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Gender Disparity in the Use of ICT Among Third Year Language and

Literature Students

A Research

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the
subject Language and Gender

Acosta, April Jeanna B.

Galupo, Sanelyn T.
Merceda, Jullie N.

April 2022
Chapter I


In the current state of society, it is inevitable that

people don’t use information and communications technology (ICT).

It is one of the vital assets of today’s generation, hence most

people use it in their everyday engagements. Both male and female

students have been using ICTs to learn, create, and interact with

others, even for recreation, and yet, there are significant and

lasting differences between male and female students in using

ICT. It is undeniable that ICT has become one of the main reasons

why students easily access information and such, however, not

just students but everyone. According to Ifueko Omuigui Okauro

(2011), ICT is the digital processing and utilization of

information by then use of electronic computers. It comprises the

retrieval, conversion, and transmission of information. In

addition, Margaret Rouse (2005) stated that, ICT is an umbrella

terms that includes any communication device or application,

encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and

network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as

well as the various services and applications associated with

them, such as video conferencing and distance learning. ICTs are

often spoken of in a particular context such as ICTs in

education, health care, or libraries. ICT encompasses all forms

of computer and communications equipment and software that are

used to create, design, store, transmit, interpret and manipulate

information in its various formats. Personal computers (PCs),

laptops, mobile phones, tablets, televisions, network

technologies and transport systems are examples of the many forms

of ICT tools.

There are numerous debates on gender disparities in

involving ICT. The use of ICT is becoming one of the most

fundamental building blocks of contemporary civilization in a

relatively short period. Similarly, ICT adoption as a

foundational academic standard is one of the most significant

transformation processes over the decade (Nketiah, Amponsah et

al., 2017). Also, several researchers have also studied if there

is any relations between gender differences when it comes to

using ICT, ICT literary and the like. Studies have shown that

gender differences influence how one student or person use ICT.

Hence, the purpose of this study is to identify and determine the

following objectives of the study.

Research Objectives:
1. To identify the disparity in the use of ICT among male and

female language and literature students;

2. To identify the different types of ICT applications that are

used by the respondents of the study; and

3. To determine how gender disparity affects the way

respondents of the study use ICT.

Research Questions:

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the

researchers hope to look for the answers of the following

research questions:

1. What gender orientation tends to dominate in terms of using

ICT in education?

2. How does the gender of language and literature students

influence the way they use ICT?

3. What ICT application tools are mostly used by the female

language and literature students? How about the male?

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

In this part, studies on gender differences and the use of

ICT and other related studies are reviewed. Prior studies

attempted to understand if there is a connection between gender

and the use of ICT. In several studies, the term Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) refers to all likely techniques

