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The Factors Influencing Career Aspirations as Perceived by Grade 11 GAS

Students In PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School Department

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College

Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements

For APP 007: Inquirers, Investigations, and Immersions


February 2024

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….............2




Statement of the


Theoretical Framework……………………………………..…………………………………..8

Schematic Diagram……………………….………………..…………….…………………..…9

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………….…………………

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………………


Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………...


Review of Related Literatures…………………………...……………………………………


Review of Related Studies…………….………………………………………………………


Research Design…………………………………………………….…………………………


Research Environment……………………………………..…………………………………19

Research Respondents………………………………….……………………………………20

Research Instrument…………………………………………………..………………………20

Scoring Procedure…………………………………………………………..…………………20

Data Collection Procedure……………………….……………………………………………


Statistical Treatment of Data………………….………………………………………………22

Table 1.1………………………………………………………………………...………………




Table 2.1……………………………………………………………………………………...…


Table 2.2…………………………………………………………………………………...……


Table 2.3…………………………………………………………………………………...……


Summary ………………………………………………………………………….……………30




We extend our sincere appreciation to our teachers for their guidance, expertise,

and encouragement throughout the project. Their feedback and insights have been

instrumental in shaping our work. We are also grateful to the respondents for their

valuable contributions and insights, which have been integral to the development of our

project. Lastly, we express our deepest thanks to our families and friends for their

unwavering support. Thank you to everyone involved for their contributions to the

success of this research.

Chapter 1

Background Information

Deciding on which career to pursue is a significant process for senior high school

students. It’s a critical decision that shapes their future, as the right choice can lead to a

fulfilling career, while the wrong one might result in dissatisfaction. Making an informed

decision is crucial to ensure a good fit between the chosen career and the individual’s

aspirations and abilities. (Coursera 2023) Career aspirations are long-term hopes and

ambitions. People develop them based on their personal experiences, including talents,

values, lifestyle, and more. The complexity and individuality of career aspirations. GAS

students, like any other group, are influenced by diverse factors such as gender, social

class, interest, Intelligence, and background. Understanding the factors that influence

career aspirations is a common concern in the field of education and career counseling.

According to Ganti and Kulcsar (2021) emphasize that within vocational

psychology, career decision-making stands as a fundamental concept. The crux

involves creating options, assessing their appropriateness for the individual, and

determining the optimal choice. (Panganiban 2021) Choosing a college career course

is one of the primary challenges that students encounter in their senior year. Career

decision-making is undoubtedly one of the most difficult and challenging in any students

life. The problem exist because students career aspirations can significantly impact

their future of opportunities and success. Solving this issue is crucial because doing so

will enable educators and policymakers to better guide and support students, resulting

in better career outcomes and informed career decisions. By addressing this problem,

we can increase the likelihood that students will choose successful jobs that are in line

with their interests and abilities.

Holly’s study in 2015 revealed that personal interest significantly influenced Year

12 science students (88%), with academic ability also holding sway (74%). The

importance of personal interest was highlighted in student comments. When ranking

factors, 74% considered university a highly influential option, while only 7% thought the

same for TAFE among Year 12 students. Derived from Republic Act 11206, also known

as the Secondary School Career Guidance and Counseling Act, the objective is to

establish a comprehensive career guidance and counseling initiative in both public and

private secondary schools. The primary goals are to guide students towards

appropriate pathways for their tertiary education, enable them to make informed career

choices, familiarize them with relevant job markets, and ensure that tertiary graduates

fulfill governmental, industrial, and economic demands.

Find out where the insights are hidden in plain sight. Our ground-breaking study

explores the lives of Grade 11 General Academic Strand students in-depth in order to

identify the factors that influence their career aspirations. As the researchers reveal the

unseen tales underlying their aspirations, goals, and desires, get ready to be

astounded. Don’t pass up the chance to learn more about how education can influence

lives and affect the development of future leaders. Join the researchers on this

amazing voyage of learning and be motivated to bring out the best in others and

yourself. Venture forth to uncover the real gems hidden within the research study where

the keys to success are waiting.

