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“Not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many that may be saved”

(1 Corinthians 10:22)

This resource is freely given to the Lord’s people. It is free of charge and free of
copyright. It may be distributed by any means (print, digital etc.). However, we ask that
the content remain unchanged and all excerpts be quoted in context.

I send this book to you as a seed from the Lord with a prayer in my heart; that a
bountiful harvest might be reaped of you and through you even as this book shows you
how to express the Kingdom in more creative ways, so that God in heaven may have a
reason to rejoice more and more in the presence of His holy angels.

Correspondence with the coordinator of SOPA is available through this channel:


first published in June 2019

Published by Eternity Window Publication


This Project is dedicated to God; my inspiration. And to the sons of God who desire that
the Kingdom of God should find expression through the works of their hands beyond the

This project was successful with the selfless inputs of some very wonderful people whom
the Lord used to set things in motion.

I deeply appreciate the efforts of all the facilitators who taught the saints during the
mentoring class. Isaac Abor, Faseran Faith, Sotunmbi Esther, Dada Caleb, Akinboade
Pelumi, Oreoluwa Owele, Jesudamilare Adesegun-David, Emmanuel Ogunleye,
Oluwaseyi Gbadebo, Tommy Michael, God is your reward for giving us the best by God’s
Spirit. Your selfless service to God’s kingdom speaks to the ends of the earth.
Special thanks to my friends who volunteered to help with the editing of the chapters;
Toyosi Ojo, Aderayo Bashorun, Jewel Adalumo and Oluwaseyifunmi Ogundeji. Thank you
for giving your best and taking out time out of your busy schedules to help out.
Bamishe Taiwo; the Spirit filled graphics designer, thank you for doing a very wonderful
job on the cover pages.
To my wonderful friends, Olajire Deborah and Olalekan Adedeji, I say “thank you for
standing by me throughout the mentoring program.” Your prayers and encouragements
went a long way.
My appreciation goes to everyone who participated in this maiden edition of School of
Prophetic Arts mentoring program, thank you for making the project a beautiful one.




Facilitator: Jesudamilare Adesegun-David


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Oluwaseyi Gbadebo


Facilitator: Oluwaseyi Gbadebo


Facilitator: Dada Caleb


Facilitator: Dada Caleb


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Isaac Abor


Facilitator: Owele Oreoluwa


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Isaac Abor


Facilitator: Faseran Faith


Facilitator: Emmanuel Ogunleye



Facilitator: Michael Tommy


Facilitator: Oreoluwa Owele


Facilitator: Akinboade Pelumi



Facilitator: Faith Faseran


Facilitator: Livingstone Oluwalola.


Facilitator: Livingstone Oluwalola


Facilitator: Esther Sotunmbi



Facilitator: Jesudamilare Adesegun-David


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


Facilitator: Michael Tommy


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola




Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ whose mercy is ever upon us.
From whom we have received grace for all that we are and all that we do in His name.

This art work in your hand is a product of the Maiden edition of ‘School of the Prophetic
Arts, online mentoring program’ that held in a period of six weeks within March and April
of 2019. This book you are holding is a compilation of the classes we had during the six
weeks’ mentoring program.

In all, we had about twenty-six different courses or topics treated by eleven different Spirit
Filled, skilled and Prolific facilitators from different forms of arts. Within our team of
Facilitators are anointed Scribes, Psalmists, Violinist, Graphic designers, Painters,
Dancers and Prophets with unique administrations of God’s grace in ministry.

I believe that, for the mere reason that you are reading right now God has desired to speak
to you through this book and from his different servants. Whatever form of art you are
skilled in (or perhaps you're not skilled in any), trust me from engaging God through this
book, grace will be imparted for increased productivity and many people will be initiated
into a new realm of prophetic artistry via understanding through the revelation of the
Spirit captured in this invaluable material in your hands. Testimonies abound already of
the great things that God has wrought through these classes in the lives of the participants.

And we are so confident that this material in your hand will serve as your own portal into
a greater dimension of prophetic artistry. Read with an open heart and receive the word
of the Lord as a child, for of such is the kingdom of God. Don’t be skeptical or judgmental
if you don’t understand certain things mentioned; rather be discerning, search the
Scriptures and rely on the spirit of truth on your inside, light and understanding will

Lastly, note that you are engaging the classes of a prophetic school, and most of the classes
are prophetic as most of the facilitators yielded to the flow of life as they delivered the

supply of the Spirit to their brethren. However, although prophetic, the classes are highly
revelational, and will prove as a specimen through which the Spirit of truth will teach you.

Welcome to the journey into Prophetic Art.

Livingstone O. Oluwalola
School of Prophetic Arts
(A Faculty of Kingdom Agents Institute)





In Columbine in the year 1999, a young Christian teenage girl by the name Rachel Scotts
did a prophetic drawing of her eyes shedding thirteen tear drops on a rose flower plant
and on touching the plant they turned to blood. The drawing was made with pencil in her
diary. Eventually, the same day the drawing was made, she was the first to be killed in a
massacre by two of her classmates that she has been talking to about Jesus and praying
for. The massacre claimed the life of thirteen people right in columbine high school.

Six weeks later a man named Frank Amedia appeared on the scene, he has been having a
dream consistently of Rachel’s eyes shedding tears to wet something planted on the
ground. This led him to Rachel’s family, after two weeks they found her diary and
connected her last drawing to her death. The story was told in the school and other schools
and neighboring cities which led to millions of lives positively influenced to live selflessly
and multitudes turned to Christ. Her story was later converted to a movie, told on TV
station and a book written thereof which is still inspiring lives unto Godliness.

(Read full detail here http://bit.ly/2GqLIGv)


I have known Ana Mendez Ferrell since 2005. Her art has been a mighty tool to impact
environments and to bring a positive influence into the homes of my friends and relatives

Anna’s painting inspires me. I decorate my bedroom with her paintings; I bought
“dancing in the Spirit” and “the tree of Life” and many other painting that I gave to my
friends as gifts to bless their lives. When I first saw the “Tree of Life”, God confirmed to

me one of the first revelations that he gave to my life. Jesus himself is the tree of Life
according to Genesis and revelation. I love Prophet Anna and I admire Her. M.A

(Source http://propheticartgallery.com )


Ruth Heflin was taught by God to praise Him with the dance, below are
some of the amazing testimonies she recorded as she praised the Lord.

“I flew from Freetown to Lagos, Nigeria, and onto Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I checked into
the hotel on the beach front at Copacabana and went to sleep. The next day I went to the
top of the mountain where I praised, worshiped and prophesied with hands uplifted to
Rio and to all of Brazil, conscious that God was changing the atmosphere over the city and
over the nation. I returned to the airport, where I boarded a plane for Miami and
Richmond, Virginia.

On Thursday, I called my friend John Lucas, pastor in Calgary, Canada. I told him what I
had just done. He said he knew why I had done it. Rev. Cerullo was having a big
evangelistic thrust in Brazil. It was billed as the fourth largest media event in America that
year. He was having a closed-circuit satellite hookup to ten stadiums in Brazil and sixty
or seventy auditoriums in the United States and Canada. He initially wanted to conduct
the meeting in Sao Paulo because the spiritual atmosphere in that city was better than
Rio. But, for technical reasons, he had to have the meeting in Rio. This was Thursday. I
had been at the top of the mountain on Tuesday and the meeting was to begin on Saturday.
God had taken care of the spiritual atmosphere over Rio. I heard reports from a pastor’s
wife in the Detroit area that the power of God was so evident as she watched the crusade
that she found herself prostrate on the floor by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are
“workers together with Him” (2 Corinthians 6:1).

“When New Year’s Eve came, we had been praising on Mount Zion for about six weeks,
constantly urged on by the Lord to more and deeper praise. We were not only praising
Him with our lips, we were praising Him with the clapping and the uplifting of our hands

and with dancing, all wonderful and biblical forms of praise. On New Year’s Eve the Lord
spoke to us and said, “Even now, while you are praising Me, I am pouring out My Spirit
in another part of the city.” We got so excited. We could hardly wait until the next day to
see what God had done in some other part of the city. The next day we learned that a
group of twenty-five Arab Baptist young people had gathered for a social evening when
suddenly the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon them and they began to speak in other
tongues. Twenty-five at that time in Jerusalem was like two thousand, five hundred in the
United States.”

(copied from the book titled glory; by ruth heflin page 61 and 10 respectively)


The Holy Ghost inspired scribe named Martin Luther wrote Nine five theses or
disposition on the power of indulgences which started the reformation (A schism in
Roman Catholic Church) which profoundly changed Europe. In the Theses, Martin Luther
claimed that the repentance required by Christ in order for sins to be forgiven involves
spiritual repentance rather than merely external sacramental confession. This write up
broke the power of religion that has pervaded the church and has replaced spiritual
relationship with God to activities and certain sacraments. The write up led to a
reformation cum spiritual revival in Europe and reignited the truth of the scripture that
says “The Just shall live by faith”.



Saul through the ministry of David, the anointed harpist, he found comfort and
deliverance from the oppression of the demon that afflicts him.

“But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled
him. And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth
thee. Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man,

who is a cunning player on a harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from
God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. And Saul said
unto his servants, provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me. Then
answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the
Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war,
and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him. Wherefore Saul
sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, send me David thy son, which is with the sheep.
And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them
by David his son unto Saul. And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved
him greatly; and he became his armour bearer. And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let
David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favour in my sight. And it came to
pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played
with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.”
1 Sam 16:14-17:1

Elisha, through the ministry of the Minstrel, the atmosphere was set for
him for speak forth from God

“And Elisha said, As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that
I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor
see thee. But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that
the hand of the Lord came upon him. And he said, thus saith the Lord…. 2 Kings 3:14-16

The power of sounds skillfully released by an anointed minstrel can set the atmosphere
aright for men to intimately connect with God.


Facilitator: Jesudamilare Adesegun-David

There is no inch of the universe that Jesus does not cry, "Mine, Mine!" over. We are the
instruments of the recovery and the restoration of all things. Make a joyful noise! Rejoice!
Rejoice that you are the generation!

There is a particular reason why it was the Tabernacle of David that the prophetic
Scriptures spoke about. First, David and then the Tabernacle.

Acts 15:16

“After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen
down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:”

Why was David significant in the order of things as far as God is concerned? There was a
desire in God that was first seen in Adam but it was not too visible because, before the full
development of those dimensions could be known, the fall occurred. It took another man
to come reveal that dimension. That man was Melchizedek. He was an embodiment of
two realities that were established as the default state of the One after whom he
(Melchizedek) was made.

Hebrews 7:3 says this: “Without father, without mother, without descent, having
neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a
priest continually.”

That which is seen in Melchizedek is a mirror image of Him whom Melchizedek was
fashioned after. Made, like unto the Son of God. Now, who was this Melchizedek?

Gen 14:18: And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was
the Priest of the Most High God.

Here is a king who is also a priest. Both in one man. However, we come to realize how this
was not a passing fancy for God. There was something which was His intent then and
which still is now.

Exodus 19 brings us into the understanding of it.

Exodus 19:5-6 “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is Mine:
And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words
which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” You will be a kingdom of priests.

Douay-Rheims Bible puts it this way;

Vs.6 “And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, and a holy nation. Those are the words
thou shalt speak to the children of Israel.”

There is somewhere else in Scriptures where these words were used.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own
purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the
virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
[Exod. 19:5, 6] 1 Peter 2:9 AMPC.
Now, see this version of Scripture.

Brenton Septuagint Translation

“And ye shall be to me a royal priesthood and a holy nation: these words shalt thou
speak to the children of Israel.” [Exodus 19: 6]


Why do we need to establish this? There has been a desire in God’s heart. When Adam
failed, He found Melchizedek. But the thought wasn't fully developed in Melchizedek as
his life wasn't totally unpacked for us to see. So, God commissioned the Israelites into this
reality, however, they couldn't fulfill this. And then, here is that word that makes all the
'I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want
him to do'” [Acts 13:22].

Psalm 89:19-20 “You once spoke in a vision, to Your godly ones You said, “I have
bestowed help on a warrior; I have exalted one chosen from the people. I have found
David My servant; with My sacred oil I have anointed him.”

Once God spoke in a vision and spoke about a desire in His heart. He spoke to holy men
who longed to know His heart. He imprinted upon them a knowing that there was
something He sought for. And then, one day, a young man showed up on the scene. A
young ruddy man! And God's eyes lighted upon him and God exclaimed: I have found
David! I have found the man!

Acts 13:22: “And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their
king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a
man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.”

QUESTION: Why was it so difficult for God to get a man to embody both the priest and
king dimensions up till that point?

See this: Who shall fulfill ALL My will. All, not some. All, not 99. There is a caveat. David
was the man God found that could fulfill ALL His will. God was finally able to hinge His
hope on a man that He was sure will fulfill ALL His will.

And how did God ascertain David to be the man who could fulfill ALL his will?

The same way Jesus knew that Nathaniel was an Israelite in whom there was no guile.
There was a heart disposition that God found in David and it was seen in how he handled
both Lion and Bear. Yet again, it was confirmed in how he charged to battle against "this
uncircumcised Philistine". And this is the reason we come across the key of David in the
book of Revelation.

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth;
and shutteth, and no man openeth;” [Rev 3:7]

The key of David is like a master key. It answers to ALL the will and desires of God that
there is! Below, is an image for us to properly understand it.

You see the grooves on the key must fit with all the pins in the lock else there is no chance
of opening the lock. So, the Key of David aligns with ALL the will of God and as such
has entrance into all things that belong to God (the SURE mercies of David). It can
open and no man can shut and it can shut and no man can open.

So, how does this all connect to us? We have seen 1 Peter which spoke about us being a
royal priesthood and Rev 1:6 says the same thing; kingdom of priests. But there is a
passage we need to check out.

Acts 15:13 “And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and
brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the
Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. And to this agree the words of the
prophets; as it is written, after this I will return, and will build again the
tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof,
and I will set it up: That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles,
upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.”

After this I will return and will build again…Why? That the residue of men might
seek after the Lord.

Exodus 19:5 “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is
mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the
words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.”

Why did God need to emphasize on the earth being His in the passage above? It's the same
reason why the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David was connected to the "residue of
men" seeking after the Lord. In essence, what He was saying is that the whole earth is

ours for the taking when we have a priesthood-powered kingdom! The kingdom is the
EFFULGENCE while the priesthood is the atomic/nuclear reaction
generating the brilliance, the glory, the splendor.

Priesthood is for Kingdom! Priesthood is not an end in itself! Kingdom speaks of


See what vocabulary.com says: Civilization is an advanced stage of human society, where
people live with a reasonable degree of organization and comfort and can think about
things like art and education.

Those represented here are the ones who will spearhead the annunciation of the
civilization called Zion!

Let the artists prophesy! Let them deluge the world with the rarefied glory of
Zion's art forms!

Ancient art refers to the many types of art produced by the advanced cultures of ancient
societies... (wikipedia)

Only advanced cultures could produce art that is entirely distinct and pure. We have
Benin Sculptures, also Nok Terracotta and all sorts. They became proofs that Africa had
advanced civilizations by all standards back then. The Western World couldn't fathom the
level of intelligence and creativity and craftsmanship that birthed those things.

So, beloved, a lack of true art forms out of Zion in our day is proof that we are yet to lay
hold on the advanced dimensions of our culture and civilization. But glory! There is a
restoration and a rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David!

I want to share some Scriptures that will gather it all together:

1 Chronicles 16:1, 4-6 “So they brought the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the
tent that David had pitched for it: and they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings
before God. And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark
of the LORD, and to record, and to thank and praise the LORD God of Israel:
Asaph the chief, and next to him Zechariah, Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and

Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obededom: and Jeiel with psalteries and with
harps; but Asaph made a sound with cymbals; Benaiah also and Jahaziel the priests
with trumpets continually before the ark of the covenant of God.”

1 Chronicles 15:16: “And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint their
brethren to be the singers with instruments of musick, psalteries and harps and
cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with joy.”

Now, remember, there was no precedent of this before this time. No one had thought it
important to have songs and instruments of music before that time as a continual course.
However, in David, the entrance into an advanced form of civilization had taken place. It
was either the men before him were priests/prophets or they were kings/judges. None
had embodied this intimacy of priesthood (remember he ate the shewbread and wore the
ephod and administered the Urim and the Thummim and as well recognized the
blessedness of the man to whom God did not impute sin) and the kingship (he named the
city, the City of David, he conquered kingdoms for annexation etc) in such equal balance.

David fully (to the extent a type could) reflected the One who will proceed from his lineage
but Who was before him - Christ Jesus: “Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion
whose priesthood is not after a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless
Life”. The early Church could be said not to have come to the advanced stages of our
civilization for they were the infancy of the Seed that was sown in the earth--first a blade,
then an ear and then a full corn in the ear.

We are the generation transiting from the ear to the full corn in the ear! There is an end
in view for the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David. It is so that the residue of the nations
may seek the Lord.

Where are the ones who will write the new Lord of the Rings Trilogy?

Where are those who will create the new Passion of the Christ?

Where are those who will pack Silverbird Galleria and the cinemas full at the premiere
of their movies?

Where are those who will create the new immersive Virtual Reality animations that will
drench kids in the realities of the New Jerusalem?

David sought for the expression of the Kingdom powered by priesthood and he got it and
in no time, though it was in Solomon's reign, the kings of the earth brought their glory to
Jerusalem. The Queen of Sheba came to submit to the effulgence breaking out from
Mount Zion.

The reason why it is the tabernacle is because this is a mobile priesthood. There is no
permanence in terms of location. It is the everywhere-you-go kind of priesthood. It is what
powers the sighting of a scene that your camera lens must just capture. And that brings
the Pulitzer Prize to you.

Oh brethren, I speak of that which I know! I speak of that which has been so vividly set
forth before my very eyes!

Take the deep dive! Your words will shape the future. Shape the culture.
Influence the flow and command the zeitgeist!

Oh glory to God! There is power as I sense an impartation.

Take! Take! Take!

Take sight! Take barrel-fuls of Spirit-creativity!

Take stories, take plots, take characterizations, take diction and language!

Artistry steeped in mastery is released! A deluge!

There is so much power here! Glory waves! Oh glory!

Blessed be the name of the Lord! From the rising of the sun until the going down of the

Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

The word “prophetic” means ‘that which is inspired by God to deliver a message
that reveals the mind of God, which brings encouragement, comfort,
exhortation'. The prophetic captures both foretelling (declaring or describing events
before they happen) and forth-telling.

In this school of Prophetic Arts, we will be looking at different forms of Arts.

Prophetic Arts is giving expression to God’s patterns, messages and designs

through written words, sounds, colours, symbols and forms as revealed by
the Holy Spirit. It is the art created under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Art is a language that every man speaks. Art is an expression of the soul. The power of
God that will be manifested through your artwork is a function of your
understanding of the will of God in the light of the scriptures and of His

We do not just draw, design, paint, dance, sing or write. When we do these things, we are
supposed to do them with an intention to show forth the praise of God. Therefore, they
who do these things should not do so for themselves, but unto the Glory of God.

Friends, its high time we get intentional about the matters of the kingdom that we
represent, and about expressing its righteousness. You are a priest of God on the earth.
You are the portal that stands between God and men in the world. Do you understand
that the very works of your hand is a means for you to communicate and exercise your

Art is a medium of expression for men based on their unique intricate

configurations. That is why singing is not my thing, neither is painting; whereas when
some people handle these things, they just catch fun. This is because the art form has
become a platform for such people to give expression to their inner worlds in a seamless

Every piece of Art carries with it a measure of the spirit, the mind and the
heart of its creator. This implies that a lustful person can paint a very beautiful picture
of a river (not a nude picture), and the artwork will communicate lust into the
atmosphere, because a spirit has latched onto that piece from its creator. That is also why
some songs have the capacity to incite anger and violence, or aid depression and help you
go deeper in sorrow. Have you ever thought of the power of songs and sounds, and how
certain lyrics have caused certain men to live in a certain way?

All artworks (material) and Art forms (immaterial) have the tendency to dispense energy
(either of light or darkness) into the atmosphere where it is, depending on the source. In
other words, a Holy Spirit-inspired artwork can change the spiritual climate of an

The power that your artwork wields is as a result of how well you understand the
Kingdom, its abilities/realities, and how well you are able infuse life into the very works
of your hand.

On this note, there is a need for every artist to become one with his Art! You must become
one with your painting, you must become one with your singing, you must become one
with your crafts. This is the way to communicate, and it will touch the soul of the beholder
or handler. Can you put the imprint of life on what you produce?

I once saw a lady put on a cloth with some kind of inscription that was not English. Now,
I don't go around looking for demons. I was just minding my business when I glanced at
her attire and I felt a vibration emitting from where she was. I looked again, and I saw
the cloth emitting dark energy because it carried a demon by the function of the
inscription it had on it. Such clothes are not produced by mere men! That was an
intentional act of darkness.

Another time, I picked a book by Jonathan Edwards (a Believer) in which he chronicled

visions of heaven. As I read the book, deluge of light flooded my soul, and I was vibrating
and shaking on the chair where I sat. That was also intentional!

It’s a season of intentionality, friends! Let's see the word of the Lord in Exodus chapter 4.

Exodus 4:1-4 And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor
hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. And
the LORD said unto him, what is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said,
Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses
fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, put forth thine hand, and take it by
the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:

I like to liken the form of art that you perceive God is calling you into or that which you
are talented in, to the rod of Moses.

So, God called Moses to send him forth with a message, and he said, “Lord, they will not
believe me”. In the same way, God has called all of us, and we may also be afraid that the
audience may not believe us. Then God asked him, what's that in your hand? and he said
‘a rod’. God is also asking some of us “what is that in your hands?” For some, it is a brush
paint; for some, it is a dancing shoe; for some, it is a pen; for some, it is a sewing machine;
for some, it is a guitar.

Now, the Lord told Moses to throw it on the ground. In other words, release it to Me!
When Moses obeyed, what happened? The power of God came upon it and turned an
ordinary rod to a snake. What does a snake represent? The scripture says be thou wise as
serpent (Matthew 10:16) This mean that, the dead rod became a living symbol of God's
wisdom. When you release that talent and grace in absolute surrender, it
becomes a tool in God's hand

Moses’s rod became a rod for signs and wonder, and it also became a weapon for the
display of Wisdom. Watch what happens next, after the power of God came upon the rod.

Exodus 4:17, 20” And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do

And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the
land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand”

The ordinary rod became anointed; not just that, it became the rod of God.

This is the same way a psalmist will sing the songs of the Lord, the dancer will give
expression to the dance of the Lord, and the writer and scribe will scribble the word of the

How did it to become the Lord’s? They first of all laid down their skills. The Lord will
not release his anointing upon that which is not released to him. Can the Lord
take possession of your very members as his own? When I truly become the Lord's, my
pen is automatically his too.

Prophetic Artists are living sacrifices; they do not have a life of their own, they do not have
‘my time’ anymore. The anointing to paint can be stirred by 4am and they must yield, else
they kill the flow. We must lead a life that is fully yielded.

David talked about God giving him songs in the night. A prophetic artist that cannot
engage the night watches at kairos (appointed-time) moments is simply lazy. When a
design ‘jumps’ on you, do you just smile and feel good, or you pick up your designing pen
and board and jump into the river?

Listen, friends. What we are talking about is work that involves God messing with you
again and again. He will mess up your schedules again and again. Are you ready for what
you are asking for?

Did you know that Bezaleel and Aholiab were working both day and night, and the same
grace that gave the ideas gave the strength for the extra Mile? Grace makes things easy,
yes. Yet, grace also helps you go the extra mile.

Can you get intentional that all you do must communicate life?

I wrote a poem sometimes ago. A lady read it, went ecstatic and was raptured in a trance
state. Someone saw her and asked why she was looking like an angel, because her face
was radiant. It is the same principle at work when we read the writings of Paul and hear
the voice of the Lord as we read.

Friends! Do you know that it is the same spirit that works all in all?

1 Corinthians 12:4-5 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are
differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

There a need for you to know God, because you cannot give what you do not have. Peter
said to the lame man at the beautiful gate, “Silver and gold we do not have, but what we
have is what we give”. Do you know what you have? What do you have that you can give?

Do you know the tremendous power available to the man who will live the God-kind of
life? You may not even have to pray in tongues on your work. There's this knowing and
consciousness that makes you a power and life dispenser both consciously and
unconsciously. It just makes you a running tap of life.

The degree of Spirit and Life that your work communicates is a function of
your understanding! For example, it is understanding that makes me know that when
I shake hands with a man on the road, I left a residue and an imprint on him.

How lit is your soul? How enlightened is your soul, or let me say how lightened is your
soul? The Spirit finds expression in your works through the instrumentality of your soul.
How pure is your transmitter of life and righteousness? How pure are your thoughts??
Oh, you don't know that all these things matter? That is what I actually meant by you
being one with your Art! The extent to which you are one with God in your soul is the
extent to which your artworks project God’s righteousness.

Perhaps, you are a beautiful singer and you take high pitch, and oh my; when you play the
guitar, you can make a man dance on a needle. You can combine words and men are
wowed by your poems. Men applaud that you are very good and you feel content with that.
However, do you know that no one applauded David for playing the harp, yet he released
sounds that drove out demons? The difference between David and ourselves is simple;
the matter of the heart, the issues of the mind, the purity of the soul. God cannot pass
through you more consistently than the purity of your soul permits. While it
is good that we go for skills, let us also go for His presence. Remember; the rod is for signs,
not for applause, and signs have a voice to testify to the very power of God, so that men
can see and turn.

As I waited upon the Lord for this meeting, an angel stood by me and introduced himself
as Strategy, and I began to see that one of the major things God wants to do to us through
this meeting is to bring us into the strategy room of heaven and give us strategies for
harvest by the works of our hands.

Brother Minstrel Sir, do you know you do not have to sing in tongues in all your tapes?
Singing in tongues does something to the believer who has understanding and whose
spirit is lightened. We do not speak in tongues to the world. What God has given you is
relevant for the harvest of the world. It is not all about your lyrics, even though good lyrics
is a plus. It is about the degree of Life that you are able to dispense through the lyrics.

For instance, can we have instrumentalists that will record only sounds that will
communicate the fear of the Lord? Sounds that will make every listener, saved or unsaved
to shift consciousness to the 4th dimension of reality and be drowned in the consciousness
of the truth that there is a God.

Friends, this is the season of birthing strategy. Hey! I love Pastor Lawrence Oyor, but we
can’t have two of Him. One of the reasons we all love him and are blessed by him is
because he has a unique style, and he has the Spirit. He has the skills, the style, the
anointing and the platform.

As I am typing this, I see God calling someone into Kingdom folklore genre
of music, (I don’t know what that is, but that is what I heard now). God is
saying to you, do not ask if it will sell or be popular. That is your strategy for
exerting dominion in the sphere God is calling you into.

Let your light shine upon every heart, dear Lord!

Dear Artisan, can we trust God for such a testimony as this? that we have tailors who are
so drunk in the God-life that they sew wedding gowns, and sustain the testimony that
after 22 years of sewing and 256 wedding gowns, no lady who put on their work was
barren or had a broken home? Is this possible? YES! If you cannot see it, you cannot have

How can this be? I will tell you. The reason many are not operating in this dimension is
because they do not know that it is possible. One of the things that operating with the
spirit of wisdom does to you, is that it helps you to think with God.

Can we do warfare with our painting? Can we capture an image of purity in the Spirit,
paint it and take it to that Hotel that has the spirit of harlotry and whoredom? Give them
free of charge and persuade them to put it at the entrance of the hotel. As people who
come to fornicate or commit adultery set their eyes on that painting, the desire to fornicate
dies. The image will linger in their minds and it will communicate the spirit of the fear of
the Lord.

