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Self-Discovery Assessment

I invite you to take a look with me right now at what life can be like. What Your New Beginning can
look like.

Let's really envision and “laser in” on how your life can be completely, radically different – if that’s
what you want, and probably beyond what you believe is possible – by the time you’ve finished
reading this book.

When I'm working one-on-one with clients, I call this our “​Universal Orientation​.” I invite you to take
a deep look at yourself and where you are, with a level of authenticity, honesty and self-transparency
that you may not have experienced before.

So please grab a notebook or a pad, or if all you have nearby is a napkin, grab it. We're going to do this
right now.


I'd like you to write down the words listed below and leave space for a paragraph under each word:








Copyright © 2023 ​Level 5 Mentoring

Now, write out a few sentences, maybe a paragraph or two at the most, about ​where you currently
stand in each one of these areas. Be completely honest about the exact state of each of these
aspects.​ It may help to also think of in terms of rating the state of things in each category.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “blah” to 10 being totally amazing – how do you rate each aspect of
your life?

Also jot down whatever else you might want to add about the status of each category. It’s important
that you be as radically honest as possible.

Please take a few minutes and do that now.

Then sit back for a moment and take a good look at your honest initial assessment of your life.

How are you feeling?


The next thing we need to do, if we're going to turn our lives into exactly what we want them to be, is
to look at where this current state we’re in is leading.

You've already spent time and money and energy.

You've invested a lot into moving these important essential parts of your life in the directions you
want them to go, and yet – right here, right now – this is how they are.

● Take a moment to imagine that it's 90 days from today​and you haven't changed these issues
with your body and your health. You haven't taken control to direct your relationships, your
intimacy, and to guide them into exactly how you want them to be.

● Now, let's go out a year further down this road you’re on,​in the direction you’re currently
going, and look at it with total presence and self-honesty.

● Now, let’s turn it all around. Consider this question:

If there were a way that, by the end of this book, you had gained complete control over
every​one of these current situations​, to the point where you're literally, magically,
miraculously guiding each of these areas of your life into becoming exactly the way you want
them to be, how​would you feel? Bring up that feeling state. “How do I feel, living the Ideal Life of
my creation?​
Copyright © 2023 ​Level 5 Mentoring

Now, leaving a space after each for a paragraph: flip that page or napkin over (or start a new page)

and write those words from the list again








Write down two or three sentences under each area of your life (feel free to write more if you want
to) that captures your ideal situation in that area 90 days from today.​

● What's your body like?

● What's your health really like?

Be visceral, be poetic, write out those feelings and, as you write, actually feel those feelings​ .

● What are your relationships like?

● What's it like to have complete harmony​with your children, with your family, with your
friends,​with your significant other?
● What’s it like to have attracted and brought into your life that ideal partner​and to feel that
deep intimacy and connection?
● And, what is it like to know that you ​have fundamentally transformed your life​and
facilitated all of this change?

What's it like living in this world as you envision it for yourself?

Copyright © 2023 ​Level 5 Mentoring
● What is your​ideal world like​– assuming that it's true that you could live in infinite
● What are people like in that world?
● What are relationships like?

We're going to refer to this vision of your ideal life frequently throughout the book, so I encourage
you take a few minutes to lean into that vision and really get in touch with those feelings.

This is one of those things that, if you do it, will make all the difference in the process.

If you skim past this step, as you have skimmed past things in the past, you're not going to get
everything that you're here for.

So write it out, feel it, then write it out again neatly and keep it with you over the next few days.

As you’re going through this book, whenever you set it down, pause for a few minutes to take a look
at what you wrote and to feel those feelings again.

You can put copies of it in places in your house, in your car, in your workspace so you stay aware of it.
You don't even have to read it every time you look at it, because simply looking at it will be enough to
begin to trigger the effects of what you've written and remind you to feel these feelings.

As you'll see in later chapters, feeling those feelings of your ideal future is one of the most powerful
things you can possible do to reach it.

About Brian D. Ridgway

Brian D. Ridgway, also known as “The Spellbreaker.”
International speaker. #1 international bestselling author. The
founder of Level 5 Mentoring.

He has helped over 200,000 people with his unique,

counterintuitive approach to solving our problems. People who
have experienced his work often admit it’s the only thing that
made a lasting change in their lives.

Click here if you’re interested in working with Brian

Copyright © 2023 ​Level 5 Mentoring

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