Statement of the problem

This research study aims to assess and measure the factors that influence

career aspirations as perceived by Grade 11 General Academic Strand students in

PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College.

This study aims to answer the following questions

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents socioeconomic status in terms

of :

1.1 Gender?

1.2 Social class?

2. What is the perception of the students on the factors influencing Career aspirations in

terms :

2.1 Interest?

2.2. Intelligent?

2.3 Background?

Theoretical Framework

The theory of Linda Gottfredson titled “Circumscription and compromise: A

developmental theory of occupational aspirations” (1981) stated that most of teenagers

aspired to a career within their own reference group and said that “A lower-class youths

are most likely to orient to the lower success”. In addition, Gottfred (1981) mentioned

that teenagers would adopt their parents’ aspirations and their ideas of acceptable


Linda Gottfredson theory about career development (1981) stated that there are

seven major elements in career choices including gender, social class, background,

intelligent, interest, competencies and values. Gottfredson (1981) aims to understand

and express in a theory how teenagers’ perspectives on jobs and their role within them

(their career choice) grow intellectually and the way they learn to grasp things in this.

The theory and the study are related because Linda Gottfredson’s theory helps explain

how Grade 11 GAS students in PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College narrow down their

career options based on their perceived abilities and societal expectations, and then

make choices.

Schematic Diagram


• Demographic profile of the • Perception by Grade 11 GAS
respondents students on the factors
influencing career aspirations.

- Interest
- Intelligent
- Background

Scope and Delimitation

This research is conducted exclusively at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College,

started in July of 2023, focusing on Grade 11 General Academic Strand students. The

study aims to assess and measure the factors influencing career aspirations among

these students, particularly exploring their interests, intelligence, and backgrounds.

Data are collected from 300 randomly selected Grade 11 General Academic Strand

students through a Likert scale questionnaire. Anticipated limitations include potential

response bias, limited generalizability, and exclude variables. To reduce these

weaknesses, efforts will be made to minimize bias in survey questions, and careful

statistical analyses will be employed to enhance validity.

Significance of the study

This study will be significant to the specific group of people:

Students. This study will help be more knowledgeable about the factors influencing

career aspirations. Also students will be more aware in their choosing careers.

Parents. This research may help parents to guide their child on building their goal. By

this research, it will help parents to give them understanding on how students decided

on which careers they want aim in the future.

School Administration. This study will help the school administration develop targeted

interventions and programs to better support students’ career goals and choices.

Future Researchers. This study will be a useful reference for future researchers that

plans to know the factors influencing career aspirations as perceived by Grade 11 GAS

students of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro college.

Definition of terms

For clarity of ideas, the following terms are defined according to how they are used in

the study:

Background. Refers to an individual’s personal, educational, and professional history.

It includes information such as one’s educational qualifications, work experience, skills,

and any relevant details about their life and work journey.

Circumscription. Refers to the process by which individuals limit or narrow down their

career options based on various factors such as societal expectations, personal

abilities, and social class.

Career aspirations. Long-term professional goals and the career pathways one’s

desire to take are both examples of aspirations.

Career. An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed

as one’s lifework.

Gender. Describe the socially manufactured traits that men, women, children, and

young people have.

Intelligence. A person capacity to think, study, plan and practice in a disciplined


Interest. Preferences regarding work activities and environments.

Perception. refers to how these students interpret and understand the elements that

impact their career goals.

Social class. Refers to the economic and social status of an individual, which can

impact their job opportunities, income, and access to education and networking. It can

significantly influence career outcomes.



This chapter presents the literature and studies which are relevant and similar to

this research. This includes research articles, finished thesis, and other references

which address ideas, concepts, generalizations, and recent developments related to the

study from past to present. The information in this chapter help in familiarizing details

which are significant to the present study.


