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Đề chính thức MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 - Phần thi viết
(Đề thi gồm có 06 trang) Thời gian: 100 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Họ và tên thí sinh: …………………………………….………………………………………..

Ngày sinh: …………………..……………………….…….
Học sinh trường: …………………………………….………........
Số báo danh: ……………………………….…………….………..…
Phòng thi: …………………...………………….……..……

Họ tên, chữ ký giám thị số 1: SỐ PHÁCH

Họ tên, chữ ký giám thị số 2:


1. Bài thi gồm 06 trang. Thí sinh đọc kỹ yêu cầu làm bài.
2. Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp lên đề thi.
3. Thí sinh giữ gìn cẩn thận bài thi.
4. Thí sinh chỉ được dùng một màu mực, xanh hoặc đen để làm bài.
5. Khi viết sai, dùng thước gạch. Không dùng bút tẩy trắng.
6. Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu nào, kể cả từ điển.
7. Thí sinh làm trái với chỉ dẫn, qui chế thi, bài thi sẽ bị loại.


(đề thi có 06 trang)
Thời gian: 100 phút. (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Bằng số: .............................. 1 ...........................................................

Bằng chữ. ........................... 2.............................................................

Part 1. Questions 1 – 8. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

AND / OR NUMBERS for each answer.

Example: Name : 0. Jenny Chan

Present Address: Sea View Guesthouse 1. ___________________ Road

Day time telephone number: 2237676

[N.B. best time to contact is 2. between 9.00 and ________________]

Age: 19

Intended length of stay: a year

Occupation while in UK: Student

General Level of English: intermediate

Preferred location: In the 3. ________________

Special diet: 4. ________________

Other requirements:

 Own facilities

 Own television

 5. a _______________

 to be 6. _______________

Maximum price to be 7. £ ______________ per week

Preferred starting date: 8. Monday, ___________________

Your answer:

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 2. Questions 9 – 14. You will hear a radio interview with a man called Robin Marshall, who has

written a book about Argentina. Choose the best answer for each question.

9. What was Robin's job in Argentina?

A. travelling salesman B. tour guide C. translator

10. On Robin's last trip to Argentina, the weather was __________

A. suitable for what he planned B. colder than he expected

C. different from the forecasts he heard

11. What did Robin buy from the market he visited?

A. a chair B. record C. picture

12. How did Robin feel during the dance performance he saw?

A. He was sad he didn't dance well B. He wished he had continued his dance classes
C. He wanted to get up and dance

13. What did Robin do while he stayed in the village?

A. He went on a bus tour B. He went on a river trip C. He went into the forest

14. What did Robin like about his favourite place?

A. the views B. the peace C. the wildlife

Your answer:

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Part 3. Questions 15 – 20. You will hear a woman called Julie and a man called Greg talking about an

indoor wildlife center they have visited. Write T (true) if the sentence is correct or F (false) for the
incorrect sentence.

15. They agree that the wildlife center building is well designed.

16. Greg thought that the sharks at the wildlife center were frightening.

17. Julie found the building was too warm.

18. Greg was disappointed with the number of insects.

19. Greg only managed to see one tree frog.

20. Julie is very keen to turn to the wildlife center.

Your answer:

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

The end of listening test!


I. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (16 points)
1. It says in the program that the show _____________ at 7:30.
A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started
2. Susan had to sit for the exam again, ____________ she?
A. hadn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. didn’t
3. Bill Gates, __________ is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionaire.
A. who B. that C. whom D. both A and B
4. Peter: “Should we bring a lot of money on the trip?” Nick: “Yes. ______ we decide to stay longer.”
A. So that B. In case. C. Though D. Because
5. “I’d rather you ______ to bed right now.” Nam’s father said to him
A. went B. go C. gone D. going

* Would rather: thích hơn

S + would rather + V nguyên (than + V nguyên): thích làm gì hơn

S1 + would rather + S2 + Ved: ai đó thích người khác làm gì hơn

e.g: I’d rather go by car.

e.g: I’d rather you paid me now:

