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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

Understanding the pyroelectric combustion behaviour

of metallized electrically controlled solid propellants
Kanagaraj Gnanaprakash, Jack J. Yoh∗
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea

Received 4 January 2022; accepted 4 July 2022

Available online 19 August 2022


Solid rocket propellants that demonstrate variable burning rates are highly desirable in various propulsion
applications. Electrically controlled solid propellants (ECSPs) are one such kind that ignite and combust only
when external electric power is applied, which enables to adjust/control their combustion rates. However, the
knowledge on their combustion mechanisms is scant in the limited literature. In this study, pyroelectric com-
bustion behaviour of metallized ECSPs, based on lithium perchlorate (LP) and poly vinyl alcohol (PVA),
containing 5%, 10%, and 15% tungsten (W) are investigated, in comparison to the non-metallized baseline
propellant. Theoretical performance parameters, heat release and mass loss from decomposition process, and
combustion rates are obtained. Pyroelectric combustion of ECSPs involves electrolytic decomposition of LP
producing oxidizer species, which react with fuel species from PVA and/or W in thermochemical reactions, to
generate heat and products including LiCl, HCl, LiOH, WO3 , etc. Results indicate that addition of W reduces
the theoretical adiabatic combustion temperature and overall heat release from exothermic decomposition
by 19% and 36% respectively, in ECSP-M15 containing 15% W, compared to the baseline case. However,
relatively low voltage response time for metallized ECSPs implies that their ionic conductivity is higher than
the baseline ECSP. More importantly, combustion rates of all ECSPs increase exponentially with increase in
applied initial voltage in the 100–500 V range. Inclusion of W enhances the combustion rates significantly by
4.9 times at 100 V and by 1.7 times at 500 V for ECSP-M15 relative to the baseline propellant. This signifies
that electrochemical mechanisms become the rate controlling step at high electric power, in governing the
pyroelectric combustion behaviour of ECSPs. Further, these propellants were successfully tested for multi-
ple burn/no-burn conditions under the application/removal of the external electric power, which is highly
desirable for various propulsion systems.
© 2022 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrically controlled solid propellants; Tungsten; Pyroelectric combustion rates; Electrolytic decomposition;
Thermochemical reactions

1. Introduction

Solid rocket propellants have been utilized in

∗ Corresponding author. various propulsion systems due to their simple de-
E-mail address: (J.J. Yoh). sign, high energy density, high reliability, good per-
1540-7489 © 2022 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
5678 K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

formance characteristics, etc. In recent times, there strongly dependant on their ionic conductivity. In a
is a growing interest in solid propellants that can ex- different study, tungsten (W) was considered as an
hibit multiple cycles of start/stop capabilities and alternate metal additive, since it can improve ther-
variable thrust during in-flight operations. Elec- mal decomposition and performance characteris-
trically controlled solid propellants (ECSPs) are tics of ECSPs [10]. Also, the volumetric energy den-
one special class that demonstrate such character- sity (∼85 kJ/cm3 ) of W is similar to Al [11], and the
istics. These propellants ignite and combust only thermal conductivity is comparable between these
when external electric power is applied at suffi- two metal additives.
cient levels, known as pyroelectric combustion be- In most previous studies, HAN-based ECSPs
haviour [1,2]. This process is highly exothermic and were considered and their governing reaction mech-
the combustion rate of these propellants can be anisms were elucidated. However, there are only
controlled/adjusted by varying the applied external limited studies on LP-based ECSPs that were at-
power [3]. In addition, ECSPs exhibit high stabil- tempted to investigate factors influencing their de-
ity, and are not susceptible to accidental ignition by composition and combustion characteristics. Such
spark, impact or even open flame [1,2]. mechanisms are still not yet completely understood
Several studies on ECSPs based on hydroxyl due to their complex physicochemical processes,
ammonium nitrate (HAN) oxidizer have been re- electrochemistry coupled with thermochemical re-
ported in the past [4–7]. Typically, HAN was of- actions, multiphase heat and mass transfer, etc. On
ten stabilized with chemical agents and blended the other hand, these studies have considered only
with poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) binder, which exhib- Al as metallic fuel in their propellant compositions,
ited the unique pyroelectric behaviour. He et al. which was not favourable at increased pressures.
[4] have studied thermal characteristics of differ- In the present study, pyroelectric combustion
ent HAN/PVA based ECSPs and showed their de- behaviour of baseline and metallized ECSPs based
composition temperature in the range of 112–238 on LP/PVA containing tungsten as metal additive

