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Equity and Trusts Reading List-1

EQUITY AND TRUSTS (Makerere University)

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About the Course:

The course relates to the application of fairness to both substantive and
procedural law. It seeks to justify the evolution of equity, its governing
principles, the nature of equitable interests and the remedies available to
aggrieved parties. The student is introduced to the concept of a trust, how it
is set up, the different types of trusts and the principles governing each of

Course objectives:
(a) To assist a student appreciate that the evolution of equity and its
applicability in all spheres of the law to ensure that justice is always done.

(b) To introduce a student to the principles governing equitable remedies

that are available in all spheres of the law to aggrieved parties.

(c) To introduce a student to the concept of a trust and its importance in

the areas of devolution of property.

Learning Outcome:
The course is intended to enhance a student’s ability to do the following:

(i) Ensure that as an Advocate/lawyer, just solutions are always found to

the various issues that may arise from time to time.

(ii) Advise parties on the use of a trust for the devolution of property.

Mode instruction:
 At the commencement of the course, students are availed with reading
lists, which indicate the topics to be covered, and the respective
reading materials for the respective topics. It is expected that the
student uses this list in preparation for each lecture.

 The students are introduced to each topic and guided on the principles
therein. Thereafter, students will be given different possible scenarios
and they will be required to make an attempt at resolving the issues
arising from such scenarios.

 Students are further encouraged to also formulate their problems for

discussion during the lectures.

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 A coursework will be administered during the coursework week to be

marked out of 30 marks.

 Further, an examination will be given at the end of the semester to be

marked out of 70 marks. This examination will contain 06 questions
out of which a student will only attempt 04 questions, answers to which
should be written within 03 hours and 30 minutes. This examination
shall be a closed book, and no student will refer to any materials of
whatever nature during the examination.


Basic Texts:
Bakibinga D.J., Equity and Trusts in Uganda (Fountain Publishers 2003)
Graham Moffat., Trusts Law: test and materials (Cambridge, 2005)
Alastair Hudson., Equity and Trusts (Cavendish 2001)
Kodilinye, G. An Introduction to Equity In Nigeria (Sweet & Maxwell,
Roger Samuels Equity and Trusts (sweet and Maxwell)
Curzon, L. Equity & Trusts (Cavendish Publishing, 1995)
Jegede, M. I. Principles of Equity (Ethiope Publishing Corporation, Benin,
Fabunmi, J.O. Equity & Trusts In Nigeria (University of Ife Press, 1986
Adigun, Case & Texts on Equity, Trusts & Administration of Estates
(Lagos, 1987)
Hanbury & Maudsley, Modern Equity (Sweet & Maxwell 15th Ed, 1997)
Snell, E.H. T. et al, The Principles of Equity (Sweet & Maxwell, 29th Ed,
Pettit. Equity & The Law of Trusts (7th Ed. Butterworth, 1993
Spry, J.C.F. Equitable Remedies (Sweet & Maxwell, 4th Ed., 1990)
Todd, P. Equity & Trusts: Text, Cases & Materials (Blackstone Press,
Megarry, The Law of Real Property (Stevens 3rd Ed, 1966) Chapter 4
Hayton & Marshall, Cases and Commentary on the Law of Trusts & Equitable
Remedies (10th Ed.)
Keeton, An Introduction to Equity (6th Ed)
Nathan & Marshall, A Case Book on Trusts (5th Ed)
Maitland, Equity (Brunyate Ed. 1949)
Story on Equity (Randll, 3rd Ed)


(i) General:
Kerly, A Historical Sketch of the Equitable Jurisprudence (3rd Ed) P.25
Maine, Ancient Law (10th Ed.) p. 8.
Raja Binti Salim Bin Busaidi v Hamed Bin Busaidi [1962] E.A. 248.
Robert Koney v. Union Trading Co. Ltd. (1934) 2 W.A.C.A. 188
Apata Iamh of Akuku v. Freeman Ogbeki (1955-56) W.R.N.L.R. 73, 77
Ashogbon v. Oduntan (1930 12 N.L.R. 7
Aghenghen v. Wanghoregoh (1974) I ALL N.L.R. 81, 88

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(ii) Origins of English Equity:

The Provisions of Oxford
The Statute of Westminster
(iii) Nature of Chancery Jurisdiction
(iv) Content of Equity
(a) Exclusive Jurisdiction: Creation of New Rights
(b) Concurrent Jurisdiction: Creation of New Remedies
(c) Auxiliary jurisdiction: Creation of New Procedure
(v) Relation Between Equity & Common Law
(a) Inevitable conflict: Common law courts & chancery court jurisdiction:
Coke & Ellesmere
Resolution of conflict & effect thereof:
The Earl of Oxford's case (1615) 1 Rep. Ch. 1.

(b) Efforts at Reform:

Common Law Procedure Acts, 1852, 1854, 1860.
Chancery Amendment Act, 1852
Lord Cairn's Act, 1858
Judicature Acts, 1873-75 (U.K)
(c) Administration of Equity In Uganda Legal System:
Sempa Mbabali v Kidza [1985] HCB 46 bonafide purchaser for value
John Oitamong v Mohammed Olinga [1985] HCB86 Delay &
Sekayombya v. Uganda Steel Copr [1984] HCB 42 restituo in intergrum
Sheikh Kagimu Mulumba & Ors [1980] HCB 110 temporary injunction
Bishari v. Vitafoam Ltd. Civil Appeal No.29/92 (S.C.) Specific
In the Matter of Kasiita Estates Ltd. [1982] HCB 107 rectification of
Kenyi v. Grindlays Bank (U) Ltd [1982] HCB 116 discovery of
Odido v Lebel (EA) Ltd & 2Ors [1987] HCB 77 temporary Injunction
Yesero Mugenyi v. Wandera [1987] HCB 78 “ “
Wasswa v. Kakooza [1987] HCB 79 “ “
Devani v. Badressa [1972] EA 22 “ “
Musoke v Kezaala [1987] HCB 81 “ “
Serunjogi v. Katabira [1988-90] HCB 149 specific performance
Mugalula v. Musoke & Ors [1984] HCB 53 constructive trust
Mugimu v. Basabosa [1991] HCB 70 Mareva injunction
Farah Alli v. Mayambaza [1991] HCB 97 temporary injunction
UCB v. General Parts (U) Ltd [1992-1993] HCB 210 injunction

Repugnancy Doctrine
Rex v. Amkeyo (1917) 7 F.A.L.R.14
Mohammed v. R. [1963] E.A.18
Ole Olos v. Nalulus Kidoki (1915) 5 E.A.L.R. 210 (Kenya)
Guao bin Kilimo v. Kisunda bin Ifuti (1938) 1 T.L.R.403 (Tanganyika)
Kwe Ku Kodieh v. Kwami Afram (1930) 1 W.A.C.A 12
Ashiemoa v. Bani [1959] G.L.R. 130

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Karuru v. Njeri [1968] E.A. 361

Specific Situations
1. Liability of An Executor For Assets
Crosse v. Smith (1806) 7 East. 246
Job v. Job (1877) 6 Ch. D. 562.

2. Agreement for A Lease

Ss. 25 (11) J.A. 1873
Judicature Act Cap 13 S. 14(4)
Walsh v. Lonsdale (1882) 21 Ch. D. 9.

Chidiak v. Coker (1954) 14 W.A.C.A. 506

Grosvenor v Rogan Kamper (1974) E.A. 446
Ibeziako v. Chinekwe (1972) 2 E.C.S.L.R.71.
Tottenham Hotspur Football & Athlebic Co v.
Princegrave Publishers [1974]1 All ER 17.

3. Joint Undertaking
(Lowe v. Dixon (1885) 16 Q.B.D. 455, 458)
4. Variation of Deed
Berry v. Berry (1929) 2KB 316
High Trees Case (1947) KB 130
Ajayi v. Briscoe (1964) 3 ALL E.R. 556

Did J.A. 1873-75 Fuse common law & Equity?

Conflicting views: Maitland, Lectures On Equity Hohfeld 11 Mich. L. Rev
537 (1913). Justice Stone 18 Coll. Rev. 97 (1918)
View: fusion of admin of justice & common law & equity:
Nelson v. Larholt (1948) 1 KB 339, 343: per Denning J. High Trees case
(1947) KB 130, 135.
Errington v. Errington (1952) 1 KB 290
- View J Acts only created common crt for admin of law & equity. Did not
fuse law & equity.
Pugh v. Heath (1882) 7 App. cas. 235, 237
Jegede, p. 31.
Kodilinye, p. 8.
Malek Sultan v Sheraj (1953) 22 EACA 142
Joseph v. Lyons (1883) 15 Q.B.D. 280, 286
The Wakf Commissioners v. The Public Trustee (1959) E.A. 368
Ind Coope v. Emmerson (1887) 12 Ap. cas 300, 308
Mouat v. Clark Boyce [1992] 2NZLR 559
Salt v. Cooper (1880) 16 Ch.D. 544
Seager v Copydex [1967] 2 All E.R.415
Vishram Danju v. Lalji Ruda [1957] E.A110


(i) Equity will not Suffer A Wrong to be W/o A Remedy
(ii) Equity follows Law

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(iii) Where There Is Equal Equity Law Prevails

(iv) Where Equities are Equal, First In Time prevails

Illustrations: Cave v. Cave (1880) 15 Ch. D. 6;30.

