The Value of RAM

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Project design

The value of RAM

Reliability, availability and maintainability analyses are set
to become standard tools in all industries
Kaizad P. Sunavala

RAM analyses – already well estab-

lished in safety-critical industries
such as aerospace or nuclear power –
are entering other industries with high
pace. While process industries (eg,
petrochemical, power plants, oil and
gas, and refineries) deploy phased
capital project execution methodolo-
gy with gated transitions from one
phase into the next, RAM modeling
studies are gradually becoming a
standard requirement for the front-
end engineering design (FEED) phase
deliverables. Based on international
standards for RAM studies (IEEE 497,
ISO 14224 and others), ABB’s FEED
delivery model is providing robust re-
liability and plant availability models
in the design stages to mitigate oper-
ational headaches later on.

74 Process Automation Services & Capabilities

ABB Review
The value of RAM

Project design

H istorically, the design phase –

FEED – of a capital project main-
ly focused on the engineering and
interdependencies of the various as-
sets and failure frameworks (common-
ly referred to as a reliability block dia-
operating assets are placed in a main-
tenance management system. The asset
hierarchy is a graphical view that
design specifications of the equip- gram, or RBD). With the probability shows the relative placement of each
ment, eg, process capacity, design distribution of all states of these inter- asset in the overall system and site
duty, heat and mechanical stresses. dependencies, Monte Carlo simula- based on equipment functions, geo-
Reliability life-cycle studies were sel- tions of the whole system provide the graphy, location and importance.
dom performed. Designing for reli- modeler with quantitative system-level Hierarchical views are very good
ability is increasingly becoming man- reliability and availability estimates. tools to perform detailed analyses for
datory and the results of reliability, The RAM study provides a statistical assets such as costs, reliability and
availability and maintainability (RAM) foundation for each asset’s contribu- downtime.
modeling studies are critically evaluat- tions to the overall system availability
ed in the “gate transition reviews” by and reliability.
the capital project management team.
Factbox 1 The merit of RAM studies

There are various industry-accepted

ABB Reliability Services
reliability tools and methods for a reli- offers a complete set The steps involved in RAM studies address
ability professional to deploy. Each of reliability tools and a number of issues:
method has its applications and limita- Identifying potential bottlenecks
tions. 1 shows the ABB recommenda- modeling services across (mechanical and process)
tions for a typical capital project. The the entire capital project Estimating the on-stream availability of
ideal time for a RAM study is just after the unit
the front-end conceptual design is
management life cycle. Outlining the planned and unplanned
complete, but prior to commencement maintenance demands
of the detailed engineering phase. In “Criticality analysis” is a ranking and Developing optimum shutdown strate-
the later phases, attempts to address categorization method for prioritizing gies (interval and duration)
the reliability issues are usually cost assets based on consequence and Analyzing the impact of various mainte-
prohibitive and unfeasible. In short, probabilities of failures. The results nance staffing loads
RAM studies allow project teams to are used to determine in broad terms Predicting the impact of equipment
address the potential reliability design the overall maintenance philosophy redundancy and sparing
issues, bottlenecks, sparing and re- for the asset, such as run-to-failure, Developing mitigation strategies for
dundancy requirements before the de- condition monitoring, time-based pre- expected failure modes
tailed engineering and construction ventive strategies and continuous Performing a preliminary equipment criti-
phase begins Factbox 1 . monitoring. cality analysis
Optimizing reliability at the design stages
RAM studies start by developing a “Equipment trees” refers to the asset by analysis of a wide range of scenarios
pictorial representation of functional hierarchy structure in which all the

1 Reliability tools for a capital project timeline

Client project phases

Front-end design Plant design Detailed engineering Installation and Operations

Reliability methodologies

Too early RAM study Too late

Reliability services

Equipment structure



Maintenance plan
Optimized plant design Equipment trees Critical asset list Critical spare parts in inventory
Standard maintenance plans
Standard operation procedures

