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Problem 2: Classify ISWB 250

Let us write down the properties of ISMB 500 w.r.t bf, tf, h1 and tw
bf = 200mm, tf = 9mm, h1 = 203.8mm, tw = 6.7mm
1. b = 200/2 = 100mm Hence b/tf = 100/9 = 11.11 10.5ε < 11.11 < 15.7ε For Semi Compact Sections
2. dw/tw = h1/tw = 203.8/6.7 = 30.41 < 84ε
Hence, Section is Semi Compact Section

Problem 3: Classify ISWB 300

Let us write down the properties of ISMB 500 w.r.t bf, tf, h1 and tw
bf = 200mm, tf = 10mm, h1 = 250.1mm, tw = 7.4mm
1. b = 200/2 = 100mm Hence b/tf = 100/10 = 10 9.4.5ε < 11.11 < 10.5ε For Compact Sections
2. dw/tw or h1/tw = 250.1/7.4 = 33.79 < 84 ε
Hence, Section is Compact Section

5.c Design Steps for Girders:

1. Calculate Loading
Calculate Service Load w and Design Load Fd = 1.5w
2. Calculate Effective Span Le as
1. Centre to Centre Between Supports for Simple Supported and Continuous
2. Over Hang + ½ Support for Cantilever
3. Calculate Design Parameters
a. Md ( Moment Design)
b. Vd ( Shear Force Design)
c. Allowable Deflection = Span/300 for Simple Supported and Span /150 for Cantilevers
4. Select a Trial Section by assuming the section is a Plastic one and by calculating Zp by Flexural Formula
Md = (fy/1.1) x Zp where 1.1 = Partial Factor of Safety for Yielding so fy/1.1 = 250/1.1 = 227.27N/mm²

5. Classify the section as Class 1 Plastic or Class 2 Compact or Class 3 Semi- Compact
6. Check for Shear Strength.
Factored Shear Stress = fy/(1.1 x √3) = 250/1.1 x √3 = 131.21N/mm²
Actual Shear Stress = Vd/(h x tw) where h = total depth, tw = thickness of web and h x tw = Area Resisting Shear
If Actual Shear Stress < 131.21N/mm², the section is safe in Shear
7. Check for Deflection. This has to be done using service loads just like in W.S.M
Calculate Actual Deflection.
If Actual Deflection < Allowable Deflection then the section is safe for Deflection
8. Check for Bending Strength.
Then I.S. Code specifies two cases for Plastic and Compact Section.
Let us talk about one case only; If we can prove that the following two conditions are satisfied
 if h1/tw ≤ 67ε then and if
 Actual Shear Stress < 0.6 x Factored Shear Stress
And if we can prove that
1. βb x Zp ≤ 1.2 Ze – Then the section is safe for Bending Strength for Simple Supported Beams
2. βb x Zp ≤ 1.5 Ze – Then the section is safe for Bending Strength for Cantilever Beams
Then the section is safe for Bending Strength; βb = 1 for Plastic and Compact Sections;

TOS 4 Unit 5 Design of Steel Structures Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

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