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Learning Objectives

1. To understand the difference between Reference

List and Bibliography;

2. To be familiarized with the APA reference

formatting guide; and

3. To learn how to make the reference list of journal

articles and books.
Reference List vs Bibliography

A reference list includes only sources used in the


A bibliography includes all the sources used,

including background reading. It may include books.
Reference Formatting Guide

1. The page should start with the word Reference,

2. Hanging indentation should be used.

3. Articles should be listed alphabetically and in

chronological order by the last name of the first
4. Remove the underline from url.

5. One space between entries.

Reference Formatting Guide

6. For titles of journal articles,

a. capitalize the first letter and the first letter of the word after a
b. capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns in the title.

7. For titles of journals,

a. capitalize the first letter of every word in the title, except for
articles and prepositions
b. Do not use abbreviations, spell out the tile of the journal.

8. Indicate the volume number, issue number, and page number when

Ahuja, S., & Gupta, S. (2018). Organizational commitment and work engagement as a
facilitator for sustaining higher educational professionals. International Journal of
Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6S5).

Cooper, C., & Travers, C. (2012). Teachers under pressure: Stress in the teaching
profession. Routledge.

Delaney, M.L., & Royal, M.A. (2017). Breaking engagement apart: The role of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation in engagement strategies. Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, 10(1), 127-140.

Garg, K., Dar, I.A., & Mishra, M. (2018). Job satisfaction and work engagement: A study
using private sector bank managers. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 20(1),

Manalo R.A., de Castro, B.V. & Uy. C. (2020). The mediating role of job satisfaction on the
effect of motivation to organizational commitment and work engagement of private
secondary high school teachers in Metro-Manila. Review of Integrative Business and
Economics Research, 9(S1), 133-159.
Referencing journal articles using APA format

1. When citing an article with a single author

Author’s surname, name. (year of publication). Title of article.
Title of journal, Volume (issue), page number.

Chi, W. (2008). The role of human capital in China’s economic

development: Review and new evidence. China Economic
Review, 19, 421-436.

2. When citing an article with two authors

Author1, N1, & Author2, N2. (year of publication). Title of article.
Title of journal, Volume (issue), page number.

Biagi, F., & Lucifora, C. (2008). Demographic and education

effects on unemployment in Europe. Labour Economics, 15,
Referencing journal articles using APA format

3. When citing an article with three or more authors, the

presentation follows the format for two authors in the first

Phelps, R., Nhung, H. T. T., Graham, A., & Geeves, R. (2012).

But how do we learn? Talking to Vietnamese children
about how they learn in and out of school. International
Journal of Educational Research, 53, 289-302.

If there are more than seven authors, use ellipsis (…) between
the name of the sixth author and the last author. As a rule,
there should not be more than seven authors.
Notable change in the 7th edition

 Surnames and initials for up to 20 authors, instead

of 7 only, should be provided in the reference list.
Referencing journal articles using APA format

4. When two or more articles by the same author are listed in the
references, the entries should be arranged by year. That is, the earlier
article should come first.

de Castro, B.V. (2008).

de Castro, B.V. (2013).

5. When an author appears twice in the listing, once as sole author, and
then as first author of a group, the entry as sole author comes first.

de Castro, B.V. (2013).

de Castro, B.V. & De Guzman, A. (2010).
Referencing journal articles using APA format

6. When two articles have the same first author, then the listing is
arranged by the last name of the second author.

de Castro, B.V. & De Guzman, A. (2010).

de Castro, B.V. & Manalo, R. (2013).

7. When two articles have the same author or group of authors

published in the same year, then assign letter suffixes to the

de Castro, B.V. (2013a).

de Castro, B.V. (2013b).
Referencing journal articles using APA format

8. When an online article is cited, addition information about the

online host is included. The format is

N1, & Author2, N2. (year of publication). Title of article. Title of

online periodical, Volume(issue), p. Retrieved from

Since URLs are unstable, APA suggests the use of Digital Object
Identifier (DOI) instead. If the DOI is hidden, buttons like “CrossRef”
or “PubMed” are used instead.
Notable change in the 7th edition

 DOIs are formatted the same as URLs. The label

“DOI” is no longer necessary.

Instead of
doi: 10.1080/0262667.2018.1560449

We simply write
Notable change in the 7th edition

 URLs are no longer preceded by “Retrieved from,” unless a retrieval date

is needed. The website name is included and web page titles are

Instead of
Teters, M., Claessen, M., Minderhoud, N., & Phijjfer, R. (2017). The
influence offamiliness on performance in the Netherlands, 1–87.
Retrieved from

We simply write
Teters, M., Claessen, M., Minderhoud, N., & Phijjfer, R. (2017). The
influence of familiness on performance in the Netherlands, 1–87.
Referencing a book

In case the researcher used a book in his study, the

book should be included in the list of references.

For example:
Cooper D., & Schindler P. (2014). Business research
methods. New York: M Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Notable change in the 7th edition

 The publisher location is no longer included in the


For example:

Cooper D., & Schindler P. (2014). Business research

methods. M Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Referencing a website

In case the researcher used materials taken from a

website, it should be included in the list of references.

For example:

World Development Indicators. The World Bank.

2012. data-
Notable change in the 7th edition
 For ebooks
The format, platform, or device (e.g. Kindle) is no longer
included in the reference, and the publisher is included.

For example,
Bruck, M. (2009). Women in early British and Irish astronomy:
Stars and satellites [Kindle version].

We simply write
Bruck, M. (2009). Women in early British and Irish astronomy:
Stars and satellites. Springer Nature.
Notable change in the 7th edition

Clear guidelines are provided for including

contributors other than authors and editors.

For example,
When citing a TV series episode, the writer and
director of that episode should be included.

APA referencing guides

6th edition
7th edition

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