People create their career aspirations based on their skills, values, ideal lifestyle,

and other considerations. When coming up with answers to questions about your

ambitions, keep your hobbies and values in mind (Lex Basu 2023).(Dyer 2022) Career

aspirations can be affected by factors that are pretty important to you.

Gender influences a wide range of career-related attitudes, behaviors, and

outcomes (Barnet 2020). (Malihot 2023) Gender pay gap, women in part-time, fewer in

management. Women in office work, nursing, teaching, home/child care. Men in

engineering, computer science, plumbing, electricians, carpentry. Edenjik and portegen

(2021) said that Gender stereotypes persist, shaping career choices. Girls are

discouraged from STEM, boys avoid arts and nursing. False beliefs about capability

endure. James (2023) emphasizes that people often accept jobs without considering

their preferences, later discovering their likes and dislikes regarding tasks. Eva

Christodouluo (2013) highlights how employers find it advantageous to train

intellectually capable individuals in specialized tasks, given they possess intricate

foundational skills like critical thinking and soft skills. Jennifer Herrity (2023) further

defines a skill set as a combination of abilities and qualities, both soft and technical,

essential for performing tasks effectively.

(Vasumathi 2018) Career and goals are the most important factors in life. Most

of the women are coming forward to work in order to support their family. This change

is now natural and dynamic due to change of environment and economic conditions.

(Asabe W. Poloma 2014) however, the current economic conditions and academic job

market retrenchment as well as the dramatic and ever-rising costs of graduate

education in the United States threatens to affect the enrollment.

July S. Ashby and Ingrid Schoon (2014) have extensively documented the

connections between family social background, teenage career aspirations, educational

performance, and adult social status attainment. Parents significantly influence their

children’s education, knowledge about work, beliefs, attitudes, and motivation to

succeed (Arekibo, 2021). Making a career choice that aligns with family support is

crucial (Chron Contributor, 2021). (Erin eatough 2022) Your career aspirations are your

vision for your future. (Coursera 2023) people develop them based on their personal

experiences, including talents, values, lifestyle, and more. (Omer usanmaz 2023) the

decision to set long-term career goals can be vague and confusing.



In a 2019 study by Ouano, Torre, Japitan, and Moneva, they examined factors

affecting career choices among Grade 12 students at Jagobiao National High School.

Institutional reputation ranked highest, followed by decision-making, interests, peer

influence, and job prospects. Understanding these factors can provide valuable insights

for educational institutions and policymakers to enhance career guidance strategies and

support students in making informed choices for their future.

The research conducted by JJ Ouano, JFDL Torre, WI Japitan, and JC Moneva

(2019) and the researchers’ study share a common focus on understanding the factors

that impact students’ decisions and choices. However, they differ in scope and

objective—examining course selection at Jagobiao National High School and career

aspirations in the Grade 11 General Academic Strand at Phinma-Cagayan de Oro

College, respectively..

Juan O. Abarro’s 2016 study aimed to assist indecisive students in choosing an

appropriate college path, especially during the pandemic. It focused on understanding

senior high school students’ career interests to better prepare them for college. Using a

descriptive research design, insights were gathered from 231 Senior High School

students in the 2nd Semester of SY 2020-2021, employing a stratified random sampling

technique and an online survey questionnaire to assess factors influencing college

enrollment decisions.

Both studies center around determining the factors affecting students career

decisions. Abbaro (2016) study primary objective was to determine students’ career

interests in senior high school in order to better prepare them for college. The aim of

the study of the researchers is to assess and measure the factors influencing career

aspirations as perceived by Grade 11 GAS students in PHINMA- Cagayan de Oro


Valliente M. Cleo Bernadette et al. (2016) said that this study aimed to identify

factors influencing course selection among students at Bukidnon National High School,

focusing on Academic Experience, Educational Aspiration/Expectation, Advice of

Others, Friends/Peer Influence, and Family Background. It involved 179 Senior High

School respondents from the 2015-2016 school year, with findings indicating that

Educational Aspiration/Expectation was the most influential factor.

