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Multi-Chaos, Fractal and

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Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial
Intelligence of Different Complex Systems
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Multi-Chaos, Fractal and
Multi-Fractional Artificial
Intelligence of Different
Complex Systems

Edited by
Yeliz Karaca
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States
Dumitru Baleanu
Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey and Institute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania
Yu-Dong Zhang
University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
Osvaldo Gervasi
Perugia University, Perugia, Italy
Majaz Moonis
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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ISBN: 978-0-323-90032-4

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Publisher: Mara Conner

Acquisitions Editor: Chris Katsaropoulos
Editorial Project Manager: Maria Elaine D. Desamero
Production Project Manager: Niranjan Bhaskaran
Cover Designer: Yeliz Karaca
Typeset by TNQ Technologies

List of contributors xi 3. Artificial intelligence way of thinking,

Preface xiii processes, complexity and complex
Acknowledgment xvii systems 40
4. Concluding remarks and future directions 49
1. Introduction References 50
Further reading 54
Yeliz Karaca and Dumitru Baleanu
4. High-performance computing and
2. Theory of complexity, origin and computational intelligence
complex systems applications with a multi-chaos
Yeliz Karaca
Damiano Perri, Marco Simonetti,
1. Introduction 9 Osvaldo Gervasi and Sergio Tasso
2. Theory of complexity, origin and complex
systems 13 1. Introduction 55
2.1 A brief history of complexity and the 2. Related works 56
related areas of different complex 3. High-performance computing approaches
systems 13 to solving complex problems 56
2.2 Theories pertaining to complexity 3.1 Cloud containers 56
and their historical account 14 3.2 Container insights 57
3. Complex order processes toward modern 3.3 GPGPU computing 58
scientific path: from Darwin and onwards 15 3.4 GPGPU insights 59
3.1 A conceptual outline: complexity 3.5 GPGPU and neural networks 59
and complex systems 17 4. Quantum computing to treat multi-chaos
4. Concluding remarks and future directions 17 scenarios 60
References 18 4.1 Bits and qubits 61
4.2 Quantum register 62
3. Multi-chaos, fractal and multi- 4.3 Relevant quantum algorithms 63
fractional AI in different complex 4.4 Quantum computing insights 65
5. Techniques enabling the solution of
complex problems based on
Yeliz Karaca computational intelligence 69
5.1 Approaches based on machine
1. Introduction 21
learning 69
2. Challenging dimensions of modern
5.2 Machine learning insights 70
science, complexity and complex systems 25
6. The dilemma of respecting privacy in
2.1 Data reliability and complexity 26
multi-chaos situations 70
2.2 Chaos thinking, processes and
6.1 GDPR 70
complexity 30
6.2 AI and privacy 72
2.3 Fractal thinking, processes and
7. Conclusions 72
complexity 33
8. Acronyms 74
2.4 Fractional thinking, processes and
References 74
complexity 35

vi Contents

5. Human hypercomplexity. Error and heavy-tailed distributions to the can-

unpredictability in complex cer cell dataset 124
multichaotic social systems 3.2 Computational applications for fit-
ting Mittag-Leffler function based on
Piero Dominici heavy-tailed distributions to the
1. Introduction 77 diabetes dataset 125
2. The complexity of living energy and 4. Conclusion and future directions 127
living beings 78 References 131
3. Complicated, complex, and
hypercomplex systems 79 8. Artificial neural network modeling of
4. Taking a step back: a brief history of systems biology datasets fit based on
complexity 80 Mittag-Leffler functions with
5. An epistemology of error 84 heavy-tailed distributions for
6. “Objects” are relations 85 diagnostic and predictive precision
7. Everything depends on everything else 87 medicine
8. Cognitive cages 88
9. è troppo, o troppo ravvicinato? 90 Yeliz Karaca and Dumitru Baleanu
References 90 1. Introduction 133
1.1 The motivation of the integrative
6. Multifractal complexity analysis- method proposed 135
based dynamic media text 2. Complex biological datasets and
categorization models by natural methodology 136
language processing with BERT 2.1 Complex biological datasets 136
2.2 Methodology 136
Yeliz Karaca, Yu-Dong Zhang, 3. Experimental results and discussions:
Ahu Dereli Dursun and Shui-Hua Wang artificial neural network modeling of
1. Introduction 95 complex biological datasets to be fit
2. Data and methodology 99 based on Mittag-Leffler function with
2.1 Complex media text data 99 heavy-tailed distributions for diagnosis
2.2 Fractal complexity analysis 99 and prediction 140
2.3 Natural language processing 103 3.1 Artificial neural network modeling of
3. Experimental results and discussion 104 cancer cell datasets to be fit based
4. Conclusion and future directions 111 on Mittag-Leffler function with
References 113 heavy-tailed distributions for
diagnosis and prediction 140
7. Mittag-Leffler functions with 3.2 Artificial neural network modeling of
heavy-tailed distributions’ algorithm diabetes datasets to be fit based on
based on different biology datasets Mittag-Leffler function with heavy-
tailed distributions for diagnosis
to be fit for optimum mathematical
and prediction 141
models’ strategies 4. Conclusion and future directions 146
Dumitru Baleanu and Yeliz Karaca References 147

1. Introduction 117
1.1 The motivation of the integrative
9. Computational fractional-order
method proposed 119
calculus and classical calculus
2. Complex biological datasets and AI for comparative differentiability
methodology 120 prediction analyses of
2.1 Complex biological datasets 120 complex-systems-grounded
2.2 Methodology 121 paradigm
3. Experimental results and discussion: com-
Yeliz Karaca and Dumitru Baleanu
putational application of Mittag-Leffler
function based on heavy-tailed distribu- 1. Introduction 149
tions for different biological datasets 123 1.1. The motivation and challenges
3.1 Computational applications for fit- of the integrative method
ting Mittag-Leffler function based on proposed 152
Contents vii

2. Datasets and methodology 153 5.1 Constitutive equations: time

2.1 The modeling of different complex domain 191
datasets 153 5.2 Frequency domain: sinusoidal
2.2 Methods 154 responses 192
2.3 Artificial neural networks 156 5.3 Response function 192
3. Experimental results and discussion 157 6. Prony’s series in linear viscoelasticity 192
3.1 Computational application of 6.1 Example 1. completely monotone
Caputo fractional-order derivative responses as Prony’s series and
models 157 related discrete spectra 192
3.2 Computational application of 6.2 Example 2: KWW as a stress relax-
Caputo fractional-order derivative ation function 194
and classical derivative models for 6.3 Example 3. Mittag-Leffler function
comparative prediction analyses of as stress relaxation modulus 195
cancer cell and stroke with FFBP 6.4 Example 4. The Bagley-Torvik
algorithm 160 equation 197
4. Conclusion and future directions 162 7. Final comments 198
References 166 References 198

10. Pattern formation induced by 12. A chain of kinetic equations of

fractional-order diffusive model of BogoliuboveBorneGreene
COVID-19 KirkwoodeYvon and its application
to nonequilibrium complex systems
Naveed Iqbal and Yeliz Karaca
Nikolai (Jr) Bogoliubov, Mukhayo
1. Introduction 169
Yunusovna Rasulova, Tohir Vohidovich Akramov
2. Model  171
and Umarbek Avazov
2.1 Stability analysis of E2 j1 ; j2 ; j3 172
3. Spatiotemporal model 172 1. Introduction 201
3.1 Conditions for turing instability 173 2. Formulation of the problem 202
4. Weakly nonlinear analysis 174 3. The solution of the BBGKY hierarchy for
5. Numerical simulation 179 many-type particle systems 204
6. Conclusion 182 3.1 Introduction 204
References 184 3.2 Formulation and solution of the
problem 204
11. Prony’s series and modern 4. Derivation of the GrossePitaevskii
equation from the BBGKY hierarchy 206
fractional calculus
4.1 Formulation of the problem 207
Jordan Hristov 4.2 Derivation of hierarchy of
kinetic equations for
1. Introduction 187
correlation matrices 207
2. Prony’s method 187
4.3 For the case s ¼ 1 209
3. Exponential sums approximation of
4.4 Another method for deriving the
functions 188
GrossePitaevskii equation 210
3.1 Exponential sum
5. Summary 211
approximation for t b 188
References 211
3.2 Exponential sums
Further reading 213
approximation of
Mittag-Leffler function 189
3.3 Exponential sums 13. Hearing loss detection in complex
approximation of the setting by stationary wavelet Renyi
Kohlrausch function 189 entropy and three-segment
4. Fractional operators in applied rheology 190 biogeography-based optimization
4.1 Caputo derivative 190
Yabei Li, Junding Sun and Chong Yao
4.2 Caputo-Fabrizio fractional operator 190
5. Modeling linear viscoelastic responses 191 1. Introduction 215
viii Contents

2. Dataset 216 3.1 Complex convolutional neural

3. Methods 216 network 249
3.1 Feature extractiondstationary 3.2 Biogeography-based optimization 251
wavelet Renyi entropy 218 3.3 Implementation 254
3.2 Single hidden layer feedforward 3.4 Measure 256
neural network 219 4. Experiment results and discussions 256
3.3 Three-segment biogeography-based 4.1 Confusion matrix of the proposed
optimization 220 method 256
4. Implementation 222 4.2 Statistical results 257
5. Measure 222 4.3 Optimal number of fully
6. Experiment results and discussions 224 connected layers 258
6.1 Statistical analysis of the proposed 4.4 Comparison to state-of-the-art
method 224 approaches 258
6.2 Biogeography-based optimization 5. Conclusions 260
versus three-segment bio- References 260
geography-based optimization 224 Appendix 261
6.3 Optimal decomposition level 224
6.4 Comparison to state-of-the-art 16. Facial expression recognition by
approaches 225 DenseNet-121
7. Conclusions 226
Appendix 227 Bin Li
References 228 1. Introduction 263
2. Dataset 264
14. Shannon entropy-based complexity 3. Methodology 264
quantification of nonlinear 3.1 Convolution 264
stochastic process: diagnostic and 3.2 Pooling 265
predictive spatiotemporal 3.3 Batch normalization 266
uncertainty of multiple sclerosis 3.4 Rectified linear unit 267
subgroups 3.5 K-fold cross-validation 268
3.6 DenseNet-121 270
Yeliz Karaca and Majaz Moonis 4. Experiment result and discussions 271
1. Introduction 231 4.1 Statistical analysis 271
2. Materials and methods 234 4.2 Comparison with state-of-the-art
2.1 Materials 234 approaches 273
2.2 Methods 234 5. Conclusions 275
2.3 k-Nearest neighbor and decision References 275
tree algorithms 237
3. Experimental results 238 17. Quantitative assessment of local
4. Conclusion and future directions 241 warming based on urban dynamics
References 243 Lucia Saganeiti, Angela Pilogallo,
Francesco Scorza, Beniamino Murgante,
15. Chest X-ray image detection for Valentina Santarsiero and Gabriele Nolè
pneumonia via complex
1. Introduction 277
convolutional neural network and
2. Study areas 277
biogeography-based optimization 3. Materials and methods 278
Xiang Li, Mengyao Zhai and Junding Sun 3.1 Urbanization dynamics 279
3.2 Land surface temperature 280
1. Introduction 247
4. Results and discussion 281
2. Dataset 248
5. Conclusions 286
3. Methodology 249
References 287
Contents ix

18. Managing information security risk 6. Challenges of medicinal problems using

and Internet of Things (IoT) impact IoT: a case study 309
on challenges of medicinal 7. Conclusion 309
problems with complex settings: References 310
a complete systematic approach
19. An extensive discussion on
Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, utilization of data security and
Debnath Bhattacharyya and N. Thirupathi Rao big data models for resolving
1. Introduction to information security 291 healthcare problems
1.1 Various vulnerabilities in N. Thirupathi Rao, Debnath Bhattacharyya
healthcare 292 and Eali Stephen Neal Joshua
2. Information security in healthcare 296
2.1 Background of health information 1. Information security 311
privacy and security 296 1.1 Confidentiality 311
2.2 State of information security 1.2 Integrity 311
research in healthcare 298 1.3 Availability 311
2.3 Threats to information privacy 298 1.4 Information security policy 312
3. Impact of IoT in medical problems 300 1.5 Information security measures 312
3.1 Internet of Things in healthcare 300 1.6 Managing information security 312
3.2 Challenges of IoT in medical 2. Internet of Things 312
problems 301 2.1 Connecting with the IoT 313
3.3 Applications of IoT in healthcare 302 2.2 IoT for physicians 313
4. Medical problems with complex settings 303 2.3 IoT for hospitals 313
4.1 The challenge of interoperability 303 2.4 IoT for health insurance companies 314
4.2 Keeping up with old technology 303 2.5 IoT for patients 314
4.3 User-unfriendly interfaces 303 2.6 Redefining healthcare 314
4.4 Exacerbating malpractice 3. Information security and IoT 315
claims 303 3.1 Information security threats 315
4.5 Overcomplicated asset 3.2 Information security threats? 315
tracking 304 4. Data security and IoT in medicine 316
4.6 Overall implementation 304 4.1 Benefits of IoT healthcare 316
5. IoT and information security 304 4.2 Challenges in information security
5.1 Understanding the needs of IoT and IoT with respect to medicine 317
security 304 5. Big data and its applications 318
5.2 Data interoperability and 6. IoT and big data applications in
information security 305 medicine 319
5.3 Information security issues of 7. Complex system in healthcare 321
e-health 306 8. Role of IoT and big data applications in
5.4 Healthcare information system medicine 323
with complex settings 306 9. Conclusion 323
5.5 Providers’ perspective of regulatory References 323
compliance 307
5.6 Information-access control 308 Index 325
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List of contributors