C. Glascock et al. [5] have investigated the uti- is investigated. W is considered in these ECSPs
lization of high performance electric propellants mainly to examine their multiple burn/no-burn ca-
(HAN/PVA based), in an ablative pulsed plasma pabilities at atmospheric conditions as well as ele-
thruster, and compared their impulse and perfor- vated pressures (>1 MPa), which was not observed
mance measurements with traditional polytetraflu- with aluminized ECSPs because they exhibit self-
oroethylene propellant. sustaining combustion at such high pressures, as
Recently, Baird and Frederick [6] have reported reported by other previous studies [8,9]. Experi-
the thermochemistry of combustion in above EC- ments are performed to investigate the propellant
SPs and discussed their electrochemical mecha- morphology, thermal decomposition, and combus-
nisms. In another study, the effect of aluminium tion characteristics at atmospheric conditions. Fur-
(Al) as metal additive on ignition and combus- ther, theoretical performance parameters and com-
tion characteristics of ECSPs was investigated by bustion rates are compared amongst different EC-
Bao et al. [7]. They have considered different par- SPs. Subsequently, important electrolytic decom-
ticle sizes and contents of Al, and proposed pos- position and thermochemical mechanisms involved
sible mechanisms of enhanced combustion in alu- in their pyroelectric combustion are presented.
minized propellants. However, these ECSPs exhib-
ited self-sustaining combustion at 1 MPa, which
could deprive from their multiple start/stop capa- 2. Experimental
bilities. In addition, HAN is highly hygroscopic
which results in significant melting during combus- 2.1. Propellant samples
tion and poor thermal stability with these ECSPs
[8,9], and limit their applications. ECSPs consist of LP as oxidizer, PVA as binder
Therefore, lithium perchlorate (LP) has been and fuel, tungsten (particle size of 1 μm) as metal
considered recently in ECSPs instead of HAN, to fuel additive, boric acid (H3 BO3 ) as cross-linking
improve their thermal stability. He et al. [8] have in- agent, and glycerine as plasticizer (to improve con-
vestigated thermal and combustion characteristics ductivity and electrochemical properties of PVA
of LP/PVA-based aluminized ECSPs, and showed [12]). Initial propellant formulations considered in
that their burning rates increased with increasing this study are shown in Table 1. For all samples, the
the electrical voltage and ambient pressure. Fur- original weight ratio of LP and water was main-
ther, it was shown that their thermal stability and tained as 1:1.85, for complete solubility. To inves-
hygroscopicity was better than HAN-based ones. tigate the influence of W addition in metallized
Similarly, Wang et al. [9] have studied the ther- ECSPs, weight percent of other ingredients and
mal reactivity, decomposition and combustion per- LP/water ratio were retained the same as baseline
formance of polyethylene oxide-polyacrylonitrile ECSP, except for the metal content.
based ion conductive energetic composites, as a re- The procedure for propellant preparation was
placement for HAN-based ECSPs. It was demon- explained in detail in our previous work [13].
strated that burning rates of these composites were A planetary centrifugal mixer (Thinky ARE-310,
K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686 5679

Table 1
Compositions of different ECSPs, and their theoretical performance results.
Samples LP (%) H2 O (%) PVA h3 bo3 glycerine W (%) Tad Isp (s) Cprod
(%) (%) (%) (°C) (mol/kg)
ECSP (φ = 0.97) 29.47 54.53 10 2 4 – 1830 177.3 34.1
ECSP-M5 (φ = 1.04) 27.72 51.28 10 2 4 5 1784 169.6 31.5
ECSP-M10 (φ = 1.14) 25.96 48.04 10 2 4 10 1603 157.0 30.2
ECSP-M15 (φ = 1.19) 24.21 44.79 10 2 4 15 1479 145.4 29.6
φ – Equivalence ratio; Tad – adiabatic combustion temperature; Isp – specific impulse; Cprod – total concentration of