Process Automation Services & Capabilities 75

ABB Review
The value of RAM

Project design

Reliability-centered maintenance cially attractive with regard to life- involves analysis of various failure-
(RCM) is a structured reliability analy- cycle costs, cost of operational down- mode interactions of assets and focus-
sis to identify mitigation for each fail- time, lost profit opportunity, etc. es on identifying operational availabil-
ure mode, cause and effect. It is typi- ity using Monte Carlo simulations. It is
cally performed toward the later stag- A RAM simulation study is ideal for highly statistical in nature and re-
es of the capital project timeline to analyzing and illustrating the business quires the analyst to develop distribu-
develop the detailed maintenance benefits of each design scenario. 2 tions for various input parameters.
strategies, spare parts stocking and shows the typical design-for-reliability It allows sensitivity modeling – ie,
job plans for preventive and predic- tradeoff models for an electrical pow- varying the inputs across a range of
tive maintenance. Usually, RCM is per- er distribution system for four loads. values that are within the probabilistic
formed after the RAM, criticality analy- In this case study, RAM modeling was range.
sis and equipment hierarchy studies performed in accordance with the
are completed. IEEE 497 specification, using the Other simulation methods and system
minimal-cut-set technique to deter- process models may contain too many
ABB Reliability Services offers a com- mine the unavailability, number of input parameters – failure rates, oper-
plete set of reliability tools and mod- outages and downtime for each point ational context, restoration times, lo-
eling services across the entire capital load. gistic delays, spare parts availability or
project management life cycle. stochastic event occurrences – to pro-
The capital expenditure (CAPEX) for vide any deterministic results.
Design for reliability each of the design options is also
Engineers working on a capital project determined. This allows the CAPEX RAM processes enable engineers to
(ie, an electrical power distribution project management team to perform rank various design options and sce-
system or a processing unit) typically a decision analysis based on the cost- narios; evaluate the impact of future
develop multiple design scenarios or versus-reliability tradeoff. or proposed changes to current opera-
options that meet the client’s opera- tions; allow modeling of spares and
tional specifications. Each option or RAM – value drivers maintenance resource constraints; pre-
scenario is essentially a cost–reliability RAM modeling is different from tradi- dict system uptime, downtime and
trade off. A highly robust and redun- tional process modeling, simulation slowdowns; and provide a strategic
dant system with standby equipment modeling, linear program optimization view of the asset’s performance over
may be capitally expensive but finan- or stochastic modeling. RAM modeling longer time scales.

2 Design-for-reliability study of an electrical distribution system

76 Process Automation Services & Capabilities

ABB Review
The value of RAM

Project design

3 Reliability importance ranking chart for a system of five components

Static reliability importance


Importance value



0.05 0.037072 0.032412 0.031455

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E
Time = 300

RAM studies can often answer the fol- capital project that models the opera- and importance values for a system of
lowing questions: tional and reliability risk dimensions. components. 3 shows how the reli-
Which are the potential critical com- It is a powerful tool for developing ability importance of a five-compo-
ponents and process bottlenecks? Six Sigma strategies, supply chain op- nent system has been analyzed for
Which equipment has the highest timization (process reliability model- each failure mode. The reliability im-
risk of operational failures? ing) and world-class pacesetter turn- portance value for each component is
What is the production and cost im- arounds, and an excellent tool for in- a measure of its weight to the overall
pact of adding or removing equip- corporating design-for-reliability con- system’s reliability value. In the sys-
ment? cepts in the capital project design. tem shown here, Parts C and D have
What are the “What-if” scenarios the highest impact on the overall sys-
and their predictions? Quantitative risk understanding tem’s reliability. Hence, the designer
What are the potential single points A RAM study is an excellent quantita- may want to ensure that adequate
of failure? tive tool that provides the project redundancy, sparing and optimization
What is the impact on system reli- team with numerically ranked indices be done on those components with
ability and availability of varying
duty cycles, service-life limitations,
Factbox 2 ABB’s RAM approach
wear-out items, or environments
and conditions?
1. Data collection Developing scenario portfolios
The RAM process Asset registry Identifying P10, P50 and P90 scenarios
To successfully utilize the RAM model, Equipment taxonomy based on structure, (probabilistic values of 10%, 50% and 90%
it is essential that all engineering disci- failure modes and maintainability likelihoods)
plines have a sense of ownership and Historical and estimated failure rates by
that the project team, including the failure modes 4. Validation and documentation
operational and maintenance represen- Estimated restoration and repair times Validating the final simulation results
tatives, is completely engaged in the Mean logistic delay times (spare parts Documenting various scenarios: assump-
development of the model. The pro- availability, crewing, resource availability, tions and probabilities
cess outlined below involves a high work planning, etc.)
level of consultancy approach and Asset-dependency identification (reliability 5. Report generation
involves a high level of engagement. networks) development Developing time-based charts for reliability
Failure impact on production, throughput, (probability of event occurring), availability
The ABB RAM process involves com- safety, etc. (predicted uptime and downtime) and
pletion of five basic tasks. The meth- Material damage mechanisms and their maintainability (predicted resource
od is very simple, highly repeatable impact on asset life demands)
and reproducible. The key feature of Preliminary preventive maintenance models Documenting bottlenecks: process, reli-
this method is the requirement that ability and other events
the developed RAM model is “owned” 2. Review and block model validation Developing impact curves on turnaround
by all disciplines – eg, process, elec- Validating the block model with multidisci- schedules
trical, mechanical, instrumentation, plinary team Quantifying benefits for stocking decisions
and project management. The work Identifying sensitivity parameters Projecting life-cycle costs
breakdown structure for each task of Projecting maintenance staffing require-
the ABB approach is shown in Factbox 2 . 3. Modeling and simulation ments
Performing simulations with various param-
A RAM study is often viewed as a eter input
comprehensive risk analysis for the

