Cell , complete NOTES . With points

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ee Bie JONDAWIENTAL INIT oF vie Ccew) Sa ROBERT HOOKE (n 1665 oud honeucombeiKe =: thuect anes thio: fig self deataned mnivieotosbe. He cailledl. them “eens (means oe LITTLE ROOM) Cie He ¢ > Leeuwenhoek discovered, te. bei cella vn. water Robo vee wn 8B atacovere idee t ? fates ceined the oy 4 WW team "PROTOPLASM!, (aso known au. CYTorLAsM) “AL (ants bk Animal au made up cele A CELLIS BASIC UNIT. YE LIFE” “Su preotnt ed, ou “Sthieiden/ “Schwann Some eet Qrusn Me macle Up of a SINGLE CELL ( wae eu) these eo Ditiiaionawns. oe Sammple:- Chtamdemanas, Pe Poramoecium , & bacterta, Some these ar ornple > - 2 he ek Size. Celle ane wlated f the apeafic function. they feeforn | Soe cella, ke pebq, AVE CHANGING SHAPES . ite cells Rave porate shape a0. they cane Lopuleey, a. HOMAN BOwY have Real to pump blood, & stomach Maat--foca anck 40017 = SIMILARY, @ cell pléo Had, Celt ORGANELLES +o Peer upper function teeta maki: yg ne material ay ty the cell , cleansing Up the Seale material & Yao on Re aL made Up cells, MULTI CEU R ce INISMS | Planta , dima & HUMAN BEING: (YOU) those three 04 Qhe COMMON! %n ever cell» 1) PLASMA MEMBRANE cd Celt membrane 2) NUCLEOS (Plasma membrane) 8) CYTOPLASM Yplany ( Ay Gjaxima Rana, Be. - ws p) penta MEMBRANE(UtA) OR (CELL MEMORANE! a)9 Ut is QUTER MOST COVERING that epurcales, contents. frown EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT , 4) te TE OLLOuts Or boumitd the ENTRY EXIT y omer mated IN k OUT of eee ries coll enema. 93 Ir auo prevent: MOVEMENT OF SOME OTHER MATERIAL. dnexepre it tu couled, SELECTIVELEY PERMEABLE MEMBRANE A Substances RK CARBON DIOXIDE — AND. OXYGEN cam move Actos fhe cel membrane 4 ApPHOcers Couled, OI FFUSION, QUEENIE S Movements i Substance fra a. sola Ory ie concentkalion * aH 1c 4 Loran ee a 5 er ‘ me Dorin Inholatory qr ee high: cone: to Ld cones Coiffunen)” “le “of Oa} HIGH cone» CENW) RONMENT) Coin exhalabory ae Co, @ x ‘|horeneetta Ragin, cone tlaw cpeennaton CO. ote Ci ffuaion) heya . si GEA ceuonnen 2 inside Thus, od when CO, accumulates on hah, CONLENCHAHON rebate ~ rece 8 gn «ternal envixenment coycencenmarir % Low, “aus cop maven, parr edn f Mabxcenes mip 9 leoreonc Gutaicre the cel _the cell Sit O, entdu, inocde the cell. or f LAW OF OIFFUSION q WARY moleater ep prom HIGH CONCONCENTRA TION CONCENTRATION thoes SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE peMBRANE cated OSMosis , ES OF SOLUTION Seiad medium (More conc) i HYPO ToNIc soLUtioN Fees wea: ane Q | Cex) | } the cele har Mare ConcentKation Han ie me atum ee es Susounding it. the cett will Gain water (osts by vsriosis Such soliton iu couedt HYPOTONIC red Oohale WAH) 2 etal Rappers (1 Dea > Sate molectises fora Hough, membrane un both diecuens, Guk MORE WAreR comes yh than LEAVE. Tre ce SWELIS OF Gicie, 2%) ISOTONIC Sorution Same — (OmeSire > Game) Ett cone of i el) qi theca hos the same concentration dw. a. andings theke i NO JEMENT a BUth Aclutterr unkaed ISOTONIC SOLOTON WAH 2 > Wake molecules bao though elt meminane m berh aatchony, bu AMOUNT GOINGOUT Same Qs AMOUNT COMMA 1 A THe Cett wilt ai the SAME SIZE 3) HYPERTONIC SOLUTION the CEL hay MORE CONCENTRATION than the 2UveUndnad. THE Cee Leoaes water OSMOSIS Such a solution YU Knowh az HYPERTONIC SOLUTION, eS fex AH? Move Spal ae 7 Water pomec CAML membrane (in WA “airs eitene bul Hie , time MORE WATER LEAVES the come than, ENTERS 17. therefore, He ) Celk will SHRINK, a We A i i UPL Organism a, le 9 Qmowu 1 Unucellutay, freh , . ae d na to gen olor vi cee, 2) aH oY Plant Roots. QIPFUS ION IMPORTANCE 8) Ie io unfor te ONE 1 Senge jase ant way Y Un Ufe 9 thecell 2) tn Aawitten thus ceuawo oblain nutrdttion fit be ENV Room ENT NOTE- Plasma membrane wmade up | LIPIOS KPROTEINS ENDocy tosis .