6. Jackson got his uncle _______________ the ball for him.
A. fix B. fixed C. to fix D. fixing
7. She bought ______ jacket when she was in Paris last year.
A. a brown leather expensive B. a leather brown expensive
C. an expensive brown leather D. an expensive leather brown
8. I don't think we have very much ____________; we have very different opinions.
A. together B. in common C. the same D. similar
9. I’ve been working ____________ quite a lot of pressure lately.
A. in B. with C. on D. under
10. I am ___________ tired to think about that problem at the moment.
A. simply B. far too C. nearly D. much more
11. _________ anything suspicious arise, please phone me immediately.
A. Should B. If C. Would D. Could
12. If you know when you are coming back it would be better to buy a________ ticket.
A. first- class B. single C. return D. one-way
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
13. Lisa: “It’s nearly the end of the holiday already.” Mary: “________________ !”
A. Let’s call it a day B. It’s a small world C. There’s nothing to it D. How time flies
14. Aunt Thanh: “Don’t fail to send your parents my regards.” – Nam: “______.”
A. You’re welcome B. Good idea, thanks C. It’s my pleasure D. Thanks, I will
15. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.
A. steers me B. irritates me C. interrupts me D. frightens me
16. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
My parents disagreed with my choice of job.
A. approved B. hated C. objected to D. criticized
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
II. There are 10 mistakes in each line in the following passage. Find and correct. (10 points)
Leonardo Di Caprio is one of the hottest young film star around at the moment. His face has been on the
covers of all the top movies and young magazines over the last few months and he has been the subject of
countless articles, rumours or showbiz gossip.
Leonardo Di Caprio was born in Los Angeles on 11 November, 1974. His mother is Germany and his
father is Italian-American. His parents separated before he was born, so his mother moved to the poor
neighborhood of Hollywood there Leonardo grew up. At school he was very good at imitating people,
especially Michael Jackson. This made him very popularly. His childhood hero was Poseidon, the Greek
god of the sea. After appearance in TV commercials and episodes of Roseanne, he played the cast of
Roseanne, the TV sitcom starring Kirk Cameron. Leonard played the part of Luke, a homeless boy. Lately,
he played the part of Jim Carroll in The Basketball Diaries. But he has really become famous as he acted in
the film Titanic.
I. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Write your answers in the
numbered spaces provided below. (10 points)
Without transportation, our modern society could not (1) ______. We would have no metal, no coal and
no oil nor would we have any (2) ______ made from these materials. (3) ______, we would have to spend
most of our time (4) ______ food and food would be (5) ______ to the kinds that could grow in the climate
and soil of our neighborhood.
Transportation also (6) ______ our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the (7)
______ of a sick person, even if the patients’ lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the (8) ______
of a crime within a moments of being noticed. Transportation (9) ______ teams of athletes to compete in
national and international sports contests. In time of (10) ______ transportation can rush aid to persons in
areas stricken by floods, famines and earthquakes.
1. A. establish B. exist C. take place D. happen
2. A. producers B. production C. products D. productivity
3. A. Even B. Besides C. Although D. However
4. A. rising B. taking C. buying D. raising
5. A. connected B. focused C. limited D. related
6. A. affects B. makes C. influences D. effects
7. A. way B. part C. body D. side
8. A. scene B. place C. location D. site
9. A. brings B. fetches C. enables D. gets
10. A. disasters B. accidents C. problems D. wars
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II. You are going to read an article in which four people talk about cheating in exams. For questions 1-
10 choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. There is 2 examples at the
beginning (00;0) (10 points)
Which person or people: Your answer:
was caught cheating in an exam? 00._B__
probably got better marks as a result of cheating? 0._B/D_
didn’t let a friend copy their work? 1._____
regrets trying to cheat in an exam? 2. _____
cheated more than once? 3._____
didn’t get caught because a friend help them? 4._____
tried to cheat by writing notes on a part of their body? 5._____
cheated by asking a friend to tell them the answer? 6._____
only tried to cheat in the subject they weren’t good at? 7._____
decided not to cheat again after a bad experience? 8._____
thinks it is always wrong to cheat? 9._____
thinks there is nothing wrong with cheating? 10._____


