ltd. belongs to which
form of public sector enterprise.
b) State its three merits.

7. Name the enterprise in which a project or service is financed

and operated through a partnership of government and one or
more private enterprises. Also mention any one example of the
same in India.
8. Differentiate between statutory corporation and Government
Company on the Basis Of:
(a). Capital Financing
(b) Management and control
(c) Formation
9. Some organizations are directly attached to a particular
Ministry of the Central or State Government and are under the
direct control of the concerned Minister. The business decisions
are thus influenced by political consideration.
a) State the type of enterprise come under this category

b) State one merit and two limitations of it.
10. State any two situations wherein Departmental Undertaking is
the most suitable form of organizing public enterprises.
11. The Government planned to begin a Road Project. The
Government needed management specialists and financial help to
complete it. The Government contacted the private sector to fulfill
this requirement. Now, this project will be completed jointly by
both the public and private sector.
a) Identify the form of enterprise.
b) Explain any three features of such enterprise.
12. Why Multi National Corporations (MNCs) are in a position to
exercise massive control on the world economy?
13. The government planned to begin a road project. The
government needed management specialists and financial help to
complete it. The government contacted the private sector to fulfil
this requirement. Now, this project will be completed jointly by
both the public sector and private sector.
What kind of partnership is it? Explain its features.


1. Explain why life insurance is called a protection and investment
2. Name the types of commercial banks. Give three examples
3. Explain the principles of insurance in detail
4. Mr. X insures his house against fire for Rs. 10,00,000 with
insurer Y ltd. and for Rs. 20,00,000 with insurer Z ltd. If the house
catches fire and the actual loss amount to Rs. 12,00,000, then what
will be the liability of Y ltd. and Z ltd.?
5. A ship insured against marine losses is sunk. The insurer pays
the value in full. The ship is subsequently salvaged. Who is
entitled to the sales proceeds of the salvaged ship?
6. Explain the types of marine insurance
7. Explain the concept of Real Time Gross Settlement.
8. Explain National Electronic Funds Transfer.
9. Mr. Manan is the owner of a factory manufacturing crackers.
He insured his factory against fire. While taking the insurance
policy, he did not disclose about the product being manufactured,
as this would have led to payment of much higher premium. Once
the factory got. severely damaged in fire but the Insurance
Company refused to accept his claim.
a) Which principle of insurance is being referred above?
b) What does the principle of insurance identified in (a)
above state?
c) Why did insurance company not accept Mr. Manan's
d) Identify the values which according to you have been
violated by Mr. Manan.

10. Shrikant insured his bunglow against fire for Rs. 25,00,000. A
portion of it was burnt down. It was estimated that an expenditure
of Rs. 10,00,000 would restore the building to its original
condition. Shrikant made a claim of Rs. 25,00,000 lakhs from the
Insurance Company.
Identify the principle that would be applied by the Insurance
Company in this case.
11. Explain the following banking services:
(a) Bank Draft
(b)Pay order
12. Make a difference between Life and Marine insurance on the
basis of :
a) Subject Matter
b) Insurable interest
c) Loss Measurement
d)Surrender Value
e) Policy Amount

13. Various types of bank accounts attract deposits from the
public. Explain this statement.

14. Explain the benefits of e-banking to customers and banks

15. At what time must insurable interest be present in the case of

marine insurance?


1. How is e-business different from e-commerce ?
2. Give an example of application of C2C commerce.

3. Differentiate between Inter-B and Intra-B transactions

4. Gunjan buys goods online but they are not upto the mark. The
company refuses to take goods back and refund the payment.
Identify the type of e-business transaction Gunjan entered into
5. What do you mean by :B2 B Commerce b)C2C Commerce

6. State four differences between e-business and traditional



1. Briefly explain the social responsibilities of business towards
different groups of society.

2. Collect articles from newspapers and magazines on violation of

business ethics and on environment pollution.
3. A business enterprise should respect the democratic rights to
form Trade Unions is an example of its responsibility towards one
of the kinds of interest groups. Name the same.

4. What do you mean by the principles derived from social values
which guide and govern the conduct of businessmen? Explain its
5. Britannia Industries Ltd. is committed to helping secure every
child's right to growth and development through good food every
day. The company is working in partnership with Global Alliance
for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Naandi Foundation to
supply iron-fortified Tiger biscuits to supplement the Mid- Day
Meal program in schools. Iron deficiency among Indian children
is a key cause of school dropouts as well as decreased
productivity. In keeping with its core essence of "Swasth Khao
Tan Man Jagao", the company constantly strives to find
sustainable opportunities to drive home the message of nutrition
and good food habits among children at the right age.
In the context of the above case answer the following questions:
a. Identify the kind of social responsibility being discharged
by Britannia Industries Ltd.
b. Briefly explain any two other kinds of social


1. Why should fixed assets be financed out of long-term finance?
2. Distinguish between owner's funds and borrowed funds.
3. What are the different sources of long, medium and short-term
funds and for what purposes are they raised? Explain.
4. Distinguish between equity shares and preference shares.
5. How are preference shares similar to equity shares and
6. why equity is called riskless source and borrowed fund is called
risky source?
7. How are ADRs and GDRs different and why are ADRs more
8. What are IDRs?
9. Explain what inter-corporate deposits are.
10. Why should business with unstable earning not prefer fixed
charge instruments like debentures, preference shares etc?
11. Why is the cost of financing , through debentures low as
compared to the cost of equity shares or preference shares?
12. There is no burden on the Company in respect of the dividend
payable to the equity shareholders. State the reason for the same.
13. Kanchan Ltd is in need of funds. The company has analysed
various options of procuring funds like issue of equity shares,
preference shares, debentures etc. At present, the company is not
financially· strong. It is not able to repay its past loans. Moreover
the earnings and operations of company are highly unstable. The
company's financial advisor has suggested not. issuing fixed
charge securities like preference shares, debentures.
a) Which factor is affecting the decision regarding the
choice of source of funds?
b) Why should it not issue debentures?
c) Which instrument would suit the organisation in such a
situation and why?
14. Sagar Ltd. is a public limited company engaged in
manufacturing sugar. It converts the raw material i.e. sugar cane
into finished products i.e. sugar. The company took a loan of Rs.
20 lakhs from PQR Finance Ltd. for its growth and expansion.
The company was unable to repay it because of heavy losses. The
company asked its shareholders to come forward and contribute
towards the repayment of loan. The shareholders refused as they
had already paid the full amount due on their shares. PQR Finance
Ltd. filed a case against Sagar Ltd. for not repaying the loan
a) In the given case what type of liability is enjoyed by
shareholders of Sagar Ltd?
b) The members of Sagar Ltd were not liable to contribute
towards the repayment of loan. This decision was based on
which concept?