that are being used for processing and communicating information

such as computer technology, smartphones, multimedia, network,

hardware, software (Anders, 2008), the Internet, the online

reviews (Qazi, Raj, Tahir, Cambria & Syed, 2014b; Qazi, Raj,

Tahir, Waheed et at., 2014c). the use of ICT has played an

important role in developing research endeavors. ICT applications

are almost everywhere, such as education, health, banking,

business and political sectors, and these applications have their

style of usage that varies across countries and regions. For

instance, in education, the use of ICT provides enabling tools

for learning environment. The research into computer access, use

and skills remain predominantly focused on the most commonly used

ICT-oriented devices in educational institutes (Losh & Society,

2003). Despite the widespread use of ICT by educational

institutions, many studies have shown a gender imbalance in ICT

usage and skill development. A significant number of students

(particularly boys) have a more positive view of ICT and utilize

it to improve their learning (Lee et al., 2019; Tam et al.,

2020). However, while there is significant progress that has been

made in ICTs, there remains a severe territorial and gender

technological inequality. Many studies exist that contradict each

other on the matter of gender differences in ICT use, while some

studies have shown differing results in that some claim benefits

for females. And in contrast, others offer benefits for boys

(Siddiq & Scherer, 2019). Because of the disparities in access to

and use of ICTs between men and women, more study is required to

understand the implications strategies of ICT usage and skill

development. The contradicting results are in need of a closer

look between the relationship of ICT use, skill development and


Most of the previous literature reviews research on gender

variations in the ICT context has taken a cross-sectional

approach, and little is known about the access and use skills

disparities during a person’s life (Gnambs, 2021). A substantial

body of research in the 1990s and early 2000s showed a

disadvantage for girls in ICT literacy (e.g., Hakkarainen et al.,

2000; Janssen Reinen & Plomp, 1993; Kuhlemeier & Hemker, 2007;

Volman et al., 2005). In contrast, more recent studies revealed a

less consistent pattern (Punter et al., 2017). For example, in

two international comparison studies including 21 countries (Eic-

kelmann et al., 2019; Fraillon et al., 2014) most samples found

that 14-year old girls outperformed boys in ICT literacy. Similar

results were observed among Flemish sixth-graders (Aesart & Van

Braak, 2015), Korean students in grades 4 to 6 (Kim et al.,

2014), and also eight graders from the United States (Hohlfeld et

al., 2013). However, despite some evidence that gender

differences in ICT may have reversed in the recent years, the

available findings are rather inconsistent. For example, no

differences in computer skills were found among secondary school

students in Norway (Hatlevik & Christophersen, 2013), the

Netherlands (van Deursen & van Diepen, 2013), Germany (Ihme &

Senkbeil, 2017).

Gender role orientations represent normative expectations

about what constitute typical characteristics and behaviors of

men and women (Eagly et al., 2000). Individuals can differ in the

degree they accept these gender norms. A classical view (Bem,

1974) distinguishes two independent dimensions of masculinity and

femininity pertaining to the beliefs about typical traits for men

(e.g., assertiveness, dominance) or for women (e.g., compassion

sensitivity). Because these dimensions do not have biological

roots, both men and women can associate themselves with either

dimension, neither dimension (i.e., undifferentiated), or both

dimension (i.e., androgynous). A more recent perspective focuses

on the degree individuals adopt either more traditional or more

egalitarian gender role orientations. The latter indicate more

gender-diverse beliefs rejecting typical gender stereotypes,

whereas the former emphasize the classical stereotypical

differences between men and women (Athenstaedt, 2000). Thus,

gender role orientations also incorporate domain-specific gender

stereotypes but are more broad encompassing different domains. So

far, little is known about potential negative effects on gender

role orientations on domain-specific achievements. Only recently,

Ehrtmann and Wolter (2018) identified a gender-specific effect

for this association: boys and girls exhibited stronger

competence development in domains stereotypically associated with

the opposite gender when they held more egalitarian gender role

orientations. Consequently, gender role orientations might also

affect gender difference in ICT literacy. More specifically,

students emphasizing more traditional gender roles are likely to

typecast computers and new technologies in a more male-dominated

way, in line with prevalent gender stereotypes (Cheryan et al.,

2013; Master et al., 2016), whereas respondents with more

egalitarian views might show smaller or no differences between

genders. Thus, gender roles might be an important moderating

influence on the size of gender differences in ICT literacy.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the description of Research Design,

Sampling strategy that was used in the study, so as the

collection procedures and the ethics statement.

Research Design

This study implemented the survey research which provides an

insightful result as survey questions were employed in conducting

the needed data. The researchers reviewed related literature that

made reference regarding gender differences and the use of ICT.

Sampling Strategy

Several factors were considered in choosing the respondents

of this study in terms of convenience and availability. For this

research, the third-year language and literature students are the

target respondents which were purposely chosen to answer the

survey. Hence, purposive sampling was employed.

Collection Procedures

Researchers employed survey research method; a survey

questionnaire was used through google forms in order to gather

the data needed. Researchers conducted the survey focusing on

the questions pertinent to gender differences in the use of ICT.