- Lhe Fvexieutty Re CaLs > Enowee WFO and ether materll [em Ub elesere/ ee: pease padtess te knoWn a EvAccytosis Sample: Amoeba, ENDOCY TOS » EE AMOEBA d the Cell membrane aluc ey fos CeLWALL D Plant cell stn adauttentp Plas COVERING, COLES CELL OALL 2) CEL WAL Jie outude the PLASMA MEMBRANE aa cai | ) : MA MEMBRANE fave RIGO ourte “A Plasma. membrane -3) CEUWALL & made Up of CELLULOSE CRC | 4) CEUULOSE W @ complex ubslanee and Provides souetwrar Shy o th plartls G PLASMOLY SIS | Ohen a slving plant cott locas water Yheough Osmnoses Weis srauin O oaa front uy feorr cou could dng pheromencn Known, Qa PLASMOLYSIS Cease k = Ontenly = fomtccond Bia AN Sep, g-4— ee tO HOw 2, or ™ CELLULAR KeeRO_OCTION HOw? Vis ee ; ae impounnie Pale ~s 3 th 0 Sr CelluigA ripeodueney e SI y : me ane NOLE CELL dlurole Qnd. form, TIO NEW CELES t 4 MOL Kaw tn determining the cso the cel ich anda bre har tok 7 att ExHiBIT OW ae s Gas BA re Rat eee 27 Renee bf PROKARYOTES , < «UL ( i EUKARYOTES J ) Size GAG SMALL (nmr tort] ysize: generally Large (8-100um) 2 Nuclear Baer Undefined Unde fined azo) 2) Nuclean + wetldefined, | Knouty Qa ~ NUCLEON and, awrounded bya NUCLEAR MEMBRANE NUCLEAR | 3) CHROMOSOME - SINGLE MORE THAN ONE cHRoMosol ts Lb) Memirvane bound. cel eraaincilee uy) Memloteune wound cel Gt ABSENT. ewganaue ane PRESENT 5) Dont have PLASTIOS containis Have PLASTIOS koncalring sc eEOep eH Y(t (An, prety ninetio CHLOROPHYLL Pokenyotes) * CN TOPLAL su] pRDTOPLASM Ute staln (colour) oe Orv ike ve fnside the plasma membrane 7 .d alo ie eothee CELL ORGANELLES pe Each CEL oRANenes performs apreiRe furcton Note +- vuuses lock memuronet and. hence donot anouy any cnorcaeroisl 4 ule unt ey enter a uae ws fee Bin og and ie ah ce Mee ui CELLS KNOL ATADCEUS Gu Qhieto at ons wav } Cell Wall permis the celt g planta , fungi and oreteria N vey dklute exteunal media, © urdu Be HOw 2 q CHYPOTONIC) shy 3 . tn wth media the cel tends to take Up Walter by Osmosis, The cell SWELIS UP , bulldiag PRESSURE agains the an THE WALL EXERTS EQUAL PRESSURE AGAINST Tne SWOLLEN CELL Plant thus the, cell does mot BURST and Can dthaland much, rector u han ANIMAL CEUs , NUCLEUS CPINK COLOUR) | (NC put SAPRANIN SOLUTION On the ONIONPEEL. We obsex ve Mat © One park of the colt ad eolowredl hich ls Nucleus - nucleus ES eon punite SARK PINK Othe nucleus fas a double layexed, ing carted NUCLEAR Mem eRANE NUCLEAR MEMBRANE has PORES (BT) , hich Dranojur materdal fom INSIBE NUCLEUS To 0UBIKE CyToPLASM. 2 = vinible-ad 3) Nuctevs Contains CHROMOSOMES “which are ROO LIKE sTRUCTORES wiaiste oy hen the Cell ISABUT To AIVIAE 3.1) CHROMOSOMES contain information — fov' INH ITANICELE FEATURES fom paneru” to nent GENERATION . un. trim 4 RNA" COE OXY RIBO NUCLEIC ACIO) a ro Mf Z. PROTEIN, Chicomooru ane made 4 DNA and. prlein [ORE 2 CHROMOSOMES = ONA + PROTEIN | imiiRoMOSO Mien Minto Bit) Funckonal Shunt 4 RNA anecatted 6 Genes. FUNCT ONAL ST@MENT * be ANA L (@entes) iy, AEUTS f ') ENNO PeAsmic RETicuum Cee) x Hed Laxae neticork of membrane