Rice v. Rice (1854) 2 Drew 73
Dearle v. Hall (1828) 3 Russ. 1
(v) He Who Seeks Equity Must Do Equity
- doctrine of election
- Notice to redeem mortgage
- Consolidation of mortgages
- Illegal loans
Lodge v. National Union Investment Co. (1907) 1 Ch. 300
Kasunmu v. Adebanjo (1956) A.C. 539.

(vi) He Who Comes to Equity Must Come With Clean Hands

Gill v. Lewis (1956) Q.B. 1, 13, 14, 17
Coatsworth v. Johnson (1886) 54 L.T. 520.
Loughran v. Loughran 292 U.S. 216 (1934).
(vii) Delay Defeats Equities (Doctrine of Laches)
Smith v. Clay (1767) 3 Broc. c. 639
Lindsay Petroleum Co. v. Hurd (1874) L.R. 5P.C. 221
Nwakobi v. Nzekwu (1964) 1 WLR 1019
NB effect of Limitation Statutes:
Limitation Act
Illustrations: Fagbemi v. Aluko (1968) 1 ALL NLR 233
Aganran v. Olushi (1907) 1 N.L.R. 66
Ibeziako v. Abutu (1954) 3 E.N.L.R 24
Ephraim v. Asuquo (1923) 4 NLR 98
Mulji Jetha Ltd v. C.I.T. [1967] E.A.50.
(viii) Equality Is Equity
- Application in 3 situations:
(a) Presumption of Tenancy In Common
- property in equal shares
- Lake v. Gibson (1729) 1 Eq. Ca Abr 290
- Loan on mortgage
- Partnership
(b) Severance of Joint Tenancy
Brown v. Raindle (1796) 3 Ves 256
Ipaye v. Aribisala (1930) 10 NLR 10
(c) Equal Division
S.28 Succession Act Cap 162
In Re Bower's Settlement Trusts Ch. 197
Jones v. Maynard (1957) 1 Ch. 572

(ix) Equity Looks At Substance Rather Than Form

Constitution of Uganda 1995 (as amended) —Article 126(2)(e)
URA v. Stephen Mabrosi C.A. 1995 (Supreme Court)
(a) Time Clauses
(b) Consider s.11, Sale of Goods Act, Cap.82.

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(c) Covenants
Catt v. Tourle (1869) 4 Ch. App. 654
(c) Mortgages
(d) Instrument of Repossession
Jaffer Bros Ltd. v. Haji Bagalaaliwo
Civil Appeal No. 43 of 1997 (C.A Uganda)
(e) Penalties & Forfeitures
(f) Ambalal & Co. v. Durga Das Bawa 23 EACA 68
(g) Equitable Assignment
S. 25 (6) J.A. 1873.
(h) Deeds
Jefferys v. Jefferys (1841) Cr & Ph.
National & Grindlays Bank Ltd v. Dharamshi Vallabhji [1966] E.A.186.

(x) Equity Looks on That As Done which Ought to Be Done

(a) Ag for a lease
Walsh v. Lonsdale (1882) 21 Ch. D.9
Savage v. Sarrough (1937)
Grasvenor v. Rogan Kamper [1974] EA 446
(b) Conversion

(xi) Equity Imputes An Intention to Fulfil An Obligation

Based on doctrines of Performance & Satisfaction.

(xii) Equity Acts in Personam

(xiii) Judicature Act, Cap 13, S. 38.
Rochefoucauld v. Boustead (1897) 1 Ch. 196
Penn v. Lord Baltimore (1750) 1 Ves Sen 444
Bata Shoe Co. v. Melikian (1956) 1F.S.C. 100
Ayinule v. Abimbola (1957) LLR 41

A. Nature of Equitable Rights/Interests

Rights in Rem or Personam
Sinclair v. Brougham (1914) A.C. 855
Rights Based on Common Law
Rights created by Equity
Distinction: Legal & Equitable interests?
Osagie v. Oyeyinka (1985) 3N.W.L.R. 52 C.A.
Lwanga v Registrar of Titles [1980] .C.B 23
Types of Equitable Interests
(i) Estate Contracts
Walsh V. Lonsdale (supra)
Ogunbambi v. Abowba (1951) 13 W.C.A. 225.
Oluwu v. Oshinubi (1958) LLR 21.
Orosanmi v. Idowu (1959) 4F.S.C.
Obijuru v Ozims (1985) 2 N.W.L.R. 167 S.C applying Ogunbambi.

(ii) Restrictive Covenants

Tulk v. Moxhay (1848) 2 Ph. 774.

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(iii) Mortgagor's Equity of Redemption

(iv) Equitable Mortgage
- Mge of Eq. interest
- Ag to create mge creates eq. mge
- Deposit of Title Deeds
Conveyancing Act, 1881 (U.K), S. 19.
Registration of Titles Act (Cap 230), S. 129.
- Equitable charge
- Equitable lien
Ayorinde v. Scott CCCHJ/2/72, P. 149.

B. The Doctrine of Notice

(i) Nature
Buckland v. Gibbins (1863) 32 L.J. Ch. 391, 395 per Lord Westbury L.C
Assaf v. Oyinloye (1951) 20 N.L.R. 1.
(a) Actual Notice
Perham v. Kempster (1907) 1 Ch. 373, 379.
Hummani Ajoke v. A. Y. Oba (1958) W.N.L.R. 208, 210
Lawton v. Gordon (1869) 37 Cal 202, 206.
Lloyd v. Banks (1868) 3 Ch. App 488
R.T.A (Cap 230) S. 64.
(b) Constructive Notice
Williamson v. Brown (1857) 15 N.Y. 354, 362 per Slden J.
Need for Inquiry
Wilson v. Hart (1866) L.R. 1 Ch. 463, 467 per Turner L.J.
Oliver v. Hinton (1899) 2 Ch. 264.
Akingbade v. Elemesho (1964) 1 All N.L.R. 154.
Labinjo v. Olufunmise No. LD/355/68 unreported 1882, s. 3(1).
Obijuru v. Ozims [1985] 2 NWLR 167,181 (S.C. Nigeria)
Ogunbambi v. Abowab (Supra)
Kabba & Anor v. D.S. Young (1944) 10 W.A.C.A 135.
Hunt v. Luck (1902) 1 Ch. 428.
Olowu v. Oshinubi (Supra)
Sanusi Imam v. Sanni Dawoudu (1960) W.N.L.R. 150.
Crayem v. Consolidated African Selection Trust Ltd (1949) 12
W.A.C.A. 443.

(c) Imputed Notice

Orasanmi v. Idowu (1959) 4.F.S.C. 40
G.B. Ollivant Ltd. v. Alakija (1950) 13 W.A.C.A. 63, 67.
Omosanya v. Anifowoshe (1959) 4 F.S.C. 94.
Rolland v. Hart (1871) L.R. 6 Ch. 678.
Jared v. Clements (1903) 1 Ch. 428.
Okunubi v. Assaf (1951) 13 W.A.C.A. 226.
Mountford v. Scott 37 E.R 1105 (1823).
Conveyancing Act, 1882, S. 3(1)
In Re Cousins (1886) 31 Ch.D. 671.
Okunubi v Assaf (supra)

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Sharpe v. Foy (1868) 4 Ch. App. 35.

(ii) The Impact of Registration Legislation on the Doctrine of Notice.
R.T.A (Cap 230), Ss. 48, 54.
Amankra v. Zankley (1963) 1 All N.L.R.
(a) Johnson v. Onisiwo (1943) 9 W.a.C.A. 189.
Omosanya v. Anifowosho (Supra)
Ogunro v. Ogunro (1960 L.L.R. 20.
Ricketts v. Shotte S.C. 46/1/61 of 4/4/63 unreported
Akingbode v Elemesho (1964) 1 All NCR 154.
Ashimi v. Oke S.C. 296/62 of 19/10/66 unreported.

(b) Effect of R.T.

Balogun v. Salami (1963) 1 All NLR 129, 138.
R.T.A., SS. 46(4), (3), 11.
Johnson v. Onisiwo (Supra)

Equitable Remedies & Doctrines of Equity

Equitable Remedies


1. Nature and Effect

Clough v. London & Northwestern Rly Co (1871) L.R. & Exch. 26

Abram Steamship Co. v. Westville Shipping Co. [1923] A.C. 773
Erlanger v. New Sombrero Phosphate Co. (1878) 3 App Caslas
1218, 1278
2. Grounds

(a) Mistake

(i) Common Mistake

Huddersfield Banking Co. v Henry Lister & Son [1895] 2Ch 273
Solle v. Butcher [1950] 1K.B.671 C.A.
Bell v. Lever Bros [1932] A.C. 161 H.L.