15. David and Ricky are brothers. David wants to subscribe to
equity shares and debentures. Explain them by explaining the
difference between equity shares and debentures on the following
1. Return 2 Priority of refund of capital 3. Risk 4. Status of
holders 5. voting rights.
16. The Shareholders whose capital is refunded first or before the
equity shareholders are known as preference shareholders. What
are the other features of such type of shareholders?
17. Investing money in debentures can be considered as both
positive and negative for the investor as well as the company.
Explain how? (2 points each)
18. What is working capital? State the purpose for which a
business requires working capital. Also, explain any two factors
affecting the working capital requirements of a company.
19. Name the source of business finance which is beneficial in
case an organisation wants to increase its inventory level in order
to meet expected rise in the sales volume
20. Explain the following types of preference shares:
(i) Cumulative and non-cumulative
(ii) Participating and non-participating
(iii) Convertible and non-convertible


1. How do small scale industries contribute to economic
development of India?
2. Describe the role of small business in rural India.
3. Discuss the problems faced by small scale industries
4. What measures has the government taken to solve the problem
of finance and marketing in the small scale sector?
5. What are the incentives provided by the Government for

6. What is the role of NSC for the growth of small business
7. What are the different parameters used to measure the size of
8. What are the different ways of funding start-ups?
9. What do you meant by IPR? What are the different types of
10. Protection of small-scale industries (SSI) by the Government
is essential for equality of opportunity.’ Comment


1. Distinguish between: a) Wholesale & retail trade b)
Departmental stores & multiple shops
2. Why are the chances of dead stock reduced in case of chain
3. State the form of the retail business in which several shops are
opened to sell one substance and in which a special care is
taken to decorate every shop in a similar manner.
4. Retailer is an important link in the channel of distribution.’
Explain any two services he provides to consumers.
5. "Spencers", "Big Apple" and "Big Bazar" are examples of
which type of fixed shop (large store)? Give any two merits of
these types of Stores.
6. Read the following text and answer the following questions

Footwear Ltd. located in Mumbai manufactures shoes. It

imports raw material from Italy and dyes from Japan. The
design quality and durability of the shoes manufactured by this
Company has made it number one company in that area. Now
the company wishes to sell its products in all the states of
India as well as in international markets. The marketing
managers advised to strengthen the distribution channel by
appointing more wholesalers for each area. But one of the
board of directors was of the view that if they sell the product
directly to retailers, they will be able to get the competitive
price for their products, which will result in increased sales
turnover and eventually the profits. The promoters of the
company have come up with a different proposition. They
believe that the company should open its own stores in
different parts of the country. After lot of discussion, it was
decided to go ahead with the board of director’s proposal that
they should sell the products directly to retailers. They also
believe that retailers will provide important information about
the arrival of products to the customers by arranging effective
display of products.
(i) …………serves as the link between wholesalers and
(a) Suppliers
(b) Retailers
(c) Manufacturers
d) All of these
(ii) Which of the following is incorrect regarding the
services provided by retailers to customers?
(a) Provide after sales services
(b) Offer wide selection of goods
(c) Provide credit facilities to regular buyers
d) None of the above
(iii) Which of the following is the proposition of
(a) Mail order houses
(b) Chain stores
(c) Departmental stores
d) None of these
(iv) Which services to customer by retailer is highlighted in
the line “They also believe that retailers will provide
important information about the arrival of products to

the customers by arranging effective display of
(a) Regular availability of products
(b) New products information
(c) Convenience in buying
(d) Wide selection
7. What are Multiple Shops? Explain any four features of
Multiple shops
8. What is the meaning of mail order business? Can all the goods
be sold through the mail order business?
9. A Leading business house is operating a network of retail shops
under the name ‘Your store’. These shops are located in
different parts of NCR, Delhi. Since these shops have the same
appearance and identical layout, one can easily identify these
shops. The head Quarters are located at Delhi. All the supplies
to the stores are routed through the headquarters. The stores
follow uniform policies laid down by the headquarters. Most
of the goods are sold at uniform price throughout the region.
1. Identify the type of retail store mentioned in the above
2. Briefly explain any two features of such store.
10. Imagine life without your local market. What difficulties
would the consumers face if there is no retail shop?
11. Several middlemen remain present between the producers and consumers.
Their presence causes an unnecessary increase in the prices of goods. Some
consumers of a locality resolved to free themselves from the clutches of the
middlemen. They think that the profit which goes to the middlemen should
come to them.
You suggest to him what kind of business they should begin. All these
people know nothing about business. Therefore, tell them about the
demerits or limitations of business also.


1. Distinguish between internal and external trade.
2. Explain the reasons for international trade.
3. Explain the difficulties of international trade
4. Explain any three benefits of International business to the
5. What is invisible trade?
6. “International business offers several benefits to the firm”.
In the light of this statement write any five benefits of
International business to the Firm
7. Explain the various important documents used in both
internal and external trade.
8. What do we call that International Business in which
production is done by one country and the marketing by
another country?
9. Write a short note on
a) Performa invoice
b) Intent
c) Shipping order
d) Mates receipt
e) Letter of credit


1. Constitution
2. Election and Representation
3. The Legislature
4. The Executive
5. The Judiciary
6. Federalism
7. Local Governments
1. Political Theory: An Introduction
2. Liberty
3. Equality
4. Justice
5. Rights
6. Citizenship
7. Nationalism
8. Secularism
1. Define constitution.
2. What are the functions of the constitution?
3. List the factors that lend credibility to constitutions.
4. Explain the composition of the Constituent Assembly.
5. State the features of the Indian Constitution that have been
borrowed from other constitutions.
6. Define the term ‘Rights’.

7. How do Directive Principles of State Policy differ from
Fundamental Rights?
8. Assess the different kinds of amendments to the Indian

1. Explain the First Past the Post system with its merits and
2. Examine the method of proportional representation with its
merits and demerits.
3. Describe the process of elections to the Rajya Sabha.
4. Write the composition and functions of the Election Commission.
5. Assess the functions of the Delimitation Commission.
6. Suggest a few reforms to eradicate the existing evils in the
electoral system in India.
1. Differentiate between Parliamentary, Presidential and Semi
Presidential forms of government.
2. Examine the position and powers of the Indian President with
special reference to his discretionary powers.
3. Analyse the powers and position of the Prime Minister.
4. Differentiate between political and permanent executive.
1. Compare the composition, tenure and functions of the Lok
Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
2. Briefly describe the procedure of passing bills in the Indian
3. Examine the various instruments of Parliamentary control over
the Executive.

1. Assess the need for an independent Judiciary.
2. Describe the different jurisdictions of the Supreme Court.
3. Explain the merits and demerits of the judicial activism.
4. How does the judiciary in India – protect the rights guaranteed
by the Indian Constitution?
1. ‘The Indian constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit’
Do you agree? Explain your view.
2. Examine the scope of conflict between the Centre and States in
3. Assess the role of the Governor in the context of the federal
mechanism in India.

4. Examine the provisions of the 73rd and 74th Amendment to the
Indian Constitution.
5. Explain the structure of the Panchayati Raj system in India.
1. ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty’. Comment.
2. Describe the doctrine of liberalism.
3. Examine the Harm Principle as advocated by John Stuart Mill
4. Explain the term Apartheid. Give a brief life sketch of Nelson
Mandela in
this regard.

1. How is equality promoted by democratic governments?
2. Examine the doctrine of feminism.
3. What are the main tenets of socialism?
4. Discuss the main dimensions of equality.
1. Explain the concept of justice.
2. Are free markets better than state intervention? Write your
arguments for / against both
3. Why is John Rawls’ theory of justice considered compelling?
4. Examine the features of a just state.
1. Examine the various sources of rights.
2. Explain the different kinds of rights.
3. How are rights and duties related?
1. Explain the meaning of the term citizenship.
2. What is full and equal membership?
3. Assess T H Marshall’s views on citizenship.
4. Examine the concepts of universal and global citizenship.
5. What are the issues related to citizenship?
1. Trace the growth of nationalism in the past few centuries.
2. Assess the importance of the right to self- determination.

3. Discuss Tagore critique of nationalism
4. How far can one reconcile the notions of nationalism and plu-
5. How are democratic governments more effective than authori-
tarian governments in dealing with conflicting nationalist aspi-
1. Examine the concept of intra religious domination.
2. Differentiate between western and Indian model of secularism.
3. What is the concept of principled distance?
4. On what grounds has Indian model of secularism been criti-
cized and defended?