Valliente M. Cleo Bernadette et al.’s (2016) study and the researchers’ study both

aim to explore factors influencing students’ decisions and aspirations. While Valliente

M. Cleo Bernadette et al.’s (2016) study focuses on course selection feedback, the

researchers’ study takes a broader approach, assessing factors impacting career



The study conducted by Asma Shahid Kazi and Abeeda Akhlaq (2017) titled

“Factors affecting students’ career choice” state that making a career choice is a

defining phase in every student’s life. Students have to consider several factors before

arriving at a decision. The purpose of this research was to see the factors which affect

the choice of career among students. The influence of peers on the respondents’

choice of subject specialization was also investigated along with any impressions taken

from the media.

Both the study by Asma Shahid Kazi and Abeeda Akhlaq (2017) and the

researchers’ study focus on factors influencing students’ career goals, but while the

former examines factors affecting career choice among students, the latter assess and

understand the factors influencing career aspirations specifically perceived by Grade 11

GAS students at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College.

Owuso, Abraham (2020) stated that the purpose of this study was to investigate

factors influencing career aspirations of Senior High School students in the Berekum

Municipality of Ghana. The research design selected for this study was the descriptive

survey design. Questionnaires were the instruments for data collection. Descriptive and

inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results were presented in the

form of tables. The results of the study showed that peer pressure had a great influence

on the career aspirations of students. The study also revealed that students did not

consider their interests as having a major influence on their career aspirations.

The study of Owuso, Abraham (2020) and the study of the researchers are

related. Both studies have similar in their focus on exploring the factors that influence

career aspirations among General Academic Strand students. The difference between

the studies is that the purpose of the foreign related study was to investigate factors

influencing career aspirations of Senior High School students in the Berekum

Municipality of Ghana. Meanwhile, this study aim of the study of the researchers is to

assess and measure the factors influencing career aspirations as perceived by Grade

11 GAS students in PHINMA Cagayan de Oro college.

A study by Boxuan Ma et al. (2021)”emphasized the importance of understanding

students’ motivations in course selection within the education domain. They conducted

qualitative interviews (N=10) and a questionnaire survey (N=81) to reveal that students

prioritize course content, future career benefits, grade potential, professor popularity,

and peer recommendations in their choices.

Both Boxuan Ma et al. (2021) and the researchers’ study focus on the future

careers of respondents, but while Ma et al. investigate factors contributing to students’

course selection in universities to understand perceptions and needs and provide data-

driven recommendations, the researchers aim to assess and measure the factors

influencing career aspirations perceived by Grade 11 GAS students at Phinma Cagayan

de Oro College.

The study conducted by Vida Amankwaah Kumah (2020) examined factors

affecting the career aspirations of Senior High School students, utilizing a descriptive

survey design with 196 participants from three public Senior High Schools. Findings

suggested that students’ interest had limited influence on their career aspirations, and

neither gender nor age significantly affected how interest influenced career aspirations.

The researchers' study and Vida Amankwaah Kumah's (2020) study both focus

on students’ job objectives, hence they are related. The associated study looked at the

factors impacting senior high school students’ interest in their career ambitions in the

Ghanaian municipality of Berekum, which is another distinction between the two

studies. While the researchers’ goal is to assess and measure the factors that Grade 11

GAS students at Phinma Cagayan de Oro College perceive as impacting their career


Timothy Oluwafemi Ayodele’s (2020) study aims to explore career preferences

and influencing factors among real estate students in Nigeria. Closed-ended

questionnaires were used on final year real estate students, analyzing data with various

statistical methods. The study revealed personal interest, initial salary, future financial

prospects, and job security as key influences on career choice, with intrinsic and

economic factors being significant themes. Third-party influence was comparatively

less prominent.