(ii) Unilateral Mistake

Cundy v Lindsay (1878) 3 App. Cas 459

Phillips v Brooks Ltd. [1919] 2 K.B. 243
Lewis v Averay [1971] 3 All E.R. 907
Ingram v Little [1960] 3 All E.R. 332
Boulton v Jones [1857] 2H & N564

(iii) Requirement that Mistake Must Be Operative

Raffles v Wichelhaus (1864) 2H & C906.


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Felthouse v Bindley (1862) II C.B. (N.S.) 869: (1874) I.R. 9QB.

Cundy v Lindsay (Supra)
Boulton v. Jones (supra)
Smith v. Hughes (1871) L.R. 6Q.B.597
Scriven v. Hindley & Co. [1913] 3 K.B. 564.

(iv) Mistake In Equity

Mitigating Role

Smith v. Hughes (Supra)

Bell v. Lever Bros (Supra)
Cundy v. Lindsay (Supra)


 Mistake of Fact

- Non-Fundamental Mistake
Colyer v Clay (1843) 7 Beav 188.

- Mistake as to Value

Re Garnett (1885) 21 Ch.D. 1.

Campbell v. Edwards [1976] 1 WLR 403.

- Expectation

Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. v John Walker [1977]

IWCR 164.

 Mistake of Law

Allcard v Walker [1896] 2 Ch. 369

Solle v Butcher (supra)
Cooper v. Phibbs (1867) L.R. 2H.L. 149.

(b) Misrepresentation

(i) Innocent

Derry v. Peek [1896] 14 App Cas 337

University of Nigeria. Nsukka v Turner & Ors 1968 (I) ALR. Comm 90.
Ajayi v Eberu 1974(I0 ALR Comm 155.

(ii) Fraudulent

Derry v Peek (supra)

Peek v. Gurney (1873) LR 6HL

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Horsfall v. Thomas (1862) 1H & C 90

Sule v. Aromire [1951] 20 NKR 20.
(c) Constructive Fraud

Johnson v Maja (1951) 13 W.A.C.A. 290.

Wingrove v Wingrove (1855) 11 P.O.91
Johnson v Williams (1935) 2 W.A.C.A 248
Taylow v Brew (1942) 2 W.A.C.A. 201
William v Franklin [1961] 1 ALL. ALR. 128.

(d) Non Disclosure of Material Facts

Century Insurance Co. Ltd. V. Atumiya 1966 (2) ALR Comm. 314.

3. Loss of Right to Rescind

(a) Affirmation

Taiwo v. Princewell [1961] 1 All NLR 240

Ajayi v. Eberu (Supra)
(b) Restituo in Integrum Impossible

Blackhurn v Smith (1848) 2EX 783

Erlanger v. New Sombrero Phosphate Co. (supra)
Uganda Steel Corp. [1984] HLB 42
(c) Complete Contract

Bada v. The Premier Thrift Society (1938) 14NLR20

Wilde v Gibson (1848) 1HLC 605: 9ER

(d) Third Party acquiring rights in the contract Oakes v Turguand (1967)
L.R. 2 HL 325


1. Rationale

Lavell Christmas Ltd v. Wall (1911) 104 L.T. 85

2. Scope & Nature of the Remedy

(a) Conveyancing Documents

White v White (1872) L.R. 15 Eq. 247

(b) Leasehold Agreements

Murray v Parker (1854) 19 Beav. 305

Oyadiran v Baggett (1962) LLR. 96

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(c) Building Contracts

Roberts & Co. v. LCC [1961] Ch. 555

(d) Insurance Policies

Motteux v. London Assurance Co. (1739) IAEK 545

Spalding v. Crocker (1897) 2 Comm. Cas. 189.

(e) Bills of Exchange

Druiff v. Parker (1868) L.R.5 Eq 131. 139

(f) Marriage Settlement

Welman v Welman (1880) 15 Ch. D.570

(g) Company Register

In the Matter of Kasiita Estates Ltd [1982] HEB 107

(h) Unrectifiable Documents

- Will

Collins v Elstone (1893) P.1 and p.4

- Memorandum & articles of Association

Scott v. Scott (1940) Ch. 794, 801

Evans v. Chapman (1002) 86 LT 381, 382.

(i) Rectification Limited to Harmonisation of Written

With Intention of Parties

Mackenzie v. Coulson (1869) L.R. 8 Eq. 368

Rose Ltd. V W.H. Pim Ltd [1953] 2 ALL E.R. 739
Tucker v Bennett (1888) 38 Ch. 1, 16

3 Grounds for Rectification

(a) Existence of Finally Concluded Contract

Mackenzie v. Coulson (Supra)

Rose v Pim (Supra)
Shipley U.D.C. v Bradford Corporation [1936] Ch. 375, 395.
Cradock v. Hunt [1923] Ch. 136

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(b) Common Mistake

Murray v Parker 1854) 19 Beav. 305

Rose v Pim (supra)

(c) Continuing Intention of Parties

Gillespie v. Burdis (1943) 169 LT 91, 92

Tucker v Bennet (1888) Ch. 1, 16
Murray v Parker (supra)
Rose v Pim (supra)
Oyadiran v Baggett (supra)
Olabowale v Manuki (1971) UILR 145
Whiteside v Whiteside [1950] Ch. 65, 76

(d) Burden of Proof

Crane v Hegeman-Harris Co. Inc. [1939] 1 All E.R. 662

Murray v Parker (supra)
Oyadiran v Baggett

(e) Mistake of Law

Midland G.W. Rly v Johnson (1858) 6H.L.C 798, 10 E.R. 1059

Napier v Williams [1911] 1 Ch. 361
Whiteside v Whiteside (supra)

(f) Unilateral Mistake

Clark v. Girdwood (1877) 7 Ch. D. 9.C.A.
Roberts & Co. Ltd v. Leicestershire C.C. [1961] Ch. 555, 573
Snell, Principles of Equity (23rd Ed.) p. 569
Pagett v Marshall (1885) 28 Ch. D. 255.
Bloomer v. Spittle [1872] L.R. 13 eg. 427

4. Refusal of Remedy of Rectification

(a) Contract Incapable of Performance

Borrowman v Russel (1864) 16 CBNS 58
Smith v Jones [1954] 2 All E.R. 823.

(b) Convenient Way of Reconciling Agreement with Written

Walker Property Investment Ltd. V Walker (1947) 177 L.T. 204.
Whiteside v Whiteside (supra)
Wilson v Wilson (1854) H.L. Cas 40
Re Bacharach’s W.T. [1959] Ch. 245
Re Alexander’s Settlement [1910] Ch. D.225, 229

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Fallett. Re: [1955] 2 All E.R. 22.

(c) Contract Fully Performed

Caird v Moss (1886) 33 Ch. D.22

(d) Laches & Acquiescence

Fredensen v Rothschild [1941] 1 All E.R. 430 (30 yrs)

Burroughts v. Abott [1922] 1 Ch. 86. [1921] All E.R. Rep. 709
Beale v Kyte [1907] 1 Ch. 564. 566


1. Rationale

Story on Equity (3rd Ed) p.294

Hoore v Bremridge (1872) 8 Ch. App. 22
Brooking v Maudslay, Son & Field (1888) 38 Ch. D. 636
Gray v Mathias (1800) 5 Ves 28
Simpson v. Lord Howden (1837) 3 My & Cr97
Davis v Duke of Marlborough (1819) 2 Swan. 108. 157
Underhill v. Horwood (1804) 10 Ves. 209
Cooper v. Joel (1859) 27 Beav. Affd (1859) Ide & GF & J 240

2. Documents to be Delivered Up

Wynne v. Callander (1826) 1 Russ 293

Peake v. Highfield 1 Russ 559
Bromley v Holland (1802) 7 Ves. 3
Kemp v. pryor (1802) 7 Ves. 237
De Facto Works Ltd. V Odumotun Trading Co. (1959) LL. R. 53

3. Requirements for Delivery Up

Ideal Bedding Co. Ltd v Holland [1907] 2 Ch. 157

Booking v Maudslay, Son & Field (supra)

4. Discretionary Nature of Remedy

Lodge v. National Union Investment Co. Ltd. [1907] 1 Ch. 300;

[1904-7] All E.R Rep 333
Kasunmu v Baba-Egbe [1956] A.C. 539. 549; [1956] All E.R. 266,270
Adagun v. Fagbola (1932) II N.L.R. 110.


A. Doctrine of Election

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1. Nature

Re Edwards [1958] Ch. 168

2. Requirements for Election

(a) Intention to Dispose of Property

Cooper v Cooper (1874) L.R. 7H.K.53

Drummer v Pitcher (1833) 2 Myl & K 262
Re Harris [1909] 2 Ch. 206.