BOOK 1: Introducing Sociology
1. Sociology and Society

2. Terms, Concepts and their use in Sociology
3. Understanding Social Institutions.

4. Culture and Socialization

BOOK 2: Understanding Society
1.1 Social Change in Rural and Urban Society

1.2 Social Order in Rural and Urban Society

9. Introducing Western Sociologists

10. Indian Sociologists

Assignment 1

1. Define Sociology? How does Weber define it?

2. Can Sociology be called a science? Discuss.
3. When and how did Sociology originate in India?
4. What is meant by empirical investigation?
5. Discuss relation of sociology with other social sciences.
6. What is the scope of sociology as a social science?
7. Differentiate between Marco Sociology and Micro Sociology.
8. Define Enlightenment.
9. What were the material and intellectual ideas that went into
making of sociology?
10. Common sense explanations are based upon
11. Enlightenment Movement emphasized upon
and .
12. Industrial Revolution began in: a) England b) France c) Germany
d) Italy
13. What are the examples of Pre modern societies?
14. Which of the following is not true about sociology
a) It provides technical solutions
b) Encourages questioning and critical perspective
c) Studies all aspects of society.
d) It establishes causal relationships.

1. What are Social Groups? What are their characteristics?
2. Discuss the type of groups that exist in society with examples.
3. Define Social Stratification.
4. Discuss Caste and Class as types of Social Stratification.
5. Examine the functionalist and Conflict approach of Social Control.
6. Discuss formal and informal social control.
7. Which of the following is a prerequisite for a social group:
a) Persistent interaction b) Location at one place
c) Location at one time d) Members should be from same age and sex.
8. State True /False: Members of Aggregate have we feeling.
9. State True /False Members of quasi group have hostile feeling
towards each other.
10. Which of the following is not rue about Ascribed Status:
a) Occupant of the status has no control over it
b) It is decided by birth
c) It can be changed voluntarily
d) It is determined by age, caste and kinship
11. Define a sanction.

1. Define the following: a) Marriage b) family c) Kinship
2. What are the various forms of Family?
3. Discuss the modern economic system with emphasis on division
of labour.
4. Explain the concept of State.
5. Distinguish between Sacred and Profane.
6. Is school a social institution? Discuss.
7. Discuss different types of rights that citizens enjoy.
8. Patrilocal and patrilineal are examples of .
9. The two rules of mate selection are and .
10. Empirical investigation refers to .

1. What do you understand by the term culture? Explain its features.
2. Though there are different dimensions of culture they are still a
part of the whole, Explain.
3. Describe role of agencies of socialization.
4. How does mass media influence society?
5. What is meant by Ethnocentrism?
6. Which of the following is not rue about culture
a) Learned behaviour b) Way of life
c) Passed from generation-to-generation d) Approved by Law
7. Formal Sanction defined by government is called .
8. Cultural programming is also referred to as .

Assignment-7.1 and 7.2

1. Define Social Change.
2. Discuss evolutionary and revolutionary changes with examples.
3. Explain the various factors of Social Change.

4. What is meant by Social Order? How is it maintained?
5. How is social order different in urban and rural areas?
6. The theory that emphasized importance of adaptive exchange is
called .
7. The society prevents and discourages change in order to maintain
8. Ability to make others work against their discretion is called
9. Social order is maintained through and .
10. Is legitimate dissent allowed in India?

1. How did Industrial revolution pave the way for Sociology?
2. Write a note on the theory of alienation.
3. What are the features of bureaucracy?
4. According to Marx how do classes come into conflict?
5. What are social facts? Discuss their characteristics.
6. Explain the concept of Class Consciousness.
7. Two books authored by Karl Marx are
8. The Author of Book the Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism
is .
9. A logically consistent model of social phenomena that highlights
its most significant characteristics is called .
10. Bureaucracy relies heavily of written document T/F
1. Discuss G.S. Ghurye’s idea on relationship between race and
caste in India.
2. Examine the role played by M.N. Srinivas in promoting village
3. According to D.P. Mukherji what are the three principles of
change recognized in Indian tradition?
4. What are the features of a welfare stare? Is India a welfare state?
5. Test criteria for welfare state includes and .
6. Who described tribes as backward Hindus?

1. Make a research project using questionnaire/interview method on
any socially relevant topic. example
a) Use of Mobile phone among teenagers
b) Environment concern & youth
c) Young Politicians
2. Make a Presentation

Details of the presentation are

a) Presentation must have 8-10 slides.
b) Students must be prepared to present them in class.
c) Topics are as follows
1. Indian Sociologists / Western Sociologists
2. Media / Peers / Family as agency of Socialization
3. Cosmopolitanism as way of life
4. Ethnocentrism
5. Environment VS. society. Are environmental problems social
problems also

6. Social groups
7. Education/Politics/Law/Environment as agency of Social Change·
8. Socialization and its agencies
9. Types of Work
10. Gender as basis of division of labour

1st Term
Chapter 1: What is Psychology?
Chapter 2: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
Chapter 4: Human Development
Chapter 5: Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes
Chapter 5: Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes and Revision
Revision and TERM 1 Exams
2nd term
Chapter 6: Learning
Chapter 7: Thinking
Chapter 8: Thinking
Chapter 9: Motivation and Emotion
Revision TERM II
Holiday Home Work
Prepare a collage on different fields of psychology
Watch a movie related to psychology and write a synopsis
Collect 10 newspaper articles related Mental Health (Original
Articles and not photocopies)

What is Psychology?
1. Explain the term behaviour. What are the different types of behaviour
that one can see? Give examples.
2. ‘Psychology refers to the scientific study of human behaviour.’ Explain
the nature of Psychology by giving examples.

3. How does the working of the brain affect the behaviour of a person?
Justify by giving examples.
4. Differentiate between: (a) functionalism and structuralism (b)
behaviourism and gestaltist
5. Explaining the important features of behaviourism describe the changes
that were brought about because of this school of Psychology in the
discipline. Elaborate.
6. What role does Humanistic view play in the development of an
individual’s self and why?
7. How does Developmental Psychology play an integral role in the
various stages of life of an individual?
8. Differentiate between clinical and counselling Psychology?
9. How is Psychology becoming an integral part of various other fields
and disciplines? Explain with the help of any 3 examples.
10. What similarities do health and community psychologists share in the
development and betterment of society?
11. What are the various opportunities that a person from the Psychology
background has to build up his career?
Methods of Enquiry
1. What are the goals of psychological enquiry? Give examples.
2. With the help of a diagram explain the steps of a scientific research.
3. Define the following terms: (a) objectivity (b) sample (c) data (d)
population (e) hypothesis
4. Explain the steps and procedure of a scientific research.
5. What are the various types of data or information that is collected in
psychological enquiry?
6. Differentiate between:
(a) Naturalistic and Controlled observation (b) Participant and Non
participant observation (c) Control and Experimental group
(i)Give examples in support of your answer
(ii)Write the advantages and disadvantages of the above
7. Explain the cause and effect relationship that occurs between the
variables in experimental method.
8. What are the various designs the experimental psychologists use while
performing a research?
9. Explain the important aspects of co relational research defined the
characteristic in detail.
10. Differentiate between a survey and interview