bound. tube k sheetd Ad Like Lo buloules Or round oy ebloy vesicles) ‘MILAR 4 de AbuLeUre tp PLASMA Memepant Two Tees — ') ROUGH ENAOPLASMIC RETICULUM (RER) e +) SMOOTH GraorLasmic RETICULUM (SER) SRER Looks a0. unde Kniseocobe , becouoe it hay portioles COL RIBOSOMES arfoched toil ZA en 160304 > Ribosemes ane gi tes (ee MANV EA cTURY ENOOPLAS MIC ReTIeV LUM + Une MANUEACTURED PROTEIN gre then sent to vores places Papen OM N&tD, uting the CR | + The SER heips in manu ufaucta ve of fal molecules o upiels don parca fr Celt furction a) MEMBRANE G10 GENaSIS (Function { ER) Some y the protein (pom RER) k Uprola (prom SeR- : Smoot Ganda pla mite Retiolum) hi Ab oullettwa the Cu mentirane. thu proces w Coulecl Membrane Biogenesis. |b) ER AeKves Qo channels the Deccan pore 4 marewals _ pecially prolein) o)ed voruicut regions 4 the CYTOPLASH . | © OR Berweer CYTPLASM AN NUCLEUS AY ane ER aluo furelion as a cyto ework Age Meanie promeicork | jes wre fce Pr biochemical activites nceu. e) SER pee A kutial sole in dETOXY FYING) DRUGS . eh oa Polson ik 5.95 cw GOLGI APPARATUS (qa) sae Grol appartd, fort” deovdbed by - Camillo Goa * CONSIST OF SYSTEM membrane - bound vesicles : - amang.d appoints psa to aah ath > Sa caved CISTERNS =~. Eu@t SSvy APPARATUS "they often have CONNECTIONS WITH ER, FuNeTION:— 1) Une material SYNTHESISED near ER is eo aud, isp arched to various, faxgels inside & Outside fhecell though GA (Crolae Apparat) 2) Us lions include STORAGE: MOWIFICATION, & PACKAGING i procluelia in vesicles. 2) Complex is made from SIMPL? SUGAR wn Golo 4) Goer appARATUS also form EYsaso Mes > +LYsosomes % “WASTE DISPOSAL Ayulemn of Cell . Keep the rev clean LgrUling POREIGAL MATERiAL | * fopet vy materials ontenine, theceth, Auch at Vieterla er pods a WL as oleh organelles ema up tr Wysasomes - coche break them INTO SMALL riacts | How do thu hopper? lysosome omnin, Poweerur DIGESTIVE AnryME Lopate of Ureaking aousn aut Organic marnial. oy 7 1PUsOMD | é Coued “suicide $0fa oF Ue cee” ($80TC) t Maburoance tr S cellar melase i NUDO UA NY. porexample eeu ga ta Aarrage6, Lyi Lysosome way are Po gon a ot THEIR OON CELL therefore, 1 wool (ee € O= Lysosomes . MITOCHONDRIA POWER HOUSE OF THE CCL SUN] ENERGY HOG wired, for various chemical actiyin'e weeded pr rife ta eae i, Peereaiias we the-for Coe CAdenosine TR! Ptos Ptios pho) - S pTe uw Knousn ay, ENERHY CURRENCY of the cell. + USE OF ATP- Bee Uses enero _stovedt in Att, fr A neus chericak orp ound anes for mechanical cork + Mitecnondic now +000 MEMBRANES OVTER MEMBRANE- OLS, : alg Méthondria. - 2) INNER MEMBRANE - pee i afte u Yee pulse cwore a Oren mc ed yor ATP GENERATION . Here to, aks STRANGE ORCANEUES Uy senee thar they hove. ter OWN ANA and RIGOSOMES _ a Mitechondia- con make thér OWN Protein, p PLASTI OS * Present on in plane ce. Qhe Sy / . i em paatcas -0CHROMOPLASTS UR in ‘tt % ») LEVCOPLASTS con COLOUR es. oy fam * Plantioy eontining pigment onto Suaeitefaaty (imbor taint for Protoagnedneat Chlorroptast al4o LOnbain vastous # Lexcopeocats ave fa Auch on SOMch, BL ard” pro or planta) . t nae oR RANK pigment es on Which matrtas bein, qronules Ore STORED. * Lhe fntenal pile are 4 plaatrels pe Nemes mem fl = what: Ee: embedded ina maleu | OME STROMA. 72+ embeanea, | ey ® Uke mitochondrug., Be alto have their own ON ee (oesores 2 Vacvoles a 4 Voruoled ave STORAGE SACS Plant cou

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