(b) Property of Another Is Disposed Of

(i) Property Capable of Alienation

Re Lord Cheshem (1886) 31 Ch. D. 466

Re Dicey [1957] Ch. 145
Brown v. Gregson [1920] A.C. 860

(ii) Void Disposition

Tomtyns v Blane (1860) 28 Beav. 422. 428

Re Oliver’s Settlement [1905] 1 Ch. 191, 197
Re Nash [1910] 1 Ch. 1
Gray, Rule Against Perpetuities (4th Ed) para 556

(iii) Appointment to Object With Proviso in favour

of Non-object

Re: Nash (Supra)

(iv) Title Independent of Instrument Raising Issue

of Election

Wollaston v. King (1869) L.R. Eq. 165

Re Macartney [1918] 1 Ch. 3000

(c) Gift of Property to Person Electing

Re Vardon’s Trusts (1885) 31 Ch. D. 275

Haynes v. Forster [1901] 1 Ch. 361
Re: Wheatley (1884) 27 Ch.D 606, 612

3. Effect of Election

Pickersgill v Rodger (1875) 5 Ch.D. 163

Re Booth [1906] 2 Ch. 321

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Kidney v. Coussmaker (1806) 12 Ves. 136

Re Hancock [1905] 1 Ch. 16

B. Doctrine of Satisfaction

Definitions: Ademption
Lord Chickesler v. Coventry (1862) L. R24 L 71, 95

1. Satisfaction of Debts by Legacies

(a) General Rule

Hammond v Smith (1804) 33 Beav. 452

Re Hall [1918] 1 Ch. 562
Thynne v Glengall (1848) 2HL. C. 131

(b) Exceptions

(i) Existence of Debt before Will

Rawlins v Powel (1718) 1 PWms 297

Horlock v. Wiggins (1888) 3 a Ch.D 142
(ii) Direction to Pay Debts In Will

Bradshaw v Huish (1889) 43 Ch. D. 260

(iii) Legacy Equal to Debt

Barrett v Beckford (1750) 1 Ves. Sen 519

Re Hawes [1951] 2 Hll E.R. 928

2. Satisfaction of Portion of Debts by Legacies: Rule Against

Double Portions

(a) Nature of a Portion

Re Hayward [1957] Ch. 528

Taylor v Taylor (1875) L.R. 20 Eq. 155
Re Lacon (1891) 2 Ch. 482
Hoskins v. Hoskins (1706) Prec. Ch. 263

(b) To Whom Does Satisfaction Apply?

Pym v Lockyer (1841) 5 Myl & Cr. 29

Ojule v Okoya [1972] 1 All N.L.R. (1) 385

(c) Strength of Presumption


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Warren v Warren (1783) 1 Brocc.

Re Tussaud’s Estate (1878) 9 Ch. D 363
Re Shields [1912] 1 Ch. 291
Re Blundell [1906] 2 Ch. 222

3. Satisfaction of Portion Debts by Portions

4. Ademption of Legacies by Portions

C. Doctrine of Performance

1. Nature

Sowden v Sowden (1785) 1 Cox Eq. 165, 166

2. Situations where doctrine applies

(i) Covenants in Marriage Settlements

Lord Lechmere v Lady Lechmere (1733) 3 PWms 211

Tubbs v. Broadwood (1831) 2 Russ & M 487

(ii) Intestacy/Covenants to leave money

Blandy v Widmore (1716) 1 Pwms 323

Oliver v Brickland (1732) 3 AEK.420


I. Definition

Common Law Procedure Act, 1854 (U.K.)

Judicature Act Cap 13. S.38
Beddow v Beddow (1878) 9 Ch. D. 89,93 per Jessel, M.R.
Day v. Brownrigg (1878) 10 Ch. D, 294, 301.

II. Types of Injunctions

A. Prohibitory & Mandatory Injunctions

Sky Petroleum Ltd. v. I.P. Petroleum Ltd. (1974) 1 WLR 576

Jackson v. Normandy Brick Co. (1899) 1 Ch. 438
A.G. v. Colchester Corporation (1955) 2 Q.B. 207
Pride of Derby Angling Association v. British Celanese Co. [1953] Ch.

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B. Perpetual & Interlucutory Injunctions


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(i) - Perpetual Injunction

Odunuwa v. Uduaga (1952) 14 W.A.C.A. 187
Babumba v. Bunju [1988-90] HCB 119

(ii) - Interlocutory Injunction

Jones v Pacaya Rubber & Produce Co. [1911] 1 K.B.

Laximidas v Shell & BP(U) Ltd. [1971] HCB 225

Musoke v Kezaala [1987] HCB 81

C. Exparte-Injunctions
Civil Procedure Rules (SI 71-1)
Yoseri Mugenyi v. Wandera [1987] HCB 78
Wasswa v. Kakoza [1987] HCB 79

D. Interim Injunctions

Fenwick v East London RY (1875) L.R. 20 Eq.

E.Quia Timet Injunction

Fletcher v. Bealley (1885) 28 Ch. D. 688.


C. General Principles
(iii) Injunction – Discretionary Remedy & Remedy In

Aragba v. Elegba [1986] 1 NWLR 333

Chancery Amendment Act 1858, S.2 (U.K.)
Judicature Act

(ii) Non-Compliance with Injunction

Arrow (Automation) Ltd. v. Rex Chainbelt Inc. [1971] WLR 1678


(iii) Government Proceedings

Government Proceedings Act (Cap 77) S.14

Ostraco V AG (Court of Appeal)
Uganda Law Society V AG (Constitutional Court) Application
James Rwanyarare and Others V AG (Constitutional Court)
Application 2/2002

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Lastra Construction (Nig) Ltd. V.A.G. (Ondo) 1978 1 L.R.N. 363

Aina & Co v. Omitade (1979) Unreported; Adigun, 122-3

Compare with
Danze Enterprises Ltd v. Commissioner General, URA H.C.C.S. 115 of
Matovu & 3 Ors v. Attorney General [1991] HCB 88

(iv) Protection of Rights

(c) Locus Standi

CPR 0.41 Rule 1

In Re Theresa Kaddu [1980] H.C.B. 115
Thorne v B.B.C. [1957] 1 WLR 1104
Adam v Duke (1927) 8 NLR; Adigun, p. 78; per Webber, J.
A.G. v. Sharp [1931] 1 Ch. 121
A.G. v. Bastow [1957] 1 Q.B. 514
Day v Brownrigg supra
Braide v. Adoki (1931) 10 NLR 15
Wey v. L.E.D.B. [1957] LL.R. 20; Adigun, P.78
Umana v. Ewa (1923) 5 N.L.R. 25
Karama v. Aselemi (1938) 4 W.A.C.A. 150; Adigun p.80
Cotter v. Midland Ry Co. (1848) 2 Ph. 470; 41 E.R. 1025.
Ayoola v. Ogunjimi [1964] 1 All N.L.R 188
Ife Ors v. Gedi [1965] N.M.L.R. 457; Adigun p.83.
Inyang v. Udo (1944) 10 W.A.C.A. 40

Sufficient Interest

A-G ex rel. Mc Whirter v. IBA [1973] Q.B. 629

kerele v. Awolowo (1962) W.N.L.R. 220; Adigun, p. 83

(b) Legal & Equitable Rights

A-G. v. Dean & Chapter of Ripon Cathedral [1945] Ch. 329

Day v. Brownrigg supra
CPR 0.41 Rule 2
Hermann Loog v Bean (1884) 26 Ch. D. 306
South Carolina Insurance Co. v. Assurantie Maatschapii
“De Zeren Provincien” [1987] A.C 24, 40 Per Lord Goff (H.L.)
(c) Confidential Information

Prince Albert v. Strange (1849) 1 H & T. 1.

Argyll v. Argyll [1967] ch. 302
Ashburton v Pape [1913] 2ch. 469
Fraser v. Evans [1969] 1 Q.B. 349
Saltman Engineering Co. Ltd v. Campbell Engineering Ltd. [1963]
3 All E.R. 413

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(B) Perpetual Injunctions

(i) Prohibitory Injunctions
Doreen Kalema v. Nic [1987] H.C.B 73
Wasswa v. Kakooza [1987] HCB 79
Devani v Badressa [1972] E.A 22
Farah Alli v Mayambaza [1991] HCB 97
Martins Properties Ltd v. A.A. Coury (Unreported) Suit No.
LD/690/1968 (Lagos High Court)
Noormohamed Janmohamed v. Kassamali Virji Madhani (1953)
20 E.A.C.A.8
Goodson v. Richardson (1874) L.A. 9ch, App
Odunuwe v. Uduaga (1952) 14 W.A.C.A. 187; Adigun, p. 114.
Barber v. Penley (1893) 2 Ch. 447
Armstrong v. Shepard & Short [1959] 2Q.B. 384
Behrens v. Richards [1905] 2Ch.614
Glynn v. Keele University [1971] 1 WLR 487
Jenkins v. Hope [1896] 1 Ch. 278
De Facto Works v. Odumotun Trading Co. (1959) L.L.R. 33.