Japan) was utilized for mixing ingredients. Homo- stands, and connections for input power. The pro-
geneous transparent propellant slurry was obtained pellant and electrodes were positioned in a vertical
without any voids after mixing, which cured into burning configuration such that top electrode was
rubbery solid material in a hot air oven at 35 ◦ C positive, bottom electrode was negative, and pro-
for 7–10 days. During curing, some water evapo- pellant was placed in between these electrodes.
rated from ECSPs, so the final water content was The above vertical configuration was utilized to
different from initial formulations. Cured samples obtain pyroelectric combustion rates of ECSPs at
were cut and utilized for thermal, morphological different initial voltages, under ambient conditions,
and combustion studies. using combustion photography. The initial voltage
was varied in the range of 100–500 V, at an incre-
2.2. Techniques ment of 100 V. ECSPs were cut into samples with
a cross section of ∼5 mm × 5 mm and length of
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC 3+, 6–8 mm. Combustion was captured using a high-
Mettler Toledo) and thermogravimetric analysis speed camera (Phantom V711, with resolution of
(TGA 2, Mettler Toledo) were performed to in- 800 × 600 pixels2 ) fitted with a 105 mm Nikkor
vestigate thermal decomposition characteristics of macro lens [16], at a framing rate of 100 fps and
ECSPs. Experimental procedure followed for these exposure time from 500 to 3000 μs depending on
tests was similar to our previous study [13], and propellant formulations. A custom MATLAB code
based on the International Confederation for Ther- was utilized to obtain the combustion rates.
mal Analysis and Calorimetry Kinetics Commit- In this study with flat plate electrode configura-
tee [14]. Heating rate of 20 °C/min was selected for tion, the propellant must always be in contact with
both DSC and TGA tests in the temperature of 30 the electrodes and pyroelectric combustion occurs
to 600 °C. In addition, heat release, decomposition preferentially at the positive electrode, when the ex-
temperature, and mass loss from different exother- ternal power was applied. Due to burn away of the
mic reactions were evaluated using a built-in Ad- propellant surface, the top electrode is displaced
vanced Kinetics and Technology Solution software vertically downwards by gravity at the same rate
(AKTS) [15]. as propellant regression, which is the typical sce-
To obtain surface morphological features of nario with ECSPs burning in this electrode configu-
ECSPs, a field emission scanning electron micro- ration. Because of high radiation intensity from the
scope (FE-SEM) (JSM-7800F Prime, Jeol Ltd., flame/combustion zone, pixels near the actual pro-
Japan) with a resolution of 1.0 nm (15 kV) was em- pellant burning surface were saturated in combus-
ployed. This was coupled with an energy dispersive tion images and it was highly challenging to locate
spectroscopy (EDS) for identifying the elemental the exact burning surface. Therefore, locus points
composition. Around 2 mg of actual ECSPs and of displacement of the moving top electrode were
their residues from combustion tests were examined considered and plotted against the time to get com-
in SEM and EDS. bustion rates, instead of tracking the actual regress-
Combustion tests were conducted by utilizing ing propellant surface. This rate of displacement of
a combustion test stand and regulated DC power the top electrode was presumed to be exactly the
supply (1 kV and 1 A), as shown in Fig. 1. The same as propellant regression rates.
applied input power was recorded through voltage All combustion rate data points at each initial
and current probes, using a two-channel digital os- voltage were repeated at least once and an uncer-
cilloscope (Tektronix, TBS1052B-EDU, 50 MHz tainty of ±3% was calculated for this measurement.
bandwidth, sampling rate of 1 GS/s). The voltage It was found out that the deviation in combustion
probe was from Hantek (T3100, 100 MHz band- rates at 100 V was more than the accepted range
width, attenuation of 100:1), and the current probe of 10% after the first set of repetitions. Therefore,
was from Tektronix (A622, 100 kHz bandwidth, multiple repetitions were conducted for all voltage
output scale of 100 mV/A). The combustion test conditions to ensure that the deviation was within
stand consists of a set of electrodes made up of this range. In some tests, it was hard to deduce com-
molybdenum (10 mm × 20 mm × 5 mm), support bustion rates for ECSPs under certain conditions
5680 K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup. (Insets: Magnified view of the test stand and image of ECSP-M5).

due to poor combustion images. In such cases, more

repetitions were required to obtain the data for that
initial condition.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Theoretical calculations