This is a simpler one; can you get intentional about every WhatsApp status and Facebook
updates? Can you come into an agreement with God that only the Kingdom will be seen?
Oh; that in all that we do, we will express Kingdom Life and its righteousness!
This, my friends, is the Skeleton of prophetic arts.

Question: How do I carry sustain the attitude of being intentional concerning all that
concerns me?

Answer: Your consciousness is a product of what you think about the most. Keep on
meditating and professing who God says you are and what God can do through you. As
regards all that concerns you: in the place of fellowship, God will bring you into awareness
of what has been written about you in the volume of the books. As you begin to come into
that awareness, keep on thinking about it, constantly meditate on it, and continuously
confess it until you become it.


Facilitator: Oluwaseyi Gbadebo

It is an honor for me to be sharing with you on The vision, The Mission and The Passion.

I am a visual artist. Visionary and Prophetic. I don't play by rules, rather, I live within the
freedom by which Christ has made me FREE!!!


There are literally thousands of definition to this. A vision is a picture or idea you have in
your mind of yourself, your business (work), or anything that you desire to happen. Vision
is very essential, because every Creative endeavor always start with a VISION. A clear
vision helps you pursue dreams and achieve goals.

Before God commenced the Art of Creation. It all started with a Vision in the Mind of God.
As Prophetic artists, our vision must be clear.

In 2014, I had an encounter with God and He said I should use my Art for something
more. To glorify my King. The vision began to form gradually in my mind on how I’m to
go about it, the steps to take, etc. I believe Vision is like a seed. Many things would try to
snatch it at that early stage. But if carefully nurtured and cared for. It would DEFINITELY


This is the vehicle that would get you to the vision.

As an artist and creative person, I perfectly understand that we have quite a tough battle
of dividing between the Sacred and the Secular, but what if the Secular and the
Sacred are both Sacred?

I am an Artist in the Industry but I am not an Industry artist. I define my space and I own
it! This is what the Breakthrough Spirit does in the life of Prophetic Artists. As creatives,
we are automatically Gatekeepers to the world of Men. We control what men hear
(audio/sound) and what they see (visuals/light). No wonder the enemy invests a lot in

this industry, because he knows we (our kind) are influencers. Do you know how much
billions of dollars are being invested into Hollywood yearly? It's all to the end that mindset
and culture is being shaped.

So, as kingdom creatives at this time, we cannot just take the back seat. We must create
(from the platform of our visionary experiences) and push it with passion.

How do we communicate the God-life outside of Church walls?

For a very long time, religion has victimized us. If Daniel had been religious, he wouldn't
accept the title "head of all astrologers and sorcerers in Babylon". If Joseph had been
religious, he wouldn't marry the daughter of an Egyptian Priest. There are terrible
grounds that God would open up unto us. But the question is, are we mature in
understanding to stand therein? Paul said to the Romans, “I am like a Roman”.

I believe there's an Army of Creatives that are on the rise to cause a total disruption of the
world's system of Art. Communicating the God-life outside of the church walls requires
wisdom. And He (The wisdom of God; Christ) is already abode within us.

Also, another major thing that is also required and needed is a Ferocious, Terrible, Fiery,
Unshakable, radical BOLDNESS! As Creatives that would usher in the ways of our God
and export the Statutes of our King to a rebellious world. We have to be DARING.

Let me share a bit of my story.

As an artist, there are lots of competitions outside and several ways people do things. How
do you come into this market? How do you represent the Kingdom, and yet make a living,
and fulfil purpose in it? Also, make a mark, leave a legacy, do what the Father requires of
you. And it looks as if all odds are against us.

So, for me, in 2013, during my national youth service (NYSC) programme, I was rounding
up and needed to know what next to do. I prayed to God to help me because I was blank.
The name BEZALEL kept occurring to me (Bezalel in the bible, the first artist who built
the Tabernacle of Moses, who also created the ark of covenant, the menorah and many
other artefacts in the Tabernacle of Moses). So, I wrote the name BEZALEL down. In early
(February) 2014, after conclusion of the National service, I was hoping on what to do next.

I was not sure about what to do due to the variety of options available, (like to go to UK,
Canada, Abuja to stay with my Uncle), but in my Spirit, I felt an opposition to going there.
So, I asked God what to do next.

At the period I was asking what to do next, I went to Ogbomoso for my convocation. I
went to my Friend (Jesudamilare) in white house Ogbomoso. The moment I stepped into
the place, there was a witness in my Spirit that this is where I want you to be for the next
3years. It was shocking, because after spending 6 years of my life in the same place
(Schooling), I still have to spend extra 3 years and I asked, 'doing what?' So, I had to pack
my things down there.

During my period of stay, the first thing the Lord taught me was IDENTITY; WHO AM I?
BEZALEL (where an army of Artists would be raised, side to side with Lofty Arts). So, the
Lord groomed me in Prophetic Artistry (the Prophetic Arts painting that I do began at
white house). Then, after the 3years came to an end, I relocated to Lagos where
miraculously the company (The house of Bezalel) started and we got some people to join

Yet, the Lord was still personally telling me about the place of my Prophetic Arts and the
things He wants me to do, but I was afraid because I wondered if people will be able to
relate with the things I was seeing then. They were beyond things I could share in normal
church settings (some religious people in church might say I've gone haywire and now an
occult). So I was noting, sketching and writing down the things the Lord was showing me
as stories.

A program was held at Cave Adullam (A Christian Platform) which broke us forth
(organized by me and Lawrence Oyor in August 2018), and in the sessions mind blowing
things happened, I was drawing under ministration, me and the guys with me, the
creatives. I felt BOLDNESS within me to UNLEASH. When I began to have that flow, my
respectable father and mentor, Pastor David Edwards, after showing him the images
encouraged me to stay in fellowship and pray.

Note, that as creatives, you have to be disciplined in documenting and articulating

ideas/inspiration as they come. It is very important; it serves as sacrifice on your own part
to trap them down, because they might fly off as birds if not trapped down and it requires
grace to have them back.

I built a portfolio (and I had my works ready, within a month). Coincidentally, one of my
superiors in the Art Industry who had exhibited me (my works) in time past, called me to
ask if I have any work at hand that, there was an exhibition coming up at a gallery and
they would like to showcase works. Then I answered ‘Yes, but, my new style of works, you
may not really understand.’ I gave him the site to my works and he saw them. He called
me back after an hour and asked where I get my inspiration from, I smiled and told him
they were from my place of meditation and interaction with the Divine (wisdom is needed
because you can't cut yourself off the industry).

The exhibition came and it was strange, as I had remarks from the Art Industry. Also,
after the exhibition I took them to another gallery (Nike Arts, Alexis Arts Gallery and so
on), they gave this strange look that this is out of this world. Alex's Arts Gallery was
supposed to sell the work but instead she bought it for herself. What I am driving at is,
once you create your space, when you follow the leading of the spirit and create something
mind blowing, the people who the works will minister to will know it. Some of those that
got these works are the people I know to be occults, but that is the power of Art. They take
the works to their spheres, they feel the energy and know something is different about
this work.

Have you ever wondered why the Ark of Covenant and a sculpted Art work will stand in
the temple with Dagon; the god of the Philistines and Dagon had to bow to worship the
God of the Ark of the Covenant. It was Art work, yet, through the greatness of the power
of God that is loaded in the art work, other Art Works submitted themselves unto that
One (Note that both were created by creative men, who are artists).

Bezalel crafted the ark of covenant, and power was loaded in his Art work because he
partnered with the Spirit. It gets to a point where, you just follow the Spirit. This is where
you need Courage and Boldness. Remember what God told Joshua: “Be strong and be
thou courageous”.

Everything we need to succeed is within us, we have Wisdom, we hear the voice of God,
but, did you notice that there is something that keeps us at one spot sometimes, it is FEAR.
When we have all that we need, we are still afraid of stepping out, afraid of what people
will say and how will they feel? Won’t they label me a heretic? Won’t they say I don't fit
in? And other things?

If you are not ready to be seen as an outcast, if you're not ready to be labeled as an odd
one, then, you're not ready for the journey. After all, you are called the Prophetic Artist. A
Prophet is not someone that is 'understood', but someone that speaks from the dimension
of God. It is not about what men say or don't say, you have no business with their
accolades, their acceptance or rejection. You deliver a message and by your faithfulness
in delivering the message, you'll be amazed. Some will notice your courage, your works,
they will know you've come to scatter things, some will look at you and say you've come
to inspire them, you'll get different opinions concerning what you're doing. What I'm
saying in essence is as a creative in this season, you are not meant to play about the rule,
once you do, you sink in the game and once that happens your voice is off. I don't play
about the rules, I know a number of people that are stuck, they produce what the market
wants, but for my Visual Arts, I don't produce what the market wants.

The place of raising income is likewise essential, because for those works that are not
understood by everyone, you still need to make a living from what you do.

First of all, have a mindset of courage, of not playing about the rules, of bringing
something better and know also that not everybody will understand your works. You will
have your target audience within the sphere. So, know that some people will see your
works and be pissed off, some encouraged, some blessed. You will get all sorts of

Someone like a mentor to me bought my work (Pastor Peter), and shouted when he saw
my works. He said that was exactly what God was showing him. For that kind of thing,
God has shown you, God has given you privilege to know certain people who are blessed
by your work, because I know sometimes you'll need to be encouraged. There are
platforms where you'll get feedbacks, because it is important (we'll talk more on platform

in the next teaching). Glory to God!!! Our Father is awesome. I feel this strongly in my

While still talking about The Vision, The Mission, The Passion and communicating the
God life outside of church walls, one of the things that kill the expression of the creative
life of God inside of us is CONDEMNATION. I feel there are some who still battle with
this. The enemy is using that tool to steal from the expression of your creative flow.
Condemnation is never of God! You are never meant to be Condemned! Jesus Christ has
made you free, please live in that Freedom. Renew your mind upon that freedom, it is not
your addition, neither are you adding anything to it. He has made you free! You are
Beloved, Blood-Bought and Sanctified. Condemnation kills, because you'll feel you're not
worthy. That is not of God, it is never of God. Comparing yourself with people doing better
than you and then feeling condemned? NO! It is not and never of God.

(Every spirit of condemnation disturbing anybody, pushing anybody in the dark from
manifesting the creative life of God within them, by the power in the name of Jesus, be
broken right now in the name of Jesus. For condemnation is not of our Father, there is
Life, Joy, Peace evermore, this is the inheritance of the Saints, we release the life upon
you in Jesus name. Amen!).

Expressing the Creative life of God inside of you. Outside the Church walls requires
BOLDNESS. "Be Bold and Strong for the Lord your God is with you "It is your
responsibility to put on BOLDNESS. You have to tune in. How do you tune in? Release
Fire in the Spirit, praying tongues.

I have a lot of experience with secular artists, because, I have worked with a number of
them at one point or the other in time. One of the ways they get bold in their expression
is that some of them paint obscene works, nude works, they just do defiant things. And
they do this through taking substances like alcohol, Indian hemp, they get high on
something and then begin to paint and sculpt, mold or create works out of that high
moment. Since we don't do all that, we get high by meditating and breakthrough in
tongues. That is how to get high in the Spirit. We get Boldness by releasing Fire in the
Spirit through praying in tongues. Glory!!!!!

Once the Vision (Where you are going as a creative is clear) and the Mission (what you
will do to get there), the next thing to do is to drive it with Fiery Hot Passion. Now, another
addition is your RELATIONSHIPS. We would expand on this in the next chapter.

Glory to God!


Facilitator: Oluwaseyi Gbadebo

This is a journey. Remember what Jesus told His disciples when He was about to leave
the earth. He told them to start from Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria and to the
uttermost part of the earth.


A calling is a summoning of a person by another with a demand or request on what is

needed to be done. A calling is a function a person is equipped for. We hear this a lot,
"God has called me to Ministry". Many of us are familiar with this phrase? Then the
picture that comes to mind is handling the almighty microphone while standing behind a
pulpit and speaking to hundreds or thousands or millions of people.

From my last story, I told you about how God sent me to Ogbomoso after my NYSC service
year, because I really don't understand how to explain it to my parents, I just told them
that "God has called me to Ministry."

Does God Call people? Yes!

God summons us to undertake our predestined purpose in Him.

I like to add the two definitions together.

A Calling is a Summon from God to a man to carry out his predestined purpose in God.
But we need to know specifically what God has called us into.

Apostle Paul uses the word ‘Apprehended’. What God called Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola
for is different from what He called Rick Joyner for. Everyman has his own unique Call in

The reason I am dwelling much on calling is because everything about your fulfilling
Purpose is centered around your CALL(ing)

If one doesn't focus on the Call of God on his or her life, such persons would be frustrated
heading in the wrong direction, won't have the Grace (Anointing/enablement to things
with ease) of God working in his/her life, struggling and trying to meet up with people
who are in their call, sweating to get a Platform and ultimately unfulfilled.

Remember Paul's calling was to preach CHRIST to the gentiles whilst Peter’s was to reveal
Him to the Jews. When Paul tried to enter Peter's calling by Revealing Christ to the Jews,
he was bound and sent back to the Jews. Although Paul was more articulate and eloquent
more than Peter naturally, his calling was to "Preach Christ to the Gentiles". When Paul
did that, Grace was activated and platform manifested without sweat.

My calling is to saturate societies with Lofty Arts, raise an Army of Artists and leave a
legacy in the Arts. That is what I live for. God’s grace is helping me and He's providing the
Platforms I need.

Knowing your Calling is everything, and sticking to it is very essential. Playing our part as
Creatives, scribes, instrumentalists, poet is very important to the body of Christ.

Let me share a bit of my story here.

I was admitted into the institution to study Accounting in LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. But I
have always had a pull towards the Art. My parents advised that I will not make money
with that in this country. They started saying all sorts. “Who will buy painting? When all
your mates are Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants and they are making huge
salaries in top firms.”

My Head of Department at the Accounting Department also tried to lure me to stay behind
in Accounting. But I knew deep within me that I am destined for the Arts. So I made the
switch. (The pull of your Calling is so strong to be easily ignored. You won't be able to
push it aside easily). But, tenaciously I stayed through by His Grace and graduated as an
Artist. Yes, there were fears of how would this end? What will the future be like? But I
kept following the Call regardless of the fears, casting all my pressures and tensions on
the Lord.

When people try to cast tensions and pressures on you and it's trying to get at you. Please
quickly cast it upon the Lord. He knows how to handle it. As you work in it, Grace
(Anointing) would speak. You accept your Call and labour in it. God gives you Grace. Your
Relationship with People gives you platform. God gives you Platform through People. This
is where Humility is a must.

Platform comes naturally, but you must be prepared for it. You must have done your part.
Like Joseph, he had known his calling, accepted it and laboured in it over time. One of the
areas of his calling is interpretation of dreams. He had interpreted dreams for the butler
and the chief baker, when he was in the prison and because of the relationship he had
built with them, when it was time for him to manifest, he understood that it was his time.
If it had not been that he had a good relationship with the chief butler and baker in the
prison, the opportunity he had would not have surfaced.

What I am trying to say majorly is that, it is very essential for us to develop people skills.
Keep good relationship with people because after accepting your calling, labouring in it,
walking in it and the grace of God is upon your life, manifesting that calling via a platform
is essential. I like one thing the late Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa used to say, "Anointing
without the audience leads to frustration. "What he basically meant is that you have to
develop good people skills. Your relationship will open doors for you; the people you know
and how you interact with them. It is not that you are relating with them because you want
open doors. It is not actually like that, because it is God that gives you platform, but you
are being courteous, you are being respectful, and doing what is expected of you at any
given point in time. These are very essential.

Someone ask of you a service. Do it and take a step extra because man will look at the
outward appearance and God looks at the inward. Men look at your appearance, the way
you look, the way you dress, the way you smell etc. You leverage on these things.

Joseph understood these. That is the reason when he was going before Pharaoh, no one
had to tell him to shave himself and look good. He understands that these things matter
to high class people. Even though Joseph had the Spirit of God within Him, he did not
neglect other important aspect. It is very important. The place of people skill cannot be
over emphasized.

So, for me, one of the ways that I will say that I have gained platforms is by referrals.
When someone gives me a job, I put in my best and give an excellent delivery, if he is
satisfied, he will tell others about me.

In our company, House of Bezaleel, part of what we do is Mural paintings; the painting
on the wall. And we have done quite a number of products for Lagos State Government
through a construction company. The way we started was that when they give us a job
with a very short deadline and we promised to deliver, we did an excellent job in a short
time, the client was happy and he gave us another job after that.

People will notice if you put in the best in your job. How will you say you have the
anointing and the call and still produce substandard works, how do you want men to see
your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. If I produce a bad work
nobody will see my good work and glorify my Father, they will just hiss and say “and he
calls himself a Christian.”

After accepting your call, you must refine your skills and fine tune it very well.

Paul told Timothy, "study to show yourself approved unto the Lord, a Workman that need
not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15). It is highly essential.
We cannot use anointing to cover up for our mediocrity, if the worldly people will refine
and perfect their skills. See the way people in the world will perfect their dance steps, even
though they may be occultic, and how some will tarry in the studio mixing sounds, even
with their demonic anointing. But we who have the true anointing, most times we do not
go the extra mile to perfect our skills and we think platforms will be rushing on us because
we are anointed.

At this juncture is what will determine if we will make a living from this call and if we will
touch lives from this call. We have to put in our best.


Facilitator: Dada Caleb

Blessed be the name of God forever, for wisdom and Might are his. He giveth wisdom to
the wise. And knowledge to them that know understanding, He revealeth the deep and
the secret things, he knoweth what is in the darkness and the Light dwelleth with him. I
thank thee O God for thou has given me Wisdom and Might, thou has made known unto
me what I desired of thee (Daniel 2:20-23).

We are considering the topic: Engaging wisdom for Creativity.

There are two broad classes of the operations of the person of the Word (Jesus Christ)

1. Creator

2. High Priest

Everything the Word (Jesus Christ) has done and will do in eternity is within these two
divisions. We must realize that for the Word to start creating in the beginning, the
principle of Wisdom was activated.

Proverbs 8:22

“The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.”

This is a pattern for us as Sons; for us to Create, we must "possess " Wisdom. This does
not mean to seek wisdom from the outside, because God within us has all things.

The art of "possessing " wisdom is what I am explaining today.

Wisdom will always follow the "will" of man. This means that if there is no will for
something, then there will not be wisdom for it. God willed to create and wisdom to birth
the Will began to play out.

Another word for your will is your desire. Without a focused desire on an issue, wisdom
will not be possessed over it. Let us consider the case of Daniel. Wisdom came to him
because he had a desire to know the King's secret.

See, the will (desire) of the Father to have Sons is from the foundation of the world. That
caused the hidden wisdom to start playing out.

I want to make this practical

1. Pick a sheet of paper and write down what you need wisdom on now. That single
action has moved it from a wish to a desire.

2. The next step is to delight daily in the object of your desire. This happens in the
place of meditation; focused consistent meditation moves your heart from desire
to delight. When you begin to find pleasure (passion) in that which you desire, you
are possessing wisdom already.

If you read the Bible, especially Proverbs 8, you will realize that Wisdom is treated as a
feminine personality. She must be desired; she must be delighted in consistently. It is in
this intercourse with her that you inseminate Wisdom with your "object of desire " and
she births "solutions for you".

A man or Woman that is not given to the discipline of meditation should forget Wisdom
and Creativity. You should spend at least 15-30 minutes every day meditating consistently
on the same object. If you do that, Wisdom is bound to get pregnant for you and give you

This works for unbelievers too, because the "Creator" dimension is opened to all men,
believers or not. Only the High Priest dimension is exclusive to believers.

Proverbs 18:1

“Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all

Only via desire can a man be intertwined with Wisdom. The recreated spirit of the
believer is a spirit of wisdom, and will always deliver solutions if you allow it to. How?
Praying in the spirit and meditating. Constant practice of these spiritual exercises is how
to draw wisdom from your spirit.

There are many "spirits of Wisdom". Not all are heavenly, hence the believer’s creative
expression must express the Wisdom from above. Above means your spirit. Praying in the
spirit to draw out wisdom needs the full concentration of your mind on your "Object". As
you do this, wisdom comes; first like droplets then it drizzles, then it becomes a mighty
river pouring into your mind.

3. Pick up that which you have written, pray in tongues and think about it. As you do
so, streams of thoughts will begin to flow in your mind until it becomes a river of

Like I said in the last class,

 wisdom speaks primarily through your thoughts.

 Secondary ways are dreams and visions

 Sometimes while meditating, instructions come to read a book, watch a movie, ask
someone something etc.

These instructions are very important; when obeyed, they take you into another threshold
of Wisdom. When this becomes your practice, Wisdom begins to speak to you more
regularly in dreams and visions (You might see pictures or understand inventions and
other artwork in dreams and visions).

This is how I see the inventions I work on; in dreams and Visions. This is because I daily
possess Wisdom via desire. I am sometimes taken to the future to see inventions and how
to make them.

It is important to note that the real endgame is to build. Either Wisdom comes through
your thoughts, dreams, visions etc., it is all valid. None is greater than the other.

If this was a live class, I would have carried out a practical. I would have picked someone's
object, brood it and prayed in tongues for about 10 minutes, then give wisdom on it

The other part of this is what I refer to as the Might from Wisdom; that is the ability
to execute. This comes by consistently brooding on the answers/blueprints/solutions you

got from Wisdom. Strength to build comes and sustains you until you are done. Daniel
actually understood that the spirit of Might was needed along with the spirit of Wisdom.

I want to end the class here. If you have questions, please ask before I give the assignment.

Question: Please sir, can we also meditate on other people's works to get wisdom?

Answer: Yes, you can, if instructed.


In the Name of Jesus, I activate the wells of wisdom in your spirit. I ordain
your nights for dreams around inventions and desires of your heart. If you
receive this, say Amen. You'll surely begin to have those dreams.


Meditate and pray in the spirit for 15mins around what you wrote down for the next 3
days. Document the results and act on it.


Facilitator: Dada Caleb

This evening, many things will be unlocked. The spirit of wisdom is here. As we pray in
the Spirit, we are actually inter-coursing with the Wisdom of God, who is The Christ.

I’ll be teaching as the Prayers are going on.

Start speaking in tongues where you are for the next 7mins. As you do so, start thinking
of whatever you need insight into. That is how you watch at the doorpost to hear the voice
of wisdom

Proverbs 8:3 KJV “She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the

The city is your Spirit. The entry to your spirit is your mind. That is where she cries into.
The doors are your mouth, eyes and other senses. Hence when you pray in the Spirit, your
mouth is speaking wisdom and your mind is receiving the interpretation.

As you pray, it is very important that you keep in your mind what you need wisdom about.

It is also essential to receive the interpretation of those tongues.

1Co 14:13 KJV “Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may

This verse is better explained with this,

James 1:5 KJV “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

Asking for wisdom is asking for interpretation of the tongues. The way a man prays in the
Spirit for power is different from the way he prays in the Spirit for Wisdom. While praying
for power, you don't necessarily need your mind. However, while engaging for wisdom,
your mind is of utmost importance. Hence, as you pray in the Spirit, you must open up

your mind for interpretation in the direction of that which you have started pursuing or
what the Lord has laid upon your heart.

Keep praying in tongues. That is how we activate wisdom; by praying in the Spirit.

There's someone here; the Lord has been inspiring advances in

Transportation by Air in your heart.

As you pray, whenever you want to go further (i.e. receive more clarity), hold the last voice
(i.e. instruction) of wisdom in your mind as you pray in tongues. It is important to note
that as you do so, power to execute (obey) accompanies the information (instruction).

We travel from voice to voice (information) until instructions

(empowerment) start pouring in.

Keep praying in the Spirit.

Today is majorly for praying in the Spirit.

This is the major way to engage wisdom. If you do these consistently, once every 12 hours,
the results will be divinely inspired and instructive dreams and visions. The information
your soul could not pass to your consciousness (due to the bulk of activities during the
day) will be passed in dreams and visions. Pray in the Spirit with your mind very active.



Write down the things you received as you spoke in tongues.

Also, like I said, create a 30mins period twice a day, one in the first 12 hours and the other
in the second 12 hours. Pray in tongues about what you have in your heart.

Let me add that the spirit of wisdom is the spirit of eternity; the spirit of creativity. The
mind blowing things you bring forth will surprise you. Do not be too quick to say it does
not make sense.

Thanks to the convener and all the participators.


Get ready this night for dreams and visions of inventions and artistry.

I walk in this and by our interaction this night you also walk in it in the name of the Lord

I must add that the major way through which Wisdom pours into your mind is by your
thoughts. Hence, do not limit your expectations to visions, dreams, etc. while praying.

(N.B. This was a practical session in the School of Prophetic Arts. This is why the format
of prose in this chapter is dialogical)


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

Lord Jesus, take over tonight! We submit to your government. Holy spirit,
Lead us into all truth. We lay hold on all the supply of the Spirit available
for us tonight. Amen.

Tonight, I have a burden. It is as regards the Game of thrones (Movie) Saga, and we will
begin from there tonight.

When believers are able to see the behind the veil of physical happenings, it helps us to
understand God's heart. We must refuse to be blind. We must not walk as the blind. We
must not be carried away by waves and tides of things in the natural and physical. We
must be full of eyes! Jesus is the Lamb that was slain; He has seven eyes and seven horns.
We must learn to see with God's eyes.

It is saddening that matters that grieves God’s heart is what excites most of us. The Bible
says that which men exalt is an abomination to the Lord. We must be spiritual. We must
live as spiritual. We must never lose our spiritual sanity on the altar of the pleasure we
derive from natural and carnal things. Even though we engage carnal things on daily
basis, we must never become carried away. We must always be in sync with the spiritual
world that rules this physical word.

Don't have the mentality that people are too spiritual if they choose to probe the spiritual
undertone of things, and if they choose to live a discerning life! Do You know what the
scripture says about that?

1 Corinthians 2:15 “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of
no man.”

Sometimes, we have to ask; what has happened to the sense of judgement of the believers?
Most have gotten their sight tainted by the corruption that is in the world through lust;
all manner of lust!

The problem that God has with us is that we are too carnal. When we come
across those that are trying to live up to God's standard, we say they are too
spiritual. May God purge our hearts! All of us. Amen.

Now, this is the thing about GOT

Game of thrones (GOT) is a series. It has aired 7 seasons now, and the finale is about to
be released, if I am correct with my research. The movie has its storyline from a book
titled “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martins

The movie, in summary, is about powerful families - kings and queens, knights and
renegades, liars and honest men - playing a deadly game for control of the Seven
Kingdoms of Westeros, and to sit on the Iron Throne.

Look at this analysis gotten from the Internet few days before the release of the finale.

Let's assume this analysis is true, which it most likely is. You see, things don’t have such
attention on the earth simply by natural means. From the analysis, CBN said half of the
population on earth will be watching the GOT finale. That's about 4 billion people.

This is the thing. GOT is a sign of what is happening in the spirit realm over the earth.
Since last year, prophecies are being released that thrones in the realm of the spirit are
vacant, and there is a need for men to rise as princes on the earth.

