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Dear students,

Refer to this PDF for a detailed explanation of projects given for each subject.

Points to be remembered,

- Plan the format of your project ahead of time. Give it a title.

- Stay relevant to the topic given.
- Be creative with your presentation.
- Maintain the quality of work.

Language Arts

Topic: "Character Journey Scrapbook"

Things to include in your project:

1. Character Profile: Write a short description of the character you like or have read about, like
their name, what they look like, and what they're like.
2. Journal Entries: Pretend to be the character and write about their thoughts and feelings at
different parts of the story. ( the specific story would depend on the individual learner's
preference )
3. Quotes: Pick out cool things the character says in the story and write them down.
4. Pictures: Draw or print out pictures that show what's happening to the character in the story.
5. Character Changes: Write about how the character changes from the beginning to the end
of the story.
Material needed:
1. Scrapbook or a notebook.
2. Pens or pencils, and markers
3. Pictures of the character and scenes from the story (optional).
4. Stickers or other fun decorations (optional).
5. Images or drawings of the character and scenes from the story (can be printed or drawn).

GGIS 24-25 1

Topic: Learn new word each day and use it in a sentence

Things to include in your project: Choose a new word each day from a dictionary, Hindi Text
book. Try to understand its meaning in context by reading example sentences and create a
sentence using that word.

Example: 1 अमल करना - किसी भी काम या बात को व्यवहार में लाना

वाक्य: अध्यापक ने राहुल से सब
ु ह जल्दी उठने की बात की, राहुल ने इस बात का अमल किया

Material needed: Hindi Note Book, black OR blue pen


Topic: financial math project

Things to include in your project: Students must build their own 10-stock portfolio using a
$10,000 budget. Students must research and analyze publicly traded companies and their stock
performances to make their picks. They can invest in companies that they are familiar with such as
Netflix, Facebook, McDonalds, and more!

We recommend showing this short TED-Ed Video How Does the Stock Market Work
and using Google to research companies, find stock symbols, and see corresponding graphs and

Material needed: Pen and Paper, Stock Exchange Portfolio


Topic: Create a Science Podcast

Things to include in your project:

Objective: Create an engaging science podcast on any topic given in your science textbook
including interesting facts and information.

GGIS 24-25 2
1. Choose a Topic: Pick a science-related topic you find intriguing, from your science textbook
2. Research: Gather interesting facts and key points about your topic.
3. Script Writing: Prepare a script with an introduction, facts, and a conclusion.
4. Recording: Record your podcast with clear narration and engaging content.
5. Editing: Edit your podcast for audio quality and add effects or music.
6. Presentation: Present your podcast professionally, adding visuals if possible.

PFA the video link for reference. This is a sample video and the video is be made similarly.

● The duration of your podcast should be a minimum of 2 minutes.

Material needed: Camera for video and audio recording, book, and pen.

Wishing you all a very happy holiday.


HRTs - Grade 7 CUPA

GGIS 24-25 3

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