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Title of the Project“Virtual Painting”

Swapnil Surve(MC23121)


“Prof. Tejas Sonawane”

Award of the Degree of










I, Swapnil Surve, student of International Institute of Management Science, Chinchwad, Pune,

hereby declare that this Mini Project report entitled “Virtual Painting” is a bonafide record of
work done by me for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of
Computer Application (M.C.A) through Savitribai Phule Pune University.
We, hereby, declare that we have adequately referenced the original sources and this is my
original work. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my
submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action
by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

Swapnil Surve


We are deeply indebted towards my project guide Prof. Tejas Sonwane who gave me
the opportunity and was instrumental in providing me all the knowledge and insight to
do the research. It is their inspiration that has kept me motivated all along my project
and the discipline and integrity they had expected from a mini project that made me to
learn the real live projects.

We would like to express my earnest gratitude and thanks to Dr. Shivaji Mundhe
(Director of IIMS) and my project guide Prof. Nitin Ganeshar for providing me all the
knowledge and skills, resources, technical support, guidance as required to achieve this

We thank my all faculty members and friends for their support and blessings. The report
is the result of contribution of numerous people to mention individually.

We also thank all respondent who have given their value time, views and authentic
information for this mini project. We thank each and everybody who has contributed
directly or indirectly to the successful completion of this project.

Name of student
Swapnil Surve


This is to Certify that Mr Swapnil Surve is a Bonafide student of

International Institute of Management Science, Chinchwad, Pune,
worked on Mini Project title Virtual Painting and has successfully
completed project work in partial fulfillment for award of degree
Master of Computer Application (MCA) Sem II of Savitribai Phule
Pune University. This report is the record of Student’s own efforts
under our supervision and guidelines.

Date :

_________ _______ __________

Internal Guide HOD-MCA Dr. Shivaji Mundhe
Director, IIMS, Chinchwad

_________ _________
Internal Examiner External Examiner

Sr. No. Topic Page No.
1 1. Introduction 6-16
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Company Profile
1.3 About Existing system
1.4 Limitations of the System:
1.5 Need of System
1.6 Hardware Specifications
1.7 Software Specifications
1.8 Business Objectives
1.9 System Objectives
1.10 Scope of Program
1.11 Objectives of the Project
1.12 Features of new System
2 System Requirement Specification 17

3 3. Design 18-21
3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram
3.2 Use Case Diagram
3.3 Class Diagram
3.4 Sequence Diagram for …
3.5 Activity Diagram for.
3.6 Component Diagram
3.7 Deployment Diagram
4 Database Design 22

5 Screen Shots 22

6 Reports 22

7 Data Dictionary 22

8 References 26

In the realm where art intertwines with technology, virtual painting emerges as a
captivating fusion of creativity and innovation. This introduction delves into the world
of virtual painting using Python, an enchanting journey where programming prowess
meets artistic expression.

At its essence, virtual painting represents a digital evolution of traditional painting,

transcending physical constraints and offering boundless possibilities. Through the lens
of Python, a versatile and intuitive programming language, artists and developers
embark on a voyage of exploration, pushing the boundaries of creativity in the digital

The Canvas of Creation: Python as the Palette

Python, renowned for its simplicity and readability, serves as the canvas upon which
virtual painting masterpieces are crafted. With its rich ecosystem of libraries and
frameworks, Python empowers developers to create immersive painting applications
that resonate with both novice creators and seasoned artists alike.

Unveiling the Palette: Python Libraries

Central to the virtual painting experience are Python libraries tailored to image
processing and graphical user interface (GUI) development. Libraries such as Tkinter,
Pillow, OpenCV, and PyGame provide the essential tools for creating, manipulating,
and rendering digital artwork.

Tkinter: The quintessential GUI library for Python, Tkinter lays the foundation for
intuitive user interfaces, facilitating the creation of digital canvases where imagination
knows no bounds.

Pillow: With Pillow, developers unlock a treasure trove of image processing

capabilities, from basic manipulations like cropping and resizing to advanced
techniques such as filtering and blending.

OpenCV: Renowned for its prowess in computer vision, OpenCV extends its reach to
virtual painting, offering features like edge detection, color manipulation, and object
tracking to elevate the painting experience.

PyGame: A versatile toolkit for game development, PyGame empowers developers to

infuse interactivity into their painting applications, blurring the lines between artistry
and play.

In the world of virtual painting, every stroke is imbued with significance, every pixel a
testament to the artist's vision. Key concepts underpinning virtual painting using
Python include:

Digital Canvas: A blank slate upon which artists weave their tapestries of imagination,
the digital canvas provides an infinite expanse for creative exploration.

User Interface (UI): A gateway to artistic expression, the UI of a virtual painting

application offers an array of tools, colors, and brushes at the artist's fingertips, inviting
them to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Event Handling: From the gentle glide of a stylus to the decisive click of a mouse,
event handling mechanisms in Python orchestrate the intricate dance between artist and
artwork, translating gestures into strokes of brilliance.