Also, we have been told that it is a season of transitioning, commissioning and ordaining
of Star-lights. However, most of us, on hearing such prophetic words think it means the
next David Oyedepo, Paul Eneche, Billy Graham and Daddy G.O are being commissioned.
To an extent, this is true, but it doesn't end there. It is bigger than that

The whole thing about the GOT is that it is a sign for the body of Christ, indicating the
high and increased warfare against the saints, against the unity of the body and even the
threat of death over lives of those in the front lines. There are vacant thrones in the spirit
over the spheres of the earth. Men are being raised and commissioned to seat upon them.
These thrones are like prongs of ladders in the spirit to gain height and influence, and
sons of light are undergoing attacks so that they will be distracted from their priesthood
and loose the thrones to sons of darkness.

Right now, Gates of times and seasons are aligning and men are receiving Star-lights,
either from dark world or from the kingdom of Light. In other words, the next set of people
who will seat on economy thrones like Aliko Dangote of Africa, Media Thrones like Mark
Zuckerberg, Technology Thrones Bill Gates of Microsoft, are being commissioned.

Do you think it is the day that Bill gate first appeared on television that he received the
Star-light? By Star-light, I mean covenant of influence and power. Oh; you think all you
need to be on limelight for the kingdom’s sake is good artistic skills and the anointing?
Those are good, but they are not good enough. You need to know the priesthood of
covenants and sacrifice. Daniel wasn't just a dream interpreter. As a matter of fact,
before he came, others who were doing a good job. However, Daniel got to limelight
because he kept the covenant of watching at the gate and not defiling himself with the
portion of the king’s meat.

Friends! Wisdom is an edge! The Bible says “the sons of this world in their
generation they are wiser than the children of light.” Wisdom! Wisdom is key.
Many are hardworking but not wise. Solomon gained a world influence because he was
wise enough to ask for wisdom. Joseph got to limelight because he was wise enough not
to break the covenant of purity by laying with Potiphar’s wife

Ask Bill gate how he became the richest man on earth. I believe, if he will be truthful, that
one of the things he will tell you is how he kept the covenant of giving!

Star-lights which is influence, power, authority and having a voice that

counts in the earth answers to PRIESTHOOD! By priesthood I mean the
sacrifice that keeps your altar active, the language that activates the covenant
of the Lord upon your life, the consecration you must not break, the prayer
time gates you must consistently watch in the spirit. Know the sphere that
God is calling you to administrate his government in, learn the skills of that
sphere and be excellent at practicing them.

A believer can produce an artwork that will command more influence and attention than
GOT. Most importantly, it will stimulate a sense of righteousness in everyone that engage
the work.

Let’s pray in tongues for few minutes as we now talk about the pathways of dreams and


Jesus, we thank you!

John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:
for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and
he will shew you things to come.”

From this scripture, the Holy Spirit has been sent to guide us into all truth and this He
does by...

1. Speaking to us what He hears from Jesus

2. Showing us things to come

So the Holy Ghost leads us into all truth. But, what is all truth?

‘All truth’ is used to capture all the realities/blessings in all heavenly places
in Christ Jesus. In other words, ‘all truth’ describes your inheritance! The
Holy Ghost guides you into your inheritance by speaking to you and by
showing you!

This implies that you must hear and see! Of course, I know the place of perception, feeling,
nudges and all of that, but we are working with John 16:13 for now. In the realm of sight,
we see visions and we dream dreams.

Vision is like the dream you have when you are awake and dream is like the vision you
have when you are asleep. Both are the same thing happening to you at different states;
the state of sleep and the state where you’re awake. Is that clear? The difference between
the two is the state it meets us, whether we are asleep or awake.

Dreams and visions are a technology of communication in the realm of the spirit. You
don't dream or see visions because you are born again, but because you are simply a
human being. However, being born again brings you to that place where your senses are
attuned to God and you can discern his Heart correctly through the dreams and visions
He is showing. Dreams and visions could serve as the graphical manifestation
of the voice of the Lord.

Do not be that person that does not pay attention to dreams; you will be missing a lot,
because a system of dreams and visions can serve as an education system in
learning the things of the Spirit.

Sometimes, it just makes sense when you visually see what God is saying, not just feeling
a nudge. Imagine God is showing you a painting as an artist through dreams, and you
insist on having the picture impressed upon your heart. That’s definitely not correct.

Every prophetic artist must know that

1. God is adventurous

2. Artistry in its very essence is also adventurous


Therefore, because of the adventurous nature of God, He relates to us in dynamic ways.

He relates to us in ways that will draw us closer to Him. This is what I mean. God wants
you to be an adventurous seeker, so He could give you a sealed dream or vision, and He
expects you to seek Him for the unsealing. As you do so, you come into the knowledge and
understanding of something new and fresh from the Father’s heart.

Isaiah 29:11-12

“And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which
men deliver to one that is learned, saying, read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot;
for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, read this, I
pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.”

Vision and dreams are the words of a book; they are a scroll playing out before your very
eyes. The book is a spiritual book that can be read and understood. However, there’s a
posture of heart that unseal the book to you.

The reason we don't understand some dreams is because it is as the words of a sealed
book. However, it is intentional on the part of the Revealer; God wants you to seek him
for light. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Proverbs 25:2

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a

Your kingship on earth is announced in your ability to seek the hidden things of God.
Many people are shallow seekers. After praying once or twice and interpretation does not
come, they leave it. No! Be a diligent and resilient seeker. Jesus is the true Lord of the

Dear Prophetic artist in the house, Job revealed to us that we can command our mornings
(Job 38:12)

But do you also know that we can culture our nights? You don't sleep as a log
of wood. You sleep with your door ajar awaiting visitations of the night;
visions of the night and prophetic dreams.

I know the New creation in Christ Jesus is not under time, but I also know that
understanding spiritual things can help us get the best as long as we are still here.

Psalms 19:1-3

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day
unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There
is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.”

The heavens show knowledge, night after night! I understand that dreams can be used to
show us the future, give us caution, direction, and show us our assignment and all of that.

However, dreams can also be used to obtain wisdom for the works of your
hands; which is our focus for this class.

God is the God of the day and the God of the night. We have learnt to engage him in the
day. But many have not learnt to engage him at night.

Actually, when you sleep, you are really not sleeping. The real you is spirit, he neither
sleeps nor slumber. When you sleep, your body shuts down but your spirit is as active as
ever. There is a way you can teach your soul to capture the experience of your
spirit in its memory so that when you wake up you will remember what
happened to you while you were sleeping or what you happened to as you

The reason we most times do not remember our dream is because our soul, which is
supposed to record the experiences of our spirit, is weak and has not been trained to do
that by means of exercise/practice.

Note that some people are supernaturally graced to have dreams, remember the dream
and interpret the dream. However, I am talking to those of us who are not so given to
dreams and even think that dreaming is not for us. Actually dreaming is for everyone.

Some say, “I don't even dream at all”, but the truth remains all can train themselves to
have a prosperous dream life

Now, some of us have dreams but they are not prophetic. They are products of so many
matters of the heart, according to the Preacher.

Ecclesiastes 5:3

“For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is
known by multitude of words.”

When you have so much matters or burdens at heart before you sleep, you will most likely
dream about them. Let us look at few things to note to build a prosperous dream life for
our artistic Ministries

1. Keep your heart pure and your thoughts stayed upon the Lord.

Usually, dreams are a product of what we are thinking. Therefore, Paul admonished us
in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think on these things.”

2. Develop a habit of praying in tongues over what you need wisdom about
before you sleep.

Do this consistently; make it a habit. Make praying in tongues a habit that you engage in
before sleeping. It is not a crime to fall asleep while praying in tongues.

3. Meditate upon the matter you need wisdom about before you sleep.

Meditate about that book that you want to write but do not know how to start. Meditate
upon that painting that you are glimpsing in the spirit but isn’t clear yet. Meditate upon
that sound and the lyrics of the songs that is not yet complete.

4. Expect to have a prophetic dream!


Expect to dream, and act in faith. Put a journal or diary beside you to write down what
you saw or encountered.

5. Be disciplined enough to write down your prophetic dreams immediately

you wake up.

6. Write down as much details as you can remember, even the ones that look

Do not be discouraged that you are yet to understand it. Like I said earlier, the heart
posture of a diligent seeker will bring you to understand it. Sometimes, a dream will not
make sense until you compare it with the one you had three months ago; then you are
able to find the connecting line, the dots connect and the full picture is formed.

In conclusion, Jacob got a million-dollar idea through a dream.

Genesis 31:7-12

“And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered
him not to hurt me.

If he said thus, the speckled shall be thy wages; then all the cattle bare speckled: and if
he said thus, the ringstraked shall be thy hire; then bare all the cattle ringstraked. Thus
God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me. And it came to
pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream,
and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the cattle were ringstraked, speckled, and
grisled. And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying, Jacob: And I said, here
am I. And he said, lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the rams which leap upon the cattle
are ringstraked, speckled, and grisled: for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.”

Genesis 31:10 “And it came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that
I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the rams which leaped
upon the cattle were ringstraked, speckled, and grisled.”

God gave him the idea he used to spoil Laban's riches through a dream. Take a look at
what he said in verse 10 “I lifted up mine eyes and saw in a dream”

Meaning, he lifted up his eyes before sleeping. How does a man do that? Lifting up of the
eyes is a posture of heart that looks to see. That is why he saw what was revealed through
the dream.

Habakkuk understood this principle; that was why he said “I will stand upon my watch
and see what the Lord will say to me” Habakkuk 2:2

Moses understood this spiritual principle too; that was why he said “I will now turn aside
and see what is this great sight, why the bush is not burnt” Exodus 3:3

It is necessary for us to learn the act of lifting up our eyes to see i.e. opening
our hearts to the Lord by stirring the fountains of wisdom in us as we pray in
tongues and meditate on what we need wisdom on before we shut our eyes to

Amen and Amen.

We will stop here tonight

Thanks for your participation.

Question: Is there a way to tune your mind to continue a dream you were having from
where it stopped?

Response: Yes, there is. It is the same way that you can continue a vision from where it
stopped if God was showing you something and you did not finish capturing it. You can
go back by a consciousness; engaging the Spirit intentionally. It is possible to continue
receiving that which was being communicated in dreams without necessarily going back
to sleep (i.e. through visions). This is done by meditation and gently praying in the spirit
around the little detail you got earlier. As you continue the spiritual activity, the message
gets clearer and more expanded. Do it in the spirit of faith knowing God is willing to show
you, and you also must be willing to see.


Facilitator: Isaac Abor

The idea is to journey until we become just like Him. We will journey from realms of glory
to realms of glory until we are transformed to the image of Christ Jesus. For those that
must worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. In the Holy Ghost and in the
Word of life, that is the prescription.


Gen 1:2

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the earth”

The word moved talks about brooding. From the unset of this journey we must
understand that we began a brooding process. It is recorded that the human mind
switches between thoughts every 14 seconds. In order words, we have the tendency to
change direction of focus and purpose every 14 seconds.

As a journey that leads one to his destiny starts with a step in the right direction, so can
the same journey lead one away from his direction, if he heads towards the wrong
direction. Your mind is the door way to creativity. It is the place where the Holy Spirit
seeks to take hold of so He can perform wonders.

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it will flow the issues of life. Within us are
depths and places in the realm of the Spirit. Eternity has been placed in our hearts, for
out of us shall flow rivers of living waters. Our call as believers is to journey in the realm
of the Spirit or brood until we find Christ. Have you ever wondered why whenever you are
deep in thoughts, you just find yourself pacing?

Brooding has a lot to do with movement. When you pray, you find more expression when
you move. Until the wind moves, we cannot see it in action. You can only feel the effect of
what the wind does but cannot see it.

Therefore, if we journey long enough in the realm of the spirit, people will start to feel that
wind of creativity around us, who is the person of the Holy Spirit, He is the oil of the dark
season. We must endeavor to understand the Holy Spirit more, if we must function
accurately in this day and time.

We must build capacity and reserve more oil because the bridegroom is already in the
cloud and people are already engaging and fetching fresh measures out of Him. Are you
activating the oil upon your life? Are you sensitive to God’s Spirit? He is the Spirit of
creativity leading us to all truth.

Do you understand God’s workings on your inside? Do you understand that you are on a
route that is leading you into the inner chamber? You cannot get there without extra oil.

Are you looking for a new word? Do you still remember the last five prophesies He sent
your way? Have you taken out time to brood on them and put the pieces together, because
prophesies are for waring and we must put on our weapons of warfare, not just normal
weapon but God’s Advanced Weaponry System of Warfare. Do you know that dancing is
an act of warfare?

Do you know that your prophetic art can be God’s Advanced Weaponry System against
the kingdom of darkness? What do you understand about Gods weaponry system?

You are weapons because weapons change as humans change and make advancement.
We must understand that we are constantly being super imposed upon by higher reality

What is your reality? Where are you at currently in your walk with God? Do you take out
time to check where you started from and where you are now? Do you understand that it
is a journey towards inheritance, that you will encounter God on the way as you brood,
and it is as you encounter Him at portals of Inheritance that you encounter that realm of
creativity just like Jacob did at Bethel?

Where are you on your map? Are you making discoveries in God? Our fathers discovered
something, for God will conceal a thing and allow true sons that have the heart of seekers
to search it out. Do you understand that Solomon was made the wisest man in the whole

world from an encounter in a dream? If one dream has changed one boy to the wisest
man, what has your encounter lead to? Do you realize that encounter you had, has that
same ability to make you a sign and a wonder upon the face of the earth if you brood on it
long enough?

Journeying in the spirit entails great sacrifice and Solomon offered a thousand bulls. Can
you put that into our current day and understand what he gave that day? Do you
understand that to enter into creativity you must understand your sacrifice as a priest?

What is God asking you to give on a daily basis? He requires us to trade as a master trader
who understands that trading and sacrifices are done at altars and altars are always at
mountain tops. Your sacrifice will bring you to the realm of genuine creativity that will
leave the world speechless. We are contending with high thoughts on daily basis.

There is a line of thought you must resonate on a certain frequency on daily basis to
download certain ideas from the realm of the spirit. The Holy Spirit is our tour guide into
the riches that are hidden in Christ Jesus.

Joshua 1:8

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein
day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:
for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

For brooding towards creativity, that is the scripture right there; the map God kept for us
to journey with. To journey accurately, your mind must be tamed and guided on a daily
basis. This is why we do heart check. Where is your heart, is it in alignment with the Holy
Spirit and with the Word of Truth?

For our God is a great God and He will not leave us without a witness, for the witness of
God is greater than anything man can offer, for He will open up doors that no man can
shut because a generation that understands His covenant is rising, even the sure mercies
of David. We are currently living in the third day and we must take out time to understand
the principles that guide us to functioning properly in that day.

Our life must be a life of daily research and discoveries. There are treasures we must
discover. We must learn to bring forth the word of the Lord in its power and fullness as
we engage the realm of Prophetic art. It’s not just about drawing, it’s you cooking in your
kitchen, taking your bath, watching a movie, writing a story, creating an article, speaking
to people on daily basis. It is the art which has to do with manifesting the Spirit Life in
your daily life.

When was the last time you made a discovery in God that someone didn't show you? Are
you still as hungry as you used to be? Do you know what feeds that hunger? Jesus sat
down at that well hungry and tired until the Samaritan woman came and he asked her for
water. But by the time he was done with that interaction he got a kind of food that only
God can give. That food comes in functioning in God’s will and God’s purpose.

When Jesus was done at the well, the region was open to him. He was honored outside
his home where He did greater miracles. Brooding in the Spirit will lead us into
uncommon wisdom, knowledge and understanding just like the Joseph and Daniel

The fact that we are functioning from the realm of the Spirit does not take away the place
of excellence. We must be diligent enough to fine tune whatever God has placed in our
hands. We must be skilled in the word of truth. As long as you are you in Christ you must
understand diligence also.

Why do we shy away from excellence? David was extremely skilled at playing the harp.
What do you have that you want God to move upon? Have you taken it up to the level He
expects you to? Do you understand that even Jesus was diligent in the matters of the

As you brood and stay in the Spirit, actions to take could come. That action will and should
always carry the presence of God because we are required to function from there.
Brooding is a movement, an action. Most people think it is just thinking and meditation,
but it is a movement, when you brood, it leads you to an action and that action must be
taking up by faith for without faith it is impossible to please God. When you brood in the

spirit you connect with high things and beings of wisdom. For the Bible says we are seated
above principalities and power, we are seated with Christ Jesus.

Whenever you brood, you connect with higher realities that give you ideas, strategy,
principles and visions that you should carry out by faith. However difficult it might seem
or look. We start by brooding which leads to a journey of research and prayer. It starts by
faith and we are still brooding.

We must take out time and go back to prophecies that were given to us and journey back
into the current one. Brood and get back prophetic words that were spoken to you. A lot
of us might have forgotten them but if you put them together you will realize that they are
all connected and leading you towards greatness, that is our advanced weapon of warfare.

Uncommon wisdom is tied up to the level at which you can connect to God; to every
movement around the word. To brood is to be as the wind, you should discern when God
is moving and follow Him whenever He turns, that is you gaining maturity. This is how
we are able to put under feet, the beast who currently rules in the spheres of the earth that
has come to wage war with the remnant and we are that remnant.

As you connect to high level thoughts through brooding by the Spirit, I pray that you
encounter Jesus and the power of resurrection. For there are wisdom locked up in the
realm of the Spirit, only if you can connect to Him on high level. These entails you
journeying, find out what stirs up the anointing in you, learn, and connect to it.

The scriptures will become clearer to us in this season because we are going to be engaging
it to make discoveries and not just read. There are treasures hidden in there. As we engage
I pray that the Lord cause us to see Him.


Question 1: I draw and I am quite good at drawing with references. But I absolutely cannot
draw from my imaginations. I have to be looking at it from somewhere, else the drawing
will be nothing to write home about. So, a lot of times, I get inspiration of what to draw
but I can’t just express on paper no matter how hard I try. What can I do?

Question 2: Can you please shed light on this statement (He is the oil of the dark season).
I stared at it for a while and I feel a pull but I don’t quite understand it.

Answer 1: It takes time diligence and understanding certain principles and guidelines to
capturing things vividly as one sees them from the realm of the spirit. If it is God showing
you even if you use a reference it will still carry his power. The goal is to reveal him and
the glory.

Answer 2: This has to do with your life in the spirit, that's the oil.

How you learn to function and move daily by the leading of the Holy Spirit. That's why
Jesus will say think not of what to say when you are arrested for the Holy Spirit will tell
you what to say. Until you can understand the brooding of the Spirit upon you, which talks
about his movements you cannot live in this dark age.

God will shout when you are a child and expects you to hear but when you become a son
He only will whisper and expect you to hear as though he is shouting because you have
gained maturity.

Your daily life in the spirit is your oil in the night season. That's what helps you to
penetrate the realm of the spirit and draw forth wisdom. The law of first mention directs
us to The Holy Spirit who brooded over the face of the deep. You cannot talk about
brooding and not mention the Holy Spirit. You must understand that we are called to
function in the third day which is a dark day. Arise and shine for your light has come.
Light can be said to mean different things to different people in accordance to their
calling. Darkness has already covered the earth and Jesus described two sects of people
the wise and the unwise. We must be as the wise.


Facilitator: Owele Oreoluwa

Numbers 24:3, 4

“and he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man
whose eyes are open hath said: he hath said, which heard the words of God, which
saw the vision of the almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open:”

In old Israel, there was such a thing as seers. However, like every other culture,
civilization took its toll and seers are now known as prophets.

1 Sam 9:9

Before time, in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, come, and let
us go to the seer: for he that is now called a prophet was beforetime called a

So to an average Israelite, when you say 'prophet' he is hearing 'seer' and 'prophet' at the
same time. In this teaching, the word ‘artist’ encapsulate all forms of art. Seer operates
differently from a prophet. A prophet is a mouthpiece of God, one from whom the word
of God bubbles forth. A seer is one who sees.

In the New Testament, these two came together as one and we have both the seer and the
prophet as one entity. This follows that the prophet is the seer and the seer is the prophet.
We need to understand that artists are not prophets, but just like every believer, they
have the ability to function so strongly in the prophetic.

Let us see something in God's word

Ephesians 4:11 “and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists;
and some, pastors and teachers;”

Jesus ascended and gave ministry gifts. He did not give artists.

Artistry is not a ministry gift. However, arts can be used to fulfill a

particular ministry mandate as given by God.

Hence, a ministry gift can be artistic but an artistic person is not necessarily a ministry

If artists were prophets, then Paul would be an artist. But, was Paul an artist? No. Same
goes to Moses. Does this make any sense to you?

Moses, the prophet of God was not an artist, yet he saw patterns! But guess what? He
could not draw them nor give expressions to them. This should be giving you some clarity
now; Moses, the man of God received patterns, yet He could not express them. God had
to raise Bezaleel. Bezaleel was not a prophet, yet he was able to express what God gave a
prophet. How is that?

Remember, an artist is not a prophet, but he can move strongly under the prophetic grace
to give expressions to divine things. It only makes it easier when the artist himself is
originally a prophet (as in a ministry gift). Are we getting this?

How come an ordinary man who has never heard God before could design the tabernacle
of God in the realm of glory? We should note that Bezaleel was a skillful artist, designer
and sculptor, and he helped Moses bring the things he (Moses) had seen to reality. Moses
was anointed but lacked the skill. Bezaleel was skilled but lacked the anointing. How did
God bridge this gap? What made Bezaleel prophetic?

The Spirit of the Lord rested on the skill he already had and he produced the God-kind of

Exodus 31:1-6

“And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, see, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of
Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: and I have filled him with the spirit of
God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all
manner of workmanship. to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver,
and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in
all manner of workmanship. and I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of

Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put
wisdom, that they may make all that i have commanded thee”

Exodus 35:30-34

“And Moses said unto the children of Israel, see, the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel
the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he hath filled him with the
spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all
manner of workmanship; and to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver,
and in brass, and in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make
any manner of cunning work. and he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he,
and aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan.”

Exodus 36:1

“Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man, in whom the lord
put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work
for the service of the sanctuary, according to all that the Lord had
commanded. and Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise
hearted man, in whose heart the Lord had put wisdom, even every one whose
heart stirred him up to come unto the work to do it.”

Can you see how that gap was bridged? By the Spirit!

You can see how that artists are not necessarily prophets, but every Kingdom artist has
the innate capacity and ability to operate under the prophetic unction; and if the artist is
a prophet (as in a ministry gift), all the better! Glory!

Question is, how can an artist who is not a prophet or prophetic (as we say it) operate
under the strong prophetic unction as if he were one as a gift?

1 Corinthians 12:6

“And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in
all. but all these worketh that one and the selfsame spirit, dividing to every man
severally as he will.”

How can he/she operate under the prophetic?

1. God works all in all. Meaning, the God working in a prophet (as in a ministry gift) is the
same at work in you!

2. You must be willing to walk in the prophetic (1 Cor 12:11). Yes. I speak of willingness
because the prophetic is very spontaneous; it cannot be understood. The prophetic defies
all laws of exegesis. How can you explain someone starts dancing in a funny manner, and
then people starts to fall under the anointing of the Holy Ghost?

Maybe it is not recorded in the Scriptures, but it is very valid! That is the prophetic! It is
a powerful surge that overwhelms the soul. In the fear of being drowned, many have
closed the faucet (tap) and stopped the flow entirely.

Now, how come any believer who is an artist has the ability to move under the prophetic?

Revelation 19:10 and I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, see thou do it
not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus:
worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.

What is the testimony of Jesus? Or rather, who is the testimony of Jesus?

The question really is who is the testimony of Jesus? In the New Testament, the word
testimony is used in two ways:

1. As a person

2. As a thing (it was only used for a thing in two places in the New Testament: Heb: 3:5
and Heb 11:5)

The word testimony was used to connote a thing; a given evidence. In the Scriptures
below, the word testimony was used to describe a person


I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus
Christ; that in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;
even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: so that ye come behind in no gift;
waiting for the coming of our lord Jesus Christ:

1 Corinthians 1:4

“By the reason of the grace of Jesus Christ given to us, we are enriched in him in all
utterance and in all knowledge.... “

How is the gift related to the testimony if not for the fact that the testimony is a person?
Why would 1 Cor 12:1 tell us how the Spirit works?

Paul was saying that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone to profit withal,
so the supplier of the gifts is the Spirit of God. He said ‘even as the testimony of Christ
was confirmed in you so that you come behind in no gift (because of the testimony of
Jesus Christ which is the Holy Spirit), waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who shall also confirm you unto the end. Now you can link that with Eph 1:13-14

13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of
promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the
purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

1 Corinthians 2:1

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom,
declaring unto you the testimony of God.”

This is the point, Beloved; as an artist, for you to be able to visualize and gaze in the spirit,
you have to work with the person of the Holy Spirit. We must understand thatHe
is the gateway to the unseen realm.

Note that I said the prophetic cannot be understood because it cannot be calculated and
premeditated. No one knows the flows of the Spirit, except one that has understood the
Spirit. Your mind will always get in the way! Allow your spirit, by the Holy Spirit!

Having known that it is by the Spirit of God you can visualize, how do you visualize? Mind
you, when you ask the question ‘how do I visualize?’, you are simply asking ‘how do I get
into the flow?’ Simple!

John 4:24 “God is Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in
truth. “

Create an atmosphere of worship around you.

1 Cor 14:2

“For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for
no man understandeth him; howbeit in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries.”

Talk in tongues like your life depends on it!

What is the effect of engaging the Spirit of God in worship and tongues?

1 Cor 2:7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which
God ordained before the world unto our glory:

2:8 which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not
have crucified the Lord of glory.

2:9 but as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

2:10 but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things,
yea, the deep things of God.

2:11 for what man knoweth the things of a man, save the Spirit of man which is in him?
Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

2:12 now we have received, not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God;
that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

2:13 which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but
which the holy ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

2:14 but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

2:15 but he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

2:16 for who hath known the mind of the lord, that he may instruct him? But we have
the mind of Christ

The above is visualization, Brethren! Do these (worship and praying in tongues) and you
will enter into dangerous flows! New colours! Fresh design concepts! New dance moves!
Fresh lyrics!

For some, the fountain of words will break loose as they do this! For some they will see
angels dance. For some, they will see God dance (Zeph 3:17). I once saw the Spirit of God
dance while fellowshipping with Him; you can have that experience too!

You will enter realms of creativity so deep that angels will look over your shoulders to see
what you are doing on your Photoshop! You will download words! Words from the
Utterance himself; words that the wisest angel could never have thought of!

When you do these (worship and praying in tongues), you will be drunk! In that drunken
state, you produce! You produce!

Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

This is School of Prophetic Arts, with emphasis on the word Prophetic.

Prophetic simply describes that which is inspired of the Lord. That which expresses God’s
heart, that which gives expression to the voice of the Lord.

So prophetic Art is that art form whether sounds, images or objects that reveal God’s
intention and bring a message from God to a people.

Prophetic Arts have the capacity to capture the voice of the Lord that is by
nature in its very essence, multidimensional.

1 John 1:1

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with
our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;”

Talking about the word of Life, John the Apostle said it can be heard, seen, gazed upon
and handled (Talking about its tangibility). The word of the Lord is not an abstract reality.
It can be experienced, it can be felt and can be seen.

When the Lord speaks, His word comes in diverse frequency, capturing diverse
expression of the same thing. That is why in an atmosphere of the Spirit, when the word
of the Lord is being preached, different things are happening at the same time by the same
Spirit Word.

Some are hearing the Lord in their hearts, some are seeing a vision, some are being caught
up in supernatural experiences, and some are engaging different gates in heavenly places
at the same time. All these and more happens in the atmosphere of the Spirit Word.

We experience the Voice of the Lord on different levels and in different ways, depending
on our level of consciousness and our maturity based on exercising of our spiritual senses
and understanding of God's sovereign acts.