(ii) Mandatory Injunctions

Dowty Bouton Paul Ltd. Wolverhampton Corporation [1971] 1

WLR 204
Kelsen v. Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd [1957] Q.B. 334
Odunuwe v Udeaga supra
Charrington v. Simons & Co. Ltd [1970] 1 WLR 725
Wrotham Park Estate v. Parkside Homes Ltd. [1971] 1 WLR 798

(iii) Suspension of Injunctions

Pride of Derby Aangling Assoc v. British Celanese (Supra)

Wollerton & Wilson Ltd. v. Richard Costain Ltd. [1970] 1WLR 411
Charrington v. Simons & Co. Ltd. Supra

C. Interlocutory Injunctions
(1) General

(i) Status Quo

Farah Alli & Anors v. Mayambaza [1991] HCB 97
Alphonse Odido v. Lebel (E.A.) Ltd & Ors [1987] HCB 77
Wasswa v. Kakoza supra
Musoke v. Kezaala [1987] HCB 81
UCB v. General Pzarts (U) Ltd p1992-95] HCB 210

(j) Ex Parte Procedure

Kalema v. National Housing & Construction Corporation [1987]
Re N(No.2) [1967] Ch. 512
Bates v. Lord Hailsham of Marylebone [1972] 1 WLR 1373

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Anton Piller K.G.V. Manufacturing Processes Ltd. [1976] 2WLR

Wasswa v. Kakoza supra
Mugenyi v. Wandera supra

(k) Discontinuation of Interlocutory Injunction

Muljibhai Madhvani v. Naraindas infra
Wanendeya v. Morconsult [1987] HCB 88
Regent Oil Co. v. J.T. Leavesley [1966] 1 WLR 1210

(l) Complete Relief

Woodford v. Smith [1970] 1 WLR 806
Evans v. BBC & IBA The Times February 26 1974
Babumba v Bunju [1988-90] HCB 119
Bahemuka v Anywa [1987] HCB 71
(m) Ineffective Injunction
Bentley Stevens v. Jones [1974] 1 W.L.R. 638
Bahemuka v Anywa, Supra
Afro Ugandan Bros v. Mpologoma General Bros General Agency Ltd

(ii) (ii) Principles Governing Issue of Interlocutory Injunction

(a) Prime Facie case
Muljibai Madhvani & Amors v Naraindas [1988-1990] HCB 152
Amushan v. Mora [1962] LLR 149; Adigun p.100
UCB v. General Parts, Supra
Laduni v. Kukoyi [1972] 1 All NLR 133; Adigun p. 88-89
Kaggwa v. Katende [1985] HCB 43
Wanendeya v. Morconsult A.S. supra

(b) Substantial & Irreparable Injury

UCB v. General Parts, supra
Mugenyi v. Morconsult A.S. Supra
Jonmohamed v. Madhvani supra
Hoffman-La Roche (f) & Co. Secretary of State for Trade &
[1975] A.C. 295
A Kinlose v. A.I.T. Ltd. [1961] W.N.L.R. 116; Adigun, p99.
Bloxam v. Metropolitan Ry (1868( L.R. 3 Ch. App. 337
Hubbard v. Pitt [1975] 3 W.L.R. 201
A.G. v Times Newspapers Ltd. The Times 27/6/75
Wasswa v. Kakoza supra
Musoke v Kazaala & Ors [1987] HCB 81
American Cynamid v. Ethicon Ltd [1975] A.c 396 H.L

(c) Balance of Convenience

Ladunni v Kukoyi supra
Akinlose Case supra
American Cynamid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd [1975] A.C. 396 HL
Fellowes v Fisher [1975] 3 WLR 184

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Hubbord v. Pitt supra

Cambridge Nutrition Ltd v. BBC [1990] 3 All E.R 523
Software v. Clarke [1996] 1 All ER 83

(d) Conditions & Undertakings

CPR 0.41 Rule 2 (2)

Hoffman – La Roche (F) & Co. v. Sec of State for Trade & Industry
[1975] A.C. 295

D. Quia Timet Injunctions

Reddland Bricks Ltd. v. Morris [1970] A.C. 652,665 pr Lord



A. Delay

(i) Interlocutory Injunction

Bates v Lord Hailsham of Marylebone supra

Shepherd Homes Ltd v. Sandham [1971] Ch. 340
Oitamong v. Olinga [1985) HCB 86.
Texaco Ltd v. Mulbery Filling Station Ltd [1972] 1WLR 814

(ix) Perpetual Injunction

Kelsen v. Imperial Tobacco Co. [1957] 2Q.B. 334

Fullwood v Fullwood (1878) 9 Ch. D. 176
H.P. Bullmer Ltd v Bollinger S.A. The Times May 19/1975
Erlanger v. New Sombrero Phosphate Co. (1878) 3 App. Cas
1218,1279-80 Chancery Amendment Act 1858
Oitamong v Olinga [1985] HCB 86
Judicature Act, Cap 13

B. Acquiescence

Richard v Revitt (1877) 7Ch. D. 224,226

Sayers v. Collyer (1885) 28 Ch. D. 103

C. Hardship

Considered under Balance of Convenience

Maythorn v. Palmer (1864) 1111 L.T. 261

D. Conduct of the Plaintiff

Maxims: - Clean hands

- Doing Equity

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Argyll v Argyll [1967] Ch. 302

Hubbard v. Vosper [1972] 2 Q.B.84


A. Principles

Chancery Amendment Act 1858 (Lord Cairns Act)

Judicature Act Cap 13
Judicature Act 1873 (UK)
Statute Law Revision Act, 1883
Shelfer v City of London Lighting Co [1895] 1 Ch. 287
Ibenwelu v Lawal [1971] All N.L.R. 23; Adigun 115-116
Amusa Alagbede v Amusa Kasali No FCA/L/173/83 The Guardian
(Lagos) 6 Dec 1985, p.14
Redland Bricks Ltd v Morris Supra
Fishenden v. Higgs & Hill Ltd [1935] 153 LT 128
Kelsen v. Imperial Tobacco (Supra)
Wollerton v. Richard Costain Supra
Jaggard v. Sawyer, Supra

B. Measure of Damages

Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society v. Slack [1924] A.C. 851

Wrotham Park Estate Ltd v. Parkside Homes Ltd [1974] 1 WLR 798


A. To Restrain Breach of Contract

(i) Wholly Negative Contract

Martin v. Nutkin (1724) 2 P. Wms 266

Doherty v. Allman & Dowden (1878) 3 App. Cas. 209

(ii) Contract Containing Positive & Negative Terms

Hill V.C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd. [1973] 1 Ch. 305

Sky Petroleum Ltd v. VIP Petroleum Ltd [1974] W.L.R. 578

(iii) Contract for Personal Services

A Schreoeder Music Publishing Co. v. Macaulay [1974] 1 WLR 1308

Lumley v. Wagner (1852) 1 De GM & G 604
Warner Bros v. Nelson [1937] 1 K.B. 209

(iv) Contracts Without Express Negative Stipulation

Wolverhampton & Walsall Ryw Co. v. L.N.W. Ry Ltd (1873) L.R. 16Eq.

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Metropolitan Ship Canal v. Manchester Racecourse Co. [1901] 2 Ch 37

Sky Petroleum Ltd. v. V.I.P. Petroleum Ltd, Supra
Tulk v. Moxhay (1848) 2 Ph. 774
Jones (James) & Sons Ltd v. Earl of Tankerville [1909] 2 Ch. 440

B. To Restrain Breach of Trust/Equitable Obligation

(i) Trustees
Fox v. Fox (1890) L.R. 11 Eq. 142
Dance v. Goldingham (1873) 8 Ch. App. Cas 902
Fregene v. Aweshika (1957) W.N.L.R. 156

(ii) Breach of Confidence

Argyll v. Argyll supra

Hubard v. Vosper supra
Thomas Marshall (Exporters) Ltd. v. Guinle [1979] 1 Ch. 227.
Series 5 Softwre v. Clarke [1996] 1 All E.R. 863

(iii) Publications

Caird v. Sime (1887) 12 App. Cas. 326

(iv) Disposal of Money In Favour of


Parke v. Daily News [1961] 1 WLR 493

C. To Restrain Commission Or Continuance of a Tort Error!
Bookmark not defined.

(i) Nuisance

Halsley v. Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd [1961] 1 W.L.R. 683

(ii) Trespass

Kelsen v. Imperial Tobacco Co. Supra

Orku Sowa v. Amachree (1933) 11 N.L.R. 82
Judicature Act,Cap 13

(iii) Libel/Slander

Fraser v. Evans [1969] 1 Q.B. 349, 360

Sarah Kanabo v. Editor, Ngabo Newspaper C.A No.39 of
1993 S. Clugonda)
Bonnard v. Perryman [1891] 2 Ch. 269
Hubbard v Pitt [1975] 3 W.L.R. 201
Neudegger v. The Telecast Newspaper & ors [1988-92]
HCB 155
Kisaasi Coffee Growers & Processors Ltd v UCB [1992-93]

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Wavamunno v. Teddy Ssezi Cheeye [1992-93] HCB 173

Monson v. Tussaud’s [1894] 1 Q.B. 671

(iv) Passing Off

(a) Protection of Property Title

Leather Cloth co. v. American Leather Cloth Co. (1865) 11

H.L. Cas 523
De Facto Works Ltd v. Odumotun Trading co. (1959) LL.R.
33; Jegede p.88

(b) Protection of Business Name

Business Names Registration Act Cap 87. Ss 16, 17

Ewing v. Buttercup Margarine Co. Ltd. [1917] 2 Ch. 1
Ayinule v. Abimbola [1957] W.L.R 41
Niger Chemsits Ltd v. Niger Chemists [1961] All B/L/R. 171

(c) Protection of Trademarks

Trademarks Act, Cap.217, SS.8, 14

Marshall v. Guinle [1959] 1 Ch. 227

(d) Protection of Patents & Designs

Patents Act Cap 216, Ss 25, 26, 27

(e) Protection of Copyright

Copyrights Act Cap 215, S 13(1), (2),(b),(c).