The theoretical performance parameters namely

specific impulse (Isp ), adiabatic combustion tem-
perature (Tad ), and total concentration of prod-
ucts (Cprod ) of various ECSPs were obtained us-
ing a thermochemical equilibrium code (Cheetah
[17]), by solving rocket problem at typical condi-
tions of 7.0 MPa chamber pressure, 0.1 MPa exit
pressure, and 25 °C ambient temperature. The en-
thalpy of formation for PVA from [8] was consid-
ered for these calculations. Results obtained from
this analysis are presented in Table 1 for all pro-
pellants. Note that propellant compositions con-
sidered for this theoretical calculation were differ-
ent from initial formulations, because they were
recalculated after assuming only 20% water to Fig. 2. Theoretical performance of ECSPs with increas-
be present in them (confirmed later with TGA ing W content; (a) adiabatic combustion temperature and
mass loss results in Section 3.3). It is seen from specific impulse, (b) major and minor products concen-
Fig. 2a that theoretical Tad and Isp values decreased tration.
monotonously when tungsten is added and its con-
tent was increased further. For ECSP-M15 with
15% W content, theoretical Tad and Isp values re- ECSPs with increasing W content. However, there
duced by 19.2% and 17.9% respectively, relative to is an interesting result with respect to oxidizer-rich
the baseline ECSP. A similar trend in total products or fuel-rich stoichiometry amongst various ECSPs,
concentration is noticed with the increase in W con- similar to that reported in our previous study [13].
tent (Table 1), in which M15 exhibited a decrement Note that O2 is present only in the baseline case,
of 13.2% in Cprod compared to ECSP. whereas H2 and CO are seen with metallized EC-
The combustion products from this analysis SPs. This implies that the former is an oxidizer-
shown in Fig. 2b consists of H2 O, CO2 , and LiCl rich formulation close to the stoichiometric ratio,
(l) as major products, and H2 , CO, O2 , LiCl (g), since maximum Tad possible with LP/PVA mixture
and WO3 (s) as minor products. It is apparent that is ∼2000 °C. On the other hand, metallized EC-
WO3 (s) is increasingly present only in metallized SPs are fuel-rich formulations, which tend to be
K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686 5681

further fuel-rich with more W (M15). In addition,

concentration of major products also decreased
with increase in W content, suggesting more incom-
plete combustion with ECSP-M15. Thus, inclu-
sion of W to ECSPs decreases their energy content
and performance parameters because of increas-
ing fuel-rich stoichiometry with metallized for-
mulations and increasing energy dissipation from
other reactions to initiate metal oxidation, al-
though W participates actively in thermochemical
Furthermore, these results imply that the oxida-
tion of W is increasingly limited due to the con-
densed phase reaction of W particles and high
molecular weight of W combustion products, as
metal content is increased. In contrast, combustion
rates with these ECSPs increased significantly with
increase in W content especially at low initial volt-
ages, as shown later. This is due to significant elec-
trochemical decomposition of LP in ECSPs gen-
erating substantial oxidizer species, which are not
considered in theoretical calculations. This signifies
that inclusion of W to ECSPs induces favourable
impact on their pyroelectric combustion behaviour
for utilization in various propulsion systems.

3.2. Surface morphology of ECSPs

Surface features of the baseline ECSP and met-

allized ECSP-M15 were observed in SEM and their
EDS mappings were obtained over multiple areas Fig. 3. Comparison of thermal behaviour of the baseline
to examine the distribution of various ingredients. case with metallized ECSPs; (a) DSC and (b) TGA curves.
Morphology of both ECSPs resemble more like
heterogeneous propellant rather than completely
miscible ingredients (Fig. S1 in the supplementary), tion behaviour of these ECSPs, and need to be
since both LP and PVA dissolved in water at the considered in a separate study.
mixing stage. EDS mapping results show that C
(∼20%) is noticed in smooth regions on the baseline 3.3. Thermal decomposition behaviour
ECSP surface, signifying the presence of binder.
Waves are clearly evident on smooth regions of DSC and TGA results obtained for different
binder (Fig. S2a), suggesting that there was possi- ECSPs at 20 °C/min are presented in Fig. 3. The
ble displacement of binder to some extent in the trends noticed with these curves that correspond to
curing stage. Other regions indicate both O and Cl various reactions are exactly similar to that of those
elements, representing the presence of LP oxidizer. reported in our previous study [13], which focused
Interestingly, numerous needle-like and primarily on the thermal decomposition behaviour
pyramid-like structures (dimension of 20–50 of ECSPs. There is a slight variation in the heat
μm) of LP are observed on the surface, due to release from the third exothermic peak (slightly
its recrystallization during curing, although plas- larger) of the baseline ECSP at 458 °C between the
ticizer can possibly reduce this process. These current and previous studies. This implies that more
structures are regular but formed into various unreacted LP decomposition and secondary reac-
shapes. More voids are noticed on the surface, tions occurred in the third exotherm, contribut-
indicating that water molecules evaporated while ing to additional heat release and less residues at
curing, thus leaving empty spaces between oxidizer 600 °C, specifically with this set of ECSPs. Further,
structures. With ECSP-M15, W is sporadically major primary reactions under second exothermic
distributed in binder regions and also clustered peak occurred at 347 °C. The total combined heat
at some regions in the mixture (Figs. S1b & S2b). release from all exotherms is obtained as 3729 J/g
Needle-like oxidizer structures are more prominent for the baseline case.
than pyramid structures in M15, and EDS results This overall heat release decreased with increas-
indicate ∼10% of W in this sample. In general, it ing content of W in metallized ECSPs (Fig. 3a),
is hard to quantify recrystallization and the effect which is similar to theoretical Tad presented in
of crystal tendency on the pyroelectric combus- Section 3.1. The heat release for ECSP-M15 was re-
5682 K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