11. Explain the important characteristics of a good test.
12. ‘A psychological research is expected to follow a certain ethics.’
Explain those ethics in detail with the help of diagram.
13. Differentiate between (a) verbal, non-verbal and performance test (b)
individual and group test Power and speed test
Human Development
Q1. Differentiate between (a) development and growth (b) Genotype and
Q2. Explain any 5 assumptions that are followed according to the life
span perspective?
Q3. “Development is commonly described in terms of periods of stages.”
Mention all the stages that an individual goes through.
Q4. What are the cognitive developments that an infant goes through
when he/she is of 3 months old? Explain with examples.
Q5.When does a child start developing bonding with the parent?
Explain in context to HARLOW’S CLASSIC STUDY.
Q6. “The Child’s growth slows down during early childhood”. What are
the physical changes that takes place during this period?
Q7 (a) “During early years of childhood, some important developments in
the self take place” What are those developments?
(b)Explain them in detail with the help of examples.
Q8. Explain the concept of “Hypothetical Deduction Reasoning” by
Q9. “Adolescence is a period of making choices pressure careers building
of self and uncertainties”. Describe the psychological changes and the
problems that an adolescent may go through during this period of life.
Q10. “Old age is a fearful stage for the people entering unto it”.
What are the problems that people in the old age suffer?
Q11. Explain the concept of Egocentrism in detail?
Sensory, Attentional and Perceptional Processes
Q1. What is Attention? Why is attention known to have a focus and a
Q2. How is the theory of Multimode different from Filter attenuation?
Q3. What is perception? What processes in the brain lead to perception?
Draw diagram and give example.
Q4. “According to the Gestalt psychologist we perceive everything in an
organized form”. Justify your answer.
Q5. What are the characteristics that separate figure from the ground?

Q6. What the different laws that helps to explain the organization of
different stimuli’s in the visual field.
Q7. “In perceiving depth one depends upon 2 main sources of
information.” Explain these 2 main sources in detail with the help of
Q8. “Sometimes one tends to fail to interpret the sensory information
correctly”. Why does this happen and explain the concept in detail.
Q9. Differentiate between the size and shape constancy. Give examples in
support to your answer.
Q1. “Learning is a relatively in permanent change in behaviour potential
produced by experiences”. This process of learning has several distinct
characteristics? Explain these characteristics in detail.
Q2. Rahul is an 8 year old boy who was whenever prosecuted with a
teddy bear in the experimental room a fearful sound was made. This made
Rahul fearful of the white furry objects.
(i)What kind of conditioning is taking place here in this situation?
(ii)Differentiate between the two types of conditioning.
Q3.Differentiate between appetitive and aversive conditioning
Q4.Discuss the various types of experimental arrangements that can be
made during classical conditions is on.
Q5.“Human beings learn short cuts to attain desired goals through
instrumental conditioning”. Discuss.
Q6.Explain the schedules of reinforcement in detail.
Q7.Explain the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery in detail with the
help of diagram.
Q8. “According to a psychologist, one learns a lot through observation
and social learning”.
(a)Which theory is being mentioned here and who gave this theory?
(b)Explain the theory with the help of an example.
Q9.Differentiate between (a) Insight and latent learning (b) Serial &
Paired Associate learning.
Q10. “Verbal learning is influenced by several factors” Explain those
factors in detail?
Q11. How is General transfer different from specific transfer?
Q12. Simran is a 5 years old girl studying in class I. She has difficulty in
writing letters, understanding oral instructions, poor motor co-ordination
and cannot sustain attention.

(a) What is the problem she is currently going through?
(b Explain any other 5 symptoms in detail.

Human Memory
Q1. “Memory is conceptualized as a process consisting of 3 independent
interrelated stages”. Justify.
Q2. Human memory processes information in the same way as a
computer does. Justify your states with the help of Atkinson - Schifrin
Q3. “Long - Term Memory process information in the same way as the
index cards of the library”. Discuss.
Q4. “The most important unit of representation of knowledge in
L.T.M. is a concept”. Explain with help of various examples.
Q5. What are the various reasons of decay of information in memory?
Give examples.
Q6. Differentiate between retroactive and Proactive interference with the
help of examples?
Q7. “All of us desire to have an excellent memory system that is robust
and dependable”. How can one possess such a memory?
Q1. What is thinking? Explain the nature of thinking.
Q2. Explain the mental operations involved in solving a problem.
Q3. “While solving a problem, there are various obstacles that may hinder
in between”.
(a) What are those problems?
(b) Discuss those problems in details.
Q4. Differentiate between inductive and deductive reasoning?
Q5. Discuss the differences between convergent and divergent thinking?
Who gave this concept?
Q6. What is creativity? Explain the process of creative thinking?
Q7. Discuss same strategies that may help an individual to enhance
his/her creative thinking ability and skills.
Q8. “Language plays an important role in our daily life helping us to
communicate our thoughts to others”. Justify this statement by focusing
upon the characteristics of language.
Q9. “There is a great deal of regularity with which children seem to learn
language all over the world”. Discuss the development of patterns in
language that the children acquire over various stages.

Motivation and Emotion
Q1. Where does the word “Motivation” come from? Explain with the help
of motivational cycle?
Q2. What are the physiological changes that take place within the body
because of which we feel hungry?
Q3. “People always want to be in company of others and try to find
similarities with others in order to get close with others”. Justify the
statement by explaining the concept.
Q4. Explain the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in detail?
Q5. Abhishek is a boy of seventh standard who is always aloof from the
class, is quiet and does not interact much with the classmates around. But
one day he was forcefully made to do presentations in front of the whole
school. He became nervous and tensed when he got to know about it.
(a) According to you, which theory of emotion apple best to the situation?
Justify your answer explaining the theory of emotion.
Q6. Reena, a Class XIIth student was asked by her friends to miss the
school unit and go for a movie with her friends. Regina was in a dilemma.
(a) What is the dilemma that Reema is going through?
(b) Explain any 2 other such concepts which Reena might have in other
situations she faces in her life.
Q7. How is culture responsible in formation of our emotions? Explain
with the help of examples.
Q8. Explain the various ways in which negative emotions can be
enhanced and modified to positive ones. Give examples.



Unit I: Introduction to Political Institutions

Unit II: Basic features of the Constitution
Unit Ill: Jurisprudence, Nature and Source of Law
Unit IV: Judiciary: Constitutional, Civil and Criminal Courts and
Unit V : Family Justice System

Unit-I: Theory and Nature of Political Institutions
1. The Theory of Kinship is based on
a) Historical facts
b) Census
c) Sociological Facts
d) Political Affiliations
2. Prior to the emergence of a civil State, human beings were in:
a) The State of anarchy
b) Political chaos
c) Tyranny
d) The state of nature