Process Automation Services & Capabilities 77

ABB Review
The value of RAM

Project design

4a Typical reliability block diagram

Does loss of one
K-900 affect
E-1605 P-1600/A makeup H2 supply?

N5 H25 K-1600 K-1600

V-1640 C-1600 2/2 V-1600
DEA Reg Shutdown Trip

Reliability of C-1600
Failures and trips of
depends on supply
TK-1600 lumped
of DEA from N 5
with K-1600!
H25 regenerated

the highest reliability impor- ects. The results can be used

4b Typical simulation results
tance. to make business decisions to
select the best-case design
Reliability block model General scenario, estimate mainte-
4a and 4b show a block Mean operational availability (all events) 0.9387 nance staffing decisions and
model and simulation Expected number of failures 23.05 properly estimate the long-
results (respectively) for MTTFF (Mean time to first failure) 158.3 days term system availability and
a small section of a typical System uptime / downtime / slowdown reliability.
refinery unit. The unit has 1713 days
been synthesized into a Uptime out of RAM analysis is one of sever-
1825 days
number of characteristic al tools and methods avail-
Slowdown 90 days
blocks. RAM analysts use able to the reliability analyst.
Shutdown 22 days
color conventions to depict To develop a high reliability
System downing / slowdown events
the significance of each system design in the capital
Shutdown 16.4
block on the RBD in terms project, it should be applied
Slowdown 17.6
of the block’s operational in conjunction with other reli-
impact, eg, complete shut- ability tools, such as reliabili-
down, slowdown, partial ty-centered maintenance
shutdown, momentary trip, sustained sessment for failures of complex sys- (RCM), failure mode and effects analy-
outage and no impact. tems. sis (FMEA), criticality analysis, asset
hierarchies or stress-life estimations.
Experienced RAM modelers document A RAM study is not merely an engi-
the various scenarios and impacts of neering, number-crunching exercise, Finally, to complete a thorough RAM
external factors on each of the blocks but a multi-disciplinary engagement study, it is important to ensure that all
and employ various techniques, such activity where the various team mem- data to develop a comprehensive reli-
as lumped failure blocks, container bers collectively represent the opera- ability block model are available. All
blocks, mirror blocks, phase diagrams, tional risk profiles and events to be operational modes, maintenance
nodes, event blocks, asset blocks, modeled. It cannot be developed with modes and sensitivity parameters must
clustering, shutdown posturing, load a “silo” approach, but requires a high be simulated to provide a complete
shedding, buffering, and resource level of collaboration. risk profile for the system. RAM stud-
constraints. ies for a typical processing unit or
electrical- or gas-distribution system
These are just examples of the meth-
A RAM study is an excel- last from four to 10 weeks, depending
ods to describe the risks of failures in lent quantitative tool that on the level of complexity and assets.
a system. RAM models involve fairly provides the project team
complex simulations and are increas-
ingly important decision-making tools with numerically ranked
for capital project execution. indices and importance
ABB experience
values for a system of
A number of RAM studies carried out components. Kaizad P. Sunavala
with demanding customers revealed ABB Automation
several issues that are of critical im- RAM analysis is an important FEED- Sugarland, Texas, USA
portance for the success of a risk as- stage gate deliverable in capital proj-

78 Process Automation Services & Capabilities

ABB Review

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