duced by 36.4% in comparison to ECSP-M5. In ad- or end). Hence, it was assumed that steady burning
dition, the decomposition temperature of the ma- was achieved and burning rates were unaffected for
jor exothermic peak decreased to lower values as each case.
W content was increased. This indicates the cat- Since the top electrode was merely placed on
alytic behaviour of W in ECSPs that initiated reac- the flat propellant top surface and allowed to move
tions at lower temperatures [13]. TGA results show freely in the vertical direction, it displaced (due to
that there was mass loss of ∼20% below 150 °C gravity) at exactly the same rate as propellant burn-
(Fig. 3b), corresponding to the evaporation of ing. Therefore, the rate of displacement of the top
water in all ECSPs. The compositions recalcu- electrode was presumed as the pyroelectric com-
lated for theoretical estimations shown before in bustion rate of ECSPs. This also ensured continu-
Section3.1 were based on this water content in pro- ous contact between the top electrode and the pro-
pellants. The major decomposition reaction started pellant surface, for uninterrupted combustion. This
at ∼250 °C and ended at ∼500 °C for all cases, but process ended once the propellant was burnt out or
with different mass losses over this stage depend- the contact was lost. At high voltages (500 V), the
ing upon their W content. The trend in mass loss bubbling period decreased and pyroelectric com-
from TGA is similar to the heat release trend from bustion of ECSP occurred at faster rates. This im-
DSC, for various ECSPs. Note that the content of plies that high input power improved combustion
residue increased with W content in ECSPs. This rates due to enhanced electrochemical mechanisms.
indicates that large amount of sample was unburnt Similar aspects were noticed with metallized for-
(more unreacted W) at 600 °C after the test, which mulations, all of which displayed faster burning
correspondingly reduced the heat of reaction, as than the baseline ECSP, at each initial voltage.
observed from DSC data. On the other hand, el- However, the combustion zone of metallized EC-
emental composition results obtained from energy SPs appeared much brighter than the baseline case
dispersive analysis (EDS) were inconclusive and it near the top electrode-propellant interface. This
was difficult to deduce possible content and compo- is attributed to the high energy release from in-
sition of residues from XRD analysis as well, since tense luminous combustion of W particles in metal-
those results were inconsistent [13]. lized propellants, which were observed to be emerg-
ing out of the propellant burning surface. Further-
3.4. Pyroelectric combustion behaviour more, molten W droplets coalescing together to
form large agglomerates were evident at the front
Combustion tests were conducted for all EC- face near the propellant burning surface, promi-
SPs in the voltage range of 100 to 500 V and con- nently with M10 and M15 in tests conducted at
stant current of 1 A. The minimum electrical en- 100 V (Fig. S3 in the supplementary). Note that the
ergy required for ignition of these ECSPs was not baseline ECSP appeared more luminous within it-
obtained in this study. Instantaneous snapshots of self compared to metallized ECSPs because the for-
pyroelectric combustion of ECSPs are shown in mer was translucent, which allowed for transmis-
Fig. 4, at different time instances. Here, the first sion of the light radiation from the flame through
part in each image represents the first occurrence of the propellant (Fig. 4a).
ignition (t0 ). Samples are marked in red boxes, and The change in voltage and current signals,
the top face of positive electrode and the bottom corresponding to actual combustion images in
face of negative electrode are marked with green Fig. 4, recorded for different ECSPs are shown in
lines. Fig. S4 of the supplementary. All propellants fol-
When the external power source (100 V and 1 lowed similar trend throughout their combustion.
A) was turned on, the baseline ECSP started to Voltage started to rise gradually and attained a
conduct current from the top positive electrode to maximum value causing ignition, while current var-
the bottom negative electrode. This initiated V and ied from 1 A to 0.5 A before reaching its maximum.
A values to increase progressively, as seen in digi- During combustion, voltage decreased from its
tal oscilloscope. At this stage, liquid bubbles were maximum to 300 V and current fluctuated around 1
observed near the interface between the top elec- A. Once contact between propellant and electrodes
trode and propellant surface, caused by the evap- was lost, voltage dropped down to minimum and
oration of water still present in ECSP. Once V the process completed.
and A reached their maximum values, ignition was The time taken to attain maximum voltage from
achieved and pyroelectric combustion occurred at the onset of voltage rise is termed as the voltage
the top electrode-propellant interface. Combustion response time in this study. The overall combus-
gases from the burning surface were forced out at tion time is the interval between maximum and
the top electrode. Since these propellants burn con- minimum voltages, subsequent to ignition. Note
siderably fast enough, the heat transfer from the top that the combustion time depends on sample length
electrode or the flame to unburnt propellant surface and cannot be compared directly amongst differ-
was not significant enough to affect their combus- ent cases since this length was not maintained the
tion rates. Moreover, there was no variation in com- same in all tests. Figure S4 illustrates that the volt-
bustion rate of propellants within each test (start age response time for the baseline ECSP (0.54 s)
K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686 5683