3. The ideal of a minimal state in a contribution of
a) Gandhian Socialism
b) Classical Liberals
c) Marxists
d) Totoalitarian regimes
4. Differentiate between state and society.
5. Explain the theories· on the origin of state.
6. Compare the three theories of Social Contract.
7. Compare the different types of states.
8. Explain the different element of a state.
9. Describe the classification of states on the basis of the
perceived role of a state.
10. Define 'nation'.
11. State the two' main classifications of government.
12. Differentiate between totalitarian government, dictatorship
and monarchies.
13. Explain the roles of legislative, executive and judiciary as
organs of government.
14. What is meant by separation of powers.
15. State the main features of Montesquieu's theory of separation
of powers.
16. How has the doctrine of 'separation of powers' been effected
in India?
17. Explain the 'welfare provisions' of the Indian Constitution.
18. Enumerate the salient features of the Indian Constitution.
19. State the main ideals laid down in the Preamble to the Indian
20. Classify the writs on the basis of their meaning and purpose of
Unit-II. Nature and Sources of Law
UNIT 2 -Assignment
1. Describe the different types of Administrative action.
2. Explain the concept and significance of “Rule of Law”.
3. Enumerate the principles of Natural Justice.
4. Examine the conditions of a fair hearing.
5. Assess the changes initiated under Napoleon, in administering
justice in France.
1. According to exponents of natural Law, law and
are intrinsically linked:
a. Ethics b. Literature
c. Political Theory d. Morality
2. Long established practices which have acquired an obligatory
character are called:
a) Treaties
b) Pacts
c) Customs
d) Agreements
3. A major milestone in law reform during the British Raj was:
a) Fundamental Rights
b) Directive Principles of the State Policy
c) Establishment of the first Law Commission
d) Evolution of Modern Courts
4. Define law.
5. Describe the main features of different schools of law.
6. State the major functions of law.
7. Define and classify:
8. Explain the major sources of law in modern society.
9. Explain the essentials of a valid custom.
10. Explain the parts of a judicial decision.
11. What is the hierarchy of the criminal and civil justice system
in modern India?
12. Explain the various types of legislation?
13. Explain the role of judges in legislation.
Unit-III: Jurisprudence, Nature and Source of Law
1. Compare the features of the different schools of law and the
criticisms made against them with the help of a grid.
2. Examine the different bases on which law has been classified.
3. Explain the recent example of law reforms in India.
4. Describe the nature of cyber crimes with examples and
5. Assess the scope of cyber laws in India.
6. Discuss the provisions of the IT Act, 2000.
Unit-IV: Judiciary: Constitutional, Civil and Criminal Courts
and Processes
1. Every proposed amendments is subject to if it
is arrived at abnegation the basic structure of the Constitutions.
a) Judicial Scrutiny
b) Executive Overview
c) Parliamentary debates
d) Administrative Action
2. The overall Administration of the police in a State is rested with the:
a) State Executive
b) Bureaucracy
c) Director - General of Police
d) Council of Minsters
3. The main object of the fir from the point of view of the informal
a) To apprise the police of the facts of the case
b) Seek judicial Protection
c) Set the criminal law in motion
d) Compensate the victim
4. State the salient features of the Objectives Resolution.
5. Why is the Indian Constitution referred to as a 'living document'?
6. Describe the limitations on the amending power of the Indian
7. State the constituent elements of the 'basic structure' of the
Indian Constitution.
8. How is the independence and impartiality of the Indian
judiciary guaranteed?
9. Explain the stages in the criminal justice administration.
10. Differentiate between decree, judgment and order.
Unit V: Family Justice System
1. Family Courts Act restricts the role of lawyers to encourage:
a) Pre- Litigation services
b) Alternate dispute resolution mechanism
c) Mutually amicable settlements
d) Reduced Litigation costs
2. Women’s groups have maintained that “Preservation of
Family “is not synonymous with:
a) Gender Justice
b) Gender Equality
c) Egalitarian Society
d) Equal pay for equal work
3. The wife has an absolute right to claim maintenance from her
husband under
a) Muslim Law
b) Hindu Law
c) Indian Divorce Act, 1869
d) Saptapadi
4. Describe the family laws practiced by the Hindus and Muslims
in medieval times.
5. What is the uniform civil code as provided in the
Constitution? State the difficulty in implementing, it.
6. Enumerate the main features of Family COURTS.
7. State the challenges in effecting the role of counselors in
Family Courts.
8. Why is the idea of 'preservation of family' controversial?.
9. Define consanguinity.
10. What is a valid marriage?
11. What is the guilt or offence theory of .divorce?
12. What is the basic postulate · of the 'breakdown . theory'?

13. What is 'consortium' in the context of conjugal rights?
14. State the guidelines provided by the SC in the Vishaka case?
15. Differentiate between 'violence against women' and
'domestic violence'.
16. Differentiate between ascendants, descendants and
17. State the rules relating to intestate succession.
18. Explain 'agnates' and 'cognates'.

Home Science as a discipline to empower learners by developing
understanding of five different areas namely:
• Food and Nutrition
• Human Development, Childhood Studies
• Resource Management
• Fabric and Apparel Science
• Development Communications and Extension
The subject helps students to understand changing needs of Indian
Society, academic principles as well as develop professional skills.
This would make them competent to meet challenges of becoming
a responsible citizen.
Objectives: The syllabus at Senior Secondary level develops an
understanding in the learners that the knowledge and skills acquired
through Home Science facilitates development of self, family and
Community. It endeavours to -
• Acquaint learners with the basis of human development with
specific reference to self and child.
• Help to develop skills of judicious management of various
• Enable learners to become alert and aware consumers.
• Impart knowledge of nutrition and lifestyles to enable
prevention and management of diseases.
• Inculcate healthy food habits.
• Help develop understanding of textiles for selection and care
of clothes.
• Develop skills of communication to assist in advocacy and
dissemination of knowledge to community.
Exam Paper (Theory) 70 Marks
Time: 3 Hours Period: 220
S. No. Units No. of Periods Marks
Introduction: Evolution of the
1. discipline and its relevance to 05 22
the quality of life
Understanding oneself:
2. 55 22
Understanding Family,
3. 30 15
Community and Society
4. Childhood 40 15
5. Adulthood 50 18
6. Total 180 70
7. Practical 40 30
8. Grand Total 220 100
Theory: 70 Marks Total Periods: 18
Evolution of the discipline and its relevance to the quality of life
Unit-1: Understanding oneself: Adolescence
Chapter-2: Understanding the self
a) ‘Who am I’?
b) Development and Characteristics of the self
c) Influences on Identity
• Biological and Physical changes
• Socio-cultural contexts
• Emotional Changes
• Cognitive Changes
Chapter-3: Food, nutrition, health and fitness- Introduction,
Balanced Diet, Health and fitness, Using basic food groups for
planning balanced diets, Vegetarian food guide, Dietary patterns in
adolescence, modifying diet related behaviour, Factor influencing
eating behaviour, Eating disorders at adolescence.
Chapter-4: Management of resources, Natural and community
resources Characteristics of Resources, Managing resources, The
Management Process.
Chapter-5: Fabric around us- Introduction, Fibre properties,
Classification of textile fibres, Yarns, Fabric Production, Textile
Chapter-6: Media and communication technology - Communication
and communication technology, what is media? what is
communication technology?
Unit-II: Understanding Family, Community and Society
Chapter-7: Relationships and interactions with significant others:
• Family
• School-Peers and Educators
• Community and Society
Chapter-8: Concerns and needs in divers contexts: Family, School
community and society key areas:
a) Health, Nutrition and Hygiene- Introduction, Health and its
dimensions, Health care, Indicators of Health, Nutrients,
Factors affecting nutritional well being, Nutritional problems
and their consequences, Hygiene and Sanitation.
b) Work, Worker and Workplace - Introduction, Work, Worker,
c) Resources availability and Management- Time Management,
Space Management.
Unit-III: Childhood
Chapter-9: Survival, Growth and Development- Meeting, areas,
stages in development.
Chapter-10: Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing - Introduction,
Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing during infancy; Nutrition, Health
and Wellbeing of preschool children, Factors that influences diet
intake of pre-school age and school-age children, Healthy habits,
Health & Nutrition issues of school-age children.

