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Module 2: Securing Operating System.

Instruction: Based on the secure operating system module(pdf), screenshot your
work and answer corresponding questions listed below. Watch Module 2 Part 2 as
guide for you to answer this activity.
Save this file as : surname_lab1(pdf) and send it in the week 2 link (CSCU Lab 1)

1. Lock the System When Not in Use

Q: What is the importance of locking the system when not in USE?
A: Locking your system helps prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing your computer
and its contents. This is particularly important in shared or public environments where multiple
people might have physical access to your device.

2. Create Strong User Password

Q: Describe a STRONG password.

3. Disable the Guest Account: Windows 7
Q: What are functionalities of a Guest Account in Windows? When not in use, why is it
important to disable guest account?

4. Lock Out Unwanted Guests in Windows 7

5. Rename the Administrator Account in Windows 7

6. Disable Start-Up Menu in Windows 7

7. Adding New Programs in Windows Firewall in Windows 7

8. Enable BitLocker in Windows 7

9. Disabling Unnecessary Services in Windows 7

Q: Give one scenario where you’d disable a process in your OS.


10. Finding Open Ports Using Netstat Tool

Q: What is a port? Describe its impotance in identifying security threat?


11. How to Hide Files and Folders?

12. Disable Simple File Sharing in Windows 7

13. Raise the UAC Slider Bar in Windows 7

Q: What are the different options in the UAC slidebar?

14. Windows Security Tools: Keepass Password Safe Portable

Q: What is the benefit of using KeePass?


15. Windows Firewall

Q: List down features of the host based Windows Firewall.

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