Fig. 4. Instantaneous snapshots of pyroelectric combustion of ECSPs at 400 V and 1 A. (a) Baseline, (b) M5, (c) M10.

is noticeably higher than that of metallized ECSPs from PVA and/or W, to produce products along
(0.40 s), in general. This implies that the ionic con- with a corresponding heat release through thermo-
ductivity of the latter is higher than the former, chemical reactions. Moreover, the flow of electrons
due to the presence of W particles that typically across the propellant generates heat or thermal en-
have high electrical conductivity. A previous study ergy through Joule heating [3], which also initiates
has reported that higher ionic conductivity for en- some reactions between oxidizer and fuel.
ergetic materials indicate lower impedance, which The pyroelectric combustion mechanism for
results in reduced response time when voltage is ap- LP/PVA-ECSPs proposed here is based on previ-
plied [9]. Low voltage response time of metallized ous studies on HAN/PVA propellants [3,6,18]. First
propellants is similar to the reduced decomposi- the electrochemical decomposition of LP/water
tion temperatures noticed before (Fig. 3a). In ad- mixture needs to be realized before considering
dition, overall combustion time of metallized EC- thermochemical reactions of the mixture involv-
SPs is marginally less than the baseline case, at high ing PVA. Initially, water electrolysis generates O2 ,
initial voltages. H+ proton, and electrons at the anode, while H2 and
Pyroelectric combustion of ECSPs involves OH− radical are produced at the cathode. Since LP
electrochemical mechanisms coupled with thermo- electrolyzes into Li+ and ClO− 4 ions in the mixture,
chemical reactions. During initial electrolytic de- the proton reacts with negative ions at the anode
composition of LP, the applied electric power to to produce HCl, and OH− radical reacts with posi-
ECSP causes positive ions (Li+ ) to be electrostati- tive ions at the cathode to produce LiOH Eqs. (1) &
cally attracted toward the negative electrode and si- ((2)). Since LP/water mixture is an ionic liquid, it
multaneously negative ions (ClO− 4 ) toward the pos- supports the movement of ions to their respective
itive electrode. Bubbling period observed in com- electrodes. This decomposition at anode may in-
bustion images (Fig. 4) would assist this movement clude an intermediate step as well that generates
of ions within the bubbly layer and not through the perchloric acid (HClO− 4 ). Thus, the electrochemical
closely packed solid phase of ECSPs. Accumula- decomposition of LP/water mixture produces HCl,
tion of ions would occur near the top electrode in LiOH, H2 and O2 (Eq. (3)).
this bubbling layer on the propellant burning sur- When PVA is included in the mixture, the elec-
face. However, the ions that accumulate near the trolytic decomposition process is slightly modified
top electrode would be mostly negative ions from resulting in generation of additional species (CO2
the electrolytic decomposition of LP. Further pro- and H2 O), which would also include some thermo-
cesses between these ions and those from water elec- chemical reactions. Note that the decomposition
trolysis would generate new oxidizer species. Now, reaction of LP/PVA/water mixture includes exces-
these oxidizer species would react with fuel species sive hydrogen in products (Eq. (6)). In general, the
5684 K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

water content in ECSPs is very low and may be

ignored in their global combustion reaction. With
metallized ECSPs, W reacts with oxidizer to
LP/water electrochemical decomposition,
H2 O → ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e−
(Li+ )(ClO4− ) + H+ → HClO− 4 + Li

→ HCl + 2O2 + Li+

2H2 O + 2e− → H2 + 2OH−
(Li+ )(ClO4− ) + OH− → LiOH + ClO− 4

Overall reaction at the anode :

4(Li+ ) ClO− 4 + 2H2 O Fig. 5. Pyroelectric combustion rates vs. applied initial
→ 4HCl + 9O2 + 4Li+ + 4e− (1) voltage of metallized ECSPs relative to the baseline case.