D. To Restrain A Company from Acting Ultra Vires/Illegally

Companies Act (Cap 110)

Pulbrook v. Richard Consolidated Mining Co. (1878) 9 Ch. 610
Moseley v. Koffyfontein Mines Ltd. [1911] 1. Ch. D. 73
Simpson v. Westminster Palace Hotel (1860) 8 H.L. Cas. 712
Bakibinga, D.J. “The Utility of the Ultra Vires Doctrine In
Company Law:
An Appraisal of the Anglo-Nigerian Position” (1983) Ahmadu
Beilo Uni L.J. 110-121
Bakibinga, D.J. Company Law in Uganda (1993) pp51 – 64.

E. Injunction & Family Matters

(i) Occupation of Matrimonial Home

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Symmonds v. Hallet (1883) 24 Ch. D. 346

Des Salles d Epinoix v. Des Salles d Epino [1967] 1 WLR 553
Pinckney v. Pinckney [1966] 1 All E.R. 12
Lee v. Lee [1952] 2 Q,B. 489
Hall v. Hall [1971] 1 WLR 404
Egan v. Egan [1975] Ch. 218

(ii) Protection of Minors

Rv.R. & [1961] 1 W.L.R. 1334

Lough v. Ward [1945] 2 All E.R. 338
Practice Direction [1974] 1 W.L/R. 936

F. Injunction & Trade Unions/Clubs/College

(j) Trade Unions

Osborne v. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants

[1911] 1 Ch. 540
Lee v. Showmen’s Guild [1952] 2 QB 329

(ii) Clubs

Labouchere v. Earl of Wharncliff (1879) 13 Ch. D. 346

(iii) Colleges

Glynn v. Keele University Supra

Case of Expelled Students from University of Maidugiri (Nigeria)
Herring v. Templeman [1973] 3 All E.R. 569
Rv. Senate of University of Aston exp. Roffey [1969] 2 QB 538

G. The Mareva Injunction

Mareva Compania Naveira S.A. v Internaitonal Bulk Carriers S.A. [1975]

2 Lloyd’s Rep 509.
Nippon Yusen Kaisha v. Karageorgis [1935] 1 W.L.R. 1093.
Mugimu v. Basabosa [1991] 1 H.C.B. 70.
Ninemia Corporation v. Trave Schifarhtsgessel Ischaft GmBH [1983] 2
Lloydd’s Rep.600,605 per Mustill, J.
Polly Peck International Ltd v. Nadir (No.2) [1992] 2 All E. R769.
Derby & Co. Ltd. v. Weldon [1990] Ch.80
Allen v. Jumbo Holdings Co. [1980] 2 All E.R. 502.
Establishment International Anstalt v Central Bank of Nigeria [1989] 1
Lloyd’s Rep 445.
Law Society v. Shanks [1988] 1F.L.R. 504.
Ghoth v Ghoth [1992] 2 All E.R. 920.
S.S.F. v. Misri [1985] 1 W.L.R. 876; Hayton & Marshall, p.909.
Hayton & Marshall, P.909.

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I. The Anton Piller Injunction

Anton Piller K.G. v Manufacturing Process Ltd. [1976] 1 Ch.55 C.A(E).

Randolph M. Rields v Watts [1985] 129 S.J. 67.
Emmanuel v. Emmanuel [1982] 1. W.L.R. 669.


I Nature and Extent of the Remedy

3 conditions to be satisfied for its grant.

- inadequancy of common law remedies

- discretionary
- enforceability

Jones v. Lipman [1962] 1 W.L.R. 832

Scott v Alvarez [1895] 2 Ch. 603 C.A.
Williams v Smith [1948] 19 N.L.R. 21
Marks v Lilley [1959] 1 W.L.R. 749
Barclays Bank D.C.O.V. Hassan [1961] All N.L.R. 836
Hasham v. Zenab [1960] A.C. 316
Beswick v Beswick [1968] A.C.58
Bata Shoe Co. v. Melikian (1956) I.F.S.C. 100
Ayinule v. Abimbola [1957] LLR 41

II Contract Must be Enforceable

Doctrine of Part of Performance
Contract Act Cap 73, S.2.
Maddison v. Alderson (1883) 8 App. Cas. 467
Conditions for Application of Doctrine
(i) Act of pt. Pf. – clear and exclusively relate & indicative of existence of
Maddison v. Alderson (Supra)
Rawlison v. Ames [1925] Ch. 96
Wusamotu Shelle v. Kaletu Rossek (1938) 14NLR80
Does payment of money constitute pt. Pf.?
Kuri v Kuri (1923) 4 NLR 78, 83
Okunubi v Assaf (1951) 13 W.A.C.A. 226, 229
Maddison v. Alderson (supra)
C.f. James Isoni v. Ezekwu (1960) W.R.N. L.R. 142
Steadman v. Steadman [1974] 3 W.L.R.56
Ogunbambi v. Abowaba (1951) 13 W.A.C.A. 222
Hodson v Heuland [1896] 2 Ch. 428
Akpeguma v. Okeremeta W/39/68 M/W H.Crt Fabunmi p 224

ii) Act of pt.pf should be such as to make it fraudulent for defendant to

take advantage of the contract not being in writing
Rawlison v Ames (supra)

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Wusamotu Case (supra)

iii) Contract to which acts refer must be such as can be enforced by the
Britain v. Rossiter (1878) 11 Q.B.D. 123

Apara v.U.A.C. Ltd. (1951) 20 N.L.R. 17

iv) Parole evidence, admitted by virtue of act of pt. Pf. Must establish
completely concluded contract.

Tella v. Akere [1958] W.R.N.L.R 26 (Fabunmi p. 225)

Wusamotu case (supra)
Kingswood Estate Co. v. Anderson [1963] 2 Q.B.D. 16g.
Savage v. Uwechi [1961] 1 All E.R. 830 Fabunmi P. 225
Maxwell v. Lady Montacute (1719) Pre Ch. 526

III Specific Performance In Particular Situations

(a) Ks for sale of Land
Fakoya v St. Paul’s Church, Shagamu 1966 (1) ALR Comm 461
(b) Ks for sale of Personal Property
Dominion Coal Co V dominion iron & Steel Co. [1909] A.C. 293
Falcke V. Gray (1859) 4 Dr. 651
Sale of Goods Act, cap 79, S. 52
Cohen V. Roche [1927] 1 K.B. 169.
Behnke V. Bede Shipping Co. [1927] 1 K.B. 649
Sky Petroleum v V.I.P. Petroleum Ltd, [1974] 1 WLR 579
(c) Contracts to Pay Money
- K for payment of annuity/periodical sums
Beswick’s case (supra)
- K with Co. to take up & pay for debentures
Companies Act, cap 110
- K for secured loan
Ashton V. Corrigan (1871) L.R. 13Eq. 76
- K of indemnity
- K of sale of land
(d) Volunteers
Re Pryce [1917] 1 Ch.234, 241, Per Eve J.
(e) Ks Requiring Supervision
Ryan V. Mutual Tontine Westminster Chambers Assoc.
[1893] 1 Ch. 116
Beswick’s case (supra
Sky Petroleum v V.I.P Petroleum Ltd. (supra)
Cooperative Insurance Society Ltd. v Agryll Stores Ltd, [1996] E.G. 128/
Retail Parks Investment Ltd v. Royal Bank of Scottland.
Wolverhampton V. Emmons [1901] 1 K.B. 515 per Romer L.J.
Jeune V Queens Cross Properties Ltd [1974] Ch. 97
(f) Contracts for personal Service
Lumley V Wagner (1951) 20 N.L.R. 17
Udeaja V. Lawson (1966) 10 E.N.L.R. 252

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Apara V U.A.C. Ltd (supra)

Olaniyan V. University of Lagos [1985] 2 NWLR 599
De Francesco V Barnum (1890) 45 Ch. D. 430
(g) Contracts for creation of Transient or Terminable Interests
Turner V. Clowes (1869) 29 L.T. 214
Hercy V. Birch (1804) 9 Ves 397
Lavery V Pursell (1888) 39 Ch. D. 508
Verall v. Great Tarmouth Borough Council [1981] QB 202, 220.
(h) Contracts to Leave Property by will
Synge V. Synge [1894] I Q.B. 466
Schaefer V. Schumann [1972] A.C. 572
Re Parkin [1892] 3 Ch. 510
(i) Contracts to Transfer Goodwill
Darbey V. Whitaker (1857) 4 Drew 134
Re Smith (1890) 45 Ch. D. 545