That is why you can be in a meeting and someone is preaching and you are seeing a vision
or hearing a sound or Inspiration come to you to start writing something entirely different
from what is being preached, or you felt like drawing. Any of those experiences happen
when the word of the Lord comes to a man.

Jeremiah 1:10-11

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to
pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. Moreover, the
word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a
rod of an almond tree.”

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah asking him what he saw. What he is expected to
see is the manifestation of that same word he heard in another dimension of reality. So
visions are normal when you are interacting with the Living Word of the Lord.

The word of God [The Light and the Sound]

The word of God is God and the voice of the Lord is the sound proceeding from Him. This
sound is the sound of life that captures all that proceeds from God.

We cannot separate the sound of God from the Light of God.

There is a dimension where God is the Light and there is another dimension where God
is expressed via the Light.

Revelation 4:5-6

“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were
seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And
before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne,
and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.”

Out of the throne proceeds lightings/Lights, Thunderings/Sounds and


So, the throne of God which we engage every day is that which is actively emitting spirit
and life in different frequencies.

But this is it, In Prophetic school under the Tutelage of the Holy Spirit, I have learnt that
one can journey from one dimension of the expression of God's light and sound to the
other. In other words, I can see a vision or have a spiritual experience by listening to a
spiritual song or sound and one can read the scriptures; the works of the scribe under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, have spiritual experiences too and come into visions and

In the same way, I can come into visions and revelations by looking at a prophetically
inspired painting, drawings or designs.

In essence, any form of art that is inspired is a 'portal' into light, understanding, wisdom
and revelations in God. An understanding of this formula will do something spiritual to

If only you understand that what you give birth to or create through the Spirit is that
which is by default have the capacity to draw people to God. The works you produce, your
songs, your paintings, your write up, articles, and others can bring an unveiling to men.
They can become a vehicle into the realm of the Spirit where they came from. They can
become a doorway for experiencing a deluge of light and understanding.

Remember, all of those above are expressions of the voice of the Lord. And the voice of
the Lord is spirit and life that cause eyes to see. In the same way, by understanding and
faith you can journey through any art form produced by the spirit into a place of
understanding and revelation in God. Understanding is a key that grants us access into
spirit realm realities.


I will post some paintings and designs here that I am quite sure of their source. You will
use any two of those paintings as doorways to engage God.


Scripture for engagement: John 3:16


Scripture for engagement: Isaiah 40:31


(Note: the painter whose image you see above painting, is one of our facilitators who is a
painter, Isaac abor by name. He is the painter of the art for number one also)


Scripture for engagement: psalm 29

You are expected to come forth with a revelation, understanding, sound, write up, wisdom
or anything ministered to you as you engage God through the art work.

Hint: Use the image as a focal point of meditation and pray in the spirit. Scriptures will
be attached to those paintings too which will aid your engagement. Light will come.


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

Most times the one appointed is not always the best for the task. The one chosen is not
always the most qualified. There is a factor called mercy. It is in the administration of
God's Mercy that he lifts the beggar out of the dunghill and makes him seat with Kings.

Remember how mercy found Esther, how grace found David, and how favor found Mary!

There is a factor that cannot be totally understood by the seeing of the eyes and the
hearing of the ears. It is the sovereignty of God. He does what pleases Him with who
pleases Him and whoever He wants it to be done.

Do not ever find yourself in that place where you begin to envy another because of their
upliftment and begin to think that you should have been the one promoted because you
feel you are the better. Don't do that! Envy is death in mild form. At the end,it leads to
bitterness and hatred and destruction of those who are subdued by it.

The Lord our God judges the heart. He tests your heart per time.

Jeremiah 17:10 “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man
according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”

My friend, promotion does not come from the east or the west or the south. It comes from
the Lord. And it is the Lord who determines who deserves what and who is worthy of

Many people have set their eyes on men. They are looking for influence and fame by
striving to connect with people with huge platforms and they do all the ministry
mathematics and ministerial calculations. But, the labour of the fool wearies him for he
does not know how to enter into the city.

Be consistent with what the Lord has called you to do and stay with it. Whether it is
working or not, either it is being sought for by men or not, stay with it! The Lord will come
back to check if you are still there.


I see many of us at a particular spot and it is like nothing is moving. It is like you have
been here for a while and appears nothing is working. But somewhere in your heart you
know this is where the Lord has placed you.

I hear the Lord saying, “I have not forgotten the words I have spoken to you. Follow
them, who through faith and patience have obtained the promise. Remain where I have
placed you because your allocation is assigned to a particular location. Stay there! I will
return to meet you there at the time of reward.”

I hear the Lord saying, “it is a phase, it is stretching, it's pruning, it is shaping, it is
making, it is raising. I am working on you.”

And I hear God saying “I am aware that the process is not convenient. I am aware that
it is not all comfortable and rosy. The plan is never that you will have it all cool. The
plan is that you will be raised to carry my glory! I will make you, I will raise you, I will
prune you, I will purify you, for you will be stretched in order to carry my weight.”

The Lord is saying to us “do not be quick to jump out of the fire. Do not be undone. The
fire is meant to remove the dross. It is meant to increase your capacity. Did I not say
when you walk through the fire I will be with you? And when you walk through water
you will not drown. I bear you in my hands. The process will not overwhelm you, it will
not break you, it will not destroy you. For through this process, as you humble yourself
under the mighty hand of God I will exalt and raise you in due time.”

Some of us have gone through pains and tribulations and I see some of us crying in our
secret place because of the weight of God’s hands upon you. God is saying “Rejoice Zion,
for your set time of favour is at hand. Like Esther, from nobody I will cause you to sit on
thrones with princes. The deeper the process, the more the authority conferred. The more
the pruning and fire, the higher the throne and ranking.”

Many do not know that the rankings and promotions of the Lord does not rest on babes
that have not been proven and tested. Do not ask for it to be convenient, only ask for grace
to pass through it. Do not run from your process.

It is not a big thing for God to raise you and give you a throne in the realm of the spirit
that will manifest as a scepter in the media world for instance. But the question is, can
God trust you?

Do you have a track record of obedience to God’s instructions?

Do you have a track record of picking up challenges that God throws at you?

Do you have a track record of ‘yielded-ness’?

Do you have a track record of a consistent prayer life?

Do you have a track record of walking in love?

Do you have a track record of dying to fleshy desires instead of choosing ungodly

Does God know you?

Many seek the throne but they do not seek the trials. Many seek the fame but they despise
the fastings.

Many seek influence but they reject the learning of obedience through suffering.

Let me tell you the truth now, in case you have not heard, the foundation of your coming
into the kingdom is bloody (The son of God had to die), the advancement of the kingdom
through you is never designed to be rosy. It is a death and life matter.

Woe to them that are at ease in Zion. This is not time for comfort, this is not time to sleep,
this is not time to relax neither is it time to rest.

Lift your eyes, there are yet myriads of lands and Kingdom to be conquered for our Lord.
Shake off the dust, gather yourself together, it is time to conquer and gather spoils unto
our God.

Many do not even know that you cannot do anything for the kingdom outside of a fight!
The reason the devil is messing up some is because they are making attempt to advance
the kingdom outside or a warfare mentality!

Guard your loins. Advancing the kingdom is warfare. It is not for the chicken hearted. It
is for Lions. It is for the bold and courageous.

Matthew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven
suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”

Only the violence lay hold on the kingdom. Only the violence can advance the kingdom.

The reason your attempt to advance the kingdom so far is not yielding much fruit is
because you have not engaged the warfare dimension of advancement. Who shall come to
a strong man's house without first binding the strong man for until then he cannot gather
any spoil.

For this cause, Paul admonished us to put on the whole armour of God. We are never
designed to be in the defensive in the warfare. We are designed to be on the offensive. We
enter anywhere the Lord sends us and plunder! We enter gates, bind strong men and

No! You can't just sing songs and write something and paint something and it will save a
soul just like that. No!

Fulfilling mandate is warfare!! For it is within the context of fulfilling mandate that Paul
said I fought against the beast of Ephesus.

Some of us are pretty too gentle for the devil. We are no threat to him at all.

Prophetic artist must understand the warfare dimension of their

administrations. You have been called as a priest and King and administering God's
call upon your life demands that you know the technical know-how.

One of the primary functions of prophecy and prophetic word is for warfare!

1 Timothy 1:18 “This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the
prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;”


Prophecy is the unveiling of your heavenly scrolls and uttering the multitude of things
written in the volume of your books.

And Paul said, the knowledge of your scrolls you have come to know by prophecy is for
warfare. Many receive the knowledge of what God will have them do and they write it
down and go to sleep afterwards. They are waiting for the manifestation of the word.
Whereas there is no manifestation of prophecy outside of a laying hold of what has been
freely given to you, and you don’t lay hold outside of a fight.

How do you war with the knowledge of things written in your scrolls?

Remember, what is in your scrolls is your mandate from Heaven. You use the knowledge
of your mandate to wage a good warfare by consciously bringing everything around your
life that doesn't look like what is written under subjection to the written.

However, many have not learnt how to differentiate between their areas of interest and
their mandates and they have been running but they are not running on the right lane.
For you to be able to differentiate your areas of interests from your heavenly mandates,
you must sustain a flexible heart posture and a contrite spirit towards God.

Sometimes, areas of interest in our hearts are an expression of our mandates. But other
times they are distractions.

You have a calling, you have a mandate from heaven, you have an assignment from God,
you are specially designed to fit in perfectly in a particular space in God's eternal counsel.

So this is it! Before you go too far thinking you have been called as a minstrel because you
like singing. Ask, fast and pray. Look into your scrolls. Has the Lord called you to be a

Serving God in your desired area of interest will advance the Kingdom but
will leave you with no reward of inheritance.

Reward of inheritance comes as a result of pleasing the Lord ultimately. You can't just
pick up a Ministry, and say I want to be this simply because I like this. You do not own
your life; neither are you the author of the volume of the books written of you.

There is a preordained plan. You have been fore-ordained for a particular task. You are
configured for something spectacular and particular. And so, you have an assignment that
you owe yourself.

Find yourself!

Myles Munroe said, “if you cannot define your life assignment in one sentence then you
don't know it enough!”

Who are you? What are you called to do? What are you ordained for?

Jesus knew what he was called, anointed and sent to do.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance
to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are

Do you know what you are called to do?

Really, some of us are here because we have interest in a form of art or the other and this
interest could be an expression of your mandate and it can also be something you picked
along the line but not part of what you are called to do. Hence, the need to be truly
spiritual. We must be people who are strict in walking with the written documents. Our
lives must be ordered by the written!

Some of us like to write but that doesn't mean God is giving you a writing ministry. Let's
get things in perspective. You must be led and be fully persuaded before diving into
anything without reservations.

Ephesians 5:10,17 “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. Wherefore be ye not
unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”

The authority of the Lord will only come on what you have been called to do. The scepter
attached to your ministry is after the order of your preordination.

Discover who you are by Christ. We all are not the same. Neither can we all do the same
thing. Everyone must find his or her niche, locate your nest, discover your
element. Find that place where you are your best by the spirit!


Deuteronomy 1:8 “Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land
which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them
and to their seed after them.”

The lands before us all are different depending on our mandates from God. But it is the
prerogative of everyone to go possess the land before them. It is unwise to say I don't like
the land before me, I like the land before John.

Possessing the Land is not possible if we have not seen the land. So we need to ask the
Lord to show us the Land before us that He wants us to possess.

God wants to seat every one of us on thrones of righteousness, to administer His justice
in different spheres. That is why it is Him that sets the lands before you, not you. You may
think you know yourself and go looking for the one that suits you. You don’t even know
you. He knows you more than you know yourself.

This is it, possibilities abound before us all. But, not all possibilities before you are doors
you have to enter. However, God has placed doors of opportunities before you that you
must discern and press into to enter.

I see God stirring the hearts of some of us to dare impossible things. And I will admonish
us not to turn away saying it's too difficult and impossible because your promotion lies in
your obedience, your ability to dare things in God’s name, and going outside of yourself
to please Him.

Sometimes, the instructions of the Lord will make you put your reputation on the line,
sometimes it will make you put your life on the line. But, they that lose their lives will gain
it, but they that save it will lose it.

Friends, it is time to think with God! It is time to dream with God. It is time to see with
God's eyes and advance in God's strength.

Destiny is calling you!

No time to waste anymore doing what we are not sent to do. Pay the price, find the one
thing, and stay with it. That is how and where and when your light will shine and Kings
will come to the brightness of your rising.


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

Daniel had a revelation recorded in the seventh chapter of the book of Daniel, in which he
saw the rise and fall of several kingdoms. At the end of the vision, he saw another kingdom
rise from the earth with the power and authority to rule forever; this kingdom will never
pass away.

Daniel 7:27

“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole
heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.”

We are in such a dispensation of time where the 'Kingdom' of this world is being taken
from the devil by God and through the saints; measure after measure, land after land,
sphere after sphere, territory after territory, until all that is under Heaven submit to the
dominion of the Most High God that is being exercised by his saints.

Kindly follow me carefully,

Luke 19:11-13, 15

“And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to
Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately
appear. He said therefore, a certain nobleman went into a far country to
receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and
delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come. And it came to pass,
that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these
servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know
how much every man had gained by trading.”

Most times, the parables of Jesus are more like a witness or testimony of real-time events
that has happened in different stages in eternity, or that will happen at different stages or
dispensations of time.

So this parable that Jesus gave is a real time event, and Jesus is painting a picture for
them to see, because the Pharisees couldn't understand the timings and seasons of the
Kingdom of God. They thought that the Kingdom of God will appear immediately.

Jesus made them see through a parable that although the kingdom of God is amidst you
now through a person called Christ, this nobleman Christ will have to go to a far country
(Jesus will have to return to heaven) because it is only from there that He can receive for
Himself the kingdom of this world.

Before leaving, He gave his servants talents, graces, gifts, anointing, so that they could
occupy till he comes. To occupy means to dominate, to take over, to exert dominion, to
take up the responsibility for. The essence of that is simply because it is through the
occupying that the nobleman will receive the Kingdom to Himself. Hence, until He has
sufficient number of people doing the occupying, and until the occupying is completely
done, He will not return. We occupy by spreading the fragrance of Christ; the testimony
and the good news of the Kingdom everywhere.

Matthew 24: 14

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come.”

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh
manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

From the parable, it is sure that Jesus will return after that He has received the Kingdom
unto Himself. Also, it is evident that not all the saints were busy doing the occupying.
Some thought that the Lord is not worthy to be served, neither does He deserve their
service of trading with what He gave them, and the Lord judged those saints with justice.

This is where we are. It is true that Jesus has overcome the world, but we are the ones
who will exercise the dominion that He has received of God through his death and
resurrection, over the earth.

Here is what the scripture says,

1 Corinthians 15:24-28

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the
Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. (Jesus
hasn't received the kingdom of under the heaven fully to himself, that is why
he hasn't delivered it up to the father yet) For he must reign, till he hath put all
enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put
all things under his feet. (God has put all things under Jesus' feet already) But
when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did
put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, (It means
although now God has out all things under Jesus' feet but all things have
not been subdued under him yet; it is the work of the saints to do that
according to Daniel 7) then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all
things under him, that God may be all in all. (My commentary in brackets).

This is the dispensation where we are now. According to Daniel 7:27

And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole
heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. (Selah)

This is why God is stirring hearts in Mount Zion to rise as saviours who will occupy the
place God is giving them, exert the dominion of Christ and subdue that place under Christ;
to the end that all under heaven is subdued for Christ.

See this...!

Obadiah 1:21

“And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom
shall be the LORD'S.”

It is all about the Kingdom! That is exactly what Adam lost to the Devil.

Luke 4:5-6

“And the devil, taking him up into a high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms
of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, all this power will I give
thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I
give it.”

The kingdoms of this world must be brought under the government of Christ.
This is the essence of our priesthood. This is the reason we have been given
the dominion mandate and this is the reason we have the Kingly authority.

I perceive that most believers think the dominion mandate is about them. They think, ‘I
just want to dominate and take over'. The mandate is first and foremost not about
you. It is first and foremost about the Kingdom of God finding expression.
Fruitfully carrying out the dominion mandate is not in the expansion of your
personal territory and your ministry and your business agenda etc. It is not
the dominion mandate if it is not subduing things, places, and spheres under
Christ and reconciling men to Him.

Dominion mandate is not self-centered, neither is it man-centered; it is God's Kingdom-

centered! It is Christ centered. This should be a redefinition for some of us.

Right now as we speak, all things revolve around Christ. He is the light in the
midst of all things!

John captured this by revelation

Revelation 11:15

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the
kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he
shall reign for ever and ever.”

Prophetically, we are in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel; the mysteries of
God must be fulfilled.

Revelation 10:7

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the
mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”

The unveiling of the mysteries of God is in increasing measures in the last days because
the mysteries of God must be fulfilled. The climax of that is the sons subduing the
kingdoms of this world unto Christ, to the end that the Kingdom of this world becomes
the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ!

This is the burden for this mentoring course and for this school.

It is time put away childish things and let go our childish prayer requests for bread that
perishes. As you are being quickened in the environment of Sonship, desires, focus, plans,
pursuit, prayer requests; they all change! You begin to ask for territories and whole
spheres. You begin to ask God for the Media world, sphere of economy or the Art realm.
You ask for cities, nations and whole spheres!

Your greatness as a son of God is seen in what exactly burdens you and what
you seek.

Psalms 2:7-8

“I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, thou art my Son; this day have
I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and
the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.”

It is time to ask for the inheritance of nations! It is time to ask for possessions of the
uttermost part of the earth.

It is time to begin to act like a true son! It is time to think and do things that judge
disobedience to Christ in spheres and worlds after your own obedience is complete.

Obviously, you cannot do everything. That is why you need to find and locate exactly
where the Lord wants you to occupy. Then, when it has been revealed to you, stay in
prayers until you become one with that vision and burden; until it begins to give you
sleepless night and affect the way you live, eat, think and act. Until then, pray! Ask! You
can have it. It can be your inheritance.

Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. We rise, mantled with meekness to
inherit the earth and subdue the kingdoms of this world. We bring in the age
to come. We usher in the civilization of the new age. We subdue all things
under Christ. We are consumed with this burden and Passion in the great
name of Jesus our Lord!

Amen and Amen.


Facilitator: Isaac Abor

The journey so far, and insights that have come from various facilitators that God has
used to open us up to greater realities in Him, are tools for building us into edifices upon
the face of the earth.

God is remembering the covenanted promises He made. It is a covenant of ruler-ship and

the realm of thrones, just as He has made a covenant with David that He will not lack a
man to sit on His throne forever. As long as He sees the DNA of David his son in us, a
throne is allocated towards that direction; therefore, an understanding about David’s
throne will be coming to each and every one of us as we engage God in the secret place.

He is making us a sign and a wonder upon the face of the earth. What God is working in
each and every one of us is great and will bring us before kings, because wisdom has come
to teach us about princely things. Joseph's ability to interpret dreams was to bring him
before kings, and to teach their nobles wisdom and to instruct them. Stars are going to be
bowing to us as we learn to unlock the ministry of the interpreter from within us.

It is the glory of the Lord to conceal a thing and the honor of Kings to search it out (Pr.
25:2). Do you know that He sees you as a king, and as a king there is a searching we must
constantly engage in to enter into prominence? There is a study that brings you into
princely things, and it will be priceless if you engage it with and in the power, wisdom and
might with which God is bringing it. There are structures we must put in place if we are
to interpret and bring down God’s structures here on earth. Your ability to coordinate
your internal strength in connection with every details the Holy Spirit brings your way
hourly, daily, monthly, yearly will help you in structuring out a kingdom that has
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost as its foundation.

Wisdom is calling out to us in this season to understand the realm of thrones and how to
be influential in our everyday life.

Have you learnt to activate your influences? Take a close look at David’s leadership
structure; it was more of an influential one.

For the interpretation of Joseph’s dream to come forth, he had to be abandoned, sold,
rejected and left for dead. However, God’s wisdom used the process to create a working
in him that will develop leadership patterns in his life which will help him steward what
God was bringing his way. In the days of pain and rejection God was working out a throne
in him and the spirit of nobility on his inside. When He was presented before Pharaoh to
speak, all Pharaoh saw was a throne in expression.

God’s covenant with David was to always keep his seed on the throne, and in this
generation, God is seeking Davids who can interpret God’s handwriting and place them
in the context that He is placing them. Our ability to interpret God’s handwriting will
cause thrones and spheres of influence to be administered unto us, but things must be
interpreted correctly by God’s Spirit.

We are custodians of God’s mystery because the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and He is
revealing and unveiling to us realities in Christ Jesus that the world will marvel at.

You are first a minister unto yourself before you are a minister unto people. We must do
well to hold on firmly to that which has been given and hold it with the weight, gravity
and power which it carries. The ministry of the interpreter is a Kingly role that will always
bring us before thrones, either thrones of light or thrones of darkness, and we must do
well to interpret in accordance to what God is showing and giving per time just like our
Lord Jesus who only does what He sees the Father do.

We must keep the Lord before us constantly just like David (Psalm 16:8) if we must
interpret rightly. This means we have to constantly go before the throne of grace with
boldness (here comes the word throne again).

We should start asking him for insight to the understanding of the principles that makes
our thrones functional and present us before greatness. When Daniel was interpreting the
handwriting on the wall, it was thrones and powers that were set in motion.

Do you know what your interpretation will do if you get it right? Your interpretation, if
accurate, will set kings and their thrones in motion. When the scribes were done
interpreting the Scriptures about where the Messiah was to come from, it was thrones in
motion but of darkness against light. If not for the intervention of God, our Lord would
have been snuffed out.

We can see the huge toll of death that went on in Israel when that interpretation came
forth, it was bloodshed and weeping all over the city that night, because the Custodians of
the law didn't understand what they had in their hand, and the fact that what they were
about to say will set certain thrones in motion.

Matthew 2:16-18

Herod was furious when he learned that the astrologers had disobeyed him. Sending
soldiers to Bethlehem, he ordered them to kill every baby boy two years old and under,
both in the town and on the nearby farms, for the astrologers had told him the star first
appeared to them two years before. This brutal action of Herod's fulfilled the prophecy
of Jeremiah, "Screams of anguish come from Ramah, weeping unrestrained; Rachel
weeping for her children, Uncomforted- For they are dead."

When we interpret an art work, we must understand it from the standpoint of thrones
and dominion. That which we have been given to steward is sacred and is a mystery; that
is why God gives it in codes.

The understanding is only given to those who have activated their thrones and understand
that what they have is equivalent to the kind of authority a president in a nation has. If
you interpret from the throne, do you understand that you set things in motion?

When a president makes a decree, officers of the law makes sure the law is put into action;
they enforce it. The angels will only move in accordance to the word of the Lord, and will
only go into action if our interpretation of an artwork comes from the Throne Room.

The glory of God is to conceal things. Do you have the heart of the King? Can you search
into God’s interpretation? Because if you get it, it will be a world-changing interpretation.

Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream saved his household and the entire nation
from starvation and brought Joseph into a throne that was not in existence before. There
was no such office before then, but it was created because of God’s workings inside of him.
Your gift, your ability, your skills are God's end time tools of achieving Kingdom-oriented

Have you been given a gift by God? Do you know the magnitude of that which you have
been given? Do you understand that what you have is a throne and a kingdom in

‘And they were given talents in accordance to their ability'

In the parable of the talents (Mt. 25), one got a talent and the other three and another
five. The interesting aspect of this parable is that when the Lord was done judging, it was
cities and Kingdoms that were given to those who added more talents to what was given
to them. God is trying to say something.

Are you on a learning curve on a daily basis? Do you know that it is required of us to make
discoveries in God daily and uncover realities in Christ Jesus? These discoveries will then
translate into wisdom for spheres, which will become principles that government
institutions, etc. will set as a standard for operation. As we gain capacity by developing
our capability through God, we will be able to bring interpretation into the art that God is
bringing in this day.

Just like they did for Daniel, people will run to us because God’s Spirit is at work in us,
and by the time we are done interpreting, kingdoms will be divided.

I activate your thrones from tonight. I activate your scepters in the realm of
the spirit. I pray that the spirit of nobility on your inside starts to find
expression from tonight. I pray that you have a visitation from the Lord that
will reveal the Word to you and help you to understand what Glory is meant
for our day and time.

Father, we bless You, for You are a great king and the ruler of the earth and

I see God Going ahead of people and breaking every gate of brass that seeks
to withstand your authority with Him; for the breaker has gone forth before
us and has broken open the gates. It is the spirit of the breaker that is at work
in us to will and to do

Father, we bless and thank You for the release tonight. You saw us through
this phase and we say thank You.


Let's interpret this; in songs, chants, painting, writing, poetry; whatever way God inspires
you to interpret. Understand that your interpretation will set things in motion in your life
and whoever comes in contact with what you were able to draw forth from Christ.


Facilitator: Faseran Faith

We bless the Lord so far for how far He has taken us about priesthood. We will discuss a
bit about priesthood before proceeding.

Priesthood began since the days of the patriarchs when the heads of families acted as

Job 1:5

“And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and
sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according
to the number of them all: for Job said, it may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed
God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.”

Job acted as priest for his family

Genesis 8:20-21

“And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every
clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the LORD smelled a sweet
savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for
man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again
smite any more everything living, as I have done.”

Noah acted as priest

Priesthood began from Aaron, Moses’ brother and his sons followed suit.

Exodus 28:1 “And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from
among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, even
Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons.”

The Tabernacle would have been useless without the priesthood, for the Israelites could
only enter the Holy place through their representative, the priests. They engaged in divine

service on their behalf. They could only enter the Holy of Holies once a year (the day of
atonement) through their representative the high priest.

Priesthood is a work that has weight and not just anybody is involved. In Israel when a
young man of Aaronic family attains to the age of twenty he was eligible to become a
priest. His responsibility was to present himself for examination before the high priest. If
he was found to be a fit man he was then prepared for consecration and installment to
office. Though that's not final, his father will have to attest to his perfect fitness before
deciding to install him.

Although by birth right he was predestined to be a priest, but he will only be

commissioned as one if he was acceptable to God as confirmed by the High Priest. The
standard of qualification is laid down by God without favour or prejudice; the
requirement was nothing but perfect fitness. He has to be consecrated and acceptable to
God for service.

Just as every son of Aaron was born in this election, he was chosen in Aaron before he
was born; it was a high honour. Also, from before the foundation of the world, before we
were ever conceived, we've been chosen and pre-ordained as priests of God on the earth.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest
forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

For twenty years Aaron’s son lived as a youngster, but immediately he becomes of age,
everything has to be left behind that he may take on the likeness and image of the Priest
that he may be enrolled into the Levitical order of priesthood.

They present themselves a living sacrifice, they don't have a life of their own any longer
there's no ambition, they are born for a single purpose, priesthood. The sons of Aaron go
through a process before they eventually become certified as Priest. The process is called
consecration and this is what we'll be considering as we look at Exodus 29.

The priest couldn't perform the function of their office until they were consecrated
according to the instructions given by God to Moses.

1. They were stripped


Exodus 29:4 “And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle
of the congregation, and shalt wash them with water.”

After being brought to the Tabernacle they had to be stripped of their own clothing. This
signifies one thing; the garment of flesh.

We need to understand that for us to be used of God we've got to let go of works of the
flesh, doing the work of God with intellect and not relying totally on the Holy Spirit. We've
got to let go of our plans and allow God to draw the map for us to follow. There will be too
much of struggling to do, there will so much of striving than thriving if we don't rely totally
on the Lord. Make sure you're stripped of yourself before the Lord.

