1423-02-Spring 2024

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Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

COURSE English-I Code 1423

Level B.A/A.D Semester Spring-2024
Assignment Due Date 30-09-2024
Assignment 02 Total 02

Q1: In Section D of Unit 5. You have learnt how to write a job

application. Write a job application to the principal of a college for the
post of an SET (Senior English Teacher).


Subject: Application for the Position of Senior English Teacher

Dear [Principal's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Senior English Teacher position at

[College Name], as advertised in [where you found the job posting]. With a
passion for English literature and a dedication to fostering academic
excellence, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to the
educational environment at your esteemed institution.
I bring to the table [number] years of experience in teaching English
literature and language at the [mention any relevant institutions or schools].
During my tenure, I have had the privilege of developing comprehensive
curriculum plans, implementing innovative teaching methodologies, and
nurturing a supportive learning environment conducive to student success.

My academic background includes a [Degree Name] in English Literature

from [University Name], where I graduated with [mention any honors or
distinctions]. Furthermore, I have consistently pursued professional
development opportunities to stay abreast of the latest trends and best
practices in English education.

As a Senior English Teacher, I am committed to inspiring students to

appreciate the beauty of language, encouraging critical thinking through
literary analysis, and instilling effective communication skills that will serve
them beyond the classroom. I am also adept at leveraging technology to
enhance learning experiences and promote digital literacy among students.

I am impressed by [College Name]'s reputation for academic excellence and

its commitment to providing a holistic education to students. I am eager to
contribute my skills and expertise to your institution and to collaborate with
fellow educators in shaping the next generation of leaders and thinkers.
Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my
qualifications and experiences. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss
how my background aligns with the needs of [College Name] and how I can
contribute to its continued success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of

discussing this exciting opportunity with you further.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Q2: Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student on the

importance of developing good reading habits to be successful in
one's educational career.


Teacher: Good morning, Sarah. I noticed you've been struggling a bit with
your reading assignments lately. Have you ever considered the importance
of developing good reading habits?
Student: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Honestly, I've never thought about it
much. I mean, I do my reading assignments, but I never really thought about
why it's so important.

Teacher: Well, Sarah, developing good reading habits is essential for

success in your educational career, and beyond. Firstly, it enhances your
comprehension skills, allowing you to understand complex concepts more
easily. When you can grasp the material quickly, you'll find studying and
learning much more manageable.

Student: That makes sense. I guess if I could understand things better, it

would save me a lot of time and frustration.

Teacher: Exactly. Plus, good reading habits also improve your vocabulary
and language skills. The more you read, the more exposure you have to
different words and sentence structures, which will help you become a
better communicator both in writing and speaking.

Student: I never thought about how reading could help with my language
skills. I always just saw it as something I had to do for school.
Teacher: It's much more than just a school task, Sarah. Think of it as an
investment in your future. Additionally, reading expands your knowledge
base and exposes you to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. This
broader understanding of the world will serve you well in your academic and
personal life.

Student: I see what you mean, Mr. Johnson. I guess I never realized how
important reading is beyond just passing exams. I'll definitely try to develop
better reading habits from now on.

Teacher: I'm glad to hear that, Sarah. Remember, it's not about reading a lot
all at once, but rather consistently making time for it every day. Start with
something you enjoy, and gradually challenge yourself with more diverse
materials. You'll soon reap the benefits in all aspects of your life.

Student: Thanks for the advice, Mr. Johnson. I'll definitely give it a try.

Q3: Given below is a job advertisement. Suppose you intend to apply

for the said post, how would you write an application? What details
you would like to add to make yourself to be the most suitable
candidate for the post?


[Your Name]
[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]


[Employer's Name]

[Company/Organization Name]

[Company/Organization Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position advertised on

[where you found the job advertisement]. With a [mention years of
experience, if applicable] background in [relevant field], I am confident in my
ability to contribute effectively to your team and fulfill the responsibilities of
the role.
In my previous roles at [mention previous employers or relevant
experiences], I have honed my skills in [mention key skills or qualifications
listed in the job advertisement]. For example, [provide specific examples or
achievements that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas].

Furthermore, I possess a strong educational background in [mention

relevant degrees or certifications] from [mention educational institutions].
This foundation, combined with my practical experience, has equipped me
with the knowledge and expertise necessary to excel in the [Job Title] role.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity because [mention specific

reasons why you are interested in the company/organization or the position
itself]. I am impressed by [mention something you admire about the
company/organization], and I am eager to contribute to its continued

I am confident that my [mention relevant skills, experiences, and

qualifications] make me a strong candidate for the [Job Title] position. I am
enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and would welcome
the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with the needs of the
role in more detail.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of
discussing this exciting opportunity with you further.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Q4: Differentiate between strong and weak expressions of possibility/

impossibility with suitable examples of each kind.


Here are examples of strong and weak expressions of


Strong Expressions of Possibility/Impossibility:

1. "It's highly likely that he will pass the exam."

2. "There's a good chance of rain tomorrow."

3. "It's almost certain that she will be promoted."

4. "It's virtually impossible to finish the project by tomorrow."

5. "There's no doubt that they will win the championship."