Tohir Vohidovich Akramov, Nuclear Physics, Academy Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Vignan’s Institute of Infor-
of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Na- mation Technology (A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pra-
tional University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan desh, India
Umarbek Avazov, Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Gabriele Nolè, CNR-IMAA, C.da Santa Loja Zona
of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Industriale Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy
Dumitru Baleanu, Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey; Damiano Perri, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy;
Institute of Space Science, Magurele, Bucharest, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Romania Angela Pilogallo, University of Basilicata, Via dell’Ateneo
Debnath Bhattacharyya, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Lucano, Potenza, Italy
Foundation, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, N. Thirupathi Rao, Vignan’s Institute of Information
India Technology (A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh,
Nikolai (Jr) Bogoliubov, Steklov Institute of Mathematics India
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Mukhayo Yunusovna Rasulova, Nuclear Physics, Acad-
Piero Dominici, CHAOSeInternational Research and Ed- emy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ucation Programme “Complex Human Adaptive Orga- Lucia Saganeiti, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
nizations and Systems”, Perugia University, Italy;
Department of Philosophy, Social, Human and Educa- Valentina Santarsiero, University of Basilicata, Via del-
tional Sciences, University of Perugia, Italy; WAAS - l’Ateneo Lucano, Potenza, Italy; CNR-IMAA, C.da
World Academy of Art and Science, Rome, Italy Santa Loja Zona Industriale Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy
Ahu Dereli Dursun, Institute of Social Sciences, Com- Francesco Scorza, University of Basilicata, Via dell’Ate-
munication Studies, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, neo Lucano, Potenza, Italy
Turkey Marco Simonetti, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy;
Osvaldo Gervasi, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy

Jordan Hristov, University of Chemical Technology and Junding Sun, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo,
Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria Henan, PR China

Naveed Iqbal, University of Ha’il, Ha’il, Saudi Arabia Sergio Tasso, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy

Yeliz Karaca, University of Massachusetts Medical Shui-Hua Wang, University of Leicester, Leicester,
School, Worcester, MA, United States United Kingdom

Xiang Li, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, Chong Yao, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo,
PR China Henan, PR China

Yabei Li, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, Mengyao Zhai, Hebi Polytechnic, Hebi, Henan, PR China
PR China Yu-Dong Zhang, University of Leicester, Leicester,
Bin Li, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, PR United Kingdom
Majaz Moonis, University of Massachusetts Medical
School, Worcester, MA, United States
Beniamino Murgante, University of Basilicata, Via del-
l’Ateneo Lucano, Potenza, Italy

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Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial communication, among others, from 11 countries, are sig-
Intelligence of Different Complex Systems is an edited book nificant to establish a holistic body of work and spectrum,
that addresses different uncertain processes inherent in the owing to their personal contributions in their respective
complex systems, attempting to provide global and robust fields. The edited book includes a total of 19 chapters, as
optimized solutions distinctively through multifarious has been inspired by the aforesaid considerations; the
methods, technical analyses, modeling, optimization chapters along the book are outlined in terms of their
processes, numerical simulations, case studies and appli- content as follows.
cations not excluding theoretical aspects of complexity. Chapter 1 is the “Introduction” (by Yeliz Karaca and
Based on advanced mathematical foundation, our edited Dumitru Baleanu), which provides the basic motivations
book foregrounds multichaos, fractal, multifractional, underlying complexity, complexity thinking and theory
fractional calculus, fractional operators, quantum, wavelet, along with the important role of computational processes
entropy-based applications and artificial intelligence with extensive applications in integration with fractals,
(AI) mathematics-informed and data-driven processes. multifractals, fractional methods, chaos, nonlinear dynam-
The primary focus and purpose, herein, is related to the ical properties and stochastic elements. Computational
needs and solutions for new analytic strategies and technologies, with machine learning as the core component
mathematical modeling to attain accurate, timely and of AI, is stated to have broad use and transformative im-
optimized solutions. pacts, enabling the training of complex data to automate or
Appealing to an interdisciplinary network of scientists augment some of the critical human skills. Thus, it is
and researchers to disseminate the theory and application of presented that our edited book foregrounds multichaos,
multichaos, fractal and multifractional AI of different fractal, and multifractional in the era of AI, which requires
complex systems in medicine, neurology, mathematics, the integration of advanced mathematical models and
physics, biology, chemistry, information theory, engineer- mathematics-informed frameworks as well as AI address-
ing, computer science, social sciences and other far- ing fractal, fractional calculus, fractional operators, quan-
reaching domains, the overarching aim is to enable the tum, wavelet, entropy-based applications aside from the
provision of global and optimized robust solutions means of modeling, technical analyses and numerical
distinctively with a perspective through multifarious simulations as some of the most broadly employed methods
methods, different from the conventional perspective, as for the solution of multifaceted problems characterized by
directed toward paradoxical situations, different uncertain nonlinearity, nonregularity, self-similarity and many other
processes, nonlinear dynamic systems inherent in complex properties, frequently encountered in different complex
systems. Elaborating on the most intriguing theoretical as- systems. Accordingly, the chapter presents the overarching
pects, modeling and applications of multichaos, fractal, aim of the edited book of ours, its key objectives, moti-
multifractional, fractional calculus, fractional operators, vational aspects and the detailed content of all other
quantum, wavelet, entropy-based applications and AI chapters presented herein.
mathematics-informed and data-driven processes around Chapter 2 entitled “Theory of Complexity, Origin
the common theme of complexity and nonlinearity under and Complex Systems” (by Yeliz Karaca) attempts to
consideration, current applications, future directions and touch on the possible dimensions of complex systems in
perspectives, limitations, strengths and opportunities are different fields with a focus on origin-related, historical,
provided in our edited book for scientists, researchers, evolutionary and epistemological viewpoints of complexity
students, and anyone who is interested in the enigma of by taking into consideration the various multiple interacting
complexity. The invaluable inputs of 31 experts worldwide factors of systems with the goal of providing a global un-
specialized in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, derstanding between variables, sensitivity to initial control,
neurology, information theory, computer science, engi- and strange, nonperiodic and unpredictable time evolution.
neering, applied sciences, sociology, philosophy and The detailed presentation in the chapter tries to ensure that

xiv Preface

the foundation for the complex systems’ interpretations can calculus in cases of complexity, which necessitates an
be explored in different related areas of complexity. effective use of empirical, numerical, experimental, and
Chapter 3 “Multichaos, Fractal and Multifractional AI analytical methods to tackle complexity. The proposed in-
in Different Complex Systems” (by Yeliz Karaca) provides tegrated approach in this chapter uses the MittageLeffler
an overview including multichaos, fractal, fractional and AI function with two parameters (a, fl) for the purpose of
way of thinking with regard to the solutions of the complex investigating the dynamics of two diseases: cancer cell and
system problems concerned with natural and social sci- diabetes.
ences. Ethical decision-making frameworks and strategies Chapter 8 (Part II) “Artificial Neural Network Modeling
related to big data and AI applications are also presented in of Systems Biology Datasets Fit Based on Mittag-Leffler
detail to enable assistance for the identification of the Functions with Heavy-Tailed Distributions for Diagnostic
related problems in different settings and thinking and Predictive Precision Medicine” (by Yeliz Karaca and
methodically so that tensions between conflicting aspects Dumitru Baleanu) obtains the generation of optimum
can be managed systematically. model strategies for different biology datasets along
Chapter 4, “High-Performance Computing and with the Mittag-Leffler functions with heavy-tailed distri-
Computational Intelligence Applications with Multichaos butions. The integrative modeling scheme proposed in the
Perspective” (by Damiano Perri, Marco Simonetti, Osvaldo chapter is concerned with the applicability and reliability of
Gervasi and Sergio Tasso), addresses the experience of the the solutions obtained by the two-parametric Mittag-Leffler
COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated many chaotic functions with heavy-tailed distributions. Accordingly, the
processes in modern society besides revealing the need to proposed integrated approach in this chapter investigates
understand complex processes to achieve common well- the dynamics of diseases related to biological elements. The
being in a very serious and emergent way. A set of best application of multilayer perceptron, as one of the Artificial
practices and case studies, which provide assistance to the Neural Network (ANN) algorithms, is directed for the
researchers while handling computationally complex diagnostic and predictive purpose of the disease. The
problems, are presented in the chapter, providing a general content of the chapter intends to enable the building of
sketch of various topics, which could be of help to re- precise models to avoid unpredictable risks and identify
searchers and developers to deal with complex and chaotic opportunities in nonlinear complex situations, along with
situations within the scope of machine learning and the the integration of precision medicine.
issue of privacy including the recent related regulations. Chapter 9 “Computational Fractional Order Calculus
Chapter 5 “Human Hypercomplexity. Error and and Classical Calculus AI for Comparative Differentiability
Unpredictability in Complex Multichaotic Social Systems” Prediction Analyses of Complex Systems-grounded Para-
(by Piero Dominici) has the perspective that traditional digm” (by Yeliz Karaca and Dumitru Baleanu) intends to
linear models and deterministic approaches can no longer provide an intermediary facilitating function for both the
be capable of the analyzing the dynamics of unstable physicians and individuals through establishing an accurate
dynamics. The chapter provides perspectives on the and robust model based on the integration of fractional
complexity of living energy and living beings, along with order calculus and ANN in terms of the diagnostic and
12 essential planes of awareness, the characteristics of differentiability predictive purposes with the diseases,
complicated, complex and hypercomplex systems, episte- which display highly complex properties. The integrative
mology of error and complex and chaotic characteristics of and multistaged approach proposed includes the application
social systems. of the Caputo fractional derivative with two-parametric
Chapter 6 “Multifractal Complexity Analysis-Based Mittag-Leffler function on the stroke dataset and cancer
Dynamic Media Text Categorization Models by Natural cell dataset. The chapter reveals that modeling many
Language Processing with BERT” (by Yeliz Karaca, complex systems can be possible by fractional order de-
Yu-Dong Zhang, Ahu Dereli Dursun and Shui-Hua Wang) rivatives based on fractional calculus and computational
addresses the challenges and complexity inherent in digital- complexity is shown to provide us with applicable sets of
based complex media texts. The study puts forth the ideas or integrative paradigms to understand the intricate
significance of the fractal behavior while articulating the properties of complex systems.
distinguishing quality of BERT owing to its capability of Chapter 10 “Pattern Formation Induced by Fractional
classification accuracy and adaptiveness into integrated Order Diffusive Model of COVID-19” (by Naveed Iqbal
methodologies. and Yeliz Karaca) presents the investigation of the Turing
Chapter 7 (Part I) “Mittag-Leffler Functions With instability produced by fractional diffusion in a COVID-19
Heavy-Tailed Distributions’ Algorithm Based on Different model. Differential equations with complex order fractional
Biology Datasets to be Fit for Optimum Mathematical derivatives enable the regulation of complicated fractional
Models’ Strategies” (by Dumitru Baleanu and Yeliz systems, positive equilibrium points have been initially
Karaca) addresses the challenges of integrating fractional specified, and Routh-Hurwitz criteria have been used to
Preface xv

assess the stability of positive equilibrium point. Local and Predictive Spatio-temporal Uncertainty of Multiple
equilibrium points and stability analysis have been Sclerosis Subgroups” (by Yeliz Karaca and Majaz Moonis)
employed to find the conditions for Turing instability. The aims at facilitating the accurate classification and course of
analysis, by exploring the system’s dynamical behavior and three subgroups of multiple sclerosis (MS) (relapsing
the bifurcation point centered on the death rate, anticipates remitting MS, secondary progressive MS, primary pro-
to serve as a leverage in different disciplines concerning gressive MS), which is a debilitating neurological disease.
COVID-19 model through the lenses of distinct viewpoints; An entropy-based feature selection method (Shannon
and within that framework, fractional calculus is known to entropy and minimum redundancy maximum relevance) as
unfold the fundamental mechanisms and multiscale well as linear transformation methods (principal component
dynamic phenomena. analysis and linear discriminant analysis) have been
Chapter 11 “Prony’s Series in Time and Frequency applied. Each new dataset obtained has been addressed as
Domains and Relevant Fractional Models” (by Jordan input for the training procedure of k-nearest neighbor and
Hristov) deals with Prony’s series approximation of mono- decision tree algorithms. The accuracy rates for the MS
tonically responses in material viscoelastic rheology and subgroups’ classification have also been analyzed
the possibilities of implementation on this sort of basis comparatively based on the optimized experimental results,
relying on modern fractional operations with nonsingular which demonstrate that Shannon entropy, as a distinctive
kernels, which is to say the Caputo-Fabrizio operator. The entropy method, has proven to be higher in terms of ac-
chapter provides the origins of Prony’s series in time and curacy compared with the other feature selection methods.
frequency domains together with the relevant approxima- Accordingly, a new perspective with a multilevel aspect has
tion and calculation techniques. In this way, contributions been presented to cope with the complex dynamic systems
in pure mathematics and experimental aspects are put forth, where uncertainty and heterogeneity prevail for critical
while the elaboration and application of Prony’s series are decision-making and manageable tracking in medicine and
said to have the extension possibility to modeling problems relevant fields.
emerging in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering Chapter 15 “Chest X-ray Image Detection for Pneu-
and other related disciplines. monia via Complex Convolutional Neural Network and
Chapter 12 “A Chain of Kinetic Equations of Bogoliu- Biogeography-Based Optimization” (by Xiang Li, Meng-
bov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon and Its Application to vao Zhai and Junding Sun) proposes a novel chest X-ray
Nonequilibrium Complex Systems” (by Nicolai (Jr) Bogo- image detection for pneumonia. The detection model
liubov, Mukhayo Yunusovna Rasulova, Tohir Akramov and proposed is reliant on the combination of complex con-
Umarbek Avazov) is directed to the study of the Bogoliubov- volutional neural network (CNN) and biogeography-based
Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon chain of kinetic equations optimization. It has been proven that the model has
(BBGKYchke) and its applications to modern problems of higher sensitivity and accuracy in terms of detecting the
physics. The chapter has the focus on the need of creating a pneumonia-related chest X-ray images with a detection
mathematical apparatus fulfilling the existing theory of one- performance being significantly better than that of
particle systems and systems made up of a huge number of advanced approaches in complex medical settings. The
particles. Two types of BBGKY chains are addressed for utilization of BBO, employed as the global optimization
both classical and quantum particle systems. The solution of algorithm of the related model, also provides the benefit of
the BBGKYchqke for generalized Yukawa potential (gYp) is optimizing the stride size of the convolution kernel on CNN
provided, solving of the BBGKYchqke with the gYp for to obtain better detection effects with less model training
systems of many type particles is also elaborated on, and cost.
the Gross-Pitaevskii equation derived based on the Chapter 16 “Complex Facial Expression Recognition
BBGKYchqke is presented. by DenseNet-121” (by Bin Li) is concerned with facial
Chapter 13 “Hearing Loss Detection in Complex expression recognition system, which has gradually been
Setting by Stationary Wavelet Renvi Entropy and Three- integrated into different fields of our lives with the advent
Segment Biogeography-Based Optimization” (by Yabei of AI era. The application prospects of intelligent face
Li) addresses hearing loss with the main objective of recognition via computer technology are very broad, which
improving the accuracy and efficiency of detecting images can also be applied to the diagnosis of facial paralysis in
in sensorineural hearing loss through a new solution. To medicine. Handling the complex nature of facial expression
this end, an improved feature extraction method stationary since it involves emodiversity and emotional complexity,
wavelet Renvi entropy as well as optimization algorithm for the chapter shows that facial expression recognition is a
model and feature extraction, namely three-segment difficult task bringing about some problems such as low
biogeography-based optimization have been proposed. accuracy and poor generalization ability of network model
Chapter 14 “Shannon Entropy-Based Complexity recognition. To address these challenges, the authors have
Quantification of Nonlinear Stochastic Process: Diagnostic proposed a DenseNet-121 image feature extraction method,
xvi Preface