2. They were washed

After they've been stripped they were washed with water. This signifies regeneration.

Exodus 29:4 “And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle
of the congregation, and shalt wash them with water.”

3. They were clothed

Exodus 29:8-9 “And thou shalt bring his sons, and put coats upon them. And thou
shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put the bonnets on them: and the
priest's office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute: and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and
his sons.”

When we forget ourselves in His presence, strip ourselves before Him, He clothes us with
wisdom He clothes us with grace, He clothes us with spiritual authority and scepter into
every sphere.

4. They were consecrated

Exodus 29:10-25

Sacrifices were offered for their consecration consisting of sin offering and burnt offering.
Ram was used and the blood was sprinkled upon them.

A. The tip of the right ear;


Exodus 29:20 “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the
tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons...”

This is a type of consecrated hearing. Meaning a Priest ear must be closed to the ideas of
men and open more to God for direction and instruction. This doesn't mean God cannot
send someone to speak to us. Most times we listen to many noises and we want to do what
is in vogue, that's not God's way. We must learn to wait, listen and follow His instructions
and will for us even if it's going against the system or structure that has been raised by

Isaiah 50:5 “The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither
turned away back.”

B. The thumb of the right hand;

Exodus 29:20 “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the
tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the
thumb of their right hand, …”

This means our service is solely unto God. It is not for ourselves, it's not to fulfill a selfish
desire. It is fulfilling a purpose to establish the kingdom and bring the sovereignty of God
upon the earth.

C. The great toe of the right foot;

Exodus 29:20 “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the
tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the
thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot…” It signifies we
must be upright before God and men.

5. They were anointed: Exodus 30:22-33

You will discover that the composition of the anointing oil was specified as to the
ingredients and proportion. It was mixed with olive oil mingled with four spices to make
a fragrant compound, the spices are;

Pure myrrh: bitter to taste but have a fragrant odor. Speaks of suffering and challenges
that tests our strength. David spent time in the wilderness, fought a lion and Bear before
he could overcome Goliath.

Sweet cinnamon: Its flowers have unpleasant odor; it improves the flavor of the bitter
substance. It signifies the joy and blessing which helps us to overcome each time we are
faced with situations. Remember the kingdom of God is not only meat and drink but love,
peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. This is what accompanied Paul in trials.

Sweet calamus: contains sweet aromatic compound that makes it fill the air with sweet
smell. It speaks of the fragrance of Christ by which we will be smeared through the
knowledge of Him.

Cassia: Purple flower which lives at high altitude. We must be tuned to heavenly
frequency always. It also speaks of the dignity of Christ; Royal character must be
manifested in us as sons of the king.

The use of anointing oil took place after the blood was applied and this speaks of
empowerment for the commission with the power of the Holy Spirit which usually comes
after our sanctification by the blood and our continuous sanctification by the truth.

In summary, consecration can only happen when we totally submit ourselves to the High
Priest (JESUS) and we will see him molding us and shaping us into His desire for us.

Facilitator: Emmanuel Ogunleye

Let's consider what project means. It is a planned endeavor, usually with a specific goal
and accomplished in several steps or stages. However, as in a continuous tense, projectile
comes to mind.

And here is a definition for that too: An object intended to be or having been fired from a
weapon. (Physics) any object propelled through space by the application of a force.

John 16:5-11, 33

But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, whither goest
thou? [6] But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.
[7] Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not
away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
[8] And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of
judgment: [9] Of sin, because they believe not on me; [10] Of righteousness, because I
go to my Father, and ye see me no more; [11] Of judgment, because the prince of this
world is judged. [33] These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have
peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the

Here we see that the Holy Spirit does 3 things, viz:

(I) immediately separate the dead man (unsaved) from the living

(ii) confer righteousness because of Jesus’ immortality which he termed as going to the

(iii) execute judgment of destruction on the devil and Satan (both are the same entity)

It is clear that the righteousness of the man in Christ is because of the immortality of Jesus

2 Timothy 1:10-11 KJV

“But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath
abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: [11]
Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.”

So on the planet Earth as we have it today is a combination of persons with very opposite
places of origin and abode. The earth therefore is a giant sample space with only 2 kinds
of constituents. The only reason they are able to form such an immiscible solution or
colloid is by the thing common to them both: the body.

It stands, therefore, that the means by which the righteousness of the man in Christ is
revealed or projected is in and by the body. Hence, the perfect projectile for righteousness
is the resurrected/incorruptible/immortal body.

Anybody that is not resurrected cannot show fully the righteousness in Christ Jesus, for
Christ Jesus as He is today is resurrected. However, this body in its present state may be
employed to express varying measures of this righteousness even in its acts.

1 John 2:29

“If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born
of him.”

But because of how pressed we are for time, I would right now streamline this to the
character of mentoring we have here. It's just very important to understand that before
any work of art; before any drawing, design or poem done by you, your body is the first
tool for protecting righteousness.

Colossians 3:23

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men...”

This is one clue to doing righteousness. Doing all that you ever lay your hands on as unto
the Lord instantly renders that work as a means of service, your body being the first vessel
by and through which such virtue pours forth.

The garment of Jesus, just like the aprons from Paul worked diverse forms
of miracles even while apart from the holder (as clearly told us in Paul's
case). If a garment (which is carnal) is able to perform a work even in the
absence of its holder or owner, the same stands for any carnal thing that
has come in contact with or is taken from the blessed man.

His blessing isn't carnal yet the carnal (mundane, mutable, destructible) world responds
to his blessedness because the carnal world has an invisible or spiritual origin.

Ephesians 1:3

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all
spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:”

The same thing is what we see as previously shown. Although your true personality is
Spirit, you have been given a body which can be offered as a spiritual sacrifice. Hence,
bridging the gap between the physical and the non-physical, the natural/carnal and the
spiritual is determined by the dynamic working of the power within you.

Our Lord is absent in body yet He is with, even in, us. And we have become what He
intends by the power of God unto salvation regardless of our appearance. God is the first
to work like this, showing us that we really are never absent from anything of ours. Our
understanding of the manner of operation of our source, Immortality, becomes the
instigator of sending fingerprints of Righteousness every chance we get. With whatever
thing and by whichever means or mode

2 Corinthians 4:7

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of
God, and not of us.”

Romans 8: 10 says that your body is dead because of sin yet it is the temple of the Holy
Spirit. 1 Cor. 6: 19

Romans 1:16-20, 23

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. [17] For therein is the
righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by
faith. [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; [19] Because that which
may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. [20] For
the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that
they are without excuse: [23] And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an
image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping

We see that the things that are made/created /fashioned from and by another have
enough persuasion to reveal the origin of all things, the Christ, and that it is sufficient
reason for any man to believe in the message of salvation. They will witness to their source

Our works are not merely to compete with a degenerate world or to prove excellence-- as
we'd need to ask if this excellence is of the knowledge of Christ-- or to prove ingenuity
alone but to bring a Dominion, a reign of Righteousness. Our works should transcend
theirs, and the subsequent handlers or viewers or readers’ consciousness should be
directed to the source.

John 1:9

“That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”

Please be clear that every man had been predestined to be saved and so the
justification of every unbeliever is already paid for, so what he requires is
an inclusion in his predestination. Your works have the power to authorize
and strengthen the angel of an unbeliever to ensure that that fellow who is
preordained to be heir of salvation receives salvation.

2 Peter 3:12-13

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being
on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? [13]
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth,
wherein dwelleth righteousness.

The Spirit of the believer-- being one with the Holy Spirit-- is the fire by which old things
will become passed away and all things will become new. Because our body itself is called
mortal, it therefore is one of the old things that will pass away and must be burned
completely till the Spirit materializes itself as an indestructible body. This fire doesn't
produce ash but sends anything short of its character into a place of forgetfulness (actually
the lake of fire).

As you dwell on your true essence as co-heir with Jesus as origin, your body and works
become even more potent in communicating not only the new birth in another man but a
fragrance of life to the very air around your works.

In other words, as we progress from producing works which perform other

works, soon our very being would be the technology or wherewithal by
which the whole of creation would be set free to be themselves in their most
original state = NEW

You are co-heir not of a measurable or limited but of the source of all things.

Colossians 1:16-17

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things
were created by him, and for him: [17] And he is before all things, and by him all things

You must never consider yourself as part of creation. You are not creation. You are co-
heir with Him who is the firstborn of creature and cannot be regarded as creature or
creation because of His unprecedentedness as the express image of the uncreated creator.

As firstborn of creature and as explained here, His immortality is being described in a few

Romans 8:21-23

“Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into
the glorious liberty of the children of God. [22] For we know that the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. [23] And not only they, but ourselves
also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”

Do you see firstfruits? It's by the firstfruits of the Spirit that you became Co-heir not just
with the incarnate Christ but the immortal God. In and by Christ Jesus, you have become
one with the source of both supposedly variables and constants of the math/fabric of
created things.

See also that He separates us from creation by the first fruits. "... but we also" means that
we are not the creation groaning but already the Sons of God who groan and whose total
appearance of redemption will set other creation free.

The unbeliever because he is a dead man, and actually a dweller in hell, is a creation
because his state is mutable since he is short of being an offspring of God. But you are not
a part of the creation. That's the reason the gospel you preach instantly causes the
resurrection of that dead man into the kingdom of the dear Son.

Already you see what you are capable of. If you by this understanding, occupy wherever
you are, function in your workplace, you understand that you are the covering of whole
places, landscapes, and peoples.

Colossians 1:12-13

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the
inheritance of the saints in light: [13] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,
and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.

We can project righteousness because all authority in the name of Jesus is right now ours
by Christ Jesus.

In its littlest manifestations are miracles of every kind that you can perform. Recently, in
a public meeting, I had to call for rain after over one month of dryness and severe heat. I
called for bearable sunshine. We have been enjoying that ever since. Yet, that is child's

I have written pieces (poems, etc.) which have sent men to tears for hours in a day. I have
called for that which is not as though it were because I am not creation. These are earthly
and visible experiences and the littlest kinds. I speak to persons over distances and craft
their dreams and visions still under the government of God.

Remember the redemption of your body is the ultimate way to project righteousness and
your groan for that indirectly fosters several other operations-- whatever kind. When we
appear in glory there would be no hell, grave, or Satan. Then we can and will perfectly
project righteousness.

QUESTION 1: Kindly shed more light on this sir.

When we appear in glory there would be no hell, grave, or Satan. Then we have perfectly
projected righteousness.

Hebrews 2:14-16

“Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself
likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the
power of death, that is, the devil; [15] And deliver them who through fear of death were
all their lifetime subject to bondage. [16] For verily he took not on him the nature of
angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.”

The destruction of the devil is evidently spelt here and the consequent destruction of the
power of death as well as the fear of death. All this were in place as the Holy Spirit in
dwells the believer. It's for this reason yet again that he is ever preserved.

Adam had fear of death upon the instruction not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. Once told, he could fear. Fear of what? Death. "Ye shall surely die" all
because of the Fallen cherub. Once a man got saved the devil is non - existent to that being
born from above. There's no memory or record of Satan.

In fact, to him, Satan never existed. This is his reality even before the last day (of
judgment) when Satan, hell and death are cast into the lake of fire. The fire is one of
forgetfulness and is the operation of the Holy Spirit and the human spirit in the
resurrection. This is the essential demarcation between the living soul and the life giving
Spirit. The latter has no fear and so cannot die because for him (born from above) there's
no devil. So creation (the first Adam inclusive even before his fall) was subject to bondage
because he had cause to fear.

Romans 8:15-16 KJV

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the
Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. [16] The Spirit itself beareth witness
with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

Hebrews 7:3 KJV

“Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor
end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.”

Our order is that which continues without cessation evermore. You can bestow this
property of the eternal on anything of yours so that the impact of the
anointing on any material etc lingers for a very long because you speak as an
Oracle of God. So our works can keep speaking like the blood keeps speaking.
That's our lineage! You can speak a word and it keeps in force for much longer.

After all its understanding, this property of ours that will allow us make both stronger and
long-lasting impacts sufficient to allow us bring in increments until the earth can record
very evident and escalating reformations by Sons of God whose earthly lives too do not
cease at 70 years of age. This way they can oversee continuation and accumulation of the
building of Righteousness.

Imagine starting some business and not having to fear about the fate of the business in
the next 100 years because you'd still be around to do what you do and your accumulated
wisdom over such long years continue to pour into the same business so that that business
amounts into something that many businesses never amount to because the core

visionaries will die sometime and we never get to see what would result if the visionary of
a thing gets to live for 2 centuries overseeing the same work... The wisdom... The
prowess... The civilization. In essence, we actually need longevity to get certain things
accomplished and in a certain way

To oversee the predetermined counsel of God, it means with this short life span we
operate currently, whether we can figure or not, there's a whole lot not happening.
Considering the lives of the men in the old covenant shows us this.

QUESTION 2: This is really not clear to me “There's no memory or record of Satan” But
we still see him and his demons causing havoc.

Answer: Your spirit is regenerated upon New Birth, not your soul or body. Once born
again, that soul and body which once was one with your dead spirit become items of the
past, absolutely separate from that New Man and because they are items of the past is the
reason you will still wear the incorruptible, the immortal. Anything that is changeable is
not who you are.

Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

So although your soul and body can serve the purposes of your new man, who you are, or
be the dominant forces, eclipsing that true you, they still are not you. So our assignment
while we use them is to present them Holy. Romans 12: 1-2

1 Peter 2:5

“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up
spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”

My body and mind should be subject to this. So the experience of Satan and his minions
exist in the changeable existence which is the past and which is a lie, hence the call to
know the hope of Christ's calling upon you to be changed through and through. Eph 1:

1 Corinthians 6:17

“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”

You are not one flesh with Him as flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
All of the above makes it imperative that our boasts are only in the Lord not in any natural
blessing whether it is your looks, intelligence, body shape etc.

This scripture is of grave importance. The visible things must never be the message we
project. And in using the visible things never forget that they are all imperfect
representations, when you do. We give no chances for idolatry and reprobate minds, this

Question: A question on the aspect of doing all that you ever lay your hands on as unto
the Lord. I’m speaking of general living now apart from arts and writing. When do you
draw the line, you know how relating with people older than you in this part of the world
can be, it is like it is a taboo to say no to an errand or request. Now relating to doing all
things as unto the Lord, does it mean even when doing something that will be
inconveniencing to you, because it is unto the lord you have to do it regardless.


Colossians 3:12-25

“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness,
humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; [13] Forbearing one another, and
forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave
you, so also do ye. [14] And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of
perfectness. [15] And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are
called in one body; and be ye thankful. [16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in
all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. [17] And whatsoever ye do in word
or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by
him. [18] Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. [19]
Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. [20] Children, obey your
parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. [21] Fathers, provoke not
your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. [22] Servants, obey in all things your

masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of
heart, fearing God: [23] And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not
unto men; [24] Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
for ye serve the Lord Christ. [25] But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong
which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.”

You can tell from verse 12 there that he speaks of the attributes which should be outflows
of the believer's nature. Now verse 17 tells you to do all the above as expressed in words
and deed as unto the Lord. This means that all things in this regard are within the scope
of those attributes and not outside of them. Then he points out classic examples:

(i) The submission of the wife to her husband (not grudgingly but because the Lord wills

(ii) Husbands are to love their wives and not be bitter (not just because they've been so
told but because the Lord will have it so and they live unto Him so can be empowered to
do so)

(iii) Obedience to parents in all things... It goes on

Ephesians 6:1-7, 10-11

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. [2] Honour thy father and
mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) [3] That it may be well with
thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. [4] And, ye fathers, provoke not your
children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. [5]
Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and
trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; [6] Not with eyeservice, as
menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; [7] With
good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: [10] Finally, my brethren, be
strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [11] Put on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Ephesians 5 also repeats this.


Now your dad cannot ask you to lie with him in bed and you say, "Oh, my! I do it as unto
the Lord"

It is here that the leading of the Spirit becomes paramount. Your husband cannot ask you
to go sleeping with rich men to get money and you do so heartily as unto the Lord even
though he is your head.

So these words by Paul applies with a presupposition that the parents are believers. Also
from proper study, the epistles to the Colossian and Ephesian churches are one of the
most mature of all because the believers were quite grown in the Lord.

So knowing that what your husband or wife or parent requests is not of the Lord, doing it
may not be seen as unto the Lord anymore. Some things are clearly wrong or right
others depend on maturity of conscience.

Jesus for example, it was very right to be in the temple with the doctors of the law and he
ensured to have told them that before going with them. What he did was to honor them
but not to let go of the Father's business. Instead, he delayed it. Nothing was going to
change it. His response to them was so bold and clear that it was written that Mary went
to think upon the words.

Later, when by the unction of the Spirit, He was not going to delay anymore and started
out His assignment, the Father's will, Mary together with his siblings came looking for
Him and He said very clearly again that his mother and brethren are those who do his
word (follow the will of God).

So coming down to errands, those are menial matters and we just got to be able to roll
with it. Let out joy and peace and love on purpose... Alongside you can talk to the Lord
and/or the elderly ones about how stressful things get for you. There are different ways
God could sort such things out.




Facilitator: Michael Tommy

(Note: the facilitator prefers to use the term Daddy for God)

The glory of the young man is in their strength..." Proverbs 20:29

I trust that from the beginning of this school of prophetic Arts, Daddy has been carefully
revealing a lot to us, making several reconfigurations that we may effectively serve Him
and bring forth His will.

One of the things that I trust that the Lord wants to do is to bring us from a place where
we no longer run on our strength but on His; because there's no way we can carry out the
ministry of a divine artist or designer on our strength. An attempt to do things on our
own, is to set ourselves up to fail, and gladly, failure is not our heritage. It's not in our
DNA. On the contrary, the opposite of failure is what had been encoded in us by nature.

And that is why Daddy hopes to show us that we do not run with the strength of the young
man, neither do we dwell on the glory of the same. Rather, we run on the strength of the
Lord. And to effectively do this, is to be one with Him which implies being yoked with
Him. Not just in profession, but in reality and visible expression.

Matthew 11:29 gives us a clear picture of what this looks like.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:"

That is a clear depiction of what "waiting" is as we're studying, waiting is not fasting
encompassing alone, but more to that. It's not doing nothing and just waiting on God,
waiting is not being lazy, waiting is simply doing what you see our Daddy doing.

Often times as young men, (please note that my use of 'men' is generic Just like we'd use
"sons". It's for both male and female.) we are tempted to be driven with the desire to do
something. Whereas that might not be the pleasurable want of our Daddy from us. So it
is essential for us to catch the glimpse of the picture we are to paint that is, the measure
of where He is taking us such we are all waiting and ready to run his plan.

All what we need to do is nothing but to wait upon Him, that was the case with Jesus - His
ministry was clear from the very start, yet He didn't come to the scene until He was about
30. What was He doing before the thirtieth year? He was fervently working and patiently
waiting till the time of public manifestation of the ministry. " The Son does nothing except
what he sees the Father doing" Jesus didn't step out until when Daddy said it was time.

Furthermore, the beauty of Jesus' waiting was that in just three and half years of his public
ministration, He accomplished all that He was meant to do. The fact that you are seeing
yourselff as a divine-ly ordained scribe doesn't mean that the Lord has set you on a public
assignment to start now. Why can't wait on God more, seek him to make you: that
whatever you do, you do as He guides you until He orders you into the right time of

It only means that whatever you do must be done in ccorrect alignment with His will for
you in the right time. Hence we must always hold a disposition in our heart as it’s revealed
in Habakkuk 2:1-2

"I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he
will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved."

From the verse you can tell what an ideal waiting disposition is. And this is what you must
do 24/7. You don't dictate when the Lord speaks to you but only ensure that your antenna
is up for inspiration every moment. Designs for your journeys can come anytime, it can
meet you while you're washing dishes; It can meet you in your sleep which is a reason for
you to learn how to stay awake even while you sleep.

Did you get that? Waiting is a spiritual activity.

And since our spirits are not asleep even when our bodies rest, we must learn to be awake
while asleep in order to receive. Have you ever received divine guide in your sleep? Even
if you've not been experiencing that, I pray this moment marks the beginning of fellowship
with Go even in your sleep.

But then, the fact that inspiration for art comes does not mean that you should share it
publicly immediately. This is again another reason to learn waiting. Even when you've
received inspiration, even when you've expressed the art, it doesn't mean that you must
go public or on social media with it. Sometimes we attempt to box the Lord up when we
fail to get proper guidance from Him.

He is bigger than social media, we must therefore let Him guide us through, we must not
be hasty in action but must wait to receive fully what Daddy gives to us. I pray that the
Lord builds a hedge around you for if a hedge is built around you, it doesn't only mean
that evil will not come to you. but also means that you will not be able to step out of His
will. So if it is His will that we stay silent for three years, then we will. Rather than be
driven by excitement, we will stay as He bids us stay.

I would share a few things with you as we go on - Practical experiences to show why you
must wait to get clarity; and why you must just follow His leading.

There are many things that waiting does to you but I'll mention just a few.

1. You lose dependence on your natural faculties.

In waiting, you arrive at a place where you have no influence on your art, only the Lord
does through you. You arrive at a place where you can do nothing without Him.

2. You arrive at a place of union with Him. Not just in spirit.

A place where your desires, motivations, drive is all of Him and has nothing to do with
anyone. In fact, I dare say that you don't do art because you want to change the world, you
only do art because Daddy says do it. Can you see the difference? You are not reacting to
external stimuli but are only following what He says to you.

3. In waiting you come to a place of trust and rest in Him.

Some of us are afraid that our art is not good enough. We still express self-conscious, in
waiting self-consciousness comes to an end. We only become God-conscious. So even if
all we can do is scribbles, it doesn't matter. We know that what we are communicating is
life. We are not made to impress; we're just to do the Lord's bidding. So if you're still

struggling with accepting your art, my advice to you is not "Just do it." No, my exhortation
for you is to wait and listen and fellowship with Daddy and just do what you see Him

I studied Engineering I used to make pencil portrait art. I had no idea I had been marked
by God. I just drew "anything that came to mind." So many times people would see my art
and tell me how it speaks to them about scripture I wish I could show you some of those
old paintings but they are not close now.

Even I didn't see the scripture in them, all I knew was I was just drawing what came to
my mind. Many times you won't even understand, you just feel the nudge and you express
it. At times you'd be woken in the middle of the night, you must wake up and receive what
you are being given.

That's why I'm emphasizing, waiting is not just fasting. Also, waiting is not being lazy
because you can be called on at any time. Waiting is easily being attentive to Heaven and
following as you're being led.

I was doing this in 2016, I didn't even know the Lord could do a lot through art then. I
just thought the Lord was about preaching the gospel and 'living a holy life.' Nobody
around me did divine art or Prophetic art as we call it. I didn't even know anything about
it. I was just following the nudges

And then in October 2016 The Lord asked me to do a series... every day I'll be drawing
one thing as inspired by scripture I wasn't doing it for fame. I was just following blindly
like a child. And that's one thing the Lord is doing for you at the moment, Daddy is making
us childlike again not childish but childlike. Childishness is foolishness Childlikeness is
innocence and purity!

I started drawing every day I'll show you some of the things I drew. About two or three of

They were not very good artistically I was just switching into digital art but I did them all
the same and shared. I used to be so self-consciousness but I followed. I'm glorying in my
weakness here. And I'm saying all this to teach us something. So the paintings above are
some of the works I did then.

Take note they were scripturally inspired. The first picture there is an encouragement to
be properly clothed for whatever we do. If you are to fight, then wear the whole armour of
God. Just like you'd wear jersey and boot when you want to play football and not ‘Agbada’.
So in all, this was the level I was on when it came to divine art. I made simple illustrations
like this.

That was October 2016 and I did it daily but I couldn't complete 31 days, I only managed
about 15 days. But something miraculous happened, I was just sharing where the Lord
asked me to share. Then it was on social media and suddenly someone reached out to me
and said he wanted to feature me on CNN Africa. I thought it was a joke until it happened.
I was in my house just spending time with Daddy when it happened, I don't even know
the person He just reached out to me. Now I'm sharing this to show us something. it's not
our job to publicize ourselves. Our job really is to just stay and do what the Father shows
us to do.

Without worrying about the eventual result. But again another lesson, someone else
would have thought that the goal was to be featured on CNN Africa. No, that’s not it, in
fact immediately after this, I saw that Daddy said I shouldn't publicize the honour I just
got, so I was quiet I just shared with a few people.

What He was doing was to now circumcise me and take me deeper and show me His
deeper plans for me. Although I studied elect-elect engineering, he shut me down. I
couldn't work as an engineer.

At this point also, he shut me down as an artist and a writer, I couldn't write anymore,
couldn't draw, stopped publishing on my blogs, stopped sharing on social media. What
Daddy taught me was that was not the end, there are more to know and to become.

For more than a year, I couldn't write or do anything I was just following Him Staying
alone. Attending meetings when He said I should, He specially selected the friends I had
even though I was hidden.

He could just show me someone in a dream and we'd become companions and such a
person would help me journey into Him. I was just following, He eventually asked that I
start an art brand. I did and He shut me down again. So for a long time now I've just been
there and He's been unraveling the plans.

And what makes it clearer is even when you know you're an artist, it's needful that you
follow Him. What you think you know isn't everything, here is to know that the training
you think you need might not be what He plans for you to undergo.

Look at Joseph and how prophetic he was, the sight he had. He saw that he was exalted
above his brothers. What happened to him next? He was sold as a slave; he was in
Potiphar's house as a servant, h got into prison. All those things looked vague but they
were all preparing him for what was coming. To preserve Israel, it was because of him
what Judah one of the forefathers of our Lord was preserved, if I may so say.

If He sits you down for three years, then you sit down, If He moves suddenly then move.
Sometimes, the Lord will ask you to live your city and go another because there's a portion
you must collect for your journey. So while you're thinking of social media, the Lord is
thinking of how to tangibly engineer a whole nation/continent through you.

Waiting helps you clearly see what your art is for. You bring forth your own expressions,
you don't copy other artists, even kingdom artists. Yes, I must say this, the number one
thing that is significant in this journey is union or oneness with the Lord.

You must learn to journey alone. This means that you must learn to lean on what the Lord
shows you beyond the words of men. Embrace your individuality!

Sometimes, a fellow believer like you will tell you to launch out because they see a certain
light in you but the Lord could be saying, "no, no you're not ready. " I've been there a few
times. But I couldn't shake off the will of the Lord. I couldn't speak. I couldn't write. I
couldn't even accept invitations like this by SOPA. The Lord would just say, "no don't take

Many times it won't make sense, but if you just obey, it'll make sense. Don't do anything
in haste Don't even pick a mentor or father in haste. No matter how spiritual or anointed
such a mentor is, be guided by the Lord. Let Him lead you to someone who can manage
your configuration.

For the graphics designers, wait, follow, seek clarity. Always seek clarity. Your graphics
design might be to gather wealth for the Kingdom or it might be to help kingdom
businesses or even for media.

But if you don't wait, you may not get this clarity, you'll just find yourself doing what
you're not meant to do, but if you wait for the Lord; He will show you what to learn just
like He showed me. You'll begin to learn what I call "divine designs"

Design that can serve as portals for divinity, you'd understand how colours work to bring
down Daddy's will. There's so much to share but I trust that the Lord will expound these
things to us. Don't be a hasty young man.

Always seek clarity

Become child-like.

Choose to know nothing except what the Lord reveals to you.

Don't be in a haste to DO, rather be more willing to know the Lord and to be known by
Him. Be more willing to BECOME. DOING only follows out of what you've BECOME.