Questions were designed to generate details about gender

differences and the use of ICT. A total of sixteen (16)

respondents were purposely chosen to participate as respondents;

Eight (8) students from AB English Language course, and another

eight (8) students from AB Literature and Culture Studies course.

Ethics Statement

To avoid ethical issues, researchers asked the permission of

the respondents for answering the survey. Also, explaining the

purpose of the study. The researchers assured the respondents

that any information stated and shared on the survey will be

strictly confidential and will not be shared in order to avoid

leaked information and invasion of privacy.

Chapter IV

Results and Analysis of Data

This chapter presents the results and analysis of data from

collecting feedback forms from the respondents.

Upon completion of this study, following questions were

asked to the respondents: (1) Demographic profile (e.g., age,

sex, and course/year); Question (1) What type of gadgets do you

usually use? (2) What particular application software do you use

in your studies? (3) What gender do you think uses ICT more

often? (4) As a language and/or literature student, do you think

that your gender influences your preference in using ICT? Why do

you think so? (5) Do you believe that male and female learners

differ in terms of attitude towards ICT? In what way? (6) Do you

agree that ICT contributes on the students understanding about

gender disparity? How so? (7) What is perspective regarding the

differences of using ICT in relation to gender? (8) In your

opinion, what gender do you think mostly use ICT? Why do you

think so?

In a total of sixteen (16) respondents, nine (9) were male

and seven (7) were female whose age ranges from twenty (20) to

twenty-three (23) years old. For question, what type of gadgets

do you usually use? Six (6) respondents answered that they use

mobile phones/smartphones and laptop, while nine (9) answered

that they only use mobile phones/smartphones, then one (1) uses a

tablet as well. For the second question, what particular

application software do you use in your studies? Majority of the

respondents answered the same, mentioning that they use Google

Meet, Google Classroom, Edmodo, Zoom, Messenger and other apps as

well. Then, respondents were asked, what gender do you think uses

ICT more often? Nine (9) answered that female tends to use ICT

more often, while four (4) answered that male does, and three (3)

responded that both uses ICT often.

In the fourth question, as a language and/or literature

student, do you think that your gender influences your preference

in using ICT? Why do you think so? Seven (7) of the respondents

answered “Yes”. “I think my gender influences my preference

using ICT mainly because my gender plays a big part on what

specific things I like.”, said one of the respondents. “Yes, men

are not into social media life that’s why it’s noticeable that

women post more than men.”, and another respondent quoted. Then

half of them answered “No”, “regardless of gender, people who

are interested in using ICT have positive attitude towards it.”,

a perception of respondent #1, while respondent #7 even quoted,

no, “my gender has nothing to do with the things I want to do

especially when it is about ICT.” And only one responded that

“Any gender uses the same social media platform, and I think my

gender does not limit me to use only single platform because

there are some which is open to all.”

Furthermore, the fifth question was asked, do you believe

that male and female learners differ in terms of attitude towards

ICT? In what way? And the majority responded “Yes”. For

respondent #15, “Male and female learners differ in terms of

their attitude in using ICT maybe in terms of their usage time.

Female learners usually create and set time limit in using ICT

compared to some male learners who usually overuse especially

that some type of ICT offers online games that is usually in

favor of male users.” Respondents who answered “No” quoted,” I

think no, because both genders have an initiative to discover

and study about something. Both genders almost do the same in

terms of ICT because it is not exclusive to only one gender but

to all.”

For question six, do you agree that ICT contributes on the

students understanding about gender disparity? How so? Most

respondents agreed, “Yes, by means of access through ICT, we

discover and learn about gender disparity.” Respondent #2 stated.

