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Happy map

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I would like to introduce you to my happy map.
Firstly, I included my childhood home on the map, as it holds many fond memories of
growing up with my family. Next, I added a nearby park where I usually go for a walk or jog to
clear my mind.
Another spot on my map is a coffee shop where I often meet friends. It’s a cozy and inviting
cafe with a friendly atmosphere that makes me feel at home.
Last but not least, I marked a concert venue where I've attended several amazing shows. The
energy and excitement I feel during a live performance make me truly happy, and it's an
experience I always cherish.
These places and activities are not only sources of happiness but also serve as a reminder of
what’s truly important in my life. While material possessions come and go, the memories and
experiences from these places and activities last forever.
In conclusion, by creating my happy map, I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the simple
things that bring joy to my life.
Thank you.

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