Contracts to leave Property by Will

Synge v. Synge [1894] 1 Q.B 466
Schaefer v. Schumann [1972] A.G. 572
Re Parkin [1892] 3 Ch. 51
(j) Arbitration
Arbitration Act No. 7 of 2000 (Law of Uganda 1964 Ed), S. 6
Wood V. Griffith (1818) 36 E.R. 291.
Interfreight Panalpina v. Sietco H.C.C.S. No. of 1998
(k) Part of K
Ogden V. Fossick (1862) 4 De G.F. & J
Beswick’s Case (supra)
(l) Mutuality Principle
Flight V. Bolland (1823) 4 Russ 298
Chidiak V. Coker (1954) 14 W.A.C.A. 506
Prince v. Strange [1977] # All E.R 371, 383, 392
- Option to purchase
McCarthy & Stone Ltd. Julian Hodge & Co. Ltd. [1971]
2 All E.R 973, 980 Per Foster J.
- Compensation
Rutherford v Action – Adams [1915] A.C. 866
- Tenant Suing landlord for breach of Covenant to
S.17, Land Lord & Tenant Act, 1985 (U.K.)
IV. Defences to Specific Performance
(a) Mistake and Misrepresentation
Webster V. Cecil (1861) 30 Beav. 62
Tamplin V. James (1880) 15 Ch. D. 215
Malins V. Freeman (1837) 2 Keen 25
(b) Conduct of the Plaintiff
Maxims: Clean Hands/Doing Equity
Argvll V Argvll [1967] Ch. 302.
Australian Hardwoods Pty Ltd. v. Railways
Commissioner [1961] 1 All E.R 737, 742 P.C.

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Chappel v. Times Newspaper Ltd [1975] 2 All E.R 233

Hubbard V. Vosper [1972] 2 Q.B. 84
Obikoya V. Ezenwa [1964] 1 All N.L.R. 133
(c) Laches & Acquiescence
Wroth V. Tyler [1974] Ch. 30
Huxham V. Llewellyn (1873) 21 W.R. 570
Parkin v. Thorold (1852) 16 Beav. 59, 73.
Williams v. Greatx (1957) 1 WLR 31.
Fabunmi, Equity & Trusts in Nigeria, pp. 51-60
(d) Hardship
Pegley V. White (1864) 33 Beav. 403
City of London V. Nash (1747) 1 ves Se 12
Adams V Weare (1784) 1 Bro c.c. 567
(e) Misdescription of Subject Matter
- general: trivial and substantial misdescription
- BasnavV Weekes (1950) 12 W.A.C.A. 316 P.C.
- Factors
(h) Where Subject matter different in substance
Flight V. Booth (1834) 1 Bing N.C. 370.377
(ii) Condonation of Misdescription
Mortlock V Buller U (1804) 10 Ves. Jr. 292,315
Rutherford v. Sacton Adams, Supra
(iii) Conditions of sale affecting K.
(iv) Defective Title
Re Nisbett Potts Contract [1906] 1 Ch. 386
Bain V. Fothergill (1824) L.R. 7 H.L.

(f) Public Policy

Wroth V. Tvler [1974] Ch. 30.

V Damages in Lieu or Addition to S.P.

Chancery Amendment Act, 1858 (Lord Cairns Act) S.2
Judicature Act, Cap 13, S. 14 (2)(b) (iii)
Bain V. Fothergill (supra)
Wroth V Tyler (supra)
Shelar V City of London Lighting Co. [1895] 1 Ch. 287
Williams V Smith [1948] 19 N.L.R 21
Nassar V. Moses 1960 LLR 170
VI SP and Third Parties
Manchester Brewery V. Coombs [1901] 2 Ch. 608
Beswick’s Case (supra)


The Concept of a Trust

Essence-Property held by trustees under duty to apply for benefit of

Cestuis Que Trust

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Pilcher v Rawlins (1872) L.R. 7ch. App 2.

Distinction from other Legal Relations

(i) Bailment

Sales of Goods Act, Cap 82, SS 24-26

(ii) Agency

Bankruptcy Act, Cap 67; Companies Act; Cap 110

Re Hallet’s Estate (1880) 13 Ch. D. 696

Lister v Stubbs [1890] 45 Ch. D.!.

(iii) Contract

Distinction – difficult to draw in relation to – Settlements and

Covenants to settle Beswick v Beswick [1968] A.C. 58;
Tweddle v Atkinson (1861) 1 B & s. 393; [1861-73] E.R. Rep. 124
– Third Party Rights
Fletcher v Fletcher (1844) 4 Hare: 67; 141 L.J.C. 66
- Unincorporated Associations
- Statutory Exceptions:
Married Women’s Property Act 1882, S. 11

(iv) Debt

Potters v Loppert [1973] Ch. 399

Morley v Morley (1678) 2 Ch. Cos 2; 22 ER 817
Rees v Engel back (1871) L.R. 12 Eq. 225
Re Cowley (1885) 53 L.T. 494
Re Lester (1942) Ch. 324
Barclays Bank Ltd. v Quistclose Investments Ltd. [1970] A.C. 567

(v) Conditions & Charges

Re: Frame [1939] 2 All E,R. 865

Re: Cowley, supra
A.G.v The Cordwainer’s Co. (1863) 40 E.R. 208
Re: Oliver (1890) 62 L.T. 533
Parker v. Judkin [1931] 1 Ch.475

(vi) Office of Personal Representative a Trustee?

Adeniji v Probate Registrar 1966 NMLR 125

Harvell v Foster [1954] 2 Q.B. 367
Re Cockburn Will Trusts [1957] Ch. 438

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Succession Act Cap 162

Trustees Act Cap 164, Attenborough v Salomon [1913] A.C. 76

Limitation Act cap 80

(vii) Power of Appointment

Re Gestetner’s Settlement [1953] 1 All E.R 1150; [1953] Ch.

Burrough v Philcox (1840) 5 My & Cr. 72
Brown v Higgs (1799) 4 ves 708. [1800 – 137]
All E.R. Rep 146
Re Weekes Settlement [1897] 1 Ch. 289
Re Coombe [1925] Ch 210
Re Perowne [1951] Ch. 785
Re Gestetner’s Settlement [1953] 1 All E.R. 1150; [1953] Ch. 672


(a) Express Trusts – Subdivided into:-

(i) Executed & Executory Trusts

Soar v Ashwell (1893) 2 Q.B. 390
Re Bostock’s Settlement [1921] 2 Ch. 469
Cook v Fountain (1676) 3’ Swan 585
Re Flavell’s Will Trusts (1969) I.W.L.R. 445

(ii) Completely & Incompletely Constituted Trusts

Sstatute of Frauds, 1677, S. 7.

(b) Implied Trusts

Statute of Frauds, 1677, S. 8.
Bannister v Bannister (1948) 2 ALLE. R. 133
Re Llanover Settled Estates [1926] Ch. 626

(c) Resulting Trusts

Re Llanover Case Supra

(d) Constructive Trusts

Bannister v Bannister (Supra)
Keech v Sandford (1726) Sel Cast T. King 61
Boardman v Phipps (1967) 2 A.C. 46

Industrial Development Consultants v. Cooley (1972) IWLR 443

Soar v Ashwell, (Supra)
Selangor Unted Rubber Estates v Cradok (1968) I.W.L.R. 1555
Cook v Fountain (Supra)
Re Barney (1892) 2 Ch. 265
Eves v Eves (1975) 1.W.L.R. 1338
Re Densham (1975) 1 W.L.R 1519

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Binions v Evans (1972) Ch. 359

Re Llanover Settled Estates (Supra)
Nasr v Berini Beirut Riyadh (Nig) Bank Ltd. 1968 NCLR 370

(e) Statutory Trusts

Cook v Fountain (Supra
Succession Act Cap 162

(f) Public and Private Trusts

Keeton & Sheridan, Pp. 38 – 39

IV The Creation of A Trust

(A) Capacity (i) Monors: Edwards v Carter [1893] A.C. 360

(ii) Mental Abnormality
(iii) Married Women

Married Women’s Property Act, 1882

Jackson v. Hobhouse (1817) 2 Mer. 483
(iv) Companies
Companies Act Cap 110, Sched 1 Table A, Art 79

General Auction Estate & Monetary Co. v.