Overall reaction at the cathode :

  presented in Eqs. (7) & (8). Notice LiCl is consid-
4(Li+ ) ClO− 4 + 4H2 O + 4e

ered in these reactions since pure thermal decom-
→ 4LiOH + 2H2 + 4ClO−
4 (2) position of LP involves LiCl generation as well.
More importantly, the baseline ECSP has oxidizer-
Global electrolytic process of LP/water decom- rich stoichiometry, while metallized ECSPs have
position fuel-rich stoichiometry, consistent with Section 3.1.
4LiClO4 +6H2 O → 4LiOH + 4HCl + 2H2 +9O2 Other parameters such as electric power, species
concentration and quantity, pressure, preferen-
(3) tial electrode for combustion, etc. may also have
LP/PVA/water electrolytic decomposition, their influence on pyroelectric combustion of
Reaction at anode : Combustion images were utilized to obtain py-
  roelectric combustion rates of different ECSPs,
4 ClO−4 + 2H2 O + 2C2 H4 O
which are shown in Fig. 5 as a function of the ap-
→ 4HCl + 4CO2 + 4H2 O + 4O2 + 4e− (4) plied initial voltage. Combustion rate of ∼0.3 mm/s
was noticed for the baseline ECSP at 100 V, which
Reaction at cathode : increased to ∼3.0 mm/s at 500 V. In this range,
combustion rates have increased exponentially by
4(Li+ ) + 8H2 O + C2 H4 O + 4e−
10 times, with a correlation of 82%. High electric
→ 4LiOH + 2CO2 + H2 O + 7H2 (5) power enhances electrolytic decomposition of ionic
LP oxidizer, which in turn improves the overall
Global electrolytic decomposition of combustion behaviour and thus combustion rates,
LP/PVA/water with applied electric potential relative to these processes at low voltage. With
4LiClO4 +10H2 O + 3C2 H4 O metallized formulations, combustion rates were in-
creased by 6.3 times, 4.2 times, and 3.4 times in the
→ 4LiOH + 4HCl + 6CO2 +5H2 O + 4O2 +7H2 100–500 V range, for M5, M10, and M15, respec-
(6) tively. Overall, the trend for all ECSPs remained
the same with respect to electrical power, irrespec-
Pyroelectric combustion reactions of baseline tive of their formulations. This suggests that these
and metallized ECSPs propellants can be potentially utilized for variable
throttle control applications. Further, this trend is
4LiClO4 + 2[−C2 H4 O−]n → 4CO2 + 3H2 O similar to results of linear burning rates vs. volt-
+ 3O2 + 3LiCl + HCl + LiOH (7) age reported by He et al. [8], for aluminized EC-
SPs (LiClO4 /PVA/Al/H2 O propellants) in the range
of 80–400 V. More importantly, combustion rates
for W-based ECSPs are considerably higher than Al
4LiClO4 + 3[−C2 H4 O−]n + W → 6CO2 cases at similar electric power, regardless of slight
+ 3H2 O + WO3 + 2H2 + 3LiCl + HCl + LiOH compositional variations.
(8) Addition of W to ECSPs enhanced their
combustion rates substantially at low voltages
generate tungsten oxide (WO3 ) besides other prod- (<200 V), whereas this effect was marginal at high
ucts. Based on these, overall pyroelectric combus- voltages (>400 V). Combustion rates increased by
tion reactions of baseline and metallized ECSPs are 4.9 times at 100 V and by 1.7 times at 500 V for
K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686 5685

