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Violation of a particular child

Abusive environment, and provided her with necessary medical care and counseling.

Legal Action and Rehabilitation

Tariro’s father was arrested and charged with domestic violence and child abuse under Zimbabwean
law. He underwent court proceedings, where evidence of his abusive behavior was presented.
Meanwhile, Tariro received ongoing support from social workers and therapists to help her recover from
the trauma she endured.


The case of Tariro sheds light on the pervasive issue of child abuse in Zimbabwe and underscores the
importance of early intervention, legal protection, and rehabilitation for victims of such heinous acts.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

The Herald: A reputable Zimbabwean newspaper known for its coverage of local news events, including
incidents of child abuse.

UNICEF Zimbabwe: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) office in Zimbabwe provides valuable
data, reports, and resources related to child protection issues in the country.

Zimbabwe Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare: The government ministry responsible
for social welfare programs often releases official information on child protection initiatives and policies
in Zimbabwe.

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