combined with CNN for facial expression recognition. The Debnath Bhattacharyya and Eali Stephen Neal Joshua), and it
presentation of an improved face emotion recognition is concerned with the utilization of technology in the health-
system proposed employing a method based on densely care settings with a focus on the employment of the IoT
connected neural network also facilitates the avoiding of technology, providing an extensive elaboration of its oppor-
complex feature extraction required by traditional deep tunities, benefits, impacts, existing gaps, security threats and
learning while saving on the training time. adaptive frameworks that need to be developed. The chapter,
Chapter 17 “Quantitative Assessment of Local Warm- with updated information for our current time, presents
ing Based on Complex Urban Dynamics Using Remote detailed discussions on big data in healthcare, information
Sensing Techniques” (by L. Saganeiti, Angela Pilogallo, security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability by
Francesco Scorza, Valentina Santarsiero, Gabriele Nole considering the related stakeholders in the area that are the
and Beniamino Murgante) is concerned with urban growth, physicians, patients, hospitals and insurance companies. The
which is one of the cornerstones of sustainable develop- chapter presents the complex system with its components in
ment policies that require to be implemented at initial states various healthcare domains, and this attribute concerns many
for a well-managed urbanization process and experience. different disciplines including but not limited to medicine,
The chapter provides a simultaneous analysis of the vari- microbiology, biomedical engineering, computer science and
ations of land surface temperature and urbanized environ- big data analytics. Awareness into and efficient management
ment over a period of 15 years within two regions that of all the components involved is noted to have benefits for the
differ in size, population density, and growth dynamics. patients who will be knowledgeable in terms of pertinent
The research also provides an appealing and innovative medical resources and faith in healthcare professionals. In
contribution to grasp the relationships between urban addition, access into a variety of medical services based on
growth spatial patterns and the urban thermal environment. technological devices will be of great benefit to all the stake-
Detailed analyses presented in the chapter are beneficial in holders and complex settings.
supporting decision-making processes underlying future We are of the opinion and anticipation that our edited
urban policies and assessment of development scenarios book will provide new dimensions into layers of
with regard to quality of life, environmental sustainability complexity thinking, momentum to progressive ideas into
and preservation of ecosystems. complexity, complexity thinking and processes, and above
Chapter 18 “Managing Information Security Risk and all out-of-the-box way of thinking for everyone interested
Internet of Things Impact on Challenges of Medicinal in the theory, applications and modeling of complexity and
Problems with Complex Settings: a Complete Systematic different complex systems.
Approach” (by Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Debnath Bhatta- September, 2021
charyya and N. Thirupathi Rao), discovers the crossway of
healthcare and significant data, providing details with respect Yeliz Karaca
to information security, different vulnerabilities in health- University of Massachusetts Medical School,
care, data breaches, distributed denial of service assaults, Worcester, United States
insider threats, information security in healthcare, health
information privacy and security, and various information Dumitru Baleanu
threat elements regarding medical health reports. The chapter Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey and Institute of
also points out the impact of IoT in medical problems, IoT in Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania
healthcare, and challenges in IoT in medical problems. The
information threats are outlined in detail in the chapter, Yu-Dong Zhang
which presents the challenges of medicinal problems using University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
IoT through a case study that shows the efficiency of IoT
owing to exponentially increasing patient monitoring (blood Osvaldo Gervasi
pressure monitoring, glucose monitoring, and pulse rate University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
monitoring) in the healthcare plans.
Chapter 19 is entitled “An Extensive Discussion on Uti- Majaz Moonis
lization of Data Security and Big Data Models for Resolving University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Complex Healthcare Problems” (by N. Thirupathi Rao, Worcester, MA, United States

Yeliz Karaca would like to express her deep respect and Yu-Dong Zhang would like to express his acknowl-
gratitude to her family members: her mother, Fahrive Ekecik edgment to all his family members, including his wife and
Karaca; her father, Emin Karaca; and her brother, Mehmet son, who support his research work all the time.
Karaca and his family who have always provided unconditional Osvaldo Gervasi would like to express his deepest
true love, offering all kinds of support all the way through. Yeliz thanks for the continuous support in the course of his work
Karaca is also sincerely indebted to her ancestor, late grand- to his wife Lorella Giovannelli and his children Marta,
father, Hasan Hüseyin Ekecik, holding the superiority service Andrea and Damiano and to his parents Loretta Pucci and
award by the Turkish Grand National Assembly for his bene- Angelo Gervasi for the profound values that Osvaldo
ficial contributions in public welfare, education and social Gervasi was able to transmit to his children.
development both at national and international scales, whom Majaz Moonis is deeply grateful to his father Professor
she has taken as an esteemed role model in her life. Moonis Raza who taught and encouraged the idea of
Dumitru Baleanu would like to thank his wife research, his mother and wife who in all adversities stood
Mihaela-Cristina for her continuous support. behind him and made it possible to continue his work.

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Chapter 1

Yeliz Karaca1 and Dumitru Baleanu2, 3
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States; 2Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey; 3Institute of Space Science,
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania

Complexity, having existed since antiquity, entails the integrative paradigms to recognize and understand the
understanding of the complex components’ origin, with intricate properties and dynamics of many different com-
meticulous computations and causal processes. Nonline- plex systems. The lenses of such transformative thinking in
arity, self-organization, adaptation, synchronization, noise, conjunction with mathematics-informed frameworks
a high number of descriptive variables or dimensions encompass chaos, fractal and multi-fractional ways as well
involved in the description of differential equation systems, as the indispensable incorporation of technology, with
and reaction to responses in the external environment are Artificial Intelligence, as a far-reaching leg, which are all
some of the numerous characteristics of a complex system essentially required to be capable of addressing and tack-
in which multiple interactions emerge. Along these lines, ling complexity manifesting chaotic, nonlinear, and dy-
complexity thinking and theory, one of the basic premises namic characteristics.
of which is the acknowledging of the existence of a hidden Chaos refers to irregular and unpredictable behavior
order to the behavior and evolution of complex systems, characterized by sensitive reliance on initial conditions. The
requires a horizon that takes the subtle and hidden prop- tendency of nature toward pattern formation, iteration and
erties of different domains into account, necessitating their creation of order out of chaos all point to the generation of
own means of optimized solutions and applicability. expectations of predictability. Chaos and its study in con-
Bearing in mind the quote by Stephen Hawking: I think the sort with the advances in scientific realm are important
next [21st] century will be the century of complexity is roots of modern study of complex systems that display
critically significant not only for this era but also for on- dynamic, nonlinear, open qualities and interconnection
wards. Accordingly, the idea of complexity is stated to be with the environment constituting many interacting com-
part of a new unifying framework for science and a revo- ponents, with new unanticipated patterns emerging. Chaos,
lution in our understanding of systems the behavior of in this context, is said to have somehow strict definitions
which has proved to be difficult in terms of prediction, portraying a nonlinear world, addressing deterministic
management and control. systems with trajectories diverging exponentially in time,
In a complex system, different and multiple ways need which is also among the properties of behaviors in complex
to be contemplated for the provision of solutions and systems. In mathematics and physics, chaos theory is
sorting out the problems. The system is likely to change concerned with the nonlinear dynamical systems’ behavior,
depending on these selections, which shows us the complex which under certain circumstances exhibits a phenomenon
systems’ adaptiveness. And, the more insight is developed, referred to as chaos marked by sensitivity to initial
the answers to the problems keep changing which enables conditions.
more learning in the process. Given this, modern science Fractals are also components of dynamic systems, being
has embarked on the attempts for a thorough, holistic, the images thereof, driven by recursion, which is to say the
multifaceted and accurate interpretation of natural and image of chaos. Accordingly, fractals are used for modeling
physical phenomena, which has proven to provide suc- structures where patterns recur repeatedly and describe
cessful models for the analysis of complex systems and random or chaotic phenomena. For the handling of
harnessing of control over the various related processes. complex systems, the concept of progressive smoothness
Computational complexity, in this regard, comes to the on finer scales may not always prove to be useful as a
foreground by providing the applicable sets of ideas and/or starting point from mathematical point of view. This

Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems.
Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems

acknowledgment is important as a fundamental change in based on mathematical-driven informed frameworks can

outlook when traditional geometry studying the properties enable the generation of more realistic, applicable, adaptive
of objects and spaces with integral dimensions is not useful. models open to learning and flexibility under transient,
Effective fractional dimensions of objects, named as frac- dynamic, chaotic and ever-evolving conditions of different
tals, are integrated into an integral dimension space. Being complex systems.
never-ending patterns, fractals can be curves or geometric To put it differently, complexity along with all the
figures, with each part appearing to be the same as the whole variations in networks and systems demonstrates that the
pattern, which is called self-similarity brought about by a decisions made are not based on one single parameter per
process or function’s iterative repetition. Fractals are, in se, but also on multiple numbers of parameters with hid-
other words, images of dynamic systems driven by recur- den and subtle information being at stake. To this end,
sion, namely the image of chaos. Fractals are employed to multifarious adaptive methods within mathematics-
model structures in which patterns recur in a repeated way informed frameworks have gained prominence for the
and to describe random or chaotic phenomena. optimized solution of complex problems. This will enable
The advent of increasing capacity of computational us to ensure that solution is not superficial or pretentious
processes in numerical methods, interest in fractional de- but reliable, robust, and smooth enabling the maintenance
rivative equations (FDEs) has been on the rise to be able to of quality, sustainability and meritocracy.
represent complex physical courses where dynamics may The overarching aim of this book is to address the need
not be as accurately detected through classical differential concerning novel analytic strategies and mathematical
equations. Fractional dynamics, in this regard, refers to modeling to achieve reliable and optimized global solutions
such systems for which derivatives and integrals of frac- with regard to Multi-chaos, Fractal, and Multi-fractional in
tional orders are employed to describe objects likely to be the era of Artificial Intelligence, which requires the indis-
characterized by power-law nonlocality, fractal properties, pensable integration of advanced mathematical models and
or long-range dependence. For this reason, fractional-order AI for a much smarter level of blended systems in complex
system model can be regarded as a key for describing the settings. Appealing to an interdisciplinary network of sci-
system performance in a better way, with predictive reli- entists and researchers to disseminate the theory and
ability and applicability. In view of these concepts and application of Multi-chaos, Fractal, and Multi-fractional AI
challenges, it is important not to disregard data reliability, of Different Complex Systems in medicine, neurology,
chaos thinking and processes, fractal thinking and pro- mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, information
cesses, as well as artificial intelligence way of thinking and theory, engineering, computer science, social sciences and
processes around complexity as the common theme under other far-reaching domains, the primary focus is to enable
consideration. The related computational processes with the provision of global and optimized robust solutions
broad applications in integration with fractals, multi- distinctively with a perspective through multifarious
fractals, fractional methods, chaos, nonlinear dynamical methods, different from the conventional perspective, as
properties, stochastic elements and so forth can provide directed toward paradoxical situations, different uncertain
systematic optimized solutions. Furthermore, computa- processes, nonlinear dynamic systems inherent in complex
tional technologies, with machine learning as the core systems.
component of AI, enjoy the broad use and transformative Based on these ideas and consideration, the prominent
impacts enabling us to train complex data to automate or objectives of our edited book can be outlined as follows:
augment some of the critical human skills. Hence, the
crosscutting nature of AI provides motivational power to - Constructing and presenting a multifarious approach for
formulize research in a systematic way. Artificial neural critical decision-making processes embodying para-
networks (ANNs), which are networks of computer systems doxes and uncertainty,
inspired by the human brain and biological neural networks - Combining theory and applications with regard to
have the capability of learning and modeling complex, multi-chaos, fractal and multi-fractional AI of different
dynamic and nonlinear relationships. As the simplification, complex systems and many-body systems,
abstraction and simulation of the human brain, ANNs also - Enabling the provision of global and optimized robust
reflect the related fundamental characteristics of this com- solutions distinctively with a perspective through
plex organ. Thus, optimized solutions need to be conceived multifarious methods and mathematics-informed
and applied in a facilitating way and efficiently with some frameworks, as different from the conventional
required degree of flexibility, too. Considering the impact perspective,
of data technologies vis-à-vis all aspects of conditions of - Providing an outlook directed toward the prediction and
modern era and life, it becomes highly important to management of paradoxical situations, different uncer-
establish a balance between data use and ethical matters. tain processes, and nonlinear dynamic components
Computational technologies in different complex systems inherent in a given complex system,
Introduction Chapter | 1 3