Chapter-11: Care and Education- Introduction, Infancy and early
childhood years, Meaning of care and education, Who provides
early childhood care and education (ECCE)? Care and Education
during middle childhood years, difficulties and nature of primary
Chapter-12: Our Apparel - Clothing functions and the selection of
clothes, Factors affecting selection of clothing in India, Understanding
children’s basic clothing needs, Clothing requirements at different
childhood stages, Clothing for children with special needs.
Unit-IV: Adulthood
Chapter-13: Health and Wellness - Health scenario in India, Healthy
persons, Fitness, What is wellness? Dimensions of wellness, Stress
and coping with stress.
Chapter-14: Financial Management and Planning - Introduction,
Family Income, Types of family income, Importance of Money,
Income Management, Budget, Control in money management,
Savings, Investment, Savings and Investment avenues, Credit.
Chapter-15: Care and Maintenance of Fabrics- Introduction,
Mending, Laundry, Stain removal, Finishing, Storage of textile
products, Factors affecting fabric care, Care label.

Period 40 Marks: 30
(Teachers can select practicals and project according to their choice)
1. Study of physical self with reference to:
a) Age, height, weight, hip size, round chest/bust, round waist
b) Age at menarche: girls
c) Growth of beard, change in voice: boys
d) Colour of hair and eyes
2. Observe Developmental norms (physical, motor, languages
and social educational) from birth to these years.
3. a) Record own diet for a day
b) Evaluate qualitatively for adequacy

4. a) Record the Fabrics and apparel used in a day
b) Categorize them according to functionality
5. a) Record one day’s activities relating to time use and work
b) Prepare a time plan for oneself
6. a) Record own emotions for a day in different contexts
b) Reflect on the “why” of these emotions and ways of
handling them.
7. List and discuss five messages from print and electronic media
which have influenced oneself.
8. Collection of information from different regions in India and
critical discussion on:
a) Food practices including food taboos, fasting and festival
b) Clothing practices related to rites rituals and occupations.
c) Child care practices in early years - gender similarities
and differences.
d) Traditional forms of communication including festivals
and special occasions.
9. List and discuss 4-5 areas of agreement and disagreement
a) Mother
b) Father
c) Siblings
d) Friends
e) Teacher
How would you resolve the disagreements to reach a state of
harmony and mutual acceptance?
10. Documentation of a traditional textile art/craft of neighbouring
11. Visit to any one programme/ Institution (Govt. NGO) for
children observation of activities in the programme and report
writing. OR Observation of any two children of different ages

in the neighbourhood and reporting on their activities and
12. Construction of Quality of Life (QOL) and Human
Development Index (HDI).
13. Relationship of fibre properties to their usage: 3 marks
a) Thermal Property and flammability
b) Moisture absorbency and comfort
14. Study one female adult and one male adult in the age range of
35 to 60 years with reference to:
a) Health and illness
b) Physical activity and time management
c) Diet behaviour
d) Coping with challenges
e) Media availability and preferences
15. Calculating of nutritive value of foods to identify rich sources
of nutrients.
16. Preparation of different healthy snacks for an adolescent
suitable in her/his context.
17. Study of labels on:
a) Food
b) Drugs and Cosmetics
c) Fabric and Apparel
d) Consumer durables
18. Observation and recording of group dynamics in different
locations/situations such as:
a) Home
b) Eateries
c) Play field
d) School
e) Recreation areas
19. Analysis of own communication styles and skills.
20. Plan a budget for self for a given situation/ purpose.

21. List five problems faced by self or family as consumer. Suggest
solutions to overcome the same.

Maximum Marks: 30 Periods: 40
(Teachers can select practicals from above mentioned list
according to their choice)
1. Understanding oneself: Adolescence 4 Marks
2. Understanding family, community and society 4 Marks
3. Childhood 4 Marks
4. Adulthood 4 Marks
5. Project Work (Any Topic) 6 Marks
6. Practical File 4 Marks
7. Viva 4 Marks

1. Human Ecology and family Sciences - Part 1, Class XI,
NCERT Publication
2. Human Ecology and Family Sciences- Part 2, Class XII,
NCERT Publication

Human Ecology and Family Science (Home Science)
Class XI (2023-24)

Unit-I Introduction to Home Science

1. Introduction to Home Science
Q.1 Name the eminent women who conceived of starting the first
Home Science College in India.
Q.2 What is the importance of Home Science?
Q.3 What are the employment opportunities you can get after
studying Food and Nutrition?
Q.4 What is the new nomenclature given to Home Science?
Q.5 What is the modern concept of Home Science education?
Unit-II Understanding Oneself: Adolescence
2. Understanding the Self
Q.1 “ Adolescence is a time when all adolescents experience identity
crisis”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for
your answer
Q.2 List the factors that influence the development of selfhood and
Q.3 Why is adolescence a critical time for Identity Development?
Q.4 It is said that identity is ‘multi-dimensional’. Explain.
Q.5 Mention some suggestions for parents to redirect their child
behaviour in a positive direction.
3. Food, Nutrition, Health and fitness.
Q.1 Why are roots and tubers placed in a separate food group.

Q.2 How does knowledge about food groups help us in our daily
Q.3 Why does the inclusion or rejection of a foodstuff depend upon
our food values?
Q.4 Discuss the unhealthy practices adopted by adolescents to
control weight.
4. Management of resources
Q.1 ‘Resources are limited.’ Justify the statement by giving an
Q.2 Give classification of resources. Explain material resources.
How do they differ from human resources?
Q.3 You are aspiring to go to medical college. How would the
various steps of management help you in getting admission to
this course?
5. Fabrics around us
Q.1 Why is rayon called “ Artificial fabric”?
Q.2 Why is nylon easy to wash?
Q.3 What is the effect of dry heart on polyester?
Q.4 What are gray goods? Why is it necessary to change their
6. Media and Communication Technology
Q.1 To explain about the process of communication to your friend
who was absent yesterday, draw a model of communication.
Q.2 What is the last link of communication process?
Q.3 Define communication technology. Describe two important
communication technologies.
Unit-3 Understanding family, Community and Society.
7. Concerns and Needs in Diverse Contexts
A. Nutrition, Health and Hygiene
Q.1 Vitamins are known as life saving substance. Why?
Q.2 “Nutrition affects productivity, income and quality of life.”
Write your opinion about this statement.
Q.3 Why are minerals and vitamins essential for our body?
Q.4 What is “ Health for All”?
B. Resources Availability and Management
Q.1 Your friend has purchase a one room house. Give some
suggestions to make maximum use of available space.
Q.2 While doing space management how we can give a large look
to an appropriate area?
Q.3 Discuss the principles of planning space.
Unit-4 Childhood
8. Survival, Growth and Development
Q.1 Tia’s brother goes to nursery school. Tell Tia the characteristics
of this age, so that she could help her brother in adjustment.
Q.2 ‘Development has a specific pattern.” Explain.
Q.3 List the principles of Development
9. Nutrition, Health and Well Being
Q.1 Suggest your sister some reasons to eat home -made food
instead outside food.
Q.2 ‘Colostrum is particularly beneficial for infants.’ Explain the
Q.3 Why is school tiffin is generally finished by the child?
10. Our Apparel
Q.1 “ All clothes are not fit for all occasions.” Justify the statement.
Q.2 What are the points you will keep in mind while selecting
clothes for infants?