Weak Expressions of Possibility/Impossibility:

1. "He might pass the exam."

2. "There's a possibility of rain tomorrow."

3. "She may be promoted."

4. "It's somewhat unlikely that we'll finish the project by tomorrow."

5. "There's a slight chance that they will win the championship."

In the strong expressions, the certainty or uncertainty is clearly conveyed

with words like "highly likely," "almost certain," "virtually impossible," "no
doubt," etc. These expressions leave little room for doubt and convey a
strong sense of confidence.

In contrast, the weak expressions use qualifiers like "might," "possibility,"

"may," "somewhat unlikely," "slight chance," etc., which indicate a lower
level of certainty or confidence. These expressions suggest a greater
degree of uncertainty or a smaller likelihood of the event occurring.

Q5: How would you grant and refuse permission in the following
situation. Use different expressions each time.


Granting Permission:

1. Certainly, you have my approval to organize the event in the community

2. Yes, you're authorized to access the restricted section of the library for
your research.

3. By all means, feel free to publish the article using the data provided.

4. Absolutely, you're welcome to use the company's conference room for

your meeting.

5. Of course, you have my consent to represent the team at the upcoming


Refusing Permission:

1. I'm afraid I cannot grant permission for you to use my personal computer
for your project.

2. Unfortunately, accessing the employee database without proper

authorization is not permissible.

3. I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to leave work early today.

4. Regrettably, we cannot authorize the release of confidential information to

unauthorized personnel.

5. I'm sorry, but I must decline your request to extend the deadline for the
project submission.

Q6: Write a descriptive paragraph based on a university convocation

ceremonyyou have recently attended. Write a catchy topic sentence
and relevant supporting details and end it conclusively. Your
paragraph should be both cohesive and: coherent.


In the heart of the university campus, under a sky painted with hues of
optimism, I found myself immersed in the spectacle of the convocation
ceremony. As I entered the auditorium, the air was thick with anticipation,
buzzing with the energy of accomplishment. Rows of graduates, adorned in
regal robes, sat with a mixture of nervous excitement and quiet pride, their
faces illuminated by the glow of their academic journey's culmination. The
stage, adorned with elegant banners and vibrant floral arrangements,
commanded attention as the focal point of the event. Resonant voices filled
the space, delivering speeches that stirred the soul and ignited flames of
inspiration within each attendee. With each passing moment, the
anticipation grew palpable, like a crescendo building towards an exhilarating
climax. And then, as if on cue, the moment arrived. One by one, graduates
crossed the stage, greeted by thunderous applause and heartfelt cheers
from loved ones. It was a symphony of achievement, a chorus of celebration
echoing through the hallowed halls of academia. As the ceremony drew to a
close, there was a collective sense of bittersweet farewell mingled with
eager anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. For in this moment, we
were not merely witnessing an end, but rather the commencement of a new
chapter in the grand tapestry of life.
Q7: Write a detailed essay of around 300-350 words on the following
topic. Democracy of Pakistan in 21st Century.


Democracy in Pakistan has been a topic of significant discourse and

analysis, particularly in the 21st century. Since its independence in 1947,
Pakistan has experienced periods of democratic rule interspersed with
military coups and authoritarian regimes. However, in the 21st century, there
have been notable developments and challenges in Pakistan's democratic

One of the most significant milestones in Pakistan's democratic evolution in

the 21st century was the transition from military rule to civilian governance.
Following General Pervez Musharraf's resignation in 2008, Pakistan
witnessed a return to democratic governance with the election of Asif Ali
Zardari as President and the formation of a civilian government led by the
Pakistan People's Party (PPP). This marked a pivotal moment in Pakistan's
democratic history, symbolizing a renewed commitment to democratic
principles and civilian supremacy.

Subsequent years saw alternating periods of civilian rule and military

intervention, highlighting the fragility of democracy in Pakistan. Challenges
such as political instability, corruption, and institutional weaknesses have
posed significant hurdles to democratic consolidation. Moreover, Pakistan's
democratic institutions, including the judiciary, parliament, and electoral
system, have faced criticism for their perceived inefficiency, lack of
accountability, and susceptibility to manipulation.

Despite these challenges, Pakistan has made strides towards strengthening

its democratic institutions and processes. The 18th Amendment to the
Constitution in 2010, for instance, devolved greater powers to the provinces,
enhancing provincial autonomy and decentralization—a crucial step towards
addressing grievances related to regional disparities and ethnic tensions.

Furthermore, Pakistan has witnessed a vibrant civil society and media

landscape, with increased activism and advocacy for democratic rights,
human rights, and social justice. Civil society organizations, political parties,
and media outlets have played a vital role in holding the government
accountable, promoting transparency, and advocating for democratic

In conclusion, Pakistan's democracy in the 21st century has been marked

by both progress and challenges. While there have been notable
advancements in civilian governance and democratic participation,
persistent issues such as political instability, institutional weaknesses, and
military interference continue to pose significant obstacles to democratic
consolidation. Moving forward, sustained efforts towards strengthening
democratic institutions, promoting transparency and accountability, and
fostering inclusive governance will be essential for ensuring a robust and
resilient democracy in Pakistan.

Prepared By Khan Bhai

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