- Facilitating the dissemination of theory and application understanding of complex systems include a powerful
of multi-chaos, fractal, and multi-fractional AI in relation between variables, sensitivity to initial control as
different complex systems of various areas, well as strange, nonperiodic and unpredictable time evo-
- Establishing a balance between data use and ethical lution. Overall, this detailed presentation aims to ensure
matters while employing computational technologies that the foundation for the complex systems’ interpretations
in different complex systems of numerous domains, can be explored in different related areas of complexity.
- Acting as a bridge between application of advanced Chapter 3 named “Multi-chaos, Fractal and Multi-
computational mathematical methods and AI based on fractional AI in Different Complex Systems” (by Yeliz
comprehensive analyses and broad theories. Karaca) provides an overview that includes multi-chaos,
fractal, fractional and Artificial Intelligence (AI) way of
Accordingly, each chapter of this edited book addresses
thinking regarding the solution of the complex system
different uncertain processes inherent in the complex sys-
problems concerned with natural and social sciences.
tems and attempts to provide accurate, flexible, global, and
Moreover, ethical decision-making frameworks and strate-
robust optimized solutions distinctively, with a perspective
gies related to big data and AI applications are provided in
through the related multifarious methods fit for the content.
detail for the purpose of enabling assistance to identify the
To this end, this edited book of ours foregrounds Multi-
related problems in different settings and thinking
chaos, Fractal and Multi-fractional in the era of Artificial methodically in order that tensions between conflicting
Intelligence, which definitely requires the integration of aspects can be managed in a systematic way. Data reli-
advanced mathematical models and mathematics-informed ability and complexity, chaos thinking and processes and
frameworks as well as AI addressing fractal, fractional complexity, fractal thinking and processes and complexity,
calculus, fractional operators, quantum, wavelet, entropy- fractional thinking and processes and complexity, finally,
based applications apart from the means of modeling, AI way of thinking and processes and complexity are
technical analyses, and numerical simulations as some of among the points elaborated in the chapter. Thus, the
the most extensively used methods for the solution of chapter is directed toward modern scientific thinking which
related multifaceted problems characterized by nonline- has to adopt the systemic properties, addressing them by
arity, nonregularity, self-similarity and many other prop- revealing the spontaneous processes pertaining to self-
erties, frequently encountered in different complex systems. organization in a dynamical system in a state far from the
Motivated by the aforementioned considerations, the equilibrium point and close to the disequilibrium point with
content of the chapters along with their novel aspects are no existence of an external force acting on the system. This
outlined as follows. way of thinking, naturally, poses a challenge against
Chapter 2 entitled “Theory of Complexity, Origin and reductionist way of thinking and the dichotomy between
Complex Systems” (by Yeliz Karaca) attempts to encom- the natural world and social world, by considering the
pass the possible dimensions of complex systems in concepts around complexity, evolution and order in detail.
different fields focusing on origin-related, historical, Chapter 4 named “High Performance Computing and
evolutionary and epistemological viewpoints of complexity Computational Intelligence Applications with Multi-chaos
with the goal of providing a global understanding thereof, Perspective” (by Damiano Perri, Marco Simonetti,
taking into consideration the various multiple interacting Osvaldo Gervasi and Sergio Tasso) addresses the experi-
factors of systems. In addition, through the presentation of ence of the COVID-19 pandemic which has actually
complex order processes toward modern scientific path, it accelerated many chaotic processes in modern society be-
aims to understand the related conditions and demands for sides pronouncing the urge to understand complex pro-
handling complex problems of the 21st century and on- cesses to achieve common well-being in a very serious and
wards. It, furthermore, intends to elaborate on accounts of emergent way. The main contribution of the chapter is
past, present and future in different complex systems, directed to the set of best practices and case studies, which
which can help us adopt a deeper understanding and provide assistance to the researchers while handling
implement the steps along the way. By providing the computationally complex problems. By analyzing different
complex order processes toward modern scientific path, technologies and applications, complex phenomena are
from Darwin and onwards, a conceptual outline is also sought to be understood in the environment with ever
presented along with the details of complexity and complex increasing complexity bearing in mind different elements
systems. Complex systems, complexity thinking and the- such as technology, algorithms and changing lifestyles,
ory, in fact, can broaden the horizon and scope of modern while striving to achieve maximum efficiency as well as
way of thinking, which needs to depend on transition from outcomes besides protecting the integrity of individuals’
evolutionary dimension as a revolutionary stage and as a personal data and, above all, respecting the human being as
new paradigm for natural sciences and social sciences. a whole. The chapter considers that all these challenges
Therefore, the characterization, definition, analysis and impose a radical change in many different areas, including
4 Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems

ones related to computational resources, which makes it employed to attain the accurate classification and catego-
very important to manage complex problems brought about rization of the words within texts in the dataset. The related
by multi-chaotic situations. One section of the chapter is on steps of the integrative method proposed in the study in-
computational intelligence, with the description of some of cludes regularity enhancement by the application of the
the techniques that enable the acceleration of complex three aforementioned multifractal methods to the text
problems’ resolution by exploiting the potential provided dataset. By obtaining the significant, self-similar and reg-
by machine learning techniques (like Multi-layer Percep- ular attributes, new datasets were generated with the
tron and Convolutional Neural Network) that can attain respective application of the multifractal methods. Subse-
dimensions which used to be unimaginable in the past. The quently, BERT, as the NLP technique, was employed to the
chapter also deals with the features of a quantum computer, text dataset and the three new datasets were obtained for the
which can process data at a rate exponentially faster than a classification purposes. In this way, accurate word detection
classical computer. Taken together, the chapter provides a within the text for the category classification was ensured
general sketch of various topics which could be of help to for the analyses. The analysis results for the text dataset and
researchers and developers to deal with complex and the new datasets were compared by BERT and the most
chaotic situations within the scope of machine learning and optimal result could be attained by multifractal Bayesian
the issue of privacy including the recent related method. The study enunciates the significance of the
regulations. behavioral patterns of fractal while setting forth the
Chapter 5 bears the title of “Human Hypercomplexity, distinctive quality of BERT owing to its capability of
Error and Unpredictability in Complex Multi-Chaotic So- classification accuracy and adaptiveness into integrated
cial Systems” (by Piero Dominici), which has the outlook methodologies.
that traditional linear models and deterministic approaches Chapter 7 (Part I) entitled “Mittag-Leffler Functions with
can no longer be capable of the analysis of reality’s un- Heavy-tailed Distributions’ Algorithm based on Different
stable dynamics. The chapter provides perspectives on the Biology Datasets to be Fit for Optimum Mathematical
complexity of living energy and living beings; 12 essential Models’ Strategies” (by Dumitru Baleanu and Yeliz Karaca)
planes of awareness; the characteristics of complicated, is motivated by the challenge of integrating fractional cal-
complex and hypercomplex systems; epistemology of error culus in cases of complexity, which requires an effective use
as well as complex and chaotic characteristics of social of empirical, numerical, experimental and analytical
systems. The author of the chapter provides insights into methods to tackle complexity. One of the most noteworthy
the ambivalent nature of complexity, cognitive, subjective, tools in the fractional calculus context is noted to be the
social, ecological and ethical aspects of complexity Mittag-Leffler (ML) functions whose distributions have
including linguistics and communication as well as a extensive application domains while dealing with irregular
“culture of communication.” Given that, hypercomplexity and nonhomogeneous environments for the solutions of
is not an option; but a fact of life. However, the problem- dynamic problems. The proposed integrated approach in this
atics is related to the condition that we have not been chapter addresses the Mittag-Leffler (ML) function with two
trained and educated to recognize it, much less to inhabit it. parameters for the purpose of investigating the dynamics of
Thus, it is important to bear in mind that complexity is a two diseases: cancer cell and diabetes. The following are the
structural characteristic of human groups, relations, social steps of the study: ML function with two parameters was
systems and the biological world. applied to the biological datasets, namely the cancer cell
Chapter 6 entitled “Multifractal Complexity Analysis- dataset and diabetes dataset. It was aimed to obtain new
Based Dynamic Media Text Categorization Models by datasets (ml_cancer cell dataset and ml_diabetes dataset)
Natural Language Processing with BERT” (by Yeliz with significant attributes for the diagnosis, prognosis and
Karaca, Yu-Dong Zhang, Ahu Dereli Dursun and Shui-Hua classification of diseases. Next, heavy-tailed distributions,
Wang) addresses the challenges and complexity pertaining which are Mittag-Leffler distribution, Pareto distribution,
to media texts. Due to properties like being unstructured, Cauchy distribution and Weibull distribution, were applied
noisy and nonstandard, accurate conveyance of meaning to the new datasets obtained. The comparison of them was
becomes problematic and against this background, the done relating to the performances by employing the log
study aims at ensuring regularity and self-similarity within likelihood value and the Akaike Information Criterion
the digital-based complex media text by multi-fractal (AIC). Following these steps, the ML functions that repre-
methods, which are multifractal Bayesian, multifractal sent the cancer cell and diabetes data were identified so that
regularization and multifractal wavelet shrinkage. Bidirec- the two parameters Ea;b ðzÞ which yield the optimum value
tional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) based on the distributions fit could be found. By finding the
as the Natural Language Processing (NLP) method is most significant attributes with heavy-tailed distributions
Introduction Chapter | 1 5

(The Mittag-Leffler distribution, Pareto distribution, Cauchy with the rational thinking and acting ability while making
distribution and Weibull distribution) based on Mittag- inferences and decisions based on past experience has also
Leffler function with two parameters ða; bÞ, the diagnosis, been shown to be critical. Since AI enables the building of
prognosis, and classification of the diseases were ensured in precise models to avoid unpredictable risks and identify
the chapter. The integrative scheme proposed along with the opportunities in nonlinear complex situations, its integration
optimal strategical means were for the accurate and robust in precision medicine is also foregrounded in this chapter.
mathematical models’ strategies concerning the diagnosis Chapter 9 named “Computational Fractional-Order
and progress of the diseases. Accordingly, the results ob- Calculus and Classical Calculus AI for Comparative
tained demonstrate that the integrative approach with Differentiability Prediction Analyses of Complex-systems-
Mittag-Leffler with heavy-tailed distribution algorithm is grounded Paradigm” (by Yeliz Karaca and Dumitru
applicable, fitting very well to the related data with the Baleanu) aims to provide an intermediary facilitating
robust parameter values observed and estimated in transient function both for the physicians and individuals through
chaotic and unpredictable settings. establishing an accurate and robust model based on the
Chapter 8 (Part II) has the title “Artificial Neural integration of fractional-order calculus and ANN for
Network Modeling of Systems Biology Datasets Fit Based the diagnostic and differentiability predictive purposes with
on Mittag-Leffler Functions with Heavy-tailed Distributions the diseases which display highly complex properties. The
for Diagnostic and Predictive Precision Medicine” (by Yeliz integrative and multi-staged approach proposed in the
Karaca and Dumitru Baleanu), which obtains the generation chapter includes the application of the Caputo fractional
of optimum model strategies for different biology datasets derivative with two-parametric Mittag-Leffler function on
along with the Mittag-Leffler functions with heavy-tailed the stroke dataset and cancer cell dataset. The establishing
distributions. The integrative modeling scheme proposed of new fractional models with varying degrees is performed
in the chapter is concerned with the applicability and reli- and the reason why the Mittag-Leffler function has been
ability of the solutions obtained by the two-parametric opted is for its distributions of extensive application do-
Mittag-Leffler functions with heavy-tailed distributions. mains, which can enable it to handle irregular and hetero-
Accordingly, the proposed integrated approach in this geneous environments for the solution of dynamic
chapter investigates the dynamics of diseases related to problems. Subsequently, the new datasets related to cancer
biological elements. Emerging in the different solutions of cell and stroke were obtained by employing Caputo frac-
varying complex biological systems, the ML function with tional derivative with the two-parametric Mittag-Leffler
two parameters was applied to the biological dataset, function. Furthermore, classical calculus is applied to the
namely cancer cell and diabetes and the new datasets were raw datasets; and the performance of the new datasets as
generated. The heavy-tailed distributions (The Mittag- obtained from the Caputo fractional derivative with the
Leffler distribution, Pareto distribution, Cauchy distribu- two-parametric Mittag-Leffler function, the datasets ob-
tion and Weibull distribution) were applied to the new tained from the classical calculus application and the raw
datasets obtained with their comparison performed in rela- datasets is compared by using Feed Forward Back Propa-
tion to the performances (by employing the log likelihood gation (FFBP), as one of the algorithms of ANN. As per the
value and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)). ML accuracy rate results obtained, the FFBP application, the
functions that represent the cancer cell and diabetes data suitability of the Caputo fractional-order derivative model
were identified so that the two parameters Ea;b ðzÞ yielding for the diseases has been demonstrated. The experimental
the optimum value based on the distributions fit could be results obtained by this chapter also point to the applica-
found. Subsequently, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), as one bility of the complex-systems-grounded paradigm scheme
of the ANN algorithms, was applied for the diagnostic and as has been proposed. It should also be noted that modeling
predictive purpose of the disease related to the optimized many complex systems can be possible by fractional-order
ML functions that represent the cancer cell and diabetes derivatives based on fractional calculus so that related
datasets obtained and the performances of the ML functions syntheses can be realized robustly and effectively. Conse-
with heavy-tailed distributions were compared with ANN quently, computational complexity is shown to provide us
training functions (Levenberg-Marquart, Bayes Regulari- with applicable sets of ideas or integrative paradigms to
zation and BFGS-Quasi-Newton). The results based on recognize and understand the intricate properties of com-
mathematical models demonstrate that the integrative plex systems.
approach with Mittag-Leffler and ANN applications is Entitled “Pattern Formation Induced by Fractional-order
applicable and also fits very well to the related data with the Diffusive Model of COVID-19,” Chapter 10 (by Naveed
robust parameter values observed and estimated. The inte- Iqbal and Yeliz Karaca) provides the investigation of the
gration of ANN with the self-organization and self-learning Turing instability produced by fractional diffusion in a
capability in pattern identification and recognition along COVID-19 model. Considering that differential
6 Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems

equations with complex order fractional derivatives enable equations (BBGKYchke) and its applications to modern
the regulation of complicated fractional systems, positive problems of physics. The chapter focuses on the need of
equilibrium points have been initially specified and Routh- creating a mathematical apparatus which fulfills the exist-
Hurwitz criteria are used for the assessment of the positive ing theory of one-particle systems and systems made up of
equilibrium point’s stability. Local equilibrium points and a huge number of particles. A unique object which satisfies
stability analysis have been employed to find the conditions the related conditions is the BBGKYchke as obtained from
for Turing instability. The analysis, by looking into the the Liouville equation for many particles. Two types of
system’s dynamical behavior and the bifurcation point BBGKY chains are addressed for both classical and
centered on the death rate, aims to serve as a leverage for quantum particle systems. And, in contrast with the Liou-
further studies in different disciplines concerning COVID- ville equation, the BBGKYchke has collision integrals. The
19 model through the lenses of distinct viewpoints. The first approximation coincides with the well-known Boltz-
results of the analyses reveal the highly complex connec- mann, Vlasov and Landau equations, while the last equa-
tion between COVID-19 and fractional order diffusion, the tions provide the description of the evolution of one or two
turing bifurcation point, and weakly nonlinear analysis used particles in modern physics. In the chapter, the example of
in the fractional-order dynamics discussed in the chapter. quantum many-particle systems has been provided, which
The Turing bifurcation point and weakly nonlinear analysis shows how the use of the BBGKYchqke, one-particle
used throughout the complex fractional-order dynamics problems can be generalized for the case of nonequilib-
handled in the chapter are particularly relevant experi- rium systems that consist of interacting particles within a
mentally and computationally since the related effects can kinetic theory framework. The chapter concerns such
be examined and utilized in numerous mathematical, nonequilibrium particle systems interacting with the
chemical, and ecological models, along with engineering, generalized Yukawa potential as well. Overall, the solution
computer science, bioengineering, information science, of the BBGKYchqke for generalized Yukava potential
applied sciences and virology as well as other related areas. (gYp) is provided, and solving of the BBGKYchqke with
Within this scale, fractional calculus is known to unfold the the gYp for systems of many type particles is elaborated on.
fundamental mechanisms and multi-scale dynamic phe- Finally, the Gross-Pitaevsky equation is derived based on
nomena in biological tissues. The results of the chapter are the BBGKYchqke.
important in terms of showing that, on a quantitative basis, Chapter 13 named “Hearing Loss Detection in Complex
they can be extended to a variety of statistical, physical, Setting by Stationary Wavelet Rényi Entropy and Three-
engineering, biological and further related models. segment Biogeography-based Optimization” (by Yabei Li
Chapter 11 whose title is “Prony’s Series in Time and and Junding Sun) addresses another health problem which
Frequency Domains and Relevant Fractional Models” (by is hearing loss that decreases the life quality of individuals.
Jordan Hristov) addresses Prony’s series approximation of The main objective of the research is to improve the ac-
monotonical responses in material viscoelastic rheology as curacy and efficiency of detecting images in sensorineural
well as the possibilities of implementation on such a basis hearing loss through a new solution. The chapter includes
depending on modern fractional operations with non- the proposal of an improved feature extraction method
singular kernels, namely the Caputo-Fabrizio operator. The stationary wavelet Rényi entropy (SWRE) as well as opti-
chapter also provides the outline of the origins of Prony’s mization algorithm for model and feature extraction,
series in time and frequency domains along with the rele- namely three-segment biogeography-based optimization
vant approximation and calculation techniques. The results (3SBBO). It is noted that the current hearing loss detection
of the study expose the mutual relationships between the methods have only a fixed scheme of feature extraction
operators with singular and nonsingular kernels. The process and optimization mostly for classifiers. The ex-
chapter sheds light on what type of operators are applicable periments conducted demonstrate high rates of sensitivities,
in models fitting and modeling their experimental data. In which corroborate the fact that the approach adopted in the
this way, contributions in pure mathematics and experi- research has attained a state-of-the-art performance and can
mental aspects are put forth. Consequently, the elaboration be applied in the diagnosis of hearing loss.
and application of Prony’s series are said to be extended to Chapter 14 entitled “Shannon Entropy-based
modeling problems emerging in mechanical engineering, Complexity Quantification of Nonlinear Stochastic Pro-
chemical engineering as well as other related disciplines. cess: Diagnostic and Predictive Spatio-temporal Uncer-
Chapter 12 is entitled “A Chain of Kinetic Equations of tainty of Multiple Sclerosis Subgroups” (by Yeliz Karaca
Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon and Its Applica- and Majaz Moonis) considers the growth of complexity,
tion to Nonequilibrium Complex Systems” (by Nicolai (Jr) which in more nonlinear and complicated instances,
Bogoliubov, Mukhayo Rasulova, Tohir Akramov and evolves with increasing information and entropy in a
Umarbek Vazov) which is devoted to the study of the monotonous way. Complex dynamic characteristics of
Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon chain of kinetic systems based on entropy require a detailed specification
Introduction Chapter | 1 7

and synthesis of the intricate elements as the system gets involves emodiversity and emotional complexity and
more and more complex. Thus, the chapter carries the aim makes the point that facial expression recognition is a
of facilitating the accurate classification and course of three difficult task which may also bring about some problems
subgroups of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), namely Relapsing such as low accuracy and poor generalization ability of
Remitting (RRMS), Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS), network model recognition. To address such challenges, the
Primary Progressive MS (PPMS), which is a debilitating author of the chapter has proposed a DenseNet-121 image
neurological disease. For this particular aim, an entropy- feature extraction method, combined with convolutional
based feature selection method (Shannon Entropy and neural network (CNN) for facial expression recognition.
Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance) as well as For this, the principle and method that this model can
linear transformation methods (Principal Component quickly and accurately recognize human facial expressions
Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis) were applied to have been analyzed. Afterward, the experimental analysis
the MS dataset, from which four new datasets with sig- has been carried out. The experimental results prove that
nificant attributes were generated. In addition, each new the network model proposed has high precision and
dataset obtained was addressed as input for the training robustness with a good ability of generalization. The pre-
procedure of k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and decision tree sentation of an improved face emotion recognition system
algorithms. Finally, the accuracy rates for the MS sub- proposed employing a method based on densely connected
groups’ classification were analyzed comparatively based neural network also helps in avoiding complex feature
on the optimized experimental results which demonstrate extraction required by traditional deep learning and also
that Shannon Entropy, as a distinctive entropy method, saving the training time.
proved to be higher in terms of accuracy compared to the Chapter 17 is named “Quantitative Assessment of Local
other feature selection methods. The chapter, therefore, Warming Based on Complex Urban Dynamics Using
intends to point a new perspective, with a multi-level Remote Sensing Techniques” (by L.Saganeiti, Angela
aspect, for critical decision-making and manageable Pilogallo, Francesco Scorza, Valentina Santarsiero, Gabri-
tracking in medicine and relevant fields, which all need to ele Nolè and Beniamino Murgante), which is concerned
cope with the complex dynamic systems in which uncer- with urban growth, which is one of the cornerstones of
tainty and heterogeneity prevail. sustainable development policies that require to be put into
Chapter 15 entitled “Chest X-ray Image Detection for practice at initial states for a well-managed urbanization
Pneumonia via Complex Convolutional Neural Network process and experience. Demographic qualities and city’s
and Biogeography-based Optimization” (by Xiang Li, growth as well as the consequent need to densify urban
Mengyao Zhai and Junding Sun) proposes a novel chest X- aggregates are noted to be increasingly conflicting with the
ray image detection for pneumonia, which is stated to be a theme of livability of urban spaces and the services they
leading reason for death among children and afflict the provide for the well-being of the citizens. Accordingly, the
elderly worldwide. The detection model proposed by the chapter provides a simultaneous analysis of the variations
authors is based on the combination of complex convolu- of land surface temperature and urbanized environment
tional neural network (CNN) and biogeography-based over a period of 15 years within two regions that differ in
optimization (BBO). It is proven that the model has size, population density, and growth dynamics. The results
higher sensitivity and accuracy in terms of detecting the reveal a much more marked increase in all of these com-
pneumonia-related chest X-ray images with a detection ponents as regards minimum temperatures in areas where
performance being significantly better than that of urbanization has been matched by a decrease in the number
advanced approaches within complex medical settings. The of aggregates. The research, as presented in this chapter,
utilization of BBO, which is employed as the global opti- provides an appealing and innovative contribution to un-
mization algorithm of the related model, has the benefit of derstand the relationships between urban growth spatial
optimizing the stride size of the convolution kernel on CNN patterns and the urban thermal environment. Detailed ana-
to obtain better detection effects with less model training lyses with this sort of approach presented in the chapter are
cost. considered to be beneficial in supporting decision-making
Chapter 16 entitled “Complex Facial Expression processes that underlie future urban policies and assess-
Recognition by DenseNet-121” (by Bin Li) is on facial ment of development scenarios with regard to quality of
expression recognition system, which has gradually been life, environmental sustainability and preservation of
integrated into different fields of our lives with the advent ecosystems.
of artificial intelligence era. The application prospects of Chapter 18 is entitled “Managing Information Security
intelligent face recognition via computer technology are Risk and Internet of Things (IoT) Impact on Challenges of
very extensive, and can also be applied to the diagnosis of Medicinal Problems with Complex Settings: A Complete
facial paralysis in the field of medicine. The chapter han- Systematic Approach” (by Eali Stephen Neal Joshua,
dles the complex nature of facial expression since it Debnath Bhattacharyya and N. Thirupathi Rao), which
8 Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems

discovers the crossway of healthcare and significant data. variety of medical services based on technological devices
The chapter provides details regarding information security, will be of great benefit to all the stakeholders and settings.
various vulnerabilities in healthcare, data breaches, By addressing different uncertain processes inherent in
distributed denial of service (DDoS) assaults, insider complex systems and providing global and robust opti-
threats, information security in healthcare, health informa- mized solutions distinctively, with a perspective through
tion privacy and security as well as various information multifarious methods, this comprehensive book attempts
threat elements regarding medical health reports. The to bridge some gaps by the presentation of novel methods,
chapter also points out the impact of IoT in medical integrative adaptive methods within mathematics-informed
problems, IoT in healthcare, challenges in IoT in medical frameworks and related applications which have all
problems (data security and privacy, integration: multiple become prominent to solve complex problems. The
devices and protocols, data overload and accuracy and cost) fundamental aspects of complexity require to be addressed
as well as applications of IoT in healthcare. The informa- in a way to capture the universal features, which requires
tion threats are outlined in detail in the chapter which the transcending of particular domains relying on medical,
presents the challenges of medicinal problems using IoT neurological, mathematical, physical, biological, chemical,
through a case study that demonstrates the efficiency of IoT information-based, engineering, social, sociological, phil-
as a result of exponentially increasing patient monitoring osophical and epistemological perspectives as elaborated
(blood pressure monitoring, glucose monitoring, and pulse theoretically and exemplified through technical analyses,
rate monitoring) in the healthcare plans. The application modeling, optimization processes, numerical simulations,
created is also important since it integrates personal and case studies, as well as applications in our edited book.
enterprise medical IoT applications for the centralization of Nevertheless, the identification of those determining fea-
medical statistics and providing a unified dashboard. tures may cause the sharp differences to arise. When in-
Last but not least, Chapter 19 is entitled “An Extensive dividual complex systems are handled as the objects of
Discussion on Utilization of Data Security and Big Data study in different disciplines, it is stated that little com-
Models for Resolving Complex Healthcare Problems” (by mon ground is seen between the abstractions, methods
N. Thirupathi Rao, Debnath Bhattacharyya and Eali Ste- and models of them. As a matter of fact, complexity
phen Neal Joshua); and it is concerned with the utilization of science transcends and expands on the reductionist
technology in the healthcare settings with a focus on the framework of traditional understanding, which enables us
employment of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, to understand that the components that make up the whole
providing an extensive elaboration of its opportunities, along with the comprehending of the way each part in-
benefits, impacts, existing gaps, security threats as well as teracts with all the remaining parts as they emerge into a
adaptive frameworks that need to be developed. The chap- new entity.
ter, with updated information for our current time, presents Optimized solutions based on multi-chaos, fractal,
detailed discussions on big data in health care, information multi-fractional and AI in different complex systems have
security, confidentiality, integrity and availability by become sine qua non vis-à -vis all aspects of conditions of
considering the related stakeholders in the area that are the modern era and artificial life. Thus, computational tech-
physicians, patients, hospitals and insurance companies. nologies in different complex systems based on
The chapter presents the complex system with its compo- mathematical-driven informed frameworks will be able to
nents in various healthcare domains, and this attribute provide the generation of more realistic, applicable, adap-
concerns many different disciplines including but not tive models open to learning and flexibility under transient,
limited to medicine, microbiology, biomedical engineering, dynamic, chaotic and ever-evolving conditions of complex
computer science and big data analytics. Awareness into systems. All these can suggest many beneficial and prac-
and efficient management of all the components involved tical paths to be discovered while presenting a promising
are noted to have benefits for the patients who will be paradigm with potential insights waiting to be gained,
knowledgeable in terms of pertinent medical resources and which we have tried to cover in the chapters of our edited
faith in healthcare professionals. In addition, access into a book.
Chapter 2

Theory of complexity, origin and

complex systems
Yeliz Karaca
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States

1. Introduction multifarious and integrative way of thinking and methods

unifying the elements of different disciplines would address
Complexity, as an idea and scientific concept that has the different parameters of complex systems and their
existed since antiquity, requires the understanding of the related problems with optimized solutions. Multifarious,
origin of complex components, entails lengthy and metic- meaning the possession of many varied parts and aspects as
ulous computations as well as causal processes. Multiple well as happening in a great variety, in fact, can help
interactions emerge among the components in a complex identify the solutions of the complex problems taking into
system whose research address characteristics like adapta- account nearly all possible parameters of complex systems.
tion, self-organization, noise, synchronization, high number To this end, it is necessary to identify the optimal model
of descriptive variables or dimensions, nonlinearity in and by providing cross-validations, multifarious methods
description of differential equation systems and reaction to consider the fact that each complex problem has a different
responses in the external environment. Given that, the nature and the solution to each problem needs custom-
characterization, definition, analysis and understanding of ization. Complexity along with all the variations in net-
complex systems encompass powerful relation between works demonstrates that our decisions are not based on
variables and discrimination by noisy nondeterministic only one single parameter, but on multiple numbers of
phenomena, sensitivity to initial control as well as strange, parameters with hidden information being at stake as well.
nonperiodic and unpredictable time evolution. As physicist Multifarious adaptive methods within mathematics-
Nigel Goldenfeld put very aptly, “Complexity starts when informed frameworks come into prominence for the solu-
causality breaks down.” Having structure with variations tion of complex problems, which enable that the solution is
and far-reaching conditions like spontaneous order, not superficial or pretentious but reliable, robust and
nonlinearity, feedback, robustness, lack of central control, smooth ensuring the maintenance of quality, sustainability
numerosity, hierarchical organization and emergence are and meritocracy. Time is not only comprised of de-
considered, complexity reveals many deep layers involved notations, it is beyond the traditional thinking of science,
in complexity. The large number of independent interacting with representations and reflections on life, which apply to
components and multiple pathways by which the complex all domains of life. Evolutionary processes, nonlinearity,
system can evolve further indicate some of the reasons why and all the other dimensions of complexity rest on time,
causality breaks down as complexity starts. Along these reveal time and occur within time. In the ever-changing
lines, causality is relative, being prone to fundamental current landscape and variations, with causality breaking
variations depending on perception, external factors, the down, Stephen Hawking’s quote, “I think the next [21st]
environment, space, time and so on. Time is a flying and century will be the century of complexity” is critically
flowing phenomenon; and if we, as the human agents, are significant. The idea of complexity is sometimes stated to
the pilots of the time which is on an infinitive continuum, be part of a new unifying framework for science and a
the decision-making processes need to be prompt aside revolution in our understanding of systems the behavior of
from being efficient and robust. It would not be possible to which has proved difficult to predict and control thus far.
proceed along one way on this continuum since constancy The goal of complexity science is to achieve a global un-
causes nonstationary and steady state; for this reason, derstanding by considering the multiple interacting factors

Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems.
Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 9
10 Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems

of systems, many branches of possible states and high- organization, emergence, and transformation can be
dimensional manifolds while keeping abreast of actuality tackled and mechanisms of micro and macro levels can be
along the historical and evolutionary path, which itself has explained in terms of their behaviors over time [3].
also been through different critical points on the manifold. Mechanistic thinking posits that the universe is under-
Changing or removing the causes will not necessarily standable, analytical method is the only way of research,
change or remove the outcomes, and thus, modern scientific and causality explains everything in the world. In contrast,
way of thinking is geared toward the development of complexity way of thinking is totally different, stating that
models that benefit from local computations, interpolate different matters are interconnected and interaction shows
task-related manifolds in spaces with high dimensions nonlinearity and noncausal determinism. Besides having
instead of just learning the rules or representations of the the self-generation and self-organization properties, this
world. Similar to evolutionary processes, models that are strand of thinking includes uncertainty, noncontinuity,
overparameterized can be thrifty in terms of providing inseparability and unpredictability [4]. Consequently, the-
applicable, versatile and robust solutions so that multifar- ory of complexity enables us to gain powerful evidence and
ious set of functions can be learned and optimized out- elucidation to challenge traditional and mechanistic
comes can be achieved. These applicable models and way thinking so that humanity can adopt a new way of thinking.
of thinking from which the models are derived pose broad Complexity thinking requires a horizon that takes into
challenges to different areas of science if they rely on just account the subtle properties of different domains, which
theoretical assumptions. require their own means of solutions and applicability. In
Evolution, order and complexity reveal the relationship neurological system complexity, “evolvability” is concerned
between natural and social worlds, which reflects a modern with the species owing their existence to the capability of
way of thinking that definitely challenges the dichotomy their ancestors with regard to evolving and adapting. Another
between the natural and the social. This study, accordingly, important point has to do with the correlation between the
provides a conceptual outline and historical account of complexity of brain design and optimality. The progress
complexity and complex systems along with complex order made in the neurosciences has shown the complexity of even
processes toward modern scientific path from Darwin and very simple nervous systems, and complexity is manifested
onwards with a focus directed toward natural, applied and in their structure, function, coding schemes used to represent
social sciences. information as well as in their evolutionary history. These
The capacity of managing the modern societies ulti- viewpoints are of critical importance in the future science of
mately rests on a communication network that runs effec- brain complexity as well [5].
tively. Just like the neural nets of biological brains, those The present and future science of complexity relies on
networks determine the learning capability, which will application aspects for optimal development and strategy
eventually help with survival. The dynamics of information generation to solve the complex problems. To cite relevant
technologies in the framework of complex systems need to works, [6] introduced a measure, named as neural
be modeled within their natural, social, economic and complexity, to capture the relationship of two aspects of
cultural environments, so as to say informational and brain organization, which are anatomy and physiology. The
computational ecologies [1]. Under such complexity, complexity measure is applied in computer simulations
fundamental principles of complex thinking, such as being regarding the cortical parts of the brain so that the basic
holistic, human-oriented, and transdisciplinary, are all principles of neuroanatomical organization limiting brain
dependent on the concepts of modern theory of evolution dynamics can be examined. That approach is said to be
and self-organization of complex systems. Along these useful for the analysis of complexity in other areas related
lines, nonlinearity of evolution, chaos, space-time elements to biology like embryogenesis and gene regulation as well.
and complexity emerge as important aspects, which is very Another work [7] is on the resting-state functional magnetic
well reflected by the quote of Ilya Prigogine: “Our vision of resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) to record and analyze the
nature is undergoing a radical change toward the multiple, brain’s neural activity. Noting that different regions of the
the temporal, and the complex” [2]. Aside from these no- brain show different levels of complexity, the study ex-
tions mentioned, the following concepts also come along amines individuals, correlated entropy/complexity changes,
with complexity: openness, nonlinearity, chaos, self- concluding that there are important differences at the level
organization and synergetics. When something complex is of subject when there is a memory task which is linked to
handled and defined, then all the other aspects including its performance opposed to being at rest. Finally, the study by
nature, structure, evolution as well as its principles should [8] employs functional magnetic resonance imaging to
be considered, which all point toward the definition of explore the functional networks that underlie cognitive
modern science of complexity. In essence, the science of reasoning in humans with an anatomical abnormality,
complex systems has provided us with the conceptual and called corpus callosum dysgenesis. The findings of the
methodological tools so that issues of evolution, self- study demonstrate that resting-state functional brain
Theory of complexity, origin and complex systems Chapter | 2 11

network that supports cognitive control is preserved As each cell’s activity would be affected by that of other
partially in people with corpus callosum dysgenesis. cells in the organs, tissues and organ systems within the
Medicine and healthcare systems also display highly organism itself abstraction and isolation would not be of
complex properties, particularly during uncertain situations help. Rather complexity thinking would show that inte-
where promptness of response, accuracy of diagnosis, drug gration into the system enables us to understand that system
regimens, interactions between the related parties and so has emergent properties and should be interpreted from that
forth are of vital importance. Furthermore, humans them- vision. If we are to note some of the works where
selves are complex, considering their mind, spirit, body and complexity and biology are addressed, it can be said that
social contexts. Healthcare settings’ complexity adds the study by [25] is on complexity measures for the com-
further elements to the situation like the organizational parison of genomic characteristics. The authors demon-
infrastructure and multi-faceted dynamics there. strate that the fluxes, block entropy content, conditional
Complexity thinking and science can assist all persons probability and exit distance distributions can be utilized as
involved in health issues so that simplistic linear thinking markers, which can help the discrimination between
can be avoided and multi-dimensional processes related to eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA so that in many cases
patient care and healthcare service organizations can be details about finer classes can be discerned. The complex
considered within a nonlinear and complex framework. measures handled in the study highlight the discerning
Consequently, in the study [9], it is stated that complex power of genomic observables for the prediction of the
systems approaches use a collection of advanced analytical evolutionary position of DNA sequence even if its origin is
and methodological tools to be involved in innovative not known. Another study [26] handles degeneracy, which
theory testing and development. The exploration of is a ubiquitous biological characteristic related to genetic
dynamically complex systems is done in virtual labora- code and immune systems. Degeneracy is stated to be
tories, which would not be possible to realize by traditional required for and result of natural selection. Deeper under-
methodologies. With regard to neuroimaging, the study standing of the way degenerate systems become associated
[10] illustrates the basic properties characterizing complex and synchronized across levels is also said to be an
systems while evaluating the way they relate to brain important challenge to deal with in modern evolutionary
structure and function based on the experiments of neuro- biology. [27] is a study which extends self-organizing
imaging. Neural systems are reviewed from the complexity approach for a bacterial genome for the purpose of
science perspective by matching the complex systems’ analyzing the raw sequencing of human data. The authors
properties with evidence obtained from contemporary indicate that metagenomics allows for the genomic study of
neuroscience. On the topic of law, complexity and medi- uncultured microorganisms, and more economical and
cine, the study [11] discusses the strategic decision-making faster technologies can help the sequencing of uncultured
in healthcare system by systems methodology based on the microbes, which are sampled directly from their habitats
fact that society is a complex system. The models devel- can provide transformation related to the view for the mi-
oped in the frame of systems dynamics as well as the other crobial world. Finally, the authors of the paper [28]
means are presented in the related study with a focus on the developed a notion for a model to understand stage tran-
importance of feedback loops. As can be seen, complexity sition systems through hierarchical coordinate systems.
has its implications with other theoretical assumptions, Through this way, an algebraic definition for biological
applications and methods in the field of neurology and systems’ complexity is handled along with the comparison
medicine [12e23]. with genome size and number of cell types. The complexity
Being staggeringly complex, biological systems measure of the authors is said to be unique for maximal
including cells, organisms and ecosystems at large cannot complexity to fulfill a natural set of axioms, which also
be analyzed by abstracting them from the whole. Extending shows a strong connection between hierarchical complexity
across space, biological networks go across the dimension in biological systems and global semigroup theory, which
ranging from the microscopic scale of intracellular orga- is one area of algebra. Biological complexity has its
nization to the global scale of planet ecology. It is extensions in other studies with different theoretical
acknowledged that integrated system of complexity along assumptions, models and applications [29e33].
the evolutionary path is a significant feature of living sys- Engineering systems’ uncertainty increases with the
tems. Thus, it can be stated that everything biological needs exponentially growing complexity of the system, which
to be viewed in an evolutionary framework. In addition, makes tolerance to the uncertainty an essential factor. En-
one example of the reason why reductionist approach gineering processes involve many facets and stages, so
would fail is related to the function of one cell in a multi- complexity is indispensable for engineering as well. [34] is
cellular organism. Even though one understands the func- a study concerned with risk assessment of complex systems
tion of the cell, that would not necessarily mean that the in a supervised dynamic probability manner. The method
organism’s physiology can be understood completely [24]. developed with this vision is said to improve execution
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Le jour de l’an passa sans qu’une cérémonie quelconque le

différenciât aux yeux de Hiên d’un dimanche ordinaire. Puis vint le
Têt, jour de l’an annamite.
Ce fut un grand jour. Dès l’aube, Hiên le Maboul et Bèp-Thoï,
ayant fait brûler des bâtonnets d’encens sous l’appentis afin de se
concilier les bons et les mauvais esprits, coururent allumer des files
de pétards devant la porte de l’Aïeul, qui fut éveillé en sursaut.
Dès qu’il fut levé, les deux tirailleurs se présentèrent devant lui,
et, l’ayant salué avec ensemble, lui offrirent des bananes, des
oranges et des œufs frais ; puis Bèp-Thoï, lissant sa barbiche
grisonnante, adressa une longue harangue à son chef :
— Aïeul à deux galons, voici l’année nouvelle : puisse-t-elle
conserver à tes serviteurs un maître tel que toi !… J’ai de longues
années de service : j’ai fait la campagne du Tonkin contre les
Chinois, puis contre les Pavillons-Noirs ; en ce temps-là, il n’y avait
point encore de tirailleurs tonkinois… J’étais alors ordonnance d’un
capitaine que les pirates tuèrent d’un coup de fusil : je ramenai son
corps et j’eus la médaille du Tonkin. Puis je servis sous les ordres de
beaucoup de lieutenants, dont j’ai gardé les portraits, mais dont j’ai
oublié les noms ; j’ai fait la guerre à leur suite, dans la plaine de
Lam, puis sur le Mékong, puis au Siam… Maintenant me voilà âgé ;
le mousqueton commence à se faire pesant sur mon épaule, et
bientôt je n’aurai plus d’autre distraction que de me rappeler tous les
officiers avec qui j’ai combattu et marché. Parmi tous ceux-là, que
j’ai servis en fidèle soldat, tu es au premier rang dans mon affection :
je pense que ton départ sera pour moi un plus cruel deuil que la mort
de mon père et de ma mère, car je t’aime plus que mon père et ma
mère… A toi de parler, Hiên !
Et Bèp-Thoï, très fier de son discours, poussa du coude son
camarade. Hélas ! de la brève allocution qu’il avait cependant
apprise, mot à mot, pendant des semaines, il ne restait plus une
bribe dans le cerveau rebelle du malheureux Hiên, et, lorsqu’il eut dit
à son tour : « Vénérable Aïeul, voici l’année nouvelle… », il resta
court, tremblant et suant.
— C’est bien ! dit l’Aïeul, vous êtes tous deux de braves gens.
Toi, Bèp-Thoï, tu es le modèle des vieux serviteurs, et toi, Hiên, un
excellent garçon, de cœur généreux. Que l’an nouveau vous donne
le bonheur…
Dehors éclatèrent des pétards et des voix résonnèrent sous la
véranda. La porte fut ouverte à deux battants, et l’Aïeul aperçut la
compagnie entière massant au bas du perron ses salaccos plats,
étincelants, et ses figures noires. Une formidable acclamation salua
l’apparition du lieutenant derrière la balustrade.
— Heureuse année, vénérable Aïeul !
— Heureuse année, petits frères !
Puis tous firent silence afin de laisser parler le sergent Cang.
— Aïeul à deux galons, que l’année te soit bonne comme tu as
été bon avec tes soldats ! Qu’elle te donne la félicité et la gloire…
Quant à nous, nous serons heureux tant que tu demeureras avec
nous, car ta présence est la garantie de notre tranquillité, de notre
paix. Tu es notre bonheur : avant ton retour qu’étions-nous ? Des
gueux misérables et courbés sous les injures. Nous ne savions plus
rire et la seule pensée des choses que nous allions dire nous
décourageait de causer entre nous comme autrefois. Nous étions
plus tristes que des pierres et plus humiliés que des chiens. Et j’en
connais qui voulaient déserter, gagner la brousse, et d’autres qui
rêvaient de se mettre le canon de leur mousqueton dans la bouche
et d’en finir… Est-ce vrai, frères cadets ?
— C’est vrai ! c’est vrai ! rugit la compagnie.
— Mais ceux qui méditaient de déserter, ceux qui méditaient de
se tuer retardaient leur fuite ou leur suicide dans l’espoir que tu
reviendrais… Tu ne revenais pas : on interrogeait les sampaniers
descendus de Baria, de Cua-Lap et de Nha-Trang ; ces gens-là
disaient qu’on ne te reverrait jamais, car tu étais monté sur la grande
montagne d’Annam où sont embusquées des tribus de sauvages
nus et des légions de méchants esprits. Et, comme ils t’aimaient
aussi, ils pleuraient avec nous.
— C’est vrai, ils pleuraient ! gémit le chœur, à ce rappel de la
terrible époque.
— Et tu es revenu ! Les chiens qui rampaient, l’échine tremblante,
ont relevé le nez, gambadent en aboyant de contentement.
Personne n’a déserté, personne ne s’est tiré de coup de fusil dans la
bouche… Ah ! comme les clairons sonnaient gaillardement sur la
route du camp, le matin où tu reparus parmi tes tirailleurs ! Comme
les rires s’envolaient jusqu’à la cime des aréquiers ! Et moi, vieux
sergent presque blanc de barbe et de cheveux, j’essuyais, tout en
marchant à ma place de serre-file, des larmes de joie : car je savais
bien que le mauvais rêve avait pris fin, et de loin je te voyais sourire
sous ton casque et je me disais, pleurant comme un imbécile :
« Puisse-t-il, puisse-t-il rester avec nous ! » Et maintenant je te dis
encore : « Reste avec nous désormais ! »
— Reste ! reste avec nous ! supplièrent les tirailleurs.
— Je tâcherai, dit l’Aïeul.
Des cris d’allégresse montèrent des cactus piétinés et les
pétards firent rage.
Et Hiên répétait :
— Reste ! reste, Aïeul à deux galons !