Smith [1891] 3 Ch. 432

(B) Formalities for Creation of Trust

- Intervivos
- Testmentary
- Succession Act Cap. 139; s. 50
- Jones v. Lock (1865) L.R. 1 Ch. App. 25
- Statute of Frauds, Ss 7, a
- Trust of Land

Registration of Titles Act, Cap 230

Grey v I.R.C. (1960 A.C.1
Vandervell v I.R.C. (1967) A.C. 291
Grainge v. Wilberforce (1889) 5 T.L.R. 436
Re Lashmar (1891) 1. Ch. 258,

(C) Secret Trusts

(i) Nature

Succession Act Cap 162

Crook v Brooking 2 Vern 50 (1688)
Pring v Pring 2 Vern 99 (1689)
Padmore v Gunning (1836 7 Sim 644

Blackwell v. Blackwell (1929) A.C. 318, 344-345

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Per Lord Sumner

Jones v. Badley (1868) L.R 3 Ch. App 362, 364
- (1868) L.R. 3 Ch. App 362, 364
Per Lord Cairns
Statute of Frauds, 1677
Re Rees (1950) Ch. 304

(ii) Classification of Secret Trusts

NB Maudsley, Modern Equity P. 715
Nathan & Marshall Cases & Commentary on the Law of Trusts
Stckland v Aldridge (1804) 9 Ves Jr. 516
Mc Cormick v. Grogan (1869) I.R. 4H. L. 82
Blackwell v Blackwell (Supra)
Re Young (1951) Ch. 344

(iii) Where settlor Discloses to Legatee Existence of a Trust

but Not its

Re Boyes (1884) Ch. D. 344

Re Gardner (1920) 2 Ch. 23

(iv) Communication

(v) Additions To Secret Trust

Re Colin Cooper [1939] Ch. 586,811

(vi) Promise to leave By Will

Re Gardner (No. 1) (1920) 2 Ch. 523
Ottaway v Norman (1972) [1972] Ch 698

(vii) Half-Secret Trust

Moss v Cooper (1861) I J & H 352, 367
Blackwell v Blackwell (Supra)
Re Fleetwood (1880) 15 Ch. D. 694
Re Huxtable (1902) 2 Ch. 793

NB Per Lord Summer, Blackwell’s Case Pp 339-340

Holdsworth (1937) Law Quarterly Review 501
Re Keen (1937) Ch. 236
Blackwell v Blackwell
Re Fleetwood
Re Huxtable
Succession Act Cap 139, S. 50
Re Bateman’s W.T. (1970) 1 WLR 1436

(D) Completely & Incompletely Constituted Trusts:

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Equity will Not Assist a Volunteer

- Definition
- Importance of distinction: Completely & Incompletely
Constituted Trusts
Ellison v Ellison (1802) 6 ves. 656, 662.

(i) Transfer of Property to Trustees on Trust

Milroy v. Lord (1862 4 De G.F. & J. 264, 274 per Turner L.J.
Companies Act, Cap 85, S 77
Copyright Act Cap 81
Re Cole (1964) Ch. 175.
Bills of Exchange Act, Cap 76, S. 31
Re Rose (1958) Ch. 498
Re King (1819) 14 Ch. D. 179
Jafferys v Jefferys (1841) Cr & Ph. 138
Gilbert v Overton (1864) 2H & M 100
Kekewich v Manning (1851) 1 D. Gm & G 176
Re Bowden (1936) Ch. 71

(ii) Declaration of Trust by Settlor

Re Rose supra
Jones v Lock (1865) L.R. 1 Ch. App. 25
Lady Naas v. Westminster Bank Ltd. [1940] A.C. 366
Richards v Delbridge (1874) L.K. 18 Eq. 11
Middleton v Pollock (1876) 2 Ch. D. 104
Francois v. Bank of West Africa Ltd 3 WA LR 439

(iii) Covenants to Settle

Keeton & Sheridan (10th Ed), P. 85
De Mestre v West (1891) A.C. 264
Newslead v. Scarles(1737) 1 Atk. 265
Clark v. wright (1861) 6 H & N 849
Re Plumptre’s Marriage Settlement (1910) 1 Ch. 609
Cannon v Hartley (1919) Ch. 213
Plullan v. Koe (1913) 1 Ch. 9
Re. Cook’s Settlemetn Trsuts [1965] ch. 902

E. Exceptions to Rule that Equity will not Assist a Volunteer

(a) Donation Mortis Causa

Cain v Moon (1896) 2 Q.B 283
Wilkes v Allington (1931) 2 Ch. 104
Re Weston (1902) 1 Ch. 680
Birch v Treasurey Solicitor [1951] Ch. 298
Delgate v Fader [1939] Ch. 922

(b) Non-Application to Wills

(c) Rule in Strong v Bird (1874) L.R. 18 Eq. 315

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Re James [1935] Ch. 449; Re Ralli’s W.T. [1964] 2 Ch. 288

Re Ralli’s W.T. [1964] 2 ch. 288
Re Freeland [1952] Ch. 110
Re Wale [1952] 1 W.L.R. 1346
Re Innes [1910] 1 Ch. 188
Re Greens [1949] ch. 333

(d) Equitable Estoppel

Kadilinye Chap. 15
Fabnmi Chap. 6
Central Land Trust v. Hightrees House [1947] K.B. 130

(e) Statutory Exceptions

Requirements for a Valid Trust
Knight v Knight (1840) 3 Beav 148, 172-173

(f) Certainty of words

Lambe v Eames (1871) L.R. 6 Ch. 597
In Re Adams & the Kensington Vestry (1884) 27 Ch. D 394
Musssoorie Bank Ltd. v Raynor (1882( 7 App. Cas 321
Comiskey v Bowning-Hanbury (1905) A.C. 84
Re Steele’s Will Trusts (1981) Ch. 603
In Re Burley ((1910) 1 Ch. 215
Succession Act Cap 162

(g) Certain of Subject Matter

Re Diggles (1888) 39 Ch. D. 253
Curtis v Rippon (1820) 5 Madd 434
Bardswell v Bardswell (1839) 9 Sim 319
Knight v Knight (Supra)
Re Jones (1898) 1 Ch. 438
Re Golay’s will Trusts (1965) 1 W.L.R.R. 969
Sprange v Barnard (1789) 2 Bro C.C. 585
Burrough v Philcox (1840) 5 Myl & Cr. 72
Mcphail v Doulton (1971) A.C. 424

(h) Certainty of objects

Re Endacott (1960) Ch. 232; [1959] 3 All E,R, 562
Re Vandervell’s Trusts (No. 2) [1974) Ch. P. 319
Morice v Bishop of Durham (1804) 9 Ves. 399
(1805) 10 Ves. 522
Re Astor’s S.T [1952] Ch. 534; [1952] 1 All E.R.
Re Flavel’s W.T. [1969] 1 W.L.R. 444
Mcphail v Doulton (Supra), Houston v Burns [1918]
A.C. 337
Houston v. Burns (1918) A.C. 337
Re Gulbenkian’s Settlements [1970] A.C. 508
Harland v Trigg (1782) 1 Broc. C. 142

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Meredith v Heneage (1824) 1 Sim 542; Sale v

Moore (1827) 1 Sim 534
Re Wood [1949] Ch. 498

Effect of Uncertainty
Subject Matter
Re Jones (1898) 1 Ch 438

F. Discretionary and Protective Trusts

i. Discretionary Trusts

Abasi v Kopon (1921) 5 N.L.R.
Re Coleman [1936] Ch. 528
Re Allen, - Myrick’s W.T. [1966] 1 W.L.R. 499
C. f Re Gulbenkian’s Settlements (No.2) [1970] Ch.
Relationship to a Power
Re Gulbenkian’s Settlement [1970] A. C. 508
McPhail v Doulton [1971] A.C. 424
Houston v Burns [1918] A.C. 337

Article: Paul Matthews, “A Heresy and A half in Certainty of

Objects” (1984) Con v.

(ii) Protective Trusts

Rochford v Hackman (1852) 9 Hare 475
Brandon v Robinson (1811) 18 ves. 429
Re Baring’s Settlement Trusts [1940] Ch 737
Re Gourju’s Will Trusts [1942] Ch. 24
Re Wittke [1944] Ch. 166
Re Parot’s Settlement Trusts [1952] Ch. 427
Re Richardson’s W.T. [1958] Ch. 504
Holmes v Penney (1856), 3 K. & J. 90
Re Ashby [1892] 1 Q.B. 872
Godden v Crowhurst (1842). 10 Sim 642
Page v Way (1840), 3 Beav. 20
Trustees Act Cap 142, S. 34

(G) Trusts To Pay Creditors

Smith v Hurst (1852) 10 Hare 30, 47

Cornthwaite v Frith (1851), 4 De G & sm 552
Bankruptcy Act, (1979) S. 18
Garrard v Lauderdalo (1830), 3 Sim 1; (1831) 2 Kusa & M 451
Harland v Binks (1850), 15 Q.B. 71
Bankruptcy Act, Supra,S. 18 (13), (14)

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Synnot v Simpson, (1845) 5 H.L.C. 121

Re Fitzgerald’s Settlement (1887) 37 Ch. D. 18
Mackinnon v Steward (1850) Sim N.S. 76
Sharp v. Jackson (1897) 2 Q.B. 19. (1899) A.C. 419
Bankruptcy Act, (Supra) ss. 18 (14), (15), (16), (18), 46
Smith v. Cooks [1891] A.C. 297

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