“ICT contributes on the students understanding about gender

differences since there are various ways/platform which provides

information that aims to educate users about existence of gender

and how they differ from each other.” Respondent #15 added. The

seventh question goes, what is perspective regarding the

differences of using ICT in relation to gender? In which

respondent #8 quoted, “It’s normal, but one should not be sexist

in terms of this matter. Males may not be into ICT but if there

are male who shows interest, we should not label them names.”,

“Every one of us has our own attitude and preferences in using

ICT especially if our gender is to be considered. I believe that

gender really influence us on how we tend to use ICT.” Respondent

#9 added.

In the last question, in your opinion, what gender do you

think mostly use ICT? Why do you think so? Most said that female

mostly use ICT. “Female because there are more female than Male

in population.”, said respondent #1. “Women, they use it only for

communication purposes, but also for entertainment purposes which

alters the men because men are tagged as more serious than

women.”, added respondent #8. In addition, four respondents

stated otherwise, “Based on my observation, male are most likely

to use ICT and it may be because their time are more spacious

than female.”, a perception of respondent #7. However, five

responded that both does, “In my opinion, both male and female

uses ICT very often because nowadays, almost all people,

regardless of status, race, and gender are using ICT in their

daily life.”, one of the respondents pointed out. “I think both

gender use ICT as much. It is because, regardless of our genders

we are free to use ICT in our own will.”, respondent #2 added.


There were several limitations in the methodology of this

research such as the participant criteria, and collection

procedures. Firstly, the study is limited only as only non-

quantifiable data will be collected. Secondly, due to the tight

time frame, the research may not be fully accurate. Another

limitation could include opportunistic sampling as the course and

year of the respondents were chosen. Lastly, the disadvantage of

survey questions as some may include responses from the internet

resulting to scripted response, allowing for the internet’s

answer used instead of the respondents own.


Through the whole process of the study, different

perspectives of respondents were reviewed. Researchers were able

to answer the question of the study and came to conclude based on

the result of the survey that, gender disparity may not totally

influence the way learners use ICT, but they somehow in some way

does influence them. There are a lot of factors not just gender

disparity that contributes in the choices of the users. Opinions

differ and are clear that gender disparity influences the way

learners use ICT along with other factors.


Tabulation of Responses:

Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Respondents Age Sex Course/Year

1 20 M BAEL 3
2 20 F BAEL 3
3 21 F BAEL 3
4 20 M BAEL 3
5 21 M AB-LIT 3
6 21 F AB-LIT 3
7 23 F BAEL 3
8 20 M BAEL 3
9 22 F AB-LIT 3
10 20 M BAEL 3
11 22 M AB-LIT 3
12 21 F BAEL 3
13 21 M AB-LIT 3
14 21 F AB-LIT 3
15 21 M AB-LIT 3
16 22 M AB-LIT 3