— L’Aïeul dort toujours ? demande Bèp-Thoï, assis sur les

carreaux de la véranda et rafistolant des cannes à pêche.
— Toujours ! répond Hiên, qui plonge un regard curieux à travers
les lames disjointes des persiennes.
Hiên se rassied et tend à son compagnon les cordonnets tressés,
les crins et les hameçons :
— L’après-midi est chaud, soupire-t-il.
— Oui, mais il y a de la brise : l’Aïeul aura beau temps pour la
— Oui ! beau temps pour la pêche ! Quand le soleil pénètre l’eau,
les poissons viennent se chauffer près des roches, et l’on en prend
des quantités, parce que la lumière les aveugle et qu’ils ne
distinguent pas le pêcheur… L’Aïeul en rapportera son plein panier.
— Il ne rapportera rien du tout… On voit bien que tu n’as jamais
été à la pêche avec lui !… Il jette sa ligne, allume sa pipe et ouvre un
livre : il exhale de grosses bouffées de fumée bleue qu’il s’amuse à
suivre de l’œil, lit une page de son livre, lâche son livre pour
regarder les vagues en sifflotant d’un air content ; sa pipe éteinte, il
la rallume et recommence… Tu verras ça tout à l’heure… Quant au
poisson, il mange les appâts tout à son aise, et si, par hasard,
l’hameçon résiste, l’animal a tout le loisir de se décrocher ou
d’emporter l’engin avec lui.
— Mais moi, que ferai-je pendant ce temps-là ?
— Tu n’as qu’une chose à faire, t’étendre à l’ombre et dormir. A
ton réveil, l’Aïeul sera parti ; tu retireras les lignes et tu rentreras :
voilà tout !… Tu peux bien te dispenser de prendre un panier.
— Dis-donc, Bèp-Thoï, je crois que l’Aïeul a bougé.
Bèp-Thoï regarde, à son tour, dans la chambre. Sur la natte de
rotin multicolore, l’Aïeul s’étire et bâille : la sieste a été longue et le
sommeil invincible pèse encore sur les paupières. Mais le vieux
tirailleur a poussé sans bruit la porte, qui livre passage derrière lui au
jour éclatant, et la face ahurie et bon enfant de Hiên s’encadre dans
— Les lignes sont prêtes !
L’Aïeul bâille une dernière fois et se lève décidément, très à son
aise dans le pyjama de tussor gris, enchanté de la lumière et de l’air
frais. Après avoir barboté dans son tub, il s’habille de toile kaki et
écoute patiemment les sages discours de son vieux boy.
— Aïeul, choisis pour t’asseoir une roche sèche et nue ; la
dernière fois que tu es allé à la pêche, ton pantalon était tout vert
d’algues écrasées et j’ai eu toutes les peines du monde à le laver.
— Entendu, vieux Bèp !
— Et puis, veille à tes lignes : elles reviennent toujours sans un
hameçon et même sans un crin.
— C’est compris !… Que veux-tu encore que je fasse pour te
complaire ?
— Prends garde aux coups de soleil : mai est proche !
— C’est bon ! c’est bon !… Partons, Hiên !
— Faut-il prendre un panier, vénérable Aïeul ?
— Mais oui !… En voilà, une question !… J’espère bien rapporter
une friture magnifique… quoique j’aie été, jusqu’ici, assez
— Il y avait un peu de ta faute, geint ce grognon de Bèp-Thoï. Au
lieu de surveiller le bouchon, tu siffles et tu lis et tu regardes les
vagues aller et venir.
— Je t’assure que je suis très attentif à ma besogne ; je n’ai pas
de chance, que veux-tu ?…
L’Aïeul marche à grandes enjambées, la pipe aux dents, et un
livre sous le bras, et Hiên trotte derrière lui, équipé comme pour une
lointaine campagne de pêche : des lignes jalonnées de bouchons
rouges dansent sur son épaule droite, une épuisette sur son épaule
gauche ; des bidons, des boîtes à vers, des paniers à poissons
s’entre-choquent sur ses hanches et sur ses reins avec un tapage
de ferraille.
Le soleil tape sur le dos des deux promeneurs. Sur les hautes
branches des banyans, les cigales chantent éperdument leur hymne
interminable à la chaleur ; des tourterelles s’appellent doucement,
d’une dune à l’autre, par-dessus les rizières ; des huppes s’amusent
à lancer leur cri précipité aux échos de la forêt, qui le redisent d’une
voix accablée et assourdie ; des perruches se querellent, enrouées
comme des concierges. Il fait atrocement chaud : les palmes des
aréquiers, comme lasses, inclinent vers le sol leurs feuilles repliées
et flétries ; les bananiers prennent des poses vaincues de saules
pleureurs ; les cosses des flamboyants crèvent avec des détonations
brusques ; les fleurs des frangipaniers tournoient et roulent dans la
poussière du chemin qui ensanglante leurs lèvres blêmes, et l’on
croirait qu’elles ont mâché du bétel ; les hibiscus prudents ont
refermé leurs pétales autour du pistil, dont la pointe seule apparaît,
écarlate, parmi les feuilles d’un vert tendre.
Sur les bords d’un étang où des lotus agonisent entre les joncs,
un chœur de grenouilles maudit la sécheresse avec une éloquence
bruyante. Des chiens jaunes, pareils à des renards, ont élu pour y
dormir les degrés de brique de la fontaine et baignent leurs flancs
décharnés et palpitants aux flaques d’eau que le soleil n’a pas bues
encore. Derrière les stores mi-levés des cases, se balancent des
hamacs d’où pendent des jambes nues de fillettes.
L’Aïeul et son compagnon se hâtent le long des murs trop blancs
où sommeillent les margouillats gris, insoucieux du vol strident des
moustiques. Voici la baie enfin et la brise fraîche venue de l’ouest et
de l’océan Indien. Fête de lumière et de couleurs : l’azur éblouissant
du ciel se confond avec l’azur de la mer ; la flottille de sampans
découpe nettement sur l’eau bleue ses vergues brunes, ses
cordages d’aloès marron, ses coques noires où s’ouvrent des yeux
pourpres et qui se dandinent au passage de la houle moirée ; la
montagne dresse plus haut dans l’air vibrant ses croupes de granit
vêtues de verdure neuve.
Sur son contrefort pelé, la villa du gouverneur mire au soleil l’or
de ses mosaïques et l’émail de ses chimères. Les toits de tuiles
semblent des fleurs géantes écloses aux branches des lilas du
Japon, les ardoises de l’Hôtel Ollivier scintillent entre les cimes des
eucalyptus. Des pêcheurs, autour d’un sampan échoué, cognent à
coups de maillet le bordage sonore, rythmant la mélopée que
module leur chef ; le ressac bruissant entre les galets de la plage
chante en sourdine avec eux.
Devant la maisonnette du sergent Cang, voici Maÿ accroupie à
l’ombre et bâillant.
— Où vas-tu, vénérable Aïeul à deux galons ?
— Je vais à la pêche, sœur cadette.
— Il fait beau temps : le poisson abondera.
— Heu ! heu !
— Vénérable Aïeul, permets-moi de t’accompagner : je m’ennuie
à la maison ; il fait chaud ici et j’ai envie de me promener.
— Viens avec nous.
La fillette bondit et emboîte le pas aux deux hommes. Tout en
marchant, elle remarque l’air pénétré de Hiên, entend la musique
infernale que font les instruments de fer-blanc attachés à la ceinture
du tirailleur, et rit comme une source. Hiên se retourne,
— Pourquoi ris-tu ?
— Tu ressembles au mât de cocagne que l’on avait planté au
marché, le jour du Têt.
A cette comparaison moqueuse, mais juste, le pauvre diable ne
trouve rien à répondre, et, tout à coup, les bidons, les paniers, les
lignes dont il s’est encombré, et que, tout à l’heure encore, sous le
soleil ardent, il portait si vaillamment, lui paraissent pesants et
ridicules, et, comme on arrive à la levée où l’Aïeul choisit
habituellement sa place, Hiên se débarrasse avec joie de l’attirail qui
le rendit grotesque aux yeux de sa bien-aimée. Il déroule les lignes,
arme les hameçons de hideux vers rouges, assujettit les cannes
avec de gros cailloux.
Fameuse place, à l’ombre d’une touffe de bambou, éventée par
le souffle du large ! L’Aïeul oublieux des recommandations éplorées
de Bèp-Thoï, a jeté son dévolu sur une large pierre tapissée d’une
belle mousse verte : il s’assied et regarde la houle où filtre le soleil.
Les bouchons écarlates se balancent doucement, avec des allures
pacifiques d’engins inoffensifs ; des essaims de menus poissons
argentés défilent en bon ordre et d’un air indifférent autour des
appâts : sans doute les jugent-ils répugnants… « Ils n’ont vraiment
pas tort » ! songe le pêcheur, et, sans plus s’occuper de sa besogne,
il admire maintenant les fusées d’écume que la houle projette sur les
roches. Des ourlets d’eau pétillante montent à l’assaut de la digue,
submergent les rochers, qui reparaissent ruisselants et pareils, avec
leurs chevelures d’algues tordues par les lames, à des crânes de
L’Aïeul ouvre le roman à couverture jaune qui gît dans la
mousse ; à travers les feuilles de bambous, le soleil crible les pages
de petits ronds dansants… Choix malheureux : c’est une banale
histoire d’adultère, où sont décrits avec complaisance les états
d’âme d’une petite provinciale neurasthénique et détraquée. L’Aïeul
estimant que l’héroïne eût mérité cent fois le fouet ou la douche,
enfouit l’ennuyeux volume dans le panier à poissons.
Rasséréné par cette exécution, il bourre minutieusement sa pipe
et l’allume, et la fumée s’envole en petits flocons blancs qui
réjouissent les yeux du fumeur. Le ronflement rythmé du ressac lui
suggère des souvenirs musicaux… Oui, c’est bien la chanson du
Rouet d’Omphale… Il fredonne la plainte du héros courbé aux
genoux de la femme ; comme les violons de Colonne, il passe du
piano au fortissimo, et les escouades de poissons qui rôdaient
autour des hameçons prennent décidément la fuite. Seul un crabe
énorme, averti, sans doute, des faibles dangers courus, se glisse
traîtreusement parmi les algues et grignote paisiblement les appâts.
Le chanteur, tenté par la mousse et l’herbe, s’est allongé sur le dos,
le casque sur les yeux. Le crabe peut maintenant dévorer tout à son
aise les vers rouges : l’Aïeul s’est assoupi et les clameurs des
cloches battues par l’écume ne cessent pas de le bercer.
Ses compagnons sont restés d’abord bien sagement à regarder
flotter les bouchons ; puis Maÿ a entraîné Hiên le long de la grève,
et, un instant, ils ont cherché entre les galets des hippocampes et
des coquillages ; ils ont lancé des cailloux aux crabes attardés,
enfoncé des branches dans la panse gélatineuse des méduses. Puis
la fillette a déclaré :
— Je suis lasse.
Et le bon amoureux l’a installée confortablement sous une sorte
de tonnelle de ricins.
Pour la distraire, il fait des ricochets superbes avec des débris de
tuiles. Il a ôté son veston de toile, et son torse noirci, ses biceps
saillants se tendent glorieusement au grand soleil qui dore la plage.
Maÿ le considère et se sent alanguie et nerveuse.
— Viens t’asseoir près de moi, Hiên.
Docile, Hiên vient s’accroupir aux pieds de la fillette.
— Vois comme j’ai chaud, Hiên !
Elle a posé ses deux mains brûlantes sur les épaules bosselées
de muscles durs qui tressaillent.
— Moi aussi, j’ai chaud, bégaie le géant accroupi et frissonnant.
Mais que fait donc Maÿ ?… Elle dégrafe sa longue tunique de
crépon noir ; les boutons d’argent roulent sous ses doigts hâtifs et
cèdent, un par un ; la voici demi-nue, offrant sa poitrine à la brise
fraîche. Elle s’étire et cambre son buste de statuette où perlent des
gouttes légères de sueur. Renversée sur le gazon, les mains
croisées sous la nuque, elle rit comme roucoulent les tourterelles et
parle d’une voix essoufflée :
— Mets-toi près de moi, Hiên.
Il hésite : devant ce petit corps dévêtu et frémissant, il s’est senti
tout à coup désemparé, hébété ; un nuage rouge est descendu de
ses paupières devant ses yeux, ses oreilles bourdonnent, ses mains
tremblent de fièvre et cette sensation neuve l’inquiète…
Mets-toi donc là, imbécile !… Cette fièvre, c’est l’amour, le seul
amour vrai, l’amour des bêtes !… Tu vas être, pour cette petite fille
en délire, pareil à un dieu !… Et demain tu le seras encore, et
toujours !… Et tu auras conquis le bonheur…
— Prends-moi dans tes bras, Hiên !
Elle attire de toute la force de ses poignets minces le lourdaud ;
et il se défend, et il lui semble qu’il va salir son idole s’il entoure de
ses vilains bras poilus cette délicate divinité d’ivoire.
— Viens près de moi, Hiên !… plus près !…
Elle est folle !… Hiên se redresse à demi, les tempes battantes,
la considère avec ses yeux de bon bouledogue effaré. Et les lèvres
empourprées de bétel lui crachent l’injure :
— Individu idiot !
Il se doute alors vaguement qu’il a commis quelque fâcheuse
bévue, et, pour la réparer, pour apaiser la colère incompréhensible
de Maÿ, il rit, il rit bêtement, et ses doigts malhabiles torturent son
Les boutons d’argent ont refermé sur les seins minuscules la
tunique de crépon noir et Maÿ se lève, rouge encore, un sourire
méprisant à la bouche. Sans plus regarder le gueux agenouillé, elle
s’en va sur la route où pleuvent les fleurs de frangipanier ; elle
Il la voit fuir, abruti et malheureux, prêt à sangloter… Que lui a-t-il
fait ?… que lui a-t-il fait ?…
Il se secoue, comme au sortir d’un sommeil traversé de
Le soleil ne brûle plus, son disque orange affleure l’horizon. Le
crépuscule va venir, et la nuit bientôt… L’Aïeul est parti.
Hiên ramasse les lignes veuves d’hameçons, les paniers vides,
les boîtes à vers, les bidons qui recommencent sur ses flancs leur
musique infernale. Il marche d’un pas morne et le front bas, suivant
dans la poussière les traces des petits pieds nus de Maÿ. Une idée
fixe l’obsède maintenant et il la formule à mi-voix :
— Il ne faut pas que je raconte cette histoire à l’Aïeul !… Je ne
parlerai pas à l’Aïeul !…
* *