Graphics Rendering: At the heart of virtual painting lies the art of graphics rendering,
where algorithms transform abstract concepts into tangible manifestations of creativity,

Performance Constraints: Depending on the complexity of the painting application and
the processing power of the hardware, performance issues such as lagging or slow
rendering may arise, especially when dealing with large canvas sizes or intricate brush

Limited Realism: While virtual painting applications can simulate various painting
techniques and materials, they may not fully replicate the tactile sensations and nuances
of traditional painting mediums, which could impact the realism of the artwork.

Learning Curve: For novice users or those unfamiliar with programming concepts, the
learning curve associated with Python and the development of virtual painting
applications may be steep, requiring time and dedication to master.

Hardware Dependency: The functionality and performance of virtual painting

applications may be heavily dependent on the hardware specifications of the user's
computer, particularly in terms of graphics processing


Structured Development: A system provides a structured approach to developing virtual

painting applications. It includes defining requirements, designing architecture,
implementing features, testing functionality, and maintaining the application over time.
Without a systematic approach, development efforts may lack coherence and efficiency.

Modularization: A system allows for modularization of the virtual painting application,

dividing it into manageable components or modules. Each module focuses on specific
functionality, such as canvas rendering, brush management, user interface, or file
handling. Modularization promotes code reusability, scalability, and maintainability.

User Experience: A well-designed system contributes to a positive user experience for

artists using the virtual painting application. It encompasses aspects such as intuitive user
interface design, responsive performance, seamless interactions, and robust error
handling. A systematic approach ensures that user needs and preferences are prioritized
throughout the development process.

Efficient Resource Management: A system optimizes the utilization of resources,

including computing resources, memory, storage, and network bandwidth. By
managing resources efficiently, the virtual painting application can deliver smooth
performance, minimize latency, and accommodate a large number of users or
concurrent sessions.


• Processor : Ryzen 7
• RAM : 16GB RAM
• Hard Disk : 512 GB (or more)
• Other Equipment : Printer, Keyboard, Mouse etc.
• Database Server : MongoDB


• Operating System : Windows 11

• Front End ( IDE & Tool) : Visual Studio Code
• Back End : MongoDb


Business objectives for virtual painting applications using Python can vary depending
on the goals of the organization or individual behind the development and deployment
of the software. Here are some potential business objectives for such applications:

Market Penetration: Increase market share and penetration by providing a unique and
innovative virtual painting application that appeals to artists, hobbyists, educators, and

Revenue Generation: Generate revenue through various monetization strategies, such

as selling the application as a premium product, offering in-app purchases for
additional features or content, or implementing subscription-based models for access to
advanced tools and services.

Brand Building: Enhance brand recognition and reputation by offering a high-quality

virtual painting application that showcases the organization's expertise in software
development, creativity, and innovation.

Customer Engagement: Foster customer engagement and loyalty by providing a user-

friendly and enjoyable painting experience that encourages users to return to the
application regularly, share their artwork with others, and participate in community


System objectives for virtual painting applications using Python focus on the functionalities, performance, and
user experience of the software. These objectives outline what the system aims to achieve in terms of
functionality, efficiency, and overall effectiveness. Here are some potential system objectives for virtual
painting applications:

Functional Objectives:

Provide a user-friendly interface for creating and editing digital artwork.

Support a variety of painting tools, including brushes, pencils, erasers, and color palettes.
Enable users to adjust brush sizes, opacity, and other parameters to customize their painting experience.
Allow for the creation of multi-layered artworks with support for layer manipulation, blending modes, and
opacity adjustments.
Enable users to undo and redo actions to correct mistakes or experiment with different techniques.
Support text insertion, image insertion, and basic image editing functionalities within the painting application.
Performance Objectives:

Ensure responsive performance with smooth rendering of brush strokes and real-time updates to the canvas.
Minimize latency and loading times when opening, saving, or exporting artwork files.
Optimize resource utilization to run efficiently on a wide range of hardware configurations, including low-spec
Handle large canvas sizes and complex artworks without compromising performance or stability.
User Experience Objectives:

Design an intuitive and visually appealing user interface with clear navigation and organization of features.
Provide tooltips, hints, and tutorials to guide users through the painting process and introduce them to advanced
Ensure accessibility for users with disabilities by implementing keyboard shortcuts, screen reader support, and
other accessibility features.
Incorporate responsive design principles to adapt the application layout and functionality to different screen
sizes and resolutions.
Implement error handling and informative error messages to assist users in troubleshooting issues and resolving


Functional Scope:

Canvas Creation and Editing: Users can create digital canvases of various sizes and edit them using painting
Painting Tools: The application provides a range of painting tools such as brushes, pencils, erasers, fill tools,
and text insertion.
Color Palette: Users can select colors from a palette or create custom colors using RGB or HSL values.
Layer Management: Support for creating, organizing, and manipulating multiple layers within the artwork,
including blending modes and opacity adjustments.
Undo/Redo Functionality: Users can undo or redo actions to revert changes or experiment with different
Import/Export: Ability to import images as layers or reference images, and export artworks in standard file
formats like PNG, JPEG, or PSD.
Non-Functional Scope:

Performance: The application should provide smooth performance with minimal latency, even when handling
large canvas sizes and complex artworks.
User Experience: Emphasis on an intuitive and visually appealing user interface with clear navigation and
helpful tooltips.
Accessibility: Support for accessibility features such as keyboard shortcuts, screen reader compatibility, and
high contrast modes.
Scalability: Design the application architecture to accommodate future enhancements and increasing user
Maintainability: Organize codebase in a modular and well-documented manner to facilitate future updates, bug
fixes, and feature additions.


The objectives of a virtual painting application using Python encompass the goals and
outcomes that the project aims to achieve. These objectives provide a clear direction for
development efforts and serve as benchmarks for evaluating the success of the
application. Here are some potential objectives for such an application:

Provide a Creative Outlet: Enable users to express their creativity through digital
painting by offering a wide range of painting tools, brushes, colors, and editing options.

User-Friendly Interface: Design an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that caters to

users of all skill levels, from novice artists to experienced professionals.

Enhance Artistic Skills: Serve as a platform for learning and skill development in
digital art, providing tutorials, tips, and resources to help users improve their painting

Support Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration and community engagement by

allowing users to share their artwork, participate in challenges, and interact with other
artists within the application.


The Features & easy to manage for this project are:

Canvas Creation and Editing:

Create new digital canvases of various sizes and resolutions.

Import images as backgrounds or reference images for painting.
Resize, crop, rotate, and flip canvases as needed.
Painting Tools:

Brush: A variety of brush types (e.g., round, square, textured) with customizable size,
opacity, and hardness.
Eraser: Remove unwanted strokes or areas from the canvas with adjustable size and
Color Palette and Mixing:

Choose colors from a predefined palette or create custom colors using RGB, HSL, or
hexadecimal values.
Blend and mix colors on the canvas for creating gradients, shades, and textures.
Layer Management:

Add, delete, reorder, and merge layers to organize artwork elements.

Adjust layer opacity, blending modes, and visibility settings.
Lock layers to prevent accidental modifications.

System Requirement
For implementing this project, NetBeans IDE 8.0.2, Glass Fish webServer,
JDK 1.8 and MySQL Server database used as a s/w platform.

Hardware Requirement:
• Processor : Pentium IV (and above)
• Hard Disk : 256 GB (or more)
• Other Equipment : Printer, Keyboard, Mouse etc.
• Database Server : MySQL

Software Requirement:
• Operating System : Windows 10
• Front End ( IDE & Tool) : NetBeans IDE 8.0.2
• Back End : MySQL Server
• Web Server : Glass Fish Server
• Client Technologies : HTML 5, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, jQuery

Design :
Entity Relationship Diagram:

Deployment Diagram :

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram :

Activity Diagram:

Sequence Diagram :

Component Diagram :

Data Dictionary


Reports :


Future enhancements for a virtual painting application using Python could

include a variety of features and improvements aimed at expanding functionality,
enhancing user experience, and keeping the application relevant in the evolving
landscape of digital artistry. Here are some potential future enhancements:

Advanced Brush Dynamics: Introduce support for advanced brush dynamics such
as pressure sensitivity, tilt, rotation, and velocity, allowing for more nuanced and
expressive brush strokes.

Realistic Simulation: Enhance the realism of painting tools by incorporating

features like brush textures, wet-on-wet blending, and natural media simulation
for mimicking traditional painting techniques.

3D Painting and Sculpting: Integrate support for 3D painting and sculpting,

enabling users to create and manipulate three-dimensional objects directly within
the application.


In conclusion, a virtual painting application using Python offers a versatile and

powerful platform for digital artists to express their creativity and produce
stunning artwork. With a range of features such as diverse painting tools,
customizable canvas options, layer management, and export capabilities, the
application provides users with the tools they need to bring their artistic visions to

Throughout the development and enhancement of the application, it's crucial to

prioritize user experience, performance, and accessibility. By designing an
intuitive interface, optimizing performance for smooth operation, and ensuring
accessibility for users of all abilities, the application can cater to a broad audience
and provide a seamless painting experience.

Furthermore, by continuously innovating and incorporating future enhancements

such as advanced brush dynamics, AI-powered features, 3D painting capabilities,
and community collaboration tools, the application can remain at the forefront of
digital artistry and meet the evolving needs of artists.

In essence, a virtual painting application using Python serves as a valuable tool

for fostering creativity, enabling artistic exploration, and connecting artists in a
vibrant and supportive community. As technology advances and new possibilities
emerge, the application will continue to evolve, empowering artists to unleash
their imagination and create masterpieces in the digital medium.



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