Both studies aim to explore factors influencing students’ career aspirations, one

focusing on Grade 11 GAS students at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, and the other

on final year real estate students in southwestern Nigeria, using closed-ended

questionnaires and statistical analyses to investigate gender-related differences and

stakeholder implications. However, while the former concentrates on a specific local

student group, the latter delves into real estate students in an emergent market, offering

valuable insights into diverse educational and regional contexts.

To set the scene, determine the present state of knowledge, pinpoint research

gaps, and provide the groundwork for their own investigation. By illustrating how the

study fits into the broader body of knowledge in the topic, this chapter assists in proving

the study’s importance.



This chapter presents the research design, data collection methods, sampling,

and data analysis of the study.

Research Design

This study uses a descriptive design. This approach facilitates the collection of

quantitative data through survey questioners providing a comprehensive understanding

of the variables influencing career aspirations. (Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. 2017)

quantitative descriptive research design is characterized by its focus on describing

phenomena through numerical data, making it well-suited for this study’s aim of

assessing and measuring the factors influencing career aspirations among Grade 11

GAS students.

Research Environment

The study take place within the academic premises of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro

College. This controlled environment offers a suitable setting for data collection,

ensuring convenience and easy accessibility for the participants. The college premises

provide a contextual backdrop essential for assessing and measuring the influences on

career aspirations.

Research Respondents

The research focuses on Grade 11 General Academic Strand students enrolled

at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College. A random sampling technique is employed to

ensure a representative sample. Grade 11 GAS students are at a critical stage in their

academic journey, where they are exploring various career aspirations and making

decisions about their future paths.

Research Instrument

In this research study, the researchers use a survey questionnaire form. The

survey questionnaire is administered electronically through Google Forms, allowing for

efficient and organized data collection. The survey questionnaire is given to the

respondents which are the GAS students that aim to assess and measure the variables

influencing career goals among Grade 11 GAS students. This survey questionnaire is

easy for the respondents to answer the survey form.

Scoring Procedure

(University of the East)

Stages of participants perception on Interest, Intelligence and Background.

Scale Mean Interpretation

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree

3 2.51-3.50 Neutral

4 3.51-4.50 Agree

5 4.51-5.00 Strongly Agree

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers asked the research instructor for a letter of permission as a part

to gather the data required for the study. After that, the researchers will receive

authorization to perform the study. After receiving approval from the research instructor

to proceed with the study, the researchers ask permission from the Grade 11 GAS

students. The researchers conducted this study using survey questionnaires that were

distributed by asking the presidents of other sections who are Grade 11 GAS students

to send the Google form in their perspective group chat. The students are given

enough time to answer the survey form, after answering the survey form the

researchers will gather all the information and start to compile, assess, and measure the

data that will be collected.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data for this research involves assessing the

demographic profile and perceptions of Grade 11 General Academic Strand students at

PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College. Firstly, demographic profiles, including gender and

social class, will be evaluated by calculating the percentage frequency of each category.

The formula for calculating percentage frequency is:

%= × 100

Where: F = Frequency of the category

T = Total Frequency

% = Percentage Frequency

Secondly, perceptions regarding career aspirations factors will be measured using a

Likert scale. Mean scores will then be calculated for each perception factor to interpret

the data. The formula for calculating the mean score is:

∑ fx

Where: x = weighted mean

∑= Summation

f = Number of responses under each scale

x = the weight assigned to each scale

N = number of respondents

Chapter 4


This chapter reviews the results and analysis of the quantitative data, the

compilation of the questionnaire, and the results and analysis of the quantitative findings

of the study. From the data gathered, the results of the study are presented, analyzed,

and interpreted to assess the students’ perception of the factors influencing career

aspirations. The presentation of the result is organized as stated in Chapter 1.

Table 1.1 Frequency of the Participants by Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 180 60%

Female 116 38.66%

Non-Binary/Third Gender 2 0.67%

Other 2 0.67%

Total 300 100.00%

Table 1.1 presents the frequency of participants by gender. Among the 300 participants,

the majority identified as male, accounting for 180 participants or 60% of the total.