Il a parlé à l’Aïeul. Il lui a tout dit, accroupi près de la chaise

longue et remuant l’éventail japonais, et l’Aïeul a froncé les sourcils
et, retirant sa pipe de sa bouche, a fait simplement cette réponse :
— Individu idiot !

Hiên le Maboul déroula sur les planches du lit de camp sa natte

siamoise où se voyaient dans une plaine verte des lions cerise et
des pagodes jaunes. Il descendit sa caisse de l’étagère où sa place
était marquée parmi d’autres caisses uniformément noires et
timbrées de chiffres rouges. Il l’ouvrit et, méthodiquement, avec des
précautions de ménagère comptant son linge, en sortit tout son petit
Il plia selon les rites les vestons de toile blanche empesés, les
vestons de toile kaki rapiécés et flasques, les paletots de molleton
bleu sombre, les pantalons de coutil et de cotonnade ; il bâtit ensuite
avec le tout une magnifique colonne carrée, qu’il coiffa d’un salacco.
A la base du monument, il sema les jambières, les jugulaires et les
ceintures. Il déploya sa trousse de cuir fauve, aligna sur un mouchoir
illustré le miroir d’étain, les ciseaux, la brosse à dents, le peigne de
bambou, le dé, et démonta l’instrument de bois qui lui servait à la
fois d’alène, de bobine et d’étui à aiguilles. Reculant de deux pas, il
contempla son ouvrage d’un œil admiratif.
Autour de lui, et d’un bout à l’autre de la case, des nattes
s’étaient déroulées sur le lit de camp et des caisses noires avaient
vidé leur contenu multicolore sur les nattes. La compagnie se
préparait à une « revue de détail », et les deux grandes cases
bruissaient comme des ruches.
Les sergents français, le casque en bataille, allaient et venaient,
prodiguant des ordres et des encouragements, jurant et s’épongeant
le front avec leurs mouchoirs à carreaux. Des tirailleurs de corvée
époussetaient les étagères et les charpentes goudronnées,
chassaient les pacifiques margouillats et les geckos bruyants,
massacraient les araignées, balayaient les monômes de fourmis,
crevaient les édifices des termites. Des caporaux faisaient laver les
persiennes peintes au coaltar. Les hommes « de chambre », le balai
de rotin aux doigts, fourrageaient sous le lit de camp, sourds aux
clameurs des innocents camarades à qui, par inadvertance, ils
donnaient de leur balai dans les chevilles. Les vieux tirailleurs
médaillés, graves et muets, se tenaient accroupis auprès de leur
paquetage étalé d’un tour de main et fumaient la pipe à eau.
Dehors le grand soleil calme s’épanouissait. Hiên promena la
brosse sur ses cartouchières et sur son ceinturon cirés à
l’encaustique, fit reluire les boutons et la plaque de cuivre avec du
sable mouillé. Puis, s’étant assis et s’étant muni de tout un arsenal
de tournevis, d’écouvillons, de brosses, de chiffons, de fioles, il
ébaucha la grande œuvre : le nettoyage de son mousqueton. Pièce
par pièce, il l’astiqua, le frotta, le récura, le dégraissa, jusqu’à ce
que, plaçant l’œil à la bouche du canon, il vit les rayures étinceler,
jusqu’à ce que la culasse d’acier poli parût nickelée. Avec des soins
minutieux, il coucha l’arme éblouissante sur le bord de la natte et
courut se laver les mains à l’abreuvoir. Puis il s’habilla et attendit les
La grosse voix du sergent Castel recommandait aux retardataires
de se hâter, car l’heure passait. Sur le ciment, où des artistes
avaient tracé des dessins géométriques avec des caisses de tôle
percées de petits trous, le trot affolé des pieds nus se précipita.
Il y eut encore des cris, des injures, et le silence se fit au moment
où le « Fixe ! » hurlé à pleins poumons par un caporal annonça
l’entrée du lieutenant. Les deux lits de camp adossés alignaient, d’un
bout à l’autre des deux travées, leurs piles bigarrées d’effets, leurs
nattes vertes, débordant sous l’étalage des cartouchières et des
trousses, et les deux haies de tirailleurs figés et contemplant les
premières poutres de la charpente.
L’Aïeul, suivi du morose Pietro et des comptables importants et
raides, s’avançait, foulant de ses bottines vernies les rosaces
humides. Il vérifiait des livrets, inspectait des doublures, se mirait
dans des plaques de ceinturon, manœuvrait des culasses de
mousquetons, faisait jouer des baïonnettes dans des fourreaux. A
chaque tirailleur il adressait un discours bref, louant ou critiquant sa
tenue, reprochant des peccadilles récentes ou glorifiant les services
rendus aux chantiers, tançant les paresseux, encourageant les
braves gens à persévérer.
Mais ces harangues étaient paternelles et les mauvais sujets
eux-mêmes s’en trouvaient réconfortés, prêts au repentir. Hiên reçut
de vifs éloges, qui allumèrent une flamme dans ses yeux sauvages
et lui donnèrent la tentation peu militaire de saisir les mains de son
chef et d’y poser les lèvres. Il conserva cependant l’attitude du soldat
sans armes et la discipline n’eut point à souffrir d’une manifestation
contraire à toutes les règles établies.
Des honneurs plus éclatants encore étaient réservés à ce bon
tirailleur. Lorsque fut terminée l’inspection, la compagnie se forma en
carré sous les flamboyants et l’Aïeul exprima à ses hommes toute sa
satisfaction. Puis il ajouta :
— Vous tous présents, je félicite particulièrement Phâm-vân-
Hiên. Vous êtes tous témoins des progrès réalisés par lui : il s’est
appliqué, chaque jour, à faire mieux que la veille ; il s’est instruit ; il
est devenu un vrai tirailleur, ardent au travail, soumis et propre…
N’a-t-il pas mérité des félicitations, petits frères ?
— Oui, vénérable Aïeul, il les a méritées !
— C’est bien ! ne criez pas si fort !… Je le félicite donc, et devant
vous tous, je proclame qu’il est un bon soldat.
Les tirailleurs se dispersèrent, commentant l’heureuse chance de
leur camarade et jacassant comme un vol de perruches. Et l’Aïeul,
resté seul avec Hiên, vit les prunelles de son serviteur se ternir et
ses mains danser, signe d’émotion grave. Il prévint le déluge
— Va chercher une paire de rames, dit-il, nous allons faire une
promenade dans la baie pour noyer ton attendrissement.
* *

Entre les coques blanches et effilées des baleinières, le petit

canot vert pomme s’insinua. Hiên ramait et l’Aïeul tenait la barre. Ils
contournèrent l’appontement, évitèrent un lourd ponton ancré dans
le sable et gagnèrent le large. Ils longèrent les jonques assemblées
au milieu de la baie ; les pêcheurs assis en rond sur les roufs
couleur de rouille leur souhaitèrent en riant une heureuse traversée ;
ils passèrent… La houle les prit et les balança sans violence.
L’Aïeul demanda subitement :
— Aimes-tu toujours Maÿ, petit frère ?
Hiên faillit, ainsi interpellé, lâcher ses rames pour assurer son
turban et bredouilla confusément :
— Si j’aime Maÿ ?… si j’aime Maÿ ?…
— Ne te trouble pas : je ne me moque pas. Réponds à ma
question : aimes-tu toujours Maÿ ?
— Je l’aime toujours.
— Autant qu’au premier jour ?
— Davantage, Aïeul à deux galons !
— Sens-tu qu’il te serait impossible de renoncer à elle ?
— Comment pourrais-je l’oublier ? Je ne puis passer un seul jour
sans l’avoir vue ; il faut que je la voie, que je l’entende parler. Elle est
dans mes yeux, dans mes oreilles, dans mon cœur, dans toute ma
chair : comment pourrais-je l’arracher de moi ?
— Tu l’aimes à ce point ?
— Au point que tout ce qui me vient d’elle me semble doux, que,
faute d’obtenir son sourire, je mendie ses rebuffades. Je suis comme
le chien qui sait qu’il va recevoir un coup de trique, mais qui rampe
tout de même vers son maître pour lui lécher les mains.
— Je connais ton mal ; j’en ai souffert autrefois. J’ai guéri. Tu
peux guérir encore.
— Quel est le remède, Aïeul ?
— Renonce à Maÿ. Elle n’est pas faite pour toi. Tu es simple, elle
est compliquée ; tu es franc et honnête, elle est perverse et fausse.
Tu es pauvre ; elle raffole des bijoux, des belles tuniques, des
piastres neuves, toutes choses que tu ne pourras lui donner… Il te
restait une chance de bonheur : elle admirait ta force. Elle a perdu la
tête, un instant, en ton honneur : tu as été assez niais pour te
dérober… Elle ne te pardonnera pas de l’avoir respectée ; tu as
perdu à ses yeux ton prestige de solide gaillard pour n’être plus
définitivement qu’un nigaud maladroit. Tu as passé à côté du
bonheur, ne t’acharne pas à courir après. Il y a d’autres filles que
— Aïeul ! Aïeul ! quelle fille est pareille à Maÿ ?
— Je connais cette antienne : je l’ai chantée. Et je ne la chante
plus. Tu sauras que les femmes sont toutes pareilles les unes aux
autres ; elles se valent toutes. Celles qui paraissent meilleures, il ne
leur a manqué, à celles-là, que l’occasion de faillir… Du moins, si tu
dois te marier, faut-il t’arranger pour mettre le plus possible d’atouts
dans ton jeu : choisis une bonne grosse fille qui ne soit pas
détraquée ni vicieuse.
— Je ne pourrai pas, je ne pourrai pas oublier Maÿ, gémit
lamentablement le pauvre Maboul.
— Tu l’oublieras, petit frère… Tu souffriras, parbleu ! Tu passeras
des nuits blanches ; il t’arrivera d’errer anxieusement autour de la
case de la bien-aimée ; tu n’auras plus de cœur à rien. Puis, un beau
matin, tu laisseras pour toujours sur ton lit de camp ton cauchemar
mauvais ; tu jugeras que ton idole est une ridicule pimbêche ; tu
brûleras gaiement ce que tu avais adoré. Tu seras grand, fort et
joyeux, parce que connaissant les femmes et les méprisant. Tu
seras heureux !
— Maÿ seule pourrait me donner le bonheur !
— Il ne peut venir des femmes que deuil et malheur. Oublie Maÿ.
— Je ne peux pas, je ne peux pas l’oublier !
— Alors oublie tout ce que je t’ai dit. Du moment que tu tiens
absolument à épouser cette petite fille et que tous mes arguments
ne peuvent prévaloir contre ton amour, épouse-la. Je peux me
tromper, du reste, et je le voudrais. Je ne demande pas mieux que
de te voir marié, père de nombreux enfants, choyé par ta compagne,
heureux enfin. Je ne veux qu’une chose : ton bonheur ; et, puisque,
d’après toi, il réside uniquement dans ton mariage avec Maÿ, je ferai
venir, ce soir, le sergent Cang et je renouvellerai ma démarche…
Rame un peu maintenant…
* *

Le sergent Cang a consenti : le mariage se fera dans six mois.

Selon l’usage annamite, Maÿ n’a pas été consultée : son père lui a
simplement amené Hiên et les deux fiancés ont échangé la noix
d’arec et la feuille de bétel. Elle n’a point souri ; elle n’a point pleuré :
à quoi bon ?
Le pauvre Hiên, encouragé par Thi-Baÿ, a voulu mettre ses
lèvres sur les joues froides et fermes de sa future femme. Elle s’est
laissé embrasser, les yeux morts. A quoi bon résister ?… lui a-t-on
demandé son avis ?…
L’Aïeul l’a fait comparaître dans sa belle maison tendue de soie
et gardée par des bouddhas barbus ; il l’a félicitée, en présence de
Hiên, et lui a fait don d’une boîte laquée où, sur un lit de coton rose,
dormait un splendide collier d’or travaillé au poinçon. Elle a mis le
collier à son cou ; sa figure s’est illuminée, une seconde, et Hiên le
Maboul a été envahi d’une joie démente : il a cru que son bonheur
serait éternel et les paroles de l’Aïeul sont sorties de sa mémoire.

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