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Stay hungry, stay foolish

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor to stand before you today with the phrase "Stay hungry, stay foolish" as the
topic of my speech. This quote, famously coined by Steve Jobs, is one of the most inspiring and
thought-provoking messages I have ever come across in my life.
When Steve Jobs shared these words at Stanford University's commencement ceremony in
2005, he was reflecting on his life journey and the lessons he had learned. He urged the
graduating class to stay hungry and stay foolish, and these words have since become a mantra for
many of us.
When we hear the phrase "Stay hungry," we often think of it as a call to keep striving for
success and achieving our goals. But it goes beyond that. Staying hungry means being thirsty for
knowledge, always looking for ways to improve ourselves and the world around us. It involves a
thirst for creativity, innovation, and exploration. We must never let ourselves become
complacent, thinking that we know everything there is to know. We should always be hungry for
more, eager to discover new ideas and insights.
The second part of the phrase, "Stay foolish," is equally important. It means that we should
never take ourselves too seriously. We should be willing to take risks, to try new things, and to
make mistakes. Being foolish should not be seen as a negative trait, but rather a willingness to
embrace ambiguity and uncertainty. It is a sign of courage, and of being unafraid to fail.
Together, staying hungry and staying foolish can lead us to great success and fulfillment.
These are the qualities that have driven some of the greatest innovators, leaders, and artists of
our time. They remind us that we must always remain curious, experimental, and unafraid to take
So, in conclusion, I urge you to embrace this message of staying hungry and staying foolish.
Let it inspire you to go beyond your comfort zone, to always be learning and growing, and to keep
pushing yourself towards greater heights. Remember, the world needs more people who are
hungry for knowledge and foolish enough to believe they can make a difference.
Thank you.

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