Q.3 If comfort is aim, which three qualities of fabrics will you look
for while buying it.
Unit-5 Adulthood
11. Health and Wellness.
Q.1 Explain some of the benefits of exercise.
Q.2 Do you agree with the statement that “ When one is physically
fit, it is not necessary to bother about one’s diet.”
Q.3 What is environmental wellness?
12. Financial Management and Planning.
Q. 1 Why it is important for everyone to learn skills of managing
money as a resource?
Q.2 How do family values affect the expenditure of the family?
Q.3 “ Two families living in the same place may have same money
income but different real income.” Justify the statement.
13. Care and Maintenance of Fabrics.
Q.1 Why do most people prefer to use detergents for washing their
clothes. Support with reasons.
Q.2 What are the key points to keep in mind while doing care and
maintenance of fabrics.

Class XI (2024-25)
Theory Max. Marks 70
Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education
 Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
 Development of physical education in India - Post Independence
 Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gears and
sports equipment, technological advancements
 Career Options in Physical Education
 Khelo-India and Fit-India Program

Unit II Olympic Value Education

 Ancient and Modern Olympics
 Olympic value education joy of effort, fair play, respect for others,
pursuit of excellence, balance among body will and mind
 Olympism – Concept and Olympics Values (Excellence,
Friendship & Respect)
 Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem
 Olympic Movement Structure - IOC, NOC, IFS, Other members

Unit III Yoga

 Meaning & Importance of Yoga
 Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga
 Introduction to Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma)
 Pranayama and its types
 Active lifestyle and stress management through yoga

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with

Special Needs - Divyang)
 Concept of Disability and Disorder
 Types of Disability, its causes & nature (Intellectual disability,
Physical disability)
 Disability Etiquettes
 Aim & Objective of Adaptive Physical Education
 Role of various professionals for children with special needs
 (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical
Education Teacher, Speech Therapist & Special Educator)
Unit V Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness
 Meaning and Importance of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness
 Components/Dimensions of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness
 Traditional Sports & Regional Games for promoting wellness
 Leadership through physical activity and sports
 Introduction to first aid - PRICE

Unit VI Test, Measurement & Evaluation

 Concept of Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical
Education & sports.
 Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical
Education & sports
 Classification of Tests (BMI, Waste Hip Ratio, Skin fold
measurement 3 site) in Physical Education and Sports.
 Somatotypes
 Measurement of health-related fitness

Unit VII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Anatomy and Physiology in exercise
and sports
 Functions of Skeletal system, classification of bone and types of
 Properties and functions of muscles
 Function and Structure of Circulatory system and heart.
 Function and Structure of Respiratory system.

Unit VIII Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in
 Principles of Biomechanics
 Kinetics and kinematics in sports
 Types of Body Movements - Flexion, Extension, Abduction,
Adduction, Rotation, Circumduction, Supination & Pronation
 Axis and Planes – Concept and its application in body movements

Unit IX Psychology & Sports
 Definition & Importance of Psychology in Physical Education &
 Developmental characteristics at different stages of development
 Introduction to psychological attributes attention resilience mental
 Adolescent Problems & Their Management
 Team Cohesion and Sports
Unit X Training and Doping in Sports
 Concept and Principles of Sports Training
 Training Load: Over Load, Adaptation, and Recovery
 Warming up limbering down types methods and importance
 Concept of skill technique tactics and strategies
 Concept of Doping and its disadvantages

Chapter 1 Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education
1. Define Physical Education.
2. Discuss about teaching careers in physical education in brief.
3. Enumerate the objectives of physical education in detail.
4. Briefly discuss about any three International Competitions of athletics.
5. Discuss the three national competitions of cricket in brief.
6. Write down any nine tournaments of football.
7. Write down a brief note on 'Khelo India' Programme.
8. Elucidate the coaching career in detail.
9. Discuss the health-related and administration-related careers in detail.
10. Explain in detail the sports media related careers in the field of
physical education.
11.Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Career in book writing.
(b) Career in sports photography.
(c) Career in sports industry.
12. Elaborate the 'FIT India' Programme in detail.

Chapter 2 Olympism
1. Explain the origin of Ancient Olympic Games.
2. Explain the origin of Modern Olympic Games.
3. Elucidate about the development of values through Olympism.
4. Write down a detailed note on Ancient Olympic Games.
5. Write short notes in brief on the following:
a. Olympic Motto
b. Olympic Awards
c. Olympic Flag
d. Olympic Oath
e. Olympic Flame
6. Elucidate in detail about International Olympic Committee.
7. Write a detailed note on Indian Olympic Association.
8. Does appropriate development of values take place through Olympic
games? Give your views.
9. Discuss Special Olympics in detail.
10. Write a detailed note on Paralympics.

Chapter 3 Yoga
1. What do you mean by yoga? Why yoga is important in our daily life.
2. Discuss the elements of yoga.
3. What do you mean by asanas and pranayama? Elaborate.
4. Give detailed notes on any two of the following:
(a) Yogic kriyas (b) Pranayama (c) Asanas
5. Elucidate any two asanas for improving concentration of mind.
6. What do you mean by yoganidra? Explain the stages of yoganidra in
7. Discuss the advantages of yoganidra for individuals who remain under
stress, anxiety and tension in the fast-changing world.
8. Elucidate the procedure and benefits of Garudasana and Naukasana.

Chapter 4 Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with

Special Needs - Divyang)

1.Describe in detail about the role of various professionals for children

with special needs.
2. How does adaptive physical education help children with special
3. Write a note on Special Olympics Bharat.
4. Write a detailed note on Deaflympics.
5. What is inclusion? Discuss the need of inclusive education.

6. How can inclusive education be implemented in India effectively?
Chapter 5 Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness

1. Define physical fitness. Elaborate the importance of physical fitness in

2. Define wellness and explain the components of wellness in detail.
3. What do you mean by the term 'healthy lifestyle'? Why is it important
for our day-to-day life?
4. Discuss the components of health-related physical fitness in brief.
5. Discuss the components of skill-related physical fitness in brief.

Chapter 6 Test, Measurement & Evaluation

1.What do you mean by adventure sports? Discuss the objectives of

adventure sports in detail.
2. Write notes on the following:
(a) Mountaineering (b) Surfing
3. What is trekking? Discuss various types of trekking.
4. What is river rafting? Discuss about their grades of difficulty.
5. Define leadership. Explain the leadership qualities in physical
6. Elaborate the process of creating or making leaders through physical
7. Write notes on: (a) river rafting (b) trekking.
8. Discuss various safety measures for preventing sports injuries.

Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports

1. What do you mean by test, measurement and evaluation? Elucidate the
importance of test, measurement and evaluation in the field of sports.
2. What do you mean by Body Mass Index? Explain the procedure of
calculation of BMI.
3. Explain in detail the somatotypes.
4. Elucidate the Harvard Step Test to measure the cardio-vascular fitness.
5. To measure the upper body strength and endurance of boys and girls,
discuss push ups and modified push ups respectively.

Chapter 8 Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports

1. What do you mean by anatomy, physiology and kinesiology?
2. How does knowledge of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology help
3. State the functions of bones.
4. What do you understand by extensibility of muscles?
5. Mention briefly about freely movable joints.
6. Enlist the organs of respiratory system.
7. What do you know about skeletal system?
8 Elucidate the classification of bones.
9. What is a joint? Mention about the major types of joints.
10. How does blood circulation and purification work in human body?
Explain and enlist the organs included in the process.
11 Explain the role of organs involved in respiratory system in detail.
12 Discuss about the structure, location and function of heart.
13 Elaborate the properties of muscles.
14 Discuss the meaning and types of equilibrium.
15 Briefly discuss the principles of stability.
16 What is centre of gravity? How is it applied in sports and games?