Just follow the Lord in everything. Ask Him EVERYTHING. What tools to learn. What
medium to use. (You can create something new.) ASK HIM EVERYTHING. When to
speak. What platform to use. Who to target.

Ask Him to teach you the things I haven't even said. I hope this blessed you. In waiting
your specific role in the purposes of the Lord become clearly revealed. There is no room
for uncertainty.


1. You mentioned that you must teach your spirit to be awake even while you are sleeping,
how do you do that?


I wouldn't say "teach your spirit to be awake. Your spirit is always awake. What's left is
coming into a place of actively engaging that capacity. I've always had a simplicity about
how I engage Him.

And I'd share how it's worked for me. The moment I realized I wanted to start having clear
revelations through dreams, all I did was ask and believed. That must have been around

2015, then the experiences started and I grew in them. You must be willing to embrace
and trust God. Often we discard these dreams when we do not understand them and as a
result close our hearts to them. Rather than receive the ministrations they bring and
receiving light and understanding through them. When I say I want to go and sleep, what
I'm really saying is I want to go and dream. Because I always believe I will and they're
often clear, have that kind of confidence not in yourself but in the Father who gives to His
beloved in His sleep. That's what scriptures say.

Psalm 127:2 BBE version

"He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.

KJV says, "He gives His beloved sleep."


This assignment is targeted towards discovering getting a clear picture of how the Lord
would have us minister through our art.

If you'll please, I'll like you to take out time and receive clear instructions on what your
art expression will be. What type of art will the Lord have you make? What type of tangible
products will they be? What would be its specific goal? What audience will be most
influenced by it? And through what medium?

You may not get it all now but I want you to ask and receive your maps with regards to
your art then share. And if the Lord reveals the how of getting there, please feel free to
share also. You may be strengthening another by doing so.

The second part of the assignment is for you to produce a work of art as inspired by the
Lord through whatever means and share with me also. It could be art, design,


Facilitator: Oreoluwa Owele

Hebrews 1: 1 - 3

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by
the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed
heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his
glory, and the express IMAGE of his person, and upholding all things by the word of
his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the
Majesty on high;”

When you read that, you will see where the word 'IMAGE' is cited, let's take that verse out

Hebrews 1:3

“Who being the brightness of his glory, and THE EXPRESS IMAGE of his person, and
upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”

The word Imagination is coined out of the word Image, the source of all Imaging is
Jesus Christ. One must have that in mind as a designer.


In walking with God as a designer, you must be rooted and grounded in love. This is very
key, everything in God works by love Even faith, faith works by love The word of God says
to us in.

1 Corinthians 13:13

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

We find that of faith, hope and charity. Charity is the greatest which is translated as love,
we find the word of God telling us that God himself is Love. Ephesians 3:17 shows us the

prayer of Paul to God concerning us. “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that
ye, being rooted and grounded in love,”

Love is the fullness of God that said.

Once you are inside love, you are outside the bounds of the realm of darkness

Note: It is good to see with your imagination but it's imperative your safety is sure first
because we have had folks who wanted to see visions and things in the realm of the spirit
and they ended up in mental asylum, as they ignorantly engaged the wrong spirit.


What exactly is the doorway of Imagination?

I have said, Christ is the image of God. He is the excellent glory of the Father. As such we
are licensed to see into glory. Do you know why you are licensed to see into Glory?

Hebrews 2:10

“For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing
many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through

You have been brought into glory, therefore dwell in glory

Colossians 1:12-13

“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the
inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and
hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”

Can you see how that you have been translated from the realm of darkness into light? You
have no business drawing devils! That is not your domain! Your domain is Christ. For in
him you live, in him you move, and in him you have your being. You live in Christ, so you
see from that realm and only from that realm and in that realm, LOVE is KING!

The Doorway of Imagination is your MIND


Your Mind is the Doorway of Imagination

Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of

your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Why? So that you may prove.

See, the word of God said prove not know, so that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God this is why your mind has to be renewed. Now, I have
said your mind is the Doorway of imagination and I jumped to renewing your mind.

Why do I have to renew my mind?

This is because, your mind is an Important tool the Spirit of God will use to transmit
images and messages to your brain. The things of God are a spiritual matter that only
your spirit understands and knows but you don't know it. so for you to know it, your mind
order of the image of God.

Without your mind, spiritual things cannot be understood by you and not just your mind,
but a regenerated mind (a mind that is not carnal). Without your mind, you cannot prove
the will of God and what is God's will to us as believers?

That we may learn Christ and grow into him in all stature and fullness of

Ephesians 4:13

“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:”

Does this make sense to you? This is God's will for every believer. To be as Christ in all
ramifications! Our minds are the doorways to Imagination. In the illustration below I will
expound more on the mind being the door way to imagination

Your mind is the same thing as your soul. The two words are one and the same. The mind
(soul) is the seat of your Intellect, will and emotion, your mind (soul) comprises of
these three things. Those three things are what is responsible for how you think, process
stuffs, speak and respond /react. Your recreated spirit is in constant alignment with God.

Your spirit and God's Spirit are one. Connected. The connection happened when you
received Jesus. However, the problem is how can your spirit transmit the myriads of
visuals it is exposed to right now to your understanding?

The barrier is the soul (the mind)

How do we get the mind to cooperate? Because we have established that the mind is the
Doorway of imagination.

How then can we tame the mind to align?

How can we do that?


Beloved! You got to know how to pray in tongues consistently and for long durations!
Your life depends on it.

When you pray in tongues, you relive the mind of its power. Note that, the mind got
supremacy of the body because of the fall of Adam. But with the regeneration of our
spirits, we got the key to dethroning the mind and putting our spirit back on top of the

How? By praying in tongues

1 Corinthians 14:14

“For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is


When you talk in tongues, your understanding is unfruitful meaning you mind cannot
process those things.

Your mind needs to begin to learn to rely on the move of the Spirit and one way you teach
it is to pray in tongues. When you pray in tongues, your mind opens up, it is being
renewed, it becomes enlarged and can now Comprehend the things it is being given by
your Spirit without arguing. Your Mind wants to question everything. Your mind is
logical. And this logic has done more harm than good. Thus it hampers the flow of
spiritual revelation.

This is why when you close your eyes and you begin to see in your imagination, don’t
respond to the things you are seeing by questioning its rationale because this will minister
doubts and truncate the flow of revelation and sight from the realm of glory.


Renew it by the word of God (the revelation of truth) and by praying in tongues. I cannot
over emphasize the need to pray in tongues.

Brother you have to!

Sister you have to!

If you must see into the Kingdom via your imagination, you have to pray in tongues


Let's do something more practical, this cuts across all forms of arts here. If you sketch,
need to grab your sketch pads.

If you design you might need to grab your laptop Computers.

Painters go grab your brushes and Palette!

Whatever art form you do. Grab your instrument!

1. Now, pray in tongues for 10mins and be aware of your thoughts, what you see at
that time and the words that comes out of your mouth in understanding

2. Once done. Relax for about 5 mins and let whatever you have seen or heard run its

3. Pick up your instruments and start drawing what you have seen.

Facilitator: Akinboade Pelumi

The mysteries of colours are not revelations you can see littered around the streets.The
mysteries of colours is for them whose hearts can press into the secret Chambers of the
Lord! Therefore, tonight, the Lord will search our hearts and know if we are truly willing
to press deeply into HIM. The truth is that our hearts will be tested if He will talk to us on
this matter.

Colours are hidden in LIGHT!

Colour is actually a hidden mystery of LIGHT!

Proverbs “25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to
search out a matter”

When you see rainbow you are wowed! Right?

The rainbow is actually the Cloth of Kings; the Cloth of the Nobles!

The rainbow is for those who dare to search the concealed matters of the LORD.

I want us to see tonight how that our hearts must deeply probe into the matters of the
LORD, standing on the ROCK of LOVE. The scriptures clearly stated it. Eyes have not
seen, ears have not heard, hearts have not conceived it, the things the LORD
has prepared for those who LOVE Him. The issue with our present generation is
that we love to be entertained with astonishing insights! God does not entertain men with
His riches!

Probers; ARISE! Lovers; AWAKE!

There is a natural intelligence as regards the choice of Colours; there is also the
Spiritual/Kingdom intelligence regarding colours. I want us to understand that such
(spiritual) intelligence will not jump on you.

If all I want to do is to wow us tonight, I can do that. However, the exposition would not
profit us if our hearts has not been disciplined enough to go on adventures with CHRIST.

And Considering this level of feedback i will just hold on the mysteries of colours and just
encourage us on the Passion of the Prophetic Artist.

There is a huge level of spiritual doggedness and passion that you must sustain as a
Prophetic Artist. This is not to say that you should be weird baselessly. A man of God,
Prophet Micah S Turnbo once said "If you must be weird, your weirdness must be
authentic and God must back Up your weirdness" (paraphrased)

We shouldn't use Colours as children would. We all know the way children paint with
crayons baselessly; without skill or knowledge. When you paint baselessly without the
spiritual intelligence of Colours, your Art in heaven is like a painting of a Child. If you
must use red, you must know why. Don't paint baselessly.

When you paint without Kingdom/Prophetic intelligence, your artworks may impress
men, but you won't be able to powerfully and effectively project the Word and the
Character of GOD.

What we are talking about here is not the ability to impress men. Mortal men are usually
easily impressed with things that are fascinating and of good appeal to the eyes. On the
other hand, spiritual men are not impressed with Art that looks well-crafted. We are
wowed by the prophetic intelligence that powerfully informs the Arts!

Just as men study Fine Arts in School, there is also a School of Arts/Creativity in heaven
which you must attend and be so active in! There, you will be taught the significance of
Colours and how it depicts and expresses the Nature of CHRIST.

Beloved, more than your extra-ordinary abilities to draw and impress men,
can you seek Prophetic intelligence?

It is only in this realm that we have men who are intelligent but powerless! Intelligence
in the Spirit is POWER! Your art is Powerful to the degree of the Spiritual
intelligence that informs it.

You should not draw and then not be able to explain how the dots connects
prophetically. A baby artist is such who is only able to draw by impartations, anointing
or skills but cannot explain the Prophetic intelligence that informs it. GROW UP! LEARN!

Don't glory in the mediocrity of wowing men. Naturally, Arts will wow anybody who is
sensual. However, the arts we are talking about here is such that can summon spirits.
Your Arts should awake My spirit! It must AWAKE something! It must SUMMON

Truthfully speaking, an art work done under the Power/the anointing will do wonders, it
would bring light, it will awaken! However, it is Potent to the degree of the intelligence
that informs it!

Arts are PORTALS that open us Up into CHARACTERS. Arts facilitates entrances into
CHARACTER! This is the catch, however: a CHARACTER of the LORD that you do
not know, your Arts cannot transport men into!

It is important to know that the end of Arts is not fascination, name, fame, or money. The
End of every Art Work should be CHRIST! Yet, if He is not the Alpha, He cannot
be the OMEGA

I feel a need to emphasize on enrollment here tonight. It is good to enroll for such an
online program as this. Most importantly, have you enrolled yourself in Heaven?

Enough of just seeing Art Works in your dream; you must also be taught intelligence of
the Arts in Your dreams! Open yourselves up to GOD and tell Him to teach you. Tell Him
you want to learn the nitty-gritty of Heavenly Arts. There is an Intelligence of the ARTS,
and knowing the mysteries of Colours is a sign that you are learning up there!

My Journey into Understanding Colours started in an advanced manner Last year

September. It was actually a Summoning to attend the CLASS. I was taken up to LEARN,
much like the same way you go abroad to obtain a Master’s Degree. I challenge you also
to have a resolve for Knowledge/Intelligence. Beyond the skills, become a Spiritual
Master! There is Masters in Heaven o; you can Study Masters in Heaven. I am not saying

you need to have an out-of-body experience; I mean you can learn via the strong
witness/knowing and perceptions of God in your spirit man. There are those who have
gained mastery of a realm and a dimension in CHRIST via knowledge and experiences.

We would close on this note:



Question: I discovered that it might take years before the interpretation of an artwork is
revealed. Even then, it comes in phases and in accordance to seasons. It took me about 4
years to understand and interpret some of my artworks. I did not even connect them until
I arranged the paintings some years later and noticed that they are all connected together.
My question is, if the meaning of a prophetic artwork does not come to the artist
immediately, does that make him/her a baby artist? Is it possible that the meaning to the
painting might not be even understood until the artist is gone to be with the Lord, because
the Lord is trying to conceal a truth?


Maturity is the ability to decide with the LORD, and it is Continuous. One of the things
Sonship does to us is that it brings us to a point where the heart of the Father is poured
into us and we can jointly do His will!

While we were Children, we were sent here and there and most times, we did not know
why. Sometimes, we are told not to take things from our friends or to eat from our
neighbor's house, and we obey without knowing a significant why! However, as we grow,
our parents began to explain to us the reasons; what they have heard from people, the
experiences they have had, what they've perceived about the Neighbor and so on.

Abraham was brought to that stature in the Spirit, where He could reason and decide with
the LORD over Sodom. There is a level where we just feel the action to draw and paint,
without knowing why. There is another level where we draw/paint because we were first
in a Council of deliberations. Then, the Paintings/drawings would then just be a minute
of the meeting! However, we grow in this aspect.

Yet, I believe there are some Arts that the Father may decide to veil its interpretations for
a moment, not because of immaturity but because of His eternal purposes.

Simply put, maturity is the ability to Possess Practically/tangibly the Mind of Christ.




Facilitator: Faith Faseran


Sound has been way back since the ancient, before God commanded creation to be. Sound
is a tool that can't be underrated, for upon it the very being of the earth was founded.
Sound is very relative, but we'll be talking about the musical sound as regards worship.

When we hear about worship music, David always comes to our mind. Mind you Moses,
Solomon and others too sang. But something made David to stand-out. He was a man
after God's own heart.

1 Samuel 16:18 Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son
of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a
man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him.

There were qualities that made David stand out which are,

1). From chapter 1 to 15 of first SAMUEL, nothing was mentioned of David until the
sixteenth chapter. Have you ever wondered why? He was in a wilderness, hidden and
sharpening his skills. You see there is always a place of preparation for whatever God will
have us do, and if we cut it short before time. We die before time. This must sink deep
into us, into our subconscious mind because the work of a sound priest is so heavy that
only those that are refined can stand test of time and fulfill the mandate. David waited
patiently for the appointed time (1sam 16:7-12)

2). Although he was young but he was raised by God for the time of appointment. He was
anointed and sent forth for the work. Never look down on yourself that you can't be used
of God. The weakest are usually the strongest. Because within them, lies the seed for great
exploit. David though was young but he brought down the giant Goliath

Note: There's so much in you. The Lord has placed therein to sound to the earth. If you
yield yourself completely to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you'll be amazed at the wonders
he'll be doing through you.

What are the characteristics of a sound priest?

A sound priest is abased. He has a posture of heart so beaten, yielded and broken. psalm

Pure sound can only originate from somewhere "the abased heart and life" because the
spirit is in full control. You'll discover in 1 Sam 16:18, the servant said David is "comely"
(pleasant to look at) Obviously David has become who he decided to fix his gaze on.

2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with open face beholding .... changed into the same
image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

John 1:3-5 “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that
was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

We must come into the unity of the life of God, this is the way we can express His light in
our sound. This is how we can become a reflection of Him that has sent us.

Elisha understood that a real sound priest brings light with sound that shines into every
darkness and from there he can begin to prophesy. (2king 3:15) With the light they carry
in them and release through their sounds, they bring down a presence and everyone
begins to flow in it.

How to make sound as a sound priest?

We don't just compose sounds, we trap sounds directly from the source, the sounds of
God that brings liberation and express God’s glory in this sphere.

Capturing the sounds of heaven comes in different ways; in dreams, trance, deep
devotion, meditation, worship.

We must place ourselves continually in His presence. We must tune in in every second of
the day to the frequency of heaven, that we may expressly receive that which will spread
his kingdom upon the earth.

1 Chronicles 16:37 “So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD Asaph and
his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required”

Personally I fast and pray to get sounds. Placing ourselves in His presence daily, helps us
function as Minstrel, because our sounds is not only the music. Our very life is a sound.

Physically, our expression comes through skill. First thing, the servant that recommended
David mentioned was that "he is cunning in playing". Brethren, the place of skills
cannot be overemphasized. Skill makes our expression easy, though we must note that
skill doesn't bring the presence.

What is our function as sound priest?

Simply to bring the generation of men into an intimate relationship with God via songs,
psalms and melodies

There are different types of sound/song/worship leaders

1. Song leaders: lead music for God

2. Anointed song leaders: make offering on behalf of the people

3. Worship leaders: help people stand in their functions as priest and lead others into an
intimacy with God. This is the main function of a SOUND PRIEST.

Finally, brethren there's work to do let's prepare ourselves to be mightily used of Him


1.Distinguish musicians from minstrel.

2. What do you mean by offering on behalf of the people- anointed song leader.

3. What distinct characteristic differentiates the minstrel from other genuine song

4. Please lastly, I have noticed something about myself which I don't understand yet. I
always love singing in the morning. At one time, I noticed I stop worshipping (in the
morning), for some days. There was a great burden to continue. I would cry and tell my
roommate I miss worshipping in songs in the ' morning'. But other times, I noticed I
stopped singing; and was now trying (struggling) to sing to the Lord in the morning, after

leaving it for long. What is about 'singing in the morning' that brings burden if not
adhered to.

1. In the Bible days, you'll discover the word "seer" was used which means prophet
because it was believed that prophet should see into the future (1 Sam 9:9.) Basically
prophet can see and also have some other gifts. But we call them prophet. Same thing
applies to Minstrel, it was an old word used to describe musicians then, a Minstrel is
someone who plays musical instruments. But this is worthy of note that in the house of
the Lord the only minstrels were Levites which go through a process of sanctification
before picking an instrument to play or else they'll become dead meat (I hope you
understand that) also words like Viol which evolve into Violin of today....

However, "minstrels" as used today is applied to the present day levitical music priest

You won't be wrong if you say we are also musicians and also Minstrel because there's one
thing in common ‘entertainment’ but one gives an entertainment that brings people into
an understanding of the ethereal.

Music can be defined as a combination of sounds that is pleasant to the ear. No matter
how spiritual you may be if you're singing or playing and you're going off key which will
be unpleasant to the Listeners, people will not listen to you. So we're are musicians and
also minstrels

2. 2 Timothy 2:20 “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver,
but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.”

You'll note in the above verse there's a vessel of gold and that of silver. I'm sure you know
which is the best. Anointing at times come in form of gift, the gift of God is without
repentance. Judas was part of Jesus disciples; miracle was wrought through him but that
doesn't make him a genuine follower.

An anointed song leader may be just a vessel for the moment, and may also not. It is an
awesome thing to be anointed. By the anointing, the Holy Spirit upon people can still
bring God’s presence to bare and manifestation. But beyond the anointing that brings

about the manifestation of gifts, intimacy brings about the manifestation of the glory of
God, by His manifest presence revealed in and through his consecrated vessels. These
consecrated sound priests are the people I call ‘worship leaders.

3. Your third question must have been answered with the first explanation

4. I'm happy for you dear sister. You see when we are having such burdens, it's the calling
of God to a secret place. I remembered when I was in school, I noticed at times when I go
for night class I'll just feel this heavy surge in my heart to pray. Maybe to pray for someone
or something, I will lose control, if I don't pray at that time I'll start shedding tears I
wouldn't be able to control it until I knee in prayer. And most times there's something so
pressing that my prayers will bring solution to. This is my point; it may be the Holy spirit
showing you your gate. Which you must learn to master. The singing in the morning
maybe your gate or spiritual time portal, so master it. You'll be surprised the download of
wisdom that will be opened unto you through it. Blessings


Write explicitly on how you get inspired for composition with scriptural backup.

Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola.

Psalms 89:15 “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD,
in the light of thy countenance.”

There is a sound that the earth has not heard, there is a sound that is not popular, there
is a sound that is not like the usual sound. It is the sound coming forth from the womb of
the Spirit. Several minstrels have not learnt how to become unconventional. They have
not learnt how to cope with being different and being unusual. They have not learnt how
to be okay and comfortable while following the wind as they release heavenly sounds. You
see, there is a place that the sounds of a man begin and then come to an end. The sound
of the Spirit begins at that point where the sounds of man has come to an end. And the
sound of the Spirit is an endless sound. The sound of the Spirit is a reverberation from

That's why the bible says the voice of the Lord is upon many waters. As his voice is
reverberating upon the waters sound notes are being birthed and popped out. And those
sound notes begin and end in God. They are an expression of Himself.

Now the water that I am talking about is in your spirit. That is why the bible says in John
7 that out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water.

John 7:37-39 “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying,
if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the
scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of
the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet
given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)”

So this is it, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters. And the voice of the Lord is
upon many waters, that is the voice of the Lord is upon the river that is oozing forth from
your belly!

Psalms 29:3 “The voice of the LORD is upon the waters: The God of glory thundereth:
the LORD is upon many waters.”

If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, it means that in you is a river that is flowing. And as
this river flows and bubbles by the voice of the Lord vibrating upon it. Sound notes are
released and these sound notes come to your heart as melodies!

Ephesians 5:18-20 “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with
the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God
and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

That is where the melody come from. It is a result of the voice of the Lord upon the river
in your belly. So anytime you are hearing a tune or you are humming a sound that is
coming from your belly. Just know that the voice of the Lord is close!

Most times, when we worship, we begin and end with our own sounds. we have not learnt
how to tune into the sounds of God!

The reason you sing songs and you feel dry even after seemingly worshipping for hours is
because you are singing your own songs! And can I say this, the only thing that pleases
our father and delights him are the things that proceed forth from Him!

So the only kind of sounds that our Father responds to are those sounds that emanates
from him. That is the same reason Moses had to build according to the pattern and plan
as it is in heaven. The reason is simple, if it is not like the one in heaven it cannot capture
the reality of God!

The reality of God can never find expression on earth if there is no medium on earth that
mirrors the one in heaven.

And that is why you could sing and dance for hours and still not feel God! That is why you
can go for all night praise concerts and return dry. Because there was nothing of him that
manifested down here! Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

His kingdom is the materiality that captures the manifestation of His will. The tabernacle
of Moses in the old testament is the Kingdom representation amidst them. The reality of
the person of God they were able to interface with is that which the pattern they captured
was able to accommodate.

A people are rising that will drown a whole generation in God's sounds!

These ones will be skilled by the Holy Spirit to flow with the river. They will know how to
navigate and journey through realms in God via sounds and how to download sounds!

There is such a thing as journeying sounds! Journeying sounds are sounds that are
vehicles for you to access places in the heavenly realms.

Friends, you don't have to sing fifteen songs in a worship session. Why are you so bothered
that people did not dance while you are singing? Instead of you to be bothered that you
are singing and the glory did not come down in manifestation.

Sounds forgers are God conscious! Not congregation conscious.

That moment when you start getting congregation conscious, your face has shifted. And
your ability to capture the sound from eternal realms is dependent on your ability to focus
on Him!

Your focus is your strength!!

He is that sound that you want to release!!

You are not a singer! You are a dispenser of God via sounds! You are a sound priest; not
a singer!! Anybody can sing! It takes skills in yielded-ness to be able to dispense God via
your sounds! I mean just as Jesus said, the words that I speak they are spirit and they are
life. You must also be able to say, the sounds that I release they are spirit and they are life!
Your strength also lies in your yielded-ness.

Do not say, the congregation don't know the song. If that is the song they are singing in
heaven. Release the sound.

They may not know the song, but their spirit will respond to the atmosphere of the Spirit.
Now, when you release a sound, you are releasing a realm! You are ushering in a realm.
Sounds are keys that unlock gates.

Now, for the instrumentalist. You cannot play the right chords on the
Keyboard, if God cannot play the chords of your own heart!

Now see this friends, it is like an equation. I started by saying, the voice of the Lord is
upon many waters, and it causes sounds notes to pop up and be stirred on that river. And
the river is in your belly. So your heart, captures the sound notes as melodies. And when
you release it, guess what happens.

You Open the gates and the river of the Spirit floods in and that is why the atmosphere
gets thicker. But it does not end there. The people can now hear the voice of God in their
own heart and as the voice vibrates upon the river in their own belly, they too release their
own unique sounds. That's the true response in worship!

The worship leader captures a sound in the Spirit and releases it, and the people are
quickened by the atmosphere of that sound and they too find their unique sounds and
melodies and release it! We have the DNA of our Father who is a creator and we are also
creators too in Him.

We can create sounds!! That's why David will say sing unto the Lord a new song.

See! You can sing new songs to the Lord every day. You know why? The sound notes
coming from the river Per time is ever fresh and they never cease to pop up.

Personally, I sing new songs every time (I'm not a minstrel though).

Many of us wait to get to the pulpit for the anointing to come down, so that when the
anointing comes we can sing new songs.

No, Don't live like that.

Keep being filled with the Holy Ghost. Even your God loves sounds! That is why around
his throne are all manner of sounds. Never stop releasing sounds. At home, in school, in
the office, in church, on the street, keep releasing sounds. Keep sanitizing the atmosphere!

I had an experience some time ago, I was in an intercessory prayer with some saints. And
at a point a lady was narrating a vision that she was seeing and unconsciously I was
chanting a tune. And the Holy Spirit said to me do you know she's gliding upon the sounds
you are releasing. And I was like, oh! Really? The Lord said “okay, stop chanting” and I
stopped. And almost immediately, the lady couldn't continue, she said the vision is no
longer clear”. Like something went wrong with her signals. And the Holy spirit asked me
to continue chanting the tune. I did and she continued gliding seamlessly and narrated all
she was seeing. This means that spirit inspired sounds can enhance sight and flight in the

You can't just afford to be a normal singer! Come on! There are So many people who claim
to be in music ministry. But only few know that what God is calling them to do is not to
make albums and sell. Even though that is not bad. But, must never the goal.

What kind of sounds does brother Theophilus Sunday release that makes you pray in
tongues? What kind of sounds does Lawrence Oyor release that stirs you to pray almost
all the time? Are these guys still normal at all? They are always high! They are high class
Spirit drunkards.

I know a bit about Lawrence Oyor. I know a bit about his prayer life. He prays quite much.

And that's the thing about sounds. He doesn't sing that people should pray. But people
listen to him and want to pray because he releases a prayer realm into the atmosphere
through his sounds.

And every sound forger must know that there is a sound of God Within the audible sound
that he is making! And the audible sound that you are making must be a door way for
people to hear the voice of the One who speaks in the deep chambers of the heart. And
you too, do not be a child, do not get so carried away by melody that you lose sight of him.

In forging sounds, most times it begins with a note in your spirit or a tune in your heart.
Don't add just anything to complete it. Stay focused, remain in that river, until you get the

full version. This is it, pastor Lawrence prayed until the realm called prayer started
following him up and down. And now that realm is communicated via sounds!

How long have you been tarrying in God’s presence, is there any skill of the Spirit that you
can Boldly say you have learnt? Have you mastered the art of prayer! Do you know the
pathway of meditation?

Do you know the stronghold called Union/oneness/intimacy with Christ?

Do you know the height called the love of God? How long do you spend feeding on the
written word? You can sing new sounds very well, buy does your sound unleash realms?
Do they make people journey far into God? Do your sounds make people caught up in the
realm of visions? Do your sounds drown men in hunger and thirst after righteousness?

The strength of your sound is dependent on the strength of your personal walk with God

It is time to build weight in the Spirit.

You know what friends?

Only children can be deceived by a fine and beautiful voice.