This happened when I was about 14 years old. I’ve never cheated in an exam and really don’t see
The last exam of the year was history, which had
the point. I mean sooner or later people will find out
always been my worst subject. I was useless at
remembering dates and people’s names so I if you know something or not. If you cheat to get
decided to write the dates and names of better results then you’re lying to yourself as well as
important events we’d studied on the inside of
to everyone else. Rather than spending your time
my arm and then wore a jumper to cover it up so
no one could see. Unfortunately though, it was a thinking of really clever and original ways to cheat
really hot day. I really wanted to take my jumper without anyone realizing, you should just spend that
off but I couldn’t. I realized after about ten time studying. I’m sure it will help you a lot more in
minutes that there was no way I would be able to
look at what I’ve written without the teacher the long run. A friend once tried to read my answers
seeing and I just wished I hadn’t done it. I felt so in an exam while pretending to pick something up
hot and uncomfortable and was worried about the off the floor. As soon as I realized I covered my
teacher seeing and catching me that I didn’t do
very well in the test at all. I was too distracted. I work so he couldn’t see. He was quite annoyed with
think I probably would have got a better result if me afterwards but I didn’t think it was fair that he
hadn’t tried to cheat. I learnt a good lesson should do well because of my hard work.
though. I never tried to cheat again after that.
My friend and I had the same surname so we always I used to always cheat in my math exams when I
end up sitting next to each other, or one behind the was at school. We were allowed to take a calculator
other, in exams at school. We worked out this with us into the exam and I used to write all the
important formulae that were supposed to remember
system where we would pass a piece of paper to
on the inside of the calculator case. I did it lots of
each other with the answers to the questions.
Sometimes we just passed it by hand if we were times. I don’t regret it at all. I was quite good at
sitting close enough and other times we’d throw it on maths anyway but I’m sure I got better results as a
the floor for the other person to pick up. It was quite result of cheating. In other exams like chemistry and
physics, I sometimes wrote notes on bits of tissue
a good system and I think over lots of exams we
then pretended I needed to blow my nose and
probably helped each other equally so it was fair and
looked at my notes during the exam. I worked really
I’m sure we both got higher marks. Unfortunately a well. There was only one time I was almost caught;
teacher did see us doing it once. I was just leaning I dropped the tissue on the floor by accident just as a
down to pick up a paper my friend was passing back teacher was walking past. He was about to pick it up
to me when a teacher appeared out of nowhere and when my friend, who had also seen what had
picked it up first. There was no way we could deny happened, deliberately knocked over his water
what we were doing. It was so obvious. The teacher bottle. The teacher was so busy clearing up the
water I think he forgot about me. If you’re clever
didn’t say anything until the end of the exam and
enough to work out a way to cheat and not get
then when she collected our papers she wrote a big
caught then I think you deserve to get good marks.
zero at the top. We didn’t do it anymore after that, it It’s like that in the real world; if you can do
had been good before but we decided it wasn’t worth something more easily and with less hard work then
the risk. you will. Why not?
III.Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question (5 points)
Scientists have looked at the relationship between violent films and children’s behavior for years. They are
now studying the effect of computer games on children. Lyn Hender, senior lecturer in educational
psychology, focuses on how these games influence the way teenagers think. She looked at thirteen and
fourteen-year-old students playing fantasy games on computers.
She found that both weak and strong students clearly used complex thinking skills. “I think we never really
see the advantages of such games in education. Parents and teachers do not think of these as being
educationally useful,” Dr. Hender said.
‘‘I think we only see the aggression and violence in them. Of course, some games are like that. But the
majority are non-violent games that are good for developing the mind.” The students played a game called
“Get The Money," in which a group have to make money in various ways. For this game you need to think
in almost the same way that you would in a sports game. ‘This is not an easy game,... actually, you have to
use logic as well as changing how you think." Dr. Hender stated.
Teachers were surprised to see that teenagers whom they thought were weak students were as successful as
their stronger classmates. Sometimes they were even better. “One weaker student completed a complex
card game in which you had about nine different things to remember," Dr. Hender said. “I discovered she
did it very easily, but some of the students I thought were strong had problems. I found that none of the
students had any problems concentrating for a long time. They were determined to understand the game
and get it right.
Dr. Hender concluded that the games used the same sort of strategies that were very valuable in
classrooms. Teachers could try to make use of these games and design tasks based on them for students in
class. ‘Computers are not just a home leisure thing.’ she said.
1. Dr. Lyn Hender is mainly interested in how_________
A. films cause children to be violent. B. computer games affect the minds of the young.
C. little research exists on computer games. D. to compare computer games and films.
2. According to Dr. Hender, parents believe computer games_______
A. are too difficult for many children. B. are often made in order to educate children.
C. are not a proper part of education. D. don't involve thinking.
3. Dr. Hender says “Get The Money”_________
A. is sold as a sports game. B. tells children that earning money is good.
C. helps children understand the value of money. D. helps children think in different ways.
4. According to Dr. Hender weaker students are________
A. just as good at the game. B. able to concentrate better.
C. good at card games. D. able to keep in mind nine things at once.
5. Overall, this article is about _________
A. the educational value of computer games.
B. the effect children have on the computer industry.
C. what parents and teachers think of violent computer games.
D. how computer games help stronger students.
Your answer:
IV. Fill in each gap with one suitable word. (10 points)
Benefits of playing sports
Firstly, playing sports can give you a healthy life and a fit body to you. You will be more active and
healthier (1) ________ playing sports. To illustrate, you can have a lower (2) __________ of getting a
serious illness such as heart attack (3) __________ high blood pressure.
In (4) _________ words, it increases your resistance to illness. In leisure time, you can play sports
with your friends or your relatives, this not only helps you but also motivates everyone around you to take
part in sports and have good (5) ___________.
Furthermore, there are some sports (6) ________ you can play easily such as table tennis, tennis or
football and after that, you feel completely relaxed or (7) ____________ free from your stress. Moreover,
you also need to allow (8) __________ encourage children to play sports, especially some outside activities
such as football, basketball or volleyball to decrease the time that your children (9) ___________ sitting in
front of computers or watching television.
These sports can help them have endurance, quickness and even teach them how to improve team spirit
and work in groups. These sports also teach them how to communicate with their teammates, and show them (10)
_________ active and creative they are.
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.(6 points)
1. The director will forgive Mary if she apologizes him.
→ Unless ___________________________________________________________.
2. She will have to finish the project by Monday.
→ The project will _____________________________________________________.
3. I'd rather not go out this afternoon.
→ I do not feel____________________________________________________
4. “What time do you want to leave for the airport?” Harry said to me.
→ Harry asked me _____________________________________________________
5. It was difficult for her to connect the new printer.
→ She found _________________________________________________________
6. The lift isn't working; use the stairs instead
→ The lift is out ______________________________________________________.
II. Write your letter (about 80-100 words). DO NOT write any addresses. (13 points)



















Best wishes,

The end!

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