Chapter 9 Psychology & Sports

1. What do you mean by psychology? Explain the importance of
psychology in sports.
2. What do you mean by growth and development? Differentiate between
them. 3. Explain the developmental characteristics of adolescence.
4. Explain the problems of adolescence in detail.
5. Elucidate the management of problems of adolescence.
6. Discuss the developmental characteristics of infancy and childhood

Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports

1. What do you mean by sports training? Enumerate the principles of

sports training.
2. Define warming up. Explain the types of warming-up.
3. Enumerate the methods of warming-up in detail.
4. Elucidate the importance of warming-up in detail.
5. What do you mean by limbering down? Explain the importance of
6. What do you mean by skill? Elucidate in detail the classification of
7. Elucidate the guiding principles of warming-up in detail.
8. What do you mean by the term 'Doping'? Discuss the methods
prohibited in-and out of competition.
9. Explain the side effects of prohibited substances in detail.
10. Define doping and explain the types of doping.
11. Explain the performance enhancing substances in detail.
12. Discuss various prohibited substances which are used in the field of
sports and games.
13. In the present scenario, how will you deal with the problem of alcohol
and substance?

CODE NO. 027
CLASS XI {2024-25}



APRIL Writing and City Life 10

An Empire Across Three


JULY Nomadic Empires 10

The Three Orders




Changing Cultural Traditions


Displacing Indigenous People


DECEMBER Paths to Modernization



Map work of related Themes

Project work 20


1. Why do we say that it was not natural fertility and high levels of food
production that were the causes of early urbanization?
2. Why is Mesopotamia considered important by Europeans? Give reasons.
3. “Rivers play crucial role in the emergence of civilizations”. Justify.
4. Give some facts to show geographical diversities that existed in Iraq.
5. “The seals played an important role in the development of trade and
urbanization in Mesopotamia”. Explain.
6. What do you know about Uruk?
7. Describe the main features of the city of Babylon.
8. Why would early temples be much like a house? From the picture given below
discuss the important features of temple construction.

9. What do you know about Gilgamesh? Explain in detail.

10. State the points of similarity between the Indus Valley and
Mesopotamian Civilization.


1. Explain the importance of Latin and Greek languages in the Roman empire.
2. What do you know about Augustus?
3. Explain the system of administration governed by politicians of
senatorial rank in Rome.

4. What was the policy of education in the Roman Empire?
5. ‘Late antiquity’ is the term now used to describe the final, fascinating period
in the evolution and break-up of the Roman Empire and refers broadly to the
fourth to seventh centuries. The fourth century itself was one of considerable
ferment, both cultural and economic. At the cultural level, the period saw
momentous developments in religious life, with the emperor Constantine
deciding to make Christianity the official religion, and with the rise of Islam
in the seventh century. But there were equally important changes in the
structure of the state that began with the emperor Diocletian (284- 305), and
it may be best to start with these. Overexpansion had led Diocletian to ‘cut
back’ by abandoning territories with little strategic or economic value.
Diocletian also fortified the frontiers, reorganized provincial boundaries, and
separated civilian from military functions, granting greater autonomy to the
military commanders (duces), who now became a more powerful group.
Constantine consolidated some of these changes and added others of his own.
His chief innovations were in the monetary sphere, where he introduced a
new denomination, the solidus, a coin of 4½ gm of pure gold that would in
fact outlast the Roman Empire itself. Solidi were minted on a very large scale
and their circulation ran into millions.
I. What was the span of Diocletian regime?
II. What innovations had been done by Constantine?
III. What does late antiquity mean?

6. On the blank map of West Asia given below mark the following
i. Mecca ii. Damascus v. Armenia vii. Samarkand
ii. Antioch iv. Edessa vi. Bukhara viii. Medina

1. Why did Genghis Khan feel the need to fragment the Mongol Tribes into new
military and social groupings?
2. Name any two sources to study the Mongols.
3. How did the Mongol carry out their trade?
4. Discuss the methods of warfare of the Mongols.
5. Critically evaluate the Mongol administration.
6. On the given map of South-East Asia locate and mark the following:
i Karakorum ii Moscow iii Turfan iv Merv v Herat
vi Balkh



1. Describe two feudal features of the early societies of France.
2. What was the function of medieval monasteries?
3. Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of the feudal system.
4. What do you understand by guild?
5. How did technological changes affect agriculture in the 11th century?

6. On the map of Western Europe mark and locate the following:
i. St. Denis ii. Bingen iii. London iv. Rome v. Vienna


1. Compare the details of Italian architecture of 14th - 15th century, with
the Islamic architecture.
2. What were the features of Humanist thought?
3. How did the Renaissance start a new age?
4. Write a short note on the following:
i. Spirit of Inquiry ii. Spirit of Humanism.
5. What were the demerits of nation-states?
6. On the outline map mark the following:
i. Rome ii. Venice iii. Padua iv. Genoa v. Mantua vi. Florence

1. Write about the lifestyle of native people of North America.
2. Discuss two points to show that Gold Rush proved to be a blessing for the
3. What is the significance of “The Declaration of Indian Rights”? When was it
4. What do you understand by “Terra Nullius”?
5. On the given map mark and locate the following:
i. Perth ii. Sydney iii. Adelaide iv. Melbourne v. Darwin vi. Canberra

1. Discuss how daily life was transformed as Japan developed.
2. When was Guomindang Party formed? What were its objectives?
3. Discuss the reasons for the failure of Mao’s Great Leap Forward.
4. What do you understand by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution?
5. How did Japan emerge as an economic power after the Second World War?
6. On the given map of China mark and locate the main route of Long March.

Total Marks: 100 (Theory-60 + Practical-40)

APRIL-MAY Unit 1 : Unit 1: Introduction to
Communication Marketing
Skills-III  Understanding of
Marketing concept in day
to day life.
 Difference between
manufacturer and
 Objectives of Marketing
 Detailed definition of
 Scope of Marketing
 Importance of
 Evolution of different

JULY Unit 2 : Self- Unit 2: Marketing

Management Skills- Environment
III  Meaning and
importance of
Environment in
 Meaning and steps in
 Economic forces,
Natural or physical
forces, Technological
forces, Sociocultural
 Meaning and
constituent factors of
Micro Environment for
Unit 3: Marketing
 Define the meaning of
 Importance of
 Types of segmentation-
priori and post-hoc.
 Basis of segmentation
segmentation and

AUGUST Unit 3 : ICT Skills- Unit 3: Marketing

III Segmentation, Targeting
 Basis of segmentation
(socio economic, Behavioural
and Psychographic
 Meaning and types
(Mass Marketing Strategy,
Large Segment Strategy,
Adjacent Segment
Strategy, Multi-Segment
Strategy, Small Segment
Strategy, Niche Segment
Strategy, Sub-Segment
 Selection Criteria for

OCTOBER Unit 4 : Unit 3: positioning
Entrepreneurial  Meaning and need
skills-iii  Process
 Basis (physical
positioning and
Unit 4: fundamentals of
marketing mix
 Meaning and features
 Process of developing
a marketing mix (6
 Importance of
marketing mix
 Producer oriented
marketing mix- 4 p’s)
NOVEMBER Unit 5 : Green Unit 4: Fundamentals
Skills-III of Marketing Mix
 4C'S - consumer-oriented
model of marketing mix
 7 PS of the service
marketing mix
Unit 5 :Consumer
 Meaning and
constituents of
consumer behaviour
 Importance
DECEMBER Unit 5 :Consumer
 Factors affecting
Consumer Buying
Behaviour (cultural,

social and
 Different buying roles
( 9 roles)
 The consumer
decision process (5



 Project
 Viva
 Practical File
 Demonstration of skill competency


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