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Step 1: Log in to SAP

1. Open SAP GUI: Launch your SAP GUI application.

2. Enter Credentials: Log in with your username and password.

Step 2: Access the Purchase Order Screen

1. Navigate to Transaction Code: In the command field, enter ME21N and press Enter.
2. Open Create Purchase Order Screen: The Create Purchase Order screen will appear.

Step 3: Enter Purchase Order Header Details

1. Document Type: Select the appropriate document type for the PO (e.g., NB for standard
2. Vendor: Enter the vendor number. You can search for vendors by clicking the search
button (F4 help).
3. Organization Data:
o Purchasing Organization: Enter the purchasing organization code.
o Purchasing Group: Enter the purchasing group code.
o Company Code: Enter the company code.
Step 4: Enter Item Details

1. Item Overview Section:

o Material: Enter the material number if you are ordering a known material. You
can search for materials by clicking the search button.
o Quantity: Specify the quantity required.
o Unit of Measure: Ensure the correct unit of measure is selected.
o Delivery Date: Specify the required delivery date.
o Plant: Enter the plant code where the material is needed.

2. Price and Conditions:

o Net Price: Enter the price per unit.
o Currency: Ensure the correct currency is specified.
o Conditions: Enter any additional conditions (e.g., discounts, surcharges).
3. Account Assignment:
o If the purchase is to be charged to a specific cost center, enter the appropriate
account assignment details (e.g., Cost Center).

Step 6: Review and Save the Purchase Order

1. Check for Errors: Click the Check button ( ) to validate the PO for any errors or
missing information.
2. Save: If everything is correct, click the Save button ( ). A PO number will be
generated and displayed in the status bar.
3. PO NO. Generated: The generated PO.NO. will be displayed in the status bar as

Step 7 : PO Approval process

Navigate to Transaction Code: In the command field, enter ME29N and press Enter.

Open Approve Purchase Order Screen: The Approve Purchase order screen will appear.

PRESS Enter Button.

For PO release after opening PO document

Go to – Header – Release Strategy – Press Release Button for the all user in the strategy.
Now save the changes by clicking save button ( ).


 Search Functions: Utilize the search functions (F4 help) for fields like Material, Plant,
and Storage Location to find the correct values.
 Templates: If you frequently create similar PRs, consider using templates or copying
from previous PRs to save time.
 Training: Attend SAP training sessions or refer to internal documentation for any
specific configurations or customizations in your SAP system.

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