Female participants constituted the next largest group, with 116 individuals representing

38.66% of the total. A smaller proportion of participants identified as non-binary/third

gender or other, each accounting for 0.67% of the total, with 2 participants each.

Overall, the table provides a breakdown of gender distribution among the participants,

highlighting the diversity within the sample.

Table 1.2 Frequency of the Students by Social Class

Social Class Frequency Percentage

Lower Class 180 60%

Working Class 42 14%

Middle Class 62 22%

Upper Middle Class 9 3%

Upper class 7 2%

Total 300 100.00%

Table 1.2 displays the frequency of students categorized by social class. Among the 300

students surveyed, the largest group identified with the lower class, comprising 180

students or 69% of the total. Following this, the working class accounted for 42

students, representing 14% of the sample. The middle class was the next most

prevalent, with 62 students making up 22% of the total. A smaller proportion of students

identified with the upper middle class and upper class, constituting 3% (9 students) and

2% (7 students) of the sample, respectively. This table provides insights into the

distribution of students across different social classes within the surveyed population.

Table 2.1 Presentation of Participants' Responses on their Level of perception of

the factor Interest

Specific Indicators on the Factor Interest Mean Interpretation

1. Interest plays a significant role in 3.52 Agree

shaping one's career aspirations.

2. personal passions and hobbies greatly 3.58 Agree

impact one’s career choices.

3. Individuals are more likely to excel in 3.6 Agree

careers aligned with their interests.

4. Career satisfaction is higher when one 3.97 Agree

pursues a field aligned with their interests.

Table 2.1 shows what participants think about how important “Interest” is for choosing

careers. It lists different statements about interest and how much people agreed with

them, shown as mean scores. Overall, most participants agreed that interest is crucial

for career choices, with scores ranging from 3.52 to 3.97. Specifically, they believe that

personal hobbies affect career decisions, doing well in jobs linked to interests is easier,

and being satisfied with a career is more likely if it matches one’s interests. These

results highlight the importance of interest in deciding on careers according to the


Table 2.2 Presentation of Participants' Responses on their Level of perception of

the factor Intelligence

Specific Indicators on the Factor Mean Interpretation


1. High intelligence significantly impacts 3.67 Agree

career success.

2. Intellectual abilities greatly determine 3.69 Agree

career options available to individuals.

3. Intelligent individuals have more 3.54 Agree

opportunities to pursue their desired


4. Intelligence is a key factor in achieving 3.59 Agree

career goals.

Table 2.2 summarizes participants’ perceptions of the factor “Intelligence” in relation to

career success. It includes specific statements about intelligence and their

corresponding mean scores, along with interpretations. Overall, participants generally

agreed that intelligence plays a significant role in career success, with mean scores

ranging from 3.54 to 3.69. Specifically, they believe that high intelligence impacts career

success, intellectual abilities influence career options, intelligent individuals have more

opportunities in their desired careers, and intelligence is crucial for achieving career

goals. These findings indicate a strong acknowledgment of the importance of

intelligence in career outcomes among the participants.

Table 2.3 Presentation of Participants' Responses on their Level of perception of

factor Background

Specific Indicators on the Factor Mean Interpretation


1. One’s economic background 3.71 Agree

significantly impacts career aspirations.

2. Access to resources and opportunities 3.52 Agree

based on background affects career


3. Individuals from privileged backgrounds 3.55 Agree

have more career advantages.

4. One’s background plays a crucial role in 3.57 Agree

determining career progression.

Table 2.3 outlines participants’ perceptions of the factor “Background” concerning career

aspirations. It presents specific statements about background and their mean scores,

along with interpretations. Overall, participants generally agreed that background

influences career aspirations, with mean scores ranging from 3.52 to 3.71. Specifically,

they believe that economic background significantly impacts career aspirations, access

to resources and opportunities based on background affects career choices, individuals

from privileged backgrounds have more career advantages, and background plays a

crucial role in determining career progression. These results underscore the

participants’ recognition of the influence of background on career trajectories.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the problem, methodology, and findings of

the study. It also discusses the conclusions and appropriate recommendation based on

the data generated from the study.