ECSP-M15 relative to the baseline ECSP. A con- highly desirable in most propulsion systems. How-
verging trend in combustion rates was observed ever, there are many challenges associated with
at high voltages. At low power, high heat release these propellants such as maintaining constant
from W combustion was significant in enhancing contact between the propellant and electrodes, en-
combustion rates. However, at high electric power, suring numerous start/stop operations under dif-
electrochemical mechanisms become more domi- ferent burning conditions without interruption, at-
nant than such thermochemical reactions and the taining visco-elastic nature, etc. Furthermore, it
rate controlling step in governing pyroelectric com- is essential to correlate attributes of electric volt-
bustion of ECSPs, regardless of the presence of age and current signals with the actual pyroelectric
metal additives. Besides, combustion mechanism of combustion behaviour of ECSPs to completely un-
ECSPs involves combination of multiple processes derstand their governing mechanisms. This creates
that also includes Joule heating and electrochemical opportunities for future studies to focus on such ar-
reactions, all of which merge together to result ul- eas of research in order to further improve the per-
timately in thermochemical reactions causing heat formance characteristics of ECSPs for their utiliza-
release. But, this enhancement in combustion rates tion in various applications.
at high power was predominantly due to improved
electrochemical reactions.
SEM images and EDS mapping results of 4. Conclusions
residues from combustion tests of baseline, M5,
and M15 ECSPs are shown in Fig. S5 of the sup- Pyroelectric combustion behaviour of metal-
plementary. Combustion residue of the baseline lized ECSPs based on LP/PVA/W was investigated,
ECSP displays porous and frothy surface. EDS relative to the non-metallized baseline ECSP. To
mapping indicates presence of elemental C in un- study the influence of tungsten (W), three differ-
burnt smooth regions of binder, in addition to ent contents (5%, 10%, 15%) were considered in
O and Cl from products. Metallized ECSPs show their formulations. Theoretical performance cal-
presence of elemental W in EDS, corresponding culations indicated that addition of W in ECSPs
to WO3 from their residues. Furthermore, spherical decreased their adiabatic combustion temperature
metal oxide particles of diameter less than 1 μm are and resulted in more incomplete combustion. Re-
observed prominently with ECSP-M15 (Fig. S5c). sults from thermal analysis showed that the base-
This implies that significant combustion of parent line ECSP exhibited the highest heat release from
W particles has occurred to decrease their metal ox- exothermic decomposition amongst all cases. How-
ide particle sizes. ever, the catalytic behaviour of W reduced the de-
Recall that, inclusion of W decreased the net composition temperature in metallized ECSPs, rel-
heat release from thermal decomposition reaction ative to the baseline case. Pyroelectric combus-
of ECSPs (Fig. 3a). Further, theoretical Tad and tion of ECSPs involved liquid bubbling, ignition at
Isp also showed similar trend with increase in the maximum voltage and current, followed by electro-
W content (Fig. 2a). In contrast, combustion rates chemical decomposition of LP and thermochemi-
increased with increase in W content in these pro- cal reactions.
pellants. This is because of significant W oxida- Electrolytic decomposition of LP/PVA/water
tion at actual burning conditions and high tem- mixture produced LiOH, HCl through perchloric
perature that enhances the combustion rates of acid, CO2 , H2 O as products. Presence of W in EC-
ECSPs, whereas such oxidation may not occur SPs produced WO3 as well, which altered this re-
at low temperatures considered in thermal analy- action mechanism. However, the voltage response
sis, thus resulting in reduced net heat release. On time for metallized ECSPs was relatively lower than
the other hand, high ionic conductivity of met- the baseline case, implying that the presence of W
allized ECSPs improve electrochemical decompo- increased the ionic conductivity of the former. For
sition mechanisms and subsequently their com- all ECSPs, combustion rates increased exponen-
bustion rates, whereas such mechanisms are not tially by 3–10 times with applied initial voltage in
considered for theoretical calculations. Thus, it is the range of 100–500 V. More importantly, inclu-
evident from the present study that addition of sion of W to ECSPs enhanced their combustion
W alters global reaction mechanisms and signif- rates considerably at low voltages (<200 V), due
icantly enhances the pyroelectric combustion of to significant burning of W particles at high tem-
ECSPs. peratures. These results signify that electrochemical
Note that all ECSPs considered in the present mechanisms become more dominant and the rate
study ignited and burnt in the initial voltage range controlling step at high electric power, in govern-
of 100–500 V and 1 A current under atmospheric ing combustion mechanisms of ECSPs. Although,
conditions, regardless of their formulations. More the above interpretation could have been expected
importantly, these propellants were successfully to some extent, the actual quantitative increment
tested for multiple burn/no-burn conditions under in combustion rates with respect to the applied ini-
application/removal of the external electric power. tial voltage would not have been realized without
This specific pyroelectric combustion behaviour is this present work. Furthermore, the predominance
5686 K. Gnanaprakash and J.J. Yoh / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5677–5686

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