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Methods used by

Napoleon Bonaparte to
administer his foreign
By amigo Tutor :TS Sibanda
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Cell :0774658065
Mount Pleasant high school
Foreign dominions /empire
background history
• Napoleon directly and indirectly controlled
• Napoleon Bonaparte conquered many territories.
• Napoleon Bonaparte established spheres of
influence or there were many areas under his
• There were many areas outside France that he
controlled or ruled.
• These areas are what we call foreign dominions
or empire.
Examples of foreign
• Westphalia
• Cisalphine republic
• Naples
• Spain
• Grand Dutchy of Warsaw
• Etc
Methods used to administer
his dominions
• To administer his dominions Napoleon
Bonaparte used peaceful, diplomatic and
militant methods.

Dynastic policy
• Napoleon used dynastic policy to administer
his dominions.
• He used his friends, brothers and sisters to
administer his dominions.
• He used relatives to ensure loyalty.
• He also wanted to spread bonapartism. Ie
creating napoleonic dynasty.
• This method was rejected by the Spaniards
who were against Joseph Bonaparte.
Examples of relatives used to
administer his dominions
• Joseph Bonaparte controlled Spain.
• Louis Bonaparte controlled Holland
• Jerome Bonaparte controlled Westphalia
• Josephine Bauhinnis controlled Cisalphine
• Murat (brother in law) controlled Naples
Continental system
• This was an economic policy introduced by Napoleon
Bonaparte which forbid his dominions from trading with
• Napoleon made his dominions to sign the Milan and Berlin
• This system had devastating effects in both France and his
• This system made him unpopular and aroused spirit of
nationalism in his dominions
• Stiffer penalties were imposed on countries that refused to
comply with terms of Milan and Berlin decrees.
• The system contributed to Napoleon Bonaparte 's downfall.
Matrimonial alliance
• Napoleon Bonaparte also used Matrimonial
alliance to administer his dominions.
• His sisters were married to princes of the
• Napoleon Bonaparte married Marie Louise
from Austria.
• Napoleon Bonaparte wanted loyalty of the
bourbons or royalists.
• Marie Louise was Marie annoneittes' niece.
Granted a constitution
• Napoleon Bonaparte created constitutions for his dominions.
• This constitution embodied three ideals of the revolution _
liberty equality and fraternity.
• Wanted other countries to taste what the French people had
• He granted Spain a constitution in 1812
• Piedmont, grand Dutchy of Warsaw and Naples were also
granted a constitution.
• It is this weapon that turned against him leading to his
• Nationalism in his dominions questioned the sincerity of his
Levying of taxes
• Napoleon Bonaparte levied taxes and levies in
his dominions
• This aroused opposition in his dominions. They
saw napoleon as an exploiter. Hence former
allies turned against him and joined members
of the fourth coalition. Eg Rhine provinces.
Garrisoning of soldiers
• Napoleon Bonaparte stationed / garrisoned his
soldiers in his dominions.
• The army stationed in his dominions was
meant to suppress revolts, protect napoleon
Bonaparte's relative or appointee and ensure
compliance in tax payments and subscription
of forces and navy.
• Napoleon Bonaparte placed an army of 30 000
men in Spain under General junot.
Made use of foreign navies
and armies
• Napoleon Bonaparte made use of foreign dominions
armies and navy to fight his war.
• Napoleon used Spanish navy to patrol European ports
during the continental system. He used Spanish army
to fight Portugal in the peninsular war. Napoleon used
a composite army of 600000 to fight Russia in the
Moscow campaign.
• He also intended to use Danish navy which was
destroyed by Britain at Copenhagen.
• Use of foreign armies costed napoleon, some soldiers
deserted him and it also aroused a spirt of nationalism
in his dominions.
Waged Punitive expeditions
• Napoleon punished his dominions if they fail to
comply. Napoleon deposed his brother Louis
Bonaparte and put Holland directly under
Practice questions
• Examine methods used by Napoleon
Bonaparte to administer his foreign dominions.
(25 marks)
• How effective were the methods used by
Napoleon Bonaparte to administer his foreign
dominions. (25 marks)
• " Military means were used by Napoleon
Bonaparte to administer his foreign dominions"
How true is this verdict.
The end
• amigo Tutor :Theresa Shamiso Sibanda
• Email add
• Cell :0774658065
• Mount Pleasant high school

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