Table 2. Questions and Responses

Respon Q1. Q2 Q3 Q4
1  Mobile phone/  Google Female No,
 Smart phone meet regardless of
 gender,
 Laptop Google
classroom people who
 Edmodo
interested in
 Messenger using ICT
 Facebook have positive
towards it.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
No, it’s because Yes, because Differences in Female
ICT is used as a it can be a using ICT do because there
tool in online source of not depend on are more
learning. information gender but on female than
about gender their needs Male in
issues and towards it. population.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2  Mobile phone or  Google Other: both No. it is
Smart phone meet because I
 Laptop  Google believe that
classroom our gender
 Edmodo
has nothing
 Messenger to do in our
 Facebook preference
when we use,
rather our
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes. By means of Yes, by means Our gender is I think both
our different of access not the only gender use
preferences, we through ICT, factor that ICT as much.
also differ in we discover influence the It is
our attitude. and learn difference in because,
about gender using ICT, our regardless of
disparity. attitude does. our genders
We are we are free
influenced by to use ICT in
our attitudes our own will.
and perhaps
gender as well.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
3  Mobile phone/  Google Female No
smart phone meet
 Laptop  Google
 Edmodo
 Messenger
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, based on No, because As a woman, I I think each
some articles and students are do agree that gender uses
studies it was indulged in women are more ICT in a
found out that using ICT to focused on different way
male and female entertain and maintaining and purpose.
differs in using at least relationships
ICT. inform online with
For instance, in themselves friends and
social media oftentimes family that are
female are more such far because I
focused on indulgence do communicate
maintaining blurs the with my friends
relationship nuances that that are not
whereas males are are part of a here in the
creating ones. bigger province. I’m
picture like not really into
gender making friends
disparity in online which is
ICT. the domain of
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
4  Mobile  Google Female yes
phone/smartphon meet
e  Google
 Edmodo
 Zoom
 Messenger
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes Yes n/a Female, they
like to spy
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
5  Mobile  Google female Yes! I think
phone/smartphon meet my linguistic
e  Google usage differs
classroom from others.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes! Attitude Sort of. ICT I believe, this I think
such as personal perhaps gives is interesting female are
and interpersonal positive and and a good idea the one who
goal. negative for further use more ICT
notion. So I research. more than
guess it men. Because
depends. they are into
personal than
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
6  Mobile  google female Yes, my
phone/smartphon meet gender
influences my
e  google preference in
 Laptop classroom a sense that
 Edmodo the content I
prefer to
 Zoom
watch on
 Messenger social media
 Facebook is about
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, I believe I agree, I think ICT In my
that female and because plays an opinion, both
male learners through using important role male and
differ in terms ICT, they are that enable female uses
of their attitude somehow aware gender to ICT very
or behavior of the express often because
towards ICT differences themselves. nowadays,
because they have between men almost all
different and women on people,
personality. For social media. regardless of
example, men status, race,
prefer content and gender
that talks about are using ICT
gaming and in their
sports, while daily life.
women like
content that is
about shopping,
make-up and
romantic movie.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
7  Mobile  Google Male no, my gender
phone/smartphon classroom has nothing
e  Messenger to do with
the things I
 Facebook
want to do
when it is
about ICT.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
No, I don’t think No. I believed that Based on my
that male and using ICT has observation,
female has a no gender male are most
different attitude. Male likely to use
attitude in using and female has ICT and it
ICT. the same may be
attitude of because their
using it. time are more
spacious than
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
8  Mobile  Google Female Yes, men are
phone/smart meet not into
phone  Google social media
 Laptop classroom life that’s
why it’s
 Tablet  Edmodo
 Messenger that women
 Facebook post more
than men.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, they do, Yes, there is It’s normal, Women, they
given that women a whole wide but one should use it only
are more range of not be sexist for
socializing information in terms of communication
individually they available this matter. purposes, but
find ICT very online and it Males may not also for
useful and fun, gives enough be into ICT but entertainment
but men use it knowledge to if there are purposes
for its sole students, it male who shows which alters
purpose only. only depends interest, we the men
on them on should not because men
how they will label them are tagged as
access it. names. more serious
than women.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
9  Mobile  Google Both Yes, because
phone/smart meet gender is the
phone  Google primary
classroom factor that
 Edmodo
 Messenger in using ICT.
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, considering Yes, through Every one of us For me, both
that each of us ICT we can has our own gender uses
has different fully attitude and ICT in any
attitude on how understand preferences in means as much
we use ICT. what is it using ICT as possible.
about gender especially if Because
disparity. our gender is whatever
to be gender we