The Problem. The research aims to assess and measure the factors influencing

career aspirations among Grade 11 General Academic Strand students at PHINMA

Cagayan de Oro College. It specifically focuses on demographic profiles (gender and

social class) and perceptions of students regarding factors like interest, intelligence, and

background. The study seeks to provide valuable insights into the unique considerations

and influences shaping the career aspirations of these students, thereby informing

targeted interventions and support programs aimed at enhancing their career

development journey.

Research Methodology. The study employs a descriptive research design using

quantitative data collection through survey questionnaires. A Likert scale is used to

measure perceptions, and statistical treatments such as frequency analysis and mean

calculation are employed for data analysis, ensuring a comprehensive examination of

the factors influencing career aspirations among Grade 11 GAS students.

The findings. The study uncovered some interesting insights about Grade 11

GAS students at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College and their thoughts about their future

careers. Firstly, it revealed that most of the students were male, accounting for 60% of

the participants, and a significant portion came from families with lower financial means,

comprising 60% from the lower social class and 22% from the middle class.

Secondly, the research highlighted the students' strong belief in the importance of

pursuing careers aligned with their interests. They widely agreed that what they enjoy

doing plays a significant role in shaping their career aspirations, with consensus scores

ranging from 3.52 to 3.97. Similarly, they acknowledged the impact of intelligence on

career success, with mean scores ranging from 3.54 to 3.69, indicating a shared belief

in the value of intellectual abilities in achieving their career goals. Lastly, the study found

a common perception among the students regarding the influence of economic

background on career opportunities. They agreed that family financial status can

significantly impact their career paths, with mean scores ranging from 3.52 to 3.71.

Overall, these findings provide valuable insights that can inform guidance and

support programs to help students navigate their career choices more effectively,

especially considering the importance of aligning interests, abilities, and socioeconomic

factors in shaping their future paths.


In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the factors influencing

career aspirations among Grade 11 GAS students. The findings underscore the

importance of considering demographic profiles and perceptions when guiding students

in making informed career decisions. Educators, policymakers, and career counselors

can leverage these insights to develop targeted interventions and support programs

tailored to the needs of students. By addressing the complex interplay between

individual characteristics and external influences, stakeholders can better assist

students in navigating their career paths and realizing their aspirations. Ultimately, this

research contributes to the broader understanding of career development among senior

high school students, highlighting the significance of holistic support systems in

fostering successful career outcomes.


For Students, you may take some time to reflect on what you enjoy doing and

what you excel at. Engage in workshops or talks that expose you to different career

paths, helping you gain insights into various options available. Don't hesitate to seek

guidance from teachers, counselors, or older students; their advice and experiences

can offer valuable perspectives to aid you in making informed decisions about your

future careers.

For Parents, initiate conversations with your child about their interests and

strengths, encouraging open dialogue about potential career paths. Support your child

in exploring various career options by facilitating opportunities such as internships, job

shadowing, or volunteering. Stay actively engaged in your child's educational journey,

attending school events related to career planning to provide guidance and

encouragement along the way.

For School administrators, consider integrating career guidance activities into the

school curriculum to provide students with essential resources and support. Offer

professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their ability to assist

students in exploring diverse career pathways. Foster partnerships with local

businesses and professionals to establish mentorship programs and internship

opportunities, enabling students to gain practical experiences that align with their career


Future researchers in future studies, you may continue exploring the factors that

shape the career aspirations of Grade 11 GAS students. You can look into various

theories and expand your scope to understand this topic better. Additionally, consider

investigating other factors beyond those explored in this study, such as personal values

or external influences, to gain a more comprehensive understanding


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