Those who know the Lord in the gathering will know that you are beautifully shallow. And
your voice is melodious but lack glory and presence. Friends, it is too late for you to fail
our generation!

It is time to build weight. It is time to stay with the Lord. It is time to pay the price of
seeking him until you have the capacity to carry the Weight of his glory in a tangible way.

Amen and Amen!



Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

From the Oxford dictionary, ‘sweet’ means ‘pleasant', and ‘sweetness' means a ‘pleasant

There is such a thing as the sweet spirit. A sweet spirit is a sweet heart; a heart that is true;
a heart that is right; a heart that is pure; a heart that cannot think guile; a heart that is
prosperous in the light of the truth. It is a heart that is set on pilgrimage; a heart that
wants to please the Lord in all things.

The secret to being a sweet psalmist is to walk in the reality of those qualities listed above.
It is said of David that he was the sweet psalmist of Israel.

2 Samuel 23:1-2 “Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and
the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet
psalmist of Israel, said, the Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my

David said, He is raised up on high, he is the anointed of the God of Jacob and he is the
sweet psalmist of Israel. It is one thing to be anointed of the Lord as a minstrel.
It is another to be have a sweet heart as the Lord’s psalmist. Many are anointed
but their hearts are not sweet. Their spirits are not inviting.

We should be able to taste sweetness when we come around you as a psalmist. We should
be able to sense the sweetness of God. Sweetness is tangible. Sweetness is a product of the
Spirit’s inner workings in a man. Sweetness is the end product of divine dealings.
Sweetness is God at work in a man and the man working out his salvation with fear and
trembling. Sweetness is love in display. Sweetness is grace finding its full course in you.

The aroma from a minister of God should be a scent of sweetness both to God and to men.
Do men see sweetness when they relate with you? We know you are anointed, but do you
have a sweet spirit? Many are heavily anointed but proud, many work in the anointing but

they cannot be corrected. Their hearts are puffed up within them. The Lord said about
David, that I have found my servant David

Psalms 89:20 “I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:”

The Lord is in search of a kind of people. The Lord seeks for a kind of man. Jesus gave us
a clue in the Gospel of John.

John 4:23

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the
Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

God said about David; ‘I have found my servant David!’ Can you see that?

So in the Old Testament, we found a man who knew the secrets of God and knew how to
please Him. David was a worshipper in spirit and in Truth; he knows the secrets of God.
He has the keys to God's heart.

Here is another testimony about beloved David.

Acts 13:22 “And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their
king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of
Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.”

That is God’s testimony about a man. It is also the secret behind his being a sweet
psalmist. You must be engrossed with the thought of pleasing the Lord in all things. You
must desire to please God above anything else. Your achievement in ministry must be a
measure of how well-pleased the Lord is with you in all that you do in His name. Like
David, we must be after God’s heart. God’s heart must be your very pursuit; not fame, not
money, not the influence, not the accolades. All those will definitely follow as we seek the
Lord’s heart. Just as Matthew 6:33 rightly puts it; “Seek first the Kingdom of God and its
righteousness and every other thing shall be added to it”. As a servant of God and a
Psalmist that you are, your definition of success in ministry, achievements,
promotions and growth must be centered around pleasing the Lord and

fulfilling all His will. The Lord regards you as sweet if you have David’s kind of heart
posture, which is after God’s heart and ready to fulfill all of God’s will. That is the key of
every sweet psalmist.

It takes the sweetness of a psalmist to unlock the melodies of God’s heart via sounds. The
one who has learnt to do the will of God is the one who has the heart to capture the
beautiful sounds of light emanating from Papa's heart. Papa rejoices over us (Hs children)
with rejoicing and songs, but it is only by the sweetness of the correct heart posture that
we are able to connect and align with him to hear Him sing over us and through us.

The sweet psalmist is not necessarily the one with the sweet voice or the one
with the sweet skill. As good as those qualities are, they are not enough to
qualify one as a sweet psalmist. The sweet Psalmist is the one with the sweet heart
condition. This heart condition is not attained by mere determination of man’s will, rather
by the prosperity of the truth of God’s words in that heart. A pleasant heart is that heart
that is consciously constantly applying itself to the revealed Truth per time. It does not
hide its weakness of fleshy works and expressions of death in any form; rather, it exposes
it to the light that it may be judged.

It is one thing to be a good singer. It is another to be an anointed psalmist

and another to be a sweet psalmist. The sweet psalmist is the one who
ministers to God and men at the same time. Incense goes up and glory comes
down when he releases the sounds of life from the purity of heart.

It takes a conscious effort to remain sweet. As psalmists, we must learn to guard our
sweetness before the Lord. When you sing great songs skillfully without purity of heart,
those songs come to God as stench. They do not go beyond the roof.

Offerings offered in unrighteousness is unacceptable. That is why the Bible says God
accepted Abel and his offering but rejected Cain and his offering. Our offering of songs
must be brought with the correct heart posture

We do not sing to impress. We do not sing to showcase skills. Rather, we do

so to offer incense; sweet incense to God.

As a sweet psalmist, you must know that anger, offence, bitterness, jealousy, envy, strife
cannot stay in your heart. Hence, you fight to keep your heart pure at all times. You must
guard your heart with all diligence, because out of it springs forth the issues of life (Prov.

It is in the prerogative of every man of God, no matter your calling and ministry, to guard
his heart with all diligence, because your sweetness is a function of your heart posture.

Your incense of worship must rise to God as sweetness; even as your

character must be seen of men as sweetness! That is the secret of the sweet

The procedure for the attainment of the heart condition of a sweet psalmist is by the
sanctification that comes by the truth.

John 17:17 “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”

Our sanctification by the truth is not a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The constant

sanctification of our hearts by the revelation of the Truth brings about the upgrading of
our consciences to be able to discern and better prove the will of the Lord, and this
sanctification is what works the sweetness in us. So, our work is to read the Truth, and as
we see areas we need to adjust, we immediately respond to the conviction and adjust. This
is called prospering in the light of the truth, and that is what the sanctification of truth is
all about.

David understood the necessity of the purity of heart and that is why he prayed certain
kinds of prayer, that God should search his heart.

Ps 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

This psalm by David defines brokenness and meekness before God; a contrite spirit that
the Lord cannot despise. If we maintain such thinking pattern and way of life where we
present ourselves before God for judgement of our thoughts, inward desires and notions,
we are drawing close to living a life that fulfills all the will of God. Fulfilling all the will of
God begins with thinking the thoughts of God, and because a man is not better than his

heart condition, it becomes a necessity to constantly present ourselves before the Word
of God.

Heb 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

The Word of God is Truth, and as we engage this Truth, it discerns our thoughts and reveal
the intents of our hearts. As the Word bares the substance of our hearts, we apply the
revealed Truth to recalibrate our heart posture and fine-tune our thought patterns to the
end that the mind of Christ that we have, become practically expressed.


Facilitator: Esther Sotunmbi

I am going to talk about the dance priest and along the line I will share my little experience
so far. We welcome you into our midst, Jesus, and we honor your presence Father.


To prophesy means to predict with certainty or to forth-tell by the inspiration of God’s


When we dance to songs from his presence or (the music of his presence), we are
prophesying i.e. giving expression to the fragrance of Christ with certainty.

There are times that we express with specific gestures the prophetic word of the Lord.
The prophetic gesture increases the impact of the word being released,
because it reinforces the audible with the visual.

There is power behind our dance because our movements are not empty, but
are backed by the will of God, the unction of the Spirit, and the agreement of
our actions with the words of His mouth.

We must worship the Lord not only in words, but in actions too.

John 4:23-24,

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father
in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and
they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

Brethren, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth, in word and in deed. If we are
saying with our mouth that we bow down, we should also do it with our bodies. Anything
outside that would not be the truth. The truth must be alive in us and expressed through

JESUS wants to EXPRESS HIMSELF IN US through the dance.


If you study ‘Dance’ throughout the Bible in both Hebrew/Greek roots and in scriptural
context, you will find a wealth of information. Although the scriptures do not describe in
detail the dances that were being danced, let us look deeper into the original meaning of
the word dance.

The word ‘dance’ in Hebrew is "chagag" which means to move in a circle, to march in a
sacred procession, to observe a festival; to be giddy: celebrate, dance, keep or hold a
solemn feast or holiday, reel to and fro.

The reason the melodies of the Spirit are hidden in us is to allow the Holy Spirit to
manifest Himself through us in singing or dancing as a spontaneous act, no rehearsals,
no choreography; simply singing and dancing out of pure joy like a little child.

The story of my first dance.

I remember my first dance. I was in a prophetic meeting in Jos, and I did not know
anything at all about prophetic dance. As the worship leader was releasing sounds, my
whole body suddenly started vibrating and I started dancing in a very funny, unusual
manner. I could not stop it; it continued for almost 30 minutes. I was so worried; the
craziest part was that I could not stop it, even though I tried. it was as if something else
was in control of my body. And that was the beginning for me.

It might not be like this for everyone. We are all different, and God deals with us
differently according to whatever He has called us into. Mine is very dramatic a lot of
times. However, as time passed, I started seeing the fruits. Sometimes when I dance, I get
favors; sometimes, it is for warfare.

When I am praying and it is getting intense, I get instructions to dance. As I dance, there
is usually a strong presence. It took me awhile to understand it, but it was like a curse at
the beginning, because people mocked me that I danced like I was possessed. I was so sad.


The Lord uses dance hand-in-hand with warfare praise and intercession to drive away
and push back the enemy. Allow God to use the expression of your hands and arms to
illustrate His will.

One root word for praise, "yadah" literally means to use the hand, to cast out. You can
push back and drive away with your hands. He may also use you to form, make or shape
things into existence as you cooperate with the Creator. I have had some cases whereby
as service was going on, there was this dark cloud over the atmosphere; the pastor was
struggling, then suddenly the spirit of God came upon me and I danced till there was no
strength left and after a while the atmosphere got better.

We war with dance, you can WAR WITH DANCE, not only with spoken words. We are
His army and we must take our place in the ranks. That includes all of us.

The men danced, as seen in Jeremiah 31:13

“Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will
turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their

The women danced, in Exodus 15:20

“And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the
women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.”

Even the children danced in Job 21:11

“They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.”

You may not be physically able to leap and dance around, but you must not
be passive in worship. It is not a spectator sport. God is worthy of your praise.

Have you ever just danced your heart out and found yourself out of breath and laughing?
It's so much fun at times. You just dance before your father just like David without shame

Let us learn to hear the drumbeat of the Lord and to dance the dance that He is ordaining.
We must discern His times and seasons, then cooperate with Him as He fulfills His plans
on the earth.

We do not want to be like the children in the marketplace in Matt 11:16-17

“But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the
markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, we have piped unto you, and ye
have not danced……...”

Will you join Him in the dance?

Herodias’s daughter danced and had John's head as a reward. It is a spiritual principle
that darkness latched onto at that point. Dancing brings favor before the King.

God inhabits the praise of his people rendered through dance. The prophetic dance of
a priest of God releases an impartation into the atmosphere that breaks
depression, anxiety, worry, and heals hearts.

In this season, we must not joke with it. It is a strong weapon; the Lord is giving this
unusual gift to men.

You will take down strongholds with dance. You will break demonic attack over your life,
family, and territories with dance. I speak this from my little experience; wealth will come
to you through dance.

(Prayer) Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus that this gift comes upon those that
desire it.

Sometimes you don't need to pray to shift atmospheres. Sometimes you just laugh and
laugh, expressing joy and things happen.

Lord, we thank you! We receive all You're sharing this season, Lord!

Please do not be ashamed of whatever gift the Lord gives you. It might look funny or
unusual initially, but never despise it. Thank him and ignore the shame. People will
always talk when they don't understand. Let them talk!

Let’s soak in His presence in tongues and sound for 5 minutes as we round up.

Father, we yield to Your workings this season. Lord, we say we are willing.
We love You, Jesus. Lord, we are willing to take kingdoms for you. Father,
we ask that You activate this gift in us. Hallelujah! Jesus, You are beautiful.
We love You, Jesus. (Tongues). Fill us with Your pure fire!

Right now, I want to pray with you all.

Can you begin to speak in tongues and make declarations whenever you are?

Father I ask for activations of the ream of prophetic dance for all those you
have called into this ministry. Let it flow. We receive boldness to dance. We
refuse to allow people to pull us down!!! We are not ashamed!!!! We receive
boldness to flow with the Spirit at all times. In public; anywhere, and not only
in our closet

Lord, by ourselves we can do nothing. Help us Lord. We receive help. For

Christ went through shame for our sake; we will not let it be in vain. We will
bear the mark of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will suffer with Him. We will
reign with Him in glory. We thank you Jesus. Let your Spirit flow within and
upon us as we pray

Thank You Jesus. We are grateful Lord. We love You Lord.

Let us go in this might; just continue as the Spirit leads you.





Facilitator: Jesudamilare Adesegun-David

Years ago, I was in a vision and I saw the Lord lead me into a warehouse. It was very large.
As we walked to the front of the building, the extent of the warehouse's vastness hit me.
And then the Lord turned to speak to me, “Fill this place with scribes for Me, Fill this place
with scribes for Me.”

I was stunned and wondered how that could come to be but I believe this is one
opportunity to fulfill that duty. So, Lord, I respond with gratitude as we journey into what
the mind we have is capable of and how that you have made us custodians of words.

Art Katz said that, “the Church is meant to be the custodian of words.” Words lose their
true meanings when they are not captured by faithful men. For instance, once the word
"gay" was normal and anyone could use it but now men have fashioned another meaning
for it and it has become a cursed word.

This redefinition of things is gaining serious momentum and only as we brace up and
position our hearts for deliberation and action can we win the battle for the souls of men.

See what Scripture says, Revelation 18

11 “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their
merchandise anymore: 12 merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls,
fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of
ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13 and
cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat,
cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.

So, above we see that Babylon has as one of its items of trade, souls of men. And souls of
men are made merchandise by thoughts. “As a man thinketh; so he is.”

Follow this carefully. The soul is made of emotions, the intellect and the will. All three are
interconnected. They are acted upon by either of internal and external input. However,

there is virtually little to nothing that can be said to be on a child's soul when born. Thus,
most of what forms the future internal input of a child were first of all external inputs.

In essence, the battle for the soul of men is won by those that can create the most
impressionable external input that will shape the minds of new generations of humans.

How many people watched wrestling when they were young? How many people tried to
do their own WWE after they finished watching?

Now, why did you go ahead to do so? This is because a deep impression was made on
them and they felt it was so easy to do. Remember the caveat WWE will always add at the
end of the show: "Do not try this at home"? So, they knew they had achieved a serious
effect on minds and that was why they needed the caveat.

Why do we need this, brethren? I don't think we can use more than 10 fingers to count
Christian movies that we saw or books that we read that we felt we had to go and try it

Why is this the case? Because we have not come to understand the potency of the mind
we carry. Scripture says, "We HAVE the mind of Christ."

After now, we will go with a new blazing fire in our hearts!

1 Corinthians 2:16 Contemporary English Version

The Scriptures ask, "Has anyone ever known the thoughts of the Lord or given him
advice?" But we understand what Christ is thinking.

Has anyone ever? Has it been given to anyone to know?

Jubilee Bible 2000 “For who has known the understanding of the Lord? Who has
instructed him? But we have the understanding of Christ.”

You see, in the beginning God created... However, creation was first in His mind; a
product of His understanding. The extremes of creativity and of functionality were
fashioned out of the overflowing abundance of God's mind. God did all of that. And then,
He set in motion the beginning of allowing man come into the vastness of that reality

within Him. He gave this word to Adam: Name the animals. Mind you, the animals
weren't bearing "Lion" or "Tiger" neither was that the name Adam gave them. What God
was saying was, discern their nature and their configuration and call them accordingly.
Adam was given a foretaste of this reality which we now have in Christ Jesus

Adam didn't speak English, right? Neither was he speaking Hebrew. As at then, there was
no single language except the pure, uncontaminated language of God's Spirit. So, what
Adam was called to do was to access God's Mind and extract exactly what God had in mind
when He was creating the animals and then call them by that name. The name he called
them was to be their nature.

If you observe, names in Scripture were not arbitrary. They all had meanings. Eve -
mother of all living.

God had to change names to fit purpose. Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to
Israel. In the case of Benjamin, his mother had called him Benoni (meaning son of my
sorrows) but his father knowing the weightiness of names, put his foot down and called
him, Benjamin (son of my right hand).

How many people remember Nabal? So, names were weighty and as such they crafted
your personality.

So, let's connect this all together.

I am going to share two or three pictures.

What do these pictures have to do with our class?


That fish is one of those called deep sea fishes. Ordinarily, it was not meant to be seen
until men invented scuba gears and underwater cameras but when God was creating it,
He took all the care He needed to and made it so colourful and so beautiful.

And the second picture wouldn't have been possible without high definition telescopic
cameras and space exploration. But when God created the heavens and the earth, these
things were as beautiful as they are today or even much more than today (the fall affected
virtually everything and reduced their beauty and functionality).

The Mind of God had no space for poor finishing, neither did he make the most visible
parts of creation the most beautiful. He took as much care with the ones less visible. Why?
Because His mind is limitless and was under no pressure to conceive this endless variety.

I saw the movie Avatar. I will share something that got me seriously worried some years
back. It is about how much work went into the movie.

Development of Avatar began in 1994, when Cameron wrote an 80-page treatment for
the film. Filming was supposed to take place after the completion of Cameron's 1997 film
Titanic, for a planned release in 1999, but, according to Cameron, the necessary
technology was not yet available to achieve his vision of the film. Work on
the language of the film's extraterrestrial beings began in 2005, and Cameron
began developing the screenplay and fictional universe in early 2006.

The vision for Avatar started in 1994 but the movie was finally completed in 2009. How
many years? Fifteen, right?

Note the three things we saw Cameron doing/saying?

The technology wasn't available;

He had to develop an entirely new language for the movie's


He had to develop the fictional universe.

Where did he conceive all of these? His mind!


Follow me closely now as I need you to understand what's going on.

Adam only succeeded in the first phase of his participation in God's mind. There were
other phases. For instance, had the fall not happened, what will be the population of
humans now?

Remember, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth? It meant God wanted men
to spread over the face of the earth and bring Eden to those places. As man keeps
spreading, we would have arrived at that place where we will have become too much for
the planet earth and then we will have had to commence migration to other planets.

Now, a quick word to establish that: Ephesians 4:10, ESV: "He who descended is the
one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things."

God's intent was to fill all things with Himself and the man who was made in His image
was to be the means of doing that but he failed.

So, in the Second Man, God is going to achieve that still. However, the Church is yet to
come into fellowship with God's mind about these things.

How many have heard of Elon Musk and his plan to migrate people to Mars?

Imagine that the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of
the Kingdom.

Are we not the ones that Scripture says all creation is waiting for?

Why should it now be unbelievers that are crafting such intensely impressionable movies
and books but featuring aliens and stuff that are not according to God's mind thus
polluting the minds of children and the rest of humanity?

Beloved, we are still slumbering. Imagine for instance the plans for Avatar:

Following the film's success, Cameron signed with 20th Century Fox to produce four
sequels: Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 are currently filming, and will be released on December
18, 2020, and December 17, 2021, respectively; subsequent sequels will start shooting as
soon as they wrap filming, and will be released in 2024 and 2025.

Imagine, how they have planned up till 2025!

The richness of the imagination of the unbelievers is getting more intense. A generation
may be lost to lies that are graphically filmed with all creativity; our hearts are yet to begin
to pant and uncover the richness of this Mind and understanding of God which we possess
as a birthright! Adam was meant to be like Father, like son.

God designed the earth with such glory and beauty; Adam and his offspring were meant
to follow suit and design all the barren planets till they brimmed with life and beauty!
Their minds were meant to be saturated with God's thoughts that fused amazing creativity
with precise functionality and thus create new worlds.

That's what we saw Cameron doing as I quoted above: Cameron began developing
the screenplay and fictional universe in early 2006.

What have we conceived so far?

What are the dreams in God's heart we are planning to gift the world as books or songs or

There's a scepter of the scribe and we must wield it in our day!

Judges 5:14 King James Bible “Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against
Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors,
and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.”

Darby Bible Translation “Out of Ephraim [came] those whose root was in Amalek;
After thee was Benjamin among thy peoples. Out of Machir came down governors, and
out of Zebulun they that handled the staff of the ruler.”

The pen of the writer is the staff of the ruler! To write is to rule in our day! And to rule is
to write from the infinite mind of Christ! To write from the wells of the Godhead!

The Lord of the Rings was written by J R R Tolkien, an unapologetic believer.


The Chronicles of Narnia was written by C S Lewis. C S Lewis also wrote a book called
Mere Christianity. I see these men summoning us into a high calling. I see them saying,
come up hither!

What of John Bunyan and Pilgrim's Progress? The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to
That Which Is to Come is a 1678 Christian allegory written by John Bunyan. It is regarded
as one of the most significant works of religious English literature, has been translated
into more than 200 languages, and has never been out of print. It has also been
cited as the first novel written in English.

The major thing is that we have come face to face with this word confronting us: WE

Contemporary English Version the Scriptures ask, 1 Cor 2:16 "Has anyone ever
known the thoughts of the Lord or given him advice?" But we understand what
Christ is thinking.

We understand!

Jubilee Bible 2000 “For who has known the understanding of the Lord? Who has
instructed him? But we have the understanding of Christ.”

But WE! Our tribe shall deliver this generation to the Lord! Dive into the recesses of God's
mind. Marinate in His thoughts. Dream with God...

And then unleash the words of glory and power and beauty upon the world.

We shall redeem the world by our words.

For we HAVE the mind of Christ.

Not that we SHALL have as though it is some future thing but we HAVE and we HAVE IT

The Lord's Life is released strongly from the fountains of the deep within us and
eruptions of creativity commence in the name of Jesus! God's grace is yours!

Question: How does one know he is a scribe. What are the traits that points to this grace?

Answer: You find that your words are more quickened or have greater clarity than your
speech. If you were to choose of the two, you will choose writing. I speak quite much but
it's never on the same level with writing for me. You find that you can capture with words
the complexities of revelation and men come into understanding. Another thing is that
the Lord makes you particular about words. You may find yourself uncomfortable with
using just any word until you find the right one. You have the capacity to make words like
Eclairs. Men can interact with the words and then it suddenly oozes out the sweet essence
of its core into their souls.

Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola

Tonight, we will be talking about Prophetic Journaling. The Holy Spirit is set to do a
work in our hearts. We have several scribes in the Bible, and Ezra is a major one. He
perfectly mirrors what that Ministry represent. Let's take a look at Ezra's life a bit.

Ezra 7:11

“Now this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest, the
scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the LORD, and of his statutes
to Israel. Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of
heaven, perfect peace, and at such a time.”

Let us examine Ezra’s portfolio as mentioned in the scripture above.

1. He is a priest

2. He is a scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord and of His statutes
to Israel

3. He is a scribe of the law of the God of heaven.

Note: A Prophetic scribe is not just a writer. You are not a prophetic scribe simply
because you write or you have a gift of writing. It takes more than having a laptop
or a pen and book to be one.

A prophetic scribe is a custodian of the laws of the God of heaven, a guardian

and preserver of truth for generations, a priest of the hallowed testaments of

What qualifies you to be a scribe is not your writing talent. What qualifies you to be one
is the calling and ordination of God, and the authority conferred on you to stand in that
office. This makes His word in your heart find expression through you by writing.

A prophetic scribe is not just a recorder of the laws of God, he is also an

interpreter of the laws of God.

There is such a thing as the office of a scribe, there is the anointing of a scribe,
there is the authority of a scribe.


Paul will usually introduce himself as, a preacher and an Apostle of Christ and a Teacher
of the Gentiles in Faith and in Verity (1 Tim 2:7). These offices found expressions in him
all at the same time in an intertwined manner. We see the authority of utterance, the
revealing and the interpreting of the laws of God and the power backing up his words and
the signs and the wonders. Paul, we can say operated in the scribal anointing via both his
tongue and by his pen; in utterance and in writing. And some had this to say about him;
that his letters are weighty and powerful but his physical appearance is weak and his
utterance despicable (2 Corinthians 10:10). Why that? It is the manifestation of the
authority of the scribe in display.

The letters of Paul were used of God to restore truth, preserve truth, uphold truth, defend
the truth, teach and interpret the truth. These letters were relevant across dispensations
and generations, up until now and after now. That is the office and the authority of the
scribe speaking through Paul.

Sometimes, Paul will say, “I wrote this letter with my hands” and some other times he
dictated while they were being written by those with him. That is the unction of the scribe
playing out there. There are times that he knew he needed to pen it down with his own
hands and there were other times that he knew the job will still get done if others did the
writing and he did the speaking.

Every scribe of the laws of God are people who should possess certain qualities that will
make them thrive in their ministry. Before we talk about these qualities, let us look at the
various administrations of the Scribal anointing.


We have different kind of prophetic scribes based on the administration of the spirit at
work in and through them. There is:

1. The Seer Scribe.

A perfect example is John the beloved. The seer scribe writes via sight. They write through
the instrumentality of visions. Modern-day examples are Rick Joyner, Joseph Sturgeon
and many more. They write what they see and as they see.

Habakkuk 2:2 “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it
plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Seer scribes write by sightings and seeing into the realm of the spirit. They are mostly
taken in visions; God sometimes suspend their minds while this is happening. Every seer
scribe knows that the best time to write is now; the very moment I am seeing it! If you
are a seer scribe, you must have a lot of self-discipline to write just as you see and as soon
as you see, so as to avoid tainting the purity of what is been shown to you with the nice
ideas in your mind.

The Bible says, write the vision, not write what you think or feel the vision

For some seer scribes, they could be in a particular vision for days, weeks, or months and
the visions continues like a movie; more like they are watching different scenes of a movie
for a period of time. It could be a continuing experience in the spirit realm as God is
showing to them what He will have them write down.

2. Inspirational scribes

Those I like to call Inspirational scribes are those scribes who write under the unction of
the Holy Spirit that finds expression in their heart not as sightings but as thoughts,
impressions, nudges and feelings.

Inspirational Scribes most times are brought and caught up into the thoughts of God.
Most times God overwhelms them with His thoughts, feelings and emotions. They convey

the heart of God as they capture it in thoughts revealed to them through the inspiration
of God's spirit.

2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

All the different administration of the Scribes operates under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit; some are simply raised and skilled to download Kingdom realities via their

Paul the apostle can be said to be an inspirational scribe. The Inspirational scribe sees by
his thoughts under the inspiration God's spirit and writes based on what he sees in his
heart as pertaining to what God is communicating to Him per time as relating to a people.

Inspirational scribes must know how to be swift in recording and journaling the
inspiration of the Spirit in their heart. They must know when they think their thoughts
and when they think the thoughts of God, and this is possible because they have the mind
of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). They must be sensitive enough to know when the thoughts
precipitating in their hearts are the Lord's voice causing the vibrations and nudges and
feelings. On knowing that, they must write it down at that time, with skill to communicate
not just the message but also the Lord’s emotions and feelings. Writers like C.S Lewis fits
into this category.

Friends! We owe our generation the purity of God's message. We must learn
to deliver the message in a pure form without mixing it with our nice ideas.
One of the ways to do that is by being swift in journaling.

Inspirational Scribes must know that the inspiration doesn’t come every
time you want.

Hence, those moments when the gate is opened and you are receiving a deluge of light,
wisdom and understanding, be swift, take your pen or get by your computer and start to
write. At such flows, you can write paragraphs, chapters or a whole book. Therefore, there
is a need to be sensitive and disciplined.