considered. I possess, ICT
believe that is usually
gender really part of our
influence us on daily lives.
how we tend to
use ICT.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
10  Mobile  google Female I don’t think
phone/smart meet so, I believe
phone  google that it
 Laptop classroom depends on
the person’s
 Edmodo
 Zoom interest
 Messenger
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, because Yes, through As I mentioned, Female,
there are times ICT gender has because they
that female specifically nothing to do are the one
overuse ICT to on social with the use who like to
the point that media in the ICT of every be always
they will forget field of individual. It updated to
about their own communication depends on something
privacy. students will one’s interest that
gather so even if the happened.
much user is a boy Also, there
information or girl, old or are some
about gender young. women who
disparity. really seek
that is why
themselves in
using ICT
make it
happen in
some ways.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
11  Mobile  Google male No, because
phone/smart meet using ICT is
phone  Google genderless.
 Zoom
 Messenger
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
No, because as Yes, because Differences are ICT is
long as it one of the not built by genderless,
interests you, ICT’s agenda ICT, but by the yet we build
using ICT will be is to build ones who use our
your passion. gender it. They expand differences
equality. their thinking by our own
on how ICT thought.
should be used
and seen.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
12  Mobile  Google Both No, I use ICT
phone/smart meet based on my
phone  Google needs.
 Edmodo
 Zoom
 Messenger
 Facebook
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, I think it Yes, in ICT, I think if I think both.
is how they use they can there is a If they’re
it. ICT has many learn relation of going to use
things to offer, everything gender and ICT it in
it is the user’s and that use, it is on learning, I
choice to use it includes how men and believe there
in a positive or gender women use ICT. is no
negative way. disparity. differences
of which
gender uses
it more
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
13  Mobile  google Male Any gender
phone/smart meet uses the same
phone  google social media
 Laptop classroom platform, and
I think my
 messenger
gender does
 Facebook not limit me
to use only
because there
are some
which is open
to all.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
I think no, I disagree, ICT is I think what
because both because it is sometimes used most likely
genders have an not the ICT to harm use ICT is
initiative to that helps someone, though the male,
discover and the students it helps us, we because as
study about about gender can never say what I have
something. Both disparity. I that it’s safe. observed,
genders almost do think it is In relation to they are fond
the same in terms the people’s gender, both of online
of ICT because it perspective plays a role in games.
is not exclusive about gender ICT and there
to only one disparity. is no
gender but to difference
all. between, both
shares the same
activity in any
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
14  mobile  google female Yes, the
phone/smartphon meet different way
e  google of presenting
classroom yourself on
your Facebook
 messenger
friends is
 ecosia different
from both
for females.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes, women Yes, because Maybe it is Mostly women,
usually spend ICT open some kind of they are fond
more time in doors for gender of presenting
using ICT than awareness, identification themselves
men. However, acceptance on how both online, like
there are and genders behave doing TikTok
instances that modernization towards ICT. videos,
men are being . taking
overpowered by selfies and
computer games posting
than women. status on
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
15  mobile  google Male I think my
phone/smartphon meet gender
e  google influences my
classroom preference
using ICT
 messenger
because my
gender plays
a big part on
what specific
things I
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Male and female ICT People’s I think male
learners differ contributes interest in users are the
in terms of their on the using ICT was ones who
attitude in using students shaped and mostly use
ICT maybe in understanding influenced by ICT since
terms of their about gender their gender. they are more
usage time. differences adept in
Female learners since there using types
usually create are various of ICT such
and set time ways/platform as computers.
limit in using which
ICT compared to provides
some male information
learners who that aims to
usually overuse educate users
especially that about
some type of ICT existence of
offers online gender and
games that is how they
usually in favor differ from
of male users. each other.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
16  mobile  google Female I don’t think
phone/smartphon meet so. Because
e  google every one of
classroom us is given
the privilege
 Edmodo
to use ICT
 Messenger accordingly.
Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Yes. Because men Yes. Through My point of I assume,
have greater ICT, this can view is that, male have
perceived educate or when dealing more
competence in provide with gender confidence in
developing online students differences, it using ICT for
presentations understanding is essential to learning than
than women. While of gender take into female does.
women have a less disparity account the
positive attitude because ICT content-
towards computers has so much specific nature
in general. to offer of computer
However, their which can attitudes and
attitude towards enlighten us. uses.
computers for Additionally,
educational everyone has
purposes does not different style
differ from men. of using this
ICT that
depends to
their necessity

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