3. Historical Scribe

The historical scribes are those who have the unction of the spirit to connect the dots of
God’s eternal counsel and purpose from generation to generation and across

The historical scribes are those that have that unction of the Spirit to deduce
what God is saying from what He has said. They can pick what God has said in the
past, connect it to what God is saying now and give us the direction that God is going in
the future

By God's leading, these ones have a deep hunger to know about the past, to study history
and to research. This scribal administration has in it the anointing to interpret and restore
long forsaken truths in their generation. They come to know these truths by historical
research and revelation. An example is Martin Luther.

There is that anointing, that makes them uncomfortable when truth is bring perverted
and men walks in darkness. Hence, they are led to find the ancient landmarks of truth,
and they travail and strive to restore these landmarks.

Historical scribes also describe those who has the grace to keep the record of God's move
and operations on the earth, so that it can be accessed by the coming generation.

Moses by the Holy Spirit walked in this dimension, even though he captured the past not
by research but by revelation; sights and encounters.

A modern-day example is Robert Liardon, the author of the classic God's Generals.


I mentioned the three types of scribes to explain how people can download their

 Through visions (which could include dreams. Dream is a vision in your sleep

 Through inspiration via thoughts


 Through Spirit-led research

These three are not the only channels of reception for the scribes; I believe there are more.
However, whatever the means of getting the message is, the essence of prophetic
journaling is that we do not lose any detail of the message; not even the littlest detail.


In prophetic journaling, we are focused on capturing God's thought and not just that, but
also in its purest form. I am particular about capturing and journaling the message in its
pure form. One of the reasons why some of our works are not so powerful is because they
have been too diluted with the ideas of man.

Just imagine that the writers of the Scriptures wrote what God said and added what they
felt God should also say but did not say. When Paul attempted to do this in First
Corinthians Chapter seven, he indicated that it was not God that was talking, but him. He
separated what God clearly said from what he felt should be that God didn’t clearly
mention. That is a great skill that every prophetic scribe must possess - the ability to
separate your thoughts from what God has clearly said without making it look as if it is
God saying what you feel should be, which may even be true. However, because it is you,
it is important to let the reader know that you are the one speaking, not expressly the

We should note here that there is a stage where we can use our minds. Remember, you
are a son of God and you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). This means that
your mind is operating from Christ's mind. This should be the norm for every child of
God. However, many people operate below this frequency because their minds are not yet
renewed. Hence, the more renewed our mind is, the easier it is to use our minds - the
mind of Christ that we have - to capture God’s thought. Our minds can be so renewed that
there is no confusion as to whether the thought is from our minds or God’s.

As your mind is being renewed, there comes a time where is little or no difference between
what you are thinking and what God is thinking. A completely renewed mind is the one
that thinks God’s thoughts 100%; the full manifestation of the mind of Christ.

This brings me to a cogent point: every scribe must ensure he keeps his/her heart
pure, by thinking on pure and edifying things alone and not allowing any
darkness or trace of death survive in his heart. Keep your mind constantly being
renewed by the revelation of the truth.

The basic thing is that we must learn to be spirit led. We must be disciplined and diligent;
we must hate laziness. We must sensitive enough to know when to pen down the thought,
idea or vision. We must always be ready; we must be ready scribes just like Ezra

Ezra 7:6 “This Ezra went up from Babylon; and he was a ready scribe in the law of
Moses, which the LORD God of Israel had given:”

We must be ready always to pen it down. Also, we must be conscious of capturing all the
detail and presenting it in its purest form.

As you capture God’s thoughts through journaling, do not be too swift to share because it
looks so new to you. Be sure that you have captured the full details first, then be
led of the Spirit to know how to share, when to share and who to share with.
Learn to be temperate and self-controlled. Let Him lead you.

Many of us scribes have unfinished projects, abandoned books that they started a while
ago. The reason some of us lost the flow is because of lack of sensitivity, and inadequate
journaling style. Let us go back to the unfinished books. Take some time to pray and wait
on God.

The anointing returns in Jesus name. I stir it up in the name of Jesus. Go and
finish the project and be a more responsible Kingdom scribe in Jesus name.


Facilitator: Michael Tommy

Tonight, as My Father helps, I will be doing justice to the topic above The Prophetic

In doing this, I want to beseech us to understand that we do not just communicate in

English or in any earthly language; not in English, Hebrew, or Yoruba; if I may say so, not
even the tongues you hear as such.

Our words are winds; our words are Spirit. Beneath the language of communication is the
essence. The scriptures we read is not just the letter, the Spirit that lies behind those
letters breathes on those letters. In other words, it is hardly about how well-read we are
or how beautifully we can string words together. Sometimes, in simplicity is strength. It
is the Spirit who is the essence in the words we write.

Matthew 13:52

Then he told them, “that is why every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom from
heaven is like the master of a household who brings both new and old things out of his
treasure chest.”

Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built; it is made secure through understanding. By knowledge its

rooms are furnished with all sorts of expensive and beautiful goods.

As long as we all have been granted the privilege of living out the life within us, we are all
scribes in our own rights. Every child of our father is a type of scribe, the hearts of men
being the platform on which we write. Whether we just live our lives or we sing as
minstrels or write as scribes, the life which flows from us makes inscriptions on hearts,
inscribing Christ on the hearts of those who interact with us directly or indirectly.

However, in the macro level, scribes-man-ship describes those to whom pens have been
committed as a means of communicating the realities of the world they live in. This is not
the world we live in; we live from Christ; our world is Christ.

The writers of the world may take inspiration from the world they live in, but
we don't live in the same world. We live, move and have our being in Christ;
for when we believed in Him, we believed into Him. Therefore, all that we write
as prophetic scribes must flow from Him; this really is our duty as scribes.

Whether we foretell the future, reveal the ancient past, or open up deep wells, it must all
lead to Him. At the Mount of Transfiguration, after all the experiences of the three
disciples who were with Jesus, after their experience with Moses and Elijah; by the time
the Father spoke, all they were left with was Christ. They heard God say "this is my beloved
son..." Moses, Elijah disappeared and all that was left was Christ.

He is the beginning and the end of our scribes-man-ship. No author is disconnected from
his work. Whether you write a book, a poem or an article, what you are doing is extending
yourself out in words. You are providing people an opportunity to hold conversations with
you. This means when you read a book, you are not just reading a book; you are holding
conversations with the author, even though he may have died 100 years ago! His book
grants you access to his being. You are able to interact not just with him or her in
conversation; you are able to interact with the systems which he is built and represents.
Let us assume you read the works of C.S. Lewis. You will find, based on your level of
engagement, that you are interacting with his person. That is what happens as we interact
with the word of God; we interact with the Holy Spirit, the Author of the Word. We
encounter Him in the word.

This is why as scribes; we must give the more diligent heed to ensure that what flows out
of us is not stained with any aspect of our faculty. To be a successful kingdom scribe, you
must be willing to embrace and acknowledge that in Christ, you died. In other words, you
died with Him in his death.

My task today is to help you see how you can bypass your mind and connect to the Spirit's
mind when drawing inspiration to write, because if we fail to do this, we will only be

feeding people from a human faculty, which would eventually lead to death. We cannot
afford to do this; it is not the heritage we have been given.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

“For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all,
then were all dead: and that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth
live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”

If one died, all died.

The first step to drawing inspiration from the spirit is reckoning that you died in Christ
and were given new life in Him. This would mean that no matter who you were; in Him,
that man died. No matter the skill you had in writing, that skill died. It does not
matter if you were an award-winning poet or writer, the glories and skills and expressions
are now automatically transferred into Him. All are released to Him.

This means that it does not matter whether you were a literature or engineering major or
whether your English is impeccable or flawed. In Christ, if you have been called as a scribe,
He has given you all that you need to succeed in His life. Therefore, you must abandon
worldly set standards; reckon yourself to know nothing after the flesh and depend fully
on Him. Just as you bypass your mind when praying in tongues, so should it be in writing
as inspired. The Spirit of God is no respecter of your time; you do not control Him. He
controls you. You do not choose when he speaks. He does. He chooses how he operates.
This would therefore require discipline to always be aware.

You must always retain heightened awareness of what God is saying per time for
inscription; your antenna must always be up. You must always be ready to receive and
record. This is why I never go anywhere without a recording instrument, even to bed.
There must always be something to record what He says. He may decide to give you a
word, a poem, a song, even a whole story in your sleep. You cannot afford to let it slip.

It is in your little faithfulness in these matters that you will graduate to the weightier
matters. You want to change the world with your art? Begin with the discipline of
recording the minutest things He says to you when He says it to you. Be a ready writer. In

this sense, as a scribe, it is not necessarily your job to create something new. Sometimes,
a scribe's job really is more of recording than creating, because some of the new things we
think we are writing have already been in existence in Him from the beginning so they are
hardly new. It is our task, as scribes to record what the spirit says. This creates in us the
heart disposition of waiting to receive. I've mentioned three key things that I would like
you to really note.

1. Reckon yourself dead in Christ and resurrected in him in newness of life!

2. Discipline of always being ready to write/record.

3. It's your job as a scribe to record

Discipline is in being always ready to receive and record what He says anytime, anywhere.
I've seen someone used her food to record what the Lord was showing her because she
couldn't get something else to record with at that time. Such discipline honors the Lord
and causes Him to honor such a person and reveal much to him or her, because he or she
has been faithful in little and will be in much.

Recording: our job as scribes is to record the words and inspirations of the Lord and not
to create anything of ourselves. Understanding this brings a consciousness of expressing
only what He gives and nothing of our faculty.

I'm recapping on what's been said so far.

Death: I would like us to look at Paul. I find it quite interesting that this is class Paul,
because in preparing for this meeting, God spoke to me about Paul, and by the time I was
added to a SOPA class, it was Class Paul.

Now, in his mercy and love, because it is His intent that we produce works according to
His standard, the Father will always do His part to ensure that we embrace the truth that
we have been buried with Christ, because we died in His death. If it so happens that we
have gained so much human mastery and yet have not come to see the real intent of the
scribe's grace in our lives, Daddy (God) may go as far as shutting us down that we may be
recalibrated to do His will.

Paul was a masterful writer and a learned man even before he became Paul: while He was
still Saul he was a masterful and influential man in knowledge and with the pen. But when
it behooved the Lord to meet with him, as recorded in Acts 9, Paul went physically blind
for 3 days.

I believe the Lord does nothing just for the sake of it; everything is intentional. For 3 days,
Paul did not see light and he did not eat and he did not drink; doesn't that bear a
semblance to a dead man's nature? That was a representation of him coming to
acknowledgement of his death with Christ. Is it not funny that he was also dead for "3
days" just like Jesus? This should be understood in context. As Ananias prayed for him,
his eyes open, all his former knowledge and skill had gone and all we had left was a new
man with a new message after that the Holy Spirit had brooded on him in that season of

I was an engineering student then. I was never a writer, seldom read books except the
science or engineering kind. Then I met the Holy Spirit. I started writing all of a sudden
and could not control it. L I recorded; I wrote the things I heard. Eventually, I lost track.
I did not just write the things I heard, I became concerned about garnering audience to
myself, desiring that many people appreciate the things I wrote. When they did not, I felt
bad. I wondered if I could make money through writing. I had not consciously embraced
that it was not even about me; I had died in Christ and the man left in me was Christ. In
his love, God made me go silent for up to a year.

I could not write for a whole year. I had a blog and I could not write anything for more
than a year. Then the Lord opened my eyes to see that it was nothing about me but all
about Him. After I had come into experiential knowledge of this, my ink started flowing
again. He started giving instructions and bringing help, and the flow continued. I am not
alone in this experience; I know a respected brother, mentor and leader in kingdom
scribes-man-ship who had similar experiences that confirmed mine.

Three things again before I begin to conclude

1. Reckon yourself dead in Christ and resurrected in him in newness of life!

2. Have the discipline of always being ready to write/record.


3. It is your job as a scribe to record

You should be more concerned about recording what He inspires, it is not

you creating from your faculty or thoughts or ideas. It is you recording what He

Each of us are like houses. Remember at the beginning of tonight's class, a word came
that the Lord is beautifying lives and painting houses. That paint is not just paint; it is
that He is filling each house with treasures.

By wisdom a house is built; by the far traveling wisdom of God revealed in Christ through
redemption, we are built as a house. Altogether as a body, we form a house; individually
we are all micro-versions of a house, built with wisdom and established with
understanding. However, what fills us with many treasures old and new is knowledge of
our Lord Jesus Christ; not just head knowledge or ability to recite scripture (although
these are needful), but experiential knowledge which proceed from meditation and
obedience. As we grow in this knowledge of Christ, the rooms in the house of our lives are
filled with treasures as expensive furniture, and we are able to draw out of these treasures
and feed others when we write.

Matthew 13:52

“that is why every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom from heaven is like the
master of a household who brings both new and old things out of his treasure chest.”

I think we will stop here. Meditate on these things:

1. Reckoning with His death

2. Discipline to be ready to write

3. Choose to record above creating

4. You are a house built by God's wisdom in Christ in redemption, established by

understanding and filled with treasures by knowledge

5. Give yourself to meditating on Christ and obeying all his instructions



Write a story, a poem or anything inspired. Let it be something you've not written before.
Stir up yourselves in tongues for few minutes at some point this week, then listen and
write as inspired. Take note that this inspiration can come to you anytime.


Facilitator: Livingstone O. Oluwalola


By way of admonition, I will exhort us to shut our distraction as much as possible right

We want to enter corporately into the gates of arts and pick up victuals necessary for the
assignment and the journey ahead. Our conversation is in the heavens, not on the earth.
Our place of fellowship is in the spirit. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I decree the
tangible presence of God around every one reading this.

Let us pray in other tongues as we give God praise. For we enter his gates with
Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Pray in the Spirit.

He is the Lord of the arts! He is the creator of lofty arts. He is the origin of Arts. He began
art and spoke art into existence.

Some of us are praying and some are not. You see, the synergy we will build in the spirit
will aid the utterances coming forth. Pray in other tongues and be intentional. Be intense!
Be focused!

I see fountains opening up in the belly of someone

Release incense, switch consciousness, enter through the gates.

Don't stop praying. We are building momentum. Don't stop. Don't stop

Release fire. Release light. Release energy. Stir your angels to action. Yes, the atmosphere
is getting thicker.

Dive into the river. Yea, the water from our bellies are converging with the water from the
throne. There is a confluence of water and the tangible glory is being stirred around you.

You need to appear tonight before the presence of God. Appear!! Appear!! Take your place
in the courts. Make your presence known. Let your stand be seen. Let your presence be
felt. Let incense rise

Fire!! Glory!! Light!

Right now, some are being stirred to dance; go ahead.

There is a glory resting upon us right now. Yea, some are getting aware that they are in
another place that is not the earth. Some are feeling the presence of spirit beings around

Jesus! Jesus!!

I see angels flying above us dropping precious stones upon us.

There is an addition tonight. There is an increased measure tonight. There is an

Impartation of precious stones that will manifest as multi-facet wisdom in the realm of
arts. Let us keep on praying. I see purple stone being released, and I hear the Lord say, I
am quickening the consciousness of royalty in my sons.

The scribes will begin to think the thoughts of the king and pen it down

Psalms 45:1-2 “My heart is indicting a good matter: I speak of the things which I have
made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Thou art fairer than the
children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore, God hath blessed thee forever.”

The matters of the King and the Kingdom will begin to burden us from now. You will sing
the matter of the king and the kingdom. You will write the matters of the king and the

For your pen is turning to a sword, says the Lord. By your pen you will wage
war. By your pen light will be released to cast out darkness. Your pen is
becoming a mighty weapon that will discomfit the strong. Your pen will draw
the Kingdom with words, says the Lord. Your pen will craft patterns that will
build civilization. Your pen will scribe laws that will shake the policy of

As you set your heart on the Kingdom matters, your hand will become as His hand, and
your writing will become as His voice.

Keep praying on tongues. Don't stop

I hear God saying I am raising the watcher scribes. These ones will custody the truth!

Paul the apostle is a watcher scribe! He stood at the gates of truth and be defend and
upheld the truth from those who want to pervert the integrity of God's word. Watcher
scribes arise!

I see fire falling! Upon people; Upon people! Fire!! Watcher scribes, I summon you. Right
now, let the fire rest on you. Let your fingers begin to burn. Angels, go forth right now to
their rooms and release the impartation!


Don't stop praying!

Jesus!!! I see God expanding your minds. Imagination will become wild. You will
journey through your imaginations into the realm of the kingdom and return with Books
that will turn lives around. God is saying to you, keep your imaginations pure,
because it is the doorway for you into the eternal realms where you will pick
up things as it is done in heaven.


Bezaleel just walked in here!

Right now, there is a release of the spirit of wisdom for workmanship and craftsmanship.
Receive it!

You will imagine and create! You will imagine, you will see images and be enabled to
frame them


An angel just walked in now. His name is Strategy. God will begin to give us our unique
style for administrations. There are many ministries of the same Spirit but different
administrations. You will not have to copy anyone, because Strategy has been released to
work with you. You will not lack idea because Strategy works with you

See that project that has been in your mind for years... I see someone had received an
Exhibition project years ago and didn't know how to go about it. Strategy has come


Don't stop praying


Breakthrough is here!! I see that God will really bring some of us to lime light. You are a
city set upon a hill that cannot be hidden. Breakthrough has come; and for some of us,
limelight has come. I see some white guys striking a deal with one of us, having seen our
works. Yes, for men will see your good works and glorify your father that is in heaven.

One of our trainer for last week has been featured in Channel's TV; another who took a
class on Monday has been featured in CNN.

Impartation for international recognition is here. Connect to it!

Don't stop praying!


Fire everywhere!!

Psalmist Arise!! With the spirit of fire. Seer psalmists, arise!

Yea, God is releasing the impartation of seer psalmists! Seer minstrels! Seer
instrumentalist! Seer dancers! Seer worshippers rise!!


Be quickened! Let eyes be opened! For your eyes will see the King! For your
eyes will see the King in the glory! For your eyes will see the King!

I see God releasing the impartation of the Psalmist by prophecy. You will sing prophecies!

You will sing in prophecies and reveal the secret of men's heart and many will turn to God

Unconventional impartation is resting tonight. God is quickening us for unconventional

types of ministry


Don't Stop praying

Psalmist after the order of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun! Rise!!!!

Let the Psalmist rise with fire in their tongues and with glory in their eyes! You will see
the Kingdom and express Her in sounds! You will see the Kingdom and capture patterns
in sounds

Let the prophets prophesy!! Let men rise who will strike musical instruments that will
open the door of realms! Instrumentalists like David, whose sounds will cast out devils.


I see a band of angels putting on multi-coloured clothes, with different musical

instruments in their hands releasing sounds


Let the earthly band learn to align with the heavenly band to bring forth heavenly sounds
that will release heavenly atmospheres

Don't stop praying!

Wow! Joy is here!! Glory!!!!!!!! Can we give a shout in our spirit!! We pull down the
demonic realm of arts by our shout!!! The shout of a King is in our midst!!!

Glory!!!! Glory!!!! Glory!!!


Demonic gates of art crumbles!!! Demonic sounds are losing their grip on the souls of
men. Glory!!! Demonic dance is losing its grip on the souls of men!!! Demonic designs are
losing their power.

Can we give a shout!! Glory!!!!!

Gates are coming down


Gates are being judged!! Sons are rising!!


Don't stop praying

There is so much glory here. I am so drunk right now I can hardly see clearly. Jesus!


Right now, we are before a gate. It is the gates of colours. Designers, this is for you. Let
the mysteries of colours be loosed! Let the sound of colours be heard! Let the
beauty of colours be seen! Let the truth of colours be known! The Lord made
the sky blue for a reason and the grass green for a reason. We unveil the mysteries of
colour. You cannot pass through the realm of creation without going through the
pathways of colour


We release the realm of creativity in the house!! Right now! Let there be a boost in
men's creative faculties! Let creativity be their friends. I release wisdom for
creativity! Creative write ups, creative script, creative songs, creative
designs! Yes; many will carry around creative atmospheres

Okay, someone here bakes cakes. God is releasing wisdom to mix colours in such a way
that will pass messages to touch people's heart.


We are almost done. We have few minutes more. Pray. Pray! Keep the tongues rolling.

Yes, God is releasing wisdom that will make us crafts things that will break
through the veils of flesh and have a long lasting impact on the souls of men.

God is unlocking the gates of colours. Oh Father! Father!!

I don't know, but I see tailors receiving help from Strategy. The Angel called Strategy is
saddled with the responsibility of crafting designs; designs for all manners of work

Thank You, Father.

If there is anyone sick in their bodies, right now, I release the beauty of the Lord upon
that situation. You are healed! Body pain is gone right now. Ulcer is judged. I curse Ulcer!
I see an ulcer case that is gone really bad. Right now, that organ is being adjusted by the
angel of the Lord. Yes; right now! I release the angel of the Lord to touch you wherever
you are. The pain leaves now. Check it.


You see, every pain is healed because we are at the gate of Arts. The gate of Art is the gate
of beauty. Anything that does not align with beauty is judged. The healing taking place
right now is a practical application of the prophetic art realm; it defines and express the
beauty of the Lord.

Jesus is mighty in this Place. We will know the beauty of the Lord.

I am seeing ladies receiving hairstyles. People will see and will be curious where the
wisdom came from


We judge the spirit of poverty that makes men scared of leaving all to follow you. Poverty
is judged tonight. The fear of poverty is judged


Glory! Let's do this. Right now, I declare debts are cleared! Debts are paid! Debts are
renounced. Right now! I decree that no one here is in debt! All debts are paid
miraculously. I release the angel of the Lord to cause thing to work in your favour. By
favour, debts are cleared.

Thank You, Father.

Let's bless the name of the Lord for great things He has done tonight.

We are grateful. Jesus! Eternal Father, we thank You! For great things that You have
done, we thank You.

We receive help to walk in these impartations. We will not lose them to carelessness and
indiscipline. Teach us to walk in these impartations, Lord; in the name of Jesus.

Father thank you for School of Prophetic Arts. Since we have begun, you have been
awesome. You have been showing us great mercies. You have shown us great help. We
have been advancing in your might. Thank You because at the end of this school, sons will
be raised with authority and scepters to man the realm of prophetic arts and wield Your
justice, beauty and righteousness.

In Jesus’s name we pray.




Ever since this school started, it has been all awesome. The school opened me into a new
dimension. I get inspirations to write and sing from pictures of people after God’s heart,
their eyes seem to always pass a message and I write. One of the assignments given to us,
the paintings were the exact vision God showed me some months ago. The school made a
big impact and the classes taken were just too awesome, God’s Spirit was really evident
here in the school - Mariah

I have always been unsure and scared when it comes to Prophetic Art. I'm so grateful for
all the teachings and lessons. My fears are all gone. My major breakthrough here has been
FAITH and BOLDNESS. There are testimonies of clearer insights and visions too. -

I am totally overwhelmed and really lack words for total expression, but I believe a lot has
been added to my life. Many are the seeds that need time to germinate and I am grateful
to all who have taken out time out of their schedules to do the planting. Sincerely grateful
to God and for his servant, life coach, Livingstone. - Chayah

This program has been a major mind shifting experience for me. I’ve been enlightened.
I’ve been charged up. I’ve literally felt the fire in my bones being set alight. I’ve been
opened up to new realities. My life has taken a turn for better here. - Vadoo Rejoices

I was CHALLENGED to do more and tap into the divine deposits in me. I got insights in
the course of this program and I was able to connect the several experiences that had been
happening to me before now. With all I have gathered these past few weeks, advancement
in the Kingdom is possible and a must for me. Several realities have been redefined and I
am sincerely privileged to be a part of SOPA as a participant. SOPA was a success and
personally I believe SOPA version 2.0 won't be a bad idea. – AY Dot

This is not the only testimony, but this stands out for me particularly. From the very first
class, I changed in the way I worshipped God. This platform exposed me to tremendous
sounds. I forge sounds now - something I hitherto had no idea how to. It has opened a
hidden boldness in me that I come to the throne of mercy always with boldness. – Lalove

This class was more like a season of awakening and activation for me. It was like God
reminded me of things he had said. He kept confirming his word via the voice of the tutors,
especially that class on Wisdom and then the one on writing too. - Lily

For me, SOPA was a stretching exercise. I had to learn to attend SOPA classes, do
assignments, and at the same time meet up with school work and personal
assignments. Most of the classes were eye opening, and particular ones stand out in my
mind. Usually when I write, it's like I'm writing out a movie that's playing in my head, and
I don't show anybody when I'm done because it always seemed creepy to me. Then I joined
SOPA, and the assignments helped me to understand what's actually going on, and to pay
attention to little details in art. Also, one assignment on Class David where we were
supposed to write out how we get inspirations helped me to pay more attention to how I
actually get inspired. - Reina

SOPA made me consider a Scribe in a totally new way and I am grateful for that. The first
assignment on the group truly helped me as I had to do some research. I don’t want to
write so much on this but at some point, I stopped doing extra research (on the Net) when
it comes to things like this. I had earlier said I didn’t consider myself an artist and I
initially didn’t really know why I registered for this Class. In fact, I almost left the
group but thank God I didn’t. The assignments to interpret paintings and artworks have
left indelible prints. Previously, I never used to give second thoughts to art. I never really
cared what the artist is trying to communicate with his pencils even though I have people
around me who adore art. When we were given the assignment to look at those images
and communicate our inspirations, I first thought how I was going to do this. But then, I
stared at the pictures for days - each one and tried to understand the ministration. To my
greatest surprise, I could really tell some of the things the artist wanted to communicate.
I would have even preferred if Bible verses were not attached to those images so that it

would be a little more ‘difficult’ for me to interpret - this is just to exercise myself. I had a
whole new orientation and another level of understanding for these things. Ever since
then, even if it is a secular work, whenever I see paintings, I take second looks and I just
want to know more. Although it’s a little different for me because I didn’t really have the
trigger to write an interpretation, rather, I got interpretations through pictures and
visions which I then had to reproduce (not necessarily interpret). More like they served
as gateways for my ministrations. My prophetic gifts had always been centered around
dreams, visions and other experiences but never art. This is a new story for me. As for the
sessions and all the ministrations, there were some particular ones that really excited my
Spirit. I don’t really want to be specific, but they made me see with the eyes of an artist
(not necessarily drawings). On two specific occasions, I physically felt the presence of God
in my room. The last class in Class Paul still has me in awe of God’s mercies. I really can’t
spell it all out, but I believe this would be sufficient to serve the purpose of a testimony. –
Ayo Adimula

For me, this mentoring program was like stepping on water and really stretching. I had to
practically go out of myself to host it. And how was the vision conceived? It was during a
conversation with a dear brother. We were discussing around a need to equip graphic
designers to be able to communicate the burden for meetings by the design of the fliers
for such meetings. And as we spoke on, I felt I should pick up the challenge of gathering
graphic designers for equipping. As I weighed the thought in my heart, I felt the need to
expand the project to equip Christian creatives and artists generally. You know, God
didn't tell me to do it by way of instruction, I just sensed a vacuum in the
spirit, and I felt that I could fill it up. Special thanks go to Akinboade Pelumi and
Oreoluwa Owele. They were the first I shared the vision with, and they really encouraged
me that it is possible. So, as we prayed and meditated and waited upon the Lord. Topics
came, facilitators came, and other strategies came. I am most grateful to God for making
SOPA a reality, a special thanks to all the facilitators who blessed us with the supplies of
the Spirit. To all the students, I say “thank you for believing in us, without you there is no
SOPA.” – Livingstone O. Oluwalola

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